TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 18, 1910 ' ' KFAT FT4TF ""' ESTATE. B.EAT, KcVr.'TB. KSTATE. asiswr,. . Acreage, tor Sale Fruit Lands. An.r: Acreage. . Acreage. " ; $27o $100 rash. bal. per month. Fix rnoml. modern houi; on and a half blocks from t ha at. car: fireplace, elec tricity, gas. cement basement, etc. Coma art? If joa want this. -.?oo v-w I-rMin modem house. wih loo ii-fot rorner; tin blocks from three earlinea; near Union !.; f'ne lawn, fruit tree, etc. Small cash pay ment. baU your own term a. UO rash, balance, monthly burs new T reom house: never hern imtupiM; has practical! v all modem conveniences such i gaa. electricity, cement basement, etc. Thia hMiM ta on ba-ittful corner lot. only ore "block from Hawthorne Price only $.-. on tha above stated terms. IS.IOO. $3' cash, bal. I?n per month. buva a ae rn-room hu on r.ast r"'rn eine; never bean occupied; modern, wllo exception of furnace. inn. $2nr) cash, balance, your own terma monthly, secures thla seven-room house, on good corner lot Thtl Is brand r.ew. modern with exception of furnace. Thla la a tup. I .Voo rash. baL $2.1 per month Absolutely new T rem house, one bloc off from Vawthorne ; modern, except ing furnace. We have many mora equally as good as the abote. In proportion to coat, ranging f-om .v to IJiioO. on any reasonable amount cash and balance monthly. at au.lt terma as l per month Our properties will stind any amount of Inves tigation that you wish to give the same. r. E T4TLOR CO.. 40; Lewis bldg . lib and Oalt sts. IRVINGTON RESIDENCES. I (eh St.. room -"0"V Wasco St.. $-.75. IV- ft at., T fNifrt, J"h at.. 7 IT-HIU. $."-"". 21h at.. IilW ;.". 2's' at.. rooms and rsrage. $"" 24th St.. 7 reii an-1 rr1"! r-r-'h. $A7:X lire, a . T rooms aad garage. $:.. : tt si.. itw. 7 -.'-i. 2 wi st.. T rooms. $. a let at . roome. list St.. moms. Tiemiwn at . a r"cm $7 1W sr . room. ! th S'.. rooma. liexO. F -r terms irr'v to r riDHFLL. JR.. Trvfngror, office 41 K. " North arl TVmpetl rore Fser 2 HJ Worre'ee bMt Fn. Mam HIT, Jl SNAP room ho'iie and l"l t'"1"o, on improved a'roet near carline and a b.r aalri; pariv lea in eltv and must ol poea of their property before leavlne and 1:1 itftinr to a o'Urk aaie pit" Wood.iawn tl: Monday or Mbry a Hsrp. 4 Lombard St.. old c ff if, tity prar-nrt-t. irvington iinMr. T-room pt r I.- lv modern almost new hotiae with a-rere conenteneo. nteety lo rated In Irrlnalon. llice flrepla-e. beam reiiinrs. all mill work to order: ni-e lawn and shrubberT itreoi payed, full lot. In fart eerylblns; complete lo suit the moat fastldloua Thla little house mas built for a home and not lo sell but rlr rumetanrea hara rhanced and It will be forred onto the market reaardleee of prKe. If vorl would like to mnke me an orr for It addreaa owner. K Oreaon lan. MrsT dk sirmrifKn rou -.-(io iood. wall built S-room hou.e. with fnll basement. and modern plumhtnc. newlr painted and In fine condition Lot ."At I IT. larae bearlnc fruit treea Within 7. hlre-ka of the boil car ser Ir-e In the Irv l paid a''eto rr Ihla bttf am forred to raise ttionev Immediately and am wlll tns: to Bt-rtrt-e for iult-k sale. Address V X;ti Oreronlan. liUVT MISS THIS urri'RTt'MTI. T' ae( a fine home wav below value; beau tiful modern suburban home. 7 large rooms, reception hall. bath. 2 toilets, built for a home; 4 boautlful lots, total lOoy. "no feet, all Inrload with handsome fences Improved streets and onlv 2 hlorka to car; worth IViiHI; owner will sell at a ft It. S f'R I Ff'Ft; see It and make an offer. ri'KTLAMi PAi-IKK- INVKSTVKNT i n, li Hsllway Ki'lmniw. , Marshall 2T.VS Stmdnv to 4 I. M. KlK PI.E HV OWNKIt. tood K-roo-n hnuM aid leaulful (rounds, corner lOOxl.'e. An Ideal home, therrv. apple. pitr and prune tree In good bearlna: raspberries, arapes. flow ers and shrubbery. A slhtlv p.ace unob structed tlrv Located at No. z .V)th su lave Vt. Tabor car St tilth St.. walk p-.rtn Mocks, rrtr temis. Mrs. rnelna. owner. Nl'Ti HOIK ON ItEi.MONT ST. firfcv :ui1i0. and nearly new a-room nwMlrrn hotjae. cloae In: cood terms, e US-SI" SIIK. ON JKFf'EUSIlX ST. rtMMt rrfslk. .".-room house. Just the place for ipartmrnli or fl.ita II1I l" ASH. BAI.AN"K TKRMS. rt.H .V1il. and '2 Itoo-i houses, close In. on Weat Side, future business proDerty. FRKD f. KIMl. StS-H Fpairlma Bids. Hd snd Wash. U'NNVSIPE-II A WTHoRNK I'lSTKlCT. Just completing a modem f.-room btin tilnw on corner l.l. Improved street: fire place, sewer, caa very neat and well built; nM.T THRKK IiLx-KS TO 2 I'ARS; price $Jtl. cash. bal. like rent. PORTLAND rAi'lFli" INVKSTMKNT ft.. 414 Railway Fichanse. Marshall 2733. Sunday J to 4 P. M. Bl FLI atihTirbsn home, with 1 acre of around, affocllns; the arandest view pos sible and which can never be obstructed: the house la larae and thorouhly mod ern In every particular: verv hleh-class surroundlncs: It Is cheap at llltort. Come to this office and see photographs. Will sell on vere easv terms. J. il- bmlth. 13 hsrrber of Commerce. yij F"R A 3T."a property near E. 2t h snd Belmont: 7 -room house. :t year oM. fust be all cash. If you like Sunnyslde rut this out and ceil early Monday. It's a anap. A H. PTRRF.LL. CO. McKay Bills-. 3rd and Stark Fta FORt'ED SALE. 'St paved by bu Ina that T-room mo.1 ern bunsalow at southeast corner of ".d snd Thompson sta Hes fireplace, full re-nent basement and porches two sides. "Taken on mortaace and niust sell. I'hone lin ;o. FIVF!-RtOi. COTTACB For sale by owner. Small down payment. Balance hi monthly peymenra. 34th. near Hawthorne. Modern In every reare- t. Smith. Ma-vhall l. DESIRABLB H'MPl. Poetkincr ltetah. ckee to cars; fine llr-lea-room. blc flreplace. 1 he.ironme. fnr na.e. ele,-trlctty. as. beautiful lawn, fine trres: readj to more in. A MIS. after- hoors. JfOH SAIl.. Am setttnc up a delightful party for sail through the Mediterranean to the Holy Land. Join the party. Room 6I Lnmbermens Rids;.. 0th and Stark Sta. Portland Or. Mjiln87'V "ft tit HALK New. modem 7-roo-n house and 1 M.H-k of land In aood nel;hcrhod: on Oregon City carllne; building restrictions, till rinlahed conveniences; country. Inquire Phoenix Mf. Co- S74E. Oak st. ALBERTA i7.V: -!0"CASH: S-room modern cottsge. one block to car. lot 4tx9d; nice lawn and shade treea. Call owner. C t'il. al-rjKRX cottage nesr Kllllngsworth ava.: lovely groands. cement walks; your bargain thin vtti. Zella Goasett. T West Ktlllngs worih I.VHi NEW. Vroom bungalow; lot : tt blocks from Mount Scott rar; on paved road: fioo cash, balance essy. HI1LKT BISHOP, m THIRD ST. MOfiKFtN 7 - room house, lot ffS " n l liio; a'l kinds of fruit, gas and electricity; I hln.-k from car; a snap, phone Woodlawn j54. g -..II 7-Rikm house, lot r..l.".0. 4 bi.H-ks "from Mount Scott is car; cltr water; .ejt cash, balance easy. HI.-7t.EY BISHOP. 1.-.8 THIRD ST rir T-roora house, stone basement; every. IhlnsT modern: good ne Igrhorhood. near car. rea In; price 4700. csett l'v. balance terms. Owner n.u wnntarr pio.-a. S4tU0. Rungalow. rooms, furnace, fireplace, yl'-lnlty F- 20th and E-A carllne. See j j otrrt-rR. Grand are, and K. Ankeny. FttR SALE! BY OWN FIR. t InnxloA. house 2ttT4t; fruit treos. pnrubberv and garden, n btocV.s from Monta- villa earns. rnone tsoor sio. FOR PAJ.K A seven-room house m Holladay. heap for cash. Owner musUeeell at vnoa. Ph.Te Titwr 118. A SNAP. 4 tero-storr brick on I'nlon ave.. near Pine, by owncr.Tanorlin. XE'o'" modern bungalow, five rooms snd " bath, large attic and basement; terma Phone B 1-7. Ftift SALE bv owner modern It-room burga Vw ob East 2'ri r . ore block from ML Tabor car. Call 127 E. I&ih u hartman thompson, i;v:al estate i-kpt.. I'namber of Citmmercc. flH.5tK Handsome residence of " rooms t.n Nob Hill: built 2 years SCO In an expensive, evtraisgant man ner (for Instance, the fireplace est 2.vni. at a cost of I22..VW: now offered for $lt.-.ot for a few days. 7nnn 2 beautiful homes In Irvlngtnn: all modern Ideas Incorporated In these houses. 157X0 Very attractive home on Hancock St.. near cars: rooms, reception hall, firelrss cooker, built-in. ric. .".;rX Beautiful Irvlngtnn home. 'be owner believes that thla property Is unexcelled at price. Look at It with us. $373t Cottage, now vacant. In Portland Heights section: .view, csr ser ice; good place, saiisfactory and cheap. $370o Includes f too worth of furniture; modern. attractive; Rose City Park; onlv li.s minutes" car ride from renter of city; !"' cash, bal. like rent. 1S.VI0 47.1 F. 4fth. near Rose City Park car; ."iliiO; 411100 cash: excep tionally well arranged and con structed. Call at house Sunday. I3WI r. 4fith-st home Rose city Par..k : 2. minutes from our office on car; paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, full length mirror In closet door. fjooo Corner home in Rose City Park. onlv 2.". minutes' ride to center of town: new: l.vxi cash. $?trM Rose rltv Park home; $250 cash, bslance like rent. IHRTMAV THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE lKIT.. Chamber of Commerce. , k r"om bungalow. 2 hbcke north of ftose Citv Par carllne. on E 4-tl h St. N. First floor has rerept'on hsll. large dln Inc room, pnt.'h kll. hen. two bedrooms an 1 hsfnroom. I'ps aits there are nice bedroom, with closets, all plastered floored and wire", but the rasing and dor are not In: one of theee rooms is arranged for open-air eleeping-re-.ms. F..H cement basement, cemer.t floor, laundry trss. Marvel furrsre. fireplace, bii.lt-ln b.V ras-s. S buill In sests. beamed ceilings In living and dining rooms p.tneled wains-otirg and built-in b'tffet. hardwood fi.tors in hall, living and d'tilng-rooms. linen clt.set and clothes Cnute in rear ball. Nice fir treea and cement walks from street to rear of house. Price J For fu-ther panlru'ars. see owner. 501 F '4;th V. ".. taks this nifty up-to-date pew story and hslf bungalow. onl- one block from llaw t iome-avenue car. close In. In fine resi dence district, reception hall, fine fire. p'a--e In i. vine-room a beautiful veneered paneled clnm e-room, off which Is a eosy l.ttle tlen with lokrases complete: Dutch kitchen, full hvmml with cement floor; Ih-j. Mf.emi with extremely large rlosets upstairs: nel'lrs this there la also a fine altering porch. This cs and artttlc home Is only a".2.'.o. $".Ni cash, balan.-e to suit. SI TMF.ULASH & HI MHKl.t. Tsbor 2017- :lt.Mt and Hrtw-thome. ACREAtJFJ PNArS. Irt acres. i miles east of cltv. between Ram Lino and Section Line ma. Is: mjy be bsd this wr.. f..r 2J5 per acre. Thui 1st a bargain that calls fwr pronipt action. See us at on.-e. tij acrca; 4 miles east of city, on the Feo tsm Line road. This lies nicely for sub division, mrninif through to the Powell Val ley road. The p-4re we qu.e makca It A decided bargain. I2TS i.er acre. PTTtoN.; CO.. tVV t.n"Ori bl.lc. CIVCKAMAS HEIGHTS. 41 a-'res with h-rootn house, greenhouse an.l nurw. ry. three acres under rultivatlon. ar-Mit bearing fruit tree 100 young tre-e. running atrram of water the year roun-l. water wheel for trrlcJtlon U desired This Is a soup st lAStst ana can be b-tught for vr.e-lhlrd cash.. Rl KF-KI.KINSi'RfiE LAND CO.. 4!S p.o.ird of TVa'le bl.ig. " n ilitlW ANXIOI S T.J MOVE EAST. Offers for sale lavely home of five rooms, hssemenl and atti". cement walks. Im proved street, lot 6"xln. with abundance of choice flowers, shrubbery and shade; situated on San Rafsel. near 1 iil"n ave.; price reduce.1 'rom Houo to $:;.v0. UODDARD W1EDRICK. 215 Stark St. BEAKTIFVL. Itl.'NG ALOW. Modern & rooms snd a bath, good loca tion and view, .slv 100-foot lot. with all street improvements; price f-'loO. terms. Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Kose cite Park carllne GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. FINE IP.VINGTON HOME. :ew 7-r.Km. 2-alorv and attic, sleeping porch, large front and back porches, full cement basement, tlreplnce, paneled tlln-lng-room and ccntor hall, large living room, built by d.iy's work for a home, not by contrsct.tr fur sate; It Is a fine buy as I must sell. Addrcrs owner. AF 3-. o-econlnn. SI'NNYSIDE PAR'i.'.IN. NEAR LAIRELIILKST. 27ot. Five-room modern cottage, three Mccks from Helmonl; gas and electric lighted, with fine llgtures. bath, sewer: lot amne worth IMoo; l.'.isl cssh will handle this, easy terr-a on balance. Phone uwner. Ta bor 2-V.O li A BARGAIN TERMS. Come and see the two fine corner lots with small house that 1 am compelled to sell. No better location on fcst Side, llandv to two carlines. discount for cash. Y.m will want to close the deal when you see It. See owner on properly. S. E. cor. a.'d and Prescott. E Oregonlan. r.VIVER-UTY PARK. 5 rooms, lot OcillO and alley, bath. Dutch kitchen, firebss co..ker. cooler coll. ement basement, sprinkling fire system, cement wa.ks. window screens snd shades, beamed celling, rooms tinted, combination nxtures. 2 blocks from Portsmouth car. Call M Dawson. Price t.Hi'J. SACRIK1CE. For Immediate sale will tnke fo2HO for A acres Just outside the city limits of Newherg. t r . r-room house, hot and cold wator. chicken prk. all cleared, fine soil. stands h.'es. cow. chickens, range, etc Few das only. AJ 32H. Orego n's n. 0.ER H SALE. a fine pew o-ftom viueen Anne style, with den. bath, toilet, wash basin, built in bookcaecs and china closet, full baae tnent and large por hes; If sold Irf a few davs S'TOO; $.'.ou cash will take It; one block from car on corner lacing eaiu 1 Stv'h st. llr.l'E la lle risht bargain (or the right person: owner forced to make a chunge at once; 7 -room house; strictly modern: furnace, fireplace, full basement; wash' tray: lawn and rosea; shades and gas and electric fixtures go with house; all Im provements; hard surface streets and side walks, phone at once. Tabor 137!. THREE line Irvlr.cion homes at a great sac rifice f.r the next week; we must sell and will take as low as eltss) clown; one house Is f rtma one 8 room and one A room. For full particulam call at 414 Spalding bH. SWISS CHALET. Willamette Height, artutlc home Inside and out, of stx rooms; uninterrupted view of river and mountain. Price r7lH. cash lljasi. balance to per month. Inducing Iti tereet. t'wner. U'llllam Ilcntimont, li" Vaughn St.. or SI" Me Meal hMg. t F1VB ACRES. A ganien stiot .n O. li. A N. Tty.. near Montavllla and Barr Road: only fi"0 per acre Close to Mt. Hood auto rd A Ri;.-F-KLE.lNSOKGB I.Kr-ND CO.. 418 Hoard of Trace blrig. JUST COMPLETPD Modern home. 8 rooms and a bath, sootl Iru-ittlon, Soxltel.foot lot; prKe ct:i.-.'l. erms Call at Gregory Heights olflce. end of Rose Cltv Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. BRAND NEW. 2ltin. Strictly modem and extra fine finished 5-room bungalow, new: Alberta and I'nlon avenue: basement, bath, cement walks. GODDARD WIEDRK K. 213 Stark St. GOOD corner. 100100. In Nob Hill. 10 room house in fine condition; this loca tion most desirable. BLANlHARD CI.EMSOX. c.ti Sixth st. LEAVING the city: for a quick eale Ill.V) will taite new cottage, corner hh. tun case ment. 2 block from Mt. Scott car: It will sell to flrt party that sees It: t'M cash, balance 2 yea-s. Tabor 2.V.0: owner. N KW T-room house, cement basetacnt, large corner lot 72-10S. 7 large apple trees. Price $1700. Tnke Montarll'a car, S7th and E. tilisan. I'hone Tsbor 2ii7.1. NEW. modern. 5-room bilngnlow. Southern 1'ortland. near car: price I.T.cm $jrHi ensh. balance $1S monthly. Owner. l'Hll Coruett street. KR SALE bv oner: best buy on the Kaat Side. All Improvements: bttulithlc pave ment: rrpet and stoves If wanted; $1700 will handle. b?3 East ilain, near :311k ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. NOB HILL HOME. tcr.iMi 1 o-room dwelling and one full slie lot. Mixluo feet, north front, choice location, west of --'id st.. Nob Hill dis trict: lot alone easily worth 6.oo. The house, while It s not new. is strictly mod ern, with hardwood floors. fireplaces, large pantry with cold water cooler, large sleeping porch, room enough for three beds, full basement, with cement floor, well enutpped laundry room and new fur nace and full-slge attic. This Isan ex ceptionally good bargain and Is offered at such a reduced price. In order to effect Quick sale. JAMES J. FI.YNN. 813 Chamber of Commerce. NEW t. and 7-room houses, all modern conveniences, west slope Mount Tabor, fine location, high and sightly, con venient to two best carllnes In elty. good bargains and easy payments. Phone B :7. . Business rroperty. WIU. KITLD WARrTlirruSB TO PUTT TENANT. Close to business section. Slse of Site inuxKsi. Trackage in rear. Alst faces thoroughfare. Ask f"r Mr. Guthrie COLUMBIA TRl'ST COMPACT. Hoard of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Tenth and Main. nrour; Wash., S-story pressed brick building. 1 giott. modern In every -espert. built for n stories, portion of It now- occupied, bringing M.Vt a month: other 2 Joors un completed, can be put 'nto M rcms steam heated, full basement: Ilsf.no cash can handle: price ."." ono. easy terms. JOHN" P. KIGOINS. Vancouver. ti K R K you bave It. a beautiful comer lot on 14th St.: an Ideal place for a room ng hottse; price seav below adlolnlng lots. If vou are thinking of putting up a rooming-house, don't let this get away from vou. and It Is located In a fin. "I"' one block from carllne. It a snap; noo will handle it. y F. GILBERT. Room 2in Lumber Exch. Rldg. Phone Marwhall 2HJ7. Portland. Or. " WEST SIPE CORNER. For Investment, looxion. also snltab'e for .tore, and flats, needed now-: right on crime; only 12 minutes" ride: suitable building h e would pay IJM monthly at cost of I.Vetn. Price for the corner " If tsken before Wedneeday 4.1000. 410..0 cash, balance long lime per cent. Jaa lgsn. a.'nti Wash. St.. room 4Q4. BY OWNER. Factory or business s4te on Mscadam road cl-.se to bi.ne and factories, conlalnlag six lots facing three streels: will sell at bsrgaln: reeding money; will give terma. fall Marshall 121". W 3W. Oregonian. A SPLENDID SITiS FOR FLATS. Lot. nngi2. feet, with cottage In rear, renting at fin per month: on Knott street, loo fet from I'nlon avenue; snap: price Is I3UOO. GODDARD Tr-IEDRICK. 24rt strk St. FLAT PROPOSITION. 40xS0 on Kearney St.. price $n0O0. IIOOO cash; It s easy to rent flata here; walking distance. ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade Bldg A SAFE PfRCHASE. BO feet frontage on I'nlon avenue, wlin two-story store building: Income '-'- price 14000 ' GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Improved business corner at Lenta, rent ed for S5 a month. I70O0; terma If de- Bl'oc'h Realty Co- 221 I.umbcrmenJBIdg. POWELL STREET. CORNER oVrRLSH. 1") feet on Powell. Irregular shape; nne business site and a bargain at 1050. GODUAKD WIEDRICK, 24a Stsrk St. VOU SALE at a barsalm-A store building, brand new. all modern, hot and on Id water, r.afon for selling, elcknes. For further m f .rmation call or write to C. F. Toung. 1442 Mllwaukle street. Scllwood. ' $7GO0 Will handle modern apartment-house of 80 rooms ann coi ,ier lot MhtllO. West cde. 9 blocks to Courthouse. Owner. 274 Stark st. f TOR H bulbil ig with living rooms. West Side suburb: suttaDie tor snv-i j . " ... need rroa-y. Owner. 234 Grant at. Main 37M. ; STsT SELL West side 100x100. well Im proved, bringing good Income; south Washington street, close In. Buyers aa- - ewer only. AC 222 Oregonlan. Acreage. SI BCRBAN ACREAGE. Tualatin Valley, only 8 miles from Portland: right on Oregon Electric; soil flrst-clnss. no rock or gravel; high state of cultivation: one piece of seven acres with house. 7S0: another S-acre piece. JJ.-..S1; 8-acre tract for 1.1f.o. The soil and location Is well known and the prop erty Is onlv 30 minutes" ride from Port Irn'd. Glcnart Really Co. (Inc.). 1I8 chamber of Commerce. s"i ACRES. 4 mln. walk Durham eta., 7-rtn. house, large barn. a. cult., cow. horse, buggy, f.0 chickens and .'.00 gels posses sion; bal. easy. tt acres adjoining above. 1 a- strawber ries, fine logs for bungalow and beautiful site; J2.V1 per a. , 4 1-3 a.. Ore. city line; half onion land; fine bungalow; $.ViilO or less- . . - - ruu .- m I. an- direction. CLOPFEI.TErt BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. JIOOO YOUR PROFIT. Here Is 40 acres aa fine land aa could be found In Oregon, already staked and putted, that we are opening at a bar gain. 7 miles from city. Price Ill.noo. onlv t'-'ooO cssh. SMITH -WAGONER CO, XII -3 12 l-ewls Bldg. ' 10-ACRE FARM. Near electric line. 14 miles out. Fine for fruit, berries or chickens: all In cultiva tion: good soil and level roads. Price SKoo; SJOO down, balance easy terms. I'ANN at M'HRIDE. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SLBI RHAN HOME SPECIALISTS. K PER ACRE: II. TO DOWN. 1iO acres In that beautiful Summer lake yslley where' they raise the best fruits, grain, vegetables, etc.. In Eastern Orgon. FRED C. KING. 311-14 Spalding bldg . d and Washington. FIGURE IT OUT. S2S acree. fine sol, all level land, only T mile of Portland; SO.OOO cords of wood on the place. Price tr.O per acre; terms. ARCHIBOI.D. 42o Falling Bldg. ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC Choice level tract of 5SV acres between Portland and Hlllsboro on the carllne: win sell at a great bargain. Call 414 Spalding bldg. i VCRES on Section Unf road, near 7 mlie house ail cleared and fenced; ad joining land selling lor ..ov ami sow a re; price on this only $323 per acre, HIGI.EY BISHOP. 133 THIRD ST. FOR SALE 8 acres under cultivation; good H-room house and barn. 8 blocks from Ore gon City car line. $HK) down, balance $10 I month. Phone Red 17. Oak Grove, or address Armstrong at barren. Oak Oroya. In ACRES or more, highly Improved land, so minutes- drive from Portland, on mac adam road: a bargain for a suburban ranch: terms to suit ability of purchaser. A M urctimmii T.WE 2 high-grade acre tracts close In. on West Side; will sell on terms way be low present market price; nothing better In the market. Address Benson Land Co.. 401 Wells-Fargo bldg. hTF an acrb ON HOLGATB ST. owner must have money and Is willing to tske 370o- it hss a good 4 -room, house, ail fenced, and about &u fruit trees; only 3 bloods to W-W car. 242 Fifth St. A SNAP o Ss acres w ttnin o.i.v. city limits, and only I4..0 per acre, all cleared and ready for cultivation. Rogers tt McKay. Room 23 3'Vs Wash. St. li ". EOl'lTY in beautiful acre tract on West Side for $.i0: going East Thurs day and must have money. Address Benson Land Co.. 401 Wells-Fargobldg. 10-At-RK.S. 3 miles out, 8ti In cultivation: new 4 -room house and outbuildings; good land, no gravel: only $33'H). 11 IGLE Y at BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. ju, ACRES cannot be duplicated anywhere for full values; a splendid Investment or good for small ranch; monthly or early nsvmenls. AM 330. Oregonlan. 5 VKES close to Portland on river for i'l.-.O per acre. Fine for chicken ranch. Terms to suit you. 6Q9 Corbett bldg. JS ACRES, unimproved land, on Columbia River and railway, between Portland and Astoria- $!5; terma J 341. Orejtonlan. KILL acre tract. 27 minutes. 3c carllne; $.-.'K to J70O; West Side. H MILKY BISHOP. 13g THIRD ST. FOR SAI.iJ "ill TRADE 1-arge 7 passenger Wlnton. bargain. George F. Price. 403 01 hen bldg.: car at Ners A O'Brien's. i TO 13-ACRE tracts, all having river frontage, cheap: $13S to $175 per acre; terms. See owner. 215 Grand avenue. 2V, ACRES for 11100. Sea J. E. Smith. S13 Chamber of Commerce. In the heart of SI'NNYSIDE. New 8-roam house, one block . from carline, $3300. Terms to suit. This is the finest home in Sunnyslde for the money. It is but one block from the Sunnyslde and Mt- Tabor carline. a 10-mlnute ride from the center of the city. Hss cement walks In front and around It and the street Is paved with bassam: sew ers, water mains, gas mains, electric and telephone ca bles all In. It la 4 on the prettiest street In Sunnyslde. close to stores. 8 blocks from pub lic school and several churches. Has 3 large bed rooms, front and rear porchca. double walls snd floors, cement basement, porcelain bath, washbowl, living and dining-rooms with plenty of closet room; rooms all freshly tinted, woodwork especially select ed, built-in window seats, built-in china closet, kitchen with pantry, wood lift, por celain sink with back, gas and electricity with com bination fixtures. House been built but a short time, lot alone Is worth $2ilou. We can srrange with the owner 10 take a small first payment and easy monthly payments, tnereafter. Price f.tmo. RALPH ACKLEY. t05 Corbett bldg. 30-ACRB TRACT. HIGHLY IMPROVED. Good o-room house, barn, good fences. $175 PER ACRE; EASY TERMS. 1 acres in high stste of cultivation. T acres all cleared and ready to plow-, mak ing 2. acres cleared and 6 acres in small timber. 10 ACRES OF FINEST ONION LAND THAT WILL PAT FOR ENTIRE TRACT INSIDE TWO TEARS. Surrounded by rich, Improved country. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC line and only 12 miles from Portland .. $17S PER ACRE; EASY TERMS. PACIFIC N W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 COUCH BLDG. n ACRES OF BEAVFRDAM AT THE PRTCE OF ONE ACRB. WE HAVE A FIVE-ACRE TRACT OF PEAVERDAM CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE. WITH A BEA1 -T1FUL BUILDING SITE. SAME KIND OF LAND AT BEAVERDAM IS SELL ING FROM IIOOO TO fl'JfiO PER At RE. WILL PAY FOR ITSELF FIRST SLA- S"$2nn PER ACRE: EAST TERMS. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 COUCH BLDG. THE OWNER WILL. SELL. THE OWNER WILL SELL. THE OWNER WILL SELL. , 10 ACRES PLANTED TO APPLES IO ACRES PLANTED TO ArPLfctJ IO ACRES PLANTED TO APPLLS FOR $27S PER ACRE. $27S PER ACRE. $275 PER ACRE. PART CASH. PART INSTALLMENTS. PART CASH. PART INSTALLMENTS. PART CASH.. PART IXSTAU.at.NTS. J. O. KOI'NTREE. flCU. Third St.. Room 4. Up Stair. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Beautiful home on hillside, magnificent view west and north, block of over 14 full lots 2 acres, on corner SO-ft. boulevard and 50-ft. St.; flue large new S-room. 2-story modern house, full basement, bath, toilet, hot and cold Bull Run water. 2 large porches, large new barn; all kinds of fruit and berries In bearing; cloee to 5 mlnute car service; adjoining lots held at J..0O each, showing this property value $10 000; must sell; price for a few days only $6200; terms. Address AD 331, Or- gontsn. r-nonc ownei. m.o -v PROPOSITION UNPRECEDENTED IN ALL THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. Account of extreme old age and heavy Indebtedness, which I am forced to pay at once, is my reasons for selling. Five hundred acres, every foot of. same the very best quality, and located In the best valley of this country, produced this vear nearly 100 tons of hay. 2uoo bushels of grain and 50 tons of the finest fruit to be found anywhere: splendid improve ments. 'iO per acre buys this farm. Phone East 23411. Address A. Girton. 715 East Madison st,, Portl and. ACREAGE. $15 to $25 per acre: 10. 20. 80 and 40 acre tracts, unimproved, red shot land; no rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad, 25 miles northwest of Portland- 8i0 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts being rapidly cleared and set to fruit. Call and arrange to visit these tracts at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now on tha market. 310 Cor- pru mug. e ALlt r.3. Onlv 2 miles from center of city and close " to carllne; Fine 7-room modern house, good stable and chicken-house; sev eral hundred young fruit and nut trees, also all kinds of berries; an excellent piece of land and a fine home: can be platted to 3J lots and Is a great bargain at $5O0 per lot; one-fourth cash and bal ance on very reasonable terms. J. G. San- nCTS. -i-l LUIlluruiwiia u.u; FOR SALE, near Tlgardvllle. 7 2-S acres, lit miles from Portland by Taylor Bridge road; 6 acres cleared and In cultivation; some timber; all under good fences: good house and other outbuildings; family or chard; good well, spring and running water; good school and rural mall delivery. Oregon Electric car service. Price. $2000. cash or terms. Address the owner, C. t . -1-. .. Or IrtxcVa. irom i acre up and only ft miles west of Council Crest. 40 minutes' car ride, at $123 to $3K per acre and month ly payments. THE SHAW'FEAR COMPANY. 0.11 Srnrlr St Phone Main 3.1. A 3.-iQO. 6 ACRES on Mount Scott carline at $1000 per acre, with good terms. This Is a money maker. ...... THE bHAW-FEAR COMPANY. . - 1 marl. St. Phone Main Si. A 3500 FOR SALE Nine acres, set last Spring lu Spltienbergs and Yellow Newtown apples; also ten acres under plow; these tracts are tj mile from Sprlngbrook and 1 ' miles' from Newberg. Box 117. Newberg, Oregon. LITTLE FRUIT FARMS. Nine miles out on West Side; cheaneM and best acreage on market; $150 per acre and UP' AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 41S ADington mug. gjso 10 acros. all tillable, uncleared; running water, best soil, on county road, near school and railroad: suitable for fruit, gardening or iwultry: round trip B hour: guaranteed as represented; best buy on the market; $150 down. Palmer. 512 Couch bldg. HBRFJ Is a bargain: 15 acres 18 miles from Portland, on electric line, mostly all under rultivatlon: about 50 fruit trees. 40 young English walnut tree: fine soil; tuOUO, term. o21 Hoard of Trade. Marshall 2.21. If wanting a suburban home or. choice acreage Investment, do not fall to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS." CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. FOR SALE One or two acres, $430 each; a mile south of Wichita station. .Caza dero line; cash required, balance easy payments: must be sold by October L Address O 323. Oreconlan. " " 10 ACRES. On county road. 1 mile to railroad sta tion; running water; 8 acres cleared; $100 per acre: one-third down, balance 2 per cent per month. Y 3?6. Oregonlan. "0OACRE.S, 28cleHred. house72 barns, close to Portland. $6000: will take good lot. balance cash. Apply owner. Main 8380, 434 Chamber of Commerce. GARDEN HOME. Arrange to see our Garden Home acre tracts on Sunday; 10-cent fare.. 411 Couch bldg. Main 8322. TH E best located 10-acre tract for car service on Base Line road at a bargain for a few davs. No agenta need an giver. K 38B, Oregonian. WITONVILLF. IS THE HEART of the finest farm section of Oregon. Take Oregon l-leetrir Ry.. Front and Jefferson t. lu ACRES, running water, orchard, old building, on West Side. S-cent fare. $1100, $S"Q cash. 411 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres land near Lakeview, Or., $30 acre. B 331. Oregonlan. , 115 ACRES WITH NICE TROUT STREAM I I 4 acres in cultivation; more easily cleared; I acre potatoes. balance has 3.',. Ono feet of good saw timber. mile to mill. New 4-room house and woodshed, fine spring, county road along the front end of place, 1 U mile from county town. 3 miles from electric line and town and 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Not far to school and church, good productive soil and moderate slope back to rear line, where a beautiful trout stream runs across the rear edge of place. $1750; $I2o0 cash, balance terms. 20 ACRES IMPROVED. Fine Improved level tract IS miles from electric line. 9 miles from Van couver. Wash., on good level roads. Enough saw timber on piace to pay for It, Price $1500. Certainly a good buy, HOME OX COLUMBIA. A .nice home on the Columbia. 5 acres with 1ST feet water front, fine roads, t mile to atation on S. P. A S. Ry. 3 miles from business center Vancouver, Wash., fine view of Portland and Col umbia river. Living water. Zh acres orchard- Price $35o0, H cash. 40 ACRES, LOTS OF GOOD TIMBER. Good rich level land: 4 acres in culti vation, more easily cleared. 200.000 feet saw timber, new cheap farm buildings, spring and well: 2 miles to country town. 4 miles from electric line and new town: 12 miles from Vancouver. Wash.. good level road. Price $2300, $1500 cash, bal ance terms. 80 ACRES. H MILE TO R. R. 30 acres. 314 miles from Vancouver, located overlooking Vancouver Lake. 14 mile from railroad. 20 acres under culti vation, new modern bungalow under con struction. Will require $K00 to complete. New frame bam, mile to graded school. IO acres green timber. This is a beau tiful location for a. home and a bargain. Price $0500. Terma 400 ACRES FOR ORCHARD. 400 -acres, within 1(5 miles of Swift Packing Plant, fine pasture land and when cleared will make the finest kind of orchard land, which Is shown by orch ards adjoining; well watered by streams and springs, "j mile from school. 3 miles from country town. 0 miles from steam snd electric railroads. Price $20 per acre. H cash. THOMPSON A SWAN. 2n RolhchIM Bldg.. or lh asjdMaln. Vancouver. Wash. READ THIS. 0 ACRES. SO acres, $100 per acre: in miles east of city limits: finest soli in Oregon: on splen did county road: will sell all or part: part cash; the cheapest buy near Portland. . 16 ACRES. 11 acres. IV, miles from Salem Electric, line; good 3 -room log house, all celled in side, good barn and several other build ings; 4 acres In cultivation, 2 acres tim ber, balance good pasture: well and run ning water; price $100, $400 cash, balance 8 years at 6 per cent. 30 ACRES. 30 acres, 20 In cultivation: house, bam snd other buildings, farming Implements, good as new, family orchard, vineyard, water tower, sewer connection, 6 miles from Portland Postoffice: electric line runs through piace: S. P. Railway near: near 2 depots: reason for selling sickness; $11,500, terms. R, A. KIRK A CO.. Room 317 Lewis Bldg. 80 ACRES OX THE TUALATIN RIVER; 29 ACRES IN A HIGH STATE Of t'ULTl VATION. WHEREFROM 11 ACRES ARE GENUINE BEAVHRDAM LAND. THE REST IS SWALE LAND WITH A BEAU TIFUL BUILDING SPOT. 50 MORE ACRES CAN" BE LEASED FOR B YEARS AT A CHEAP RATE. AN EXCEPTIONAL PROPOSITION FOR A DAIRY FARM. OR FOR AN EXPERIENCED BEAVERDAM FARMER WHO COULD SUB-LEASE AT A GOOD PRICE PAKT tlr THE l.ACL. AND RETAIN ONLY THE BEAVERDAM. CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND 2 RAIL ROAD STATIONS. AT AN EXCEPTION A Li PRICE PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 COUCH BLDG. "" 9 ACRES. a acres, improved, east of city: new house, barn, trull, exceiieiii. main auto road. I don't want It. and I don t need me money. - - - you; you mane lexois. .o-oo. NO acres near Vancouver, worth $2o00; i i ci-.iA- c.rui r wn. our pruo '"'"'.Tioc 11 acres improved, Camby: free .rr.Brat- i . ; HiHrs-a tpHm. tools. Inff ann eiwu '"y" etc.. uipw . 0 acre partly improved: house, two '"'rXymore realty company. 430 Worcester Bldg.. 3d A Oak Sts. M 140. INVESTIGATSJ THIS CHEAP BUY TN 040 acres in Klickitat County, six miles norTh of The Dalle-. Oregon Warwick station, on tne iroiaeiiuciio ..., -fenced and cross-fenced; two large barns T springs 2 wells. 300 acree adapted to fruit, "alance an Ideal stock snd grain ranoh; price $15 per acre. Fetter Investigate this. P CHAPIN HERLOW. "M." 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department, 338. CLOSE-IN ACRES. 10 acres all cleared. 1 mile cast of city limits, on Barclay avenue and O. K. N. track. Has house and barn. 4 acres in berries and 2 acres In 8-year orchard. Fine ?few of mountains and Columbia. This cannot be beat for an Investment or sub urban home I am pinched for money and win sell away under value. Surrounding property la held at 10(io per acr e 1 wl 11 sell S.-,no on good terms. Phone C 119.1. for owner tlir. WII L PUT YOU IN POSSESSION OF ' ?o ACRES NEAR ORENCO. ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC: BEST OF SOIL; NO GRAVEL OR WASTE LAND. BAL ANCE ON TERMS TO SUIT. 405 COUCH BLDG. A DANDY SMALL FARM. Somrthing not picked up every day. considering location. 'mPt-o.mn'; .'';: u. acres of best kind of soil, nearly all In "cultivation, with a molern S-room house with bath. etc. chicken-houses and bear ing orchard; onlv ten miles from Port aSd. on Oregon Electric Ry. and Southe rn Paelflc: 22 trains a day; easy terms. Ad dress owner, vv o.ta. uioioi.... r T AClTrn 20 acres, near Orchards. Clark Co.. 15 acres cleared, good house and Jrn fenced, price with terms. $3500. $.000 Cao'acres. all in cultivation. 6-room house - barns and a few household goods; price $2000, $1200 cash. ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade Bldg. 40 ACRES , "2 acres clear. IS acres light timber, onlv 8 miles from City Hall on Main County Road. $2o0 per acre, half cash. Balance 3 years. Or 1S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak St. ... . . o t-a Level nil cleared, on Villa are.. mile . . ...ii. . -,1.. fl. tMt honle- east or .Yioniaviua. n-.u.... - . - . . . . 11. A .arl n- will vara, o DiocKs irom ..1.. ----- sell for $3'XX canh. balance In 6 years, a per cent interest. iw ' 1 " " ' first housw west of the place. High state of cultivation, spring on place: on county road. H mile from Elec tric Railway Station, but 30 minutes from Portland. $2700: terms. J 330. Oregonian. mill, shingle mill, cedar for 3,000.000 to 4 000.000 shingles; team: this is a bargain for $4SO0: poor health andmust sell. Call nt ixin si. 5 ACRES $1500.00 In high cultivation, best of soil, on conntv road. 5 blocks from electric railway, but five miles from Portland. terms. J aa.- oegoniaii. ONE-AI Kf. llAr, 1 J t o...--.. Some fruit, all cleared, garden soil, bet ter than buying lots for a home; very easy terms. AM 32S, Oregonlan. LE-T me tell you what I can sell you; from o to 6 acres of land at Garden Home, for. Can give good terms. A 3721. 404 hi Park street, $rK DOWN. bal. $300 yearly 8 per cent: house, barn, orchard, berries: 24 chickens, plows and tools. Price S3750. or trade. Phone Marsh. 1409. 329 Mohawk bldg; ONE acre oflandfor price of one lot. 5c fare and good, rich soil, and level; easy terms; a bargain for someone. AM 327, Oregonian. IF YOTJ WANT A COUNTRY HOMT3 go to Wllsonvllle. Take Oregon Electric Ry. FOR SALE hy owner, eijihl acres near Tl gardvlllc; all tillable land: price very rea sonahle. AK 32. Oregonlan. , ONE ACRE. ' On electric car line, near Portland. $550. Easy terma K 835.Oregonian. 40 ACRES good timber for sale cheap; good location. A $40, Oregonian, WORTH TUB MONET WITHOUT THE IMPROVEMENTS. OWNER IS OBLIGED TO SELI What do too think of 35 acres with only 3 acres waste. 4t acres cleared, the bal ance was almost cleared and allowed to grow up with scattering hazel brush, level land, no rocks, good spring 011 place, house. 76 Bartlet pears, 100 shipping ap ples, place fenced, one mile of R. R- and boat landing; splendid view of river, all for $2500, on most any kind of terms T Price is below anything In the neighbor hood; property adjoining sold for $10- per acra and It is not nearly so good; this Is a forced sale; leas than an bour'a rida out of Portland by train. ONE acre: WITHIN 8 BLOCKS OF 3 CARLINES. This beautiful suburban place Is In a high state of cultivation, having all kinds of small fruits and vegetables: 13 large cherry treea one of which alone produced $15 worth of fruit thia year. 8 pear, 6 ap ple and 1 Quince, all 15 years old and in excellent condition; modern T-room house, reception hall, living-room, paneled ain-lng-room with built-in buffet, modern pantry; linoleum on kitchen, pantry and bathroom, two toilets, light fixtures, full basement with cement lloor and laundry travs: back porch and all windows screened: walls tinted and floors stained: cement sidewalks to the place: neat two story barn 14x24; only $0400 Is asked for this fine country home and easy terms will handle it. Property across the street sold recently for $So per lot and It war not so nice or highly improved. We have 100 different little suburban acreage tracts and Oregon and Washing ton farms, from one to a thousand acres in slxe. WYNN JOHNSON CO. Suite 505 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d snd Alder. Phone Marshall 1H4S. A 2332. 10-ACRE FARM CHEAP. Fine rolling, well-drained land, suitable for fruit, berries and chickens: good 4 room house, good ham and Inrae chicken house; running water. 50 fruit trees, 4 rears old: Hj miles from good town. a mile from railroad; handy to 12 dally trains and 4 daily boats; good local mar ket for all of your produots as well accesses to Portland. Astoria and Puget Sound markets: plenty of work In adjoin ing sawmills and kjgelr.g camps: Just the chance for a start; price $750, $-50 down, c-alance easy terms. 20-ACRB FARM. 14 mile out all cultivated, near elec trio rallw-Ry. osj good county road: son excellent for berrlres. fruit or general farm: $100 down will handle this at $150 per acre. CANN M'RRIDB, 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $1000 AND A LIVING. Can be made on 'this in acres. All under cultivation, with bearing tamiij orchard and about 5 acres of berries: fine power and trout stream through place; soli verv fertile: good firroom house, barn, chicken-house and sheds: purchase price includes crop of potatoes. 4 tons of hay, horse, wagon, hack, buggy, tools. 2 extra good cows, 200 chickens and wood; only 9 miles on macadamised road from Port land; 2 miles from electric line at Ken dall; 3 miles from Grays Crossing; mila from Clackamas; will be sold on easy terms. See it today. The C. P. Thomas place at clackamaa Station. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. 14 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $200 PER ACRE. On the five-mile circle from the Court house, near macadamized county road, electric line and railway, on a gentle south slope, rich soil, warm sunny loca tion, protected on north and east by hills making an Ideal place for early fruit, and vegetables; large native timber. 12o to 150 cords of wood per acre, enough to pay for the land and now Is the time to clear It: you can have Ave. ten or twenty acres, that will be worth that many thou sands when they start the tunnel under the hills to the west, actually worth $4110 per acre right now in one-acre tracts; only 30 acres left. K 333. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOMES. If you desire to move to the country, we can exchange your city property for a good farm home: we have several located In the Tualatin and Willamette Valleys; also several wheat farms near Spokane, Washington, that we are authorized to exchange for good Portland Income prop erty, good residences, apartment-houses or flats. ' If you want an exchange that will make vou smile, call on Shefler. with GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. WALNUT GROVE. 22 acres walnut grove. 2Vi miles from Lafavette and Carlton, 60 tree. 4 years old. In high state of cultivation, walnut trees In this locality 8 years old have net ted $10 per tree for one crop: price $5500; easy terms, per cent; adjoining this orchard are 20 acres of young apple trees which will be sold with walnut grove in any desired acreage at $200 per acre. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. $100 WILL take my $200 interest in $S00 acre tract, located close to the Powell Valley road, also near Gilbert Station on the Esctacada carline: a fine tract for small fruits and chickens; all ready for the plow; water is now piped to acre: only seven miles from city. Contract calls for small monthly payments. Am leaving state. For further information address M 334. Oregonlan. HOMESEEKER, THINK THIS OVER. 4 acres of garden land with good 5-ronm house, fine creek, handy to cars, for the very low price of $3500. with very easy terms. Here is a chance to be independ ent, making a fine living from the place, and If you earn wages In Portland you can lay them up for rainy days. Do not miss such a rare chance. F. FUOHS, 221 Vs Morrison SL ' 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS ON O. W. P. We have some bargains in some .1 and 10-acre tracts on the O. W. P. carllne; line soil, excellent fruit land, plenty of water- a good portion of these tracts Is cleared; these can be had at a very low price and on easy terms. It will pay you to Investigate. GOODNOUGH SEITZ, 718 Board of Trade. I ACRE tracts, West Side; one-half acre, close to car: $550; Hi acre, 1100; 3 acres. 3ll0ii; 5 acres, $2750. If you are looking for a small truck or poultry ranch, close in on the West Side. It will pay you to see what we have. Terms can be arranged on anv of the above to suit you. 11. E. I,ee. 411 Corbett bldg. 1350 10 acres, all tillable, uncleared; run ning water, best soil, on county road, near school and railroad; suitable for fruit, gardening or poultry; round trip 9 hours; guaranteed as represented; best buy on the market; $150 down. Palmer. 512 Couch bldg. : 6 ACRES, river transportation, 18 miles from Portland: best peach land in state. Terms to suit you. tu9 Corbett bldg. nonirsteads- RELINQUISHMENTS wanted in Oregon and Washington. We have the parties with the cash, ready to buy; give full particulars , In first letter. . ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. $S-page book explaining what each of the $4 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county ; map attached. 21x28. showing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 110; latest map in O. S. ; price Sic Nlmmo ' Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. TWO relinquishments Joining 100 acres, each mile from school; mail and telephone; poatofnee: on county road; running water, best of land. 6 miles from R. R. town. About 4.000.000 ft. on each; these are bar gains; 80 miles from Portland. J. A. Davis. 214 Swetland bldg. AM RETURNING TO MY HOMESTEAD IN CENTRAL OREGON. Will show you the best land for home steading, near railroad now building. -4 miles of town and schools; $2f. for my services. See me Monday. I leave Tues day morning. Room 6. HH'i 3d st. CAN LOCATE TWO PARTIES On homesteads in Southern Oregon, on un surveved land that will cruise 8.000,000 ft. fir and sugar pine. Call 215 11th St.. Port land. or. : NEW HOMESTEADS Rogue River. South ern Oregon, In frultland, timberland, outrange- some improved, wi:h water and bearing orchard. Write H. B. Hendricks. 6th and G sts.. Grants Pass. Or. I H 4.VE three homestead relinquishments in the Tillamook district; on $5(, two for $200 each; dairy and fruit farms. Inquire F C. Waftace. Perkins Hotel. 28 ACRES. Salem electric line. 20 minutes out. Ideal for platting; station on property. 410 Corbett bldg. HOMESTEAD In Deschutes Valley, adjoina ir rigated lands: four-room frame house, no pioneering. Price $50Q. N 333. Oregonian. t-'nr sle Fnill t.and 10 ACRES of grape land; good transporta tion: J1000: easy terms. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. 40 ACRES, very choice apple land. $1600. Will exchange for 5-passenger automo bile. Call 411 Corbett bldg. MOORE3 VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS. In the famous Moore valley, Yamhill County, red shot soil. Ideally adapted for apples and this tract has been pro nounced by experts to bo the equal of ihr. best Hood River soli: 700 feet elevation, insuring Immunity from frosts and fail ures; near S. P. Railway and only 33 miles from Portland. Set to five and tan-acre tracts of com mercial apples; we care for them three years under superintendence of an exper ienced horticulturist; each tract fenced, and facing on road- ; Our price la right, $300 per aero on terms of 20 per cent cash, balance in three years, monthly. auasterly or semi-annually: no interest oa deferred payments: no taxes. , , , An investment In one or these tracts In sures you a competence and Independence In a few years. Call at office or send for booklet. KEASEY. HUMASON & JSfPBRT, 232 Chamber of Commerce. ESTACADA FRUIT FARM Model Country Home for Man of Means. 73 acree. located in the heart of Estacaoa fruit section, surrounded by commercial or chards: acres 3-year-old apples. 10 acres 2-year-old apples. 12 acres 1-year-old apples; the trees are mostly Svitjienbergs. with Cri lev, Arkansas Blncks and Jonathans as pol lenizers; Uila orchard Is strictly commercial, having been properly planted and cared for according to the latent approved method; 2 acres of selected strawberries. IS acres In crops; the remainder of this farm baa eomo standing timber: not a foot of waste land: several fine springs: the soil la red shot a-n-i very deep; the hou iff new, 8 rooms, toilet and' bath, semi-bungalow; modern pressuta water system In basement; house 1s pipel for furnace heat and contains every up-to-ciato apisilntincnt; Just what you want; th barn is new and up to date: county road di vldf? farm; a magnificent view of Mt. Ho.vi and entire surrounding country la obtained from this farm: you can look the country over and It will be a long time before siKh a place will be found that is for sale: a good s-hool Is located one-half mile. at. hr.ve privileges of community high school at EntacBda: the rlace is right, and price Is very reasonable. $2! per acre: $sooo cash: Just the place for a man of means; kno-.v every friot of this" farm and can vouch for thla'drscriptlon. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department 338. GET BACK TO TH E SOIL. And buy 10 acres planted to Newtown and Spltzenherg apples with peach trees between the rows for fillers until the ap ples commence to bear. $275 per acre. up. Kept In order for three years. 20 par cent down. 2 per cent on installments. Contracts given and cash handled only bv a trust company. When fruit trees ' are In full bearing you would not take $1000 per acre for your tracts. EAGLECREST ORCHARDS. J. O. ROUNTRKE. SELLING AGENT. 88V. Third St.. Room 4. Up Stairs. ' HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. Here Is an opportunity you will not have again Orchard In Portland Colony. HOOD RIVER, part In bearing. Only $500 per acre. Terms. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. 14 Chamber of Commerce lllilg. KLICKITAT County. WasliingKUi, has re mained undeveloped from lack of trans portation, but the North Bank Road ends this handicap. . . There is no finer fruit region anyw-hes. Let us show you facts and photos of this district. , Choicest of land. $100 per acre; 20 per cent cash, 10 per cent 3 months, lit per cent 8 months. 614 per cent each quarter thereafter until paid. ..,-. MOSSMAN-M'NAIH INVESTMENT CO.. 001 Spalding bldg., Portland. Oregon. I am interested in Klickitat 'county l.t nd. Please send Information. Name Address " CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS Planted to Spltzenherg and Yellow New town apples. . , , , . Get full Information, booklet and map of the Willamette Valley free at our 'ACvislt to our orchard will convince you that It Is the best In Oregon. ONLY 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Easiest of terms: anybody can and should buy to insure for himself a steady lnCOnTHE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 708 and 70S Corbett Bldg. NOW is the time to buy the genuine Hood River land I have all size tracts from 3 . to 800 acres; bearing orchards and raw land. Here is one of the snaps: 10 acres. 3 miles from Hood River; all level and in orchard, trees from 3 to 6 years old: 1 acre trees bearing; 6 Inches water; good 0-room house, fair barn: all farm Imple ments included. Price $10,000. $5..00 cash, balance In BblLBERTi Room 210 Lumber Exch.Bldg. I'll one Marshall 2027. WILLAMETTE ORCHARD TRACTS. 5 acres and up; only small cash pay ments down; they are located on the Southern Pacific R. R-. within the 45-m e circle of Portland: good soli for fruits and vegetables of .all kinds; nothing bel ter or easier terms on the market, an readv for work. Call or write and kit us tell "you more about our monthly pay P'al1' MOSSMAN-M'NAIR CO.. 002 Spalding tMug. CHBIULEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT? Do you want the best? Clowe to Portland. R. R. station on place. Don't fall to call on THE CROSS-LEY COMPANY, 7uH-7u9 Corbett bldg. It sureiy will be tt. your advantage to see ii. before buying. Seeing Is believing. MOSIEU APPLE ORCHARD BARGAINS. M We have a 25-acre tract and a 40-acr-tract with some orchard planted that are genuine snaps; well located. Come In and get D.-ices and terms, as we can save you money If :ou are Interested in apple la"llS' GOODNOUGH SEITZ. 71s Board of Trade. " " 40 ACRES. ! Finest fruit lar-d In Oregon. 1 mile (mm Mt Hkk1 auto road, near electric survey, running stream on corner, unsurpassed view of Mt Hoori: gradual slope, deep red-shot loam: only 30 per acre, easy terms. Dandy e-neculation. n RCFF-KLEINSORGB LAND CO.. 41S Board of Trade bldg. BY OWNER. F,ir sale Hood River ranch, 31 acrcfl. 2fl acres planted to apples, from 1 to 14 years old close to city and . on country road: Inc'ime this vear $30i0; will take in clty pronertv as part payment. Call Marshall 121 K. V 334. Oregonian. 35 CRES. all cleared and good fences. 3. acres first-class fruit land; good springs; on good county road. 3 miles from g.Kd town and lies between two large prune orch ards; elevation between 400 and 5uo feet. Brlce $75 per acre. e HYLAND. JUNES & CO.. 4o Gerlinger bids., 2d and Alder. FRUIT LAND. AT PORTLAND'S GATEWAl. 25-acre tracts, cleared and in cultivs--ion- rich, deep soil, fj-ee from stone, or gravel- i-mlle from railroad station: very low price of $125 per acre: easy terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. P.nom 3. Washington bldg. . HOOD RIVER. 80 acres orchard land, 4 miles from station ; only $38 an acre.. Another SO acres, best red shot soil, only $73 an acre. This adjoins land sell ins for $100 an acre; half cash, balance -easy. Address T. H. Comte, 405 E. 45th St. North. FRUIT AND BERRY FARMS NEAR WIL SONVII.LE. Take Oregon Electrto Ry., from Front and Jefferson pte. Ititi ACRES fruit land In Rogue River Val ley; will exchange for Portland properly or stock merchandise. AL.334. Orego- nlan. FOR SALE A fraction over 10 acres, un improved, fruit land, fine soil; near good town: $300; small payments, easy terms. Owner. 538 Lumbermen's bldg. - IMPROVED 116-acre farm or fru"it land. Address owner, T. E. Alexander, K. F. D Monmouth, Or.