THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND,. SEPTE3IBER .11, 1910. BRIDE'S UNHAPPY LIFE IS REVEALED Contract Salem Lawyer Clears Mystery of Girl's Attempt to Die. DOCTOR OFFERS NO HOPE Oil Id of 17 WcdH With Consent of Parent, and Signs Ajrrrtment That Hoohand May (.o Ills Vi Sh Drinks Poison. t SALEM. Or.. Sept. la -clL Jlys iTy surrounding the attempted suicide 'n this city last night of Mrs. Darlel E. Bartroff. 17 years old and a bride of three days, was cleared this afternoon In a statement by the attorney for the missing husband. A local attorney rame forward with the announcement that young Bartroff visited the attorney's office) a few days before the wedding and explained In detail that the young woman's relatives were Insisting upon marriage between the two. and the attorney advised that such a marriage would possibly avoid legal complications. As a result, a rather unusual proceed ure was followed when a written contract was . nt-red Into by the man and girl in which the young woman agreed to allow her husband to go where ho desired. In event of the marriage. Immediately after the wedding Wednesday. Bartroff left for Southern Oregon In search of employ ment, and the bride remained In this city. The physician who Is caring for Mrs. Bartroff stated tonight he has small hopes of her recovery. It also developed tonight that the young woman, when she attempted sui cide, thought she was In front of the home of her husband's sister. She, mis taken In the street she was traveling, saw a man enter the Johnson home, whom she thought was her husband. She had a romantic Inclination which led her to desire to kill herself and thus allow her husband to find her dead body near the porch in the morning. This statement she has made since she has become able to speak. Before her marriage, the girl was Miss Helma Sophia Anderson. Her .parents live five miles east of Salem. Her father gave written consent to the marriage. The girl walked Into town last night from her parents' home, and after drink ing carbolic acid, was found unconscious In the yard of Clyde Johnson, at Church and I'nlon streets. Bartroff is 26 years old. He bas not been heard from. ma brought up to $1570.10. Donations re' ceived yesterday varied from a stove to package of grass seed. Beside this, the offer of a cottage to bouse a destitute family for the Winter was made to the I lVople's Institute, by Mrs. J. H. John son, of Woodmen", a Portland suburb. ' The house offered by Mrs. Johnson Im a cozy rtx-ronm cottage between Ore sham and Troutdale. lint Johnxon said that there was ah abundance of wood for the cutting and that employment for members of the family might be found In the vicinity. The appeal for stoves made Friday re ceived many response, local hardware companies nd Individuals contributing. The Honey man Hardware Company and the Columbia Hardware Company has offered to gather up all stoves', pack them and deliver them at the railway station for shipment. About a dozen stoves and ranges were contributed yesterday. Among those donating were Robert War ren. Mrs. CTldge the Mlsea-s Brady, Mm. J. F. Kelly and others. Many more stoves are needed by the sufferers. Senator Chamberlain's appeal to the De partment of Agriculture for grass seed was rejected. Arthur Bowman, one of the managers of the Portlnnd Seed Com pany, yesterday notified MTsci Prichard, in charge of the People's Institute work, that he had collected ! pounds of seed and would ship It Immediately. An ap peal for seed was also made to the Ore gon Agricultural College, at Cbrvallla, but no action bas been taken upon the re quest. It la thought that the college authorities will act. favorably. The caeh donations received yeeterday were: William R. King. Jl: Mrs. W. A. Itlclx S: Security Savings & Trust Com pany. J?.-.; Willamette Iron & Steel Com pany, IM. WOMAN SEEKS END Mrs. H. C. Dietrick Swallows Acid; Leaps Before Engine. SEATTLE . MAN SAVES HER MARITAL TANGLE PALLS WOMAN PUTS QUESTION OP MARRIAGE UP TO COURT. DOGS PURSUE UXORICIDE Trail Loads to Track Where Bel Ilngham Man Hoarded Train. BELLING HAM. Wash.. Sept. 10. A man believed to be George Held, want ed for the murder of his 25-year-old wife at Clayburn, B. C. last Tuesday, was seen Thursday nljrhr at 7 o'clock to board a freight train at Wicker sham, 12 miles southeast of Belllngham, bound for Seattle. Bloodhounds fol lowed the trail to a little house oppo site to a shingle mill four miles south of Wlckersham. A woman residing; there says a man answering Reld's de scription called there Thursday night and asked for food. He had on a dark hat. dark trousers and gray coat, and wore a vest of peculiar pattern. When shown the trousers left be hind at Clayburn by Held, the woman Identified them as of the same cloth and pattern as the coat worn by the man. When the Northern Pacific freight train arrived the "Oman, who had been watching the man through fear, saw him swing aboard the train, she says. Bloodhounds placed on the trail re peatedly followed It to the exact place beside the Northern Pacific tracks where the woman saw the man board the freight train. Mrs. Amelia Blolitn Would Resume Maiden Name, Alleging Sponse Has Other Wife. 9KATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 10. (Special.) Is Mrs. Amelia" Blohm. as she calls her self now, or Miss Amelia Clemens, as she called herself not very long ago, a mar ried woman? She has given up the puzzle herself and wants the Superior Court of King County to tell her. This morning she filed a suit for di vorce against John Blohm. whom she be lieved she had legally married last June I. Information has since come to ner, she alleges, that he already had a wife at that time. If that Is true, she wants annulment of marriage. In any event, she wants to be declared free of the bonds of matrimony, which do or do not exist between her and John Blohm. of Olalla, Kitsap County. She also wants her maiden name back. Among other things which Blohm Is guilty of. according to her complaint, is his abuse of her and cruelty In less than two months after they had been presumably married. POWER PLANUS BURtNEO FIRE NEAR SANDY DESTROYS HOMES AND TIMBER. Taken to Hospital In Serious Condi tion Left Home in Portland for Seattle After Quarrel With Her ' Husband. SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 10. (Special.) After drinking half a vial of bichloride of mercury, Mrs. H. C. Dietrick. a pretty young married woman from Portland. threw herself In front of a switch engine at the foot of Washington street early today. Only the quickness of Thomas Ray. a Seattle' Electric Company employe, saved the woman from being ground to pieces. Suffering terribly from the acid, she was sent to the Cltly Hospital. She may die. Ray had followed the woman from Guy's pharmacy. Second avenue and Yes ler Way, where she purchased the drug, because she was acting peculiarly. . Woman Would Ilve. At the hospital this morning Mrs. Diet rick. suffering Intensely, begged the doc tors to save her life. "1 had a quarrel with my husband In Portland." she cried, "so I placed my two children with my mother and left. I kept brooding over my quarrel and finally could not stand It any longer. . Mi. Dietrick cannot remember throw ing herself In front of the engine. "Everything went blank after I took the acid." she said. "Don't tell my husband," she begged. "If I get well I will go back to him and make up." The couple lived at the Beaver apart'' ments, the woman said. It .was learned from friends of Mrs. Dietrick last night that she left Tuesday night for Seattle. On her departure she made a statement to the effect that she was going East, where she had two chll dren by a former husband. Mrs. Dietrick had trouble with her husband, who had accused her. It Is said of being Intemperate. When a dispatch was received last night from Seattle by her husband. Informing him of his wife's condition, he concluded to depart on the 11 o'clock train to be at her bedside. Mr. Dietrick Is a railroad engineer. "SMOKE ZONE" VISITED BOULEVARD TO SEA IS PLAN Marhflrlds Mayor Proposes to Ask Property Owners for Land. MARSH FIELD. Or.. Sept. 10. (Spe cial.) Construction of a boulevard and park from Marshfleld to the sea will be approved by the City Council if the co-operation of the property-owners concerned ran be secured. The Idea originated with Mayor Straw to secure a strip of land 350 feet wide from the west end of the city straight through the timber .to Tarheel Point, and to build down the center of the strip a fine roadway. The land Is owned mostly by the Southern Pacific, the Southern Oregon Company and the Coos Bay Water Company, and these owners will be asked to donate the right of way. The road would extend through beautiful timber. Pulper & Shay Mill Is Threatened and Farmhouses Are in Path of the Flames. SANDY. Or., Sept. 10. (Special.) Fire, said to have been started by Doc Hite. four miles from here, is doing mucA damage. The power plant of Pulper tt Shay has been burned to the ground and unless the men gain control of the flames the mill, too. will be destroyed. Joseph Hlllyard's house and barn have been consumed and the homes of Max Kelegle and Joseph Albel narrowly es caped. The Phlpps place la also In dan ger. A thousand cords of wood recently cut by a Japanese contractor has been burned. WAITSBURG STORES BURN Instruction of Brick Blocks Causes Lus of 975.000. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Sept. 10. Fire at Waitsburg early this morning totally destroyed the store of the John Smith Hardware Company and the store of H. G. Shuham. both brick blocks, en tailing a loss of probably tTS.000. The flames were first discovered In the rear of the hardware store and had gained such headway that the volunteer de partment could do nothing to save the buildings. A message early this morn ing states that the fire Is under control. WIRE HURLSFROM WHEEL Springfield Man Is Picked Up With Face Badly Lacerated. SPRINGFIELD, Or.. Sept. 10. (Special.) Sherman Spong. while riding Into town from the west last night, struck a wire stretched across the road and was hurled from his bicycle. His fuce was torn and several bones broken He was sent to a hospital at Eugene. FIRE SUFFERERS HELPED Stove Are Donated, bnt GraH Seed Supply I Short. With the cash donations received yester day by the Portland Chamber of Com merce the relief fund for the forest Are sufferers In the vicinity of iacolt. WuIl, NEW WORK IS PROJECTED Slount Hood Electric Rond May Bo ' Tt II. T ..inilln nl ' 4UII uaM.v J It is announced that work will start on the Mount Hood electric railway be tween Montavllla and Gresham with in the next 20 days, and thi-t the first section of the road will be completed by the first of the year. Estimates for the first ten miles of the track have been asked from railroad con tractors and bids are announced to close September 15. The new line has made traffic ar rangements with the O. R. & N. Com pany and will connect wltv the main line on the siding in North Alblna. From Montavllla station the routs will be north of and parallel to the Base Line road to Rockwood. These announcements come from an appar ently reliable source. It Is expected that work will be under way In October. Attorney-General to Investigate Montana Copper Fume Cases. - BUTTE Mont., Sept. 10. "I shall spend the next two days in a thorough inspec tion of the territory known as the 'smoke sone'," said Attorney-General Wlcker sham. who arrived In Butte last night. "and shall as thoroughly as possible ac quaint myself with the conditions. I shall be accompanied by representatives of the Amalgamated Copper Company and by representatives of the farmers of the section, and It will be my purpose to look into thenatter on all sides. I shall look up the matter of fume contamination as it involves the forests of the Deer Lodge Valley, and so far as possible will go Into the matter of devices for controlling the noxious gases." Mr. Wlckersham and the members of his party left Butte this morning In an automobile on a tour of Inspection of the Beaverhead forest reserve, and will reach Anaconda tonight. Sunday morn ing Mr. Wlckersham will be escorted through the Washoe smelter. . COAST OPEN TO ATTACK; Invaders Could Destroy Industries, Is Admiral Evans' Warning. SELMA. Cal.. Sept. 10. Rear-Admlra'. Robley D. Evans, retired, and a party of Eastern capitalists, who have been visiting the oil fields In Central Cali fornia, left Coallnga for San Francisco late this afternoon. It Is rumored that Admiral Evans will head a coalition of Important oil Interests in the San Joaquin Valley fields, and will make his home In California. The Admiral rode 120 miles in an automobile yesterday, the most strenu ous trip he has taken In 12 years, but but suffered no 111 effects from the Journey. After expressing surprise at the magnitude of the oil Industry, he said that this coast was practically defenseless, and that Its Industries could be destroyed by , an Invading nation. M'mm FALL STYLES, 1910-1911 Beni amm Clothes It is men not a difficult matter to ; interest careful dressing and young men in "Benjamin Clothes." Every where in this country they are known as the most correctly styled garments which it is possible to obtain. "Benjamin Clothes'" are made by the most gifted tailors in the world. Their grace and good form are recognized by critical men and young men the world over, and their rin1if-tr ic on ncnlii f1-v Irnnwn m inn tity, which over a third of a century of j experience has made extremely high. ? To appreciate freely, how wonderfully ; well made the "Benjamin Clothes are. you ought to see them, and we take keen pleasure in asking you to. 4 9 - Ml Overcoats $20 to $50 .Raincoats $20 to $40 Suits $20 to $40 BUFFUM & 311 Morrison ' Street, Opposite Postoffice "KNOX" Very latest New York Styles PENDLETON VOTERS TO DECIDE Klickitat County May Yet Se cure Lyle Road. HILL PROJECT IS IN AIR Portland People In Chicago. CHICAGO. Sept. 10. (Special.) Portland people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: At the Con gress. C. K. Hoak; at the Majestic, Mrs; 1 J. Boyce. Man Willi Mangled Arm Has Xcrvc. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Sept. 10. Mr. Love, who was employed on the planer at Dorena. nine miles from here on the Oregon & Southeastern Railroad, was caught In the machinery about noon yesterday and carried around the shaft, tearing the clothing from his body and tearing off one arm between the wrist and elbow. He wai, brought to Cottage Grove, where the" arm was amputated above the elbow. Within 20 minutes after the operation Mr. Love was smoking a cigar with one of the assisting surgeons. If Taxpayers Authorize $10,00 Ap propriation State Will Give Like Amount and Irrigation Work Will. Go On. GOLDENDALE, Wash., Sept. 10. (Special.) Taxpayers of Klickitat County will be asked at the primary election next Tuesday to vote on the question of a special levy of Jio.oou, by the County Commissioners, the money to be used with a like amount appropriated by the State Road Com mission In completing the public high way near Lyle. If the proposition carries tne roaa will be built and Samuel Hill's big Maryhlll Irrigation and fruit tract project that was abandoned a few days ago because the commissioners refused to vote the money needed for this pur pose will likely be carried to comple tion. According to present Indications the levy will be autnorlzed by a decisive vote. The commissioners say they want a favorable expression from all the tax payers In the county before appropriat ing the money. Ultimatum Is Issued. The recent action of the County Com- , mlssloners In refusing to make the ap propriation was the result of an ulti matum issued by the 8tate Road Com mission on September 2 and giving the commissioners until September . 6 to reach a decision. The commissioners met September 6. with Samuel Hill present.- Mr. Hill had already expended large amounts on roads through his Maryhlll project and announced that he intended macadam izing them. He also stated that- he would build' a road connecting the Maryhlll section with the state aid road between Goldendalle and Columbus. His work at Maryhlll, It is estimated, will have cost J500.000 when completed. He did not ask the county to assist him In any of this work, but urged that the 110.000 be appropriated so- that this' project could be continued until Ja mi ry 1. when the Legislature could Han dle the matter. In the meantime a delegation of tax payers, at the invitation ot Mr. mil. visited his Maryhlll enterprise and re turned with a unanimous request to the commissioners to make the appropria tion. The commissioners refused. The following evening the taxpayers held a meeting, attended by Commissioners Stone and Morgenson, but the officials declined to yield. Men Are Withdrawn. Mr. Hill then announced his intention to wtihdraw his force of men and to abandon his entire project. The citizens of Klickitat County are considerably disturbed over the out come of the affair, as it not only re moves the opportunity to secure the construction of a much needed public highway with convict labor at a nomi nal cost to the local taxpayers, but it shuts off a payroll of $12,000 per month, which was being expended by the Hill enterprise at the time the work was abandoned. Circular letters have been sent to all the taxpayers urging them to vote for the levy. LOIS ESCAPE IN PECK MAX OXLY FEW FEET AWAY IS KILLED BY IMPACT. Coos County May Get Sawmill. MARSHFIELD, Or., Sept. 10. (Spe cial.) It is reported that the Brook ings Lumber & Box Company, of Cali fornia, may build a sawmill in Curry County, - either at Chetco or at Arch Kock. The company owns 25,000 acres of timber In Curry County. Passenger Who Preaches Socialism Found Sleeping in Two Seats AYhlle Women Stand. HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 10. (Special.) Although a man beating his way on the tender of the engine was killed In the Wyett wreck, two boys a few feet behind him on the baggage car escaped Injury. The man killed has been Identi fied as Richard Shipler, of Gooding, Idaho. Shlpler was beating his way and while lying on top of the coal was thrown against a car. The boys who escaped were the flrrt to reach here and immediately on their arrival asked where they could find work picking apples. Passengers arriving this morning after their all-nii?ht stay at Cascade Locks tell of a night of Inconvenience and of selfishness on the part of several men who preempted seats on which they slept while women sat up In the waiting-room of the station all night. One is wild to have delivered an address on Socialism Just before the wreck occurred and afterward to have stretched himself on two seats and snored so loudly that he kept the rest of the passengers awake. One of fie women passengers is eatd to have taken a pair of 6Cissors from her traveling bag and removed a goodly share of the Socialist's long locks while he nlept. The outcry made by a woman who. although accompanied by her husband and two small children, bewailed the fate of a dog in the baggage car, attracted attention. The passenger who placed the dog in her arms rceived a reward of . J. A. McKay. Shipler's stepfather, today Identified the body, and the mother will arrive from Gooding, Idaho, tonight. Ship ler had been operating a moving picture machine In Portlnnd recently. The editor of the Allsemelne Flelncher ZeltunK. a Journal for butchers, alvlses butchers' who suffer from headaches, nerv ousness or stomach troubles to give up meat and ari'tpt a veffetarlan diet. Eat Like a Horse in Spite of Dyspepsia How to Enjoy Eating Anything and Everything, Without Worrying About Your Weak Stomach. Make up your mind that the 10.950 meals you are going to eat during the next ten years, and all the meals you are going to eat for the rest of your life are going to feel fine Instead of fierce. SAM HILL'S KLICKITAT PROJECT. WORK ON WHICH IS DISCONTINUED. Pf J 1 ri j Wxj3-4idi. "iJXft; -e- 4 4s 4 U-iiV; .V i. - ! rf.'.W DAM ABOVE- MARYHILL. You can have them bo If you want to. The good point about it is that tt does not depend on your stomach. In spite of dyspepsia, in spite of your stomach troubles, belching, heartburn, nausea, bilious Indigestion and fermen tation, you can eat like a horse under one condition. This condition Is that you allow Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to do your digesting instead of letting your stom ach do it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a scientific digestive. If you put a hard boiled egg. chopped up, into a bottle if water, 98 degrees warm, with one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, you can see the egg undergo digestion Just as it would In your own stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act as an artificial stomach, and they let your real stomach take a rest. They di gest heavy dinners and light dinners, strange foods and sensible foods, oy ster suppers and quick lunches. Just as a good, strong healthy stomach would do the same thing. For that Iump-of-lead feeling and brash, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets af ford quick relief. One Ingredient of these little tablets digests 3000 grains of food, and no matter how bad your dyspepsia or Indigestion, they will di- I Rvsi rvvi j liiiiiK in yuur stomacn, llior- ougniy anu completely, ana Detter anil more quickly than a good, strong, healthy stomach can do it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will quick ly cure loss of appetite, brash. Irrita tion, burning sensations, nausea, heart burn, eructations, , loss of vim and energy, dyspepsia and Indigestion in their very worst forms. It will cost you just 50c for a box of these wonderful Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, at any drugstore. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mall a sample free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., ISO Stuart bids., Marshall, Mich. R GOODYEA RAINCOAT COMPANY 302 Washington 302 Corner Mfth We are the largest and oldest manufacturers of waterproof gar ments in the world. For the last 25 years our company has held the lead in the making of fine waterproof garments. Our goods stand unchallenged throughout the civilized world as the highest product of material, style and workmanship. For a quar ter of a century our business has been confined to the wholesale trade, our goods reaching the wearer through the leading retail dry goods and clothing stores of the country. We have now eliminated all middlemen and have begun a policy of direct selling to the public through our own stores. Hereafter our garments will be sold DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER TO WEARER thereby enabling you to purchase genuine Goodyear Raincoat Company Garments at less than price asked elsewhere for inferior goods. We have just received a sample line of ladies' smart and snippy Tailored Raincoats. May we have the pleasure of showing you? GOODYEA RAINCOAT COMPANY 302- Washington 302 PARK GEEENDELL ADJOINING IRVTNGT0N PARK, 33D AND HOLM AN STS. A TRACT FOR HOMES CITY WATER, GRADED STREETS, CEMENT SIDEWALKS; BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN VIEW, WITH FIVE MINUTE CAR SERVICE LP lb 50x100, PR CE 3275 AND UP GOME OUT TODAY TAKE ALBERTA CAR TO AINSWORTH AVENUE, THEN ONE BLOCK NORTH AND FOUR SHORT BLOCKS EAST CANN & McBR 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE