BRAXX XW HOUfi&S AND NEW BUNGALOWS. I:; AXD VPWABDi DOWN AND TERMS TO SLIT. Boi you brand nw C-room. 5-rtory h9uM. with la.rgt rt-pt.OB- hall. Dutch kt-hB. bth. laundry traya. emnt baanant. cmnt iWwallu and walk around thm nu. mo4Tn porch irrwi frnt. walla tatily tinted. flnihM In natoral llr. stainwd and rubbd. kltch a ntranr to bamnt. ail aeaamnta paid. l-fool lot, only on block to car. prtc 3U. laa than 14 minute out; ntiro block built bp wltli lino homos. $22. AND BELXW COST. Buya yu a a-rornn tlntod how. with full (wmfDl b4mpnt, pantrr and bath, roorptlon hall and storeroom, porch clear mcmm thm front. mail rear porch, lot .. only SO minutes out. outsido and msldo ontranco to baaament. woodwork dark finish; prto $Z2Q. with t30 down and terms to suit; bst bargain you aver saw. COMPLETE HOME FOR $145. ONLY M DOWN And terra to suit. ets yoa an absolutely motion, bungalow, close In. of larae rooxna. baib and cemsnt basement, cement sidewalk and walks around bouse, 'SCT st. porch across front, neat back porch. la-frot lot. perfect dralna. sandy sou. 15 minutes ouu feet to car; new houso Belcbborbood. BEST HOL'88 BARGAIN ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $7o for a 7 -room modem bouso In heart of best homo district. Owner la tn poor health and must sell and has placed her One home k"m. hands at this sacrtnre nura on tfnai. lot sxl0 Just Honiiid cm b Juh at a bamsin prica of $33 cash; lot. across street will cost you are not so rood: corners coat furnace and n--plaro in houso and are tinted tasiilv: view from porches and Touse ts unbelted and can never b ob structed: no steps to climb; IS blocks from car. SACRIFICE OF A HOME. OWNERS LEAVING TOWN. T-room bungalow, avery detail modern. Uvins-room wuh ne fireplace and built in bookcase dlnlna-room has hesuttfui built-in buflVt. Dutch kitchen, rear nail wtth linen closet. I bedrooms and bath, reception hall with artistic stairway. -afrv rooms and a den upstairs: rooms an unusually lare and light: One basement, cement floor, laundry traya. furnace and fruit room; 1 minutes out In Sunnatdes best section, line homes all around. on oasy term. This Is cheaper than some houses with a smaller ptico because we van gt your money out of It w nn a Krortt at any time: lust sold a brand new nuM near this last week to one of Fort land's ledlna capitalists. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 3 ;erliner Bldg.. M and Alder. Phone Marshall 148. 0 MANY people ask ho I can set so many snaps In dwelling hous-a Don t let thai bother you. but please let me show all I hoe tired aad discouraged the t o best arr1f1ca proposition In Port) ana In rood borne at moderate price on easr term, t ornor lot -Vril.HJ. Is r its rooms, full basement. cement floor. cement walks, aewer. electric light flsturea. shades. 1 block from car; bath, shade and fruit tree; SVth. near Clinton. I.IOOO. Also T-room modern new house, furna.-a. fireplace, paneled d lain ic -room. electric fixtures. tJOi Call 607 McKay bid. Main 10- PIKDMONT. $?oon. term to mit. Or will ell In 1 senarat lot. This piece of property Is loted In Port land lowsliSMt snhurb. 'JO-minute ride on -no-stop ear. ajid is only 1 block from car. It la ery prettily wof!ed and Is an ldeJ spot for a rloae-ln suburban home; che pei buy In the neighborhood. Phone East v or address 8 1M. in-egon lan. FOR RALE Beautiful home In Irrlnrtoo. oe etcned on the. bungalow oerter; story and one-half, aim n"Bu and sleepin porrn. Just compisted; tors nrepiace. douhle conetruc iwn; speciaJ deLned combination light fl t urr. a' ha It streets, cement w alk; nv-.-era la every rwspect ; prica eW. plus street Intprovemeat; a oarrsln for a party hwk ing for a boras and who appreciates a weii-b-itlt. sttrmrtlvs Nuee. A.ldrees fc WghU st. North, Tak Vnton-aTS. car, or pVr East 1RVIMOTOV HOME EAST TERMS. T rooms. 1-story bunaalow. a porches. I storerooms, bathroom, hardwood floors, beamed cellln. fireplace, buffet, full con crete basement, etc; prlca liSSO; reason ihi nrat payment and ISO per month, fall today. 27lh and Brass; Broadway car to 3-d and Thompson sts. and walk eat; weekday. - .' Commercial Club bid. Phone Marshall 127, Tha bast hm In Portland for th prtcw, 7 rooms, modern, hardwood floors throuirh .ul. swell electrle fixture, sleep In it porvh. best standard plurohlntt; full cement baee ment. furnsca. " asphalt streets, oemenl walks; ta fact there Is nothinc on would deslr tbst la not In this hoiuc -HA A RINilLEH. 211 Le w Is bid K. HOME- Ttaecaln In a house of T rooms. S bed rooms on first floor, also living room with larae fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet. Iut-h pantrv. full cement basement. laT-e verandas, pireptn porch, faces east. This placa coat Si.iO and was built for a home, but will he sacrificed for $ :tfM: terms. H. P. PALMER-JONFS CO.. f-;il 'ommerclal Club bid. wMrrHiNa finhl 92T.Vt frr a rtre new -n-ro house, with d-n; It's a dsmly. sil ndTn. with built-in riilni cloeets and b-kcises. lance porches, on a corner facln ea one Mo, k fmm car; $.- cash. bal. ood term. Owner, do Sixth etreer NEAR NEW HIGH 6CHOOL. rr for a 4-room cottas on Alblna tf vu wtah to be nrar this fine school, whe're thins sre movtnic. Inveirat. BLANCH A RI CLJ3MSON, 4Stxth Pt. M;V 2-room bunnalow. $23&: T cash, v Interest monthl : hardwood flors. window shsdes. electric flvtures - and s reens Included; 3 short blocks from car- lae. Ak for Mr. Essfy. COLUMBIA TRIST COMPANY. t 4th St.. Board of Trade Bids-. H M B ON TH K RIVKR. )vr an aero on the river bank one mi this Bid of taweiro. Ideal site and fln finished new home. You'll fall In love with It when you see It nd th price ts vnkr fxt. half cah. T JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. Lakvette Bid . Wanhlngton andth. ft-HMJM arw cottaae. 2 lots In Alberta dis trict, c! s-p for cash: prlc $2ino. 5-room .modern bunaalow. lot SOvlOO; In West Piedmont; price $3250; terms. ft. room bouse, lot 2"xtO0. close In on 1av stre-t; price t-44M; terms. $2000 ch. Call Main 7rtV Mra. Brown. MAKf? thla your home; new. attractive bun-sal- w; I Isae rooms; all convenlencee; over two lota, stable, nic lawn, street Improvement etc.; price t00; good tems. Owner. 24 East at. Phona Ta bor 2M. h LOT "snirtO. graded atreeta. water, ce ment wiika. rleotric Itshts, ornamental sade tre. all Improveninta In and paid for; am uaMe to keep tip my payments and am foird to sell; some terms. K ITS. regontan. H AjfZ B.- the owner, a nice four room bouse wt pantry and closet, large lo'. oo tianteibeln a vs.; fin location; IIAIO. either rn.f, or terms to Sutt. Mtt orceter bulldUg. OWNTR SAHIFIClNn Ftirntehed 7-ro.uv new. handsome bn r 'ow : latest lmpio ements. furnsi e. ..x corner: ! fet from car; restricted rtttri. t : T.-; trw! Tabor 2ii- ;;m Bl'Ti lovely n-w Vroom bunga low, romer lot. IxIm; hath, furnsce. e ertrlc llrht. full basenrnt. shrubbery: near Albert carhne. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 12 THIRD ST. KoR HALE Bv owner, a sis -room hvise. one and one-hslf stor.-.. ;tall and t-Uwt. large lot. near KUllnceworth iv. ; fine location; M0. either rash or terms to i-nt. :9 Worcester build in r l0 you wsnt good 4 to T room hose. We bar them In several p'-"- In th- cttv; Kralns PENS ISVEsT. CO.. U Bu yharan bMg. IKYIM1TON' sacrince: attract I v new home, nothing , lacking, worth $; will - for f:.;0; leaving city. B IS. Ors alan. I HAVE many fino homes nicely located: modem improvements: price and terms very maatnahk. Come and sew ma soon. Jeorge Cylit, M3 Couch bdg. Mt'ST SBT.f equity In 5 -room buncalow on Tillan;ook si : all Improvements: bar rat n at SKjmi. Telephone 4 -W or addrew J ITS, fWgontsn. Jn BuCITT In l.aure'hurat lot. I'm broke M cannot keep up the pa Tinea ts; el for cash. J Orsgaoiaa, EAbY PAYMENTS ON HOME MODERN EAST SILE HOMES. PAY 425 OR a A MONTH AND OWN A HOME. -i I have wealthy client who will setl 3 desirable homes at very close figures and on unusually liberal terms; what h wanta I t be 7' interest. . . on Villa Hill. 2 full-slied lot and 7 sootn house, cement foundation, modern Plumbing, etc. Property Is beautifully located- Is ft blocks from carllne and Is within 1 block of new Mount Hood roaa tnow bulldlngj. Price 11."0. Pay w a month. . tm E. Mth St.. among full-bearing fruit tree. thoroughly modern d-room house with every convenience. This house in older districts would easily sell for .iooa My party's prtco Is 12750. and you need only pay S30 month. . A. N. SEARLE Take M -V carllne, get off E. 7th t.t fOffli-e open J-unan i PORTLAND TRt ST WJirAM 2 - room bo use, 2 k t. fruit tree, tc. ; I block to car. w $27Bt w 5-nm bungaiow that is worth more money: modern in every way; can be hai on very eay terms. S.t2tv to Anderson bungaJow. rooms, full basement, "ail those little con venience" ; you must sec n Andersvn bun galow to apprectate It: let us show you. l- room. 2-story, new dwelling; every convenience, hot wter heat, fireplace, hardwood floors: well worth the money. 3.Vh) A good g-room house, close in, near Fsst Ankeny car barns; modern In every way; we consider this a bargain. SjOu I O-room house on corner lot and clos In; If you want a large bouse at a low price, you should see It; you can rent H f t for $20. Ue ban. 11 only uc property as we caa recommend. rr.TLA.N't) TRI'ST COMPANY BAMC MONDAY LAST DAY. Contract on this pretty 5-room bun gahrw expires tomorrow and we will not guarantee that it can be secured after that day for IJOfO. If you have $600 cash and want something very fine and extra good value, see, this place at once. It .Is only three blocks from car In flno lo cality; a desirable home from every stand point. SHOULD FELL AT ONCE. Two-story. 7-room house, corner lot. 1 blocks from car, nic view: this Is extra value at $-.'S0i) and 00 will secure It; price wss $.i:0 but owner needs money. If you are looking for a home anywhere. " JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. ' 33 Lafayette Bldg . Washington and Sth. HOME SWEET HOME." p-room bupncilow. brand new.all mod ern Improvement.; price S:tH. $i0 down, balance 4 per month; no Interest. Ver non Addition. Another beautiful -room home. J mor; all Improvement.; 160OO. the price, II5MO the terma; balance to aulu Uur nell Addition. Think of It! Two for the price or one. Couble house. 12 rooma. etrtrtly mod ern and new. In excellent condition: price .-.TiKl; down. 'J0"; on E. luih. North. Some of the beautiful home. In the ' Willamette Height.: .centc rlewa. rnay nincent: price, rank, from . to &ot. . , tteekera of homea and Invertora aee H. a i-h.ndler Real Estate Co.. 610 Lum bermen, bldg.. Bth and Htark. 1J PER MONTH7 tRB t r.n. for thla anap. B room cottaae. Juat com pleted and up to date erery way; eome would aay modern, but thla la ptrlctly modern, and a full lot 2 lola If you wlh: one block from car; In realrlcted dlelrict; Bull Run water; price t-imm; g'l down, balance to milt purchaser. Ajmn a new HI-room house and modern for IIHAO. New e-room cottage, .trlctly modern, for --2i. and will discount Tl per cent for all or one-half cash. Take lit. Srott car to Millard eve. bee owner at Millard are. JOB NABH. Phone TborMll 13200. Buy an exceptionally neat and attractive BCVOALvOW. We will make TERMS TO KUIT. I rooms and bath, cement cellar, plenty of cuboard room, open fireplace, large front porch: very attractive outside ap pearance; cement walk; location one of the best In Rose City i'ark: convenient to cars: oOxloo-fu lot. See os early. DAWSON- THOMPSON. l Hoard of Trade Bldg. WEST 61DK HOMES. Very pretty rooma, modern home. g.VM). , lively, modern 8 -room house, full lot, feouo. A-room cottage, full lot. $.VVW. 8 rooms. Willamette Heights, very nice home. IHOiWV Many other homes In all dealrable lo cations. ZIMMERMAN. gJI Poar.l of Trade Blrlg. I.MM CASH And 2n'per month buya a beautiful new. modern bungalow, one block to car, only J.'v)Nl. Also, another built for a friend (who ha. had revexaeel In restricted dletrtct, beautiful and attractive In every way; sell on the same terms. S.1I0O. SVtL'AKK DEAL REALTT CO.. Corner of Osk and 4th Sts. Room 610 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. CIOSK I.V bwoai.ow. :o. Right up to date. & rooms and recep-lion-ro.. beautllu! fireplace, buffet, pan eled seat. D'ltch kitchen ant pantrv, ce ment basemen close to carr. nearer In than liurelhurst. Improved, restricted dis trict : eoe down, balance like rent. Call Monday. J A3, r. LOOAV. Washington St.. Room 4S4. BI"NOAIWj That Attra V.r Eye. In Convenience. In Trms and Price, ft room, lawn and rosvs IITro. .vi cash, ft room lot ofxiVi. $Jino. ." cash, ft rms. very artistic. JI0. 3no cash. Income property i stores rented for au a month: price $nn. S cah. F.-HNE1DER-STEAKNS CO.. 417 Board of Trade Bldg. A SNAP. New 1-etory and attic dwelling, at tractive design and finish. 7 rooms, bath, pantry, large cupboards. I W. C. t lav., cement cellar. 1 large porches, veillbule. gas and electrle light, hot water storage, large lot. near !.aurelhurst; price 36jO. Don't miss looking this up. DAWSON THOMPSON. M Board of Trade Bldg. TWO HOMES. One 9 rooms, on comer, and one T rooms, all modern, desirable part Holla dar Pa-k. Sell aeparate at snap prices, owner leaving. F. O. NORTH RI P, 31J Couch Blclg. BEAUTIF1I. IRVINOTON HOME. I own a fine new seven-room, 2-story house with large attic: everything the best: not built by a contractor, for sale. I will sell cheap: located near lwh and Tillamook: never bien on the market be fore: built for comfort and convenience. It will pay you to aee It even If yon don't buy. Address owner N 179. Oregonlan. PIEDMONT HOMES. Three houe-s. facing east, at 131T. 1821 and 1325 Rodney avenue, of five, six and seven rooms, thoroughly modern and fin ished near Woodl&wn carllne; Inspection Invltod F. O. Warner, owner. 1275 Wll- llame are. Thone Wood lawn 1339. si V-ROOM house and bath, hot and cold water, plastered. I -At 50x100. Will be sold cheap for raeh or Installmenta. If taken at once. This Is a snap. 1330 E. joih st. North. Woodlawn car. FOR 8AI.E Muat leave city, ft-room house, lot ftix100 ft., fruit, rose trees, barn, shed and hot and cold water: .old cheap by owner. 22 E. 80th at.. .V. Take M-V car. , -TWO-STORT A-roorn new house, flreplace. electric llgbts. lot 7.-.xlOO, over looking Wlllsmette River. St. John. . Heiahta Price I32J0, cash 11250. T 1S7, Oregonlan. IN F.tiTACADA lliOO. t-room house: lot 50x100 feet; $50 down. 110 a month: Interest at per cent. ARTHLR B. SMITH. Room Alnsworth Bldg. NEW S-room bunaalow In Westmoreland, modern Improvements. shades. electric futures and llnflcum Incluiled. . Easy t.-rms: price s315. Call Sellwood 104 llio E. 17thst. RY owner new ft-room bungalow, large lot. with bearing fruit treej.; situated between 2 rarllne. 20 mlnutesr rtoe to city; price twi terms. Thone Tabor 7!6. Il7:.n HI TS 4-room house; acre of ground. 7 blocks to car: 15 minutes from heart of city; 5-cent fare; easy terms. V K 411 corbett building. Foil SALE Corner ttixn" im emu cottage at Woodmere. Take Mt. Scott car. get eft at Rayburn ave.. walk I block north FOR SALE Good modern six-room house, lot .--ixliHt. In Flrland. car 2 blocks; I1500- $.vo down, balance montijly pay menta. 412 Spruce St. . FOTt SALE by owner 3 -roomed cottage, full lot-; 1.VT down and 1j a m.ntb.80t E. T2d .at-.Montavllla. FOR SAI.EModern six-room house, fruit of all kinds. a4 Fargo St.. near Inlon ave. Phone C lit. rSH buvs 4-room house, large lot. car to blocks; pay balance as dellred. I lain .1.1, lft.'.-, 4 ih st. . FOR SALE A-room house, lot Mixlrtrt. and to-room bouse. 1.1" w., l , . H , 1 . 1 N A-room modern houee. 1 block from car. by onner. Tabor 601 NEW S-room bungalow. Lot 60x100 reel. 20 minutes out. S22S0 $600 down. Here 1 a new t-room bungalow. In Portland's de sirable residence section that is a snap at 9359. If you are looking for a home that has everything In the way f conveniences something that you can bur for about $600 down and the balance In monthly pay menta to ault your pocket book this ought to inter est you. It Is 1H blocks from car line, has t large bedrooms. 5 clothes closets, lsrge front snd rear porches, double floor and walls, cement basement, a dandv fireplace, lot 40x100 feet, large recep tion hall, porcelain bath, washbowl, living snd din ing rooms, rooms are fresh -lv tinted, built-in window S4Sts. built-in hall seats, a built-in "china closet, plate rail In dining-room, a swell Dutch kitchen. porcelain sink with bsck. gas. elec tricity, combination fixtures, very artistic. 20 minutes tide from cen ter of West Side. Price 33260 $500 down, balance to sutt. RALPH ACKLEY, 05 Corbett Bldg. SWETI.T, HOME. , . Knum.nt. With l.UB- dry try In; oxi plumbln. plpd tar fi ras. wired Tor electric ii.iili.. tin . h. Ah ni.afpr Interior nnlsn. taln.d and vrnl,hed. Dutch kitchen, hot and cold witter, porcelain oain. p.wn toilet, etc, fine fireplace, cement walk, and frtepa, ,tret graded and aldewalka In; plenty of clothea cloaete. lance porcnea front and rear, with concrete pillar foun dation.: full lot. 60x100; price taSoO; o00 ca.h. balance Ilk. rent. CHITTENDEN, OTTO JSEIU. 310 Oak 8t. X w O modem A-room bungalow.. $2650; each ftvw down. ... s-room bunt-alow. 11800. 1250 down, $1 "oroom buniralow. Portland HelKhtn. tl.WO. -room modern bunualow; fireplace; near Hawthorne ave.; 000. terma. 7-room modern buniralow. Irvlnglon. two I . . , . ..... .1,1. . 1av1 kup: oinaaiow oun j " - heme; HO jn-TTAl. REALTT CO., 3U3H Wa,b. m-., room a. MR. INVESTOR If you are looking for home In Holleday-. Irvlngton. Highland. Walnut Park. Vernon. Irvlngton Park. Sunnyslde. East Portland. Bruno. Mount Tabor. Foxchase. Garrison. Edenda le. Roselawn. Sellwood. Portsmouth, Wil lamette Heights, see us. We have luted the best buya In each. It will psv you to see us before buying. H. A. CHANDLER. 10 Lumbermens Bldg.. 6th and Stark Sta. aMnln87. NOT INSANE BVT MUST DO IT Sell 8 Portland Heights lota for 15500: with them go good 7-room house. 70 bearing apple, cherry and pear trees, with W In ter's wood In cellar; lady owner must take very sick child to coast at once and will take IJOOO cash, balance to run !t veara at per cent; place will bring 1. 000 to flR.GVNI with new carllne In. Ring Main 1113 quickly. P-l-e-a-a-e. SNAP A nice 5-room cottage, electrle light and city water, with 8 large lots. 25 large fruit trees, nice lawn and roses, graded street, near Milwaukle. 300 feet from sta tion. I26O0: 1500 cash. bal. terma. Call Monday. Chris. Tapfer. room 40 Roth chlld building, cor. of 4th and Waahlng ton. 1300 CASH and $15 a month, .-room bun galow: Irtt 50x1o. near 49th and Haw thorne: price 8:3nfi. HiaLEY St BISHOP. 13 3d SL Business Fropeny. 13 S INCOME. 12-room double apartment. 2 fumacea. 3 stoves. 2 gaa heaters: strictly up to dale: corner loL close In on Last Side. Rented 810 per month. $3700 cash, bal ante terms, . See me, 718 Chamber Commerce. $100,000. $50,000 CASH In order to raise money at once. I offer to sell the best 4 siory brick apartment-house In the city, onlv 10 blocks from Olda. Wortman King's new store. Call on owner. -l Hoard of Trade. ONE double alor. with 11 office room, and lodge hall on upper floor, good brick basement: alae S0mM. paying $100 per month rent: price 0O6; torma. Sonura . RoiT.lredt. Jr.. Toledo. Or. THE best 12.000 Investment In apartment house in the city; on West Side; paye f leu Per Tl. MEIER INVEST. CO. 21 Board of Trade Bldg. " A GOOD BUY. " ggxioo. 1-ovetoy. near 23d at.: a fine site for apsrtment-house. In best psrt of Nob Hill section. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 Chamber Commerce. A TWO-STORT brick buelneiw block. e0i0, on Union ave.. near Pine, for sale at once. appiv iwm v . . . UNION AVE.. (0x100. near Alberta. $10,000; stores and (lata. Owner, Home phone A 3;i. HVAP $107oo0 cash, balanre easy; big Interest-paving Investment. West Sldeapart menl. Puise. HIS Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS corner block. Income better than 111',, under icge. e-.t. , .w. - FINE bualnea. corner. 2 lots. In Hwlnton; reaaorable. easy terms. AM 171. Oregonlan. FOR SALE: A large business lot with store. A snap. Oil I end of Roae City Park car. A crease. II ACRES, all level land and cleared; $ miles from Courthouse. West 81de; some apples and plufa; house and outhouses; all fenced, near two carllnea. Only $400 per .acre; worth $600. HIOLEY 4x BISHOP. 131 3d Bt. FIVE ACRES FTRLAND STATION. Onlv five blocks from the Mt. Scott car. 33OXOA0 -ftrt. a dandy for platting or auburban home. WALDO F. STEWART, Lewis mag. luetnDi. FOR SALE 80 acre, of choice land with Im provement.. 85 clear; 15 mile, from Port land m mile, from R- R. station: $1J per acre; will take H 'n trad.. Owner. Woodlawn 14o2. 2m ACRE.-i. level land and right close to car. 20 mlnutea out. Owner muat raise money. This can be had for $1100. half cash. It la a genuine anap. See J. a,. Smlih. 513 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. Improved, comfortable houae, bearing orchard, fine spring, near school and county road: no rock; 35 mile, from Portlsnd. $750: half cash, balance eaay. PALMER, 507 Couch Building. t ONE acre for $I5. right on carllne: come out todav: take Oregon Electrle to Nesmith station (beyond Garden Home) or call Monday and see McCarthy. 41 Rothchlld bldg.; can't duplicate for $00. ONE acre and a half and two and one third acrea for aale right on the Oregon Electric carllne. only 15 minute, from prii.nd. to be sold very cheap. A. J. tiantner. 813 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak TOU know the poaslbllltles of close-in acre age or you wouldn't read thla adv. Drop a card and let me show you the cheapest and be.t buy In Portland for $10 down and 10 a month. Q 189, Oregonlan. FINE five-acre tract on Powell Valley road, two miles from city limits, all .cleared, fine for country home or garden; S50O per acre: will make terms to suit. Room 000. 'Couch building, rhone A 409X ACRES about 12 blocks from Mount " Scott 5c carllne. all under cultivation, . "eat little house and good outbuildings. $2i50. SH1GLEY BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST I HAVE three choice acre tracts well lo cated on Weat Side; will evil any or all way below market price and on easy terms Address R 175. Oregonlan 1 icnm 14 miles from Portland, six acre. In apple orchard, five cleared In cultivation; $250O; terms. Owner. B 103. Oregonlan. r i.- ,cTE-C t f) Right at electric elation. $100 cash. $15 month: level, snap. Smith-Wagoner Co.. -tll-312 l.ewla Diog 70 ACRES apple land near boat landing and railroad, much below reel value, easy terms. 410 Ablngton building Toucher. Main 8410. f. ACRES deep, rich soil, all high te of cultivation, on county road, Vi mile from . . . In.. . frnm I V. 1 1 . r. . 1 electric railway, w ... ........ - 24o. very eaey terma. A 1D3, Oregonlan FINE West Side acreage. 20 minutes' ride to center City, Improved, one of finest locations on West Side. Bee me, 718 cnamoer .uroni.r. a auua Thi Is a snap; 1U0 down, balanre easy; bargain for someone. 402 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. FIVE beautiful acrea rich, black eoll. grand view: no gravel: only 10 blocks Mount Scott car: price 1650 per acre. ...... - - - - . mcuoti ... , A C , Hiui.r. i e pijnm. - - - " 50 ACRES. $o an acre, on Scappoose Creek, near Willamette Slough. 8 1SS. Oregon lan. " . AUTOMOBILE In good running order, for aale at a bargain. in. Amei Agency. Ablngton oiag. ST close-In highly improved ft acres; bar- OREOON CITY carllne. at Meldrum. I acres cleared. E. Meidrum. MUwaukla, Or. FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. loo ackco. .-- No. 4 $4750 cash and balance of 30w on or before five or seven years at o Per cent buvs loo acres, with 35 acres under cultivation and In crop. 20 acres more eas ily cleared, some timber. 4') acres beaver tlam land: good 6-room house, barn dairy, wood and outhouses: personal PP ert : Team, light and heavy wagons, nar ness. 2 heifer calves, good mllc.-i cow. mower, half Interest in hay rake disc, drill, plow, harrow, all small '.;" all crops, which are worth at least " go with place if sold soon: ""'' r miles from small town. 4', miles -o ooo railroad town and 12 miles from ; couver: absolutely the best buy on the markeL 120 ACRES. No. ft 120 acres. 0 acrea unden fine atate of cultivation, balance timher ano pasture. 8-room house, barn 5llxo4. tr ary. boghouse. all other necessary ou ibulld inga. 3 acres of fine orchard In full ber Ing. place fenced and cross-fenced . llv lng aater on every forty, water piped to house and barn; 4H miles from river and railroad town. 2 mile, from river town and 18 miles from Vancouver. In excel lent neighborhood; good ehurch achool advantagea; price 8750O; terma. 28 ACRES. -No. 10. 123 acres, all fine land. 1"0 acres under cultivation, 23 acres "negre'3 timber, good family orchard ef sorted fruits, windmill and elevated tank; 2 good wells, fine 8-room plastered house barn BOxSO. and necessary outbuildings JJ miles from railroad town, "h church, store, school, etc.. and 10 ml les from this cltv. on good road; price $17,000. MLO cash, balance at 6 per cent; Pe0"' property Included as follows: 14 m'lcn cows. 1 registered bull. 5 young heifers. 8 calves. 20 head of hogs. 8 head good horses, 100 chickens, new plow. 2 harrows, new mower, rake. 3 aeta heavy harness, single harness, cream separator, etc., an small tools. 82 ACRES. No. 1. 31 acres, 10 miles from an couver. mile from country town, church, achool, store, etc.; new 7-room house, large barn, dairyhouse. fruit dryer and other necessary outbuildings, assorted or chard in full bearing: 20 acres In fine atate of cultivation, living atream. good well at house. Personal property: One horse, buggy, wagon, spring wegon. culti vator, plow, rake, etc; price $4200, $1600 cash. THOMPSON SWAN. 208 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or. National-Bank Bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. 15T ACRES IMPROVED. 157 acres on Tualatin River. with Salem Electric line crossing in center. 12 4 miles from Portland; soil rich, land lies well; about t cleared, balance light and heavy timber; two fair houaes, large barn, large hop house, about three acrea family orchard, never failing stream on place. Price only $10O per acre; adjoining lands platting and selling at 3250 per acre. Thla is a forced sale and a bargain. W. A. SHAW. Trustee In Bankruptcy, 245 Stark St. Main 35. A 3500. ACRE tract close to Portland, only 15-minute car ride from "PoMoffice. This land ie located fine for chicken buelnero. having a small creek running through the properly the year round; car fare only 5 cents. For sale at ,your own terms. Call 411 Corbett blag. 10 acre, close to Portland on the Willam ette River. This property la fine fruit land; It will pay you to see this. Call 411 Cor bett bldg. ft acres on the Willamette River; water and rail transportation; guaranteed to be the beat peach land In the state. For aale at your own termg. Call 411 Corbett bldg. ft ACRES, river view, near Courtney sta., Oregon City line, 25 mln. ride. 8-cent fare, part cleared, beautiful grove, near river; a beautiful home site and must be sold this month at reduced price of :1750. $750 cash. baL easy terms. Come in and let us tell you about l acrea near same sta. which is all In bearing fruit and paying for Itself; a most attractive place and buy. CLODFELTER BROS., 14 Couch bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. Office hours for August. IP to 3. 15 ACRE FRUIT AND BERRY RANCH. An Ideal suburban borne and a money maker; only 10 miles east of Portland, on 2 county roads; one mile to station; best kind of soil, no rock or gravel; haa 2 acres hisckberrles. 3 acre, red raspberries. 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre of currants and goose berries. V acre loganberrlea. acre grapes. 4 acres fruit. 4 acres good garden land. Price Is $7000 if tsken soon. Talk with owner, 5's Oerlinger bldg,. Second and Alder. Fair aet of buildings. SACRIFICE SALE. Five acres, all In cultivation, with fine 7-room house. Just ouisioc of Hlllsboro. 1 1 minutes to electric station, rich level land, on main coontr road, large shade an! fruit trees: .2700. $4oo cash, balance $10 per month. See owner. 7O0 Corbett bldg. SI'RB INVESTMENT. We have a tract of 300 acres of land Iving within 8 mile, of the city; on this Is ' So.oi'O corde of wood, which will cell for $lso.on(, In the city; the land will sell for $eo per acre after the wood Is off; the price of the tract, on easy terms, la $40,000 keasey. humason a jeffrey. crestTview. Five and lo-acre tracts close In on the Oregon Electric Railway, only 45 minutes from business center of Portland; best of soil, all under cultivation: steady work, graded school; Just the place for you. Let us liow you this and you will buy; easy terms. Only $250 per acre. LUCAS 4 HE1TSCHMIDT, 511 Corbett bldg. tl'Bl'RBAN HOME. 2 acres best land. In hign state of cul tivation. 2 blocka from Mt. Hood elec tric survey; new 6-room bungalow, full basement, toilet, bath, pantry, closets, barn, chicken-house, at 274 B. 01st and Hassalo St.; price 4000. easy terms. Take M-V car to E. 80th. go northeast. Owner at place ' INVESTOR, LOOK THIS UP. 160 acres of good farm land when cleared, with two million feet of good saw timber. In an A-l apple district; only $15 an acre. J. M. FRENCH CO.; 4J2-413 AbmKlon Blds-.10HThlrd St. SNAP 12 acres. $180 an acre. 20 acres $225, close In: 10 acre. $275 with 150 cherry trees. 300 apple trees, all bearing. 3 mllea from city, best of soil, house, 3 lots with fruit and chicken-houses, $1250; $:i0O down, cheap lota on time. Neep. 203 N. Mora St., Kern Park, ML, Scott car. BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur bsn home, two blocks from station, one from church, two from achooL four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar den; 7-room house, good barn and out buildings: Oregon Cltv cara stop at Jen nings Lodge, inquire at store for C. D. Siocum. " 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. Lvel and perfectly cleared land, in cul tivation; on Oregon Electric line; only a short distance from Portland; $200 per acre, on easy terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch bldg-. Portland. COME) In and see about It. Five acres, all cleared, fenced, on county road, close to carllne; new 5-roora bungalow: best of water, barn, good outbuildings; a fine home, cheap. DUBOIS 41 CROCKETT, Washington Bldg. A QOOD Investment, Wj acres, on Villa ave , H mile east of Montavilla, 5 blocks from Mount Hood carllne; fine for plat ting: will aell for $3000 cash, balance 5 years' time, 5 per cent interest; for more particulars see Hana Kasmussen, 1st bouse west of the place. SPORTSMEN, cattlemen, aheepmen. goat raisers and lovers of nature 160 acres of land In the Bull Run Forest Reserve for ONE-HALF Its appraised value by Clack amaa County. Owner, F. W. Latham. 124 Skidmore sL, corner Mississippi ave., Portland. EIGHT acres: Johnson Creek runs through land; phone to me today, call Lents B tilll ask for 2621. Arrange to come and see thla today. Bring your lunch and look at land. You' will buy: few tracts are as beautiful aa this with running water: price $3000: terms. E. W. Elrod. BY owner. 2S acres 600 yards east of Rlaley statkm. Oregon City car: 623 small frulta, 44 fruit trees, garden, well. 4-room house, barn, cow and horse: close to Concord School; price $.1000 with term.. D. F. Rob Inson. t ON Oregon Electric Line betweefrPortland and Hlll'boro, a fine tract of level platted lard: carllne runs through the center, for $200 per acre. Thla ia an extraordinary bargain. .... ' - ".--n $550 BUYS a choice half acre close to car line; 6-cent fare: 1& minutes' ride from heart of city and no drawbridge, to bother you: easy terms. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALEIDEAL CHICKEN RANCH. 5 "rRFS. lo MINUTES' WALK FROM TROLLEY CAR. BOX 182. VANCOUVER, vt Ai?n. le0 ACRES logged-ofT land, on tide water. Columbia River: a gilt-edged stock ranch proposition with timber enough to pay for land; good terms. 216 Henry bidg. l"3-5 ACRES, all cultivated, on carllne. cloae In and good rich loamy soil; this will be sold at a sacrifice 215 Henry bldg. FOUR EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT CARE FULLY. ."4 acres, 450 cleared, 350 acrea In wheat, oats, barley, clover and hay: well improved farm, and only 3 milea to town, on msln line S. P. R. it. in the heart of the Willamette Valley. Think of so much cleared land and price, including half entire crop and all the Implements, la only $50 per acre. Attractive terma given on thia fine farm. 100 acres. Clark County. Washington, all in cultivation; $20Oil house, 4 barns, handv to achool and railroad. If taken at once all crops. Implements, stock and everything on the place goes at $130 per act. Portland property up to $5000 taken aa part paytnenL Thla la good. Young bearing apple orchard, 18 acres, pronounced by authorities from the State Agricultural College to be the "flneat young commercial orchard tn Oregon, ' ar city limits of town of 1500, on R. R. and in best fruit section. Willamette Valley. Price Is only $450. In either 10-acre or -acre trade. The fiiat fruit man to aee thia orchard buy. it. 666 2-3 acrea. near Eugene, over 4O0 acres In cultivation, balance acatterlng timber, easily cleared, Willamette River weat line of farm but no overflow; three sets of buildings, on two good county roads; only one mile to loading switch on S. P. R- R-, and price la only $75 per acre, or will consider Iowa. Nebraska, or Kansaa land In exchange. Cheapeat large tract In Southern Willamette . Valley. We have four fine dairy farm. In Waahlngton and Yamhill countlea and sev eral attractive buy. In Linn and Lan. counties along the route of the Oregon Electric R. R., Albany-Eugene division, aa low its $40 per acre. See us at once for the best bargain in the Willamette Valley. CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. ACREAGE WORTH THE MONEY WITHOUT THE IMPROVEMENTS. 11 "4 acres. Just outside the city limits, highly improved, 7-room bungalow, ab aoluleiy modern In every way; full base ment and bath, new barn and chicken house. 2 horses, 1 cow, 15:1 chickens, mower, rake, plow, harrow, etc.; ttVi acres family orchard 5 years old. ' fine garden, cement walk to and around house. S cents R. R. fare on S. P. line; walking distance from Heights car; price $11,000. terms. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 20 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1B48. A BARGAIN AT THE DALLES. 148 acres, 2M miles from The Dalles. 30 acres In mixed bearing fruit. 30 acrea in wheat, very little waste land, house, bsrn, chfcken-housd, blacksmith shop, sheds, fruit dryer; fine spring with water piped In house; creek running through place. Just the place for a fine home and Income producer. Price $7500; $4000 cash, balance easy terms. H. F. BOTH FUR, 415 Henry Bldg. 11 ACRES NEAR IN. On electric line and handy to station; 10 acres In cultivation, 4 acres beaver dam; running water, old tiouse and barn. Price $350 per acre: good terma. BROWN 8TABER. 411 Couch Bldg. HOPS. 20 acres of the best land in the valley 17 acrea in hope. 3 acre, in wheat; hops are line and 1-3 or crop goes wttn land, which will almost pay first payment: price $4000. t, casta, balance, 1, 2 and 3 years, 6 per cent, inis is an exceptionally gooa ouy. REPASS & WOOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE. 20 acres. 14 miles out, close to Oregon Electric and s. p. Rys. ; 9 acres In high state of cultivation; house and barn, good family orchard and well: all fenced: crops go with the land: easy to make a good living from the start. Will sell cheap, on easy terms. W. H. LANG CO., 414 Ablngton bldg. JUST sell my home on account poor health. 7 miles from Courthouse on good road and proposed new carline. Consists of 11 acrea, about 7H acres cleared; soli la deep and rich and can't be beat for garden truck and berries. Over 100 fruit trees, grapes and berries; good water: good new buildings. Price, including crops. Imple ments and stock. $500 per acre; reason able terms. R 188. Oregonlan- 40 ACRES. 2 "4 miles from Salem. 1 mile from end of carline; all Al land, level and under cultivation; no waste land; fine well water. The finest buy in the atate. Fine residences are being built within one mile of Ihia farm. See us Immediately. Easy terms on this. HAAS RINGI.ER. 211 Lewis bldg. 10 OR 20 acres, all under cultivation, orchard! land, bottom land, county road and running water on each tract; convenient to Port land; only $150 per acre. 1, 2, 3 year, on bal. If you want something fine and below the market, investigate this. Owner. 66 Sixth St. 400 PER CENT PROFIT. TO SUBDIVIDE. We have on aale about 10.000 acres, all tillable land of fine quality, at $25 per acre: valuable water right, terms; nearly 20.000 fruit trees, tun Dearing: on o. tr. H. R. Particulars 512 Rothchlld bldg. IS ACRES of fine onion land, half cleared. bal. brueh. some in cultivation; a short distance from Oregon City carllne; $175 acre. Can vou bee- that? MUTUAL REALTY CO., 3WHi Wash. St.. room ft. FULL acre trai:t. 27 minutes. 5c carline; $500 to $700. KIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR SALE 50 acres uncleared land, 21 mites east of Portland, $60 an acre. Call or address 614 E. 78th St. ; Vi cashJ SPLENDID 12 acres. Improved, on creek; close In: $4500 cashr balance terms. L 155. Oregonlan. For Sale Frait Lands. HOOD RIVER. 10 acrea first-class commercial orchard of Newtowns and Spitzenberga, Including a family orchard of Summer apples, peaches, pears, etc. Exceptionally well located on main county road, right In the heart of the valley. $3000 cash will handle It, or will take suitable Portland property. Address owner, K 187, Orego nlan PRIZE FRUIT LANDS. Ten-acre planted tracts, cared for 1 year. $185 per acre; $.150 down, balance 5 vears, 6 per cent: apples, peaches, apri cots, almonds, grapes: spring water piped through the tract: Sundale frulta and veg etables took the medal at Seattle's great exposition. "North, south, east, west. Hunter lands always best." 407 Weila Fargo bldg.. Portland. UNEXCELLED OFFER, 11 acres, near town of Hood River, all in commercial orchard, 1 to 8 years old; modern 5-room cottage, good outbuildings. Beautiful acenery. Beat district in val ley. Big income this year. $3000 puta you on one of the prettiest places in the famous Hood River Valley. H 185, Ore gonlan. ' HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 33 ACRES. 20 acres, choice commercial varieties, 1 to 4 years old. balance uncleared; fine Boll, good air drainage, elegant view of Mt. Hood: this will bear close investiga tion; price $15,500: will consider Port land property in part payment- O 186, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL HOOD. RIVER Farm with net Income of over $5000. Ideally located and one of the most pic turesque places on the banka of the riv.r. For sale at a bargain price. I will give liberal terms or accept first class Portland property. Address J 189, Oregonlan. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. 20 acres, 4 mile from railroad sta. tion, e.11 in commercial orchard. Famoua red shot eoll; high and sightly; commands an unsurpassed view of valley and moun tains. This property Is gilt edge, but must sacrifice for quick aale. $4500 handles It. G 185. Oregonlan. WHITE SALMON VALLEY. 80 acres, 25 cleared and 3 In apples, t-room bungalow, partly furnished, 3 springs, land adjoin ing sold for $250 In rough. $9000; 57 acres all slashed, $6500. Other fruit lands, im proved snd unimproved: good bargaina. 21 FentonbIdg 1 o'clock and 6 P. M. FOR SALE A fine fruit farm of 40 acres, good 2-story. 8-room house, barn and large packing-house. 260 apple trees, 700 Italian prunes, 1 acre walnuts and other fruit; on main road, miles to Forest Grove, 34&00. T. H. Littlehalea, Forest Grove. Or. 900 ACRES of the finest fruit land in Ore gon: will sell the whole or any number of acres a purchaser wants on easy terma. For particulars call or write Alex Shivea, 517 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED to leaae stock and grain farm for cash; must be reasonable. W 177, Oregonlan, ESTACADA A FRUIT CENTER, THBY COME THE Y SEE THEY BUT. Apple-growing is destined to become one of the principal Induatries of Oregon and It 1. the development of thie Industry that Is making the progressive llttie city of Estacada the center of one of the finest fruit districts tn the state. "Seeing Is believing." We want you to come and see for yourself. . You will find here all the conveniences of a modern, up-to-date com munity, am all the necessary qualifications for the successful growing of fruit. You will see some of the finest young orchards in the Northwest, beautifully situated in . the western foothills of Mt. Hood. You will also see the Importance of locating in a sec tion where the people are ail concentrating their efforts on one Industry, and where they are going into the proposition Intelli gently and scientifically, and where there Is good transportation facilities and ample cleared land for immediate development, at reasonable prices. Prof. C. T. Lewis, of the Oregon Agri cultural College, to whom we take pleasure In referring any Inquiries, says regarding this district. "I have haid occasion sev eral times to visit Estacada, In fact we have at the present time an experimental orchard In this locality which Is making a wonderful growth. This region contains probably the largest area, of good apple land to be found In Oregon today, and will cer tainly In time show a wonderful develop ment. The growth of timber, the depth of soil the general rolling character OC the country and other signs seem to point strong ly to a good fruit region. 1 am recommend ing a great many people to that section, and the more I see of It the more pleased I am. and I can assure you this country 1 one of the best to be found In the North west today." One of the most ideal orchards In the dis trict Is owned and managed by Standlsh Brothers, who have given considerable study to the raising of fruit. They are acting ae our agents in thia territory and will be pleased to show you the progress that has been made in this locality. If sufficient proof has not been given you, ask for more; we are able to produce It and to show you that Estacada offers an opportunity for a home or an investment which you cannot afford to cast aside. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. ESTACADA. 75 acres, 25 acres in cultivation. 25 acres easily cleared; good family orchard; house, barn and outbuildings: all fenced: one mile to electric car, school and church; spring and creek on place; is best of fruit land. Price $67 per acre. 80 acres within one-fourth mile of schoolhouse; nice oreek; easy to clear. Price $50 per acre; easy terms. 85 acres. 30 in cultivation, two acres in family orchard in full bearing; handy to car. school and church: fine spring; land ' rolling; fine for fruit and berries. Price .3000; one-half cash. 10-acre tracts near Estacada that we can sell at $65. $70 and $75 per acre, one third cash, balance easy terms, 6 per cent, 17 acres In bearing orchard. Price $300 per acre, one-third cash; easy terms on balance, 40 acrea, 18 acres under cultivation; large barn, good mllkhouse, woodhouse. 0 fruit trees in bearing. 240 trees will bear next year; creek, spring. Price $70 per acre, good terma. . RAND. READ fc CO.. 316 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. In full bearing: crop this year will pay one-third of the purchase price. This orchard is well taken care of and is sec ond to none In the state of Oregon, and is a producer every year. The buildings are good and modern. A bargain If taken soon. Situated close to a good town. Actual buvers onlv need apply. For fur ther information, terms, of sale, etc., write . J. V. PIPE, ALBANY, OR. ARB YOU A JUDGE OF FARMS?. IF SO INVESTIGATE THIS. 110 acres mile from R. R. station, 2 miles of good town, on good roads, in a prosperous community; 00 acrea in h'gh state of cultivation. 20 acres open pasture, no waste land, on two county roads, 58 acres in fruit, as follows: 17 acrea 6-year-old Baldwin, Spitx. Newtown and Kling apples, 1 acre 1-year-old peaches. 12 acres 4 and 6-year walnuts, 2 acres old apple orchard. 13 acres Bart lett and Cornice peara planted this year. 10 acrea Spitx, Newtown and Jonathan apples planted this year; good 11-room house: modern water system. In fact, a good all round farm, for only $150 per tcre; very easy terms. See Morgan. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 322 Chamber of Commerce. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 240 acres. 100 acres best varieties in orchard, 80 acres bearing (fine crop, 50 acres ready to plant. balance easily cleared: fine stream of water that as sures plenty of water for Irrigation (an Important conaideration In ail fruit dis tricts), and all other purposes: soli deep and .rich, above the frost belt; location the beet, good improvements, will give good terms; will take part Portland prop erty in trade; photos at office. Thia is a rare bargain; will be sold with or with out the crop; for terms, price, call, at office; splendid climate. i ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS WILL MAKE YOU QUICK MONEY. f3100 for this 14-acre full-bearing or chard, within 10 miles of Portland. In good orchard district and good neighbor hood one mile of railroad station and boat landing: Income at once without hav ing to wait five or six years for orchard to grow. J M. FRENCH & CO. 12-L413 Ablngton Bldg., 106ft Third SL SIMCOE ORCHARDS. ' MARYHILL LANDS. 10 ACRES of either of these new land openings will make you comfortable for the balance of your life. NO IRRIGA TION. Easy terms. Springs of finest mountain water. See all others and see these. GEO. S. CASEDY CO., Lobby Com mercial UUO u". FOR SALE A fine fruit farm of 63 acres, on main road. 4ft miles to Forest Grove. 850 bearing apples. 700 Italian prunes, 3t. cherries. 1 acre walnuts, good 2-story 6 room house, barn and large packing house, 30 acres fine bottom kind: price $7000, or will divide. T. H. Littlehales, Forest tirove. ur. PEACHES are one of the most profitable frulta raised when protected from .frost Peach Cove is an ideal spot with fine sandy silt loam aotl, air drainage and pro tected from frost; with two miles of river frontage: only 18 miles from Portland. Call and let us show you this beautiful tract, at. c j-,e-j .-.i m.. FOR SALE 61 acres of good fruit land. 7 miles from Underwood, in Skamania County, WaBh.: 3 acres cleared, 3 more almost cleared. 50 fruit trees, good 4 room log house, good barn, good spring water piped to house: price $175 per acre. THE HART LAND CO., 146 Second St, . HOOD RIVER. Wilt take modern residence ss part payments for ideal 10-acre young orchard at Hood River in heart of the Valley. All nlanted to commercial varieties of apples in prime condition. No cash required. H loe. uregonLu. I HAVE a ranch 5ft miles back of Lyle. Wash!: and I want to sell 10. 20 or 40 acres, so that I can improve the rest. I will clear for you, set out your orchard and care for it when it's young. Corres pond, aee me or write. F. E. Manchester, Lvle. vyaso. jo. ACRES IIIUi rxvuii J- " 'joining TOWN; new buildings, team and" Implementa cheap. E. C. Ross, Mc- -flinnvii'c Homestetada. WANTED To rent Improved acreage with buildings, near city and carline. E 161, Oregonlan. . s"oOOOOO RELINQUISHMENT, on railroad. SO miles from Portland; $600. 733 Mar ouam bldg. Main 8314. WANTED Homestead relinquishment, lo cation, price and description. N 178, Oregonlan. Homesteads. 'rrESCHTTTES VALLEY. WHERE FORTUNE CALLS." Do you want a home in this productive country? We can locate yOu on home " steads or desert claims which may be lr rigated by gravity flow. This land lies la Crook, the best county in Central Ore gon, where railroads are building and cities springing up; where the products were raised which took first prize on grains and grasses in the National Irrigation Congress in 1H06 and also captured the Hill Cup at the International Dry Farming Congress in mo9. We sell deeded. Im proved irrigated lands, wheat landa near Culver, ana are the exclusive sales agents for Culver Junction, the new railroad town located at the junction of the Hill and Harriman lines which are now build in through the Deschutes Valley. Party leaving for homestead Tuesday. Free au tomobile fare to Culver for those whom we locate. Call at once and arrange for transportation. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT CO.. 301-2 Buchanan Bldg.. Portland, Or. Local Office. Culver. Or. TWO relinquishments, joining, all feneed.1 & wires, good buildings. P. O. and town 2ft mllea school 1ft miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gtvea amount of Government land open to home stead in each county: mup attached. 21x 28. showing new R. R. and towna, Inctud ' ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March u 1910: latest map In U. S.; price 25c Nlm mo & Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. -.This homestead is ciose to a good road and thickly settled farming district; land. can be easily cleared: excellent soil; nearly level and plenty of good water; some good pine timber: this is an unusually good op portunity to get. a good piece of land. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. WHY pay two and three hundred dollars per acre for fruit land when you can secure 160 acres, relinquishment, of the same kind of land? Best in the state, close to Portland, for $050. 1 relinquish ment 320 acres, wheat land, improvements worth price of relinquishment, and "- acres adjoinin can be filed on. Don t answer unless you mean business, as the above are great values. J. A.. Davis, 21, Swetland bldg itiOO W'ILL buv relinquishment of 40 acres, rich, level fruit or vegetable land within 24 miles of Prineville. Place is newly fenced. 1 14 acres Is In potatoes, which will half pav for place. Land can be filed on either as homestead or a desert claim. Adjoining lend is held at $50 per acre. Also know of a few choice home steads. William Hamilton, surveyor, Prineville. Or. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. Have a few choice homestead relinquish ments In Jackson and Josephine tountles close to railroad. Inquire 1167 Belmont St., orPhone Tabor 2220. FARMS wantedfrom 25 to 500 acres: must be convenient to R. R. or electric carllne. Alex Shives, 517 Board of Trade bldg., Portland, O r. . . FOR SALE Homestead with 6.000.000 ft. of timber, a cabin and good roads; .0 miles from R. R., reasonable. M liv. Oregonlan. BEST homesteads and timber claims m Southern Oregon: last chance: prices rea sonable. If you really mean business, write 312 I St.. Grants Pass. Or. For Sate Farms. GUARANTEED SACRIFICE. MODEL FARM. 20 miles from Portland. 1 mile from Salem Electric. Vi mile from Willamette River and dock, 2 boats a day, R. F". IX and telephone. 100 acres of the finest soil in Oregon, level, every foot In high state of cultivation, except nice rjve around the barn, all fenced with woven wire fence and cross-fonced: lie. about of a mile long right on main county road. M mile wide, fine 6-room plastered house, fine water, 2 barns full of hay. .20 acres of wheat, 40 acres of oats, Jl acres of clover and timothy, 1 acre of orchard, 4 large fine brood mares, 4 and 5 vears old: 2 cows. 10 hogs, 7 doxen chickens, all Implements new, tools; in fact, everything to run the place. Owner selling on account of health. Everything goes, $6000 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent. M. E. THOMPSON. Ground Floor Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. BEAUTIFUL BEAVERDAM LAND. Think of it, only 2 blocka from Vancou ver carllne and only 4 miles from Vancou ver, acitv of 15.000 people; this land is pro ducing today 300 bushels of onions to the acre, which will make any man a grand living; this land has produced $700 to the acre; we are selling 5 acres of beaverdam and S acres of upland for $300 per acre; half cash will handle It or quarter cash if preferred. You must remember the mar ket is at your door. ONLY A FEW MILES FROM PORTLAND. The onions on these tracts are nearly ready for the market. . Come with me today to look at it. DAVID LEWIS. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. ahmai.i. 65 acres of fine deep Bandy loam .oil. 40 acres In high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced. This land will grow anything under the sun. Une 5 room cottage, good large barn, running stream full of trout, lies right on main county road on K. F. D. and telephone, milk route, 25 miles from Portland. 3 miles from transportation, close to ROO'I schools and churchea. Price 42;.0, $31X0 cash, bal. long time. We consider thl. one of the cheapest buys on the market. Lies just like a garden; picture In the or- f'C" M. E. THOMPSON. Ground Floor Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. 385 ACRES. 100 being in oultivatlon, all be ing very fine fruit land. Southern Padfio runs right by It and station only 2 blocks away; fine residence and family orchard; place well stocked; good new residence and several barns. Price $18,000. This belongs to an old man who Is not able to further cultivate it. There is a sawmill also on the place. Will accept more than half in Portland property, some money and time on the balance. This land is ideal for platting. See J. b. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. 31 ACRES, no better soil in Oregon; no rocks, abundance of water, 20 acres in fruit and berries, 400 cherry trees, 700 prunes, apple, 60 per. all bearing, all kinds of ber ries 6-room house, 4 years old. fair barn and outbuildings, prune dryer, good team, cow, calf harness, both double and single. 2 buggies, all farming implements; lia miles from railway, 25 miles from Portland; $6800, eaay terms. A 194, Oregonlan, FARM LANDS. ' " 160 acres of the best sugar beet land In the State of Nebraska, fenced and cross-fenced, all under irrigation except 40 acres; 1 mile from town and R. R. Will trade for good land in Oregon, in Wil lamette Valley or Eastern Oregon wheat land; but it most be good. Address Box 7Q7. P. P.. City. 40 ACRES very best of land and nearly all In cultivation, set of fair buildings, small orchard. This is located right close to Tlgardville. Price $8000; easy terms. This is the best place for the money In Wash ington County. Am ready to show It at any time. Might accept property to value of $2000. See J. E. Smith, 013 Chambef of Commerce. , 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 28 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for fruit rais ing and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes; best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to -" acre easy terms; these are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspec tion. Call and arrange to go and see them. .HO Corbett bldg . IDEAL stock ranch: 400 acres. 50 acres al falfa, superb fruit, water rights. 14 "lies of mountain stream with trout. 160 acre, good timber, good buildings, unlim ited range; implements and some stock with place; one mile of postofflce; will consider Portland property In exchange. AjdressN 173. Oregonlan. FINE dairy of 720 acres, close to Portland, boat landing on place; the land la the very best to be found; 7 head of line stock and fully and well-equipped In every way. Buildings are all good. This place is a positive snap at $40 an acre. Half cash and terms on the balance. See J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. " A CHEAP FARM. s400' 80 in Benton County, one mile from station, 6-room house, barn; Jo acres in cultivation and 50 acres lies well, enough to run a binder over; 15 acre, tn tTmbfr. Goodnough A Millard. 106 ft 3rd street I ' , EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. 1400 acres of good wheat land for aale: 1100 acrea under plow ;. 10 miles from iallroad. Call Hawthorne Stables. 420 jwthorneayenue. 10 ACREsT" acres in fine orchard, 8 yean old- variety of fruit and berries, house, barn, chicken-house, abundance of water; It nille from railway station, but 115 mile, from Portland: $2300. easy terms. D 190. Oregonian r FOR SALE or rent, my country home of 8ft acres with modern 8-room house, on Pala tine Hill: will consider exchanging for Port land property as part paymenL Address 6.1 Kellyst.PhoneA3672. 13 ACRES 4 miles north of Vancouver, Wash nearlv all cleared, good soil, good buildings; price $4000. Also have -other farms, improved and unimproved. C. H. Blake, route .5. Vancouver, Wash. 0 ACRE.6- stream through place; 4-room " house- V mile from big sawmill and rail way station; 2noo, ft cash, balance easy terms. B 192, Oregonlan. FOR Linn County farms of all descriptions at prices very reasonable, write for Infor mation to J. V. Pipe. Albany, Or 1