Butterick Fashion Sheets for October and October Patterns Now In-Portland Ag'ts John Brown Linens-Cossard Lace-front corsets Arrange to Entertain Your Friends With Afternoon Teas in Our New Tea Room-Portland's Most BeamiftdgtingPlace-?th Floor Portland Agents ior remn s r ine mu n Gloves J. &. T. Cousins' Shoes See Additional Announcement on Page 5 of Society Section for News of Furniture and House Needs Bar gainsGreat Specials in These Lines The Greater M eier Frank Store Adler-Rochester Clothes for Men Estelle and Madame Irene Corsets d Week Harvest Festlv aS ays andM aniifactarer First Informal Showing of Antiiniii inery Worn en s Apparel for Street ccasioi wT '.J F 1 A1U I ). .1 ri 7 ii&Tailored Suits at $35 sffifo& Lilt ' Wi tt M An excellent showuyr of the best fashions for Fall in Women's Tailored rtV? b'Jjj?-i finfeji. Wc have all trrades and orices. We call particular .tfe f-'v;- 7'VW:'rtilil!l th fine of units we have to sell at thirty-five dollars. These. uw'SM&yn & -,:rv n .vv, it - . z : . .-r-v ! , . I in the basket and small mat weaves, in cneviots, uniinisnea WE WELCOME PORTLAND'S FASHION FOLLOWERS TO A STRICTLY INFORMAL DISPLAY OF ALL THAT'S NfaW AND BEAUTIFUL IN THE MILLINERY WORLD. The choicest conceptions of the European artists, together with the most clever American aaapta- m - - z : ; Z . i f 1 ill tions of the old world's ideas. Exquisitely beautiful creations trom Georgette, KeDoux ana iouis, anu j- importations by Lichtenstein, Kurzmann and Gearhart. Come and inspect the showing. Admire r or purchase as you will. Everything in the disp av is on sale. Come early while selection is giod. f X2 Iff If pM mi M attention to suits come worsteds -""3!.! I. and mannish suitincs in small checks, chalk line stripes on black or blue Sril I j rm, uilnn n -n nam Vrmim m-QTr Wart Harlr rrrppn raisin. gTUUXlUa, Ckf. All; buiuio u c WTT, .., t 1 F bine ofthe royal type, anuffrreseda, gold, aeroplane and clematis. Jackets are short and niediuni length plain or braid trinimed, also trimmed with velvet The feature of the new suits are the new hobble skirts, with band of stitched material, or late flounce effects, also the new double box pleated skirts. Suits in great assort- ment, unequalled in beauty and style and value, ,t assort- tpeyr ff , at only $DO.UU One-Piece Dresses-$25 Women's one-piece Dresses, strictly plain tailored or fancy trimmed. Waists have deep pleats over the shoulder and button trim ming. Other styles have two-inch band of materials and eyelet embroid- eryy or plain tailored effect, with stitched pleats over the shoulder and tailored button fastening, with hobble skirt, which is joined to waist with stitched belt. In black, navy and mannish mixtures. Priced at mAh , f.rrr. yrv-k a -5-sb m.t , IIJl- ii il .. . 'HE' rrafVLLTv k'. law braid - . $25.00 ufS Women's Fall Coats $ 15.00 These coats come in the English topcoat style, or full-length, semi-fitted models, single breasted, or side-fastening style. Plain tailored modelsVith small notch collar or rolling col lar fastening close at the throat. Come in gray and tan covert, fancy mixtures $1 C 00 or black broadcloth. These coats are exceptional values at the low price of, ea. V J uv Orders jff w ; "-V Care- f r'L fully f - ' Filled ft ' i Extraordinary Sale Ostrich Plumes, $4, to $26. $r.50 Plumes $4.95 $10 Plumes at $7.95 $15 Plumes at $11.95 What woman is there who doesn't love the richness and distinctive elegance that a rich ostrich plume imparts to a hat? TJiese plumes reached us too late to announce the sale for thefirst weekoTthegreat Harvest Festival Days and Manufacturers' Sale, but there'll be busy times in the millinery section this week wheiT Portland women read of this remarkable offer. These are willow aiidjrejhplumesjy)ta the new blues, browns, tan, red, At the prices quoted here, any woman may have her hat decked with ostrich plumes, the aristocrats of me neaagear woria. w e and you may save in your turn. See the large Fifth-st. window display and see the great assortment m mimnery section. cerise, lavender, purple, etc. At the pr saved money when we made this "buy' $20 Plumes at $ 1 5.95 1 $28 Plumes at $2 1 .75 $30 Plumes at $23.75 1 $33 Plumes at $26.45 i Vii 4 r3 School Supplies at Low Prices Monday Everything needed in the pri mary grades at the lowest prices. As soon as the chil dren come home with their lists send them here for the articles needed. Keep this list for reference. School Slates, 7x9 inches, at the special price of 0 Double School' Slates, spe cial, at the low price of 18 Meier & Frank Special Scratch Tablets at only 4 Ink School Tablets, ruled or unruled; thenars in all sizes; .-IMH-ial at 4S 81 and 12 Legal Tablets, large size, special at low price of 8 Composition Books, at the special price of 4 and 8c Drawing Tablets, special at the low price of, each, 8 Exercise Folios, at the special low price of. each, 4 Pencil Boxes, pretty imported designs, special 4 and 8 Rulers, all sizes, social, at each. 1, 4 and 8 Andrews' Dustless Blackboard Erasers, special, each, 4 Faber's Emerald and Elite Ink and Pencil Erasers, ea. 4 10c Values, special tomorrow at the low price, of, each, 8 Flag Slate Pencils, special tomorrow at the dozen, 5 Wood Slate Pencils, at the very low price of three for 5 Dash Lead Pencils, special tomorrow at, doz., only 10 Traffic Lead Pencils, the the low price of, the dozen. 19 Faber's Finest Lead Pencils, at the low price; each, 4 Faber's Pen Holders, all colors, special at two for 5 Faber's Combination Pen and Pencil, special, at, each, 4 Sterling School Chalk, the finest, special at two for E School Crayons with or without wood covers, special 4 Dove School Crayons, 14 colors, special the box, only 1C Large School Sponges, at the special price of, each, 3? Book Straps all sizes, siiecial at only 8S 12?" and 19 Canvas School Bags, special at the low price of, each, 19 Corduroy School Bags, special at the low price of 49 Carter's Black Ink, special tomorrow, at, the bottle, 3c Carter's Fluid Ink, regular 10c a bottle, special at T Fountain Pen Ink, with filler, special, at only 12 (" Many other items too numerous to mention. Save on School Supplies by purchasing at the big store. Women's Sacques, Bath Robes, Etc. We show this week a new line of women's very pretty Tea Sacques in 23 to 42-inch lengths. Also two-piece houe dresses in the very latest models. ' The materials are crepe de chine. China ilk, albatross and wool batistes. French and baby yokes, with large round or square col lars, with eyelet embroidery, Cluny lace, baby Irish, ap plique, plat Val. and double-thread lace, batiste embroid ery, accordion pleatii; and satin ribbon. QQC (( Litrht, dark and medium colorings; $6.50 to fOJJJ SPECIAL WOMEN'S BATH ROBES, in very pretty dt-M-rns. with round collars, pockets, cords and jrirdle at wai&t; come in blue. red. navy, frray, tan and dJO Att Great '-Harvard Mills9 Md) Underwear For Which We Are SoSe Portland Agents The Greater Meier & Frank Store has the exclusive agency for Portland for the famous Harvard Mills Sanitary Underwear for women and children. We say "sanitary" because the makers ol Harvard mills underwear are .ylHftyf the most particular in regard to cleanliness of any manufacturers m tne 'ijJf''- . il vjt V uw country. The factory is kept spotlessly neat and the accommodations lor the help who work on Harvard Mills garments are perfect in regard to cleanliness and sanitation. Competent people see to it that underwear is produced under the most favorable conditions and NOT ONE GARMENT THAT LEAVES THE FACTORY IS HANDLED BY ANY BUT A PERFECTLY HEALTHY AND PERFECTLY CLEAN PERSON. Made in all grades, weights and qualities, but only a few of the strongest selling numbers are mentioned in this announcement. Every Piece of Harvard Mills Un derwear Is Reduced for This Sale SEE THE BIG DISPLAY IN 5TH-STREET WINDOW ALL MAIL ORDERS WILL BE PROMPTLY FILLED HarvarJ hlills''' 'AWAiWJ Underwear Child's Underwear 39c $1.75 Un'n Suits $1.33 Silk and Lisle Garm'nts Fleece lined pants and -t. ehndn, lS "el TS-:?32C rer ,1,5 value, at $13 -rtt or ak. Tights and Vests 47c $250Union Suits $1.79 .ii.uoorIWf.theg.ent Women's Harvard Mills heavv ribbed vests Harvard Mills Union Suits, in wool mixed. Wop! GtSXmentS $1.29 and tijrhts; vests lonleeves; leetor ftS "oal" Vl"" 7Q Women's Harvard Mills Vests and Tights, a.l 47C Iciaffof sale at $1-79 $19 Regular 7oc values, extra sizes, special, 63C , MJXr-.A Ol Vests and Tights 93c IlSs and Vests 93c Wooi Vests and Tights VC5I.5 aim 1151.ua Womea.s Han.ard Mi!ls Vests and Ti?htS) ,rr Harvard Mills vests and tifrhts for women, in heavv wool mixed, white or. gray, long W omen s Harvard Mills Tights and ests, in ShkwdIoSorile.vTe.t; or short-sleeved vests, knee or 93 J'""?"? andknee or ankle length tights; reg 93 ankle-length tights; rc 1.2,, at OC i.;i.r.t $1-79 $1.2o values; special for tins sale -'- V.-. G- 1 1 t Extra Sixes, regular $1.50 values, at 1.19 V CStS 1 lgUtS i$ 1 . I J UHlOn SUltS 98C Silk and OOl VeStS Women s Harvard Mills Vests and Tiglrts, - lift. CUM TfaJlJ two-thirds wool, in medium weight; vests Harvard Mills Union Suits, high neck, Ion Women's Harvard Mills vests and pants in silk have long or short sleeves tights knee or sleeves knee or ankle length reg- Qg and wool, long sleeve vests and an- CI OO ankle length; our regular $l.o0 ftj -fes re"u ar$l M value at SI 19 kie-length pants, reg. $1.75 values S-l.OO values; special tomorrow at Extra Sizes, regular $l.o0 value, at ?1.1J All Better Grades of the "Harvard Mills" Underwear Reduced in Proportion for the Great Harvest Days Sale Children's Dresses and School Apparel 1-piece regulation Sailor Suits, for girls of 14. Ifi , and 18 years of age, made of fine quality all - wool serge, in navy blue, made with-pleated skirt; collar and cuffs trimmed with white braid and hand-embroidered emblems; priced at, special, ea., S 15.00 Children's Box Coats, full length, made of serge and cheviot, in blue, bright red, gray, brown or black and white checks. All lined throughout; have velvet collars; ages 2 to 6 vears; prices $4.00 to $7.50 W o m e n's and Misses' Gymnasium Suits, made of good quality blue serge, some with sailor collars, others with Dutch necks. Full pleated bloomers; in sizes 34 to 44; priced at. ea., from $3.00 to $6.50 rt5- JKTT Complete Line of Most Stylish Furs This season will be particu larly strong for Furs, and the wise women who are go-inn- in fnllnw Fashion's trend ) will buy early. The very wise J.vomen who want best values as well as styles will come to the Big Store for their Furs. Among the popular Furs for the coming season are mink. royal ermine, lynx, skunk, fox. Japanese mink, sable, squirrel, wolf, opossum and marmot. They are made in the very attractive wide shawl or cape' collar, also in the long stole effects, and large pillow or barrel muffs. Mink, at prices ranging from $25.00 to $250.00 the piece. Japanese Mink, priced from $10.00 up to $60.00 the piece. Fox, on sale at prices rang ing from $12.50 to $75 piece. Sable Squirrel, priced at from $0 to the piece. Skunk, on sale at prices from $22.50 to $05.00 the piece. Opossum, at prices ranging from $4.50 to $16.;0 piece. Marmot, at prices ranging from $3.50 to $15.00 the piece. A COMPLETE SHOWING OF FUR COATS IN ALL THE BEST FURS AND STYLES 1 hrfwn; n special sale at low pnee Of, each V" jSmmimmmmmmmmmmmmammmm,1 . -