l"HE SUNDAY OREGOMAN. PORTLAND. SEFTE3IBER 4, 1910. XETT TOP AT. I I TUESDAY AND THURSDAY l wr Ml 13 PH . kail hate a Tr efcolee) Irrtina ( fnraltnrr. ra. .. rrniovM to ahove addrr.s for convenience or .. tmr sle. rmprtal; Mb - ' llhrar? table, rockers. eay ''''" ur-iol..terrd in leather. mlio"r "1 Mlt parlor rockers, renter UMm. yZ ennort. couches, aalaaloa Ha-r kaaltr, iris: table, clialra. buffet ana rhin closet, also dlnlner-room furniture n ioM'1 oak. KnicM'h breakfast labia ait i drta-fr, lace rurtalna. xnlvmtrT, mra Tr Bn-rt. """J"' iiKra!e braaa M. several Iron beds. nnnKa and niattreaa. plllowa and junta. prlnrcsa nl other dressers, rhlffonlerea. solid oak srardror.es. Mli4r foldtna; fceaa, rranhophone and records steel ranges, aas ranges, heat r.. Krt. fr et. klt.-hen cabinet. "d t!roo lljMn. drop-head lti( ma rlines, utensils, etc. Pale. "' lav (Tanadar aad Tkaradayl at 19 I clock. r.tn. BAKER at fO, Anrtlaaeere. In Our Retail Department have Just received a shipment of KMd mlner r in newest pat. larni direct from factor. If you have r,.-t visited oir retail department, yon izht to. W rati positively save you money Gr.fl.iKrHrn, B.Ti, phnfi. 113 rarl it. Anrtloaeer. fk Mala 573. (.ILMI sirTinN AND (MdlUMOJ CO. n Itatwra Kraiaa nahlasrtan. Hovers aad Itealere. AtCTlOX ,: THU WEEK At 12 !"raBd JatreM, ON TUESDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. v instructions of owner, elegant fur niture, including beautiful mahoany Narleon -style bedstead with dresser tn rratrh; genuine brass bedstead. best nu-tlltv. three-ajnarter ls. with find oriniss and cooler mat I reel and pil lows made to order, very handsome lti.oeanv dresser with French plete ehnned mirror. himlmii round oak ex tension table. beautiful buffet and Fadv'a eicroltoire In oak. en suite with i'flne dining ensira; costly arenntne mlusier rut x I ! faet. and 3 dra- ? erics and lace curtains of fine deatarn. nmeatlr? aewlna; machine. 30 pound fine feathera, aland tahlra. rockera, etcl much with pad mattreaa. laleat at le ( ran are with top canopy, water l-eater. vary fine heattna tv. coal or wood: hoae. laaa-n mowar. ladder. V it. lien furniture, etc.. etc. tala Tuaa liy 1 A. M. .12 Second t. . L. V. ftll.Ml. Aaalaaacr. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Res alar Salca Daya. Wednesday and Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. Ojr le!a thla week will Include a laree artincnt of household fiirnl!h-lri-. rrlr and library furniture, larjta a4..- . iair.. JforrM chair, a-oiirhes. par lor" tha. buffeta. atenalon tahlaa. linin chairs, run, carpeta. portlarea. Iae cur'lna. pictures. Hooka, braaa Iron bid, aprlns.o. mttra. plllowa. tel rant". ranitea. linoleum. J oes. leu. hen iitenall". uprlKht pianoa, roPtop desks, office furniture, etc. rnrS srir.n AT Fr.IV.ATE S.VLB AT ALL TI.MF.S. J. T. lt.. Aartleaarr. a.h paid for furniture, stocks of r-r han.iise. etc. fall Main l2. A 434.1 AUCTION SALES 211 First Street WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Mnndaf. brink" f-abor day. wa will ba a'oe. all div. bin will have all the lararer aortnent for our V aMtaeaday ale at P. M, as the furniture la com InjC tn all the tlrr.e from ail prts a.f tr.r cltv. It would be useless for us to Ifemue the furniture for this ea'o. as otir prices are so low that It does not remain there verr long, and conse aiuent'v Is chanarinjr all the time, but v. e alviya ha-e a larae assortment of a. I kinds of ho us., furnishings. I'DRI) AtrTIO CO. l,onc Main S?S1. A 3115. r-n for tret the sale of Hand-related a bias every dav al Id A. M-. 3 "" and 1.S1 F". M corner Fifth and Washlnn-" ton. Kids. Wormian A King's old store. ' Bungalow F'autiful and complete. more desir able home could hardly ba found, and offered at an extremely low price. These statements ran be verified by aa'llna; and examining; same. Few feet from carline. All Improvements paid for and la service. Flrt house north tf Piiaver street on Capitol avenue. Take I'.-S car to end ef line. 6-Room House Fireplace, three bedrooms, bathroom, cement basement, furnace. price, tee owner at 871 Capitol avenue. Other houses from IU'00 to 135.000. Nob Hill. Portland Flelarhts, Willamette Heights Irving-ton. HolUday. Piedmont. Vacant lota, quarirr blocks, full blocks, warehouse, factory sites and Income property up to $3'10.l0n. .Ml transactions confidential. No phone Information. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY LOTS EAST OF LAURELHURST CHEAP TV V. H A V T. A BOL'T TO R TT. O F t ft f"p r.t x)j st . r. ft.t h r. r a n ej P V. I .fW TH E M A It K E TOP. S t'R - R ryriNt? ppopt:rtT.r. n eal r.a TAT J5ME NAR EBfT INO TF 1 Fi tJl.?Tili A XIM( A: E AI- r f:a ry r.F:sor.i at a pro ft T. THE S PANTO N CO. REALTY CURATORS. :9 OAK ST. I awn a choice subdivision adjntntnac Frvlncton. and want a live man or firm to sell It In lots or sll together. Ad - a Pi il Hnt.lr-sV-rr ri :;)Xresanlaa Leraar Tracts Are without question the mopt beautiful building spots on the East Side. Very sightly, overlooking the city, being on the Western slope of Mount Tabor and adjoining the new City Park, which is to be made into the most beautiful park on the Coast, and that will ad vance the property ad joining several times the present prices. Buy now and get the benefit of the raise which if sure to come. Some of the most beau tiful homes in the city are around it. Highly restricted dis trict. Located on West avenue, 2 blocks south of Mount Tabor car. Prices thirty to fifty per cent less than like property on AVest Side. Terms easy. Brong-SteeleCo. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. Whole Block Z 200x200 feet, close, in, just J north of Wa?hinrton f-t.; terms J to suit purchaser. Burnside St. Corner 100 on Burnsirle, SO on Tenth street. Good prospective busi ness site 543,000 Residence Site Restricted District. 110 feet frontas. nortn aide Johu.-.on t., 1 t. 10th and 20th, 16,000 v We have several income busi ness properties paying from 6 to J) per rent net; also a number of attractive apartment houses which will appeal to those who are looking for safe iavestmonU. SMITH & EVERETT Failing Building. Apartment Site r nnn upper 0 iOlUUU Inaton St.; lot 60x lOi feeL 16th Street f i r nnn oxino feet. ooa 3 iUlUUU home: choice loca tion for business or warehouse. Watch Sixteenth street grow. Irving ton a rrn w have soma choice OlOUUlots located near 25th a j svpsfv and Broadway. At 01 iSVJ these prices. Mr. Build er, this is your opportunity. Laurelhurst ttCCn Bu'r Iot where all OOJU are restricted to build at 1 1 "7 C uniform, artistic J la) I O homes, and you will ba proud to Kive your friends your address. Only a few lots at these prices. Haas-Ringler 311 Lewis Bid. Ladd'sAddition ?Cnnn New 7-room. modern and OOUUU up to date In every particu lar. Oak floora, furnace, fireplace, and easy terms, w CCCOO Nv - r o o m and attic OjDUU house, oak floors, a vary modern ronvenlance. exceptionally well built. Flasy terms. itrn (-room rottaaa. atUo and O410U basement, desirable Iocs, lion. FJast Taylor, near E. 0th St. Terms. OCCO (.room modern rnttace. 4"x PasOOU T.". on Ksat Main U west of K. I.ld street- All Improved. Very easy terma. F.W.TORGLER . aoe, Sherlock BUc. Rose City. Park Lots are so popular that evrrythinrr in that whole district is called Rose City Fark section.' You can still buy from us, the oriirinators, a lot in the original Rose City Park. Prices low. $550, $600, $700 Terms oh. so easy; $55 cash. $10 per month, or $60 cash and $12 per month. Streets praded, curbed, water pipes and cement walks ail paid. Call and ask for printed matter. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce. Wheat Lands IN Alberta are" a sure and safe investment. Your opportunity is now. Never ncain tvill you -bo able to buy lands of equal viuality and at these prices and terms. $11 to $22 an Acre 10 Years' Time Harvest is on. Go now and see for yourself what this country is doing. Iytv-rate excursion Saturday. September 17tb. Write or call foe particulars, also for illustrated booklets. IDE-McCARTHY LAND CO. ' Colonization Apents Canadian Pacific Railway, 425-6-7-8 Lumbermcns Building FIRST CLASS $3000 Vacant lot on Ravier street near Twenty-sixth. Nothing cheap er on the West Side. Terms. 520,000 Lot on Seventh street in a location that will support Btores below and apartments above. Thi lot will double in value in two years. Terms. 333,000 Brand - new apartment house in fashionable section. Mod ern in all respects. Bath in each apartment. Income $4320 per year, netting over 11 per cent. Terms. - $81,000 Lot and brick building on Third street, Portland 'a longeet through traffic street. Income ."iOO per year, netting !2 per cent on prioe quoted. Terms. Walker & Reed 623 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8535. APPLES Eight Acres Four Years Old Crop this season. Winter Banana. Ortley and Gravensteln varieties. Only forty minutes' ride from town and ou Beavertoa-Reedvtlle Act ease. One-half mile from Fourth - atreet line. Eleaant suburban home site and In come retrular and certain each year. $500 Per Acre If Takea at Thla Time. The Shaw-Fear Company SVh Stark St. FOR SALE 100x100. corner lth and Savler: income covers all expenses and pays revenue on investment. Price, $30,000. ntssr.n, bi.vth, r.inmnnwailtti Building. Wtl.L .hip my equity of t:iS m l' rholca lets at r.ockaaay "each. TV'a mook Pay. Make ma ao 0Br. jt Zit-(Jresunlaa. INVS1 : : t w today. - T ioPAT Tt""r FOR SALE BY MALL & VON BORSTEL GRAND AVENUE lOoxSC, situated on the aouthweat cor ner Grand avenue and East Ankeny t. This Is one of the best corners on Grand ave.. being- a transfer point. For price and terms, see us. GRAND AVENUE Price $ 30,000 inOjcSO. situated on Grand avenue and between E. Morrison and E. Madison street bridges. For terms and further particulars see us. UNION AVENUE Price S18.500 "Oxion. situated on the northeast cor ner I'nlon avenue and East Davis st. Has some Improvements. GRAND AVENUE and EAST IRVING STREET lorbtSI. situated on the northeast cer nr Grand avenue and East Irvine; st. The property Is Improved and has an Income of 196 per month. can mane terms. EAST COUCH-STREET LOT Price S3200 Lot 50x100, situated on the north side of E. Couch street cornertntt on an alley and between East 18th and East 20th ste. Terms. RUSSELL STREET Price SS500 Income $60 Per Month Lot Soxion. on Russell st.. near Mis sissippi. This Property has an Income st this time of In per month and is situated Nos. 98. 100. 102 Russell st. Terms. WASCO STREET Price $7000 Lot SOxlOn. situated on the southeast corner East First and Wasco streets. A fine corner for a flat or store build- 11,8 EAST BURNSIDE STREET 100x100. situated on the southeast cor ner East 12th and East Burnside sts. A fine apartment and store corner.- For price and terms see us. EAST BURNSIDE STREET 100x100. situated on the southwest cor ner of East 13th snd East Burnside sts. See us about price and terms. EAST ASH-STREET HOME Price $3800 Lot SSxIOO and Rood 6-room house, sit uated at No. 731 East Ash st- e can make terms. EAST BURNSIDE STREET ' Price $4500 Lot ROxlOO and 8-room house, situated at No. S74 East Burnside sc. bet. E. ISth and East Oth sts. Terms. t EAST 22D-STREET HOME Price $2500 , Lot 50x100 and 4-room cottag-e. situated No. 146 East 22d st... between East Hoyt and East Irvine; streets. Terms. EAST GLISAN STREET Price $7000 130x100, on the southeast corner East 10th and East Gllsan sts. Terms. EAST GLISAN STREET Price $7000 lOOxino, jtuated on tha southwest corner Eart' 11th and East Gllsan sts. EAST ELEVENTH STREET Price $2750 Lot 60x100. s'tuated on the east side of Last 11th st.. bet. East Gllsan and East Flanders sts. Terms. EAST TWELFTH STREET Price $3000 Lot ROxlOO, situated on the west side of East 12th St., between East Gllsan and East Flanders sts. Terms. E. 11TH AND FLANDERS STS. Price $6000 100x100 on the southeast corner of East 11th and East F'landers sts. Terms. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. Price $6000 100x100 situated on the northeast cor ner East 11th and East Flanders sts. Terms. HANCOCK STREET Price $5000 Four lots, situated on the northeast corner liast 2Sth and Hancock sta. They are bargains. See them. HALSEY STREET Price $6500 Comer 14,1x100. situated on the south west corner Eaat 22d and Halsey sts. A beautiful building; spot. EAST 10TH AND GLISAN STS. Price $5000 Corner lot, 60x100. and 8-room house, situated on the northeast corner East 10th and East Gllsan sts.. being" No. 122 East 10th st. Terms. . WEIDLER STREET Price $1000 Each W have S lota. kOxlOO each, situated on the north side of Weidler st. bet. East 28th and East J9th sts. They are bargains, the above price including; all street Improvements. HALSEY STREET Price $1100 Each We have 4 lots, situated on the south side of Halsey at, between East 28th and East 29th Sts. Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bldjr. 18 PER CENT NET ON $15,000 10 YEARS. SECURED LEASE Coma and sea me about this. 50x100 $5000 A M i as,a,tmen(.hnnia alt An fiaOTlcl i tiri worm auu, yni t, lmh $17,500 i neome 82100; f 11, 500 111 handle this Ann nnn -tory briclc hotel In aPOUlwUU North Portland! good Income. Higley & Bishop 1S3 Tblrd St. lOO Acres Very choice land, near electric and team railroad stations. Can sell all or in part. 20 Acres Very sightly location on fine auto road. Half mile to R. R. station and near Portland. I. G. DAVIDSON, . 819 Chamber of Commerce. Investment Snap In two modern 6-room cottages. 80x75. alwavs rented st 140 month: cen trally located on good St.. between ttco cerllhes, near East 20th and Madison st. F.W.TORGLER x ie Bnorloek. Ma BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOMES tlC Cflft Fine, m o'd e r n. 9-room OlOtOUU dwelling, on Tillamook near E. 19th. Quarter block, with park strip adjoining. House is hardwood finish throughout and very attractive. $13,000 Large, roomy house, on n e quarter block, in very attractive district on nijamoo. Nine rooms, all large and modern throughout. 1 o Cnn Handsome 8-room house OlabtOUU on Hancock, on quarter block. In. choice district; modern in every respect. $9000 best Irvington districts. Nine rooms, five bedrooms, two rire places: modern in every particular. Corner location. Lot 100x100. Easy terms if desired. (qHaa Very attractive seven-room COOUU house, in choicest residence district of Holladay Addition. Large living-room, dining-room. reception hall and den. Three' bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Modern In every respect, and arrangement and docoration very artistic Corner loca tion. AQOCn Handsome 7-room house tn OOafaOU same locality; new, modern in every particular and very attractive inside and out. Corner. tQnnft Beautiful new home, in fine dOUUU location in Irvington. eight rooms, large sleeping porch and attic, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, every thing modern and up to date. Ar rangement very attractive. Can be bought on very easy terms. t?nn Nsw an1 v""' handsome 7 ODOUU room house, in one of best Irvington districts, on East 19th St. Built for a home and very attractively arranged. Three bedrooms and sleep ing porch; attic. Modern in every par ticular. Furnace, fireplace, solid oak floors; beautiful living-room, dining room and den. Fine lawn. GA7(f Modern and attractively ar I UU ranged 6-room house in fine location on Clackamas. Built two years; three bedrooms, sleeping porch and attic; full basement, furnace, fire place. Price includes street improve ments, and Is less than cost of this property. Good terms. McCargar, Bates & Lively ata rAtMXft bldg. BOOST AND SMILE 32000 Lot East Tsylor near 20th. 84000 Two lots Holladay Park: all Improvements paid: terms. 87250 Large house, close in, Holla day; can be used as flats. As tonishingly easy terms. S12.500 Beautiful home at Rlverdalo with acre of ground; lots ot natural trees; every conven ience. S2S.OOO Modern Nob Hill home, every convenience: two lots: gar age for two machines. 250 An acre for 15 acres of veritable park, nicely watered; close to transportation. S3750 30 acres near Oregon Electric, 10 miles out. JACKSON & DEERING Phones Main 345. A 3437. 2HI Mark St. SOMETHING SWELL 654 'Halsey st. is for sale. Dutch Colonial style house, with 50x110 lot. Has most beautiful flowers. House in first-class condition. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT SITES A 1 O Cnn 50x65- corner, on 14th wlafa,OUU St.. close in; part cash. nr nnn 0xl00, corner, on 13th 9afiO,UUU at., close In; 110.000 cash. 0 ft nnn 100x106, with 8 good 2a5UUUU houses, rented for Sl.o. First and Grant. Grussi & Zadow 81T Board ol Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BASE LINE Acreage 20 acres close in, on Base Line road. A very choice piece to subdi vide. A money-making proposition at $1500 Per Acre. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts. ACREAGE BARGAIN Closa in on electric line, ONLY $225 per acre. MIGHT consider TRADE for Portland business property and pay cash difference. VA-VDCYSi WALTON. BIB Chamber of Commerce. East Sixth and Washington NORTHEAST COR.M3 Quarter block: income now $70 a month. ruiCK mo.ooo. Good Terms. BI.OCH REALTY CO., . . Dl.l .21 l.nmornnrpwnih. MLST sell. Woedslocla comer l.-.nxu.. heau- tiful location: all cleared and In rra: eloaa to carllna ann school, coriar ir arinia and Evtrard, via. 7-anita ave. Maka me a offes. i P. W.lla. 414-41 Lel bide.. - . H.P.PALrflER-JONES GO. $6500 27x78 feet on Union avenue near East Stark st. Income $35 per month. $10,000 Quarter block, -warehouse site, on main line Southern Pacific near Inman-Poulsen Mill. aT $11,500 Flats on close-in "West Side corner. Income ll1, Ve cent net. $41,000 2-storv - brick building on 50x100 foot on Front street. Income $300 per month. $41,000 3I2 adjoining lots with frontage on three streets in North Portland, including 50 feet on United Railwaj trackage. H.P.PflLMER-JONESCO. 212-13 Commercial Club bid. Corner 5th and Oak Sts. Look H We have a relinquishment to sell. 80 acres, 3 miles to good town and railroad, in Oregon; Vi mile to school; good log "house, 2 small barns, good well, 4 living springs, 50 apple trees, 22 peach trees, 3 yrs. old; sev eral other varieties fruit; 2,000,000 ft. good timber, 40 acres farm land, 12 acres in cultivation,- all for $1000. It's a home from Uncle Sam ready made. Take your time to prove up and live easy. Wallace Investment Co. Kooms 517-518, Orrgonian Building. DONT BUY BUIL You can easily save all real estate men's profits, all owner's Increase in value from building, and all other middlemen's profits bv letting us finance your UOnic. Atfe build on Installment, flat loan or cash contracts. Plans and specifications free to builders. Home Building Co. Sl'ITE 41 WASHI.KGTOS BI.DG., 41 h and AYashinaton Sts. Phone Marshall 1S53. WILL, sacrillce 8 lou. suburban, in city limits: Bull Run -sater piped to each: 2" mlnute car ride, bo fare. It -ailll pay -vrt.i tn nvestlsaia inis. a inu.--t loose. Title- guaranteed poriou Oregonian. O 268. My equity of $133 in four choice lots at Kockaway Beach. Tillamook Bay. Make me an offer. X 259, Orcsonlan. 21 Lots . RoseVood addition. $2350 cash. Can be rsold on terms for $175 to $200 each. If you want a gilt-edge Investment, see "us. , DOVE-THOMPSON COMPANY, 420-423 Board of Trade. CHAPEL fc SMITH, BARGAINS. SI TOO 6-room cottatje, most beauti ful river view obtainable; larire lot; free water; 5-eent fare. Rood service. A rare opportunity. Call at office 2 to 3 P. M. today and see property. $5250 Two 6-room cottages, new, close In, on best carline: always rent ed at good price. This property is advancing rapidly and Is a fine in come investment. S3-oO Nifty, up-to-date, S-room bun galow: close in: excellent car serv ice; 1 block from car; easy terms. If you are in the market for a house, see this. t'll.tPFlL SMITH, 318 Railway E-ichauite Bids;., Third and Stark. FOR BALK BY OM'NKK. Good 0-room house and beautiful grounds, corner 100xl.".0. An Ideal home. Cherry, apple, near and prune trees In good bear ins: raspberries, grapes, Uowera and shrub-bei-v. .V sigbtly plu.'e. unobstructed view. Located at No. R SOth si. Leave Mount Talmr csr at 4!)th St.. sallt north R blocks. Price $400, terms. Mrs. Phelps, owner. WillSellCheap Cheap Land Wp have 3200 acres of splendid wheat land in Cen tral Oregon that we are of fering for Eight Dollars an Acre. This is all good clean land, read' to plow for next year crop. Adjoining lands this year produced a sod crop of wheat of 15 bushels per acre. These lands also come under the n e w proposed irrigation project lately surveyed by the Government and are within easy hauling distance to railroad and grain eleva tors and will certainly in crease in value very soon, and these farming lands are absolutely the safest invest ment in Oregon today. We also have several other farms in the same locality at bargain prices, well im proved and close to county seat. Wallace Investment Co. Rooms 517-518, Oregonian Building. On Base Line Road, within 1600 feet of Montavilla car. Tract is level, with fine soil, and is beautifully situated for platting purposes. Ad joining ground platted. Will sell 16 or 26 acres at price 25 per cent below ad joining acreage. McCargar, Bates & Lively - Agents for Owner, 315 Failing Building. f IT A S B B . . A i a. KRVF.RATt GOOD SLTLiS nrvn T' A I U l-J I B 1 I X H - X' W 11 t ? XV a V W e t t rrt A 1 A i"1 TV . ALSO A NUMBER OF GARAGE AND APART MENT SITES, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE KlVKu. EDW. RMALL LUMBER EX. BLDG. 104 2D STREET. West Sids Bargain f 8500 for a 60x100 lot, with S-room house, a few minutes' walk from Port land Hotel. This is considered tha cheapest buy in thla locality. Blancfiard B Clemson n sixth s. AN IDEAL HOME. , i nA airv rooms. "Fv- -:. .,,.i Hininfr - room with beamed ceinns- ih lh, "s";;y,,'' fects. spacious uvih-'v Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Lot tirtv IDi. Close in, on two carlines. faltuat ed 91S E. Salmun street. This Is a forced sle. Owner miis make transfer In 30 days: $1S00 uncle valuation. Price $8000. Terms to suit Call at premises Sunday for investiga ti0"' nKTSCH AVITWEB, . , , . . i ir.inl. fin flie lias SDCCisiiati i.m. - - - - lUCCJHIiaia i.m. - - - - of Moderate Means. B1R Board of Trade Blda. Phones A 1.V.B, B 2057. Will Sacrifice ( 8 Lots SUBURBAN In city limits. Bull Run water piped to each. 25-minute car ride, 5c fare. It -will pay you to investigate this, a I roust let loose. Title guarantee perfect. O 256, Oregonian. 17th and Johnson SWELL 100x100 CORNER. Suitable for family, hotel, earase o warehouse, $23,000. DOVE-THOMPSON COMPANY, 430-4-2 Board of Trade Bids;. Phone Main SH14. MIST SELL WOODSTOCK CORNEI 150x92 Beautiful location, all cleared and i erass. Close to cariina and school. Cor ner Virsrinia and t.verard. via anlt ave. Make me an offer. C. P. WELLS, 414-415 Lewis Bids- PLATTING TRACT