14 1115 aujsuAV OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JULY 31, 1910. BUSINESS OrPOETCSITffiS. W A.N T E D Part m-r with 9 1 0. 000 to es t ab 1 ish automobile house in Spokane. I have been "Western Manager or the largest supply um tn America for several years and am thoroughly acquainted with the trade con ditions in the Northwest and know this to a good paying proposition. I hold contracts lor distributing Wlnton motor cars and trucks In Spokane and adjacent territory nd can show a good thing to the man who wlil- invest an equal amount w ith me. Ad dress Archie Skinner, 1712 Summit ave., Seattle. Wash. ' Manufacturing agency bavins a di rect account with one of the largest fac tories in the Eait. wants partner as gen eral agent: cannot handle business alone; will pay you not leps than $200 monthly. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. VOODWOR KING plant andcmrpen ter shop ; good location, well established business and cheap rent; business too much for one man; wish to sell half lntere-t; tine opportunity for carpenwrt rlht man will make more than $2-0 r?r month ; only $275 required. SeeJ. E. Smith. 513 Chamber Commerce. $200 WILL make the first payment on a beautiful 10-acre tract on Oregon Electric line, close to Portland; thoroughly cleared and In cultivation; no stump. 4i5 Couch bldg. GROCERY store, one of the best in city, doing cash business J 100 a day and has 130 -monthly customers. This is something you can try before buying; will invoice about 35oo. 4o4 Rothchlld bldg. MEAT market for sale, doing all cash busi ness, using 3 to 4 cattle a week. This place can be bought at Invoice. 404 Roth- child bldg. IF YOU are looking for a good business I think I have the best proposition an Port land, covered by patents; large profits: reason for selling, too old. .Will sell or exchange. L 142, Oregon U n. PICTURE? SHOW for'sale, "clearing 8350 a month; will take tart In trade; stand closest Investigation; price $3000. AK. 178, Ore gonlan. EALE or trade, f0-room hotel, modern, fine business. Apply at once; private sale. Mrs. E. N. MIddlebrook. Hotel Mitchell. Joseph, Oregon. 4 NEW Wellington typewriters, sells for 0, sell for j:iu each. Call Room C, St. Nicholas Hotel. Phone Marshall 1-3. 0th street. BARBER SHOP. $200 buys 2-chair shop doing good I t.si nesn, snap for quick sale. 40 Swetland .bids. : RESTAURANT and lunch counter wants parti er to act as cashier: owner does the oooktng; will guarantee $25 weekly and hoard. Particulars 523 Lumber Exchange. LEGITIMATE business for energetic Iarty, 8510 earns $2.Vt monthly ; bank references. Hansford Sales Co., 2is Market, San Fran clsco. COXFECTiOXEFtY. cigars, etc.. best loca tion on Williams ave., extra fine proposi tion for man and wife; price $1500. 404 Rothchlld bUlg. MOVING-PICTURE theater for sale in fine Valley town; bargain at J1300; also one for $i50. Pacific Film Co.. 4o4 Rothchlld , bldg.. Portland. Or. WR have an excellent opening for a party with $3oo who can fill portion as manager; no experience necessary. Pacific Amusement Exchange, Marquam bldg. - CONTHJPTIOXERY store; $300 stock; S0O fixtures, for 1400. Great bargain. It's mine and I want to sell It; John B. Oodriard. S l5Boai"a of Trade. I WILL sell my flrst-clas grocery store; good stock, splendid trade, cheap rent, cIohb in; living r.om attached ; no agents. E 169, prepi.nlan. MILK ROUTE 1 will purchase your route, can, bottle-, wagon, harness and horses; state full particular.- and detailed price in answer, care AF Hi. Oregonlan. A FEW excellent buys In farm lands, subur ban real estate and Inside property; also a grocery store and 2 rooming-houses to prin cipals only. E 107. Oregonlan. FOR SA LB launch counter doing good busi ness; fine location; price S250. D 1GS Ore- .gorrlan. "WHAT have you to trade for a good whole sale and retail business that will Invoice about $35. QUO? Addreyg D lfitt. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man to take charge of factory; $4H required; salary and profits. 42." 45 th s. WANTED Young man to take charge of factory; $400 required; salary and profits. 42a E. 43th South. GOOD oprntng for right party with $3000 and services: business clearing 8900 month ly above salary. AG 168. Oregonlan. 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, always full, and grocery store for oale; good location. Call "Hi 4th st.. after 11 A. M. FOU SALE Butcher shop, cash business, $40 a day; other business reason for selling. Phone Tabor 2134. OPPORTUNITY for good man with small capital to get into office that will net $3,V0 first year; well secured. J 160. Oregonlan. CAFETERIA, making big profits; owner wants rellabte partner; previous experience notnece&sary. Call24S1, Stark st. BEST cigar-stand In town; must sell at once on account of other business. Ad dress AG 1 !7, Oregonlan. Ft) It SALE Home bakery ; doing good trade ; owner wants to go back east. Inquire at 2-S North 16th st. GROCERY and confectionery stock and fix tures at invoice; must sell. Phone Main 106?. YOUNG r. an, do you want $40 per week ? $00 required. Phone A 4323. Marshall l.-.tU. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK4 , Telephone and other bonds bwtight &a4 old. Fletcher lnv. Co.. 223 Abington. OYSTER parlor and restaurant, fine loca tlon. big business; $15oo cash. Owner, H 14N. Oregcnian. "WE can place you In any kind of business. Before buying be sure and see Rogers & VI E g. t t"'"' J303 fr Was h. st. WANTED Small .grocery or cigar store for ;to0 Seattle suburban lot and little cash AH 180. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted with $10.4)00; manufac turing business: no opposition in ohe wpii. w rue a.x i.c.. oregonlan. MINING. OIL AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS bought and sold. Davidson Co.. Lewis bld.Ma9hall77S. A 1712. Ml" ST have cash: 64 shares Campbell's Auto matic' Safety Gas Burner Co. at $4. AH 137 Oregonlan. " Oregonlan. IvKSTAU KANT, good business; : KHMngsworth. doing snap if taken at once. FOR SALE Necarney Hydrocarbon Oil stock. AG lits, Oregonlan. THE loading East Ride confectionery. $3500. AG 154. Oregonlan. CA N Invest $300 with services ticulars. , A J P.m. Oregonian. give pmr- WANTED Small business in count rv that 5H will handle. AJ IDS. Oregonlan. LADY has good thing; would like party to n n a n ce sai i i t-. AC lto Q r c g on 1 a n . PUTURR theater for sale, Portland will I cleur $2QQ monthly. 303 Swetland bldg. BTKAM laundry. A-l m cTnen i ak e r wKl sacrifice for 4300. 404 Rothchlld bldg. JjOOMlXfl-HQUSES. SWELL PRIVATE HOTEL. Rf ROiMS. right In the VERY BEST CENTRAL LOCATION; over 20 with PRIVATE BATHS, hot and cold water-In KElUft ROOM . steam heat; furnished tn M A 11 1 H? AN Y. B . E. MAPLE, Q U A R -" KRED OAK and the best grade of VELVET and AXMUWER carpets; this place is a HIGH-GRADE proposition, and has the BEST CLASS of both permanent and transient business. This is on the market for a short time only, during which It can be bought right, and with $4000 cash, balance monthly payments; lease " years at reasonable rent; receipts over $10 on a month. ELLIS. SMITH A ro., S6 . Washington St. Rooms 201-202. SOVETHIVO SWELL 17 ROOMS, near 16th and Yamhill sts.. FURNACK, gas and electric lights; fur nished In M AHCKUNY. QUARTERED OAK, B. E. MAPLE: carpets B. B.. WIL TON VELVET and Brussels; Income from rooms. $216 ; total expenses, Including rent. $100. Price $26i0; terms. ELLIS. SMITH A .CO.. 326 H Washington fi Rooms 01-202. TEN ROOMS, near Salmon and 12th. vel vet and Brussels carpets. Iron beds. CLEAN as a NEW RIBBON; NICE LAWN, MODERN. FINE APPEATtlXd HOUSE; you can clear all family expenses ni mai soouia sausry you an xau in vested. ELLIS. SMITH 4k CO.. 326 S W ashington St. Rooms 201-202. HOTEL BARGAIN. Other bu!ine ic4i- n;e to seM my lOO rom modern Kuropeaa hotel at a bargain price and terms; lowest rent in town; 5 ycar leaje; well furnished: always full and guarantee to clear 300 per mo. ; for price anq terms see owner. Abington bldg. WANTED to buy. a first -class, modern , rooming-house or hotel with good lease from party who will take country prop erty or good 8 per cent mortgage as i irpi psy id fin. v i nn, oregonlan. W A N T to buy. a nice clean roomlne-houm from 12 to Id rooms: van pay $too each. viiuoca uunini. a lao, ure soman. RO03IING-HOCSE& MRS. LENT'S AGENCY". HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. 4U3-406 BUCHANAN BLDG, FIRST-CLASS HOTEL 76 ROOMS. ONE OF THE FINEST EQUIPPED and best furnished houses in the city, lo cated right in the center of the best business district, GROUND FLOR OF FICE. Nothing better for a first-class commercial hotel. JUST THINK! only $7000 cash required to handle this. 40-ROOM BARGAIN. I.KVcated on Washington street, a good corner brick building, running water in all rooms, steam heat, two entrances; a good buy; only $T00 cash. 34 ROOMS NEW AND MODERN. Best located transient house in the city, steam heat, running water, private baths, iron and brass beds, hardwood furniture. YOU BETTER SEE THIS. Must be sold this week; $3000 will handle. 22 ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. In a ciose-in residence district: steam heat, private baths; everything new; the only one like it in the city; $1750 cash required. APARTMENT HOUSES. ALL- SIZES AND PRICES. I am offering for this week only the furniture and furnishings of a new mod ern brick apartment house, 58 rooms, all arranged in three-room suites, completely furnished throughout ; clears at present rentals over $ao0 monthly; only $3300 cash required. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. 403-406 Buchanan Bldg. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. 16 rooms good location, good furniture and carpets; rent only $30; price $1200, part cash. 1 13 rooms close In. first-class furniture and carpets, lease and low rent; price only $1100; a snap. 14 rooms fine location, clearing $S0 per month; only $300 ca?h required. 1 1 rooms rent on! v $:iO; good furniture and carpets; house filled; price $330; one half cash. lO rooms on Washington st rent only $40; lea.se price $ti0o. part cash. 8 rooms new furniture and carpets, swell location ; onl v $2"rO cash required- PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. CHEAP RENT GOOD PAYER. 48 rooms, all on one floor; good corner; well located; part housekeeping; 6 PRI VATE BATHS, gas and electric lights; nice. LARGE LIGHT rooms, well fur nished. twe-thirds of It NEW furniture; rent only $110; lease three years; income $425. Price $3000; terms. ELLIS, SMITH & CO., 326 Washington St. Rooms 201-202. A BARGAIN 57 rooms, apartments, elegant new furniture and carpets, silk-floss mat tresses, best bedding and linen, Axmlnster rugs, oak furniture, new modern brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water, private ,bath with every suite, all large, light rooms: five-year lease and low rent. If you are looking for something nice at a reasonable price see us about thi3 one. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., :113 Henry bldg. $300 7 H. K. ROOMS, rent $18. $330 10 H. K. rooms, rent $:iO. $4750 rooms. H. K.. new. rent 520. $t30 Cozy 8 -room flat, well furnished, central, furnace, electricity. $03O 12 rooms, lease, rent $30. $7008 well furnished rooms, rent $40. $730 10 rooms. H. K., good location. $110010 rooms, part H. K., rent $50. COMET REALTY CO.. . 610 Swetland Bldg. ' MONEY-MAKING MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSE. 84 rooms; NEW BRICK CORNER, In 2 and 3-room suites, elegantly furnished, com plete in every detail; rent ONLY $400 per montrt. with a FIVE-YEAR LEASE. See this if you want a GOOD ONE. ICa MAK ING BIG MONEY. GOOD TERMS. Call 316 Abington Bldg. 70 ROOMS, rent $280; clears $430. 30 rooms, rent $230; clears $230. 34 rooms, best In city; clears $30. 3H rooms, cheapest reTit; clears $250. 18 rooms, clears $130; rent $05. 12 rooms, clears $7o; rent $53. 8 rooms, clears $30: rent $ 10. These are all fully modern, long lease, easy terms. See us for prices. Main 3S77. 310 Board of Trade. WE HAVE a splendid furnished 7-room house, brass beds, birdseye and mehogany dressers. 6 Axmlnster carpets; price $830; but as owner must leave city at once will sacrifice for $573; prettiest house on block and In walking distance; rent $35 ; terms $300 cash, balance $25 per month. See H. A. Chandler, 610 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. Main 8766. S200 PUTS YOU IN. POSSESSION of this good 9-room house, near 13th and Washington sts.; well fur nished; rooms rented, bring in $70. besides two good rooms for yourself; rent ,pnly $32.50; balance of $4 00 easy. ELLIS, SMITH & CO., S ? H 1 v Washington St. Rooms 201-202. A REAL SNAP; SEE IT. 37 rooms, steam-heated, running water In all rooms; very well furnished; ALL OUT SIDE ROOMS; low rent and a good lease; this place CLEARS $250 per month; A SNAP at $3504,. TERMS. DIETZ-M U ELLER CO. , 316 Abington Bldg. 11-ROOM house, fine location. 12 minutes walk from Postoffice, nicely furnished; price cut $20O for quick sale: some terms. If you see this you will buy. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 610 Board of Trade Bldg. Cor. 4th and Oak sts. DO YOU WANT THIS? 15 rooms, rent $50. long lease, furnace heat, 1 block from Washington, all. rooms rented ; big money-maker; fair furniture; have other business, must sell at sacri fice; $075. terms.. H. E. JAMES 8R 10th St. Marshall 1208. RENT ONLY, $3. Furniture of ti-room flat, easy walking distance. West Side; It is good and com plete; rent $15, two rooms rented for $10. Price $12t for the furnishings. ELLIS. SMITH & CO.. 326 Wash lngton St, Roo ms?01-2 02. 40-ROOM hotel In center of city; all outside rooms; doing big business; will stand thor ough Investigation; guaranteed profit $266 per month; rent only $200. Price $3800; easy terms. P. L. AUSTIN & CO.. Original and Exclusive Hotel Brokers, 416 Rothchfld Bldg. A PRIVATE HOTEL. 27 large, beautifully furnished modern rooms; excellent lcat ion ; cheap rent ; clear $230 to $:to0 per month over all expenses; worth $45 Kf. but fr quick sale w ill take $3?UH"-': terms. I muat sell at once. Call 31tlAblngton bldg. WE CALL THIS" A BARGAIN 13 rooms for $144H, and terms at that, in One dis trict and money-maker. Investigate Mon day and YOU WILL CALL IT A BAR GAIN. Reed & Lockhart. 617 Board of Trade. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 11 rooms, furniture the very best in the city, house modern in every particu lar and clean as wax; enough rooms rent ed to clear $70 a month. Price $123-0, a cash. Call 417 Board of Trade.' SMALL ROOMING-HOUSES. Six rooms. Everett St.; snap; $250. Ten rooms, Columbia St.; bargain; $S50. Twelve rooms. 14th st. ; $750. 14 rooms. 12th st ; cash $300. 406 BUCHANAN BLDG. . $2200. Hotel and bar. $2200; one man's loss another man's gnln: owner is sick and must sell; it clears $35o monthly; we can prove It. See Reed, 203 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. WE have a 15-room house, everything nice and clean, clearing 70 per month; rent $35; right In the heart of the city; this Is the best buy that we can find: price only $1500. with terms. H. A. Chandler. 010 Lumbermens bldg. MIST SELL GOING AWAY. 14 rooms, r nt $33; good location, nicely furnished; clears $40 net ier mo.. nt counting own 3 rooms; price only $7ort. Call Monday or Tuesday, 316 Abington bldg. A HOME and $60 a""month profit. 1 1 "rooms, very good furniture, house desirable In every respect; location best in Portland. Price $6tH). Particulars 417 Board of Trade. lOO ROOMS. GRILL AND RESTAURANT. One of the best in the city: $S0t0 cash will handle. DESHOX & HAWK, 40T Lumbcrmens Bank bldg. Main 2018- A FINE HOM E 8 rooms, newly furnished, cost $1000 last Fall; $50 wcth of rooms rented: rent only $30; will sacrifice for $ Q3Q; terms. Inquire 88 10th. GREAT BARGAIN. 73-room hotel, long lease, central lo cation, best Tn city ; cash or will trade fora home in Portland. 132 North ti h. 12-ROOM rooming-house, good furniture, Washington St.. for sale by owner. Main 4 1 35. ONE of -the best 16-room houses that has yet been offered. Call and see. Phone M 34 79. Price $1000; terms. FOR SALE by owner; one rooming-house, furnished. 11 rooms: price $500. Call 2J North Sth St. FURNITURE of small rooming-house for sale. $225; Income $40. 315 Russell st. Phone East 14S2. FOR SALE Rmlng-houw. rflP- rooms, new furniture, splendid paying. 24 Williams ave. rjast -!. 16-ROOM house, tine furniture, good lease, will clear 3 over rent; $160. Hatfteld. 165 1 4thsi. : $165 CASH R.-vming-h"U!e 2 bTr-cks of City I Halt ; f ul L T ho ne S 1 1 w ood 1 " " 3. WANTED Rooming-house In exchange for I house and lot. AM 19$. Oregonlan. J Sl'ECIAL NOTlCEa. Proposal Invited. SEALED proposals will be received by the undersigned, up to 6 P- M-. August lO. 19111. for the improvement of Boulevard Addition to Centraiia, Wash., to be grad ing of streets to the established grade and the construction of concrete eiue walks and euros with cross walks and drains in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by C. D. Atter bury. City Engineer, Centraiia, Wash., and on file in his office. Bids snail be made in a lump sum for entire improvement or any part thereof. Each bid to be accom panied by a certified check for 3 per cent of the amount bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. H. Allan . Turner, Secretary Wasnington Live Stock and Agricultural Association, Centraiia, Washington. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids wll I be received ior tne purchase of $lu.ooO of construction, bonds of School district. No. 24, In Josephine County, Oregon, drawing 5 per cent in teres;., payable semi-annually, said bondj payable absolutely in 2 yeans. Said bids ah all be sealed ana be accompanied by a certined check for lO0O, and will be re ceived up to and including the 6th day of Septembtr, 1910. and that the School Boarti will open and consider ald bids September 7, lUlU, at 3 o'clock P. li. of mud cay. Said board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should De handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON, Clerk of the School Board of Scnool Dis trict No. 24, Merlin, Juw-phine County, Ore- gn. OFFICE of C. O. M.. Vancouver Barracks Wash.. July 1, laio. Sealed proposals, in f triplicate, will be received ncre until -xx o ciocK A. M-, August 1, lylO, for fur nishing a supply of forage and bedding tor the posts m Department of Columbia embraced within boundaries of United States, deliveries of supplies' to commence October 1. laiO. Information furnished here or by Quartermasters at posts. United States reserves the risht to reject or ac cept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for addressed G. S. Blngnam. C. Q. M. Mbcellajieous. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent ot Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at the Ladd school building. West Park an" Jefferson streets, us lollows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 10th, at 0 o'clock A. M.. and continuing until Saturday, August 13th, at 4 P. M. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 10th, at y o'clock A. M.. and continuing until Friday, August ltn, at 4 P. M. Fun programme, mailed on request. Applicants, writing here, who wish cer titicates issued in other counties, ehould secure consent from Superintendent of county to which papers are to be sent. Having regular electric car service from Portland, applicants for W ashmgton and Clackamas County certificates will not be accommodated here. R. F. ROBINSON. County School Superintendent. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. To All Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the partnership hereto fore existing, and composed of A. J. Juche mich and J. M. Cramer, doing biifiness at No. 04 Mill street In the City of Portland, Or., under the firm name of '"Western Soda Works,' has by mutual consent been this day dissolved, said J. M. Cramer retiring therefrom, and said A. J. Juchemlch re maining and who will continue the business under said former name at said place. All accounts, deb: a, nottii and due bills belonging to and owing eniil firm have been assigned and turned over to said A. J. Juchtmiieh, to whom the tame must be paid, and ail debts against aid firm are a.?sumed and will be paid by said A. J. Juchemich. Dated at Portland, Or., July 20, 191u. A. J. Juchemich. J. M. Cramer. FINANCIAL WANTED $40(0 Portland city bonda; state prtce and particulars in nrst letter. AK ISO, Oregon lan . Money to Loup Real Jtstatg. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' interest la contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. E, foble. Lumbermens bldg.. 5th u.nd Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal xepayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable bav inga Loan Association. 240 Stark, at. MONEY to loir on improved city pro perry. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bids. TO LOAN Large and small amounts at 7 and 8 per cent interest on good city or suburban real estate. C. F. Ptlujjer Co., room o Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. $3OO0 TO loan on improved West Side prop erly. ARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 250 Alder st. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION I Cash paid fur second mortgage on lascaCi met plan; also lot contract and QuiU 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and -7 per cent on real estate security. KDW. P. MAIL COMPANY. au9-lQ Abington ldg. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or buiaU loans at lowest rates; large loans' a specialty. J. M. McK.enzla Co., S14-15-16 Uerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property, any w here in Oregon or Washington. , Dtvereaux. Fenton uidg.64 6thst. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums from $500 up. The. Dunn-Lawrence Co.. 243 Alder su MONEY Loan on timber claims, city, farm property; easy terms, long or snort time. '21 'n Morrison st., toom 5. $10,000 TO $i5,0OO, 7 per cent; may" take inside property if bargain. E. P. Mall Co., oO'J ADington. WANTED To loan $2500 for three years at 1 per cent on $bOt0 business property. AB 157. Qregonian. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan; immediate, any amount. prudhomme, 636 Chamber of commerce IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on ail securities- W. A. Hataaway, room lv. Washington bldg. Phone Aiam 3oi. MoR'xUAliE loans on city property ; lowoit rates. A. H. Barrel! Co., McE.ty bldg-, Bd and Stark. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck. 312 Falling bldg. PRIVATE money loaned ot, real estate mort gages. M-.frlile,yy.?'0Pin 204 Uerlinger bldg. MONEY to loan on improved realty. Gru ber,W27 Board, Trade bldg. $S0JO or part to loan on Improved real estate W. L. Page, 1U7 Sr. er lock bidg. awxvIUAUa LOANS AX liiAoU.AU KAlES. .F. xi. LEVY'IS. 3 LEw iaB.LJJj WILL loan $3000 or less on real est at a. Hitchcock. Olu Rothcbild bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough & toeita, 7la Board of Trade. biate funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E- Th.om asf state agent. MmtnoiuaaCo. ,uo C C Will loan $10,o0t or lees, real estate Mcun Far ring ton,. 416 Com mere tai Cl u Db Idg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOLia SALOJJ.UN. 23a bA ARKS i LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collai erasecurlty. C W. Pallett. 3U-w Fenton. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY." 5 UO 7 PER CENT. bl4 LEWIS BLDG. MONEY loaned, building purpose, if con suited before building be gins. 3 OU H e nry bd Money to Loan C but ttels and Sala riea, $75.1KX. We want to loan tins amount on pianos, furniture, horses, wai enouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any good collateral. A special low rate to get the money out. We want jour patronage and are making a rate to get it. The King Loan & investment- Co., Room 616 .Buchanan build ing. CHATTEL LOANS! ! Installment loans on pianos, f urn 1 tors, warehouse receipts, horse, insurance poj cirs and all kinds of securities; REaZ EaXAiK LOANS from 3OO0 up. NEW EttA LOAN & iiTO. C. 416 Abington Bldg. WILL loan in amounts from $5 up on ' kinds of securities, at reasonable ra.es; w Hi buy seller's equities in real eui cwntrmcLs, xirst or second mortgages; ouai bcu trtctiy confidential. G HA Y - C U N N IN G HAM-GRAY 722, Electric bidg. W loan money on watches, diamonds. aal Skina. m in it. overcoats, trunks, areas sail .&k and mu&ical instruments. UNCLE MEYER3. 71 Sixth St.. Between Oa and Pice sts. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on ail kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan o., 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash. WE loan money on diamonds and jewviry; reasonable Interest; long or snort time. A 4t M- Pelovage. Washington st. ALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 515 Henry blGg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds aa4 jewelry. Marx & IUocIl 74 3rd st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or cnattal n .Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg I Mooeyio Loai -cbutttei uo d sail MONEY FOR VACA1IONS. $10- -TO- WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF XtEADY CASH GIVE US THE OPFoXVi UNITY TO EHOW YOU OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE, YOU. BECAUSB OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPERIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. All we require is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO, auo x- ailing 5uliding. TH.E il. B. tca i. S X S 1 ESTATE A BkQKKRir.ii cuiirAls i. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, asy weekly or- monthly payments. We buy first and second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Main 2064. Room 31J Ham ilton bldg.. 131 ad st. 1 $ t $ $ MONEY advanced salaries people. house keepers and others upon their own names 'without security; cheapest rate-. easiest payments; offices in tt principal cities; av yourself money by' getting my terms nrst. TQLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. Loans Wa-meO. WANT $.000 on lot and 4 family flats. Ben ton st.. between Halsey and Clackamas sts. Contract price of flats $70OO. Lot worth at least $50u0. Pay 7 per cent and reasonable expense. K. ltS4, Oregonian. .us lace your Investment funds In high-grade first mortgages on Portland property. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $2500- ' Loan wanted 1st mtg. 320-acre farm, near Walla Walla, 8 per cent, a or 5 yrs. Also $JOuO, 7 per cent. 3 yrs., city property. JOS. C. GIBSON. 3U5 Gerlinger Bldg. IF you have money to loan, we can place it for you at a good rate of interest, se cured by tirst mortgage on desirable real estate. State Investment Company, 6o:i WANTED $1000; splendid 6-room house and full-sized lot. brand new and up to date; worth $2 750; $10o0 3 years 8 per cent. A. N. Searle; take "M-V" car, get oft! E. 7tith st. tOffice open Sundays.) WE will loan your monev for you, real es tate or personal securities, good rate in terest; come and see us. Penn Investment Co.. 614 Buchanan bldg. WANT $16o0 TO $2000 LOAN; first mort gage security on Clarke County farm ; .value $7000 ; will pay 6 per cent for term of years. Address P 15K, Oregonian. iuw w in pay per cent for 2 or 3 year v o west oi city ; splendid loan. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washing ton st.. room 61 6. VAT to sell first mortgage. $2000, improved Portland Heights property, b per cent In terest. See Mr. Crowe. John P. Sharkey Co.. 6th and Washington sts. A 155V, m. 550. WANTED To borrow $10,000 for 5 years on country property worth $J5.000; will pay b per cent interest. X 160, Orego nian. WILL pay 10 per cent for $0500, giving "d mortgage or trust deed as security; good income property, which pays me 15 per cent. N 16J, Oregonlan. 3-YEAR LOAN Of $S000 to $10,Wu on good security at 7 per cent; no brokers. Address AF 153. Oregonian. LOAN of S5oo0 wanted on W hi te Sal man improved property. Security worth $2,- oou. r or long term will pay S per cent. Address AK 1 65. Orego n ia n. WANT to sell $10,ooo first mortgage bonds, valuation of security at least $40,000. Ad dress AK 166. Oregonian. SHOO) EQUITY. Willamette boulevard nron- erty. Zella Gossett. 7 West Killings worth WANTED Small loan. OO flays, good Inter est, real estate contract security. Box P. O. .14 4. " $2000 WANTED at once, 3 years, improved residence property, in restricted district; will pay 8 per cent. H Oregonian. WANTED To borrow. 8500 for .1 veam: best city security; do not wish to pay over o per cent. j X4U, oregonian. WANTED A loan on modern 6-room bun galow. West Side; 7 per cent Interest. F. r liens, -zz i Morrison st. WAMLU Siooo. for 3 years. 7 ier cent. on close-in residence property. . Inquire at ait noaro oi xrade oiog. WANTED From private party, loan of $10,000 ior term or yeara on giit-edge country prop crty; v.illpay S per cent. V166, Oregonlan, $loOo and $1710 3 years at 7 per cent In terest; pplendid security. C. L. Bamber- ger. Main 'J4M, room 'Z Lumbermens bldg. WANTED $3000 as buildins loan: buildin almost completed; will pay 8 per cent. u iyj. oregonian. FOR SALE $7000 first mortgage on farm; value $1 1,000 ; interest. 7 per cent, from private parties. ri io, Oregonian. CAN place $2000 to $10,000 at 9 ner cent 1 to 3 years. Security, real estate, first mortgage. Call room 515 Fenton bldg. WILL make liberal discount on good real estate mortgage for $:;ooo, drawing S per cent interest. v j.ty, oregonian. LET us place your mpney good mortgages; reierences. t . ll. L-awis. 3 Lewis bldg. WANTED $3CO0 to $0500 at T per cent; will grve gooa security. au 100. oregonian. WIDOW would like to borrow $400 on prop erty worth $1200. AB 156, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $100 for one year at 10 per cent; A-l security. AL 155. Oregonlan. $1000 WANTED on first-ciass real estate security. A J lab, Oregonian. WANT $8000 on $20,010 worth city real tate, 0 per cent. S 160, Oregonian. $2fcUo LOAN wanted on $4500 residence, 7 per ctni. 1 1 00. oreETonian. $15 u WANTED gn $ i5uO bungalow, close in S per cent. AN 160. Oregonian. WANTED -To borrow $;tr.00 on Hood River fruit land. p 164, oregonian. $liuo ON nrst mortgage, on good 7-room house and lot worth $2S0O. Phone B 1490, LOAN wanted ; $000 on new modern resi dence, 3 years. s iba. Oregonian. PERSONAL. LEARN dress cutting and designing and be independent. individual instruction. Sum mer prices. High-clasa ladies' tailoring in connection. roniana v oncge or oress cutting and Designing. o45 ' Washington, corner 7th, second floor. MADAMS E.LISB ROLAND, of Austria, so licits htgn-ciass patronage, maies and gen tlemen. lot' manicuring, facial massuge and calp treatment. Barton Hotel, cor. Alder and 13th. ts. Entrance on 13th st. Open to V f. Al . DONVT BE LONESOME Join the only re liAle marriage bureau in the world. Send 10c for July papers. sox 201. Seattle, Wash. MRS. SOPHIA B. SETP, Mental and Spirit ual Scientfst: meeting tonight. '21 Selling H irsch bldg., Washington street. Main 64. RESPECTABLE working man, 48. American. wmiu line to meet tauy 01 suitable age object matrimony. AM 166. Oregonian. A BACHELOR of 38 would like" to "meeF'i refined lady between 15 and 35; object mat rimony. AM 165. Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman with A-l references and business, wishes lady correspondent; ob jeet matrimony. AN 168, Oregonian.- MAKRY RICH Big list of descriptions and photos sent free, sealed. Address Standard Cor. Club, X3QX to 1 . ura) stake, ill. BEST manicure In city for 25c. Try East Portland Hair Dress-ir.g Parlor, Healy bldg.. urana aim -iwi R LOR ENS NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay jor prue Company.2bP Morrison st. RANCH HR, 35. with means, would corre spond wKh country lady; object matrimony O IMS, Oregonlan. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate curte and masseuse. Room 18, 253 Aider st. Phone Maln4533. lime. Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, pi a. ;ic surgery. 311 Flieduer bldg. M. 504J. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 6tf Helmont st. East i'4ua. BATTLE CREEK baths, ladies days. Ken. tlemen- nights. 221 Drexel bldg. Mainxuja GOITRE positively cured by the Harvard Medical Co. -'s Marquam bldg. K. Li Letter awaiting you at general de livery. Post of flee, W. OCCULT New Tnougnt; liberal. scienUno Ji ooks. Jones Book Store. :S4 Oak st. A LETTER awaits Miss Ella Wilson at Vancouver Main Posioffice. Send address. DR. K.ETCHUM treats women's maladies. 73V :d. corner YamhilL MRP- RUTH M' LAUGH UN there is Import ant letterforyou at general delivery. MOLES, wrinkles. superi!uous 4iair removed. M- Xa B.1U. FUedner bld. M.3473 FIN AN CI AX. PERSONAL DR. W. E, MALLORY, 312 Rothchlld bldg. has the most complete modern office la Oregon. 14 treating rooms, fitted up with the most expensive appliances on ths market. Radium, X. Kays, Static ma chines, X Ray coils. Ozone machines. GtJ anlc Farad 1c and Sinusoidal batteries. Cautery batteries. Vibrator. Radiators. Electric Ugh bath, cabinet a Hot oven bakers. Electric, Mineral. Herbal. Steam and Shower baths. 500 to 12.oOO candia power lights. F luce a light. Minin'a Vio let. Ultra-Vcilet lights. Solar and Hello lights, and others. Cancer, Tumors." -fill Skin Trouble. Mother marks, all kinds of chronic dis eases are treated s.no. permanently cured by these metnoda Investigate. Of tee open Wednesday evening for demonstrations. . LADIES, now is the time to attend to you furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, tree of charge, when work is ordered. Re-dye-Ing sealskin garments a specialty. Oet my estimates. Have large assortment of tine skins to select from. Ladies placing orders now will get the " pick. also save money. Satisfaction assured. Adolpn Kelner. prac tical furrier and expert titter. X2it Xlth it. Phones A 3553. b6iO. IF you want to become rich on a very small investment, join captain xnomsons co operative Gold Prospecting Company of Seattle. W e have our own Bhip and are going to Peru, South America. $600 will pay your expenses and fare for one year. Call on Mr. Marks, East St. Johns, 1340 Olympia st.. for further information. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women , and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to thje latest methods; up-to-date electrical appliances: private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10. Grand The ater bldg. Main 39l'S: A 5t07. CHARLES VILLIERS (or anyone knowing wnereabuots is entreated to relieve ad vertiser's overwhelming anxiety concern ing his reported suicide October last; se crecy pledged; write '"Star" (.box Dor land Agency. 3 Regent sc. London. Eng. FEB VET 4b HANEBUT, Leading wig and toupee makers; finest Mock of human nair goods; w Ucnea- from 4i.5 up. Up-to-date parlors tor hairdressing, mailcuring, lace and ocalps treat meat, 14 th sc. bet. Morrison ana Alder. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths. maKbeuse. Ino 7 East 11th street, second door south from East An ke n y carlme. Phone Kagt U 6Q. B 1803. MISSING Geo. Aiwien, son of Mrs. Chas. Auten Galiager, of Syracuse, N. Y., should write his aunt. Airs. Alice Blake Gibbs, Lions. N. Y.. for Information of hia mot her e death, March 4. and her life in surance. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED"? Mat rimo.iiai paper containing hundreds of advertisements rrrarrcaeauie people from all sections, men, poor, young, old. Protes. tants. Catholics; mailed iree. G. Ounnets. y xoiedO, onio. WHEN you are sleepy or nervous in the daytime, Sexine Pills will do wonders for you; $1 a box. 6 boxes for $5. Address or call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. corner Fr o n and Morrison sts., r'ortlan d. Or. A WELL-TO-DO Eastern gentleman would appreciate the acquaintance of an accom plished and refined lady of means; object matrimony; all letter strictly conndentral and returned. For further interview- address O 161, Oregonian. YOUNG man, mechanic, who ha3 some means, desires to meet a working lady, or widow. Give description and age in first letter. Object, matrimony. No triilers. V 15b, Oregonian. bAitt, xi.tt.lR All shades in best Quality at rest- Closing out stock; sclenunc iac And scalp treatments: expert hairdreain And manicuring taugnC Aza tL. xiiubec.c. Leader. tn ana Alder. DR. D. I LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electrlo treatment ot nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 5U5-5UU Commonwealth bldg.. bth and Anaeny. Phones Main 4 04 7, A 41L SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. etc.. perma . nently removed by the electric needle, I'hysicians reierences. Lady operator, at 1701a 10th at., near Morrison. Estaolished 1!U4. t'iione ji. uo. GENTLEMAN, railroad man. age 37, good appearance, has good position, wants to meet working girl or widow about 30, who would appreciate a good man ; object, ma?vlmony. AF 196. Oregonian. MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. Palmistry Made Easy, on sale at Va iamr.iii,corner of th street. WANTED Single gentleman to live In fur nished home with two others cost month ly about $65 each; excellent meals and service. ti lob, oregonian. MRS. PEARL CLARK, who left Klamath Falls, Or., about June 1. write to me at once;, money for you. R. C. Hoskinson, 1 amain r a lis. jr. MARRIAGE paper, highest character, Ino.rr porateo. ltn year; o"H members; paper sea iea ; send luc. rt. it,. Xvdve. liox 16MJ, GE NTLEMAN, refined, unincumbered, with means, would marry ; have, membership ootn sexes, some independent. Xiiii, Box oaKiana. rai. hAh 1 EKN lady wishes to make the ac quaintance of an honorable gentleman be t ween 45 and 50. with some means; ob ject matrl m o n y. AL 107, Oregonla n DR. T. J. PIERCE, woman's specialist; chronic troubles, nervous diseases suc cessfully treated without drugs. Call or write 011 AiisKy Diag. YOUR future revealed by stars; wonderful revelations; send birth date, six questions ana lour j-ceni stamps. rroi Xv. tiray. aiaiion u, nicago. A LADi, having in her possession a never- railing narmiess remedy for women, de sires confidential patronage. $1.50 per oox. Auurees ai iw, oregonian. GENTLEMAN a4. with some means, would like to meet young lady 25 to 30. No ob jection to young widow. No triflers. Ob- ject matrimony. a- in:, oregonian. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed en, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, unique tailoring Co.. aptf Star. A GENTLEMAN of 2S with good habits would like to correspond with lady of goou uispoBiuun, matrimony 11 suited. 138. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN. middle-aged. contractor. wishes acquaintance of lady matrimonially inciineu, an icucib ctoaweieu. J J.O-J. Ol'd- gonian. LIQUOR habit permanently cured in three Qdya; no euncnng una narmiess. Card 10 i a institute, iui ir-en insular ave.. Portland, : DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plies. Consultation xree. - isi isi t., or BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants, MACKENZIE, BAIRD & BERRIDGE. Counsel and experts in alt matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, lactory cost ana industrial accounting. Moderate fees. Consultations frea. 22-i Worcester Block. Phones Main 769, A 1449. i.. id- CULLlb A CO.. ACCUCMAiMA Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 124 WorcMltr B;ouk. Pbonu Main ni 7 Architects. EASTMAN CO.. Inc.. Architects and Build. ers. Plans and estimates furnisned free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or ittma. nam o-oo. a tuo. Auiajioa Diu. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co.. tents, awnings Aasayer and Analyse MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teauny worn. 100 Morrison st. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem lts and asaayers 204 Washington il Builders. CUMMIXG5 & CAT LIN. building in every orancn 01 me I'uuuuig iraaeir. jODDing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; ho weaves, counters, shelving, etc. Office and ehop 371 r lrm. sx. rnon Maranaii ai. AlJA.ua bMKKUBLt,, cabinetmakers and jODDinK carniers ; Biore nJtuirc a special ty. 413 E. Morrison. East 914. Bathfc and Swim mine Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 25c Iancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step, stage dancing lessons. 25c. School open morning, after noon and evening daily. Prof. Wal. Will son's School. 386 S Washington sc. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Bicycles nod Motorcycles. W bov. sell, exchange or reoair. Hummer Bicycle Ex. 133 10th St.. Ma 1 n 705S. Brsm and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass easting Ta machine work. 1Q6 N. Sth Main 37Q? Chiropractic Vhysician. DR. TICKNBR removes the cause of disease. 0-l Columbia bldg. A 525. Hrs. 1-5:0.' Collections and Law. JfETH A CO.. - COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE 5."5 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Collection Socciallst. PTTYfTCIANS' and dentt,tj" collections nly. L. pinckneyWhite. Main 5074; A 7026. Circulating Library. LATH fiction. 3c a cay. Woman's Exchange olds-. 186 6th sc, bet. Taylor and YamhilL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropody. WM. EST ELLS and Floaai Deveney, ths oniy scientific cbiropocist In th cuy. Parlors 3c2 Gerlinger blag., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Fhoie Main 130L Dr. Laura M. Randolph, foot specialist, hos- "v- u cniropooy grau.w, -treatment- Tam h 1 1 1 and 6th. TaL A 440. Chiropody and pedlcuri JQOm 429 FllP,in K1 Mrs. M. D. Phone Main Hill. 3473. bldg. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. ton. &4S WashiiiKton. Marshall 13-29. CommUhion Merchants. TAILOR. YOUNG & Co.. ship brokers, cotn- """" mtrcn.ata Sherlock picg. Curios, UN SOON HCia CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. 1ST T. If AND CL'KlOsL 7U 6TB ST. Doc and Horse Ilo&pitaL DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Office 324 Flanders gt llaic icsti. Hogltalfcttf lafn KducatlonaL ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic al, burvey, assay, cyanide, established 1504. an der Naillon ScqooL 51st- aad Tele grph. Oakland. CaL Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Jjra ior rent or gale- 213 id sC Electric Fixtures and Supplies. YOU wire for us aad we'll vir for you. Phones B 23V2, E. 3S22. Clagett Electric 361 EaatMorriaon at. Engluea Ga and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co., Coast agts. Seabury Ai-euin engines and boilers, gasoline engines. 261-E. Morrison su X'huue xv. tia. X-ecu te;ore. ZIGLER AS MI9NEK, ha. grain, feed, ce t. sain c . u i ana a v a. E. 4&2. Furs. N. M. UNGAR CO., INC, formerly of 406 lw Seventh su B ura remodeleu, rtspaired and stored. Marshal! 753. Ut Factorjr. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. toyal htwn, -i. la-, a u M. a44X Launches. 16-FT. 8-H. P.. 15U; lb-FT. 3-H. P.. 200. Jielgrson Macn. Co.. let'2 Morrison au leather and j; indiums. CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO.. 74 Front, leather . of every description, taps, mm,' ilnamga J. A, STltOWBKIDGE LEATHER CO. Es t&DiUjaea .ljs5t. lbii Front sc M acta i ucry B. TRENKMAN 4e CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, logging, mining mi cnlaei. All mana ot ieyaiA. lo4 N. Ata. AluslcaL EMIL THI ELHORN . violin teacber, pupil fi vc it. uu Alarq uam. A 4 1 to. Max. lUtf. Osteoputhic 1'hrsicians. DR. LeRov Smith. irraduaLe Ivirksville. Mo. class of ltHs. post-graduate luv7, unuer A. X. Still, the lounuer. olV-18-ia awetiand oldg. Main lOSt. A 1965. OR. R. B. NOiiXrihtF, 415-416-417 Dekum Bidg. Phone, oillce. M. 341; res. Laji or B 1CCA Dr. Arnold -Lind.de v. suecialist on rheuma tism, stomach trouoles and all nervous aiseaaes. Botel FruuKiin. Aialn 7iyo. l'ainting and laperhanging. B. P. CHRISTEN SEN CO.. Daintinc. kalso mining paper hanging. A 4 I'll, 5xi.ln Fasints, Oixa uid tlasa. RA9M US SEN A CO.. Jobbers pain la, oils. A'g?j Bq ajio. qoors. -or. anq xa ' lor. .Patent attorneys. IN V EN TOIii calling or writing NORTH PA CIFIC PATENT BUREAU, Lumbermen's DiUeT., x-ortianu, will iw-ive free advice and benefit of 3o years' airevt practice be tore pa. lent officer of the world. AMERICAN caea rejected in other hana. and r'ORElt;N PATENx,S especially solicited. Traaeni.t4jks, ot-s-siit-. labeis ana C"-pyngnts. Prtsldeiit, selor and expert : eaia 01is.hed Lh.no. m M on Ueal, New York and Washington, with permanent representatives in all loreigp, cap- Phones: Main 23ti2; A 2364. PATENT secured or lee returned : 11 Inst rat ed guide book and list of inventions tniiH free to any address; patents secured for us advertised iree in w orld s Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans dt Co., R. C. VV RIGHT, domestic and foreign pat en t St in t r in ge nient qsh. tju4 De k u ni. INVENTORS' Tree book.- J. K. Mock. 419 xaoaru or i raae tiate u. . patent onice.) Aavlng. THE Barber AepfcaU XJavlng Company. 605- loo xviecLnc aiug. Uccar nuDer, X-orun d. WARREN Construction Co.- -Street pavin. M lfie walks and croaswalks. 31 Beca biuic. . Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years in Ui.rtland. 71 r.th ti I Vain uln lipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and pjuco paat ii'n . aim x or a. Al j 45a, printers. GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO., printers. b.ank booK xmiKers. legal blanks, loose leai OBVises, .u v uauiy piuu. sur bet, oak and Anaeny. CHAUSSE-PRUDHOMME CO- books, com merciai. 142 k 4th at.. Main 816. A 15oo. Public Stenographer. EXPERIENCED, rates reasonable. 51U Com merciai block, city. Piano 1-actory. C fcoraraer A Co., established lSio; general A.e,i w via , iumng. i o to. marsnaii Xal Rubber Stamps, ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, etc Bug cavers. NOR T-l WEST KUU WORKS Rugs Irora old co-ipeLs. colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning aao.ia.ying. iqj Union ave. nr. x. Morrmui. Safes. 1HE MU-LER SAFE CO., lOS 2d aU bafas at lactory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcases. Bank and Store Flxturea. THE LUKE - MFii. CO., branch Grand Kapiua Showcase Co., uth and Boyu tu L. u ,M r. i NEW and second-hand J. 1. M. Mfg. Co. 4tn and Couch. Main 2703. L-Dinei woia. Screens. WINDOWS SCREENS. Do you want first-class window screens? We manufacture in Portland. ottung out i'uiproo screens mat iiu Call Main or A 2020. Ghis W ULD RUSTPROOF SCREEN CO- 145 First su Shingles. BEST in the city; car lots or less. ti. E- Liibert, 2U1 ashmyton su Storage and X ran f ers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 1-th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and uiw&t modern storage warehouse in cuy, e.ery convenience for sale and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rat in Northwest; free trackage; vans ior moving. Main or A 152u. C. O. PICK Transier At Storage Co., o fi.ee and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and n reproof auit for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Anie stb. Plan os and furniture moved ua AACjgeqror shipping. Main 5 Jt. A ltfo. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage;, safes, p '.an os and furniture moved and packed for shipmenu 2u9 Oak it, beu Front and i su x e lepnone Main 547 or A Z'J47. OREGON 1 RANSi-'E R CO.. established lK7d Tiansfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Offica 310 Hoyt st-, between 5th and olo. . - Fbone8 Mam 6'J. A 116J. WHEN moving, call up Van Horn Transfer to. Aiain ibis. A itftM. Ail co erod wagons, an experienced men. Swiss Iairy. 67 N. UNION ave. Phones East 5556, B 2011, rure ooiuea miiK a specialty. Trusses and Supports. ARE YOU RUPTURED? The Perfect truss is made and fitted by a specialist; no charge If I fail -to hold hernia, age or sex immaterial. Jay Stoves. 6TOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 2o tn ino. f,,iiv guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 per iuuiuu. ttcixic biauonery At Xrintlng Co.. 203 2d su WE ARE the exchange for the largest type- nier cuueern on mis Loasi ; investigate aJJ makes, all prices. Th Typewriter Ex Kiiu-use. i w asnington NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. p. D. C. Co., 231 StarK. M. 14Q7. Veterinarians. 6- L. Brown and S- B- Foster, veterinarian. itSl Ankeny t,t. A 3039. Main 2402. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue, free. Dr Kane. ls!S Market St.. S. F. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed frev GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pmctlic. Leaving- Portland Ash x-Bssenger ......... "if" r Passenger. ana Passenger 8:30 a. ra, A 1 .; TV o i & ij m i ieo ......... 6.00 p- nw et -ld n. m. Si erton Passenger. ....... ifornia Express Cal Sar ..17 :43 p. m. . 1:30 a m West Ria Corvallis Passenger 7:20 a. nu 4 : 00 p. RW 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p- ns T-tn - m r-nenaan Passenger Forest Grove Pisenrer. . . torest Grove Passenger...... rest urove Fassentr. ... IrHrln. T5-.- Oregon Express Aj h land Passenjrer. ... . ..I10:0u p. m. 'Sfburi Pflsseiic-r Po Ttland Express. ... "" I a :au p. m. .111:00 a. m .1 3:o p, m. Shs siv ! vertnn T .-.1 . . " v -ou a. m ft-?o n Cor- a l ; J a r am n eridan Passenger 10:20 a m Forest Grove Passenger! 1 1 I ! ....I :o a m. ....( 8:00 a. m. 40 p m. Northern Faclne, Leav!ns? Portland T ,soiMc,??.th:f,,,i k !";thCoa.t Limited iu""Nirth! " " Bank , T:0o i nt 2xprt-M v p" SoundlllrlJ.. tt Twin City Einreu via r.,..i run? I S:S0p. m. Tr i? r EIr" t' North) -.. - i T:nn p. ra. Eastern Kiores, via Pjiret Soundll2:15 . nx. ' ' x, ' v, r.urtn mantel 0:00a.m. Pound .... . Issovrl River Express via North 10:10 m, nw T:00 p. nx. Portland. Turnmii and S t fl "-i?" miwb. uriyi fiaroor. Olympl) - n Bena branches...... Portland-Vancouver Special. . . .. A-AK m. fl0:10 m. du Mund Limited. Grays Har- 3:30 p. rn 4 :00 p. m YflCOlt Passenirer Arriving Portland lJlCo&st Limited via North 8:19 jk n&4 7 :20 & m 7:30 a. nu 7:10 p. xm 8:15 p. row T:2(ft m. m. fi"oast Limited vim PuRet VLTl"v"n-r Fncifla Express -vim rnern Pacific Express vial ,TIV oouoa .... ...... Psoine Coast Express vim North slants. .................... Parfflo Coast Express via Pumet 2"ifii 5?reslvIa Pult So5ndilo!3o 8:15 p. m. via North) 7:30 a. mm 4:00 p. jam Mijiourl River Express vis Puset Pound Portland -Tacoma-Seattle Express - '- Hum uiympia. oouiq idend and Grays Harbor. Punt Riii n A t imitA 4rfM 1. nt, T-IAn wm . Va ncouver- Por i land Special."... Iio-an n M y aoo it Passenger I B:on a. jtl Oregon Kaiiroad & Nmvtgatlon C. roriiana Baker City Passenger Chicago Limited . The Dalles Local.... Soo-Spokane Portland. . . . II " " T:40 10:00 4 :0o 7:00 8:00 10:t5 10:30 9:00 7:00 8:00 7.30 p. m. p. m p. zn a. m sv m a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. Icokane Flyer. t-x 1 1 vine Portland The Dalles Local..... prenon Express Soo-Spokane-portland "... Baner City Local Passenger... Cliftcaso Limited Spokane Fiver Astoria, Jt tolmuiiia itlrer. 6easiae Express Ocean Shore Limited . " . Saturday tieasid ispeciml... Seaside Express Rainier Paenger. ......... Rainier Passenger. ........ Arrivinic Portland 00 l 20 i m. nx. xn. 30 6:3u p. 15 seaside Express 112 Monday Seaside Special iia 05 30 O0 j ;15 40 i beasido Express ilo Ocean Slioro Limited ilu Rainier and Portland Passenger. , a - nx, nu s..i.iitvr fa.nq rortland Pansenger. . ( 5 Caamllan Pacihe jtaUway Co. Leavlnjc Portland I C P. R. Short Line via Sndkana.i 7 :0O 1 Via SeaLtle .. iiv 15 1 xn C P. R. bhort Line via Spokane, f 9:00 i ia Seattle j 70 j Orctfoa A uMiiuyiuu iaiiroau ca Seattle Passenger. .......... ....i 8:30 a m, onasta Liiea , tt;uup.nZ Owl ill ;3 xi. in. Arrl vine Portland . .1 wi . 7:15 a. m, CsllUKta. Limit , k... Portland p avenger I : :45 p. mi Xi-fc' A1 A- VJ JS a A. AfcX. A' bXAXIO. boutxieru iracuio. Leaving Portland. Dailtts rdbBoior Dallas PajMinter .... Aiiivm ru. nand Dalian pAAenicer . . . . Daliaa Passenger .... I 7:40 p. nx. l . .10:15 a. ro. -I 5:55 p. m x.xixl Ai UOxf axAtAfc,xa rA SengEK a ia1hj.. fcjwkmie, pwrtlaxni a &eattxtf luxilvva to. Leaving Portland Inlauu empire Express. . 8:00 a. nx. i?or cnictio, at. PmuL, OmuQu, lvauAaA City. St. LouiH, Jsilliniis, bpoiane. X'AdOJ. Roosevelt, Giandualie. Goi.aeuub.ie. Ll vV mte Salmon, tate vwuson, V axicouver. 'x ho ureaoman 11:00 m. m. For SU Paul, bpokane, Pasco, Wasntucn. Kaiiioiu. ciixxs. Lyie. Wnita Saixuon. t- euou and V tuico u vcr, , Co.umbu River x-ocl.. 4 :30 p. m. No: la Jautt Limited 7 :uu p. m For CUlcUKu, at. Paul, Omana. Eansa City, St. Louiji. BiiiiuKs. SpoKaue, Wailituc ua, Eanlotus, x'aaco, nuouavclt, Granuu.aUA. ooidendaie. Lyle, Wau baxixiou. aioU4u Vancouver. Arriving Portland Th uibfcunntn 7:03 a. nx . From St. xJaul, Spokane, Pasco, CiifXA. Maryvule. Lyle. White aaxmou. Stevexuoa and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a. nx. x-rum tuitifio, &u Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Loul, liiilili;A, opoaane, A-'asiatuo-na. iah lotus, Pasco, ivoosevelt, Granaaallcs. Goidenaale. Lyle. Whitt Salmon, hmvB,ia,n Vancouver. Coluuiuia River Local . . 12 35 p nx. luiaiiU umpire Express..... tola p. m. irrom CUicago, &u Paul. Omaha, Kansj City, tot. Louio, BiUiutitt. buoKdue, vVmshtuc na, Kan lotus, Paco, xtoose veil, Granauailea, UolaeuUale, yi. While- Salmon, bieveuiou. Vancouver. . Great orthiern Hallway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriental Llmitcu. via Seattle iO:Ou a. m. The OreKonian. via North xsank . . 1 1 :ou a. rn. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:O0p. ni. International Limited, Seattle, Ta- coma and ancouver. B. C 10:00 m. m. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C 5:00 p.m. Shore Line Express. Tacoma, Se attle una Vancouver. B. C 11:30 p.m. Arriving Portland xlth and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle tt:4t a. m. The Oregonian. via North Bank.. 7:t5a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank tt;15 p. nx. The Owl, Vancouver, B. C, Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 a. m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver. B. C. Seattle and Tacoma S:30p. m. International Limited, Vancouver, H. i.. .Seattle and Tacoma it: GO p. rn. xio u 'Oregon A. 1 ec trie timivtay jo. Pas sena cr station. Ituut and Jellersoq fats. Leaving- Portland for Salem and int. stations 6:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M. ; 2:O0. 3:50. 6:30. t:40 P. M. Limited for Uualatln and Salem ;:13 A. M. Local for Wilaonviii ana. mt stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem. Falls City & Western Ry. via Salem. ti:30 A. M., 2:00 P. M- Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05, 8:30, 10:2O A. M. ; 12:10. 2:10, 3:oO. 5 :30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only. 11:3 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 3:40. 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15, 4:00, 6:00. 8:20. 10:30 P. M. Local from Wilson vil.a and intermediate stations :40 A. M. Dally except Sunday, and 7:35 A. M. dally. Arriving Portland from Forest tirova mnd Int. stations 8:00. :50, 11:40 A. M. ; 1:30. 2:50. 6:20, 8:10 p. M. Saturday only, 11:00 P. M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. pepot Front and Jcfforson. Portland. Or. Portland Railway. Light A Power Company. Ttcvket Office and Waiting-Room. Firift mnd Aider and Earn. Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City :UO and 6:30 A. M and every 80 minutes to and including last car. mid night. Gresham snd intermediate point 6:55, 7:45. 8:45. 9:45, 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4 45, 5:45. 8:45. 11:30 P. M. . Falrview and Troutdale 6:55. 7:45. 8:45. 8:45, 10:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:43. 6:45 P. M. Cazadero and Intermediate points 8:33. 8:45, 10.45 A. M. ; 12:45. 2:45. 4:45. 6:45 P. M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second an 1 Washington Sts. A. M. 6: 15. 6:50. 7:25, 8.vO, 8:35. 9:10. 8:50. 10:30 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10, 1:50, :30. 8:10. 3:80. 4:30. 6:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13. :25. lo:35. 11:45. On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M 3ally except Sun day. Dally except Monday. BANK 3. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ST9. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BaXKIN'J . LLsiNEriS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCxPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCO'S'Ti SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. ' A