PASTORS TO MOVE Many Changes in Methodis.t Pulpits Are Predicted. ITINERANT LAW OPERATES Important Vacancies. roMl by Re moral of MinlMers Two District f.nprlntendnt Arc to Tie Named. Mor changes In pastorate than hare rer before bfn recorded tn the his tory of Oregon Methodism are predict ed tor the annual conference, which wHl open tt se.islon at Hlllsboro. Tutdr. Sptfmbr JO. It is believed tnat two-tblrd of the Portland pastor w:U he moved by Bishop Smith, and noteworthy chanc-i ar certain to oc . nr throughout the four districts when the final announcement are mad. With tiro new district superlntend rnti to appoint, with vwinHn In the Vntrnarv and Sunnylde churches, and with situation In other places, such to it-ini certainty of rhante of res'ors. Bishop Smith will have many 'tffiiiit problem for solution. 1t. W. B. Ilolltna-shead. superintend ent of Portland District, and Ilev. M. C. Wire, euperlntendent of Euaene Pi-tri-t. hnr aerved their terms of six in each and therefore Bishop Smith 'must arlect their successors, aa tha neral conference declined to change fee stem ao that the annual con ference should elect the auperlntend eni. Th position are highly Im portant, aa tf:e uperlntcndent haa the dlre.-l oversight of all the churchea In l.l dletrlct. and la In agpreme author ity tn the absence of the blahop. Ontenarj Tulplt Vacant. Centenary Church, one of the leading rtora: In Oregon Methodism, la va. ant because of the election of Rev. Clarence True Wllaon to the serretary shlp of the (teneral rommlUee on tem perance for the I'nlted States. There fore. HIhop Smith haa the tank of e rurlnt for thia pulpit a aucceeaor. and as et there aeema to be no one In lcM for the place. However. Bishop Smitu has transferred two member! of tne Columbia River conference to th Oregon conference. They are Rev. C O. Kimball, of Spokane, and Re. W. IL I'ry of Coeur d'Alena. Blahop Smith baa yet to hold the Puget Sound conference. which la scheduled for Centralla this week, and lie probably will tranafer more p reach cm from there, wltr- a view to filling some of the Portland pulpits with them. It Is evident already that the bishop will provide himself with ample ma terial from which to select ministers for the larger churches. There has been conalderable specula tion as to what Bishop Smith will do with Rev. Mr. Holltngshead. and many believe It Is probable be will send him to Salem to take the place of Rev. W. H. Selleck. who baa been trans ferred to North Taklma. Wash., at the request of tha congregation there. Ha has served air years at Salem, having n remarkable record for achievement. Centenary Church. Portland, also asked for lifv. Mr. Selleck. Its request was mad after the other Invitation had been extended. District Places Important. Chief interest centers about the ap pointments of the two new district superintendents, however. In this con nection the names of Kev. J. W. Mc touKall. of Mount Tabor Church. Port ia rid: Rev. C. C. Rarrlck. of Astoria, and Rev. E. IL Trlmhall. of Eugene, ar-5 being mentioned. Rev. Clarence Trui Wilson and Rev. VC. T. Euster. of Sunnyside Church, were talked of be fore they took up new fields of work. Rev. Mr. Euater leaves thla week for Stillwater, Okla-, to where ha has been transferred. Of all the pastorates, that of Sunny aide Church la tha moat difficult to fill, because of the dispute which baa been going on there nearly two years over the new stone church that Is about half completed. The mlniater who takes Mr. Euslcra place will have plenty of work, and will need to be a Rood pilot to steer hia craft around the break era The general opinion la that Rev. Benjamin Young will be left at First Church. Portland, and that Rev. J. H. Cudltpp will remain at Grace Church, Portland. Aside from these two placet, however, chances are looked for In rearlv every Methodist pulpit In thla rliv. because of the general conditions C-at exist. The Itinerant system, characteristic of thla church, will be fully exemplified thla year, it Is be l;eved. and ahortly after the close of tne conference Methodlat ministers and their families will be moving In all di rections throughout Oresron. PERSONALMENTION. H TV. Sawk. of Salem, la at the Lenox. J. 1L Pipe, of Albany, la at the Per kins. Sim LUidaejr. of Salem, la at the Cor nelius. James Fin lay son. of Astoria, is at the Cornelius. C. E. Morrow, of Walla Walla, is at the Ramapo. A. M. Peery. of McMlnnvlIle. is regis tered at the Lenox. C. K. Bland, postmaster at Heririston, l at tho Imperial. Ernest Keller, of Aurora. Is regis tered at the Ramapo. W. A. Reynolds, ot gUverton. is reg istered at tne Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. w. U. Iwnnan. of War ren, are at the Perklna. It. A. Korbler. of Bakrr City, la reg istered at taa Cornelia. Patrick Mnllln. ex-Mayor of Butte. Mont.. Is at th Oregori. P. M. I.elghton and niece, of Seaside, are staying at the Perklna. Justice w. I-. Slater, of the Supreme Court, of Salem. Is at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bona, of Hood River, are Haying at the Oregon. Mr. and Mra. Charles V. Browd. of Astoria, are slaying at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Tarjner. of Daven port. Wash., are staying at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cummlngs. of Ore con City, are staying at the Imperial. Mrs. George W. Warren and Miss C. A. cullen. of Warrenton. are at the Portland. r;rori II. .Mulllns. an attorney of Butte. Is at tha Oregon. He will open a law office in Portland. Mr. and Mr. W. W. Wlswell have returned from a five weeks' trip to ew York. Boston and other Eastern points. Miss Alice DeBolae. of Mount Claire. New Jersey. Is the gtieat of Miss Kathe rlne Weldler. Misa De Boise and Miss Weidler were schoolmates at Burnliam. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Strandnorg. local newspaper people, departed last night for an extended trip through the East, on September 34. they will attend a re union of Mr. Strandborg'ai family at JS'aw Lome, o. A reunion of Mra. BuaadV NEW OBSERVATION TRAIN 1.TT7 t : ; !' ! : - f borg" relatives In Ixa Angeles will be participated In on their return trip In the- middle of October. Two years and a liaJf aso. when Mr. and Mrs. Slrand borg were married, their honoymoon waa cut short at The Dalle, where the trains were tied up on account of storms. They wera compelled to give up tbeir wedding trip and their prewnt Eur era tour will serve aa the delayed honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Haxen have sold their Irvington home and have taken apartments for the Fall and Winter at the Keeler. at Clay and Fourteenth streets. M. E. Reed, assistant chief engineer of the Oregon Electric pur chased ths Hasen home and ha and bla family are now occupying It. Major and Mrs. H. W. Atkins, of Boston. Mass.. who have been touring through Canada and the Weat. spent a few days this week at the Hotel Portland and visited MYs. June Mac Millan Ordway. She entertained them at her home and waa hostess on sev eral little excursions to points of In terest about the city. J. P. O'Brien, general manager for the Harriman lines In the Northwest, re turned to Portland yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Chicago and Intermediate points. Mr. O'Brien admitted having been at St. Paul during the conservation congress, but waa devoid of opinions aa to what happened. His trip was largely personal in character. NEW TORK. Sept. 10.-(Special.r-Northwest people at New York hotels today are: From Portland Miss A. Strong, at the Manhattan: H. C. Clair. Mrs. H. C. Clair. Miss Clair, at the Grand: D. Per ozzt. Mrs. 1. reroxxl, at the Grand Cnlon. From Spokane A. Stanley, at the rark Avenue. OFFICE SEEKERS AGTIVE VXIQIK riBI.ICITV SCHEME ADOI'TEO IX VANCOUVER. Newspaper. Streetcar, Theater rrogramnics and Moving Plclnrea Advertise Candidates. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. 10.-(Spe-claL With the primaries but a few hours away, the political situation in Vancouver and Clark County Is seething with energy. Every candidate has sent out campaign literature to every voter. At every pub lic gathering for the past month. several of the candidates have taken occasion to float large banners bearing the name and office sought, and soliciting votes. Many candidates have advertised In Portland paper having circulation in this county, and several have had their pictures and campaign songs prlntei In theater programmes. All local papers In the county have been patronised. Some have posted their picturca and placards In streetcars: others have had their pic tures, names and office for which they were running flashed upon screens in moving picture shows. One candidate haa signs on both sldee of motorcycles, which fly through the streets with muffler open, attracting at tention. Postmaster Daniel Crowley, of Van couver, exhausted his supply of atamped envelopes, so an order had to oe sent to Portland for Jli worth. Thousands of postal cards, with the candidate's picture, have been sent tiirough the mall. On election day. Tuesday, many auto mobiles and all the buggies and carriages will take voters to and from the polls. While thia Is thought to be against the lw. when tho candidates foot tho bills. there will bo automobile rides for voters nevertheless, and some friend of the can didates will pay tha hire, which win not violate the law. EAST SIDEWANTS LIGHTS Business Men Will Hold Meeting Next Wednesday Night. The Eaat Side Bulne Mens Club will hold Ita flrat Fall meeting next Wedneeday night at o'clock in Logus Hall. IIS Grand avenue, on tha third floor. All property-owners and busi ness men are earnestly. requested to at tend. A campaign for atreet lights and betterments will be launched at this meeting. A number of otber Impor tant projects are to coma up. Following la a sort of an address to the business men and people of the East Side Issued by thia club: -We want tha East Side lighted and to know how to get It done. We want to learn how to Increase our hustneas. how to better advertise the East Side. Also to consider a big special East Side week by all merchant during October. "This is a special meeting of tho East Side Business Men's Club to launch our Fall and Winter campaign for civic and business betterments. The club has been enjoying a vacation during the Fummer. tha children's parade having been the last big rtunt pulled off. The club's Rose Festival committee will make a financial re port. "The meeting will be in the Interest of everybody who has business or property Interests In the central East Side business district, and everv such on la cordUll Invited to attend." - I5" 4 : , rfw -"At. 'Jill?- rJilTi. 111 5 5-32'" f Vk'f'-s tarsal t ):rj!h S5f! itlJiV .-.; , - 5 vf - ' I .- -v .-;-';'.- ' . . 1 ; - '' ..: , 's-i.-.:. .. :?-- J - t ?,t.. ' , -l . - Cm r " - ' ' " ' ' " I ,IHi:i.ll KI.ECTRIC HAU.WAV tOMPA.VVS SAI.K1I SPECIAL. ' the srxPAT onEGOXiAy. Portland. sefte3iber 11, 1910. - . . .j N-KWTOPAT. -I XKW TODAY. CTT TODAY. WHICH WILL BE PLACED IN ' ae-r it ' - : FINE TRAIN WILL BE RUN OICECsON ELECTRIC TO PCT NEW -SALEM SPECIAL" OX MONDAY. Train Is Beautifully Equipped for Service Said to Be Best Inter urban Special in West. What is considered the finest subur ban train In the West will be placed in commission Monday morning on the Oregon Electric Railroad. between Portland and Swlem. It will be known as the Salem Special. There Is not a train on any of the California Interurban lines which can compare with the new equipment on the Hill line, and it is doubtful if the cars can be equalled anywhere. The new train was yesterday on ex hibition on Stark street, between Third and Fourth, opposite the Railroad building. It consists of three coaches. In the rear is an observation car, equipped with the latest thing in re clining chairs, ladies' parlors, smokln r rooms and retiring rooms. Next comes a dny coach, finished in leather, and In front of that a smoker with the seats made of bamboo, the car being divided Into general passenger, smoking and baggage compartments. The observation car is known as Sacajawea. and passengers that ride on that end of the train will be charged probably 25 cents extra. Finished out side in the two Irish colors, the in terior is white from end to end. The general superintendent of the Hill lines was last night In doubt as to the names of the crew which wou have the honor of running the new special on its first trip. Almost every crew connected with the system was applying for the privilege. The new cars were manufactured by the Xiles Car Manufacturing Company, of Nlles, O. The Oregon Electric Com pany is not contemplating additions to the new equipment. M'GINN GRILLS MANLEY Candidate for Circuit Judge Makes Addition to Hia List. A. B. Manlcy. assembly candidate for State Senator, waa grilled last nlqht at a street meeting held by Henry K. Mc Ginn, antl-asaembly candidate for Cir cuit Judge in this district. Mr. Manley's name was a new addition to the list of those Mr. McGinn has been speaking against in his campaign. The meeting was held at Sixth and Morrison streets "In the shadow of the Marquam building." and the speaker nsain went over the story of the loss of the Marquam property by its original owner. He then took up the topic of Mr. Manley. "Who is this man Manley?" he In quired. "He Is one of the old-line ring politicians of the city the man who got up the last city assembly and then re ceived a contract to build the city crema tory as a reward for his services. He la one of the ringsters and one of trie worst of them. If he went to the Legis lature it would not be In the Interests of the people, but of the corporations and A. B. Manley. That has been his record In this county for the past 30 years. He was one of those who was In the office of Josselyn, head of the Port land Railway. Light & Power Company, to put up a legislative ticket and he tried to force himself on them then, but it was decided he could not win because of his unpopularity." AFFIDAVITS ARE FILED Milby-Whltaker Suit Resolves Itself Into Legal Battle. The suit of Adeline Mllby against George Whttaker, in which the defendant is being sued for as pay alleged to be due plaintiff for domestic services, has resolved Itself Into a legal fight between the attorneys for the principals. When the suit was tiled Ausust 2. the attornev for the plaintiff. C. H. Geeslin. declares In an affidavit (lied yesterday that the defendant had advised him that he would not appear In court to anawer the complaint and T hat the plaintiff could take Judgment by default. The attorney further avers that tha defendant was repeatedly asked to appear by hia attorney and that the date of August 10 was agreed upon for filing the answer. Then, on August IS. says the affidavit, it was arranged between the attorneys and the principals to get to gether and affect a compromise. Attorney J. A. Strobridge for the de fendant has taken exceptions to the alle gations against Whltaker and in an affi davit states that the defendant Is re lieved from all promises and obligations to plaintiff by the statute of limitations. In the original complaint. It waa stated that tha plaintiff had lived with and worked for tho defendant from August JO. 1SX. until August 10. ISO, and was to be paid J50 a month for her services. This agreement Is denied by the defendant The statements in the plaintiff's attor ney's affidavit are also denied. Court Note. jLrtiolea -of incorpoTatioa of th- Con COMMISSION NEXT MONDAY V-"JVJ-jjh-s.J tinental Lumber Company were filed yesterday in the County Clerk's office. The incorporators- are R. B". Lytic A. C. Hemphill and H. G. Piatt. The com pany is capitalized at ,u0,000. J. A. Jeffrey yesterday started divorce proceedings against his wife, p. Jeffrey, on the grounds of desertion. The Jeffreys were married at Salem. Or.. November 30, 1S98. and the husband alleges that his wife left him without cause November 1. 1908. In a report made to the County Court yesterday by Edmond C. Glltner, ad ministrator, tnere remains a balance of 76.040 in the estate of J. Couch Flan ders. The receipts were S86.524 and the disbursements J9484.- Of the prop erty on hand. $39,187 Is in real estate in Multnomah and Clatsop Counties and $35. $53 in personal property. Mrs. Ma bel C. Flanders, widow. Is the sole heir to the property. DR. COE'S AFFAIRS SETTLED Mrs. Coc Pajs Interest on Bond? ol Irigation Enterprise. Full adjustment of all differences in the Inland Irrigation Company have been made. Mrs. H. W. Coe, acting . in the interest of her husband during his ab sence in the Orient, paid tip the interest on bonds held by J. W. Furnish yester day, ao It was announced, and also elimi nated debts for Improvement operations on the company's projects In Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Coe will continue to represent Pr. Coe as selling agent until his return from an extended sea voyage lor hia health. Mule Sale Causes Suit. EUGENE. Or., Sept. 10. (Special.) J. A. Higglns toCay began suit In the Circuit Court against John H. Hamil ton and Fred Ware to recover i;60. the price which he paid them for four mules. Hamilton and Ware are the alleged horse thieves captured at Goshen day before yesterday and now on their return trip to Vale. Or. Eugene Hotel Sold. EUGENE, Or.. Sept. 10. (Special.) J. W. Moxey. of Aeree, Okla., has just purchased the Smeede Hotel of J. M. Stark. hTe hotel will continue with its present policy. . MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND COMPANY. -V. 107. Hill Rive a whlet party and dance Wednesday evenlna. September 14. at w. O. W. Temple, 128 Ilia at. Admission 20c. NOTICE to all members of the L.. O. O. M. Big mextina; till be held Sunday after noon. September 11, at Chrlstensen' j Hall, corner of Yamhill and Eleventh streets. Visiting brothtrs cordially welcome MARGUERITE CAMP. NO. 1440. ROYAL NKWHBOHS. will give a ft"0 party and dance ThunsdAy avenins, September 1&. Hall 10 Second at. WEBFOOTS MOPERJf CARDS Whist party and dance. Webfoot Co.. Ko. 65. W. it. W . Frldav. September 18. Woodman hall, 12S 11th St. Refreshments. Ianclns, 10. o'clock. Adults 30 cents. PORTLAND ASSEMBLY. NO. 26. LIN COLN ANNIITY CNION will give a mili tary whist social Thursday evening. Sept. 1.1. inio. W. o. W. Temple. 11th and Alder tree La. Admission 15 centa. ANCHOR COUNCIL. NO. 74H. K. AND L. OF s.. entertains Tuesday evening. Sept. L. Eagles' Hall. Marquam bid. Panclne. sou and whist. Union music. Admlslon Ijc. New hall for rent, central location, steam heat, fine floor. Inquire Howe-Davis. 109 Eseond street. Phone A ?on. DIED. HARTMAN Miss Addle Hartman. well known In thia city, died at tha home of her mother, near Scotta Mills. Or., one o'clock p. M- last Friday. FUNERAL NOTICES. Ilf To S200 buys a life portion (If wanted),' with big returns besides on your Investment; thl ia no 'ael-rleh-qulck scheme." but ths chance of a lifetime. Herculea M. M. Co., rooms I t. East Morrlaon at. MATZGKR In this city, ss-pt. 10. Blanch Maatger aged 42 yeare. c"uneral will be held from Dunning A McEntee chapel. Seventh and Pine sib.. Monday. Bept. 12. at K 3o A. M., thence to Cathedral, 15th and bavla sta, where aervloee will be held at A M FTIenda respectfully Invited to at tend. Interment Ml.- Calvary Cemetery. WBWH At the family residence. 226 North Fourteenth etreet. James Edward elch. aged 28 years, son of Mrs. It. .1. Welch, bmther or Martin J. Welch and Mrs. Will lam J. McOlnn. Funeral notice later. XONtSETH rLOltAl CO. MAKllCAM bl.b(i. ... ..... Fbooe: Mala 102l A ilOt. Dumas; atcEnase, linrrml Dtreeten, 1th ud fine. Phone Main 430. Lady mf Ulant. Office ef County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral lreet rs. S d t. iMdr AIlpt. pbooe M. SOI. "i P. FI'LB SON. 3d and Madlaoa. Lad'r attendant. PUone Main A 18. EAST fll)F Funeral Director, ineceaaon to 1 8. UuboIuk. Inc. E. Bi. B 2. MICSON CO. Undertakers! lady aaalat nl. 0 Alder. M 683. A 3 84; 2EI.I.ER-BVRNES CO., Funeral Directors. 894 William both phone; lady iwt. LKRCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and th. Eat 111. B lsaa. Ladx aaoUtant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB. CITY HAIX MATS 69S. A TBS. HUMANE OFFICER. gAt-T "EtV TO DAT. MAMVACTl RIMS BUSINESS established five years is offered fnr sale. Almost the entire output snd within the state. Fales can he in creased a territory Is not limited. 2b 010 required. No agents, or trUlera wanted. T 81S. Oregoniaa. ea 1 II I S. L N. WW Auction & CommisslonCo. Auctioneer, . Bnyera and Sell- Main 2473. era of Household 156 Second St. Furniture. SPECIAL NOTICE. On Tuesdav. 10 A. M.. at 126 Second street, we will sell by order fine round solid oak dining table, chairs In leath er seat and verv fine buffet, en suite; choice. 9x12 rugs, almost new: "New Method" canopy gas-range, water heat ers, large coal stove, complete; choice mattresses and sanitary couches, iron bedsteads, choice blankets, comforters, feather pillows, dressers. Morris chair, lace curtains, portieres; also tho furni ture and effects of residence from Sun nvslde. Buyers are invited to attend sale Tuesday at 126 Second St.. near Washington. . . N. B. Household goods on sale at private sale. Regular sales Tuesdays and Fridays. . S. L. X. OILMAN, Auctioneer. S.L.N.GILMAN AUCTIONEER SPKCIAL AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE HOLD Fl'H.MTl'RB AT RESIDENCE. TVe will sell by public auction at the residence 246 Harmon Street ON WEDNESDAY NEXT September 14. at 10 A. M., all the fur niture and fittings of residence, in cluding 5-piece parlor ult. fine oalc wardrobe with mirrors in doors, library table, mirror, pictures, couches, side- board and extension table in oak, dressers, aults, gas heating stove, fine "Buck" steel range, rockers, chairs, stands, crockery, etc., drop-leaf tables, ornaments, kitchen ware, etc Sale Wednesday, 10 A. M., at 249 Morrison street, between Second and Third. S. L. N. G1LMAN, Auctioneer. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Regular Sales Days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A, M, In our sales this week we will have a large assortment of furniture as fol lows: Pnrlor and library furniture, large easv chairs. .Morris chaii'fl. couches, parlor tables, buffets, exten sion tables, dining chairs, rugs, car pets, portieres lace curtains, pictures, brass and iron beds, springs, mat tresses, pillows, comforts, steel and gas ranges. linoleum. dishes and kitchen utensils: also, upright pianos and office furniture. J. T. WILSOIN, Auctioneer. TUESDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. The Sherman House 184-186 Sherman Street Near Front Street Owing to the expiration of the lease we are Instructed to sell the contents of this 42-room house, as folloma: 40 raolistovr. 40 gas plates, dressers, iron beds, .springs mattresses, mantle beds, steel ranges, heating etoves, chairs and tables. J. T. WILSON" Auctioneer. Coods sold nt private aale at all times. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main 1626. A 4-43. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At Our Salearooma, 153 Park Street, we shall sell at auction, in addition to Mr. Hilherg's furniture, a very choice collection of blrdseye mapltt bedroom furniture dressers and chiffoniers in the Colonial designs, waxed finished, several very pretty Iron beds. bet springs, mattresses, blankets and bed ding, velvet and Axminster rugs, por tieres, several pairs of lace curtains, window shades, bookcase and desk, parlor rockers in various finishes, rattan rockers, librarv furniture, leath er couches and rockers, dining - room furniture, dinner ware, glass and -hinaware. drop-head sewing machine, steel range, gas range, trunks, kodak and many other lots. Salea on Tuen dav and Thursday next, each day at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. In Our Retail Department Our car of dressers and chiffoniers has arrived and are now on display In sample room at 152 Pafk st. GEO. BAKEIl Jt CO. Both phones. AUCTION SALES 211 First Street Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 2 P. M. The Ford Auction Co. have about $.1010 worth of slightly-used furniture to be sold this week, so come and get what you want. If you come yon will bttv If you have a place for the goods. Kverything goes here, we don't keep anything. Our salesmen will serve you uity L.W1C-, aim i nu n ill i" cur inc. same courtesy as if you were paying 1 full price. Call Main S951. A 2445. FORD All'TION CO., 211 First St. BARGAIN INCOME PROPERTY FIXE FLAT, TV est Side, in the heart of the. city: $30"0 under value: $6000 cash will handle this. Will pay over 10 per cent interest on investment. In vestigate this. MOORE REALTY CO. SA4-S0S Board at Trade Bids. MODERN BUNGALOWS New, 5 rooms and attic, floored, cement basement, fireplace, bath, sta tionary wash stand, sun porch, ras and elentrifitv, 1193-5 Ivon sC. near Wav erly and" Richmond car. Get off at East 3th. Price $2650. Easy terms. T. J. HAMMER, Owner, 232 V4 Washington St. "HERE IS ONE" Br owner, quarter block, East 2Sth and' Clackamas. 1'rlce $3600. V 317, Oregonian. BEAITIFIL HOME. IRVIGTOV. New. modern, rlg"ht rooms and sleep-inw-porch complete and up to date n every detail. For particulars call East, iS73. FOURTH ST. CORNER Nearly quarter block, near Fourth and Yamhill, $130,000 Ford Street 100 feet from Washington 160x100, adjoining Teal and Hirsch mansions, to the west, also at head of Wayne street. Ultra choice hotel or apartment site.- $40,000 Washington Street Full lot, 50x100, short time only, $40,000 Apartment Sites 50x100, corner Eleventh, near Mill, $14,500 60x76, cor. Eleventh, near MiU, $15,000 Easy terms. Both lots haxe buildings on, bringing good rentals, although buildings are not considered in mak ing price. Very choice apartment sites, at right prices. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Bounded by FIRST, SECOND, MONTGOMERY and HARRISON STS. Will subdivide into quarters Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth Street. THK.E ARE IO-ACRE TBtCTS. Beautiful wooded tracts of land and the soil is the best, being a red shot loam and a srreat- producer. The cord wood that can be cut from these tracts will more than pay for the fame. They are looted 1" miles from the Citv of Portland and only one mile from the station on the electric line and on two main county roads. The terms on these are so that any work ing man can buy a tract and meet his payments und the increase in the value of the land in this vicinity is sure to make him some money, as it is settling: up verv fast. Terim. $230 cash, and the balance of J750 in seven equal pay ments. JOHN T. FORD Room 210 Lumber Eich. Bldg-., Portland. Or. r.0S V4 Slain St., Vancouver. Wash. WEST SIDE LOT Fine large lots on the carline. lie beautifully; excellent view; only 20 minutes' car ride. Price $225 and Up Terms. $10 down and $5 per month. Will furnish money to parties wish ins to build. Greatest opportunity for Investment in Portland. Is along- the Oregon Electric line. EE.LEE,4lTCorbettBldg. HERE IS AN INVESTMENT. Corner lot, 60x100, close in, on Grand ave.. large 8-room house in fine condi tion. Can be easily converted into an anartment-house. The location Is just right to bring in a large income. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Room 3, Waahinitton Bldt; MORTGAGE LOANS On central business property. EDWARD K. GOUDEV, Lewis Building. Fruit Land Acres 8 miles from Portland on the Oregon Water Power line, $200 Per Acre 14 cash will handle it, the balance can remain; 6 per cent. Can realize more than $400 per acre by sub dividing it into acre tracts. , i i i ; v James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Com. LOOK OVER THIS LIST. Pee some of the best propositions in this clay's Oregonian to make good In vestments: A AV JS12.000 will purchase 2" nOvlOO lots' on Fremont street and 50th, finn view, all level, near Alameda Park, close to carline. You can retail these lots at $1200 each. S15.000 will nurchare 42 lots near Kenilworth. close to shops, lots sellinc in this vicinity as high as $300 anI more. Investigate and see for your- sp,f- ' , S9000 will purchase a splendid! 100x10" on Grand avenue, five block from Hawthorne avenue. Cannot bn 1 duplicated for a preat. deal more. Grand avenue property increases very fast. 12,500 will purchase lOOxloo on. R. Harrison and 11th streets, with a. good income, $101, every month. SP14.000 will purchase a very finn warehouse or factory site with rail road trackage on two sides, steam and electric. 24th and York ?t. Adjoining U blocks as high as $25,000. Sure money maker. 3600 ACRES can be purchnsed on the Columbia River, rail and river transportation, only 45 miles front Portland, j This is the very best of apple land ami is in fine shape to plat Into small divisions. Some pasture on same; 80 per cent can be cultivat ed. There is nothing- better on this Coast for all kinds of products. Tlio price Is only $15 per acre. We defy competition. SPHCHI, SI ACRES on the Colum bia Slough, 4 mile from the city lim its, lots of fine land. The mait slough runs through this land. Fine) water frontage for all kinds of fac lorv sites. Thl-s Is the factory district. Adjoining lands are held from $.100 to $1000 pe:- acre. Tiie price of this travt is only $350 per acre. If you are from Missouri you can see big money in this. Something doing. Get wise. Every one of the above bargains can he delivered perfect title or no sale. See us if you want good invest ments. PORTL A D, ESTATE CO.. 217 Ahlngtoa Itlilc. KMIH Third St. C. R. Dellurg-h. Mgr. Main .VW7. West Side Bargains 84000 buvs 50x100 on Chapman st : good location for flats; excellent value. S35 0 0 55x100 corner: grand apart ment site on Market street; one of the best buys in the city. S5510 buvs a business corner: South Portland; good 6-room residence; excellent future. S5500 S-room modern residence, 50 100 corner. Hi blocks from car line : good investment and homo combined. JSIO-OOO buys 100x100 on Market St.: big future: you can make $5000 here In 9 months. iilo.SOO verv choice, strictly modern flat building: in the best portion on the West Side: big future. If vou are looking for a permanent Investment, we do not believe you can beat this buy. Sa.t.r.OO good income property with big future; well located on 12th st rcet. If vou are looking for an apartment or flat site, or income property on tha West Side, we will be glad to show you what we have. M. .E LEE 411 Corhett Bldg. HerelsaFortune in One Year 10 acres of beaverdam. partly in onions to show you what it will do; all cleared and In good shape with a standiug crop of $900 per acre: t mile to a countrv town and streetcar line with 40 minutes' service to the city: you pav- us $750 and put in the onions according to our instructions and take, care of them till they are pulled, then we take the crop and give you a clear deed and abstract to the place. We will also build vou a house for two-thirds the regular price and give good terms. Call or write. JOHN f. FORD Room 210 Lumber F.xch. Bids., Portland, Or. K03U. Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. An Exceptional Offer V. interest in 90 acres, all platted in small tracts, miles from and over looking the Willamette River a pano ramic view of Tualatin Plains. The best of soil, no rock or gravel, and spring water; auto road through the property. One-half interest can be had for one-third what adjoining property Is being sold for at present time. Bo carfare near the property. Don't de lay an investigation. HARDY ROBERTS. 214-215 Posrd of Trade lil rig Portland, Or. M'MtHOX'S ADDITION. Wavrrlv-Richmond car will take you there. Lots $10" and tip. Terms. In quire owner. 12S4 Division st. LOST Saturday nijebt a Sold cVobs id chain: garnets in crow; reward. 31T Tll- tord bid. 84 i