The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 31, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 38

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Visitors by the Thousands Are Coming and Going to and From the Oregon
. . and Washington Seashore.
SEASIDE. Or., July 30. (Special.)
The close of July marks the prime of
the Summer season at Seaside. All cot
tages are now open and life has taken
on a decided social note. House parties
are common and all who have beach
homes are entertaining friends and rela-
1 tlves. The hotels are crowded and the
' Saturday night trains never fall to bring
In several hundred week-end visitors.
At present many preparations are be
ing made for the Elks' convention, which
will be held on August 6 and 7 at Holla
day Station with the Seaside Houi as
headquarters. Enthusiastic Elke are ex
pecting 10.000 at this gathering and have
arranged for a tent which will hold many
thousand persons at a time. Besides meet
ings held In this tent and on the hotel
grounds a clambake and a great bonfire
are planned.
Among the young people of Seaside
who have been entertaining guests this
week Is Miss Gladys Slgel. The Glen-
adys cottage has been thrown open to
the Delta Theta Iota girls of St. Helen's
Hall and .they have all enjoyed a glorious
vacation, swimming, canoeing and surf
bathing. The following young ladles
i made up the party: Hazel Morrow. Jua
nlta Matlock, Clarice Biles and Helen
A delightful card party was given by
Miss Ethel Gordon at the Seaside home
of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Gordon, last
Friday afternoon. A beach atmosphere
prevailed. The girls had been requested
to wear "middy blouses" and all looked
very pretty and comfortable. On each
table were plates of dainty candy, fish
and seaehells. Sea food played an im
portant part in the refreshments. Five
hundred was the game and Miss Lucile
Parker won first prize, a sliver souvenir
spoon. Miss Judith Scott was not so
fortunate and was given as consolation
an automatic fish. Those present were:
Misses Mildred Cullison, Norma Reed,
Eva Long, Mary Long. Ethella Stearns,
Elisabeth Parker, Lucile Parker, Marlon
Kirk, Viola Snlzman. Dorothy Eichenlaub,
Margaret DuBois. Sybil Clopton, Judith
Scott. Edith Boswell. Mildred Whittlesey,
and Mrs. Katherine Daly, who is spend
ing a few days with Mrs. Gordon: Mrs.
T. H. Edwards, and Mrs. Harry Cake.
A Sunday evening supper- was given at
the home of Miss Judith Scott last week
by Thomas Dobson. Howard Charlton,
Jack Proebstel, George Prescott Wright
and Stanley Smith for MIrs Judith Scott.
Miss Anna Johnson, Miss Margaret Du
Bois and Miss Ethella Stearns. The five
boys pride themselves on their ability as
chefs and Miss Scott gave them full lib
erty to prepare, in her kitchen, whatever
they desired. The supper was very suc
cessful and every one had a delightful
evening. Mrs. S. L. Woodward, of Port
land, chaperoned the party.
Miss Louise Gleason returned to. Port
land after spending two very pleasant
weeks as the guest .of Miss Gladys' How
ard. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lytle were week
end arrivals at Hotel Moore.
Dr. William D. Carlisle and his bride,
who are from St. Petersburg, Russia,
arrived Saturday to spend the Summer
with Mr. Carlisle's mother, Mrs. L. A.
Carlisle, at Locksley Hall.
Mrs. Merrltt O'Collins Is a guest at
the Van Waters' cottage for a couple
of weeks.
The family of Arthur Fletcher are In
a cottage for the Summer. Mr. Fletcher
will be a regular week-end guest.
J. P. Menefee and family are es
tablished in their cottage at Seaside for
the season.
Alfred F. Smith has been spend
ing a couple of weeks with Ms mother,
Mrs. C. K. Smith, at thel. cottage on
the boardwalk.
Alfred Has en spent Saturday and
Sunday in Seaside this wce-
Mrs. M. F Henderson and her daugh
ters. May and Bonney. havt a cottage
in the Grove for the season. Last week
they had a housefull of young people,
among whom were Miss Emma For
dyce, Lucretia Cavallne, Cynthia John
ston, Cora Montague, D. L. Carpenter
and Milton Henderson.
Miss Katherine Hart spftit a few
days last week ati Hotel Moore.
Lon Lewis, of Portland, is a well
known week-end guest at Seaside.
Charles J. Schnabel spent Saturday
and Sunday with his family at Sea
bide. Mrs. Laura Sommerville is the guest
of Mrs. C. W. Knowles for several
weeks. -
F. Langeman and family are domi
ciled in the Hermosa Park cottage.
Mrs. K. Whitney and W. Grutter
were recent guests at the Summer home
of Mrs. S. S. Slgel. the "Glenadys."
Russell Shepherd returned to Port
land Saturday after spending a de
lightful vacation with his parents in
the attractive "fold" In Hermosa Park.
Bernard Deaton spent the week
end in Seaside enjoying the perfect
weather of the last week.
Victor Jorgensen and Robert McGlll,
well-known young men from Portland,
recently walked from Tillamook to
Gearhart, making the trip in six days
and thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Misses Addle Sacry and Hazel Ther
keleen. accompanied by Stanley Smith
and Thomas Dobson, made up a small
picnic to the "Head" last Monday, where
they ate and had a merry time.
Mrs. Gus La Fountain and family are
among the number of Pendleton peo
ple spending the Summer at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chumaser, of
Vancouver, were guests of Mrs. E. W.
Ball at the Ball cottage In Hermosa
Park last week.
Mrs. M. C. Bowles, of Portland, and
her granddaughter. Miss Anna Johnson,
of Forest Grove. Or., are In Mr. Bowles'
cottage, the Virginia.
James Dart has a cottage near Locks
ley Hall.
F. G. Driver and family have opened
their cottage on Third and B streets.
Hermosa Park.
The Hibernian cottage la the horn
of C M- Fraley and family this season.
Mr. Thomas Kay and her daughter,
Mrs. C P. Bishop, and son. Clarence
Bishop, are staying at the Hotel Moore
for a few weeks.
Daniel E. Bowman will be a regular
week-end visitor with his family at
Seaside this Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooklngham
have taken the C. E. Smith cottage on
the board walk for August, and their
sons. Prescott and Holt, will also be
at Seaside.
A Jolly crowd of young- married peo
ple have taken Cedar Hurst cottage.
In the Grove, for the season. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl B.. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Patterson, Mrs. M. B. Sansurn and
l-eona A. Sansurn make up the party.
During the past week Mr. and Mrs. W
H. Lang. Will Lang and Mr. and Mrs!
0.-R. Brink ley have been guests at
Cedar Hurst.
Among the campers now at Seaside
are Harry Van Zandt and, Vernon Shel
ley. They have named their camp the
Mrs. P. F. Hall and daughter Marian
are domiciled in the Marian cottage
for the season. Mrs. Tom Spencer Is a
guost of Mrs. Hall, whose mother. Mrs
Ellen Young, is also with her.
Mrs. A. Catlin and Miss Mary Catlin
were at the beach recently to spend the
Summer. Miss Grace Kern Is visiting
Miss Catlin.
Mrs. I- W. Therkelsen has enter
tained Mrs. Cora Dunlway during- the
past week at her Seaside cottage. The
Mrs. A. T. Charlton was a guest of
Mrs. Sam Hering during the last week
Mrs. Charlton returned to Portland Sat
urday. Mrs. Amanda Kerr and daughter.
JeRn, spent a few days In Portland
last week.
Ted Holden and Howard Charlton
have been recent Seaside visitors. They
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have been spending their time with
Thomas Dobson and Jack Proebstel. '
A party of the younger set at Sea
side, tramped to Elk Creek for lunch
last Thursday. The following are those
who made the trip: Harry Van Zandt,
Vernon Shelley, Tom Dobson, Owen
Blassler, Howard Word and Cachot
1 Mrs. A. A. Morrison and daughter
Jean and son Alexander are guests at
the Moore for a fortnight.
Mrs. Webb Zellar. of Portland. Is now
occupying her Summer home at Seaside.
Dr. Locke and family arrived Satur
day to open their cottage at Seaside,
where they expect to remain until Sep
tember. Miss Judith M. Scott and Mrs. Samuel
L. Woodward returned to Portland
Monday, after spending a week at Sea
side in the H. W. Scott cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mack are estab
lished In their Seaside home for the
A. E. Manner and Mrs. Charles
Swanberg, of Seattle: William Strahan.
Frank Strahan and Clara Cleaver have
Joined the Roberts house party in Her
mosa Park.
Miss Cressie McPherson returned to
Portland after spending two weeks
with Miss Katherine Dunbar.
Mrs. A. D. Charlton entertained a
few friends with a swimming party to
the natatorium at Gear'hart Saturday.
Mrs. Sam Hering, Mrs. E. G. Riven
burgh, Ted Holden, Tom Dobson, Jack
Proebstel. Jack Herlnsr. Jack Riven
burgh. Mrs. H. E. Reed, Carlotta Reed
and Howard Charlton were her guests.
Miss Lettie Sorensen was the guest
of Miss Mabel Wood at Wannoma cot
tage during the last two weeks.
Frank Strelblg was a week-end guest
at Seaside.
Miss Laura Prohaska Is a guest at
the U-Tahahana cottage for two weeks.
Mason Roberts, who has been in and
about Seaside very often in the last
month, has completed his survey work
and has returned to the city.
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones have
opened one of the Jones cottages for
the season. Mrs. Jones' sister. Miss
Ruth Jar vis, is visiting.
George Otten was a week-end visitor
with his parents at Seaside.
Miss Margaret Rankin is spending a
couple of weeks with her mother. Mrs.
D. S. Rankin, at Seaside. R. L. Rankin,
a U. of O. student, is also down for a
few days. J. O. Shlnn and George
Bancroft are guests of the Rankins.
The Misses Ora and Vera Harrington
are reoent Seaside arrivals.
Miss Jean Robertson Is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. E. W. Wright, at the Acadia
cottage for a few weeks.
Mrs. Jacob Proebstel returned to
Portland Wednesday. after a three
weeks' visit at Seaside.
Harry Moore was a week-end guest
of his parents, who have a cottage for
the season at Seaside.
B. W. Wright. Jr.. spent a few day
In Portland- last week, but has now re
turned to Seasld.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Simon have the
Rellly cottage for the Summer, and are
enjoying Seaside life.
The Stelnleln cottage is the home
this season of Mrs. J. Barde and family.
The new cottage on the Hermosa
Park end of the board walk, known as
the "Tozler cottage" Is occupied by
Mrs. Anna Risley and family.
J. Foot and hie family are settled
in a cottage on Roosevelt avenue this
W. L. Green has taken the Woodland
cottage, and expects to Bpend a very
pleasant month.
The Carlock Cottage in Hermosa
Park Is the abode of Mrs. Curtis Hol
comb and family this year.
Marie Vaness Is with her family at
"'Kln-ni-kl-nic Lodge" for the Summer.
Among the recent arrivals at Elk
Creek are the W . M. Yates family.
Marcus J. Delahunt is spending a
few days with his family In the Mc
Roberts cottage. -
Chester Murphy spent a few days at
Seaside this week at his cottage, the
"Murlark." Bruce P. Smith, Manning
Martin and Mrs. Moore were his guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadsby. who have
been enjoying the sea breezes at Man.
dalay cottage, have recently returned
to Portland.
Mrs. J. F. Davis, accompanied by Mrs.
Bruce Rowan and Miss Prue Rowan,
arrived at Seaside Saturday, to open
the Davis cottage on the shell road.
Mrs. Katherine Daly is the guest of
Mrs. W. A. Gordon for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Dr.
and Mrs. Herbert Leiser have opened
the Coovert cottage.
On the Hotel Moore register are the
following: Joseph E. Penney, Flora K.
Gordon, E- K. Moffit, c. E. Irwin, Mrs.
Andrew R. Porter. Mrs. H. M. Randall.
Claton Went. Walter A. Greutter. Mrs.
A. A. Morrison. Robert Morrison. Mr.
and Mrs. G. G. Pratt, W. Rosenstein,
C I. Clement, B. C. Dunbar, Mrs. J. E.
Smith, A. C. MeCord. M. A. SInsheimer,
O. D. Wilson, Isaac Briunm, J. Mallett,
Harry Ellis. D. E. Huston. J. Perry,
John Loiacom, Mi. G. H. Marsh, J. B.
Brown. P. H. Getz, Mrs. Graham Glass,
Albert Gautier, Mrs. J. W. Corser. Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Scott. Charles W. Henn.
Mrs. L. H. Knapp. Arthur Covin. J. R.
Thieron, A. K. Slocum. E. L. Eastham,
Joseph Opet, Mrs. A. Buchnell. F. D.
Chamberlain, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Dabney. Myrtle Hutc-hings. W.
M. Back. Nance O'Neil. Grace Inman,
Lula Bryan, Mrs. I. Hudson, Ross
Franklin, Frederick G. Keonkel, Carl
Taylor, M. C. Banfleld, A. C. Cook. M.
G. Eastham: H. B. Lombard, J. J.- La
mont, C. S. Linden. E. J. Daly, H. Wilk
inson. Frank Streibig, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Raymond, M. G. Hall, E. A. Trembly,
Fred Trembly, Ion Lewis. Mrs. N.
Baum. Miss El Baum, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Plttenger, I. H. Cummlngs, Mr. and
Mrs. O. P. Wolcott. Mrs. J. L. Scott.
Jean Morrison, M. S. Goodman. J. L.
Daggett. G. M. Fife. W. C. Davidson,
K. Haddad, Mr. and Mrs. Emery A.
Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. F. Paul Schueter,
M. R. Colby. H. R. Burke. E. McLen
nan, Jeanette Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Lytle. F. O. Joy, H. Behrlndsen.
Miss Katherine Hart. I. M. Glllls. E.
F. Grady, J. Q-. Hass, W. B. London.
M. G. Campbell, I. M. Bates, J. R. Kain
llne. Mr. and Mrs. M. King, Sister An
drew, Sister Hermllle, F. M. Lombard,
John R. Luckey, C- J. Wilson, B. Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Allchoff, A. S. Roth
well, M. D. Elorage, Mrs. 8. Elorage,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Prudhomme, E. E.
Llllle, Mr. Jenlngs, Mrs. Glldner. Miss
Schwab, of Portland: N. Hearding Cal
lard. Miss Pearl Cawston, Herbert W.
Meyers. John A. Gilbert, C. F. Swan
berg. Fred S. Parish, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Eckstein, of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Adams. Elizabeth Bryant. Mr. and
Mrs. F. D. Marshall, Mrs. George J.
Bryan, of Spokane; Lucile, Shannon.
William D. Sisco, of New Tork; George
Miller, of Hood River: Miss Dellinger.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Alice Kern,
Edith Cassidy. Henry Newman, J. S.
Delllnger. J. M. S. Hawthorne, George
Judd,- N. R. Reid. T. F. Laurln, Mrs.
M. R. Pomeroy and son. Will Madison,
of Astoria: Elinor Rellls, Matilda Land
berg, of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Drew, Mrs. George P. Holman. of
Salt Lake: Mrs. M. B. Caldwell, of
North Platte: C. B. Cooper, of St. Paul;
G. J. Krlbs. w. S. Richardson, W. Cum
mlngs, of Salem: William Stewart, Ray
White. C. W. White. -D. H. Haskings.
of Cathlamet: Portia Keeper, of Pitts
burg; Lena M. Stewart. Grace A. Mc
Neil, of Pasadena: George B. Haynes,
of Chicago; Mrs. C. P. Bishop, of Pen
dleton. On the Locksley Hall register: W. T.
Mlnior. Phelps J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs.
G. G- McCormic, Mrs. Montal, Mrs. F.
E. Stambaugh, R. G. Hidderly, c c
Saylor, R. C. Hebe, Charles F. Werth,
George W. Bottner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mortenson. Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Ware.
H. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. x. A. Ray
mond. William Campbell, Frank Strei
big. Miss Muril Rosenthal. Mrs. E. M.
Rosenthal. C. C. Wadsen. Mr. and Mrs.
R. Citron, M"arion L. Citron. Carol M.
Citron. A. C. Lohmlre. John L. Reid. Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Bollman and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Jancke,
C. A. Morrison. Mrs. L. s. Carter, II. B.
n " - a m- -.vflf
Dabney, of Portland; Mrs. M. B. Cald
well, of North Platte; Fred Walther, of
The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bishop,
of Kansas City; J. D. Hartwell, of Sa
lem; Harold P. Ross, of St. Helens;
Stanley Phillips, of Butte; Dr. and Mrs.
William D. Carlisle, of St. Petersburg.
Russia: C. M. Bishop, of Long Beach,
Cal. ; Mrs. Edward Straus, Ida Hillock,
of Boise; C. E. Malnard, of Payette,
At the Seaside House are registered:
E. J. Arnold, Nick Burelbach, Katherine
Jee. Martin Hansen, M. Nelson, Miss
Ruth Dwyre. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cady,
R. T. Taylor, J. E. . Dockstade, Jean
Morrison, Elizabeth Huber, Dorothy
Huber, Miss Hilda Haxter, Mrs. B. F.
Holman, Mrs. C. J. Reed, Mrs-. H. D.
Green, Lois Belnap, Mrs. R. Belnap,
Mrs. Edward Cooklngham, Mrs. M. H.
Steers, Miss Steers, Mrs, B. M. Lom
bard. Miss Wilson. Mrs. J. R. Wilson,
Eunice Klkle Wiley, Hazel Tichner, Ed
gar ' Carl Hexter, Mrs. Levi Hexter,
Thomas M. Whldden, Mrs. Whldden,
Judith M. Scott, Mrs. S. L. Woodward,
Percy Allen and family, W. E. Hansen,
W. C. Wielkes, R. H. Login, T. Morris
Dunne, Mrs. W. M. Miller, Miss Cecile
Wiley, Joseph Wiley, R. L. Schad, from
Portland: Terry C Miller, Marion, O.;
John Newman. New York; John Fox.
ABtoria; Eugene Allen, Rainier; C T.
Cole, Jr., Des Moines; W. N. Meserve,
Gray's River; A. P. Hutton, Kellogg,
Idaho: Dr. H. F. Rice. Sllverton; J. D.
Hartwell, Salem; W. Stoddard. Boise;
W. E. Welsh, G. B. Johnson, Cecil Starr,
B. Norman, Edward C Judd. Mr. and
Mrs. E. N. Staples, E. M. Houghton, M.
Smith, L. E. Howes," of Astoria.
At Colonial Hotel are registered: Mrs.
Jasmann and children,' Mrs. Lewis
Clark, E. C. Raymond, R. G. Jones,
John Stock, Miss Irene Shelley, Miss
Sadie Casey, Mrs. J. W. Blaney, Mr.
and Mrs, J. A. Johansen, Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Melick.
'E. S. Hubbard, L. Lee, T. F. Cowing,
Frank D. Parcy, Mrs. Guy Stablen, J.
M. Gillis, John Harley. E. H. Mcln
tyre, Elizabeth- M. Weeks, Paul A. Kel
lar. Miss M. Miller, P. H. Mahon. Mr.
and Mrs. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Ross.
C. Anderson, Mrs. Clodius, J. M-. Coffee,
J. W. Blaney, H. C. -Bancroft, Rev.
Ronald Potts, from Portland; B. C. Bell,
Miss Bell. Miss L. Wilson. I. Bell, Van
couver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Kelleher. Carbonado; Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Gibson, Walla Walla; Mr. and
Mrs. C- Lund, Skamokawa; D. C.'Jack
son. L. R. Jackson, of Seattle; Mrs. N.
Gardiner, Lawrence Gardiner, R. Toos
burn, of Oregon City; Mrs. M. Sutiff,
Raymond Hawks, of Astoria; Mrs. G.
La Fountain, Pendleton"; Miss Katie
Thompson. Eugene; R. B. Gibson, Mrs.
Gibson, Richmond, Or.; Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. McLean. Wasco; Mr. and Mrs. H.
P. Thorton. Los Angeles: J. T. Jackson:
Tacoma; Miss G. A. McNeil, Miss L. M
Stewart, Pasadena: Mr. and Mrs. F.
Bishop, Goble; Miss Cladius, Llta L.
Williams, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Bishop, Kansas City; D. J. Valey,
Scappoo&e. 3
At McGuires Hotel are registered:
Mrs. L. Wallace, William A. Henderson,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brown, W. L. Melick.
H. P. Kimball. Charles R. Llebert. G.
E. Devereous. Mrs. Max Smith. Mrs. T.
S. Luke, J. E. Gaston, William Helge
son. H. Reifel. Mrs. M. Gratton, Paul
Gratton, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moore.
J. C. .McDonald. S. Krickeni William
Bash, J. R. Williams, M. Howes, from
Portland; W. E. Warren. Elk Creek; C
A. Neece, Galesburg. 111.; J. E. Gates
Kelso: Miss Gordan, San Francisco; Le 1
Lehman, Astoria; Lindley Welch. Kelso;
Roy Woods, . Kelso; A. R. Langwill,
Qulncy, Or.
Mrs. Anna O'Donnell and family are in
the Schmeer cottage for the season.
Crowds Flock to Xorth Beach, 2 000
More Expected This Week.
NORTH BEACH. Wash.. July 30.
(Special.) Unusually large crowds are
coining to all points on North Beach
this week, and word has been received
by the Push Club at Long Beach that
more than 2000 more are expected next
week. The weather Is Ideal the days
warm - and sunny, the evenings star
lighted and peaceful. Bonfires dot the
beach at night, and during the day one
finds many persons with parasols and
cushlqns enjoying books and candy in
cozy nooks in the shade of huge drift
logs. At Long Beach tank swimming
is dividing popularity as an amusement
with surf bathing. Horseback riding
Is also enjoyed by many. There are
several places on the beach where good
saddle horses can be got, and many per
sons have brought their own animals
with them for their Summer outings.
Altogether this seSison at North Beach
Is one of the most delightful in years.
Among those who have spent a happy
vacation on the Washington coast are
Miss Ida Simmons and her aunt, Mrs.
Harvey Wells. Mr. Wells spent a cou
ple of days with his wife. All have now
returned to Portland.
Mrs. L. M. Rice and daughter, Frances,
are at Tioga for the season. Mrs.
Helen F. Rice. is also at the beach for
the Summer, and L. M. Rice Is down for
ten days.
Wood gate cottage, at Long Beach, is
occupied by Mrs. J. J. Hawley and chil
dren, and Mrs. Harry Reese and chil
dren, of Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake and family
have arrived at Tioga and are domi
ciled In their cottage, the Blake
Forest. Miss Mary O'Donnell Is the
guest of Miss Irene Blake. '
A. O'Hanlon Is spending his vacation
with his family at their Summer home,
the Ardle cottage.
Miss Leonora Annlno is a guest at the
Casa Routledge, at Newton Station.
The following persons are at the
Sea Breeze Lodge: Mrs. A. Chlsholm,
Mrs. C. S. Wood. Mrs. C C. Chlsholm.
Warren Chlsholm, Marie Wood, Sara,
Wood, A. Chlsholm.
Mrs. Marcus Cohn and two small
children are settled at Long Beach for
the Summer.
Mrs. Harry Lang and. son. Stanley,
are guests of Mrs. Lang's sister, Mrs.
Isaiah Slchel. - at her cottage. Martin
Scott, at Beach Center. Harry Lang
was a week-end visitor.
Mrs. C. G. Hlckok and family are
occupying a cottage at Beach Center
for the season.
Miss Pearl Archibald. Harold Sundt
and Otto Nlkkelson. all of Portland, are
spending a week at the Beach Center
home of J. Routledge.
Isaiah Slchel Is spending the week
with his family at their cottage Martin
Scott at Beach Center.
E. P. Adams has taken a cottage at
Long Beach for the Summer. Mr.
Adams' children are with hinr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Baer have
opened the Meadow cottage at Long
Beach for the season.
Smith French has " taken a cottage
near his friends at Beach Center.
.Another recent Tioga arrival Is Dr. A.
S. Nichols. Dr. Nichols and family
have taken a cottage for the Summer.
Mrs.- J. B. Stack arrived last week
and Is settled In a cottage near the
Grove at Long Beach.
Mrs. E. Wiles, of Portland, Is the
guest of friends at Long Beach.
Gerald Reed, of Portland, spent a few
days at the Breakers last week.
Mrs. William Killlngswortb has
opened her cottage near Newton Sta
tion for the season.
Lois Ladd. of Portland, is again vis
iting friends at North Beach.
Edgar Shear and Sil Douglas returned
to Portland after camping at Long
Beach several weeks.
Chester Loomis. who has recently re
turned from Arizona, will spend the
Summer at Long Beach
Ethel Morris, of Portland, Is spend
ing a few weeks near Salt Air cottage.
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Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cullison, of Port
land, are visiting at Long Beach and
expect to remain a week.
Ivan Adams and family are in a cot
tage at Long Beach. The Adams expect
to spend the entire Summer at the sea
shore. .
The Sperry cottage Is the home of
Mrs. L. Allehoff and family this season
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyrle have
opened a cottage and are settled for
Mrs. M. F. Brady and Frances Brady
have a cottage at Tioga for ' the rest
of the Summer.
.Among the settlement of cottagers at
Center Beach Is W. H. Chambers, who
has taken a house and brought his
family to the shore.
Mrs. L. Chemln 13 also established at
Center Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Davies have a cottage
at Long Beach.
'The Roosevelt cottage Is occupied
this year by the family of John Dellar.
A- R. Draper is in the Shaver cotttage
"or ,the season.
L. M. Hopkins has been one of the
recent arrivals. Mr. Hopkins has taken
a cottage at Long Beach.
Charles F. Loeding left the beach
Wednesday to spend a few days In
Portland, but expects to return very
Mrs. R. J. Holmes and family are
established In their Tioga home for
the season.
Wejdon Darling and family, who have
been spending July at the beach, re
turned to Portland Saturday.
Miss Margarette Robertson Is visit
ing Mrs. Lucy A. Strauhal.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rotheral and fam
lly are in the McGuire cottage and ex
pect to remain there through August.
Mrs. A. H. Willet and family are
very comfortably settled In a Long
Beach cottage.
Edward Werleln, accompanied by his
family, is another to take a cottage on
the Washington coast for this season.
Another cottage arrival at Tioga Is
W. R. Patterson.
W. I. Swank and family have a cot
tage for the Summer at Beach Center.
The Barnes cottage Is the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Starr for the re
maining Summer months. - -
Mrs. H. F. Wheeler and family are
domiciled in an attractive cottage at
North Beach.
W. J. Wilson and family have a cot
tage at Long Beach and will remain
until September.
H. C. Weber has the Ocean Side cot
tage for the Summer.
Beach Center, which Is very at
tractive as a site for beach homes. Is
now the abode of M. W. Whithers and
his family.
Miss Dorcas Dunbar arrived Friday
with Miss Belle Carrol to spend ten
days with Mrs. J. B. Hibbard at Sea
view. .
Edmund B. Leir spent the week end
with his wife and family at Seavlew,
but has returned to Portland.
Mrs. Harry Warner and small son
are the guests of Mrs. William Warner
In the William Ladd cottage at the
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Plimpton are
the Plimpton cottage number four for
the season.
Mrs. Frank Sealy and daughter. Miss
Kathleen Sealy, are In - a cottage at
Beach Center.
Miss Florence Getz Is an expected
guest of Miss Kathleen Sealy.
Raymond Coursen will spend August
at Salt Air.
Mrs. Frank Harmon Is entertaining
Aiiss tiaiei tusseu zor a few days.
Harrison Trueblood has also been vis
ltlng at the Harmon Lodge.
Mrs. Ted Wood and family hav the
Barnes cottage at Seavlew for the sea
W. W. Emmons Is " spending two
weeks with his wife and children at
Seavlew. (-
Mrs. T. L. Perkins and children and
mother, Mrs. Campbell, are In one of
the Walker cottages at Seavlew.
Mrs David Shindler and son. Page,
are among the colony at Beach Center.
D. M. Donougb, of Portland, Is regis
-tered at the Salt Air.
The guests at the Sea Croft had a
great bonfire on the beach Monday
night. Toasted marshmallows were
the refreshments of the evening.
Alexander Goldstein spent the week
end with his wife and baby at the
Hotel Sunset.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. James are regis
tered at Hackney Cottage until Septem
ber 1.
W. J. Frost spent some time in Port
land last week but has now returned
to his family at Hotel Seacroft.
Among the Seavlew cottagers who
have recently returned to Portland Is
Mrs. T. P Schroeder.
Miss Goodwyn, of The Dalles, is the
guest of Miss Prudence Patterson at
Miss Marguerite Getz is the guest
of Miss Abernine Thatcher at Seavlew.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peeples and son
and daughter, Mr. "and Mrs. Ambrose
Hazeltlne. are at Salt Air.
Dr. L T. Mason and wife will be
at the Honorlue cottage for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Flock are the ex
pected guests of Mrs W. W. Emmons.
Mrs. Robert Mcintosh spent several
days In Portland last week. Pete Heit
shu Is a guest at the Mcintosh home.
Mrs. Fred Johnson has rente the
Buckley cottage for the Summer.
Mrs. Henry Berger. Sr., will arrive
soon at Seavlew.
The children of Mrs. Walter Burrell
are at Salt Air with their governess.
Mrs. F. P. Mattson. of Portland, is
the guest of Mrs. B. F. Greene at "El-
Gr-Be cottage. Mrs. Frank Mobrey
returned to Seattle Saturday.
C H. Maginnis and family have the
Woods cottage for the season.
Miss Katherine Purcelle is the guest
of her sister. Mrs. M. J. Sinnott, at
Father Dennis O'Brien recently re
turned to Portland after a month's
visit at North Beach.
Mrs. James- Hawley and family have
a cottage at Seavlew for the season.
Leonard Streibig, Morrln McDonnell.
Alfred Young. Chubby Corcoran and
Otto Stoehr returned last week from
fortnight s fishing trip to Bear
Mrs. George McClintock and Mrs.
Oscar Schupp are at the Moon cot
tage near Salt Air. Miss Cora Schupp
Is also there.
Miss Claire Wilcox, who has re
cently returned from school in the
East, is with her family at the Wil
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett is now at
the Willows. .
Frank Ward is visiting his cousin.
James Brady, at Tioga.
air. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke and fam
ily are among those who are at Long .
Beach. Mr. Clarke has a cottage for
the Summer.
J. T. Sullivan and family are at Sea
vlew for the season.
Another cottager at Seavlew is J. W.
Jackson, of Oklahoma. The Jarksons
expect to spend August at the Beach.
Percy Miliar returned to Portland
Wednesday after spending a few weks
with Herbert Thatcher at Long Beach.
Miss Florence Davis is the guest of
Miss Harriet Kern. Miss Kern gave an
informal watermelon party Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wasserman re
turned to Portland last Wednesday.
after spending the month at Seavlew.
Miss Charlie Fenton and her cousin.
Miss Lucile Fenton, gave a very suc
cessful bonfire on the beach at Ocean
Park Monday evening.
L. A. Comstock, of Portland, spent
the week-end with his family at Ocean
Mrs. H. M. Callwell and daughter.
Miss Charlotte Callwell. have recently
arrived and are In their cottage. "Do
dropln." William Lsbell. of Bay Center, Is
camplnsr in the Grove.
Mrs. E Hammerstrom and daughters.
Ruble, Grace and Madge, spent Sunday
at Ocean Park.
Chaperoned by Mrs. F. S. Simpson
and Mrs. G. A. Peaster, a party of
young people spent a night on the
fishing rocks at North Beach last
week. Those In the party were Misses
Rhenblna and Gertrude Larsen, Irene
Simpson. Ila Davis, Leonora Botwright
and Carl Backlund, Ed Mercer and
Adolph Prasil.
At North Beach Inn are registered
Harvey Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott E.
Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis. John
E. Conrad. Mrs. Conrad, Ida Simmons,
Mrs. W. Harvey Wells, Roberta Wells,
Charles M. Bosch, A. K. Slocum, Mrs.
K. F. Meigs, Mr. and Mrs. August
Bosch, of Portland; J. Sutherland, Mrs.
J. Sutherland. Dr. F. C. Harvey, Mrs.
Harvey, of Spokane; Eugene Clarke,
M. F. Watson, of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Francis, Mabel Francis, of Hood
River; Pearl Armstrong, of Michigan.
At the Salt Air Hotel. Center Beach,
are registered: Miss Marie Kelly. Mrs.
I. J. Kelly. Raymond Hinkle, Daniel
McAllen. Ethel Morris, Margaret Flem
ing, Edward McAllen, Mr. and Mrs. Am
brose H&seltine, Mrs. L. F. Cbemin,
Miss Julia Chemin, T. B. Johnson, M. D.
Wood, of Portland: I. V. Wood, Adeline
Roggenkamp. of Walla Walla.
At Hotel Sunset are registered: Miss
Margaret Porta, Miss Clara Buehogger,
Miss Marie Burtels, Georgians Wlnshlp.
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Mosessohn. Ida
A. Schade, Katherine O'Lean, Alexander
Goldstein, E. E. Summers, H. E. James,
Miss Alexander Goldstein, Miss Daisy
Ostrow, H. L. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Raab,
Mrs. L. Herrick. from Portland.
At Shelburne Hotel are registered:
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Conrad, Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Madden, L. S. Lawson. J.
F. Alexander, Mrs. O. Clayton. Mr. and
Mrs. William Horde, Dr. F. F. Casse
day. Mrs. E. M. Casseday. C. A. Downs,
Marlon Stowe, Miss Edith Parson, Mrs.
B. Van Ormand, Jack Van Ormand.
Dick Wheeler, Mrs. Vessey and daugh
ter. Dr. Her and family. Arthur Straund.
F. E. Carpenter, of Portland; Richard
Matlock, Mrs. Jameson Farn. of Spo
kane; Ruth Purell, of Ontario; W. H.
Harris, of Vancouver. Wash.; J. J. Har
ris, of Seattle; Mrs. Stpwe, of Salem.
At Hackney Cottage are registered:
F. E. Carpenter, Mrs. Belle Lockart.
Mrs. Daniel Kern, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Ward, J. R. O'Keefe. James R. Welsh.
Ben Rybke. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Frazier, T. E. Melvin, Mr. and tvti-s.
R. C. Putman, William Gavin. Frame
E. Tomlinson, B. F. Glltner. Mrs. Gilt
ner, Edward C. Giltner, E. Callahan. T.
H.- Newstead, John Baikie and family,
Esther Maegly, Monta Maegly, Mrs.
A. H. Maegly, Mrs. F. E. Tomlinson, F.
H. Fleming, Howard Charlton, Ted
Holden, C. W. Assman. Mr. and Mrs
H. Goldberg, of Portland: Mrs. M. M.
Robinson, Ruth L. Robinson, of Omaha;
t-mma r. coffin, of Boise; Charles Cof
fin, of Oregon City; Willis McPherson.
of Los Angeles; Mrs. J. F. Kern, of
At the Sea Croft are registered: Mrs.
Curtis P. Sargent and son, Mrs. E. St.
Sargent, T. V. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. O.
T. Glllet. Grant C. Holland, of Port
land; Seth L. Smith, Caroline Jaycox,
of Elkhorn; Mrs. B. F. Walline, of Salt
Lake; Mrs. C. A. Bacon, Charles Bacon,
of Chicago; E. W. Glllet and son, Ralph
Glllet, of Gresham; Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Glllet, Grace Glllet, of White Bluffs;
Mrs. W. Smith, of Minneapolis; J. B.
Glllet and Mrs. Glllet, of Corning. Ia.
Enjoyments A-Plenty Made Most Of
by Summer Sojourners.
GEARHART. Or., July 30. (Special.)
Balmy days have been ours at Gear
hart this week. Splendid surf bathing
and excellent fishing, to say nothing
of swimming and canoeing on the
rivers, have given everyone keen en
joyment. With the sunny days many
persons congregate on the golf links
and sport-loving young people may be
seen energetically playing tennis on
the courts at the rear of the hotel.
Swimming parties In the natatorium
are becoming a very popular form of
entertainment and every day finds the
tank filled.
The cottages at Gearhart are now al
most all opened and society has taken
a hold on the interests of the com
munity; house parties and afternoon
teas are gaining In popularity.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Thomas and
daughter. Jeanette Thomas, are at
Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea for an In
definite stay. Miss Portia Weeper, of
Pittsburg, is a guest of Mrs. Thomas.
Julius Meier and his family are
spending the Summer at Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer are at
Gearhart for the remainder of the
and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and
Miss Helen Ladd, accompanied by Miss
Mary Brownell. are at Gearhart for the
month of August.
Mrs. G. T. Tromnald. with her child
and maid, are registered at the Hotel
Gearhart for several weeks. Miss Louise
Poulsen is also at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry will
be at Gearhart for an Indefinite length
of time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Riker from New
Jersey are visiting at Gearhart. Miss
Marian Riker, a recent Vassar gradu-