THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER - 18, 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORFGONIAN TELETHON'. it clrrai&tioa. . Vanixag u.tor Mlur. orn pole c -room City EJ:i ,r 6oiC hmLllpga - r-'iir - h"" . V iln - ft.-.1 M.ioTT.. AS ;jTOT. A l.:n?f A H..n7'T A tai".. y.lnT'.T'l A""i ....Main ,00 AS.'jA AMt?EMENTS. BTXTAIyOW THEATER T.:ftn aad Momwn Wa:ker whttid. in tn dram. "Tb. M.tlsg lot," ORHEUH THEATER iMorrfjon. bat-n etxca, and rma vaudeville. This a.t.raoon at 1.1 and tonisbi at S IS. CXAND THFA1EH (Par aid WaJlnton Vaudv.i;a. Tbi afternoon a ala. i- Bleat at 141 aad . LYRIC THEATER (!vn'h ana Atder rutnti Mus:ral Ooot-1t company la 'PUjUf in. Hifr- This afiaooaa at S M. toalffct at 7 TO and STAR TrlLATtR tiaxk and Wh!tliton MutSoo picture. Cobliauoua. fro-n 1 :-) ta 10 W P. M- ARMOR T Tenth ana Coach 1 Fond Bhow. and manufacturer, axoaiclon. lonlcnt at Art Exsrnrr Sttli. Ope:. At the Husfun of Art the loan exhibition of b. ut. fcl textiles, furniture, lace, s'.aks. prHtery aad reliefs, from Italian sources; Greek vases. ft-rur-ines. Kls and curios. Is still open to the public Among the eurloa is a distaff, ouch as may be sven In tie haids of fine o'd women at the doors of Che atone hen of the Greek peasants; an ancl'nt r.and-xntrror. a ptn used by the old Ramans to fasten their robe, ancient and cups. Tte per manent collection of cants in the lower sallerl? is a source of pleasure to there who enjoy th serene beauty of Oreek sculpture. The Museum hours are: Week days, from to 5; Sundays, t to S: free, taw afternoons of Tuesday. Thursday, Kr.iay. Saturdsy and Sunday. Revolvbi Wiru'Kit Fimkd. Armed with a hua-r. old-fjshkned Colts re volver. C P. ilonogbaa went running; fir K. C. Sfchroerfer at the Bhelnpfaix Kotrl. Friday nisht aad only the inter vention of Harry Amacher. who wrenciied the nun from iloncghan'a lands, savrd Schroeder. It Is ailered that lIoEoahan hid been carrying the revolver all afternoon and had announced his Intention of killina; Schroeder. He was arrested by Patrolman Ennis and was Bned 12a !n Police Court yesterday Jor cartrlng- the weapon. A charge of threatening to kill was also placed him and will be tried next Mon day. Drr-vivo or" Stbfet Desired. Sunny side Push Clb has renewed Its effort to opn Hast Thirty-fourth street from Knst Stark iitreet to Ladd Park, and has appointed a committee to take up the matter of with interested prop erty owners. l-jst Thirty-fourth street Is cn.Mertd the principal avenue In fair.nyside north and i-uutii. but It ends at East Stark str-ei. committte will undertake to rase money that an appeal can be taken in tho courts from the decision aralnat the first movement to Invalidate- the so-ith Laurelhun-t plat and open liist Thirty-fourth street. Durvicrx Ma Fears Wire. Clad only Jn his ur.d'rclothes and am-kirnr the I'nlted Etatrs Marshal to beg protection from r.!s Irate wif?. John Montgomery was found about the corridors of the Federal bullrllnt:. at J: o'clock J-eaterday mortlnjr. The watchman t le yhon'd to the police station and Patrol man Prrajcy was sent to take charge of MontiTomery. The man was on the verge of delirium tremens when he stood up before Ju'lire Langmth yesterday. No sentence was Imposed upon him. B turn-All r Oka roe Pishtssed. Claude Casey. acrusd of atU niptir.g burglary, was told that he had a narrow escape from the Penitentiary when Ju.tie Lunjr guth dism'a-wed the charge against him yesterday morr.Inc. Mrs. Lena Orsnt. living on Hoil-d.iy avenue, salil that r was caught In the act of unfasten ing the I'jck on a door of her house at t o'cl-x-k in the morning. Casey failed to prove an alibi. His identification by Irs. Grant was vague, however, and he was rot held. Droxio Pt hi I Police. Charlea Hell rren I and Charles Hrllgren II appeared In Police Court yesterdny morning for the second time within a few days, and again gave the poller much trouble In differentiating thorn. Thy r of the same age. nationality a.-d occupation, drink the same liquors, and get the same effects. The two Uromlns were sent back to the box to awa't the return of Judg Bennett, who dealt with their case before. Uawr I JX-n RE to Et Given. Professor Boger W. Cooley. of the law department of the University of Michigan, will give a lecture upon ""Where and How to K-.nd Law."" at 7:15 P. M . Tuesday, in depart ment No. 4. of the Courthouse. All graduates of the University of Michigan and University of Oregon, together with the members of the Junior and senior cNsses. are Invited to attend thto l?ctore. Improvement Club ArroiNTea Dei.c oates. At the meetlrg of the North Kast Side Improvement Association Fri day nlht C. K. Miller. E. Versteeg and A. M- Dewar were appointed delegates to the Civic Council. The purpose of the council was indorsed. A short report was made on the Drosdwiy bridge situa tlnn to the effect that progri-ss is being made on the preliminaries. LviTEST Arrivals- A pl"nt!!d line of ladles" waists and children's waists and dresses has ju-H been recvived by Becker. McLoughlin & Sweeney, 1 Washington st- In addition to the depart ment already established by this enter prising firm they have added a hair goods department and are in a position to offer all kinds of hair goods at lowest poss:ble prices. Thh Fall term of the law school of the University of Oreson will hold Its opening session llm!ay evening. Sept 19. t 7:15 o'clock. Students who intend to enroll should present their applications to the secretary today or Monday. Cata logues free. Waiter H. Huns, secretary. Fll Corbeft Mdg. Car Hits SIak: Ankle Wrenched. Whi:e in an Intoxirated condition. Kred A. Cunningham, of 171 K1ti reet, was struck by a streetcar, at Tl Ird and Pine streets, Friday e-enlng. and was thrown to the street. He suffered no other In Jury than a wrenched ankle. Wr Sell car mattrrssrs retail at wholesale prlcea for 30-pound beds from 17 .Jo and up. We rnovate mattresses and return them the same dir. Portland Curled Hair Factory. 11. Metzger. pro prietor. tS-ISi Front U Main ,74, A U7. The Store Crowpeo All Dat Sati-h-DAT The result of our h.g odor of a su.t or overcoat. In the hitost all-wool fabrics and best styles, during the big Trade-Bulltiing Sale for only 115. Browns ville Woolen Mill Store. Id and Morrison. TurasT Otticer to Begin Work. SL D. White, truant officer for the city. Mid yesterday that beginning tomorrow children will be required to att-nd school, or be forced to furnish proper excuses for absence. Portland Heights Propertt. One of the most desirable close-In quarter blocks for sale by owner; splendid view; graded and ready for building: price rea sonable. Address B 3"5. Oregonlan. Dr. J. Ettelsom has resumed practice, sttlte V7 Oregonlan bldg. Phones: Office." Marshall 3614; Ttat.denc. Private Ex. . Fcr Bale. Bear cub. i month old; very reasonable. Apply Council Crest observatory. See A. RirrrR. exclusive furrier and designer. 13 11th St.. before placing your srder. Ixpcriai. Trgi3H Baths, under Wat ton's Ilest. ; finest lu city, open day and night. Swiss Watch BepajrixoC, Chrlstea sn. M floor Corbett blag. Take elevator. Diamonds O. Chrlstensen. second floor Corbett building. Take elevator. Special Sunday dinner at Richards', C per cover; i to a.JO P. AL Pioneer BmiACBa Trail. Dr. A M. Fllnn, a well-known plor.eer physician of thlo city, visited the Deschutes County last week with his family, and passed through the' territory, where) In the '60s as a young man he fought Indians. "Where there were miles of waste and where nearly every clump of ssgebrush and trees might conceal an Indian." said Tjt. Fllnn. "I found waving fields of grain. When I traveled over this coun try with some of the Indian scouts, the Snake Indians were killing men almost daily and murdering travelers. At Burnt Baach, where so many persons were killed, there haa been great development. 6 ell wood Club Holds Ftost Social. The clubhouse of the St-llwood Com mercial Club was turned over to the fami lies of the members Friday night, and the first social was held. There was a large attendance of women. It is the policy of the club to Interest tho women and the clubhouse Is to be turned over to them each Friday afternoon and to the families of members each Friday night. It Is also planned later to form a women's auxiliary, which will have charge of social functlons. Excursiox to Greshah Planned. The East Side Business Men's Club has ap pointed a committee to make arrange ments for a general excursion to tha Gresham Orange Fair on a day yet to be chosen. This committee will confer with the Grocers Association with a view to having the grocers take part In thin excursion. Memorial to Comradb Adopted. Sumner Post, No. IX of the Grand Army, of which the late John A. Newell was a charter member and past commander, has adopted, a memorial reported by M. L. Pratt, L MoGowan and G. A. Prentiss, the special committee, appointed to draft It. Colvilt.b to Lecturr. "New Laws, New Civilisation. New Age" will be the subject of an address by W. J. Colvllle. before the Portland branch of the Inter national Ethical Educational Society, at 6ul Yamhill street, next Tuesday eight, at t o'clock. Everybody Is Invited. Miss Helem Calbrsath. planM. and Miss EVelene Cslbreath. violinist, recent ly returned from three Winters' musical study In Berlin. Germany, will receive students at their studios. SaO Belmont and East Twenty-eighth ets.. after Septem ber li. Thone Tabor 4v7. " Oriental Rcos.-We guarantee every rug we sell to be Just as represented. Our prices are always reasonable. Don't fall to inspect our stock when In need of these beautiful floor coverings. Car tozlan Bros., Importers of Oriental rugs. 473 Wash. Orintai. Rcca repaired by a native expert, at Atiych Bros.. KM Wash. st J. C. Schaeter A Co.. tailors, have moved to the new Manchester bldg.. Sis Fifth street, between Stark and Oak. Seats for the coming holidays for tha Congregation Ahavai Sholora can be had at Jacob's Aaher's store, !I2 First st and at A. Roscnsteln's, First and Taylor. Feed Storm location. Front street, near Madison bridge. KhsSO; very reasonable reriL A. H. iiirrell Co 3C2 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. Corsets, slightly damaged by water In fire, half price and lew. Room 312 Flled ner bldg., 10th and Wash. Mrs. Zeltfucha Good Homestead for Se adv. under homesteads, room (. SSV Third. Vote for Judge Frank O. Bennett, 87 X, for County Judge. (Paid advertisement!) Attt. S. T. jEPrnxYs han returned from Alaska, can be found at 20S Fenton bldg. F. E. Beach A Co.. Pioneer Paint Co., 12 Fin, stieet. Main 1X4. A 7W. Mrs. Pratt'c select day school for girls. 715 Thompson st. Phone East 4CS. H. K. SARut.NT, attorney, haa returned, 524.-4) Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful GVarhart. D. J. Durand. lota Wposteh's smoke store. 4CS Wash. PAVING IS DELAYED Incompleted Water Mains Hold Back Other Improvements. 35 MILES ARE WAITING IRVINGTONBARGAINS. 11500 12th, near Thompson; Im provements paid. J1350 SSd. near Stanton. 1 14, SO loth, near Stanton. $1j0 :th. near Stanton. $J700 100x100, cor. 19th and Braxee. We are now building- and have for sale several attractive bungalows; prices ranging from 1400 to JS500, which can be sold on the best terms. Call and see them. F. E. BOWMAN A CO. Cor. I2d and Braxce. E. 9J3. City Engineer Declares Return to Former System Would Expedite AVork Question Before Next Meeting; of Council. That approximately 35 miles ot street Improvements are being delayed either directly or Indirectly by the failure of contractors to lay water mains. Is the statement of J. W. Morris, City Engineer, who declares that a change In the law to provide that the city shall lay the water mains, as It did before the adop tion of the charter amendment on the subject, would put an end to repeated delays In street Improvements. George il. Hyland. manager of the Ore gon Hassam Paving Company, said yes terday that his company alone had 11 miles of contracts for street Improve ments awaiting the laying of water riiafns. Under the present system. It Is ex plained, the contracts let by the water department for the laying of mains on a street often provide for the completion of the work long after a contract let by the Council for putting in hard surface pavement for the same place has expired. Under such conditions there Is no way of hurrying the water contractors in their work and streets torn up for Improve ments are left that way for long periods. "Whether It Is better from a financial viewpoint to have the present law con tinue," said City Engineer Mortis yes terday, "la a matter on which I am not Informed, but from the point of con venience I can say that the old method was far superior. e get the blame for the delay In the Improvements of streets. when It Is all due to the water main con tractors, who generally take their time about completing their Jobs. "I don't know what the Council will do about It." said Mayor Simon. "It will come before the members at their next meeting, and whether they will determine to submit the proposed change In the charter to the voters at the coming elec tion Is Indefinite." Under the old system, the mains were laid by the water department and paid for from fhe receipts of the same depart ment The charter was then changed to require the property owners benefited to pay for the laying of the mains, which should be done by contract work. This change was made to take thi expenses from the water users, many of whom own no property, and place It on thj property. Those opposed to the change have argued that the expense of laying water mains. like other expenses to the property, would be added to the rentals and thua the change was of no avail. A GENTLEMAN'S WATCH BROOK The Hat Without a Peer S3.00 as11 11 I-ore moat Clothier bince 1 863 HOLEPROOF HOSE For Men, Women and Children Wrat Kind Are Yon Carrying? If you are still loaded down with the old-etyle, ex tra thick watch case, if time you made a change. Come in any way and see the new models we are ehowing In How ards, Ham lltona, D u e b e r H amp dens, W a 1 thama, Elgin and the c h e a per grades. Tou may not want a watch now., but it will be time well spent to' post yourself. Our LADIES WATCHES are nobby and up to date. They cost no more than the old styles, and are worth twice as much 1q appearance. Onr 925 Diamond Mounted Watches, with Waltham or Elgin movements are ex ceptionally good . values. Wa have others In SO-yettr-gold-filled cases as low as vve guarantee every timepiece that leaves our store. No matter how much . you pay for your watch, or whose make It is, it may give you trouble, and you must de pend on the dealer to make good any defects, wa stand back of every sale. Jaeger Bros. OPTICIANS . THE LARGE STORE, 2 MORRISON ST., Bet. Sd aad 4th. AS THIS CITY'S LARGEST . CLOTHING STORE as Portland's foremost exclusively to the retailing apparel it is but offer ' matchless institution devoted of men's and boys' natural that we should trading advantages. ORIENTAL RUG STAMPEDE Hundreds of Magnificent Rugs Sold at n Tremendous Reduction. EASTSIDE. We have a very choice quarter block, corner 8th and Hancock, that la wel adapted for light manufacturing, stabl or apartments, that we offer for sale a an attractive price. For particulars see F. E. BOWMAN ft CO., Cor 12d and Brazee. E. 935. ALL 12clGARS 10c. O'Malley & Neuberger. 327 Wash st. MANILA TEACHER, WHO RE CEMLY DIKD, NATIVE OF OKEOOX. Mri Ptell Mr.. J. XV. Hen. ley. Mrs. J. W. Hensler, formerly a Antoinette McCord. who died at Manila. P. I., on June 19. was a daughter of James Stir ling McCord and Mrs. Olive E. McCord. She wss born on her father's farm at Mount Pleasant, near Oregon City, December IS, 1S72. In 1?01 she went to Manila, where ah lived until her death. Though not in robust health, she was 111 but a short time, death following an operation under taken In the hope of saving her life. In fulfillment of her own expressed wish, her body was cremated at San Lazoro. Mrs. Hensler at the time of her death was a teacher In the de partment of atenography In the United States School of Com merce at Manila. Her mother, now a resident of this city brothers tiiiam, George. and Melvln and a sister, rrancis L .nuivaney. 11 rest denta of Oregon, survive her. Mrs. Hensley's father. James Stirling McCord. a Cl-ckamas County pioneer of 1S50. died in March. 1S09. mother, t y; four T . Archie I r, Mrs. Atlyeh Pros.. S!H Washington St., corner Tenth, will dispose of 120 of the most beautiful Oriental rugs Kurdistan. Irans, BclonJ and Moussouls ever brought to Portland to the callers at their attrac tlve store, during this week, at a greatly reduced price. Each rug la an exquisite example of Its kind, a rare bargain at the usual price, but at this reduction It Is a rug opportunity not to be missed by shoppers of discernment- The 1-all im portation was so heavy this year that it was deemed best by tho Ann to reduce the stock of tucee particular makes. Any ruff expert will quickly recognize this to be ono of the greatest rug bar gains ever offered, and those not familiar with genuine Oriental rug values win readily note the difference in the prices. which are plainly marked on each rug. No home Is really furnished In artistic elegance without one of these Far East ern masterpieces, and the home contain, Ing one naturally calls for others. An Oriental rug la an adornment, an Investment, and will become a priceless heirloom In your family, providing it be the true and carefully selected Oriental rug such as Atlyeh Bros, always have. Call without delay. rvington The close-in, completely improved residence dis trict, is the best place in Portland for either resi dence or investment. Get the best; pet it now. Lots, 50x100, $135 down and a moderate monthly payment. Let us show you. Rountree 8 Diamond 241 Stark St., Cor. 2d, or E. 13th and Knott Sts., Irvington. IT IS TRUE that ALL may select Autumn clothing here with better satisfaction because of the more comprehensive displays. IT IS TRUE that thousands DO trade here because their preference in regard to makers is given the widest latitude. Every maker of note is well represented here. Our prices range, suits and overcoats, from $15 to $50. Special mention is made of three strong lines men's and young men's Autumn suits and over coats in all the newest, most up-to-date styles at 15.00 WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at thi Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart oients for ladies. 305 Wash, near 6th iL The Standard Cafeteria will preseat a musical programme by Webbers' 6 plece string orchestra from 5 to 8 P. M. Chicken and other special Sunday dishes In addition to an elaborate menu. No more pleasant (or more reasonable-priced) plare to dine In the city. On 6th st., 2 blocks north ot Washington. O'Neill serves table d'hote Wednesday and Sunday evening, SI plate. A la carte at all times. Music S to U P. M. Alder and W. Park. 122 14 th at. Stearns' Restaurant, Chicken dinner. Sac. Chlckon dinner. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth, near Waslungton. CAPITOJ HILL. Situated In the southwestern part of city, among the rolling hills, the pret tiest part of Multnomah County. On the Oregon Electric Railroad. 5-cent carfare; water system now Installed and piped to every lot: all streets and sidewalks put In at our own expense. All lots full size, 60x100 feet; price fSOO, and aold on easy terms. Buy now before the price Is advanced. Full particulars of Clouessy eV Smith, C10 McKay bldg. Phone Main 108$. the Wells-Fargo Company. The fruit In dustry has so Increased business that It is necessary to have a building large p no ugh to accommodate the growers. Heretofore storage room has been limited and large shipments could not be de livered until about train time. Til .PI¬VPG I ee enar PgSe Announcement on Last Page, Section One, aw I fJ- fsVr m a 1 Vm Tat.V -. All ,a4& w fa r fa. T V .-? A W r or news 01 ine dio aiuKb a r all vjfivmfxvs uiakuai Viscount Weds Lynn Singer. LONDON. Sept. 17. Miss Edith Delys, the operatic soprano, of Lynn, Mass.. and Viscount de SL Hllalre, were married here today. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Largest rsrletv at Warrla Trunk- Co.. "st Sixth. ,CLASSED,THE BEST. The famous Hop Gold Bottled Beer. manufactured from the purest and best ngrecients to oe oot&inea, makes a fitting beverage for any occasion, be It the impromptu lunch or for a dinner. Always convenient to have on hand to regal the unexpected guest. Order by phone. East 46. B 114. IRVINGTON. . We have for sal one of the finest eight-room houses In Irvington. Ma hogany dining-room, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, den and garage. F. E. BOWMAN CO., 1 2d and Bratee Eta. Phone E. 935. O'NEILL West Park and Alder Sts. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S . HESTAIRANT. A la Carte at All Boors. SUNDAY TABLE D'HOTE, 6iSO to 8i30 P. K. Mnslo. Sl.OO PER PLATE. Relishes. Green Onions. Olives. Celery. Radishes. Sardines Canape. Soup. Cream of Chicken. Melba. Consomme Auz Perles. . Fish. Medallion of Salmon Nantua. Potatoes Hollandaise. Entrees. Stuffed Lamb Chops, Cardlnalls. Apple Fritters. Glace au Rum Roast. Broiled Squab Chicken or Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus. Lettuce and Tomato Salad. Browned New Potatoes. Spinach in Cream. Dessert Ice Cream and Cake. Cheese and Crackers. Cafe Nolr. The Greater A TYPE DUPLICATOR Tou will admit advertising with actual typewritten circular letters has become a commercial necessity. Time and expense are prohibitive to having the work done on typewriters. Investigate our " Planotype." with which you can print actual typewriter work, and also print from printers' dis play type and electrotypes, circulars, office forms, notices, statements, re ports, etc., at the rate of 2000, or more, copies per hour. All copies are alike and perfect. Tou do the work when you want It and print Just as many copies as you want- no waste, it will do as much and as good work as 100 typewriter operators The setting of type la as simple as put ting children's blocks In rows. Machine is simple in construction, easily oper ated and very durable. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. KILHAM STATIONERY AND PRINTING CO. Commercial Stationers, Office) Out fitters. Printers, Engravers, Book let Makers and Bookbinders. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS. M PHOTOGRAPHER. A una, Columbia Bldg., Main, A llU. Warehouse Is Started. GRANTS PASS. Or.. 9spL lT.-fSpe- clal. A crew of mechanics and carpen ters began work this morning on the foundation for a brick building to be erected near the new depot to be used by DIAMOND News Put a diamond in a nobby tie and step up to your em ployer and ask for a raise. Bet you dollars to dough nuts you get it. He Trill be impressed with your; pros perous air putting up a good front, we call it in the street vernacular. He will also note you're investing your money in a good-for-all-time invest ment. Your good business judgment will be an asset to him Oar diamond prices are authoritative for value received. 286 MORRISON ST. 10,000 PERSONS WENT BLIND last year in New York State alone, many of them from neglecting their eyes. e make the proper titting of eyes a life study, and nave the most complete optical workrooms in the city. We examine eyes, fit frames, furnish lenses, and our many satis fied customers will tell you of our success. The best of everything at a moderate price, is our motto. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS Sift -SI FAILING BLDG Cor. Third and Washington Streets, feoond Floor. Take Elevator. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, Building and Straetaral Work. WE MAKE Fire Hydrants, Log Hauls, Cast Gears, Hydraulic Glaatay Water Gates, Lumber Trucks, Eta. , HAWTHORNE AYE. AND EAST THIRD PORTLAND. OR. eier & Frank Store Specials From Our Busy Pure Food Grocery Specials like these assure a busy week in onr Grocery Section, and you'll realize what splendid savings they are when yon look over the list Staple, dependable goods at unecpialed low prices And in addition to the specials told of here Oar REGULAR PRICES on MOST GROCERIES are as LOW AS OTHERS ADVERTISE AS SPECIALS ANOTHER SALE OF HAMS The same kind of delicious, tender suar cured hams that we offered you a short time ago. They are made On from young, cornfed pigs, and are first quality, not second; lb. Del Monte Soused Sardines, un equalled for flavor and quality; 3 tins for 50c, or single tin at 17 Imported Swiss Cheese, a delight to the epicure; reg. price 40c the pound, special for-" New Evap. Apricots, pound, 14 New Salt Mackerel, 15c val. 12 New Salt Mackerel, 25c val. 22 New Salt Mackerel, 40c val. 34 Abetta Biscuits, 6 packages, 25 Oro Tomatoes, reg. $1 doz. OA at 88c, or 4 cans for only J C New Sifted Early Garden Peas, reg. 15c can, special, 2 for 25 Summer Sausage, 40c lb., at 33 Butternut Brand Butter, without question the best flavored and the best quality butter to be had; has the largest sale of any butter we've ever known of; offered all week (except during the Friday Surprise 7Q-, -buy all you want of it at this low price two-pound square Sale)- Hnntley & Palmer English Biscuits, the best assortment in the city. Headquarters for Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes; pkg. 10c; doz. 1.10 Send in your grocery orders by phone. Private Exchange 4, or A 6101. The Canadian Bank of Commerce Portland, Oregon. f Buys and Sells Foreign Exchange and Issues TRAVELERS' CHECKS, availableiin the United States and Foreign Countries. DOMESTIC LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the United States and Canada. FOREIGN LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the World. A branch of the Bank is now open in MEXICO CITY. Collectiojis on MEXICO will receive every attention, as well as on all points in the United States, Canada and Europe. Snails have eyes eonneet.d with the an tenna. th ffeeUrs"). They may usually b. HM as black .pets. g.a.rally nar th base of the feelers. They are rather simple eyes, but are certainly of use How much they can see Is not known, A number of Salonlkl and Servian capi talists have organlied with the intention of produoing cottonseed oil at SalonlkL The cotton seed Is to be purchased from Alex andria and the cotton-producing towns ol placed oni a.