The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 18, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 40

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T!7i u-Mc Complete Line of SKinsto Be Made to Order by Our Own Furriers Hudson Seals, Beavers, Ermines T77
il. HJLjL S MinKs, BlacK and White Fox, Lyme, Rrlmmer, Lamb, Adelaid Chinchilla, Etc. Better to Make Your Selections Early if iljL S
Seinssitiioinial Sale ofaSlQQ,QQQS
Select your Fur right now. Pay a deposit and have us take care
of it until you need it. Don't wait until all the choice ones are
picked out. Come while the assortment is complete. Take ad van
tage of this very unusual reduction sale right at the opening j)f
the season. Come and see the great display; it will surely please.
Hudson Bay Beaver
gmBk Scarf and Muff
$70 Set $52.5Q
This verv xxpular British-American fur ex-
XVjjjeeU for its very fine, thick appearance and
trw -i a l .-p, .
' .' l & :, t, ' not be imitated without detection. These
a gets are maae irom cureiuuy bcicciwi uuut
are bargains at $70.00. ForfljCO C(
'his we price them, set r
3 -
k$35 Muff $26.25
t'j 4 Japanese Mink Mnff s and Scarfs. Fine
" large pillow muff, with four tails and two
r heads: satin-nnea. uouars to maxen per-
eperiai lor mis saie ax, earn t -
Great Sale Genuine
SKtxnK SKin Muffs
$5Q Values $37.5Q
Genuine Skunk Skin Muffs; skins from
farm-raised animals. One of the most pop
ular furs on the market; lined with satin,
edged with plaited ribbon; $07 Rfl
regular $50.00 values, at, ea. miJKJ
Sale BlacK
Lynx Furs
$100 Muff at $75
Very flue flowing hair, of a -dear, even
length and color. Rich In appearance and
listing in 'quality. For tMj tale we price
the $100 values at $75,
and the $90.00 values at
$45 Muff $33.75
Hudson Bay Bearer Muff, lined with satin,
large pillow style, very sightly, to bo worn
with or without neckpiece; a tfQO 7ri
regular $43 vahje. special, ea.
JAP HUTS Muffs, satin-lined. The largo
pillow styles; our regular $10 CJ7 ECl
values, special for this sale at P OU
JAP MINK Muffs, satin-lined. The large
pillow styles; our regular $12J0 CO OQ
values, special for this sale, ea. V7
BlacK Lynx Collar
$185 Value $138.75
Black Lynx Fur Collars, lined with plain
satin, fancy cut and trimmed with two
heads and long tabs; regn- CI 90 7C
lar $1Sj value, special at V A -
$85.QO Muff $63.75
BLACK MARTEN MUTT, in th pillow
style, with shirred lining; iffCO 7C
rich $35 value, special price O
BlacK Raccoon
$38.5 O Muff $28.9Q
$58.5Q Scarf at $43.05
Black Baoeoon Set; largo pillow muff
nth stripe of corded silk, aet in botwoon
strip of fur; long scarf to match. A very
attractive novelty. Don't fail to aeo it.
Prices Are One-Third
Below Regular Value
All Furs Will Be Sold on the Easy-Payment
Plan if Desired. Early Choosers Will Get Best
Our reason for offering this very unusual sale at this time is that
we made our purchases fully nine months ago at a time when furs
were low. The market was unsettled and showed no signs of an
advance in prices. Our buyer, who is of a speculative nature,
foresaw the opportunity for a great Fur Sale at the opening of
the 'season, and bought accordingly the largest and finest stock
ever shown in Portland. From the imitation dyed goods to the
very richest high-class ermine, seals, minks, etc. In an an endless
variety of Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, etc; a splendid showing of
children's Fur Coats, novelties such as were never shown in the
city before, are ready for your approval. Little Girls' Coats for
street and automobile wear. Particular attention is directed to
our extensive showing of Fur Coats, which promise to be more
popular this season than ever before. High-grade seals, Hudson
seals, near seals, minks, sables, Russian pony, browns, ermine,
Australian raccoon, fancy trimmed and plain. We aim to give
our patrons the full benefit of this great purchase. We respect
fully invite all to come and study the styles, whether you intend
to purchase or not. Sale begins at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Buying Furs is very much the same as buying jewelry.- You must
depend very much upon the judgment and honor of the dealer.
We call all furs by their correct names. Every piece is backed by
the Olds, Wortman & King guarantee. If it is not as we repre
sent it, purchase may be returned and a suitable correction made.
AlasKa MinK
$2QO Scarf $15Q
$2QO Miiff $15Q
The Alaska Mink vies with all other furs
in elegance of luster; rich chestnut colors.
The very choicest skins, carefully selected
and perfectly matched. , The very plain
neckpieces are in great vogue. We offer a
few $200.00 scarfs, special 1J1 tZf (
at the low price of, each P OvF.VU
Muff of the same quality and to match
perfectly; regular $200 values, $150.00
$lQO MinK Muff $75
Alaska Mink Muff, with seven heads, tails
and feet, with shirred silk linings; very
exceptional values at $100.00. (
On special sale at only, each aJ-Ul
Chinchilli Furs
$38.5Q Muff $28.9Q
$75.00 Scarf $56.25
Chinchilla Muffs and Scarfs, made from
skins imported from Pern and Chile. Very
soft, downy fur, exceptionally warm and
very durable. During this sale we price
$38.50 Muffs for $28.90 and CCfi OC
regular $75.00 Scarfs for ea. DOO.iO
V.-. : 1
$350 Genuine Hudson Seal Coats $262.50
$275 Genuine River MinK Coat for $206.25
Those who are not ready to pay for their Furs right now can take advantage of the special prices by making a deposit and we will
hold the garment for you. We will store it where it will be safe in every respect without any extra charges whatsoever. See them.
Plain Hndaon Seal Coat, very rich English dyed, fart-color garments.
Lined throughout with Skinner's latin, which U guaranteed to wear two
, Shirred facing; trimmed with large crochet Q0 VLi
fall 54nch"coat; regular $380.00 article; spl I)ZoZ.oU
A $250 Ringtail
J Fur Coat $187.52
Depend upon pa for honest values in Furs ; we
will not fool yon. This very rich garment will
wear a lifetime ; it is B2 inches long, lined with
silk; a regular $250 value; A f 07 A
special price, the garment PAO JJ
Sable Squirrel Coat
$175 Value $131.25
An asiatic and Siberian product, noted for its
durability, and natural appearance; a B2-inch
coat, lined with silk. Very attractive and ex
tremely popular; regular ti OC
$175.00 value, special prioe S J. O 1 qO
$75 BlucK Pony Coat $56.25
Biack Pony Coats, full 52 inches long; lined
throughout with Skinner's satin. Real bargain.
$125 BlacK Pony Coat $93.75
Very fine Black Pony Coats, 52 inches long ;
lined with fine brocade satin. See these.
Ap v-e-' fly
f If
Genuine River Mink Coats, full 52-inchas long, a coat which meets with pop
nlar favor in the Eastern style centers, where furs are worn so very exten
sively. They are lined with high-grade silk in fancy rtcfs Otf
patterns; very unusual value at $275.00; special price PUD,0
A $25Q Brown
Coats of aualitv. rich fur. full of natural life, m
Brown ermine body, with natural mink collars
and cuffs, lined with white brocade silk;very
durable and heavy; a coat that will please the
most critical expert; regu
lar $250.00 value, priced at
Rich Caracul Coat
$275.QO Value $2Q6.25
An all black Coat, trimmed in jet and lined
with fancy silk; a coat which is all the rage in
Europe today. Popular on account of the ex
tremely rich surface; a bargain at the regular
ferment $206.25
price of $275.00;
for this sale, the garment
$125 Nat'al Pony Coat $93.75
Natural Pony Coat, 52 Inches long, lined with
brocade silk; very handsome, medium weight.
$125 Near Seal Coat $93.75
A very attractive Coat, so near seal you can
hardly tell it; fancy silk lined; frog fasteners.
Beautiful New Fall Style Dresses
Prices Range $15.00 to $85.00
It doeent require a ebang in the atxaoopber for yoa to know that it is time to Win
looking; for your Fall dreuee, for you will in our dreu section on the aeeond floor.
new rces ligurauvely petinff xa fine sew torment, which silently remind yon that
the Winter ia elotut kt hand. We are bowing the new styles for Fall in both imported
and domestio made dresses. Some very beantif nl creations in velvets, chiffon over
silks and satins, plain and fancy silks, woolen fabrics f 1I kin? T, n
and most reliable authoritative styles. We Tit them to perfection. Let us show you.
New Waists
A Choice Collection of 7QO
Tomorrow the' Garment Store will throw the
bargain gates open wide to all comers. Ui
usual values are shown in every section of the
second floor. Special mention is made of this
assortment of women's fine LingerieWaistaT
and only 700 women can share the great sav
ing. They are made of fine lawns, rauHaT"ba
tiata, ate Cat to fit and styled to please. They
are neatly trimmed in lacea, embroideries, eta,
or tucked and plaited in the tailored effects."
Our regular values to $7.50,
priced very special tomorrow at
25c Dairy Lunch in Basm't
$325 Sealskin Coat $243.25
Alen Seal Coats, made from perfect skins; guaranteed quality;
faat color; styled in the very latest vogue; fancy cut and neatly
trimmed, lined with light-colored satin" the kind Cfr"M Q 7g
that will wear two season; a $325.00 coat for only prJ O
$125 Coat $931
Russian Pony Coat, with fanck silk lin
ing. A very popular coat this season.
MUSKRAT COAT, full 52 ins. lonp, lined
with fancy silk; $125 value, $93.75
$15Q Coat $11212
Bear Fur Coat, made of select skins, lined
with guaranteed silk. Very special price.
Austrian Raccoon Coat, 52 ins. Ion?, lined
with Skinner's satin, $75 value, $56.25
$35 Novelty Skunk Opossum iScarfsfor $26.25
$22.5Q Novelty Skunk Opossum Muffs at $16.88
Something extremely new and novel. Very fine pillow style muff, made with three
strips of fur and two strips of 6hirred satin. The collarette is styled the same, with
long stoles. These two garments comprise a very attractive set; also sold separately.
A Great Fur Muff and Scarf Sale
Very large size skunk fur pillow style
Muffs, lined with satin and edged with
gathered ribbons; a regular flj 07 Cf
$o0.00 value; special price P
Skunk Skin Shoulder Scarf to match,
styled with long stoles, trimmed with tails
and large head in back. AffOI QQ
$42.50 value, special at, ea. P l.OO
$10.00 PILLOW MUFFS, EACH, g 7.50
$ 7.60 PILLOW MUFFS, EACH, S5.63
$12.50 PILLOW MUFFS, EACH, $9.38
$10.00 FUR SCARFS. AT. EA-, S7.5Q
$12.60 FUR SCARFS, AT, EA-, 9.38
Isabella Fox, a favorite selling fur, made
up in large pillow muff and lined with
satin. A very exceptional QIC ftfi
$20.00 value, special at ea. V
Long, flat cape style Scarf, with two large
and four small tails on ends, and five
tails in the back; a regular 0 1 OQ
$28.50 value, special at, ea.P'A50
$20.00 FUR SCARFS, EACH, S15.00
$20.00 FUR MUFFS, AT, EA-, 315.0Q
$25.00 FUR SCARFS, EACH, $18.75
$25.00 FUR MUFFS, AT, EA., $18.75
$30.00 FUR SCARFS. EACH, $22.50
$30.00 FUR MUFFS, AT, EA-, $22.50
Fine White
Ermine Set
Cape and Muff
$425 Value $318.75
$15Q Set for $112.50
A beautiful white Tormina Cape effect with
stoles extending to the knees, with large
muff to match. Thia choice Siberian fur is
trimmed with white Arctic fox of exceed
ingly soft and rare quality. The set is most
attractive; richest combination we have
seen in all the lines we have looked through.
A bargain at $425.00; our COI O 7C2
special sale price, the set PJ O
White ermine set with large stole and large
mnff, lined with satin; a d1 1 O Cf
very rich $150 set, special P A.Oii
Regular $100.00 sets, special for $75.00
BlacK Lynx
$11Q Scarf at $81.50
$65 Scarf at $49.75
Fine quality black Lynx fur, with bands of
nbbon, inserted in such a way as to make
a very attractive scarf. A AJQI Cfl
regular $110 value, special at pO LDJ
Another line of plain black DJ'7 Cfl
Lynx Scarfs, $90 values, at P" 0J
Another line of plain black !J4Q 7C
Lynx Scarfs, $65 values, each O
$110 Cinnamon
Bear Sets $82.50
A very fine quality Cinnamon Bear Cub
Furs, made up with silk of same shade; a
regular $110.00 set, offered QO C
special for this sale, the set"P-'-'
White Fox
Natural shape skins to be made into scarfs
or furs. Specially priced for this sale only.
Snowing; of New Coats and Suits
Prices Range $12.50 to $75.QO
The new coats and suits are coming in by every express. This year's showing is so
different from what you have seen that it will pay yon to come to the store just on a
tour of inspection. Many new shawl, maekinaw and blanket effects are shown in coats.
New rough effects, English and Scotch novelties, as well as new patterns in mannish
worsteds, are shown in suits. They are bout on Decoming lines ana will lit perfectly.
Petticoat Sale
$9.g Vals. $4.22
Lot of 1200 to Choose From
A very special purchase of 100 dozen Petti
coats enables us to make this offer for tomor-.
row. The line comprises every wanted color,
including black and white. They are cut full
in the body and styled with deep flounce,
which Is trimmed in tailored bands, tucks,
plaits, etc. They are made of good, standard
quality taffeta, the kind that will not crack
easily. Tomorrow we offer yon choice of these
very unsual values at $9.50 at the
special low price of, the garment
Tea Room on Fourth Floor
Luncheon 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Afternoon Tea with English
Crumpets From 2 Until 530 P. M.