THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD." SEPTEMBER 18, 1910. J5 nooMixo-Horra. IIKYZ MtKLLKK '.. 3!.(- 1ft- IT Abtncin lU-lr. ROOVING-.l' U'SK Hr:.Lgi'A KTER3. If v u ar looking for a K I RST- LA S R m-m I.;-Hol"K. call end aee us. We prntevi both th buyer and seller. He low is a pur': I llt of what e can offer you: SVA KM, APARTV EST H('IH M rooms, new. m"d rn brrk bldg.; prl bt h. w it h rrv apartment very b-atttlfuhv furnished; 4 ntti leane and It li P SITIVK.I.T . i- arinic I Pr; mnth aho all epe-iaes; very central loCAllon: prf.-e flO.tMMt. UlKr Ml KI.I.KFt CO.. 5l.'-lV-i) Abirf-n Bldg. . rni'XTRY HOTEL SNAP, f ,nd town of "'. l lie or I . c m rrter "'-. I hotel tt ton Imi; . NKT p.1 SINESS W I Tin rr tir arid the Hka are opn fr lrp'tln; m-fjr leaae. t ir itvv : H j l-etr r. .r rm. ta..--ri b't- )lanl-rim all cunplrte. - lmin-rom,e. tiM-e la-are nfflre. '2 tardmrtm. writing room. ." ntpe-rm. nrw vai uum rkn er and frarn and bun. Insurance paid up f.r "tie; eeral pvitti h:ve private hatha: thin is lh- b at proi.att ion wo have had for Ji'inr Mm-' !ri- o 7 -. PIKTZ-MI 3i; lrt 1 J Abmvton Hid. GOOD TH A N SI KNT HOCSE 4 roma. tn-k. on Wahtnetnn 1 plrefv furnished ; hot ard cold water M..ra iE.r I. ml moderate rent; nu ani a tvwj money -1. u Kr. here it Is. and the prl -e :a n;hi- K' IKU Ml KI.U K CO. 51.- l-ll AbinKton Rids. Drnrrrn I f i f f ?." TO f V.AO. ;. room, modern. . r. hrn-k : hot and rod waf.r tn all r-wm; steam heat; very r rMv fuml-d-ed: clarit above all expends iMMiVr mont'i. lor;t mi eein this. f r It is pl'n-1-d Nv Ji..o,. I!K ". . Mi'Kl.l.F.It CO.. 31 ".-16-IT Atiirgt-M. Hid:. rvTD m r k Tit'V "7 r.wmn vr cent ml location, hoi and rld wa'er all room, furnr h-t. heautl f.,x- fnmxl.e.l and a snlend'd nionrv iti4t Very h.nlke p!a- and ha al wav had a good repututioiu If yu wani .mthlne !. It Is: prlre l-.i""'. IIKT M: KT.I.Kfr ro.. 3li-U-W Abit.KtoD HttlkZ. ;oon mom K ! nt.-A turrr ninnv r)t?i. rorfiT. fur n.-e hrt KT:V MKI.V Kt KNISHKP. Tnt will aftv. vou a ood home and lav i.u li nrr m.mrli r le: r ab" ve nil epenie. IU mure and we ihlm. f.T It Will tfo qauk; price $1 Trrrr; !KTZ Ml -KM.KR . 31.VIft-17 I D n IU.Ik. S! rnomi cor. brick blic: b-t transient . n t . .. !.- wn t ii ire 1 V I' ntuhrd : rl-anne al" e all expenc f 4K per tnontti: ptl-e $.". T'rml IKT7 Ml KI.I.KR ''. K. H. ;im1KID ' SM Hoard of Trade ft Ids'. lifrW i;en T-iay. o 1 IV M. l' .Marha.i A I . HKilK IS A BARGAIN. 10 rtom. Io.alrd n a prominent cor-r--. :?! heat, rent only month, nearly --ar lean-: all .eeptii vm, a-.wMt furn nre; !.. terrr Ti V V I k' T til tl K - fooma near tw.inf rl.e. very bet of ,.i.,r. tn.t . -rw: over 2 Vr- lee i a.-i S I 7 j moiilti. price nly cah- . A FINE LiAT!V 14 rtmmt. tirir hich liool. montly all ntr.c'e room; rent 4j. Kl furnitur llui'), 'x -aFi u i;mm. vkrt riK. v.fv .et or furniture and rarpef. l.rt r-mer. swell location: price IW'; U ca-h- v l:fM-) KASY TKKMS, Verv e'iin house. I'Muilon. Income prl. - 7 ; uni v rash. i.i i.mvjs. u:aks i.kxsk. iner tiitrtk.t u lo -I.imH. put" the lo pri. e of with ter n i-r .a-h on her tmuae; l'-ateU nn .ihlnton t.. nvjr Uth; rrnt !; hm! furniture; .-lrir month. t It Ki l.-Ul NTKUS, SEE THIS. t:.-rom. near l"th ind A a-hlnKtoti. . Iear to m nt h ; owner buying nrs-r h'-re; mil lo I f r T-. half rain. Ui.'i if vnu are in the market for a bntei. p;irtni-nt or rtemln-house in or out of tny. it. will Py yu to rail at our off-c- and Itv orr our rxtettle list w t r h us. . , Ht-ro.m modern brirk hotel. In a lo--tort that cant be bfl. elejcnntly fur nished, hot and rold running water and tel.-phone in all rooms, hf P1 mni pu'die batiis: lt-nc Irase: leara ahov all et per 7mi i-r tuont h. For pr) e. terms and particulars :' I at of f h e. jti-rnom liouf. all hotisekeepmir. ele rntly furn'stieil. close m and near the parks: clears J lH per n.ont h above all e tenses, and all ou Inve to do t tn take the nionry; rent 1'rKe 'm. terms. loi-rnotn four-story mmlern corner apartment, consisiinir of XI suites of - nnd 1 rnoT.l ea. h. In kmI locitlon. beautifully f urntahed io birdse) e maple and mission f'irniiure. elearant carjets. steam heat, aro.. le.i e ; rent $.'1.'." per mont h ; pUra clears $ p r month. For price and terras call on P. U A I. ST IN rO- Oririnel Kxchisne Hoiel Brokers. Suite 41K and 41? Hothchild BM. THIS IS A MONEY MAKER. 2 V room, house kepins; in tnoMly '2-room suits, tftta and electric light, pore, baths, iron and mantle beds. This plar-e was furntshed less than a year iko and every thing Is In :'Md condition clean, and It can be bought 'or J I ." on terrna We have -l of th bet te-roorn flats In the city one for $ one for 44'h. anoalicr ...o. t KI.MS SMITH n. S-rttj WashtiiKton t . rooms 2U-2. "I ROOMS. Very e'eennl'y furnhed with the best of evervrhniB; and full of permanent routin ers, with a waitlntC H"t. An id-nl lo-a-tii.n fir high-cla busineju. Kurnace heat, pientv of baths and ail convenience. Kent IS iexs thnn pT r'in H It h toHt lease : net prof if s ier mont h. Am ronuelled to sell at once. If you have. I'J.'hui ash and are lookinr for a genuine bargain write owner, fcl a7. Oregon lan. K m M IN?- If l "SR B A K; A IN. rui rori. elegantlv furnl.-hrd with best rr.!i Arnlniff a-i.l velvet carpets and I 'i.l'n at( furniture of het onality; all on tide ronis, well a'-ranc'l. fniest loca tion in ir . ret pro'it 175 pr mni i; rv cheap rent anil long least . mu.M he sold at mo e. a 1 reed nionev . only 'oo csh. tHn-r y "It. regtn un. M KftOM roominz h ie for sate, best par it m In Portland : is centra "iy btraied. rent only S I -ji month, wtll trade f.r hou-e ar-d lo and i M pay as hi Ii as .. cash il'fT-Tfiuf ; pri. e f.r i'o. k :iV 'r tra-l'" I '"K K-al with oaner and ive r.mimtlnn. Address Room No. 1, S'Hi' Virst st. VrivKV rooms and hath, new and well se lected, owner lias left ntv and acrt hce furniture, on c-rltne; lexise at 'V month. 4 ii'drtmiu. :;."- rash, balance fiion t h. ''. 'a I e ertln s --r phone and make appointment. .Main HIH. t,s tf.ih . Nor t h. A REACT! Kl L HOME. 12 roma. elecanilv furnished, near high school: this Is a rmv t lit If home and wiil leave the purchaser 71 month ahoe all excnses: if you waru a lart:ain se this. II. K. J M ES.htloth. WE hsv some leases of high -class hotel and apartment-houses for s i le. . HAKTM vN ac TH"M!'SiN. Real Ktte Dr;t. Cham ur of - 'nnimeree. SNA I' Bl' Y in rooming hoi:o of 1 J rooms, netting $."a per mcnth. Cheap rent. Just the place for elder iy couple. It ice $7in; r-r mm. or trade on pare 31 l-;t 12 la?w is Itldg. A lTK' ; K M' . E Y M A K E 11. T.- r.i.rn h.itel in cil of .i.itt.o. clear ing tl' per month, price e.'u; i4 tn good city property or acres xe. B 3 W. r.Tonlan. FAMILY HTKL 3A ro-m. turnirure ail new and In flrst rlas condition. h)ise full: a big money maker an! a na at $Z0. Call 4 1 ' a-d of TrvlA. KnoM house. part housekeeping. fl'.'O int ome. rent lease, part ne!y fur nished. I lN H ATFIE1.D. Hi--- 4th St. V nt-elv furn. sheil. u p-to - tt : e h-ue of eirftit rwmi. runn: g water, ruht in city, rooms ail rentej gM income. Phone M nn 44. Vv ELL f'irn.hcd house of 10 ro mitrtb:- for either r-wrn'm 111s for suit or boarders; me. Ovbuer. beautiful home; giod inc I.- RtXMS, rent f.. fine furniture and ex tra good location: owner will sacrifice for ". particulars. 3'i 3d St. VI HHiM-Fin. eK-at n Yamhill. g"! lea, line fur-.'tnn 4lT Kr of Tra' Price svV. terms. iI B'"YS -roon hou?c c ear.rg lt aoove all exp-.nae: fine l-ctiin: oTti.r sick and TTnif- sa-r ift.. 1 7 Board of Trade bidg. V4 ROpVS- a 'I'ke;.lrg. always filled ; rent -. g.-l h-jjm-: 1 If add MoRda. Ca.l 417 Board f T-a.l- B'ARD and rooming -houf. " rooms. m-d-ern. fine piano and wood for the Wln ter; a I for . fail 3d s t. Tr.S rooms, near Jeiferson and l'Jth; leaJ I 1 .il h-m-. a,.i 111.01110. r urmture nearly r. : - I.".. Wa-hinfon hi-Ik. W A S TED S ma , n. in. S im inn- huse ; t'roiniiiaii. ii R)OM rent " 4, rl.-te In. gootl loca--. ."; terms. Call 30 i', id au MRS. LENTS AGENCY. SELLS HOTELS AND hOOMIN'G-HOl'EES. Fnontta it aln boii. a 347.V G---24 Falling Bldg.. ;id and Washington. We have an exclusive list of select ho te.s ami rooming -houses. We can save you time and ittonev. WILL LlM'ATE YOL RIGHT. 74 ROOMS. NEW BRICK. WILDING, erery mod ern eulment. elegant furnishings, fitted In every particular for a first-claps com -mereial hotel; 4o PRIVATE BATHS. This place has Just .been opened and- cn be lught for cost of furnishings. Only eKMI cash retiuireil. ."vK ROOMS. Newly furnished, with the very best grade of carpets and furnishings, cheap rnl and ft-year Joa.e. steam hent running water ln every ro-nn; I'KI VATK BATHS. Price lJio. VIKST TIME OFFKRED. 2a ROOMS. On Morrison street, corner brick build ing; rmmi and s part men ts: rent only f Including steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service and ball lights, easy to manage. This Is a safe investment. Only s:.vii cash. MONTHLY PROFIT. 42 ROOMS. Corner brick building: 2 entrances. 4 year lemse. at onlv 2Ht a month; never any vacancies. Price I47o0. cash aito. 20 ROOMS. Fnrn!shed In velvet and ax. carpets, mostly -til brass beds, hair mattresses; rent lliai; 2--year lease. Price looO. cash 1H. MORRISON FT. 12 rooms, well furnished; house in ex cellent condition: rent ; price e30. HOT WATER HEAT. 14 rooms, nice home. rnt $40. arranged In housekeeping suites. Income f MO; no work: rurntture and carpets are the best; price ll. cash Wo. APARTMENT-HOrSES. S 20 rooms, arraog-d In two and three room suites; rent onlv '10: price l-K. .H itDOMS Arranged rn three-rom suites, all new and elegantly furnished, located in the verv best apartment loeatlon. a-yefcr lase with riiciip rent, clearing all the time $:P0 mont hi v. A hara;ain If sold tM week, as owner la leaving the city; 13300 cash required. , SWELL PLACE. 1 rooms, near Iflth and Morrison sts, furnace, gas and elertrlc Hehts. twe po-T-e!in baths, furnished in Ql'AK TEKED OAK. B. E. MAPLK and MA n . m : a M V A irnlmtxr and Brussels car- pts. Iron and brass beds. INCOME. $'.15 per month; total espenses. Including rent, i !': price $.Vo. terms. A not her 1.'. rooma nar lOth and Jeffer son ata narl houaekeeolng. GOOD Ft" R- MTl'KE, gas, porcelain bath and always filled mil h ftrst-r ass roomers: receipi ll; total expense S0: price $1050. lease. ELLIS. SMITH A CO.. r.-tfH Washington St.. rooms 3l-202. CLOSE lo bustness district; 7 nicely furn ished rooms : new furniture: an con v en irnces: hot and cold water: $-H will handle It; price low and payments easy. ti.-Ml le-ise: S rooms. $ ll's- rent. $4 Price. i!7o; IT rooms; excellent location; eaav term a Vv'et A ,i momln m and board Ins house. 11 rooms. 1 1 n . easy terms: clears $172 per m j. We hive a large list of rooming houses, all at -res and val uea. See H. A. CHANDLER REAL, ESTATE "i .. "li l.umhermens bldg., 5t h and Stark sts. Main k7w;. WE MAKE specialty buying and selling business chancea; also rooming houses. Call aS Henry bldg. Phone A 771. FINANCIAL SEVKHAU r.rst mortgages. all hl;h-cla daeiiinc-house security, close in. r-astnci ed ulatrlcis. 1-J of valuation. 7 p-sr c-snt interest, payable quarterly; Insurance, ab stract, etc. Call 3o? McKay bids. Main IT!". K ran place your money at hgh rates of interest ; hest seciirtt v. nrst moricsgf . I'KOVIDE.NT INVESTMENT sc. TRUSTEE COMPAN V. v 624 Board of Trade Bldg. K.N'il.lSH capital negotiated for substantial enterprises, raiiroaia. tractions, mining. Industrials, advertising campaigns han dled. Jamea Company. 14 liloorasbury St.. Iondop. England. hav i several good mortgages, also sec ond mortgages and real estate contracts, for sule; A -1 sec urity . J no. P. Shnrkey o. A KmO. MoKTGAGES. contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes oougnt ana soia. Losna negotiated. Henry Teal. 514 Ablngion bldg.. ! W d st. M ney to Loan Real Estata. NO BETTER SECURITY OFFERED. ON REAL ESTATE LOANS. THAN THE FOLLOWING: f2000 AT T PER CENT. 12500 AT T PER CENT. $3000 AT T PER CENT. HAVE YOU THE FUNDS ON HAND FOR ONE OF THESE LOANS? IF SO SEE THE REAL ESTATE DEPART MENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- vami paid for mortgages or sellers interest In cOa tracts on real estate snywhar la Oregon or Washington; mertgaga loans Begottated on Improved property. H. Km Noble. Lumbermen bldg.. 5th anj Ptark, ON IMPROVED city property or for buls leg purposes; t to ft years lima; libera repayment ptlvlleges; money advanced as b a tiding progresses, int r-quiiaoie siv Ires at Loan As.ctst1on. ?4Q gtark St. fAvo.oCO oa improved city or farm property: but. U leg cr small kans at lowest ralars; laxse loaca a specialty. J. H. Aicavensis Co al- GerUrger bldg. Vll.ST aud second mortgagee and eoatraeta purchased on farm and city prwparty. anywhere la Oregon cr Washington. I Devereaux. Fcnun bldg.. tlttist PLENTY of money to loan at and I par cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY 104 becond SL IMMEDIATE loan iron, fa to ftat-9. oa ail sscurities. W. A. Hatha a ay, roosa W ashington b!dg. Phone Main 3Q2. MtN E V To loan on city real estate In sums of flo-Mj and upwards. Parrtah, atnm a Co.. ZMj Alderst. Ml'NEY Uned- u timber land or city prop erty contracts; easy terms: long or short datt-s. --1 v, Mot rison. room i. j;.m, "PRIVATE, money to loan, in either one or two loans, on Improved city prop erty. V 4, oregonlan. Bl l LDING loans. A. C. Furlong, con tractor. 434 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 4544 4ve TO a lo loan at 7 per cent by principal, on Improved real estate. AF pregonisn. MORTGAGE loans on city property; aswesa ratas. A U. Birrell Co 2v2 McEay si 4 4. Zd and Stark. fto.aM Tt lend as a w hole on mortgage; i per cent interest If security warrants. Y oregonian. tf.wu.vow a u LOAN, large loans a speciaitya building loans, lowest rales, W. U. Bee a. 312 Falltpg bidg kONLV to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from 1 0OO up Iflt Dunn-Lav re nee Co 24 ? Alder il PRIVATE money loaned en real estate mart gages. H. Miley. room 204, Geranger bids, LoA.NS on i cai. personal, chattel or collet- eral security, tl W. Pallett. 3us- Fentoa, stale fuaua loaned. 0 per cent, W. Tboia- as. nu agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C C MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLsl RA1ES, F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG AtO.NLL any amount, a to g per cent. Goe4 n ouch A belts. 7 IS Board of Trade. IIimmj TO LOAN. 1 to 3 years, nn Improved city property. ANj3JJ. Oregonian. WILL LOAN IHMH) t years on . good city property, N 5. Is. Qregonlan. l.'aMMi TO I.OA N on Improved reai estste. W. U Page. I7 Sherio-k bldg. Will loan 10.tMM 01 less, real estate security. Farriagton. 41 Commercial Club bldg. W 1 LL loan ttXH or less on reai estate. Hitchcock. 010 Rothchild bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2-13 STARK 8T. I WISH- to lend f lOo at 7 per cent on real estate aecprlT-,. A H "2H. Oregonian. 17J.UUO PREFER, one loan. AJ. Or-jj KINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, HL'TTON CREDIT CO.. 2v! SpalUlntf Bide TTs will make you a loan on your furni ture, piano or livestock and the- prop erty rma tn unuis t ur bed In your posses stun. Now Is the time to set In fuel and "Winter supplies. All the common com modities are cheaper this time of the car. Payments are made to suit your Income and rebate Is given fur any unexpired time. CALL. AT ONCE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MONEY. HL'TTON CREDIT CO.. SuT Spalding Bldg. Main 1!3U9. $. $ t $ $ t $ sys WE HAVE MONalY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from IS to eiuu. at the lowest possible rates. Rebate (lven if paid befora due. Being sslary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and lvs tua quickest possible service. Our well-known reputstlon for square dealing and "courteous treatment during the past la our best reference. Business strictly confldenttaL STATE SECURITY CO.. 106 Falling bldg., cor. 3d and Wash. sts. $$$$$$$$ TUK V. 6. REAXt ESTATE A URUKalAAGU COMPANY. Makes liberal loaui on real estate, furni ture, pianos i without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life Insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. Wa buy first and second mortgages and con tracts. Pboue Main 20&4. Room tit Ham IJtun bids.. Ill id si. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In all principal cites: save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAX. 117 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 3."V Lafayette bldg., tn. and wash, sts. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry 4 raasunable Interest; long or short time. A. a k. Delovage. 149 Washington at- WILL LOAN in amounts) to suit on all kinds of securities; business confidential. Gray A Cunnlngram. 73 Electric bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekura bldg. LOW rates; wo loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 Id at. Loans Wanted. WE WANT MONEY AT T PER CENT. We have several clients who want to borrow on first-class real estate security. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest. Gilt -edge securities First mortgages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE! CO.. 624-526 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT $.Vo0 to $4oO for new bulncsa enter prise; will pay Interest and 1 per cent of profits first year; s-curlty, $M'o unimproved r.-ai estate; principals ociy. - ooo. Ore gon la a. WANT $4 j00 first mortgage on nearby high-class Income bearing fruit farm worth over -0,0t0; money for further Im provements. Geo. K. Rogers Co.. 10J4, 10?n. IQJ7 Board of Trade. Main 7547. 4A0A MORTGAGE for sale, to net 8 rer cent. security ;; acres or lanu. coin smes ore gon Electric, about 15 miles Portland. In terview I'hone- Main 71J7. - WOULD you loan 700 ot 12 per cent for 1 V years on first mortRoge. .tjti acres land in Yamhill Co? No brokers. olU Henry bldg. - BEST security; 8 per cent to 10 per cent reel estate loans wanted u up. tnion 1-oan Co.. IS Lafayette bldg., lh and Washington sts. M. Sa'29. WANTED Tomorrow. 1 2WiO" on first-class wheat land, in Eastern Oi egou: first , mortgage, long time, if preferred. AN S3 4, Oregoman. FOR SALE By nonresident o ner, any or all cf 3 first mortgages. i.tou each, on giit-edge Portland property; will discount. L 32!, oregonlau. WANTED ll.'KH) 8 per cent oti house and lot. off Hawthorne Ave., call or phone F. H. Deshon, 4u7 Lumbermen's Bank Bldg. WANT money at 0 per cent. 7 per cent and ti per cent Portland real estate, first mort gages. Have clients watting. AH 200, Oregon Ian. W ANTE D 1150 for t h ree years, 7 per cent, on close-in residence property, in quire J17 Board of Trade bldg-. Fourth and Oak sts. tl-'wi S PER CENT, quarter block and 6- rooin nouse. 1 oiock from car; rapiuiy im provlng district. M 3 43. Qregonlan. WANTED $-'v0, 7 per cent, modern 7- room house and lot in Beaumont; 41JUUO Insurance. M 342. Oregonlaiu 4)1 .'too ON 5 -room house and lot worth no agents. 44000; 34th and riawtnorne; M 344. OregonlaOk PARTY with money, owner of $14u mort gage will discount neavy, no uro iters, o 11. Orwgonlan. WANTED Mortgage 13500. 3 years. 7 per cent; property 12.u0. lrvington Ulsxrict. G JIM. Oregonlan. WANTED From private party, no com mission. $10.00 on first-class security. M SIM, oregonian. WANTED Loan of 4"d for three or live years; good security; slate interest reqnired. T 32t. Oregonian. pot-o for oimi or tao years, at e jer cent, on Portland property worth conservatively $40, . Answer Electric. F 32.T. Qregonlan. WANT 1-iOU; will give first mortgage on Improved city real estate. O 3-., Ore gonian. S3nmi AT h per cent, on grazing land, worth :o.O"M); miles from Portland. AB o21. regonlan. WANTED 125.000 to $30,000. term of years, per cent. fir new building; good corner, Washington st. L J 14) Oregonian., WANTED Loan 15. b 'per cent, on Im proved residence property, value S-'lodO, from private pert. AH 320. On gon lan. $ WANTED on 4.Vm home, near Fif teenth and Hawthorne. AM &U, Ore gon tan. W A NT $IO.'tOO on good. Improved West Side property. R. F. Bryan, 5o5 Cham ber of Commerce $"ir.wW ANTED on my 9.1410; 7-rooin house. N 337 oregonian. WANT $17'Mi on $4hhi close In residence. quick. AM 334. Ore g n la n. l.lo-t LOAN wanted on my S:i4oo. 7 -room close In house. AN 332, Oregonian. LOAN wanted. l.'iOO 3 years; restricted dis trict, near car. B 33. Oregonian. SI J on TO 1 1 i00 on new resilience property, value 3?00. C 33. Oregonian. ft7oo WANTED on corner residence property worth t-'OO. D 33. Oregonian. $2000 THREE years; will pay ft per cent in terest; nw bungalow. F I'M. Oregonian. WANTED $7au for $ years; security, house and lot in city. L 33K, Oregonian. AaAiHi WANTED at H per cent. Mount Tabor district, value 17.VW. AL 32. oregonian. WANTED $1000. three vears. S per cent, real estate security. AK 32$. Oregonian. LET os place your money good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. Lewis bldg. I-WISH aIoan of $000; gilt-edge security. K Qregonlan. WANTED agents. -Loan of $75i. two 2PH Couch bldg. LOST .AND fO CXI) LOST Male Llewellyn setter, black and white; license tag 275. Return to A. J. Weber. B'10 Chautauqua blvd. lt j; September 3, bill book containing aix $1V bllla Return to Oregonian office; re ward. LOST I-ady'a gold watch, name of .Minnie on case. Finder please calW up Sell wood 10: large reward. LOST Black and white male doR ; Klamath Falls license. Notify Woodlawn IXrO. Re waid. - " Lost lady'a gold watch ; name engraved 01 case: please return to S10 Jefferson st. phone Main 2777. Reward. FOUND Locket and chain In Olds, Wort man A Klnc's Saturday. Tabor Cut 'I Sept. a;ed 3 mo. h hlte Spits female pup; ward, call r.H'i Everett st. LOST Male fox terrier. FUI on collar, tag PM. Pr-one M-Trshall 1254. LOST Pension rheck for $36. ward. Phone Tabor D-'3, Liberal re- LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where yon can bay genuine half mattreseoe retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metis; 22H Kront- Phones Main 44. A LOST Leather card case containing receipts and papers valuable to owner only; re-, turn to Chandler's bar and receive reward; owner's name and address engraved on j case. LOST A ;old fob. small diamond on one side. Initials M. D. S- on bottom: possibly ! around OrefTonlan bldg. or elevator or else here. - Finder please call up M. 4030. I J i' era I reward. FOUND Where watcnes. diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month s interest. oncie jayers w?iiier4 Bank. 71 Hh St.. nesr Oak st. LOST Ladies' small green leather purse. Friday afternoon: f'ii gold piece and sil ver; finder liberally rewarded, airs. r. Cowan. liMrt Maryland av, North Albina. LOST About 4 weeks ago. gold locket with diamonds set In one side and M. D. engraved on other; notify Mrs. Schwartz, 71'j Marshall; liberal reward. I .( 1ST In holrinn near Oregon City, a gen tleman's watch and chain and charm. initials J. H. G. Return same to !- d st. and g?t V reward. No questions asked. LOST In holpup near Oregon City, a gen tleman's watch and chain and charm, in itials J. H. I- Roiurn same to 140 2d st. and get .U reward. No question asked. LOST Black and white male collie pup. Mrs. Peter Klnarille, 202 E. lamniu. I'hone Tabor lOol. LOST Ring. 3 sets: inscription Inside L. to G. Flndef please return to U4 Lewis bldg. Reward. Phone M 41 0. LOST Sunday, small female fog terrier; right ear anil eye brown: answers? to name of Lady; 3 reward. Phone Main 137B Monday. LoST Ladv'i small onen-face watch. In itials H. K. R.. with greea pin; suitable reward for return. Phone A 5 -. LOST White fox terrier dog with stub tall; had on small red collar; reward. Bruwnell, 417 Russell st. PERSONAL. IF you to re going to buy an automobile or sewing machine, you would sureiy get tne latest and most up-to-date make; why not do the same when buying washing com pound ? Ask for .- MINUTE WASHING COMPOUND. IT'S A MARVEL. IO WASHINGS FOR 10 CENTS. Ask your grocer, or phone us. B 1 L1X Pacif lo Supply Co.. 2i& Grand ave. FURS FURS We assure satisfaction and reasonable prices, no matter where you look;-.u can not find styles or finish or be tilted as here, because I am a practical and expert rurner. over . years a manuiacturer. Adolf Reiner. 12; 11th, near Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; ORttts. masseuse. . o. i bast inn si., sec ond dor south from East Ankeny car- line. Phone East 2od. H MILLINERY 10c less on the dollar than 'u" nri.-M it iifi)rii' rem od e 1 1 n rnli Ing wings, etc. ; out-of-town people s-'Sri orders; send or bring any old material. Suite I'll. L'li V Washington, over Hiber- nlan Bank. M A KB i i ich : thousands want to marry. rrrany rich and beautiful; big lists of de scriptions and photos free, sealed, either sex. Write today, one may be your af finity ; send no money. standard t,or. Club, box i7. Grays Lake, 111. FEB VET & HANEBUT. ladlnc wig and ton Dee makers: finest stock of htman hair goods, switches from $150 Up. Up-to-date pariors ior nairuressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th st.. bet. Morrison ana Aidsr. Wol'LD vou marry if suited? Matrimonial paper containing hundreds advertisements marriageable people irom all sections, rich, ooor. voutm. old. Protestant. Catholics, mailed sealed free. G. Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. PERSONAL Ladies of good taste and re finement will appreciate our beautiful line ot early Fall and Winter styles. isoaton Milliners, .he Home of the Tailored Hat, 42.1 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Washington. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, etc., perma nently removed by the electric neeaie. Th valclaiis' references. Lady operator. 6t5 K. Morrison. Established 114. S-S or lt. Tabor car. ihone East 3'J11. s EDISH' medical gymnast and maseur. C. Hotintsrom, sptciallst in nerve, rheumatic and stomach disorders; only scientific masseur in the Northwest. Office ::o2-J Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 2VJo. (JOHNS AND SUITS. Exclusive and orislnal styles, perfect fit, mooerate prices De Blanche, ladies tailor. 345 t Washington St., second iioor. IF there are student volunteers In Port ifinri ir vlclnitv. will vou kindly com municate with this? L. N. Fullmer, 3t9 6 th st., city. GENTLEMAN, mechanic, wishes to meet lady (matrimonially inclined . with some means. a.? Partner In good business1. a j-jj, ore gonian. vhs STEVENS. 1 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 343H i am hill, cor. tn. YOUNG man, recently .from the South, would like the acquaintance of some good young lady; working slrl preferred; object matrimony. A r, oregonian. 8U.KM SANITARIUM. M is. M. J. McAIpln, matron; for nervous and mental diseases, also alcoholic and morphine habit: terms reasonable. 600 N. Capitol St.. Salem. Or. amy Viii'VO man desiring to go to Bir mingham. Ala., before Nov. 1 will profit by calling Main 8400 on Monday or lues- vi.iit-'id.v widower with means, no children. would marry; a corresponding society for ladles and gentlemen wisuuig man is-. Mrs. Hill. Box UU4. oaKiana. cai. MADAM WALLACE, magnetic treatment. developing and teaching of mental teleg raphy. a 1 it a t 1." a remMltes' tissue builder and grippe killer. Agency 22 Selling-Hirsch bldg. Samples free. fsr"iEV-rii?i? facial and scalp treatments. halrdressing. manicuring, hair dyeing and blearhing tat your home). 1 all Main 11. 1. MKS. ii. PARK, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage; also scalp treatments. 3v Alder st.. opposite ome at iving . WIDOW 35. wants to meet gentleman, age not over 541. Must have some means. Ob ject matrimony. oregonian. LADY and gentleman Rolng EaM this month will find It to their interest to write to AH 32'.. Ore g in lan. COM PETENT masseuse will treat you ' at home; invalids preferred; charges reason able. Phone M. 4M. A YOUNG man. 28 years of age. wants to meet a voung woman; object matrimony. S. .T. Georges. P. O. Arleta. Portland, or. MISS 1 BERNARD has Jjst returned from several months' trip to r-urope anu var- lous Eastern cities. A T.LU neat gentleman of 4o w ishes to meet ifiv of suitable aae; object matrimony. H .Wd. Oregonian. LEARN halrrirt-s1ng. face treatm--nt and man- Icunng. eacn in -eea, A 3lT2. Main 2O40. PAINLESS, prompt and permanent cures by tr.e latest natural neaung meinous. Philip T. Ball. 326'a Washington street. MAN. ag-d 32, stranger In city, would ilke to make the acquaintance ot iwuy. ageu 2H. object matrimony. S SAO, Urfgotnan. DELINQUENT boys and girts taught self mastery, me way 10 utv3. " wio- gontan. Mm. Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 4j3Morrisonsi., M. 5042. YOITNO business man. stranger in city. like to meet blonde or widow; object, mr.trlmony. AD 33t. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and tvpist. work guar anteed, reasonable. 600 tf wetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Washington. ATLASTV cure for Ingrowing toenails; no cutting". Send for circular, 42U Olive at., Eu gene, or. J LIQUOR habit permanently cured In 8 dsys; no suffering and harmieas, Cardiol a Insti tute 1027 Peninsula ave.. Portlants; Or. mAR4NTEED to cure rheumatism and dandruff, by H. Tsk. Specialist, room 0, W llllamette Hotel. Oregon tny, kjt. UAl)AMl: ESTELLE. magnetic heular and .t.ietimti .dentist, removed from to lt3 West Park, apartaient B. A 5306. MANICURING. 126 Sixth St. " CHIROPODY. Room 2. DR. KETCH I'M treats women's zaaladies. 17P 'a 3d st., cor, itmnui. BALM OF FIGS Remedies Ior disease ot g- Belmont st. East 24 US. SCHOOL iiOOKS bought and sold. J 00 as book store. 2S4 Oak at. MRS. ti.r. i B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sclen 21 Sclling-Hiresh bid.. Main 0ti24. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs- M. D. Hill. 42U Fliedner bids. M 347J EXPERT halrdrebser wauls ctwtomfn; any treatment 25 cents. A wu, ml "45. LADY wishing to travel East would do well to address H 334. oregonian. WANTED To adopt an Infant on certain eondlttons. Address i t -re-onian. MKil Write hitme. father and mother ill; all known and forgiven. Chub. 3-M0NTHS-OLD baby for adoption. 283 16th pt. North. MRS S. B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sci ential, 21 fccUiiig-Hirecb. bldg. Mala 6S24. PERSONAL. FREE. $15 X-RAY EXAMINATION. IF YOU CALL AT ONCE. DR. HORNE'S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK AND WEAK. The object of this grand ofTer Is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and vicinity that he has the grandest, simpltest and most successful method of restoring health and curlnjc diseasea that Is known to the scientific world. He wnxnts the true merits of his success ful treatment known to everybody and he does not know of any better way of In troducing It than by offering hfs examina tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within 10 davs. Should your case be In curable he will frankly tell you so, and advied you against spending your money for useless treatment. Many of you. who have been taking medicines and so-called treatments for months will bo absolutely cured in a few treatments. Ar vou nervous. dvsDeDtlc. weak In the stomacn, constipated : uo you n that tired feelinv which Is so prevalent Do you have spots floating before the eyes, nalnliAtlun of the heart.. shortness ol breath, headaches, neufalgla, shooting tains In the chest, back, hips or ankles Have ycu varicose veins, obstruction, hi nod noisoninir. nervous debility, piles. or any diseases of the rectum? Are you in pain from rheumatism, lame back, .intirs liimhairo. locomotor ataxia ot weak kidneys? If so there Is quick relief and a permanent cure in store ior you If you call upon Dr. Home, who gives you an nonest opinion, noneswy cxiireeu honest dealinir and honest treatment which cures to stay cured if curable. His address Is 407-408 and 40 Ruthchild bklg. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours VI to 12, 2 to 5. 7 to 8. Not open Sundays. rR W K. MALLORY. 312 Rothchlld bldg., has the. most complete muuern ou.iw Oregon. The treating rooms are fitted up with the most expeuaive modern ap pliances on the markets including radium (the only physician on the paclnc Coast eadtumi. X-ravs. static machines. X-ray coila, ozone, oxygen machines (the largest in use;, eicctric tuneuia ui description ana aina. luciuuing man ouencv wave. InsouedaL iaradic aud gal- vanir. currents, cautery, vibrators, radia tors, electric light bath cabinets, not bake ovens, of every auna; mineral, neruai, steam and shower baths. From 100 to 12.000-candle power lights, finseu, mlnins, he lloe. solar, violet and utra violet lights. and others. cancers, eczema, tuiuui a. goitre, tubercular glanas, old sores, moles, innther marks, scars and tear tissue, and all kinds of curolr diseasea ax treated and cured by these metnoaa. DH. ALICE A. GRIFF. TMaaasea of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated acoordin to the latest methods; private bospltal accommodations; coniinement caxeu for; consultation free. - Room 10. Grand Theater bldg. Main Sfl28; A 0007. GENTLEMAN, 3W. .good appearance, honor able average earnings, invites acquaint ance of lady, 25 to oi; a kind, loving, honorable girl or middle class may mee a man aha need not he ashamed of. Con xidential; marriage It agreeable, C Oregonian. AJ-L CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. DU. VLADIM1K K. JjLNDMA From Europe. PLErTHO-THKHAPEUTISH My cures are painless, prompt and thor- Ugh. bUllO D3-a-0A-AU-i-4O -i3- aiu W ashington bldg.. cor. 4th and W a a a. YOITNG man. 24 vears old. light complex ion. with .curiv nair ana goou iookihk, would like to meet dark-complexioned voune girl or widow, who will appreoiat good company; object, matrimony. AB .12. Oregon tan. y 11 E N you are sleepy or nervous In the daytime, Sexine Pills will do wonders ior you; $1 a box. 6 boxes for S5. Address or call 1 he J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., corner F ron and Morrison sts.. foruan a. or. MISS DESALIE DE VOE, the Philadelphi; House id and Salmon sts.. 21- v ju st. manicuring, electric, vibratory and matt netic treatments; respectable patrons so Ilclted; hours 10 to t. HAIR. HAIR AH shades in best quality at cost. Closing out stoca ; sci-an mis iace and scalp treatments; expert havirdresslng and manicuring taugnu asa a luuveua Grand Ltader. otrx anu Aiucr. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Disease of women and children; electrlo treatment of nervoua ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 505-50 Commonwealth bldg.. Uth and Ankeny. Phones Main 4047. A 2411 MARRIAGE paper, highest character. In- corpora ted lath, year uuuo mcrnoers; pa per sealed: send 10c. R. E. Love, box JK, Denver, Colo. RESPECTABLE gentleman. In bixslness in cit v. dent res to meet nonoraDie gin lady: object matrimony. If agreeable. N 344. Qregonlan. WANTED to meet a young lady who is rad ical thinker: brains anu sincerity neces sary qualifications; object matrimony. 41 3 -'3. Oregonian. MRS MAYME WALLACE. Riectric and vibratory treatments baths; masseuse. 320 hk Stark it, Port land. Or. Jrnones. jnarsnau .tt, a oto. tuom'T re LONESOME: Join the onlv re liable marriage oureau m me wonu.; ?eim Ion for September papers. ioi oj., ocai- tle. Wash. DR. WALKER, specialist for men Quickly CUreS DIOOU anu BKIU 0.11111c ilka, riuiic auu bladder troubles and piles. Consultation f re e. 181 1st St.. Portian d. nn ess suits for rent. S1.50 month keeps your ciotnes vi-ucui omw. uuvi.uu tewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, unique lanunng v.o.. av oiavra. SHAMPOOING, scalp treatment, chiropody. face paCKM ; lirz-.i-cia.aa ouaAq wuuuvu. 503 Vi Alder 81,. sunt lif. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAiKD c BERRIDGE. ounsei and experts in all matters rciat lng to "municipal, commercial, factory cost AUU inuusiriai awv-ju Moderate feu. Consultations free. 224 Worcester .Block. Phones Maui 700. A 1449. CoLTlS at CO., ACCOUNTANTS. E. H Commerical, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating ana b -temaiixing. a 24 Worcester biocK. i'nune aiain uooi. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATT1NGLY Afternoon Kindergarten and Primary School. 200 14th. Main 3M3. Arcliitects. v..asiUAN CO.. inc.. Architects and Build ers. Plans auu c-uitca imuwueu tree to LniMtira. we ouiid on coiiiiavi, utrceDiana or terms, .m 1 u mugtuo uiug, Asaayer and Analyst. vciis t prouoisiel, mining engineers, chem ISIS anu -J:i 7M " ""il lull. AioNi ANA AiS A 1 Or r ICE- Laouratury and ore-icbuu wwen. iwiuu .u 14 TANNER, attorney. Rooms 311-314. 6 palding buuaing. oa anu wasningtou sts. Attorneys-at-Law. it K SAKUU.N 1. general practice. Aotar- public, rtotn pnonea. oo vn. ui ,om. uidtr; Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent dt Awning Co., tents, awnings and sans. t n, u ainm anu w 1U31. Hatha and SwimmApg. Portland Swimming Baths, 107 4th Elwgant plUHg. SLeam mm aim v ct ui.iia. .pi;. B i ey cleg and Motorcycles. We buy sell, exchange or repair. Hummel Bicycle ex. ias ivin. Main iuag. BriMM and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and mac nine wui a. joo 4-. uiu. jnaia oU, Builders. CLMMiNGS A CATL1N, builders in every branch ox ine ouuaing irauea, joouing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc. Office and shop. 371 First st. Phone Marshall 2Jgr. Circnlatlns; Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg., 180 5th st., bet. Taylor ana lamniu. Chiropractic physician. DR. TICK NER removes the cause of disease. O0-l Columbia bldg. A 5255. Hrs. ia-a:3Q Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in tne city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d end A.der. Phone Main 1301. Cbtroiody and pedicuring. Mrs. M- D. Hill. room 4Z f neaner Diag. rnone aiam CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. jjuruon, 349 Washington, marsnau iav. Collections and Law. NETH A CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG sc CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock biag. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 flth St. Dancing. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing classes. Mondays and baturday evening. private instruction daily. Western Academy. 2d and Morrison. Main 9 213. DANCING lesson 25c, every morning, af ternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Win- son's Dancing School. 3Sdi Washington st.. bet, w. Park and loth sts. M. 7637. Dog and Horse Hbspl tal. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Office 324 Flandera st. Main 40S0. Hospital 6'J ISth sU BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Educational. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic al, survey, assay, cyanide; established ls64 Van der N a I Hon school, 51st and Tela graph. Oakland, CaL . A YOUNG lady just graduated from high school wisnes to tutor one or two chil dren ; can al&o teacn piano and singing. Pnone E. 1 653. WANTED Private pupils in Greek, Latin or German ; academic and collegiate worn by an experienced instructor. r il34, Ore Konian. GRADUATE Columbia University, New lurk, will give private lessons in Domes tic science and domestic art. AE 3-i Oregonian. EXPERT teacher of bridge whist will teach a class or a tew private pupils. AE 4-a Qregonlan. i lns '!ALL Tutortne. some class work. Address 450 E. l4tn Nortn. Phone East 2itMJ. MRS. MARY ELAINE F. PRATT'S select day school ior gins. 715 Thompson su Phone East 40. lMectric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors tor rent or sale. 213 2d ft. Engineering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., General Engineering, Designing, Dralting, 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines Oat and Steam. KOBER Machy. Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gme. 2S1-S3 E. Morrison au paone E. b5. Feed Store. Z1GLER Sc. Misner. hay, grain, feed, ce mt'tit, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 4 82. French Dry Cle-ining. CLEANING TAILORING Dl'EING ALTERATIONS PRESSING REPAIRING Special club rates 50c per suit (.sponged and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe, 751 Washington st. A 5417, Main 0553. k urs. N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC.. formerly of 4O0 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to lull Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired aud stored. Maraliall 7i?3. Hat Factory. i HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st. M- S442. Launches. 16-FT. 3-JI. P., $150; 18-FT., 3-H. P.. $200. Keierson Mach. J.. lbJ K jrrisonsL m Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front. Lea-her of every description, taps, xr f r.' findings. jj A. ST ROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished lb5b. lbO Front su Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. U'4 N. 4th. Machinery for Kent. Contractors machinery of all kinds. David Dow & Son, 202 Lumbermens bidg. Phones, Musical. MUSIC TEACHER Latest, most approved methods; lessons at your home, if ieaired; Miss E. R. Fisher, Sell wood 17b. Ree. 4yo H. 12th st. FRANCIS RICHTER, Piano Studio. " 322 Failing PIANO studio, moaern metnods, 269 14th sL, South. Pnone Main 3813. EMIL THEIlHOKN, violin teacher, pupil Sevick. Quo Marquam. A 4100, Mar. 1 0-0-PIANO studio; modern methods. 209 14th Bt. South. Phone Main 3893. MISStH. GURR, piano teacher. Phone Sell wood 930. Osteopathic Physicians. DR- LeRoy Smith, graduate KirKSvirie, Mo., -class of 1808, post-graduute 1007, under A. T, Sill, the founder. 31 7-318-319 b wet land bldg. Main 1987, A lb5. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 41.-i-4Lo-417 Dekum K'dit. Phone. Office, M. 3497, res., Fast or B 1028, Paints. OUsandGlss. RASMllSSEN Ac CO.. iobbers. paints, oils, glass,sash. and doors, cor, andayior. Paving. n-fiR RnrhAr Ashnalt Paving Company. 605 008 Electric bldg. oscar nuber, portianu. WARREN Construction Co. Stieet paving. sidewalks ana crosswams. a 1 1 scck oiug Patents. PATENT secured or fee returned; Illustrated guide book and nt or inventions mauea. free to any address; patent secured for us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans dc co., warning ton, u. c. pat EN TS that protect and pay; books free highest reference, uest results, oenu tor iisl inventions wanted. raienn auvernseu free. Send sketch or model for free search Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 022 F st.. Washington, D. c. Patent Attorneys. Protect. your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. Registered Patent Attorneys, 201 Hamilton Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. atty. at law. Late 01 u. a. patent oixice. rsouate f r e e. 419 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. and foreign patents that protect are secured mruuKii ratun; lumi -ra,ieiii Agency, Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton. CaL K. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, Xnrringement cases, wi uenum. pa w ribrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years . , . . 1 J 71 C. V. ,t Uain UIO Pipe. PORTLAND WOCD PIPE CO6 Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S:t. Printers. GLASS & PRUDHOMME CO., pi inters, blank book makers, legal ciaimi, iousq ieai ae vices. township plats. 05-67 7th tt.t bet. Oak and Ankeny. CHAUSSE-FRUDHOMME CO.. books, com merciai. i-n vu nu jiqiu otu- v jq-ju. Pluno Pactoiw. r cnmmer a Co.. estaoiisned isjo: genera repair worn; IUQIUBh bui. axatauan iJi i Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, -etc. . . 1 - fiturk Tjfaln 1 Atl? Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial ran rus-, caiiici uiiuiig . 4 1 -.'i ITno.n a va nr til Mni-ri , ana lay"- lKJ" ..,., w -" Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 308 2d St. Safes at factory pricea. occonu-iiaim aaiea. S hewseeBank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG CO.. branch Grand ttapiUB Oiium.. .w, w. v- L,utxe, ingi. NEW and second-hand J. L M. Mfg. Co., 4th and uoucn. Jiaui xiuj. -amuei. wara. Shingles. BEST In the city; car lota or less. Oiibert, zvi w a-ninhm wi-. Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th ana averou s.e. -j uoi out-ueu newest and most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rato In Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A 1-'U. LET'S STOKE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and airy; warehouse district; lowest rales and most careful handling; furniture movjd and packed b experts; estimates given. Phone M. 101 S, A 1984. Van Horn Transfer Co.. 40 2d street. C o. Piek Transfer storage Co., offico and commodious nour-avory uricn ware bouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and vinn sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packedfor shlpping.Maln 59o,.a.l&yo. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak St.. bet. Front and 1st Telephone Main 547 or A 1724 7. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt st., between Mh and 6th. phones Main 611. A 1109. Swiss Dairy. 67 UNION ave.. N. Phones East 5556, B 2011. p ure Lottieq inns, a q,ci-' TOVES .connected and repaired. 1110. Pi eronv. Ty p p writ ers. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy ynjiucuia; reuiais, j per month. Pacific Stationery Printing Co.. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on tins lo3l; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex c h ange. 287 Washington st. EW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut . U f4 , I 'n Vll filorlr -T 1J17 Veterinarians. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny st A 30P9. Vain 2402. Wall Paper. OOMS papered $2 and up. Will call with samples. oorflon Decorating Co., 481 E. Morrison. Phone h. 'J."o4. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale auu iciaii. eauiita tuaiieu. tree. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wood and Coal. COALI COAL! Don't forget last Winter. Give u your fuu-r deliveries. We ru k our coal, bpeclal prices on big orJens. Newcastle per ton, xti.34 and up. Rock springs. Hcbbern. u KUarame satisfaction. Phons Mar shall 2117. 13th and Savier. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silvenoti Passenger California Express San Francisco Express West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger ....... Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shaxta Limited Sllverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger R:r.O a. m. 4:15 p. m. 0:00 p. m. 6:2u p. m. 7:45 p..m. 1 :3u a- m. 7 :20 a. m. 4:(o p. m. 8:50 a. m. 5.40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 10:00 p. IM S'. 30 p. m. 11 :00 a. m. 2 : 30 p. m. 9:30 a. nu 6:20 p. rru lM:2o a. m. S:tK a. m. 4:4t p- m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Puget) Sound 10:10 a.m. North Coast Limited via North! Bank 7:00 p. rru Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a. m. Atlantic Exoress via North Bank' v;00 a. m. j. win iiy Express via Puget 3:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 12:15 a. m. Twin City' "Express " 'via" North Bank Eastern Express via Puget Sound Eastern Express via North Bank 9 :00 a, m. Missouri River Express via Pugeti Sound 110:10 a. Missouri River EXDreas via Nurthf Bank ) 7:00 p. m. i iiauu, -.acoma and Seattle ex-1 press. Grays Harbor. Olympia and South Bend branches Portland-Vancouver Special Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend, branches. . Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland ! 0:45 a. m. 10:10 a. m. 3:20 p. m. 4:00 p m. North Coast Limited via Northl nauK North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 8:15 p. m. ! 7:20 a. m. Northern Pacific Exoress vial North Bank 7:30 a. m. Northern Pacific Express vial Puget Sound I 7:10 p.m. Pacific Coait Express via Northf Ba"k I 8:15 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via Pugetl Sound 1 7:20 a. in Western Express via North Bank! 8:15 p. ra. w estern Express via Puget Sound;i0:30 p. m. Missouri River Express via North! Bank j 7:30 a.m. Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound 1 4:00 p. m- Portland-Ttcoma-Seattle Express! and Cravs Harbor 4:00 p. m. 7:10 p. nu Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special Yacolt passenger , 10:30 p, m. 11:20 a. m. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland 1 Baker city passenger Oregon-Washington Limited .... The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon and Washington Express, Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland I The Dalles Local Oregon and Washington Express. Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker City Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited .... Spokane flyer 8:00 a. nu 10:00 a. m. 4:O0 p. m. 11:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 0:00 p. nx. 10:15 a -m. 10:30 a. m. 11 :30 a. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Saturday Seaside Special Seaside Express ................. Rainier Passenger .............. Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside Express Monday Seaside Special Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Rainier and Portland Passenger. . 8:00 a. m. 0:20 a. m. 2 .30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m, 5:45 p. m. 12:05 p. m. 12:30 n. m. 10:00 d. m. 10:15 p. m. a :4o a. nt, 5:00 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland . 11:00 p. m Via Seattle 12:15 a.m. Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:30a.m. Via Seattle 30:30 p m. Oregon A Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland- I Seattle Passenger. . Shasta. Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger. . , . f 8:30 a. rru I 3:00 p. m. 111:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 5:20 p. nx. 2:45 p. m. JKFFKRSON-STRKET STATION. Southern Pacllio. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger. ...... Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. Arriving Portland Dalltai passenger . Dallas passenger Forest Grove Passenger. 7:40 a. rru 4 :05 p. rru 1:00 p. m. 10:3 5 a. m, 5 :o5 n. m. ia:0U noon ELKVEXTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS- 8ENGER STATION. Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway lo. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings. Spokane. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Glendale. Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver. The Oregonian 11:00 a.m. For tc Paul. Spokane. Pasco. Washtucna. Kahlotus. Cliffs. Lyle. Vgme Salmon. Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon, ste venuson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonian 7:05 a. m. From SL Paul, Spokane. Pasco. ClffTs. Mary vllle, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevensoa and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a. m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Loula, Billings, Spokane. Washtuc na, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local 32:35 p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. rru For Chicago, St. Paul. , Omaha. Kansas City. St- Louis. Billings. Spokane. Washtuc na. Kahlotua. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. " Great Northern i Railway C IT th and J: o tu pan v. Leaving Portland nth and l&ovt sts.- Oriental Limited, via Seattle lo:00 a. m. The Oregonian, via onn uanit. .11 :uo a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bunk 7:00 n. m. International Limited. Seattle. Ta- coxna and Vancouver. B. C 10:00 a.m. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and , . X K-AA V UIICU U -3 , JLS. ...... ........ w . W JJ. Ul, Shore Line Express. Tacoma. Se attle and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Hovt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 0:40 a, m. The Oregonian. via North Bank.. 7:05 a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8:15 p. m. The Owl. Vancouver, B. C.. Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p.m. International Limited. Vancouver, B. U.. aeatviP ttim x ay--: no. V .UV p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. t-awM-nger fetation. Front and Jefferson Sts vMdhurn-Sulem and Int. Puiuls Lota.i leave Portland 0:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M., 2:00, 3 60 6:30, h-:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem. 0:15 A. M. Local for WLson vi'lc and Int. Stations. 5:10 P. M. ljiiiMKoro-Forest Grove and Intermediary Points Leave Portland 7:05. 8:30. 10:20 a. M ; 12:10. 2:10. 3:30, 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Sat urday onij. il."",- . irrivB Portland, from Salem and Int. Stations. 8:40, 11:00 A. M. : 1:15. 4:00. 4:50. .t o.. n- a. 10:50 P. M. Local from WiLson- ville and Int., 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sun day and 7:35 A. M. daily. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove una Int. Statiom 8:U0. 9:50. 11:40 A. M. ; 1:30. a-50 5:20. 8:10, 20:50 P. M. Sunday oniy, 4:40 P. M. , . . Depot rront ana jcuciawi. rpriiann, (jr. Vortland Railway. Light & i'oiver Company. Ticket Office and Waitlng-Hooni. First and Alder and Kast Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS, rire.on City :00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minute, and including; last car. midnight. Ureanam ana ii.ici incuiai. points o:os, Ai. S:43, 9:45. 10:45. U:4.' A. M. ; 12:46. 1-45 2:4i. 3:4K. 4:45. :40. 8:45. 3 1 :30 1'. M. Falrview and Troutdale H:S5. 7:43. 8:45. 9:43. 10:45 A. M.: l-:45. a:43, 3:4i, 4:45, 6:io. o:4j Jr. Cazadero and Intermediate points 6:53, 8:43. 10:45 A. M.: 12:43. 2:45. 4:15. 6:4J P' FOlt VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and waiting-room Second ana vv assume .011 em.. . M .:15. 6:50. 7:23. 8:00. 8:3.V 0:1IV 9:.-,u. iii:30. :l:10. 11:30. p M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 3-.V), 4-30 r.:10. 5:50. 6:30.' 7:05. 7:40. 8:35. 8:25. 10:35. "li:. rn tttlrd Monday in every month th. In.t car leave, at 7:05 P. M. D.iily except Bua day. Dally except Monday. i