.TIIE SUXDAT OREGOyiAX, PORTLAND, ' SEPTEMBER 18, 1910. BEST SESSION OF STATE FI ENDS Children's Day Hu Success; Crowds Splash Through Mud and Enjoy It. COUNTIES MAKE EXHIBITS I Ir-t Award Is Won by Benton With SpJrnrliit Display, but pouglas Is t'loM Second Hordes and Cat tle Take .Many I'rUea. AI.E.M. Or.. Sept. 17. (Special.) Tl'.e r'orty-Nlnth Annual Oregon rotate fair Is now a matter cf history, but It mil! he rocorded as ore of the great er tvr held In the Northwest. Though t; 1.4ft two days were marred by li-ay downpur of rain, the attend ant then as compared with corres l"ni:in,r ftas In th? past, was some wl:At bvtter. if anything. i':wtn. or ChlMrrns' Dsy. was a h-i.. surreys. Although the crowd i :! to splash through mud and water !.! in many places they seemed I:. The pavilion was crowded S.-4 hundreds vlrwed the stnrk. N'xt to the races, the county exhlb l:s were one of the greatest attrac t.on.. and the exhibits of Bvnton an rountU arc worthy of panic uiar n:T.tion. Benton ounty raptured Tir.-t prlxe and Doujrlas county th i-"- nn-l. Alarittn county, whifh cou rot compete owing to the close proxl ii 1 1 y of Its growers to the fair, dls j Myr l a fine panorama view of Salem and the county. r.rntou Has line IHsjiIay. The Benton county d'fplny was In charge ,f XV. F. Grove, secretary o trie "orva.:is Commercial flub; S. E Trask. 11. S. French and V. II. Hughson all of Corvallls. This was the third -onwcutive time that Kenton county 1 -t secured first award at the State A splendidly Rotten up commercial park aople display was the princlpa feature of the exhibit. Many Hood l;:vcr fruitzrowiTM whf were here J oriland day passed much of their time vtewlns this exhibit and declared It to be wonderful. Fifteen varieties were in the box display and there were ahou varieties of apples all told, lnclud Inie the plate dii-play. In another part of the exhibit 3a varieties of grasses and forage plants were shown. There were 70 varieties of grains and fine exhibits of potatoes. IS varieties o s-l'iashes. five varieties each of musk melius and watermelons, and a large aj'rtm nt of cabbages and sweet corn. w hile strawberries and peanuts gave j basing touch of diversity. The ex hibitors had only three weeks In which t- prepare for the show. Ifcmxlas Rxliihit Notable One. The luglas County exhibit, second prlz.- winner, was in charge of IS. E. Iriik r rank Calkins and A. L. Kitihtn. all of Roseburg. it was col lo-td in 1 days and every part of l'o'iulas County was represented. ;xty-.even varieties of apples were fhown. 14 of pears and more than 100 different products altogether, with from one to 7 varieties of each. In rl.Klcd In the exhibit was some corn H'x feet high, a pumpkin weighing l.'.s pounds and some growing pca- Among other exhibits, aside from those of counties, were many of much merit. George Armstrong, of Corvallls, was given the commercial award for t ie l)-st display of apples, and Mrs. II (.I.e. of Salem, captured the prize for i.ie oest display of prunes. In amateur photography. Wletsche Stonebrink. of .-alcni. took first award for his collec tion ot views, and t. fc.. rYeeland won first prixo for enlarged views. For oil painting, the firsts all went to Salem people, as follows: Ethel Warner, sofa t-ushlon: Mrs. D. P. Junk, flowers; Hasel Keeler. portrait; H. IL. Lucas, marine; ' L- Schrleber, landscape; Margaret t.;n. stiii lire. IrixeMlnncT Numerous. Frank K. Alley, of Roseburg; Thelma E. Alley, of Roseburg; Frances M. Al-!-. of Roseburg. and E. R. Berwick. oC Tangent, were among those winning swards for carriage horses. Frank F and Mrs. C. C. Alley, of Roseburg. won awards for roadsters and pacers, and May i. lianley. of Spokane, and H. 11. Cleveland, of Greshain. took the Shet land pony awards. Among the prlxe winners for perch rrons were Ed I'opham. of Turner; K. Bradford, of Salem; A. C Ruby, of Portland: J. M. Nichols, of Junction City; J. B. Stobie. of Marion; J. In nian. of Salem; L. XV. Warren, of War ren ton; J. l. Gordon Ac Son. of Kew-l-rg. Adam Burns, of Shaw, and Fred spites, of Lebanon. Clydesdale awards were divided a.-r.ons trie following owners: William Hastings, of Boyd; John Painter, of Sa lem: W. I. Claggelt. of Salem; D. W. Drydcn. A- C Simmons, of Oervais; lieorse Schanp. of Pratum: H. C. Fletch er, of talem. and A. J. Eagao, of Ger va:s. owners of Belgian winners Included A. C. Ruby, of Portland: Sun Dial Ranch, of Portland, and E. C Denny, of Stayton. C. D. Nairn, of Amity; George Sct.aap. of Pratum; W. H. Cain, of Day ton, and William Snyder, of Albany, took some of the prizes for draft horses. English shire awards went to A. C. Ruby, of Portland, and W. O. Bridges, of Oakland. For the German coaches C. W. Taylor, of Corvallls; A. C. Ruby, if Portland, and George W. Speight, of Hubbard, won the awards, and those for hackneys went to Ed Popham. of Turner, and A. C. Ruby, of Portland, r. C. Sexton, of The lalles. took first award for Jacks. Jersey Wins MilW TrL Many award were given In the cattle and sarins departments, as there was a fine display of stock here this year. In tie ni:l. l cow trsts. which continued for to davs. Ronnie Belle XI. a Jersey, property of Walter J. Domees of McCoy, f as Ite bluo-rihhon winner, her record f.r butter fat being- 4-7 pounds from wi t pounds of milk. W. O. Morrow, of Independence, captured the red ribbon. hi Jersey. Morrow's Select, producing 4 IS pounds of butter fat from 86.05 pounds of milk. Other entries Included Hrmjr DeKol Queen and Chloe Mech ti'.ild II. both the property of John L Smith. Spokane; Jefferson LJlIy, William i;:hop. Clilmacum. Wash.; and four other cows belonging to D. H. Looney tnd Fmlth and Bishop. Looney la from Jeff-rson. Or. Awards in the poultry show and dairy departments were also made In great number. The fair closed at 10 o'clock lonlght after a programme in the pavilion at n!il.-h short talks were given by thom in:erested in Its success. Se.-retsry Frank Meredtth Is largely responsible for many of the improve menta that hve been mad and already plana are tinder way for establishing. others, such is the addition of a iurti purse on Tuesday of fair week, makin three such race purses, or the Icaugura' tion of a JlO.ono purse event on Wednes day or Thursday. POSSES HUNT SUSPECTS Alleged Murderers Believed to Be Making for Colorado Line GLOBE. Ari.. Sept. 17. Half a dozen posses, led by Indian trailers, are scour- lnr the fastnesses of the White Moun tains. In the Apache Indian reservation, for James Steele and William Stewart, alleged murderers of Fred Klbbe and Albert HillpoL of Globe. The Indian trailers left Fort Apache to head off the murderers before they reach the Santa Fe Railroad. The su pects know the country well, but It is believed they will be captured before they reach the Colorado line. It has ben es tablished that robbery was the motive. both men being shot through the head and their bodies stripped of valuables. guns and even articles of clothing. DAILT METTOROLOtilCAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 17. Maximum tem perature. I ITesrees: minimum. a3 de gree River reading. S A. M.. t. feet i hanx In last Zi hours. 0.4 foot rl. TO' tal rainfall. P. M. to s p. M.. nii inrh; total ralnfnlt since September I. !!. 1.10 inehes; normal. 0.7 Inch; exceas. 0.12 Inch. Total aun.hlne. September 14. a minute.: po.siMe. 12 hours ?4 minutes. Barometer reduced to aea leel) at S P. ii.. 30:0 Inch eg. THE WEATHER. o" Ulna . 1 f : .3 STATIONS. 5tat of Wethr Boll Pfton. :-rr 'hico Wn fr . , ! Mjnea. ...... Iuluh . Kurk 9I iml veiton. ........ H-Irfl JackftonvlH Kn!Mi f'ltx...... Manhl1lt Montreal . ........ Nw (rlf-nni. .... r York North Hfad , Phonlx . ......... I'rvaillti. ........ Port land . ......... RrMM-buric. . .wacramrnto. ...... M. U)S i'ul Salt San Itto , San Francisco. . . SIk!you hpokane T acorn a , Tatoosh Inland... Walla Walla Waihfnvton. ...... Winntp llowston Tark. 7: i w Pt cloudy C1 n.ftn, 4 u rioudr 72 a.oo tn Pt cloudy 74 o.oo is s ioudy ? T. f 4 SW Hia.R S6 OflF 8 SV jlar 7 O.OO 12 X ,Mrar ftR .0.' 4 W ;"Irar o.oo i: E Iciar 0.0 4 X lear 78 o.ftoi x K'ir IO.no 12 S ( 'Irar o.no xw -Cloudy It O.nit is :'Mf 82 0. P 4 E ilr 73 A.AOf 4 s Clrar I &4 0.:j riR K'ouly lo:- o.oo1 4 SB Clrar hO n.tut) A SK iPt rlrvidr l z SV iPt cloudy O.Oll 4 X H'lrtudy Urt o.ort 4 X fIar a o.fMV n ?v h"iar o o.O'.l 4X f4'lr H4 0.0A 4 XF5 i"Iear 72 O.o- X XV Cloudy 1u 0.00 10 'W ciiar B6 0.00:10 XE Pt cloudy 70 0.00' 4'N fcir fi4 0.011 4 X tCL.udy R4 0.03 JJ XE IPt cloudy 64 ft.onj 4 S lClar " O.on1 4 S W'lrar C4 0.00 12 X IPt cloudy I 70 0.02i 6 SW Pt Clouiiy T. Trac. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Htarh prMur cnrr th Wfi!rn por tion of thla dtatrlct. whtl relatively low prensiir fbtalna to eantward. the center of low blna over Alberta. Rain haa fallen over the ectern portion of Oregon and WahfnKton. over the western slop of the Docky Mountains, and a storm Is over the reai ks. 1.44 Inches of rain havinc fallen at Oreen Bay. Wla.. In the last 12 hours. Temperatures are srcnerallr olw the seasonal normal over the Pactno Slone. and east of the Appalachian Mountains, and tna weatnsr is warmer tnsn usual over the central portion of the country. Conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Sunday over this dlstrlrt, with warmer weather over Southern Orevon and southwestern Idaho, and southeastern Washington. Winds will be generally west erly. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: warmer: northwesterly winds. Oregon Fair; warmer interior west por tion : nortnweterir winns. Uasalnvton I-air: warmer southeast por tion : westerly winds. Idaho Fair: warmer southwest portion. THFOpORK p PR4.KF OhM.r MEKTiyp XOT1CE8. Ft'ft ck a mx-vc ru no. vh. k nights ANO lAtIPS or SF:XKITT Whist mni IW) ftnnctnr. 15 rni B-iM 8M . O. . Hall Kmc feh. Ease A1W. PO RTIaA-NT C I TU TJ?. W. OP XV.. AND OtV.HiiE W'ASHIN4iTN" CAMP. W O. V. VhtM and rlanc ivn TurtvUhy. S?ptemNr 20. Canla at fuod prlMA unloa mumlo, n tnmt.mutB. Cam bava a good Uma wltb ua, boura' lMnclug. THE HOMESTEAPER9 crrtllally invlta rx to a mUiturr wtiUit aolal, Friday ev?n- inn Srut'mrr s. at tna tranft Hira. .i btiiidlns. 3H'- Waah.nirtoa atrett, went hall tIm, rtrrealmaata and Oanclns. Aaruis- aloa 1A cnta New hall f"r rnt, central, fln floor, itnm nt. piano, tare ant-rooma ar.d lorkera. 'wa-.tmvis ro io 2d at. or A -?o..h. BORX. RTAI-S Sptmhr la. born to tha IV of tiliam Itvals. at Format Grove, a dautrh-t-r. t iie paenta of whom arc the beat pleawU couple In the land brim It la a irl lr. C. I. I.arce. aaalsted by Dr. fhnrl! Hlmf. a:trndlry. T EIUL XOT1CE8. KAFKA In thla city. 8ptm?r 6!mon I- Kafka, axed . yrara. lamer or Mrs. Harry ii. Hlaman. 3!r- Alexander Fried man. Frlni Invited to attend funeral rvtcwa, which will be held at the resi dence. 491 IsOa street, at 10 A. M. to morrow Sunday ). IHeptember JH. ttn i rinclffo, ew Haven. Con a., and St. 1'aul papers please copy. PTOW in thla eltr, Feptembar !. at the family reeldcm-e. Kast 13th street. North, V rs. slarloD Cook blow, axed 85 years. 3 months. 9 daya Friends in vited to attend funeral aervh , which wlil be held at Holman'e funeraJ parlors. Third and Salmon etreets. at 2:30 P. M., tAKlay. (tiunday. September 16. ftlMPSON At her home, Gregory Helfhta. September 15. Martha Slmpn. aired VI yars 11 months 10 days. uneral will take place from the parlors of the East t-iie Funeral Ulretors. ICast Alder ami Kast Slaih streets. Monday. September 19. at - P. 51. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Rosa City Cemetery. KAFKA In this city. rptember 15, Flmon Kafka, aced ftd yeaxs, lather of Mrs. Harry I. Iloiaman. Mra Alexander Fried man. Friends Invited to attend funeral services which will be held at the real donee. 491 Ie.vls street, at 10 A. M. to day. 48unday. (September IS. San Francisco, New Haven, Con., and tft. Paul papers pleas Copy. MACK IN LAV In this city September IT, at the family reeidenre. 21 2 Portland Boulevard. Mrs. Huaanna l. 5L Mac kin lay, aced Bd years, 3 montha. 2i days. Friends Invited to attend funeral eervu-ea which will be held at Holman'a Chapel. Third and Salmon streets at lo A. 51. to day (Sunday . beptember IS. Interment Kiver View Csmetei-y. B LAZIER In thla city, September 17. at the family residence, tS 4 Wasco atreet. Ustay Kate Biaxier. beloved wife of Cuene Biaxler. Funeral from the abote residence at 10 A- M. tomorrow Mom.y September 1. thence to Dominican Church, East Third and Claokamas at reels; services at lO:J0 A. M- Frien'la Invited. Interment KJverview Cemetery. COON Tbe funeral aervlcea of Nellie Hushes Coon will be held at Flnley's par lors at 1 P. M. today (Sunday.; Frlonda Invited. Interment River view Cemetery. Dl'EBER In this city. September 15. Peter Iueber. ajred &o years. .Funeral will take place from Dunnlns; A McEnte chap I, Monday, beptember 19. at K:45 A. M., thence to St. Joeeph's Church. lKth snd Couch at reels, at 9 A. M., where serv ice will be held. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery, Friends respectfully in vited. TONSKTH rXORAl CO. UAHUCaM bUG, l'LOKAL Us.blU.NS. rbooea: Mala 5lot; A 1101. Dannlna alcEatee, Foaeral Directs. Tth aaa Fine. Fhuoa Mala 430. Lady w sUlsnt. Ofltc ef Count j Coroner. EDWARD UOLMAN CO, Fosml Itrct scm. Id rt. Lm&y A Utunt. ybnm M. S. r. fXNLKX BO. Sd and Madtsoa, tadr sttwidspi. I-none Mnia A liy. KA.vr hlIE Funeral IHmtora. auvceaasrs o . EX. UnpalDK. lac E. St. H Hit. KRJCMJ.V CO tndrrtakers: lady assist nt 409 Alder. M. HI3. A 13 IS. ZELXER-BVKNE6 CO.. Funeral Directors, 694 Williams st.; both phonos; ladjr asst. URca ta. CnoVrtmaer. 7U. A DIED. K EFT SB tld in Helena, Mont.. August 9. aJ the residence, 711 Fifth avenue. Frank J Reeset bekived hu?bnd of Katie Raitfton Jleese, formerly of Portland. Or. LEIGHTOX In this city, September 17. at me umny residence, iZ9 ivast recona street North, William Augustus Leixn ton, aged 86 yean X mouth and 9 days. PATTEKSOX In this ' city. September 17, at the family residence at Myrtie Far a IS tat Ion, Rosalie Theodora Patterson, aged a years. Funeral announcement later. CLASSIFIED ADVTISI2i3 RATB Dally e 6 an day. Far Line. Ooe Clroe if frame ad two consecutive times frame ad three eonaecutlTO time oo Tfcsiins- ad aix or seven conaecuti va times. .0 Mx word counts a oue Une oa casta ad- Tertiaemcuis aatl a sm! evuntou or than Us liaea. Uhen an advertisement Is not ran eoneee utive t:mei tae one-tUue rate applies. Oa cibtrge of book dert tseiuents th charge will bo based on the actual number of line appearing In the paper, regartlleae of lae number of words In each line. In Mew Today all advertiswneota are elianreU by motMirt oaiy 14 linee to the incb. Tbe above rate apply to advertlaementa Udef "New Today" and all other olasnttlca twna excepting l be fotton lugi Mtnutaone Wanted. Male. Mluailons W anted. Female. or Heat Hooma. 1'rivate Families. Kuodjs and l&oMrd. Frlv.tte ramlllea, Housekeeping Rooms. Frlvate Fans! Ilea. 1 he tate oa tbe aiove cia Idea tiona is 1 Cents a lute each Insertion. IU OLT-OF-TOHN MATRONS TT-a Ore gon Un will receive copy oy mull, prorlded ufl k-ient remittance fur a dellnlte number 1 Utftuc la kcat. Aclaoowledgnnaent of euoa icoilttance wlil be forwarded promptly. la case box on lea address Is reuulroa. nso regular form given, and count Una as part of lite ad. Answers to advei tlM-ments will be forwarded ts patrons, provided self-ad iin null eoveiopee are locioeeo. If yon bsTe eitber telephone In year hone we will accept your ad over tbe pbone sad send yoa tbe bill tbe next dny. Fbouo Usot Ad. Dept.. Main .07 or A 09o. blt oatloa Wanted and Personal advertlemenit nt acreui ed over tlie obcoe. Frrors are more esvl)y mails In telephoning adverttss mroiK. tiierefore The Orrgonlua wui net hold Itneif repfDslhle fur audi errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 0FHCK. CITY HA LI. MAIN 60S. A TBS. HUMAN K OKHTLK. EAST 471a XEW TOIAY. . SITE $8500 rn!f PfiD'JCDinTPInPo In On UU UUiUlLU LUI UIUOU 111 Ull Orand avenue, has large S-roora, mod ern house that can be easily converted Into an apartment-house. The right location to bring a large Income. Thl 18 first-class. DI BOIS A CHOCK KTT, Hoom 3 Washington mdg. 'Apartment Site NOB HILL Constating of O.M9 A.ND A HALF LOTS Now Offered for the First Time AT TIIE LOW PKICE 382SO To Knsure a Sale. OWKKK. AM Oresronlan. INVESTIGATE THIS CHEAP BUY IN Klickitat County 2240 acres In Klickitat County six miles north of The Halles. Oresron near Wnrwlrk St;Uln on the (5olclin dale Hailrond: land all fenced nnd cross- fem-pd; two Isrjte hams; 7 eprings. 2 wells; 300 acres adapleil to fruit, bal ance an ideal stork and praln rancli. lrUe 1S per acre. Better Investigate this. "m CHAP1N &HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce?. Farm Departmenl, t;ts. Portiand Heights Pnlendld site for one or two homes, unobstructed view, failnir east, fine homes near Tal hot routl. one block from cars. 100x100, with small house. A Ilurcaln at S5SOO. Terms. PE.X.V HiVESTlllSXT CO., 14 Hncbanan IIIiIb;. For Sale by Owner Modern six-room bungalow Just com leted, adjoining Walnut Park, seven locks to new Jefferson Hltrh School. fine car service, only 15 minutes' ride from city. Ijirce llvlne-room with fireplace and bookcase: larire dlnlnsr room with panelled side and built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms, bathroom, cement basement with wash trsvi. Price 3ono. with terms. If you want a cosy home at tlie rlsht price, look this over. rhone Wooiilawn 639. ? If you want a beautiful, strictly mod ern 7-room residence on nmn,t.u MF.inilT for only issoo. you win be pleased with this one. Only $1000 cash necessary, balance $40 per month. C. L. BAMBERGER Itoom 2 Lumbermen. IrldK. Mala 24XH, $10,000 Williams Ave. Business lot. Improved with STORES and APARTMENTS Income J91 per month. I. IIS SAt.OMAlV ro STCt ytnrlc Mm nr eend. 100x100 CLOSEIN A-l for an nnrtment-hou.e. . Can show how tn make money on this buy. Adtoinlng coi ner, 50x110. sold for $S000. Will sell 100x100 for 113,000. H. H. URDAHL . 503 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall IXSS. A .t34.h FRl'IT LAND FOR SI BOI VISION. 124 acres unimproved, 200 feet from Columbia River, close to teamloat and railroad station; Hood River auto road passes through tract: unsurpassed for fruit or Summer homes. Part cash. L 343. Oregonlan. Close to Merson High School Four adjoining residence lots cheap for clerks that want to build a home. Call up Marshall 2025. S8500--APARTfkiENT Ladie NEW TODAY. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Itfaular Sales Days. . Monday, - Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. The time of year has arrived to make changes In your home and pre pare for the coming Winter. If you need anything In the furnishing fine don't fail to attend our sales. You will find a large as.iortme.nt of first-class, up-to-date, little-used furniture, in cluding parlor pieces, center tables, lanve easy roekera, davenports, couches, buffets, utenalon tables, dlnlnar-rhalrs. side tables, rhlna closets, brana and Iron bedateada, good springs, floss and other mattresses, pillows, comforts, earpets. rugs. - lace curtains, pictures, etc.. steel ranges, cookstoves, heaters for coal and wood, linoleum, utensils and other useful lots: also good np- rla-ht plnnoaj, organ, and sen Ins; ma chines. fiOOns SOLD AT PRIVATK .SAI.K AT ALL TTMF.s In our store, 171 Kecond street, adjoining auction room. You will find showcases, counters, scales, miscellaneous hardware, fire proof safes, porcelain bath tubs, wash mains, toilets, etc, at prices that will nterest you. TUESDAY NEXT, 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auctions Rooms, on Corner Second and Yamhill "NEW TRUNKS " We are Instructed by the owner to sell for csih to the hlehest bidder about SO first-class traveling trunks. This will be your chance to get a good new trunk at your own price Tuesday next at 2 P. m. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. FLAT FOR RENT, FIRMTt'RB FOR We have nlaced In our hands for sale the elegant furniture, etc.. of S-room modern flat in best location; rent 2o per month. APPLY J. T. WILSOX, Auctioneer. Cash paid merchandise, 4243. for furniture, stocks of etc. Call Main 1626. A ON TUESDAY NEXT We are Instructed by Mra. Mchols to sell her blah-class furniture, body t.maaela rarpeta, c removed to ur aalearoonss, Park street, for con venience of saie. eomprialoK very cost ly pedestals, oak bookcases, secretary desks In quartered oak and blrdseye maple, parlor rockers, best body Brus sels carpets and rugs, portieres, couch covers, mantel clock, library table and rockers, mahofrany center tables. oHainal etehlna; by Krusemaa Van Kllrn, several other choice pictures, very complete bedroom set in birds eye maple (Grand Rapids manufacture , viz.: bed. dresser, commode, rockers and chair; steel beds all complete with best springrs, horsehair, silk -floss and other mattresses, a-oose - feather pillows, dressers and chiffoniers in the newest finishes, dining-room suite in early English finish, Havlland dinnerware. bric-a-brac, linoleum, gas range, re frigerator, etc; also we shall sell the walnut library furniture, encyclopedia and several volumes or good worKs, sofa and chairs and other effects of the late W. T. Shanahan. On view tomorrow CHondny). Sale oa Ttfesday at 10 o'clock, sharp. GEO. BAKER CO, Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have ine lurnirure. etc. oi 6-room cottage and various other con signments of household goods. Sale at 10 o r lock. Far nrivate sale the almost new fur niture of flat in I.add's Addition. Par ticulars at our office. GEO. BAKER A CO Auctioneers. Both phones. 152 Park St. 3.L N. GILQAH G1LMAN Auction & CommisslonCo. Auctioneer, Msln 247:1. 156 Second St. Buyer, and Sell ers off Household Kurnlture. Special Notice of Auction Sale at No. 126 Second St., Near Washington. TUESDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. Very costly dininjr-room suit, chairs, able, sideboard, china closet, also all he nice furniture from E. Side home, including carpets and rups of fine quality, round oak extension table and metal bedsteads, complete ; mattresses, springs, etc.; sanitary coucnes ana . . i pads; rockers, in oak, etc.; gas ranges and water-coil heaters. Blankets, bed comforts, etc. fnew). also 100 fine traveling trunks, ex-S. S. Massa husetts. Sale Tuesday, 10 A. M. S. L. X. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES 211 First Street Furniture of all kinds to be sold on Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 2 P. M. Come and see us at any time and our alesinen will allow you goods and give prloes. They like to see you-come, as our prices Induce you to buy, and we all make a little money, if we meet at 211 First street, where the Ford Auc tion Co. do business. Main S951, A 2443. ESS??s t'iifeiQ Jt. A 3l Irvington Home MUST BE SOLD Eight rooms, hardwood floors, cova ceilings, den. four bedrooms, sleeping porch, balcony, hot water heat, cement basement, paneled dining-room, plate glass windows, built-in electric cooker; lot 50x100; one block from carlina. Price reasonable; terms. 41 Commer cial Club Bldg. Phone A 7231. Main 7231. Bargain Price 8500 100x100 and four houses, situated on the northeast corner Grand avenue and Skldmore street. This is a bargain for someone. Half cash. EMPIRE IXV. CO 401 in 404 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED DELIVERY BOY AT 1045 WILLIAMS AVE, VFW TODAY. CLOSE-IN PLATTING TRACT On Base Line Road, within 1600 feet of Montavilla car. Tract is level, with fine soil, and is beautifully situated for platting purposes. Ad joining ground platted. Will sell 16 or 26 acres at price 25 per cent below ad joining acreage. McCargar, Bates & Lively Agents for Owner, 315 Failing Building.. Washington St Several good pieces. 23d and Everett Quarter block. 7th and Columbia Lot with 100 feet on 7th. 12th and Harrison Quarter block; can divide. Factory Sites On river and railroad. Apartment Sites and Residences In select parts of city. DON'AtD MACLEOD, SItt Klcctrtc Bldg. Its the Fad With New York's 400 Why Not With Portlands? A little 5 or 10-acre farm in the sub urbs. Near enough so father can come and go to work each day. Very best of sou and cleared and under cultivation: level, fine view of mountains, good water, good school, fresh air, plenty of room for the children: B minutes of cars and depot; no assessments; light taxes. Eeed one of these tracts to your family and let hard times come. In come will begin at once. You then have a home that will keep you, let come what may. I-asy .payments. COLUMBIA SUBURBAN ORCHARD TRACTS. WASniXGTOX-ORGGOX IXVKSTMKXT CO. 204. 207 Lumbermen Bldg. Mala StIOt. Home A 6201. WEST SIDE BARGAINS S23.000 100x100. two houses. 21st and Gllsan; SOOOO "5x100, house. SS500 66x100, house. 24th St., close in; good 23d St., close n; good S44 00 50x100, S-room. new, modern house, with hardwood floors. M. E. THOMPSON CO Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Loans. Main (MJ.S4, A S327. Henry Bldgf 4th and Oak Sta. CORNER on 7th and Salmon This high-class property offers the best investment in Portland ; will soon be in the heart of the business. The terms on this are very attractive. See Owner, 272 Washington St. 14th and Market $15,000 Corner S5000 CASH. OWERS' REALTY ASSOCIATION, 205 Abtngton Bldg. S7SOO Good flat proposition, close to Hol laday ave.. and west of E. 1st St. Ground 30x100. Income $720 up. A. H. BIHREI.L CO., McKay Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. FOl'R ACHES PORTLAND HEIGHTS . (Near Portland Heights Club.) I will sell one or two acres for the same price you would have to pay for single Dunning lot in same neighbor hood. Trees and fine view of city and mountains. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 023 Board of Trade. Phone Office or , Residence. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL HOME New, modern, 8 rooms and sleeping balcony. For particulars call East 3373. I HAVE A SPLENDID PROPOSITION'. Want to associate with me gentleman having about $250. Must be qualified to fill treasurer's position. Not neces sarily experienced In the business, just an average sensible man. Can safely guarantee two hundred monthly in come. Box JlK. 340. Oresroniao. NEW TODAY. APARTMENT SITE H10.500. 60x100 11th street. Nothing left on this street so close in at the price offered. If you are in the market do not overlook this. SIXTEENTH STREET SIO.OOO Full lot. ' This Is business property. You need not wait to Improve this. Can sell 'i block on corner. Some income now. 14 NET INVESTMENT APARTMENT - HOl'SE, Wrest Side. All modern; $18,000 cash will handle, balance your own terms. Are you going to bank your money and let some one else get this revenue? EAST ANKENY JS5500 7-room. strictly mod ern home, close In. East 15th st. Must be sold. Owner going away. HAAS & RIMER 211 Lewis Bldg. SEE OUR LOTS On E. Ankeny St. FOR $2000 EACH See Our LOTS On E. Burnside St. FOR $2750 EACH Mall & Von Borstel 104 Perond St., T.nmher Exchange Bide. TAT COUNTY 92-acre farm near Goldendale; 52 acres cleared and in cultivation; 35 acres more can be cleared with but little effort ; the remaining 7 acres in small timber. Creek with water rierht goes with place, and every acre can be covered. Ideal ranch for clover, alfalfa, tim othy or vegetables; some fruit land. A fine bargain. See it. R. E. N1C0LS 6 CO. Railway Exchange. 27012 Stark Rt. if 2 o.OO O Two blocks from Sweeney Theater, 14th and Yamhill. $30.000 Prrvate hotel site, near 21st and Washington. 812.500 l"th and Everett, with two good houses. $10.500 Apartment site near 21st and Flanders. Goldscmii's Agency 2534 Washington St., Cor. Third. Hood River Bargain 44 ACRES. 42 acres of which Is A-l orchard land: 2R acres in strictly com mercial orchard of Newtowns and Spltzenbergs. Good 6-room house, large spring and creek giving fresh water for irrigating: can be cut up into 5- acre tracts. Splendid location on main rounty road, within one mile of depot. Commands a magnificent view of the mountains and valley. Is an Ideal place for a country home and can be had at $5000 under the real market value, if sold before October 1. If you are Interested in a bargain in this beautiful little valley see us about this at once. Devlin 6 Firebaugh 610,'5I1, 512 Swetland Bldg. HOOD RIVER SNAP 10 ACRES, ideally situated on main county road, about 3 miles from Hood Kiver, all planted to j'oung orchard of choice Spltzenbergs and Yellow New towns in prime condition. One of the finest tracts In the Valley. I2G00 cash will handle, or will accept Portland residence in payment. See This at Once. Devlin & Firehaugh 5IO. 511, 512 Swetland Bids. A section of land on S. P. Ry.. Ump qua Valley, suitable for fruit or mar ket gardening; mostly under thorough state of cultivation: land on both sides platted, set to fruit and sold. This is one of the very best buys left and Its location will sell the land when platted. Here is a fortune waiting for someone. For price and terms call on W. L. GREEN", 40 Lumbermens Bldg. 25 Acres 25 acres four miles east of Monta--l!Ia, 10 acres cleared. Price $7000, or will trade for house and lot In Irving ton district. Price Is right. EMPIRE IXV. CO, 401 Board of Trade Bid. KICK 1)1 i TL f Plat ihis NEW TODAY. BEAVERTON REEDV1LLE APRFAOT An opportunity for an elegant sub urban home site at farm land prices. Only 6 miles west of Council Crest, only 40 minutes' car ride. No rock, gravel or hills, but a very fertile soil and good water in abun dance at 25 feet. 3(500 acres, with roads all completed ; one-half sold off and being developed in fruit, gives you a chance to judge of the possibilities. t Sold in tracts of ii acre up at $123 to S30O per acre and on monthly payments. The Shaw-Fear Company 245 Vz Stark St. Main 35. A 3500. EAGLECREST ORCHARDS 10-acre tracts planted to appl?s and peaches and kept in order free for 3 years; located in the E0LA HELLS, near Salem; prices from $275 per acre up. For Sale by Following Agents; Wm. J. Baker, Board of Trade building; C. L. Bamburger, Lumber- mens building; I. G. Davidson, Cham ber of Commerce; F. Fuehs, 2211 3 Morrison st.; Geo. G. Mair, Luniber mens building; Purse & Co., Chamber of Commerce; Rountree & Diamond, 241 Stark st.; Geo. D. Schalk, 223 Stark st.; A. F. Swensson & Co., Chamber of Commerce. J. 0. Rountree SELLING AGENT 88 1-2 Third Street Room 4 Up S tairs Fbuild Nowi l While Labor and Material Are Cheap. We build on installment, flat loan or cash contracts. Plans and specifications free to build ers. Home Building Co. SlITE 41 WASHINGTON BLDG.. 4tb nnd Washington Sts. Phone Marshall 1S53. NEWHOUSES FULL LOT 8-room house. Irvington.. S67oO 6-room house. Rossniere.. 8-1 lOO 6-room house. Rossmere.. $3900 5-room house, Blumauer.. S3250 " 5-room house, Kenton , S1950 Bt:TTER WORTH-STEPHEN SON CO., Owners and Builders, 35 Lafayette Bldg., th and Washington Phone Main S.V'. Snap on East Burnside Street East 2 2d Street TES - ROOM HOUSE WITH TWO ADDITIONAL ROOMS IN ATTIC. SIT UATED ON THE SOUTHEAST COR NER EAST BURNSIDE AND EAST TWENTY - SECOND STREETS. THH PROPERTY IS IN FINE SHAPE AND HAS NEVER BEEN OFFERED AT SUCH A LOW FIGURE. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE THE PRICE IS MADE AT? tr00. CAN ARRANGE TERMS. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. (Lumber Eichnnge Bldg.) WANTED $20,000 On Grand avjnue. Business property. Value 115,000. $15,000 On Union ave. Property valued $30,000. $5000 On Portland Heights property. Address Jno. P. Sharkey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates, CLARK-COOK COMPANY ft Board of Trade Bulldinarv Phonci Main S4Q7. A 3253. CORNER 100x100 on Williams ave. and Sumner, surrounded by fine homes, splendid lo cation. Make us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. eth. and Washington street. -