OXEGOXIAX POETLAXD, AUGUST 1910. - - - - - , " "l t - - I 1 XCW TODAT. NEW TOO AT. NEW TODAY. YOUNG LAWYER ARRESTED Bundle of Bloody Clothing May Lead to Murder C harge. CHICAGO, Aug. i. Robert A. Kins. IS er old. a graduate of the Nortu--western Vnlrerslty law achool. and iin til recently eniplye.l In the law office of Edward E- Utilnger. Is detained at the Etuclewood police elation ausnected of bavin knowledge of the killing of Zr. WUllam F. Michaella, a dentist. ho waa shot on the night of August 6. The arreet of King waa due to the fact that after the murdrr he left a ..dure containing bloodstained cloth ing at the drugstore of K. E. Schlelsser. Since that time a detective has been on guard at the drugstore and late Thursday when King :nt're,.1 " died for the return of the "dle he waa arrested. Kin denied all connec tion with the ra Wlt.HELM TF.l.I. LOD-SE. NO. i O. I. II. p-A.I n..n..r. of the ae order are re q.ie.,l ..tent the funeral '.'," broth.'. Jhn Wyar. KunJa). A - It K.al.r-a andenaking par ora I ...OF. llrmbera will meet at 1 o clock atiarp ai f,,.u halL Yamhill tr. tu.U hail. TlL,AM ,.AOr:i. Prealdrnt. w. WALLER. Secretary. WILHEL TEI tTToDOC NO. 9. O. P. H .-A!l m.mt-r. of I . abotr. li requested to attend to. funeral of our lata kr'tn.r John Wjar. Auust 1". 1 ii P M . at Klnley-a unUrialn parlors. Vemoara .1.1 m..t at 1 P " i... WJt. PAGKl- President. " w. KALXf.K. Secretary. JIINDlts Law. Powers and Possi bilities." Public "ctur. toni-hU oclo.lt. by V.m r. K.U.T Initiate ''' Hall. d floor. Selllns-Hlrsch bids . nustliiun .t- All mirnai la rat'onal re l,Too. '.ychlc research or la ooculum. are especial.? Invited. Seats free. MARCt-RRITB CAMP. ROTAL EI"H-T,oh.-Wlll give a paper carnival Thursday evening. rpmlr 1. in h"f'! JU.a'.. end street. Prises ottered ,or,,h,hJri'! r-prentlnc th. dally papers In th. be.l manner. L n Ion mueic - kniihts and UAUiia or sw-t-RTTT Foeclal plnlc trains will leave tast rd inl . streets at and li o coca. yi:n-:sv. Att : BORN. NORJIAN At Portland Maternity Home, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norman, a son. DIEU. riTTEStiER Aiieust at hi, lale real time. Orahtm avenue. T. w. Pllten r aaed is years 4 months 13 dav: beloved nu.band of- Stella Plttenser and f.iher of Ethel Plttenaer. Funeral notice later. FINE HAL NOTICES. DEWVA!E-ln this city. August tla. at St. Vm.enl s Huepltal. Rr Dacca. D,iov-e aged M yeara. i months. U d.ya. belived wile ..r Stmwl Delovage. mother of Ben. Abe. X-uri.e and .-.il L. Uelovsse. r'rienda invi:ed b attend funeral services, which will be held at the faruliy reetdeo.ee. IMS Sisteenth street, at 2 V. M. todey (Sunday!. Auaust IS. liervlce at the grave private. 1IOI..MAX In this city. August :. at the residence of her son. Herbert Holman. ? Overton St.. Mary E. Holman. widow of ths late Charles Holman. aged 73 years IS months and 4 daya. The funeral serv ices will be held at the shove residence at " P M. today ISundayl August -i. Heads' Invited. Interment at Rtvervlew Cemetery. 1'ASSIE In this city. Augtut M. at her res-Id-nce. -:w liist 40th street. Mrs. Asncs Dorothy caiwle. aged 17 years. 2 months. II daya. Frlende invited to attend funeral services which will be held st St. Stephen's t-hureh. East 42d snd Esst Taylor, at .T0 A. M. tomorrow (Monday). Aug. 3. Inter ment Multnomah Cemetery. F.M.M.l. Funeral services of the Isle Wll ford R. (Utcki Small, aged -rt years, will be held at Dunning AicEntce'a chapel, seventh snd Pine streets. Sunday. August ; at P. . M. Friends respectfully In vited to attend. Remains will be taken to L-9e Angeles. Cel.. for Interment. X.VID At the family residence. Kern Park. K-mia Lou Lee Uavtd. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kraeat F. David, sged vearsL Funeral services will be heid at the family residence Monday. Aug. at S P. it. Interment Multnomah Ccmcter. lit'CHEd At Oearharf. Or.. Augit't Nancy F. Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Hughes. Services from Hol msn s ehspel. Private. IUtTH rLORAl CO, VAKUtAM HL1XJ. FLOUAL Ut-.ll.NS. a rbooeei Mala SlUJi A IlOt. Destabsg at afcEatee, aaeral IHrccterm, Tth aad Flee Fbowe Mala 44. Ladv ae sietset. Ofl lee ef teqaly Cecoster XkLLER-BYKNEg CO.. Faaaral Directors. a4 nllllUM ave. ; bock piiooea : lady atlend aati saost modern eatabfibment in the clly. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral IHreet eea. I li St. Iady AsaljiU Pboa. M. Ml . r. 1'LEV at laur attewoaou I'ba BON. Id sad Marline, ae Mala S. A lisw. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, sucxeaeon te F. a. Duanlag. lee. E. it. H mi. HlfOX CO. redrrtakera: lady eat. 4i)S Alder. M- SH-t. A X2.V1. Li. K( H. t aderlaaee. ear. aat Alder and ; Eoat 7S1. ' B ISSa. laidr aaal.taat. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE. CTTT HUX MAIN wa. a Tsaa. HlilA.M OFIICEK. EAST 477 rw TOIIIT. FOURTH St NF..4H YAMHILL Nearly quarter block, 100 feet frontage on 4th St., cov ered with buildings. Worth C150.000. Very easy terms. Price, $130,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. ORTHEAT CORMSR East Sixth and Washington Quarter Blork. PRICK 9 IO.OOO l Jood Termn. RI.(rH HKU.T. CO.. J I l.mberaira Bids. WILL BUILD AP.tRTtlRVT.Hni K. resirabie tenant wanted. RI.OCH RF.ALTY t , 331 Laaahersaeee Bids. BROADWAY BARGAIN Modern 1 -room home, 2 1ts. corner, restricted, very rhoirf, every convent, enrt. From owner direct. Muit U .mmedlnlfl v. Hunoork trei. Mone. Mondnv. MwryhH 147. FOR Choice Apartment-House Sites SEE BI.OCH RKtlTI t, 321 I .a aa arrrn e wa Blda;. II Im Really Meat e ell It I. lat it M Ilk -tte l.t ferbelt Bide:-. tala lll.t. Imhi I need a d'l. s retri'.er fr the sea aim: If yMi can t hunt, lei ou' ds m Jo a seesoa with rns. Thens M or A 3u.4. I VTW TODAY. I I I I " At Private Realdeare. HI! Iltk beta-een t'olumbia and Clay els. Ve are instructed bv Mrs. I. Clarke to sell the first -eta a foraltwre, aprlcBt plana, etc, at above address. TOMORROW. MONDAY Cm-r.lnK HprfirliC Derhrr plaatt. par lor rveHera tn mahoprany and oak, with leather ieal8. mtho(iny upholstered furniture In silk taoentrr. aody Bma- elat parlor rar 9xlJ. lalald maboMar table, library taole. nei curtain. WW tm velvet aall rntr 0x9. hall mirror. i. U lure. The erntji Martin and en a rue led iron beds are alze. with vprinK" and allk floaa mattrraaea. apreads. wool blanket, qullta. scrim curtains, oak dreaaera, amaaoaaar ealf- fnir. velvet carpets in bedrooms, nialaa- tabl. 48-Inch ton. early Kntrllsh ftntwh; set of chairs with carver leather sealed, servlnic table. Havllaad eblaa dlnaer aet white and gold; fancy plates, etc.. coiK-h rover, jcas ran re. utensils, preserved fruit. Mason Jars, porch furniture, etc. ale tomorrow at ! Vlack. Gr:o. BAKER A CO., AvclloBcera. ON TUESDAY NEXT at ear sales reoata. I.3 Park at we aaall bat a very ekolre aeleetlost of f uralf are. raaa. ete esmsrlslsK li brary tables In fumed and ftolden oak, npholst,ered rockers, parlor couches, mshor&nv Darlor rockere. reed rockers, rosewood suta. Dlctures. lace curtains. Aumlnster anil bru.tsela runs, mahog any clock, oak dlnlnit-room furniture In golden and weathered oak, brass and Iron beds, blrdseye maple dresser and chiffonier, oak dressers, feather Pillows, quilts, teas fixtures, sanitary couches, drop-head sewing machine, linoleum foMlne- a-o-cart. i rani-e, utensils, etc. On vew tomorrow. Sale on Tuesday next at 10 o clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT Wa ahull have the furnishings of prl vate residence removed from Sell wood to our salesrooms for convenience of aale Tharadar aext at ll sews. CEtl. BAKtuK A CO Aaetloaeerm. la onr retail dept.. special while they last we offer 100 eolld oak arm rock ers, with aealae leather seats, for See them In our windows. GEO. BAKER at CO, 1S2 Park St. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Rrarular Bales Dare. today, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. If you are furnlshlnir don't fall to attend our sales, our slock never was so large and complete as at the pres ent time, it comprises all kinds of fur nishings for the home. IncluillnR pianos, oraraaa. parlor suites, davea porta. couches, morris chairs, rockers of all descriptions, library 'and parlor tables. aeetlonal bookcase. ladles desks, dinlsjs? aalta tn weathered and aolden oak. via.: buffets, sideboards. extension tables and chairs, china closets, aide tables, etc., carpels, turs. linoleum, lace curtains, pictures and brlc-a-brac: also steel ranges. K ranaes. a-as water heaters., dishes, utensils and other numerous lots. We have received, another shipment of porcelain bath tabs, wash baalns. toilets, etc., which we are selling- at verv low nrlccs: alaa-base shotzww ekrlla. loaded wit) Dupont balllstite and Laflln A Hand smokeless powder, different sixe shot, all fresh stock at sue per box. Goods sold at private aale at all times. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, slacks of merchandise, etc Call Main !:.', A .4:43 S. L. I OILMAN, Auctioneer Xo. i;t eeoad Street. Mala S4TS. Sjl.. this week Tuesday we will sell a large quantity of 9x12 and mat ru;s of various desians. lace ctirtalna In doxens to suit buyers, portieres, couch draperies, beddlna- ne . dress ers and sanitary couencs. etc., oic rr1dor, household furniture and mer- N. K "ash paid for the furniture of residences. .!. CILMA. Auctioneer. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE at residence. We are Instructed to sell bv public auction, at No. Alt ims street, between Hall and Colleare (to morrow! Monday, at 10 A. M.. all the furniture of residence. including; lounge, portieres, leather armchair, rockers. tables. bedsteads, springs, msttressea. crockery, glassware, cook stove, g.ts plate, etc, etc, lady's bicycle. Sale (tomorrow) Monday. 10 A. M. , t . (ill. AX, Aactloneer. AUCTION SALES 211 First Street MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Each Day aU.2 P. M. We don't say anything. We Just do somethina; for people who can use good furniture and other housef urnlshinga which have been slightly used, but look like new. Our salesmen are pleased to give vou prices at any time, and less than other houses In the city. That's why we alwavs sell as soon as we se cure the goods. FORD AlCTIOtf CO. Main MM. A 24;.. Ladd'sAddition fwficie New 7-room. modern and ipOUUU tip to date in every particu lar. Oak floor, furnace, fireplace and easy terms. pwrt"i New -room and attlo OOOUU house, oak floors, every modern convenience, exceptionally well built. Ea.-..- terms. ' 1 4 1 CD S-room cottage, attic and O'rlOU basement, desirable loca tion, tast Taylor, near E. 201b. at. Terms. F.W.T0RGLER IM serine a. Bldg. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE To lease for term of SO years, with privilege of purchase at fixed price. Best localitv of Nob Hill. Close in. Address Owner. M Oregonlan. Irvington Home 9S500 will buy my new home, cost 19000 less than six months ago. Will sacrifice in order to raise money for business purposes. Call Owner. C 1471. Sunday, or Main 0 during week. PHNOOBAPH Edison "ldealis" er 'Triumph.' with t"yeret hern. I'dnn-hta "Nea S"veretrn" or "Nea- Invlncthle." irM-w hnrn. and mshossny Itnl.h pre ferred. rhti al. er A Stxia. your luwast pruo The Madison St. Bridge Is nearing completion. AVhen it is finished a number of cars will be routed over it that will go directly past ' . Ladtl's Addition The car service will be equal to the best in the city, requiring only a few minutes' time to make the run, while he who would pain health and save money by walking to business can do so in 20 minutes. You cannot do better than to take advantage of the liberal terms we offer and buy a lot in Ladd's Addition Lots from 32000 up, includ ing all the beautiful improve ments. One-tenth down and the remainder in easy monthly or quarterly payments, with in terest on the unpaid balance at 6 per cent. Warranty deed and abstract of title. F. W. TORGLER 06 Sherlock Building. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Building. Agents on ground, 12th and Harrison Sts. 16th and Hawthorne Ave. -Portia nd. HEIGHTS GREENWAY HOME Fine view.2y2-story house, 8 rooms, entirely modern; lot 102x109. Fire place, furnace, woodlift, full cement basement. $2500 CASH CHAPIN & jfo HERLOW yyf 332 Chamber of commerce HALF LOT E. Third St. NEAR Burnside The only desirable close-in ware house site left at the price we are asking. Let us talk to you about it. t SMITH'S AGENCY 103 Sherlock Bids;. Irvington Home MUST BE SOLD F!lht rooms, hardwood floors, cove ceiling's, den. four bedrooms, sleepina:- porch, balcony, not water neat, cemeni h.um.nt nnneled dlninsr-room. Dlate- glass windows, built-in electric cooker: lot tll'TI'lV; One ttiwwi. lltlll iaiiimct. Price reasonable: terms. 416 Commer cial Club Bldg. Phone A 7231, Main 72l. BEST VIEW LOT IN . Alameda Park Owner will sell this lot at a barpain prr-c If you want one ot tne most, DcaHU ful buildinir sites in the city you had better see this lot. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. QUABTEB BLOCK E. Pine Street With two houses paying well. $8500 TERMS SMITH'S AGENCY 103 Sherlock. MEAT MARKET Bst en Eat Side, for sale at cftt or nxiures; account ox sic. Bae 4 28 Oreeoalaa- PORTLAND GUTS $2600 Quarter block on 'improved street, close in, near Chap man and Laurel. A genuine snap if sold before "Wed nesday. ' $5000 74x75, 22d and Carter. Very fine neighborhood. $7500 115x300, 21st and Laurel. Hard-surfaced streets both sides, beautiful trees and select surroundings. $7500 6-room cottage, ground 72x 120, very fine view; close to car. . 13,500 8-room house and about 3 lots, house modern and on carline. Can give immediate possession. Exceptionally fine view. $6500 100x85 on 19th, between Laurel and Elm. A good buy. $11,000 120x120 on 17th and Haw thorne Terrace; finest view on the Heights. Terms if desired. Lots and blocks all parts of the Heights. t KEASEY HUMASON&IEFFERY j Chamber of Commerce and Portland Heights. WAREHOUSE HALF BLOCK East Side snap. 100 feet trackage. 100 feet city thoroughfare. 200 feet on Yamhill for , owner's convenience. No other equally pood half block for so little money. Easy terms. $32,500 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 BELOW VALUE 2700 50x100 ON BENTON STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. THERE IS MONEY TO BE MADE ON THE LOT. TERMS , $1250 CASH, BAL ANCE TO SUIT. EDW. P. MALL CO., 309-310 Abinpton, Bldp. 4 Lots Overlooking Willamette River, very fine residence district, on West Side; only $3000 and $1000 cash. Owner has left city. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 320 TO 2000 ACRES Wheat Land Directly on Deschutes River, in Crook County, close to railroads. Will raise 35 bushels per acre. $15 Per Acre W L. GREEN. 406 Lumbermens Buildina. BUSINESS PROPERTY On East Side; pays 12 per cent; price $7500. Terms, cash. GODDARD JTWIEDRICK 243 Stark St. WANTED Compptnt strl for second work. Call mornlnc and evenings. MO Flaadera street. HE BEAUuFUL HOMES IN IRVINGTON AND HOLLADAY gArt Fine, modern. 9-room D ISlOUU dwelling, on Tillamook, near K. 19th. Quarter block, with park strip adjoining. House Is hardwood finish throughout and very attractive. $13 fff Largre, roomy house, on elf wis f 1 n a ounrrer n nclr. in very attractive district on Tillamook. Nine rooms, all large and modern throughout. i fni Handsome 8-room house J3 lailOuU on Hancock, on quarter block, in choice district: modern in every respect. tQnnn Beautiful home In one of tD jUUU best Irvington districts. Nine rooms, five bedrooms, two fire ni,iM' modem In a verv oarticular. Corner location. Lot 100 x 100. Easy terms if desired. tQCnn Very attractive seven-room tfOOUU Irnuse, in choicest residence district of Holladay Addition. Large living-room, dining-room, reception hall and den. Three bedrooms and sleeping - porch upstairs. Modern in every respect, and arrangement and decoration very artistic. Corner loca tion. (tQOCSA Handsome 7-room house In tDOaCOU same locality: new. modern In every particular and very attractive inside and out. Corner. teflon Beautiful new home, in fine tSoUUU location in Irvineton. eight rooms, large sleeping-porch and attic, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, every thing modern and up to date. Ar raneement very attractive. Can be bought on very easy terms. r New and modern 7-room POS3U house in attractive Irving ton district. Handsome interior deco mtlon nnri arr&nerement. If vou are looking for a home in this choice East Side residence district, see McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 FAILING BLDG. Lots East of Laurelhurst Some 50x100 for $350. Real estate dealers are buying these lots. We recommend these lots as the cheapest on the East Side. THE SP ANTON CO., Realty Operators, ' 269 0k Street. Business corner that is steadily increasing in value. On Third street, the long est through traffic street on the West Side. Net income $7770 a year. Terms on application. walker's reed 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8535. i An Investment! j 323 acres, 7 miles from Port- land. Level land, fine soil, adapt- J ed forfruit. vegetables and crops. There are 30,000 cords of wood on the place. Southern Pacific and Salem Electric depots less J then 1 mile distant. A large J profit can be made by market er infr the wood and subdividing. Price, $150 per acre. 425 Failing Building. IRVINGTON CHEAP LOT 50x166 feet, alley at rear. High and Elghtlv, next to high grade home. On Wetdler St.. one block from car. Special bargain for cash. JOHX IOCKHART, 610 Chamber of Commerce. Best Buy in Portland $11-500 tor a corner with apartments Dririiu& x n iiiuiiiu, f.uuu win handle. 011.5OO fr a business comer, close in. W opt ciae. uringins iyj a montn. Nothing better In Portland for such money. F. Ft CHS, MorriMi fit. $81, ARCHIBALD TO LEASE AT- CornerFifth b Washington Streets Large, well lighted ground floor store, "Washington St., entrance for confectionery or cafeteria. 3 upper floors for stores, billiard parlor or sample rooms. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-13 Commercial Club bid Phones, Main 8699, A 2653. Great Business Activity Numerous large industries have lo cated on the Peninsula within the last few years. There is a reason for all this business activity. There is no place else In or near Portland where rail and water facilities can be had as it is possible to obtain them on the Peninsula. Portland is moving down the river from natural causes. Every pound of freight from the East must cross the Peninsula. Remember that the Peninsula has only a very limited amount of land available for residence and retail business, while the factory district Is enormous. A poor man can still obtain a Dlece of this valuable land by paying small monthly pay ments. A BARGAIN ON TERMS Two lots, each 60x100, city water, gas, electric lights, 40 cash and $10 monthly on each lot, without interest if all payments are made when due, COE A. McKENNA PHONES: MAIN 4.122. A 3143. BIT Commercial Block. 160 ACRES On west side of river and only half mile west ot Wiilalatin rark ana tne new site of St. Helen's Hall, which is now selling from $400 to $800 per acre. Enough cordwood on this to pay for the Jand. A chance of a lifetime to subdivide, and we can take city residence up to $5000 on this and will sell at S&ZUU per acre for a few days. THE SHAW-FFAR CO. 2451. stark St. -Main 35. . A 3500. WAREHOUSE . SITE 75x100, on corner of 13th and Irv ing; a fine investment. On terminal spur. $10,000 will handle. $35,000 James Manner & Co. 203 Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. HOME-BUILDERS ,W want Home-Builders in ARDEN WALD, the most beautiful of East Side additions. We are keeping this property strict- ly for the people who want the best home sites for the least money of any thing on the market, with a building restriction corresponding to value of the property. Streets graded, water mains and sidewalks laid and paid for by ug. Our prices range from $400 to $600, according to location. Easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY- 212-213 Board of Trade Building. 25 ACRES ON Columbia Boulevard One-half mile from Union ave. Price $21,000. Terms, $3000 cash, balance five years at 5 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. S3500.00 One of the choicest 6-room.' UD-to- date bung-alown, well built, best of ma terial, splendidly arranged. It will' in terest anvone who wishes a nice home to investigate it. It is located on the corner of 8th and Cambridge streets, opposite Piedmont. It has aa, electric lights street Improved, everything in cluded in this price. Terms: $1000 down, $25 per month. OTTO & HARK SON REALTY CO., - Firt Street. 6-ACRE fine Hood River fruit land as first payment on cottage or good lot. Worcester bids. A liild. Come Out to fflurrayraead Today . LOCATED BETWEEN EA&T 24TS AND EAST 26TH AND HAW THORNE AVENUE AND DIVISION STREET Finest restricted residence property on the East Side View only surpassed by view from Council Crest. Eiffht minutes from Third and Mor rison streets, over the new Madison street bridge, with best and most fre quent car service in the entire city. Lots can be had today at $40 per front foot and less, on easiest of terms. Will brin $100 per front foot in one year's time or less. Every improvement ; careful build ing restrictions; perfect title. Lots are selling rapidly, and soon you will be too late. COME TODAY Take Hawthorne avenue car to E. 24th and Hawthorne avenue and walk three blocks bouth to the tract office. A. B.WIDNEY 822-4 Board of Trade. Main 694, A 1179. Branch Office,. East Twenty-fourth and Harrison Streets. ASCOT ACRES $600 PER ACRE 1 to 5-Acre Tracts on the Base Line Road. 2V2 miles from city limits. Rich soil, fine for berries and garden. Land now in cultivation, macadamized level road oiled all the way. Survey for Mt. Hood Road runs through this property. KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL BUYS 14th St. Corner NEAR MORRISON $25,000 100x100, Cor. Nr. Washing $30000 Goldschmidfs Agency 2o3y2 Washington St., Corner Third. WE ARB OFFERING THE BEST BUILT RESIDENCE IN LAURELHURST FOR $6SOO Lot beinff 50x100, in the most slerhtly location in the entire addition. Seven room house, with every modern im provement to be found in the latest, up-to-date houses. Gas. water, electric lighted, cement walks, hard-surface pavements, and everything paid for. This class of house is selling: for from $1500 to $2000 more than we are ask ing for this. Remember this property is in Laurelhurst. the finest residence district in Portland. One-fourth cash. J. M. FRENCH & CO. 412-413 Ahlngrfon Bide, 10M; Third St. Leases We makf a specialty of leasing. all kinds of warehouses, flat buildings, apartment - houses, downtown stores, etc., etc. If you are thinking; of changing: your location see our list, it is most complete, and rental very reasonable. We have some fine automobile garage sites, either ground lease or will build to suit the tenant. If you have an apartment-house or hotel building- you are thinking of leasing call on us. at once, we have two responsible tenants waiting. O'BRIKX REALTY CO, l,ewl Blda;., 4th and Oak Sta. BE.il'TIFCL New 8-Room House ON A HARD-SI BFACED STREET FOR S4250. EASY TERMS. Thi. hiiunfi in not the usual "box" t.n. ,, n -u-alla ftml a roof), but is very artistic and well built. The outside is very pleasing to the eye, and the in side is everything you ran desire. Be Snre and see 'I'nia tieiorc u . Yon M ill Be Surpriaed. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Country Home of 40 acres near Portland, very fine view of rivers ana iriuuiiianiB, nw bungalow and barn. This place will be sold at a bargain for real money. 314 Lumber Exchange Bldg. JEW modern nouaea, in Irvlnstoa.. A. B. Sic. 690 W&aoo. Both phosea.