f -jo Pi THE STTXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 18, 1910. HEAL ESTATE. T REAL ESTATE. 1 L KMESTM f l Ilrms. 1 Zl I I For Salf-Vtrmi. For Sale Farms. For Sale Farm. . . rw ran" OREGON OKC1IAKUS AND FKUiT 1.A .;-. sledford. W acrea all fenced and cleared: per acrt. mi mc ra r -" ,, - chard. 14 icm la alfalfa, under ditch; or- irl e -i.nw. "ou irrni Hood River. 4 acre. -O In orchard. 13 in a.ta.xa. wiru. - . JO acre In fin commercial orcnarO. x- In .h.rrf mi teinni. tin" stream flows Ihmwh pie--: P"t 7J.0u0. Incluulne; cr"D. fine term , 72 km, 4i fin hearing orchard Ihu an Kuurn market ''","1 :."c"11't?' provm-ni.. under Ultcfc; prlc Including cro. i-orr,mr(1 7 Mr o.d: w..r rights, fin h.ma In town tnat wun piac at $.tO,o0: "xJ rm,-Qrt, ,,. Is P 13-4 acre, near '"n,,V?-r. punt, fine Improvsro-nte: did bur at $J7 p-r acre. 1-3 Daianca lone tlrr.e. l per re-it. 10 ecr- near M.lfor.l. US In fruit. t, .hum ar all Rood; o some l orV ,.nTp".X -I" entered Prt ,r'd- ZIMMERMAN-. MO Hoard of Trad- Bl'l- PET TO FINEST VARIETY ..F APPLES T CI.OSE TO PURTUNP T t.si Y $;.' I'Kl: AI RE- cmvA fcA-Vi i payment, balance IOI R OWN TERMS MONTHLY. .. . (, (it. and 1 acr tracts inf irmct r. F- tailor .rO;.v .t!t lwrt" orchard Tn prlr for l dr w Pr mcr" and up Wry ' ''.m.!,. ana up j SHIK,r! "Hi i;rl1nr HlilK. Mln Mm ii.Vin RIVER ORCHARO. .". 11 .trolly commerrU r. rhlrd "f yilow NrwtowM and hli"'r" 1 vr oM. Aiao f.m.ly rch.nl lrudin chrria. fM-achea. Pr. t. n cu. l.tt' cottja. wan ?prTn itr r-P-d in; fra ir for lr r cation- ldrlly Im-atMl on roam county i 'r ih l th. hrt of th. JmV'd to .- ana mako a bar- V4ln for wnronr; .-o ch will handla and th orchard will py thJicT' will comi.It ood f-ortland prwj prt pyinrnt. AUdrcaa owner, k ure Ionian. -.I.l MHlA KlKK BA-MN Orrharrt. hTuit Lard and Farmm, If tu ar lukin f-r omthinK oi In th may of a horn. Intom P1"01" ..r invMtint. from fl n'-rrn to J.mh irrv. can place you her you are bo und to mk rood. We alwm l.k after r llm. nd that tfty u-c'ed. OLR EX PBKi t.i-fc: IS WORTH M""NEY TO YUL. II. F. POTHKl'R. 4V H'nrybklf. a ! iSK tfKNMFU.K. CuXSERVATH E INVKSTMKNT. to arre. orchard. term. Owner mi;i apt $-'-" cah. balnnre en-all pay mrnti if .19i rH ; cftramrrrial varieties of upplee and pear he. Th l handy to Portland and rloo to frtm-jift.-ktn plant. tOMMXIH SUPERB Vlbtt. SEE MK AT O.V'E. C I. HAMBFHtlER. Hom 2 I.umbermena blcl. Matn -4 HX)H RIVER. . 0 arre of the finoat unimproved orchard land In the famous Hood River alley: red aht aoil h ood Urain c all iiliMhit. amo kind of land ! 4-:.m for l.-i to per acre, I win 1 mv 3 accee for t4M and take .'oo cumh pameni for quirk turn, or will lake I'ortland property. E 53. treonlan. II.KAU lUOD RIVER HOME. II arree. nar Hood River, on main count v road: & acree in bearinc commer cial applea 4 acre In younger treea. 2 acre etrmwhernea raepbemea etc. : fam ily rtrrhrd. Iwutlful houe. kood out buildtnca man.fient view of Mount Hood and Mount A.lama: the apple crop le In cluded. n!y $'hmi puts you In poaeee tion C 3.JV. Ore(conlan: IK A SITERR VIEW OF ."V MIl-ES l an aet t a t-are orchard tra"t and country hon.e. handy to Portland. vru will buv thie land. It le betn offered f.r $smmi now. but In 2 yearn it will not b offered for ie than f0K. mall amount cash sufficient . I- BAMBERGER, p.m 2. Lumbcrmrnt bid. Malnpl". HCHD KIVER SNAP. Have -V' acres ideal apple land In one of the finest districts In the valley; mag nificent tw , til sil cheap i may tike jr'-td modern residence In trade. C 3... i irtfnun. PE 'H fove. hret IntMtmni In Oton; 2 mtls of river frnniace: sanrtv oni soil: 1 miles from Portland; rail and river f . ansprtattnn : terms t suit you. M. E. I.e. 411 t'orbett b'i " lit m -L l;l VEK. Sv t ree appi land. mlies of Hood River. Price . p-r acr. ARCHI BOI-l. 4-'A Kaiims Huic I A' U fc.S et t- ap:'s. 1"' tn.lc fr-nn pnrtUn-1. in the mt t mat if tit and pro. tlutive vallrv In the sia-. . ;.'. p-r a-re arl term t r plrase. W . l. Green, 4t V TI !!'-N VILl.B FOR HEALTIFrL, FARM? Tk r- "fi fr trU- H . (rm Frm an-i V A.N Tr.I T- sr. I nre Salmon 'a!lr. 4 a r urlrni'"'''!. finej of appl lar. i. 1 nrtt fnn W htr- !imi.n: eaay trn.e Ad -e M X. H. . --ei K .-lm-n. P--rt.ar;.1 AI'I'I E larvl. 1 1"0 f-el Io4tt!.n. --. r tra. is: spic-. down and $! a ni'in. M E. Uee 4T I Corhett bids & F -T fruit la ml. no miles f rm lr tlanrt . ! acre tra.j'a. $' per ar; terms. jeo M r I uffee. .." A Mnnn Md g. RE.1L MTtTE. ft-or Ml -ft- arm. UAIKi KAKM. 1 2 acre. - lj rr:!' from nhy. are oaret and cultivated. bnU pasture, f ,ne bottom land. id famtlr orchard. rnim house. .rt" tarn. al ne-esary out bu'Mifi. wt.i be s ld at a aran; pru e S7t". on terir.s ef .:h) cash, hal-an- long ttnie at ." per cent. Howard 1 an t i 4.1 b-tft.ar. J M'U.. 3th and Vaeh eta. ORFvloN M-lKI. FARM. 27t a-r. the beet (rm in a rudtus of 19 ml tee from Portland's renter. The farm cioars eaaliv $.'aMN year. About $mmp worth of personal property K'x-e with the pia-e. and instewd of wentlns $o pr acre we sell It at half the price, that ts SltMt pr acre, on g-od terms. ln estl gatlon will show you that ot cannot beat this huy anywhere jn reKor. F. FIVHA 21 Morrison 8t. Jrt ACRES. $ 110 l'AH. $2H TIME. I'KR CENT. SO arr-s In cultivation, good house and barn and b.vlain-e In pasture, some good rim her. no wate land or rrk on thte frm. S Is bottom land and run run t-r ysar round k mile fr.m low n. ch'ir-hea and gr.i-ted school for further r"ttrnlare se Jo?n Pick, n.n Henry bide. X. r K Vanuver. 10 a.. gotd house, terms eav; A will handle it. Ner port land ; lo-a. tracts, pasture laniB and stumpace: $!o wtt handle 10 a. see H A. Chandier Real Estate o.. 610 Lumbermcrs Mdr . ftth and Stark at a. Main 7-M. T F are a r 1 la ble ncorr"-. ted com pan y . w e a-ed eeveraJ gi-d men who can pnmiuce re sun to "ln ua In our orchard dvel.tv. mepfe; we have .me larce trnta of lni rear Port : and . a f read r I m proved and re a dy for worhlns: we guarantee your Investment; fe.fern.-ee requlre-i. AH 34?. lreonUn lo'W-AfRB ranch In Willamette Valley. 2 mttee to railroad station: scree under plow. SoA acres rlar ready for plow, bal ance) brush and timber: good road through, p'aro: mnnlnff water, fair bulMinrs, Kln Mt of apple land. iooi to cut Into small farms. Price per a.-re. Brong-Meel 'o.. grotind floor. T.-wis H'dg. TO ACRES. Id-al for poultry raising: good ralue at flw: terms to tult you. M E. 41 1 r or he ft bldg a a AfP-tS In Rogue Rler fruit beit. eaaiiy cleared, cheap. C S43, Ore r on lan. SoME FARMS. SH5 acrea. mure than loO acre cleared, all good soil, woll fooced and well wat ered, good buildings, well stocked and fully equipped: mala tine of t. P. Hy. runs right by It and station within one quarter mile, this Is Ideal fruit land or fine fr general farming: owned by an old gen tleman; no Incumbrance against It ; pries s-lS.OuO; will accept Portland property for part, some cash and lung time on balance, 40 acrwa. all highly Improved and very beet of land; fajr buildings and orchard, right close to Tigardvllle. a positive snap at -oO per acre; easy terms. 10 acres, highly improved, right cloae to Portland. $."Hen; will exchange for Port land property. 3.1 acres, all well Improved, right cloas to Portland. :;oo per acre. ft acrea. right close to Portland. 4ooo; this place is well improved: would ex change for a good Portland residence for T-'O-acre'flne dairy ranch; soil' cannot be excelled In Oregon: It is well stocked; It Is very close to Portland; only o per nr. i w ...... m.nw ..nail farms close to Port land other than the above mentioned, and will accept Portland property on many or them. If Interesiea. cai "r - Hmiih, 013 Chamber oi lbiuibwv., land. Or. - 13 aoira of aaiptlonally rich aoiU ma haxa Ph lh. will certainly I'"" " TI a rnla ptar. lla on a majn wmi.j v :, " phono -rvlea and rural ''l1"ri,1cvl0? ahort dlacanc. from tn. city; liir la a lara . - . m(K. mif ntif IdllMf on nara ani a numwr " th propwty: th houj Itwlf alea four arT blB. M-utllul black nut a. a a nanim. lar Br an-l a num- br of pear and apfla trr; wrtalnly a ar in ixx for a bom; the prlr put on tha pn.porty take no conrnik ration of I ha r.u a U In qulla old. but with a amall outlay of roon.y could b. put In ood th. 13 acre. ar. practically all m Vi llon, with lha c.ptk.n of prh p. 2 o' puurr. with th. um( Mill thr. IC vou Tre fcln for a pla.- that haa all tha rqutr.tiM.nta for a mod. I farm. h Kir. and lniai thl. w "n ll thia or. nr cam Ivt ui. bow yu the plctura. fHAPIN HPRlW. "D. 33-33o Chamber of Commerce. A MOPEL, FARM. o arrea. S' mll-a Portland. 1H m" , rnoil man anil transportation. Ilea level and aquare. eery fence hoa-tlaht. Prac tl. ally all In eultlvatlon. aood water. z fjll arown cherry trcea. everythln In rr.len. fine orchard. 1 arte root. JJ ah.ep. 3 heavy boreea. 4 coaa. P haaa. ..o chlckena everv Implement practically rw and In fin .nape rnnA houe. ana fine ham. aealed aranary. plapen. chlcaen b'.ueea. h-p hel. new: In lact. avery thmr about the plan, la In A-l ehapa and a farm that will plea., the mml .rutlnoua cuetomer. Thia la a money maker, and the .oil la ahl. tn ahow for llilf. prica flO.oot); 0o caah. baianca long time. c. .nlllltV HIT fhamner of fommerc FKMS AND VKIIT P.AN'H 7Ti acrea. Douauva County. 1 per acre. a.-r. lms.aa County. -"7 per acre. aoree. Doualaa unty. (16 per acre. ll'O a.rea. Henton County. $3" par acre. a.-re. Ja.-kwn Coun'y. 2n pee acre. M- a rM. link ranch. per acre. T.v acre.. Ijum County. per acre. 14 acrea. K. Oren. fX per acx. -.. acre: It'a rrent; per acr.. IV.. area Una fT fruit. t Pr acre. M acre cranberry land. Una Improv.benu. fny Th above in all fin proporttlona: If wantlrr the het at moderate price. Inveatl (.U theae; oo. trma alven. ZIMMEKMAV. 10 P- urd of Tral BHlt. I4PO CASH With rur pavment. on hlance. buy. 10 acrea of the nne aol In th fat of Ore-ir-.n. nitht on rraded .treat, with al.leaalk to electric railway atatlon. which la luet IR milea from Fortland; thia pluce Ilea nearly aiuare. la Juat allahtly rolllnit and there la r.ot aa Inch of waata ground on It: there lnl a partlcl. of ara-el nor a atone In thl. vicinity; fine, clear cold water cloae to the aurface. The price on thia la lower than you think. Wetter It up. CHAPIN HRRI-OW. "t." Si2-J38 Chamber of Commerce. IS KARATS PI'RE. acrea. :o mllea Portland. 4" In hlan tela mlrivatlon. all level aandv loam bottom land adjoining river: crop, demon atrmte that thia aoii will equal anythlnir In the Vnlted States for productlveneaa or eaae of worklna. It I aoft and mellow rodav after vn daya without rain and there Is plenty of moisture; new roita-e and lare barn. 2rt tons hav. fenced and croea-fenced. .1 mllea. transpor tation and r"od town. R. F. n.. dally Portland matl and phone: a fine little ranch for Irrigating- and the soil la ab solutely a wonder: price $4000; J3300 cash, balance 4 years. H .E. CHAPMAN. M7 Chamber of Commerr. 8 1-S ACRES of rich, deeri black swal. the klr.l of eon called reavemin. at a pne below anvthlna around thl pat-t of the country: this ll la th beet there la any where for onions or aarden truck: this place I. onlv a few block, from electric Ry. sta tion, "la all In cultivation, lie riant on (Traded Mreet. with hoard etdewslk to store and tlon. which la only IP mile, from Portland Remember the easy terms. CHAPIN HBRIiW. 'TV S.1J Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department. THINK OF THIS FOR A PIT. ln acrea 3 mllea west of Carlton: SO acrea bottom land and In crop, balance southeast slope and practically all cleared: 2-acre orchard cood "room house and outhulldlnca. well fenced, phone, milk route. o.x1 roads. )ust sold adjolnlnc tract, belna fenced and Ms; portion will be set to fruit this Fall. only 140 per acre; terma. only $40 per acre; terms. Onlv I40 per acre: terms ." per acre on this place will find you Immediate buyers. C. I BAMBERGER. Room 5 I.umhermena bld.. Ma!o.24. ;n acres--.s:.vi terms. AH tn hlrhent state of cult!allon. Thia Includea stock, vehicles. etc.; the Im provements amonnt to more than t'jono This is .orly blocks from Reedvllle. and Iteedvlll' la very handv to Portland. end Ree.lvllle Boll IS as KO.M1 as ine oeex. Irt-acre tra.'le across the road are selling f,.r $"WI. without Improvements. T will sell ten acrea of this with tmprovementa C I.. RAMREH'iER R.om I l.umbermens bl.lg Main ?4ie. IltRHiATKI' fsrmfir sale: perpetual water rixhts paid in full. ISO acrea. between ami list a.-rea under cultivation and ditched, edjolnlne: the town of Ualdlaw-. Can b boucht at a ansp prlc snd on e..sr terms. Have party willing to put up b.if the money to buy with someone who ran go on the place, "an be divided end sold tor 3 times pree.nl price. ro not overlook thia aa It Is lea. than half price. Address AF 341. Orogontan. P.MRT FAP.M. o-arre dairv farm. I-'Ooo l.st.arre dslrv farm. $.1JOO sf-res Richly Improved, all atoec and cron for s-oo. Ho a.-rer we'l Improved, all stock and crop, for $11.o.o. and in-acre tracte on and near the ca'iines. Tao good dairy furtn. for rent. O. w. P. LAND CO. First and Alder. I.OOK IJTOK LOOK $ 7.RO Per Acre Cash, so acres near MrMtnnvllle and North Yarr.hlll. to mllea from I'ortland: 20 acrea In oats. 3 acrea slsshed. balance timber, eta fine sprlnca. house and barn: ten goat", household furniture, buggy, etc.: fine fruit land: you must set quick, as price la far below actual val-ie. J. A. MWRFATt CO.. wo. Corhett hldg. " YAMHILL COVNTT. 25 acres fruit land.. acrea cleared. R acres elnshed. bslsnc light growth tlm hcr and brush: new 4-room house, spring water piped to house; adjoining tract planted? to walnuts. Iisno. cash, bal ance long time. M-CARTH Y-nEVNTS COMPANY. I.timhermens R'dg. NORTH HA NK LINE liUI-a.-r. all-fenced wheat farm. . mil. of station ami achool: IJ0 acrea rolling and In cultivation: 40 rough pasttire land: .1-room house, ham: on County road: will take Portland horn or acreage worth $.'1""0. balanr within year: or. will sell for $-'i per acre. Port land Homes Co, 2"4 Morrison st. lo ACRE8. mllea from The Dsllea and tfn county road. This is excellent fruit land: 4 nacree cleared and ready for plow and 4h acrea more can be cleared at small e-pense Price .VV easy terms. Will ex.-hsnge for Portland property. J. O. Zanders. 4-7 l.umbermens bldg f7r.fi lo acres In cultivation, h.use. barn. cM-ken-house. well. family orchard: choice land, school, county roads: only 3." miles from Portland: part cash; no inla id presen t a t lon;FalrnerRI3Couchlldg. IMMIGRATION Bl'REAl'. Have good farms and cheap lands open for HOMESKEKERS. particulars on O. W. P SKIN HOARD. First snd Alder. IMMIGRATION Bl'REAr Have good1 fsrms and cheap lands open for HOMESKEKERS Psrtlculsra on O. W. P. SION HOARP. First and Alder. WOW SMALL, FARMS go to WTLKONVrLLR Tsk Oregon Electrlo Ry, Front and Jef ferson at WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE. 40 acres, all farm land. T miles from R. R.. fenced and plenty of water, bat no buildings. This place mint be sold and can be had for SIS per acre; land adlolnlng held at $20 and -5 per acre. Following la our special offer on this place: We want a cash payment of S23O0. but we will take half of thia and build a nice little cottage and barn on the place for the purchaser; balance easy terma. no acrea. all wheat land, but frul and vegetables can be raised, 5 miles R. R-. good farm building, plenty of water. We have nothing better to of fer at 2I per acre: will consider trade; would like a small tore. inoo-acre wheat farm. 2 mllea from R. R.. son acrea for wheat. 40 acrea bottom land thai will grow fruit, vegetable) or alfalfa, fair buildings, small orchard, fine lot of shade trees, creek runs through bot tom which makes It a nice home place Price MO per acre; would consider third In trade. W ar the largest dealer In wheat land In the Northwest. Let os know what you want and we can fill the order. We have wheat land we ran trade for city property, fruit or timber land: also" land to trade for mercantile buslneaaea. Send for our printed lists. MOORE TNVESTMRNT CO., Henry Bldg. CLARK COL-NTT.' WASH.. FRUIT AND . DAIRY FARMS 4oo acrea of fine bottom land. oo cleared, good farmhouae ana oarn. annul 7 head of cattle and horses for only fja.VKi: terms on part. X acres. 200 yards of railroad station, only i per acre. 3 acrea. good house and barn. 1 mile of city limits of Vancouver, close to car line, for onlv $2400: terms on part. fV acrea of fine land, about H cleared, fine large barn, fair -room house, two good wells and fine spring, fenced and cross-fenced; 1 mil of carllne. on main county road, for only $1.1.N per acre: terms on part: electric carbine surveyed past this place: a fine dairy ranch: we hav per sonally Inspected all of these placea and they are lust as advertised. Write for our" farm list. I. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. - MO Washington St.. Vancouver. Wseh. OPPORTUNITY to buy MDBL FARM AT SACRIFICE. This farm Is on good road 21 miles from nation, haa rural mall, telephone, free de livery of groceries, on cream route. In thlrk Iv settled and well-developed district. The soil csnnot be beat; barn la 3s72 feet, full concrete bseeroent. water piped to both floors of the barn, good cement roothouse. good house with spring water piped Into mme; family orchard in bearing, running water in both pssturoa: ( acres In all. .15 to 40 acres under cultivation; building worth finnn: no land near can be bought for less than per acre. Price on this land with buildings 11V per acre INQUIRE) FIRST STATE BANK. Oresham. Or. BARGAIN IN A WASHINGTON COUNTY 14 acrea all good soil; 20 acres under cultivation. 2.000.000 feet of saw timber: 3 miles from town, 1 mil from schohl; telephone In house; 8 good eowa. team, chickens, pig. all farm Implements, cream separator, all go with place: also about so tons of hay: a snsp at $4000. and only aisoo cash Is required, balance on easy terms. ooodnough beitt:. 718 Board of Trade Bldg. DOST HITY T'ntll you. have een thia tract. 140 acres. 50 acrea under cultivation, all well fenced, aood house and barn, anrlng water piped to both: fire acres orchard In bearing, balance of place la burned over and seeded to pas ture; can be easily cleared: Is well protected from wind and haa good water and air drainage; 1leal dairy or fruit farm: plenty of good water. This tract Is on the new Ml. Hood Electric line and will be worth 3oo per acre Inald of two years; owner failing In health and must retire, has In structed us to cell at 0 per acre and ar range the terms eo that the place will pay for Itself. See u at once. FIRST BTATB BANK. Oreaham. Or. FORCED FARM SALE, no acres of fine level laud, only 5H miles from a good country town; 1 mile of school and store, and church, on main county road; telephone and R. F. D. : about 4H acres cleared: 20 more can be . cleared for $-0 per acre; a 4-room com fortable box house: place fenced: price only per acre: $12'i0 rash, balance yeara at 8 per cent. I have lost my wife and must sell. See my agents at once for this bsrgaln. r. F. CAMERON REALTY COMPANY. MO Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. ACHES, on Tualatin River, Salem Elec tric crossing In center. 12'-i miles from Portland; soli rich, land lies well; about one-half cleared, balance light and heavy timber; two fair houses, large barn, large hophouae. about three acres family or chard, never-falling stream on place: price only 10 per acre; adjoining land Is platting and selling at 2:.o per acre. 7 his Is a forced sale and a bargain. W. A. SHAW. Trustee In Bankruptcy. 24.". i Stark St. Phone Main ;t.V A S5O0. 80 ACRES. 4 miles north of Camas, cltvared. 2.1 acres, balance timber and cordwood enough to pay for place.: -room house, water piped through house: bath tubs, etc.; barn, large: 7 head cows. I5O0 team hrood mares: hogs, calves. 4O0 bushels oats; hay. 14 tons: straw. 5 tons: .Ml rhli-ken. colts, bearing orchard, windmill: price siotsut; liberal terms. Ihts Is a great bargain. JOHN M. t.AY. M2 W. th st., Vsm-ouver. Wash. Ft lt SAI.K 1ST acres, all tillable, 4 mile of railroad station, school and church. 8 miles from Battle Ground. Wash.; 11 acres cleared. 20 very easily cleared: plenty of fruit and berries, this year's crops: rural telephone: SO chickens. 5 head cattle. 2 roes, plenty pasture, fsrm Implements and small tools: spring water piped Into the kitchen; n-room nouse, new: small nam and outbuildings: price. V0O. on easy terma P. O. Box 3i. Battle tiround. W ash. 80 ACRF.S. 40 In cultivation. 20 miles Port land, one and half miles good town and fast trains per day; 'fine soil, good house, fair barn, good water, small or chard: level: cows, chickens. Implements, feed for stock: all for J.67O0; terma You who have looked, see me. You won't find me an exaggerator or a misrepresent ed but a farmer myself. Chapman. 517 chtimher of Commerce. 211 ACRES of the very best fruit land. c;ue to Mosler and on county road; 1 1 acres In best varieties of apples t. nd peaches; most of bslance under cultivation; good house and barn: price per acre and this tnkes household goods, farm machin ery, tools, horse, wagon and chickens, nne-hstf cssh. balance .-asy terma. J. Q. Sanders. 4-7 Lumbermens bldg. 0t ACRES. 4 miles southwest of Forest Grove: all good, rich soil; 4 acres cleared. 2 acres slashed, balance light and heavy timber, pever-falllng water; small house and barn: price, only 930 per acre; one third cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 24.1S Stsrk St. Phone Main n.V A Soon. HAVE a fine 20-acre fruit farm, near car line: good county roads; want party with some cash to help run It or buy half Interest: It's a money-maker; only short run from Portland; references required. O 831. Oregonlatu WEhave bejt and cheapest fruit and farm land In Willamette Valley; let us ahow It la sou. Call and get our booklet. HARBOR SOUND INV. CO.. 14 N. th Bt. WM.SONVIVLI.F. IS IN THE HEART of the finest fsrm section of Oregon. Take Oregon Electric Ry.. Front and Jefferson sta. FRVTT AND BERRY FARMS NEAR WIL SONVILLE. Take Oregon Electrlo Ry.. from Front and Jefferson eta. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prlcea reasonable: ae exchange. . P. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. FOR FMA1.L FARMS go to TIISOXTILLE. Take Crrgon Electric Ry., Fro. and Jef ferson srs. FOR SALE or rent. 4o acres of dairy and farm 'land at a bargain. R 329. Orego nlan. IF TOTJ WANT A OOT NTRT HOME, go to Wlleonvllle. Take Oregon Electrlo Ry. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 20 ACRES, 18 acrea under cultivation, 2 acres second growth, timber and 2 acres . of stumps; part of this land is a hea.vy swale and a good producer: balance is good red soli, haa an orchard of 40 trees and H-acre of strawberries, which netted 1W this year; the balance of place waa in oats, hay and garden truck; haa a good 4-room house, with basement, barn 20x30 and Id x30; place all fenced: stock and Imple ments consist of . cows. 2-year-old heifers. 1 bull calf. Jersey; 2 horses, 1 mowing machine. 1 cream separator! 1 harrow, 1 drag. 1 plow, light wagon and heavy wag on and all small tools. Price 42.V. (2'..0 cash, or without stock and implements 13760. S2200 cash. 40 ACRES, R Acres nnder cultivation and the balance was burned over this vear and Is almost ready for the plow; the soil Is a heavy black sediment and about 10 acres of red shot loam soil: a large creek runs through the place carrying plenty of water the year round and could be used to Irrigate with If necessary. Una a small house and barn: R. F. D., phone line and cream route pass the place and Is on main county road and only 2 miles from good country town, churches, schools, stores and blacksmith shop. A bargain at 2400. cash $700, balance to suit purchaser. 80 ACRES. So acres nnder cultivation. 15 acres more easy to clear and 5 acres of green tim ber. The soil Is th best and this place Is In a thriving country. 2 houses, barn and 2 wells, a spring on th back end of the place: 3 miles from good town and R. R. station. This Is a snap at $4000. and the first man to see will buy. B sure and look our list over before, buying. JOHN T. FORD. Room 210 Lumher Exch. Portland. Or. 50314 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. Bldg. 12 H Acre Farm. All In Cultivation. Stocked On Carllne. S3S10 Terms. This Is a fine little trw)t fsrm a moneymaker for the right man. It Is all In cultivation. Is a rich black soil, has 3-room house. 2 ? ears old. a good barn "?0x12 feet, a young orchard of ap ple and cherry trees. two horses which are well suited ' to the work of this place. 1 Jersey cow and calf, i-hlckcns. wagon, buggv. sin gle and double harness, cul tlvstor. plow, harrow, small tools, some furniture If you desire It. There Is a good co-intrv school within 8- rods of house: 7-minute walk from station: plentv of wood. This place Is on the elec tric line with first-class ser-. vice; stores and church at tne station. This would make a dandy chicken ranch with the Portland market right at your door. Pri--e S.tnno. s RALPH ACKLEY. 0O5 Corbett bldg. H ACRES AT 75 PER ACRE. M I. ACRES AT 75 PEP ACRE. niW ACRES AT $75 PEP. ACRB. 15 acrea highly cultivated; 15 acres pas ture, balance uncleared. Nice 4-room house, fine barn, carriage shed: chicken-house, etc. On the 15 acres In cultivation there is a family orchard of apple-, pears, peaches: fine grape arbor, some blackberries, 4u0 Perfection currant bushes, one acre kale (for stork), 3 acres young cherry trees (Lamberts) and 9 acres prunes. 2 years old. Abundant water aupply from springs. The 15 acres pasture land ran ho cleared fnr $2O0 and planted for 4m rror. Located on county road In the famous EOLA Hllla. 7 miles from Salem and 3 miles from Lincoln Landing, on the Wil lamette River. Soil Is the famous "red shot" variety that will grow anything and grow It well. I know this place well: It Is next to Eaglecrest Orchards and as that properly Is Improved It will double the value of thia place. J. O. ROl'NTREE. R8H Third St. Room 4. I'p Stairs BARGAIN TN EASTERN OREGON RANCH IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Will sell my farm In Crook Co., Or., consisting of 5211 acres, situated shout 111 miles from Madras, on Willow Creek, shout miles from new R. R.. 1 V4 miles from Ijtmonta P. O. snd school. Has running water year round, good well and wind pump, all fenced, on county road; about H In cultivation, 200 acres moro could be broke up; no hills: has good bum. fair house, granary, hog pen and other outbuildings. The following goes with the place for $18,000 If sold within the next 10 davs: Vi cash, balance time to suit purchaser: 12 head of horses, consisting of 8 good brood mares, all with foal: 4 good colts, coming 2 years old. w ill make horses weighing l.WO each : 2 colts. coming J-year-old. same stock: about 40 tons hay. wagon, binder, gang plow 3 sets work harness. 10 head of hogs and several good cows. If you are Interested, write to owner at Aurora. Or.. V J. Mlshler. GREAT BARGAIN 4 miles north of Camas. Clark County, Wash., on main county road. BO acres, rich land. 20 acres cleared, 15 acres stashed. . 25 acres green wood (almost pay for placet. Two wells and creeks. Fsmlly orchard and .walnut trees. 7-room house, finished and well fur nlshed. new barn 64x40. several outbuild- '"14" tons of hay. 5 tons straw, 300 bushels '- t, , Two doxen chickens. 1 span brood mares, worth $.no, 2 colts, hogs, wagon, farm machinery, tubular separator, phone. 5 cows. 2 calves: mile school and church, mall and milk routes, etc.. etc. Price. 700n. llbersl terms. JOHN M. LAY. 1 12 West Bth st.. Vancouver. Ws.h. LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. 18 nacres, part bottom, part bench land: about IOO acres in cuHivatlon. balance timber and pasture: good Improvements, good orchard, good water: will put In team, harness and wagon, two cows, ma chinery, etc.. at $45 per acre. down, terms on balance. 57.0 acres vallev land. 40O acres In cul tivation, balance is pasture and grub oak timber' about 200 acres will he put Into crops this Fall: good Improvements, two good houses, barns and other necessary outbuildings: good or-hrd. plenty of ber ries: good water: V. mile from school, miles from town, on good road the year round": dally R. F. I. : telephone In house. This Is one of the best rialrv. stock and grain farms In the county. Price $45 per acre. Terms. . . . CHITTENDEN. OTTO NEILL. SIO Oak St; YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. o-acr farm on Section Line road. acre, under cultivation. 3o acres good level ground Bt for anything, ten acrea good sol. well adapted to fruit, excellent spring fur nishing an abundance of water: one-nuarter mile to station on O. W. P.. close to good srhool: nine miles from Portland and West Side, macadamized road. Will sell at once at $250 per acre. Other land In vicinity re cently sold at .-00 and $oT-0 per acre: must sell. See its at once. FIRST STATU BANK. Greeham. Or. MALHEUR COUNTY RANCH. Splendid 15.1-acre ranch. psrtly Im proved, full water right, two miles from Ontario. Oregin: owner resides in tho Esst. offered at bsrgaln. easy terms; write for full Information. . ' F. B. NAYl.OR. Ontario, Or. 48-ACRE farm, 11 miles from Oregon City. with S-room goon House, wain, fin soil. New Molalla line Is surveyed through the tract. Can be platted Into 5 and 10-acre tracts. Price 50O; half cash will handle. . H. P. P1.MER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercinl Club bldg. , rhones. Mnln S'liW: A 2853. TEXAS school lands, several hundred thou sand acres coming on market monthly as ranchmen's leases expire: for sule by state $1 to $5 per acre; terms one-fcrtleth down, balance 40 years: good farming and fruit lands: send c postage for further Infor mation. Journal Publishing Co., Houston. Tense. 100 CRES. fi miles of Portland and near the I nltivl Railways: ripe for cutting Into 3-acre tracts at a handsome profit, a bar gain and will take some trade. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 24 ma Stark St. Phone Main 31. A S.'.nO. KCiH'SALE Bv owner, farm of 414 acres, also on of 32 Oacres adjoining :trms. Town property for sale or exchange for West Portland property. S. J. S., 510 8. 2d st.. Corvallls. Or. I M. FRENCH & CO.. THE FARM SPECIALISTS. OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS, FOR THIS WEEK. too acres near Vancouver. Clark County, Waah. All but a few acrea In a. high state of cultivation, with a good seven-room house, and large barn, 15 acres In orchard, balance can be cut up Into ten-acre tracts and readily disposed of for several times what it can be bought for: only one and quarter mile of Co lumbia River. 80 acres, of which 2S ts In cultivation. 25 acrea more nearly cleared; house, but no barn; this land Is located where unim proved lands are selling for $73 an acre: acres of this place Is black swale and beaverdam land: no waste land on the place; $75 an acre will buy it. 716 acres, 'of which 30 per cent is goon farm land when cleared, balance good pasture lRnd; 10.000.000 feet of good saw timber. If you are looking for an In vestment, you cannot do better than this. lrtO acres, 28 miles east of Portland. In what Is fast becoming a great apple dis trict, with 20 acres In cultivation, good six-room house, and good barn. All good farm or apple land when cleared, but five acrea; 4.000.O00 feet of good saw timber; $40 an acre. 10 acres, of which 30 acres Is In good state of cultivation, small house and good barn; this place Is located on the main road between Oregon City and Molalla. Price ."iO an acre. J. M. FRENCH CO.. 413-413 Ablngton bldg., 10SU Third St. LOOKING FOR A FARM ? READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT CARE FULLY. 454 acres all cleared, but 4 acres, good 8-room house, three barns. 34 miles to town on main line S. P. R. R.. Oregon Electric. Alhanv-Eugene division passes directly in front of farm. Think of so much cleared land, all well drained for only $50 per acre. 330 acres, near Sheridan, Yamhill Coun tv, near the most famous fruit section in the Willamette Valley; 240 acres cleared, balance easily cleared (old stumpsl; 40 acres planted to commercial variety of apples, trees nearly two years old: two sets of buildings; land lies rolling and Is perfectly drained. Owner claims land worth $75 per acre, but will sacrifice for quick sale for ,only $o0 per acre. Printed list of 80 Willamette Valley farms mailed free upon request. STARR AND FOSTER. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. WORTH WHII.TiJ INVESTIGATING. n.S acreji. located in the Hylands of Yam hill County: land lies rolling, mostly la cultivation; 10 acres In standing timber; run ning stream through east end of farm; larg. flowing aprlng at .high part of farm, water piped to buildings; large 10-room house, lo cated on sightly elevation, surrounded by large oak and fir trees: large new barn; Just the place for a man of meane? to establish a country home; the surrounding country 1 undergoing great development; hundreds of acres of fruit being planted: the soil Is of red shot formation, being rich and deep, es pecially adapted to fruit culture; this com munity has already organized a fruit grow ers' association, has a strong Commercial Club and many other essential advantages: price of this property 812.0OO. at your own terms: small amount in trade for Portland real eMate. CHAPIN HERLOW. ,'M." 332 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACRB FARM CHEAP. Fin rolling, well-drained land, suitable for fruit, berries and chickens; good 4' room house, good barn and large chicken house: running water 50 fruit trees, 4 yesars old: I v miles from good town. 4 mile from railroad: handy to 12 dally trains and 4 dally boats: good local mar ket for all of your products as well as access to Fortland. Astoria and fuget Sound markets: plenty of work In adjoin' ing sawmills and logging camps: Just the chance for a start; price $i"i0. $2.0 down. balance easy terms. 20-ACRH FARM. 14 miles out all cultivated, near elec trlo railway, on good county road: soil excellent for berrires. fruit or general farm: $400 down will handle this at $150 per acre. CAN'S A M'RRTDR. 4S3 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Why pay $100 or more per acre for un improved land when you can ouy first class land from 1S to $20 per acre on verv easy terms, within the radius of 8 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam, two of the most promising cities in tne worm r A store and school are located on tne lana Now is the time to see the crops, conse- quently come at once and select a choice tract. The soil Is very rich, free from gravel and easily cleared. Small streams run through the land In all directions. If vou are under the impression that the land Is poor because It is cheap, no not tv-nst time in writing for information unless you mean business. A word to the wise la sufficient. For further Information atiplv or write to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY. ABERDEEN. WASH. 1:10 ACRES dairy and farm land In Wash ington County. 70 acres in cultivation. Land Is nearly all sub-Irrigated from two creeks ny tne place, n. suuu inin,v rhard. fair house and two good barns full of hav. 14 head cattle. 2 good horses, wag on, liaek. buggy, harness for all, hogs, chickens, separator, all household goods; less than hnlf-mlle carllne. 18 miles from Portland. Will sell the stock and rent the place or sell all on easy terms to suit hover: on a mail and milk route and phone line. This Is the best buy on the mnrket for the right man. for a money maker and less than land is selling for In the same neighborhood. Inquire 311) Commercial blk.. corner or mja ana wasn Ington sts., Portland SELECT LOCATION IN E9TACADA. 75 acres, of which 65 acres are cleared and under cultivation, beautifully situated, with a view of Mt. Hood: on main county road. R. F. D.. close to school and church; fair houe and barn, small family orchard, plenty water, all fenced and only shout 3Vj miles from Estacada; price $12,000, halt cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. CHAPIN & HERIXW. "Z" 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department, 338. UNDER THE HAMMER. TO cres fine soil, one-half mile from rail road 12 acres bottom land, in cultivation ; hl.cW loam: 23 acres red shot. In cultiva tion; practically level: well and 2 springs and a creek, tin county roaa, ranroao. on .one aid: new buildings. R. F. D.. 20 acres of the balance slashed; plenty of wood; 30 miles from Portland; fiam. l-i-ou casn, tni ance to suit. "(V CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department. 338. 40 ACRES In Benton County. Vi of a mile from R. R. station: good 2-story house, barn and other buildings: good bearing 7-vear-oId orchard, about 20. acres under the plow, about 200 acres cleared or eas ily clearable. balance In pasture and tim ber; some good river bottom lard: lots of running water, can be irrigated: splendid soli, only $J5 per acre, half cash, calance 8 per cent 6 years; positively the best buy. Owner wants to sell on account of old age. F. C. Hesse. 212-214 Fenton bldg. FINE FARM FOR A HOME. 8.1 acrea all clcarned. good bntldings, fenced, no waste, no stone or gravel; rich, hlnck loam soil. 3 miles from Dayton. Yamhill Co.. on county road; 1 good team mares, 5 cows. 2 heifers: all farm .tools; phone in house: a first-class farm. Price $n500; good terms. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Room 3. Washington bldg. CLARK COUNTY. WASH.. FARM. 2H MILES CARLINEI ' 75 acres first-class hay or grass land, all in cultivation; good house and barn and other outbuildings: good orchard. Running wafer on place: on milk and mall route. Price. $7500: would trade for city property. Room 319. Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. HOOD RIVER. Unusual buv; Ifto acres at $.V per acre; do you realise if cleared and set to trees It Is worth at once $400 an acre; get one of the few snaps left In Hood River: easy terms. Address box 345. Hood River. Or. LAND OF SUNSHINE AND FERTILITY Do you want to go to UHisnuma; iiiii there "produces wheat, cotton, corn, alfal fa, potatoes, etc. Prices are greatly under vslueribuy now, get In right. F 326. Ore gonlsm DANDY little farm on Columbia River, in fruit, berries and vegetables. Here's a lit tle home place ready to move onto. $1500 cssh, balance on time. Hartman & Thomp son, farm land department. ISee Hartog.) 1"H ACRES all cultivated, fine soil, gradual "slope. 4-room house, well and barn. i acre straw-herrles. 24 fruit trees. $ mile from electric station. Phone B 2P91. 80 ACRES for sale, three miles from Wash ougal, 30 acre., easy cleared, the rest tim ber; price $12no. Write owner. C. W. Bailey. Washougal, Wash. WILSONVILLB FOR BEAUTIFUL FARMS. Take Oregon Electric Ry., from Front and Jefferson sts. FOR SALE or trade, wheat and alfalfa ranch. Eastern Oregon, wfth stock and farm imple ments. Williams. 606 Lumbermens bldg. 1 11 FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. BEAUTIFUL 15 ACRES. Thia Is a perfect farm home; Just 4 mllea from the city limits of Portland; level grav eled road all the way; only ft mile station. lOo fare; there are 15 acres, all in a high state of cultivation: lies perfectly, best of dark loam soil; splendid 8-room house, nice red barn 30x40. chicken-houses and all out buildings. In first-class condition; 1 acre of best bearing orchard, lots of berries of a" kinds, nice lawn and flowers. PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1 team, wagon, harness, car riage. 75 hens, cream separator, wood cut for Winter, all implements; price for all ,50500. $2500 cash, balance to suit at per cent interest. This is a beautiful farm home -and one of which you would be duly proud. Just mile from good high school, TO-ACRB BARGAIN. This rich farm Is only 7 miles from th cltv limits of Portland: 70 acres. 60 acres In a high state of cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, with fine living trout stream; entire tract lies perfectly, not a rock or gravel, best of loose mellow soil: splen did 8-room new plastered house, fine large barn on concrete foundation, with basement, all outbuildings good; 2 acres of choice or chard and lots of berries. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Span of 6-year-old mares, 3 fine Jersey cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves. 100 chickens, binder, mower, hay rake and all machinery, wagon, hack, buggy, cream sep arator, all crop and household goods: price for all $200 per acre. Buy this place and you will own tlie best close-in farm to be found. 40 ACRES FOR $5Of0. $1000 CASH. BAI.ANCE 5 PER CENT. This is a choice farm and can be had at your own terms, with only 5 per cent in terest on deferred payments: 40 acres. 33 acres in high state of cultivation. 2 acres nice grove: lies perfectly and Is the very best of choice loam soil; almost new ft-room house, bam 30x40. potato cellar, lots of out buildings. In best of condition: good family orchard; well at house and barn. 3 springs and running water; price $5000, $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent interest. i HARGROVE SONS. . 122 6th St. North cor. 6th and Gllsan Maln 43S1, A 72:.9. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY MODEL FARM AT SACRIFICE. Owner haa instructed me to sell at once his highly Improved farm at a remarkably low figure. The soil is first-class and lo cation splendid: 87 acres all cultivated ex cept 7 acres In timber; running water, near school, rural mall delivery, telephone, good 8-room house., large, well-finished barn. Implement house and other outbuild ings, good orchard of assorted fruit. Fol lowing personal property is included: Heavy team of young horses. 1 cow-. 1 calf, 2 hogs. 150 chickens. 2 seta harness. 1 heaw wagon. 1 spring wagon. 1 cart. I fanning mill. 1 cider press. 2 walking plows. 1 riding plow. 2 harrows. 1 disc, 3 cultivators. 1 disc grain drill. 1 moweij 1 binder. 1 hayrake. 1 clover seeder and other small tools: also 25 tons of hay. sev eral hundred bushels of grain and a con siderable quantity of potatoes. This farm is on good graveled road. ZMi miles from city limits of Oregon City and 14 miles from limits of Portland. This la a rare bargain at $190 per acre. CHAS. L. HUNTER. 223-25 Board of Trade $2000 A YEAR PROFIT. From a small farm within 7 miles of the Portland County Courthouse. Is close to a railroad: produced $2000 for the owner last year; the soil Is a sandy buck shot loam: part of the farm Is level part rolling: 3 fine springs and a "In duces hay. spuds, garden truck; there are one acre of grapes and 5 acres of m traw berrles. "4 acre assorted small fruit 1 acre family orchard, 8 years old: there is a 6-room rustic house In good con dition: a small barn and a chicken-bouse for BOO; a fruit and milkhouse; there are 30 acres on this farm. 27 of them are in cultivation now: three acres are in Ar timber This Is a bargain buy; the owner is wen off and will take ,2000 down and let the balance go on a per cent mort gage for aa long a time as you want. "ice of the farm la $70.10. See us as soon as possible. We will show you the place without anv expense to you. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 519-21' Railway Exchange Bldg. , GOOD ESTACADA BARGAIN. 134 acres, close to transportation, on main county road; 85 acres under cultivation, bal ance easily cleared: two good streams or water, good house and barn; family orchard containing five acres of 15-year-old bearing apple trees. lO acres 2-year-old r"""" and 10 acres 1-year-old Spltzenbergs: this is an Ideal location and is situated about three miles from Estacada and within less than a mile and a half from l"' road: land adjoining sold recently for $250 per acre: price for a short time only 1l.0no, and If taken at once can be secured on very easy terms. , CHAPIN & HERLOW. "Z" 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department. 338. GOOD FARM CHEAP, lfift acres. 40 acres in high state of culti vation: 30 more seres ready for plow; good 7-room bouse, new stable, fair barn, good cMcken-houses, dairy house, woodshed and other outbuildings: 20 , cords of wood cut. 20 tons of hay. 3-tO bushels of oats sacked; Urge spring, creek, ram. water piped to house and barn; 3 acres of good orchard In best of condition; R. F. D.. milk route and phone: one mite from good :hoo!, church. 5 miles from good town, railroad and boat landing. 20 miles from Portland: this place absolutely the best and cheapest buy on the market today; price 750O, $3000 cash, bal ance 5 years fi per cent. (B) CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department, 338. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. 81 acres, beautifully situated, with a mag nificent view of mountains: on main county rosd and only three miles from Estacada; fine new. modern S-room house with bath, god bam. running water, family orchard snd the entire place under cultivation with the exception of one acre of timber; next door to school, store and church: this plse Is a hargain at $12.S0O snd can be handled on verv easy terma It will pay you to investigate this section before you decide to locate elsewhere. CHAPIN A HE-RT.OW. "7." 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department, 338. JT8T THINK OF IT. 1T4 ACRES, WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 174 acres, all tinder good fence, about 50 acres In cultivation. 100 acres of heivv piling timber, rest In good pasture; fine stream of running water and good well water at house, nice family orchard, fine 8-room house. 2 good barns and outbuild ings. R.- F. D.; all stock and farm imple ments snd crop go with place: price $10, 500. $4000 cash, balance 5 years if de sired, at 6 per cent. This Is a good buy. CALL AND SEE US. WELLS & DUFI'R. 303 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall RSJV STOCK RANCH. 8400 acres. Sherman Co.. 2O0 acres al falfa land, abundance of water and out side range, all Implements, stock (except sheep) etc.. Included in price of $5 per acre; better investigate this. til ii m r.n.niv.1. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. CHEAPEST FARM TN OREGON. $6000 for a 160-acre farm In the Sandy district, famous for its fruit: the fruit on th trees will show you what the land brings, well Improved, close to Mt. Hood electric survey: a snap which you cannot duplicate in 10 years. r. rii;n, ..lit .-nm i m-.n FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERP. ' We have a large list of choice farms of alt kinds and slses and give the best of value for the money and a square deal to everybody. Every homeseeker treated courteously and honestly. F. FtTCHS. 2214 Morrison St.. aTVtNE 10-acre tract'of land 3ti miles of small R. R. town in tne ...nirur .-i-lev on good wagon road, all in cultivation, small house, near new electric line being built A snap if taken immediately. Price $1l0O. Terms. Brong-Steele Co., ground floor. Lewis Bldg. FRUIT AND'CHICKEN RANCH. 1300 cash, balance $20 month, buys 11 acres of good, level, uncleared fruit land, 12 miles from Portland, near electric car line on county road. Price. $150. See owner. 221V. Morrison St.. room w. vwir tvell-lmnroved farm. 67 acres. 60 under cultivation, io-.u ..u..-....e-. tv road two miles from each of two thriv ing towns: $sroo, $2750 cash. C. R. Gray. CALIFORNIA LANDS for sale in Sacramento tlon on Pacific Coast: fruit and poultry farms: writ for free printed matter. Keisea, Corning. Cal. 1 SUBURBAN HOME FARM AND COM MDR - CIAL ORCHARD At Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric; 6 acres. 4 acres in bearing commercial orchard. 12 years old: 300 fine bodied tree:, principally apples of the very best varieties, vlx. : King. Ked-Cheeked Pippins. Baldwins, Gravenstein, Arkansas Black, Vlnewp. Golden Russet. Maiden Blush, Ben lMvls. Spitzenberg, Northern Spy, Siberian Crabs and a few Summer apples; notice that Ihoe varieties are so arranged that the crop does not come on all at once, and one man csn easil ytake care of the crops aa they come; also there are the best varieties of plums and prunes and there are Kentish. Royal Ann. Bins- and Black Republican cherries, all in full bearing: there are currants, goose berries; SOU strawberry plants. 2m Mam moth blackberries In full bearing and Bat-l-leU and Winter Nellis pears; this Is a sight ly place, with a splendid view; a very short walk from the station, on county road, and considering the soli, the location, condition end variety of the orchard, a good little 2-room Jiouse. a good barn, southwest slope, that you nave cars every half hour, fare being 10 cents, and price at $r."uiO, is remark ably cheap; terms half cash. With the place goes good horse and cow. 10O chickens, brooders. Incubators, new wason. harness and buggy, plow, harrow, cultivator, all necessary Implements, spray outfit, 150 boxes of apples readv for the market. (C) CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department, 3.1S. OREGON ORCHARD TRACTS. We have subdivided several large tracts , of land within 50 miles of Portland: sult- ble for fruits and vegetables and grains of all kinds; good paying orchards In this liy-allty are held high: we can sell you these tracts for small cash payment down and balance to suit. The crops will make vonr pavments. Buy now WHILE PRICES are low. Send us YOUR name and address. I am Interested In your small farms rear Portland.- Name P. O State MOSSMAN-M'NAIR COMPANY. 801 Spalding Building. Portland, Oregon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 550 acres in Mission Bottom. 10 miles north of Salem, 2 l- miles from Wacond.i station on the Oregon Electric. This farm Is on the Willamette River: there is a boat landing on the place: 300 acres are cleared, balance In oak and maple timber; makes good pasture: new 10-room house. 2 large barns, windmill, chicken house, blacksmith shop. 2 good hop kilns. 40 acres in hops. 10 acres In the fines:, peaches, all bearing heavy crops. This is one of the finest places In tho Willamette Valley at $100 per acre, on good terms, or will trade for city prop erty. M'CARTHY-DEN'NIS COMPANY, Lumbermens Bldg IMPROVED FARM. 30 miles from Portland, on rail and rlvere. 1 mile from station, no acres. 70 in cuitlvatlon, 4 a. beaverdam in crop, balance pasture and timber; furnished house, barn, chlcken-houscs, 3 cows. 2 heifers. 3 horses. 2 wagons, 1 buegy, all implements, good orchard. 500 trees. ::.i tons hay. running water, on county road, school near. Price $14 per acre. cash, bal. 5 years 0 per-cent. The Standard Realty Co.. 421 Mohawk bldg. 10-ACRE FARM. Near electric line. 14 miles out. Fine for fruit, berries or chickens: all In cultiva tion; good soil and good level roads. Price $1500; $300 down, balance easy terms. CANN & M'BRIDE, 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldgj Miscellaneous. FINE modern p-room house, well located: one of the best homes on East Side; lot 57x100. corner, walking distance, partly furnished, all for $7."i0O; $2500 cash. 2 fine flats, well located, rents $00 per month; a good investment; $7500; $300 cash. Fine new modern bungalow, well locat ed; a real snap, $3250: 5O0 cash. ' Fine lo-acre tract, good rt-room house, barn, well and chicken-house; 2 acres cleared. 10 miles from Portland Section line road, close to carline; $3500; $1000 cash. Fine 20-acre tract, all in cultivation, good house, well located, close to Lents; Just the place lor platting; $12.5oO; good easy payments. . Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial bldg. IP YOU ARB LOOKING FOR 47kse-ln acreage, a wheat ranch or small, w.ll-lmproved farm, at low price and oa most liberal terms, see m. 1 nanOJ. ssje wn properties. J. O. ELR0D, 520 Corbett Bldr. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. $13 000 for a corner. 5.ixlOO. on R. R . in North Portland: ? cash; better hurry if you want a . bargain. BLANCH ARD & CLEMSON, 66 Sixth St. $12,500 WILL buy Income property pajinK $1500 per year; guaranteed lease. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. $15 500 BUYS fine Income property; well Improved, on 12th street; good future. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. $IS7, Three-room cottage and graded lot. 963 32d St.. corner Going. FOR SALE TIMBER LAN Da. WE BUY AND SELL TIMBER LANDS JOHN B. HAVILAND AND S. S. WOOD. TIMBER LAND DEPT. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY .COMPANY. 519-520-521 Railway Exchange. PINE timber for sale, 520-acres block; about 3.200,000 feet, extra high grade, next thing to sugar pine; 2.400,000 feet first-class, will cut 65 per cent No. 2 shop and better: price 21.0o0. H cash, balance terms. 1 700,000 feet tine large red flr and cedar, plenty of water, easy to log level ruads to market. Inquire at Dorris Hard ware Store. Dorris. California. 250 ACRES. 12'i million ft., fine yellow fir and some cedar: Joins a large body; well located; puariitueed cruise; price oa appil catlon. L 345. Orcgonlan. 2U. MILLIONS yellow pine, Eastern Oregon (no "forest fires): safest investment; bound to treble in few years; need cann. Address 1' 33S. Oregon lan. Lwi&KD-OVER LAND near river and rail In Oregon and Washington, (.oldschmldl a Agency. 253 Washington, cor. .Sd. T1MJUEU LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 04 McKay Bldg. TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester blcle- FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. STOCK AND CROP FOR SALE. boot 17 miles from Portland. This farm consists of about 315 acres, of which about 70 acres are under cultiva tion, the baiance in pasture. It Is so sit uated that In the early Summer part or the land overflows, which makes excellent feed for the late pasture. The place is only a short distance from the railroad and boat landing. The personal property consists of 35 good milk cows. 3 good horses. 1 colt, all necessary machinery to work the place. There is a lot of hay ; In . i. -rt 1e S4O00. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 132-H First St. Room 24. FOR RENT. '00-acre place, good soil and buildings: 1F.0 in cultivation, close to good town. See us for particulars. CHITTENDEN. OTTO & NEILL, SIO Oak St. 30-ACRE dairy ranch. In excellent condition, near Gresham; stock and crops for sale; $1000 O. W. P- Land Co., 1st and Alder. FARMS WANTED. HAVE you from 100 to 190 acres of im proved or partially Improved that you want to exchange for cltv property? Lots and house. 8 in number. If so. call or write Astman Investment Co.. room 2i. Wash Ington bldg. WANTED Three partirs to take heavily tim bered homesteads; will deposit your expenses as evidence of good faith. E. E. Morgan, at Portland Hotel till tomorrow right. ri&u 1 ivn TV' ANTED. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers, Farm Land Dept. ( See Hartog ) Chamber of Commerce. Ground Floor. FEW acres near city, west, and several small tracts south; want to buy some stumpage also. Owners only. William A. Maynes. 620 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to rent farm, 2o to 80 acres, with fair improvements, by Eastern farmer: would rent dairy farm on shares. Address C. L. Allison. Butler. Wash. WANTED TIMBEK LANDS. IWANT cash bargains in pine or fir tim ber claims or tracts. C. A. Young. 4:0 Swetland bldg. TIM HER -ands wants a. fiu McKay bide. C. J. MoCracaaa, BOUGHT and sold at 417 Board of Trad.. 4