The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 31, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 37

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FenattBr-rooTn ..,
City Circulation..
Hfot Editor.
Sunday Editor....
Composing-room .
City Editor
Supt. Ruliaicis-s. . .
Pacific States. nom
...Main TOTO
......Mam 7070
......Main 7070
......Main 7070
......Main 7070
Main 707A
Main 7070
CFPHET7M THEATER (Morrison betwaen
Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville- Tbll
afternoon at 3:13 and tonight at 8:15-
ORAND THEATER FarK and wsshlnstoaj
Vaudeville. Thts aXternooa at 2:1s; to-
BlSht at 7:30 and .
X-TRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
Armstrong Musical Comedy Company In
"Idolized Ida." This afternoon at 2:30.
Tonight at 7:30 and 9.
STAR THEATER (Park ana Washington)
Motion pictures. Continuous; from 1:30 te
10:80 p. M.
OAKS PARK 0. W. p. carllne) Nsvassar
Ladles' Band. This afternoon and tonight.
For the Quickest delivery of Trie
Oregoulmn at Summer reeorta. sub
scribe through the following amenta.
City rates. Subscriptions by null a
payable Invariably In advance.
Ocean Park D. E. Beechey.
Long; Beach Strauhal s Co.
oeSTtcw Aberdeen Store.
liwaco Ry. Co. News agent.
Columbia Beach M. I. Gallaghec
Gear hart Park R. J. Fslr burst.
eeaslde Dresser Co.
Bay Ocean Weaver Wesns.
PacUlc City D. F. Edmoads.
Newport Geo. Sylvester.
Carson. lYash, JUImnal Spring
Hotel Co.
st. Martin's
6a wyes.
Collins Springs C. T. Belcher.
Springs Charles a
Mast See Art Museum. The loan ex
hibition at the Museum continues to at
tract many visitors. Among- those attend
ing; the past week have been some from
cities of the Middle West which are
endeavoring to establish art galleries and
museums, and these visitors have been
particularly interested to see what
growth In this respect has been accom
plished by the Far West. The beautiful
and characteristic examples of fine fur
niture, textiles, laces, glass and pottery,
from Italian sources, as well as the
ancient Greek and Roman vases, figurines
and coins, are both attractive and in
structive. The museum hours are from
8 to 5 on week days; Sundays, from 2
to 5 o'clock. Free, the afternoons of
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Evangeucai. Conventions Ciosb. The
conventions and campmeeting of the
Kvangelical Association held on Rlvervlew
Campground. Jennings Lodge, have
closed, the last meeting having been held
Thursday night when Rev. G. N. Hein
miller lectured on ''South America." The
following officers were elected by the
Campmeeting Association for the ensuing
year: President, G. W. Plummer; secre
tary, J. A. Goode; treasurer, F. D. Culver.
Several lots were disposed of to members
of the Evangelical churches of Oregon
and Washington. A large delegation at
tended the conventions from Washington.
Rev. N. Shupp and Rev. H. E. Horn
echuch were in charge.
Judge Fines "Chum." The temerity of
Patrolman Klingel In interfering with the
Innocent sport of Charles Hansen came
near costing the officer his star, when he
arrested Hansen Friday night. The pris
oner declared that he was on intimate
terms with Judge Bennett, Chief of Police
Cox and the police captains' and would
see that Klingel paid the penalty. Han
sen was arrested at Sixth and Stark
streets after he had been ejected from
the Hlppod.-ome Theater by Fireman
Harry Beck for making a disturbance.
Judge Bennett was forgetful yesterday
morning and fined his alleged old college
chum (15.
Rev. Mr. Heinmiller Speaks in Mon
mouth. Rev G. N. Heinmiller, of Cleve
land, who had been attending the Evan
gelical meeting held at Jennings Lodge
for the- past two weeks, spent a few
days in Portland and Friday made the
trip up the Columbia. Ho went yesterday
to Monmouth, where he will speak in the
afternoon. He will speak in Salem Sun
day night. He will return to Portland
Monday and speak In the First Gorman
Evangelical Church. Tenth and Clay
streets. He will then start for his home
In Cleveland, after having spent a month
on this Coast.
Teamster Delays Car. After he had
delayed streetcar traffic all the way from
the east end of the Burnside-street
bridge to Second street, John G. Crowley,
& teamster, was arrested by Patrolman
Leavens. The officer said that it was a
custom for the drivers to load all their
teams could pull and then keep to the
streetcar tracks. Several cars, loaded
with Impatient passengers, were delayed
by Crowley'a act. He was given a lecture
and oentence was continued during good
Diamond Rino Lost in Saloon. A
diamond ring was mysteriously lost In a
saloon on Couch street Friday night by
liugene Panchet and although everyone
In the place was searched, the ring was
not discovered. Panchet was showing
the ring to a friend when It dropped to
the floor. It could not be found again,
and Panchet called Sergeant Wanless. He
accused a man who had left the saloon
after the ring was dropped, but no ar
rests were made.
Gun Carrier Fined. Mike DeVanzo
wag carrying a big revolver when ha
was arrested Friday night by Patrolman
FTey, and was fined $25 for the offense
yesterday, beside having the gun con
fiscated. Gustavo Dominic, who waa with
DeVanxo. was fined $10 for being out
after hours.
O'NErii. Opening "Wednesday evening,
August 8. building formerly occupied by
Arlington Club, Alder and West Park.
Will serve special dinner, S3 plate, 6:30
to 9 P. M. Tables reserved on request, A.
la carte after 9 P. M. For reservations
address O'XellL 133 West Park,
New Pastor "Welcomed. A reception
was given to Rev. A. J. Adams, the new
pastor of the Kern -Park Christian
Church. In the Mount Scott district, Mon
day night in the church. Mr. Adams
comes well recommended, having had
wide experience on this Coast,
Oregon Citt River Trim.
Boat Ijeaves Tatixr Street,
Sundat 9 A. M-, 12 M., 3 P. M.
Show Tour Friend
The River. Round
Trip 46 Cents.
Brutal Driver Fined. Dan Lyttle
loaded more on his wagon than his horse
could pull and then whipped the beast
until great welts were raised on his sides.
The Incident was seen by Mounted Officer
West, who arrested Lyttle. He was fined
10 yesterday morning.
W Sbij. hair mattresses retail at
wholesale prices, for 30-pound beds from
V7J0 and up. We renovate mattresses
and return them the came dav. Portland
Curled Hnir Factory. H. Metzger. pro
prietor. Front st.. Main 474. A 1374.
C. C. Lasdt has purchased the Interest
of Jas Matre In the Van Matre-Landy
Auto Company business. Repairs of all
Kinds quickly made. e
Diamonds. Gems or the first water
only. C. Christensen. second floor Cor
bett building. Take elevator.
J10 Reward to transfer or expressman
who moved parties from 391 East Ninth
street. Phone Main 302. .
Swiss Watch Repairing. C. Chrtsten
nen. M floor Corbett bldg. Take elevator.
AT Richards' Sunday table d'hote din
ner tl per cover; 4 to 6:30 o'clock.
Wooster's great fruit store, 408 Wash.
Neighbors in Row. B. Cohen was the
defendant on a charge of using abusive
language, preferred in Police Court yes
terday by Mrs. H. Cohen, who is not a
relative. The trouble arose in the Mar
quam Gulch colony, because the children
of Mrs. Cohen were playing on the side
walk. An Italian woman of the neighbor
asked the court to make Mrs. Cohen
move out of the neighborhood, declaring
she was contentious and allowed her
children to play with matches, to the
great danger of property in the vicinity.
Judge Bennett warned the belligerents
that they must live together in peace or
go to Jail and the case was dismissed.
Striker Repeatedl.t in Court. For
tlie third time within a month, James
Blanchet, a striking teamster, was in
Police Court yesterday. . He is charge
this time with committing an assault
upon Special Officer Thompson, who was
guarding a dray. Police Sergeant Riley
testified, yesterday that he was called to
the scene of the assault after Thompson
had been rendered unconscious. He said
that Blanchet hid in a warehouse, where
Riley searched for him. Blanchet called
to Riley, saying that he would come" out.
He said he had hit the "special," but that
he would not touch a regular officer.
Further hearing went over.
Suffrage to Be Debated. Woman's
suffrage will be the subject of debate at
the monthly meeting of the Multnomah
County Women's Christian Temperance
Union, at Sellwood next Monday after
noon. Mrs. S. Alice Hanson and Mrs. M.
X Christian will lead the affirmative and
negative discussions respectively. Each
will have two colleagues. They promise
a serio humorous debate, eliminating the
stereotyped features that are usually
brought into play In these debates. The
meeting will start promptly at 10:30 A-M.
and in addition to the debate the pro
gramme provides for music and the trans
action of business.
Shots Cost $36. Declaring that he fired
three shots from his revolver at two men
who were robbing a third in front of his
place, at Second and Flanders streets.
Frank Olsey pleaded not guilty yesterday
In Police Court to a charge of carrying
concealed weapons. Patrolman Courtney
heard the shots and found Olsey attempt
ing to pass the weapon to his mother and
make his escape. He told Courtney that
he saw two men bending over an intoxi
cated man on the other Bide of the street
and went for his gun. When the men
ran he fired at them. Judge Bennett fined
Olsey J35.
J. C. Meehan to Lead Parable Cl.otj.
J. C. Meehan Is to lead the discussion at
the meeting of the Parable Club in the
lobby of the Young Men's Christian As
sociation building this afternoon at 3
o'clock. The subject will be "The Value
of Character." There will be a vocal solo
by E. F. McKee. The meeting is open
to all men.
Mrs. Built Ctxjk. of Portland or East
Portland, daughter of James Rogers, who
some years ago resided at Band on. Coos
County, is requested to communicate her
address to James Laidlaw, British Consul,
Portland, Or.
To Let. For two years, house of nine
rooms, completely furnished throughont;
most desirable location; rent, $126. R 162.
Swimming Taught, positive guarantee,
$5. Professor Rlngler. Portland Swimming
Baths, 167 Fourth.
Antique furniture for sale. H 161, Ore
gonlan. e
Business Property.
We ' have for sale a very choice piece
of business property on Hawthorne ave
nue near Bast Thirty-seventh. 76x100 feet,
with some Improvements. In all Eastern
cities business districts are springing tip
in the outlying sections. It takes large
sums of money to buy property in the
downtown district on the West Side.
When the Madison-street bridge- Is fin
ished, property on Hawthorne avenue
will jump In value. Take advantage of
the present low values; price $6000. For
further particulars apply to
Fourth and Oak streets. Portland, Or.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland restaurant. Fine private apart
xuents for ladles. 305 Wash., near blast.
A special 60c chicken dinner today at
Hall's restaurant, 330 Washington street.
Chicken dinner. Peerless Cafeteria, lot
Fifth, near Washington.
And Business Location.
We have for sale a quarter block on
Holladay avenue a short distance west
of Union avenue, especially desirable for
a garage. For price and terms Inquire of
Fourth and Oak streets. Portland, Or.
Ornate, beautifully cut and decorated
pipes of novel design, gold and silver
chased and carved; ptpes with covers
and nicotine receptacles; pipes of the
plain old-fashioned sort that will be a
friend to you at home or on your vaca
tion. Every imaginable kind and style
at reduced prices now. Sig Sichel &
Co., 93 Third, Third and Washington and
Wells-Fargo bldg.
Aune. Columbia Bldg.. Main, A lSSft.
Government Timber to Be Resold.
three-mile extension of the Oregon &
.y-vjr -srAnr rroMjm' ill
"ft-, si j i ii wmmmmmm an . in "... i. .
PeeHAea Are
Fp Ifle and Ripe aad 'JV.
f f AVere Now Making; Our t
I j Crushe'd Peach jj
Ice Cream jj
V I fa the Most Luscious oi fw
Ov. roaen dInti the way
S wetland makes tt jfjT
southwest corner East Morrison and
First st., with S. P. trackage, opposite
East Side depot; suitable for wholesale
and retail business. Will build for ten
ant on long lease at reasonable rental.
Will pay broker commission for tenant.
IS'o. 309 East Yamhill st, or
K 330 East Morris oat St.
Southeastern railroad from Its terminus
to the novirnmnt i t.t V. ....... .ill
probably be completed by September 1,
.wuwi iog smpments win us
made from that newly-opened section.
The Fir Lumber Company, of this city,
recently purchased 175,000,000 feet of
standing timber from the Government
and will construct a. mill of 100,000 feet
capacity In the reserve. Under the
agreement with the Government this
timber must be removed within five
years and realizing their Inability to
do this, at their own mills, the man
agers have arranged to supply other
mills along the Oregon & Southeastern
road and mills In Cottage Grove and
Home of Divorced 'Wife Chosen as
Place of Suicide.
HTLLSBORO, Or., luly 30. Thomas
Caudle, a laborer aged about 40 years,
committed suicide early this morning by
drinking carbolic acid. His wife had re
cently secured a divorce from him, and.
brooding over the matter is assigned as
the cause of the act.
Caudle had gone to the family residence
soon after, daylight, and there took the
poison. The former wife soon after found
him, and summoned help, but he was
beyond aid when a physician arrived. He
leaves a son about 12 years of age.
Magnlflcent location on Portland
Heights, close in and unobstructed view.
There are nearly 10 lots, which will af
ford ample room for a large structure,
and leave much space for attractive
grounds. There is no city in the United
States where there are better locations
for family apartment hotels. It would be
a paying proposition from the very start.
For particulars apply to
Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Or.
Bridegroom of Week Sues.
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 30. Sheriff
Elward Payette has returned from the
Qulnlault reservation, tired and cov
ered with dust and not In the best of
humor, as his mission had been unsuc
cessful. He made the motor-cycle trip
of many miles in order to serve papers
In the divorce suit brought by John
fegS& Diamond
10 Par Cent Interest Tear.
you et for your money than a. beau
tiful diamond T Better th&n a Kold
bond, because they will pay a larger
Interest. .
MONDS i expected within the next
ninety days, and the chances are It
will be 10 per cent or more,
MORE WE SELL, because the invest
ment is certainly a good one.
OUR WINDOWS are always full of
Diamond bar tains, all marked In
plain figures, and we have many
more Inside. .
OUR $50 to S150 DIAMONDS are
beauties, full of sparkle and extra
fine color.
OUR 200 to $1000 stones are the
ery pick of gems, steel blue, abso
lutely perfect, the kind that advance
In price about twice a. year.
$10 to $50 wtU give you choice of
1O0 rings to pick from, extra ftne
We have two diamond experts and
can reset your diamonds on short
notice, as we carry a very complete
line of settings.
Tiffany ring mountings from $1.60
up: ear rings from $3.50 up; scarf
pins $2 and up; brooch mountings
from $5 up.
we fee! sure we can please you, as
we carry one of the largest stocks of
loose diamonds In the city.
Remember the place, the large
Jewelry store.
Shale against his bride of a week, bat
was unable to find the defendant.
Shale, an Indian, married Annie John
son, a girl of 17, at a double wedding
when his wife had been dead but a
week. It took him but a few days to
decide that she was too extravagant to
suit his pocketbook, so he decided upon
a divorce. Mrs. Shale had cone with a
party of relatives on a blackberrylng expedition.
Consul-Oensral Arnold Sbsnklln. of Max
loo City, states that tha estimated produc
tion of sugar In Mexico for the 1809-10 sea
son is 160.000 tons, against 143.000 in
10OS-O; 123,000 in 1907-8, and 75,000 In 1898-1900.
Olds -Wortman-Ring
Gr 1 O C 17
Delicatessen, and Bakery
Departments Floor
Our pure food section, largest, most up-to-date, best equipped depart
ment in the West. Nothing but choice foodstuffs will be sold. The
newest refrigerated delicatessen. An ideal department, carrying all
.the finest imported and domestic goods, such as genuine Westphalia
Hams, German and Italian Sausages, Cheese, etc. Everything kept in
sanitary glass cases, assuring to patrons absolute purity and cleanli
ness. You will find here at all times the best goods at the lowest
prices. We want our customers to be satisfied and will willingly re
place any article which does not prove satisfactory. We aim to give
you prompt service, a long-felt want in this community.
We Are Agents for
Jackson's Napa Soap, Queen Lil Pineapples, Dr. Mack's Purest Olive
Oils, Bnrnham & Morrell's Jellycon, Ankers Bouillon CapsoIesTHunt
Bros.' Supreme Pruila the best goods packed in the world. Maspero
Italian Oils, Benito Macaroni, and many other articles of merit.
Our BaKery
This department cannot be excelled. The finest of French Pastries,
Cakes, etc, to meet the requirements of the epicure. Orders for wed
dings, parties, etc., will receive very prompt and careful attention.
See Demonstrations
Demonstrations of Burnett's Extracts and cooking by Miss Crowley, one
of America's foremost dessert and cake exponents. Demonstration of
Jellycon, Hunt's Supreme Fruit,' Ankers' Bouillon Capsules, Chris
Hansen's Junket and Junket Buttermilk, Delft's Peanut Oil, Crescent
Baking Powder, Lipton 's Tea, M. J. B. Coffee, German-American Cof
fee, Pacific Coast Biscuits;. Kaola, the new product that replaces
butter and lard.. We have a full line of Cresea imported delicacies.
One visit to our large, light, airy place, the only one of its kind in
Portland, will convince you that it is the only place to trade. Abso
lutely true weights. You get what you pay for. Dept. fourth floor.
Pacific Phone Priv. Exchange 12
Ask for Trunk 29, 30 or 31.
Home Phone A 6231.
Ask for Trunk 24 or 25.
The Meier (S Frank Store's
Pure Food' Grocery
The Meier & Frank pure food grocery department has recently been
enlarged and several necessary new departments been addecL The NEW
DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT is fast winning JavorbecanBeof the
quality of the articles offered and the low prices which prevail. The
CRACKER DEPARTMENT has been enlarged and we now carry the
most complete line of cookies and crackers in the city. NOTE PRICES:
Dr. Johnson's Wafers, 2-pound boxes, reg. 50c, introduction price 45
Heinz Sweet Girkins, quart, 3Q N. Y. Snappy Cm Cheese, lb. 2S
Heinz Chow Chow, sp'l., qt., 30 Plain Queen Olives, quart at 45?
Heinz Dill Pickles, spl., doz. 35 Stuffed Green Olives, quart, 38?
Heinz Sweet Mixed, sp'l.. qt., 3Q Roast Beef, special, pound, 38i
Heinz Sour Girkins, sp'l., qt., 3Q Roast Teal, special, the lb., 38 1?
Eagle Milk, special, can, 15c: doz- Country Club .Milk, special, can,
en, $1.75; case, special at $6.QO 9c; dozen, $1.00, case at $3.8o
Catsup, regular 25c, special, bottle, Mild Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, spe-
21c; dozen on special sale, $2.40 . cial at low price of, pound, 21
Granulated Sugar, 17 lbs. $1.QQ Little Picnic Hams, sp'l., lb., 17
Imported Roquefort Cheese, resru-. I E. & S. Olive Oil, at these prices:
lar 55c the pound, special at 49 Pints at 46? Half pints, 23
Salad Oil, regularly 30c the quart, I Royal Baking Powder, 1-lb. boxes,
on special sale at, the quart, 27? I on special sale at low price of 39
Call Exchange 4 or A 6101
Prompt and Careful Attention to All Phone Orders
Final "'Clean-Up -'
.Men's and Boys' Fancy
ummer - Weight Suits
1 TO) . 6
Men's Suits
$40.00 Suits now ...S20.00
$35.00 Suits npw if 17.50
$30.00 Suits now..............$15.00
$25.00 Suits now $12.50
$20.00 Suits now..., $10.00
$18.00 Suits now S9.00
$15.00 Suits now $7.50
Young Men's Suits
$30.00 Suits now. .r.-. . . S15.00
$25.00 Suits now... ,.T.r... $12.50
$20.00 Suits now. . . .,. .. ..$10.00
$15.00 Suits now..,....-..-.-.,. $7.50
$10.00 Suits now $5.00
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits 2 Price
$15.00 Knickerbocker Suits now. .. . . .$7.50
$14.00 Knickerbocker Suits now. . ,.,.T.,. .: $7.00
$12.50 Knickerbocker Suits now, .r.,...,.,.-..,.,.,. .?6.25
$11.00 Knickerbocker Suits now. .....r.-. ... .$5.50
$10.00 -Knickerbocker Suits now .- .$5.00
$8.00 Knickerbocker Suits now ,.. .,.....,.-..,.-.. .$4.00
$7.00 Knickerbocker Suits now ..,. . .,..,..,.-. .-.,..$3.50
$6.00 Knickerbocker Suits now.. $3.00
$5.00 Knickerbocker Suits now. ....... . . . . . .r.-. . .-. . .$2.50
Abner Cutler, founder of The Cutler Desk Co., invented the
Boll-Top Desk, in ' 1872, and ever since then Cutlers have, con
tinued making solid-wood desks. One by one, other manufac
turers have dropped constructing solid desks, and substituted
"veneered," because of the advance in cost of high-grade mate
rial, until Cutlers now stand alone. In spite of no competition,
Cutler's solid desks are no higher in price than "veneered." Ten
years from today, the CUTLER desk you buy now, will be worth
more money, because it is SOLID and select material is steadily
advancing in price.
The Main Points of Excellence That Distinguish a
CUTLER DESK are as Follows:
A construction of solid wood including dove-tail glue-joints, tenons, distribution of weight, etc.,
that withstands great severities of transportation and climate in all parts of the world ; a Cutler
Desk is always in service, and increases in money value.
A harmony of proportion that delights the owner every day of his life.
A drawer-structure based on scientific principles; year in and year out every drawer responds as
if alive. t
A locking device that cannot be improved for simplicity and strength.
A big, symmetrical pigeonhole case that is held entirely off the writing bed; every inch of valu
able working space is thus made available.
A flexible curtain that works with silken smoothness, wears like iron and looks handsome always :
this is equally true of all sizes.
A finish composed of the finest material and labor; it is always clear, hard and smooth; it stands
perfectly many extremes of temperature.
In brief, Cutler construction and workmanship throughout is the highest expression of common
sense and ingenuity. -
Fifth and Oak Streets
X Ensrineerm, F-onndnrm,
Machinists and Boilermakers.
Bulletins' sutd Structural Wsrv.
. ' WE DUKE .
Fire Hydrants, Jjo Hauls. Cast
Gears. Hydra site Giants. Water
Gates. Lumber Tracks. Etc
Geary Street, a bo to Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
European Plan SI. 60 a day tip
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Hrw steel and brick structure. Furnisiied at
cost ot $200,000. Etstt comfort and con
venience. On esrltnes transferring ail over
city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers.
Send tor Booklet with map of San Francises
id EffiVient gmlgi
Strictly Professional.
Writs for information
Y. . Wllld as A Co., formerly of
Evuu. Wilkin Co.
47 Manser Bin. Waehlaatoa. D. C
Exclusive Opticians
and give our entire time to the fitting
and grinding of lenses. No extra
charge for our scientific examination,
and our prices are as low as you will
find any place, where they maintain
a high grade of work. Established
in Portland since 1896.
31S-X18 FA1U5G BLDG,
Cor. Third and Wsshtnsrton Streets.
Second Floor. Take Elevator.
No More
Tender, Achlnsr,
Swollen and
Inflamed Feet.
Does the Work.
A sure Cure for
Sort Corns.
Directions Box.
Price 25 Cents.
At All rM-nssists or By Mail. Address Dr.
O. O. Fletcher, Alisky Bide-., XVrtlasd. Or.
North Pacific College
Unnzrpftssed In Equipment and . Advaat&stM
The Regular Sessions Becla
Monday, October 3, 1810
The collese t locatsd near the heart of
the city, convenient to libraries, clubs, larye ,
business houses and public bull dines, which
contribute so much to the life o the stu- i
For Information and catalog ae of either
coarse address (
Portland. Oreren.
Normal Training School L
Prepares Teachers for 1
Kindergarten and Primary
Address Mia a Elisabeth K. Matthews,
Oa-lc Grove. Oregon.
LJrt School of Music on the Paeifl's
Coast. Faculty of 2o. hadd by George
Krufer, the Eminent pianist.
Sixty tree and partial Scholarships to be
awarded in July.
Catalogue sent on request. 14? Presidio
San Francisco. Cal.
Hoarding and Day School for Girls. Thtrty-
flrst year opens August 1.
Accredited by California and Eastern Col
leges. Commercial and Shorthand Courses;
XKmestic Science. Music. Art. tc
Catalogue Sent on Request.
147 Presidio ave., 6 an Francisco. Cal. '