The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 11, 1910, SECTION TWO, Image 13

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XO. lit
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Mg Selling at $4, $3.50, $3 I AD J
Selling at $4, $3.50, $3
The man who wants a shirt, a shirt that will brighten up his wardrobe, give a touch of distinction to any suit he may elect to wear,
may find his desire realized in these very smart shirts and at, a very small price.
All the Jabrics are imported. Most of the materials were controlled in New York City by one Fifth
Avenue exclusive mens furnishing home. The materials are French figured batiste. French woven percales,
imported Scotch madras and Russian cords. We can please the most exacting man. We guarantee fit. It is
a shirt sale that will establish a new value-giving epoch and surpass all selling records. The values are bona
fide, we guarantee thsm even better than we state in this advertisement.
Perhaps this will serve to give you an idea of the superior character of this shirt the individuality of the patterns. At least
three of the foremost haberdashery houses in Portland show a few of these identical shirts at $3.00 to $3.50 a piece. You
can verify this after seeing the shirts.
Every size in attached caff styles an enormous assortment of colors and patterns.
Theodore Roosevelt's New Book African Game Trails . . . . . . $4.00
Ail a Page, a Charming Book by Robert W. Chambers $1.18
The Rose in the Ring, by George Barr McCutcheon $1.18
The Motor Maid, by the Williamsons $1.20
Theodore Roosevelt's New Book African Game Trails $4
Agents for the Famous Eclipse Manicure Articles
Maggioni Gloves Have Just Arrived From Italy
New Coats at $1 4.85, Remarkable for
Value, Style and Material
The woman who must figure a certain amount
of service for the money she spends on her gar
ments will assuredly be interested in these coals.
There are stylish, smart-looking coats. That you can
see from the illustration. Cut in an entirely new model on
most attractive lines. The materials are smart plaids in
soft color combinations, also of fancy mixture cloakings
and diagonal serges. They are made with the new com
bination collar that can be buttoned up tight under the chin
in stormy weather or worn as a mannish notched collar;
double-breasted, with large horn buttons, belted at thej side,
belted auto cuffs that can be tightened in rainy weather.
They are 52 and 54 inches long.
The fancy mixtures and diagonal serge coats are single
breasted; come in black and navy. On sale tomorrow.
Beautiful Silk Waists $7.50
A sale appealing to women
who are smart dressers.
Paiiley colorings in beautifully woven Persian silks
give full swing to the ingenuity of the waist maker.
Never before have these beautiful Oriental silks been
modeled into more fascinating waists. Pin tucks,
ruflled side pleats, shirring, neck bows, turn over
cuffs and frogs used in combinations to produce
most pleasing effects. Tomorrow we display a win
dow full -of these charming waists. Unlike any you
will find elsewhere. Your choice of any waist in the
window, $7.50.
Important Announcement
We are now taking orders and
giving estimates on TROUS
sisting of underwear, gowns,
corset covers, chemise, drawers,
combinations and negligees, done
in French, Maderia and combina
tion stitches.
ing of sheets, pillow cases and
Dresser Sets and Pincushions
will be made to order to suit the
color scheme of yourvroom.
TABLE LINEN, consisting of
tablecloths, napkins, lunchcloths
and centerpieces, scalloped and
initialed to your order.
Lingerie collar and cuff sets
made in Hedebo embroidery, the
royal embroidery of Denmark.
Orders taken for Irish crochet
Hedebo and Hardanger.
Art Needle Goods
For women who are dainty and
deft with the needle we are show
ing new arrivals in art needle
work. The lady in charge of our
art department just lately re
turned from New York, says she'
never found such a world of new
Now that we are nt so busy
the Season having just opened
and when you can look leisurely
at the new arriva'.s. We extend
an invitation to see all that is
new and novel in art needle
work for Fall and Xmas.
$1.50 Ruffled
Swiss Curtains
500 pairs of hemstitched ruf
fled Swiss Curtains in dots and
plain or figured centers, 40 in.
wide and 2 yards long.
50c Ruffled Q r
Swiss Curtains 3 C
100 pairs of striped ruffled
Swiss Curtains, 2J yards long.
30 inches wide.
75c New Printed
5000 yards of new printed Li
noleum of the best standard qual
ity; large variety of patterns to
select from, in light or dark
$150 New Ax-
minster Rugs .
100 mottled Axminster Rugs of
superior quality, in pretty hit and
miss patterns, with fancy borders,
in tans, with red and green ctor-ings.
$5.00 Kashgar
Couch Covers .
900 Kashgar Couch Covers in
Oriental designs, made with or
without fringe, 3 yards long and
60 inches wide.
$1.50 Oriental QO
Couch Covers s OC
100 Oriental striped Couch
Covers in combination colorings
of red, green and tan, with fringe ;
3 yards long and 50 inches wide.
10c Sash r
Curtain Rods -J C
10,000 Sash Extension Curtain
Rods. 22x24 inches long, with
brackets complete.
1 5c Curtain C
Rods Spec! sC
6000 full-size Curtain Rods, made
of heavy quality brass-plated rod
and ferrule finish, with fancy
ends; 30x50 inches.
Kayser's New Venetian Silk
Undervests on Sale
Exquisite Articles Beautifully Made
dervests with crochet edge, rib
bon and beading: selling regular
ly for $2.00. SPECIAL. 1.59.
crochet edge Undervests, finish
ed with beading and ribbon ; reg
ular $2.75. SPECIAL, $2.39.
dervests with ribbon and bead
ing finish: regular $2.50. SPE
CIAL. S1.9S.
French Band Undervests, with
beading and ribbon trimmings;
regular $3. SPECIAL, 2.69.
Sale of Hat Pins, Brooches
J0 500 New 7Q
Hat Pins JyC
They are new, beautiful, artistic in design,
fully worth up to $2.00 each, on sale Mon
day at 79.
You will find it hard to decide which pin
to buy, out of the entire collection of 500
there are hardly two of a design.
Each pin is a beauty. These pins must
be seen to be appreciated, the values are un
doubtedly the best ever offered in this
These pins are all gold-filled, and
on the signet pins, the fronts are solid
gold. We engrave one script initial
free in this sale.
Ladies Kid
Gloves at
Ladies' fine Kid' Gloves, soft
quality skin. Paris point back,
2-clasp style; colors, tans, brown,
gray, mode, navy, green, black
and white.
Dainty New
Neckwear . .
Ladies' Neckwear in dainty
Venise and baby Irish patterns,
single tab and double jabot styles.
Very pretty patterns In 20 differ
ent designs.
Wash Ribbons
Per Bolt ....
Wash Ribbons of fine-quality
all silk, fancy block designs and
seed patterns, staple shades of
light blue, pink, etc. ; five yards in
a bolt.
New Scotch
New Scotch flannels, non
shrinkable; color effects in every
respect, in stripe and check de
signs; blues, pinks, tans and
Children's School
Umbrellas ....
Children's School Umbrellas in
sizes 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 inches, fast
black English gloria, guaranteed
Paragon frames ; Congo loops and
crook handles.
Women's and
Men's Umbrellas
Women's and Men's fast black
Union taffeta silk Umbrellas, best
guaranteed Paragon frames, with
choice imported handles, cased
and tasseled.
les s rme .
Ladies' Handkerchiefs of fine
quality pure linen, 1-8 inch hem
stitched edge, dainty hand-em
embroidered floral design corners.
Seldom a Sale of Laces Like These, Surely
Never at the Price of 9c
All Made in Nottingham, England
The reductions are so great
we print no comparative prices
An English importing house making laces and lace
curtains has decided to discontinue the manufacture
of laces and canfine themselves in the future to curta:n
making exclusively.
Numbering us amongst their best customers they
gave notice of this change and offered us an oppor
tunity of buying a portion of their lace stock at an ab
surdly small price. '
Laces that you need at all times for everyday require
ments. For instance :
Laces for undergarments, laces for waists, laces for
dresses, laces for fancy work, laces for curtains, laces
for handkerchiefs, laces' for trimmings, laces for al
most every conceivable purpose.
Torchon, heavy Cluny, Point de Paris, Colored Laces,
Openwork Appliques, Paisley Shaded Laces, from one
to six inches wide.
In white, cream, ecru and colors.
New Autumn Goods
So crowded and cramped we
are forced to select our mer
chandise with infinite care.
Our sales prove that people
who appreciate highest qual
ity at lowest pr ess recognise
this fact.
Dress Goods? Come to Us
We cannot recall a season when our dress goods
stock displayed such an array of attractive patterns
that we are showing on our dress goods counters to
day. With the styles in vogue for Fall the range of
selection is very broad. Not one particular weave is
given the preference and not one color is imperative.
While it is true that brown is being shown and talked
of as the season's most popular shade, still the demand
for mixtures and plaids is very strong.
New Hair Goods at Lowest Prices
Switches Made to Order
Expert Work Guaranteed
Fitted Hand Bag
Selling Regular $5
For the coming season
there has been a change
made in the appointments of
Ladies' Hand Bags. The
automobile has caused this
change. Most bags are fit
ted with four or five toilet
requisites. In this sale we
jffer genuine seal, walrus,
morocco, mottled calf and
seal goat bags, in the new
9 to 12-inch shapes. Some
all leather frames, others
with silver and gilt metal
Single and double strap
handles in tans, black, green,
navy and brown.
W. B. Corsets
Fall Models
On Sale
Sc hool Supplies
Buy your school supplies here.
You will find an immense stock
to select from; prices that are
bound to be economical.
Eagle compass, dividers 20c
5c Composition books at 3c
10c Composition books at 8c
5c Student note books at 3c
10c S.udent note bcoks at 8c
Bij pencil bosks with fancy
covers 3c
Pencil boxes 3c
Large school sponges at 5c
School slates. 7x11 at 11c
Wood slate pencils, 1 doz.'lOc
Reg. slate pene'ls, 12 for 3c
HarJ wood rulers, 1 5-in. 5c
5c Lead pencils .... 4c
10c Erasers 8c
15c Erasers ... . . 12c
Progress lead pencils, 1 dz. 20c
Cash lead penci s, 1 doz. 9c
Fine writing tablets . . 4c
Our Owl Specials
We Are Always Cheapest
10c Long Emery Boards, one
dozen to box 7
50c Peroxi Antiseptic Tooth
Brushes, sterilized and sanitary,
put up in sealed glass tubes; spe
cial IV5C
75c Hand Mirrors, rosewood and
ebony backs 65c
$2.50 Hand Mirrors, ebony back,
French plate-glass $1.98
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 40c
50c Santiseptic Lotion 36
25c Cuticura Soap 15c
5c Williams' Shaving Soap..3c
50c Roger & Gallet's Violette de
Parme Face Powder 45?
$1.25 Roger & Gallet's Vera Vio
lette and Paue de Espagne Face
Powder; special $1.10
35c Roger & Gallet's Imported
Soaps; special 25t
85c Roger & Gallet's Violette de
Parme Toilet Water; spd..75