WANTED A $-S.0 HOME. Wa ht a buyer tor a han.iaom noma In Portland who will pay !,. 11S."" or ?.V00d If suited. What hava your Auwtr at once. ' HAKTMA.V THOMPSON. Realty Ipartmnt. Chamber of Commerce. W E HAVE calls for proprty In "r I'1 nf tha city: business and Incoroo propnr, factory and aretious sites, nousea ana t scant lol; all transactions connaenttaa. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRU8T COM PANT. . . ror. gth and Washington ts. WANTED lO to 2 acres of cleared and cultivate land, not over 10 mil'-" from tha postofflre. and on an electric line, t-oil mnat ba llicht. but not urttfllv. and su li able In o.rr way for a nursery mo tha right plr and It'a a irt r but I will uf with wti only. Ant wlll .UK their time. G332.OrQP'i THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Inio men TrnP ertvT You furnish lot. w put up flats or apartment: would shara protlta or nnanca ti bulldlnc f -r you. ....,, n NORTHW1.STERN .-ONSTRLTTION CO. V'i l.eals BMl. WANTED N rORTUXP HfclOHTs. Party la anslous to se-ura building or homa. with full "trw of city; plaass advisa ua at onco what you have; pre fers nr carllne. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 1) Lafayette FIdg.. Washington and stn. fOt'TH PORTLAND to tha front: hare. np.nKl branch olTI- at tP-4 lt at.. nr brldga. for tha asclu.lva Hating of South l-ort.an.1 property. Goldschm Idt'a Aganry. iWlv, Washington t.. 'or. 3d. W ANTED Apart ant or flat ana. I have rash to pay for cor. lot MHIon. south rl p..,r. from th t . Washington at. 1MH Si" "tot Wuhlmma at. I'hpoa o7. Box I'oatofflr. l"-r?B WANTED. liar, a nv.rt.raa. for drawtr, r'r cm. to t kun for a injtU m.1,rn.c2,: i.aa o' eo.u.1 value: would put in '" .sen f"r Pft-rty wfh tha money. Cail or s.t.-lresa i Hard of Trade. , h .MK lota in P-rtland suitable to build on. I haw 40 acrea a short drivo from Fort an.? n good road; -II dwld. '"' purchaser and tak. a lot a- Pft p.. our own time en balance. AN S.4. ura- HA1K rail for large and small J"rac J land for farming and orchard purposes. I can aoll youra. ZIMMERMAN. 3n Hoard ol Trade F'dg. uAlED To buy modern Portland reel den.. V Incora. W"' ,r parlv. .ho will accept Hood "l in.rd tract In part j.aymont . alTe lele rho.,a rumbr. D 33., Oronlan. WE HAVE Imjulrl.a for dlrabl "!d""' "oll.d.y and Ir?'""0" "' ttnd baTr. M-Carar. Hatea A Uwly. :ii Falling b'a WF. WANT farma to ail at in. right p. 1.'. h.o call every day and ran iell It. Write or call BLANt-HARD Ct.EM.-ON. d Slth .t. WANTED Lot to build bungalow on. not oer will pay for amo in legitimate guaranteed at.K-k; better than caah. H 1 .1 . Qfgonlan. WANT bunre pr.nrr. Wrt SI le or cloea in tt Pile, under S4O.0C-O: mu.t tlf'-ln acreage a part rey"1"' Vaaduyn Ma! ton. 1115 Chamber Commerce. WWTF.D Hih-claa apartment alte for .'ash want to deal tnh oaner: w want a alte ajltable for large modern apart ...nt ho'iee. AC a7. oregonian. TstTT fm Trnlmprovej burned umfwrr lande; muet be good a-iU " w.t-ere-i. w.t of Portland and ch.ap. no agent. . yjt. i.regor. ran. . IN eichange for 60 arrea near .termlnua of I'nited liallr.'!. "t amaller tra. t rent to Portand. II art man A Th..mpm. r.rm In-. Pep' -Se H.rtf g . W ANTED About fr acra near Portland an4 re.r carllne. wllh a nl.- bull.llng erot on It; a 'me irees; not oer 2St per acre. At. 21. Oregonian. i.ROu bungalow or eottage; $300 to pay down, baiance aa rent: give full deacrip tlon. price and location In anawer. Ad-rt-ea P 117. Oregonian. , W ANTED From owner. 5 or 6-room mod ern bungalow. Sunnwida or Roae City Prk preferred. Price muet be right. 41 Hall way ET. hango Pldg. W" X NT 3 to 10 ares near Portland. .:. to per acre: muet have eoine Improve ment. A.'.ire at once, bog 12 S. Belllng hm. WV W F HVE cuatomere for good bulr property Eaai or W et Sl..e; It win pay o.i to deal r ua. Walker Reed. i.mr of Commerce tt WILL buv your equity In good 1L re stricted diatrlct. or an Improved place in Irvington: mint be cheap. O 33i Ore- ronlan. . -s.-r i.ni lot adlomlng St. Johna carMne. In Burrage tract, tni ito a lot in Rlreralde Addition. C,mt A Oirarhan. I u, Mornaon t. Phone. Mall J-j"- IA.MII To buy fro. j on.-. rtodern ree Idence in good Ea.t Side district; give full particulate and prirr. V Sj's Urw gontan. . 1. 1.1D propertlea. c!oo In. Improved or un improved: we can handle If rightly prKed. t.lv ua a trial. J . K.-liN A PEERINfi. It" PtarkSL VINTON, aig-cyllnder. goM e-ndllion. ex change for Eaai tide residence; wia pay ra.n dlffe-ence. Addrea N 3-a. Oie goman. ' F. have buer who aanta home not over s. minutea out. t do n. balance month.y. Pmlih-Wagoner Co.. .ill-.ll- Lewia nil. WANTEr A g.od st.K.'k farm with eto. k In Westorn -.reoii. for about $l".o-o. Send in description and loweat price. ". Fucha. 2-1 la Mornaon at. W VNTED At once, from owner only. n-Klern T r-oai hur: give fuil parnculara on oca t o n. A K 3i. Orefintan. WILL buy vacant lota on Eaat Side If at a aacrlfire. Howard Land V.O.. 42U liwet lan d bid g. 9.o eh to Invent In Inel.le Portland prop rt: only unqueeuonaole title considered. V ;:-t. t'reg'n.an. tA.rtlt All klnda of city property, good businee chances and farma tor nulck aale bv Kucha. ;jlS Morrteon t. KOitV hunza'ow: ll give equity in s'ghtlj Mount Tabor corner lot aa lirel raiment N 3t. oregonian. W VNT1-D tor cash, apartment huse on corner bringing good returna: clear title. ' If.', t.reg-.nlan 4H cn.ap IscKniae ."ounty acreaa-: si"v I.Keiicn. description. pr.ee and l-rms. AK.ll?.Orjrf .vnian. WANTED Arout an acre on the river, a little further up man Rlverdale; must ba .aeonarle. D : ifffinnlan. . II. 1. pa ca.h for hargalna m Lose Cuv i'ark 'ots. in number of lot and block. A. aai. t'iregonian. w xsT At once, hit or two, close to Rote ' liv Park carllne. Jaa. C Logan. Sirt a Wash, it- It 't- tvtLlTViy .Vrt to JlwJn and bal. morthl f..r 1 t., T-room rrro.lern burg!.. value 2l 10 $. Mohawk r.l! W E have buer who wanta h-itiio not over mlnut's. out: 300 down, halan.-e monthly. timltb-War t-- 3"-St3 l-- bl-lg. j,,ir or srrall house and k'l. no egenta AD "is. Oregonian. Eul ITV in bungalow citing btwee-i .k sn.i ItiV-!: owne-a only. A 3J1. Ortfnri.n. W A STEP TO KEXT rARMS. WANTED To rent 4 acrea and up; muet b pienty water, orchard and buildings, not more than 2" mtlee from Tortland: also 2 or 3 uillea from carllne; state all 1. articular In letter. W. Tonkin, care T. peden K. K. I. No. 3. Ores-m, Cltv. 1 .r W lTtn Lease a tarm 10 - '-im. aoou. ',Mrs wt'hln miles of town; should be out of cltv llml't: water must be good condition K T. : North ith t., port 's nd. w vted T rent. In r.--M3Thwestern Oregon. fuliy eoulpied dalrr farm with at leaet t-n go.M rn and several acre. In bearing or . barf. arr' rre'errel Write particulars b'-t I. Clarkston. Wash. TO EXCHANtJK- HAVE gome gllt-edge.t mining st.vck to . cMange t"T a diamond of loo karats or jrts, Oregontvn. l. T In Joneamore. Including Improvements. Price fT.MI. will take good team In part pavment L .H. Cregonlam PATENT Whole rotted states, trade for gond rooming-house or real estate, c H42. c.oTi'an. WILL trarie goo-i Eugene rroperty for cleaA w-g of gr-.-er1 Hot 'X Eugene. Or. 4VCACRE ranch for hardware etore. P HO. Oregon Ian OROCFRT store. $.: estahltshed 1 yeara f7 Lnmhe-mers Rank hldg. M aln SO I f. ran trade any kind of property at 310 Oak at, WILL tra le for anything of value. Call 41. f.ari of Trade. TIVE suburban acres, t : ".00 fr house, will aasume iiwa dw 11 TIFE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX- rORTLAXP. SEPTEMBER 18, 1910. ,1 I , f "FOR PAI.B. I WAXTED-M18TE1XAXEOC8. I TO rTru.vr.r TO EXCHANGE, TOH SALE. . SH.cellan.ou.. BOOO ACTtES. noon acrea. Lincoln County, near K. R-. hsa running water, fine graaing land. W 111 sell In a body or In parcels or exchange for Portland property. Price $12 per acre. 103 ACRES IMPROVED 1M acrea. near Corvalll. 1.".o acrea In cultivation: running water, good Improve ments: price $16.r.io. or exchange for In come Portland property. 2rtO ACRES IMPROVED. Coo acrea. Llna County. 17o acres In cultivation, near good town on 8. P. R. R.. If) acres hops, hop house, good Im provements, stock. Implements, etc.. go wlta farm at I"0 per acre or exchange for Income Portland propertv. Call at J022 Board of Trade Bldg.. for further Informatlon- I2T.0O0 Worth of good paper to trade for prop erty. MOORE INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Henry Bldg. 13TO ACRE FARM. 1RTO acre farm, in Washington. 5V In timothy. 10 more fine timothy land. .100 wheat land. Son fruit and alfalfa land, can be easllv Irrigated. Timber to the value of $10,000 on place. Stock and machinery worth 113. 000. One of the beat combined fmlt. dalr-r and alfalfa farma to ba had. Want good city or town property In ex changed t K. MOORE. Suite 51 T. Board of Trartec Portland. Eor property In Oregon or Washington, prefer Improved farm or part fruit: 11 room modem residence, perfect repair in side and out: large acreage and barn, tennis court: lot :. on street, l.l deep. Improved street: .1 minutes to electric, h rh-rlae neighborhood: beautiful view overlooking ocean and cltv: value nf lot will douhle In two years: price J2O.00O. - n FTSIT. Hood River. Or. HOOD RIVER HOME. 10 acres In fruit; near town: beautiful home; a bargain at g.v: will trad. t"t mall home or. Portland Heights, HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANOE FOR PORTLAND pp.opF.RTr ll'r.ee residence In Oakland. Cal.. near Tnlvcrsltv of California or Mills College: blue prints and li pictures with me. All -ST. Oregonian, or postofflce box 111. Pon fand. Wi ACRFS wheat land. In Adams Count v. Wa.hlngton. onlv 4 miles from town ; Z..n acres under cultivation and balance pas-tu-e land: all good soil: good n-room house, stah'e, machinery sheds, etc.: this Is ex ce lent wheat land and Is all well f-nced: price 2i pe, acre; will Torfland propertv. J. C Panders. 4-i Lumbermens bldg. Vn-o, .V,x,3. frr,. ,wn street", rorners on gllev. fruit and orna mental trees and sliruhs. In Orange. Orange County. Cal. One block from Inter urban electric to Los Angel Want any thing In rortland up to aSnon. Foomlng honse with lease preferred. AN o30. Ore goplsn WILL exchange beautiful California resi dence In Oakland with or without furnl tr. for propertv here. Hsrtman A Thompeon. banker. Farm land Depart ment. (Pee Harlog. WILL TRADE lot. II and 12. of block St. Alderhrook. Astoria, for lots In Portland ard pay cah difference, or for equity In tot. In Portland, or for other lots other than In Astoria. W. H. CRINDSTAFF. M0 Commercial block. WCNTTD-I'nlmrroved-acreage adjacent to Portlsrl In exchange fr modem house and 5 a-re In citrus, fmlt In Pajaro V alley. Sunta Crux County. California. Hartman A Thompson. Rsnkem. Farm Land Department. I See Harlog). A "-PASSENGER, fully-equipped and high power automobile In good condition: nne for rent service: will sell for cash or -...ange for readllv salable realty. Im proved or unimproved. In or near Port land Cal? or address 7:; Electric bldg. lrt ACRES about IS miles from Portland: good two-story, seven -room bouse 'arge barn etc.: voting orchtrd. all kinds or small fruit: well fenced; price 4000: will exchange for Portland property. J. O. psnders. 427 Lumbermens bldg. C.ENERAI. MERCHANDISE. Stock "3.. fixtures $.vw building and four lots $12n: business last year 119.000. Will consider part In Portland properly. Owner Injured ar.d must sell this fine busl ness. A 1 2i Oregonian. BXCHANC.F?. 11-room ro-iec. I .kit12iV fnlon r., for stump lard nrar R. R. ; mus: have creek; will eone'.d-r Improved firm: my equity. J.viOO: owneie only need arawer. Box J3J. St. Johns. Or. FOR EXCHANGE, rc-neat land. Eastern Washington and Panhandle. Idaho, for WTHamelte V'!v or Clark Countv. Wash., lnnd. J. H. At kinson, room 1. Thore SO0. Commercial P n n k . Vancouver. Wash. I HAVE paid i-iM on mv contract for one of the best lots In l-aure:hurst. .Vx1o. and will trade rr. eoultv for good horse or team with harness and a buggy or nagon. X 3J0. Ore contan. FOR SALE or trade four desirable residence lots- my law library. Including N. W Rep'ta.. A. A E. Enc. of Law. L. It. A.: C.- Current Law and list of text books. E p! J.. 117 E. inth St.. North, city. II ACRF.jl of good, uncleared level land. 12 miles from Portland, near carllne. Price IIH.-.0 W ill take a cltv lot worth I7O0 as first payment. See owner. 221 S Morri son ev. room 0 BXCIIANtlR. Hardware, fine lo.atlon. cheap rent: good le-j to trad for lots or cKee-ln acreage. (loinsnrnii a skitz. 71 H FVarl of Trad. FJXCH ANC.P. Cigar and dwife- l knry doing a good hi"-eae. t- trad f-'r small farm: will pav d-ernv-e. iino,lnough A Settx. 71g Board of TrA le. EW store btil:dng. 7 rooms upstairs, mod ern; S-esr lease at 111; per month; will t-ade for .'.-acre tract near Portland: must n.,v, 1.0. t on lard 41" Posrd of Trade. W rEl To es.-hnnce hlgh-claas touring car flrst-clasa condition, for comer lot In I..urelhurst. East Irvlnrton. Alameda l ark. Phone Mr. Smith. L. irs. W'lLI tradegood 7-room house and 2 lota In Des Moines. Iowa, value I;non. for email place near Oregon Cltv or Portland. Ad ' dress B. L. l.imt. Oregon Cltv ACKK t-acts. Improved, resr the city, to ex change for grvd city property or fr sale on rjiay terms. Irovldrnt Investment A Trustee Co 52-o2sl rtoerd of Trs-le bMg. A FINE 1-acre tract near center cf Pt. Johns business district for Southern Cali fornia. What have you? J. K. R-. 392 Co-Ijimh-a st filk.ss. worth of gvvod securities; will exchange for fruit land, all or pertly Improved; will pay sins difference. L. K. Moore. 5 1 T Board of Trade. s'tvilL tra.ie my 5-room home valued at $-. for a farm from 30 to e arree. l.i 1 2 or k miles from tre cltv: will g:ve cfr take dlrTerence. W Oregonian. BY "OWNER, for sale or trade 4o a.-res Whlte Salmon: will tak auto or dy property. Call Mar s"s!1 121. V B12 Oregonian. T TRAIH f.r stock of mrrcnandlse Have 1KO acrea rich level land on good mad. rt mllee west Junction City. W 323. Oregt.nlan. H . v K paid lCort rash on 3 nice building lots: will tske ir.no and hslan.-e trade for anvthlng of value. H I3. Oregonian. A N T F D To traile a White Steamer for lot .' house, call at 2 E. 7th St.. N. Port-lsr-1. ' r F.l' KXHIA NC.F. Household furniture for m.rtgsge on r.l estste or part payment on g.l 1-t. H 3'-'. f'regonlsn. W tl exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Norlnwest Exchange. 22S- Henry bldg. WILL trade s.-ree Ho.d River orcliard land f.-r o-psesenger automobile in good condition. A ldreex box 3tN. H'"l River. r t'f'l SALR or Insd. tt sc. I:n:ber land In Curry countv. Oregon, for house and lot in Portland .!" 3i '.. city. BT owner. acres, near cleared.. Portland, for city property: give price and location. A.t dress K tjregonlan. FOR PALE or exchange f.-r Portland property. I. I or 3 blocks In Tacoma. Address A 831. o-e gon In . NEW harness, rubber-tired buggy to ex change for piano. Owner. Main S3R0; 434 CKs-vher of I'ommerc .- ..... nii.nRfn stallion trotter A cers old. exchange for real estate. Owner. 434 -t.so.her of Commerce. Main MO. Foil Al.E Multiple drawer National, or v.intl trade eor va..nt lot lit the city. Phon Main 21 or Woodlawn 24:14. vi, i have vou to trade tor S20 violin. O 326. oregonian. READ THIS. 10 ACRES TO TRADE. A beautiful country home of 10 acres to trade for city property. Mount ticott line preferred. This fine farm Is highly Im proved, has it acres under cul tivation, a bearing orchard, all varieties of fruit and ber ries: at present It la planted to garden, potatoes In fact. . everything on ll Is ready to support a family. We can give Immediate possession. There Is a good four-room house, barn 2.-.x.".. feet. In fine shape, harness, cultivators nud all necessary amall tool. The loo bearing fruit treeg have been bringing In quite an In come for the last two years and have been well taken care of. If an energetic man gets this place Its productiveness and Its proximity to Portland will make him a nice Income . and a residence In one of Portland's finest suburbs. It has all of the necessary outbuildings. chicken-houses, runa. etc., ready to start in the chicken business. Right now it la supporting a family of ten. If you care to work In port land you can make this trip dally In leas than one hour. Remember the soli Is flrst clsas. no rock and Ilea level, price 40ot. RALPH ACKLET, 6(i Corbett bldg. EVBL'RBAN HOME ABOUT 20 MINITF.S" RIDE FROM PORTLAND; OOOD FUBCIt HAN SERVICE: HOrsE ALMOST NEW. W ITH MODERN CONVENIENCES; -OVER, AN' ACRE OF (inoi'NI); PRICE o0lK. WILL TAKE 20OO IN OOOD ACREAGE OR LOTS IX I'ART PAYMENT. TUALATIN VAI.LEY FARM. Ill ACRES. 7." IN Cl LTIVATlt IN. CLOSE TO TRANS PORTATION: PRICE $12." PER ACRE; WILL TAKE A HOME IN PORTLAND NOT OVER 110.0OO. 1 ACRES NEAR OSWROO. 11 ACRES IN CULTIVATION AND SET TO CHERRIES; TREKS 3 YEARS OLD: 40 PER ACRE; WANTED GOOD IRVINGTON HOME WITH NOT LESS THAN QUARTER BLOCK OF GROUND. DAI.LAS FARM 25 ACRES, 20 IN CULTl VATIo.n; PKK'E s"""0. WILL TAKE Home not over .hio. 4 choice lots. east side; pb1ce i20o, want home not over $1s00. gi.enart realty chi.. inc.. 71a chamber ok commerce. ( WHEAT LAND FOR CITY PROPERTY. We have wheat land to trade for city propertv. fruit land or timber land. Our wheat farms run from I acrea to 10.0ut acres, tend for our printed Hsu MOORE INVESTMENT CO. S04 Henrf Bldg. AN IDEAL HOME. A splendid property right In the center of a pVosperlng little city of the beat town of the glxe in the Northwest. A half block of ground with streets on thrlS aide, and alley In the rear A strictly modern B room house, hardwood final. hot water heating plan t. The ground alone will be worth '""V" present price of the property In a short lime! Price 10.0.M. Want farm, tlm Tr or vacant Portland property IT!, pJydTference0 casn Vh'e 2ns Gerllnger Bldg.. Cor. 2d and 1A der Office. Main W301 resWence, Woodlawn 21ttt. Portland. EXCHANGE. o a or a acres at Courtney Pta.. tns rJuUful'suburb!' Want amall home In c,,v- rv .k.n. ci . Most beautiful ,,. :rr.g?fSfu5S:i.w" hom. ,n ""o refc'!-.rke Co.. fair improvementa, ' modTn to 7,V"L.':".?"PCos.-Tcouch Bldg. S05 Chamber of Commerce. Main intt-t. A 1' i- which 1 win ' will consider .ooTTsidence! .pi? ment-hoirse or in foe"propV"rty in trade. C 340. Orego- nlan. . . .. , .f-ni-t, f miles from The Dallea and lo ACRF.S. " !l"Tn. s excellent fruit r.nndC-40 acres cleaned and ready for plow and 40 acrc.tor. can be cleared at small irnerse Price $.vn: easy terms. Wl l excT.ng. f Poland property. J. G. Panders. i.'""' "" " - FINE store building and s ood """ street In a good town close to Portland store Is now rented: cash price J5o0. There Is a mortgage of 7i0 on this prop erty. I will exchange the equity for good automobile. See J. E. Smith. 51J chamber ot c pom.:. 6 A.-RES mostly bearing orchard and large modern house in the corporate limits of " . valley town, for n or roora I homa. south of Hawthorne preferred: '""" to ,!kk.. Call tomorrow. 2J3 Washington. cor. 3d; room o. IHtVE paid I20O on an .V) cornor lot. with gran -d streets cement walk, and curS and Bull Run mains In and paid for 400 feet from streetcar: want to exchange for engineer s transit, steel tape and flag- palea K o.ls. ores'""-" ....... i IMVI-'H Will take modern residence as part pa ment for Ideal Hi-acre young orchard at Hood River In heart of the vail-y: all placed to commercial varieties of apples Tn prime cndlnr.Toregonan WILL TRADE FOR A FARM. 7-room house and K lots IWmli-i each. 13 blocks from Sellwood carllne. The ho.iea T. nof modern, but It Is a good buy at tUoOo. 24 i flttn n et Ai-HB? WORTH M00O. (U K I-Kl. r. s Will trad for Portland property; the tim ber IS In Clsrk County and only 30 miles from Kortisno i-im1""- 60v 'ini Int. double frontage, original price iiooti- I40S paid in. balance payable .. tnonthlv; will trad for horse and buggy or piano, launch or household furniture. L 333. Oregonian. I OWN a 70x100 corner lot near Rose City Psrk value f.vio; have paid 20n on con tract' balance $300 payable monthly; will trade mv eqilltv for a piano or good horse and buggy. J 333. Oregonian. ll-ou motor boat, boathouse and equipment for sale cheap or will trade for good clear lot or equity In house and lot. K 332. Oregonian. HAVE elegant!.- furnished 34-room apartment-house, wllh low rent and long less, clearing big money, to trsde for modern residence. B 3.T-. Oregonian. ONE 1KIO model Wlntnn automobile, al "moat good aa new. fu'ly equipped to trade for residence: will pay cash difference. D M3.V Oregonian. WE have good city property, good farms and good business chances to exchange one for th other jr. FUCHS. 221 S Morrison Street. Ilrti.o Ll uiTV l-i'0 new home, good dis trict: trade for acreage or lots. East 60 or D S42. Oregonian ' g ACRES. 12 miles from city; house, spring snd some Improvements. Room 314 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Or will trade, complete res taurant outfit. Inquire at Newport Res taurant, hi 3d 'at. ' TO SELL or exchange for Portland property. Irtti acres desert, best irrigated section Columbia River. Owner. T 841, Oregonian. WII I, trade"400 equity In 10 acres fruit i.ns for nlano: balance f son. payable SIS p.r month, call 1'4.'. Grand avenue. WW 1 trade o04 acres. Benton County. stock, etc.. for cltv property: l.O00; no lnfl-d values. AF 327. Oregonian. I OWN some A-l Irrigated rrult land; will trade for Portland property. T 342. Ort- gonlsn. CITY propertv and 3-year-old apple or chard to exchange for Los Ange.ea real estate. B 213. WILL trade I4V. shotgun as psrt payment on a motorcvele or If In good condition will pav cash. AN 331. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, and Harness. HIGH-GRADE top buggv and harness, new Siude baker spring wagon. East 19SA, Horses, Vehicles and Harness, HOUSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will be sold under our guarantee. They range in weight irom 1000 to HOO lbs.; age from a to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight H00 to louo lbs., for sale. Call ard Inspect these. If wanting horses. Hawthorne stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. 1150 DRIVING OUTFIT. Consisting of pretty chunky-built brown mare, extra fine roadster and fearless of cars or automobiles; also harness, almost ne.v, and rubber-tired runabout buggy In A-l shape. Ask for Mr. Wares. outfit at O. R. C. Boarding Stables, cor. 14th and Vnmhiil. FOR SALE 3-year-old mare, gentle, for women; afraid of nothing; 16 hands high; top bujrgy and harness, also open buggy as good as new: 2 farm wagons, bay team horses, one dapple gray. l.ltM) pounds, suit able for rancher; sorrel mare, louo pounds, one sorrel mare. 1200. Fulton Feed Brn. 164 Macadam road. I- WILL rclf after exhibiting at The Dalles Fair. October 4 to 8. and at Sherman Coun ty Fair the following week, one span ma hogany by geldings. 4 years old. weighing 3.00 lb. ; one span bays 5 and o years old. weighing Sli'io lbs. All thoroughly broke and of the H'lglan tvpe. Address O. A. Buckley, Grass valley, or. li HORSES and mares, some good, cheap farm or delivery horses: among these also some ponies: must be sold at once; will exchange ponies for larger horses; also 2 fine rubber-tired buggies. Kenll worth Transfer Co.. 809 fcl. 2Sth SL; Woodstock car to -Gladstone ave. fvK SALE Nearly new. full plalform spring. Studfbaker wagon 12-ft. bed; bought for handling fruit, been replaced ita auto truck: cost 020. will sell for 2.M. W. J. Youmms. Inquire 113 Union ave.. South. Telephone H 343. ONE wide-track. 3 Mitchell wagon, run 2 vears. is In first-class shape, with a new California bed, for .3. or the running gear for Hi. Inquire 1630. cor. Slid and Barr road; take Montavllla car and get oft at 0th L iTssOURl"lMULES for aale Another new shipment Juat received: 1200 to 1500 lba, ages good, aultagle for railroad, logging and farm work; mules at Freeman Broa barn. 13th and Overton sta. Address bparks A Wigglnton. Imperl al HoteL PAIR of gray geldings, sound and true, working every day. ..eight 22oO: also me.re and horse, aoout 2400 lbs: I bro.vn mare, no mate. 1200 lbs.; this stock is all good age and will make the price right. 204 Montgomerv. lt(5 TEAM AND HARNESS 16o. Chunky built team of horses, been usea for delivery use the past year, kind and gentle and true and reliable: would make good ranch team: warranted and trial al lowed. 4.f lamnin si 14 BUYS bay horse, age 0. weighs about 1200 lbs.: true to work single or double; worth 20O to anyone who can use him. O. R. C. Boarding Stables, cor. 14th and Yamhill. 7." VOUR choice of 4 horses, been used as livery horses at a beach resort the past three months; no further use for them only reason for selling. O. K. C. Stables, cor. 14lh and Yamhill. SPAN-R-year mares, weight 2300 lbs., well broke: 4 young mules and a few cheap e horses suitable for fnrm work: spring wa gon, harness, etc. Hubert nan. iu -isi st. A SNAP :f.00; 12 head horsa. 2 hacks. 4 express wagons. 2 buggies. 2 runabouts, 1 surrey, light and heavy harness, long lease; reasonable rent. 4-6 E. Yamhill si. .Phone LatlsfJ. WELL broken 7-year-old driving , horse, in first-class condition: weight ItHio lbs.; cash, equitv in lot or part payment on new standard piano. Inquire 4l Dekum ave., or phone Woodlawn 1 S13. FOR""SALE Galted Kentucky saddle mart, 5 years old. not afraid ot anything, broke for lady to ride, can be seen at raxiur ot McLean's, corner Pth and Taylor. FOR SALE Gentle family horse, perfectly sound, weighs- about H00 pounds.- safe for children. Phone Woodlawn 72 or ad dress Geo. M. Cornwall, 54 Union block. FOR SALE Nice pony cheap; suitable for paper route; also good driver. See owner. 202 E. 8lh su North, or phone C 1314, East 314. ONE blocky gray mare, weight 1100 lbs., with foal, sound and true, 8 years old; will sell or exchange. Call Haielwood Stables, lit h an d Flanders sts. FOR SALE 2 well-matched brown mares, weighing WiOO pounds, 6 and 4 years; gentle and well broken. Mrs. B. Wemhoff. Bea verton. Or. K. 2. box 1. FOR SA1.E 1 team young, well-matched horses, weighing 2S00; sound and without blemishes; 1 team of young horses weigh ing 3101). 2 Russell St. GOOD team mares. -4"o, farm wagun anu harness: $20u. or 2.o without wagon. McCoy. 3ii4 North 2tith W. car. Pnone Main 936o. CLOSED carriage, also 1200-pound horse. H xhes- livery, liiih and Jefterson. lake J ff :rson car. aak for Roderick s car riage. " . TEAM e years old. sound and good workers; 27O0 lbs-, with heavy breaching harness; the outfit. $.'lr.. -.th and Montgomery. lioo-lb. horse, suitable for slow, heavy work, true to pull: no reasonable offer re futed. O. R. C. stables. 14th and Vnmhiil. koit HIKlS. PORTLAND oTABLES. 28 16TH 9T. MARSHALL lfixi. HoKSfiS AND W AGONS BY DAY. WEEK ORMONTH. HORSE, harness and light express wagon; no reasonable offer refused. PA E. 18th North. ALLOWAY STABLES, 1S2 E. S4th St.; 11 -ery. business rigs for rent or sale. B 1130. Tabor 1112. J FOR SALE. team, farm wagon, harness. In quire Mom'.ay and Tuesday. Will be sold cheap. cannon r. WANTED Work liors.;3 in exchange for close-in acreage on the West Side. Call 411 Corbett oing. STALLS for rent, horses boarded, buggies by day or month. Union ave., cor. East Irving. Phone East 4U. koK SALE Good team young horses, weight 1300. -Call 169 4tn. Phone Main 764. A I LAUNCH. l.V horsepower, well built, a bargain. If Interested, address A 333, ircgonlan. ONE of beet-lralned saddle ponies iu state for ladies or children; well bred. F. R. Smith. Silverton. Or. FOR SLE One team of marcs, weight about 14U0 each, sound and true. At Peter son s barn. 14 Union ave. Ca 11 for Leisure. tat-BtlKT st HALL'S STABLES. US Front su livery business, rigs, horses, harness. wagons, for sals or rent. Main Xiui. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 338 Sher- lck bldg. Phone Main 1410. FOR SALE Good driving horse. Call at barn.-EaA'1-"!-.-!1 Morrlson RIDING and driving pony for sale. S03 East Gllsan st.; ?7. FOR fALE Team horses and'hsrness, $300. 341 Williams eve. ONE handsome gelding, ride or drive. Main 57. WILL sell 4 horses reasonable. Inquire Vi Everett st-: betwen 1 and 4 P. M. V- m nt 1'es stei'i PERSIAN cats and kittens cheap; will give away a young white domestic male cat to a good home. rnnnr n q..i- too Pl'ftE-RKKD Brown leghorn hens. - 18 months old: best strain layers; fl each. A o2. oregonian. - rvcv liiPKOl A of ele.-lrlcal and gas engl 'neerlng. cost 1I. almost new; sell for half or so. VJioneMarsrtiairJ loo IMPORTED St. Andrearberg and Harx Mountain Roller canary birds. 12:1 E. 20lh F.oii SALE Fine collie dog. 2 years old. Phone Alain i-w. FULL-BLOOD Scotch collie pupa: male. J3; female. $2 .10. C l.r--. I1 Clackamas st. BARGAIN Gent's hieycl. new tires, coast er: also ooy s wne.-i. tin pi. ORGAN for sale cheap. 11 343. Oregonian. : Autom 5llrs. ' i-PASSENGER 4-cj Under. 33-horse to ex change for first or second mortgsge or contract. Price $1400. Wagoner. 311-312 Lewis bldg. WANTED Good secondhand motorcycle; must be In good condition. N S.ltt, Orego nian. PRACTICALLY new. guaranteed Maxwell nYnahout: cost S.i0: only il23: 30o down. balance mpi"i".. v FIVE-PASSENGER , car. practically new, cheap for cash: would lake part trade. realty, o"-. . ...uo... 40 ACRES near Mist. Columbia Cminty, Oregon exchange for automobile or room-.-- . isll 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE cheap. 4 new tires and tubes. 34x4. 3:x4. 3:x3Vs. 30x3Vj. 14Si 1st St.. room 9 CADhTLaC SO, Just as good as new; will sell at a sacrifice for spot cash. Address H 321, oregonian $110 TAKES this auto Ruiiabout: It Is easy won. i ." - AUTOMOBILE, sheet-metal work, radiator. lamp and fender repalrist. in N. 3d st. WOULD trad 20 seres for Ford automobile. Phone Morula" m ip FIFTY seres. Tillamook County, for auto mobile, r.-psssenger. AG 334. Oregonlsn. fok SALE "3"" Cadillac, but little used; gold repair. Phone Marshall 22o A FEW EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. The below list consUts of some extraor dinary bargains in late up-to-date models, everv one in first-clasa running order ana III lor guou Kl.at. . .o-.o Hto Chalmers, 5-pass -in litou E. M. F. Studebaker, 5-pass J!)ll A. B. C. runabout r.-pass. 35 H. P. Olds... SiO ;-pass. Thomas Flyer, snap iou rora runaoout , . . 1WVJ Stoddard-Dayton 3-pass., new tires. will sell at bargain. The prices placed on the above cars are from one-half to one-third less than orig inal cost. Call and look them over. Will sell on terms to good parties. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 2(16 11th St.. cor. jer.urson. 1910 CADILLAC 30. five passenger, top. glass front, electric side and tail lamps, acetylene headlights; flrset-class condi tion, because It haa had good care, price S15O0; cost J1900. Apply AC 323. Ore gonian. I HAVE for sale, almost new, 40-horse power Oldsmoblle. This car I will guar antee. You would hardly know It hart been nsed. I have three autos and ant paying storage and do not need the car. so will not refuse any reasonable ca.-n offer, or will trad for a gcod lot. No equities or foolish trades considered. Phone C 1193. or call BS0 Tillamook St.. mornings or evenings. . FOKTY horse power Chalmers-Delrolt. elec tric lights, Firestone detachable rims, three extra tires, glass front, top. speed ometer; in fact everything complete. Has been driven a little, over one year. Has had the best of care; looks like new. cost $:t:iS0. Will sll If taken this week for j2isio cash. Phono W. E. Dyer. Port.and Hotel, rooms 3110-331. FOR PALE ll( So-h. p. American Traveler, fully equipped: electric lighted, two extra demountable tires; guaranteed in perfect run ning order; owner leaving Portland. Inquire of W. R. Slebree. care Hotel Norton. 12th and Morrison or American Motor Agency, 4iO Bumside. A7-PASSE NO ETL"fuTly -equipped and high power automobile In good condition: line for rent Bervice; wltl sell for cntih or ex change for readily salable realty. Improved or unimproved, in or near Portland. Call or address 7L'2 Electric bldg. AUTOMOBILE for sale; $1600 cash takes model 1 tov tonneau. 1910 Buick in A-l condition: fully equipped. Includtng-glass front, mohair top. speedometer, shock ab sorbers, extra tire, tubes, etc. H. c. Krause. 10th St.. or telephone A 1508. STEARNS. 60-H. P. toy tonneau, shaft drive and In perfect condition: equipment Includes glass front top. demountable rims, extra tire, etc: will sell-at a bargain. Telephone East -4344 or address F 3'26. Oregonian. FOR SALE! Cadillac, private touring car. driven one year; first-class condition and full equipment, including new tires; $1400 or will exchange for readily salable prop ertv. Inquire poi Electric bldg. WANTED Bv Y. M. C. A. automobile schosd automobiles to repair; no charges except for parts furnished. Phone Edu cational Director. A 6361; Exchange u, Y. M. C. A. building. BARGAIN. For sale. Oldsmoblle roadster, detachable tonneau. rumble seat. top. all attachments and extra tires, good as new. CROWE AUTO CO. 5-PAS9ENGER Bulck. 1908 model F, excel lent condition: will sell reasonably or take small runabout as part payment. Inquire 570 iVnich, apartment 0. IF 1'OU are looking for barsalns in au tomobiles, call and sea what I hive In ne.v. slightly used cars. W. C. Green. SS North rtth st. bEcOND-HA.ND Maxwell RunabouL with full equipment and in first-class condi tion. This Is a bargain and won't last long. O 320. Oregonian. INDIAN motorcycle, twin cylinder, mag neto ignition :equijipcd complete S22r. Call 319 East 37th st. Take Hawthorne car: Sunday forenoon. lit us CADILLAC, with full equipment. In cluding electric side lights, headlights and J 2ll hr. storage battery. 4H3 E. Stark, Charles R. Frazler. Phone E. 23r,. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. A SECOND-HAND $000 Wehdcr piano. 4 years old. splendid condition; solid wood case, not a veneered case; 1125 cash. Call :inl Jefferson st. Home all day. Need money. DANDY mahogany upright piano, cost $38.1: need money, will take $lfio: if you can pay $-.0 cash will wait for balance. AH ::::Q. Oregonian. $200 EQUITY In, fine player piano, will be sold very cheap to prevent foreclosure; balance payable easy terms. Phone today. East 3345. FOR SALE A $05 Edison Triumph phono graph for $45 cash. For sale, an orohee trelle. stvle V. In fine condition. Address H. W. M.. 19 5th St. SNAP. bargain. French walnut upright piano; cost $4O0 five months ago; $100. AO 332. Oregonian. STRICTLY A-l brand new mahogany up right piano, only $2fiR; $15 down. $3.75 monthly. Call 35Q Alder st. WILL sacrifice first-class violincello for $12.50. An exceptional bargain. Tele phone Main M20. 353 Taylor at. FOR SALE Fine piano, cost $400. will sell for $150. If taken at once. Terms. Owner leaving city. Phen wroodlawn 31 do. SAXAPHONE. alto. first-class condition, complete with leather-covered case, cheap. R 332. Oregonian. UPRIGHT grand piano cheap or rent to. prospective buyers. Main 3753. FIS'.ST-CLASS piano. Must be sold by Mon day nlcht. Phone B ISon. ALMOST new upright piano for sale cheap. Tel. E. 14C. Ml seel las eons. FOR SALE First-class launch, 15 tons: length 50 feet, beam 9 feet. tiO-horse-power. 8-cyllnder engine; good cabin: built 1909; best boat on river for general purposes; at half cost: might trade for real estate. Donald McLeod. Slo Elec tricbldg. $1200 motor boat, boathouse and equipment for sale cheap or will trade for good clear lot or equity In house and lot. K 332. Oregonian. A LARGE davenport and sideboard aL one fourth the original cost: can be seen at Pick's warehouse Monday and Tuesday. AD 334. Oregonian. IF THERE is a coin collector In town inter ested in a $10 piece dated 1S47 call up B 2:57 after 1 o'clock, Sunday. FOR SALE Solid oak dining table. Buck stove range. A-l single iron bed com plete. 701 Wash. St.. Apt. 2. $75 OR fresh Jerses,- cow with calf takes sound and true horse. Phone Woodlawn 3"Q6. LADY and gentleman going South or South- east this month will find It to their in terest to write K 842. Oregonian. HEATING stove, almost new, $S.50. worth $l2.vt. Cail 310 E. 50th st.. or telephone R 2H5I. FULL oak roll desk, good as new. also Jewel gas rsnge and gas water heater. Cail 3H4 E. Clay. LONG near-seal coat, size 3S; bench wring er. 2-burner gas plate with single oven. Coal oil heater, mantel clock. A2973. FOR- SALE An elegant Paisley shawL Home telephone A 31M. NEW sewing machine cheap; party going Esst. 4Q4 Va E. Morrison. FOR SALE Carpets, rugs, pillows. 2 office chairs, reasonable. T 327. Oregonian. NO. 5 new. Underwood type.vrller, practically F 339. Oregonian. GOAT for sale cheap; well broke to drive. B 2S97. BASEBURNER and kitchen range, fine con- riltion. Phone Enst14.'.3. KODAK, nearly new. size 3tx4i, $3. Main 7tW2. 501 Harrison St. COM PLETE golden oak dining-room set. Phone East 14S. MILLINERY store fixtures for sale at "430 East Madison, bet. 6T and 7th. FOR SALE Remington No. 8. blind. $30. G 335. Oregonian. ENGINEER'S transit, perfect condition, cheap. Trtomeon. if ft Cnetoni-House. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 311 Everett, comer 6th. Also fixtures. LAW course. Standard Correspondence schools. S 321. oregonian. PHYSICIAN" 3 Instruments and library cheaf (f sold at once. B 329. Oregonian. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Creait ass n. 001 Worcester Diag. CORDWOOD. boxwood, coal. MulLnomah. Fuel co.. do'm FOR- PALE -Rubber-tired phaeton. cheap. Rums, grocer, jio aa si. FOR PALS 1 covered delivery wagon. 347 F.. Stark st. BOND In Realty Associates, drawing good interest, first series. AE 331. Oregonian. S. s. STEWART Canjolne. mandolin and vio lin. AE 00 oregonian. lUliR INDIAN motorcycle. 2-c Under, for t.le. $100 If taken at once, r oregonian. Y'OUNG high-bred Jersey bull calf, cheap. Phone A 3P79. . ' r-EKlN ducks for sale. S55 E. 2ftth sr. FINE motorboat for sale, cheap. Main 3905. FINE quartered oak dresser, $13.50; leather upholstered rocker, solid oak. J5; arm chairs. $1 to $4; sanitary steel couch. $3.95; 5 pairs lace curtains, 75c pair; good iron beds, $1.50 and up to ; center tables. $1 up to $4; extension tables. $3.50 up to $12; straight chairs. 40c to $2: sev eral good velvet and Axminster carpets; $45 steel range, with water coil, good as new, $25; good large No. 8 cookstove. with water coil. $12.50; four-burner gas range. $10; heating stoves, fl.25 up to $7.5o; mantle folding bed. $a; roll top desks. $12.50 to $25; mahogany library table. 4S x32 inches. $12.50; combination desk, $5.75; Remington typewriter, in good or der. $20; solid oak typewriter tables with two drawers. $3.50: solid oak flat top desk. 54 Inches long. $10; ash sideboard. $S.oO; buffet. $9: drop-head sewing machine. $10; wardrobe, $t.o0; chiffon ier. $3.50: hotel dresser. $4. and many other bargains at our new quarters, 545 547 Washington, between loth and 17th streets. Both phones Main HOS or A 370.".. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. IF IN NEED OF ANY PirE, MACHINERY. BOILERS. ENGINES. DYNAMOS. PUMPS OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. SEE US. AS WE POSITIVELY" CAN SAVE YOU J10.E1. J. SIMON & BRO. 244 FRONT ST. CORRUGATED IRON. CORRUGATED IRON. RUBBER ROOFING. RUBBER ROOFING. SI PER SQUARE. J. SIMON & BRO., 244 Front St. SEWING MACHINES. all high-grade makes, only $3 and up. time 01- cash: many drop-heads and every machine guaranteed: think of it. Singers. New Homes. Standards. Wheeler & Wilsons, only $3 up; you can't afford to be with out a machine when you can get one for $3 that will do first-class sewing"! free lessons in Battenberg and embroidery on the White family rotary; all makes ex changed, repaired and rented. While Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones, pro prietor, 4J0 Washington St., cor. 11th. CAR FENCING FDR SALE. J. SIMON BRO., 244 FRONT ST. HOISTING ENGINES AND ENGINES FOR CLEARING LAND. One 7xt; Mundy engine on sled, with wire rooe. Ore 81x10 Lidgerw-ood engine, new. One 7x10 American hoisting engine. F. B. MALLCHRY & COMPANY. 231-5 Pine St. Portland. Or. 100 TON'S 5S-LB. RELAYING RAILS. X SIMON & BRO. 244 FRONT ST. MACHINERY. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 1 McEwer engine. Tarden compound, 300 H. P.. 2 fly-wheels. 1 300-H. P. Westlnghouse engine. 1 4'O-light generator. Pulleys, shafting, belting, all sizes at 'great bargains. J. SIMON & BRO., 44-240" Front St. SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes. Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. New Home. White. Domestic, Household and others, to make room for new Singer 65 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Etore, S- S. Sigel. agent. 335 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A 4539. PLUMBING supplies, bath tubs, toilets, lav atories, sinks, boilers, pipe, brass goods and fittings. Everything in the plumbing line. Our prices positively defy competi tion. J. SIMON & BRO. 214-24H Front St. ONE dining-room table. 1 buffet. 1 hall seat and mirror. 1 hall chair. 1 book case. 1 library table, all In weathered oak; also 1 electric dome and 1 rug; all In splendid condition. Phone Mar shall 32.V . ' " LOOK! Gasoline launch. 23 ft.. S H. P. engine, 8 miles, new. only $225: just what you want for pleasure boating on the W II lamette or Columbia: write for demonstra tlon. P. O. box 143. Ralnler.Or. FOR RALE CHEAP. Large tent house, nearly new. Can be used where it stands. Reasonable board. Private family. Snap for 2 or 3 people. 200 East 52d st. Phone Tabor 2tn. riPE. All sizes, alt lengths: 5000 feet 2-Inch pipe at 7 cents per foot. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-246 Front St. FOR SALE Gasoline launch. 32 feet long. 5-8 beam 30 H. P., 3-cyl. Roberts motor, speed about 16 miles per hour; price $8u0; a bar gain; boat .at O. R. &. N. Co.'s boatyard. BLACK cub bear for sale; Just right age to train- very gentle and playful; may be seen at theater on Sixth street, between Stark and . Washington. . Address T 32u. Oregonian. FINE nearly new mahogany and oak rurni ture in a 5-room. desirable. West Side first lloor flat for sale at a bargain. Those seeking cheap furniture need not reply, i. :iL't. lirrKUlimir. All sizes, all length's; 5000 feet 2-inch pipe at 7 cents per foot. J. SIMON Si. BRO., 244-246 Front ht THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 223 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8S.0. Is the only company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prlcea$10 to $65. FOR SALE One multiple drawer National cash register, or would trade for vacant lot in too city. Phone Main 216. Woodlawn 2134 ua. .on of 50-pound relaying rails at a bargain. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244"-24K Front St. FOR StLB cheap, or will trade on phono graph one 4Xi Seroca magazine camera, tripod, scales, graduate and Vays. Call 66 N. 14th. Tel. Main 7621. U. tons of 58-pound relaying rails at a barE'i", J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-241 Front St. TYPEWRITER, guaranteed good condition, only -130 if taken immediately. 74 Sixth L-p have two or three loads of straw ma nure lor sate cheap. inquire 317 Beck bld m Willi, trade 300-h. t. McEvwn compound tan dem engine for real eMate or wJiat hav - you ? K Ao uregoniau. FOR SALE Gasoline launch. 12-h.orse-wer. 12-pa-penger. 28 feet long, with cin opy top. Inquire 310 Wellg-Pargo bldg, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY- Good fir, $o.50 cord; Ren coal, $6.30 ton. Main 65. A 16.5. FOK S-VL.E Almost new L. C. Smith t-pe-writp'r. No. 'J. L'sed very little. A bargain. T e t p n h o n f Kast-ii. ,..,t..t.o fPVDCta'H TV C PC tATt. $50 Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter A Co.. PO 5th at. Main fto-iS. kixM PRINTING PRESS, with type, etc., $45; cost $90; good bm new. Box 171. Lents. Or. FtrVITI"RE for rooms complete, enoufi-h for 5 moms: aolid oak; most new, $2i0. Woo rUa-wn LARGE full oak folding denk. with mirror cot $". for also economy steel range SIS. Call 314 E. lay st. WILL trad $00 equity in 20 acres fruit land for piano; balance $0O payable $lfr per month. Call 345 Grand ave. wanted nscra.iAXEocs. KKLL your second-hand furniture to tha Ford Auction Cn. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445- jiam pujj. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, rail ud George- Baker & Co., 152 Park st. Both phones. "WANTED Small child to take care of. Good home. Reference. Phone C 17H. t,TJ'M ' " v a TED A second-hand roll top desk, -, as? Oreeonian. WANTED Second-hand sare. about 30 in.; high inside. AG 330. Oregonian. p.id lor your furniture; prompt WAITED Stenographer's flat-top, drop- head deSK. rt- J., i. un?8nian. WANTED A 12-foot showcase. with shelvep. Address AM 331. Oregonian. WANTED Lady wheel in good condition and reainaMe. V 341, Oregonian. WANTED A first-clasa milch cow. Main CLOTHING. Wanted Men's ca.-toflf clothing and hoe and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buy ladies clothing. Cull up the Globs second-hand store. Phone Main 2OS0. 290 1st at. Prompt attention aiwaya given. W cU in every part of the city. CLOTHING. Wanted Men a cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishing.-.; highest prices paid. Cail at the "ifaUr Deal 6-i N- 3d st- Main 9272. HIGH-POWERED rifle In good condition. Phono Mam 6099. tAKfft.TER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummins Cntlin. 71 Ftrsc st. Marshall 227. WK BUY all kinds second-hand store fix tures and pay the highest price. 222 Grand avenue. WANTED About 2.V horsepower matlonary gasrjtine engine; must be cheap. Petcra Ma chine Works. Kelso, Wash. WILL buy set of tinner's tools, also prftiW and iies if price is right. 11. H. Englu-h. 1S 12th gr. WA NTED Horseradish, good size, 10o t;- ro pounds; give price, etc. M. G. Leonard, N. 6th St., North Yakima,WaRh. WANTED Large sign painted in exchanc for dental work. Union Dental Co., 1st and Morrison sts. SAFE t give inside measurements . type writer desk, city wall map. F 33.", Oregonian. WANTED Someone to b--ard saddle pony for use of same. Mica Young. 6o2 Couch bl'lg. Main .47. CITY map; will pay good price if up to 10 K. Phone M. 2712. Chimin & Eskerton. 615 oucn o;ng. WANTED For ca.-hK roll-top djk and office, chaii. Call at 1.S2 Morrison t. Phone Main 13-.. W A NTED From owner, cigar and candy store: Invoice $300 to $400. N 339, Ore Eonlan. WANT to buy second-hand tailor fixtures, cases, desk, tables and machine. Address M .'. fi, Oregonia n. LAUNCH HOT'SEwi7h slip large euouh to accommodate ill -foot boat. Phone Messerhy. Sellwood 1 79i. WANTED One or two gowns frm some si ctty lady suitable for fineer ; will pay libera price. Y 344. Oregonian. W .ANTED Good sennd-hand grocery store, fixture?. L. Bamberaror, room 3 Lum bermen, bldg. Main IMSS. HELP WANTED MALE HANLKY A- TR AVERS, LABOR AGENTS, 2RW North Second St. Phones: Main 727: A 2200. 1 steam shovel engineer. $1 .".ft and bd. 1 steam shovel cranosman. $10. and bd. 1 steam shovel fireman. $60 and board. 1 grade foreman. $3..tt. Tt concrete form carpenters. $4.00. 1 piled river engineer, $.'t..0. 2 carpenters. It. R. tresile work. $3.75 3 bridge carpenters, $3.,ii to $4.00. 2 rough carpenters. $:...". 4 rigging rustlers. $3.r-. 3 buckers. logging camp, $2.75. 1 wood bucker. $2.75. 2 brakemen 4 yd. cars), $2.50. 5 teamsters CI up.. $2.75. 2 wheeler holders. $;t. no. tt sawmill laborers. $2.50. 3 flunkies, $4fUM. 5 tunnel muckers for Porter & C ark son on I'nited Railway. $2.75. Hi laborers for Carlson & Chindall on Nor. Pac. double track work. $2.50. 30 laborers for Hurley Mason Co. on Nor. Pac. double traek work. $2.7... 25 laborers for Boynton. Church & M" Cov on Nor. Pac. double track work. $2.50. 30 laborers for J. W. Sweeney Con. Co. on' Tillamook Road. $2.50 to $3.00. 30 laborers for Winston Bros. ,nd M" Dougall on Nor. Tnc double track. $2.W. '.- laborers for Porter Bros.. West, new work on United Railway. $2.50. ft spction men. So. Pac., touth, 23 section men. O. R. & N-. East. $!.... 13 section men for togging road. $1.7.. 1 boss for logging road. f";..nt,tnn 15 laborers for Oregon &. Washington RN'ew"'orders in daily. Phone us your orders. PXriFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANT. Main uf.-.re. 12 North Second St. Open Sunday. A. M. to 3 P. M. "WANTED Fir.lshinp: rarpenters. It. Ratchet-setters. S3 and J3..3. ( 'arrlace-riders. $2. Slarker on sorting table. ilrarter from planer. '0' Millhanrls. .$:.S0 to.J.A Yardmen, $J.-'3 tn j;.iQ. Bovs lor box factory. Jl.ia. ooks. flunkeys, dishwashers, etc. Laborers, city. SS.SI to $..7o. Woodcutters. cord. Farmhands, $3d. idreds of other new jobs every day. Hun Open Sunday, 8 A. M. to P. M. VClFr EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 North Second M. --l'V man. 2" 10 2". 'or Installment col- Portland. Address, with references. JJ o44. Oregonian. . . cKNFRU, merchandise clerk; young man. "--Vifnographer 'umber company. countr. C-OSIMKRCIAL .ABSTRACT . CO.. w vTFnBright young man 10 uun -.. cou"? eary advancement if competent. A.I 341. Oregonian. wBr. tori,rCo: pnv. - vtpd iligh-class bond salesman, who has made big money; position permanent; !!ll territory. Apply ewl hldg. rTKr bov who understands handling Thorsel East Portland Riding School. Union ave., cor, cast n..... WANTS5-Men to smok. NEW YORK BOND nve-cent ki ASSISTANT presser on pants AV... x:i r.th. room 0o. also errand FTrst-C-LA.-S cutter wanted. Apply to Pa risian Tailors. HI 6th. ioY wanted. 15 year, old. to work in gro cery 37th and Hawthorne. HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman or rep- Hre."ntatlve. 215 Commercial bids. : ivA-cTF.n Young amateur bandmen f'ir Ore- T. rve Band. S SM. Oregonian. Ekra.NO b-iy wanted. Apply Butler-Schut Co.. fS3 Mh . BOY wanted. United Glass & Glazing Co.. WANTED Boy with wheel. Jones' Boolt tiiore. '.HI Oak St. n-.TED-T boys, steady work. Carman Mfr lsth and rP""r' iTR-F-CUSS machinists wanted. Call 22i FIIgcial Club bldg. compfteNT ladles' tailor or coatmaker to ?-"n. Hoenig. Ill Fleldner bldg. COUPON 'agents. R. M. Hogan. 525 Abinjj- ton bldg- t"ad1ES' and men s tailors. Acheson Cloak Co.. 14S ,.th st. TTXKiT.T Experience coatmakers. Nlcofi the Tailor luSThlrdst. WANTED Boy wllh wheel. K. S. Ervlu n t rn 250'? Alder St. JAPANESE school boy to work in dining pi . It" ronm. i -STRONG boy. IK. to deliver milk Call b"oY to learn optical trade; good oppor- tunity. lT34th. GOOn" harness maker: steady Job. F. H Shafer. Salem.Or. HIGH school 'boy to Lorkf'.!-1n- untU 1h' holldayCall-.Surnsl'le. BOOKKEEPrNfi. private tuition "by n expert accountant. ..tiii-'. "WOODCUTTERS wanted. Smlth-Wagonei CO.. ail-.-tl- I.CWIP iri-- WANTED High rollers at regulation ten- nm a leys. nupwn BUSHETjMAN" wanted. Apply J. J. Jona son. 3"S Stearns bldg. ww'TED First-class ladles' tailors. Ap- ply lie Blanche. 3r Washington Jt. BOY wanted to work in office. Room B. 271 H Morrison e-t. YOUNfJ man to learn good trade. Call 70S Rothohlld bldg.. Monday. ERRAND boy with wheel. Chapman AdvertUv ing Co.. 3d and Oak. TWO linemen wanted for Seattle. Unite; Metal Trade-. Assn.. 222 Com') Club blHg. BOY to drive grocery wagon. Call 44i filh st. BOY to lprt good business. Apply 72 Blh si. 2 FIRST-CLASS carpenters. E. 6th and Al berta sts. WANTED All around butcher. Phone ib5 Astoria. Or. Bradan & Adams