HIE SUNDAY OREUO.MAN,. PO It'll. AMD, SEPTlSJIBEtt 18, 1910. 17 CROP QUALITY FINE Oregon Onion Output Less Than Last Year. ESTIMATED BY FANNO grahanw 33; whola vhitt. quarter. t!3 per ton: brewing. Tliertr Will Be $03 Cars of Commer cial Stork Available for Markets This Year Prices Should Be Good. The Orrcin onion crop of 1910 will be slightly less i!:n that of last year, due to the lack of rain, hut that the quality wIM he strictly choice is now assured. The outlook is for "a most prosperous season. At the meetinfrof the Confederated Onion Growers Association yesterday I'resldent A. J. Fanno submitted his estimate of acreage and output, which was approved. The estimate follows: S.40; RARLET Feed l:j per ton. HAT Trsck prices; Timothy. Willamette Valley, flstyzo per ton; Kastern Orcron. alfalfa, new. fiseit; (rain hay. l CORN Whole, t".2: crarked. 133 per ton. MIL1.STI.'KF3 Bran. 123 tiM per ton; midillinxs. 31; shorts, ti'bftife; rolled bar lev. KViOfj.'i i. OATS White, f 27 9200 per ton. Tes-eablea aad ulta. GRFEX FRIIT9 Apples, new. SUtSlM per boa; plums. 40u7"c per box; pears. ."os .2 per box; peaches, boxes. F0fe75c: Trapes, itieff 1. per box; 1-3j per lug; cc per basket; cranberries, .0 per bar reL MELONS Watermelons. tl Der hun- I hundred: cantaloupes. tltfl.Ml per erst. TKOPICAl. KH'1T. oranges. Valencia-, IH5oj4 7.",; lenionn. JOSTOO; arapefrult. $4 sM.SO per box; bananas. &ic per pound; ' oinennnles. ft.- ner nnunl - VEOKTAHI.Es Beans. "IbOc per pound: cabbage. 2c per pound; cauliflower. per dos?n; celery. pOc per dozen: corn. 1201.c per dozen; cucambers. 25940c per box; eggplant. 6c per pound; garlic. &9I0o per pound: green onions. 15c per dozen: pep. pera. 6c per pound: radishes, 13920c per dozen : squash. efc per crate; tomatoes. 25 tr ."c per brx. 8CK VEdETABLES Carrots. iai.n: , H - L - ' f 1411 . .1,1 1 . . . U . .. I PuTATOKS ureion, Si. ;i per hundred; sweet potatoes. 2c per pound. ONIONS New. Il.io per sack. STRONG IN EUROPE Wheat Markets Abroad Are Again Advancing. RUSSIA'S MOVEMENT LESS financing; of the important cotton ex port movement The loan expansion disclosed by the weekly bank statement was attributed to the week's large syndicate transac tions, and the concurrent loss of cash brintrs the actual surplus down to fi'l. S70.000. The money market was replenished today by a redemption of $10,000,000 British treasury bills. Mexican told to the amount of 500,000 was received in New York today. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. I1.90S.000. United States 2s have declined s and the 4s registered U per cent in the bid price on call since last week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. i losing Sales. High. Low. liirago Prices Also Gain Strength ' From .1 Reduced Estimate of the United 'States Crop Cov ering by Shorts. .o"0 WH 300 3c loo "300 100 1C1 2"U 7.M00 44 .17 8 4t 18V4 m 371, 66 ' Sherwood . Stholls . Iteaverton e.lr Mills 4:strn .... Tualatin .. HillstxMO 'rnelius .. AVofMlbum 3iliwaukie Total . . Of the total acreage. acres are In seed onions and will produce 45 cars, leaving- 33 cars of commercial onions to he marketed throughout the season, which is opening;. Some early onions. about eiKht or ten cars, have already Acres. Ca'S. . .! 1 ..21 17 .. 2'. .. 42 . 2rt . . ! 3 ..102 7" .. K. S I .. 27 1 ! . . UI 4ll . .Sol 34 Ialry aad Country Produce. I'OfLTItT Hens. l'til7c: Springs. 4 17c; uucks. white, Irt1!"!-: geese. 10Vj lie; turkeys, live. 2oc; dressea. :-.jt(.JCi sausbs. s.( ier dozen. BITTER City creamery, solid pack. S9c per pound: prints. o7Uo7o per pound outside creamery, a.'.c per pound: butter iat. ..be per poumi : country store ous ter. "' 4 rt ' J. i i r nnund. IHKKSE Full cream. twins. 17'.lSo per pouna; oung America. 1SS91SC EOOS Oregon, candled. HviTc per dozen. rullK rancy. l.lc per pound. VEAL Good, average. lltflCoer pound. Groceries, Dried. Fruits. Flo. hnrp.n fhi-it Amies, loc ter nound; currants. 13fel5c: apprlcot,. 11614c: dates. 7c per pound; ngs. fancy wnile. umc, i..jr black. c: cnolce lla-K. 'c. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. Ix. to ner dozen: 2-nouud ta!ls. S2.95; 1- pound flats. J.Z5; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. It; red. 1-pound tails. II. bo; sockey. 1 -nound tails. S2. COFFEE Mocha. :iS2Sc: Java, ordinary. 17w2oc: coMa Rica, fancy. 18t 20c; good. ItlO l.e; ordinary. J24,(rlOO per pound. . -. . ... . . . .1 u.,lt . . , . . , . aiib n iinui ifl-i u.'u.iu. -. "La- "Ul '"'F represenia- , 14 u to loc-: nlberta loc: almond.. 17c; tlTe of the quality of the later crop. ,CIni iut; cocoanuta. vocil per dozen. Conditions this year are very similar to those of 1SV3-04. when the market opened around $1 and advanced to 12.50 by the middle of February The onion crop at Walla Walla Is about exhausted, and the crop In the laklma alley Is a liKht one. Reports from California are conflicting;, and it Is probable the association will send an agent to that state to Investigate con ditions. A. J. Fanno was re-elected president f the association for the ensuing; year, J- N. Miller was chosen secretary and W. M. Schoffer treasurer. NO IMPROVEMENT IX CHAIN MARKET. Lawer Wheat price Are Quoted by the Kmporiees. There was no improvement in the grain m.irket situation. Trade was lixrht and the undertone was weak. Kx porters are not keen for wheat while the foreign markets remain so de pressed, and are taking; on very small quantities. I-ower prices were quoted by shippers yesterday. Oats and barley were quiet and weak. Weekly foreign wheat shipments, as reported by the Merchants' Kxchange, were: This Wk. Iji.t Wit. La.t Vr. KUSSia ..V llht.HMI 5.M4MI.IM) s.n4.om liaaube ...... .U.l72.M a.tH.oo u7t.tNA Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Kxchnnge as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday .1 R u 7 Tuesday t 3 . 4 Wedn-sday .... .12 1 12 2 14 Thursday H 2 1t ."i H Friday ! . . H 1H Saturday .'17 .3 a n .", lrir bid .v 14 a 3 Total tnls week II 4H rtl S4 Year ago 4:tl 4!l 24 :tN ai Reason to date.lll t3 u74 314 Vi7 Year ago 1 .".". 7 271 241 22U 041 MAT UMHE HOPPK'KJNG MONDAY Kaatera Urdera Are ot Hand, bat Are e Being Filled. Hnjipicklng throughout the Valley m still Interrupted by the wet weather yes terday, but the (Trovers hope to he able ' to resume operations Monday morning;. Where pickers) were at workyesterday they did not do much over 10 per cent of an ordinary day's work. While large numbers of the pickers have returned borne, there ts still enough help avail able, to gather the remainder of the crop if the weather settles! eron. There were no new developments in the market. There are Eastern orders) on hand at 13 cents and there is said to be one order at 13'j cent", but the dealers. apparently. are making nt serious effort to rill them. In Washing ton, lt-j cents waei offered for choice. Tt'c Kng'.leli market continues in good shape. as was shown by the' following cable rfeived from Iondon yesterday: "Market decidedly stronger. Tendency upward on new Knciish hops.' A cable received yesterday from Nurem berg wast as follows: "Market strong. Irge export orders in from England." SALT Oranulated. Sla per ttn; half- ground. loo. .iO per ton: it's. !. per ton. BEANri Small while, Sc; large white. 4c; Lima. 5lic; pink. 7!c; red Mexicans. TUr- bayou. 7c. K1CE No. 1 Japan. 4c: cheaper grades. S.."of 4.r.i; Soutliern head. vc HONKY Choice. X2ilrl3-oU per strained. 7'-r r nound. bL'tiAR try granulated, frull and berry. li; beet. extra C. li.: golden C. Si..w; eliow l, Sd.4; cubes toarreisi. ij jj: nowdered. S;.4iJ: Ihimlno. flu oti'tf ell.AO per esse. Terms on lemtilanccs with in 1 days deduct a per pound. If later than 13 and within SO days, deduct He per pound. Maple sugar. 14yl!c per pound. Hope, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1010 crop. 13i; ltk9. 10811c; old, nominal. vvool Eastern Oregon. 13O170 pound; Valley. 17'jlSo per pound. JJuilAltt ciioice, 2t33c per pound. t'ASt'AKA BAKK IWBIVc per nound. HIDES Salted bides. TOJliC per pound; salted calf. l:ic; sailed kip. sc; salted staga, ttc; green hides, lc less; ary tildes. isu 17c: dry calf. 17Blsc; dry stags. 11 3 12c PELTS Dry. 1014c; salted, butchers take-off, 4VKi7Jc; Spring lambs. 254213c. Prwvislotta. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 19V4c: 13 to 14 pounds. 19c; 14 to Is pounds. 19c; lit to so pounds, none; skinned. 2uc; picnics, 14c; cottage roil. iec BACON Kancr. 29c; standard. 37o; eh. .ire. :ic: Enzllsh. 21t33c SxtoKEU kbATd licet tongues. 75c; dried beef sets, :2c; outsldea, none In- ides. 23c: knui'kles. I -c 1)KT SALT CL'llEO Kegular short clears, dry salt, laste; smoked, lc; backs, llgbt. salt- ltitic: smoked, lsc: backs, heavy salt. ltie; smoked, it ac; capon Denies, sail, xig; smoked. Ilt-e lI-'KLEt GOODS Barrels, pigs feet. $10. regular tripe, sto: honeycomb tripe. $12: lunch tongues. $22; lambs tongues. $ 1U. LAKtl Tens. kellle rendered, I3c; standard pure. 14c. choice, U-c; short ening. Uc CHICAGO. Sept. 17. Extensive cov ering of short wheat seemed to have declined the market here. Slmultane otisly there was strength in Europe due largely to a lct-up in Kusslan offerings. The fact that primary receipts were nearly, 2.400,000 bushels less than for the corresponding week last year, had considerable bearing on the Improved demand for cash wheat. The South west. In particular, reported liberal sales to Kastern mills. On the bull side, too, were a well-known crop ex port's figures putting the total yield of Inter and Spring wheat In the Lnlted States at U4.000.000 against the Gov ernments September Indication of 67d OOO.ooo. Earlier In the day the market hnd been weakened temporarily by an estimate from another source that the crop In the Dakotas and Minnesota is S.ooo.ono larger than had been deduced from the Government report. Foreign strength, however, encourtrged buyers and helped force shorts to cover as the market advanced. Decehiher ranged from i94 to 1.00, with the close c up at 51.00 V,. Splendid, weather made corn easy. No. 2 yellow cash closed at 55', ?55-ac December fluctuated between 62c and 5.1c and 53 He. and closed steady at 63 c. a net loss of 4c. Diminished receipts caused oats to be Independently firm. December varied from 35 c to SSTsC. and finished "c up at .15 c. The end of the day left pork 2 He to l!4c down: lard 2Uc higher to 10c off. and ribs ranging from last night's fig ures to TVac decline. The leading futures rsnged as follows WHEAT. Open. High. $ .p.-.-, $ .:', .!93, l.OOV, 105 1.06 , CORN. .P5'i .IitVtj .iji, ..ins 6S OAT?. . .14 s 3-S -2t MESS PORK. 2.0i 20. IS 20.00 ls.S:'-4 I1S2H 19.7S'i 1S.."0 1S.32x IS. 10 LAUD. i:.:;i ij.:?1 12. :o 11 i7', ll.STVj 11. a SHORT Rlrfs. Oct 11. SS 11.374 11. S5 Jan S.70 9.72 S .; 4n 117 luo 13.", 10i 02Vs 62 44 14 an", 8 46 "21" us 1371, OoV, US', 1:13 2H 2.GU0 BS'A 87V4 1.S0O .ViO 3,.MK 14 27", 20W lM", 10414 23 7.". 1SKV4 33 2.SUO 744 7414 100 14.14 l.loO 120 V, ino 63 4.S0O ISI14 -) 14 loo 12 H 30 100 ItMl 3ix 7iX) 2iK 2il,N0 23.r."f Kill 101) "inn loo lot) 27 H 23 123'i "2ii MIS 07 u, 154 '4tS 1' 2' 143 12V S3 12H14 14 12 .K) 71 27 H 23 12.14 fi54 'ani S3", 07 '4014 104 284 M) IO04 100 Sept. Iec. May. Sept. Hec. . May. Pt. . Iec... May. . Sept. . Oct.. . Jan.. . Oct -Vv.. Low. $ .3S .991, 1.0s .54-4 ..-.J .06 .334 .314 .38 Close, t .94 1.00 ', 1.04 .844 .53 v, -4 .344 29.074 19.774 18.30 12.20 11.55 11. S3 9.72 4 Oils. UNSEED OI L Pure raw In barrels. $1.13; kettle boiled, in barrels. $1.17: raw. In cases gl.ZO; kettle boiled, in cases. $1---. Lola of 200 cations. 1 cent less per gallon. TURPENTINE in cases, sc: in wood barrels. t34c. COAL Oil. Water white In drums. Iron white In drums or Iron barrels. 14c; union kerosene In caees. 2-.. 2-lc; oleum kero sene In cases 2-3S,' 21c; Aurora kerosene In cases, 2-..S, zlc. GASOLINE Union gasoline In bulk. 18c: union gasoline In cases. 2-3S. 23c; union motor spirit iu bulk. lc; union motor spirit to cases. 2-3s. 2.c; No. 1 enaine distillate 1 in Iron rutns. 8 4c; No. I engine diNtlllate In cases. 2-i. 13 4c; V.. M. 4l V. naphtha In Iron drums or barrels. 13c; V.. M. 44 P. Bsphtha In cases. 2-3. 22c. i4KNZ!NE I'nlon benzine In Iron drums or barrels. 16 4c: nnlon benzine In cases, 2-3s. 23 4c; union stove distillate in Iron drums. 7c Flour stsndy. Winter pstents. Hi: straights. J4 10 u 4. 0: Spring straights. $4. iUIH.Jj; bakers. J.lJ.l. KVF .NO. 1". iH'.U . 4C. Itarley Feed or mixing. &8 8$4c; fair to cholf-e maltlnir. 6S&7IC Flax seed no. 1 r-umwestern, iz.si; ao. 1 Northwestern, $2.73. Timothy seerl $7. i3 1J t. Clover $10 15.50. I'ork Mm, per barrel, :0.50 Q 20.75. Lard l'r 100 pounds. $12.30. Short rltie Sides I loose). 11.25 4? 11. 7S. S:les Shtfrt. cloar tboxed), $12.25' 12.50. t.raln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 311.000 bushels. Primary receipts were l ii.ihiii nusneis. comoarea w ta i . - 413.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ao. Kjttlmatcd recclpta ror Monday: Wheat, e cars: corn. 4:9 cars: oats. 134 cars- hoes. 22.000 head. necemts. onipmfm. Flour, barrels 1.0 32.700 Wheat, bushels 139.200 97.000 Corn, bushels 443. 2O0 i63.4no Oats, bushels lUO.SKO 205,000 ftve. bushels 4.000 Barley, bushels S2.300 10.700 Allis Ohalmers pf Amai Copi-er .... Am Agricultural .. Am Beet Sugar. . . American Can .... Am Car Fdy .. Am Cotton oil .. Am Hd A L4 pf.. Am Ice Securi .. Am Linked oil .. Am Locomotive .. Am Smelt A Ref.. do preferred . . . Am Steel Fdy ... Am Sugar Ref .. Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco pf .. Am Wiolen Anaconda Min Co. Atchison do preferred ... Atl Coast Line ... Ball Ohio Bethlehem Steel . . Brook Rap Trsn . Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather .. do preferred . . . Central of N J .. CTica & Ohio Chicago St Alton .. Chicago Ot West. do preferred . . . Chicago ft N W ... C, M & St Paul .. C, C, C St St L . Colo Fuel A Iron.. Colo ft Southern .. Consolidated Gas .. Com Products ... Del ft Hudson ... D ft R Orande ... do preferred Distillers' Securl .. Erie do In preferred, do 2d preferred . General Electric .. C,t Northern pf ... Ot Northern Ore .. Illinois Central ... Interborough Met.. do preferred ... Inter Harvester .. nter-Marlne pf .. Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern .. do preferred ... T.acle.1 Gas Iiulsvllle ft Nash Minn ft St TjouIs. M. St P ft S S M Mo. Ken ft Texas do preferred . . . , MLssourl Pacific .. National Biscuit .. . National Lead . . . Mex Nat Rv 2d pf N V Central N Y. Ont ft West. . Norfolk ft West. North American .. . Northern Pacific .. Pacine Mali Pennsylvania ..... Fple a Gns .... P. C C St I.. .. Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car. . Pullman Pal Car. . Rv steel Spring... Reading Republic. Steel .. do preferred . . . Rock Island Co.. do preferred St Ij ft S F 2 pf.. St Li SouthweMern do preferred ... Sloss-Sheffleld .... Southern PsHfle .. fsiuthern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper .... Texas ft Pacific .. Tnl. St I. ft West. in preferred ... Cnlon Pacific .... do preferred ... f S Realty t S Rubber IT S Steel t'tsh Copper Va-Caro Chemical. W abash no preferred . . . We..tern Mrt AVestlnghoue Bleo Western I'nlon .... Wheel ft t. Frie.. Total sales for the day. 174.600 ahares. BONDS. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Closing quota tions: ir. . ref. 2s reg.lOOVx. y. g 34s !HB no coupon . . . too v .-no. Faoiric as... 7114 U. S. 3s reg. 114 No. pacific 4S...IO0, do coupon ...mi4 1 nton Psclflc 4s.lul U. S. new 4s reg. 1 14 Wis. Centrsl 4s.. 114 do coupon ...113 Japanese 4s .. SS44B D. ft R. G. 4s.. 93B; sno 2ST, 2ort 132 4 loo 31 4 234 131 314 .vo 200 1.200 fit 32 112 2O0 904 2.000 ii.iii io 27 4 l.SOO 124 ion 1074 Ion 113 ioy 17 .VI 4 32 112 )4 112 274 12H 1074 93 17 24.500 1404 14( 2W 2.TOO 1O0 91 4 14 B3 914 3" 4 63 S.4ftO 1134 112T4 ion 3. 10O 29 ; '234 32 4 19.10O 1634 2on 70(1 31 4 24 "234 31 4 104 4 inn 11S4 H34 1..TOO 46 43 91)0 3X4 5S "'300 334 "354 "ioij "Vi ii 'c4i Bid 30 63 44 36 8 46 61V a4 18 11 37 3!i IOI 44 117 134 4 . V- 274 8K4 it' 4 11 104 4 734 33 14 300 744 304 22, 434 1434 1204 73 29 53 1314 13i lt3 Tl 264 23 42 32 142 1234 33 4 129 4 214 nr. 4 vt 134 404 16 2S 62 1004 141 234 1.12 31 61 4 32 1124 30 T4 314 1124 40 94 64 1134 274 12t I 93 164 S3 Ifir) 3i 14". 4 3t 91 3I4 62 30 25 57 34 1134 224 314 294 34 22 50 144 94 70 SI 11.14 454 164 33 ti 42; 39 644 44 11 KTHFK ADVANCE IX 4.RAPK I'KIC KS5 halwavy F cache Arrtriog .More freely. Sweet PMaloea la IV-maad. There was a very fair demand for fruits in the forenoon, and as receipts were not heavy, supplies cleaned up well by the time business come to a top at 3 o'clock. Grapes were the firmest feature of the murket. The best Tokays sold at $I.!S1.1j In boxes and $l.3i In lugs. A fresh supply is due today from Cali fornia, but It Is uncertain how much more will arrive from the South. There were liberal shipments of Sal way peaches, but they were a little hard. Good stork sold ut 7 j cents and other kinds at 50 to bV rents. The demand for sweet-potatoes is Imreui-ing. Another car is due Monday. Ne basse, la INiiry ITxture. The week closed firm In the butter market, so far as city made brands were concerned, but there was some pressure on Front street to sell outside creamery, which was offered at 3 lent. Oregon eggs were scarce and very ftfm. with most sales reported at 3 vents. Poultry cleaned up at unchanged prices. OATSAREfiiUGHWEAKER DIE TO PUACIVO OF GOVKItX- MKXT ORDER IX EAST. Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. Flonr Steady. with a nulet trade. Spring patenta. 3.40& 3.60c; Winter straights. 4.3344.40c: Winter pstents. 4.606 4 90c; Spring clesrs. 4.33t 4.ti4lc: Winter exlrsa lo. i. a-oo'g j.soc; win- ter extras No. 2. 3.4ii1r.l.35c: Kansas st-slghts. 4.Sf 4.90c: receipts. 26.378 bar rels: shipments. 16.6IZ parrels. Wheat Snot firm. No. g- red. $1,034 elevator and $1.U3 4 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1,234 f. o. b. afloat. On iccount of firm cables and smaller world's shipments, with a better domestic cash de mand, wheal was steaaier loaay. closing tic to Uc net higher. September closed $1.1)34: December. $1,074: May. $1,114. Keceipta. 17.7O0 bushels;" shipmeuta. none. Hops Dun. Hides Firm. Petroleum Steady. Tew-t eat Ueeluse ta Sagar. A d.fllne of 1 rents In all grades of refined sugar was announced by the Jobbers yesterday. The reasons for I he decline and the Interesting condi tion of the market at the present time arc set forth In detail In another column. Haak Mearlag. Bank clearlnga of the Northwestern cities esterday were as follows: Otesrlnss. Ba'ances. Ir'land $l.tOt".2 2tiu.joH att!e I.imI.MI l.'.im '1 a.-oma 172. l'l!) Ill.2"2 pkalle 7la.2o 12o.7to Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Ta coma for the past week and corresponding weeka la former years were: Portland. Seattle. $1 1. ! . .42 $12.2M.7'.-I i.i.v.,7 i :v.im 1l. 1. Pa7. 16. 11".. iai. "is I. 4. .'..Is .2 1.323 3. t ! O. hi l.2.;vu t.t'l.o'.7 lo.2t. I ''6 ii.st.;i . :.-. ;i i 4.J.W75 Tii-omi. $i. 17.4 m 6.2H. Xl 4.7 13.4.12 3..LI2 l.V 3.74t.v'3 3.42u.57:t S.J64.627 PORTLAND MARKET. Grata. Ilowr. J eed. Etc. WHKT Tra.k prices. exr-rt has': IVue stem. c: club. :c: r-d Tln.ieian. lc: Vsl ie. ': 4-f..ld. o; TurVry rd. CkXr. FLOt'R Pstents. $1.33 per barrel; straights, IHOtHS; export. $3.70; Valley. Seattle Murkrt Well Suppllrtl Willi Ontiile I'rd lid Higher Hay ing (jnotationH oil Et;ss. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 17. Spe- cial. I flats were decidedly weaker here today, largely due to the senti mental effect of the award of the 10.-000-ton 4overnment cntract to an Eastern firm. The best Eastern Wash ington oats could be bought today at $J. The market la well supplied with California and Eastern, and the demand for local oats Is not large. Wheat was weak, with bluestem at lc and club at R'-'So. The buying price of fresh ranch eggs will lc moved up to 3 cents In tin country, and Springs will he quoted a cent higher at lc. The demand for broilers today exceeded the supply, but hens were plentiful and did not clean up In all quarters. Veal moved steadily today at top prices. The lirst carload of New Jersey sweet potatoes will arrive here next week. The car Is now in transit. Tomatoes were weaker all around. Receipts were heavier and good stock sold as low as 40c. Peaches were In liberal supply and sold at 5'c. Good pears are getting scarce. Prunes sold at 2i cents per box. Good hothouse lettuce sold today at $1.25. Cucumbers were firmer, fancy selling as high as 75c. Dairy Prodaee la the Fat. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. Butter and cheese, steady, unchanged. Eggs. firm, un changed. m CHICAGO. SepT IT? Butter Easy. Creameries. Jlfflv; dallied. 23w27c. Kegs Firm. Al mark, eases Included. 174 42c: firsts. 22c: prime firsts. 24c Ch.ese Ste.,dy. Dstsles. I6.ylac: twir.S. 1SU134C: Young America. I641104C: long bona. lOo-lo1. c- Graln at Sea Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Soot nuotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.32491-574 Per cen tal. Barley Feed. ti 4Cor 9i.'.i per cental; brewlna. $1.3t 1 . Oats Red. $1.21)31 per cental; wnite. $1.33Ml.6il; black. $1.2301.43. t all board ea ..-. Wheat No trading. Corn lairge yellow. $1.47 per cental. Grain Markets of the Northwest. SKATTI.K. Sept. IT Milling quotation: Bluestem. 1'lc; fortyfold. 87c; club. 86c; fife. s6c; red Russian. S4c. Exports: Wheat Bluestem. c; tortyroin. eic; ciuo. sue; red Russian. 81c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheal. 20; oats. 6; barley, j; nay. 32 cars. TACOMA. Wash.. Sept. IT. Wheat Mill ing, bluestem. l2c: club. hoc. Minneapolis Grain .Market. MINNEAPOLIS'. Sept. 17. Wheat Septem ber. $l.01: December. Sl.ll'y; May. 81.13. Cash No. l tiara, si i-: no. a Northern. $1. 1141114: No. 2 Northern. l.07vit l.t4: No. 3 Northern. i.uo cj i.ui . Flax closed at tv. l.m No. 2 yelliw, .3c. oats No. 3 white. 32 4 33 4 C Rye No. Z. 7it71c. F.uropeao Grain Market. LONDON. Sept. 17. Cargoes, otilet: Walla Walla, ror shipment, on tower at s Od- Kngllsn country maraets sieaay. French country markets firmer. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 17. Close: Whest October. 7s 34d: December. 7s 44d; March, 4,d. earner, ciouuy. Money, Kxchange, Etc. I -1. - Vf-.DE Q.nt 1 T XI.. . . II nornlnsl. Time loans, dull and steady. Sixty dart. 344 per cent: DO days. 4f4(A ner cent: six months, 4 4i44 per cen. Prime mercantile paper. 3-4 4x6 per cent. Sterling exchange steady wills. actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 4.8300it 4.K373 for 60-day hills and at $4.8633 Tor demand. Commercial bins, S4.8J W4.su ft. Bar silver. 334c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. stesdy. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Sterling on London. Hi) days. $4.83 ; sight. $4,864. stiver oars. o3,c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Drafts Sight, 2c: telegraph. 4c. LONDON. Sept. 17. Bar silver, steady at 14 9-16d per ounce. Money, l per cent. The rate of discount in the open market foe short Mlis Is- 2 per cent: for three months' bins. per cent. Consols- for money. 80 9-16: do. for account. WS4. First Mortgage Gold Bonds Olds, Wortman & King Building Dated April 1, 1909. Due Serially April 1, 1916, to April 1, 1934. Running from 6 years to 24 years. Coupon Bonds, Denominations $1000, $500, $100 Principal and semi-annual interest payable in Portland, Oregon, at the office of Merchants Saving & Trust Company, Trustee, or in New York at the office of The Trustee Securities Company. SECURITY. This bond issue is secured by closed First Mortgage, covering the Olds, "Wortman & King Building and leasehold, made to Merchants Savings & Trust Company, of Portland. The value of the security is fully 3V times the amount of the bond's. Over 30 years of success of Olds, Wortman & King in Portland are back of these bonds. The property consists of a modern Steel Fireproof Building, covering an . entire block in the heart of Portland fronting 200 feet on Morrison, 200 feet on Tenth, 200 feet on Alder and 200 feet on West Park streets, five stories and basement, built and equipped specially for Olds, Wortman & King's per manent use. They have made provision so that they can add five more stories to take care of their expanding business and already feel the need of more room. We purchased all of these bonds and have sold over $300,000 of them to leading banks of Portland and bankers of other cities throughout the States of Oregon and Washington and to many individual investors. We own and offer the unsold balance at price to net about 6 per cent. There is a generous premium provision in connection with the prepay ment of these bonds that makes them an especially attractive investment. Full detailed information will be furnished upon application to any of our offices. . ' We have handled over six million dollars of bonds secured on Business Property in the past six years. Tliese we recommend equal to anything we ever purchased. We handle bonds that we purchase outright only. ' , Subscriptions for these bonds will be received subject tx' payment at the investor's convenience any time during September or October. Make applica tion to any of the following: Merrhanta Snvlnas and Trust Co., Portland. (Trustee f laaue) The Trustee Company of Seattle. The Trustee Company of Spokane. The Trustee Company of I.oa Aneeles. The Truwtee Securities Company, New York City. The Trustee Company of Portland Offices 1204-205 Henry Building FINANCING THE CROPS LOANS OF NEW YORK BAA IvS LARGELY INCREASED. Sept. 17. Wx eh an ire on New CHICAGO. Yoric. par. Oall.r Treasury Matement. WASHINGTON. FfpL 17. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business toiar was as follows: Trust funds G"M coin IW2.1 17.A4.0 iSMvfr dollars '. js4.Mis,(M)0 silver dollars of JW ,l,6..Hf lMiv.r crririrats outstanding... 434.8"S,lrUU Standard silver dollars in gen- eral fund Current lllIMtles Working balance in Treasury of -ftref In bunks to credit of Treasurer of the United estates Subsidiary sliver coin Minor coin . . Total balance In general fund... 6.711.125 0e.l4ot2:8 31.230.811 .T .203.S07 10.71.2:.2 89.752.014 STOCK SHORTS COVER I KKSPOXSIBI.K FOR WKEK-EXD ADVANCE IX TRICKS. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Sept. 17 The metal mar kets were practically nominal In the ab sence of fifhint... Tin. S.Yihhi ;t.'. .H: lske opper. 12 50 12.7.V electrolytic. 12.37 S S 1-62 : cssllns. lillWV 12 .17H. Lead. 4 37 rt 4.42 4 ; speMer. 3 S093.00 Iron, unchanged. Duluth Fill Market. til'I.rTH. Sept. 17. Flax on track. In store. 2 74: to srrtve. S2.K.14; to srrle h September. $2.74; September. $2 72 akNl: October. $2 HI S asked: November. I2.H1 asked: December. 2-.".1: May. f2.."y asked. Wool at St. Ialv ST. I.OI IS. Sept. 17. Wo.il. sl-a1e. Ter ritory and Weeiern mediums, lssisc; fine mediums. 17dSoc; fine. 14 & 17c Iloml Arc Steady at the Close. Money Market Replenished by Receipts From Abroad. NEW YORK. Sept. 17 The week end found a moderate uncovered short in terest remaining; from the selling; oper- itions of the previous day or two. and the demand to cover on that account was an Influence on" the market. The expressed Intention of the foreign bankers' organization to consider fur ther the problem of Insurance of cot ton hills of lading aroused fresh hopes that a compromise would be effected which would avoid disturbance of the money and exchange markets la the Kniaads Gold Goes to Esrpt. I.OMioN, Sept. Ti. Bullion amountlne- to 2o0.ihmi was wlthdram-n from the Hank of Knsland for shipment today. ilSo.ituo coins to kaypt ana the remslnder to Con stantinople. A3 rRAXClSCO QCOTATIONS. Produce Price Current In tbe Baj City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. The follow- tac prlcea wera current in tbe produce mar ket today: Butter Fancy creamery. 32c: creamery seconds. 24c: fancy dairy. 28c cneese New. ItHHi'ac; lounc America. Ekks Store, Hc; isncy rsncn. 40c i-oultrr Koosters. old. H iOai.iUL . era, younff. $3.oOUS; broilers, small, Sz.i9M I; broilers, large, tlf.2S; fryera. iluv hens. l .'Hiyflu; ducks, old, (l.lnai; ducas. young, Vegetables iucumDers, iiiffuuc; garlic !HU3c: green peas. 44lic: Mrlng beans. S Jc: tomaioes. inti i.c. egspiaoc, 4UU0OC. Hope Calllornia. lot lie Mlllstuffs Bran. :tit. middlings, til 6 3- . . May v neni. ivi; worn ana oata. (hull: alfalfa, (7013: slock. 3.so; straw. 3&c Potatoes Salinas ffurDanas, SI. 35 1.30; sa'eets. 1HV 3C- Frult Apples, choice. GOc: common. 30c: bananas. 7icO3: Mexican llmca, Ctaa.30: California lemons, choice, li.'.O; California lemons, common, s-ou; pineapples, 92'ii 2.3U. Kecelpts Flour. 2ol2 qusrter sacks; wheat. 74U centals; barley. 42.270 centals; oats. 3443 centals; beans, 20 S sacks; pota toes. 44:10 sacks; middlings, SS sacks; hay, 430 tons; hides. IIXjO. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 17. Cot'on futures closed easy at a net loss of 7 to 0 points. Sep. temher. 13.HSc; October. 13.14c: November. 13.i7e: December l:l.llr: January. 13.02c; FebmslT. 13. OV: March. 1310c; 31sy, 13.14c: June. Ig.llc; July. 13 11c. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 13.90c; do gulf, 14. loc. Sales. 92S7 bales. Weekly Statement Indleutes a Small er Cash Shrinkage Thun Was Looked For. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. The statement of clearing-house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $23,463,000 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. This Is a decrease of 36,380,000 in the proportionate cash reserve as com pared with last week. The statements follow: Clearing-house banks, dally averages-Increase. .si.l73.RHi.ono 312.073.000 . 1.2s3oe.sj. S,ST.0i 4.1 1U1.0HO 331.0VO S73.u2K.isal '5.240.0IS1 66.32U.O0O 3H2.0OO 34t.CV4.O0O 4.i7.liOO 320..-,Ul.Oot 1.471. Et.43.tiUt "K.3MI.000 1.8h."00 6.371. OtJ 1 11 la Loans I deposits ......... Circulation Specie Legal tenders ... Reserve Reserve required Surplus ... ...... Kx-lT. S. depoelti. but the demand for loans, truth, originates outside rather than in it. to tell the this center Clearing-house banks, actual condition day 1.278.732.000 J7.A31.0O0 l,2M.2H8.0;O lt,4."o,00 4l.4HO,00O l.o"4.li0 273.;toi.i'iMi 'jX.tNlO (i.121.t0 1.191.000 342.421. H1 e3.M7.IXKl 32l.tu1.0oo 2,R2,0'0 21.370.ooO T.OSil.KKi 21.S23.1W tS.lljtf.CoO ust cmpanles of Greater New York not reporting to cleanng-hou Loans Deposits Circulation Specie lcaal tenders ..... Ke?rye Reserve required ... Surp's Ej-V. S. deposits State banks and uusl Leans Sierle Leftal tenders Total deposits l.nsa. !t2. 000 121.707.1 0i i.My.oO! 1,204.334,000 176,000 1,424.(HS 141,0)10 2.S67.IJO0 Decrease. The Financier will say: The statement of the associated banks of the City of New York for the week ending September 17 was. in as far as cash decrease is concerned, a little more favorable than had been anticipated. The known operation of the banks Indicated a loss of about 36,OOV,ooo In specie and legals, on account of shipments to the interior and operations with the sub- treasury. The statement of actual condi tions, however, showed a decrease in cash of only 33.837.8oO. The Important feature of the statement was an increase ot Jli.wo.soo in loans, due, probably, to crop financing, prin cipally to meet the needs of the South. Deposits, by reason of the changes noted. Increased 311.449.600. and as this called for additional reserve, the reserve on all deposits fell 36,700,000. making the present surplus above the 25 per cent require ment 321,369,1.0. which is above the aver age for this season. Owing to the demand for bills, the banks are increasing their circulation, the expansion during the past fortnight hav ing been more than 32,000,000. The summary of state banks and trust companies not reporting to the New York clearing-house showed, as a most im portant change, an increase of 31.500.000 in cash and over 32,000.000 In deposits, loans having remained stationary. This gave rise to an Impression that clearing house banks were taking on themselves the burden of new loan commitments. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Coffee futures closed t-teady. Last prices showed sliKht reactions, being ufll points net nigner. Sales, 60. uOO bags. September, S.COc; Oc tober and November, tt.uuc: December, .Inn uary. February and March. S.Ooc; April, S.7c; May. 8.00c: June. 8.71c; July, S.74c: August. 8.75c. Spot coffee steady. No. 7 Rio, 10c; Santos No. 4. II He; mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 114t3c. Raw sugar, dull. Muscovado, .so test. t.'i.SOi centrif uiral, .0 test, 34. "0: molasses suprar. .80 tost, t.l.fil. Refined, quiet. Crushed. $5.93i granulated, 30.13; pow dered. 33.25. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. 'Evaporated ap ples were slightly easier. Fancy, 1014c: choice. 8ii9c; prime, SjSHc; common to fair. 672C. Prunes, better demand on spot. Quota tions, 3KC to 10c for California fruit and from 5c to 9Vjc for Oregons. Apricots scarce: prices firm: choice. 104 tfjllc: extra choice, 11 14 12UC; fancy, 12'ol.l'tc. peaches, choice 7tf?7c; extra choice, 7 7ic: fancy. SiS-Rc. Raisins unchanged, muscatels. 44 ?Bc: choice to fancy seedless, Wlc; seedless, 3&Gc; London layers. $1.2." 1.30. pu ilrrtnrlu frnm "Yf rt lino U'a.li tn T coma, wltii a branch to Portland. ELMA TO GET POWER PLANT Concern Capitalized at $3,000,000 Is Organized. ELMA. Wash., Sept. 17. (Special.) Local people, bucked by Kastern capital ists, have completed the organization of the Olympic Railway & Power Company, with a capital stock of 33.00D.o00. Before the filing of articles of incorporation sev eral splendid water power sites were se cured, which will now be deeded to the company. Cheap power will be furnished to the cities of Southwetsern Washington. Among other provisions in the articles of incorporation Is one for constructing, owning and operating a line of electric JUST STARTING RTLAND -OIL PO COMPANY CALIFORNIA Ground-Floor Price j 10c Per Share IK YOl" WISH TO JOI I'S WRITE l'OH 1'ABTICIL.AIIS. iagar-I.oomis Companyy, 701 Oregonlan Khlg.. Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please send me full particulars.-re-garding the Portland Oil Company, without obligation on my part. Name. 1 Addr P. O. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC A BARGAIN IN CALIFORNIA An old established house, handling over 5000 different industrial stocks and bonds, being the larftest dealers in our lino on the Pacific Coast, is surely capable of giving reliable information (and advice if requested) on the best oil invest ments in ourSfcite. We offer for snle BARGAIN LOTS ONLY.- As a leader we are offerinK. while it lasts, sny part of fajOOshares of oneof the most substantial companies in the Ventura field,!' iekl ing the highest grade oil in California. Nine producing wells novr. more drilling. l.V;. a share regular price 20c. Particulars and regular Mar ket Letter on request. Correspondence invited regarding any Western security. Chester B. Ellis & Co., Stock & Bond Brokers Ut Hon HigM Scildloi, til Frutltcs, Ctllforili TRAVELERS GTJIDJS. Coos Bay Line STEAMER BREAKWATER safU from Alaska Dock. Portland. 8 p. M. Sept. 2n. 7, Oct. 4, 11, IS. J5 anil overy Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska Dock until ' I. M. daily. Passenger fare, first-class. $10; sipc-ond-clats. $7. includine meals and hrih. Tickets on sal at Ains worth Dock. Phones Alain A 123' ..." i