THE STJXDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. JULY 31. 1910. :11 ate. and Carlton Riker. of Princeton, are with their parents. A. V. and C. B. Allen were Sunday guests of the Rikers. Frank Nau is a. regular week-end guest at the hotel, where his wife and family are spending the Summer. Miss Ella Hirsch is among those who expect to spend a good part of the season at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea. Chauncey Winslow is registered at the hotel for August. Miss Helen Chausln, of Kansas City, is spending two weeks at Gearhart. At Hotel Gearliart-by-the-Sea From Portland, George Wilson, Mrs. William Gadsby, Miss Alice Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs Ben Gadsby. J. A. Huesner, Miss J. Huesner, William B. Huesner, Miss Frances E. Warren, Mrs. R. Gli san, Mrs. C. C. Glisan. Mrs. A. M. Triacott, Mrs. Theresa Glass. Mrs. Howard Corbett, Mrs. R. C. Matson, Mrs. K. H. Corbett, Helen V. Smith. Mrs. F. Smith. Mrs. W. C. Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Miss Jeanette Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Caswell, Frank C. Savage, Mrs. Lud wigr Hirsch, R. H. W. Hirsch, Amalie Hirsch and nurse, Caroline Hexter, F. A. McDougal, Mrs. McDougal, Mrs. W. B. Scott, D. J. F. Calbreatb, C. H. Maulln. Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Cormany, Louise Caswell, Kdwin Caswell, Mrs. Ralph Blaisdell, Miss Eunice Blaisdell. Mrs. D. T. Tromnald, child and maid; Louise Poulsen, Mrs. Chauncey Wins low, child and maid; Mr. and Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer, Charles J. G. Hass, L. G Lubliner, H. R. Brake, Mrs. I. J. Cunningham, Mrs. Fred Jacobs, Mrs. James Canby, Miss Irene Canby, Mrs. R. B. Graham. Mrs. W. H. Powell, Mrs. H. D. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rees, Alan Boody, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Green. Lucile Parker, Elizabeth Parker, Miss Ada Coey, Miss Meta Allen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Samuel, Miss Samuel, Mrs. E. P. Plttelkau and child. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. Ladd, Helen Ladd, Mary Brounell, Ella t. Hirsch, Mrs. F. F. Stombaugh, Mrs. M. Moutal, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Leon S. Rosenblatt, Gus Rosenblatt, Frank Nau; Spokane, Helen V. Smith, Edowin pohlman, Alexander M. Winston; Seattle, Mrs. W. D. Totten; Astoria, Charles E. Johnson, Miss Allen, Miss Joe Alien, A. R. Carruthers, H. A. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen, Mrs. J. D. Rodgers, C. W. Wright, George Ralston; Chicago, Miss Jessie Sands, Mr. Linberger, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Becker, child and maid; New York City, Mrs. Fannie H. Simon, Richard Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Qogo, Morton Atwater; San Francisco, C. H. Adams; Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allen; Edinburgh, Marian R. Somerville, Mary Morrison; Maplewood, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Riker, Marlon Rlker, Carlton B. Riker. COLUMBIA I1EACH IS POPUIiAR Plans Already Made for Session of Chautauqua Next Year. COLUMBIA BEACH, Or., July 30. (Special.) The first session of the Clat sop Beach Chautauqua Association Is a thing of the past, to the regret of all who attended the sessions. The programme was strong from beginning to end and every speaker and entertainer was a fa vorite with the audience. A rally of all the campers took place Saturday, July 23, when many season tickets for next year's assembly were pledged. The larg est crowd at the Chautauqua was on Folk day, when many came in from As toria and Seaside. The tent city is growing every day. In fact, tents cannot be secured rapidly enough to accommodate all those who desire them. Among the campers at the beach are the following: E. W. Amesbury, D. J. Russell, W. A.' Lovett, F. K. Ferris. Rev. Mr. "DuBois, George Brokaw, J. M. Gray, .Mrs. James Crouch, If. W. Bonham, Herbert Forrer, B. Bachlor A; G. Ttndolph, Thomas Vlgars, Mrs. H.- A. Whitley. Frank A. Roles, E. A. Cochran, J. W. Black, of Portland; ('. P. Sonnlchsen, W. D. Johnson, G. W. PeGraff, W. E. Eraser. E. Schlee, Delia Withey, Hulda A. Weber, F. C. W. Parker. Emily Canning. M. Henderson, Miss Millspaugh, J. A. Barnard. George Schwartz, L. Snyder. W. S. Kellogg, C, J. Crook, F. C. Pyle. J. J. Metzler, W. Whltmer. R. W. Nlsbet. Pearl Tpoley. Llllle Harrison. M. L. Miller, C. A. Fos ter. E. Powers, William Owens, A. L. Johnston. H. G. Davics. C. Niner, Robert McFarlane, C. E. Moreland, Mrs. E. A. McFarron, A. J. Bundy, H. A. Walker. H. Morency. E. G. Tate, J. Daly, P. S. King, Frank Hornby. H. G. Allen. D. M. McPheal, R. E. Allen. A. Estberg, C. Johnson. L. A. Janin. C. L. Schmidt has completed a fine cottage on the east bank of the Neacoxie find is holding open house for all Portland friends. 1. K. Illff has nearly completed his new eight-room cottage on Fifth street, near the hotel. I C. Fones has built a cottage on Sea view boulevard. , J. A. Leas and family have been oc cupying their cottage Bonny Dune, George Brokaw and family are spend ing the Summer In Sunset cottage. Professor I. M. Walker and family are in the R. L. Ray cottage, near Idiewild Park. The tenters report splendid fishing In Neacoxie Creek and Smith's Lake. The new station and trulnshed built by the Astoria & Columbia River Rail road at Columbia Beach is a great con venience over the accommodations of last year and the planking of the road way in and throuRh the beach is making transportation much easier. The Oregon Baptist Summer Assembly Association convenes at Columbia Beach August 1. and from all reports there will be a record attendance. The following names are on the reg ister at the Columbia Bench Hotel: W. B. Ilinson, William H. Lewis, Mrs. H. I, ewls. Miss Delgton. Margery Lewis, Wil liam C. Lewis. Betty Lewis, Alen Hed berg. of Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. F. N. lark. Miss Fleet. Bishop Scadding, D. J. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Saul, of Port land: Robert Yost and wife, of Jollet; L. B. Sperry. of Los Angeles; George Auld, IjoIb O. French, of Spokane; O. L. Ferris, George E. Booth. of Chi cago; L. M. Walker. W. A. Ely. Gale Seaman. Mrs. Seaman. D. J. Russell, Mrs. J. Twoomey, P. V. Jeffries. C. F. Locket, of Los Anseles; G. F. Beck, of Path finder; Mrs. E. B. Chambers. G. W. Vp. shaw and wife. A. V. Beesley, George E. Cameron, Miss Minnie Root. Lloyd M. Root. Oiive Anderson. J. L. Glessner. E. A. Wolf. G. K. Johnson and wife, G. B. Hovemien. wife and children. A. A. Dun Wlss Wah. J. A. McMillan. J. T. Dalv. James J. Flynn. John A. Iee, T. B. Up ehaw. W. T. Upshaw. Jack C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. E.- A. Clark, Margaret Clark. E. F. Hitchcock and wife, Henry M. Browney. W. E. Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. , C. L. Rotters. Jessie L. Rogers, E. P. Vigars. Mrs. Thomas Yigars, Katherine Vigors. H. W. Manning. J. L. Springton. J. P. McCutcheon. Arthur Springton, Earl DuBois, Mrs. S. K. DuBois. P. E. Du Bois, Margaret DuBois, J. W. McMichael. Mrs. McMichael. Mrs. O. L. Ferris, Miss Mabelle Ferris. Miss Alice Rudd. L. T. Tuttle. R. N. Melntyre, P. w. Lee. Mrs. H. W. Manning, Miss E. M. Manning. Jess Manning. Jack Manning, Browne Manning, C. C. Hahn, Benjaman Young, J. E. Backus. Wentworth Stewart, J. T. Caesett. H. M. Hammond, H. M. Moody, H. B. Parker. Bertha Wetzel. Marie Wet el. E. M. Ryan. B. G. Linton. R. L. Gray and wife. A. M. Grilley and wife. William Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. F. A Fisher. A. C. Fisher, H. Chrlstman. Carl T. Anderson.' D. Rogers. J. M. Richards. C. M. Hunter. Peter Hoag. Marie Jor genson. F. Cook, wife and daughter. J. H. Seymour. M.. Gildner, H. V. Adams. M. Strove, Eva Olsen. Janet Reed. Aman da Langherdt, Hilda Jackson. Florence Reed. A. Lonphartl, A. E. Cook. F. Wel gel, Madson C. Peters. W. N. Meserve. T. T. Fox, Robert Miller. Charles T. Mc pherson, Jefferson Myers. Dalton Bigrs. J?. Yersteeg, W. H. Holmes, O. B. Kstes OREGON BEACH RESORTS ENTERING ON HEYDAY OF THEIR POPULARITY This Year's Traffic Double Last; Next Year's to Be Yet Greater Loop Extension of Railroad Considered Probability. r NORTH Pacific Ocean beaches are gradually coming into their own as rest places for the heated -and weary and as health restorers for the 111 in mind or body. This year has seen the extension of the beach season by nearly 'one month In length and has witnessed a greater traffic over the lines of transportation than ever before In the history of Or egon. Wider, too," is the field from which the visitors have been drawn. They are now coming, and may be seen, every day from points as far distant as Chicago, .while Montana, Idaho, Utah, Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washing ton are sending increasing representa tions. Movement Has Doubled. Figures have not yet been compiled by the Astoria & Columbia River Rail road of the increase in traffic . this year, but it is known that the move ment from Portland alone to the beach has more than doubled over the pre ceding year, while a through, train service, doubled over the preceding year. Is found to be doing little more than meet the demands of the peo ple. Up to last Wednesday, when the steamer Potter, which carries the bulk of the traffic to the lower Washing ton coast, was disabled in a collision, the vessel had carried 2000 more pas sengers than during the same period last year, and a correspondingly good business had been enjoyed by the Has salo. On the Oregon beach the hotel ac commodations have been practically doubled and yet the hotels are all do ing a heavy business. ' New Beaches Next Year. Next year new beaches will be made more accessible by the completion to Nehalem and Tillamook Bay of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Com pany line and, possibly, too the United Railways .will be .ready to carry pas sengers to Tillamook before the end of the next beach season. Yet traffic men and investors at the beaches now reached by boat or rail are not look ing for a falling off of business by reason of a division of traffic. On the other hand plans are under way for more extensive Improvements In hotels and. It Is said, for additional lines of transportation. loop Line Looked For. It is looked upon as a logical result for the United Railways and the As toria & Columbia River Railroad to connect lines on the coast, forming a loop that will permit one to travel to the ocean shore. Journey by rail for 35 or 40 miles along the beach and return to the city by another route. This route would be longer but some what similar to the famods "Balloon Route" out of Los Angeles, over which thousands of persons travel yearly. It would provide a greater variety of at tractive scenery with the Journey down the Columbia River ar.d return over a . mountainous country . and through one of the greatest belts of timber in fhe West. The Astoria & Columbia River Railroad has been 'surveyed from Holladay, the present beach terminus, to Tillamook. The construction of the United Railways extension to Tillamook is likely to be commenced this Fall reaching the ocean In a distance of about 78 miles. Both roads are owned by the same interests. It la known that traffic problems have arisen at the beach end of the Astoria & Columbia River road. Early in the year and wife, Alex Sweek, Elias Day and wife, R. J. Buchanan. Frank B. Riley, Gertrude Mackintosh, J. G. Kilpack, Mary Gamer, Ruth Garner, C. R. Page. E. B. Hugh, Alam Mantley, A. R. Johnson, Les ter Jacobson, W. A. Lovett and wife. Dr. Owens Adair, Edna B. Cornelius, Helen K. Durall, E. R. Gellnsky, A. G. White man. COTTAGERS CHARMED BY MUSIC Band Adds to the Enjoyment of New port Visitors. NEWPORT. Or., July 30. (Special.) The Newport band is an important feature of this seashore resort. It greets the people when they arrive, it entertains them on the beach, and It plays "goodbye" wlen they leave. The music puts the visitors in good spirits and keeps them cheered up. Picnics, launch rides, fishing evcur sions or tramps to various places of interest are among the other pleasant diversions of the vacation sojourners. Among the visitors in the cottages are W. B. Stevens and family, and Mrs. John R. Flynn and baby, of Albany, who are in the Stevens cottage. Victor Wllhelm and Miss Alice Wil helm, of Portland, are visiting Captain and Mrs. Wellander. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Brown and baby, of Eugene, have given up the Paine cottage and are guests at "Take iteasy." Mr. Brown's father, W. E. Brown, has returned to Eugene. Dr. D. A. Paine Is expected to arrive from Eugene in a few days to occupy the cottage vacated by the Browns. Rev. W. R. Oliver, of Houston, Tex., Is rusticating with his wife in a cot tage opposite the Presbyterian Church. The Misses Elizabeth and Gertrude Palmer, of Dayton, are living in their Summer cottage. Miss Allle Greenawalt, of Portland, who has been visiting Mrs. Rockey Mason, of Albany, in her cottage, "The Quarry," is now visiting at Miss May AVither's cottage in Arcadia. Mrs. H. A. Nelson, of Albany, and Miss Adele Goff. of Hood River, arrived Friday evening from Robin Nelson's home stead in the Siletz and are visiting Mrs. Mason. Miss Frances Nelson, of Albany, and Miss Jessie Bibee, of Port land, who also came from the home stead with Mrs. Nelson and Miss Goff, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Langdon. of Albany, In their cottage, the "Lang Den." . Mrs. H. L. Tracey and family, of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kentner, of Medford, returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Train and Miss Arlene Train, of Albany, will ar rive on August 1 to occupy the cottage vacated by the Tracey's. William Fortmiller and family, of Albany, have rented the Redfield cot tage in Nye Creek. Rollo Ralston and Albert Warford, of Albany, have con structed a camp In the yard of the cot tage. Miss Margaret Montieth is here from Albany for a brief visit with Miss Medora Steele, of Portland, at the Steele cottage. Mrs. Percy Young and children and Miss Emma Sox, of Albany, are staying at Blde-a-Wee. Dr. J. P. Wallace. Mayor of Albany. Is here with Mrs. Wallace. Dr. Russell Wallace, his son. is expected to arrive from Albany with his wife for an dat ing. F. M. Collins end Mrtu " Collins. of Dallas, are camping on H. L. Fenton's grounds. Carl Fenton, of Dallas, is In th Fenton cottage. F. J. Coad and family and their guest. ' COLUMBIA N1W Mestucco gay MAP SHOWING HOW GREAT BEACH TRIP MAY SOOV BE MADE. OVER UNITED RAILWAYS AND ASTORIA RAILROAD. officers of the road were discussing the advisability of putting a gasoline motor car service into effect to care for the In creasing travel but . these plans never came to a head. The United Railways is to be an electric line and it Is looked upon as a probable outcome that the electrifica tion of the beach road will be continued through an extension connecting the two lines. If the comments of those who come from the cities farther east are to be taken as an indication a new playground and health resort is in the making on this 40 miles of coast line. For which such traffic facilities will be necessary. Oregon Coast Excels. There are to be found this season at Clatsop Beach numerous persons who have spent more than one season at Atlantic Coast resorts. The Oregon Coast is declared by them tyj excel any Atlantic resort for those of the Middle West who desire a complete change of scenery, con tinued cool weather and attractions of nature other than a stretch of beach and the rolling surf..- - . . On the Oregon Coast the . forests of great trees extend down to the shore, s-now-clad-mountains rest the . eye when tired of the. sea; in the streams there is trout fishing and in the hills game is to be found.. Oppressive heat is unknown while evey attraction, other than the elaborate amusement devices of Coney Island or Atlantic City, that is found on the Atlantic is present on the Oregon beaches.' ' '... These missing amusements, too, are cer tain to come witn the growth of Summer beach population. They are already at Seaside in a small way individually but Miss Coad. -all of Dallas, are at the Coad cottage, J. A. Buchanan, of Vancouver, Wash., is in a cottage with his family. Mrs. G. W. Carman and daughter, of Evanston, 111.; George Wellar, of Salem, and G. N. Woodley and Miss Helen Woodley, of Evanston, III., have taken a cottage for the season. Dr. Harper and Mrs. Harper, of Cor vallis, and Mrs. Harper's sister, of the same place, are living in the Harper cottage. Mrs. L. S. Byrne and family, of Spo kane, have opened their Summer home. W. Brong, of Portland, has rented a cottage for August. J. W. Hobbs and family, of Eugene, are occupying their Summer cottage. Their daughter, Mrs. W. Lair Thomp son, of Lakevlew, Is their guest. Mr. Thompson has returned to Lakevlew. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Houston and fam ily, of Portland, have opened their cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Duyn and Miss Kate Van Duyn, of Coburg, are in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and fam ily, of The Dalles, and Miss Violet Mc Donald, of Portland, are located in the Smith cottage on Nye Creek. In the Arcadia settlement are Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bloomer, of Centralia, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Button of Eugene, are in their new cottage. John Withers and Miss May Withers, of Portland, have opened their cottage. W. E. Child, of Portland, Is here at his cottage. In Ol&pnville are Mrs.' E. Hofer and family, and Miss Florence McKinney, of Salem, in the Hofer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer are their guests. Mrs. A. B. Croasman, of Portland, and daughter, Mrs. William Harder, and Mr. Harder, of Seattle; Miss Crane, Mrs. Croasman's sister, and Miss Alice Dabney, of Portland, are in the Croas man cottage. ... Mrs. E. P. Mossman, of Portland, is visiting the J. S. McNalrs, of Portland, at their cottage. Horace Steele and MUs Emma Bur ton, both of Portland, have established a walking record, covering the distance between Toledo and Newport, 10 miles, in two hours. . Mrs. J. T. Walsh and baby, of. Albany, ha,ve rented a cottage for the rest of the season. Mrs. W. H. Hogan and Miss Jennie Hogan, of Portland, are registered at the Grand. Daniel McGlassham. of Corvallls, Is spending his vacation at Newport, a guest at the Porter cottage. The Misses Dora and Allie World, of Albany, are registered at the Grand. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wicks, of Salem, have arrived for a visit. Mrs. M. E. Taylor and daughter Adele, of Portland, hare arrived to, re main two weeks. W. B. Haines and wife, of Forest Grove, came from their home In their automobile last week, covering the dis tance of 140 miles in ten hours. J. J. Brown, Miss Edith Brown and Miss Luclle Wetzel, of Medford, and William E. Parker and Miss Adelaide Nelson are in camp on the cliffs over looking Yaquina Bay. Walter Stirling, of Portland, who visits Newport three times each year, has returned home from a two weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker and daugh ter, of Portland, are occupying Whlle away. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Serial) and daugh ters, of Hubbard; Mrs. W. D. Roberts, of Medford; Mrs. I. A. Merriman and sons, of Central Point: Mrs. Jennie A. Davis, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. W. J. in a comparatively large way numerically. . Just at present Seaside bears the rela tion to Portland that Coney Island does to New York although there Is no Inten tion to compare the manufactured amuse ments of the two places. But the hurdy gurdy has found Seaside. The town's long main street leading to the beach is lined with devices to attract the money of the week-ender, the children in the cot tages and the grown-ups at play. There are to be found glassblowers, skating rinks, shooting galleries, moving-picture shows, dancing pavilions, bowling alleys, billiard rooms, side shows and Joy wheels, while the blare of orchestrions assaults the ear from a half dozen di rections. Gearhart Park, a short distance to the north, is quiet in comparison with Seaside. There the occupants of the big new hotel and the cottagers devote themselves to the beach, to tennis, the golf links, or the natatorlum. But there Is quiet open air recreation to be obtained at Seaside as well. The long boardwalk supplies a diversion for many and the lazy Necanicum River, which parallels the beach, supplies boating, canoeing and fishing. The prospective extension of the rail road along the beach will open to Sum mer residents what is now a primitive spot on the Pacific Coast. Cannon Beach, eight miles south of Seaside, Is praised by all who have visited it as the beauty spot of the Oregon head. With the opening spot of the rail lines to Tilla mook, Bayocean will become a rival too . with the . more northern beaches, but if interest in the Oregon Coast con tinues to increase in the laresent ratio, there will be nothing lost by the older established places but much to gain. Hill and children, "of 'Eugene; Mrs. C .A. Greenbees and children, of Nowata, Okla.; D. B: Swartz - and family., of Amity, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ball, of Amity, are camped on the Fell grounds. Charles Prim and wife, of Jackson ville, are visiting Newport. C. H. Frayles and family, of Corvallis, are here to remain all Summer. Neal V. Murray and family, of Port land, are in the Moore cottage on Nye Creek. Dr. Calvin S. White, State Health Offi cer, was in Newport foi- the past week. El D. Brlggs and family, of Ashland, ar rived during the week to stay some time. S. Thomas, more than 90 years of age, arrived alone from Amity and says that he has come to have a good time. W. M. Killingsworth, of Portland, and a party of friends motored to Newport one day last week. Mrs. A. J. Johnson and family, of Cor vallis, have secured a cottage for the season. F. J. Downing and family, of Ashland, arrived Tuesday noon and are in camp. Rev. Father Springer, of Woodburn, is here for two weeks. Judge Carson, of Salem, has joined his family at their Nye Creek cottage. At The Damon Inn are registered: Mrs. S. T. Hood, Miss Pearl Ellis and Miss Kate Ehrke, Kansas City, Mo.; Miss Ella F. Vanlandingham, Miss , Henrietta W. Ehrke, Miss Lois Dodds, Mr SL E. Reeves, Miss Grace Reeves, Portland; "Mrs. E. Dalzell, Miss Florence Allen and Miss Rose Allen, Cary, 111.- Mrs. M. la Nesbitt, Karl W. Mills, Arthur Shorn, Eugene; Mrs. T. 9. West and daughter, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gile, Master Robert Gile. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Morse, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frum and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prim and on, Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Kimball. Weiser, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. B. G. AJfredson, Boise. At the Midway Hotel are registered: J. D. Jones and wife, A. B. Frost, Salem John A. Wolfe and wife. Bladen, Neb.; Miss Claire Manning and Miss May Turner, Medford; S. J. Ambs and wife Portland; J. B. Fairchild, Portland ;' Mr. and Mrs. J. ,M. Bellinger, Medford- Ed ward Dooley, Portland; William Olson. Wallace. Idaho; Robert Sayer. Browns ville: Joseph Rosslow and wife, Spokane; X. Abramson, Portland; Mrs. D. Dona hue and daughter, Scio; E. T. Phillips, C. H. Cobb, Portland; J. A. Reynolds, Mrs! A. Reynolds, Newberg; William A. Maltble, wife and son, Topeka, Kan.; Mrs. J. J. Woods and the Misses M. and J. A. Woods, Newberg; Mrs. D. H. Simp son, Alrlie; T. J. Allen, the Misses Martha, Winifred and C. S. . Townsend, Kings Valley; Byron Taylor. Oorvallis- F Ackerman and wife, Shedd; P. N. Lath rop, Portland; ,J. C. Way and wife. Albany; H. Rabes, Corvallis; Ida- Hausen. Corvallis; Helmer Swansen Wayne, Illi nois. At the Seaview House are registered: Mrs. A. Crocker, Portland; Frank Anderson, Eugene: Mrs. A. Rasmus, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. B. Knox, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Loomey and children, Cor vallis; Mrs. Meldram and baby, Athena, Or. At the Irwin House are registered: J. E. Maulding. c. J. Everson, Silver ton; Miss J. Wright. Portland; Charles C. Goodal and family, W. D. Goodal, Salem; J. F. Thompson, Portland: Harry Belknap. Corvallis; N. A. Radium, Gresham; H. N. Boney. Albany; C. H. Bowman. Aberdeen. Wash.; Russell Smith. Miss Eprte Smith. Miss Frances Smith. Salem; S. S. Palmer and wife, Portland: C. Carter and wife, Eugene; C. A. Warden, Portland; W. M. Jack eon. Hillsboro; Walter Jackson. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke, Salem; E. Myrtle and Vera Mixter, Albany; Mrs. H. J. Goff and son, Mrs. W. H. Hollis, William Watts, Forest Grove; R. L. Scaife, Salem. At the Nye Brook Hotel are regis tered: Mrs. Hancock and children, Hillsboro: 3. L. Lorimer and family. In dependence; T. F. Cornell. Hillsboro; Mrs. Charles Cooper .and daughter. Walla Walla: A. K. Irwin and familv. Heppner; Miss Irvine. Portland; S. L. Morehead and Mrs. F. W. Morehead, Junction City; Mrs. A. D. Bishop, pen- low.; J. flictLitricK, Portland; Charles Holbrook. Dallas: Charles M. Meredith, Portland; C. W. Catching. B. Arlington. Portland; A. Borden, Cor vallis; T. L. Blackledge. Corvallis; C. J. Pugh and wife. Falls City: Mrs. W. B. Davidson, Portland; Mrs. E. Van Note, Boise, Idaho.- At the Abbey House are reff-isterrl J. B. Taylor, Corvallis; W. D. Murphy, wire ana Daby, Portland; B. J. Hacker, Albany; J. Meyers, wife and son, Port land; J. A. Dunsworth. Oakland. Cal.: J. C Donovan, Albany; Paul Monarch and wife, Salem; George K. Haviland, Portland; Mrs. L. A. Belshaw artel son, Bozeman, Mont.; C. A. Larkin. Portland; S. H. Hatcher and wife, Salem; F. H. Collins, wife and son. W. A. Keyes, E. J. Engdahl, Salem; J. O. Weston and wife, Oregon City; A. H. Lea. Portland; Charles M. Meredith, Portland; W. M. Allingham, R. C. Churchill, Albany: E. Brick. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, John McMillan. Jr., Mrs. E. Hubbell. W. J. Boyd. Portland; John D. Olwell and wife, Medford: Anna Parker, Miss Washbume, Salem; Eva King, Cottage Grove; Edward Lefferty,- San Francisco: John Dimmitt. Coquille; Edmund Parker, L. Benson, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, J. H. Middleton, wife and son, Portland; Mrs. J. M. Johnson, H. D. Johnson, Boise; Mrs. J. N. Mc Fadden and daughter, Mrs. Whitaker, Corvallis; E. R. Gilstrap and wife, Eu gene; Henry Nice, Lutgens; E. L. Allen, Ashland; A. B. Moss, Payette. MANY GO TO CANNON BEACH Third Week of July Accompanied by Rush to Elk Creek. ' ELK CREEK, Or., July 30. (Special.) With the advent of the third week" of July came a rush of people to this popu lar resort. The Elk Creek Hotel has been comfortably filled all week. The regular cottagers are all here now, as well as a large number of campers along the ocean front Fishing, hunting, crab-ing- and bathing, together with many pleasant parties around the campfire in the evenings, help to wile away the time, which is all too short for tired folk from the cities. Among the arrivals at the Hotel Elk Creek is the Rev. Dr. Rosenmueller with 12 choirboys in charge, from the Grace Church of Astoria. The following Portland people have registered during the week at the Elk Creek Hotel: Miss Celeste Moore F. L. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs! a P. Northrup, L. T. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Olds, Mrs. MT B. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Efflnger and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heuseinan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Johnson. Hazel Black, A. H. Court ney, Florence Brazie, James Fenton, Bessie Toeble, L. A. Chrlstensen, H. A. Lund. A. J. Bowerman, Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chamberlain, Mrs. G. G.' Gammando and son, Mrs. William Gads by, Alice Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadsby, Katherine Hart, Olive Blazier, Harry Van Zant, Tom Dobson, C. E. Morrison. Others from points outside of Portland are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Clarke, of Hood River; J. A. Handy, of Minnesota; Mrs. A. A. Handy, of Spo kane; Misses Julia and Lucy Woottan, of New Jersey; Dr. A. M. Kinney, Maude Kinney, A. Brown, M. Davis. H. W. Howard, all of Astoria; J. G. Dean, of Hay ward, Cal.; Jennie Johnson, L. A. Calf, Winifred Owen, of Long Beach, Cal; Pearl Cairsten, of Seattle, Wash. ASCENT OF MOUNT HOOD MADE Thirteen Persons Attain Summit and Enjoy Prosperous Trip. ROWE, Or., July 30. (Special.) On Monday last a party of 13 left Rhodo dendron Tavern to make the ascent of Mount Hood Tuesday. In company with Messrs. Coalman and Miles as guides, they reached the camp at timber line after a tramp of four miles from Gov ernment Camp, and Tuesday morning at 2;30 o'clock left for the summit De spite the conditions for making the ascent were unusually difficult and that the unlucky number of 13 composed the party, the ascent was i.tade without accident, the entire number reaching the top, where they met a party from Cloud Cap Inn. After a brief stay at the summit the return was, made to Rhododendron Tavern that same evening, tvhere the party rested and talked about the achievement. Those composing the party were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beuke, Misses Margaret and Helen Holden, Ellena Archambean, Elinor Ewing, Miss Adams, Mrs. N. D. Singleton and Messrs. James Gill. George Stewart, John G. Wilson, James Allen and Robert Hill, besides the two guides. The Misses Martin, of Po.tland, re turned home on Wednesday, after a pleasant two weeks at the tavern. A. W. Lambert and family made their usual week-end visit to Rhodo dendron, returning Monday. Mrs. J. W. Beakey and family and Miss Hazel Jewel are camping near the old Government ford. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beuke are occu pying their cottage near the Zlg Zag bridge. Mr. Brady is a house guest Mrs. Blaine R. Smith and family have arrived to spend some weeks at the tavern. M. C. Dickinson, Tom Word and Byron P. Reynolds, accompanied by their wives, are spending the week at Rhododendron, and the gentlemen are enjoying fine fishing near. All stories told by them are copyrighted. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Matson, accom panied by Miss Barbara Croker and Dr. Joseph Bllderback, spent Monday and Tuesday . at the tavern. The doctors were resting up from their climb of Mount Hood. The guests at Rhododendron Tavern thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful walks and the fine fishing near. Last week a merry party climbed the Zig Zag Mountain, which is the highest peak next to Mount Hood. They enjoyed a splendid view of the surrounding country, Including five snow-capped peaks. The following were visitors at the tavern during the past week: Edward Root Mrs. Edward Thompson, B. H. Bowman and wife, H. Morrison and wife, William Van Schuyver, Miss Alice Andrews, W. J. Kelly and wife, A. W. Lambert and wife, F. G. Plummer and son. B. S. West and wife, I. A. Hejsner and wife. Richard Martin, Mr. ani Mrs. Don P. Rea, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Kad derly, Abe Tichner and wife, Joe H. Lambert Clementine Lambert, lone Lambert, George A. Ross, H. W. Ross. H. Leuthwaite and wife, D. H. Beverly, A. P. Dobson, Estes Snedecar, Jay Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dickin son, H- B. Hall. L. Therkelsen, Jr.. J. M. Van Duzen, H. B. Van Duzen. T. M. Word and wife, B. P. Reynolds and Alice Cleone, E. D. Geiser, Mary E. Tichner, Mrs. John Annand. G. L Camp bell and wife, Marjorie Campbell. Gene vieve Nye. Norwood Nye, T. D. Gibson, Maurene Campbell. Shirley J. Fiske; Frank B. Gibson, La Dessa Gibson. Lou ise Gibson. A. Newlander and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Van R. Velder. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Terrill. Harry Jaeckel. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wentler. Miss Lolita Blaisdell, E. J. Jaeger. Charles McGonigle and wife.- George Beach, Eldell Williams, J. M. Corser. J R. Cardwell, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holman. Mrs. R. L. Rush. Mrs. R.- E. Sewall, R. E. Se- The quickest and to the Pacific Ocean cific Railway & Navigation Company's line to the Coast, to be completed and in operation the first of October, this year. The very first stop on the shore of the Pacific, after leaving Portland, is MAN HATTAN. Rails have been laid across MANHATTAN and construction trains from Tillamook to MANHATTAN are now running. MANHATTAN has the finest sand shore, the prettiest fresh water lake and the most magnificent nat ural forest of any coast resort on the Pa cific. And, remember this: it is cheaper to buy a lot and build a Summer cottage at MANHATTAN than it will ever be to pay board at a coast hotel. You will save money by it, to say nothing of the splendid investment that such a buy in cludes. If you buy now you have the ad vantage of low prices and terms anybody can meet. A small payment down and $5 a month: What could be easier? Let us sug gest that you send this coupon for detailed information about MANHATTAN MANHATTAN REALTY CO., 228 Stark Street, Portland. Please mail me your MANHATTAN litera ture, with prices of lots and terms upon sanie, "with no obligation on my part to buy. Name Address . Oregonian MANHATTAN REALTY COMPANY 228 Stark Street, Portland. Main 392 " Phones A 2392 wall, Jeanette and Edward Sewall; Dr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Greenbaum, Alex Gevurtz, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tibbetts, Ella Cole, Frank McMahan, Hollis E. Alger and wife, Miss Nell Donley. E. B. Alger, Mrs. Idell Hoyt, Thomas Larkin Williams, F; L. Litherland, wife and daughter. Miss Nell Coe, H. K. Henisker, Edward C. Sammons, Charles H. Wlthams, Dr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Louis H. Stone, W. B. Preston and family, Frank H. Deys, D. S. Du Bois, W. R. Heynerman, H. D. Stickney, Mr. and Mrs. Pageler, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blaesing, Mr. S. S. Lamont and wife, Elmer J. Clark, Mr. B. R. Smith, Mrs. B. R. Smith and family. Registered at Cloud Cap Inn. CLOUD CAP INN, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) The following guests registered at Cloud Cap Inn this week: Mrs. S. R. Greenleaf, Miss Evelyn Wilson, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Miss Claire Wil cox, Miss Lesley Smith, J. Wesley Ladd, S. E. Simmons, Horace Mecklem, R. E. Lawrence. Miss Emma E. Grettinger, B. L. Wolff, Portland: Mr. and Mrs W. A. Johnson, C. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crosby, Miss Eulalie John ston, Roderick. Macleay Crosby, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Pittsfield, Mass.; Miss Millicent A. Swain, Cleveland. O. : Miss Greta Allen, SUMMER ay ocean ent City SEASON 1910 Bayocean tent city is a canvas covered hotel, American plan. Kates $?.50 and $3 per day, $15 and $17.50 per week. Electric lighted, netted, purest water; sewer system, gr-vel walks. Further information will be mailed you on request. T. B. Potter Realty Co. 514 Corbett Building, Portland. Or. - Kansas City, 208 R. A, Long Bdg. San Francisco, 802 Monadnock Building. North Beach Inn NEWTON'S STATION. Mrs. N. M. Dewey. Manager. AH Crains Stop at Grounds of Hotel. Directly Facing the Ocean. Large. Shady Grounds. Superior Accommoda tions. Postoffice and Telegraph Ad dress. LONG BEACH, WASH. "Spend your vacation at ELK GREEK HOTEL ON CANNON BEACH the scenic beach of Oregon. Take train to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Good fishing and hunting. Sea foods served at all times-" W. D. Torrey, proprietor. HOTEL SALTAIR. NORTH BEACH, WASH. P. O. Bea View. A delightful place to spend your vacation : train stopa at Hotel ; everything- that makes ltf enjoyable at the beach, surf bathing-, fishing, rocks, drives; sea food a specialty. Rates SI. 30 up. . Mrs. . Porter, Proprietress. And up, buys a first-class Summer homesite, nearer to Portland than any other beach resort in Oregon, at MANHATTAN cheapest way to get will be by the ra- Boston; Miss Adele Blackwell, Whlta Salmon; E A. Norton, Hood River; Rea E. Babson, Mount Hood; F. S. Francis, Metzger, Or.; Miss L. Adele Goff, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tappan, New York; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith, Hood River; Morton Atwater, - New York; Charisr G. Loring, Boston.? Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kenesson, Remlig, Tex.; A. B.- Ordway, Spokane; H. L. Scott, Chicago; Miss Mary Farnham, For est Grove; Miss Nolan. Corvallls: Miss Mirian Murray, Miss Eleanor Murray, Wilkesbarre, Pa.; Miss Ivy S. McClelland, Hermiston; Mrs. Nellie Woodworth, St. Albans, Vt.; Miss Viola Churchill. Bos ton; Leslie Butter, Mrs. E. L. Knlskern and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaughn, Mrs. May A. Gilbert, C. F. Gilbert, Hood River; Miss Hazel Carlson, Max Roth kugel, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dover, Eliza beth Dover. Mrs. G. A. Swink, C. Edward Murray, Taylor Goodrich. A. D. Warren, Miss Jessie G. Yates, Mrs. T. J. Arm strong, Miss Abble Springer, Mrs. Fred Green and two daughters, Mrs. Philip Buehner, Miss Lillian Buehner, Harold Strong, Miss Josephine Lawrence, Port land. "This is a pretty good poem. You must have had some strong inspiration" "I had; the editor promised me (10." Louis ville Courier-Journal. ' RESORTS. HOTEL .Offers special Ind ucementa to the Sum . At Columbia Beach 8neeerklr.ea if u located on an elevation overlook ing the ocean. Boating, bathing, canoeing, clam digging, hunting and fishing. Cuisine the finest. Rates on application. TENTS Fully equlp'd with bedding and complete cookins: o u t fits may be had at $5.00 per week. Located on the banks of Neacoxie Creek, in the Nob Hill section, close to Idiewild Park. For par ticulars inquire Columbia Trust Company BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. SEASON OPENED JU1T 1. FOR RES KRVATIONS SEK DORSET B. SMITH. 68 SIH ST. rUO' MARSHALI, 1079. Seta Croft SEA VIEW. WASHINGTON. Mrs. W. E. IIuteMno-a Manager. A seashore bouse, ideal, quaint and com fortable, with th ocean right in front; a bis: fireplace, always biasing and the beat of home-cooked meal. Children love the place and grown-ups And the step from the dress- . lcfif-rooms to the surf most comfortable. The Hackney Cottage Is now open. Have enlarged their dining-room capacity and electrified their house. Beautiful surroundings aud most pleasant spot on -..e beach. Unsurpassed surf bathing, home com forts, excellent table board. Special rates by the week. Reservations by mail or wire. Address. Sea View. Wash. Father "Whafa the matter, Freddie; what do you want?" Son "Why don't you give the penny to the little- boy'a father? Ha migtit lose It" v.. V.