ORTXAND, JVT.Y 31, 1910. tfLatr risoini9 -TFeiraftSv West Psiiplfc sunidl Aldleir Sttc Gathering of the "Worlcdl's Best Pirodhuicts 1 ? , : : fmt First Page of split TKis Worthy Enterprise Makes for a Greater Portlan Jthe world's best products 1 Store an-King Store" will be er be closed to strangers to buy. All the people re, to go from floor to ce themselves at home on on their part to buy.- Lblishment are especially e thi3 store for so many 11 it the "useful store. of many conveniences i at a great expense we foublic have been in vain IQO Calling Cards $1.25 Values for 25c Reg$18.50 Linen Very finest quality vellum' or linen finish Cards, prac tically given away tomorrow. . Don't fail to leave your order, as we never expect to make such an offer again. 100 visiting or calling cards printed to order hi any sizejor style type. Regular price, per hundred, OCm $1.25; special tomorrow at the low price of''' Mail orders will be received if the letter is mailed Monday. Send 5c extra to pay postage. Order now. Fine Hair Goods Manicur'g, Massage We call your special attention to our hair goods depart ment, which is strictly modern and hygienic, in every respect. Hair-dressing, electrolysis, facial massage, scalp treatment, hand and arm molding, hair-weaving, dyeing and bleaching, manicuring, etc., all at very mod erate prices. This department is in charge of Madame Hudson, with very competent and courteous assistants, graduates of Eastern schools, so that we are prepared to please all who come. A very complete line of hair goods of all kinds, offered at most reasonable prices. $4 Handbag' $2g 300 Ladies' Handbags in good quality goat, seal and walrus leathers with gunmetal, oxidized and gilt 'trimming, fitted with coin purse. Good strap handles. Regular value to f O f C to $4.00, specially marked at, each J)0O 15c White Goods 9c 35c Ginghams at 2Qc SO Lingerie Dresses for Coats Special We wish to. direct your attention o a large and diversified assortment of Women's Lingerie Presses, Which we moved from the other store and want to close out at once. The collection consists of dainty lawns, multa or batistes, trimmed in Valenciennes, English plouen, St. QalL hand made Irish laces, or daintily embroidered designs. In knee flounce and tunic effects. Some are tucked or plaited in a pleasing way, others are of all over embroidery. In all the collection is extremely good. Well deserv ing of your inspection and consideration. Values to $28.50 shown in Portland's most When you call on us tomorrow, don't fail to visit the domestic ' 5SfJ section. verytningGQDri uvic r. xxx ire x4i x coiu oess and the opening bargains will make it worth your while. The department - is beaut if ul, and the merchandise more so. Capacity more than double what it was before. 10,000 yards white goods, domestics and nain sooks, for making all kinds of children's dresses, wom en's aprons, waists. The patterns are both striped and checked; actual 15c Values, tomorrow only at GINGHAMU-Nearly every woman knows the superior ity of the famous Anderson Scotch ginghams. ' We will show 150 new styles tomorrow. Regular 35Oflf values, on special sale at low price of, the yard "C GALATEA, the real English cloth, warranted not to fade; the best-wearing fabric for outing skirts, dresses, waists,-men's shirts, etc.; 50 new patterns; O, regular 40c quality, at low price of, the yard"1"' LINEN WEFT SUITINGS, all the new color- 1Q. ings; very popular for Summer; 25o values, yd. -aft COTTON SUITINGS, in the diagonals and poplin Mignon, all colors, in the real 30c quality; very Oflf special tomorrow at the low price of, yard Reg'. $1 .Linen Scarfs Spc'l 67c In the beautiful art store, second floor, an inauguration sale of Linen Scarfs, edged with German Cluny lace and inset, with insertion to match. Size 18x54 inches. Regular $1.50 values, onQQ special sale at low price of, each And our regular $1 values, size (t'7g 18x45, special for tomorrow, ea. " 35c NewWash Goods 20,000 Yds. 4V3C Yd. Our buyers made a great clean-up of 20,000 yards of assorted wash goods in batistes and lawns, all the job ber had on hand. The patterns are new, neatly printed in very pleasing colors and designs. Fabrics in this lot suitable for almost any purpose where wash goods can be used. Inauguration price, yard " C 3.5c Framed Pictures 15c 85c Framed Pictures 4Qc In order to bring our picture department before the public in a forcible way we will offer for tomorrow a lot of fine subjects in landscapes, marines, etc., framed in one-inch gilt frames. Size 7 by 15. inches. tS Actual 35c values, Inauguration sale price, ea. AiJC LOT 2 A large "and varied assortment of framed Pic tures with 2-inch veneer frames, size 12x20 ins. Q. All good, popular subjects; values to .85c, for"'C Showing New SilKs Dress Goods, Etc. . , . In the dress goods section, main aisle, Tenth-street en trance, we will show tomorrow the new Fall Brpadcloths in all the proper shades. Rough effects, in boucles, homespuns, cheviots, etc., in all the new color combina tions. New silks in Persian and Dresden stripes, jae quards, etc. Kimono silks in the newest and best as sortment of patterns ever shown in Portland; see them. $8.95 consideration, vames to -aza.ou q beautiful garment salon; special ho.73 LINEN COATS A lot of 150 very new and attractive styles in heavy or fine weave linens. Fancy trimmed or plain tailored styles, semi-fitting, full length. Just the coat for traveling, for outing or street wear. A complete line of sizes ; values to $18.50 ; shown tomorrow in tf ry fr our beautiful garment section, second floor, at this low price tboU Wash SKirts at Half New Slimorkos $15Q Midsummer cleanup of all Wash Skirts.-. All that was bought for the new store, as well as those moved over. Summer skirts were never half so stylish and smart aa they are this season and popular, too Our buyer to $18.50. has picked out the best styles of them all; priced them from $2.00 Tomorrow we cut the price special to exactly one-half V2 KIMONOS Just received a splendid new line of long Crepe Kimono8t in the very newest and most popular patterns', cut full in the skirt, shirred in at the waist line, ribbon trimmed; special S1.59 $2.75 Avito Scarfs at $1.67 p5c Wash Belts Special lQc Kerchiefs 19c Women's fine quality white Kerchiefs, with neat embroidered corners- and hem stitched edges; very good values 1Q. to 35c; special for tomorrow, each OurRegttlar $1.25 Stationery for Q5c In our exclusive stationery store, first floor. Just to get you to drop around that way, we will place on sale 250 boxes of "Chantecler' Stationery in Coxcomb and Rising Sun shades; 24 sheets of paper and 25 envelopes to a box. CCp Regular $L25 values, tomorrow VJt OtirRegilar$11.5Q Andirons at $9.75 Builders and housefurnishers take notice. We are selling very nice patterns in Andirons. Regular $4.75 values for $3.95 and regular $11.50 values, CQ ,7' very special tomorrow, pair P Kitchen Goods Fine Screens, special at, each, $2.95 Nickel-plated Tea Kettles, each, Sl.OO Guaranteed Electric Irons, sale, $4.50 Toilet Paper Holders, special, ea., 13 - Whisk Brooms, on special sale, ea., 12 Pint Mason Fruit Jars, the dozen, 50 Quart Mason Fruit Jars, dozen; 55 Half-gallon Mason Jars, the dozen, 75 Regular $1.65 Steel Waste Baskets 95 3 V Sect'n Square Deal House It will be the policy of this store to give the highest standard of merchandise at the lowest level of prices at all times. Not how cheap, but how good; and no sale will be considered complete until the purchaser is satisfied. We have launched a . big, proposition, which will grow from its very birth, but not without the full confidence of all the people. We believe in the merchandise we are handling and know full well that honest goods can be handed out to honest people by honest methods. Believe in us. Depend upon us. We will never disappoint you. See Grocery Ad., Sec 3, Page 9 Cheshire $ 3 H at s John B. Stetson Hats Men now-a-days are just aB particular about their hats aa women. We know it; that's, why we will feature John B. Stetson and Cheshire hats. The Stetson is the old standby; every man knows of its superior wearing qualities. They are always shown in all the new blocks. THE CHESHIRE will be featured aa our leading popular price hat. We looked through all the good lines before we decided npon this make. Besides, our hat department manager has had experience with the hat, having handled it in other large cities, and he believes it the best hat that can be bought in the market at the special low price of only. jPOvfyJ $25 Linen Suits $9. 45 f$ 4 I i ""WWllm ' 1 $4.50 Dresses at $2.75 Our second floor is a great apparel store for women, beautiful in its appointments with all the niceties of dress. You will find here at all times the smartest gowns, exquisite dresses, neatly tailored suits, etc., at prices lower than you will expect. TOMORROW we will place on sale 250 Linen Suits in all the popular weaves, plain tailored styles, shawl collars, faced and neatly trimmed, also plain tailored notched 1 A . i 1 i 1 1 1 1a. - A collars, mere will De a cnoice une oi coxors, such aa wane, natural f AT gray, pink, blue, brown, etc. Values to $25.00; special price at only biy,45 DRESSES for the street or for house wear. Made up in neat new styles. Also the popular one-piece middy suit, with sailor collars, white, trimmed in blue, and the new button all down the front, dresses that slip on like a coat. Values to $4.50; special for this sale at the very low price of only S2.75 Regular $12.5Q Shirtwaists at $4-45 500 Wash Waists in lawns, mulls, batiste and linen materials, in lingerie and tail ored styles. Trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucked or plaited ac- cording to' the latest vogue. Values to $12.50, specially priced for tomorrow's selling at $4.45 ewing L timely sale of Atito Scarfs, just at the season of the year -when yon need one most. lade of pood quality chitfou, 2. yards long and 1 yard wide. They come in pink. yrtie, old rose, navy, champagne and many other -wanted colors. Best CI f57 gular $2.75 values, very special for the Inauguration Sale at low price of P V rrASH BELTS in a larere and varied assortment of neat embroidered patterns, 1Q tted vith neat riearl hnrklesi regular values to verv snepial "for. earth Bl.OO Neckwear for 37c p5c Neckwear Special 25c big showing of Women's Fancy Neck- ear, all fresh new stock, only in the house few days. It was bought for the ne-w pre, but when it arrived was opened up Jnd shown in the old store. The styles are pi the best. Dutch collars in lace or lawn. hutch Collars with Jabots attached, Jabots bid Stocks in a large assortment of atterns; reg. 35o values, special QC NOTHER LOT of popular styles in Dutch ollars, Jabots, Rabats, Cascades, Stocks, yc; all styles and patterns; a splendid as rtment throughout and one you should ike advantage of. Some soiled from hav g been on display. Regular values pm i $1.00, specially priced at, each J C Sold on Club Plan of $l.QO aWeeh ' Our club offer precents an opportunity for anyone, no matter what their circumstances, to own oneof the best Sewing Machines made. We deliver the machine assoon as the membership fee has been paid, and you may begin using it at once. No extra charge is made for the privi lege of paying on the club plan. Our club is growing very rapidly. Join Our Clvtb Tomorrow Don't Put it Off THE "FAVORITE" has hardened bearings, a flat tension, needlebar take-up, self-setting needles, a large bobbin, self-threading shuttle, a belt retainer, automatic bobbin winder and an instruc tion book that is easily understood. Club plan price is $18.00 THE OLDS-WORTMAN-KING IMPROVED has proven its reliability Wi by years of service, doing all classes of work easily and satisfactorily, which commends it to all who desire a high-class ma- $26.00 chine. Sold on the club plan for this very low price THE "STANDARD VIBRATOR" contains in perfect form all improve- tU A3. VL. otKI i a JlA ments heretofore used in all other high-grade machines, and has many valuable features of its own. It is the most advanced AnnVA type of long-shuttle machine yet produced. Club price 3)OZDU STANDARD ROTARY, two machines in one; never stops when the machine is in operation. Old-style shuttles start and stop twice and travel eight inches to each stitch. The Standard (h a r f f Rotary revolves continuously without vibration or noise. The club plan price is only PttJV vl STANDARD ROTARY CABINET, a single door cabinet with automatic lift; elegantdesign, unique! small, compact dimensions, 30y2 inches high, 22 inches wide, 17 inches deep. This machine has all the superior qualities that distinguished the regular standard Rotary. .And the added advantage of a handsome case that ia an ornament to any home. The club plan price is S50.00 Infartts,-CHilcren, s Reg $1.25 Shoes 89c Pair Practically all the shoes which we moved", will be entirely closed out while we are getting settled. Don't want them. in the new store, be cause there is a complete new stock here. to take their place. Here's & line of infants' and children's' Ankle Ties in good quality pst-CQ ent, tan or kid stock; worth $U25; special to close out, pairC Regfril'r $6 Ox for ds Sale $3.19 When we moved our shoe stock we sorted out a few hundred pairs of odds "and ends in women's oxfords which, when sold, will leave the stock in fine shape, with everything practically new. Blacks or tan in a good range of, sizes, splendid values to $6.00 a pair. To effect a complete clean-up flJO 1Q priced at, the pr. ?- A Regular $Q.5Q Go- Carts at $7.45 EacK One-motion . Collapsible Go-Cart, - all-steel" frame . and steel wheels, with rubber tires ; 3-bow folding top. Foot rest can be raised or lowered. Padded seat and back. Reg. (J"!" - A r $9.50 values. Priced specially for tomorrow at J .ff-O