The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 31, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 6, Image 34

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See Special
i .
First Page of
Sect'n .-Vs
Three t jt
B--rr -i iSH 4a r"T. -i-sa SktTI J ji 'M h i'J.i I rps?2 3 S5Uii : trier
' " " lmm iiiiBI IJ VP JWTWTTT nil Piirn77i.;.M,f, " ' 1
TBue Opeimiini of TFIhiis Orsiinidl New Store
Means Mvich to the People of Oregon arid Washing'ton
Store for the People
This gtore as it stands is the best-equipped establishment in all
the Great West. The Ventilating Plant furnishes pure air. The
Heating Plant keeps temperature even. The Elevators are the
safest known. The Package Chutes assure quick delivery. The '
Cash Service is the quickest known. The Credit System is a great
advantage. The Assembly Hall is for the public. The Rest
.Rooms are at your disposal. The Lavatories are for all the peo-'
pie. The Emergency Hospital is for public use. The Nursery
Room is for the little tots. The Children's Playground is for all.
The Accommodation Dept. is for your use. The Tea Room i3
finest we have seen. The Soda Fountain is best on the Coast.
See Grocery Ad., Sec. 3, Page 9
$1.75 SilK Gloves 98c
75c Chamoisette 39c
16-button length Silk Gloves, in black, grays, green and
champagne. The very popular glove to wear QQ
with short-sleeve waists. Values to $1.75, pairOC
CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, in very fine quality, nat
ural, gray and white colors; also fine Silk OQ
Gloves, black, olive, blues, reds; vals. to 75c, pr. OSC
50c Lisle Hose 27c
$3 SilK Hose $1.29
The ' ' come again ' idea will be uppermost in our minds.
we will try hard to please you, so that you will not only
. return yourself, but will bring others with you. Tomor
row we will offer women's embroidered lisle and lace
boot Hose in' black, navy, light blue, pink, champagne
and green; good 50c values; Summer weights, O ""V
whieh must now be closed out; special, the pail" C
SILK HOSE Pure thread Silk, in hand-embroidered
designs ; colors, black, navy, pink and white. Q "1 QQ
Regular $3.00 values, for tomorrow, pair P
$25 Long Pants Suits $15.35
$2Q Long Pants Suits $ 1 2. 85
Take a little time to look over this new department; it's
worth it. We want you to see these tine serges, cash
meres, worsteds, tweeds, velours, etc. ; medium and light
weignts ; bougnt with the expectation or Cj 1 C Q C
opening on July 1st; $25.00 values, now at P J O
Youths' long pants Suits of fine serges, cashmeres.
tweeds, worsteds,' etc. Ages 14 to 21 years, or 31 to 38
chest measures. All the newest cuts, dip front coats,
peg top pants, etc.; real classy stun tor (PI O or
young fellows who care ; actual $20 values P OO
Our Birthday CaRe
Largest Ever B a Keel
And BaKed in Our Own Oven
We want your judgment on the size and quality of this
Cake. Made of Crescenf Baking Powder, the peer of
the best of them. On display in window. Don't miss it.
CrescentBaKing Powder
The sole purpose of Baking Powder is to raise the dough
therefore the kind that does it in the most effective
manner is the best. We want you to see this great cake
because it demonstrates clearly the superior qualities
bf Crescent Baking Powder. There are other reasons
why you should see it. Ask about it when in the store,
75c Embroider's 35c
$3lg Flcmncings $lgg
Picture in your mind such dainty embroidery flouncings
in 27-inch widths as you would like for your Summer
wear; the work done on good swiss and nainsook ma
terials, the embroidering clear and fine. You will find
it just a little better than you expect in this C 1 iCk
lot of values to $3.50; inauguration price P0
EDGES AND INSERTIONS in a large assortment of
beautiful patterns ; widths up to 18 inches ; swiss, nain
sook and cambric materials; excellent values QCp
to 75c; very special at the low price of, yard'''
45c Ribbons 29 c Yd.
Hair Bow Ribbons 25c
This great lot of over 5000 yards of Ribbon in plain
taffeta, satin taffeta and Dresdens, moved from the
other' store, must be closed out. Widths up to 5V
inches, in all colors; our best regular 45c val-OQ
ues, on special sale at low price of, the yard"1
ANOTHER LOT comprises a large shipment of Hair
Bow Ribbons in a good quality of taffeta, 5V inches
wide;. a complete line of colors, bought at a very spe
cial price f or - our opening sale; 40o values, OC
offered for tomorrow at the special price, yard1"
$2.25 Doz. Val. Lace 89c
$4.QO Alio vers at $1.89
Valenciennes Laces, . Edges and Insertions to match ;
widths up to- IV2 inches; beautiful patterns, QQ
worth $2.25 dszen,- on special 6ale at, the dozen OSC
ALLOVERS . in Venise and net effects ; C 1 QQ
regular values to $4.00; special price, yard P O'
Oir ITirst Great Sale of
, - i .
Men's Fine ClotKing
New $35 Suits $18
New $25 Siiits:.$16ig
New $2Q Sviits $1S
For the first time vre announce -with untold pleasure a special sale of
Men's Fine Suits. And won't it be a comfort and satisfaction to you
to know that every one is new? And such a pleasure, too, to trade in a'
beautiful, new department, with all the modern equipments and con-.
veniences. .. We want you to come to this sale, whether "you intend to
buy or not. We want you to see the new store. Come, get acquainted.
Expecting to have our new store in operation July 1, our clothing
buyer bought a limited amount of medium and light-weight suits. The
same arrived in due time, but as we had no room to handle it in our
old store were obliged to hold it for the opening sale at the new place.
The lines are snappy full of character. Suits are full lined, coats,
pants and vests.. Very exceptional values are to be found in these lots.
v' j
3y.iA LP It
tfi iP
3KIA !lB u
Lot 1 Plain blue and fancy serges, cashmeres, tweeds, velonr3,
worsteds., etc., in all the new wanted patterns, hairline stripes, checks
and invisible designs, regular $30.00 and $35.00
values, but to introduce this new department are only
Lot 2 Men's Suits in a strong array of light weights and medium
weights. The sizes run from 36 to 42, including stouts. Patterns and
cloths very similar to the above. Suits which we in
tended to sell at $25.00, are marked at special price
Lot 3 Novelty worsteds, cashmere, etc., in the, very newest, light and
medium dark patterns; sizes
36 to 42. $20
values f o
Boys' $5 Siiits $3.69
Boys' $4 Suits $2.98
Our boys' clothing department will stand with
out a parallel. A visit will convince you that
we are fully justified in making this broad as
sertion. In every way the department will be
romplete. Better styles, better fabrics, newer
patterns will be shown than at any other store.
Tomorrow we place on sale two special lines
which were bought at very special prices for .
this opening sale. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits,
double-breasted or Norfolk styles, fully lined
trousers, reinforced taped seams; fancy worst
eds, tweeds, cashmeres, etc., in all the newest
patterns, for boys from 6 to 17 years of age.
All-wool materials, valnes to $4. sp'l., g 298
All-wool materials, values to $5, sp'L, S3. 69
Wash Sxits
$5 Vals. $2.69
Boys' $3 Suits $1.49
In this attractive department will be shown an attractive line
of Boys' Wash Suits, ages two and one-half to eight years, in
the Russian blouse and Buster styles. These are all new and
up-to-date patterns in the very best of washable materials.
VALUES TO $5.00, for S3.69VALUES TO $3.00, for $1.49
$1 Hair BrvisH 69c
25c Hair Comb lOc
Hair Brushes, made of extra stiff, pene
trating Siberian bristles. Dirt does not
cling to them. They are germ-proof and
waterproof. Strictly sanitary. Every
brush guaranteed. Regular $1.00 CQ
values, special inauguration sale
DRESSING COMBS, in the ivory, amber,
shell or black, part fine arid part coarse
or all" coarse; The unbreakable variety
of rubber or celluloid combs. Different
shapes. Fully 1000 in the lot. "f "
Regular 25c values, special for'."
15c Hair Pins at 9c
lOc Toilet Soap 7c
Hair Pins, put up in cabinets, 12 differ
ent sizes and , shapes, in straight or
crimped wire hair pins, japanned. Q
Our 15c values, for this sale at
TOILET SOAPS -The drug sundry store
offers a very high grade of toilet Soaps,
oval cakes, delicately scented, in violet,
carnation, rose, sandalwood, helio- 7f
trope or lilac; regular 10c quality .
Pyrog'raphy Pes
15c, and 35c Each
In the new picture department, 4th floor,
a complete showing of finished burnt
wood pieces of all kinds. By all means
take the elevator jto this floor and see
wood match safes, finished in many
beautiful pyrography designs. 1 C.'
Offered special for tomorrow at AJ4
BURNT WOOD BOXES in a large as
sortment of designs, for gloves, handker
chiefs, etc.; sizes 2x3x10 inches; OC
on special sale at the low price of
$2.5Q Velocipedes $2
All metal, heavily enameled in black,
with fine nickel-plated trim- JJO ffl
mings; $2.50 values for, ea. PyU
SWINGS for children, complete : w i t h
rope and high-back seat ; special, 35
The Us
The new "Greater Olt
an ever-changing exhiq
of all kinds. The dooJ
or to visitors, who do J
are welcome to see thia
floor, to ask questions
without any thought o
Many features of this j
for leisure people. Yo
purposes that we migh
If yon do not take ad
which we have prepare!
will feel that efforts tcf
at $25,000 Sale o
New Ostrieh Plume
a r.
$10.00 Valties $5.3
$12.00 Values $7.Q
$10.50 Values $9.
iff .- r -x t - i
$19.00 Valxes$12.Q
$22.50 Valties $15.9
Our millinery buyer an expert on fe
ers now in New York, with his two
"St if
sis tan ts, sends us for the opening salq
his beautiful department, an enormous
of high-grade Ostrich Goods, which
picked np in the market at a very ad
tageoua price. They just arrived by
press and are the most beautiful lot
have ever shown. They are the chq
male stock variety of "Willows," v
full bodies and large, gracefully droopj
Jin C-
heads, which bespeak the proud attit
of the bird from which they w
plucked. . The rich lustrous color,
perfect knotting of the flues, are imp
tant points in the producing of a pen
Willow Plume. Moderate-priced feath
which will transform the plainest
shape into an artistic creation are off e
to you tomorrow at great savings pri
$9 Oriental Couch Covers $6.85
$3 Curt'ns $1.75 $50 Portieres $37
An extensive assortment of colors, rose, burnt, ere
green, old blue, ceil, navy, red, brown, coral, CQ Q
black, white, purple, etc. Values to $16.50 P'M
VERY CHOICE male stock - "Willow Plumes, in bl;
white, black and white aud all the very C " O
Values to $12.00 ; very special' at low price of newest shades; high grade stock; at, eaoliK
Women's 35c Vests at 21
Plumes for the masses. . Very good quality of willows, in
black, white and all wanted colors; regular I C QC
values np to $10.00. on sale at low price of . P''
ANOTHER LOT of black, white and colors, in choici
male slock, securely knotted willow plumes. m7 QC
We will be prepared to meet the demands
of all who may call for Curtains, Draperies,
Portieres, Couch Covers, etc. Your special
attention is directed to a line of Oriental
Couch Covers in very good heavy quality
tapestry. A broad range of patterns in
rich colorings will be shown. CC QC
Resrular $9.00 values, special at PvJ0-
quality, plain centers with small, neat bor
ders ; also fancy scroll centers ; full 42
inches wide and 2yz yards long. C1
Regular $3 values, special, pr.
PORTIERES Very rich colorings in the
heavy French velours, floral and Oriental
designs; very high grade; $50 QH
values, special price, the pair P-
AUTO ROBES and Steamer Robes, all the
popular Scotch plaids, tine quality wool, in
heavy and light weight, at $7.50 to 24
heavy borders and fancy scroll cen
ters, also neat, simple borders with
plain net centers; -50 different pat
terns, in white, ecru and ivory colors.
Regular 5.00 valnes, pair, $ 2.1)5
Regular $ 6.00 values, pair, S 3.95
Regular $ 7.50 values, pair, S 4.75
Regular $ 9.50 values, pair, S 5.50
Regular $13.50 values, pair, S 8.00
Regular $13.50 values, pair, SIO.75
$1.35 Union Suits for 89
Lot 1 Women's Low-Neck Sleeveless Vests, good quality lisle or cotton; 1
trimmed or plain edge. A lot brought over from the old store, to be
closed out, at once. Regular 35c values, very special tomorrow at
Lot 2 Women's High-Neck, Long-Sleeve Vests, also Knee-Length Tigh
best French net, with pretty linen lace
edge and insertion to match; come in
ecru and white; at these low prices:
Regular $4.50 valnes, at, pair, ig2.95
Regular $6.00 values at, pair, $3.95
Regular $7.50 values, at, pair, $4.75
Regular $8.00 values, at, pair, $5.5Q
Regular $9.00 values, at, pair, $6.25
Imported colored Madras Curtains
in handsome floral and Oriental ef
fects; very rich colorings, for hall,
library, dining-room ' or side cur
tains, on sale at these low prices:
$ 5.00 values, for, pair, $ 2.95
$ 6.50 values, for, pair, $ 3.50
$10.50 values, for, pair, $ 6.75
$18.00 values, for, pair, $11.00
$20.00 values, for, pair, $12.00
White Battenberg Lace Curtains, hand-made lace, on double-thread net; new, artistic designs: narrow, wide borders.
$ 5.00 values for $ 3.25 $ 550 values for $ 3.65 $ 6.00 values for $ 3.95 $ 7.50 values for $ .4.95
$ 9.00 values for S 5.95 $10.00 values for $ 6.50 $11.00 values for $ 7.25 $12.00 values for S 7.85
$16.50 values for $10.85 $17.50 values for $11.65 $20.00 values for $12.95-$21.00 values for $13.85
good quality lisle thread; sizes 4, 5, 6; Just the thing for beach wear; AC
Mnmlor fiK inlnM tyi a -rlrft fmi tlil a ealn at. tViio vrerxr 'rrar fltmr. each 4
Lot 3 -Women's Union Suits, in good quality of Usle thread, low neck, sleel
less, tight or umbrella knee; yokes neatly trimmed with crochet edge
lace. Our regular $1.35 values, priced special for a speedy close- OQ?
Lot 4 An odd line of Women's Silk Vests, slightly soiled from being q
played. , They. come in cream, pink or blue colors. They are
Summer weights and must be closed out; value to $4.00; special
YoixtHs' $25 p.l Suits $15.3
Take a little time to. look over this new department; it's worth it. We w
you to see these fine serges, . cashmeres, worsted, tweeds, velours, etc.; 3
aium ana, iignt weignta; bougnt witn tne expectation 01 open- C?T C
mg on juiy x; zo.vv values are now pncea at, xne suit, oniy XJ x wW
Youths' Long Pants Suits of fine serges, cashmeres, tweeds, worsteds,
Ages 14 to 21 years, or 31 to 38 chest measures. All the newest cuts, 1
front coats, peg top pants, etc; real classy stuff for your J 1 O Q.'
young fellows who care ; priced for this sale at only, the suit tJJ X