THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. AUGUST 21, 1910. Values of crops Average Prices to Farmers on Principal Staples. WHEAT MARKET EASIER ArtlTV Demand In Loral rTult Trade. Estimate of Uie American Hop Crop Poultry Price Declining. Th ivwtr ralu. f nd upon price racatvd ty farrars of Important crop ta th L'nliad Stats on date Indicated. cMiliwI from report of eorr pendant a? th Burea of Statistics. Department of A xrlc'i It ur . ta aa follows: Hay Cotton 'om. what. Oala, Do!. i't ln I0ns --i.'t par bush.- pr ton Pr ih Jjr l....Ti? i ft" 2 a t M 1 :V3 a-j t ..." t . : in-vt is;,:. 1 ...7S h.T 47.2 .l a rMv J'liv I ...TT. 12 M! 1" M 1" 14S Aua I ...T.V.2 l"T.l 5"' l7 III liJ rr'. 1 ...T1.0 Pi.2 42.3 17 lit 1110 J ilr 1 ...M! 0.V3 42 1 11.71 13 11.1 A i 1 ...7 J . 41.7 II. 2 14.J 137.3 Ind prl-r of tm artlrl. 1"0 rapra-a-ntir RTrtfit of ih pri--a on Prm br l.V May li. Jtrrll l. Mlo. for products spawlflM. baard upn Mlurni rclTd from In iuirtv of th Huraau of tatisflrs of th iM-partrnant of Agriculture, wera aa ""'prod-irta . . .. Jv. IJ Jr.. IS My l.V Ap. IS Appi-a. prta .- '" ' -T 31 l-ara. pr bj .. 1 "1 I ' I Raons. pr bu . . . 2 .14 2.2! 2-1 J l Onmna p-r bu.. l."A 1.0.1 l.l't MX 'ai-e. 10 Iba 3.27 2.1 2.77 2 20 a i-rtatna par bu .74 .77 .S3 5 rxnuia. pr bu. 1.1.1 1.1 1.1U p. bu. S.XI 7.24 7 47 T.ol par Is. IT .10 HTa pr head lai.iw HK.00 1S4.UO H f can I, par inn lbs 4 M S.14 S.23 .21 Voal calva. par Uio Iba S4 ST .SO M Mllrh coars p. k d 42. 44 42.3H 42.22 rip. p. l' Iba .V47 S.4I STB U.H1 I.'mha. p. ! Iba 11.71 7.1.1 7.2t 7.47 lloga. p. 1" lbs. S.11 k.4H 8,. .2 Milk. pr tat. .. .2111 .212 -24H 2.22 Wool. ir lb l' -II'"' .--' .22:1 Hrry. p-r lb. .. .I ll .132 .132 .134 Tha avwragr, coat of bran pr ton to feed er on July IS was about $25.21. aa com pared with S25.22 on June 10. HOr-Plt KER-S WILL M.AKK MONEY. (Iran Crop sod Paw layoa la tha Oraajoa ai d Market Outlook. "Orpn this year has ths cleanest and most leafless crop of hops 1 have arer seen, and I believe tha pickers will main mora money than they bars for Bra rears." said Conrad Kit be yesterday at Ms office In tha Worcester bulldJnc. where he Is alnln up plckera "In view of the fart that tha crop Is so clean and the InUlrallons of quality so Una. and laklna; Into eonsldsratlon the fact that the growers will pick clean this season, tha market will surety open np around IS cents. "My eettmate of the American crop Is J-i.-es bales, atlowtna; 5.SS for Oreajoa. .- for California. 74. "OS for Waahlmlon and it.M for New Torn. 'The requirements of tha L'nlted States are. on the basis of a beer production of barrels, 2.- bales of bops for the brewers and 10. DO ba:es for other purposes. Aasttmlng that . bales wrrt be exported and 10.004 Anarkan be lee imported, this will lea re a saortaae of 75. SSS balea HEAkKR I fctl lVt; IV w HE.lT MARKET. alaaas ml Trade la Small Bayers Olfsr Lawer 1'rtcee. Thers was an easier reclln In the local market and on the eound yeaterday. Buyers held bark and when they matle offers. lnY were aenerally at lower prices. While some (arroers are disposed to offer more freely. others are malntaiains a firm front. tin the whole the market Is de ctde.ily quiet for. this time of year. There were no pew developmsnis In tha taraet for coarse (rains. The local flour market was s-ood. but the eaport demand III lull. rnmmn weekly, wheat ahlpments. as rs perted by the Merchenta' a:aoliance. were: 1PMI 11a. r.ttaata 3.21km 2.172.000 l-anul-o .'. 4it.lw 1.37.0 I.o-al recelpta In care, ware reported ay the Mercnaiua" Eirhinna aa followa: heau ilar.ey. Fl"r. twita. Hay. Monday i 27 25 Tuee'tay .... 14 2 3 5 3 tVe.lnlar . U a 3 10 Thurwlay . 12 .. 7 P f ri.lar 21 ... aaiurilay ..Id 3 3 14 l.aet year... a ... 2 A 11 kcaeun lo date. ..4 SO 3 Its 370 Last ear...1rtd 100 154 h 2'i2 rrriiE. coiii w late i n.r. Arrliala Are Carries! Over bat Market la Ueaarrot la UaaML Receipts of peaches yesterday morntnx wrre sot heayy and by nooa all had cleaned vp. In tha aftornoot:. hower. a b!c lot ra.-ne la hy expreas ard theae had to be r4 r-nl .iter. The market In ( eene-al was fi.-.u. Crawfortle ranged in price (rim 4S ae cents with tha bu:k of sales at 7S carta. tirade receipts wara lisht and they sold ent tar:;'. Muscats and llaiaiM motel at il tl an I r-m at rru at ('. 4. Early ap ?re 'o oerupply and weali. jj armeta are pedaiint them about town and there la bu. litiic demand on the street. 1'ears Were atra lr a: l 25 for averaaa stock and l M fjr fancy. Ca;itaUupaa bava cleaned ap again and ths market wtll probably be la Kod ahspw throjbout tha remainder of the eaaeja. HcowrinaT Waol at Echo. Baker City wool la arrtving at JScho for acourlnc. accordtns to the Echo Echoes, which says: T wo big caw caataiurVg 50.000 pounds were received at the scouring mill laat Thursday. tTonatderaDle wo! hee alao been a:pped hare from 1'llot Bock, lieppntr and fhertlko. to be a-'oured. Tao large cars of wood arrived for the first of this week to be used (or fuel purposes at the mill e (aaDia la Batter Prtrea. Tha week closed with the butter market firm and unchanged and present prlres will prevail at the opening of the coming week. t hicken prices held at lli rente, but a good many coope were carried over. Buy. era appear ta be well atocked. and If arrivals are liberal In the first haif of the week, aflll loeer rrteee can- be looked for. liuod egga were la light suppy and firm. Bask ( learlaga. Btr.k clearing oftha Norlhweatern clOea yestefday wara fol'iaa: Clearinre. Balancea. Portland ILuvVfl itl.4".J .aula 1.41.3272 114.470 Tacoma b74 47i 1.55 ep-kase 314 713 3. :i Cleartnga o! Portland, ocattle and Ta rawa for the paat week and correapondtng week In former years were: I'nrtland. eatt:e. Tacoma. l!itit J.o4i ua f tu.oott.ir7S $5.7.m.o7 l'jrtp 7 017.424 12 .14:1 :... 3 727. 42 ...... a S31.HM S.2.0.21 g.k4iV.123 1.7 . HO II 2tl4 4 CI T aiM 3.111. li'7 lol.Ht3 3rt.;.7. wi ...... e.J14l4 5,'A.V..t IHtWIM le .. ... e.24t..-. 4 2:o373 I a'T J 4 1.3 S.i..7T.3 71 l.WLIil HaM la Verk Hop Yards. Tha tvgtervtll Time a of th recent attack of maid la tha hp yards of that aaats. Ta rapraseatatfraa of tha Bureau of Plant Industry of Cornell TTntverslty ara here to ascertain th extent-of th attack of mildew or blua mold upon th hops In this vicinity. - They ara F. W. Btodgetl and C. N. Jensen, and this forenoon they bava been about a little, fliwt vtatUng the Carter yard near Deanaooro. which la by far th worst afflicted of any. They ftnd a sprink ling of the mold In other yarda In different parta of the two town of Sangerfleld and Marshall- They are to make further obeer vationa and examination. Decline la Bam a. Declines ranging from a quarter to three quarters of a cent on bacon are noted In a now provision list, trhleh will b a :t estiva Monday morning. PO KTXA VOM AKK ETS. Crala. rVmr. Feed. Ete. WHftAT Bloeatam. MtM': club. $9 9c; red Ruaaian. Me,-i7c; Valley. tvOc; 40 fo:d. ljJ91c: Turkey red. tl2c, FLOl'R Patents. S335 per barrel: straights. 4tit4.5; export. $4; Valley. S eo; graham. 3; whole wheat, quartans, 3 2a BARLEY Peed aad brewing. Ct30-2M per ton. HAT Track prices: Timothy. ina istta Valley, flowl per ton: Eaatarn Oregon. 1200 21: alfalfa, new, (1014; grata hay, "corn Whole, tsa: cracked, tit per ton VlLlTUFFS Bran. 20 par ton: mld- d'.liga. te: ahorta, 1210 22: rolled barley. ;-. u 2- OAIi New. t200 per ton. Yegrtablea aad Frulta. GIIEEV FRtTTS Apples, new. 3ucOT 23 per boa; apneota, Tavl.oo per box: pluma. 75c0l per box: pears 11.2591.50 per box: pearhee, 40 0 3c per box; grapea. l.e l..0: biackberrlea. (1.000 1 50 per crate; hucki-ber-le. lOe per pound. SltLONB Wstermelona. JI01S3 per hundred: cantaloupea fl.tftftoo per crate. TROPICAL. FRUITS Orangea. Valencia. I4 60fc4 75: lemons. tTt; grapefruit, 4 4.50 per box: bananas, t0 par pound; plne applea. Ac per pound. VECZTABLEd Bean. 8 0 Be ponnd: cab bage. 2Sa-c pound; cauliflower. 91. M per d-a: celery, aoc per dosen: corn. 12) I.Vs per dosen; cucumber. 25j40c per box: eggplant. 6c per pound; garlic 8tlo per pound; green onlona, 15c per dcxen: peppera. 5oo per box; radishes. 15b 20e per doien; squash, 40c per crate; tomatoes. SOtfoOe per box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrot. (It 1.25; beeta. fl.Sfl: parsnips. 1. 9 1.25; turnips. I- POTATOES New. tl.258-L.40 per hun dred; sweet potatoes. 4o per pound. ONIONS Walla Walla. 12.50 Pr ck; Oragcn. (2 91.26 par sack. Dairy aad Country Produce. EfiiV Oregon candled. 29 030c per do. BUTTER City creamery, solid pack. 4o per pound; butter ft. S4c pr pound; coun try atore huttrr. 24e per pound. CHEESB Pull cream, twin. ITHOlt per pound; young America 18rityl0o. POLL.TRT liens. HtUitl tsptinge. 1 ?l7c; ducka whit. lS017c: geoea. 22HW squaba. km. live. 2iic; dressed, 22x0 2.V-; snuata. (3 per dosen. PORK Fancy. ISc par pound. VEAL, Fancy. 12 Hallo nor pound. ; roc Ice, Dried Fruits.' Eta. DRIED FRUIT Apple. lOc per ponnd: French. 4 85o; currant , 10c; aprloota. 11 He; data. 7 per pound; figs, fancy whit. CHc: fancy black. Te: choice black. -. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, (2.10 per dos-n; 2-pound tails. (3.5; 1 pound flats. (2.23: Alaska Dink. 1-pound tali. II; red. I -pound tall, (L.S0; aockaya, 1- pourd tal. (2. COFFEE Mocha, t4 92tc: Java, ordinary. 17?r2Clc; Coata Rica, fancy. lSt?0c: good. lal!-; ordinary. 12loo per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 15c per pound; Braall nuts. 13 4 915c; filberts, la almonds. lTo; pecans. 10c; cocoanuts. Socdtl Pr doaaa. SALT Granulated, lit Per ton7 half ground. 100a, (10.50 par ton; 60. (11 Pr ton- . .. BEANS Small white. SHe: larg whlta 4Vc; Lima. 6-tci pink. T; red Maxlcaaa Tc; bayou. 7aC RICE No. 1 Japan, 4e; cheaper grail a. (3:.nr4 55; Southern head. S40"o- HONET Choice. i3.23-3a.o0 per easel trained. Tc per pound. Itl'OAR I'ry granulated, fruit and berry. I.23; beet. .0i; extra C t5.T3; goldsn C. j.A5; yellow D, (5 65; cube (brrls), '..'.; powdered. (S.a0; Domino, (10 409 (:a.0 per case. Terms on remittances with in 13 dsys deduct "ae per pound. If later than 15 aad wilhla to daya deduct Ho pa pound. Maple sugar. 15tylc per pound. Pro via lone M A MS 10 to 12 pounda. 1He: II to 1 pounds. 19c; 14 to I pounda. 10c; 18 ta 20 pounda none: aklnned. 2oc; picnic. 14os cottace roll. 17 Sc. BAfON Fancy. 21V: standard. 8ol choice. 27c; Encllah. 220244c KMOKKO MEATS lleef tongues, .5c: dried beef seta. 22c; outsldes, 20c; lnaldaa 23c; knucklea. 22c DRY SALT CUHED Regular hort elar dry salt. lHc; amoked. l.c: bscka light, salt, lol-e; smoked. 18c: back a., heavy salt, lii.-; smoked. 17e; export bellies, salt. 17c; smoked. !-yc. PICKLED GOODS Barrel. pig feet, (Id: regular tripe. (10; honeycomb tripe, tl2: lunch tongues. t22; lambs- tongue. (40. Tens; kettl rendered. 134C standard pura 24Vc; cholc. 134aO; hort enlna. 12 wc Oila LIVSFnED OIL Pur raw In barrela (1 01; kettle boiled. In barrela. II. 03; raw. In caaea 1 1. 06: kettle boiled, la case, 11.08. Lola of 230 gallona 1 cent lea per gallon. TURPENTINE In caaea, 81o; In wood barrela ItHc COAL OIL Water white In drama Iroa whlta In drum or Iron barrela 14o: unloa keroaen In caeca, 1-5. 23c: oleum kero sene la ease f -5a, lie; Aurora kerosene la cases. a-5a. 21c OA so LINK Union gasoline In bulk, lse; union gsaolln In caaea 25a 25c; union motor spirit la bulk. Ko: unlun motor spirit In rataa t-5a 25c: No. 1 engine dlatlllat In Iron drama 8 Wo: No. 1 engine dlatlllat In case. 2 -5a. l&v,c: V, HAP. naptk In Iron exum or barrela 15c; V, M. a P. naptha la cases. 2 -5a. 22c- 1IENZ1NE Union benalna In Jron drum or barrela ldSac; union benalna ta ease. 2- 5a 23 He; union at ore dlatlllat ta iron drama, 7c Hope, 11 eol. Tlldea, Etc. HOPS lPoo crop. lon13c according t quality; olda nominal: lPIO eontracta 13Ha WOOL Eastern Oregon. 13tjl7o poundj Talley. IStf 20c per pound. , MOHAIR Choice. gutft3c per pound. CAriCARA BARK twe per pound. HIDES galled hides, TtT par pound: tailed call. 13; eel Lad kid. to: aaltad ataga. green hi dee. lc less; dry hides, 1SHO) 17c: d-v calf. lTO'c; dry ataga 11012c. TELTc" Dry. lone: salted. butchers taHe off. 1 1140; Cprlng iamba 25 0 45c G1LA1N BAGti In carlota Itio aaca. PEACHESffiLBEoWER SEATTLE lOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES THIS WEEK. Demand tor Apples Is Increasing Rapidly Cantaloupes and Melon Ara Firmer. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 10. Special. V Peaches for canning purposes will be cheaper than last year, according to Western ave nue commlaalon men. Th Brat carload of Wenatrhee Elberta la du to arrive Monday and will be offered at S3 rente a box. There aae a large aupply of peaehea on the atreet today and th top quotation was 7fc cent for the heat aiock. Cantaloupee and water mH ne were firmer. The formei-sold at I2a t and the latter from 1 if 1 ni cents Totatoes have dropped to I w cents. Ontona are being eold at a loss In most qutrter. . The apple market Is In better shape thn It has been for eome time. Stocka are lower and the demand Inrreaaing rapidly, aap ciaily for fancy stock. Although the demand for poultry wa br'.k. reeeipt were heavy and lower price a 111 be u-olcd In the country next week Spring will not be quoted bove IS cent and small hens not above 14 rente. Egg wer In excellent demand. Butter wa steady. Wheat wa firmer aa th exchange, but dulL Daluth Flax Market. DULVTH. Aug. SO. Flax On track. In ttore and to arrive, (2 4: September. f2.4 hid- Octot-er. l:3fli,: November. t335g nominal: December. (2.29 bid. tVaai a St. Loata. PT LTiUlS. Aug. 2i Wool Steady: ter riterr and Weatern mediums. 15g23 he; ta med.utna, 1SS2UC; Jiaa liaflTc INTEREST LACKING Trading in Stocks Almost at a Standstill. . PRICE MOVEMENT NARROW Annual Statement of the Northern Pacific Is Xot Favorable for In vestors Lehigh Valley's Snow ing Is More Satisfactory. NEW YORK. Aug. I. In th toclt x ehang th volum of business was email, even for a half holiday, and whils th tendency continued Irregular, th movement wa so narrow a to rob It of all glgnlflcanca London took a holiday. Tha Northern Pacific Railway submitted Its flgu re for th Aacal yr. howlng larg lncreses In freight and passenger revenue. wWch largely offset by n Incre of (t oil 0o In total operating expensea ins wbol. leaving a decrease In total net reve nue of (L7i.50. nd sn operating ln com. of (i...l.JJ2. Lehigh V.ll.y rly report waa rather mora aallafactory. It to tal net revenue Increasing 1.2.00U. Th. bank .tatement .howed large Increase, la loanaTbotb la th. av.rag. and th. actual "to? market clcaed y. After pricw .had returned to where they left of yesterday. In tereln th. m.rk.t abated and P'cullon became dull. Fluctuation, w.r. ".trlctadto ,h. fraction In th. most activ. .tock. Th bond market w. i"" .ales, par value. (70.t)0. United States Govtrnment a. .dvanced . Pr cent and 4 14 Pr cant on call., i CLOSING BTOCK. QUOTATIONS. Closing , galea HLih. t"- Allls Chalmers pf. fc Amal Copper .... J 4 Am Agrlculiur.1 .. JJ, JJ a4.J car..:: Am Hd 4V Lt pf jmj Am Ice Securities Am Unseed Oil 'W Am Locmotlve .. Am smelt c Itef.. -u" o, do preferred ... 2.w o1" iU2 do prterred ......... ..... Am uteel Fdy 118 Am Sugar Rel .. - JJJ Am Tel a Tei .... M .l Am Tobacco pf .. " s7ui Am Woolen 4(J An .M.ln-: -i: Ti do preferred 112 aac;n..:::- lk'Tran: "'W ji " Canadian 1-aelno .. 100 1J Central Leather .. 1.000 oH o-j do prcf'T, :::: ::::: Central of N J i:7, f'u. Chea a Ohio .... 400 .4V4 .4 Chicago Alton... JJJ Chicago (U Weat JJJJ chtaxT Ttv ::: "".' C tf t Paul 12o 123 122W c! C. C 4k 8t L ... v Colo Fuel A Iron Ji ZXS?::- itiii Cra Protluct , lii Del tt Hudson 'g.V D R Grand ... 300 31H do preferred ... v- 'ilV io DUWlUar.- secur .. J -J let"pref" 1- a i " do 3d prviTl. a... Gt Northern Ore .. ..... ..... .iTw Illinois Central - "Ju Interb.rou,h Met,. 1M, 1 1J4 do preferred ... JJJ. Inter Harvaater .. W0 H ' "?Jj Inter-Marine pf iy1 Ini Paper " 1st Pump -ill? Iowa Central .... 100 1.5 lTfc II K C Southern ... ...... ..... ...... -jej llew.:::" -S l7u!SIO N.-t 10O 143? 13 14S MWKin Tax- 33 33 33 do preferred Mlaaonrl Paelfla .. S3W 8S M National Bleeult Xatloual Lead - - Mex Nat Ry 24 P'-i-iii ,:ii ,Xi3 N T Central ;. ... 1.000 lit. US' l"1 '"ioo Vii '7U ""V iisti iioii 1.2on 12UV 129 ""ini) "iT "17 SOO 35 ' 35 . 10O 160 lr)0 lVir 4SH 144 ii 1,000 2H 32 "ilsno 'S24 "32 ""soi iis iitVii 100 03 3 "egjnn '" 'ri" v im; lie, eo 4rt 4v, ro fA 7, eon 1 1 200 RR Xl aaaaaa aaae aaaaa V T. Oht a West Norfolk West. North American .. Northern Pacific penneylvsnta ..... People's Gae .... p e c s l. Pltlshurg Coal .... Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Pal Car. Ry Steal Spring.. Beading Republic Steel ... do preferred . . Rock Inland CCj, . do preferred . . . t L a S F t pf tt L Southwestern do preferred ... Sloaa-Sheflleld .... Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway. do praf erred ... 7i 6A tlV 12S 32 V tvu n7t 40 23 M M 11-ltl txti 24 2 is 4H 1CW M T2 3iH li5 4(1 H Texas Pacific. . If i. st i, e r-c. . do preferred . . . tTnton Pacific .... do preferred . . . (T S Realty IT f Rubber U B (feel do preferred ... Ttah Copper Va-Caro ckamlcal. Wahash do preferred . TCeetem Mit . . . Wat!nghoue EVo Weetem Vnlon ... no 81 Total rale for the day. 122.(00 eh ares BONDS. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Closing qaola tloas: U. a rsf. 7 reg.101 IV. Y. C. an lit do coupon ...lot INo. Paclfle 8.,. fia TJ. 8. S re 101a'No. Paelfl 4.. .100 do coupon ...I01S Union Pan- .a..!0OHB Tj.8.Trew 4s reg.U4S Wis. Central da 92B D. R- G. 4. . 3Bi pally TuaatuT 8tatcniu. WASHINGTON. Aug. SO. Th condition of th Treasury at the beginning of bualneee today was aa follows: Trust fund - Gold coin I4SS.5SI.3O0 Silver dollars 4od.4HI.iMaJ Silver dollasa f 1S00 S.n4.oo ailver certificate outstanding... 4Sd.41tt.0O0 Oeneral fund Standard ailver .dollar Id (- , . era! fund B.t.'iO.UT Current llabllllles 84.74S.862 Working balance In Treaeury of fice. 2S.eW4.flal In banka to credit of Treasurer of the United States ST.01T.178 Subsidiary silver oln to.47..7 Xllinr coin ...-. Totl balanc In general fund . . . 8d.i80J037 Money Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. Aug. tn. Money on call nom inal. Time hens dull: 60 daya 263 per cent and to daea Stt.-ta, per cent; six month, 4? 44 per sent. Prim mercantile paper, tVtwt per cent. rlterllng exchange firm. wl:h actual buslnea In bankers' Mile at (4 S410 for So-day bllla and at (4 SS5& for demand. Commercial bllla (tivlat.Ul,. Bar ailver 52SC Mexican dollars, 44c Govsmment uueda steady; railroad boat Irregular. t;t FRANCISCO. Aug. 20. Sterling on London. SO daya 14.84 Sterling on London, alght, tt.StT. Silver bar 52tc. Mexican dollar 44c Draft Sight. ; telegraph. 7c LONDON. Aug. 20 Consala. t0; silver, (4 ; bank rata, t par cent. New lack Cotta Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Cotton opened Steady, unchanged to 3 points up. Ths close was barely steady. nt 2 point lower to 33 point higher. Future closed rarely steady. Clolng bid: Aurur-t. 16.27c: September. 14.19c: October, 13 50c; November. 1341c: December. 13.41c; January. 13.3Sc; February. 12.30c; March. 13.44:: May. 13Sc; Juna 13.45c; July. Spot closed quiet, 43 points higher. Mld aplanda. ld.4oc; da gulf. 10.S3C. No sales. Dried rratt at New YeHu NEW YORK. Aug. 19. Evaporated apple quiet, ateadv on spot. Fancy 1 quoted lOeile; choice. abeSc: prima e8t,o. Prunes quiet. Arm. Quotations. 11 r10 for California up to t-40a and StT'njO for Oregona Aprlcota in fair dmand. firm. Cholca. lilsDUttc; extra cholca llsafcllnc: fancy, uellc. Peaches steady with a moderate demand, Cholca Cfe9t4c; extra choice.. 7V,cl fancy. T7tc Raislna quiet, steady: loos muscatels ara quoted at J've&Vc; choir to fancy aeeded. 4 It Cc: seed, as a, 4j44c; London layera $L25C1.3i. Metal Mack eta. NET YORK. Aug. 20. Th metal mar ket were quiet and practically nominal. a usual in the absence of exchanges. Tin Firm. 33.704T SS.TTVsO. Copper Lake. 12.7 te e 13.O0: etactrolytlo, 12.67! t12.7&c; casting. 12.233 12.50c Lead Steady, 4.4094.3OC. Spelter Firm. 5-25 85.400, Iron Unchanged. Dairy Produce ta tha Kast. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Butter, firm, un changed. firm, unchanged. Egg. Arm. unchanged. CHICAGO. Aug. 20. Cheese Steady; dais ies. 16ac; twine. 15415?c: Young America, l916tc; long horns. lHwlHc NO CHANGES AT CLOSE LIVESTOCK MARKET QUIET OX LAST DAY OF WEEK. Prices Have Styttleil Because of Lib eral Arrivals and a Slower Demand. There waa practically no buainea transacted at the tockyard In the half day of trading yeaterday. Values, a announced, showed so changa. Th market on th whole In the past week ha ahown a general downward tendency. Cat tle arrival have bean heavy and steers and cows went o half a dollsr, while bull and tags have held their own. Difficulty wa found In moving sheep and lamb Hoga held fairly steady. Receipts yeaterday were 203 cattle and 180 sheep. b-ilppers of the stock were W. Chamberlain, of Lyle. Wash., two car of rhsep; Ed Koorr, of Grangevllle. Idaho, two cars of cattle, and Smith Brotbera. of Hubbard, five car of cat tle. . Prices quoted on the various classes of (tock at the North Portland yard yesterday wsr a follows: Beef steers, good to choice. ... ..(5.00 Q(5.25 Beef steers, fair to medium.... 4-00 4.50 Cows and helfera good to cholc 4-00 9 4.25 Cow aad heifora fair to medium t.S0 4.00 Bull 3.23 5l 4.00 Calves, light 6.00 7.00 Calves, heavy 175W 5.21 Hog, top .... 9. 26 4 75 Hog a, fair to medium -7e ' 00 Sheep, beat Mt. Adams wether. 4.25 9 4.35 Sheep, best Valley wether 3.26 in t.50 Shoep, fair to good t.OOa I.2S Sheep, beet Valley awes i.doit I 55 Lambs, cholc ML. Adam t.0tt 6,00 Lambs, cholc Valley (.00 6 (.25 Eaatera Uvea tock Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 20. Cattle Receipt, esti mated. 300; market, ateadv. Beeves. (4-700 8.30; Texas steers. t3.6thgA.70; Weetem steers, (4'id S5; atoekers and feedera (tiro 15; cow and heifers (2.506.40; calves. (ti.508.50. Hogs Receipts, utlmsted. SnOO; market, 100 hither. Light, (o-tifi; mixed, (888.85; heavy. (7.70iaB.o5: rough, (7.7o4y7.S5; good to choice heavy. (7.Bna.55; plga, (S 5o&; bulk of salea (8 1068.40. Sheep Recelpta estimated, 9000; market, steady. Nat he. (2..Vkii4.U: Western. (2.759 4 fro; youilnga (4.60 5 7o; Iamba native, (4.7(96.65: Western, (4.7566. 86. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 20. Receipts Cattle. 300; market, ateady. Native steera (4.604rt; native cow and heifers, (2.67; atocker and feeders. (3.25yt); bulla t-at 25; calve. (4$ T.76; Western Keers, (4.257.25: Western COWK. (2.7B4T4.TS. Hogs Receipts. 500: market, steady. Bulk of aulas, (8.3548.70; heavy. (8.25i.40: pack er and butchera (S,3Wa8.&S; light. (8.353 1 711 ftheep Receipts. S00 market, steady. Mut tona (.1.754.011; Imnbs. (tWn6.90; fed weth ers snd yearling, (45.50; fed Western ewsa, (2.254(4.25. OMAHA. Aug. 20. Cattle Receipts, 1000. Market, unchanged. Ntiv ateera (4.75 1 Ml; cow and helfera, (3 35&5.S5: West am steers, e3.7396.73: range cows and helfera. (3 0044.63: cannera. 2.25.a? 3.23: tockrs and feedera (3.0t7.V75; calvea (3. .Ill ir 6. 50: bulla (tars, etc. (3.2395.00. Hor Receipts. 5400. Market. 5c to 15c higher. Heavy, (8 108.50; mixed, (S.25 48.SO: light. (S.5oa80: plaa (7.308.50; bulk or salea (8.250 8 50. Sheep -Receipts, 100, Market. steady. Yearlings. 14.609 (.50; wethers. t3.T594.50; a a. 43.800 4 :J: Iamba t61306.SO. BAN FB.VNCISCO QUOTATIONS. Produce Price Current in tha Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2a Th follow ing price were current In th produce mar ket today: Butter Fancy creamery, 31tec; creamery aeconda SOUjci fancy dairy, 28c Cheese New, 14tvl5tec; Young America, let-i 18c - . Egga citora 32c; fancy ranch, 34lc. Poultry Rooatera old, I4.50ti3.50; roost ra young. (6rK.60: broiler, small, (2.269 I: brollera large. (101.25; fryer. (4.5U0 (.50: hena I4.50((fl0; duclu, old. 14.50 (S3; ducka young. 15 7. Vegetable Cuoumbera 20940c: garlic tH treo; green peaa 3w6c; string haana S c)6c; tomatoes. 76cIL23; eggpiaat, 409 toe. Hop California, IO'ITI.Tc Mlllstuffs Bran, (23925; middlings. (30 nil. Hoy Wheat, t0r?13.30: wheat and oats, tWO 12: alfalfa. (Stylt: stock. (597; straw, 36 i 00c Fruit Apples, choice. 65985c: common. tft9V: bananaa 76ct7(3; Mexican llmca (64J6.50: California lemona choice. (2.75; California lemons, common, (X50; pine applea (2 9 2.50. Potatoes b'allnaa Burbanks, (1.1591.80; gweeta 2H9tc. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Coffee closed aUeady at a net advance of 6910 pointa Sales were reported of 4P.70O baga. Cloaing blda: Auguat and September. i.40c; Oc tober, 7.45c; November, T.55o; December, T.65c: January, T.68c: February. 7.72c; March. 7.76c: April 7.7So; May, 1. 80c; June, T.SOc and July, 7.83c Spot, ateady. Rio No, T, 9tc: Barrto. No. 4. lotsc Mild, ateady; Cordova JO'S 120. Raw eugar, firm. Muscovado, 89 test. t05e; centrifugal. 06 test, 4.45o: molassea augar, 80 teat. 8.70c Refined, steady. Cut loaf. 6.03c: crushed, 6.05c; mould A. 5-tOc; eubea (.50c; powdered. 5.40c; powdered, 5. t&t4o; granulated. 6.45c; diamond A, (.25c; oonfactlonr A. 8. 05c. UNKNOWN IS FOUND DYING Overdose of Morphine Kills Man Near Oregon City. OREGON CITT. Aug-, ta (Special.) An unknown man vaa found unconscious near ths railroad track, close to the bunkhouses of th Japanese employed by the Southern Pacific Company, at the rear of the TVelnhard building; today. He soon died despite hurried medical treat ment. It la said that the man took an everdaas) of morphine. There M no clew which would lead to the man's Identity, and the body was taken to the Holman t Myers undertaking rooms. If no one lays claim to the body it will be buried on Monday In the potter's field. The man Is described as i feet S Inches tall, weighs 145 pounds; hair mixed with gray; sandy mustache, with about two weekaV growth of beard. In tha pockets was found 60 centa Condensing Plant Out After Milk. FOREST GROVE, Or., Aug. to. (Spe cial.) P- G. Kinxer. manner of th local condensing plant, denies that either the plant here or that at Hlllsborp will be affected if his company decides to Invade the Tillamook territory. He says that the company Is after a large output of milk and that the Tillamook country would furntsh aa abundant supply BEARS 111 CONTROL September Wheat Falls Below the Dollar Mark. PRICES WEAK ALL DAY4 Lower Foreign Markets and a Slack Outside Demand Add te the De pression at Chicago Corn Declines 6harply. ' CHICAGO, Aug. 20, Weak foreign mar kota and a slack demand outside helped along th weakness la th wheat market and th grain closed at th low point for th day and week. cThorta MaktBt to cover Sep tember fumlahed about all th support vlalbl and th effort of th bulla were in adequate to hold prices In the face of th overwhelming bearish entlmenL The doe waa weak all through tha Hat, with Sep tember leltto to. lV61He off. at Bga. 698c. December declined to a closed 14lai ta ll- .oft. at tl.03 to tl.ot . Heavy country offerings and a Blow East ern demand kept corn ou th down grade. Cash corn sold off Ho to lc No. 2 yellow cloaed at 6262c Th dose of futures was waak. with September lHOlVtc off, at 0Hc. December finished 1NS1C down, at 57 Vc to (7c Oats exhibited leas weaknesa. but war draggad down by liquidation and burdened by th enormous receipts of the last week. The market closed weak and nearly tha low point, with September Ho off. at aoc De cember closed n down.- at 88Tc Shorts boosted th provision market early In th dy. Th cloe wa weak, with pork unchanged to 12 cents down, at (21.35: lard. 2ie to THc down, at tl2j02H; on rlba. unchanged to 7toc off. at (12.47 4. for th September delivery. Th leading future ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept. 8 . -984, ..84. Dec 1.03 108 4 1.02 1.024, May 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.07 CORN. Sept. 1 .61 .61 H .60 .60 Dec -.59 .59 4 .39 K .5744 May .61 .61 .5934 .691J OATS. Sept. .83 H .85 .35 .35 Dec ....... .37. .87 .361 .36 May .40 .40 .39 .39 MESS PORK. Sept ....1.T0 21.80 21-35 91-M Oct. 20.96 21.00 20-75 A 20.76 Jan. 18-0 16-80 18-70 A18.70 LARD, Sept. 12.12 12.20 12.02 12.02 Oct. 12.10 12.15 12.00 Alt.00 Jan. 10.77 10.77 10.67 A10.ST SHORT RIBS. Sept. 12.62 12.TO 12.4T A12.4T Oct. 11.75 11.85 11.87 A11.70 Jan. 8.90 8.90 8.77 A9.7T Receipta Shipment. Flour, barrels 26.100 1.00 Wheat, bushels 344.SO0 266,568 Corn, bushels 217.50H 114.460 Oats, bushete 1,063.800 229.100 Rye, bushels 4.000 .. .. ... Barley, bushels 30.000 14,100 Grata and Produce at New York. - NEW YORK.' Aug. 10 Flour Quiet and nominal, lower. Spring patents, I5.S0Q (.80; Winter straight (4.40 4.40; Winter patents. (4.7(6; Spring clears, H.J6fi 4.60; Winter extra. (J.50(BJ.0; do. No. S, t2.5093.50; Kansas straight (4.8535.10. Receipt. 2414 barrel; shipment 9490 bar rels. Wheat Spot weak. No. 1 red. (1.05 ele vator and (1.07 f. o. b. ; new No. 1 North ern, 11.28 f. o. b. to arrive Ther wa an easier market In wheat, due to elling on the disappointing cables and pressure of cash wheat with a light cash demand, cloa. ing 4e net lower. September closed (1.06; December, 11.09. Receipt 46,100 bushel. Hop Quiet. liides Quiet. Central America, t04tlo4 Boe-ota, 21 at 2C. , Wool-rQulet. Domestic fleece, 30c .Wheat Shortage la Irance, NEW YORK, Aug. to. Market reports for th past 10 days show that during that tim 1,000.000 bushels of American wheat ha been purchased for export to Frano The French whea,t crop, according to ad vices received here, has shown a deficit of about 67.000.000 bushel American pro ducers expect to be called upon to aupply most of the shortage Tha wheat already purchased will ha shipped from Baltimore and Philadelphia Four Mamshlps have al ready been chartered to carry wheat ex clusively, taking about 150.000 bushel each. Grata Markets at ths Nertbwent. TACOMA. Aug- 20. Wheat Bluaatem. 6ci club, 81c Receipt Wheat. ;o car; hay, 1 car. . SEATTLE. Aug. 20. Milling Quotation; Blueetem. 02c: forty-foW, 1: club. 9c; Hfo t'Oc; red Russian. Bsc. Export wheal BlUMlem. 9c: forty-fold. 88c; club, 87o; Ufa, 7c; red Ruaaian. 85c Yesterday's ear recelpis--Wheat, 11 cart, oala car; bar ley. 1 car; hay. 19 car European Grain Market LONDON. Aug. 20. Wheal oaxgoea eaaler on American advices. Walla Wall. 3S 84. Sellers offer aparlagly. ... u English country market ataady; French country market tady. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 20. Wheat-October, Ta 6d- December, fa id; March. 7 70. Weather, unsettled. Grain at Saa TrancUea, SA!t FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. Callboard "Barley Dec (1.06; March, (LII. . Corn Large yellow, -(1.61. AMERICANS HONOR NURSE Visitors In London Attend Funeral of Florence Nightingale. lONBON, Aug. 2. Florence Nlghte lngale, the "Angel of the Crimea," who died August 18 at her London heme, waa burled this afternoon beside the bodies of her father and mother, in the churchs yard of the little Hampshire village of Fast 'Willow. In accordance with her often-expressed wishes for a eimpla private funeral, the ceremony was of the quietest nature, the, only feature being tha presence of a squad of Grenadier Guards, who acted as bearer Outside of these, only members of the Immediate family and a few re tainers were present Public tribute was paid at a memorial service at noon In St. Paul's Cathedral here, at which King George. Queen Marie, the Queen Mother, Alexandra, the War Office and Admiralty, and the great er part of the British public bodies and colonies, were rcpresented. The United States Ambassador, White law Reld, and Mrs. Reld were present The cathedral was crowded with tha official representatives and thousands of private persona, who had come to do honor to the dead, were unable to find places inside the church and stood out side during the ceremony. Among the flowers sent for the eere mnn.T a ntimhpr nf wreaths con. -trtbuted by American nursing associa tions, and many prominent mem acre oi the American colony in Londo.n attended tha service. Wallace 11. Struble Resigns. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 20. (Speclal.)-r Wallace R. Struble, who' has served successfully almost two years as, man ager of the Albany Commercial Club, resigned laat night. The executive board of the club accepted the resigna tion upon condition that Struble would, remain until October 1. MORRIS BROTHERS ESTABLISHED 1893 Dealers in Bonds and High Grade Investment Securities Beg to announce their removal to new an,d enlarged offices on the Second Floor of the Railway Ex change BIdg., Fourth and Stark Sts. WE OFFER 5000 Shares F. A. L. Motor Company At Par $10 Per Share AtitoniOQile manufacturing. 3Iost profitable business of the age. Enormous profits have been made in Automobile Manu facturing Stocks. The F. A. L. Motor Company has a large factory in Chi cago. Sufficient business booked for 1910 to insure 44 per cent net earnings on capital. For further particulars apply to The L. Y. Keady Investment Co. 602 Board of Trade Building, SURPLUS RESERVE, 'ill DECREASE SHOWN IX NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Largo Expansion in Loans Shows In etltutions Can Take Care of Seasonable Requirements. NEW VORK. Aug. 20. The statement of clearing-house banks for the week show that the banks hold e5i.S8a,000 more than the requirement of the 23 per cent re serve rule. This Is a decrease of $137,000 la the proportionate cash reaerv a com pared with last week. The following la tha New York. Clearlng Houa ummary of the weekly statement of banks for tha week ending August 20. Clearing-House banks, dally averages: Increase. Ixns l.S37,784.O0O 13,48,llo0 DeDoalt i,a74.13.0HO 1S.O4.I.O0O SrVulatlcn 17.0411,000 1,487.000 Specie - 800.7H6.000 LeeaJ tender 7O,72,O0O 4,R29,0U0 448,000 4,08,oOO 4.610,000 427.0UO Reaerva 871,o2e,000 S18.HHS.0HO 52,833.000 Heaerv required . SurDlu x-U. fiw deposits fi3,24fi,O0O 429,000 Clearing-Houa banks, actual condloa this Loan ,......L244,028,000 elO.119.0OO Depoelt - a.aa".a,iJi o.oss.rxio 4MrculaUoa 1IH1.000 lHS.OOO etaecie . . . SOfl.21'0,000 1.80O.000 Jegal tenders. . . Heserv Reaerv required .. Surplus 4X-U, 8. deposits 711.40.000 122.000 S70, 6118, 1)00 2,S21,000 S20,o50,000 2,274,000 S0,H4S,U00 4,687 000 61.060,000 5, 100,000 State bank and trust companies of Greater New York not reporting to the Clearing House: Iguana l,ln2.11S.OOO 3.5S3.0O0 9peole 121.0K1.O0O 1,125,000 Legal tender 10,937,000 1. 612,000 Total deposits 1.213.030,000 6,636,000 Decrease. Th Financier will aay: The statement of the New York Associated Bank for th week ending August 20. In stead of showing the or 3,0i.000 gain In cash that had been expected, exhibit ed a lose of SJ.281.10O. and ae the deposits, based on tha statement of actual conditions. Increased ever $9,000,000, thus advancing the reserve requirements correspondingly, there wa a Bet decrease of $4,887,000 111 the cash reserve result. This brought the sur plus reserve down to $50,647,823. As th tatement further how n -pension of over $10,000,000 In the loan ac count. It 1 evident that a point has been reached where the bank believe they can eafely begin to take care of approaching seasonable requirements. The statement mare nearly reflected the previously known currency movements, showing a gain of over $1,000,000. The summary of state bank and trust com panies not reporting to the New York Cjer-Ing-house showed a further strengthening through reduction of loan and deposits, In creasing thalp reserve in pit of a mall lo in cash. ROWDIES KILL WATCHMAN Detective Noted for Strength Is Mur dered at Oyster Bay. OYSTER BAY, Aug. 20. George Gostell. a New York detective, who was well Jtnown for his enormous strength, was murdered early today in a tight with a crowd at the landing of the Beawanhaka Yacht Club's boathouse here. Goeteli bad been acting as watchman of the boathouse during the Summer, while he was recuperating from a bul let wound, an attempt having been made to assassinate him in New York last Spring while he was arresting a robbery suspect. His assailant at that time fled, leaving him for dead, Oostell had had trouble all Bummer with a crowd of men who insisted on loitering about the boathouse, and a week ago he fought several of thera single-handed, driving them away, Haif a dosen of them went to the boat house last night and Gosteli drove them away. They returned in a few minutes, one of them carrying a shot gun. Three shots were fired, two from the detective's revolver and one from the shotgun. Goatell fell dead on the wharf. Gostell cam to America several years ago from Denmark. He said little ot his past life. He prized greatly a seal ring on which was a coat of arms, and was believed here to be a member Of a noble family. Forest Grove Hunter Fined. FOREST GROVE, Or., Aug. 20. Har vey Baldwin, a well-known sportsman of thU place, was fined $50 and costs here yesterday by Justice of the Peace J. H. Wirtz, upqn a complaint sworn to at the instance of State Game Warden Robert Q- Stevenson, charging hira with mutilating the carcass of a deer with Intent to disguise its sex. Baldwin pleaded guilty. The conviction of, Baldwin Is the first of its kihfl to be procured in this state. Auto Tracks Carry London Mail. WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. Great Bri tain has solved, in a measure, the question of cheap transportation of its malls. Automobile trucks are being used in conveying the mail matter be tween London and Birmingham espe eially the heavier class of mail, ac cording to Albert Halstead, United Portland, August 20, 1910 States Consul at Birmingham. Ths distance between the two cities is lis miles and the automobile wagons con nect with wagons of similar type along the route which will carry malls to smaller towns. CRIPPEN ON BOARD SHIP Suspected Murderer and Companion on Return to England. QUEBEC, Aug. 20 Dr. Hawley Har vey Crippen and Miss Ethel Claire Le neve were taken from the Provincial Jail early today in separate carriages and driven rapidly westward. The couple, in charge of Detective Dew, Sergeant-Detective Mitchell and two wardresses, sailed on the steamer Me gantlc which departed at T o'clock to night for Liverpool. . The detectives with Dr. Crippen and Miss Leneve met the Megantic with a tug at Cape Rouge, seven miles west of Quebec, on the St. Lawrence River. The detectives, in removing the prisoners from Jail, shrouded every move, as it was- desired to avoid a demonstration. The hacks drove to the dock where the party ' boarded a ferry-boat for Levis, across the 6t. Lawrence. They were transferred to . a tug, which started full speed up the river. Mean while wireles orders had been sent to the captain of the Megantic to Blow up between Slllery and Cape Rouge to per mit the party to go aboard. The transfer to the steamer occurred In midstream shortly after 11 o'clock. The prisoners were put in separata cabins, where they will be kept out of sight while the Megantic Is at the wharf here. DEADLIEST SHIP FLOATED OriorJ Launched at Portsmouth tot British Xavy. PORTSMOUTH, England, Aug. 20. The Orion, Great Britain's newest and great est battleship, was launched here today In the presence of King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain. Compared with the armored cruiser Lion, of 26,830 tons. Just launched, the Orion will displace only 22,500 tons, but her ten lS.S-inch guns and her new, deadly equipment of torpedoes render her by far the most powerful bat tleship afloat. The new torpedo-boat carried by the Orion weighs nearly a ton, and its range will exceed 17,000 yards at a speed of 40 knots. The torpedo car ries a charge of guncotton weighing 250 pounds. The Orion will have a speed of 21 knots and will carry 4000 tons of fuel, giving her an unusually wide steaming radius. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC An old established house, handling over 6000 different industrial stocks and bonds, being the largest dealers in our line on the Pacific toast, i surely capable of giving reliable Information (and advice if requested) on the best oil invest ments in our State. We offertorsole BARGAIN L0T3 ONLY. Asaleader we are offering, while it lasts, any part of 5000 shares of one of the most substantial companies in the Ventura neldield Ing the highest grade oil in Caliiornia. Nina producing wells now. more drilling. 15c. a share regular price 20c. Particulars and regular Mar ket Letter on request. Correspondence invited regarding any Western security. Chester B. Ellis & Co., Stock & Bond Broken 1st Root KifM Building. Frusitca, Csliiarals IBAVELEK31 GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE 5-DAY SERVICE Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland 9 A. M August 21. Sept. 1, S, II, 50. 27. and .very Tuesday from Ainsworth Dwelc, for North Bend. Marshneld and Coos Say pointa. Freight received until 5 P. at., dally. Passenger fare, flrst-clasa 110: sac end-clasa V, Including berth and Bsalsa Inquire Ainsworth Sock. Main 268, A BARGAIN jffi J H CALIFORNIA S$ l iL