TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. SEPTE3IBEH 18, 1910. TILLAMOOK COUNTY'S GOOD ROADS SOURCE OF DELIGHT TO AUTOISTS New Highway to Be Built Across County From Dolph to Nehalem, Forming Link In Chain Along Coast Many Farmers and Dairymen Own MacMn es, and Drive Them for Pleasure. . j sJJr::-z--Vl:y"-i n.' r-B ' t i i i M i rt ! in . i- 1 I v v v - aim is -r -ii " V . : . v;., t.ttjt, j- iJ-T I - ?. : -,.v-r "NT' ' i . . .jr.vW':.--: 'ILL.MOOK. Or Sopt. 17. (Sp I clI.) Thpre Is m lively and grow ' In; Interest In automobiles In Till amook Countr with quite a number of enthusiasts who have replaced the mall cars for more modern ones. Al though there Is no active automobile club In the countr, the automoblllsts iiav-e been aKit&tlng; Improved roads. The small buckboard cars have given Jilsee to the medium-sized automobiles and several modern and up-to-date ma chines have bevn bought this rear, all medium-sized, maklnjc In all, probably CO machines in the county. Apart from the automobile stafre Jlnes ruplns: Into this countr from Fheridan. Wlllamlna and McMlnffvllle, Inost all the automobiles are used for pleasure, with the exception of one operated In connection with a livery .barn and two owned by physicians. Automobile stafre lines have done a largre amount of business this Sum mer. The dairymen are beginning to buy machines, but thus far they have not been purchased for utility, but for pleasure. Tillamook has had an ex ceedingly larg-e number of automobile parties from Portland and other 'Wll iamete Valley points. Those who came here for the first time were hlfrhly de lighted with the rood roads they trav ersed and the large amount of road work (coins; on. The largest auto par ty coming to Tillamook County was that arranged by the Portland Auto mobile Club. The aim and object of Tillamook County Is to have one of the bent and most beautiful scenic automobile roads In the state, and it will not be long be fore this Is an accomplished undertak ing. The road will extend from the I Yamhill County line at Dolph, In the south, traverse 60 miles through the heart of the county to the Clatsop County line at Nehalem on the north. A few years ago the county officials became alive to the necessity of Im proving the roads suitable for auto mobile travel, and with this object In view they devised ways and means to give Tillamook County some good turn pike roads. This could not be done In one year, but It was not long before the county court had purchased three rock crushing machines, three traction engines and three road crushers and other road paraphernalia to construct modern and . up-to-date roads. These plants are operating regularly Although the population of the coun ty la only 7500, for the past few years nearly flflo.000 annually nave Decn ex pended on roads and bridges. With three rock crushing plants and three road rollers paid for. and with very lit tle money to be expended on bridges Tillamook County will do a large amount of road work nejet year. Another pretty stretch of road suit able for automobiles will-be the road from Tillamook City to Netarts Bay, which Is now being improved. As the county built a bridge across the Tllla mook River this did away with the fer ry. When completed the road will be well traveled. Tamhlll and Polk counties have shown their willingness to Improve their roads leading Into Tillamook Countv. Clatsop County has also shown a willingness to meet Tillamook at the oounty line with a goon automomie road, and whenever Clatsop does that It will be a great addition to Tilla mook's automobile road, making the journey Into this county and neigh boring counties much longer and that much more delightful, for there Is a pretty stretch of country between Till amook and Astoria, which should be opened up to auto travel. son are rather dusty they are easSfy traveled and in the Fall'wlll be ideal for automoblllng. The hope Is ad vanced that the numerous oil wells now being drilled will put an end to the road question In Malheur County. It Is the Intention. If sufrle'ent oil Is found, to make use of It in betternsj the roads throughout the entire county. Already large sums of money were expended th's season by the county commissioners In grading the county 'road between Ontario and Vale. and with oil to finish the highway It will be one of the favorite speedways in the county. South of Ontario, the "Boulevard" Is now the main automobile road and on account of Its peculiar surface. It is always In the best condition and even having been without rain for several months Is now In excellent condition for automoblllng. Ontario possesses two garages, one of which is the equal of those found In the large cities. This company has In stock 13 machines and maintains a liv ery service, as well as does the second garage. The trains from the East and West are always met by these liveries and scarcely a day passes that they are not pressed into service for trips to vale and the Interior. On account of the present - schedule on the railroad. almost a days time can be gained by the auto trips. The business men who possess automobiles mostly for pleasure nna in untario, a . One macadamized street. It being the main thoroughfare m tne city. Every evening It Is alive with machines speeding to and fro and has developed Into favorite pastime for tne fortunate ones owning cars. t W hlle there is not an automobile club at the present time, there is strong talk among the autolsts of forming such an organization this Fall. The good roads movement In Oregon, which comes before the state for considera tion, has been indorsed by the Ontario commercial Club and petitions were forwarded, signed by nearly all the au tomobile owners. The furtherance of these plans will surely come when the state law allowing counties to Incur indebtedness for the building of per- iiiaiu-ni roaas is amended, tew coun. ties in Oregon possess as many auto mobiles per capita as Malheur county. Trip to Point Near Mount v Hood Is Pleasant C. C, Robblna and Family Make a Jonrney by Ant. D1 tiMATHFTTR TRAFFTC PROBLEM IS SOLVED H v v ; sv2it n t a ii r 3 -n-.'j- r & tihVa.j V. fWmAfl o n TTsera fit nTarhinftS. juwouics yiucauy opring uio xaror uooa nuaus juorcuicuk i utucicu uj wuwa Teams and Wagons Now Replaced by Fine Roadsters and Touring Cars. ONTARIO. Or- Sept. 17. Spe-1al. The automobile In Malheur county is fast proving Itself to be the means of transportation where the (traveler Is desirous of making quirk trips where the railroad has as yet Vailed to traverse the vast undeveloped Iterrttory. Two years ago there was M-arcely an automobile In Xmtarto. to (stay nothing of the county. Today there are more than 40 cars in Ontario, pos sibly 'a like number In Vale, while in the interior the stockmen and farmers are buying them for use In traveling from their ranches to the nearest rail road station. Far In the interior where the means of travel is slow by team and wagon the automobile is becoming the popu lar method of transportation and thlJ Summer several fine machines have been purchased and put Into commis sion for private use by the wealthy stockmen and formers. They now make the trips from Westfall, Beulah, llrogan, and other points In quick time and are elated over the advancement In modern inventions, that have appar ently solved the problem of spending less time on the road when In a hurry to get Into communication with the Business .centers. While the roads in the Fummer sea- I? i it- -a ..if,, vim X -?A j?t'ti: 1 .V I "4 . f52, 3 k V V :w. I" fj E FRESHED and happy. C. C. Rob- IV bins, a Portland architect, and family returned . last Sunday after spending three days in. the mountains between Portland and Mount Hood. The party left Portland in Mr. Rob- bins' car on Friday morning a week ago. The first stop was at Salmon Rl-er, where Mr. Robblns, after a very few hours' angling, landed 34 finny beauties. While the head of the fam ily was whipping the stream, Archie Robblns was busy with his rifle. The party was the guest of Superin tendent A. B. Holcomb, of the Salmon River Fish Hatchery, who is a brother of Mrs. Bobbins. Saturday the party put In at fishing and Inspecting the work being done at the Government Fish Hatchery. On Sunday morning fhe car was loaded with necessaries for an all day trip and left for Government Camp and Mount Hood. The car pulled up at Mount Hood two hours after leaving Salmon River. When the party got there no glimpse of Mount Hood was to be had on ac count of clouds hovering near the sum mit. Soon, however, they blew away and a good view of the snow-capped mountain was had. It was 33 years ago when Mr. Bobbins was a boy, that he and his father traveled bv this place. He was unable to distinguish any of the landmarks' other than the mountain itself. After a delightful morning and part of an afternoon at the summit of the Cascade Mountains the homeward jour ney was made and the party arrived here five hours after leaving Govern ment Camp.. Not one mishap occurred to mar the pleasure of the trip. AUTOS SHINEJN PARADES Car Owners Generous In Providing I Machines for Pageants. Among the divers ways in which au tomobiles have been extensively used in Portland Is In parades. They have taken a prominent part In almost every parade held In Portland In the past few years. Never was the automobile In more glory than during the decorated auto mobile parade during the Portland Rose Festival, last June. At that time there were over -300 machines in line. All were profusely decorated with roses. for the wealth of which Oregon and Portland are now known throughout the land. Prizes were offered for the best dec orated cars. This had the desired effect on the owners of cars, most "of whom elaborately ornamented their cars with festoons of roses. These decorated au tomobiles were the center of attraction. especially to Easterners and tourists. Whenever any kind' or a parade nas been held in Portland the automobile has been the carrier in use. At the opening of the baseball season in Port land In April a parade of several hun dred cars percolated through the city. Automobiles have been used for parades for the Baby Home, Tag day and. simi lar events. During the Labor day parade many cars were mingled witn tne marcning artisans. The "Live Wire" parade Ju-st before the livestock show, two weeks ago, was characteristic of the uses of the auto. During that parade some of the good roads enthusiasts of the Port land A-utomoblle Club took occasion to shown their apathy toward the unpro gresslve County Commissioners in the vlelnitv of Portland. Chenp coffins SIX-MII.K AITOMOBII.B BOULEVARD SOUTH OK ONTARIO. PORTLAND TAXICAB Co. Shopping and Calling Rate from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. $2.50 Per Hour Main 93 A 1231 Monitor Delivery Gar CAPACITY 1T0N 'J -Ji"1"' e;v -7V:ii PRICE 1500 We are ready to demonstrate to those inter ested, believing we have a Motor Delivery Car that is WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AUTO DEPARTMENT FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. & . "rL, Home, A 1717 Pacific, East 2177 SIGN AND SEND IN BY MAIL. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Portland, Or. Am interested in MONITOR MOTOR DELIVERY GAR. Send complete information. Name Address were set on automobile trucKs. . At tached to these were banners telllngr where the opposers of good roads should be. A big automobile parade was held on Labor day morning to help advance the cause of the livestock fair. One of the best uses the automobile was put to this year was when soliciting commit tees were gathering funds for the Mar- jorie Mahr benefit fund. Machines full of chorus girls, co-workers of the un fortunate little actress, paraded " the streets and set tip an appeal -for help for the Injured girl. They were fairly showered with money. Next year the automobile will play a prominent part In the Kose Festival. Hupmobile Shows at Salem. Fred Smith, Willard Ferris and Ray Slngletary represented the Smith Cleveland Company, Oregon distribu ters of the Hupmobile, at the State Fair at Salem last week. er Portland real estate man, for Hood River, Or., He Intends remodeling a two-story brick building there and add ing another story- The garage will be as finely equipped as any In Portland, according to Mr. Lisco. The cost of the structure will be about $14,000. Hood River to Have Garage. What will be the finest automobile garage in the state, outside of Portland, is that planned by F. T. Lisco. a form- Stoddard-Dayton Agency Opens. The new agency for the Stoddard Dayton was opened up at S6 Tenth street on Thursday. The name of the firm Is the Stoddard-Dayton Motor Car Company. That line of car will be ex clusively handled In this territory. Reliable Auto Accessories The Best of Everything IS TO BE ROUND IN OUR STOCK Kenyon Raincoats in latest styles, moderately priced. RECOGNIZED STAKDAIID CT AUTO OILS Hats and Caps for. the autoist. NOBBY AND SMOOTH TREAD. Gauntlets Exide Batteries for lisrhtins and ijmition. Get Our Complete Catalogues Kenway Raincoat BALLOU&WRIGHT 86 Sixth St. Indian Motorcycles and Bicycles WEED CHAIN GRIPS Note the Difference Between the Old and the New Price Size. Old New Old. Price. Price. 28x3 $ 6.50 4.00 30x3 7.00 4.50 30x3M...' 7.00 -5.00 32x3 8.50 5.50 34x3 9.50 6.00 33x4 9.00 6.00 Size. Old New Old. , Price. Price. 33x4 9.50 6.50 34x4 9.75 7.50 3(5x4 10.00 7.50 34x4i2 10.00 7.50 1(x'2 10.50 S.OO 36x5 31.00 9.00 37x5 12.00 9.75 Weed Chain Grips are the onty genuine; all others are imitations. If your dealer substitutes on your order, return tliern and report the case to us. Special sale this week of English Garbardine, Skele- P'AINfTVATS 9051 OFF ton Ra?Ian, Shoulder Raincoats, in all the latest AVfAlAVVy--. M. J l va shades of drabs, etc. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. J. WINTERS 'GO. Reliable Auto Supply and Hardware Dealers, 67 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon