The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 18, 1910, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 62

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Members of Mexico Cabinet
Participate in Festivities
Ceremonies Are Held in Honor of Centennial of the Foundation of the
Republic. .
Anybody Can Afford a Solid Brass Bed at Our Special Sale Prices
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This $30 Brass Bed
Brass Bed
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NEW TORK.Sppt. 17 (Special.) Mx-K-o
U relebratine this mnoth the ra.
tnnlal of the foundation of the republic.
Members of the Cabinet of President
Dix are taking an active part In the
ceremonira, 'which Include the dedication
cf public buildings and the opening of
new works of many kinds. The corner
stone of a new legislative palace will be
laid, a Pedacugtcal Conchas will be held.
There will be banquets and other festivi
ties, at all of which President Diaz will
be a conspicuous figure. The members
ef the Dlas Cabinet are: Kamon Cor
ral. Secretary of the Interior who is
Exhibition of Bankroll to Strange
. Women Lratl.4 to Downfall.
PARI:?. Sept. 17. (Special.) This Is
the season when rurlous country, cou
sins come t Paris, and do strange
things. A gentleman Just arrived from
1.1 lie seems to be of a guileless nature.
Maving to pay a bill here of $10,000 for
agricultural machinery bought by
him. he never thought of merely bring
ing his check book, but brought 50 1000
franc banknotes in his pocketbook. and
having reached Paris, went Instantly
to dine at Mont mart re.
It seems hardly wise to dine at Mont
inartre with tlO.000 In one's pocket,
but It was still less wise to ask two
ladles who were sitting next to hlni.
and said they were dressmakers, t
dine with him. The least wise thing of
11 was. having paid a large bill ant
exhibited in the process the roll of
hanknot.-s, to accept an invitation to
tea with the ladles. They took hir.i
to what one of them said was her fiat,
and tea was made.
The gentleman from Lille had no
sooner sipped his cup when he fell
asleep. He awoke late the next morn
ing, still daxed by the narcotic poured
Into his tea. and found himself alone,
minus the ladies and minus his pocket
book. In a furnished room In a lodging-house,
for the rent of which a bill
Was presented to him.
elso Vlce-Presldrnt): Sierra, the Secre
tary of Education.' who Is Intensely un
popular; Senor E. C. CreeC Secretary of
Foreign Relations: Senor Leandro Fer
nandez. Secretary of Communications and
Public Works: Senor Molina. Secretary of
Encouragement: Senor Llmantour. Sec
retary of Finance; Senor Fernandez. Sec
retary of Justice, and General Manuel
Coeio. Secretary of War and Marine.
There Is a big representation of Ameri
cans in the City of Mexico In attendance
on these festivities. The chief among
them are Curtis Guild. Jr., and his asso
ciates on the American Commission ap
pointed by President Taft.
French Kdnor Dors Not Find He 1
Wounded in Puel for Hour.
FA R 1, Sept. 17. (Special. ) Having
fought his duel and saved his honor by
Bring a shot In the air. the editor of
provincial newspaper went back to
his 0k. and the incident had quite
left his nund when ha felt something
strange at his thigh.
lie looked and found be was bleeding
profusely. There was no mistake, he
had. been wounded, and a doctor was
called. The practitioner discovered
that a bullet was Imbedded In the ed
itor's thigh, some two Inches deep, and
required extraction.
"Why was this not taken notice of
on the spot where the duel tooR place?"
he asked. The editor was as much In
the dark as the doctor. At the moment
of the duel he had fired Into the air,
and his adversary also took a distracted
sort of aim. There had evidently been
no intention of doing the slightest
harm on either side.
The editor felt nothing as he left the
field, and had shaken hands with his
antagonist, as a sign of reconciliation.
How a bullet came to be lodged In his
thigh was simply one of the mysteries
of dueling.
Engli-n Bor Dies Six Days After In
jury to Koot With Tack.
LONDON. Sept. 1 7. (Special.) A re
markable case of lockjaw was Investi
gated at Southwark this week when an
Inquest was held on Arthur Pitman,
aged 4 years, son of a salesman, living
at Oeptford.
On Monday of the previous week the
child was playing In the garden, when
he became excited on seeing a worm.
His elder brother, went to dig the
ground where the worm was. and ran
the prong of a fork into the boy's foot.
On Sunday last ivmototni of lock law
supervened, and the cbfld was laken ta
Guy's Hospital, where be died. Dr. C.
H. Mills said that the child had an
angry-looking septic wound on the side
of the left foot when he was admit
ted. He had all the symptoms-of lock-
w. and was placed under chloroform
to relieve the spasms; but In spite of
all the usual remedies he died.
Witness said this was the first case
the hospital had had In which the period
of Incubation for tetanus had been
under six days. The symptoms usually
appeared after three weeks. In this
case, however, the organisms were so
active, and the germs so strong, that
only six days elapsed.. Death was due
to failure of respiration from lockjaw.
In Managing; a Wife.
Chicago News.
The easiest way to, managed wife Ig
her way.
On Sale Monday,
Tuesday & Wednesday
Brass Beds
Like Cut
NO. 6003 A handsome continuous post solid brass bed; full
width; 2-inch posts. 1,4-inch fills aud 3-inch husks; heavy anrle.
irons used in constructing base; steel casters; product of the
celebrated Simmons' factory, the builders of the finest beds the
world produces ; worth regrularly $30,. A special f O P-
shipment will be sold at the remarkable price oi J) X O.Ovl
Best Brass Beds
We offer this week two mag
nificent specimens at an ex
tremely low price. These
brass beds are the product of
the celebrated Simmons Bed
Co.. the largest and best
builders of brass beds in the
world. Their' beds are the
standard by which others are
gauged. Inspect our superb
display and note the extreme-
ly low prices we are making.
NO. 6653 The Popular Empire brass bed, having 2-inch posts
capped with 3-inch knobs; satin or polish finish; from the fac
tory of the Simmons Bed Co., produced by their secret electri
cal process, a patent that enables them to turn out beds of the
highest known quality. This bed is worth regu
larly $25, but will be sold for three days at
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
Sealy Mattress
Not Tuftt
Guaranteed 20 Years
FIRST We guarantee the Sealy to
be made entirely of pure, new, lons;-
flbre cotton .without Ilnters, or mill
SECOND We iruarantee the Sealy
for 20 years against becoming; un
even or lumpy.
THIRD We guarantee that after SO
nights' trial you will pronounce the
Sealy the most comfortable mattress
that you erer used, or your money
The Sealy is the first mattress ever made without
tufts, and the. only successful tuftless mattress.
Therefore, if you have never slept on a fSealy you
never have in own how comfortable a mattress can be.
The Sealy Mattress is one big batt of springy, long
fiber cotton. It has neither tufts nor layers, nor sec
tions nor divisions of any kind. It is evenly smooth,
soft, and resilient in every square inch of its surface.
Wheu you lie down on a Sealy it isn't a case of
"touching the high spots" as on a tufted mattress. The
Sealy simply undulates to meet the form of the body.
It conforms to each curve, giving perfectly even sup
port to every part.
Price $25 $5 Down, $1 a Week
The Famous Stickley Furniture
OF all the types of furniture which have found favor in the eyes of discriminat
ing buj-ers there is none that has met with a more' widespread appreciation than
the fumed oak pieces which bear the name of STICKLEY. Pure Mission in every
line, possessing dignity without severity, comforta
ble and strong. This furniture has an added ad
vantageit is appropriate in almost every room
and harmonizes faultlessly with any wall covering.
The genuine STICKLEY furniture is sold here on
our low-price, generous credit system that makes
payments eijsy. '
$17.50 Stickley Rocker Sp'I $12.50,
NO. 1525 These celebrated Stickley Rockers are
made like the cut, are in fumed golden oak, steel
spring seats covered with genuine Spanish roan
leather. If you are familiar with the Stickle7- goods,
vou know the value of this bargain. Gevurtz' Bros.
Price ; .12.50
a .
$1 Down, 50c Week
Geyurtz, Sewing Machines
This machine made in the best
possible manner and by one of
the foremost manufacturers in
America, and guaranteed by
him as well as by ourselves for
10 years' good sefvicei
Solid dust proof case, 5-draw-er.
high arm head, . improve
ments such as automatic bobbin winder, self-threading shuttle
and tension release; a practically noiseless machine and ball
bearing; also a complete set of self-adjusting attachments in
velvet lined case, book of instructions and 10-year guarantee with
each machine.
Country orders solicited. Machines shipped to any part of the
state on easy payments. Write for full description and particulars.
100 Fine Steel Ranges
Specially Priced at $40
A new shipment of Steel Ranges
will be on sale Monday morning
and every day this week, or until
sold, at the special price of $40.
Ovens are 14-inch, 16-inch and
18-inch, handsomely nickel-plated
after the new designs and new
Method; not overdone with "gin
gerbread ' ' work, but simple and
chaste. The quickest baking range
built. Sold on easy payments of
$5 Cash and
$1.00 Week
Ladies' Fall Suits
Long Coats, Skirts, Waists Shoes,
Gloves' and Furs
Long coats of latest type. Suits strictly hand-tailored
Suits in all sizes of fine imported mixed serges, broadcloth,
diagonals, homespuns, basket cloth, armure and fancy suit
ings, all colors.
The jackets are made in the correct 30 and 32-inch lengths,
in three-quarter and semi-fitting models, with notched col
lar and revers, mannish coat sleeves, all lind with satin.
The skirts are made in the' newest and most popular flare,
plaited and cuff styles. Sold for cash or on credit. You
are invited to open a charge account.
Popular Browns and Grays
A"superior showing in Men's Fall suits in the popular browns and
grays. All sizes, perfect fit and perfect wear in every one of them.
Also blues and .b'acks the serges that never go out of style.
Prices $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00
and $25.00
We save you money on - 3our clothing
and at the same time extend liberal cred
it. Inspect our stock bef roe crossing to
the West side.
rr. y
'iris. Msmm
LOEJJnion Avenue