TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 31, 1910. 11 XJUU-GAXACU LAM). CALIFORNIA! bACRAUSNlO VALUii; IRRIGATED Going to" CalUuruia? Looking for irri gated lands? U so, stop at Wuowa Qlna County, on the maji line of tne Souther i-aciiia Railroad, wnere the representatives of the bacraniento Valley Im gallon Com ' pany wnl aliord you every opportunity to see the greaittat irrigation projtrut in Amftr ica. Vcu wUi see the first Awttkcaiog of il GKiAT VAI A .Hi, Many muiiuiu of dollars of Increase a valuta wia ba nutue i cere within a ic w y caia. WLi you mat tnemt a cia project U financed by J. S. and W. E. Kuin, Incorporated, banker of Pitta bur, Pa., who ao succesaiuuy developed tte TW1 FALLS NORTH slLli? P HO J SOT. TWIN r'ALLa fALALoN K1VSK PKuJiJT. and THE TIN IN r'ALLa OAKLEY PRO J hjCT in Sou t tier a lda.uu, coinpriaiug- la all iOu.0o0 acre. The saxue opportunities for money-makln g that were given in Idano will be seized by many in the Sacramento Valiey Project. Price : lanu J25 per acre wita water right. Very easy terms. Caen payment of only $16 per acre, omar payment extending ovx 10 years. For literature and full information ad dress fcACKAMENTO VALLBT IRRIGATION CO. Department "A." W lllows. California. Other offices Pittsburg. Pa.; Chicago. I1L; 6an 'rancit.L-(j. una Loa Allele. California. 45 ACRES, perpetual water right, paid up. 15 acres in alfalfa and fruit, pears, apples, cherries, plums, apricots, peaches. fair house, pood earing, about $1000 in fruit got-s with the place if taken at once. On river and one m ile from town. Owner compelled to sell ; price $60imj : $500 cash. $500 Nov. 1. 1111, balance in 5 years at 7 p-r cpnt. Place worth $9000. Address Pax 375, ern'.iston. Or, FOR SALE or exchange for irrigated or fruit land, money -making mill, cutting Dhj.OOO shingles da.v ; surplus a Learn, plenty power, compact, convenient, right on railroad. spleiuiid shape-, running every day : large undt-rweifj.it. What have you tn offer? Give description and price first lelter. N. A. Kuhn, Edgecomb, Washington. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR the nominal sum of $10 a month will r-nt 20 a'-r.-s and house, convenient to car and 1 'or Hand. Want tenant to tr.ke care of place. Purse, 818 Chamber of Coinnierce. THREE years lease on fine farm and large list of personal property with crop at a s.ti-riik-o. Conant Realty Co., room 5. 2..o u, Alder. FOR HALE. Horses. Vehicle and Harness. FOR SALE. A Brewster siandari-aize panel boot Vic toria, tLsed only two month, latest ieslgn, perfect app-.'ln iinents , lined with heavy wine coK.r bi uBitcl,i it : iHie ati'l shafts both; a bargain. Ad dress J. S. Elliott, 416 Pioneer bJii;1.Seat t ie. $250 BUYS 2Uoo-lb. team, ages 6 and 7, true to work anywhere ; this team, coat present owner $4T5 one tar ago nd are worth it today, only t h-y aio a little thin in flesh; warranted and trial allowed. 433 North 26th m at., inside t;q te. MISSOURI muifB tor sale New shipment Just received, 12oo to 15uo lbs., suitable fur rail r"ail, logging and farm work; mules at Frcedmin Bri.s." barn. 13th and Overton Address Sparks- ot" Wiggintoii, Imperial Hotel. ON PAIR of matched "black geldings, 240O lbs.; one pair geldings, bay and gray, -400 lim; two asperate w orkh artless ; one set double buggy harness, surrey and wagon. Iu78 Holgaiw st. i'hune Me 11 wood 489. VOL" R choice of 4 horses; must be said . this week; bet n tifed by the Suay;a Water Co., who have replaced them with automobile delivery wagons ; no reasonable offer re tused. 433 Nui ih20t hst., inside gate. FOR SALE One driving hore. will neigh I i.o, one standard-bred pacing atalllon. 2 jeara old. 5 Httw of harness and 5 carta. In quire barn No. 6 Country Club, Rose City Pai k FOR SALE. A Kimball spider phaeton, heavy and made to order; will lt a lifetime; will make a low price. See J. S. Elliott, 415 Pioneer Hug.. Seattle. A MATCHED span of bay geldings. 7 and 8 yearn old. weight lino each, strictly fancy drivers; can be seen at 53d and Bel mont sta.. or call 324 Chamber of Cora merce bldg. AIL" ST sell this wwk; no reasonable offer re fu.ed; bay gelding, thoroughbred and fine traveler, rubber-tired runabout and harness. Come and goo the outlit. T5 Mlchi gan ave. W ANTED Two teams, as part payment on house and 1 acre land on West Mlde; price $r?00o; balance easy payments. 407 Lum bet mens lJank bldg. Alaln U018. GOOD horse. 0 years old, 130O lbs; 16 hands high, without blemish, gentle and clt y broke, work single or double; buggy a nd harness. Addres a 133 Qibbs. $215 BUYS matched team of sorrels, weight iol lbs., true to pull frigle or double; har ness Is heavy breeching complete. Call resi dence. St4 iravler at. 900-LP. team harries. and wagon ; team In ftn m1ltion and used to hard work. Tele phone TabiT t7 or call SiM and East I-in-coln Sunday A. M. I'AI R mares, :mti, sound and true, s voars old. 7-year-old de'tvcrv horse, li:oo 11 Pair geldings, 210 ibs. Two gentle - ..c?."if'3- Montgonery. WANTED To buy pair horses. -J 0o to 2oOO lbs., harness and tight farm wagon, Sur rey and farm tools. Address L J37, Ore gonlan. BAY hors. weight 1Hh lbs., true to pull anywhere; lost mate reason for wiling, so low price $135. Call residence 874 Savier streer. A HOOD work team for sale cheap if taken soon. Take Ankeny car to East JSth, go t wo blocks soul h and three east to 40 T tuchtel ave. Plmno East 143S. A F INK thoroughbred sadlle horse 6 years old, city broke; weight lliO The Nobby Stables, lth and Flanders eta. Phone Main bO. WE are now ready to sublet 12 miles of the As-tor I a Southern Railway; nuppites fur nished. See W ilson. Rector & Da lev. con contrat'tors. toda j , r oom 414 Le wis bldg. MUST sell fine oOOlb Teaiii true work horses, almost new harness, all $175 Trial guarantee given. Call 221 Grant st. Take Plth-st. car South. WANTED A pony, 750 or Son lbs., must be sound and broke double. Call 30V stark Monday. I ' h one Si j n da y E a s t 460. FOR. SALE --Cheap, good family mare, rubber-tired run-about and names. i4 5uth t., end of Haw thorne-ave. caiiiue. NICF bay horse, d years, weight"" 100. har ness and rubber the buggy, outfit worth yi"Q; mil sell for $'20. '2u Clranrt ave. PONY, cart and harness, ery stylish; also 1 Halley buggy. KM Ms new. Apply Railroad and Clarke .t. . Alblna FOR SALE A good to very cheap. La--t hou m- re st. No. 87. buggy for 45; it s f west eod of Skid- NEW wsgon. new harness, horse and mare; fa st si eppers ; good bargain. $50. 736 Ralelg h st. TEAM of young Eastern Oregon mares. 1350 lbs., without blemish, true pullers, not to cost over $300. AM l'.7. Oregonian. WANTED Single horse or team, H50lbT or over. Olsen-Roe Transfer Co., 2nd Oak st. hLt trtJ' Bt HALL'S SlAULKa. Jo iruai llry buslne. rifts, Lorpej, bams wa- oj-s.f o r a 1 e o r r n t . Main It 2 . -S. TO EXCHANGE Lot ad.loining Rose CiT Park for fine team of mares or one good in are. AE 15.. i ircgonlaii. YOl'NO maw, weight 1 U50 lbs.. work single or double. Sunnyslde Stable or Columbia Hardware Co. WI LI j pay reasonably for use of horse and light spring wagon two weeks; light work. F 15P, Oregoman. UOOp team bay mares, weight 2400 lbs., good farm wagon and harness, all J'.'Jo, 12 H ast 15111. Take H rook I yn car. H A N OSOM E black mare, sound, gentle in all harness, lino lbs., good roadster; price $MV Apply 800 Montana ave. $ HEAD of young draft horses, 1500 to 17iK). Inquire lrtth and Savler sts. A NO-i saddle horse. 1160 Belmont st.. Ml Ta borcar. WILL trade timber claim for horses any description. AK 1yd. Oregonian. FINE new Studebaker surry for sale: half .price. I 'ho : i a M a i n 39 5 FAIR bay mares. 6 and 7. well matched, withhurne&s, Ju0. 334 Front st. 1 10 TAKES fine rubber-tired top buggy Call 433 W. Park st. WANTED Good 140v-poundmarer suitable for farm. AE 1 5d. Oregonian. T5 Nice combination horse c ity broke. 33 4 P'ront t . 6 years old; PONY, saddle, bridle; gentle; $35. 430 E. FOR SALE One good driving mare, "buft-gy ar.d harness, cheap. 960 Macadam st. WANTED Horse weighing about J 100 or lA0O Phone Main 1534. WANTED To buy light d!iverv rTg Tn good condition. J 1 Oregonian. i;hk-l.U. bay mare, cheap, or exchange for nmall horse. 0.'. Eat :oth. Sunn side car. WANTED to rent, a saddle pony for a girl. .1. A ndrson. Mil waukie. Or., R. -J. TEAM, mare p. r. b -"r e . w e : g ht 2SjvT double hin. for $22!. 212 tlrand ave. S. fiTA LLS for rent. Jnqmre Hertck'a aro ctjry. Jefferson el FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles said Harness. WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost ? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, aud can make the price. Ex clusive agents fur the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co- fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. U. WADE e CO.. 2 2 Hawthorne ave.. bet. Ease 1st and 3d HORSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have just arrived and will be sold under our gaurantee. They range in weight from 1000 to 14O0 lbs. ; age from 6 to 11 years; all good workeri and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight s'0 to 1000 lbs., for sale. Call and inspect trtese, if wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Shetland mare, ti years old, with hand-made harness, rubber-tired basket cart carrying four. saddle and riding bridle; a first-class outfit; pony will ride or drive; will sell very reason able; ideal outfit for chiuren. DONALD M" MASTER. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 54Q. JUST received carload heavy work horses and a few light express teams; also wa gons and harness, new and second hand. V e can furnish IO teams suitable for any kind of heavy work and will give buyer Bpecial price on a bunch. Call 334 Front, Todd's Salo Barn. PORTLAND Stables. 26 North 15th. Main 1 1 25 ; for fine horses and wagons FOR HIRE by the day. week or month; flrst- . class business rigs. , Automobiles. A U TO BA RGAl NS. The following list consists of some real bargains tn second-band cars, some almost new. You will have to see them and take a ride to appreciate the true values. '"Buick," model 1U, A-l condition, $550. "Thomas." 7-pas., excellent shape. $1500. -Mitchell." 4-cy. 5-pas., $450. stoddard-Dayton." lio, 5-pas., $1250. "Hupmobile, JiUO, almost new, $550. ' "Brush" runabout, new, $4."o. "Mitchell" roadster, fine shape, $650. Oldamobile, 35 h. p.. 5-pas, b50. 5-pas. Rambler, 2-cy., $350. Pope-Wiiveriy electric, $600. Studebaker. 7 -pass, fine, $1500. We sell on terms to responsible parties. Also have a few good cars to trade for city or close-in lots. PACIFIC . AUTO CO.. 266 11th St.. cor. Jefferson. Phone Main 8112. $55o IN GILT-EDGED fully paid and non aasessable corporation mock; also town lots in (Jul vex-, the red road junction town in the Deschutes Valley, to trade for auto mobile; also farm property in Deschutes Va liey for good machine, in good condi tion. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO., SOl-302 Buchanan bldg., Portland, Or. I hone A. 7141. 40-H. p. BUICK. 11)01. MODEL 16. In good condition, color dark green; five-ra-ssenger car; price $1000. terms. Ap ply litii Chapman St., City. FOR SALE 1 Indian Twin motorcycle. 5 h. p.. si 25. One Indian, 3 h. p., $125. One Belgian. 4 cylinder. h. p.. $250. Also l Oldsmobile. 2-passenger, 10 h. p., in good condition. $300. CHAS. R. ELTON. 333 JOtn st. Phone Main 7058. NEW JACKSON CARS The best in Port land for the money; at extra special prices for a few days only. 1 also have some good bargains In second-hand cars. Call and look over my stock, get prices and have a demonstration. W. C. Green, 88 North Sixth st. Phone Main 7022. CHALMERS-DETROIT 30. bought new one year ago and has been but little used and only for pleasure, on local streets and roada; In perfect condition and as good as new, with full equipment;. $12uO. P 168, Ore- gonlan. I HAVE 3-pasenger roadster. 25-H. P., new ly painted and overhauled, in excellent condition. Cost $2000. will sell at a bar gain or trade for lots or acreage. 827 Board of Trade. Main 8849. GARAGE -Have good location for a gar age; will build and lease at a reasonable price to right party; situated on popular thoroughfare: also on carllne; East Side. R 1 0. Oregonian. 7-PA8SENGER Thomas Flyer. 60 H. P., first-class condition. Top. glass front, new tires, set armor-plate for rear tires; just the car for stage route or touring; cheap for cash. S 108, Oregonian. 4-CYLINDER, 40-H. P., practically new automobile, all modern equipment, will demonstrate till satisfied. 2oo0. Will take lots or acreage or good house. 713 Cham- ber of Commerce. BUICK 10, fine running condition, all new tires, newly painted, will take S550. terms to responsible parties. Address P 162. Oregonian. SN AP 30-horse power 4-cy Under 2-passenger auto; good as new; cheap for cash, or trade for launch. See Mason, foot of E. Washington st. SIX-CYLINDER. seven -passenger, second hand machine for sale; first-class condi tion, newly painted. Main 4SS0. 50 7th street. FOR SALE or trade, good runabout fully equipped ; top. wind shield, snarch light, rumble seat, mudchains. now tires; cheap if taken at once. E. 1104. FOR SALE CHEAP 5-paasenger Franklin automobile in first-class condition, or will trade for vacant lots. Room 0. Board of Tr a deBldg. MITCH ELL high-power roadster, perfect condition: Victoria top, clock, lamps, bump er, nickelplated, etc. SU00. J 167, Ore gon lam WINTON. 7-passengers, 50 H. P. TourTng car; top, lamps, etc.; perfect condition -must be sold at once, S2000. H 16D, Ore goniam FOR SALE Classiest four-cylinder runa bout in town. Inquire room 7 Hotel Phillip, 4th and Burnslde. ' 1'- MOTORCYCLE, R. S., good order and cheap. Inquire at Rose City Park drug siore. J7t h and Sandy Road. WILL trade my 7-passenger Thomas for city or close-in lots; value $1500. Address P 161. Oregonian . t475 CASH buys H. P. roadster. 2041. l St 150. 4-cy Under, 2S Cail 407 Beach at. C 3a-H. P., 5-passenger touring car. perfect condition : part cash and real estate ,wlll h and 1 e same. P h o ne E a s t 1302. 190S 14-H. P. 3-pansenger runabout, fully equipped. Would make fine light delivery car. 475 cash. K 165. Oregonian. FOR SALE Classiest four-cylinder "runa bout In town. Inquire room 7, Hotel Phlll P. 4th and Bu r n s 1 d e. SECOND-HAND runabout wanted! Reo Maxwell or Cadillac preferred, w 196, Ore gonian. 4-H. P.. 1910. Indian motorcycle with 1 pas senger side carattachment. Tabor 1012. CLASSY 4-cyllnder roadster, glass front and top; a snap. Main 377S. .Mt;i Washington. 7-PASSENGER car in good orderfor sale cheap. AM 1 6 7. Oregonian. IREV runabout, juat overhauled, cheap for cash. 925 Kirby st. 6-PASSE NO ER Reo car. 20-h.-p., nearly new, ch e a p. Phone Ea st 5852. PJ o u u. Orrun HANDSOME mahogany upright piano for sale ; cost S4t0 t our months ago; need money, will sell for SlpO; part cash. AK f'i6. Oregonian. A HIGH -41 R A D S upright piano, well-known make, and 24 rare oil paintings; will sell all very cheap fur cash. 225 5th st. Al- wavs home. GOLDEN oak piano; high-grade. -worth $125; will sell for $200 at private sale; will give some time on iL AO 169, Ore gonian. NICE mahogany piano: one of Chicago's bst makes; good as new; a snap at S180 AE109. Oregonian. F1ANO wanted In exchange for Long Beach lots; have some money. J 163 Oregonian. FOR SALE A piano in good condition"; must be sold; give name and address. AM 1 5n. Oregonian. violin for sale, or will trade for canoe, microscope or something of equal value' AC 190. Oregonian. SPLENDID Hinze mahogany piano, made by Kimball Co.. only $170. $15 down. $4 monthly. Call 35Q Alder st. FOR SALE A fine piano cheap for cash at 293. Eugene st. FOR SATE Emerson piano and Angelus Address K li6, Oregonian. COFRTOIS slide trombone! good condition, . very reasonable, phone Mai n 2 OSS. $150 WILL buy nay good, high-grade piano; ,Ined money. E- Yamhill. Birds, Iogs and Pet Stork. CoLLIE pure for sale. S months7$5 to $20. T. F. Gray. Phone Oak Grove. Biack 111. River road, one mile south of Milwaukle. ONE male and one female collie dog. 1 2 months old, w ith good pedigree, very reasonable. 34 N. 3d st. 7 COWS for sale cheap- all tested! 302 Hamilton ave.,Portland. AIREDALE terrier puppies: pedigree; best breeding. 1036 E. Sherman st. S- C. Dick. 1 WILL pay good price for first-clau fresh cow. C 159. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Birds. DuK and Pet fetocsu FOR SALE COLLIE PUPPIES. Sire. Champion WeUesbourne Conquest, winner 4 firsts. 7 seconds, 5 specials at New York. Philadelphia and Boston; dam, Eden Ideal, winner 8 firsts, 1 open spe cial Crystal Palace, London. W. L. Ful mer. 699 Schuyler. East 4158. WILLAMETTE BELL, full" -iatr" Willam ette Defender, and three of her pups, by Pierpont Morgan; first reasonable offer takes them; also the best pit bull terrier on the Coas:. w. J. Bruce. Jnfi Commercial dub. FOR SALE Some fine thoroughbrc-d pointer puppies'. 3 months old. male i5. female $10. Take Salem car lice to Tigard. Lloyd R. Peterson. ANGORA kittens, beautiful blue-eved. white angora kittens, pedigreed, for sale, 70 Last 9th. corner of East Everett. Montavilla car. Miss Vera Rolling. SI X TY-fTve Rhode Island hen. 15 months o;d; splendid ?tock; must sell account leav ing city. Take Mount Scott car to Nash- yillo. station. 323 Gentry ave. f REGISTERED English, bull brood bfh; con . sidered bet in Northwest. Inquire 611 Main street. HOLSTEIN-JERSEY cow for sale. 16 quarts daily; young and in fine condition. 75S E. Pine. TINY French poodle pup, male, brought from East: weighs it, pounds; full-blood-d. 387 12th st. Phone Main 4311. THOROUGHBRED Airedale Terrier puppy, 3 months old. price advances next week. Address 515 Commercial bldg; Miscellaneous. BE WING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes. Singer. Wheeler & Wil on. New Home, White, Domestic, House hold and others, to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Mac nine Store. 9. S. Slgal. agent. 345 Morrison at. Pnon Main 2183. A 4599. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS We have sev eral second-hand motor boats which can be bought at one-naif of the original price, these boats are all in first-class condition. Demonstrations given to Inter ested parties. Gas Power & Supply Com pany, east end Madison-street bridge. TRAVEL for your health; camp wagon, moat complete ever built; store, table, cupboard and bed built lu ; handsome covered spring wagon, cost $5oO; -ll cheap or trade for team or farm wagon. F. Rogers, Columbia Stables. Ft. Ht SALE 50-foot launch, 50 H. P., built last year; have had overhauled and re painted ; carry heavy load ; at a bargain if taken at once. Phone Marshall 1625. 816 Electric bldg. or Von der Worth boathouse. A BARGAIN A new 18-foot motor hat, equipped with a 3-H. P. Vim motor, speed 8 miles per hour, everything new and in A-l condition. Can be seen at the Gas Power dc Supply Company, East end of Madison-street bridge. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey cow; light fawn In color; fresh fn -two weetts; milk tests 5 per cent ; very gentle; $65 If sold today. 1242 Garfield ave., near A i ns worth- ave., Wood lawn car. PIANO LESSONS, correspondence school Instruction book, one year's complete course, $4.50. One small oil heater, prac tically now, $2. 2 cost $4.50- Phone & 1582. A SNAP A 4-cy Under, 2-cycle marine motor slightly used and as good as new and guaranteed. Come and make us a bid on this motor. Gas Power it Supply Com pany, east end Madison-streetbridge. 18-FOOT all-round speed and pleasure boat, 2-cylinder, 6-H. P. engyae, about 14 miles, fully equipped, at a bargain. See J as. B. Welch, 141 "ft First st. NEW 18-foot launch with top, whistle, air tank, bell, lite preservers and a 3-H. P. motor, complete, for-Sluo. A. K. 197. Oregonian. FL'RNITUR EJ of five-room cottage. Including tine piano; everything Is first-class. Take Mount Scott car to Nashville station. 323 Gentry ave. THE North west Typewriter Company. 223 Abington bldg. Phone M. 8470. is the only company selling strictly Sctory re bulit typewriters; prices $10 tc $ti5. FOR SALE Milk route, 1G cows and one bull; will consider renting premises, which has capacity for doubling number of cows. Inquire northeast cor. First and Ankeny. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. f50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 un, N. al. Hayter Co.. 90 st. Main 5529. ENGINEER'S TRANSIT, complete, perfect order, cheap. Thomson, 309 Custom House. FOR BALE Showcase. wallcases. couiten, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Bast U&. GAS RANGE, 4-burner Reliable, $5"; also Monitor refrigerator, cost $15. will sell l'Q,r$7.Sta r Furnitu r e Co . , 3 9 4 E a s tC lay. STRICTLY A-l double drawer National cash register, cost $185. will sell for $95 Guaranteed perfect. 350 Alder st. STEAM fire engine, just what you want in city or village to extinguish fires; cash or exchange. 516 Marquam bldg. 4-FOOT cruiser launch for sale or will ex change for Portland property. AN 167, Oregonian. EAGLE bicycle; new; at about half price; this 13 a genuine bargain. Warder. 206 s. 4th. 32 VOL CM ES leather-bound Encyclopaedia Brittanica ; price $50, worth $100 new. 516 Marquam bldg. 24-FOOT sailboat, first-class condition, for ea le cheap, or will exchange for launch. AE 197. Orogonia n. FINE set of mission office furniture at vour own price. Call 227 Fleidner bldg., cTven ings. FOR SALE 4x5 camera, tripod, 5 plate holders, 1 pack of film, fitted with film adjuster, cheap. Phone Sellwood 54S. FIRST-CLASS furniture for sale. East St. Johns. 1340 Olympla st. Call for Mr. Mark?. FOR SALE Typewriter (Underwood), chair and desk, cheap: good location for publio stenographer. Call Main 4115. FOR SALE CHEAP Scholarship to the As-h-land Business College. Address Miss Theresa Sterzel, 39o 16th st . Portland. Or. MOTORCYCLE 5-H. P., 1910, Indian, good condition, lamp, generator and tools, cheap for cash. 303 Washington, room 28. FOR SALE or rent; logging and hoisting engine. Railway Equipment Co., 74 First st. Bothphones. COLUMBIA chainless bicycle in good condi tion ; $16 if taken at once. Call at 190 Fourth st. FOR SALE Sailboat; $50. Phone Sellwood 9 3 J. SPLENDID bicycle (tandem); cost $130, and $25takeslt.72 SIxth. 5-7 VIEW camera, complete outfit. 431 Mar ket St. RACINE launch, hull IS feet, fantall, oak deck andtrjmmings. PhoneMain 2003. FOR SALE Cabinet bed. Inquire 627 Thurman St. FOR SALE New gas range, a snap. 361 Larrabee st., Fli B. SAFE One Herring-Hall safe, inside dimen sions 17x29x43. cheap. .116 Ahtngton bldg. FOR SALE Large blue-print case, for arch Itect or en g ineer. Phone Main 3959. TWO good bicycles. Columbia and Rambler, for sale cheap; 270 1st st. Main 2t80. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter, nearly new, for $40. O 162. Oregonian. GOOD wheel at a bargain. 123 1st st. Phones Main or A 2754. FOrt SALE 16-ft. can-ie. complete; a snap. Inquire of caretaker, Portland Rowing Club. GOOD fresh milch cow for sale. Meldrum Oregon City carllne. S. T. Britten. 500 business cards, $1.25 If you bring this -ad. Rose City Printery. 192 HSd st. TWO almost new drop-head machines, com . plete. $10 and $12. 640 Williams ave. FOR SALE Oak office table. 3x7 feeL 209 Lumbermens bldg. BEST 4-foot fir cord wood $5.50. delivered. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones. FOR SALE A second-hand traction wood saw; used short time. Phone East 1345. FOR SALE Beaver cape 4. $100 new), good condition, for $50. AL 182, Oregonian. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold .N tlonal Cred 1 1 Ass n. 60 1 Wcrceater bi d g. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars atha3 regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 :h t SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 3iJ Evere 1 1 . cor. 6th. A lso fixtures. WANTED One or two lots to $60O; cash for your equity. AN 166, Oregonian. SPLENDID bath tub. cheap. Phone Tabor 2Q4V 35Q E. 51st st. JERSEY cow: gives two gallons milkper day ; $30. Phone Woodlawn 724. CHEAP 3-drawer National cash register electric; goodcondition. 228 - Morrison! FURNITURE at a bargain and range; leaving city. At 938 EL 16th :.. Alberta. FINE Jersey cow at Concord station. H. C. WHO has a well-bred dog to" give away to a good home? AC 198. Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS Smith Premier typewriter" at a bargain. 268 Alder t. KtLiAbLE gas range for 5ale chea. phone T aborl 06. Add ress 101 3B elmonL ROLLTOP desk and chair, practically new; sell cheap. Phone East 274. EDISON phonograph cheap; 50 records. 3 S3 Constance st. Phone C 2708. ANGORA kittetns cheap, account going awav Crystal Cat Kennels. T N. Park. Main 5754. 1 NEW dewing machine cheap. 789 Kearney st. FOR SALE. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. again in" buai ness. Although the big fire destroyed our stock, we have been buying goods every day, and we have some extra good bargains to offer for a starter. Side board, $6.50; full-size dressers, hardwood. $6 to $12.50; hotel dresser, $4.50; one piece linoleum, 12x12, $5; fine 9x12 Ax minster rug. $13.50; Brussels rug, 9x12, $10: fiber rug. 9x12. $3.5u. and a lot of different size carpets; French plate mir ror. 36x60 inches, $12.50; beautiful quar tered and polished oak princess dresser, $13.50; four-burner cooker. Chief gas range. $5; steel ranges, $10 to $25; fine quarter-sawed round oak extension tables, $12; iron beds. $1.50 to $7.50, extra good value; commodes. $1.50 to $2.50; polished oak wardrobe, $9; arm rockers, $1.50 to $7.50; chairs, 50c to $3; fine weathered kitchen cabinet, $7.50; sanitary couch good kind'. $3.50; flat couch, $2.50; sev eral pairs lace curtains, 5oo to $1.50 pair; Pairs portieres. $1.50 to $2.50 a pair. We have the contents of five houses in our store and lots more to come in this week. If you have any furnishings to sell we will pay a good price for same. Our new stores are located at 545 and 547 W ashington. between 16th and 17th sts. WESTERN SALVAGE CO- Main 1108 or A 3793. CASH register, not in the trust; The Ameri - can cash register Is the result of 15 vears experience: no crank to turn, no motor to burn out; we do not keep machine do ing similar functions at twice the price and will not insult your intelligence by trying to sell you a better register after you buy, for there are no better registers made than the American; our great guar antee, a better register for less money than any concern in the world; low prices, very easy terms. W. R- Hignett. Oregon state agent, 406 East Stark st., Portland. p pe ne v e n 1 n g s . Di o p me a po stal. FOR SALE Big bargains In second-hand sewing machines from $3 up; all makes, as Singers, New Homes, Wheeler 6l Wil sons, standards and Whites; many drop heads in the lot and everyone guaranteed; also one fine Wheeler A Wilson tajlor ma chine at a bargain; free lessons In batten berg and embroidery every Thursday on the White family rotary sewing machines; all other makes rented, repaired and ex changed. Supplies for all machines. White Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones, prop., 420 Washl n gtonat . ,cprn er lit h. MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. Our films are the pick of 28 indepen dent manufacturers; 14 new pictures re leased weekly. You need the best; we can furnish it. Write for full information. IND. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE, 515-519 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. All woodsaw men are wanted at 4-15 East Morrison street, on Sunday, July 31, . at 2 P. M-. without fail; all welcome. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes and bicycles. The Globe Second-hand store. 29o First. Main 20sd. We also buy ladies' clothing. WANTED 11x14 view camera without lens and shutter; state make, condition and price. Address C. Ford Richardson, care Oregon Camera Club. Brook ly n. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing 'and shoe; we also buy household furnishings; higher prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal. 01 N. 8d st. Mam 9272. A GOOD second-hand steam table for a cafe; must be in good order. K 159, Ore gonian. WAXTED Some used half or three-qcarter-inch hose for lawn purposes. Reasonable . and in good condition. P 160, Oregonian. WILL trade first-class talking machine for food organ. Portland Phonograph Agency 50 Alder st. Main 6890. faELL your secoad-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leas. Phones: A 2445; Main 8951. OFFICE desk, rugs and chairs; must be goodandcheap. AM 159.Oregonian. 6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention ai ways given. Phone East 1067. WANTED A second-hand Neostyle. Phone A 5547 or Main 2484. WANTED Cash register; must be cheap. Phone East 1485, C 1485. WANTED Three box-ball alley san d hr e T or four pool tables. Write Geo. Bly. Salem, Or. WANTED One invalid chair. Call 47 X 6th or phone A 4218. M 2418. W A N T ED To buy a good second-hand iafe. C. B. Werner, P. O. box 81.. Marshall 1552. HELP WANTED MALE OUTSIDE MAN. Thoroughly experienced; first-class In car pets, jinaperies and general house furnish ings, to secure contracts. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Apprentice, between 17 and 22 years old. to learn the mechanical work of piano manufacturing and repairing; rapid advancement: state previous employment, age and references. Address O 169, Ore gonian. . OUR motion picture operators school the best on the Coat; competent instructors to teach in two weeks; make men competent for po sitions: have applications dally for operators; paya $25 to $40 weekly. Pacific Amusement Exchange. Marquam bldg. STENOGRAPHER wanted; one acquainted with city, and with knowledge of Germafi preferred: excellent opportunity for bright young man; give phone number and all particulars in first letter. O 165, Orego nian. 120O LEGS wanted for 600 pairs of men's trousers. All new Fall patterns. Regu lar $5 values for $3.50. Regular $4 val ues for $2.00. Jimmie Dunn, 315 Orego nlan bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper and general office man for growing concern; applicant must state age. experience and salary expected or no consideration will be given. AJ 166, Oregonian. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES require a young man to operate a card printing machine; must understand typesetting. Ap ply at superintendent's office, 6th floor. Annex. 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED Chore man for hotel in Central Oregon. Man who can milk preferred. Must have reference as to sobriety, etc. Good wages and good home. AF 105, Oregonian. WANTED Man for small fruit farm near city, who understands care of fruit trees. Apply to Mark Levy, corner Front and Washington sts. WANTED -Stenographei . one who can do anything about an office; give age and ex perience in application. Address p. O. Box 137. ACTORS WANTED Juvenile leading man and character heavy for a responsible dramatic company: going East. Apply Immediately 163 Park St., room 5. WANTED Physician and surgeon for con struction camp; young graduate preferred; must be wide-awake and willing worker. L 141. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitors: openings In cltv and country : also crew managers. See Mr. Smith, 208 WTeIls-Fargo bldg.. between 8 and 10 Monday morning. WANTED An experienced meatcutter. com petent and take charge of shop; must be s er. Address J. O. Staats. Oak Grove. - CAKl'-NTER bids wanted on 1H story fra.'- C. W. Christiansen. 169 East 14th all Sunday. MAN to copy and general office work; If satisfactory, permanent. B 167, Orego- n tan. . FIRE Insurance solicitor to represent good company: an attractive offer to right man. 405 Couch, bldg. BOOKBINDER Finisher, wanted on printed work, good position. Address Foster & Futernick Company, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED A doctor, dentist, druggist, bar ber and milliner; suburban location: no . o ppos i t ion. Phone B 1 503. WA NTED Good boy to learn wholesale and retail business: a splendid place to the right boy. CaJJ, 72, Sixth. WANTED Ten first-class machinists for out-of-town work. Call room 1, Stratton Hotel, corner 3d and Pine. V ANTE D A marble sculptor who will do a small piece of work in exchange for A-l medical services. Box 344. WANTED Corporation cashier, salary $125, with $1500 to loan on good collateral. F 165, Oregonian. WANTED Young man solicitor for the sale of tailoring in city, must be a salesman. 309 Swetland bldg. WANTED Wrlngerman at State Laundry. 395 Broadway. JANITOR wanted. 48S Elderly man preferred. -Washington st. WANTED Boy about 17 years of age. ML Hood Factory. 233 Couch. WANTED Barber. 227 North 23d st. METAL lathers and first-class plasterer. E. Pine and 11th sis. WANTED Waiter, at Long Beach. Inquire Monday,171 Seventh st. WANTED Boy. 17 or 1 S, for store; must he able to furnish references. 74 First st. GOOD J-econd hand .on bread; wages $19. 50S Washington st.. Vancouver, Wash. W ANTED Tight barrel cooper. 163 Mad iFon Ft. WANTED A boy helper for bakery; good jot and good wages. 229 N. 23d St. WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 $th it HELP WANTED MALE, WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED CITY SALESMAN FOR PORTLAND; AN EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY" FOR A YOUNG MAN WHO CAN SHOW CLEAN RECORD AND WHO IS NOT AFRAID OF WORK: GIVE FULL PARTICULARS IN REGARD TO AGE. EXPERIENCE AND AMOUNT OF SALARY YOU ARE CAPABLE OF COMMANDING. S 162. OREGONIAN. "WE WANT men or women over IS years of age and possessing a little of the "1 can" and "I will" spirit. If you are making less than $35 per week and expenses and wish a high-class; permanent position as a trained, successful salesman, in which you can make money right from the start, write tis at once; no previous experience required, as we give a $75 correspondence course in practical salesmanship to all whom we ac cept. Stace. Burroughs & Co.. 310 Michigan ave. Offices 124. Chicago. A.NTEJJ Aole-bociea men for the Ol Marine Corps, betweea the ages of 19 a J. HA; must be native bom or have first papers; monthly pay $:5 to $09; additional com pensation poasiole; food, clotnmg. quarters ana medical attendance free; alter SO years' ervioe caa retire wita 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service oa board ship aad shore in all parts of tna world. Apply at Breeien bid,., ltd ana Waahiagtoa sta, C or tJ andOr. SALESMAN as local manager to handle Fofmacone. the formaldehyde dudnfecu-r; lotMAki in use; also complete line formaide nyde f umigators, disinieciants, floor oil, sanitary swiping compound, insecticides and sanitary supplied ; good used by United States Government, N. Y. Central R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. This territory open. Tne Formacone Co., 50 Church St., New York. WANTED A gentleman of good appear ance, exceptional ability, who dresses well, and enjoys robust health, one accustomed to earning an income of $loo a week and over, to present a proposition to the bet ter class of business; permanent position with rapid promotion it capable. Western Press Association. 226 Board of Trade bldg. W A N T E D A S ALE S MAN OF A BILITY", CAPABLE OF MEETING PEOPLB OF THE iiEST CLASS. WHO IS AMBITIOUS TO CONNECT HIMSELF WITH A RE MUNERATIVE AND PROFITABLE PO SITION; CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. CALL BETW LEX 9 AND lo A. M. ASK. FOR MR. HICK BY.2iiOA K ST. MEN WANTED FOR HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Manufacturer's broken lines seized by Jimmie Dunn at 40 per cent less than wholesale price and sold by him at no rent prices. Regular $20 to $25 suits at $10 85; regular $to to $35 suita at $14.85. Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg. J iniiiile Dunn, manager. B OO KKEEPERS; ATTENT1 0 Nl TTeam your health, and accumulate a fortune growing apples on a Hood River orchaijl . tract. Will accept your residence as part payment for lu acres of young trees. H miles from town. Investigate today. AB 109,Oregonian: 10. W0 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade la 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 tu $25 weekly ; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues, idchler Sycteio. or Colleges, S3 North 4t h b r., Portia ad. Or. WANTED For permanent position, wide awake salesman, to act as manager and salesman . for our product in Portland. Or., ana vicinity; address, with bank or business firm references, Diagraph Carbon Paper Company, Diury bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. WINDOW-DRESSER wanted by large firm; only those having several years' experi ence with large concerns need apply ; a high-grade position for the best man in the business; state age. salary and full details of experience; application confi dential. TD(2,Oregonian HIGH-GRADE salesmen. we pay each l nurstlay, 2o expenses advanced weekly no samples to carry, no collecting; tali on business men only ; our men make $250 and up monthly; small bond required. In ternational Co., 138 Mclntire bldg., Day- ton. Ohio. Y M. C. A. The friend ol the young mta and stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours without cost. Constant demand for men w ho can do something well. Special employment membership as sures employment. Investigate betor you Id vest. WANTED Farm hand, married man pre ferred ; must be good horseman ; will fur nish living rooms to couple ; must have own furniture. Good wages to right party. Address D. X. N., Roseburg, or., box 35. GOVERNMENT positions, chances never better to secure one; full particulars to salaries. positions, dates examinations aoon to be held in Portland, sample ques tions, etc.. sent free in circular. 161 Natl. Cor. Institute. Washington. D. C. WANTED uea and dos "at Lo Angeles; n o expense for ins truot loa ; learn au tomo biles, electricity, piumbLng, bricklaying trade In montns Instead of years: study baf and work hair Urn: ; catalogue free ; Unltea Vraue School Contracting Cu., Los Angola. EMBROIDERY and lace manufacturers want salesman now traveling having established trade in small town; liberal proposition. Hudson River Lace Work. 416 Broadway. New York. WANTED Three high-grade stock sales , men to sell the 7 per cent stock issue of Kilt-edge local manufacturing company having entire Pacific Coast held. Apply forenoons, 403 Corbett bldg. MAN. willing to learn and capable of act ing as our representative ; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Na tional Co-operative Realty Co., 792 Mar den bldg.. Washlngton. D. C. WANTED Machine hands of all kinds, frame makers, stair and cabinet builders; steady work Winter and Summer. Apply at once. Selgelke & Kohlhaus Mfg. Co., La Crosee, Wis. ONE good salesman wanted .orchard tracts, $150 per acre, planted and cared for one year; round trip same day ; expenses and 10 per cent. Address P. O. Box 347. Portland. WANTED Competent and thoroughly ex perienced sash and door estimator and salesman; one who is a, hustler; good op portunity for the right man. Address C. C. BelknapGlass Company, Seattle. SALESMAN Best accident, health policyrold line company ; $looo death, $5 weekly, $100 emergency; $2 yearly. Seal wallet free. German Registry Co., 217 North 7th St., St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN visiting medium-sired towns, sell our iiejnducts for special aales; commission 10 per cent weekly drawings. Swiss Embroidery Lace Combine. 491 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN Make $100 a week: new artlrU exclusive territory; big money for saloons ana raiesrm-n. Lappin company, uept. M, Kewanee, 111. REPRESENTATIVE wanted In every town to handle shining stove polish; select your own agents: big profits. Dept. B, Kruller's D. S.Co..; Hlllsboro, Or. LITERARY man wanted to represent us in Portland; part time only required; good pa v. Cochrane Publishing Co., Tribune bldg.. New Y'ork. . WANTED A strictly flrst-clam all-round dyer, cleaner and spotter, wages no object to right man. Apply to the City Dye Works, Ta coma, Wash. $100 MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, treasurer, Q 238, Chi cago. A N Y BODY" can add $8 to $30 weekly to their inoom growing mushrooms, in cellars, hedF. boxes, etc.; big market. Free book let. Hiram Barton, West 48th at.. New York. RAILWAY mail clerks Portland examination November 12; $800 to $16oo; preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 285 S. Roches ter. N. Y. " MOVED. ' International Correspondence Schools, moved to 233 Alder st., near 2d, our new local headquarters. RAILWAY mail clerks, postoffice clerks and carriers examination in November; salary up to $lS0O; free Book 30; Pacific States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. FIRST-CLAPS Jiorseshoer or a good all around man. steady job and good wages assured. Phone number 114-J. Phone or write W. P,, Morris. Albany, Or. DRUG clerks, registered, and assistant for Portland and vicinity. Please communi cate with Mr. Thayer. Clarke-Woodard Drug Co. 9th and Hoyt sts. WANTED Immediately, an experienced lum ber bookkeeper; salary $100-$125; also sten ographer who can Bswiai on lumber -books $75. 701 Fidelity bldg., Tacoma, w ash. MAGNESITD man wanted; one that thorough ly understands mixing and applying came. Answer, giving references. G 157 ore gonian. WANTED Watchmaker and plain engraver; good wages chance of a lifetime. Addreai , H. Bowen, Caldwell. Idaho. WANTED Coleetor for delinquent accounts State experience, give references. A.L 199 Oregonian. BIG money for men to travel In the coun ryx no monev required. Address M Biven. Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced cracker bakery men Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. TAIUR Young man. to assist in bushel ing work.LionClothing Co.. 166-170 Third t. TINNER WANTED Call Monday" morning at 8 o'clock. 2n Russell st. W ANTE D Vjood! experienced elevator boy. Apply room 6 3 Electric bldg. RELIABLE man as gardener and handy about house. J 161. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We want good, LIVE MEN to handle BEAUMONT. Our latest subdivision. More talking points than any other subdivision which has ever been placed upon the market, and the genuine value is there. Are preparing for a good hot campaign. TERMS EAS.V. Commissions big. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg-. 84 4th St. MOVING-PICTURE Theaters are making from $10 to $100 daily; without cost to you we will start you In a moving-picture theater or help you secure a position where vou can earn from $25 to $40 weekly; we have the only fully equipped operators' school In Portland and our pupils are employed in best theaters in the Northwest ; see us first before making arrangements else where. Hose City Film Exchange and School for Moving-picture Operating, 526 Wash. St.. near 17th st. POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers, examina tions will be held Portland, many other cities, in November; Uncle Sam is best employer; pay high and sure; hours short, places permanent, promotions regular, va cation with pay, thousands of vacancies every month, all kinds of pleasant work everywhere, no layoffs, no pull needed, common education sufficient.. Ask for Booklet GS 369. giving full particulars and explaining my offer ofj position or money back. Earl Hopkins. W ashing ton. D. c. SALESMEN of more than average ability for position paying $3500 to $4000 yearly by prominent Chicago house of repute; splendid future for wide-awake man who can sell extensive, well-known line of advertising specialties surrounding terri tory; advertising experience desirable, not essential. Sales Manager. Mountain Dept., 1423 Carroll ave..Chicago. WANTED Two young men, between ages - of 18 and 22 years, who have had a college . or technical training preferred; this Is an exceptional opportunity for bright,, ener getic men to learn a branch of the work of a large public service corporation; re ply in own handwriting, giving age and present employment. H 155. Oregonian. Mfc.N WANTED, age 19 to 05. for firemen, $100 monthly, aad brake men $80, on nearby railroad; experience unnecessary ; no strike; promotion ta engineers, conductors; railroad employiag headquarter, over 500 men sent to positions monthly; state age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Orrgoalan. MACHINISTS First-class, long job and good pay. Call today, room 1, Stratton Hotel. 3d and Pine. RAILWAY mail clerks; $800 first year, pro motion to $lKOU; examination Portland No ember 12; common education suf ficient with our coaching; particulars f re with position or money back offer. Ask for booklet GSTR. Earl Hopkins. Washington. p. C. ORGANIZERS WANTED Bv a fraternal society that pays death benefits.' sick and accident benefits, and also issues term and profit-sharing certificates. Field yet open. Experienced organizers will find it t he best yet. Address Don. B. Robb, vice-president, F. V., Gridley, Cal. THREE high-grade specialty salesmen for attractive advertising deal for retail deal ers; $40 cash, on approval orders; good salesmen now selling three to six orders weekly : references required A. M.. Box 1 9. C h lea go, 1 1 1. SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell general trade Pacific Coast; unex celled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE; vacancy August 1; commission, with $35 weekly for expenses. Con tine n tal Jewelry Co.. Cleveland. O. HUSTLERS everywhere, profits $5 to $25 daily ; it's cash, all yours; own business yourself; work for home; no capital re quired ; no canvassing; a new thing. Par ticulars free. F. E. Abbott. Desk AX, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Young man not over 25 for sten ographer and general office work; must have good common school education. Call at 26 Front st. North. Paci&c Coast Syrup Co. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; ac ceptable contracts cashed; three estab lished publications. Ralph C. Clyde, ad vertising manager, Benedictine press, Goodnough bldg. S ALESM E N O Id! wealthy firm wants six salesmen for Oregon Fall trade; begin right away: line easily learned, perma nent position, fine income. C. B. Potter, 1S4 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. W A NT FD Capable young man to learn manufacturing line for wholesale and re tail trade; would sell interest or all to party desiring business. F 155, Orego- nian. SALESMEN for this territory; splendid commission contract. $35 weekly advance to producer, sample line, permanent po sition. E. L. Rice & Company. Detroit, Mich. WANTED Young; man over 20 to do col lecting and assist bookkeeper in large mercantile .house; answer in own hand writing, giving reference. R 159, Ore gonian. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess. H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Practical machinist for small out-of-town shop ; give age. experience, references and telephone number. K 161, Oregonian. BOATBUILDERS Must be hustlers and thoroughly experienced in small boat work. Curtis Power Boat Company, East end Madison-st. bridge. SALESMEN making small towns can earn nice income carrying our pocket side line. Write for order book today. 2oth Century Mfg. Co., 1308 Wells st.. Chicago. WANTED A salesman that can meet and talk to big people; a splendid opportunity for tne rigr.t party; reference required. i 166 Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife on ranch In Hood River section; must furnish reference; a desirable place tor the right parties. R 132. Oregonian, ANYONE can make money writing short stories; big pay; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran- ctsco. i SALESMEN We have a brand-new, clean cut side line, best yet, consigned goods; prompt commissions. Ore Mfg. Co., 12 9 Jeff e reo n St.. Chicago. - SALESMEN side line, or exclusive; adver tising novelties; liberal commissions; samples free. Andrew Paysen. Clinton, la. JAPANESE and wife in private family, man must be first-class cook, wife for second work.. AC 157, Ore gonian. INVESTIGATE this fine opening for young men ; small capital required. Call S2ti W Wash in g to n st. . room 417. WANTED Solicitors for handling article paying 100 per cent commission. Inquire 212 East 3Hth st. BRAKE MEN and firemen. Inexperienced. Call room 318 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son. $18 TO $35 week few months only learaui. situation guars n teed. Watchmaking-Engraving School. Box 182, Ashland. Or. MAN to work on 8-acre fruit ranch. Oregon City car. Courtney station. Phone Oak G rpve,Black 1 1 3. JAPANESE man for work on suburban place, must know how to milk. Phone A 5531. WANTED Neat young man with $5o to learn the real estate business; can make big money. 242 Fifth st. WANTED First-class sausage maker; mar ried man preferred. Address Box 700 Eugene", Or. phone Main 40. ' FIRST-CLASS bread bakers wanted ; open shop. Golden West Baking Co., Seattle Wash. MAN TO WORK In g'ueroom. setting up fur niture; some experience necessary. Peters Mg Co.. 441 Hawthorne ave. FIRST-CLASS, all-around candy maker; good wages; references. Shoukuillu Co.. Pasco, Wash. WANTED A man of. clean habit to learn barber business at 841 Mississippi ave C G. Wollett, prop. WANTED 25 experienced operators for rock drill ; also firt-man for boiler. Ask for Mr. Daly. Portland Machinery Co. YOUNG man. who understandsselling tail oring. to solicit orders; must be a sai ea rn a n.3 0 a we t la n dbl d g- PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait age d La new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg." A SALE SMAN for ofBce goods trad el 23 1 Stark st. - WANTED Assistant Ice cream maker. Ap p 1 y109 4 1 h. WANTED Men to smoke NSW YORK BOND five-cent cigar. MEN for factory near Portland; married men preferred. S19 Sherlock bids;. WANTED House-to-house peddlers at 487 Hoyt st. ORGANIZERS Good commissions for live men;Order of Owls.South Bend, Indiana. WANTED Presser on custom pants. 83 5th St.. room 505. Steady work. EXPERIENCED band-sawyer wanted by Oregon Box Mfg. Co.. 1326 Macadam st. WAGON blacksmith wanted. Tucker's Wag- on Shop, 1 74 Union aye. WANTED Air-tight atovemager. 614 Front strAet. WANTED Boy to learn tinners' trade; mall wage. 614 Front L HELP WAXTED MALE PACIFIO EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main office. 12 N. 2d su Open Sunday, 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. For the mills Sawyer, circuler nw, $5.00. Engineer. $to month. Mill Tallyman, $3. Marker. $3. Edgerman, $3.50. Trimmerman. $3.25. Cut-off sawyer, $3. Oiler, $2.50. Band resawyers. $3. and $3.25. Two yard tallymen. $2.50 and $2.75, Planer feeders, $250. Graders from planer, $2.50 to $2.75 Ratchet setter, small mill, $2,75 Two carriage riders. $2.50. Five Scandinavian yardmen. $2.75. up " X factory cut-off sawyers, $2.50 Two rip sawyer. $2.50 to $3; box fac tory. Three boys for box factory, $1.75. Miscellaneous Man and wife, cooks, camp, $90. Cook, small camp. $75. Camp flunkeys. $25 up. Two waiters, country hotel. $40. Teamster, hauling ties. $2.75. Five budders for nursery. a2 un b and r. Laborers, city. $2.75 and $2.30. Woodcutters, $1.25 to $1.40 cord. Farmhands, $35 up. We ship to any saw mill on the Coast ; good wages. FREE FARE: FREE FARE! Special notice . We guarantee to pay your far to and wSrk. ero we send you if the-re la nt PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main office. 12 N. 2d su WANTED AT C. R. HANSEN & CO." 26 N. 2d St. . I1- R- laborers, teamsters and rockmen for Klamath Falls. Natron and Shaniko. artfa,r0w "!'ll daily: millyard fore man. 90; laborers for the city. $2.75 per day; Cranesmen. $o; bridge carpenters. V.tarT, cl,y 3.50; carpenter's helper. 2; How truss carpenter. $4; rigger. Gov. work, b hours. $2 a day and board; 2 car repairers. $2.75; 3 mill wrights. $4 per day; donkey firemen, $2.50 chaser. $3; rig- rustler, $3; concrete, cltv. 92. .5: teamster, city. $2.50; 2 boys for delivery wagon. $10 week; milker. $40; farm hand, near city. $40; 2 teamsters for seining ground. $2.25 per day and found. Hotel and restaurant help wanted. HAN LEY & TRAVERSj -ow -v. Employment agents. -'W .- 2d st. I'hones: Main 727, A 2290. Want today Hewer, $4. Two scorers. $3.50. Three bridge carpenters. $.1.50. Three pile driver men, $3.50. Dump foreman. $5.00. Six drillers. $3.0o. Two flunkeys (same camp), $40 no Headquarters for the N. P. double track work. Tillamook Roaa. Oregon ders C hona or wlro Tour or- TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED Experienced specialty man who 'can show a record of success as salesman. Lxcellent proposition and years contract for territory tributary to Portland. Oldest Til JV'ff1 "oue of our kind in Amer ica, t all Monday between 2 and 0 P M Sl 'k ' Lumbor Exchange bldg. 2d "and HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MONDAY. Salesladies, $65 to $90 per month.' t ooks, $14 and $13 per week. Holel cooks. $4o. .oY111!6868- 7- fi and Per -week and $25 to $30 per month. Chambermaids. $20. $25 and $30. Housekeepers in lodging-house, $0 Housekeepers, $20 to $25 Factory girls. $1.60 to $2.50 per das Companion for Invalid. $20. Girls for general housework at good wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles Dept. 205 'm Mc rrison. LADIES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Has the following help: Eight housekeepers. Three camp cooks. Two nurses. Four chambermaids. Two waitresses for camp. Two cashiers. Three ladies to take charge of rooming houses. Room 25. 803 Washington St. Phones Main 2492; A-325 0. LADIES' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE WANTED. Six girls for general housework. Seven waitresses for beach. Four cooks for private families. Five girls for tailorshops. Two cooks for Hood River. Room 25, 303 H Washington St. Phones Main 2492; A-3250. WANTED Energetic! educated lady, not under 30, of nice appearance, for position Involving modified form of salesmanship, requiring tact and initiative, with oppor tunity for a permanancy and advance ment; previous experience not necessary; must be able to leave Portland if re- quired. M 169. Oregonian. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES require a large number of young women for various branches of the business. Including a young woman with some knowledge of type setting to operate a card printing ma chine. Apply at superintendent's office; 6th floor. Annex, 8 to IO A. M. MADAME ELISE ROLAND, of Austria. o" licits hlgh-cla patronage, ladles and gen tlemen, for manicuring, facial massage and ecalp treatment. Barton Hotel, cor. Alder and 13th sts. Entrance on 13th st. Open to 9 P. M. LADIES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Will furnish housemaids and any and all kinds of competent help on short notice. Call ,or phone M 2493; A 3250. 303a Washington st., room 2$. CHAMBERMAIDS wanted : call ready t work. Hotel Foster, 3d and Davis. WANTED Two experienced waitresses for first-class hotel in Central Oregon. Oood wages and a good home for good girls. Call at 429 Henry bldg. on Monday, be tween 2 and 5. WE HAVE a good position for a young lady stenegrapher; neatness and accuracy required; one having knowledge of book keeplng preferred. 418 Mohawk bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, good cook, three in family. Apply morn ings. A 2891. 951 Meiinda ave.. head of hnson. WANTED A young lady to assist in house work. 660 Ravensview Drive. Telephone A 3743. WANTED Girl for general housework ; goot wages, three In family; going to Seaside. 739Northrup st. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; no washing. East 9tn and Wasco sts. WANTED Experienced chambermaid at the Nortonla Hotel. Call between 10 and 2, Monday. WANTED Girl for general housework or to aasim. Phone East 55o4. 825 Hancock. Broad way car. Mrs. E. J. Hall. NECKWEAR finishers; also girls to learn to finish men's neckwear. Columbia Neck wear Mfg. Co.. 291 H Stark st. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced sales ladies for ribbons, laces and embroideries. Roberts Pros.. 3d and Morrison sts. WOMAN General housework, family of three, good home, easy place, good wages. Woodlawn 1912. SflDDLE-AGE lady, without children, as housekeeper for elderly couple. Apply 210 Mo n t gomery before 2 P. M. WANTED Experienced young lady sten ographer and bookkeeper for wholesale houe. L 143. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for poultry ranch ; no noney required. A K 195, Oregonian. WANTED Girl who understandsfrui t and cigar business. AJ 1Q6, Oregonian. GIRL wanted for dining-room. 515 Morrl- son st. PRIVATE lessons in shorthand. expert method, evenings. 1S1 11th st. COOK and kitchen help for boarding-honse; good wages. 248 N. 17th st. WANTED Competent stenographer. Apply 11 to 12 this morning. 417 Medical bldg WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone East 4-1 90. WANTED- Chambermaid at Drexl Hotel. Call between 8 and 10. 2d and Yamh,Hl. WANTED Good stenographer and bookkeeper $. to mart. 72 Sixth. COMPETENT girl tor general housework ; new home; good wages. Phone Main 8959. GIRL for second work; references. 640 F1 an ders. YOUNG lady stenographer wanted ; state salary expected. D 195, Oregonian. TWO competent waitresses wanted at The Hill. 25 14th st. ' LESSONS in shorthand and tvpewrtting by expert; $5 a month. 2G914tru Main 3S93. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. 3d and r-n'nmbia. YOUNG lady as chambermaid. 831 Oak St. COOK Apply mornings, 236 King at.