The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 18, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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Hawaiian Orchestra, Monday Afternoon, 3 to 5, in Our Tea Room Portland's Handsomest Eating Place M.&F. Orchestra,! 1:30 to 3
Our New Wall Paper Department Can Help You Plan Fall Home Decorations Willamette Sewing Machines $2 Down and $1 a Week
Tine Greater Meier
'Cordially Invites Portland's Discriminating Style-Seekers to Attend
: i
racier AiamKairt
Nineteenth, Nineteen-Ten
The words "Fall Opening" have almost a magic meaning when this announcement is made by the Meier & Frank Store.
For this one sentence conveys to the discriminating shoppers of this city, news of the most complete assortments of de-
ill I. In -- j-K-j"fcl-.rm M .-J -m 4 a I. n j"l W j vaArkf IV I I rt -l rvrtll - r f hie nnnnnnnomonf tin f- r lAA-iAcr r t-AAc?f-
K. ii ;i i iir: iiie-iL.ii;iiiiiirr iii ir iiiiiiiii iiiuirTi i iiic: i iiii i 1 w iiiu v iv hi i l n li liiia aiiiiuiiiiL muii t tf ilii iviiiii.l i i
2 'litS01 tel's ner that her favorite shopping place bids her welcome to an exhibit of ail that's best in style and
? 4
I mi J;
quality This is a most comprehensive expositionof all that pertains to women's dress,from the most elaborate
costume to the smallest accessory that stands for smartness We extend to all Portland a royal welcome to
this showing There's no obligation to purchase Best assortments of choicest merchandise for your approval.
New Coats of Velvet. Satin. Crepe de Meteor, Etc. Women's Hats From Foremost Designers of World
Women's New Coats of Broadcloth, Wool Fabrics Exquisitely Beautiful Dress Hats for Dress Occasions
Women's Tailored Suits in an Endless Assortment Jaunty and Original Models in Fall Street Hats
Women's Three-Piece Suits in the Princess Effects
Women's Gowns, From the Simple to the Elaborate
Women's Furs, Unequaled Richness and Elegance
A Complete Line of New Corsets in the Best Makes
Embroideries, Trimmings, Laces, Exclusive Designs
Women's Undermusllns, Best Materials and Patterns
mmh if
Women's Waists, Endless Variety of Style and Price Ribbons for Every Purpose, Portland's Best Stock
Women's Boudoir Robes, Exq'sitely Beautiful Models Baby Things, Dainty Little Garments for Wee Folk
Women's Hosiery, Silk or Lisle. Direct Importation
Women's Neckwear, in Clever Conceits and Designs
New Tailored Suitings, Fine Assortment for Fall
Rich, Lustrous Silk for Evening or Street Wear
Women's Gloves, Autumn's Best Shades and Styles Wash Fabrics for House Dresses and Fall Waists
Women's Shoes, Right Lasts, Leather for Autumn Linens for the Table, for Dress Fabrics, New Lines
3d and Last Weekof the Great
Harvest Festival hs Manufacturers' Sale
, v
Furniture Dept.
Ilomefitters are invited to
Htroll throuph this department
and view the many new arriv
als in artistic furniture. The
best factories in the country
represented in the showing.
This great sale, now on its last week, has been one of the most phe
nomenally successlul events ever held in America Over 200 leading
manufacturers, in all lines, lent their co-operation in making this
Great Harvest Festival and Manufacturers' sale the wonderlul suc
cess it has been They helped by making unusual price concessions;
by supplying us with the greatest assortment of merchandise we've
ever seen assembled under one roof The sale has afforded wonder
ful opportunities for economies, but now it draws near the end Se
cure your share of the great bargains while you can the Last Week
New Catalogue
Any one who does not live in
Portland should have the Big
Store's Catalogue constantly
at hand. Our prompt and de
pendable mail order service
is convenient and satisfactory.
$1.50 Union Suits 98c
.Women's Union Suits, fine ribbed, fleece lined, in white
only; made in high neck, long sleeve style, ankle no
length; heavy weight. Sizes 4, 5 and 6, $1.50 val.
Extra sizes,. regular $1.75 values, special at, each $1.19
g& $ 1.50 Majestic Satin $1.-19
Women's Suede Kid Gloves, Perrin's
make, pique-sewed, 8 and 12 -button
lengths, with three pearl clasps at wrist
and gusset tops; come in gray and tan;
sizes 5Y2 to 7; also Dent style tan cape
Gloves, regular $3.00 to $3.50 J 1 QO
values, on sale at, the pair P1'0
35c Ribbon 25c Yd.
Thousands of yards of Ribbon, in moire,
plain taffeta and satin, suitable for hat
trimming and hair bows; good, heavy
quality; comes in all the new and staple
shades, six inches wide. Our best regu
lar 35c and 50c values, on spe-OC
cial sale at low price of, the yd. JC
covered M i
$5.00 Umbrellas $2.98
Women's and Men's Umbrellas, made on best
crucible Paragon frame, with bulb runner and
witn tne best American, tape edge taffeta. 26 and 28
inch size; warranted for six .months; all djo aq
styles of handles; $3.50 and $5.00 value for psO
For the last week of the Manufacturers' Sale, a lot of Majestic Satin,
A$ in cream, black, brown, champagne, gray, navy, pink, light blue, gobe
lin, apricot ancTlavender. Verysoft and lustrous, dnr- 1 Q
JTHy ante; ion yara wiae; regular l.ou vaiues, on saia at uitit
M Women's Silk Hose at S 1 .39
f..WTV?J z.
Women's SUk Ilot-e in the better qualities, always rich, neat and lustrous.
Iend the finishing touch to a well-chosen costume. We carry the largest stock
in the Northwest and our values are known as the best obtainable anywhere.
Women's Plain Black Silk Hose, regular $2.2-5 values, special, pair 1.39
Women's Silk Hose, black and all colors, $1.50 values, special, the pair. OS
Women's Woven Black Silk Hose, regular $1.50 values, special, pair S1.00
Infants' Silk Hose, in blurk and colon), 50c values, special at, the pair 25
Women's Embroidered Silk Hose at the very low price of, the pair, $2.50
$2.50 Embroideries at $1.19
An exceptional offerinz on 5000 vards of embroidery flouncincs. for
"jS Infants and children's wear, hemmed, scalloped and ruffled edges,
1 1 " rtfV - 1 1 M. 1 A. .
very aainiy aesigns, zt mcnes wiae, juai wan mom- jt f m f
for making little folks clothes; vals. to $2.50 ft X X J
ers want
' .V I
Agts. Adler-Rochester Clothes
The Meier Jc Frank Store has the sole agency for Portland for the celebrated
'Adler-Kochester Clothes for Men. We recommend them to all men who seek
the ideal combination of style, quality and value. The suits are priced to
Miit any purse, at from $18.00 to $4500. Overcoats from $15.00 to $40.00.
Principal Agents for Sam Peck Clothes for Young Men and Children, Chil
dren's Suits priced from $3.50 fo $13.00; young men's Suits, $10.00 to $30.00.
Sole Agents for Nufangl Trousers for Men, most perfect fitting trousers made.
A most complete line of fabrics and patterns in this line at from $4.00 to $8.00.
Headquarters for Men's and Young Men's Priestley Cravenette Raincoats,
Auto Coats and Overcoats, priced from $12J0 to $33.00. Select yours now.
Great Spec'l on Wool Blankets
$8.00 Values for $6.55 Pair
For thi3 great sale in the blanket department, 300 pairs of fine white
California wool blankets, large size, with pink or blue borders, ribbon
bound and exceptionally fine quality. The regular price g
is $8.00 the.pair, special price for this sale i3 only tuOiOu
COMFORTERS, silkoline covered
and filled with pure white lam
inated cotton, in one sheet, full
size, regular $1.75
value, special, only
LOWS, covered in light blue
fancy art ticking, 500 in the lot,
regular price $2.50
each, special, only.
Hair Switches Special $4.98
In our hair goods section, mezzanine
balcony, annex, we offer switches of
the finest quality German wavy hair,
22 inches in length and t!A QQ
specially priced now at P
Great Sale Jewelry Novelties
A great sale of the reierning novelties
in the jewelry line. The new things
that are appreciated by those who
watch the fashions. Note these items:
German Silver Mesh Bags, o A Q
kid lined, special at, each
German Silver Mesh Bags, fine qual
ity, with etched frame, in 5, 6, and 7
inch sizes, all kid lined; A QO
special for this sale, each V '0
Lavallieres at One -Fifth Off
Necklaces and Lavallieres, our entire
line, consisting of the newest designs
in silver, platinum, plated and solid
gold. Hundreds of patl C
terns to choose from, at' Vll
New Style Puffs Special 98c
A hair goods special that will attract.
New' Style Puffs, made of fine qual
ity hair in - all the wanted QO
shades; special at only, each 'OC
Chanticler Coiffure, in pretty combi
nations of curls and (JJO QO
puffs; specially priced at P'0
French Curled Chignon, made of first
quality, naturally curly A QO
hair; special at, each O
Outing Flannel Gowns $1.98
Women's Nightgowns, made of good
quality outing flannel, fancy striped
or plain white materials; trimmed ii'
braid and silk embroidery, fl 1 QQ
Reg. $2.50 and $2.75 vals. P VO
Women's Crepe Gowns $ 1 .98
White crepe Nightgowns, in high or
low neck style, with long or short
sleeves; trimmed in linen lace, bead
ing and ribbon; regular
$2.50 and $2.75 values
Bedroom Carpets $ 1.35 to $2
A choice selection. New Fall patterns in Axminster and Body Brus
sels Carpet. Pink, cream and green colors in the Axminster gTades.
Chintz effects in Body Brussels with narrow borders in the very latest
decorative coloring's on display in our carpet department, 3d" floor?
Prices ranging from $1.35 to $2.00 per yard, including sewing and lay
ing, with lining. Wall Paper and Drapery Fabrics to match all Car
pets. On display in our Sixth street window for a short time onlyT
$3,50 Velour Draperies $ 1 ,50
Short lengths of handsome Velours in iy2 to 2-yard lengths, in every color
ana au graaes; reguiany worm up to $J.50 the yard. During CJ 1 CA
this sale to be sold by the length only, at low price of, the yard
Couch Covers, a lot of 500, heavy, double-faced tapestry, fringed
all round, full 60 inches wide and 3 yds. long; $2.50 vals; this week
Lace Curtains $2.35,$3.85Pr.
This is'your last opportunity to share in the bargains mada. possible by
the co-operation of the largest curtain manufacturers in the world.
There are about 1500 pairs left of the great assortments that made
this the greatest curtain sale we have ever held. Values or
to $6.50 pair at $235, and values to $8.50 the pair at u)J.oO
Sale Blue and White Enamel war e
30c Lipped Preserving Kettles 24
45c Lipped Preserving Kettles 36
60c Lipped Preserving Kettles 47
75c Lipped Preserving Kettles 5P
$1.00 Lipped Preserving Kettles 79
35c Lipped Saucepan, special, 27j
45c Lipped Saucepan, special, 36t
50c Lipped Saucepan, special, 39J
65c Berlin Saucepans, special, 59
$2.00 Berlin Saucepans for $1.59
65c Berlin Kettles, special at 52d
$2.00 Berlin Kettles, special, $1.69
$1.00 Rice Boilers, special, each. 79?
$2.00 Rice Boilers, special at 1.59
75c Colanders, special at, each, 59
65c Coffee Pots, special at, ea., 5th