The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 18, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 34

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mer, has been entertained by many
. . - - i niim4 t n bid her
inenas. auvow " --- -farewell
at the afternoon tea wre- rs-
E. E. Lytie, airs. ja. a. d",
John G. Peters. Mrs. F. A. Jones, Mrs.
K F. Ervln. Mrs. Warren Keeler. Mrs.
W. A. Hathaway. Mrs. Fred D. Cham
berlain. Mrs. Chester Deerlng. r..
Brooks Trevett. Mrs. G. S. Haynes. Mrs.
S H. Gruber, Mrs. Roscoe Giltner, Mrs.
Mary Scott Myers. Mrs. Mary Helen
Cartwright, Mra. T. L. Eliot. Mrs. J. M.
Berry. Mrs. Abraham Tichner, Mrs.
. tha J a-1 1 ts ar am
Richard C. Warrlner. airs, i ?1
... Mr. J. P. Morrison. The
rooms of Mrs. Bunker s residence were
attractively decoratea wnn cm
mums and nasturtiums, giving bea""-
ful Autumn tints predominance in tne
color plan.
i -.- nnnTT X'r SKTTKirHEK 18. X yjx.J.xjm.-t -
I'l 1
ifzn rLcj&jfcsruims.
NOW that the rainy season la upon
us. society Is one mort awaken
ing to Its obligations. The open
ing of the theatrical season with the
ix-rfirmance of "Sweet Kitty Bellatrs."
by the Baker stock company at the
new Baker Theater last night, was the
xx-easlon for many theater parties, and
there was a general flocking of society-
folk to the playhouse.
Among those who occupied boxes on
the opening nrght were Mr. and Mrs.
T. B, Wilcox. Jr.:' Mr., and Mrs. Henry
L. Corbett. Mrs. H. L. Plttock. Mr. and
Mr. B. S. Josselyn. Mr. and Mrs. Mar
gin Schacht. Mr. and Mrs. It. C Wort
man. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wiles. Mr.
und Mrs. George P. Klelser. Actlng
"Oovernnr Jay Bowerman and Mayor
and Mrs. Simon. Among others who
;were In the audience were Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver K. Jeffrey. Russell Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay Lombard. Mr. and
iMrs. George W. Bates. Mi and Mrs.
Robert Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. C C. Smith.
Mr. and Mm. J. C. Atnsworth. Mr. and
.Mrs. I. N. Plelschner. Mr. and Mrs. Max
Flelsohncr. Ben Selling. H. C. Bowers.
Rlr. and Mrs. Edward Cookingham. Mr.
und Mrs. John Gear In. Mr.' and Mrs.
C K. l!nry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley
Xadd. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Letter. Mr.
find Mrs. J. B. Yeon. Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Xtlchardson. Alexander IL Kerr. Mr. and
Mrs. Oskar Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
B. Piper, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Swl cert.
The approach of the fourth annual
horseshow Is creating much Interest
among society folk, who are already
planning their gowns and discussing
appropriate entertainments for the
week of the show. Many prominent
members of the younger set are Intend
ing to take an actlre part In the show.
A numher of the riders of the Portland
Hunt Club will display their skill with
the horses.
The week iust passed has been a
very busy one for the spirited women
who devote themselves to making a
success of the Tag day for the Baby's
Home. All day yesterday young and
attractive girls and dignified gentle
women worked unceasingly for this
worthy charity that the little ones of
the Home might have a few more of
the pleasures of this very material
Wspite the unfavorable weather, the
.ardor of the society women was not to
, be dampened, and all day energetic tag
sellers formed cheerful groups In dif
ferent parts of the city, armed with
little bluj or white tags, each of which
represented a contribution to the cause
of the little ones. Among the women
who devoted their time to ticket sell
Mr.g were: Mrs. C. K. Moulton. Mrs.
Sylvia McOuire. Mrs. Prank Nau. Mrs.
Frank Hansom. Mrs. Rutledge. Mrs.
rhtrln J. Schnahel. Mrs. Luther F.
; Steele. Mrs. Benjamin Neustadter. Mrs.
i Elf re.ia Heller Welnetein. Mrs. Louis
Isrhalk. Mr. K. Slight. Mrs. O. M. Scott,
'Mrs. Gorge Rlgcs. Mrs. Sydney Vin
cent. Miss Ielta Hahn. Mrs. John Crn
ber. Mrs. Georre Weldon. Mrs. Wrlght
mn. Mrs. G. W. Giles. Mrs. Whitney L.
Poise. Mrs. J. Wesley iJidd. Mrs. Walter
M. Cook. Mrs. Simon Wolfe. Mrs. J. W.
r-arruthers. Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot.
Mrs. Edward Ehrman. Mrs. Curtis Hoi
comb. Mrs. Fred Johnston. Mrs. A. C.
'Koehler. Mrs. Harold Johnston. Mrs.
Harry Lltt. Mrs. T. Halstead Burns.
Mrs. Clodfelter and Mrs Norman Pease.
But Tag day and the opening of the
, theatrical season were not the only
events that made the past week an Im
portant one. The period was also made
notable by several parties that marked
.the real beginning of a season that
(promises to be filled with a delightful
round of teas and receptions.
Probably the most important event in
llocal society circles this week wa the
wedding of Miss Margaret Walter and
Joseph Manton Bradley, which was sol
iemnlzed at Trinity Church last Wed
nesday evening at s:3 o'clock. Mis
Walter Is the daughter of Mrs. Sophia
Walter and a sister of Mrs. Benjamin
Ulolnian and Is well known among the
younger set of Portland. The wedding
was simple, the church being without
decorations, while the only music was
that of the organ. Miss Walter was
given away by her brother, William
bherlock Walter, and was attended by
Miss Lisa Wuod. Kirk Smith was best
man. The bride's srown was a soft
white crepe with old lace and Miss
Wood wore pink chiffon. The ushers
were Hawley Hoffman. Antolne Labbe.
Stanfey- Jrwett and Max Wood. After
the r'Tcmony. which was performed by
jjit liev. A. A. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs.
Bradley received their intimate friends
at the home of Mrs. 8. Walter, where
the rooms were artistically decorated
with varying color schemes. The dining-room
was in yellow with shaggy
chrysanthemums and golden glow. The
hall was in Autumn tints and the reception-room
was beautiful In pink and
white roses and carnations. Some very
handsome gowns were worn. Mrs. Os
kar Huber had on pink chiffon velvet
Mrs. Meslck wore soft gray chiffon and
pearl. Miss Louise Meslck was gowned
In pink satin with an over-drape of Jet.
The bride's mother. Mrs. Walter, wore
a handsome black satin under Spanish
lace. Miss Dorothy Huber was In a
simple white chiffon frock. Mr. and
Mra. Bradley left Thursday morning for
the East, where they will stay for a
month in and about New York.
In honor of Miss Winifred Wilson, of
The Dalles, the Misses Mamie. Helen
and Irene I'lynn entertained at tea Fri
day afternoon. The house was charm
ing In its decorations of palms and yel
low chrysanthemums. The Waldemar
Und orchestra played In the music
room off the library, where the Misses
Flynn and Miss Wilson received. Miss
Delta Watson and Miss Nina Gutherle
had charge of the tea table and small
Miss Marjorle Campbell officiated at
the door. Miss Wilson wore a laven
der silk crepe with silver and amethyst
trimmings. Miss Mamie Helen Flynn
was attractive In white lingerie and
Miss Irene Flynn's frock was simple
white over pink. .
Pr. and Mrs. Arnold Llndsey. who are
visiting In the East and South, will
return this Spring after staying
through the winter at their home In
Los Angeles.
With the coming of the Autumn, so
cley Is beginning to take on more of
an aspect of formality. One of the
events of the week which though mere
ly semi-formal In nature, promises to
be the forerunner of other affairs of
the same sort, was an afternoon of
bridge at the home of Mrs. E. C Shev
lln. Her guests were; Mrs. G. W. Har
vey. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and Mrs.
Weatherwax. of Aberdeen. Wash.; Mrs.
L. Allen Lewis. Mrs. David Honeyman.
Mrs. James Canby. Mrs. John Cronln,
Miss Ella Hlrsch. Mrs. J. Andre Foull
houx. Mrs. T. W. B. London and Mrs.
Elizabeth Freeman.
A very pleasant Informal evening
was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Smith Thursday evening by
the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Koenemann. Miss Helen
Smith. .Miss Mildred Grindstaff. Mrs.
Tolmes. Miss Lucille Smith. Benjamin
Hill. Jerome Thome and Alfred Smith.
Tht Golf Club was the scene of a
IJ -.J-- ' i .- . - ' i
, - Uvxx-('r
r !l m.n m .jees a r it I
WhO Wax AETueM F(Vf
. I f rxt XT' KM FVAIl.
luncnraQ gieu nt "
I who Is the guest of Mis Malda Hart.
1 i.. i . i v .TTArnnnn. miaa
other gueata were: Rebecca Biddle. Stella.
Frohman, Leslie Smith. Caroline Wilson. Wllnn. Clara Weldler. Leslie
Weldler. Ilsa Koehler. Mllla Wesslnger,
Miss Du Bols and Dorothy Holbrook.
The Misses Leslie and Clara Weldler
entertained the following members of
v. . iaat Tuesday afternoon
at a "coffee klatch" In honor of their
guest. Miss Du Bols: Misses i-siie
Smith. Rebecca Biddle. Evelyn Wilson,
Caroline Wilson, Malda Hart. Mllla
Wesslnger. Stella FTohman. Dorothy Hol
brook and Ilsa Koehler. .
Mrs. Preston Carter Smith and Henry
Anderson Smith, who are on their way
to Europe, have been widely enter
tained throughout the South and East.
They expect to join Mlsa Susie Smith
In Paris soon and then will tour Bel
glum. Holland. Germany and Italy, re
turning to Paris In October.
Mrs. Ralph Fenton. who left recently
for Banff, is now In New York City for
the Winter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Burns leave Tues
day night for Ontario, Canada. They
will stop at Winnipeg on the way.
They expect to be absent from Portland
about six weeks.
Mlaa Edna Mlnslnger entertained 14
girls of the younger set at luncheon
Tuesday afternoon. The room' was In a
soft red glow from shaded candles, and
the table was charming with a center
piece of dark red carnations. Those
present at the affair were: Margaret
Bates. Louise Gleason, Gretchen KIos
terman. Katherlne Hart, Josephine
Cronln. Msxle Zimmerman. Msrguerite
Hardy, Sybil Brown, Anne McMlcken,
May Morgan. Lillian Morgan, Ruby
Crlchton and Doris Plummer. Miss Mar
guerite Hardy, who Is the guest of her
cousin, Mrs. H. R. Lowry, Is a prominent
young society belle of New Albany, Ind.,
and will ba a welcome -acquisition to the
younger elite of Portland this Winter.
An informal afternoon was passed In
the apartments of Miss Pansy Sweetser
at the Imperial Hotel Friday, when a
few girls gathered at the invitation of
Miss Sweetser to honor Mies Celeste
Moore, whose wedding will take place
about the first of October. Mias Moore
la at present the guest of Mrs. J. P.
Mrs. M. T. Bunker. -who leaves Port
land soon for her home in Berkeley.
Cal.. was the motif of a very pleasant
Informal tea at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Charles Freemont Bunker, last
Tuesday. Mrs. Bunker, who has been
staying In Portland through the Sum
fr. JoseDh Manton Bradley
will visit the home of Mr. Bradley's
parents in Providence. R. L. while In
the East on tneir wrem w..
A dinner and theater party were giv
en Tuesday evening by Miss Clslre Wil
cox complimentary to the following
guests: Miss Evelyn -",""",;"
erlne Holbrook. John Wheeler. MU.m
Howe. Berkeley Snow and Miss Wilcox.
Miss Katherlne Holbrook. Miss Eve
ivn Carey. Miss Claire Wilcox. John
Wheeler, William Howe and Ernest
8wigrt were delightfully entertained
at the Troutdale home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Campbell over the week-end.
Miss Katherlne Holbrook leaves Port
land soon for New York, where she will
attend Miss Schovllles school this
Winter. .
Mrs. H. D. Green expects to Winter
In the District of Columbia, where she
... . . ... . . H.nirhter. Mrs.
Will DO xno K ucai . ii" .J "
Burr and Colonel Burr. Mrs. Green
leaves Portland next week for the Por
tola festivities in California, and will
pass some time at the watering resorts
of the Southern state before going East.
An out-of-town matron who Is vis
iting in Portland this week Is Mrs.
Clifford Weatherwax. She has been the
motif of much entertaining. One func
tion in her honor was an Informal din
ner given by Mrs. Chauncey Rose Win
slow Thursday evening. Mrs. W eather
wax was also a guest of honor at a
bridge party of which Mra. B. C Shev-
lln -wii nonioBi -c
vri.. Thpcri. B&lrd Bld-
die and Ersklne Wood will be Interest
ed to note that the oate oi meir fin
ing wedding has been set for Septem
ber 28. . ,
jonn e. nw"n. - --
ment to Miss Leila lncent Lynch, of
Chicago, has recently been announced,
was Joined this week In Spokane by his
mother and brother, Eugene. Mrs. Ste
vens and her son left Portland Satur
day night and Eugene Stevens expects
to go to Massachusetts, where he will
. .. . Mra Tnhn V.
. - - - - t . -V n anrnrl.
enter tne uroion --
Stevens was hostess at a luncheon a;
. uti last week In honor
me ronwuu . . ... . ...
of John F. Stevens, Jr.
4. - v,tnni last Wednesday even-
.VI lliv ..w. -" - "
ir T-t .1' a nostesn at
mg airs. n. " . , ,
a small dinner, at which Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Reed. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Tucker.
Mr. and Mrs. u. waiter vv: -dan
Zan were her guests.
rnrAn mnn of Mrs. If. V .
Goode. Tom Whidden and Harry Reed,
eon of Mrs. C. J. Reed, all left this week
for the East, where they will attend re
spectively the loliowing scnouio. i.v
rencevllle, Milton and Harvard.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs.' Irving
Rogers Stearns are extending their con
gratulations upon the arrival of young
Jane Frances, who was born Wednesday,
September . .
Miss Jesele Hurley was hostess at a
delightful tea Friday afternoon In honor
of Mrs. Howard, of Washington. D. C
and her daughter, Mrs. William Noon,
who are the guests of Mrs. S. B. Huston.
Mrs. William Noon ls a Gamma Phi Beta
sister of Miss Hurley and many of the
guests of the afternoon were members of
the sorority. Those assisting at the tea
table were M!ss Effle Johnston. Miss
Edith Sheehy and Miss Ruth Hansen.
The rooms were beautlfdly decorated with
pink asters and the color scheme of pink
and whito was carried out in the arrange
ment of the affair. Those present were:
Mrs. James Gray. Jean Gray, Mrs. Field
ing Kelly. May Kelly, Mrs. Leslie Scott.
Mrs. Gerald Goodsell, Caroline Benson,
Miss George Beach, Agnes Beach, Vivian
Holmes, Helen Beach, -Mildred Vail,
Shanna Cummings. Louise Bradley, Mary
Stelwer, Anne McKlnnen, Genevieve Kel
ly, Javlna Stanfleld, Chloe Stanfleld.
Florence Cleveland, Mrs. Leslie. Schell,
Mrs. Arthur Stringer. Mrs. S. B. Huston
and Mrs. Harold Clifford (Blanche Hus
ton), of Baker City.
MrtT T. I. Fuller gave an Informal tea
at her home on Portland Heights last
Wednesday afternoon In honor of her
guest, Mrs. Clark, of San Francisco, who
Is in Portland for a few days. Mrs. Ful
ler's house and grounds are particularly
well adapted for entertaining, as they are
spacious and have a delightful outlook
over the city and surrounding country.
Floyd Bates, a 1910 graduate of Amherst,
has Just returned from Europe, where he
and six college fellows, motored from
Switzerland to Spain, Including France.
Ttalv and Germany In their tour. They
also visited Scotland and England. They
were abroad 8 weeks.
Frank O. Owen left Wednesday morning
for' a hurried business) trip East. He ex
pects to return within a few weeks.
Alexander G. Long. Jr., who graduated
from Portland Academy last June, left
New York,
has the honor to announce
that the new goods have
Your inspection is re
spectfully invited.
3S1 Washington
iw '
The investment of a diamond requires careful thought and the
proper confidence in a firm to warrant absolute satisfaction. To
note the proper comparison, you must inspect them from a large
and well-selected stock, such as we are able to show. In this way
von can become thoroughly familiar with values and feel assured
of safe and economical buying, through our binding guarantee.
is - open for your inspection at any time. You can then see how.
oculists' prescriptions are filled.
283-285 Washington Street, Between Fourth
Thursday for Massachusetts, where he
will attend the Boston ocuuu ui
nology. v Mr. Long has only recently re
turned from Seaside, where he spent the
Summer with his family.
Washington at Tenth
Portland girls departing soon for school,
gave a farewell luncheon Friday after
noon, September 9. Her guests were:
Claire Wlcox, Helen Goode. Mary Rob
ertson, Grace Honeyman. Mildred Honey-
nnrnthv T-Tiiher Dorothy Newhall,
Katherlne Holbrooke, Janet Noble, Ruth
FALL 1910
Tuesday, Sept. 20th, from 8 to 10 P. M.,
marks our informal opening, of the season.
All are cordially invited to attend. Good
music, nice souvenirs to both men and
women and $1000 worth of merchandise cer
tificates, from $1 to $5, given away. They
are' as good as the U. S. bonds, and are re
deemable at our cloak and suit section at
full face value with every purchase.-
The exhibition of Fall and Winter wearing
apparel for men and women is, indeed,
second to none on the Pacific Coast. The
combined efforts of our local and Eastern
buyers to outdo all previous records in col;
lecting all the newest creations in the
highest class of correct attire for men and
women have proven a success, and with
pride and pleasure we invite you to call,
spend a pleasant evening at our store and
look at the best and newest Fall season 1910
has to offer.
The Store Where Your Credit Is Good
and Fifth Sts.
Small, and Evelyn Carey. Miss Buehner
will attend the Lasell Seminary for young
women at Auburndale, Mass.
Miss Florence Fisher, who appears this
week in Portland as leading woman with
Walker wnltesiqe, is a cmronu m n.n