9 COOS BAY COUNTRY IS PARADISE OF VACATIONISTS Combination of Seashore and Mountains Attractive to Recreation Parties and Sportsmen. Make No Mistake GO WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING EXPERT TREATMENT '-9 213 The- a est ple fa the TTorthwest where yon ro sret nrrA the qiitch:et amd cheapest Is at the St. I.otiIm reOleal Co, Portland. HONEST, KAITHFIL SERVICE, ADVANCED THEATMET, EXPERT SK.ILL. REA ' SONABLB CHARGES. , Call at Once if You Are in Trouble .1 i-ii't, ?'- '-- TITE STTXDAT OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 31, 1910. v'tiiri Si i$2r& ?f S :4 :S "S4 MARSH FIELD, Or.. July 30. (Spe claj.) All of the pleasures of lakes, rivers. n tains and the sport of fishing, hunting;, trapping and boating: are afforded the visitor to the Coos Bay country. In addition, there Is a variety of Summer climate varying from the cool, bracing; ocean breezes to the warm suns of the mountains and valleys. There Is probably no place in the country where more of the outdoor en joyments are to be found. Pleaaure eeekers travel hundreds of miles to reach any one of such places, white, with Coos Bay as a center, one can find, and within a radius of a few miles, almost every imaginable kind of vacation, from the most strenuous big; game shootlnfr to quiet restfulness. The resort features of Coos Bay have never been exploited to any great ex tent, probably because there was no railroad Into the place to make It easy of access, but from either San FVan cisco or Portland it 1 a pleasant ocean trip for anyone who enjoys sea travel. The overland routes from Roseburg or Drain to Coos Bay extend through one of the most beautiful parts of Oregon, from a scenic point of view, and now that autos are beginning to supplant the old-time stages it Is likely that many more will make the overland trip. However, the fact that the country has not been penetrated or disturbed by a railroad adds much charm to the resort, and to the sporting features of the country. Coos Bay has always been famous as a trout-fishing district and deserves all that has ever been said of It. Prob ably the favorite place for this sport Is the Ten-Mile Lake district. Several lakes form a chain of large fresh water bodies, very near to the ocean and tome distance north of Coos Bay. The lakes are reached by gasoline boat and mountain stage. For fine lake acenery the place is unexcelled and it Is said of the trout fishing there that it cannot be beaten anywhere. ,The lakes are so large that the supply of trout is practically Inexhaustible. Many who have traveled far In search of sport enthuse over the lakes. Many Summer homes of various sixes have been erected in the lake district and the place promises to become a famous Oregon Summer resort. With Coos Bay as the outlet, there are about a dozen, rivers and streams that go back into the mountain coun try. For boating In the little gasoline launches there are miles of rivers that can be covered, and all affording de lightful scenery. The most popular of these streams is Coos River. It is the highway for a big dairy district, but Is equally as noted as an outing stream. The choice spots along the river banks have become the sites qf Summer bungalows and many of the local people spend the Summer up the river. There is fine trout fishing, as well as boating and bathing and a warm climate to be enjoyed. On the bay and tribu tary rivers about S00 gasoline launches are used and many of these are pleas ure boats. They are the chief means of the transportation to the resorts and Coos River has its regular lines, the little boats giving almost as good service as an electric car line. If angling for trout is too mild for the sportsman he can have great -port at deep-sea fishing. Strudy little fish ing boats cross out over the bar to the ocean halibut banks. Ling, halibut, redfish. flounder and many other varieties are caught. There is enough danger attached to the sport to make it interesting for the venture some fisherman. The ocean beach is one of the big attractions of Coos Bay. There are many fine camping spots, wonderful rock caves to explore In low tide and no end of shellfish to find. Over 20 varieties of clams, all of which are eligible for a chowder or a fry. rock oysters and enormous crabs abound. Clambakes and camping parties are big events throughout the Summer. Another fine resort beach is at Ban don. For a distance of several miles below the city, the beach is lined with beautiful and glganUo rocks. The city Is to build a board walk leading to the beach and the place la frequented con- i -it'"' . J- . 3.' J s ' v 3S2JsNS stantly in the summertime by the peo ple of the city and the visitors. Several Summer cottages have been built on the cliffs overlooking the beach. It is here that the beautiful agates, which are in such demand by visitors, are found. Probably no other part of the Oregon beach is as attractive as that which ex tends south of Bandon. To find an entirely different -climate and utterly different surroundings, one has but to travel in an opposite direc tion a few miles from Coos Bay and reach the mountains. On all sides, the mountains furnish fine camping places. The scenery Is beautiful beyond descrip tion. For one not acquainted with the country, it is worth a trip to the moun tains to see the bigrees, if for nothing else. There are mountains close to Coos Bay, but if one will travel for about 30 miles back, the Coast Range can be reached. Absolute wildness can be found and, of course, a stranger can not go back Into the mountains with out a guide. But the stage roads have been so improved during the' past two years that auto trips or journeys on horseback can be taken to the Interior and all of the beauties of the moun tains enjoyed. For a tramp on foot, no place is better than to the Coast Range or across it r. to Roseburg. As for the camera enthusiast, he will get some pictures that cannot be. duplicated any where.. In the hunting season, the whole county Is a paradise for the man with a rifle. To find deer In plenty all one needs to do is to get a tip from soma of the oldtimers as to the best places, or to secuie a guide. Some of the hunting grounds are near, but many of the hunt ers prefer to go farther back Into the mountains and carry on pack horses provisions for several weeks. There are many shacks In the woods where hunt ers can stay. Besides shooting deer, it is no great trick to kill panthers, wildcats or bears. . If a man has two weeks' vacation and wants to hunt and get as far as pesslble away from everybody and everything, he should take a trip into Curry County, which Is the next door neighbor of Coos County. The hunting there is fine and he can lose himself, as far as civiliza tion is concerned, without any trouble. AW -- V -1 Yimrnn r , i i ii TROUT FISHING PZACE OK UPPBR . COO For real wilderness, parts of Curry County are the best to be found in Oregon. One of the finest hunting and fish ing preserves in the country is in Curry County. It is owned by Edmund Croft, of Tacoma. Mr. Croft has 400 acres of his own and holds a lease on 2000 acres more, all for a hunting pre serve. He kHls everything from bears and deer to seallons and wild geese, and catches four or five different kinds of game fish. Duck shooting is another of the great sports in the Coos Bay country. In the season, ducks are killed by the hun drds right on the bay and there are doxens of other places farther back, where the birds are less disturbed. The sand hills extending along the ocean north of Coos Bay make a favorite Held for duck hunting. There are many lit tle fresh water lakes where the ducks gather and several of these have been taken up and are held as private pre serves or are owned by clubs. A dozen or more Summer homes have been built in the sand hills and because It is easy to reach from the city, it Is highly pop ular with the hunters. All of these various sports and recre ation places are easy to reach from Coos Bay and are not expensive. It really matters not what particular kind of vacation one wishes to spend. That is merely a matter of choice after one has arrived here, and if the seashore and fishing do not suit. It is easy to turn to the mountains and hunting, or to the lakes and rivers. If the resorter chooses, he can always get back to Marshfleld for a f w days' rest at one of the best hotels In the state, or even can make the city hotel headquarters and visit all of the resort points. With the long-hoped-for railroad into Coos Bay, these resort places will doubtless be enjoyed by many outsid ers who do not now attempt to come because of the lack of railroad facili ties. With such a variety of enjoy ments, the locality can scarcely help being a famous one on the Coast. Laundrj-Workers Have Picpie. Ths Laundry-workers1 picnic was held 4. HnEP ' at Bonneville, July 24. Nine hundred laundry-workers, and their friends, left the Union Depot at 8:30 A. M. for a day's outing, and a more delightful day could not have been selected. Baseball, box ing, dancing, tug-of-war and other games were indulged in and a good time en Joyed by those in attendance. The merry makers returned to the city at 8:30 P. M. all voting that they had "the time of their lives." CAN'T PUT JISIDE WOMEN She Will Go More and More Into Business, Says This One. PORTLAND, July 29. (To the Editor.) The United States Government's recent ruling against women In the civil service, and the similar measure taken by several of the leading railroads sometime since, gives food for reflection. The editorial in The Oregonian yester day referring to the advancement of Mr. Cortelyou and Mr. Loeb. mentions that "doubtless a number of bright, com petent women -began about the same time, but for obvious reasons none of these were transferred and retrans ferred, . . . leading up to official station, etc." By "obvious reasons" it is presumed The Oregonian -means un constitutional reasons. Through what condition does such a reason exist? The writer has made her living for a number of years through the medium of office work. She has demonstrated to herself and to her employers, on divers occasions, that she could "go on." but when that crucial moment arrived she was told: "We recognize your ability. Tou can fill the position as well in every respect as a man; but it is against pre cedent: you're a woman." Many similar incidents have come under observation, including political "plums." "Unfortu nately you are not a voter." Women no longer are forced, through utter dependence, to subsist upon the crumbs falling from the table of a more or less distant kinsman. The joy of earning an independent livelihood has been learned- Perhaps not one of all these millions of self-respecting, self supporting young women but would glad- Don't take chances with "patent medicines" or "tips from friends" and run the risk of dangerous complications. I have the quickest cure in the world. Don't wait until something happens. Call in the beginning and save money. I will charge only a few dollars for the first treatment, pro vided you call early. Ailments of Men Thousands of young and middte-aged men are annually swept to a pre mature grave. If you have any of the following symptoms oonsult me be fore it is too late: Are you nervous, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, backache, weak kidneys. Irritable temper, cranky-, palpitation of the heart, bashful, pimples on the face, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, sore throat, etc.? - ' TyTT'TT Toung and middle-aged men with weak back, failing strength. All f i A sunken cheeks, holfow eyes, poor memory, I euro cheaply. T A T5 TnOR "F1 VTPTTrQ Wormy veins, varicose veins, reduced and i-CiAVrfVOAU XjAJ.'t cured vltho pain or inconvenience. Rup ture, etc.. and Piles cured without operation. Consult me free and find out how I cure without the knife. My price for a curs is the cheapest in the Northwest. CHRONIO AILMENTS "nst'puotJ'VtSinlr. liver, atomaoh, catarrh, rheumatism, pains. ATJW "V"OTT? Nervous and despondent, debilitated; tired mornings; no ambition lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excit ablo and irritable; eyes red and blurred; pimples, haggard looking, ulcers, sore throat, lack of energy and confidence? OT Tl TvTV'N" With chronic Kidney and Bladder Trouble, difficult Urt ATAXIA nation. Enlarged Glands, etc. should call at once for quick relief. ARE YOU, SUFFERING FROM IMPAIRED VITALITY? MY NEW METHOD TREATMENT can cure you and make a man of yon. Under its Influence the brain he comes active, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear; energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and vital systems are invigorated. I Invite all the afflicted to consult me personally or by letter. ASTVTAT.T. TTiTTI Mjr Pr,cs are always reason OXUU.JJJJ A xjj able ftnd Dever more than you are willing to pay for the results I will give ybu. I will allow you to pay me by the visit, week or month, ts you are able, or I will allow a liberal discount for cash. No man too poor to get my best service.- I have such a large patronage that I oan give you a very small price. No excuse for any man to be without treatment. , If you are tired of treatments that fall I want you to call on me, and when you see how sensible mr treatment Is, try lt Call and see me and let me explain how I cure; or. If not, write for free book. I positively cure every ailment peculiar to. men. I do not merely relieve temporarily, but cure soundly and permanently. My success In curing Is due to the original, distinctive and thorough sclentiflo methods I employ. GUARANTEE A CIRE I Issue a positive guarantee of a cure in every case undertaken or money refunded. I want nothing I do not honestly earn, and if I fall to cure you I do not want your money. LOXGET ESTABLISHED AXP MOST SKILLFUL AND BCCCESSPt'L SPECIALIST ' IX AILMENTS OF MEX. Consultation and advice free. If yora cannot call at office, write for self-examination blank and book many cases cured at home. Medicines $1.50 to $6.50 per course. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12 ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. Corner Second and Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon ly become the helpmeet and homekeeper for the- right man but he must be the right man, according to her ideas. If to some woman that man should never come, then in her efforts to progress, what moral right has anyone through mere circumstance of sex to say: "So far shalt thou go and no farther. It is too late." Should the. drastic policy adopted by the great railroad corporations and the United States Government be followed by lesser institutions, forcing women out of the Industrial field they now occupy. It will simply result in their more and more fitting themselves for the various professions and for those lines of com mercial and mercantile pursuits through which they will become ordinate rather than subordinate, employer instead of employe. What does that mean for the coming centuries? KATHERINE WHITE. COLUMBIA'S SOURCE TO SEA Veteran Steamboat Captain Recalls Trip to Revelstoke, B. O. PASCO, Wash., July 30. (To the Editor.) An open Columbia River from "source to sea" Is attracting serious at tention along the entire length of that river, but not one in a hundred of the people living in the territory contiguous to the Columbia knows the fact that steamboats have been run the entire distance from Astoria to Death Rapids above Revelstoke, except for portages at The Dalles, Celllo and at Kettle Falls. I suggest that as a matter of educa tion an excursion be organised to take a -steamboat from Fort Stevens to the Big Eddy; -take the Oregon Portage Railroad to Celilo; take another steam boat from Celilo to Kettle Falls, walk around Kettle Falls; take another steamboat from Kettle Falls to Revel stoke and, maybe, cross the Selkirk Mountains to Golden, and on by steam boat to Lake Wlndemere, the head of navigation on the Columbia River. This trip will require only three different steamboats from Fort Stevens to Revel stoke. If this trip be made, arrangements must be completed for the steamboat to start from Fort Stevens not later than August 10, haste being necessary to get the steamer up and back over Priest and Rock Island rapids before the river falls below an eight-foot stage at Pasco. I ran steamboats up and down the river from the ocean 'to Okanogan. River, except over The Dalles and Ce lilo falls, and will gladly assist the captains and pilots on the river and the promoters in perfecting the details for the trip, if they so wish. The time consumed on the trip indi cated will be about 48 hours, night and day run; Fort Stevens to priest Rap ids, including stops, 18 hours' running and lining over Priest and Rock Island rapids to Wenatchee; 10 hours, We natchee to Bridgeport; two days, Bridgeport to Kettle Falls; 18 hours. Kettle Falls to Revelstoke. I belleev that the full inspection ca pacity of the different steamboats will be taxed to the utmost by people along the Columbia River who will pay good prices to ride short distances on the first steamboats to make this trip, if it is well advertised, and if the Portland Chamber of Commerce will get busy the venture will be a success. W. P. GRAT. INDIANS' DRUNKEN ORGIES Writer Woo Id Klimiante All Saloons at Newport, Or. PORTLAND, July 29. (To the Editor.) I have reed in The Oregonian of yesterday the oommunicatioa of B. A, BnMll Mayor of Newport. Or., and It Btrike me that we have heard about thi town of Newport before. If I remember correctly, about a year Ago The Ore soman printed a very interest ing news report upon the drunken org-lee of WHY THE FREE OFFER IS GIVEN If you doubt my ability - to cure yeu, remember I give a week of by great treatment free if you desire, so you can try it yourself and see that It is the best obtainable in America. This free offer is especially made to patients who have failed to get cured by doc tors who are not specialists. the Indians in Newport, on the preceding Fourth of July. These details were of such a disgusting nature, that any fair-minded citizen of Newport will admit that the saloons of that city, two in number, and paying $2000 a year into the city treasury, actually cost, excluding the loss- of preetlge as a resort, thousands of dollars in one day July 4, 1909. The citizens of Newport will not forget the date I am sure neither will the citiezns of the Willamette Valley. Now. does Mr. Bensell wish the readers of The Oregonian to believe that liquor la not sold in these saloons, either directly or indirectly, to the Indians? Possibly he can hypnotize us to that effect, but not yeC In answer to his facetious suggestion that Dr. Palkenberg come over to Newport and help find the men who are selling liquor to the Indians. I might euggest In reply that some of the leading business men of Newport Men, Blood and Skin Ailments eruptions, pimples, swellings, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning, skin ail ments, eczema. Don't go to Hot Springs; we can cure you cheaper and better. Under our scientific treatment all these terrible symptoms quickly disappear and robust health returns. If others have failed to cure or are not benefiting you, come to us. We cure permanently. "NERVOUS" MEN WOT SICK IX BED, VET HARDLY ABLE TO WORK EVERY DAY. This is how yon feel: There is usually pain across the small of the hack, blue rings under the eyes, specks before the eyes; sleep does not refresh you, bad dreams; you get up in the morning feeling tired; your memory is poor, your mind wanders; you are hollow-eyed, whites of eyes yellowish; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen; nervous, no appetite. Dear reader, come to us and we will lend you a helping hand. We cure quickly. Come today don't put off any longer. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, Itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. TTTTl PTTT?T SORES, ULCERS, VARICOSE OR WORMY - LIKE TFIXS, -- uuivJJ 1SERVOUSXBSS, AILMENTS OP THE KIUXKYS, B I. AU DI". R. AND ALL AILMENTS PECULIAR. TO MEN. Not a Cent to Pay Unless Cored. Lowest I Any DONT LET MOJTEY MATTERS OR FALSE PRIDE KEEP YOU AWAY. oorrsuxTATiosr and examination free. WRITE FOR OUR FREE SELF - EXAMINATION BLANK. Pacific Coast Medical Co. -Office Hoots A. M. to 8"p. M. Sunday 10 A. M. to 1 F. M. 224 Mi Washington St., Cor. First, Opposite Public Market, Portland, Or. THE MASTER SPECIALIST. W hy waste money "trrlmm" dif ferent doctors T Go to the .Muter Specialist la the first place and ret enred and avoid expert roe at tnc with poor doetora. could do this good work to much better advantage than Dr. Falkenberg could. Some day the pretty little seaside resort of Newport, Or., will join the procession of the cities of the country who have found that the saloon is a damage to any com- mimlty, from a business standpoint, and ' help to realize that part of the Ixrd' 1 prayer which cays: "Lead us not into temp- ; tation." Then, indeed, will there be nothinte left to tempt -the poor Indian, white a well as red, but the miserable "blind piKger . and we can make short work of him. . HENRI F. JOSL.m j A no-rel ventllatinr system haa recently ' been developed, which consists of a small t electric fan connected to the window sill ia such a manner that it may be operated ; either to draw In air from the outside or , to exHaust the air from a room. Take Courage $10 Is Our Fee in All Un complicated Case? REMEDIES ABSOLUTELY FREE Old Chronic Cases If you have an old case that has been hanging on for months, and which medicines from doctors and druggists can't seem to cure tip right, there is some reason. We have a scientific cure for these cases, and will cure you quickly. Don't let a disorder drag you down in health and weaken you. Charges Specialist. Quickest Cores That Stay Cured.