SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS VOL. XXIX. 5-OKTLAND, OKEGUX. SUNDAY MORXIXG, AUGUST 28, 1910. NO. 33 Needlework Departm't We are receiving daily novelties for lovers of the needle, also for crocheting. In the East crocheting it the popular fad. We are showing a new silk, in all popular shades, for making slippers, shawls and motor scarfs. Free lessons daily in Irish crochet, wool and silk. Also in Hardanger and all branches of needlework. $1 Long Gloves 67c Final Clearance Sale of 16-but-ton-length Silk Gloves. All pure silk, the best quality. In shades of tan, gray, brown and black. Special 87c One-clasp, heavy Dent style Cape Cloves, in tan and brown only. Sizes 5Va to 7, The best Glove for street wear. Special, 87c Special Sale of . Framed Pictures 29c A complete line of Harrison Fisher and Howard Chandler Christy, framed in 1-in. brown oak frames. Size 8 by 10 and 10 by-' 12 inches. Values to 75c. Special for one day only 29c. Latest Fiction Just Received "The Power and the Glory" By Grace McGowan Cooke. Price $1.20 net VICTOR TALKING MACHINES Vacation Sale 50c DOWN, 50c A WEEK FOR VICTORS, NUMBERS 1, 2 OR 3 Neckwear Specials 25c and 35c Styles 9c Neckwear, including jabots, cas cades, bows, stocks, , Dutch, sailor and chantecler collars.' Dainty com binations of lawn, embroidery and laces. Also neat tailored styles. Regular 25c and 35c styles reduced to 9? for Monday's selling Goods Purchased Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Go on October First Bill Special Advance Sale of Women's Fall Coats at $14.85 r ji mm sip The smartest advanced models in long coats which ice bought esp:cially for an early Fall opening sale. The correct coat for all out-door wear for the street, au'.omohiling or traveling. Designed of rough woven materials in invisible plaid effects; in dark grays, blue, green, brown and black. They are made full length in double-breasted style, fastening with large fancy buttons, semi-fitting with a small buttoned cross strap under the arms. Closely fitting turn-over collar and the coat can be buttoned all the way up to the neck or left with turn-back revers. The sleeves are finished at the hand with a but toned strap. You'll make no mis take in buying one of these long coats, as they can be worn all Fall and Winter. Special price $14.85. They are on display in the win dows and in the Cloak Department. New White Tailored Wash Waists Special $1,45 Each The Latest Thing in Waists New Tailored Waists of an extra good grade of linene. Long tailored sleeves with 'starched cuffs. Embroidered and plain tucked styles. Some fasten on the side front, others button down the front pleat with pearl buttons. Five distinct models. New wide Patent Leather Belts, 50c, 65c, 75c i m Your Favorite Cotton Goods at 9c a Yard The Kind That Sells at 35c, 50c,.60c a Yard Final cleanup of Summer Wash Goods. We have collected all that has been left of colored madras, jacquard poplins, corded chiffon, French or gandie, imported dimities, imported printed batiste and fancy satin striped pongee. Making about 2000 yards in all, which will be sold at the reduced price of 9c a yard. , Special Sale of Fine Hair Goods J"S, Switches made of the finest quality wavy or J jrrr vi straight hair in all shades at the following reductions ftZZli t vsH Regular $ 3.00 Switches; special .$2.09 fw2 Regular $ 5.00 Switches; special S3.29 &7fi' tefr5 Regular $ 7.50 Switches: special $5.98 ufci N Regular $10.00 Switches; special $7.89 Y"i3 ReguIar S15 0 Switches: sPecial $9.98 J ' Pnffe an,l CAc A 11 U U1IU k. 1U Puffs in dusters. Chanticleer and Recamier styles. c --1 i t i ec nn .--i . 1 c " ro oomc wiui cutis. cguiu j.uu siyics, sjJti..t70 " J !T r u a t t nninr- nur umamcnu nnir rKi,L Goods Purchased Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Go on October First Bill THE BIRTH OF A NEW SEASON THE AUTUMN SEASON WITH ITS SMART STYLES HAS JUST BEGUN ITS CHARMING EXISTENCE. OUR STORE WITH A WEALTH OF EXQUISITE AU TUMN MERCHANDISE REFLECTS THE BIRTH OF THE NEW SEASON. THE NEW AUTUMN SUITS "ARE MOST ATTRACTIVE The styles are simplicity itself, the cut and workmanship perfect in every way. The Jackets this season will be no longer than 30 or 32 inches and many even shorter. The skirts are very handsome, being cut on the straight lines. THE AUTUMN SILKS. ARE BRILLIANT This is a season when the most exacting silk customer can be de lighted with a wondrous assortment of silks that are unusual, quaint, rich and fanciful. The styles are many and the opportunity for beau tiful color combinations has been utilizzd in many forms and weaves. Our exhibit is most alluring. THE AUTUMN WAISTS ARE DECIDEDLY SMART The first arrivals in Waists are on the tailored order, being trim med with self-colored buttons and tucks, high collars of the same materials. Very plain tailored styles, yet with an air of individuality about them. THE AUTUMN HATS WILL BEWILDER YOU A galaxy of beautiful new models, originated by the leading Euro pean designers. The critical women who come to us for something stylish and different from the ordinary, wil find in our collection of new mcdels something that will enhance the r beauty and individ ualize them. THE NEW AUTUMN NECK WEAR IS MOST DAINTY This is the season of new and startling ideas, and in no other ready-to-wear articles have these ideas been more developed than in Neckwear. Quaint, unique nove ties in Bows, Jabots, and large and small Collars, are everywhere noted. Nets, Persian silks, plain silks and laces are combined to make these dainty little novelties. THE AUTUMN COATS ARE JUST SUITED in style and material to your needs in this city THE AUTUMN DRESS GOODS ARE NOVEL IN WEAVE AND COLOR Fabrics for the smirt Tailored Suits that are different from any thing shown in previous years. The tmdency towards English 'and Scotch designs and coloriigs is msst noted.' Soft browns, grays and new tints of blue are shown in great variety. A multitude of new weave are in evidence this season. Wide wale surges ars in great demand. In plain fabrics the new Autumn tints are most rich. THE NEW TRIMMINGS ARE EXQUISITE A riot cf color-b'ending in intricate designs Persian in tone and color.. Cold and si'ver msshes in unique patterns. The Trimmings, both in nil-overs and insertions, leave notiir.g to be desired in novelty and wealth of design and coloring. SEE THE NEW AEROPLANE VEILINGS New French designs in thi Aeroplane and Cronstant elaborate patterns. Spider-web Mesh.s, Hexagon Veilings, Russian Meshes. The most rxquisite, up-todate Veilings, that are now the rage in every fashion center. A Line of New Autumn Silk Waists at the Special Price of $2.95 The $4.50, $6.00, $7.50 Values A manujaciurtr with whom, we do the bulk of our Waist business, in order to show his appreciation, sold us his entire sample line of fin: sik waists. There is an endless variety of styles ranging in price from $4.50, $6.00 to $7.50 each. Being a sample line th?re are only onz or two of a iW, and there is not a full assortment ofsizzs as nearly mII models are made in either 36 and 38 inch siz:s. Designed of fancy silks, moire, checks, stripes and Persian effects. In s-.ades of lavender, navy, green, black, browns, light blue and garnet. Tailored styles with long sleeves and tailored cuffs and standing collars of the silk. Trimmed with side plaits and silk covered buttons. Some open down the front and others have the side effect. There are only a hundred waists in the lot and will be sold at a uniform price of $2.95. None of these waistg wiU See the window display. be sold until 9 a. m. Monday Sale of New Flannelette Kimonos Exceptional Value 75c Ladies Fancy Figured Fleeced Flan nelette Kimonos. Short length, belted style. Made of a fancy figured flannelette in many new designs. Pink, blue, lavender and gray. $1.75 Kimonos $1.29 Fancy figured long Kimonos of soft fleeced flannelette, mads with "V" shaped neclc Bound around the edges with plain colored bandings. The yoke in front and back, a3 well as the belt are formed of shirring. Fastens with colored ribbons. Lace Curtains Reduced 500 pairs of Lace Curtains are greatly reduced for this sale. You will find Nottinghams, Cable Nets, Irish Point, Clunys, Battenbergs, Marie An toinettes and numerous novelty effects to select from. All are mounted on good quality of French nets, white or Arabian color, 2 and 3 yards long, 40 to 50 inches wide. ' - $1.50 Curtains $ .98 $2.00 Curtains .'. $1.49 $3.00 Curtains 2.25 $4.50 Curtains ...2.95 $5.50 Curtains $3.85 $6.50 Curtains . .....$4.75 $7.50 Curtains ....$5.65 $10.00 Curtains .'. ..$7.45 LEATHER CASE, $7.35 Suit Case- of genuine cowhide leather, lined with linen. Fitted with leather straps and shirt fold. Mounted on a steei frame. Brass locks. - Hand sewed han dles. Choice of straps or bolts. SPECIAL, $5.48 Suit Cases of rattant lined with linen ; fitted with an extra large pocket. Mounted on steel frame with extra strong reinforced cor ners.' Umbrella strap;. Brass locks. Ladies Silk Hose 50c Fine Silk Hosiery, mads with lisle heel and toe and garter top. Iiv black only. A very special price for Monday, 50. - Lisle Hose 35c Or 3 Pair for $1.00 Ladies' Silk Lisle or Coiton Stockings. Made with double heel and toe and double garter top. In black. BUTTER1CK FASHIONS jaio