TIIE 'SUNDAY OREGON'IAX. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 4, 19i0. JW TOOAT. $135,000 100x100, on Alder street, "with 4-story brick, under good lease. $125,000 en Waphinj:t-on loOxlSo street. 9110,000 100x100, with 3-story brick, inear 'Madison bridge. $95,000 50x05, income. story brick: pod S67.00O 100x100 on Morrison. $50,000 00x100. Xob Hill, with 11 'flats; fine income. $30,000 ,"170x93, on ."Washington st. $50,000 o0x240. river iront, near 3Iorrison Bridge. S4S.00O 100x100. jrarace, under good lease. $40,000 23x100, near Washington. $-10,000 43x100, .Stark. on West Park near $37,500 K Nix 142. on Washington. $36,000 78x100. on 21st near Wash ington; 3 good houses. $35,000 "0x.3O, on First near Madi son. The opening of the new bridge will make a dif ference. $30,000 warehouse 100x150, crtv. projv r-S KEASEY IIUMASOHSJEFFERY O 232 Chamber of Commerce. CJ Klickitat Apple Lands Ther Is money In aonlr. but to pro duce mniitirrlnl apples you muat elMt -ur or-nara inj in a aisiriri umi will irrnw fruit that will stand shipping thoujinH tf mil". Our land Is In the famous II owt Klvsr dmtrtrt. only the 1'olumM.i i:ivr Is betwffn our lain! 4 am! H.t F:1vt. Or. The fMI In rd snot and voli-Mnlr ash. and will produce a fin apples as n be frown any hr on sms C?rnt. ran soil you anv slaed tract from & acre up on a taf of 14 rc ttnt ranh and small monihlT pavmnt. Coni In and talk fvr t til rrrMuion. 1 ou take no PCsSk rhancea We will shoir suits. If yon man pup we will make a r ran icon on tr. land nnd also show you ahst ran be don on a trn-arre trart in this vlrlnltv. If rou can't rail, writ nn for In forma; ton. K very thins; aruar anieed as represented. Columbia Trust Company naarsl t Tra4. Rids;. WEST SIDE INYtSIMLNT $30,000 tV. offer a flno S-ntnrjr aiurtm.nl hous on lltn St.. s.v.ral blo. k, south of Mirnson. on fiOxlOO lt. for I.Tii.Oi'K ran rash, lonir tlmr at k prr cnt on l'.lan-. Ttal annu.il rent Inconi. tr f J300, and coulJ b. Increased. PnnTLAXO.P.M'inC Dm. at Hallwsr Kiraiss, Ride. FOR SALE TV, ar uthorlxv1 to sell for absent ner iOTloo corner of Fifth and Couch. Price. ISI. . This property can also he sold In two piece, maklnir two f'ne buys In heart Tf th. cits' for smaller Inrestora. For prices see) RUSSELL & BLYTH (SiMOWHs R.lldl.a. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS New hmiM on Wilson street, nerar c-oplel. f!v rooms and sleeplnc porrh: hardwood floors and avorrtMna; -ompl.t. Foil lot and pared street. Price. S4250. on tasjr terms. RUSSELL6 BLYTH rm.i wealth Balldla. f 1 f r f Kaerlftce sal. 1 lot.. rSiyiJII corner of Williams and f w w I.kum av.nuea. . X' K'TOnCLEB, IN ahrrVyrk Bids, i W TODAY. FOURTH ST. CORNER Nearly quarter block, near Fourth and Yamhill, $130,000 Ford Street 100 feet from Washington 160x100, adjoining Teal and Hirsch mansions, to the I west, also at head of Wayne I street. Ultra choice hotel i or apartment site. $40,000 Washington Street Full lot, 50x100, short time only, $40,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Must Sacrifice BRAl'TIPIX TRACT OP FIVE ACRES In" an arra bIow prlre of adinlnlnr In n fl. Flatted o you ran sll It In months and rloar I6O110. Close In In DiKn-t'lnss district. MI .ST IIHR riSH TIUS WEEK. PKICR UKUtO CMI. I'h Amy Time C SI5.1. Ideal Suburban Home Thrf hlorkff from rarlfne. thlrtv mlnnirs from rlty. rls-tn-cent carfare. escsuent service. About 4- ACRES One acr In Ia n. flowers, ornamental tres. shrubs of choice vartetlr. One T! Rar.len, fruit trirs. clilrken- limi..i. etc. On nrr set to srrnpes, ratporrti. hljickhcrrlrs. atra wtrrlp. He. all In full bearing (4 yrara old), llalance In xood clover lot. FINE BUNGALOW with every ronrenlence. Including two fireplaces, pliirnhinc flno water sys- tern and tare, porrnrs. run k iu:iM tni.t'. A.H.BirreII Co. MrKtr nirfK- Third and Mark. nrsinfrF.ii. Modem an1 desirably situated on East and Wct Sides at prices ranging from $5000 to $50,000. Rl MEt property, proved. Improved and untm- WARF.HOt K with railroad and river proper! v facilities. ACREAGE In city limits and adjacent there to having good transportation. DOVAI.n MACLEOD, rl Klertrte Ride. Nob Hill Home Very swell, new. strictly modern house: ra and electricity, fumar. and nice fireplace: full cement basement. coTient floor, lnundrv tray a. built-in rhtna closet, panel llnlns;-room. nlco den. slceplnir-i.orch. double floors and walls: In fact nothing miaslnc: a very complete home; on a lot 50x100 on Oyertn st.. near Hth. Price, a bargain. only IsiOi). part casiu Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trad RMi 4th and Oak. Near Broadway Bridge Benton Street trtxlflO ON THE EAST FIPK OF BE.VTON ST.. 11)0 FKKT NORTH OF I'l'PO.NT. THIS 13 ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM THK NEW BROAD WAT BHIDOE. PRICK 11700. CAN Ali RA.VOE KAST TERMS. Edw. P. Mall, 104 2d Street Salesman Wanted Salesman of rood nrpsarar.ee to sell rew, hls;ii-clas subdivision. Exception al opporiunii v tor tne ri(trt nmn. ASK lor ir. Henderson, y to 14 A. M. J.XO. P. Sf AKKEV CO, 123-h Sixth St. " SAVE $400 See mr new. -room bunjralow, with all modern improvements. A most de sirable home which was not built to sell. On beautiful view corner lot near car. In a part of the city where values are increasing: very fast. A 13700 home for $3300. OWF-.R. rkoa Wodlawa ISA. High-Glass Country Residence All city Improvements. mile from cltr limits. Zi) per cent below market. Terme or cash. Apply owner. N 36. OresronlaA. 6-Roorn House 545t f III rrst Prlve. corner of 4th. nw. si nmiTu inn sieepl rig-pon h, nice lawn, everything In first - class shape, with or without furniture. Prlre reasonable t.rms easy. Corn, out and se. thi. Talc i.ml AaJieny car. O.t off. At V2d NEW TOIAT. 84 Acres 8 miles from Portland on the Oregon Water Power line, $200 PER ACRE 14 cash will handle it, the balance can remain; 6 per cent. Can more than double your money by subdividing it into acre tracts. James IFlynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. Have You Heard that within few Atirs dirt will fly a u-.-i n.u on o-muij iKilct nnu imairr i amu and Yamhill? Let's tell you about a corner, the best in that vicinity, and $5000 tinner market value. $2000 Quarter Block Near 14th and Jefferson stroots, $25,000 Private Hotel Site Quarter block, near 21st and Wash ington ; exclusive, quiet and ideally situated for up-to-date private hotel or modern apartment-house. $30,000 Goldschmidt s Agency 0"1 r 11- U: TL- J I ;..- t ilMI 1 1 LI 1 till, V'I. J. IJII II. I httn-bt. Corner with frnclinn rtvr: crtlnnrli? lcwntirn I ' ' ' ' For apartment-hnufe or business buildinp. Price $.50,000. Madison Street 25 foet between First and Second. only $17,500. But muFt sell quick. Goddard&Wiedrick 243 Sfark Street. Murraymead Eaat Ride. Between East 2nd and 341th, Harrlsoa aad Division streets. The East 5ldo Is the most - ranldlr sTOtvlntf part of Portland. The city oh Autrust 30 opened bids for over 560,0fl0 worth of new street Improvements on the East Klde over a million dollars' worth of street Improvements hail been Erevlously lt. Private residences, uslness structures, flats, apartments and hotels to the amount of many mll l'ons of dollars are now In process of construction, ann minions more are be ing planned. BI Y OW. Choicest lota In MrRRtTMGAD 11700 and up; terms. Ail street im provements now fcointr in. Come and see aiurraymead. Oct off Hawthorne ave. car at E. lth street. -o three mocks south on the new sidewalk to my tract omce. open 10 A. AI. to 6 l: M. today. A. B. WIDir.V, Sole A rent, R33-N24 Board ef Trade. Main W74. A It7. Listen! 100x100 on the West Fide, close In. i houeos, brlnKlna" wood Income, and wfll Increase rapidly In value: strictly safe Investment, iialf cash will handle 1U price iji'.uoo. AXOTHEH 100x100 corner, fine apartment site. close In on the East Side: adlolnlno- corner soia ir "uuw. we win sell O'.ir corner for 113.000. We want half cash. ANSWER. It, H. l-ROAUr ROS Lumbermen. Bids;. Marshall IHAM, or A H:4n. QUARTER BLOCK 100x100, CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE, $12,500 J. J. OEDER, Cos. (Jrand Avenue and Ankeny. j ! NEW TOO AT. Grussi &Zado w Bargain List 41 Nice 5-room cottage, full lot. K. 75th St: $500 cash and . i5 per month. t 1 flCn Good ti-room cottage. Rose- waasuir lawn av., nei ar Kast Ninth. Easy toono Good terms. 7-room house. mh. 300 ear KilHng-sworth; cash. A b'K snap. S2300 r. -room bungalow. Kast Caruthers St., near 34th, ISO cusli: $20 per month. t9fift Nie 5-room rottagre, E Yamhill, near 35th. Terms. $2300 $2350 S2500 Nine 5-room eottaBre, K. Pal mon, near 34th. $600 cash. Nice 5-room cottage, Min nesota ave.. near Skldmora. $500 cash .$20 per month. S25oo sr.. 6-room house, Arthur cash. Bia; snap. $2500 Swell 5-room bungalow, Bancroft ave. corner. $2500 7-room house, corner lot, Corbett St.: $500 cash. tOCnn N e 5 -room bungalow, WUUU West Side, on Vermont at. $500 cash. $20 month. COQflfl 5-room bungalow, E. 11th. wfUU near Alberta: $500 cash. $3250 New, modern, 6 - room bungalow, on Pacific street, near car. tiuQ cash. $20 per month. fljoerkrt New 7-room house, fur 0JiJJJ nlshed; full lot. on Minne sota are., near Mason. t"3Cf"ir4 8-room house on Idaho su; B-JJJJ Jot 60x100. Term. tO'Tfifi 6-room cottage. Qulmbjr, fJ I XJKJ near 19th, West Side. Terms. tO'TCfl Swell 6-room bungalow. E. WW JJ STth. near Ellsworth: $600 cash. Balance monthly. flJ9'7Ciri Nearly now 6-ro PJ i OU f u r n 1 s h e d. E. room house. 37th and Caruthers; $1000 cash. $3800 Nice 6-room house, large lot. Portland Heights; terms. A big bargain. New bungalow, furnished, Kose City I'ark. Easy terms Swell 7-room house, Wal nut Park; full lot. New s-room bungalow. E. $3300 $4250 $4400 37th near Hawthorne. 7-room nice house, E. Tay lor, near 23d; $1000 cash. $25 month. Bargain. i modern houses on 60x100 lot. Gibbs st. Good income. $4400 $4600 Mfcfinft ,Klne 6-room. " i,oino. on llanco. ew, modern cock st.; $1000 cash and $2 per month. Fine 7 - room house, hot water heat, E. 30th and Ankeny; $1000 cash. Swell, new, modern, 6-room house, 19th St., Irvlngton. 7-room house, business cor ner, Belmont and 37th St. S5000 S5200 $5500 $6000 Swell modern 8-room house. Front at., near Caruthers. $6600 Ln,t, of the finest homes Is Ladd's Addition. 9 rooms; $2u00 cash. Your choice of 3 new. mod ern 9-room houses in Irv lngton; terms to suit. Strictly modern swell house, 7 rooms, E. Madison near 17th. $1500 cash. Swell, modern, new 6-room house, large lot. Portland JioifliU. 3 good houses on corner lot on Kelly St., West Side. $6900 $7150 $7500 $7800 $8500 $9000 Swell home on Overton st. Bargain. 2 good houses, corner lot, E. 10th, cor. Couch. LOT BARGAINS $425 $700 $750 $800 100x100 on West Side, Fair- mount Addition, siiup. Fine lot, K. 1 4 Lit. near Al- berla. Kasy terms. Flue lot, 60x100, Westmore land, lasy terms. Kino corner, lot 50x100, Kast 14th and Henry ave. ioxlOU, on Virginia m. South ern Portland. Kasy terms. 50x100, K. 33d st., near Clin ton, liasy terms. Snap. gjJ2 3JyJJ A Kine view lot on Mount Tabor. Snap. 50x90. Fine lot in Alameda Park, on Alameda Ijrlve. Terms, 100x100, on Vermont su. Southern Portland. Snap. Your choice of 3 lots Wil lamette Heights, 60x100 ea, 60x100 lot. K. 30th, near Pine. Half cash. Bargain. 1400 cm enn WluUU ao Ultra largo lot, fronting- on 2 streets, in Alainoda Park. 44x100 on Hawthorne ave nue, near Sbtii. pZUUU $2000 COnnft Klne 50 x 100, Multnomah, DUUU near 21st. Irving-ton. Terms. $2200 Hancock Fine corner, 100x100, St.; $800 cash. (OAH kust front lot on 1a OOUU cue, lAdd'e Additio Kast front lot on Ladd ave- on. OCdfl Full lot on Curry at., near tHJUU Corbett. Terms. $2500 y Fine 50x100 lot on East mhlll. bet, 28th and 2S th. i-asy terms; 6 per cent. OCfn 60xl0(- E- 21 ih near Morrl WfauvU son; terms. 35000 100x100 on Kelly at. Cheap est quarter in South Port land; $2000 cash. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bids., 'h and Oak. INVESTlMENTS $36,000 Fractional lot on Morrison 6t., retail district, with three story brick, leaecd. $30,000 100x100 corner, close to 'W ash inpton street. A first-class ho tel or apartment site. $20,000 55 ft. frontajre on Madison st. ARCHIBALD 425 Failing Blrlfr., Quarter Block Grand Avenue Near EAST MORRISON Easiest of term. PricrLfB000 ! 4 Acres on Portland Heights Covered with dosrwood and f!r. maem!- flcnt vlw of city and unow - capped mountains. Will 1, 2 or 3 arreg for Fam price as naked for a single lot close by. k s23 Board Trader jk&u NEW TODAY. CAD WELL'S TRACTS O.V MAI'S STREET, near Lents, all cleared, streets im proved, citv water to each tract, 5c fare: take Mount Scott car to Lents Station, go north on Main street about t? min utes walk and von will find aicent at Cad well's Acres today from 10 A. M. to 6 P. AL LAMBERT-WHITMER CO. TO FOURTH STREET, 404 R. ALDKR STREET. KILL sell old-established bay, grain and teed company, doing $l.0,ooo buelneHS per rar; good profits: best location Jn city, with kin If.no: beat of reasons for sell ing: about SIO.000 cash required; no tri- Tiern. K. "Pi. oreroman. REAL ESTATE DEALEKS. B. k. William G.. 312 Falling bldg Hlrrell. A. II. & Co., 2rt2-;l McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 5u2 McKay bldg. M. Chapln Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co, Main 1S8. 2O0. Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. 813 Commer cial Club bldg. Echalk. Geo. A 2.102. D.. 328 Stark at. Main 362. 6HI.NDLDR A HALL, 206 Ablagtoa bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava. and Multnomah st. tHolladay Addition.) M. E. Tbompaon Co., cor. 4th and Oak eta. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. HERE'S A DESIRABLE LOT Within a block of Ladd's tract and car Hn for $1200. ThU la & BARGAIN" worthy of the capitals. HERE'S ANOTHER. One of Irvington'a beat, $1300, on easy trm. fire thta. ' THE BEST OF ALI. 100x100, faces east and south. two Mocks from car In Irvlngton, three feet above cement walks. Feel ashamed to name the low Dries, but will say It is nearly 11000 under price. Investigate this rAt-l ana you will not doubt it. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON", 32 T.afayette bldg.. "Washington and 0th. A SPLENDID homeslte on the West Side; all Improvement going In at once, but it won i be ready to build ou until next Spring: the lot Is full-sized. It Is In a hiRii-class district, restricted to residences only; it can now be had by amiclpatin , the improvements at the speculative price ; of flOoO; terms. This price absolutely j covers the cost of all Improvements, pave ment, cement sidewalks, sewer, water and gas mains and electric wires underground. AG ,7L Oregonlan. ; LADD ADDITION BARGAIN. Property on Ladd ave. at $17&0 per lot, without the Improvements, Is the same as my price. mhich Is way below any insido good property; my price saves you fou'J to I.Vto per lot and I have the best near in location, 2."0 feet up Ladd ave, from Hawthorne ave,, next to that fine cement block bouse, owner weekdays. S-o Kast Morrison street. Phons evenings and Sun days East 7-S. BRAND new and strictly modern bungHlov house with large halls, paneled walls, beamed ceilings, built-in book cases and buffet, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace and full cement 1 asement. In a rstrictcl district; wo will sell on" easy terms for it is worth l&OC'O. Answer. H. H. I'RDAHL. , 503 Lumhermens Bldg. j Marshall 1S0S or A 534rt. IRVINGTON. Northeast corner 2th and Tillamook twts.; inside lota are selling for more than we arc- asking lor this tine corner; an extra good bargain price. HAAS & RIXGLER, 21 1 Lewis bldg. NO!3 HILL. Beautiful, sightly lots on Tettygrove st.; will build to suit purchaser if desired; between 2,th and 24th St.. facing .south; price 42o0; you cannot find a better loca tion tor a nome. ZIMMERMAN, KlO Board of Trade bldg. NEAR ALBERTA STREET. One nice building lot. Lesli Add., near Alberta st., at a decided bargain. O'BRIEN REALTY CO.. IiCwn bldg., Th and Oak sts. GEE, It's great to live on the West Hide where you can walk to town; and espe cially so when you can be In fine neighbor hood and near the City Park. Why, then, ride all day on the streetcar when you cjii secure a splendid bungalow site here for mwju: terms. aj zi. uregonian. " FLAT PROPOSITION: 40x30 on Kearney St., price $.'1000; $1000 cash; it's easy to rent flats here; walking distance. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade bldg. CITY VIEW LOT Ona that is level and ready to build on. one without the climb. In high-class residential neighborhood; this lot is situated at the point of be- I ginning of Portland Heights; 30O0; terms. AH -ij. Oregonlan. PIG CORNER. - SMALL PRICfl. Lot 60x109. H. 30th st. E. A. caxllne. $22if0. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. At R. SPECULATOR. 7th -st. apartment site, a give-away for $11..".00; need only a little cash, as first payment, but need it badly. $11,500 if taken at once. N 271. Oregonian. W'KST PARK STREET ISVEfTMEXTS. For Improved and unimproved property on this street we have some exceptional bargain. Vanduyn 4 Walton. 615 C'nam bpr of Commerce. 5 LOTS 100x100. i rn F2ast 3d and Davis; worth I30O0, but i zjuo win buy tnem. jjavm Lewui, room 2. Lumbfirmeni bin p. A BARGAIN. Fine 70x100 business on East Gllsan. 2500; terms. pubols & Crockett. Wash Ington bldg-. room a. POKTLAVD HEIGHTS barrnJn. Three beautiful lots, amonjf fine residences; Rood view, block from car, only $3500, terms. AG 25 6i. Oregonlan. A CHEAP IX)T. $1000 cash takes a fine lot located at Iftth and Multnomah, worth $2500. Phone Woodlawn 63t. 2 PUL.I lot. $1100; splendid comer, near car, five blocks to Columbia Park, near school; $250 cash; will ell half. L 262, Oregon teui. iooxlo5 WITH street improvement. Includ ing hard surface, on Tillamook, only $1SOO; easy terms. It is a snap. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg., room 3. $ot) CASH, balance $100 payable $5 per montn, taxes six lots, west tejae south. r . rl. Lewm, d L-ewis dik. FOR SALE) by owner, owner leaving town,; Tabor Olfl. 5-room house, easy terms. 26x43. Phone IF you want nice acre chear bor, and fine lot near W School, phone Evt 24oe. , south Mt. Ta- 'ashington High FINE IRVINGTON BUT Near Stanton. $1450, "terms. It has Lot 13, block 17. Main 24SS. !lst and a future. CORNER lot with two houses, renting for $25; business renter of Sell wood. Inquire room 20 Russell bldg., 4th and Morrison. AN eiegsnt suite, or gentlemen; a dorf. 147 13th i suitable for 2 or 4 ladles reasonable rate. The Wal- ALAMEDA PARK. 4 tots near carline, old contract at sacrifice. Phone Tabor 1257. $io DOWN and $5 per month for large lot one block to car. Price $575. M 202, Oregonlan. I 1 1-6-ACRE unplatted. 200 feet above city. 10 blocks from Reed Institute, on car line ; WOODSTOCK Lot 1, block 35. Nice lot for sale, on carline, line view over city. Inquire 250 Alder sC BY owner, a full lot on Savier at a bar gain. Inquire 931 Savier. MAKE me offer for lot 11 In block ft. Elm- i hurst. 500 Maiden ave., Sell wood. ! IRVINGTON bargain Lot on 21st and fitan- ton sts. 07 Board or Traae. t'nonft AI. Taion. 4 CORNER lots In Irvlngton Park; 50x100 each; easy terms; by owner. 'lTiDor zigia. ROSE CITT PARK, lot 10. block 156, cheap: terms, owner, siam eouw. FOR SALH or trade, block In Woodstock, ; near rarltnc, by owner. 8 2fi5, Oregonian. FINE lot, $200 cash, balance easy; must sell. Ia 2ff 1 . Oregon lan . $3rnvt Walking distance; snap; WlxlOO. cor ner. nar Ankeny. O 573. Oregonian. &rx 105. corner lot; fine location, terms. Owner. N 27H. Oregon, n. FOR SALE Equity in nice ElmhuraL. lnt- Alex Shfcvee. x JioaraVr. Tade REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. BARGAIN COUNTER PRICES. University Park. Houghton and Woolsey. $27.1. Elmhurst, 53d and Broadway. $62.V Irvlngton Park. 10th and Alnsworth. Lincoln Park, nth and Biwh. ('". Onter Addition, 00th and E. Davis. $500. South Portland. Corbett and Carolina, Overlook. Patron av. and Failing, SK'OO. Alameda Park, Ridgewood Drlv. $loUU. Irvlngton. J2th and Stanton. $1Hm. East Portland. "Jd and Oak, ViuOit. Let u show you; they arc genuine bargains; come quick, make Knlecrioa. Terms on all. we have many others. FENX INVESTMENT CO.. rU4 Buchanan bldg. 7-ROOM HOL'SE. t.VPO. Near Eat Ankeny car hams; ran be had on aasy terms. See Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. S4 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A quarter block In betutlful Alta Vista, the one restricted district on Portland Heights: water, llcht. sewer all in and paid; about 2 blocks from tho rarline: the view Is fine and cannot be obstructed; this choice building site will be sold at a very reasonable price and on easy terms. R. F. BRYAN. o05 Chamber of Commerce. A 127. Main 10B3; evenings. C 1174. M'KKWA JUNCTION. McKenna Junction will be the break-up end terminal grounds or tne tiarnman trains as soon as the tunnel Is com pleted. Buy before the boom. Twe lots, each 60x112 feet, on 100 -foot street. A rood business rjrosnect. only $10 cash and 616 monthly on each lot, without inter est, CTVP! A. CVF.WA. Main 522. A 2143. 817 Commercial Block. ACRE LOT3 AT LENTS. Beautiful home sites. Air cleared and ready to build -on. Water In front of each lot. Price within reach of all. Easy terms. COWPERTHWAIT & CHRISTENSEN. Agents at Lents. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY Owners. 272 Stark St. HAWTHORNE LOTS. $25 down and $10 monthly will buy a flr.e fiOxlOO tuiiMlns- lot about 2fX feet south of Hawthorne ave-; price is $1000; these lots will be worth much more when Madison brlflffo Is comnleted. whether you buy build or to hold. It will be a money-making venture to buy now: money on lots are made on close-in locations like thi. Port land-Pacific Investment Co.. room 4 18 Rail- way fcjECSange. 4 LOTS, near Kendall Station, $7."0. 4 lots, Estacada carline, with house, $ 1 500. 8 lots, nice neighborhood, $1200. Iook this up; will make liberal terms; splendid home; places a few blocks from carline. M' FAR LAND INVESTMENT CO., SlO Corfrett bldg., Portland. IRVINGTON. Choice building lot on Jlalsey St., 123 feet Jn depth, three blocks from car; ce ment walk, graveled street, water and gas all In and paid; this Is a fine buy at $1000 on terms. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce, Main A 1227. Evenings, C 1174. NEW MAPI L Latest map of Portland, Or.. glvlnf new sddl:ions, electric lined, etc 2. 26-mile circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and section numbers1, new electric lines and railroads, etc. Price 60 cvnts each. Send stamps. The Croat, ley Co., TOtf Corbett bldg. COUNCIL CREPT PARK. They are now working on the streets in this tract; improvements Include wter, sewer, sidewalks and bitulithic streets; I have some of the finest view sites in thbi tract at prices that are right. See W. J. BAKER, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. GKEENWAY. the summit between Portland Heights and Council Crest, unobstructed vltuv east, west, north and south, on carline and Talbot road, equals two and one-third ordinary lots; splendid build ings on two sides adjoining, for quick sale $4000; terms. Penn Investment Co., 14 Buchanan bldg. K. HOYT NEAR E. 33RD St. SOx 100-foot lot. good view, one block from car line, restricted residence dis d (strict, on paved street. Price $1,75, easy terms. H. P. PALMER JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main frfiUtt A 2053 A PENINSULA BARGAIN. Two lots In University Park, each 50x 112 feet, graded street. l.--foot alley water, electric lichts. gas. price Sb50; f 3 cash and (10 monthly on each lot with out Interest. COE A. M K.ENNA. Main 4522. A214. til" Commercial Block. IRVINGTON. 100x120. 3 blocks from irood car serv ice. This is a good home site; $3200 on terms. R. F. BRYAN, BOf, Chamber of CoinmMre. Main lwn. A 1227. Evenings. C 1174. 10XlOU rOHS'BR. On Pth st.. close to Union ave.; $lS00v $050 cash, balance years. A. J. OA N'T.N'BR, 61S Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sta. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100 12th St.: Rood, 0-room model bouse, on corner; Inside lot vacant, will sell both for $22,500 or lot with house $12,000, good terms. Vanduyn &. Walton. 515 C h am ber of Commerce. SNAP 10 lots and bungalow, only $5S00; 23- minute ride on East Side cars; high an sightly; beautiful shade tree; for one mure homes or for investment; terms; on block to car; wonderful view property. J C. Logan. 3264 Wash, frt., room 404. CORNER RODNEY AND GOI-VO. lOOxloO. 6. W. corner Rodney and Go ing. Price, j.'iooo; vry nnc. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK. '2-Li Stark St. FOR SALE at a bargain, block 4, James Johns Addition to SL. Johns, If sold with In 30 days ; write owner. C M. Brush, 1901 E. 4 tub. iL, Cleveland, O. Suite 2, the Ad La BoxlM), WE3T BIDE businees lot, only $1000; $700 cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 years, 6 per cent rlcht oh carline. suitable lor store, with Mv- lnir rooms, or fkit above. Call Monday. Jas. C. Logan. 326 Wawh. wt., room 4H. A BARGAIN'. Small tract of ten lots, six blocks south of W-R car. inquire at ui Kast a;tn st. $550 per lot and up; 10 per cent down, $10 per month. $U2oO House with lOOxlftO feet, on Mount Scott carline, near Grays Crossing; nicely situated ana worm tne money. PARRJSH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. CHOICE tract of 1 acres In Primrose, close In on Oregon Klectnc car, $ld.0 small cash payment and balance on easy terms. Call 414 Spaiaing niag. LOOK SNAP. For sale by owner, lOuxlOO corner East 15th and Rhone; price $1800; easy terms. In quire 7Qtt taut i4ta st. L SUPERB 100-foot corner at 2Sth and Knott sts., SJuuU; Improvements In and paid. Ad dress owner, P. O. Box 231, or AG 2ttS, Ore- gonian. 2 CHOICE corner business lots In Fulton Park at $600 each. This Is a good buy; If you want a snap see the Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bJdr MUST have money; 3 lots 50x100 each. In Irvlngton Park for $105O: one lot in Sell wood, only $700; this must be tafu Owner, S2-1 East Taylor. Phone Main U;:.!3 1K you want to make a good investment, let me show you a bargain In a lot at Irvlngton. Geo. S. Allen Realty Co., 303 Beck bldg. NEAR Columbia Park Corner. 100x1124. at sacrifice. Price $1400, half cash. On 100-foot boulevard and la-foot alley. - AG 263, Oregonian. FULL acre tract. 27 minutes, 5c carline; $500 to $700; West Side. H1GLEY & BLSilOP, 132 -D ST. BEAUTIFUL lot in Council Crest; will sac rifice my $202 equity for $7o. Call at ftio Lumbermens bidg. PENINSULA ADD., block 3, four lots, fac ing toward Columbia, high and level; for ulck a 1 $1000 Phone Se ilwood 771. 60x100 corner lot, graded, with water and sewer, cement walks, improved streets. J By owner. H Oregonlan. FOR SALE Rossmere lot on 43d st.. well located near car; easy terms; good invest ment. Owner, Keehn A 25t5. FOR SALE -Half or one acre. 1131 Glad- stoneaye. CHOTCB lot on Clin to at. at 36th, $075; snap; terms. u 26tt, oregonian. FOR 6ALB cheep, lot on Waverly Height: all Improvements. Box F 2ft5, Oregonian. lR VT XGTON Snap; cheapest ftsst-fac ing lot ; Improvements all paid. M 2Iftf, Oregonlan. BEST buy In FIMmont. quarter block, east front. Owner. 2Q5 Lumbermen's bidg. MUST sell fine Portland Heights lot. Owner, room 25. Union Depot. huti $0 days will sacrifice Peninsula eote; n.a agents. AN 21, Oregonian REAL ESTATE. For Sl Lot. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Investors "f capital. SH0 oik. Fine Burnsido corner. 0x100. new oc cupied by old building?, handiome build ing on opposite cornei. Va-J.-ioo. Another splendid close-in lor at ion, 50x 7.. old improvements adjoining new 4 story bldg; section growing into business very fast. . If you want a down-town location, call at the office and ak f(,r our Air. Stauson; he knows in, price and hiriory ol the business properties. $6750. Beautiful lot on Portland Heights. 141 feet frontage on the curve, most magnifi cent view; let us show you this if you want an ideal homeaite. $4800. A five-room home on a corner. x60. Portland Heights; an unusual opportunity. Investigate. $lJ0i Buys 20" feet of hlch-clsp f rents g. blocks from Broadway car mid this side of 8d St.. ; present value $5000. HARTMAN SL THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Chamber of Commerce. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT. An acre of ground to build a home on. 7 miles from center of city, water piped to each acre, electric lights. Hume phone, close to good school, $t00 and up; 1" per cent cash, balance 2 per cent per month. SUBURBAN LAND COMPANY, 510 Henry Bldg. Phones Marshall A 710S. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE, u block, within two blocks of East Side landing -f NEW BROADWAY BRIDGE, at a decided snap. This Is away unri-r market for quick sale, and as Broadway bridge Is now assured, this property will be worth $l0.0iu within a year. Let show you thts. and If in market you will buy. price under $mv0. E. R. MA R KH AM, 200 Gerltnger Bldg. 2d and Alder. Main S4ao. IRYIXCTON CORNER. I have several snnps ; will he pleased to shoyv tnem if in-UM-csiPd. Call for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. S4 Fourth St Board of Tiade Bldg. BARGAINS IN LOTS. ; $4."0 for 4mx10o on Wst side. J.'iOO for 40x100, sewer and water paid. JfVJ.I for TiOx IOt on peninsula. $7."0 for lot in Vernon, facing east. j $7.Vt for 40x1 no in Highland. I S7.0 lor corn.T .".ox too near Hawthorne. jHiMr frr corner 5tt.vlnn in Vernon. : $2200 for corner luOxlOO near New Higlil School. fllOO for 7."ixl00 in Vernon fncing cast. BLANCH A RI & CUKMbuN, Ou Sixth Si. ANOTHER PENINSULA BOOM "Will follow the completion of the llar rlman tunnl. Buy now and profit hy the lncrscd value of the property. Tw lots, each 50x100, water, gas. electric lights. l."-foot alley, nuar Columbia Park, iZb cash; $10 monthly on each lot. with out interest. COE A. M'KENNA. Main 4 T. 2 2 . A 2143. 617 Commercial Block. yTH-STHEET IjOT. BARGAIN. Right on ;th, .south of W. K. carline; 50xl'0 building lot for JrtT.o, which ! $2i under value; tr-rms $23 down and $H nionih ly; it will pay you to look Into this; a lull iao lot on fine street, close in. at price pay a couple miles out beyond. Portland Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Exching bldg. A PN'AP Full-sised lot. cement walk anJ rurb; graded n'rcel and liull Run wat"r prlte $4 Jo ; fhQ cafh and S!0 a nioutli- S. D. Vincent ft Co.. 420-421 Lumber mens bldg., cor. Sth and Stark. HOLLA DAY PARK QUARTER BLOCKS Corner, lOoxlon foet, at 15th and Clack amai sts.. lurroundfl by liandsontj houses; faces north and east on pave 4 streets. Price $ti50o; t-rmfi. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Mdg. Plumes Main Mi'.tit. A "'.'i. 100 BY 100 Good corner on East STth street, f blocks south of Gladstone ave. and V. W ca.rline. Price only $son. J50o cash, snap. Adjoining lots held at jiiuo apiece KAUFFMAN & MOORE. 35 Lumber Ea change. 2 CHOICE lots, S5xlO, tvptween Hancocf end Tillamook, on East 27th. A beantli ful residence site. In a fine location. Pric for both. $2230; one-third cash, balance per cent. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bid WANT to sell my equity of $260 in lot if Laurelhurst for $i'o0, cash or diamond, purchaso price $1300 or face value oi first payment on houp? and lot, 6-roont bungalow. A K 265. Oregonian. $10 CASH and 5 per mnth buys vcrj pretty lot, 3 blocks Mt. Scott 5c carline city ; $30 below the market: only a, fe left on these terms; come quick. HIOLEY& BlriHOP. lo2 THIRD ST. 50 FEET on Kllllnpsworih. near Delaware at $n0 $100 cash and $10 and intcrea per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 2r Stark St. UNION AVENUE. We have several properties to offer of this street. It will pav vou to soc us. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK. 24.'i Stark St. ONE lot, 50x100. on East 45th st, two block. suth Hawthorne ave. ; gas, sewer an water; price $723; $K0 dowi, balance $24 per month. Address XC( Oregonian. PORTLAND boulevard lol iUxl0u. choM building lots near carline; $750 will bnj thuf. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spaldi Ing bldg 2 & AC RES In choice t ract, 20 mi nu r from the center or town. Price li5 Small payment down. Call 414 bpaidini bldg. $25 CASH and $10 per month, lot f6xl40j near oc iii. bl-oli car, cil, omy io l $500; citv watr and street graded. HIOI.EY ft BISHOP. 1:12 THIRD ST. PORTLAND Heights bargain: eight lots, beautiful view, one block car; excellent neighborhood; $Si00. terms. Main a55l A :is;m. I'M the owner of one of t he beat lots Olmsted Park; circumstances mrce me t part with it, and snme one will be glvef" a big bargain. E 277, Oregonian. 100x100 IN Alblna. close to Russell h This Is a fine little buy at $2700. It ft a chance tor a safe investment. Tin Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg XOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park foi $500. $25 down ana iu mommy; graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Bud water, 524-520 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST sell corner iuyx94, Laurelhurst. on carline; market price $ibuu; will sell foi ii:u0; j Owner, $2 bit casii, uaiance a monln 11-1 .uiucu at. IRVINGTON PARK You can have it si a very low price: .; diocks oi carl don't let this slip your mind. Phone J 241. 4U3 Couch bldg- IRVINGTON Lot 17. block :6. on coth s and Siskiyou sale. Ownei North, between bum ton price $1325, for quick Phone East 4924. ouxlOG LOTS, fine building sites, about 101 feet oil bouievara, $:u ; oaiance iu easj payments, 1204 E. Itith North. Cai today. LAND in South Oswego, near proposed elefl Parrish, 627 Lal trie line, oy x. Burnside st. $f25 CASH Buys fine Rnje City Park lot near car. d rt ts AN 258. Oregon lan. IRVINGTON. beautiful lot, 50x100, fiidewall street paved; I block to car; $13o0. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. OWNER leaving city is obliged to dlapoa or a signny nuiiQing ini oia portion Portland Heignts. rnone Marshall j n HHJ IN Havelock. on Church near Patton eve, iw i-jvj.. fT.v ' in". in tvestea Femrities Co.. 414 Raiding bldg. NICE lots Mix 15',, on a.'.th St.. near Easl Glisan; ?'.VW, terms. Fred W. ;ermail 32 Burnside. I'h one Jlain or A 2776. NAP Bay ocean lot for $450; adioiiiin, lots are $U'PO. fi6S Kaat Taylor. cut iSALi Lot 50x100, Jn Ai&meda Jaji 1