12 J5 THE SUNDAY OEEGOMAX, PORTLAND. JTJLT '31, 1910- RESTAURANT cook. $14 week. HotPl cool, $15 week. Country hotel cook, f 40. Boarding-house cook. $40. ('hambermaids, $:5, $30 and $25. Two waitresses, coast. $25. Two w al tresses. Hot Lake, $ 50 ; fare waitresses country hotel), $25. Restaurant wa t tress-e, $8 and $9 week. Two second girls. $25 and $-10. Nurse girl. $15. Housemaids In and out of city, $25 to 840. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 345 Wash. St.. Room 7. THE GREATER OLDS, TVORTMAN KING STORES need the services of large number of 'experienced saleswoman in all depart ments, especially in the following: JEWELRY, DRUGS. GROCERIES. ART NEEDLE WORK MEN'S FURNISHINGS. NOVELTIES AND CHINA. GLOVES. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. 16 years of axe and over, who wish the opportunity to enter a business career. Ql.DS WOP.TMAN & KING. GIRLS 16 years vf age and over, to work In bag factory. Apply at once. AMES, HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 5th and Davie st. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; students paid $20 per month while learning; a thorough training given each student before ai tgnment to position. This i an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny and 6th t., or MAIN OFFICE, West Park nd Alder sts.. between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. week days. The pacific Telephone &Te leg rap h Co. $18.Rrt PER WEEK Addressing envelopes at home in sparo time; experience unneces sary; material sent prepaid; send 1c for utflt postage. instruction, etc. ; to start at once. Enterprise Publishing Co., Covlng ton, Ky. WANTED LADIES TO LEARN ' All branches of beauty culture; our parlors are up- to-date; good chance to become independent; visit and talk it over. See for yourself. 400 to 414 Dekum bldg. San itai v Heauty Parlors. " large, airy rooms. WE TEACH ladies either millinery or dress making in a few weeks; tuition reduced for August. Boston School of Millinery & Dressmakfng, 274 Williams ave. Phone East 345. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice r assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola Q. Baldwin, Supt.. room 37, Y. W. C. A. bldg., 7th and Tyjoist8. YOUNG girl about 16 years old to assist with light housework and help care for baby; must be of good character and willing to travel; expenses paid. Apply after 6 P. M. at 226 N. 18th su GIRLS OVER 18. WESTERN MANTLE COMPANY, 28 Front St. WANTED Woman to do cooking and gen eral housework; small family; gowi wages. Apply room 7IO Hoard of Trade bldg.. Sat urday. Room 60S Alexander Court Sunday. WANTED at once housekeeper by" widower with 4 children, youngest 17 months; good home to right person. John . Vernon, Black Rock, Polk Conty. ' Oregon. "WANTED Girl to work In hairstore; must understand hair dressing and hair work; good salary and steady position. Address Ackrods Hair Store, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Young lady solicitor, good prop osition, salary and commission. Inquire of I.,. F. Connor, Hotel Philip, between 10 and 12 and 4 and 6 Monday. PROFESSIONAL manicurist, late of New York City, will give complete course at your residence for $5; positions waiting. B 156. Oregonian. WANTED EX PBRIENCRT) sTenogrnp hTr and offtce assistant. Must be quick and accurate at figures. References required. Ben Selling. Leading Clothier. A SOUTHERN lady will take a class of six in your home; fine sewing, lace. Irish crochet and embroidery. AO 169, Ore gonlan. ANYONE can make money writing short stories; big pay; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran- . Cisco. "WANTED An experienced saleswoman for dry goods, near Portland. Address, giving references and salary expected. Box B 158, Oregon ian. "WANTED Lady solicitor who is a good dresser to meet an exclusive class of peo ple; good pay assured to right party. S 1Q7. Oregonian. G1KL wanted to help with housework at d baby. Apartment A, 524 Vi 2oth St., corner Lajf rel. "WANTED Girl or woman for trimming m-n's hats; experienced preferred. Apply 1 4th st. BUSINESS firm desires a woman not under 25, wno is trustworthy and capable; ex perlenccunnecesary. T 196. Oregonian. LA DY stenographer who was In room 304 Macleay bldg., phone Airs. Biddings, M. 94 S3. WANTED Lady to work in boarding-house for her and her husband's board. 12 1 Vs Russell. Phone East 378. AN experienced second girl, references, small family ; good wages. Apply 295 West Park si. WANTED Girl for general hous-work. Ap ply 150 loth st., N. Main 9570. jefer ences. GI RLS wanted to work In paper-box" fac tory. Oregon Paper-Box Factory, 03 Front st. WANTED Good Scandinavian girl for general housework, out oi town. Call East 0122. New-comer will, do. THOROUGH course of millinery taught in 6 weeks ; terms reasonable. 7ui VVash- ingtonst.,after2. COMPETENT lady pianist; one who sings preferred. Call New York Amusement Ex change. 526 Wash. St., near 17th. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist Tn general housework at small boarding house. Call 13 North Ninth at. WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap ply mornings and evenings. 354 Davis st., cor. 17th St. MRS. HOWE'S LADILS' AGENCY, " lUtfH Washington St.. Room 314. Main- S3tt or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGBNCT. 84$ Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstair . . , Phone Main 26. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 6o9 Roinci bldg.,4th and Washington. O I R If to do copy In g. perma nen t post t ion ; must write a good lant hand. Apply room 6 BuardoX Trade bldg. (W ANTB1 Fir!t-class body ironer and one neck band ironer. Mt. Scott Laundry. Take Mt. Scott car to Kern Park. Tabor 25. STENOGUA I'll ER Experienced stenograph er for wholesale house; give references and salary expected. X 197. Oregonian. DINING-ROOM "girl"atJewiri farm resort. White Salmon. Main 2322. A 3255. Good wages. H EAI) nurte, niall Interior hospital; Eastern graduate preferred. Phone Marshall 221 to- day. WANTED Strong, capable woman cook, crew men; wages $-15. St. Louis Agency, 303 W Wash. Main 2v;i9. A 4775. A COOK, family of 3. Apply mornings. 202 King st. WANTED Girl to make shirts and uver . alls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 C ouch. WANTED Good-looking young lady as car ter fo r plot ure theater. s 160. Oregonian. W A N T E l G i rl to w ash d i sh es" etc., in , lunchroom, easy hours, 13a 1 0th s t. W A XTED Operators on custom pants. S3 Mh at., room 505. Steady work. YoUNG girl wanted to assist in housework Apply at 200 10th st. Mrs. J. p. Wilson. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 6S2 Love joy st. CHAMBERMAID. RheinpfaJx Hotel; 3 Front st. MODERN 6-room house. 337 Knott st. near Rodney ave. phone C 1563. W A -N T ED Nee t . rel : a bl e g I rl for general housework, wages $30. 461 Hastalo st. W A N T E D 4 first-class waitresses. $10 and one day off. Address K 137. Oregon tan. W A NT ED Reliable woman for general housework at Seaside. Phone Sfain 20S5. FIRST-CLASS second girl In prl v ate f a m i 1 y $23 a month, AO 1V. Oregonian . RELIABLE, capable cook for private fam- 11 , . $35 a month. AC 159. Oregonian. WANTED Two sales girls. 44 N. 8d st. T S h Q.11. Japanese store. FINE laundress for Monday and Tuesdays i n private family. AC 158. Q r e g on i a n. WANTED Experienced waitress at Hebe's. 41H Washington st. TEACHERS" AGBXCT off era o rMPitior to A-l Instructors. U S wetland. WANTED Man and wife to work oa ranch near city. B 109. Oregonian. HFI, P WAXTE D M ALE OB FAX AMATEURS taught and rehearsed for dra matic and vaudeville work; made compe tent for all ines of staae busienas; compe tent directors at head of all departments; sketches written and staged: artists booked companies organized and routed; buy and sell theaters and picture house; only Inde pendent theatrical booking exchange in Portland. Pacific Amusement Eix change, Marquam bldg. WANTED 300 hop-pickers; families pre ferred; Wm. Bagley ranch. 2 miles from Hillsboro. Or.; finest crop and best ac commodations In state; railroad on ranch; send in your names now. Wm. Bag ley. Hillsboro, Or., or rooms 619 or 612 Wor- cester bldg., Portland. Or. PIANIST, experienced In dance work, plav Ing average two nights, week, will try and secure other position to go with It; state what work is acceptable. Chas. G. Newman. Hood River, Or. WANTE D Partner for road show with small ex pense attached; will net big profits; some thing new; must invest $200 or $300. N 157. Oregonian. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Portland examination schedule. Franklin Institute Dept. 249R. Rochester. N- Y. GENTLEMAN or lady to work In gallery; must be able to operate and finish. Ap- . plv Unique Studio. 245Vi Morrison st. COMPOSITOR on country weekly, not far from Portland; girl or woman preferred; $12.50 w-eek. Address S 160. Oregonian. WANTED Performers, singers. musicians, etc. Call New York Amusement Exchange, & 2 0 Vx Was h .. near 17th. ELDERLY man or woman bookkeeper and asUtant manager in small manufacturing plant. AB lf)9. Oregon in. SITUATION WANTED MALE. (Irrkt FINANCIAL CONNECTION WANTED. Ientleman. age 42. fine address, pleasing and magnetic personality, successful seller f promotion stocks and bonds, bank refer ences, stranger hre. wishes connection with company or individual who has large propo sition with proportionate profits. No insur ance or real estate considered. No money to invest. AF 199, Oregonl-an. EASTERN man of wide experience in re sponsible executive capacities desires busi ness relations with responsible individual or corporation. Can devise and install modern methods and direct activities eo as to produce results. Good habits, ap pearance and absolutely clear record. Interview looking to mutually advantage ous connection solicited. Communications treated confidentially. Executive, AJ 115. Oregonian. A GENTLEMAN of 30, college education, having served successively as bookkeeper, chief accountant, credit man and assistant manager, covering four different lines, and having a serviceable knowledge of same, is open for a proposition where his ability and experience can be utilized; any semblance of nepotism must be positively eliminated. AJ 159, Oregonian. A GBNTLEMA N, comparatively young. of good presence, education, reliable habits and accustomed to responsibility, desires po sition; expert in credits, rales or collection departments; a correspondent of more than ordinary klll. aptitude and experience. Phone Main 7273. ATTENTION Small business man. who doesn't have time to keep books and wishes to know standing of his business. I will keep them for you; charges reason able; interview solicited. K 184, Orego nian. POSITION with small local firm where part nership la hot impossibility, by young n-en employed in large office. First-class book keeper and off ire man; best of references. AL 108. Oregonian. RETAIL clothing salesman, hustler, who understands his business, desires change to Northwest in September. Address H. H. Mock. 620 S. Topeka ave., Wichita, Kansas. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, typewriter, general office man, 37; six years' experience mer chandise, lumber, real estate; moderate salary ; highest references. 1030 Grand eve. ncrth. AUDITOR accountant and office manager who has made good in Portland, now em ployed, would change; real estate, mercan tile and manufacturing experience; salary $175 or better. G 159. Oregonian. SITUATION an relief clerk In drug store; work nights and Sunday ; registered in three states. S 19T, Oregonian." EX I'ERIENCED sal eman wishes to make change, either city or road work. ran give best reference. AK 194, Oregonian. TYPEWRITING done by experienced sten ographer: work called for; reasonable price. Tabor 629. WANTE D- Posi ti on as bookkeeper, experf enced in lumber and contracting business. J 197, Oregonian. YOUNG man of family wants office work, graduate of commercial college, bank ref erence. O 159. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman would take real est-ate proposition ; salary and commission. .AG159, Oregonian. EXPERIENCE tariff man desires- charge of traffic- of some wholesale concern. R 167, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED billing clerk, lumber busi ness, rail or cargo, also good stenographer. ( 15S Oregnntan. SITUATION as salesman, either city or on road : good references. N 1 64, Oregonian. FIRST-CIASS experienced salesman wants position in city. AG 360. Oregonian. SA LESM AN, experienced office supplies, married, age 30. X 1S, Oregonian. DRUG clerk wants night work; have best of references. AL J6S. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hardware man desires poal lion with local concern. AG 158, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Good home for good boy, age 1 3 ; willing worker. In exchange for services where can attend- school; beat references. AF1 195. Oregonian. GA RDENER wants lawns to grade and seed. Work guaranteed. Phone Tabor 1175. EDITORIAL position wanted by competent man with newspaper or magazine. X 195, Oregonian. . ANYONE In need of a reliable and com petent licensed chauffeur kindly phone Main 4903. BY A-l saloon man aa manager or barkeeper, where services will be appreciated. AS 198, Oregonian. LICENSED chauffeur wishes position in pri vate family or driving truck. Address Roland Hanson, Woodstock, Or. JAPANESE boy wants any kind work few hours, not over 7 hours, or schol boy. W 158 Oregonian. , TWO young men want light positions on farm some place, no matter what is the wages. T 164, Oregonian. CH At" FFBUR Potritlon as salesman, demon strator, or will take good driving position; references. C 168, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants steady position, carpen ter; does all-around repairing. AG 199, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position pantry, store room, oyster opener or family. T. Nakada. k N. 8th st., city. BA K K EEPER desires position hi first-class hotel, cafe or club; sober and reliable. O ltUS, Ore g on laa. , JAPANESE man and wife want positions as cook and waitress; no objection to country. Y 197. Oregonian. EXPERT concrete block maker, understands steam curing and installing same. H. M. Kelleher, 253 Front st. AIJj-ROUND handy man, place as watchman; understands steam boilers; best references. AK lit 7. Oregonian. EX PER IENCED chauffeur wishes posiUon with real estate company or private fam ily; references. AD 156, Oregonian. CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cumoilngi &. Catlln. 371 First st. Marshall 2327. COOK All around, used to hotel work, S iooks ior sieaay situation, city or country. Hotel Minnesota, room 7S. FIRST-CLASS continental cook Swiss) wants situation in hotel or restaurant; ref- e re aces. AG 156. Oregonian. SOBER, Industrious iAji. 34. wishes position; would leave city. V 195, Oregonian. A YOUNG man wants about 4 hours' work evenings after 6 o'clock. Phone Main 3353. JAPANESE, speaks good English, want a position. AM 183. Oregonian. BY GOOD, all-around baker; country shop preferred. T 158. Oregonian. A STRONG boy wants work on a stock ranch as errand boy. AL 166. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work outside or finUh. Phone East 16S after 6:30 o'clock. MAN and wife wants place to work on ranch. L 135. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS sausagemaker. German, wants steady position. AH 159. Oregonian. POSITION wanted as porter; experienced. Main358S. Louis Corak. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a job in any place. AN 16. Oregonian. EVENING work from P. M wanted by Japanese boy. AF 169, Oregonian, ULLL H AMtD-MALE. MTCATIOX ANTED-rEM.UE. I WANTED TO REST. I FOR RENT. t TOR W ANTr.D I wLeh to recommend by head mill r tf tn milling public as an up-to-date miller and mechanic, strictly temperate, honeA and industrious; first-class miller in all systems of modern milling and worthy of the confidence of any firm that wishes a first-class miller and man; I have sold my mill, therefore cheerfully recommend h!m to any milling company that wants a No. 1 miller and man; inquiries cheerfully answered. J. H. Brown, late proprietor. Reference J. 3thomas. Shaw. Or.; F. Fuchs. 221 14 Morrison St.. Portland. Ad . dress M.D.L Howard,Indu6try,Kan. LAUNDRYMAN, all-round man washer, combined machine operator, starcher, mark er, from East, strictly sober, willing worker; have No. 1 references; can come at once; givo particulars. Dale W. Upson, Pendleton, A YOUNG man, 24. desires position In lum cer office; six years' experience in woods, mills and yards. Salary no object if given chance to learn and advance. AJ 1SL Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED couple, man painting, car pentering and general repairing, wife good cook and general housework; held posi tion, of trust in one place 10 years. AB 1Q9. Oregonian. CriAl'FFEL'R, age 31. sober, competent and reliable, desires position; private family preferred; thoroughly experienced in re pair and upkeep of cars. AB 198, Ore- gonlan. A 'MIDDLE-AGED man. stnrtly temperate and a licensed engineer of both steam and ga3line, would like a chance to learn driv ing automobiles in exchange for a reason-a-ble term of service. R 161. Oregonian. A7TT"OIP'ET desires connection with estab lished law office or corporation of good re pute; 10 years' experience in Washington and Michigan : satisfactory references; can - brln gflome c) l e nts. X J 96. Oregon lan. YOUNG MAN with several years' experience wants position on construction as time keeper or force account man: am also ex perienced level man or topographer. E 156. Oregonian. SITUATION for janitor work bv married man; no children. An experienced, reliable American. Address, not later than Mon day. E. Davidson, general delivery, Port- land. EXPERIENCED gardener wants situation af ter August 5; can lay out grounds and do ornamental rock work and rustic work. S SJ. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS man from the East wants po sition as manager of hotel, apartment house or cafe; -best of references. E 193, pregonian. fOUXG man. technical education, practical mechanic, good draftsman, accustomed to handling men, seeks position. H 19&. Ore gonian. A RELIABLE, sober man, experienced team ster and ftoorman. wants steadv position; good references. Walter, 204 Madison st. Main 2S76. A YOUNG colored man wants a situation as porter or elevator man; with very beat Sp98referenCeS North 1th St' Main WANTED By elderly man. situation as ele vator operator or care and fire- steam heating plant, or night watchman; experl- enced. Phone Sell wood 1702. YOUNG man with 10 years experience in ladles cloaks, suits and ready-to-wear goods, desires position. AM 195, Oregon- ian. GERMAN-AMERICAN university educa tton, honest and a gentleman, wants steady employment of any kind. T 156, Oregonian. MARRIED man, aged 31. wants position as a chauffeur; can furnish best of references;- can repair own car. Write or call 152 East 35th st. IN SMALL country general store, where In dependence is appreciated. . by experienced German of 29; state wages" and living ex peneeg. AF 195. Oregonian. SITUATION as porter by a first-class man. 30 years old. sober and industrious: refer ences; strictly experienced. K 167. Ore gonian. CARPENTER work, eny kind, day or con tract. Phone Marshall 2327. SITUATION WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers nnd Stenographers.' YOUNG lady wants position as reception girl with people who recognize the value of having Wieir clients or patients prop erly attended to. Considerable experience dealing with the public. Not less than $9 week salary. Main 3539, Sundav. be tween 8 A. M. and 2 P. M or Monday YOUNG lady wants position as traveling companion with children or adults; ref erences exchanged. Mean business. In terested In foreign languages. Have slight knowledge of German. Salary and ex penses desired. Main 3630. Sunday fore- noon or Monday. UNIVERSITY graduate and teacher of ex perience wishes to tutor in high school and grammar grade subjects; excellent cre 8?3lalB" 16T 0resronlan Phone Main STENOGRAPHER Young lady desires po sition, two years experience in various of fice work. Salary $r0. Good city :efer ences. AH 397. Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer with some experience desire position. AM 155. Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER, six months experience wishes permanent position, willing worker Phone A 5440. STENOGRAPHER, competent, rapid, spec ially accurate." permanent position, fair salary. AD 159. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, accurate lady bookkeeper wants small set books to keep; reason- able. AB 197. Oregonian. WANTED Position as cashier iri moving - picture show; good location. 1266 Union ave. North. STENOGRAPHER would like position fo practice; small salary to begin. K 168, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with some general office ex perience. A-l stenographer and typist, would like a steady position. W 157, Oregon ian. COMPETENT stenographer desires position in office or hotel In Oregon Summer resort. J 155. Oregonian. YOUNG lady would like light office work J 15rt, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced bookkeeper aml gtenographer. AF 197, Ore go n i a n . YOUNG lady wishes position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Phone Woodlawn 1343. ACCURATE stenographer wishes position. M 9o4. LADY wants sewing at home, willo our Reasonable. Phone Main 4984. ore tnuaerw. MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit. $3, your own material ; suits, coats, tailored gowns reduced prices. I. Reubin, Elite Ladies Tailor. 546 Washington , near 1 8th. A DESIGNER from the East will make suits and dresses; special low price to introduce work. The Westminster, corner Sixth and Madison. Main 5682. FIRST-CLASS dressmaklng"or plain sewing done at home. Fit guaranteed. Phone Tabor 1183. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and ladies' tailoring done at 346 Madison st. Phone Marshall 2422. BY young lady who sews neatlv. position with good dressmaker. N 163. D-ego- nlan. - DRESSMAKING, tailoring and repairing done at your home; references given Main 8'2. DRESSMAKING and tailoring busfeess for less than expense of furnishing: sickness reason. Come and see. M 166. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED seamstress would like sew ing by dav. Call C 1214. SEWING by day, or at home. Phone Main 1299. Address 188 14th S. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; neat, rea sonable, close in. 251 Clay. DRESSMAKING cShlrt waists and gowns, at 377 Vancouver ave. East 25S5. LADIES tailoring; alterations, coats re lined, Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia st- A 4 7 OA. WANTED Sewing at 30S 6th st! Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED Jady with 7-year-old child w anra position as housekeeper with aged ceuple or widower with child; Christian home desirable. Mrs. Swaggerd, Milwaukle Or. WIDOW lady of refinement and good edu catlon, age 36, wishes position house keeper: capable taking charge; state par ticulars; best references. Y 168, Orego- . nlan. WANTED By lady of experience, position as landlady of first-class rooming-house or hotel; references given; capable of tak ing entire management. Call or address room 3 Sherman Hotel. WIDOW lady wants position as housekeeper or chambermaid In firai-class rooming-house or hotel. 39o Everett. Main 728?. WANTED A position as housekeeper by a young Danish widow with one child 31 years old. K 155. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS housekeeper wants praition In refined home: elderly couple or g-ntle-man. PhoneMarshall 1826 mornings. REFINED woman. 28. good cook boy T housekeeper in bachelor's or widower's home. K 15S. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants position widower s family or hotel. Main 7635. LADY wants partner in rooming-house or hotel; no triflers. Y 159. Oregonian. Domestics! " LADY wants day work; references. Main 65uV A RELIABLE woman, 24 years old. wants position as nurse girl; one that does not care to run about nights and would appre ciate a good home; preferring children from 2 years old or more. 155 16th st. TRAINED nurse desires work no objec tion to maternity or nervous cases: under stands massage ; references. Phone Main 57 1. MIDDLE-AGED gentlewoman wishes care of children; great experience, fine house keeper, best of references. t AE 15S, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED nurse would like situation as housekeeper or care of invalid. Y 196, Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse would like position In doctor's office. AH 19S. Oregonian. CAPABLE, practical nurse desires position; references. Phone Selwood 1496. Ascellaneoos. SOUTHERN woman, age 35. wishes position as maid to one or more children ; good seamstress or would care for invalid. Y 167. Oregonian, THOROUGHLY competent weil-experienced in laundry work, would like work for Wednesday and Friday; references. AH 160. Oregonian. WOULDN'T you like to leave your children in the care oT a refined, reliable girl when you go out of an evening? Phone A 4046. YOUNG lady seeks position as companion or nurse for invalid or child: can furnish best of references. N 165, Oregonian. YOUNG woman ; fast worker; wishes day work for Tuesday and Wednesday. Wood lawn 139L FIRST-CLASS lady barber with license wants a position : has worked in Portland tw years. 390 Everett. Main 7283. POSITION in family with no email children et general housework by middle-aged woman with year-old baby. H 156. Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by the day or half day, excepting Mondays. Address 566 E. 10th st. YOUNG lady, experienced grade teacher, wants pupils to tutor before school opens; w-puld leave town. AF 156. Oregonian. REFINED young lady desires the care of one or two children during the day; will teach them piano. Y 169. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants steady day work. Tabor 701. FANCY laundry carefully done at home. Miss Lester. 10 E 51st st. WANTED Curtains washed and stretched. 40c pair. Call Sellwood SOL EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing and ironing. Main 32O0. WOM AN wishes laundry work and clean- ig py me oay. naain zaiii. GERMAN woman wants housework by the Jay. J 166. Oregon i a n. WOMAN wishes day work. Phone C 133ft. 4 WANTED AGENTS, AGENTS, "stores, peddlers, street-men ; larg est line of fair, celebration and carnival goods the world: suitable for all events. Old home. fireman's. Columbus day badges, pennants; toys, stationery, post cards, decorations. Christmas and holi day goods; send for catalogue. Miller, 158 PajJRow,NewYork. SEND for free copy of "Thomas Agent" ; greatest agents' paper published; filled with money-making plans, No license tax" decision Supreme Court, pointers 0 agents; every agent In U. S. should have copy at once. Thomas Company. 1140, Wayne ave., Dayton. Ohio. WANTED A state agent and sales manager to handle our line of stock foods and remedies in Oregon; must be experienced and a high-grade salesman: liberal com missions; references and bond required. German Stock Food Company, Minneapo lis. Minn. MAN cleared $1182. lady $720 last 6 months wiling Holiday s Marvel Shoe Polish, wlf shinlng. waterproof. Why not you? Write for demonstrated sample and terms. Holla day. 126 W. 31st. New York. AGENTS earn $25 to $5D weekly selling latest styles exquisitely braided embroi dery waists, princess dresses, various nov elties; catalogue free. National Import ing Co.. desk D. 699 Broadway, New York. WANTED Men and women to sell best sick and accident policy in the market; it gives your money back every five years if not sick. Keystone Guard, 386 E. Hoyt street. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. GENERAL, special. by large, old-line, health and accident company; new, lib erals easy, selling policies; choice terri tory: big pay. Royal Casualty Co., St. Louis. EXCLUSIVE territory, Doran Seif-Heating Iron; triumph of mechanical genius; money-maker, labor and fuel saver. Do ran -Sales Co., 127 y Washington blvd., Chicago. AuJENTf wanted Our excellent' home-grown nurserjr stock Is in demand; sales this season will be immense ; a flattering; op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free, Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. FREE SAMPLES Agents, bo t h sexes" can easily earn $15-$45 weekly. Write today for proof and sample. G. G. Seed, 93 Reade, New York. Aii-NXii wanted to alo us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free ; cash weekly. Address Capital City N ursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvasfers can make $50 per week easily gelling trees for the Oregon Nursery Co.. Oivnco, Or. Good- territory open; liberal pro posit ion. Ca 11 or write to Orenco, Or. $27 FIRST day made by first agent for new furniture polish with special polishing cloth. Advertising free. C. L. Polish Co.. 63 N. 8th St.. Reading. Fa. AGENTS wanted for cigar lighter for stores; new invention, big jrofits; can be used anywhere. Drake Mfg. Co., 145 -Reed st.. Milwaukle. Wis. AGENTS Our Vegetable Soap Is the fastest seller on earth; big money, permanent busi ness ; exclusive territory, sample free. Mor gan Supply Co.. St. Louis. Mo. IT COSTS you 3c, sells for 26c. For further particulars address N. M. Friedman & Co. Mfrs.. Box 870, Martinsburg, Mo. AGENTS Let us submit our proposition; won't you gamble to extent of postal card ? Box874.Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Agents to sell nursery stock; cash weekly ; outfit supplied. Carlton Nursery Co., Carlton. Or. 200 PER CENT profit; handy Lame fastener; every horseowner buys at sight. Thomas Fastener Co.. 5140 Barney. Da yt on. Ohio. AGENTS Magazine 10c a year, sample free! Mixers' Guide, Fort Madison. Ia. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay raxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was oar own; references, any bank la Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. WANTED To rent 4 or 5 acre land; one wit& a small house preferred. B 166, Oregonian. Hoonei. WANTED TO RENT A modern, unfur nished bungalow or cottage on hard paved street, with room on the lot to erect a garage; must have lease for not less than five years. Prefer West Side. Call up either phone, Main 1262. WANTED A small furnished cottage or furnished apartment; must be reasonable and strictly modern; give full particulars; Northwest section city preferred; refer ences exchanged. F. C. Williamson, Nor tonla Hotel. MAN and wife, with two children, want furnished house or apartments or board with private family having no children; references exchanged. J. L. Powell, 5223 Kenrrore ave.. Chicago. 111. WANTED By a young couple (no children) a strictly modern bungalow or cottage; gas and electricity. Will lease. Phone Sellwood 593. WANTED 2 or 3 rooms furnished for light housekeeping in private family. Alblna or West preferred; particulars. A J 153, Ore gonian. "BY SEPTEMBER 15! in Irvlngton Six-room modern house; will take a year's lease. Re- ply 20 East 7th. MODE RN unfurnished house or flat, 4 to 6 rooms. West Side. Give location, price, R 165, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house, between 16th and 23d. north of Washington; no chll dren. K. 198. Oregonian. ' WANTED TO RENT Furnished house oa the West Side for the Winter months; three adults. G 197, Oregonian. BY young couple, modern unfurnished house, five or six rooms. Phone A 7243. FURNISHED flat or- cottage, "West Side; close in. Call Main 6703. IF you want to rent your house, or stores. Phone Maln4526. SIX-ROOM house, prefer neighborhood of Jefferson High. AG 196, Oregonian. WANTED By two young men. suite of rooms with bath, or small furnished apartment. B 19. Oregonian. MAN and wife want unfurnished room, walking distance. Postofflce. AE 16. Oregonian. WANTED Small housekeeping-suite near 10 La and College. AH 16S, Oregonian. WANTED By a lady, a neatly furnished front room having modern conveniences, in a refined private family and select neighborhood, with breakfast and dinner: no other roomer ; state full particulars and price to insure attention. Address J 157. Oregonian. WANTE it For August, 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms or flat by elderly gentleman and daughter; convenient to Sunnystde, East Ankeny or Hawthorne ave cars. AD 199. Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, by two adults, two rooms or suite of rooms, with or without board; must be reasonable. F 168. Ore gonian. REFINED married couple would rent well furnished room in private family; give location, phone and price; city references. AF 157. Oregonian. TOUNG man desires small, nicely furnished room In private family, pleasant surround ings, not to exceed $10 ; near car line, AH 169Oregonian. TOUNG man wants a furnished room; must be cheap. XI 58. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board In a good neighborhood, convenient to good school,- by a refined gentleman and daughter of IO years; would like the home of a widow where daughter would be company and would receive watchful care; must be reasonable a nd no ot her boarders. R 160. OregoniaJi. ROOM and board desired by well-bred young man. In strictly private family in best resi dential district ; highest references given. Address AM 169. Oregonian. YOUNG professional man desires location in private, modern home. West Side : board ing houses need not reply. T 165, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife want room and board In nice private family; references furnished. AH 165,Oregonlan. WANTED Responsible party to look after baby girl 16 months, at their home, by the month. AH 158, Oregonian. TWO ladles want room and board near 11th and College. W 168. Oregonian. Business Place e. WANTED Desk room t on ground floor by established and responsible real estate man. T 167. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL MED FOR D. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED: new, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot d cold running water In all rooms; steam heated: private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only $3 and up per week: 6O0 up per day. Call and see ua Northeast corner Fifth and Gllsan sts. COSY. HOMELIKE. COMFORTABLH IN THE HEART OF THE CITY NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny sta The preacher who preaches. The teacher who teaches. And the drummer with goods to sell; With wife or with daughters. When look in it for quarters. All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel. A quiet home for quiet people. HOT EL BRESLIN. B. w. cor. llth and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under tew management; excellent location, close to shipping and theater district ; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort, able house it 1 . Transient solicited. Both jhones. HOTEL, SAVOrv 129 Eleventh st. Kew modern brick building, steam ceated. private baths, hot and cold wa ter In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicit ad. THE BARTON, 33th and Alder, ts now un dergoing a thorough renovation ; 70 steam heated, electric lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites with running water $20 month up. Phones and bath free. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 387 1 E. Burn side; very modern; hot and cold run ning water, steam heat In all rooms: rooms en suite with private bath, nrlce from $2.50 to $8.50 per weea. Phone East M40. B 1275. BACHELOR apartments. open building, formerly occupied by Arlington Club; will rent : single rooms, baths, every conveni ence, valet service; new furnishings throughout; best class in city. Alder and W. Park. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 191, connecting every room. Private hatha elevator first-class grill. Special rates by week or month. American or European. Transients solicited. HOTEL IRVING. SIS Oak it, corner Sixth. Largs, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, el ec trio lights, running water; low rates. COOL AND COMFORTABLE. Modern furnished or unfurnished rooms, single or en suite, reasonable, central. 'M 1LNER BLDG." 350k MORRISON ST. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Hs tel, S30 Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, modern. $5 up; transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177. BACHELOR apartments with use of - kitchen: no women in house; young men only ; references exchanged. Apply Sun day. 18 N. 16th. i HOTEL MOODY. ' Clean rooms $2.50 week and up. modern hot and cold water, close In. 268 Third .ana .lenamuii. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa venlencee; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5tW7. MASON HOUS E, 291 Vfc E Morrison; cool airy rooms; five minutes' walk to business center: transients solicited. FURNISHED, also unfurnished roms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg 1st and Pine. ' THE GAYOSA. Grand ave.. East Stark, modern, private bath, phone, elevator. East 5465. B 2SS3. NEWLY furnlBhed rooms; location central $1 per day; special rates by the week! 125 6th st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. well furnished sleeping rooms 2.6u per wssk electric lights, hot baths free. MODERN outside rooms. $2.60 to $3 Der week, .including baths; also housekep!as rooms. 64S3 Washington St. Fnrrlsherf Rooms In prlvst T ww ji.fc . LARGE room for rent. Stark, near 10th In quire 410 Wa-shington. NICE front room; 6 minutes postofflce; free FURNISHED room for rent; suitable for 2. . 62 B. 29th st., near Stark. LOVELY large room, nicely furnished, bath, . yard, close-in, reasonable. 632 Fl an d e rs. PLEASANT room on first floor; gas! bath and phone. 171 N. 17th st. ONE furnished front room for rent; all con yen iences. reasonable. 42 71 2th st. 430 YAMHILL ST. Nice front room! suit able for two, with board. Main 4993. SMALL furnished front room; $3.50 per week; close in. Main 44Q1. TWO furnished rooms; 29 E. 7 th South Phone East 3873. 168 10TH Large nicely furnished front room. NICELY furnished front room?; new furniture walking distance. Call at 368 H 13th st. LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for 2; free phone and bath. 321 West Park. LARGE furnished room for two; also room ln basement. 442 Jefferson st. FURNISHED room with modern conven- iences. 34 Ve 16th St.. N.. near Wash. 255 13TH ST. Small room suitable for gen tleman or lady; reasonable. 2 ROOMS en suite or single, with use of Kiicnvn. 00 1 ivio si. NICELY furnished front room; also small room; reasonable. 4-75 Taylor st. 265 13TH, nicely furnished room; rent very reasonable. FURNISHED rooms, also tent house at 303 12th st GE NTLEMAN; home comforts: private fam ily; near 23d and Thurman sts. Main 2Z'J6. FOR RENT 8 furnished rooms, reasonable! 308 6th st. . NICE furnished rooms for one or two persons, centrally located. 213 Thirteenth st. NICE large alcove room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 195 13th St., corner Taylo r. $2.W A WEEK; nice front room; bath and phone. 880 First St. ROOM ad"" board. East 4 Union ave. South; private family. NICE room with good board for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 591 Davis. NICE large front room, suitable for two. 2." 11th st.. near Taylor st. NICELY furnished room; bath, (ectrlr lights. phone: waJ king distance. &47 Yamhlll st. FOR RENT Furnished rvom. 669 Savler u Ftu-mshed Rooms tn Private Family. FOR RENT Located In a nice residence district and within walking distance of the business center, and my family being red uced to wi f e and self, have r. ice ly furnished bedrooms would rent to desir able parties. For Information phone Main 7713. NICELY furnished room In private family; all modern conveniences; 15 minutes' walk to city. Call 30, King. H block north of Washington. phone Marshall 1 2 51 . FURNISHED rjonjs, 553 Hoyt st. Stesm heat, hot and cold water, electric lighted, rent $16 per month; one room at $10 per month. MOST beautiful furnished rooms in city; best location; modern in every way; rea sonable; don't call until Monday afternoon. 474 Salmon st. Phone A 3066. SINGLE room in private family, newly fur nished; 10 minutes walk to Oregonian; will give breakfast and dinner cheap. 569 Main st. B 2747. NICE room, adjoining bath, also smaller roonv with or without good board, strictly private; couple or ladies. 5 lit Couch St., corner 15th. COOL, modern rooms for 2 or 3 young men. in private home : breakfast and dinner if desired. Main 4412; A-4 426. Sunday call Tabor 1S94. NICELY furnished room in private family ; all modern conveniences, 5 minutes walk from Portland Hotel; price $20. Telephone Main 7329. FUR RENT NICELY furnished rooms with in 4 blocks of Portland Hotel; best neighborhood in cltv; gentlemen preferred. 346 Madison st. Phone 2422 Marshall. AN elegant suite of three rooms and sleep ing porch for rent cheap for six or eight weeks: close in, location unsurpassed. Call 241 .13th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, single or en suite. $5, $10 and $12 per month; large lawn, phone, hot running water; or sleep Ing tents. 575 Couch St., cor. 18th. A 5280. LARGE, newly furnished room with bath, electric and gas light, in private home. .263 13thst. Main 8589. LARGE front room, with sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable, 708 Everett st. Phone Main 462X LARGE room for two gentlemen, hot and cold water; fine location. West Park st. Main 9000. rJESIRABLE front room; excellent location" 484 Stark St.. cor. ISth; one block from Vashington st. . FRONT parlor for two gentlemen; also suite for housekeeping. 134 14 th st. Phone Main 5197. LI V I NG-ROOM and bedroom, newly f ur" nished, modern conveniences, walking dia tance. 22S Larrabee st. NEWLY fursUshed steam-heated rooms In residence, single or en suite, running hot and cold water, 664 Flanders. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 388 Jefferson between 10th and West park; reasonable. NEWLY" furnished rooms. 8 minutes from P. O-; all conveniences. 391 lOth st. Phone M. 3361. WELL-FURNISHED front room or suite, modern flat; gentlemen; Nob Hill. A 4P89. PLEASANT furnished front roms.' reason -able to permanent parties, central and homo privilege. 210, 14th st. NICELY furnished rooms front and back parlor, large bay windows. 10 minutes ride from P. O. Main 7785. 195 N. 23d. GOOD room, new comer house, fine bath, large porch, choice location: West Side, walking dlmance; gentlemen. Main 2219. NEATLY furnished front room, suitable for two; walking distance. 430fe Mill, between llth and 12th. Phone Main 549o. FURNISHED rooms, all conveniences, rea sonable. 41 Ella st., 14 block north of Washington. 289 HALSEY. near Williams ave., two front rooms, suitable for gentlemen, new paper . and carpets; also one single room. FURNISHED S-rnntrT flat with balh ; no -children. Call Sunday or evenings after . 400 4th st. NEWLY furnished room. closet, phone, lights, bath, close In. suitable for two. 251. Clay. FURNISHED room, $9 month; would like people who would take care of own room. 549 y Morrljaon st. NICELY furnished front room with alcove, modern. 10 min. walk Postofflce, suit able one or two. :5 13th st. PLEASANT furnished rooms, modem; $10 for one. $12 for two. Marshall 1539. 406V Park st. TENTS for sleeping purposes; all fur nished; good location. Call 221 13th. Main 6302. WELL furnished front room in strictly modem home: large closet: also fine sleeping porch and tent. 569 Everett. WANTED Young man to share a beautT ful front room, close in; give phone num- ber. A J 165, Oregonian. ONE large room suitable for two people. 328 H Mill st.. between 6th and 7th. ROOMS In nice furnished house. Main 1852. Unfurplsfred Rooms. COOL AND COMFORTABLE. Modern furnished or unfurnished rooms, single or en suite, reasonable, central. "MILNER BLDG." 35Qi MORRISON ST. THREE pleasant. convenient unfurnished rooms; walking distance. 239 Hall st. Rooms With Board! " REFINED couple, with beautiful home, pleasant surroundings, would take two or three young girls to board, train and care for for Summer, or longer; references ex changed. Address W 109. Oregonian. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 510 Flanders st. Miss France N. Heath, supt. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison St., cor. 13th. First-class accommodations; walking dis tance. THE HAZEL For ladies and gentlemen nicely furnished rooms, first-class board. 3 So 3d St., cor. Montgomery. 33 17TH ST., one block north of Wash lns; ton. well-furnished suite and single rooms, modern,board optional. Rooms With Board In Private Family. THE MAGNOLIA, 617 Kearney. Private boarding-house; walking distance; beau tiful grounds; large airy rooms, suitable for two or three, private baths, running; water. m fireplaces. Main 6996. LA RGE pleasant front room with alcove, suitable for two; also single room, private bath, phone, etc. Would serve breakfast. 751 Kearney st. Phone A 4379. W I DOW, with pleasant home on carllne, desires to give room and breakfast to gentleman employed in daytime. AF 158, Oregon! an. ROOM and board in private family; walking distance; business men preferred; furnace heat In rooms. Phone Marshall 2408. Address &434 5th St., city. TWO large rooms, with, board, sultablefor two in a room; bath, gas, electric lights, furnace heat, use of piano and telephone. B 2368. .105 E, llth t. ROOMS and board, private family, modern conveniences, 15 minutes' walk from busi ness center. Phone E. 722. 89 East 8th Jt.. N. A NICE, quiet young man would like a room mate; separate beds, first-class board and all home comforts; $20 a month. 525 Clay. NEATLY furnished room, with board, suit able for one or two gentlemen. 6 East 12thst..South. ROOM and board ly private family; excellent room and board, suitable for two; home cooklr.g. 644 E. Alder. B 3031. LARGE front room with bath adjoining; first-class board, fine location, one block from Washington, corner 22d. 714 Davis. I HAVE a large, pleasant front room with first-class board in private family, phone East 2998. 360 E. 1st N., Broadway. DOUBLE and single rooms, with board If de sired. 149 Lowntidale, between Morrison and Alder. WANTED Two gentlemen for room and boai d ; Scandinavian preferred. 187 12th street. FRONT room, walking distance, with priv- liege of breakfast. 567 Gllsan. LARGE room with alcove and small room; board. 515 Morrison st. A 3828. FURNISHSED room with board, sleeping porch. 355 llth st. A 1636. LARGE front room with board, suitable for 2 or 3. Phone Main 5486. ROOM and board, 653 Washington st. Rates reasonable. BOARD and room: bath, phone, home cooking $3 perweek.191llth,nearYamhill. ROOM and board for one or two young men, close in. $5 week. East 1915. ROO M in p r i v a t e family with breakfast; , $3.50 per week. 795 Vancouver ave. ROOM and board. $20 per month. 605 6th st. Main 3304. HANDSOME suite, also single room, choice board, reasonable. 761 Marshall. Apartments. KING HILL APARTMENTS"! King and Wayne sta Apply to janitor. THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Dav I sts.; 3-room. cool; references. ST. CLAIR. 715 Wayne, modern 6-room apartment: two porches. Phone Main 4930. BRYN MAWR. 1 R5 East 15th St.. coiner YamhilI ; modern ; 5 rooms; heat. FOUR-ROOM steam heated modern apart tuenu Come. Realty Co Apartments. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. EAST STH AND COUCH' STS. r ready for occupancy: all 3-room apart ments, steam heat, hot and cold water, private bath to each apartment, gas rani;, ire box. linoleum on bathroom and kitchen floors, telephone system, throughout the building and connecting anywhere in the city; rents $25 to $29 a month. See Moll Von Borstel. 392 East Burnstde Phone Esst 159 or I. C. Major. 203 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 217. LUCRETIA COURT! On Lucretia st. bet. 22d and 23d at,, near Wash. About ready fcr occupancy. Mr. S. Silverfield ha just completed thla elegant and most modern apartment building, the copy of one of the best New Tork apartment-houses. Apartments can be secured from $35 to $75. References re quired. Apply to superintendent oa th premises. THE LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt st.; new brick apartments, now ready for occupancy. 3 and 4-room suites, large sleeping porches, electric and tireless cookers, built-in iceboxes, bath and phone in every apartment; electric lifts, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service, vacuum cleaner; reference re quired. Phone Marshall 2010. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay street, second house from 14th the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-house in the city: hous and elegant furniture, brand new; Just opened for business; steam heat, electria light, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath: walking dis tance; $18-$ 5. including electric light. i. mm, targe ngnt nans; an outside apart ments, furnished or unfurnished, rent rea sonable. , For reservations apply to Mr Bryan at Tull & Gibbs. $25 TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heatedl apartments: private bath and phooe. hard wood floors, small outsiie porch, fin new rick building; these are the best and cheap est apartments In the city; they are fur nished with bedsteads, springs, dresser, dining-room table, ice box; do look them up, Call 414 llth, st.Dammeler Investment Cv ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and Stark st. New fireproof brick building, beautiful lv furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, largs clothe closets; Summer rates. Phone E. 30O. - HEINZ apartment. 14th and Columbia-, "a blocks south from Morrison St.; new brck building, completely first-class; furnished In 2. 8 and 4 room family apartments. . private bath, reception halt, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor service: rent from $25 per month and up. FOR RENT Three or four-room apart ments in the newly built 'MeKinley. East Morrison and East Seventh ; hand somely furnished, all modern conventences. Ineludlng private bath. gas and elec tricity, steam heat, telephone, etc.; rate very reasonable. BEAUTIFUL 6-room furnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, bath, tele phone, hot and cold water, steam heat refrigerator, gas range, gas, electric light Janitor service. "THE WASHINGTON." W car to 21st and Northrup. FOR RENT Furnished room for housekeep ing, modem; also large front room, un furnished, on first floor; lovely grounds, laundry, bath and phone free. Call Mon day. 49 N. 17tb su, one block north ot Washington. KEELBR APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay., finest 3 and 4 -room suites1 In the city; pri vate baths and phones, steam heated, hog nd cold water, disappearing beds. Garland staves, porcelain-lined refrigerators, electrics elevator; $35 to $50 per month. ANGELA APARTMENT. 39 Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th. near Washington New brick building; 2, 3, 4-roora apart- - merits, furnished and unfurnished witti private bath, telephone, electric elevator. outside porches. Janitor service. THE IRVING. 31st and Irving sts.; 4-room unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet room, verandas; rent very reasonable: references. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisaa. 2 and 8 room apartments, new 4-story brick just completed, all modern conven iences, each apartment has private outside ba!cony. rent reasonable. THE SHEFFIELD 7th and Jefferson sts. Unfurnished apartment with bath. All out side rooms, modern, every convenience, and only 5 minutes" walk from P. O. Very reasonable rent. Main 2506. A 3149. R E-UK A N APARTMENTS. 624 Marshall st.; newly furnished, strictly modern, bath, phone In each apartment; most beautiful surroundings; "W" car. Main 6032; A-8191. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 695 Love Joy st. Take w; car. VIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern In every particular: steam-heated, hot water, janitor services, with flrst-claas) furnishings. Apply to Janitor. 668 Kaax- ney st. HANOVER APARTMENTS, cor. King and Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam, heat, hot water, private bath, free phones) and janitor service; rent very reasonable. FURNISHED apartment, four rooms and bath ; every modern convenience. 5 min utes' walk from postofflce. $45 per month; no children. The Sheffield. 272 7th st. Main 2506, A 3149. ; m MODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished ; private vestibule and bath, elevator service, Ionia Court, 570 Couch st. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS, 170 St. Clair, unfurnished 3-room apartments, all mod ern conveniences, private porches, rea . sonable rent. Both phones. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 6th st., 4 squares above P. O. ; family ho tel, private baths and telephones; tran sients solicited. STANLEY APARTMENTS 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4- i room apartment; every convenience; botta , phones. ' THE WESTFAL. 410 5th st,, furnished and 1 unfurnished apartments; private baths and 1 phone; elevator and Janitor service; rent . reasonable. Phone A 2038. 1 STEAM-HEATED b-room apartment, mod- ' ern and desirable; 625 Everett st. Apply j Morgan, Fleldner ft Boyce. 603 Ablngton, ; bldg. ' THE LAN DOR E, 288 Tenth St.. near Jef-1 ferson Perfectly new three-room suite, com- ( pletely furnished for housekeeping; sleep ins; porch. THE CLIFTON, Irving, near 2Jtdl 6-room apartments. Just completed; $of ; hard wood floors. See Janitor or Dr. Ball, Dekum bldg. IRIS APARTMENTS Third and Mill sts. 4-room unfurnished. $32, $36; 5-room un furnished. $45: modern Improvements, in quire Apartment 22. 248 Mill st. FOR RENT Private home, completely fur nished 3-room apartment, reasonable; ref erences. C 2642. YOUNG lady wants respectable lady to share furnished apartment ; both phones; private bath. Address M, 293 Morrison st. LAURETTB APARTMENTS, 229 11TH One elegantly furnished 3-room front apartment; strictly modern; both phones. 7 -room apartment, modern In every respect; location 23d and Johnson. Call at ill Johnson for key. A 1678. APARTMENT, up-to-date, handsomely fnr nlshed, 4 rooms and bath, select neigh borhood. 390 Clay st. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room modern unfurnished apartment. Apply to Janitor. FO R R ENT New I y furnished three and four room apartments; modern conven iences. The Leonce. 186 22d St., North. ' 6-ROOM modern lower flat, nicely furnished, within walking distance. 1 block from car line WHEN moving call ud Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag ona, all experienced men. FOR RENT Furnished three-room flat, rea sonable. 776 Eat Taylor, Phone E. 3297. THREE rooms, new. modern flats, 22d near Clinton. Phone Sellwood 1762. . FOUR new, modern 4-room flats; every con venience. East 5: B1404. MODERN 5-room flat, $17 month. 335 H Cook ave. 5-ROOM unfurnished lower south flat; walking distance. Phone A 3390. MODERN 5-room upper flat. 424 Tillamook. Sleeping porch. Phone C 2058. TWO 4-room -modern flats. Call Sunday 12 to 2. 444 12th. MODERN 6-room flat, on carllne. 616 Powell im st. Take Brooklyn car; reasonable 6-ROOM modem upper flat. 567 Belmont st. Tabor 1668. $-3 New 5-room flat, upstairs; walking dis- tance. Phone East 33-8. 4-ROOM modern flat. 759 Williams ae, Phone Woodlawn 1520. MODERN 5-room flat, beautiful view, 1010 Savier st. Phone A 1JS50. FURNISHED modern 3 or 4 room flat. 1043 Gantenbein, cor. Alberta, Woodlawn 2511. WEST SIDE. l-room f 1 atl J 1 o7w al k fiTg distance. Home phone A-329S. 883 Cable, LIGHT, cool five-room flat. South Portland. Phon ilain 5o77 Saturday. Monday KIjA.N-M K. Most modern apartment building in eltr ready about Aug. 8, located 20th and Ixvejoy In the heart of the Nob Hill dis trict, three and four-room suites, private) baths, electric elevator, perfect heating; v: l - ; .a - - i