e 11, 1910. - 7 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. POIITLAXD, SEPTEMBER TO DAT. River Frontage W hava (or sale a fine piece of river front, luite clone In. for about ITS per front foot. Has a depth of 1T0O feet to a railroad. This Is vety cheap and re quires all cash. Washington St. One of otir clients has placed In our hands for im mediate sale a very choice Ilce of WashlnRton-street r.-operty. Has frontaite on two etreeta. partly Im proved, with good Income. The price Is very low. D. Parker Bryon & Co. 1 corporate. Kiriwht Aarafa. Znt-an4 Commercial Claa Bids. Mala ton. 2I0T. 100 X 100 Corner E. First and Morrison. PRICE 63,000 Hotel Property On Tnion Avenue corner Income $215. Price $270O. Quarter Block On Union Avenue near RumsidV, with 3-Ury brirk block; well rented. Building cost $.T..000 and land worth Coddard&Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Has asphalt pavements, cement walks, newer, pas and Bull Knn water mains, all carried inside the curb and ready for nse. Prices and terms are extremely reason able. It mi how you. xJ00 on East 14th sU farina; ,ui 1 block from Irrtna-ton ear. It)xl00 od East 14th St.. corner of Knott st faring- south and east. ItfxIPO on East 13th near Knott St.. facing west. 100x100 corner of FTant 13th and Htk1jrou el-, farina: south and tut; close to Trlnton car. 50x100 on Ea.it 12th sc. facing; east, close to Knott st. 73x100 on East 10th St., between Knott and Stanton I facing- east. KOxlOO od Hast Ttli at., clone to I'nton ava. car line; 80-foot street. lth wde parkins. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 341 Mark t.. Cr. Had. or K. lata sad Kami Ma. Seven-room house in fina condition, fractional lot, SfiO San Rafael street. $500 firft payment. This is a snap, so close to Union ave. and its cars. CHAPIN & HERL0 W 1 4 V " 3.72 Chamber of Commerce. 17 Per Cent Net TIKE BRICK Apartment, West Side Few minutes walk from Postoffiee. yielding 17 per cent net. Price, $41,000; terms. R. F. BRYAN 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227. Main 1963. iOMES AT COST Owners of block 4."i, Sullivan's Ad dition, adjoining the Sandy Road and Holladay avenue, from East 26th to Eat 27th streets, one block from two rarlines, are prepared to sell lots therein, and erect dwelling per the purchaser's own plans, AT COST. Small amount down, balance in monthly payments to suit. Particulars may be obtained from THE DOERNBECHER MFG. CO, East 2Sth Street and Sandy Road, Portland. Oregon. EQUITY Alameda Park Corner CM contract, carry! n a- all Improvements, for sale cheap If taken this week, r. E. TU TOR 4 CO, uv; .- Imi. Wlda, 4t a Oafc Ma. INVESTMENT f'low-ln comer lot. SSxl"i: Income $47 per month: $3SM win handle. In vestigate if you want a bargain. V 2. Orssoniaa Mrvihgtdm rv TonAT. THE ON THE EAST SIDE Unexcelled view, overlook ing Jhe city to the west and north. The value of the ground alone will in 2 years 1; worth the entire price we are asking for this 10-room modern home, on ground 100x100. If 3-011 are looking for an excellent investment as well as a home, see our real estate department at once. Portland Trust Company Bank S.E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. ThreeSpecials IRVINGTON INCOME BARGAINS two. ana-half eah. balanra to eiilt. via-. ,q In ieelnn of mndern two-rlat nutinut-lmin. Helter than t Per cent net at preeent. and can be greatly In creased. Tlila property will not only ylelt Me Inconsa. bul will show bis Increase In ala, due to location, athloh la tha best, liroadwajr oarlln. Cut factri. t.oo $.WX rath, batanca your own terma New, strictly modern apartment bnoie. Better than ' W Per cent not at pres ent. Can be Increased without espense. location, ti-vlnaton. H roadway carllne. This pmpertT will also yield not only M In come per amount In rested, bat will ahow bis Increase in value. 1 10,000 One-half cash, balance to suit, lust compltedy. new. thorouahly modern concrete block flats. - Will shorn better than S per cent. Location, IrvlnKlon. and Broad way carline. These are undoubtedly three of the be bins In Portland t-wlay. and InTesllaatton will conelnce ou. Ech one will show bJ Increase In value In next a months. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. nl-S T.wl. TIMy.. 4th and Q Sis. A Beautiful Suburban Home Price $8500 Eight tOx 100-foot lots and "-room snd attic 2-story house. Including; -fireplaces, wash trays In hasement, furnace, electrified throughout. A mod ern country home, sltnated at East 63d st. hot. East Everett and Villa ave.. and known a the bhopren home. See It If you want a nice hotre. We can arrange terms to suit purchaser. MALL 6 YON BORSTEL 04 Second I, amber Fmcbanae Bids;. 18 PER CENT NET ON $ 15,000 10 YEARS, SECURED LEASE Come and see me about thl. 50x100 $5000 A fine apartment-house site on Second street, worth ISO00; part cash. s, enft Income $2100; 111.500 lOUU will handle this. no ffn 5-story brick hotel in OOUtUUU-Nort h Tortland; good Income. Higley & Bishop 133 Talrd M. One-Acre Tracts West Side Fine soil, close to 5-cent car fare, macadamized connty road, mapnifi rent view. Unrivaled for suburban home or investment. Cheapest close in acreare. Very easy terms. Take L'nited Railways car to (ilen Harbor. A;ent on ground. Or call 432 Mo hawk building Irvington Swell Home Brand new. modern, swell "-room house; everything In snd ready to move Into; furnace, fireplace, sleeplnft porch. built-in china closet, window peats, nice combination fixtures, shades, breakfast-room. In fact It has all lat est Improvements and la a beautiful home, on a lot 60tI0. with cement sidewalks nnd street Improvements paid. This home ia worth $7500. and you can buv it for a few days for $!00. shout $2.10 cash, balance easy terms. In the best part of Irvington. Nothing; but swell homes surrounding. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Hlda.. 4ta and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rate. aasaasw CLARK-COOK COMPANY It Board of Trad Bulldtnj, IfcoBCO Mala 4V ' ' BEST BUY NEW TOD AT. A- West Side Home WALKING DISTANCE. or postoffice. $5500 This is in fine residential dis trict. Lots sell readily $4800 to 66000. This makea BEST com bined HOME and INVEST MENT e know of on West Side. $2o00 to handle. CALL AND SEE OUR LIST. If it does not suit, we will get what ytm want ft no extra ex pens) to you. SEE US TODAY. Equitable Land Company 617-18 S wetland Bld&. NOB HILL Beautiful l-room house st a ry low price, nearly one-half of actual cost. This home la finished In elesant style and con veniently arranged, price, $19,500. Another at $:s.ooo. INCOME s-flat apartment. ' south of WashinKton. Always occupied to net 10 per cent. Price, $ 1S.00U. OVERLOOK Fine 7 -room bunsalnw. complete and nice ly finished. Can be seen- at any time, as occupied by owner. All Improvements in snd paid for. Take R-8 car to Capitol ave nue, first bouse north. Will be ottered this week, at a sacrifice. IRVINGTON A number of d1rabl homes to nrlect from . T. . 9. 10 and 11 -room house. Call and tallt over your wants. If w haven't grot what you want, we will get it. All Interviews confldentlaL MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY S. W. Cor. th and Washington Streets. Council Crest Park 4 lots faring city. . . .$7000 Comer facing city-.. $3000 Large lot above car line facing citv and val ley ." $3000 Two lots, fine view. .$2500 3 lots, valley view. . .$3250 4 lots, vallev view $3200 One lot $1000 One lot facing city.. $1750 All improvements now go ing in. ' W.J.BAKER 519 Board of -Trade Bldg! $300 Each 10 FULL LOTS AT XAP PHICR. f'hesp for quirk sale, on carline. 15 minutes from business section, on West Side. No river to cross nor draws to delay. This make the best buy In Port land In ten years' time. Pon't delav If you want one of these pretty and well-located lots. REED LOCK HART, 17 Board of Trade. M 467B. s The one BEST Discs In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER . -nd MOST IjESlRABi.U residence property of the city. SEKIXU fS BE LIE VI Xi H UTTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the 1m provvinouis alna on. The Cregon Real stale Company GUAM) AVE. AXIJ MtLT.VOMAH TT. NEW CountryMansion All city Improvements: fine view; West Side, close to city limits; G 306, Ore ftonlan. See These First Pretty H -acre tracts, cheap, city lim its. Be fare, close to car. South Port land, $400 and up. Easy terms. REED LOCK HART, X 4rt7!. dtT Board of Trade. $500 Saved Irvinffton lot, 50x166 feet, Weidler, near 22d; aller. OWNER, Main 493, Holladay Addition NEW TODAY. 1 NKJIVDAV NEJVTOOAV, OREGON ORCHARD LAND BEATS THE WORLD FOR PROFITS. BEST IX THE UNITED STATES . TO LIVE fPO'. BUY NOW WHILE LAJiD IS CHEAP. We offer some very desirable Tracts at Bargain rates, on easy terms. 40 ACRES, 25 miles from Portland, 40A?HFS, 25 miles from Portland, iooo. . . 145 ACRES. 60 miles from Portland, $6525. Over one-half is cleared. 5-ACRK TRACT next to Sal"m city limits, near streetcar line. 1100. 9-ACRK TRACT set to orchard. S13UO 9- ACRH TRACT, half cleared and or chard. 81100. 7 y - ACRE TRACT, running: stream, S1200. . 10- ACRB TRACT, young apple orchard, SOCRIpTraet, all fruit land. 84500. SO-ACRE TRACT, fine dairy farm, nice buildings. 813.500. 160 ACHES nar Slulaw River, where U. S. Government Is building a jetty. Only $10 per acre. Partly cleared ' and cheap at double price. A snap for some Investor. CITY BARGAIN 2 ACRES, with neat cottagra, near car line, lOo fare. Equal to 16 city lota 50x100 feet. .Whole tract $23000, or will divide to suit. AO Kinds of Deals In FARMS ATfD RANCHES. Will Trade. McFarland Inv. Co. 310 CORBETT BLDG., Portland. Better Bargains S1SOO Choice lot in Irvington. S1200 Choice lot, E. 16th st., block from car and Ladd's tract. S750 Corner lot In Vernon. S2650 Choice U block, Irvington. S2S50 7-room house, two blocks from car, corner lot. Snap. S3000 Fine 5-room bnnsralow. 3 blocks from car; good district. S5500 West Side home: lot alone worth this. S7000 Modern, 6-room house, Broadway, cor ner, close-in bargain. S7000 8 roomei, close in, near Broadway; lot 60x100; beautiful home. 310,000 New home, 8 rooms, very best construc tion, will stand closest inspection, modern to the minute. See this. S12.000 A mansion on the hill, 1 acre. 17 min utes ride: easily worth $15,000. , Magnificent view. ACREAGE. IE acres. Main street, I.ents. Big money in this for platting. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Union-avenue corner, 100 feet frontage; ln. oine $S40. Price for time $15,000. Takes $6500 cash. bal. 6 per cent. SEE IS FOR BARGAINS. LIST YOUR PROPERTV HERE. OREALESTXnil dlrTsURANCE 3S Lafayette Bids:., Washington and h is the greatest wheat-producing coun try oh the American Continent.. Con vinee yourself by visitinsr this won derful country while the harvest is in projj-ress. In no other, country can you buy sneh productive lands at these prices. $11.00 TO 22.00 PER ACRE Ten years' time, 6 per rent interest. LOW-RATE EXCURSION SATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910 Ide-McCarthy Land Company Colonization Ajrents Canadian Pacific Railway. 425-26-27 Lumbermens Building. Investment $350,000 A prominent corner on Washington street, paying 6 per cent net on old leases. $50,000 70x100 comer on Seventh slreet. This is highly speculative property. $40,000 A fractional lot, with 3-story brick, on Morrison street, leased at ip.'ViO per month. ARCHIBALD 42.") Failing Bldg. . on the "Oregon Electric, between Port land and Hillsboro, at $200 per acre. All cleared and in high state of cul tivation. Running water. See The Western Securities Co. 414 Spalding Bldg. NO. 64 EAST TENTH ST. NORTH 50x100 and a modern five-room bun- five-no e of fti eralow on the esst side of Knst 10th, next to the corner of East Davis. For price-and terms see EDW. P. MALL Lumber Exchange Bids;.. 104 Second St, Alber 582 Acres 'a " BEAVERTON REEDVILLE ACREAGE The most beautiful laying land in any direction out of Portland. Only 6 miles west of Council Crest and accommodated by two Railways. The largest platting and most high ly developed of any acreage about this city. Being put on the market by the largest and oldest acreage firm in the State. One-half sold and being developed in fruit, berries, nuts and vegetables so you can see what the land will do. Fine water at 20 to 30 feet, good schools and churches. This land in such sized tract as you desire from 1-2 acre up at, from $125 to $300 per acre and on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245y2 Stark St. -Main 35. A 3500. 76 ACRES 2 1-2 MILES WEST OF ST. JOHNS 15 acres cleared, 2o acres light brush, 36 acres good timber. On good public road, never failing stream and adjoining public school. For a few days at $200 per acre with easy terms. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 245 1-2 Stark St. Main 35 A 3500 Burnside St. $40,000 Vi block, 100x100, S.E. cor. East 3d and Burnside, ad joining Gevurtz Bros.' fine brick building. A Big Bar gain. ' Sheffield & Riely 23 Russel Bldg. 165V Fourth Street. SIXTH STREET Income Retail District. Investigate. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402-3 Lewis Bldg., Fourth and Oak Streets. 10 ACRES Surrounded by Hyde Park, Bur field and Boston Additions. Beautiful l:el tract near Rose City Park. An ideal platting proposition, or would make an elegant country home. Price S15.000 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME Two full acres with modern Bunga low, directly on Oregon City carline Jenning.; Lodge all kinds of fruit ; gas engine for pumping water; 2.50 feet cement walk to car. Price $4250 and $1000 will handle nicely. Here is a great buy. SHEFFIELD & RIELY Fourth and Morrison. Nob Hill Residence Site Special Price Three Days Only F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402-3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. SPECIAL $20,000 1-4 block, very prominently located, close-in on Grand avenue has some improvements. No phone information. OTTO & HARKS0N REALTY CO., No. 133 1-2 First SU Grussi &Zado w Bargain List $1300 Jo'r 5-room cottage, E. 75th St: $5U0 full cash and $15 per month. f 1 ngn Good 6-room cottage. Kose- lawn ave., near East Ninth. Easy terms. Good 7-room house. 18th, near Killingsworth; $300 cash. A big snap. 6-room bungalow. East Caruthers st., near 34th, $480 cash; $20 per month. $2200 $2300 $2300 Nice 5-room cottage. E. Yamhill, near 35th. Terms. $2350 $2500 Nice 5-room cottage, E. Sal mon, near 34th. $500 cash. Nice 5-room cottase, Min nesota ave., near Skidmore. $500 cash ,$20 per montn. Good 6-room house, Arthur $2500 St.: $500 cash. Big snap. tfjoerjr Swell 5 -room bungalow, O&OUU Bancroft ave. corner. $2500 7-room house, corner lot. Corbett st.: $500 cash. $2600 $2650 Cfinf! New, 5-room bungalow, PsOUU West Side, on Vermont st. $500 cash, $20 month. New 5-room bungalow, E. Caruthers St.; $250 cash. New 7 - room house, fur nished; full lot, on Minne sota ave.. near Mason. 8-room house on Idaho St.; lot 50x100. Terms. $3500 $3500 $3700 5 - room cottage, Qulmby, near 19th, West Side. Terms. Swell 6-room bungalow, E. 37th, near Ellsworth; $600 cash. Balance monthly. $3750 $3750 $3800 $4400 $4400 $4600 $5000 $5200 $5500 $6000 $6000 $6600 Nearly new 6-room house, furnished, E. 37th and Caruthers; $1000 cash. CQCflfi Nice 6-room house, large tDOOUU lot, Portland Heights; terms. A Dig Dargain. New S-room bungalow, E. 37th near Hawthorne. 7-room nice house, E. Tay lor, near 23d; $1000 cash. $25 month. Bargain. 2 modern houses on 60x100 lot, Gibbs st. Good Income. Fine 6-room, new, modern home, on Hancock st.; $1000 cash and $25 per month. Swell, new, modern, 6-room house, 19th St., Irvington. 7-room house, business cor ner, Bolmont and 3701 st. Swell modern S-room house. Front st.; near Caruthers. Modern 7-room house, cor ner lot", 11th and Halsey, Irvington. Bargain. One of the finest homes in Ladd's Addition, 9 rooms; $2000 cash. $6900 Your choice of 3 hew, mod ern 9 -room houses in irv ington; terms to suit, tT er Strictly modern swell house. Wl 13U 7 rooms, E. Madison near 17th. $1500 cash. 2 new 7-room houses, cor ner lot ,E. 13th st. Will $7250 separate; $i $7500 $7800 $8500 separate; $500 cash on each. Swell, modern, new 6-room house, large lot. Portland Heights. 3 good houses on corner lot on Kelly st.. West Side. Swell home on Overton st. Bargain. COrkftn - god houses, corner lot, OVJ33 E. 10th. cor. Couch. LOT BARGAINS tfAyt! 100x100 on West Side, Fair w4Z3 mount Addition. Snap. $600 $700 $750 $800 $800 $900 Fine lot. 50x100, cast front. Belle Crest. Terms. Fine lot, E. 14th, near Al berta. Easy terms. Fine lot, 60x100. Westmore land. Easy terms. Fine corner, lot 50x100, East 14th and Henry ave. 60x100, on Virginia st.. South ern Portland. Easy terms. 50x100, E. 33d St., near Clin ton. Easy terms. Snap. $1050 $1250 $1400 $1500 $1500 $2000 $2000 $2200 $2500 Fine view lot on Mount Tabor. Snap. 60x90. Fine lot in Alameda Park, on Alameda Drive. Terms. 100x100, on Vermont St., Southern Portland. Snap. Your choice of 2 lots Wil lamette Heights. 50x100 ca. Your choice of 2 nice lots, Irvington; $200 cash. Extra large lot, fronting on 2 streets, in Alameda Park. 44x100 on Hawthorne ave nue, near 38th. Fine corner, 100x100, Hancock St.; $800 cash. East front lot on I.add ave nue, Ladd's Addition. COCnn Full lot on curry st., near OZOUU Corbett. Terms. $2500 Fine 50x100 lot on East Yamhill, bet. 28th and 29th. Easy terms; 6 per cent. 50x100. E. 27th near Morri $2500 son; terms. 2 lots. Union ave. and Stan ton. Fine for flats. $3500 $4000 100x100, K. 26tlt and Yam hill. Big snap. $5000 100x100 on Kelly st. Cheap est quarter in South Port land; $2000 cash. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. EAST ANKENY ST. HOME At a bargain by owner giving up housekeeping, 8 rooms, good condi tion, easy terms and a bargain. W. L. PAGE, 107 Sherlock Bldg. TO LEASE SEVERAL GOOD' SITES FOR WAREHOUS ES WITH TRACKAGE; ALSO A NUMBER OF GARAGE AND. APART MENT SITES, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE RIVER. EDW. P. MALL Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 104 2d street. That is the name of the best addi tion on the East Side of the river. Taking into considpration the scenic beauty, the short distance from East Water street, the pure air and water, improvements all in and paid for. Easy terms: low prices and reasonable build ing restriction. Knapp & Mackey 212-213 Board of Trade Building. INV ESTOR& CiJl on owntrr Kaltr A mf. for timber, acreage. busin revldeac u4 ARDENWALD A.K.E MONEY! by investing in real estate close to Portland The Big Trade Center of the Northwest, If other parts of Oregon grow much (and they will) Tortland will grow much more. BUY AN ACRE AT LENTS and get the foundation for a FUTURE COMPETENCE Price within reach of all. Terms so easy anyone can buy. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 272 Stark St. FIRST-CLASS Investments $ 3,000 Vacant lot on Savier street, near Twenty-sixth. Nothing cheaper on the West, Side. Savier street now being improved with hard surface pavement and stone sidewalks. The price quoted in cludes the improvements. Terms. .$'.20,000 Lot on Seventh street in a location that will support stores below and apartments above. This lot. will double in value in two years. Terms. $81,000 Lot and brick building on Third street, Portland's longest, through traffic street. Income .f.3500 per year, netting 0 1-2 per cent, on price quoted. Terms. WALKER & REED 823 Chamber of Commerce Main 8535 TRACTS We have, without doubt, tlip sight -liest acre tracts around Portland. We can sell vou a full acre of the finest, kind of soil nt a price that you will have to pay for a slncrlo lot away on the outskirts of the city. Vou can live on nn acre. On this land you raise from $lfi0 to $:i00 worth of berries per acre each year. You can keep chickens. Tim Mount Hood railroad will run through the center of the tract. Station on the tract. These acres are only 2' mllR out. on the Base Line road. Price. $600 per acre, on easy terms. KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY 2X! Chamber of Commerce. YOU KNOW vou can't buy a corner on PARK STREET for $12,000. WK KNOW this bar gain will not lost. lonz. .$1000 will handle. ROSS ENGLISH CO., No. 322 Mohawk Bldg. A Good Apartmeit Site PRICE $SOOO ;.t ."(fx I on, situate on the southwest .Tier E. 6th end H. Everett sts. Sonio improvements on the property, bring ing in a fair rental. For terms and further particulars sec us. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., Lumber Fiohanje Rids APARTMENT SITES' fiOxlOO corner. closo in. south of Mor rison: low prire; easy terms. rttx(i corner, rloso in. West Side, vrrv f'lH'ap;, pood terms. I hoxl 06. corner, on 1 st Ft., with Z pood houses, rented $lu." per month; good terms. GRUSSI ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4h and Onk THIS IS CHEAP EAR BROADWAY. SOxlOO on Eenton St., just north ol Dupont: overlooks the river; sur to increase in value a soon as thp bridge is started. NofhinK in the vicinity as cheap. Price. $2700. Can arrange easy terms. EDW. P. MALL 104 2d at.. Lumber Exrhanjre Bids. RRU ESTATE. For Sl lAttm. A LAMBDA PARK $ ! all i m prove men t a Tprms. S 31 X Orgonian, FOR SALE bonier lot .Vx100. Inquire Se Corbett st. IRVINGTON BeatUifuMot. on1$taob7Thii is a snap. AN 317, Orwertntan. $,'.n,oK to loan, farm or "H y Howard, 40 Commercial blk. property. M