The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 31, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Best Assortment of Needs for Country Home, Etc.
The Mail Order Section for Out-of-Town Patrons
Onr New and Enlarged Up-to-Date Grocery The
Best of Everything at the Lowest Prices Phones:
Private Exchange 4 or Home Phone A 6101
Agents Kiser Hand-Colored Photos Fifth Floor!
Sole Agents Vudor Porch Shades Third Floor;
COURTESY Employes, old and
young. endeavor individually
to excel in courtesy and
painstaking attention to natrons and
visitors. FYeedom to explore every
part of the store without being im
portuned to buy. i one of the many
enjoyable characteristics of a store
policy that has made this Portland's
Most Popular Chopping place.
CONVENIENCE Centrally locat
ed In (.ne heart of the business
district, easily accessible to
every carline. the majority being
routed past our doors splendidly
equipped with every modern arrange
ment for the comfort and accommo
dation of the Mtrons a nd visitors,
this store has rlghtlv become en
trenched as Port laud's Best More.
nk Store
AXIS FACTION" Ftf ty-four years
of continuous commercial growth
from a small room. In 1S57, to
Its present immense buildings, yield
ing upwards of S0O.00O square feet of
space, is a splendid tribute to the
foundation principles of this business,
the corner store of which is Stis-
faction." This store stands behind
every transaction.
SERVICE Rotable among the var
VJ ious parts that constitute th
Store's Cireat System of Service
are Us New York and Paris offices
its corps of home and foreign buvers
its extraordinary home Mail Order
department; its great auto, -wagon
and special delivery service; its tel
ephone service, transfer service, quio
pneumatic cash carrier service, etc-
Stands for Courtesy, Convenience, Satisfaction and Service to
Meier ? Fra
New Today
Shipment Ribbons
V .
New fancy Dresden Ribbons, new
print warp Taffetas, new satin-striped
novelties. Each express brings sur
prises in the way of new ideas for
Fall, from Eastern markets. See them.
New Today
Shoes $4 and $5
Xew tan Russian calf, custom-made
Shoe, witli the new slant top, short
vamp, Cuban heel, hand- CiC
welt soles; sale price, pr. PJvfV
Also a new line of black ooze calf
Button Shoes, welt soles, fC
tipped toes, Cuban heels P"
New Today
Veilings$lto $3
New arrivals in fine chiffon Auto
Veils, with hemstitched borders, in
two-toned, plain and shaded effects,
on sale, ea., from jgl.OO to 3.00
Also arrival of new Persian Auto
Veils, 7-8 yard wide and 1 7-8 yard
long, with fine hemstitc'd (jJC Ofl
borders; sale price, each PJVvJ
New Today
Auto Hoods $3.00
New Moule Auto Hoods. The latest
auto craze Cap for women; all shades.
Come in and see them. Each, Sf53.00
Silk Dresses $9.85
$17.50-$20-$25 Values
This special line of snappy little one-piece dresses
which we have just secured for our patrons are in a
profusion of new and original styles that are sure to
appeal to the discriminating woman These dresses
are made with the same care and along the same
scientific lines as garments made to measure They
look much better and embrace all the new" This Sea
son's" lines from the very best models Materials are
tafleta, foulard and rajah silks Princess and semi
princess effects with dainty lace yokes; pleats, pin
tuck or button trimmed Plain and pleat- Q O 8jf
ed skirts, also strap trim'd, vals. to $25 P -r05
A Remarkable Sale on Women's f
Dutch Neck Waists
We are now offering at greatly reduced prices an endless
variety of Waists in Dutch-neck and short-sleeve style. Ma
terials are Marquisette, French lawn,, batiste' and linen;
trimmed in Baby Irish and hand embroidery-in the daintiest
designs. Our highest grade waists are included in these
values. The entire stock of Dxitch-neck Waists has been
divided into 25 lots, each extensively reduced. One excep
tional value is a Pure Linen Waist, elaborately ft A
trimmed that sold for $12.50, sp'l for this sale vTTO0
Women's Coats
Special line of Coats, garments
of undisputed style and quality,
best materials, loose and semi
fitted Reg, values I 9 O C
up to $15. special P 0?
Taii'd Suits $8.88
$1.5-$ 18 and $25 Values
This large selection of Tailored Suits, Skirts and Jack
ets for misses and small women, as well as the larger
sized garments ranges from the more elaborate and
ornate designs to those intended for occasions of
lesser formality The materials are all popular fab
rics which have a fixed place in the esteem of the
woman who knows good wearing values Included
are plain and fancy weaves in serges, cheviots.tweeds,
worsteds, shepherd checks Jackets medium length,
semi-fitted, with one button side fastening; shawl col
lar, satin or braid trimmed, also plain notch collar
and" button trimming-Values to $25 fi O Q O
each, a special for tomorrow at only 000
$4 Sweater Coats $2.55
The demand for the Sweater Coats continues very strong.
It is absolutely impossible to do without a sweater Coat this
season. We have them in fancy or plain weave, made with
high or V-shape neck, single or double-breasted style; either
loose or half-fitted effects. Very popular for boating, golf
ing, autoing, etc.; made of soft wool, in colors tr P C
white, red or gray; values to $4.00, special at b33
Kimonos and Sacques Half Price
Long Kimono and Dressing Sacques at half price ; shirred at
waist line, loose or Madame Butterfly; silk messaline and
albatross; figured or plain; light and dark colors Prices:
Reg. $5.00 values at $2.50 Reg. $9.00 values at $4.50
Reg. $6.00 values at $3.00 Reg. $12.00 values at $6.00
Reg. $7.50 values at $3.75 Reg. $14.00 values at $7.00
New Today
New Fall Suits
First showing of new Fall models.
Materials, tweeds, rough worsteds, un
finished worsteds in basket and small
diamond wetaves, zibelines, broken
diagonals in two-tone effects, serges
and chiffon broadcloth. Colors, snuff,
reseda, gold, aeroplane, elematis,
brown, black, raisin and blue of the
royal type. Styles are tailored, semi
fitting effects for early Fall, generally
loose at waist line in the back, fitting
more closely over the hips. One-piece
backs take the lead. Straight front,
buttoned-through effect. Some coats
have seam coming from under arms,
while center of back is trimmed with
small straps and buttons. Skirts, the
gored circular model, the favored
style. Narrow skirts very much in.
vogie this season. Double skirt, with
the lower portion plain and narrow.
All mail orders very carefully filled.
New To day
Iii the Women's
Neckwear Sec.
New Persian novelties in bows, rabata
and aeroplane Jjows, 35 to $2.00
New Persian Auto Scarfts for $1.75
Also the latest novelty, just out, the
new Persian Shoulder Throws, on sale
at these prices, ea., $3.50 to $10
Advance showing for Fall new Per
sian Coat Sets. New Persian Dutch
Collars, for, each, 75 to $2.00
Lot 1 Dainty Embroideries
$3.50 Values 98c
This sale of dainty Embroideries will
appeal to the" women who are inter
ested in securing patterns of flounc
ing, etc., suitable for the white em
broidery gown so popular at present.
They come in widths 27 and 45 inches.
Patterns include the' mueh-spught-for
eyelet and floral designs. About 300
yards in assortment; regular QQ
values to $3.50 yard, sale price
Lot 2 ManufacturV Lengths
$1.75 Values 75c
This wonderful sale of manufacturers'
lengths of Embroideries will continue
to interest our many economical cus-
toruers. Insertion and edging for
women and children's undermuslins in
designs of eyelet and blind work. In
widths 1 to 12 inches, and 4y and
5-yard lengths. Values up to 7Clr,
$1.75 strips; special, the strip 5C
Lot 3 Corset Cover Emb.
$1.25 Values 59c
18-inch Swiss Flouncing and Corset
Cover Embroidery, in floral effects,
for lingerie or undermuslins! CQ
Values to $1.25. yard, special JC
rice Sale off Imported French
In our Muslin Underwear Department on the Second
Floor you will find a particularly dainty collection of
Fine French Hand-Made Lingerie at HALF PRICE This
speciat assortment is a sample line just received Irom
Paris and it shows every possible charm of French
needlework Brides-to-be will find that the choice of
the entire trousseau may be made from this assortment!
with satisfaction, as the garments are made . over our
patterns, assuring-correct proportions This lot con
sists of White Underskirts worth $18 to $15Q eachv
Gowns ranging in price from
$ 1 0.00 to $ 1 50.00, go on sale at
Drawers ranging in price from
$6.QO to $25.00, go on sale at
Corset Covers ranging in price
Half Price
Half Price
Corset Covers ranging in price g g Ovja
from $5.00 to $ 1 5.00. on sale at flail TIC
Combinations ranging in price f FJM!-ft
from $15.00 to $50.00, now at lUCial ItFICG
The materials in the above assortment are very fine
French nainsook, lawns and percales They are trimmed
in real Val. and Cluny laces, fine German Val. laces
and embroidery which cannot be equalled See Display
1500 Yards
Cheney Silks
$1.25 Val. 69c
Our customers all know what the cele
brated Cheney Bros. Showerproof
Brand means on silks. We are plac
ing on sale a lot o 1500 yards of this
famous silk, noted for its wonderful
wearing qualities, its beautiful soft,
lustrous appearance and standard
colorings. The greatest variety of
popular shades ever displayed in the
City of Portland, also including the
new shades for Fall in browns, old
rose, raisin, wistaria tan, reseda, navy;
also a beautiful line of figured pat
terns in floral, polkadot, striped and
figured effects. This quality silk is
being sold and" is a good value at
$1.25. Our price for this silk ?Q
during this sale is only, yard, 07C
1000 Yards
French Ghallie
75c Vals. 63c
A special sale starts tomorrow on
100 yards 31-ineh French Challies,
all the newest designs. Regu- ?9
lar 75c. Supply your needs, yd.
4 Lots of Women's Gloves
Regular $ 1 .00 Values, Special at 49c Pair
Lot 1 Great clean-up sale of broken lines, colors and sizes at greatly reduced prices.
Aelean-up of Mochas, Chamois and Kid Gloves, broken line of colors, and sizes in lot.
Regular $ 1 .25 Values, Special at 79c Pair
Lot 2 A large assortment of "Women's Pique Skins, Lamb Skins and P. X. M. Cape
Gloves. Broken line of colors, but all sizes are in this collection. Supply your needs.
Regular $ 1 .50 Values, Special at 98c Pair
Lot 3 Great sale of Perrin 's two-clasp real Kid Gloves in black, white, tans, gray and
a few high colors, with plain and fancy stitching. Make your selections here tomorrow.
Regular $1.50-81.75 Values, Special $1.33
Lot 4 Great combination sale of Perrin 's and Trefousse Real Kid Gloves. A complete
line of staple shades. An A-l article and your opportunity for great saving in gloves.
adame Irene Corsets
Special showing of advance Tall models in the celebrated Madame Irene Corsets.
These wonderful Madam Irene Corsets are made by Madam Irene, of New York, who
is considered the greatest corset artist in America. She is constantly in touch with'
the fashionable world of New York, and keeps abreast with the European fashions at
all times. Modeling and fitting corsets at all times for the most fastidious women
naturally has given her an enormous advantage in designing new styles. The reputa
tion and fame of Madam Irene's fashionable and artistic creations, combined with
, t , , , . 1 ,
the comfort, the materials, the superior cut and the workmanship in these garments
havemadethem eagerly sought by the mostf astidious and fashionable worldl The
corset is made of the very best quality German coutil, batiste or brocades, and prices
range from $6.50 to $22.50 each. We have expert, experienced fitters and demon
strators to satisfy you. Every model we fit in our department is from Madam Irene's
Fifth-avenue shop, which is the most beautiful corset store in the world!-For style
and comfort they have no equal. Every genuine Madam Irene corset bears the brand
"Madam Irene," otherwise it is not the original, high-class Madam Irene, but an
imitation. Visit our Second floor corset section, and see these beautiful models-.
Women's and Infants' Hose
Three Specials 3000 Pairs to Select From
Women's Silk Lisle Hose, Special 28c Pair
Women's extra fine lisle-thread Hose with high spliced heels and double soles, in all
colors and shades, including fine gossamer black silk lisle, fancy lisle boot, OO
lace effect in sky, tan, pink, black and white. Regular 50c values, special, pair OC
Infants' Fancy Lisle Sox Three Pair 5Qc
Infant's Cotton and Lisle Sox in lace and plain, also broken line of fancy lisle, Cl"!,,
sizes 4 to 8, in black, pink, sky, tan, red and white; reg. 35c; 20c pair, or 3 piar 0"C
$2.00 Italian Silk Hose, Black, at 95c Pair
Fine black Italian Silk Hose; that kind that does not rip or run. In all sizes, QCI
Sy2 to 10. Also broken lines women's fine woven Silk Hose in colors; $2.00 vals OC
Three Great Trunk Specials
At $5.85-At $ 1 0.45-At $ 1 1 .65
This trunk sale is a special midsummer sale offering for patrons
who are planning on vacations. These are the durable, well
made Trunks that will stand hard usage at the beach or moun
tains. "We will call your attention particularly to our . Water
proof Trunks, which we recommend and guarantee in every way.
Call as quickly as possible and let us demonstrate to you the
wonderful wearing qualities and special features in Trunks.
32-in. duck-covered Trunk, 2 leather straps over top; CJC QCL
one tray, regularly sold for $6.55, special at only POOj
34-in. duck-covered, water-proof painted, 2 trays, fl "J f AC
leather straps; regular $12 value, special at only V"'"'.
30-inch duck-covered, water-proof painted, metal-bound, full
linen-lined, two trays, leather straps; regularly d 1 1 GCt
sold for $13.75, good value at that price, special at P .OO
500 Brass Hanging Baskets
Including Fern, Special for 48c
"We are offering at our brass or silverware section a beau
tiful novelty for the new bungalow or home in the shape
of an artistic brass hanging basket filled -with the won
derful green air" fern, so popular for decorating at pres
ent. The basket is made of handsome solid brush brass
and is suspended with a brass chain to- match. The air
plant is a novelty fern secured from the South Sea Isl
ands, and lives on air alone. It has practically no roots
and is not effected by gas or heat. This basket A Q
complete, including fern, at the low price of only 4(5C
See the Sixth-street vestibule window display. Prempt
and careful attention given to all mail or phone orders.
Some Great Specials on Rugs
Very Unusual Prices Prevail
Our mammoth third-floor rug section offers extraordinary values
beginning tomorrow. In the assortment are the best grades of
Axminster, Wilton and Tapestry Bugs, all selected with the
greatest of care as to quality and colorings. Inspection invited.
AXMINSTER BUGS, in tan, green. Oriental or floral effects.
Size 8-3x10-6, regularly sold for $20.00. special at... 14.25
Size 9-0x12-0, regularly sold for $22.00, special at... $15.95
WILTON BUGS in patterns suitable for living-room, dining
rooms, dens, in beautiful combinations of colors and patterns.
Siie 6-0x 9-0, regularly sold for $30.00, special at... 18. 75
Size 8-3x10-0, reeularly sold for $37.00. special at...S27.50
Size 9-0x12-0. regularly sold for $40.00, special at... 29.85
TAPESTBY BUGS in a large assortment of desirable colors.
Size 8-3x10-6, regularly sold for $16.00, special at... 11.65
Size 9-0x12-0, regularly sold for $18.00, special at... 12.35
3000 Pairs Oxfords at Specially
Low Prices $2.39 and $ 1 .59
A special offering of "Women's High-Grade Low Shoes. 8
T 1 J 3 . 1 1 " 1 I" T.i I
luciuueu are rumps, in tan xiussian cmi leatner, lace or
button cut; Oxfords, in chocolate or tan vici kid,
blucher cut; two-eyelet Ties, made of ooze calf, Lon-.
don smoke and blue color, and Ankle-Strap Pumps,
made of tan or gray suede. All have flexible welt'
soles, military or Cuban heels, tipped or t r o f
plain toes.' Values to $5.00; special price at ps07
A special lot of 1200 pairs "Women's Oxfords, in broken
lines of patent kid, black -and brown vici kid and gun
metal calf. Oak welts and turned soles, -j C Q
Nearly, all sizes in. the lot. $4 values. Sp'l 0xO