The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 25, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Continuous Conferences With
Cabinet Will Be Feature of
Week's Programme.
Supreme Court VnoanHcH nl New
Commerce Court Will He Concu
rred Postal Bank System
to lie Established.
COLUMBUS. O.. Sept. I. After hav
ing spent four days among old friends
and relatives in Cincinnati, every min
ute of which he seemed to enjoy.
t. .int Tft lit speeding back to
-Washington to plunge Into I
week of
hard work with his Cabinet
the capital early
lie will arrive In
tomorrow. The President 1-ft Cincin
nati at S:10 I". M. and passeu
Columbus at S:40
Imrlng the coming week Mr. Tart
will have all the members of his Cab
inet, except Secretary of War IUckln
son. as his guests at the Kxecutlve
Mansion, and although formal sessions
will be held only during the forenoons,
the President's dtscusslvns with his
advisers will be almost continuous.
Pally Programme Oulllned.
After that the dally programme will
he something like this:
8:30 A. M. Breakfast at the White
House. . .
11 A. M. Formal Cabinet session
begins at the executive offices.
1:3 P. M. Luncheon at the Wnjte
1:30 P. M. Golf or library work for
the President: departmental work for
the Cabinet.
7:30 P. M. Dinner at the White
p. M. Coffee, rtgnrs and story
telling on the south veranda of the,
White House.
Cabinet to lie Busy, Too.
A definite programme has been
mapped out for the Cabinet to con
sider and It Includes these general
I. Judicial appointments, including
the Supreme Court vacancies and the
creation of the new Court of Commerce.
I. Lcpartmental reports and esti
mates of expenditures for the coming
fiscal year.
J. Plans for greater efficiency and
economy In ttovernment departments.
. The putting Into operation of
postal-savings banks.
S. Foreign affairs. Including the re
adjustment of affairs In Nicaragua and
recent events In i'anama.
. The extension of the civil service
to Include assistant postmasters and
permanent clerks In money order of
Ilres. 7. Just a little mention of politics.
Chicago Republican Kxultant Over
I'roMieet of PWlUed Vote.
CHICAGO. Sept. S4.Special. Having
met signal fallurt. In their effort to gain
control of the Deirocratlc state organi
sation. Hearst forces planne I today to
try again the plan of an independent
campaign. Carter H. Harrison, who has
allied himself with Hearst forces, is be
ing urged by them to become an Inde
pendent candidate for Mayor next Spring.
Inasmuch as Republicans tacitly admit
that Mayor Busse will be a candidate
for re-election and that he probably will
receive the nomination, this makes the
Spring flsht a three-cornered one. Uusse
supporters were exultant when they
heard of the Hearst plans.
They figure that Harrison still has suf
ficient strength to split the Democratic
vote at the election, and thut thus he
will bring about the defeat of Andrew
Graham If he shall be a regular nomi
neeand make possible the election of a
Republican, the prevent Mayor being the
Republican in question.
MaaclU!etlt Cities Have Ills In
errase In Population.
WASHINGTON. pt. St. Population
statistics with increases over ! were
made public today for the following
Springfield, Mass.. SWtX. an Increase of
Lam-rente. Mass.. SJ.EX an Increase of
Haverhill. Mass.. 44.113. an Increase of
Kverett. Mass.. 5J.4M. an increase
Mertden. Conn- an Increase
n;onttnu1 Krom rtrpt rre
partmrnt which have no foundation in
fact and therefore are devoid of truth.
Further Powers says that Wardall called
Mm up by phone taex evening and told
him not to believe all of what was
printed in the Time of yesterday as
tomlng from the Acting Mayor with ref
erence to grafting policemen.
Ward-ll denies that he retracted any
thing he said yesterday regarding the
police and grafting.
The Acting Mayor's charges of whole
sale graft in the Police Department are
absolutely unfounded, uncalled for and
unjustifiable from any Mandpolnt." em
phatically declared Powers this morning,
inspector Powers has been for 20 years
in the Tollce Department, "ills charges
as I have said, are utterly absurd and
unfounded. They are cruel and un
called for. They tend to demoralise and
cripple the department. Some of the
best men we have, men who have been
here for years who know not what fear
is. whose conduct and whose lives have
been examples of upright character and
Integrity, feci the sting of the Acting
Maors charges so keenly that I had to
beg some of them to remain In the de
partment after they heard what the
Mayor said yesterday.
Conditions Not Very Bad.
"The Acting Mayor says that the con
ditions of the- district are worse than
ever. I say they are not. They were
worse In some pa.-t administrations than
now And they are now much better than
they have been In tl psst. They were
worse even during the administration of
ft OR
ex-Mayor R- A. Ballinger, though he
was called .a good Mayor.
Capt. Claud Bannlck yesterday after
noon declined first the assignment In
charge of the restricted district and
later the Acting Mayor's offer of the
lob of Chief of Police. Bannlck re
fused the first offer because he said
his tenure of the Job would be made
unendurable by the reprisals of others
on the force. If Wardall. during his
temporary hold on the reigns of city
government, will Insist on a new police
chief he undoubted;y will have to look
outside the department for such a man.
It would be the he'ght of folly, assert
the departmental officers, for any man
holding his office by reason of police
service and by civil service rules, to
surrender his standing to become head
of the department for so short a time
as the absence of Mayor H. C- Gill
from the city Indicates.
The civil service rules specifically
provide that any member of the de
partment accepting the police chief
position rellnaulshes his standing In
he department.
Chinese Ituld Significant.
Receipts written in Chinese, which
were found It a safe seised In a Chi
nese gambling Joint by the sheriff last
week, show that gambling conducted
by a syndicate of 14 Chinamen has been
In continuous progress since 1905 and
has netted the syndicate nearly 1500.-
The papers show that up to six
months ago the net proceeds for the
past five years have varied between
S100 and $150 a day. but that in the
ast six months they have swelled to
from 1300 to 0A a day.
Two Men and Two Women In Death
Car Bodies Badly Mutilated,
Recovered by Dragging.
NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 24. All four
occupants of a large tour'ng car. re
turning from a lake shore resort to
New Orleans early today, were drowned
when their car. taking a curve at a
high rate of speed, shot straight ahead
and plunged Into the New Basin canal.
The dead:
W. F. Freeman. 31 years old, 'New
Tork City.
Thomas Boettler, 43 years old. New
Dorothy Hall. 21 years. New Orleans.
Marian Glblen, IS years old. New Or
leans. It was at first 'ncorrectly reported
that' the car had seven occupants.
The eanal was dragged for three
hours before the four bodies were
The bodies were badly disfigured.
The Identity of the women was estab
lished largely through their wearing
apparel and their hnlr.
The car left West End shortly
before daylight. 'Walters at the West
End Restaurant said the car was driven
by Thomas Boettler, an automobile deal
er, former proprietor of the Oak Hotel,
In New Orleans. He had two women and
one man as his guests.
Workmen passing along the Shell Road,
which connects New Orleans with the
Went End. and which runs parallel with
what Is known as the New Basin Canal,
said the car wa- running at a high
rate of speed.
A few seconds later a workman saw
the car swerve to one side of the road
and plunge Into the canaL He ran
toward the exot and made out the figure
of a man trying to swim ashore, but be
feroe he could react) the bank the man
Apparatus belonging to a wrecking com
pany was taken to the canal. The car
was hoisted and divers sent down In an
effort to recover the bodies. That of
Freeman was first found.
Sacramento Lodglng-IIouxe Col lap
ses Killing One, Injuring Two.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Sept. 14. (Spe
cial.) One person Is dead, two severely
hurt and a score or more barely es
caped with their lives, as the result of
the collapse of the Vendome lodging
house early this morning at 50 K
R. Anderson, a machinist, was killed
by falling walls, which burled him
alive, and Mrs. arle Davey and Miss
Kva A. Calhoun were painfully Injured
In trying to make their escape with a
few personal belongings. Many "room
ers were fleeing to the street when
the building fell -having been warned
by Mrs. R. Carty. landlady, who de
tected a rumbling noise.
The accident was caused by an ex
cavation being made in an ajjolning
lot .for a new building. The frail
wooden and brick structure, erected
many years ago. c uld not stand the
strain, especially with a part of the
wall gone, and as the foundation grad
ually caved In the building sank until
the fatal collapse occurred at 1 o'clock
this morning.
Anderson was hard of hearing, which
probaby accounts for his falling to
hear the alarm. The police could not
restrain the crowd and many articles
of Jewelry and considerable money
were stolen from the ruins.
Mexico Aids United States In Sup
pression of Smuggling.
SAN DIEGO, tat. Sept. 24. Extensive
smuggling of Asiatics Id to the United
States via Tla Juana. Mex.. is revealed
In the deportation today of ten Chinese,
three Japanese and one Hindu caught
in an attempt tg cross the International
boundary line.
The capture was made by Immigration
officers attached to the local office of
the bureau and Is the result, it is as
serted, of stringent orders Issued from
Mexico City to the rurales at Tla Juana
to aid the American officials in suppress
ing the smugglers.
The Orientals deported today were
caught yesterday afternoon and last
night and the Immigration officials are
now on the watch for 18 Chinese who, it
Is said, are hiding in the hills south of
the line awaiting opportunity to cross
safely into the United States.
(Continued From nrst Pare
land. But for taking back wives, he
told the newspaper men he ' had no
such Intention.
His record number was four, he said,
which was entirely too many, for they
caused too much trouble and cost too
much money for clothes all this, of
course, since the Americans came to
his kingdom and Introduced clothes. At
present the Sultan said he had only
one wife and was happy
Cartoon Entitled "Foolish
Question No. 15987," Is
Set Before Him.
Secretary Is Suit! to Have Remarket!
That When He Ia-hvcs Office
There Will Be Kxposc tr
Robert Collier.
ington. Kept. 24. Secretary Ballinger
Is again In 'Washington and here to
stay, according to his statements to
day. He Is at the Shoreham Hotel, but will
move to the white House during- the
Cabnet meeting If It is the desire of
the President . that his Cabinet bunk
with him next week. Secretary Bal
linger expects to remain steadily at his
desk from this time on. except for the
brief time he may spend In Oklahoma
on public business.
On Secretary Halllnger's desk today
Is a cartoon clipped from a Western
paper, entitled "Foolish Question No.
IS. 987." The drawing depicts a news
paper man asking the Secretary the old,
old question, "Are you going to re
sign: In letters as big as the re
porter the Secretary answers "No."
'I have put up that cartoon for the
satisfaction of all Inquiring parties
said the Secretary. "That tells the
whole story."
Old Coal Cases Investigated.
Secretary Ballinger said that he had
no knowledge of new and stupendous
coal-land frauds discovered in Alaska,
as described in a recent dispatch from
Spokane. There are coal-land frauds
In Alaska In no way related to the
Cunningham cases, ami special agents
were working up evidence on these
cases last Spring. Most of the men
so engaged were called to Washington
as witnesses In the Hallinger-IMnchot
investigation, and work was temporar
ily suspended. These agents, acting
under the direction of Chief Clirlsten-
sen, are now back in Alaska, and their
return to duty simply gave rise to the
report of newly discovered frauds.
it la known that many dummy filings
hare been made, and otiier violations of
he law attempted. Special agents are
gathering evidence In these cases, but
that wealthy and prominent men are
Involved Is known here. Field agents
have not yet reported.
Secretary Ralllnger was asked today
o whom he referred In his Denver
speech when he declared that after re-
Irlng from office he would expose pri
vate lives and character of some of his
detractors. He was not Tiirectly com
mittal, but It is learned from authentic
sources that he made paricular refer
ence to Norman liapgood nnd Robert
Collier, publishers of Collier's Weekly.
Mr. Ballinger did not intimate such
eagerness to enter upon this exposure
as to induce him to quit his present
office in the Immediate future.
Secretary Appears Jovial.
The Secretary appeared hale and
hearty, and was in a jovial frame of
mind and optimistic over the accom
plishments of his department. As to
the matters to be discussed at the com
ing Cabinet meeting. Mr. Ballinger
said that no Intimation had been given
to him as to what would be taken up.
Washington, Oregon, California and
other Western States, so far as they
relate to matters coming under the di
rection of the Interior Department,
were Inspected by Secretary Ballinger.
He reported much progress generally.
The Board of Army . Engineers In
specting reclamation projects will fin
ish Its work about November 1, and
soon thereafter report.
With a Mrs. Miller, or Chicago,
Wealthy Really Broker Stirs
Society of Nevadu City.
RENO. Nov., 'Sept. 24. (Special.)
There Is a male member of the divorce
colony here who Ijas attracted no small
amount of comment, as he rushes about
the city in a stylish limousine the In
terior of which is a veritable boudoir,
containing every toilet article.
The owner Is E. S. Gilbert and the
woman usually accompanying him Is
understood to be a Mrs. Miller, of Chi
cago, who arrived with him from that
city, where he became wealthy through
valuable real estate holdings.
This woman, it Is said, was upon their
arrival, with the car and chauffeur,
introduced by Gilbert as his house
keeper, then later as his wife and upon
another occasion as Mrs. Miller, with
her nlne-year-tld son.
After renting a beautiful residence
fronting on Truckee River for "four
months upon a six-months' lease, Gil
bert was given to understand that he
was not a desirable tenant nnd the
house was wanted Immediately upon
expiration of the lease. He moved.- It
Is further said that both he and the
woman are here for nlvorce.
- Gilbert Is nearly CO years old and
spends much time traveling. Summering
In Michigan and Wintering in Holly
wood, near Los Angeles, where a mar
ried daughter lives. He intends to
bring one of his yachts from Lake
Michigan and put it on Lake Tahoe.
He has been married twice.
Delay in Report Will Not Prevent
Completion of Irrigation Plans.
ington. Sept. 24. Secretary Ballinger fwld
today that the Board of Army Engineers
now studying Government irrigation pro
jects la the West would not bo able
to report before November 1, and pos
sibly later.
The report, however, will be made In
ample time to permit President Taft to
apportion the $J.OO.ono, made available
by Congress last session and to enable
the reclamation eorvice to complete Its
plans for the expenditure of this money,
so that work may be rushed with the
opening of next season.
Whether all the fcO.OwO.oOO can be used
In one year will depend largely upon
the plans that are adopted.
Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes
for Wise Men
For the man is not wise who will pay the
same price without securing the same quality
as STEIN-BLOCH guarantees. Nor. is he
wise to buy a suit that will sag at the knees,
or shrink out of shape when for the same
price he may be wearing 'a STEIN-BLOCH
SMART SUIT that is guaranteed to keep
its shape as long as a single thread of it is left.
1 The Wise Man buys STEIN-BLOCH
SMART CLOTHES because he has the as
surance of authoritative style, perfection in'
workmanship, lit and finish, and best value
For Men and Young Men
$20 to $40
Ohio Candidate Accuses Re
publicans of Extravagance.
I'ooplc Pay Increased. Prices on Ac
count of Tariff, lie Sys Ex
travagance Said to Cause
$300,000,000 AVaslc.
CANTON, O., Sept. 24. (Special.)
The Democratic state campaign opened
here today with Uovernor Harmon,
candidate for reelection and the choice
of Ohio Democrats for the Presidential
nomination in 1912, as the chief feature
of tho programme. The Republican
campaign opened a week ago today In
In his keynote speech today. Gover
nor Harmon scored the present Na
tional Administration and told his hear
ers that the only hope for the people
luy In the success of a National Demo
cratic ticket
The speaker declared that wasteful
expenditures had led the Republican
party to overtax the Nation to the ex
tent of $300,000,000. and attacked the
I'ayne-Aldrich tariff revision as legis
tutlnn onnosed to the interests of the
consumers. He said that tho Republi
can party had not kept Its campaign
"Congress Is now appropriating a bil
lion' dollars at each session," said
Governor Harmon, "every cent of which
Is levied on the people of the country
by taxation in some form. It is con
fessed that extravagance and misman
agement cause a waste of not less than
$300,000,000 each year In the ordinary
conduct of the Government, which Is
more than the combined expenditures
of all the states In the Union. It is
surely time the people' should bestir
themselves, for every one t them Is
compelled to pay Federal taxes on al
most everything he buys for consump
tion or other use, whether . he owns
property or not.
VAnd everyone Is not only compelled
to contribute to this enormous outlay
of the Federal Government, but Is also
made to pay a much greater amount
In the form of Increased prices on
goods made In this country because of
a tariff law framed for the express
purpose of making him do this to swell
the profits of the manufacturers.'
Atlee Pomerene, candidate for Lieuten
ant-Governor, followed Governor Harmon.
He made a bitter attack upon George B.
Cox, of Cincinnati and Incidentally scored
President Taft for the alliance which the
Speaker said the President had mde
with the Cincinnati leader In 1908. Mr.
Pomerene declared that the State of Ohio
might be willing to trust Mr. Harding
alone, but it would never trust Harding
and Cox.
Lordlier Investigators Will Begin by
Kxainining Legislator.
CHICAGO. Spt. 24. When the Sena
torial investigating committee begins the
Inquiry Into the election of Senator Wil
liam Lorlmer Monday morning, it is said
that Representative Charles A. White,
one of the Democratic legislators who
voted for Senator Lorlmer, will be the
first witness to take the stand.
No formal announcement that subpenas
had been served was made" through the
day by Chairman Burrows, but it was
tacitly admitted by the Senators on the
committee that Representative White
had been served with a summons to
testify and that he would be the first
Fifteen others, including several legis
lators, are understood to have been either
served with the offlcal summons or to
have declared their readiness to testify.
No difficulty Is expected In securing
witnewes as the committee is empowered
to call to Its aid the services of any
Federal Court, or Its ofTlcen Including
the United Stales Marshals of the Mate.
Harry Pratt Judson Decorated.
CHICAGO, Sept. 24. Harry Pratt
Judson. president of the University of
Chicago, has been decorated with the
Insignia of office of the Legion of Hon
or by the French government. The
decoration Is the second In rank In the
Legion. i
Parents Believe Tralnrobbers Hold
Lad, Who Possesses Information.
DENVER, Sept 24. Believing that
her 14-year-old boy, Ronald Donovan,
has been kidnaped, Mrs. Emma Dono
van has set the police force of this clty
on edge, and the town Is being searched
as never before. The woman and the
boy are street missionaries, and have
worked with the Volunteers of Amer
ica. The lad has a sweet tenor voice,
and is well known by sight by most
Denver people, who have heard him sing
on the streets.
Mrs. Donovan asserts that during
their year of work here, they have con
verted many and have become ac
quainted with many rough men, some
of whom are train robbers. She thinks
her son is being held by them In fear
that he may divulge Information In his
The boy disappeared last Wednesday.
Contest in Target Practice of At
lantic Battleship Fleet Keen.
TLESHIP VERMONT (at Sea on South
ern Drill Grounds, by Wireless via
Portsmouth, Va.) Sept. 24. Keen riv
alry is being shown by the officers and
men of the Atlantic fleet for the record
trophy of the Navy for target practice,
and each vessel of the 16 battleships of
the fleet Is doing Us beet to capture
the prized -honors today.
Today the division consisting of the
Georgia,' Nebraska, Rhode Island and
Virginia took up its final round of day
practice. Three other divisions of the
fleet already have completed their day
In order to repair the damage
caused by the recent explosion and fire
on the North Dakota, that vessel. Ad
mtral Schroeder reported today by
wireless, will proceed to the Norfolk
Eradicates scrofula and all other
humors, cures all their effects,
makes the blood- rich and abun
dant, strengthens all the vital
organs. Take it.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Saraatabs.
Toothache Gum
Stops any toothache. Prevents fur
ther decay. loc not melt in the
month. Its wholestrengtntsretained
and goes right to the spot.
Thers ara imitation. See that yon et
Best. TtAaeh 6m
At all dragglats, u cents, or by mall,
n.nt'o fnim flnm Csr Cams art
VUll 3 Wa at UlalU Baakaa. I
C. 8. DENT a CO., Detroit. Mich.
If you wish to get a few tons of
Sootless Anthracite
Hard Coal
out of the ship due next, month, phone
at onee, East 303, or C 2303, or call
at Meier & Franks' Store, Stove Dept.
Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc.
3 . eS'W.
7 '-.( f
" 7.
U-l "I' i
II,: Tt " " '
9 BeM. I HtiLh..
1 . M 1: T, .. til
The Above Suit is One of STEIN-BLOCH'S Easiness Sacks
Navy-yard immediately after the com
pletion of the first division firing. The
battleship Georgia will also proceed to
Norfolk to receive two new 12-inch
guns, one in the place of that ruined
in Thursday's accident.
Of 569 Deaths From Infantile Pa
ralysls, 1 7 Are of Negroes.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. There were
669 deaths from acute anterior poliomy
elitis, or infantile paralysis 116 from pel
lagra, 65 from rabies, or hydrophobia
and nine deaths from leprosy in 1908, In
the death registration area of continental
United States, which comprises over 55
per cent of the total population, accord
Ours is not a business of princely profits and few sales. We
sell quick and fast on close margins, and make our plan win
purely on its popularity and fast-selling merits. Wc must
do a big business, for our prices are lower than at any jew
elry store in the city. We carry only the highest grade of
Our stock of diamonds is the largest in the state and con
sists of the world's choicest supply, diamonds of high char
acter and accurate cutting. Our watch stock embraces all
the best made, such as Howard, Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham
and the famous "Gruen" Swiss Watch. Silverware from
America's foremost factories, The Gorham Co., Reed &.
Barton, Towle Mfg. Co., Whiting Mfg. Co. and Watson &
Easy Terms to Responsible Parties
Lareit Diamond Dealers in Oregon
283 Morrison Street 74 Third Street
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The most modern tools and equipment on the Pacific Coast.
4 srii- i r"'-
sr.. ft.:
ing to the Census Bureau's forthcominf
statistics for 1909, oubmitted to Census
Director Durand by Dr. Crewiy L. Wil
bur, chief statistician for vital statistics.1
It is reported that of the 569 death1
from infantile paralysis, were of
white and only 17 of colored persons.'
There was a somewhat greater incklene
of disease among males and an increased
mortality In August, September and Oc
tober. CLASSED, j;HE BEST.
The famous Hop Gold Bottled Beer,
manufactured from the purest and best
Ingredients to be obtained, makes a,
fitting beverage for any occasion, be
It the Impromptu lunch or for a dinner.
Always convenient to have on hand to
regale the unexpected guest. Order by
phone. East 46. B 1146. ,
Examine Closely
The goods you send to us to be Cleaned
or Dyed See them before they leave
your hands and note their appearance,
.when they get back to you. They will
look quite as good as new. Take lace
curtains, for instance. After we have
cleaned and pressed a pair for you, thev
look as If direct from the factory wtiera
made. Ladles' and Gentlemen's ward
robes cleaned and dyed on short notice.
Mall orders receive prompt attention,
PHOXKS MAIV 145A, A 84.10.