fllE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 11. 1910. 8 REAL CHTATB DEU.KRS. -n.-k William C. 12 FaM.rr fcldr XUrr1. A. H. Co.. jOi-.t M. Kay Mdg. Real tat, injunnc. morig loan. tc. Brubaker & Btntdlct. aoz McKay bldg. M. 54. Chap In Hrlw. j-t Chamber conme.rca Cook. B. x ... s toteet-t Diac Jecnicaa A Ca. Wain 200 Oregonian. PALMCK-JONF.S CO.. H. Ph 214 Coramtr clai ciub mag. 6;h:k. IX. i:s Stark tt. Mala A 232. SHTNDLER RALU 55 Ablngtoa bid. The Orm fiaal rat Co-. Grand and Multnomah at. t Holledav Addition. M- E- Thompson Co. cor. 4th and oak at. B ML 1ST AT E r or ?ale I.ota. PEST BL T IN CITY. Lota In OreendeH fa', the beautiful trart altnin lrvington Park, with city wni'f, indl cement sidewalks wuif wrk- tr.. at r rent tt'w n tot in tbtsj district; opnf t "fT"r : come rn nun e ct vAiir a thy ?1 hl H-t lorg. lts x !. rn e w5 to $"-. n esey Th Meal h-me st'" f T the man of nixi rat mana: as n? on ground all day A u rda v Tak Alberta, rmr b Ainaworth ava. and go oaa block rcrth and fur anon, blocaa aA to trart. (ANN MPRIPR. Cnamber of I'ommfrtt FWg. $.V pr-T lot hn In hunTit aide; paving and sidewalk patd; wwrr. waifi. gas ana !e-trt.-ll". Two vv rhow Iota in restricted Laureihutt. each at this remarkably low fiiur. HiIaw oricinal p.ai pi n . liiMk (in th west slon of Ml. T.lhor, ftn view of lha whole rity. lot Hani 14 feet. Thia la a gooi buy if nu only knew It and such knowltlx la aaaiiy oniain able. WTNN JOHXPOS CO.. Sul 6"A. Oartinaer HMg.. 21 and A War. mono Marshall 14- and A 2.H2. LADD ADDITION BARGAIN. Prnrertr on Mdd ava. at 17Y per lot. without the Improvements, la t he earn- n nv- whirit in w av b!.w iiv inn;e .iwt t.rnwriv . mv prlco mvm vou to .VMi pr bt and t har ti hi naar )n Jo. at ton. f' t latll ave. fmm iuihrt.ft kv.. ni i. that fin ramant vrnrrin atr. I'hon avamnga ana UIl dav NOR HII.U PaiitKiil. -aMiy U- vn rttymv . a!'l bu:.l to suit purha If defirad; h ..-.w - a - t. W mm fu.-tll M-kllf H ! nrtl1 arjjb. oU rann"t Hrd a bttr lotatiwn lor a bicna. . 7lVttV-.RM W ftofiK lfr PARK 8NP. t n a . rv-T ,mnip'iii ! ,Vw in rorror, $7."h on trrma of 1 pr . - inih nr ITutl RtrF-Kl-KlVKOIiOK 1..WO 0. 4T ari nr Kin" oioa . rtur term tW K.a- "rlv C Vfa nr llla- ad In tdy' t-U- m nian 1 lnndT r a--'n. JIAHTVW THf'MISN. n rtat ,t.. "nanb r of rmintrrcf. ' "A R.s.M-?iR SNAP MlT MH AT lNt"R. .v ko it uh fiirt rnont. on .ti'th t. ft..., . .,rt.. ,.r rttn H )1. M 1 rna-il. 3' LiimhrnM bl'ig . or pb-n llar-a;! lbA or A M-V Jla an fit' n iiMloti In ald b't n"t i rum!. fa"tnar raat, fina u. 2 l.ioka from Itntadway r. pr $ta.v: thla i a an a p. rannot pay a om-r-iiavton T .HI. r i.nlrn- n.iT pp.positiov. 4V,.V rn Kam. M . rru n rath; Id ay tJ rrni fiata hrf. alktn dkataaca. 7IMMT.RV W. 31 tkd f Tra-1 ItMit .16 l Juat nr blnrk Irnm llathnrn ava. Ownr hMTll v InrnUfd and mmt at in-. $!.',. .'.imi rnth: a diilM naritain. HAWHIORNK RKAI.TY O . -n K. 4h and Hathrna v mn iao. IV lrlnctnn. 3 Moka from car. f - mil tha rhuieaat lot In the a1 - difton. on rary rav trma If you h. tha prba la nnlv t' -onurr in Mmnt 'o. 4 "J M-hawH hlC- . HfcAP. TU i'HSK I P KSTATK. I.ot .". It. on Kxlnev nnr iraha a. rat ftoni. I'nca -x0 caah for a hnrt tim. UODDARD WIKOUH K. 2 Stark, at. VF, bava lot In Ovrl..ik Addition and alao on in It on 'ltv Park, on ithr or fthKli ia will build for you arordinK to onr orn plana; raav trrma Pttr a ua at . N-nhftt Cnnatruriion Co.. IHJ t.awf btdg I.iiT ROliWV K 4Sth t. Una blork to hot t'ltv Park rarllnr. Will all cheap. J. J. ORDER, ror Cirand ava and K- Ankany. PtRTI.A N ! H FIOHTS R A RS A I N'S. Beautiful lota iravta and hmn-a on all part of tieiichta: prlcra and taws ary. hut aM hai- the aatur In laoratiiifc. bic air lahi 3.VM. A rV.!. LOT HAKOA1N. 'OxltHV 3 htm-ka from 'o.intrv flub. nenr t Bf.; onlv i J T half rash: ncroya irat lm brine 4-'i and $.Vk each: a r-.t anp. ' J, I a v. aid Mcnry bldg. bl fi KSS omer. W'rat Side, only la . aay lm. Hg pay r--ll penrbv, uii.thlH irnprovamant needed now would pro.lu I in) monthly at coat of $4.'h. Ja. C Koran. -TatW Wahincion a t.. room 4" I . A KK tracta. ciaa In on the A1 Side; A-cent fre and only !. minute' ride. For aala on t-rn Thla la the t.t bur In the city. M. rt. l.ee 411 I'orbott bi'ir. A Ql A RTER HIX'K In Iur-lburj. whera lmprovrmenta are all tn now ; tnia la a choir corner and a aacrinr. $$oot terma; wil) a 1 1 ain1a l"t J R. STIPK, Ta CbambT Cmmcrca. AROAINS In Raairr lotPt $o. cajtt fn-nt. hith and pihtl .. ft front, choi. e. lel; Mre Krailed. rnw nt alkv and irba all paid f-r. Phona Tlbld or A K ;! d. rec, man. Ii- ' if y I'.ir lot for aa.e ow m r . I"i than bio k to car. one bbn-k fr-.- tora: aire t Iniprovementa In and pa-d a aood 1k at ton ; S caah. A tv .ivK. i irecmlan rOF; SvI.K orner. ".llo.", on cariliio la Kenton; ver r!t"iuhk. JOSbl ri ilOKMK. Zl lat at Phone Mm 1 807. Sundae. lain .; a i.iVk-timk orroRTCMTV. Tba iiitrat and moat magnificent large corner lot of all laurel hurar nr inif heap iMiboia A ro kett. VaahinKtn bida; . oom 3 " L v u ant a iuil-acl k: Ave blorka fmm lurrlhurpt f..r t hia pr!" W e rv It and fit per mv"h I'I buy Thla mill bear ir ve i t;'Hn. Tn Hart Land . Co.. I4d SC'-id af- flO CASH and $lt pr month, lot firtilio nr m- mi. rt tar; ": city muter and atret charted. HtOI . KY IMHOP. IJ? THIRD ST ull SAUK A Cr cheap lota nttar the iinton-Xe:i School nn. the v. W. or tv. R. car. V, Pfluirt-r A t"n,. room .'. Mi bi-ta.. ad and Morrison ata. I'V'Kri.AM Kh.l'illTj Wry (.nr clioue )! 1m 1M ovrr I.wk lf hl w n. ri er far aa tncqvr; f at a bargain: iirmi S oner. :o1 UahtnRton at. FOR S At.E bv nr. Hiv4. terra, ed. Knof t. co-ner. Arljaient lo lrmlon. ;.-. tr-t and auwaika In and paid. wnap, AH lit 2. Un . RtVFKPAl'K Tir acrea mon bea homaa. improved Into beauttttil natttral park: era-id bara.tn for Iminedi t mV. T .r.nin. Two loia at Waveri Heicnrp. $ niw market a!u if old ith n th nest few tit ran 417 P-ard of Tra ' I L..A I 'RKLMI'KST lot. rina corner. near HAndr road, equity $loi. MiIan- fna mo. laln K1q4. I. l RKLuf'KST b.t. a M, ka from Mont. vMla t arllnaw 9lOH. aay terma A tv Jia. VT'RNUN eaal front vewr lota. ona4th at., naar nr at baram: eaay terma. ttrnar. 1M H. a UtN . t ihv imitox 1.0 rs. ' Prltlety bi buy: near Ud on We Idler. : r.v h ill fou'h b'dg a;.k Corner. 5tT. ftt 4Vh. rear Haw t "wffi; hrir market ; mut hae msre-v. nnr X K. t,;;h a. IRVLNTON lWaulful lisnirtM, S. F. far-r-c. nar rartina; aawr;fle $Ud. AN 514. On -rc ar. I KY INT N Pera!n: I5il. 'Ml farina; n'ir 3 carltnca; temra A M 3IV recornan. I. OP near Madison brtdce. -fnr few days; a rare am. R 311. Oregonlan. FOR SAI.K lota, house. ;o bearing fruit -e. MT nadsTone f. . ji.t PI Vrf a c-o.-r I tn Havi-k. near pa t ton a e. 4 414 Spal I '. ng b'd a . L"R'LHT"R!T-tr bi.wk. park 2 biocka. Caan i40. 8 14. orrfoiuaQ. REAt KSTATK. For -Lnta. $.VV-a kta on Iym,taM at, bat ween iba at ira and the rh.wi. nr block from Pen Ini'a tat't; aultabla fr buaineaa now. fi.ii o a on Krthwick jn.. one blk f r- -m mt ; tontv. Mviit r't rm Mallory ave.. nar $ raiih. hi lr. e $10 per mo., nice lot In 'M:rre near tnv nfTle. P1TTI yo ER. 1 1ft ' Kiilma-wworth v. "W. U. or St. John car. Ihone Woodlawn 24 .y.Kt 1 1 'a are at 10 li v en tha Weat Side, w her von fn walk to town ; car fni a alone la a hia Item, and eaneflally la It areat to itva a her you can alt on your iron 1 pnrcn and pea the nme cny. in mnuntalna and rl vera and In the even in a ft tha brilliantly. hBhted city; clnaa-ld property nf thta kind purely haa a won derful fuliir: full alaed lot. near rarline. m-irK hkantlf.it. r..li9 and unlike Other vifw nta with practically no climb, fnr Ittnn; terma. r IK. treann'an. BAK'i AINf. I'nlvarattv Park. Houahton at.... ( enter Addition. BOth and K. Davla. Klmhtirat, and Roadway T.ln'htn Park. K th and Poach... P. Portland. orheit at rvertr.fc. p.ttnn ave. and ralllna; Irvlnston. irth and Stanton. 37S &A0 C5 Aft ano Theaa are haiaaln-. W hac many ftthcrs iorne and ae our T't. ,l 4 Rnrbanan Rida-. MarahaM ?1. r a . r- n v sitp r r. in v kst m knt. 'nlv el'.no earn. J Wept Hide lot!. 1it inn only li mlntitea' rlda on carllna; rall mA handv. Anvona nurchaaiha: thla for an tnveatment 011 cbt in double their money In 1 month. Alan aut table for hnuaea, afnrea or flat for Incoma-pro-dticer. Only ann raoh on each lot. hat. lone time , per cent, fall Jaa f. l.o(ian, .l.'H'fc Wnnh. at., room 4Q4. APARTMENT "-ITU) NAP. Flna apjrtment-hotTae aire on Irvtn at. r-mr r-r. that haa nver been off areH b f-ire; the nr.. a will In'or1 ou; thlF l'"a- t on wi;i return fo money a hn im .pMe1. P.. a PRTAV. r.hA fhaniber of Omi merit. 1n 1!M.t A ICaT rn a autrk an' laoo will buy one ef tha beat piarter bkrka in thla dlatrlrl;- tha eutnwa orner or Ma mm ann m. inrtsioo, ph refunded br beautiful home; linn uncr the market and can b handled on half cah. P. PAfMF.R-JOVr. ro.. 212 LMt rommerciat flub Rld., Prtna Main 'W. A 2M; rifiDMOXT. 4 adioinlns n'1t r ft. Inta wfth 15-ft. al ley In rar. on 4 ommercll at . hewe.-n Atna worth and Jarrett aia. ; price I'tuD each, term. ir r p.f.Mr.R - invra (o . 212 211 Commercial Club PMC. P:-onf Main id. A.n0-1. fjftl R corner. innK (Vt. with all Improve niema In and paid; lavt h(h. Tacra aaat. and in reptiMctd matrlct; fine hmr huildln all around. Thla la on Tillamook ai . 1 hn,-k I in-mlnut car aervU-e and a b r in at l?Kn; kood terma. Phont n- Tubor :tl. THAT VAt'AXT I.OT. Why not build flat on It and turn U Into Income prnert? We wl'l help mi lo flnanre tha build in . It will pay to ace ua at or-e. N(RTHWKTfiRN ''nPT. CO ftOa l.ewta Rldy. IRVI VTfV m:.o. V K. cor. rth and Tillamook eta Wa own thl o nwreeivoa and are pell'na the aama for Icaa than you can buy Inpide lota, I.et up Phna voii thla fine rnrnor. HAa At RINtll.FK. ?ll f.ewla Rld :.n KFKT on KIllliiKanorth. near ! Ik. are. at $7. lion vault and tn ann intcreai per piomh. THH IMV-FKAR CMPANT. 24. Stark at. vam nr. a xrcx. IlilKKWVAT, IwtwTl Portland Helihia ami i.unetl Creat. aeveral hrautirul iota on rriuie and near bv. prlep from I7;rt 10 p .'.n: all lota are extra laree; Ideal build in r loraiinna I4 Tluthatian Plrtr. Marahall ?l I. T .-.Oyli. Broadway and 421 a:a.. 1 b-- k frni Handv Road boulevard. 72."; 12" tah. or term. phone Tnbor Take i:o City Park car to Ralaton Puntzalow Addition. 4'Jrj at. Se j alcn on lota 9 and 10 Tmndwn lHilN i'OICNKR In Waverleich Hriiebta fr anie encap; t pip w m mnh" irirr now 1 voiir time in al! tnt two tni haVt one l"ft for your trouble 4;KO. . AI.I.KN RKI.TT CO. stn ner FtidY. 1 w vho Iota. ..iin. net ween nancoa and Tillamook, on FTat aTtn a neauiirui residence plte. In a fine location. Price fn both iaa"0; nne-thlrd caah. balance rt per ran I.' MrCarffar. Ratea A Lively alA Kail- r bids Ai UK 1N HLPK MT. T.RR. Ileautlftil lew of fltT: lnte of fruit. hrriea and urapcp; will aril nt low flctir or trade for .od home. AO 311. Oreio- tii.nn. . fid C?H and prr month buya verv pret I JT Ini, nnflis JM. . " ...... . citv; $.n !nw ih market; only a few left on thepe lermn: come quick. UTILITY a- TlSIIfP. 1 l ttittiF 1 . BfMJAl.OW aite; juat like livlnaT in Hit count rv. hut vet wltnin tna mne rirrir on the Weat Hide: It baa that wild arentn r.ature view ; full aiaed lot for 100. terma K SIS. Oregon lan. ' I t 1KTI.AND HBP JUTS An elant two-lot rl..-. 1.1 .rl.rt neiannornoon. jupt ' " 1 - 1 ne; all Improvement In and paid for. Call ownr. Marshall t.'.-o. tiinr.AlX Council (et Vt : unonatructen v-cw boh or city ann i iiiam-i 1- an-. $ 1 a. 2.V will a n -1 1. A J df P. Ore gonlnrt. 1RVINOTON bargain; 10O-nn. corner S.-ih and KUckltat ata : "um n.i ' one block from rsrline; prlc f?1..n R. R. GARDNER. !o7 Bd. of Trade. invivn ton 1 OOt 1 Oo rorer. northwest 2.H ani Kll k'Tat J"" : bm " mr one block; easy terma. owner. arj . Mill at. ai iipr PARK Beautiful corner lot. alt Improvements; equity i I'p'. win mmhh for K'Ton runanotu to vauw "m vwi f..- baUnce. Woodlawn aa"l. R ft CI JtOfui Ce-ln corner Mlnn yjmt Kighth and AMer. wn hou"a; owner 4.12 B. Ankeny, rn Ft 4274 CHK.vr for rash. mut have money; a i.v. .".itloo each., in irvinaion rarii. 1 lot r.oxl'Xl. In Sellwood. only $7e. owner. K. Tavlor. MjilnPll. VIEW PITK. Tw acrep on Portland Helrht. near car macnlflcent view; will divide In half. W J B A F R . M0 Board of Trude. l..'t;K corner lot on Rope ttv oouienn. room for mo nouses, ai 91 n''i te-ma; another on carllne. iftth at., for lino. j. J. McCarthv. Ahlnaton bide " 1.ADP S ADIITIOV. Will aU mv lot In the most deal ram" e p-rf of the tract for find lesa than Its ml-ir T OQ Oreaonlan. LACBFf.HCRST. Two btta In first quadrant. Mock : improvements In : caah : anap: com- panv'a price K;:.0. O 311. Oregnnlan. LACRKl-HCRHT. Block 1. f'rat quadrant: lota .ld cash; impro rment be'ne completed : snaps; ronipn ny'a price $12.VV N 1 l-Ore con i an. H.WK Jt Are lota: must e-ll before I ko Ea.f: overok l lmatia Kiver, near jaciory ana railroad : development: f V cas takea eich balance ey ikx 3.1 Rt. Johns. Or, MI ST dispose of 2 lota In Irvtncton Park within 2 weeks; east facing. 2 Mocks rmm car: some cash, easy terma. H 301. Ore- ronlan. PKVr'RAL choice bta. restricted dlatrlcf. near c:r; Bull Run water, cem.mt waina aril curb In and paid . f 0o and up; trma. V llt. Oregonian PV f.wr.er. 2 in Waverlelch Hiahls. oown. JU per mmnii, Anns -M. l'., l.'.;i 4",rh ae. . V.. jA attlo. W aah. lRIN;TON. bcaiitl'ul lot. .10xl4V sidewalk. HIOI.KT BWHO 113 THIRD ST. ZO ih i 0 R V K R lot. Kathorln Add. Mon- t villa. I4.i: eaav terma. w. J. laaer. M lt'taril of Tr:nlw blic H'V K CITY LINK. 2.o for . I tot. on Fremont tt.; easy ern. Qwnr. 4 JO Rwrtland bld. T. 711. on 2 Id and F.att Halmon. for sale br owner; anttabie for apartmnt or qnr roa'den ault e. T'hon H 170V 13 iJTi. a"l at 30th ar.d Alberta: f.lV ? rteh. haian terms: atso Mint i.-t. ciind .'J7 bimher -f ' ommrce. Flt S1.K I'hoiee building lot. OxHtO. Kenllworth Addition, near carllne. price "Q I'hT Fast 2 KILL acre tract. 27 mlnutea, ."c carllne; t' :o ?7oo- Weat Ride. tlttll.F.Y Jk BISHOP. 132 THIRD HT. Fl'I.L lot, 4-room house, near Piedmont rr barns: cheap for cash. Phone Eut 3TT. rFtTirAND houleCird choice lot lOiloA.'uear tha rarline: 7. Weatern bee. Co., 414 Sreb'tne bMp. KIRBY at. pear Ru- ;1 10. X1V of fine high around at a7.vv jv4 mar tifa-turlng alte. Weatern Ree. Co.. 414 fpwlcllrg bldg. (SNAP Barcaln. R lota, if taken at once; good .catton : part on time. Nep. :mJ9 pr.:tSePt a?th st. Mount Pcott carllne A WIHH.K biok of 2n ota n N. K. Irving ton for ftaoo. u caah. for a few day a Par! Inc. 217 AMngton. Main - ."7. F.XTK oRisarY valuea: ae'veral beauti ful lot near bard aurface. Owner. 1030 V Qrand F'R leae tT sale: a a'-uable corner ctutral ly located. 1 31L Or ego n la n- REAL ESTATE. For tale Lota. IK you are ajoina; to build and want to ha on the Weat Side, within walking- dis tance. In a aplr-ndld environment, you miaht aa well buy property that fhruKh - restricted at present to rcaldenna only hat a wonderful future for huvineaa purpopop; propertv which, if you will build on and bold, will make ynu rich; this opportunity a wait a you now ; lot with 50-foot front -age, on the principal atreet In Portland, on carllne. for $l7:t: consider what a map It la when thta price absolutely covcia the copt of all imprm ementp. pavement, reman t sidewalks. awer. gaa and water mains and electric wires undera;rotind ; pro crastination la tha Hilar or opportunity; terms. H J IS. freRonian . f $4u TO 170 EACH. In onr addition on tha Oron city car line: graded streets and lota cleared; ex cellent aotl and grand view of mountains: value will Increase very rapidly In thla tract; terms, down. $3 per month. KMPIR8 LAND CO.. .iOI Merchants Trust Hldg.. Sad1 Warn. PF.TfcOIT PTRKF.T, NKAlt KILUMWWORTH. &dnn, ft front, alley in rear; price for quick, pile, $.";.; terms. K R. MAHKHAM. vJerljiiccr Kids. Second and Alder. PA CRIF1CB. AftKlOA. atat front;i:a. graded atreata. ca ment sidewalks. 3 blocks from rarline. In reptrictcd d 1st He t lot 2 feet above alde aalk. This Is an ahsolute aacrlflca and joo below market value; If bought at once enn be had for $7n; l2"f casli, bal ance T per cent; nn Ksst Ride. ''P. CHAPIN HBRI.OW. SX? Chamber of i.'ommerca. A ORKAT SNAP. Would you buy a flnxitn font lot which at the present time would coat you Jianrt if von get the aama lot for- 4fl.t0 rash ? I'll sell mv excellent view lot In Bay Ocean Park, with hard-surfaco street! and sidewalks, water and electrlrlty fttiar anted and paid for; work being dona now; I noed the money at onr-e. Thla It bona firla. Owner. AN .11.1. Oregonlan. N N-KKS1DENT going Kast tnue hava money; will acll 1ft lota overlooking "Wil lamette River, on boulevard, alleys: 40 men employed near by; th cumins manufactur ing part of Portland, on the Tentnsula; $M puts you In poapftsMon of one; lialanca easy. I will be m tha city At mr frlend'a offlct, V A. M. to & P M.. 3"4 Lewie blag. E. C. Hurlbert. - SANDY ROAD BAROAINS The buintfig of the carllna along Sandy roa.i haa brought thia dtatrlct very closa to the center of the rltv; we have the mnrt rte table building lota alone thi bne for mla at very rca-nnable pri'-es and goid terms. R. P. BUY AN. .l'W Chamber of Commerce. Viln in,!. A 1227. rNIVKRRITT PARK LOT8. Another Peninsula boom will follow the completion of tha Harrlman tunnel. A fw nta on aaav trrni are atlll tn be bad. I have two lots, each rln0. with 15- foot alley, ana. water and elect rln lights; only $4 rash and 1 monthly on each lot ; will aMl pepnratriy. 1 oe n. .in ipnnn, I7 ommrrmi hiock. Pinm a -1 A Sl'l.KMHI) iiomeslla on the West tide; all imnrnvemenla aolna In at nnra, but not read v to build on until next Spring tha lot im full aized. in a restricted rest denclal district: if can now be purchased by anticipating the Improvements at the Speculative price OI inr; irritip. .-n Improvements are included in this price. I 511, Oregonlan. HKLLB CHEST. Choice reidcn.-e lot near Ihe Country Club. In god nelchnorlHMid. (n rrictcd dia trict; Improved street and y un easy monthly pay m'ptr. R. P PRY. A N. .V. Chamber of Cmmerca. Main lli3. A 1 22' K-1CVV klAPK 1 . La t eat map of IVrt land. Or., glvlnf new aMr!ona. electric line, etc. 1na living tjwnahipe. ranaea and section aumber. ow electric iinea ana ran roan. etc. I'rice W cent - -acn. o-na ai-muiy. Tha Cnley C--.. Corbett bid;. A PVAP Fnll-alred lot. cement walk and ruth, gralcrt ptreer nnn huh Kun waier; prire $4ar: tro cash and im a month. S. I. Vincent A Co.. 42n-42l Lumber men bTrtc.. cor. ath and tark. mVlNCTOV. 7x100 corner for 400; bargain ; near i"?d and Bread way : vacant. If you ara ready to decide, aee us. No information given over phone. But don't w ait too long. "W CHAPIN' HF.RLOW. S2 Cliamber of Commerce. A BI'rr.DINli lot In Portland will make money for you. an acre w 111 make 1 ' ordinary building; lota. onnseo,ucnlly Itl times the money. I need money now. not nxt ear. am! will sell my acre for $.'0 cash, balance to auft. I want the money berore thn joth, an answer at once. M 81. , Qreponlan. PKN1NSIXA BARGAIN. Three lota on MeKenna avenue, two block from cur. looxlin: worth S1.1..0. house worth $-too. ail for i20O: $7d caah. balance two years; owner going Kast Cne A. McKennn. 117 tominer'ial block. IRV1NOTOV. rhrce buiMt?!C lot 71x100 on 2.1th at., near Hancock, for f2.Vu; wi;i all lea than 70 feet at fame rate; term. R. V BK VAX. 0 Chamber of Commerce. Main 113. A 1227 $I.V. on Belmont st. fT.Txlort ft.), corner . Kaat H7th: a vcrv alKhtlv piece, command Ing an extendei view ; can be had on eapy terms and furnihra s nn a nun aa win be found on the East Side. Hart Land Co.. 14ft 2d at. CLINTON-ST. CORNKR. 100x100. 11375. Thla quarter Mock i only M minutes from 14 and Morrleon ats. and Is a splen did buy at tnia price. Apply v.i or eeser bids. FOR, prices and our term for Ro.e City Park 101a ace our niTr;iy an in ixia a 'Jre gonlan. Se t'f Mom lav or -on. HARTMAN ft tHOMPHOX, Real Estate Dept.. Ci a inner of Commerce. FOR RALE 2 fine lota with commanding view overlooking the city. Rulldlnir re striction of 4tMiO; paved at recta, sewer, jraa. electricity and water all hi. Price rrnponahle for a good neighbor. Phone, Tnbor 120". 1 will sell my equity of $43 In a $1,100 I.anralliurt lot for $:3. balance to pa v. s4: Installments $:4 per month ; thla contract will be worth twice the amount patd within one year. Address O 305. Ore pontan. .l"W Mneiilficcnt plecf of view property on West adrp of Mt. Tabor, containing nearly four lots; only one p )- k rmm cariine ann hard-eurfaca street: eaav terms if desired. Phone Marahall l.'W The llart Land Co., 14d a-1 at. . NOR HILL. 2 lovely lota on Petty grove at.: owner will build if desired. purbMser. plane; district restricted to homcp only: price 42JiO. ZIMMKliMAN, 310 B rd of Tnde Bldg. WHO bat a $400 diamond to exchange for a $40 equity in a choice residence lot? Restricted district; balance of $300 pay able $:S per month. Address K 307, Ore aonlan. A BROADWAY SNAP. Must eel! or rent thia month 2 lots, mod ern 7-rom hous. fireplace, porche. Dutch kitchen, fine view; 2 caah. 4lW4 3 years; arrlfi'-e. &20 Hancock. F.aat 4i3. FINK full lot tn Vernon, near Alberta at.: easy monthly pa y ment a or discount for part cash; complete abptract free; owner. 41.' Board of Trade bldg. or write X 302, Qreronlan. BEAl'TIFl'L &x! 1. 1". In flrat-class re. strlrted Weat Hide add it ion ; total price. $:,!; will sacrifice a $22 equity for $73. See owner at t) Lumbermcna bids., or phone Main 876. jfsNAP Just think. lOOxlOO on Tillamook, all atreet Improvement, bard surface In cluded, only $17o; f.Vin down. bal. $13 per month. Dubola A Crockett. Washing ton bldg. room 3. j,;:p 1 It VI NGTON Park, eaat front, ftuxluif. ll.Vi E. llth N. Woodlawn 4l4. for eMUe -Hoo THREE NEW HCNOAHIWM. Your choice of three bungalow-a. Just being finished. 15 mlnutea out. twn ear it nee. bath, basement, cement walks, fire place, g pa. electricity and sewer; price $2300; I'.'doO. 2Od. Terma to atilt. Bl'Y NOW AND HAVE TINTING. ETC. dono to your order. 41H Railway Exchange bldg. NEK THIS HAROAIX FIRST. Xew five-room buna a low. east front, on Mixioo corner lot, baa hardwood floors, fireplace, hetmcd ceiiincs. paneled walls, built-in buffet, rvnch kitchen and cement basement, 1 "o feet atreet Improvements paid for; well located, rest rtctod district. Price only $2900: takes $400 cash, bal ance monthly. -See H. H. I'rdahl. 3ti:t Lumbermen bldg., " or phone Marshall 1S.-.B or A f34- VOR SALE A modern R-room residence. K. 7th a North. CALL ai b3 E. Washington st., near ltii. mn see my n-roorn nouae; 1 am leaving -tty nd will sscrlfice If tken this wgek. $22op Vntioo, corner, aix-reom hou: cement R EA LES T ATB For Sate nouses. MT. HCOTT 5 ROOM?. $2200 6 rooms. MixioO lot: fruit trees. berry bushea. etc.. ML tcott car. ROSE CITY PARK. $2800 2 ft-room modern bungalows. fireplaces, full basement, Rnn City Park ear lino j nice, cozy home on easv terms. . kast a;lisan. $2SO0j New ft-room home on Fast f?H- san carlinc; la just hems f in- Ished and la wll worth the monev. rv easv terms. rosk city park. J.'loOO 5 rooms, modern, -full lot; Roet cmv Park car. Rrt'HtEI. AVK.-U ROOMS. ISAAu n rooms, full lot ; 44 Buchtel ave., near F.ast Ankeny carbarns. ON" KR LOOK H ROOM?. $;tnit Just finished; new B room home in Overlook. Terma. A NPKRSON BCNtlALOWR. f3S5n rt-room Anderson bungalows. Wo want voa to see these. Terms. RAPT PTH. NKAR OOINO. $4000 rt rooms, new, never been occu pied. Thlt home la ready to move- into. Everything finished. 14 Fast Pth N.. near Going at. NEAR JF.FFKRSON HHHI. $.".'iiHi a-storv 7 rooms. Ideal home, near Jefferson High School ; thla Is worth the money. KAST TAYLOR ST. $(32ii a beautiful 7-ronm home at No. M4 Fast Taylor at. Fine dis trict, close in. See this. OCR LffiT INCLUDES MANY OTHFRH. 8KK 13 FOR "WK MANTLE ONLY SUCH PROP ERTY A3 WE CAN RECOM MEND." PORTLAND TRt'fiT f'O. BANK. R. E. Cor. :;d and Oak sts. TAYLOR'S HPF I A L BARGAINS. J.tutio yew ft-room cottage. I short block from one of the beat carllnet in the cltv; location the best; hot and cold water, bath and toilet, wash trays, ce ment basement, gas and electric ltghta, etc. This la a cory little home, well worth the money. See it and you will realise ita worth. Bmall cash payment, balance monthly. Eight room a. near modern house, large reception hall, beautiful open stairway. large lialla, full cement basement, hot and cold water, electric light and gas. in fact, ahsotutelv modern with exception of furnace. Tola house seta on four ftOx "loo-foot lots, which cannnt be duplicated in this section for lens than $.00 each; the house cost to build $3.oo. Make up an offer on thia nropertv; own er called from city. Rmall cash payment and your own terms on balance. Thfs ts, without question, one of the best bar gains we have ever offered. F. E. TAYLOR & CO.. 402-S Lewi hide. 4th and Oak st. $1000 CASH. BALANCE, $10 PER MONTH. A PRETTY 5-ROOM BUVQALOW, E A ST otTH A N D E A ST MAIN STS. ; ALL IM PRO V EM EXTS I X : CORNER LOT. TH IS IH CLOSE IN. 2 BLOCKS TO CAR. AND WILL BEAR INVESTIGATION FROM THOSE LOOKING FOR SMALL. PU7.Y HOME. IT IS NOW RENTED AT $1 PER MONTH. I'RICE, $2000. PORTLAND TUI'ST rn. BANK. S. E. Cor. ad and Oak Ms. IDEA L home In Ha wt hoi ne-a e. di: rict, 1100 Kast Market, corner 37th. Five rooin bungalow, north front, with bath room complete; pantry, hall and attic: larco full basement, with wash trays; ball tree, 'with plate-glasn mirror, and dining mum with china closet built tn and large window seat : fine com hi na Hon liwht fixtures, and linoleum on kitchen, pantry and Jathroorn of first grade; Koblon oak finish Ing nn woodwork and floors: fino outside aleeplng'-housc, some thiiiR new. A few hundred dollars down; at tractive terms on balance. Hee owner t-ida v. D .".oh. Oreaonlan. REATTTIFCL Brand new modern cottage, ft rooms and a bftth: double floors, double walls, best of plunibinpT. painted and stained; good-sized outbuilding; fine fHxI00-foot lot. dandv lo cation; ail for $1360. terms. Call Gregory Hciahts office, end of Ror City Bark Carllne. GREOORY INVESTMENT CO. DO YOU KNOW THAT. IT WILL. PAT YOU TO COMS TO V8 IF YOU EXPECT TO EU1LDT IF YOU OWN LOT, WE WILL FINANCE THffl BUILDING FOR YOU; SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFICIENT; OUR REPUTA TION FOR FAIR DEALING AND SAVING OF COST BRINGS OUR BUSINESS. NO COPT FOR PLANB IF WE BUILD. ESTI MATES GIVEN. NORTHWESTERN CON STRUCTION CO., frl-P02 LEWIS BLDQ. FINK 6-room house in lrvington, on Kat 17th at. Modern in every resnect; 2 fire places, hardwood fiocra. furnace, cement basement. Three bedrooms; sleeping1 porch and attic. Built less than 2 year. " cry attractive location and two tiloeka from car. Price. fflttOO; very eaay terms. Mi-Caraar, Bate A Lively. 313 Failing bldg. 9 ROOMS, fi-room modern house, very close In on West Side, all fine furniture and carpet a. filled with good boarders and roomers; lease on houne; rent, $00 per month; now offered at $1200. THE BHAW-FKAR COMPANY, 243 H Stark tt. Main 83. A flr.on. HKA UT1 FUL new and thoroughly modern dwelling in lrvington. on East 21st. Fine location and very attractive. Large living-room with fireplace. - Full cement base ment and furnace. Four bedrocms. sleep ing porch and attic. Very attractively ar ranged. Price, $7230. BlcCargar. Bates & Llvelv. .lir Falling budg. IRVINGTON HOME. $7:lnO. New 2 -story frame house. 8 larse rooma and enclosed Hleepln porch. 4 bedrooms, large celled attic, ahades and fixtures in cluded: faces east. H P. PALMER-JON'Efi CO.. 212-213 Cnmmere'nl Club Rtdp., Phonos Main 8W, A 2ftoX FOR SALE Beautlfui home In Lebanon, house 8 rooms, all modern Improvements, 1 . acres land on corner, all kinda fruit and berries in full bearing. 2 chicken houses, city water, good well; very rea sonable If taken at once: adjoining- lots can be bought cheap; immediate sale. Box 354. Lebanon. Or. . VERNON HOMB, $"2.V Modern 5-room California bunealow, pan eled dining-mom. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full attic, stationary tubs. large porch; ooo will handle It. H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bl-ig., Phone.a Main 80. A 2fl.-". 8-ROOM HOME. nnxlOO, with 8-room house, on comer FT. Irtih and Aah ats.: a cloae-in walking dis tance and an exceptional bargain. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-2U Comtnerclar Club Bldg., Ponea Min A 2W3. FLAN your ottn home: we will buIM for you on eaay tarme S. D. Vincent & Co., 42-421 Lumbermen bldg., cor. 5th and Starlc. DO you want a fine home cneap? I have it. A new. modern T-room house, full cement basement, cement walk. Improved ttreet. cJose to two schools, two blocks of Union ave. cart, corner lot 76x100; cath or terms- Call and see It. 421 Going St., cor. East tth. Phone C 2078. 6AVB YOUR RENT. We will sell you a home and you can pay u tn monthly payment, or we will build for you In any part of the city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT ft TRUSTEE! COMPANY. 624-526 . Board of Trade bldg. MOOERN and attractive R-room dwelling, on Clackamas nar Kast mn: lot. .vtxi2:; nne location ; house practically new and cry attractively arraneed Price, with street Improvement all paid. $4700; good terms. Thia Is a bargain. McCargar. Bates Lively. 313 Failing hltg. i;;nOO NE W S-room hnuno. near 32d and Hawthorne; rnts i me nei ouy we nave had in our office for month; fine home and bargain; coma In and see the picture; terms cash. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 22.Vd TA K ES. my il-rvmm modem bungalow. til furnished; iot ooxi'o; nice iawn. plenty of iirubner": cement foundation and walks; full basement, atreet Improved. electric lleht and ga: one block from cariine. St. John AN ?tV. oregonian. BE A I'TI FUL home on East Side. We have some attractive bargains in homes in rtoi ladav and lrvington Addition. ,lf you are looking for a home in ti ls fine residence district, see us. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 3L Falling bldg. BEAUTIFUL homes on East Side; we have some attractive bargains in homes in hoi ladav and lrvington Addltiona. If you ore looking for a home In thtt fine residence district, aee ua McCargar. Batea A I ive- ,ly.818 Falling- bldg. AN IRVINGTON BARGAIN Large, modem. K-ronm house, on riaft l.in. near nancocK; fine location and attractive; flrerlace, fur nace, large basement tnd attic; 4 bed rooms. Price. S72.V. McCargar. Bates & Llvelv. 313 Falling bldg. ."EW. modern. 4-room bungalow, full lfu REAL ESTATB- For Sale House. RIVERDALB HOMB. One of the handsomest homes In the JUv erelde district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished room, a reception halt a fuIMenath Ilvimr room with large fire place, boukcaies and seat, casement and Prench window, paneled and beamed dln-tng-room with artistic buffet. Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, each In separate color scheme; eleepins; balcony, large bathroom. attle spaced for two rooms and bath: full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water ayatem under heavy pressure ; beautiful ground about a acre in extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. For further particular apply R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. X 1227. Main 1963, FOR SALE by owner make your own terms: A 7-ronm modern house, full basement, piped for furnace and gaa. wired, double floors, naneleri nnrl beamed dininr-room. Dutch kitchen, bath-room complete, 50x100 lot, oniv two blocks Irom Hawthorne ave. Price S3350. Located near this property is a 4-room nouee ror $2."50: strictly new and moaern, cement basement. bath-room complete. double floors, lawn graded, just what you are looking for. 1 6-room modern house for $2000. located On a corner lot : ran't he heat. 1 5-toorrt modern house at Clarks Sta tion; ;ot improved, price $2."iO0. 421 Henry Bldg., Shippard 1RVIXGXON HOMR $10rjrt caah ann" $" per month will pur chase a moat attractive new 8-room bouse on East 21m atreet. I tilnek from car; hard woo,i floors) and stair, gruby tile tlreplace. large porches on front, aide and off dining- room; 4 bedrooms', one with fireplace; nuiit in booKoatfea. desk and buffet, handsome fix ture and shade.. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Rldg., , Phones Miin nrtOO. A 2rt.'.. EXCEPTIONAL HOM K. 6 bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished; large 11 vine-room, di nine-room, reception hall and den. with massive beamed ceil- in rs. Dutch kitchen, n replace, aas range, furnace, extra Walels, large sleeplmi porches, screened kltuhen porch : lawn, roses', trees, hard-surface streets; East Side; high-grade furniture will be sac rificed; $77H Ht; very easy terms. v,au owner. C 2 4, to. FURNISHED HOMB SACRIFICE. From owner; Immediate powows-ion ; furniture, 1 urnuhlne Piano: new 7-room bungalow, handsome flniah. plater!, paneling, buffets. bookcases, insulated nouer, electric ooouer, fixtures, furnace; corner street Improve ment."; Rn. City Park. ISO feet to car; ?t.r. te;ms. F'hone Taoor 33. or f. u, Box 554. Portland. $1000 EQUITY IN $3200 HOUSE. New. modern. 6-rrtom house, attic space for 4 more rooms: east front, with 8x.t porch; MlxlOO lot. with laree garden: 100 feet from L carllne; 5 blorks from Thompson School and Jefferson High School. Call C 10U0 at once and arrange to set this. A BARGAIN. $rtonn buys this strictly modern and up-to-aate home in nose city KarK, rigni near rarline: 7 rooms and sleeping po:ch, very easy terms; don't buy until you have seen us. Take Rose City Park car, get on at 4;id st. P r. VINCENT CO., Main !iinv Tahor ain2. A 74S N EW and very handsome 7-ronm house, in one of the best lrvington districts, on Laat lOt h st. ; built for a home and very at trartivelv arranged; R bedrooms and sleep ing porch, attic; modern In every partic ular; furnace, fireplace, solid oak tln-irs. beautiful living-room. dining-room and den: fine lawn. Price. $fl:.0O. MeCargar, Bates A- Lively. Rio Falling bldg. ELEGANT 0-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 blocks from car; new house, well made, much too low In price; owner travels and will sacrifice place: sen-1 for photo and dc-scriptlon of place; priee f:isoo, 70 rash. A yearp on balance. Note this. H. A. Chandler, oio Lumhermens blri. HOMB ON BROADWAY. lrvington. rear corner 30th St., full two-story; 3 nice bed rooms, bath. hall, living room, fireplace, kitchen, parttry. nlcove. full cement base ment ; good f urnace, G0x 1O0 lot ; roses, ah rubs, fruit trees, all improvements In cluded; price $rnoO, terms. Pee owner. 5Sl Wmadwav: phone. East 70. A REAL SNAP. New. modern bungalow, S large room and a bath; targe outbuilding, fine location and view; ."lOxlOO-foot lot wfth all street improvements; price $2H0. terms. Call at Greeory Heights office, end of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO.. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. A homelike little bungalow on S0x100-ft. lot: shed and oh!eken-houe In rear; modern plumbing; 20 minutes from 3d st.; for $22iX, terms half cJieh. TT P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones Main Hfi'.tO. A 2l.Vt. IRVINGTON. New modern 7-room homes complete and up-to-date In every detail, hard surface Improvement all in and paid for. 9th and Knott, between LTnion ave. and lrvington car M net, Price $nO00; terms If desired. Owner, R. B. Beat, Woodlawn 1200. MODERN, aix-rooni double house, three bloeks from East Morrison at., west of 2'th. In a fine .residence district, pays S per cent net. terms; would exchange for one to five acres highly Improved with house and variety of fruit trees, close In. East Side. AJ 30S. Oregonian. AT T RAC T IV B iTroom bu n g al o w o n T 1 1 1 s monk, near Kast RSth, two blocks from car; new. modern and very attractive; at tic large enoueh for R rooms: $700 cash will handle. McCarger, Bates A Lively. Rir. Failing bldg. $Ro0o BUYS a lovolv new 5-room bunga low, corner lot. 100x10); bath, furnace electric light, full basement, shrubbery; near Alberta cariine. H IG LEY & BISHOP. i:i2 THIRD ST. SXAP The best 5-room bungalow in West moreland, on a nigh lot, J oiock 10 car; full basement: modern plumbing; fire place, gas and electric llehts; cash or terms F. J. Wvntt. 1K0 Morrison. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Xew 7-room thoroughly modern house on lot SOxlOO. 1 block south of Haw thorne on Glenn ave.: $400 under value. Phone owner. Woodlawn fli. BARGAIN For Pale by owner, 1-room bun galow; rurnace. iirepiace. tum cement basement, elegant fixtures, built-in china closet and seat. 1 101 Cleveland ave.. Walnut Park: $4500; terms. INVESTMENT House, 1001 E- 17th, X.. can he had. small payment, naiance eany ; i rented until May 1, paid in ndvr.nce; 7 ' rooms, modern, furnace: T go East soon: must sell. Box 2:1a. sr. jonna. or.: owner. SEVEN-ROOM house, bath, electric lights. piped for furnace; cement nasement. large porches; 10 fruit trees; 10uxl 00-foot lot. Phone owner. Tabor 1414 or call llflfl Tnaeart at. 1 block W-R car. ;;r,n 7-ROOM house; lot fir.xl.M.; 4 blocks from Mt. Scott 5c car; city water; ."j00 cash, balance ensy. HIGLEY fr BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. TH REE very superior homes In lrvington and Holladay Add., stuiame ior me most critical ; absolutely modern, spacious and elegant; choice locations. W. TT. Herdman. $i;.oo NEW. 6-room bunealow; lot 7."ix0: hlOCKS irom Jli. rnn cr. on eu road: $4O0 rash, balance easy. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THTRD ST. "WILL sell my attractive bungalow in Belle Creat. Rote city car, an moaern con ventencea; price reaaonable. Apply 6R5 Marina avenue. FOR SALE 7-room house, close in. walking distance, near 1 nion ave. ann .Broadway. Price $5250, term. Phon C. 242D. 431 Union ave BEST $2000 bur In the city; must be sold on account of going away; no agents, call sv Jefferson, between Park andVet Park for information. SNAP Strictly modern 7-room house, 2 story. large lot. 74xloo. beaittlful grounds. close In, restricted district. s;i2 E. Keiiv st. Phone Sellwood 37. Price -34oo. Terms. NEW. modern S-room. finished attic, fur nace, lot 50x100 or 100x150. Joining Rose Cltv and Beaumont; must sell on account of business. AH 300. Oregonian. A SNAP, 5-room house 80x100. 20th at. 2 blocks from Alberta car. $1000. Inquire owner, Ed. Nudelman, 163 First at. Main S.VJ7. fHM DOWN and $10 per month, new 4- room bungalow; lot SOxtoo. Mt. scott Ee car; city water; price $1400. HIGLEY & EfSHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR California bungalows on eaay term. Hynaon, 326 Washington at. Marshall 775. MODERN lrvington home, 9 rooms, furnace, fireplace, east exposure, corner lot 60x100. Call at 4fi7 E. 11th at. North. Phone C 242S. FOR SALE by owner, the Handsomest -room house In Irving ton. 4&a &at oia c K. Call and aee It. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 6-room house, one block north of Alberta at. 1093 East27th at.. N. FINE view property. Will build to suit you. Small payment down; easy terms. W. M. Johnson. 240 Stark St. BY OWNER Attractive bungalow. Port land Height. $7000. caah $4500. E 285, Oregonian. MODERN 6-room house, on N. W. cor. E. 17th and Hancock : bargain. Call 303 Flledner bldg., or tel. M. 8314. NEW modern house in lrvington. R. B. Rice, both phone. $3.'0t) For sale bv owner, modem 5-room cottage. 877 E. Davis. Phone B 1549 $3160 New 6-rorm house, full lot. 746 faaight ave. Eaat 5763. RKAX ESTATE. For Sala HERE vou have it. just what you have been looking for a good little house and barn for 100o; $:'00 cash. bal. $20 per mo- on inth si. Two modern bungalows. 6 rooms each. $3000: good terms; fireplace, book case and teat, china closet, paneled aides. Dutch, kitchen, cement basement, wash trava, everything the best : good terms. Two Vroom bungalows, new; a bargain at $2000; good terms. A nice 5-rooin bungalow on Sherman for S'J.'.OO; and 5-room for $2S.vi On tame street. THE SNAP OF ALL PN'APS. A beautiful home. 60x100 lot. .lust off Broad wav on Wth st., lot. worth all 1 am asking, $70oo; $4i00 cash, balance to suit. E. F. GILBERT. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Mar shall 2ti2. NOR HILL RESIDENCE. An rnnl rna IK" wl 1 - hll 1 1 1 And thOrOUgH Iv modem hoiiew on Irving street, of good architectural design and giving the idea of spaciousness throughout : a wide reeejui-'i hall, a full-length pit ting-room, with fire p la ce. bookcases , w i ndo w seat s. case men t and French windows. beautiful dining room and convenient kitchen with maid'J room adjoining; three large bedroom with dressing-rooms and full equipment of clos et, ewina-rooni and large attic, full ee- ment basement. furnace. hot and cold water, fine bathroom, tub and shower; lot 100110. with flowers and lawn; term. R. F. BRYAN. TiOo Chamber of Commerce. A 127, Main HH53; evenings C 1174. c n it mi.E ft v ntt'N'PR Two modern tt-room bungalows. 401 Sherman at., and 40a Brown at., nea- Kil llngawnrth and Union ave.; tine car service only 15 minutes ride from cltv; seven blocks to new Jefferson High School; large living-room with fireplace, poor rae ann seat, dining-room with paneled side and china, rinsat Dutch kitchen, three bed rooms, bathroom, cement basement with wash trays; prjre $30. with tprrns It you want value for your monev, look this over today, cnone wooniawn w. f. 1 fJT! & t. HOUR 6 lota. 50x100; new 7-room bungalow. 2o fruit tree, wood shed, chicken-house ahd yard, fine spring water, woven -wire tence, ie ear faro to Oreaon City; price 4140O, terma cash; overlooks the river, a fin loon t ton elope to Oreeon City graded school, right on carllne: a snap; parties want to eo r.ast: tor saie oy eiuita oc Powell, box 172. Oregon City. IRVINGTON" home, modem and up to date in all of ita appointments; 9 rooms, tastily arranged In latest design of architecture; tt a i n ed w in do w ha rd wood floors, in fa ct everything that can be placed In a strictly elegant home. Is here. This house must be seen to be appreciated; $100 In opsh and ea.-v terms on the rest win nannie me near Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg THE prettiest Q-room house in lrvington or HoMaday for sale. r4 Halsey Ft.; un usual stvle of architecture: verv fine plan and condition inside; Just look at the lawn and flowers for yourself. Two blocks to "I or "B cars. This is not ine common thing for sale. CHAPIN & HER LOW. "V R32 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER will sell fi-room house, all modern highly restricted district, all improvements in and paid for. corner 101, east imm. fireplace. hullt-In buffet and disappearing ncn. large closer s. uuicn Kiienen, hmiu wood floors in riinine. and living room price, for a few davs only, $27S0; terms. Jt."iOrt cash, balance $25 per month. T R0i. Oregonian. OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA. For quick sale. S2r0 below conservative value! new six-room modern house; plate rail, naneiihg. hutTeta, rurnace. tuns, in sul at ed boiler, tireless cooker; street Im provements In and paid : tinted and Ore Place: alecnlncr oorcli. Phone Tabor 2R4 Owner. 4M East Mat st. North. Rose City Park car; $.7Q.": liberal terms. NEAR UNION AVE. AND KILLINGS WORTH AVPJ. $2700 buys a beautiful new tVroom bunga low e ectr c lehtfl. paneien iimng-rooin. fireplace, cement floor in basement, wam- travp. improved mrcete': $too cash will ban die it. Call 221 a Morrieon at., room 9. $8300 West Bide home On 2Nth at.; fine location: house 8 large rooms, sleep ino- nnnh nnri ll modern conven iences; now under lease for $M mon t h. A. H. BIRTTET.Tj CO.. McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. . R 1 VEH VIRW HOM E. 3 acres on Oregon City carllne; choice land imri all under cultivation; bearing or r hards, apples, peaches, etc.; new -ronm bungalow, line well water; this is a beau tiful place and is sold at a sacrifice price. HAAS & RIXGLEH. 211 Lewis mng. viR rtnir-u nnle. X.0o will handle this bat gain ; 0-room modern bungalow and two good-sired lots, on Main St., Lent, three blocks north op new school; ideal loca tion; price. $1000; balance easy terms; or Tor rfnt, lis per mon in in is wu-ur. mi , Max ieyer. Lents. Or FOR sale by owner, a beautiful 6-room, 2 story house, corner lot, 72xHO; house mod ern concrete basement, furnace, cement sidewalks, five blocks from Rose City cariine. overlooking Laurelhurst and ad Joining Trvlngton. 101t Tillamook st.; terms; agents jied not apply. Tel E. lt2. $4250 At Merlow, near E. r.4th and Sandy Road, fine 7-room house, new. partly furnished on corner lot; furnace, fire place, cement basement; it's a real home. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. McKay bldg., Td and Stark sts. FIVE- ROOM cottage, lot 104x200. 1 block to Mt. Scott car; good terms, or will sell house and Dirt of lot. See about thia fi- room. 2-story modern house. built for home, corner, east front, 1 block Alberta car; hargain this week; easy term. P. H. M U R DO( 'K. 411 Buchanan bldg. $1000 BUYS A 6-ROOM T4rtm tiipt been nainted and papered; lot 50x100, terms. Listen! $100 down. IO per month and interest. iust sen quic;iy at this price; 14 block from car. H. A. Chandler, 610 Lumhermens bldg. port f3T.v. s minute from St. John car, thrM lU-atorv houses off Willamette boule vard, on Concord at.. 5 large room and bath, cement basement. nrepiaoe, Durret. plate rail, fixtures, large porch, $2.;00. Terms. Call Tabor 2340, Owner. ARBOR LODGE. Six rooms, large corner, fair view of river; lota of fruit; near Portland boulevard; lib eral term. RUST A HOPSTRAND. Arbor ldge Phone Woodlawn 12. $t,i00 TAKES an up-to-date, newly construct ed home in lrvington : ine ncsc miwu-y vhh buy is in thla property; $1000 down 1 all the money necessary; let ua how you a fire ft-room home for the money. The Western Securities' Co.. 414 Spalding bMg. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR RANCH. M0V200. 8 -room house. barn, chicken houses. In choice residence district, close to car, near Jefferson High School ; all kind fruit and shrubbery. J 311, Ore gonla n. $6450 Three full lot in Piedmont with good 7-room noiise; ror a nome pmprny having a good speculative value you cannot beat this. A. H. BIRREIL '0.. McKay bldg., 3d and Stark tts. BUY FROM OWNER. Fine view corner with 0-ronm modern house, walking distance, one block north of Hawthorne ave.; Improvement In and paid . terms. East 5660. sTx-ROOM house, lot 60x100, nice lawn and voung trees; 40o feet from car; price. 24."i; $:!00 cash, $2, per month. See owner In house. HPS Omaha ave., Ockley Green station. St. Johns car. $oO CASH and $25 per month takes a new. modern 6-room bungalow-cottage on 1001 no of choiee ground In fine section of city. See the Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding blrig. t MODH7RN 6-room residence on 5th st..: easy walking distance from th city: nice lot with laree cedar tree in back yard; payment of $1000 and easy term on balance take the place. Seeowner, 414 Spalding Jldg. MODERN HOMB. R-room modern home; fine view; high and sightly lot on Front, near Low-el; $5000 on term. SEXOSTAKE LYMAN. QQ Fifth St. FOR SALE by owner, new 2-room ceiled house, small barn, on 50x100 lot. 4 shor blocks from Mount Scott car. Bull Run water, lots shade, trees; $10 cash. $10 per month at 7 per cent. Phone Main 7ft6. FOR SALE New modern 5-room bungalow on West Side, near car. Price $2.i00; $200 cash, balance $15 a month; or for rent to adult persons only $16 a month. Owner. 3127 Cornet t St. OWNER leaving city, will sell his 7-room modem home, furnished or unfurnished. full lot. fruit, near schools and two cai -linos. 20 minutes from Washington sc. 329 jekumbldg. Caah and easy terms. FINE residence on Heights for sale at a bargain; owner leaving city; deal with owner; near cariine; terms. Call Main 972 at once. FORCED to sell In 3 days; $1150 will take my new modern cottage, corner lot, that cost me $1400, 2 blocks from Mount Scott car. Particulars Tabor 2660. Owner. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern, brand-new S-room house: tile bath : Portland blvd. and Mal lorv st.; price, $42. AE 243. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow, on carllne. 20 minutes out. a bargain; also 7-room house on West Side; must be sold. Phone Main 7695. $22ro take a modem 7-room home on East 12th t. North. Thi ft a fine boy and a pleasant home. Call 414 Spalding bldg. jilttiyi On Winona St.. a modern 5-room cot tage, lot 60x100. with 0 large fruit tree. See at once at 414 Spalding bldg. MODERN 7-room home. 2 loup. East lrvington. Broadway car. Eat 4003. $$ro KINGSBURY upright grand piano, cheap; caah or terma. 235 Gr&nt. M. 3703. REAL ESTATE. for Sale House. "E3FEY"S SPECIALS. BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS. $2100 A X A TTY LITTLE 6-ROOM COT TAGE. NO. 1016 ARNOLD ST.. 00 FEET OFF MARGUERITE AVE. IN THE HA WT HORN E D TS TRICT. LOT 46x100. COTTAGE IS SITUATED BEAUTIFULLY. IN" A GROVE. WITH STONE WALKS ALL AROUND. COTTAGE IS NICELY FINISHED INSIDE AND OUT. NEW CARPETS ON A LL FLOORS. OWNER NFEDS CASH. SO WILL S A ( R I F 1 1 K . SUlOrt CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. J2o00 lOO FEET OFF CLINTON RAIL WAY. 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH FIREPLACE. ALL MODERN CON STRUCTION. E A Y TE1MS. $3 SOO A FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH FIREPLACE. NICELY FINISHED INSIDE AND OUT. LOT .V. 1 00. HOUSE U UP TO DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. SITUATED IN AN ORCHARD. EASY TERMS. $3600 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CE MENT WALKS AND BASEMENT. ELECTRIC LIGHTS; TOT 46xIo". " ON EAST GRANT ST., NEAP. 1 MARGUERITE AVE; HOUSE FRONTS NORTH. VERY EASY TERMS. $300 Fine 7-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER GRANT ST. AND MARGUERITE AVE. LOT ;ux00; 2 T01LET, BATH. SLEEPING PORCH. t.AS . AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. NTCK SHADE TREES. VERY EASY TERMS. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER CHOICE BUYS ON OUR LIST. W. W. ESPEY. 310 Cnmmeieial Block. 2d and Washington Sts. IRVINGTON lnoxioo corner. ON THOMPSON ST. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID FOR. $OO0, $1800 ('ASH. CALL MR. GUTHRIE. COLUMBIX TRUST CO., St Fourth St. Board of Trade. 7-room house in Sunnyrlde district, all modern conveniences, close to car. ea:-y terms. A bares in for sonic one. fiJion. 6-room houre. with sleeping porch, strl.-tlv up-to-date. In Boise Addition; c;ts term-, f 3SOO. A-room hungalow, modern. Hawthorne avenue. A good buy ; easy pas mcnts. $:uoo. rv-room bungalow, modern, easy terms. OREGON LAND CO. 2i: Henry Hid. HOLLADA Y PARK home for $R ; l"t 60-XlftO. With flue bit? i-heiry trees nnd ornamental shrubs; perfect lawn, and fa - 't' east ; house In perfect, cond itlon and oc cupied bv owner; use either "Ft" or "f cars. This home Is in easy walking dis tance and In good neighborhood. It in ti e snap of all our "walking distance" homes eo well located. CH APIN ft HERI.oW. " . Chamber of commerce. A NEIGHBOR II OOP and car service that la good: i house well made; owner an viua to leave; ate authorized to soil at 2000 5 ROOMS 14 cash, balance to suit; 2 blocks from Union avo. Main S706. H. A. Chandler. 6H Lumhermens bldg. NEW, 5-room bungalow, all rooms tastily tinted, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, new linoleum on bathroom and kitchen, nice neighborhood. 1 block to trolley, lot 40x100: price $1800; terms of S-00 .-R.-h. balance like rent, fcice owner, 620 Corbett bldg. $4200 For that fine property on E. f.Ot h den. chicken-yard, ample lawn; house, has 6 largo rooms and Is nearly new; if you onioy n countrv homo right In town, seo thia; small cash pavment needed. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. McKay bldg.. 31 and Stark sts. BUNGALOW. $370. 6-room modern bungalow, corner lot, 50x100. faces south and east: everything modern. This is a little dream. Thomp son St., J7.Vi cash handles. HAAS & RINGLER, 211 Lewis Bldg. $4750 FIrat-rlas 6-room home on h. ia- lor near inn: cemenr oaseinm. nn -nace. good plumbing, garage; 1 hi is in walking distance and a good buv. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. McKay bids., od and Stark Rfs. $:ti3M. SNAP. S-room house, modern, on cariine. ,Vx loo lot. 20 minutes' ride, street improved, cement walks, full basement; must g-' n once- $2250 cash, balance 6 per rn. No agents. Address !Si Failing st. Phone. Woodlawn 4nS Monday. $oo00 For that lovely S-room home in property and is cheap at thin price; ready lo occupy now within a lew riavs; one block: to car. H. BIRRELL CO.. McKay bldg-, 3-1 and Stark sta. FOR -SA LE -Idertl five-room bungalow; fje - trie light. MOIIV water, n'minrin cent car fare and comfortably furnfshed; ntM sell with or without furniture; cU.se to school and located in fine fir tree grove; large lot; good terms. Owner, 620 Chamber of Commerce. 4 SUNNYSIDB COTTAGES THAT ARE SNAPS. jUiflOO 4 rooms: $2lr.o6 rooms: $2600 -7 rooms: $3K0 0 rooms: one lot on F. Taylor $11 00. lnouire 1 1 05 Belmont . ( or. ;iun. f-none ib' r... MODERN 7-room house, full bHsement. fur nace, stationary wasn trays. mni -lawn, rosea, etc., hard aurface streets and sidewalks, best location in central Enst Hide district. $3fr0 part c8h. Owner. S: K. Main, near 21'th. Sjunnyside car Modern 6-ronm house, all conveniences, beautiful view of city and Oaks. 4ibl Re. $3200; terms; would consider lot in ex change. Phone Sellwood 10O. REMEMBER that we will mail vou anv number 01 pnotos ni a.i. " wo have listed: let me know what yon are ii,in- fnr-. u hve it. 11. A. Chandler. 01O Lumhermens bldg. 0450 nvW-iTiodnrn cottage in a good loca tlon, close to carllne. $300 cash. bal. $20 month: stop paying rent A. H. BIRRELL CO.. McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. UNION AVE. Corner 00x100 no Union ave., large mod ern 6-room house: will be sold cheap; call at office. Dubois & Crockett. Wash Ington bldg. ' LARGE, modern house on East Irving si.. near good car service. $25 per month; also - 6-room modern house at Piedmont. $20. O'Brien Realty Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR sale by owner, new five- room bungs low, two blocks from the cariine in Mon tavilla: price $2600; ternat to suit. Phone E. 2407. ' A SNAP. A good S-room. modern house for ei at slaughtered prices. Call owner. Wood lawn 1516. OWNER haa for sale an extra fine 7-ronm bouse, large lot. In Montavilla: terms, S.Yj cash, the balance $1600, in small monthly payments. Phone Main 1323 or East 2407.