TIIE ST7XDAT OltEGOXIAN, PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 18, 1910. i Judith Scott, both Tiavlnff irraduntec f-Am Wawl-.lngtnn 3minry. t Vh:ns t n. D.T.. In 1'T. M:m Fthr. who If tt only daMKhtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klhr. of Punuuiawnfr, Pa.. I. a very 1 United young woman and in the last t"ur years haa plnyed with Amelia IUnc li ain, Madarlxe Niaimova and' Virginia Harried. M:." Klsher will be the truest of M!a Scott during Tier hort ay In I'ortland. M:is L'dna Mlnsinaer, who leaves Port land oon for National Park Seminary, near Wanhlnirton. D. r, is thn motif for much entertaining. Ml Ruby Crlchton car an evening at cani in her honor on Wednesday, and theater partlea and other affairs for the coming week ir planned for her. Portland folic are busy planning par tly and tea In honor of Miaa Ethel Pullman, who will bo the nueet of Miss Iuln Mesick unUl October Z. Then botli 3IIKS Pullman ar.d Mlsa Meflck will leave Portland for Port Monroe. Vs.. where, they wtll paw- the Winter at the home of M Pullman, who has Juat returned frero Manila, after a year's Kay In the Philippine Islands. Simeon Reed Winch and Johnston Wilson left for Princeton this week. Mr. Winch Is a member of the senior class and has become Identified at the university as a writer and debater. Mr. Wilson who is a recent graduate of the Allen Preparatory School will en' ter the Freshman class. Mrs. Oskar lluber was hostess Mon day evenlne at an informal supper In honor of Miss Pullman, who is the cuest of Miss Louise Mesick. Among the Portland younr persons who left this week for Eastern schools are Oliver and Fowler Cnrdwell. Oliver 'ardwell will enter Culver Military Academy and prepare himself for the Institute of Technology at Boston, and Fowler Cardwell will attend the Mo- hegan Ijike School on the 'Hudson. Friday afternoon Mrs. John Morri son entertained a fw friends at cards at her home in llaisey street. Miss Mabel Shea, who has been passing the Summer In New York and Atlantic City. Is visiting her sister. Mrs. William Cst!eman (Ethel Shea). at Fort Ethan Allen. Misa Shea is expected to return to Portland about October S. Mrs. Philip Buehner and Miss Bueh- tir. who are accompanying Miss IJ11- I Ian Buehner and Hnry Buehner Kaat on their way to school, will stay sev eral weeks In New York before return ing to Portland. Miss Constance French, of The Dalles, is vlsttlnz in Portland, after an eight montts' trip through Kurope.' Mrs Randolph Marshall and Miss Viv ian Marvnail. who are travciiajt in An? trfai. recently stayed at a pension in Vlcnn.i where :hev found the names of Dr. in Mrs. Ralph Walker and Dr. and Mrs. Rjy Matson. of Portland, upon the recister. Amorg other Interesting ex perience of their travels was a visit to tJi government salt mines near Salxberg. With tt.e coining of Fall, children and school, whether kindergarten or col lege, form the main thoughts of moth ers. A tea at Lucretla Court last Fri- !) afternoon emphasises lust thli From : I" I the patronesses of "The Elizabeth K. Mathews School." which Is for the very young children, were en tertained by Miss Mathews. In the course of the afternoo.i Mlsa Clara Elizabeth Howell and Mrs. Russell Hawkins sang and-Mtsa Mathews deliv ered a paper on the true meaning of the kindergarten as we know It. Miss Mathews was assisted In receiving by Mrs. W. A. Knight. Mrs. M. E. Spaul- ding and Mrs. R. IS. Caswell. Those present during the afternoon were: Mrs. W. A. Knight, Mrs. Warren Knight. .Mrs. Guy Talbot. Mrs. M. E. Spauldlng. Mn. Stern. Mrs. John Peters. Mrs. A. 1. Veazie. Mrs. Hogue. Mrs. Frank Nau. Mrs. Russell Hawkins. Mrs. Elnathan Sweet. Mrs. Robert Oardner. Mrs. It. T. McKenzie. Mrs. C. F. Kinney, Mrs. C. Tucker. Mrs. J. W. Richards. Mrs. D. Rogers. Mrs. C. E. Ernest. Mrs. H. B. Caswell. Mrs. W. W. Harned. Mrs. E. W. Spencer. Mrs. Iri-lng Spencer. Mrs. T. H. Orlswoid. Mrs. William Mathews. Mrs. William H. Foulkes. Mrs. A. E. Clark. Mrs. I. Vanduyn. Mrs. O. Reed. Mrs. A. K. Richards. Mrs. Joseph Strow- brldge. Jr.: Mrs. O. W. Allen. Mrs. G. Horn ell. Mrs. F. W. Baltls. Mrs. Rob ertson. Mrs. Ewlng. Mrs. R. C. Coffey. Mrs. B. F. Holman. Mrs. H. Nicolal. Mrs. N. J. Levlnson. Mrs. Samuel Kerr. Miss Clara Howell. Mrs. Frances Isom. Mrs. J. Wltlard. Miss Gladys Brown. Mrs. N. W. Mathews. Miss Dorothy Nash. Miss A. I- Dtmmlrk. Miss Re becca Halt-in. Miss Sybil Phillips. Miss Leonora Sinks, and Miss Jessie Mac-Ionald. MANY FRIENDS REJOICE WITH TOUNO COUPLE, AT. WEDDING IN PORTLAND. r Woman of National Fame Now in Portland Ilosie Burrl and William Gertz were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Burrl Wednesday. September 14. by Rev. E. Buechler. The bride was given away by her brother. Fred Burri. Mr. and Mrs. Gem will lire at Penin sula. The following were guests at the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Bartel, Miss Helen Bartel. Honry Bartel. Mr. and Mrs. Deckman, Miss Dec km an. Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brody, Miss Lula Brody. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoenel. Mrs. Madsen, Mrs. Nellie Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Weekers, Mr. and Mrs. Kneble. Louis Kneblo. George Motzger. Mr. and Mrs. Rlebe. Mr. and Mrs. Llckess. Miss Lizzie Llckess, Miss Lizzie Enrlcke, Mrs. Roth. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gertz, R. Gertz, W. GerU. Ernest Gcrtz, Miss Kathcr lne Gertz. Miss Minnie Gertz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jansen. L. Gertz. Mr. and Mrs. Funk. Mrs. Von Wlntzlngerada. Godfrey Burrl. E. R. Burrl, John Burrl, B. Brelthaupt. Miss Rosie Brelthaupt. II. Bartlett. Mr. and Mra. John Egger. Hans Egger. B. Paukner. Rosle Paukner, Mr. and Mra. C. A. Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Becker, E. R. Brown. Mrs. C. Hansen. Ella Hansen, Louise Hansen and F. Radke. k- " Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts. Oregon's Leading Fur and Garment SPECIALISTS Mrs. Lind&R.oss Wade Who Will Give a Series of Lectures in the Auditorium at the Greater Olds, Wortman King Store Tuesday, 2 to 4 P. M. Mrs. "Wade is the originator and first president of Ihe National Dress makers' Association. Her lectures are both interesting and instructive. "Fashion is a fickle dame, Style is a constant friend," says Mrs. Wade. Her lectures will be free, to women only. North, on Friday night. Miss Nickels Is leaving; Portland to pend the Win ter in Los Angeles. Five hundred was the pyrincipal 'entertainment of the evening. Light refreshments were served. Among the young Portland lads and lassies who have recently departed for Eastern educational institutions are the Misses Polly Uewett. Alice Carey and Katherlne Hart, and Philip Jackson, Jack Burns. Hallett Maxwell. Thornton Ladd and Simeon Reed Winch. Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox and Miss Claire Wilcox leave the city Monday, September 2. for New York, where Miss Wilcox will re-enter Miss pence's fashionable finishing school for young roraen. Miss Grace Honeyman and Mtss'Mll- dred Honeyman were hostesses at an Informal evening last Monday when they entertained the following guests: Mlsa Helen Goode. Miss Cassle Hlller. Percy Hlller and Thomas Garrett, of Seattle. The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority of the I'nlversity of Oregon entertained with an informal tea at the Oregon Yacht Club Tuesday. WlIMam B. Hcusner left Portland Tuesday for Ithaca. N. Y".. where he will enter the Cascadilla Preparatory School with a view to entering Cor nell. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Charlton left Portland Monday for Tacoma. whence they motored to Mount Rainier and re turned to Portland yesterday. Miss Henrietta Eliot entertained a few of her friends last Friday In an In formal manner. About 15 young women were present and the afternoon was passed chatting over their embroidery hoops. Miss Hazcltine Williams entertained Friday afternoon at her home In Haw thorne avenue for Miss Jean McKenslc. who has recently returned from abroad. Speier. Walter Gadsby, G. W. Hazen. J. P. Jaeger, n. Martin, R. W. Schmeer, F. E. Watklns. W. J. Hofmann, B. I. Jorgensen. J. P. Menefee. B. N. Nlcoll, Ivan Hu mason, J. J. Kadderly, Ira F. Powers and G. W. Stapleton. Invitations and printing ' Pavis, chairman; G. F. Robertson R. Rogers. Decorations and hall D, chairman: V. A. Van Kirk Quackenbush. Music W. H. McCorquodale, chair man: E. Enna and R. W. Hoyt. Refreshments A. H. Lea, chairman; H. W. Fries. H. A Heppner and W. J. Holman. Ioor V. A. Avery, chairman; J. H. Burgard and Albert M. Brown. Publicity David W. Hazen, chair man; William Travis and Frank L. Perkins. The Kappa Alpha Theata sorority of the University of Oregon entertained- t the Oregon Yacht Club Tuesday af ternoon with an irfformal tea. wiiiiam i i.i, i m i aim,', s k' ?:iva and J. I U & H rWUS HUM 1 iJlH O. Tomaslnl, k -arH.lsvrt ssUj.-A.JiMwi!4,.a.' 1 and Roy : U-IZtiir .ie4esHiIZ(i&l! Mil "ill- " - T'-'- - TTTT nfifer-1' , In a business as thoroughly established as ours there is no necessity of resorting to any exaggerated advertising of fictitious values. "We rely absolutely on honor able business methods and the public knows that any article from our store is rep resentative of high quality at the lowest possible price. Tailored Suits The new Fall styles introduced by this store determine what the smartest women in Port land will wear. Many of the styles are en tirely new and singularly exclusive. A smart, clever collection of finely tailored, faultless fit ting suits, in every new fabric and shade. A variety specially price dfor MONDAY ONLY Values to $40.00 Special, 27.SO Ladies' Fine Coats "We have earned a reputation for perfection in women's fine apparel perfection in style, cor rect to the dot. ( Perfection of tailoring, every stitch precise; perfection in material. For Monday only we will offer on sale a lull satin lined, fine quality Broadcloth Coat of full length. Remember,' for , MONDAY SPECIAL $20.00 Values, Our Price $12.95 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhlrs. who have been Summering on their ranch near Medford. have returned to Port- laad for the Winter. Mrs. Fielding Kelly entertained Wednesday afternoon In honor of her mother. Mra A. A- Barker, who leaves Portland soon for Madison. Wis. Mrs. H. C Campbell was mistress of the tea urns. Mrs. William S. Cochran is visiting her sister. Mrs. Charles F. Adams, with whom she expects soon to leave Port land for Ictorta and Vancouver. A farewell party was tendered Miss Kmrrta Nickels at the residence of Miss M Harr. J04 Twenty-second street For the first time In Its history. Al Kader Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Is planning to give a dance. The affair will be held at the Armory Friday night. October 14. and arrangements are being completed for making It one of the most successful events of the sort ever given. The general plana are In the hands of a reception committee composed of the following members: William H. Oalvanl. potentate; J. E. Werleln. chairman; William Davis, A. IL Lea, V. A. Avery. D. G. Tomaslnl, John Annand. C. C. Newcastle. W. H. McCorquodale and David W. Hazen. The reception committee John An nand, chairman: George E. Chamber lain, Joseph Simon. John B. Cleland. H. L. Plttock. Norrts R. Cox. John F. Car roll. E. S. Jackson. W. C. Knighton, J. T. Moffett. K. a Farrell. Dwlght Ed wards. J. C. Mack.C. E. Ruoyon. R. F. Flke. H. T. Keeney, W. Y. Masters. Slg S. Btchel. O. B. Cellars. W. E. Grace. F. S. Grant. B. 8. Jo.iselyn. C. W. King. R. A. Miller and R. D. Cannon. Floor committee O. C. Newcastle. chairman General W. E. Flnzer. O. M Hyland. J. K. Locke. H. P. Palmer, J. K0SEBUR0 YOUNG FOLKS ARE MARRIED. 311 EVENTS OF TIIE WEEK. An enthusiastic meeting of the Rose City Chapter of the American Woman's League met In the City Hall Friday evening, September . After a disposi tion of business the members were ad dressed by Mrs. Lottie Hannon. of New- berg, Or., one of the candidates for state regent. In the course of her talk she briefly outlined the plan of the league, enum erating the great educational opportu nities open to the life members and their minor children, through the cor respondence schools that have affiliat ed with the organization, the courses of study being absolutely free, to them. In addition to this she described the ad vantages of a club or chapter house for the women of Portland, which will be built, furnished complete and main tained In the future by the organiza tion, without cost to the members. .The Rose City Chapter is working hard to secure the requisite number of members to entitle them to a fine chap ter house that will be a credit to Port land and a monument to the League in the West. ng etaoln shrdlu cmfwyp nup nupn An attractive Japanese party was held at the home of Miss Mary Woods last Saturday afternoon. The decora tive plan of the rooms was distinctly Oriental and the Idea was further car ried out In the refreshments, which consisted of Japanese tea and rice cakes. The following young woman were present: Loretta Hogan, Amy Johnston, Vera Redman, Lottie Arm strong, lone Wilson, Ethel Brooke, Dor othy Buchanan, Elta Clark, Verna Clauson, Hazel Foster. Edna McBrlen. Hazel Smith, Winifred Wilson, Lenora Links, Esther Butterworth, Laura Ha blghorst. Lena Craddock, Beatrice Whipple, Ellice Shearer. Helen Moore, Helen Astram and Alta Ring. Mrs. J. C A. Rauscher was) hostees last Wednesday afternoon at a china shower for Miss 3ea Saftenberg, whose wed ding to Frank Templeton will take place In November. The guests were: Mra. P. r. Young, Mra Carl Rassenbach, Mrs Arthur Klump, Katherlne Brandcs. Julia Hynesv Olga Sechtem. Nellie Troy. Anna Smith. Rual Shearer, Ida Sen a do. Jane Kelliher. Adelaide Nelson, Marion Mc Carty. Emma Saftenberg. Pearl Nelson. Hilda Qulst. Millie Qulst. Aledd Bar- AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS. FLORISTS 287 Morrison St. tholomew. Mary Kelliher, Ada Lawrence, Cora Plowman and Irene Clarke. The home of Mrs. Paul A. Trulllnger was the scene of a pretty affair Tues day evening when Mrs. Trullinger, Miss Clara and Miss Cora Wold were host esses at "500." Their guests included members of the Chi Omega sorority of the University of Oregon. The house was decorated with pink and lavender asters. Six tables were played. Prizes were awarded Miss Louise Gray and Miss Linley Morton. The supper table was dressed in cardinal and red colors, being the sorority colors. Miss Ida Shea entertained Friday evening with five hundred for Miss Mil dred Armstrong:, who leaves Portland soon tor Eastern Oregon. The rooms were decorated with Autumn leaves and pennants made the veranda cosy. Miss Shea's guests were as follows: Laura Leedy, Hazel Crook, Lola Linn. Lou Killlngsworth. Myrtle Gram. Mary Welch, Bert Hawkins, Sim Bennett, Martin Shea. Harry Stuart, Arthur Gram, Charles Prehn and Franklin Shea. The christening of the 1 1-months-old MillineryModeratelyPriced To say that the millinery styjes this year are more beautiful than in former seasons is to be ' conservative; the designs, colorings and shapes are exquisite. Our Millinery Department ia showing a furl quota of the foremost Fall novelties and is illustrative of what will be worn by the best-dressed women of Portland this season. A visit to this department of our store will prove both interesting and profitable. . t F U We are manufacturers of every Fur Garment that is sold from our store direct from the trapper to the wearer. That's what it means when you purchase your furs here. Being manufac turers of our own garments We Are Able to Guarantee Every Fur That We Sell. We Guarantee Not Alone the Fur Itself, But the Ma terial Used in its Construct Hon, the Workmanship and the Finish. If you are in the market for new furs this Fall, we solicit an inspection of our line. It is the most extensive in the city, and money-saving opportunities await every comer. son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Keck was the occasion of a party last Wed nesdav evening at their home, in Han cock street The service was conducted bv Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, of St. Mark Church. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Reynolds and the Immediate members of the families of Mr. ana Mrs. Keck. An Incident which Is unique was the presence at Ihis gathering of four generations of the Keck family. Miss Jean Wold, who recently has returned from Washington, D. C. where she has spent the Summer with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Irving Wold, left yes terday for the University of Idaho, where she is physical culture lnstruc tor for women. Miss Wold has prevl ously been in New York schools. . The St. Lawrence Social Club will give its opening' party at St. Lawrence hall, on Wednesday evening; Septem (Continued on Page 4.) VvkDDIU AND W. G. SMITH & CO. Washington, Bldg., Fourth and Washington The Only Exclusive ' Card Engravers Visiting Cards Monogram Stationery In the Northwest E S T A BLISHED 188 J KM" Viee - . 1 A ee Monday Morning Paper r.OSEEl RG. Or., Sept. 17. (Special.) A weddlna; In which Roseburs; young folk were t.K.e principals occurred at the Roseburg Catholic Church September . when Miss LUen Bryan was married to Harry Kenney. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Powers. The church waa decorated with ferns, evergreens and cut flowers. Fol lowing the ceremony a wdd:na breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. Af,r a brief honeymoon In the northern part of the state, Mr. and Mrs. Kenney will be at home In Leona. Douglas County, after Octo ber 1. ! Mrs. Kenney la a daughter of Mr. a-nd Mrs. J. F. Bryan and has lived here nearly all her life. For The Greater Meier. Frank Stor e Announcement of the Greatest ifoe-Pay Book Sale Ever Held Sale Starts Tuesday Morning at 8 o'CIock See Tomorrow's Papers As to Authors, Prices, Etc. Remember It Starts Tuesday, September 20th EBBS THE FUR HOUSE of TONE Interesting Values in All Sections of Our Fur Establishment Superior Kussian Pony Coats $45.00 up 36 to 50-inch lengths. 'Fur-Lined Coats $30.00 up 50 to 52-inch lengths. Ideal for auto or evening wear. Sable Coney Coats $42.50 up 42 to 50-inch lengths. Very stylish, light weight. Caracul Coats.. . $42.50, $52.50 Brook mink or self collars, revers and cuffs. No "Eastern inferior hurried-shop made Furs: only the Liebes quality. Properly made and matched. Cost less. Hudson Lynx Sets ,. .$7.25 Shawl Collars and Half-Barrel Muff. $11.25 Extra sizes collars and muff. Black French Coney Sets ....$11.25 Sable Squirrel Sets.. .$14.25 Gray Squirrel Sets........ ......$13.25 Black Fox Sets A .$27.50 Sable 'Opossum Sets $14.25 Brook. Mink Sets. .$18.50 Black Lynx, Japanese Mink, Black and Blue Wolf, White Fox and Foxeline, Baum Marten Fox and Australian Opossum at prices to suit any pocket-book. Make your selections before prices advance. Free storage until needed. Expert remodeling to conform to the latest decree of Fashion. Ladies' and Gents' Fur Turbans, Caps, Gloves, Boots, Automobile Kobe's, Mounted Animal Fur Rugs. All descriptions of skins for making Hats, Wholesale and Retail Alaska Sealskins Our Specialty H. LIEBES & CO. Corbett Bldg. J. P. Plagemann, Mprr. Phones: Main 24, A 2440. 288 Morrison St. Portland's Best and Leading Furriers New Illustrated Catalogue mailed free on request.