OREGON STATE FAIR WILL OPEN AT SALEM MONDAY WITH GOOD OUTLOOK Hundreds of Visitors Arrive to Attend Annual Event Many Improvements Made on Grounds Every Depart ment Crowded With Exhibits Thursday Portland Day. TlTdTfllTfilll H PT (flf ill (J? 5S 1 '.-; ,'i-f - .-. 'i a v . C- viV - . . ",.' '.. 'If.- It ' "-S .'.: " " .'- H SAI.KM. Or.. S-pt. :. Sprtial. Al--dy huntlmi of xraons have arrival In S.Im to at'.rnd the Forty-ninlh An nual State Fair, which ojn In this city Monday. Without rxaps. ratlim It la afe t. a. rt that the prosp-t ts fr th" tat? f.ir hrre h.ivi nvcr 1 fore b-en o porwl. Kery dpanm.-nt If crowilej with cx hlt.ltii. lie !:rirnt of horn.- for the rac ti exceptional!;.- lar-c. tho Hroiind liave been Improvrd and hnildlntr aiided. and the ailvant appliratior.a rt cistur.'d with the Snl.'m Coard of Trade for rooms are far in -xces of tliosw In previous years. Thursday ha ben named I'ortland dav at th fair. Monday h.13 ben di-lK-riatej n- th opening day. and Tuesday l!l he Crnuia day. Wednesday. Salem petrle wiil have full jiuay and on Friday tue lirrk'on Aicrieillturai College, will It? Ktven a.i opportunity to expl lt Its ad v.intaK' s. 'n Saturdrtv. the dosing day of tSe fair, the children III be enter tained hy the ii;an:iiceriient. Uernian day la something uf an innova tion, tierntan innclnic sMieti' will he parwrt In full force und a splendid pro crantme has leen arranced. which In -1 iude- exhibits hv ail the l-auinc Turn er:ns. In the ex'.ilhits ti e ivsteiti of ithh tu; development as practiced hy the tierniars will he demonstrated. In the. monilne Actinic tSovernor Jay Itowerman t;I address t:io vtsitors at Marion Fqtiare. weh-omlnc theni to the rlly. and speeders mm rroiMs iim. m into ioikt KOi: FAST DKIVINli. Vlve lricr RooLetl for Viola tine, Sf-d Law mill Two for lim ine Muffler Open. lrtvcr of automobiles occupied the front rar.k In Police Court yesterday, even men answering for speeding and two for driving their cars with the muf flers! open. The star performer was A. C. Ituby. who. the motorcycle offwers suid. was making mile an hour, according to their speedometers wV.uii !.e :is arrested l Thirty-first and linw.lway streets. H was fined lK IStiby live at t-'S Milton street. ChnrW Cornell, of Kast Sumner Krf't. was accused f going at tiie rate nf : miles an hour t F.ast Klchth and M'tlrnnmah streets. - paid '.'. im( : miles an lour mi the Atndy lt.a.t i- c'Mri.d i:ainsl Walter It: tit. ' M - :": ''all . It - S Fox .t r. ar rested ly r.t.n r i- .' .;:s :: Kvan.- for, having tiK-ir ni'i?Ti-rs opened. Judge Hen net t warned them tint the noise tliev mafte mas a mmac t life and limb when hrses were jiesr and told them that other persons had rights on the 1 4 -m ' nil' afea-. a divertiilied proBramme will then be Klven. Including good music. All the visltine Germans will participate in a parade that niorninir. one of the features being the appearance of six or seven bands. It is expected that I'ortland will send tli- biggest delegation ever entertained by Salem next Thursday. A spirit of co opera:lon las developed leteen Port land and Salem in the past few years, and tins, coupled with the fact that it is a allow for nil the stute. gives the management reason to believe that Port land will outdo Itself In the slxe of lt delegation. Salem will strive to fur nish tiie' best kind of entertainment for the visitors. As usual, the day devoted to the Oregon Agricultural College will be one of tiie banner events of the fair. Tli- exhibit of this Institution has a! way? proved of evceptinnnl Interist. This year m-ork on the exhibit has advanced far enough la Indicate t .at it will be as good a any that ha preceded it. Tiie camp ground Is fust fill'i.p- -vlth visitors and the oak rrovo at tno Fair Orouuds presents the ppeararic. of a small city. The . grounds hav,. ben materially Improved and under the di rection of Landscape Gardener Urynn the effect is one thai will :o a sur prise to visitors who have been accus tomed to attend the fair year after year. Amnnr the Improvements nay be Htreet.as well a they. They were allowed to go on their good behavior. W. W. Itobinson was arrested by Pa trolman Stanton for speeding. W. D. Sleep, of TM Irving street, was accused of going at the rate of 27 miles an hour, at Twenty-fourth and F.roadway streets. Carl Iacv, of 1J Knst Seventh ptreet. paid $! for making 27 mile an hour at Twenty-fifth and Hroadway tnreetei An etual One was Imposed on W. M. Ballns. of 147 Twelfth street, for going JO miles an hour at Twenty-second and Broadway lrerls. GOSSIP CAUSES TROUBLE I'orlx-lt-. Mutlou rter.lil'nfs Air Iir ferriicm in JuslU-e Court. A. I Kmmons, who runs a store at Corbelts Station, is. according to the tes timony of Ms neighbors, a goaslpy per son. Recently, it Is alleged, he made some offensive remarks about Mrs. Nel son IMackliall. and her husband and brother repaired to his store and trounced him soundly. lllackhall and W. H. If. Kced. a brother of the woman, were arrested charged with assault and battery, larceny and threatening to kill. Property matters concerning a lease were In dispute be tween the parties before the 'alleged J slande- came up. Reed anil Bl.o'khall were warned hy I Ju.-tuc Olson, who tried the case, that their nssatilt was unjustillahle under the law. The defendants were allowed to go under continued sentence. Barns Trunk Co. tor trunas and bags. 1 r cited a new node! dairy barn. New bleachers have been added to the grandstand, furnishing accommodations to thousands who have heretofore been "rail birds." A compressed air water system has been Installed, the source of the supply bflnu from a deeply-oored well. Additional rest rooms, new lawn seats, shaded avenues and commodious waiting-places will all add to the com fort of the visitor. In addition, efforts are being made to have sleeping ac commodations In the new Hotel Marlon the old Willamette ready by th; time the fair opens. All available space Is taken by the exhibits. The agricultural exhibit Will he the most extensive ever shown. The livestock exhibit has entries that will fill the enormous space In the livestock barns to overflowing. In the main pa vilion all space is taken and Machinery Hall Is so crowded that tented ad ditions will have to he stretched on each side to accommodate late appli cants. Among the new features will be an exhibit, giving a demonstration of the process of spawning and i'..e growth of young salmon In the sta.e hatcheries. Fireworks every evening, a good musical programme under the direc tion of Willis McKlroy, who for years has directed the State Fair bands, and a speed card which offers big induce ments In purses, are- only a few of the attractions. CONTROL IS WIDENED NATIONAL THKATEi: OWNERS IllY THUKE DENYKU HOt'SKS. Calvin Ilelllx Asserts Deal Means Col lapse of Klaw & Erlanger'g Power Throughout Wet. The National Theuter Owners" Associa tion baa purchased outright the Broad way, Baker and Tabor theaters; Denver, according to the terms of an announce ment made last night by Calvin Helllg. In addition to purchasing these three theaters the association takes control of the bookings of the theaters composing the Silver Circuit In Colorado and Wyoming. "This means," eahl Mr. Heillg. "that the stronghold of Klaw & Erlanger has fallen. With the exception of the Co lumbia Theater. San Francisco, and the Salt Iake Theater. Salt Lke Oty. Klaw & Krlnnger have not a single theater west of St. Paul. "What effect will this have on your booking the Krlanger shows?" Mr. Helllg was asked. "As I said all along." he replied. "w will book the Klaw Erlanger shows. I did not think It would be because we control the West, but now that we have control and can book for the California circuits', the Northwee circuit, the Colo rado circuits,' as well as the affiliated Council Magnificent panoramic view of the entire city, Vancouver, St. Johns and Sellwood, the Willamette and Columbia Rivers; Five Snow Crowned Mountain Peaks tower majestically in the distance and present a view from Unequalled throughout the entire world for impressive grandeur and gorgeous setting of landscape. A beautiful verdant park, contoured and platted to please the artist eye sheltered nooks and wooded knolls, winding drives and sightly terraces, Only four blocks from carline. $3500.00 to $5000.00. Building restrictions. 10 Joins paved district; on the west side of the river; Bull Run water; best car service in the city; streets now being: graded; no bridges to cross; building restrictions; all improvements; joins a district of character; 20 minutes from the business center. Buy now at first prices. Take Portland Heights car on Washington Street. Get off at our office on Council Crest Park. Get In On the Ground Floor. Your Terms. TNO. Main 550 Texas circuits, my prophecy appears about to be lumiiea. . - i m4 vesterdav by John TUB ocni " " . . Cort. In New York, acting for the asso . .. ... K,w.iri for the Colorado ciaiion. r. vwi " - - one-nlKht etands and with the sale of his theaters he has) aiso sum mo rights of the Colorado circun. . iMaiAiv ,rji thefltem are now controlled by the Theater Owners- As sociation, headed by Cort and "e!UK Mr. HelllR- the r.ew He lig Theater would be open to the public between October 5 and 10. The delay has been owing to labor troubles. He also reported having booked "The Merry Widow for April and "The Nlgger,"-tnat much dis cussed production of the South race problem In January. The following am n.u trolled In the Sliver Circuit, which will .. .... l. . aa 11 the Northwest practically ue - t..ki. circuit: Grand Opera-Houae. P"Pblo. Grand Opera-riouse. oioi" -.-k- e, Victor Theater. Victor: Blk Theater. Leadvillc; Park Opera-House Grand Junction; Curran opera-nuu. and about a doxen other Colorado theaters- capital Theater. Cheyenne. Wyo.; Union Opera-Mouse, i.oc. w Rawllngs Opera-'House, Rawllngs, W yo. SACRAMENTO MAN HEARD Kcv. AV. ir. Morelana Discusses Op portunities of Church In .West. One of the principal features of the Pacillc International conference of the Brotherhood of Si. Ancrew was the ad dress given yesterday by Rev. W. H. Moreland, bishop of Sacramento, on 'The Church's Opportunity in the Growing West." 'Populations have moved steadily west ward," said Rev. Mr. Moreland. "Think what we shall be when we cut loose from the East, and with our own oil and coal rtianufacture our own products. The can ter of the world's trade will shift from the Atlantic to the Pacific. When that day comes. New York will be the back door- we win be the front door of America. Thus the need Is here. The opportunity la for the church to fulfill An Exclusive, Hig-h-Class, Re stricted Addition to Portland Heig-hts on the East Slope of C O Discount P. SHARKE 122 1-2 Sixth Street Salesmen on the Tract her mission, which Is through her living members to leaven the civilization that Is forming." Today will mark the close of the con vention. The principal feature of today"s prottramme will be an address by Joseph C Astredo, of San Francisco, on "Boy Life on Our City Streets." The lecture will be accompanied by stereopticon views of scenes on the streets In Portland. There will be a farewell meeting 01 the delegates at 9:30 o'clock In the eve ning when the topic will be "What I Shall Take Home to My Chapter." Following Is the programme for today: Pro-Cathedral, 7:30 A. M. Corporate Communion of all delegates. In All Epiecopal Churchee, 11 A. Ji. Special sermons, topic, "The Young Man and the Church"; preachers,, visiting bishops and clergy. Women of Woodcraft Hall. 3 P. M. Stereopticon lecture; chairman,. Rt. Rev. Robert L. Paddock. L. D., Bishop of Eaotern Oregon: admission by ticket, which can be secured without charge; topic, "Bov Life on Our City Streets"; Afraid of Ghosts Many people are afraid of ghosts. Few people re afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a fancy and the germ is a fact. If the germ could be magnified to a size equal to its terrors it would appear more terrible than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs can't be avoided. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink. Tne germ can only prosper when the condition of the system gives it free scope to establish it self and develop. When there is a deficiency of vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek, hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can fortify the body against all germs by. the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the system of clogging imparities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. It is not secret nostrum but a medicine op. known composition and with a record of 40 ytars of curts. Accept no substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors. CS' " Off regular prices during the opening sale Joseph C. ABtredo, San Francisco, Bifihop's Aide to Boys, diocese of Califor nia; tiie slides are made from pictures taken by Mr. Astredo: address, "The Need of Big- Brothers," Hon. Earl C. Bronaugh. Portland, formerly Judge of Juvenile Court. Committee-room, Women of Woodcraft Hall, 4:15 P. M. Sectional conference, topic, "Men's Bible Classes: How to Make Them Successful." Trinity Church, 8 P. M Union service of congregations In the city, topic, "The Church on the Pacific Coast: How to Make It a Man's Church"; speakers, Rt. Rev. F. W. Keator, D. D., Bishop of Oylmpla; Rev. F. H. Graham, rector of St. Saviour's Church, Nelson, B. C; Rev. W. H. Bliws. recently vicar of St. An drew's Cathedral, Honolulu. Trinity Church, 9:30 P. VM. Farewell meeting for the delegates: three five minute addresses; topic, "What I Shall Take Home to My Chapter." Portland FcIe la Bar City. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10. (Special.) 1 (Oil II YCO. A 1550 Portland people arrived at the Palace . Hotel today as follows: E. C. Yerkes, W. D. Casebold, L. Y. Keady, L. A. Mor rison, H. C. Mears, Thomas Scott Brooke. Mrs. A. H. Parker. Interesting Reading for Tubercular Invalids The makers of Eckman's Alterative the medicine that is curing tuberculosis - all over the country will send direct, a pamphlet and other literature that every consumptive should read. It tells In . their own language the story of those whom Eckman's Alterative has cured. Such straight-from-the-heart evidence as this booklet holds Is convincing. No matter if you have unfortunately spent time and money experimenting with nearly every "cure" under the firmament investigate Eckman's Al terative. If shown the heart-touching affidavit of a father whose only son was cured of tuberculosis by Eckman's i Alterative after all hope had been -abandoned, would It not carry some weight with you? A specimen: I 718 Cherrv St., Phlla.. Pa. ', Gentlemen. "In July, 1905. I first noticed the conditione that showed I had Consumption. I lost weight rapidly : had a hollow cough, hemorrhages and very severe night sweats. My brother recommended Eckman's Alterative. In the Fall of 1905 I begran to take it. At this time I am perfectly well and ro bust. My appetite Is good and my weight has Increased from 110 to 140 pounds.. Not a trace of my old trouble remains. I will gladly express the merits of this, medicine to any one." ( Signed 1 M. L. GEARHARDT. " Eckman's Alterative cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Throat and Lung v AffectLons. For sale hy The Owl Drug Co., and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured cases and write to Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence. Location In the prime factor la deciding future values of realty. Laurelbnrst has the location. G- 106.2