The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 24, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 34

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Oregon and "Washington Beaches Alike Crowded With Pleasure-Seekers
From City Social Amusements and Recreative Activities Marked.
E ASIDE. Or., July 13. (Special.)
Beautiful days and rare good times
J Iiava been the lot of those who spent
past week on Clatsop Beach. Bet
weather could not be desired and all
ve taken utmost advantage of the op-
tunlty to celebrate with bonfires on
beach and picnics to the various
its of Interest along the coasti A d fi
tful party was given by Mrs. J. F.
Grlswold. last Wednesday. Two wagon
loads, including 11 persons in all, started
from Seaside for Elk Creek in the early
morning and, after spending the day
there, returned in the evening. Mrs. Grls
wold' guests were: Mrs. L. A. Whittle
sey. Miss Mildred Whittlesey, Mrs. W. B.
Krfepp, Miss Edith Daughtery, Mrs. B.
J. Hadley and young son Robert, Mrs.
John B. Cleland. Mrs. L. C. Walker, Miss
EJda Walker and Miss Edith Gordon.
Another party which was very success
ful was given at the C. E. Smith cottage,
on the boardwalk. The house was thrown
open for dar.clng and later a Dutch sup--
per was served. uuring tne aancing
Mrs. Charles. J, .Schnabel presided at the
punch bowl. Those present were the
i Misses Lucjle .Dunne, . Hazel Therkelsen,
Harriet Jacobsen. Addle Sacrey, Ethella
etearns, George, p.. Wright, S. F. Slade,
Jack Proebstel, Arthur Merrick and
8'anley Smith, . .The. house wai artis
tically decorated with ferns and flowers
and a tire . burned . on. the large hearth.
Mrs. C. E. Smith was the chaperone of
the evening.
Mrs. B. P. Reynolds and granddaughter
Alice have returned to Portland after a
delightful visit with Mrs. Timothy Wood.
MIks Ida Simmons Is spending two!
weeks at Keranicum Inn, at Seaside.
Mrs. Jesse R. Caples. of Portland, with
her Fon and daughter. Is occupying Illa
waho oottflge. Mr. Caples Joining them
over Sundays.
Mrs. W. H. Patterson and her two
daughters, the. Misses Vera and Edna,
have opened their cottage, "Sea Breeze,"
r tvear Necaoicurr. station.
John F. Logan has recently joined his
family et the .Dobson cottage. Mr. Logan
has Just returned from Reno, where he
1 witnessed .the tigat.. . .
Among the Seaside visitors who recent
lly returned to Portland are Captain
Gadfby and his son. Walter Gadsby.
J Mrs. John Claire Montieth spent one
liay this week at Seaside and expects
4 . r. .-,..,, ......... . ... II -1 ,.,tttnf7-fV
The Peter Sehmeers have opened the
Schmeer cottage far. the Summer.
Jacob Proebstel. Sr., returned to
Portland afte.r spending a pleasant va
cation near the Necanicum River.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd and ou.
Hf-nry, arrived Saturday at Seaside.
Mrs. Carlisle entertained the guests
at Locksley Hall last Saturday even
ing with a candy pull.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoy ltaley are spend
ing the week at Locksley Hall.
Mrs. R. W. and Mrs. H.
TC Wilson, with her baby. Margaret,
left for Portlnnd last Saturday after
spending a delightful vacation at Sea
side. Mr. and Mrs. Horace 13. Thomas are
guests at the Hotel Moore this week.
Mrs. J. F. Grlswold, Mrs. I- C. Walk
er and Miss Klda Walker are in a cot
tage on Pine avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bowman are down
for the Summer.
'.Senator C. J. Smith, of Pendleton,
ha? a cottage at Seaside this year.
The druggists from the Gearhart
convention made a trip to Cannon
Beach last Thursday, which all pro
nounced a huge success.
Mr Millie Ktrnnsr and Miss Edith
Gordon are guests of Mrs. Peter
Mrs. S. S. Slgel. accompanied by her
son and daughter, Glenn ana tiiadys.
ias returned to her Summer home, the
E. W. Ball and family have taken
i cottage in Hermosa Park for the sea
C. I.. Brubaker and family are in f
the ! "Brae-Side" cottage on the Shell
Mrs. D. R. Cheney is in the Duncan
"Sea Lodge" Is now the home of A.
W. Couthorn and family.
A. M. Cronln and Mrs. Cronin were
ecent guests at Hotel Moore.
Ralph R. Duniway and family aro
gain in their cottage on Necanicum
W. D. Fenton and family are in their
ottage in Hermosa Park.
Mrs. E. Holderman is the guests of
Kirs. E. Gelinsky at her cottage near
lk Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Greenfield are
Jagatn in their Seaside Summer home.
I J. T). Kennedy and family have
I opened their cottage on the board
1 Among those established in cottages
ai mk ureea is airs. v imam xienen
barh. E. E. Merges and family are in the
"Point Lookout" cottage for the sea
son. H. A. Killam has the Concord cottage
and expects to spend a pleasant vaca
tion at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fleischner have
returned to Portland for a few days.
The E. L. Thompsons have recently
opened their beautiful cottage on the
board walk.
Mrs. Sam Herring and son. Jack,
ire spending the Summer at Seaside.
Oskar Huber is visiting his family
fct the Hotel Moore.
Mrs. N. Baum and Miss Emma Baum
are guests of Mrs. I. N. Fleischner this
Mrs. J. F. Peterson and family are
occupying their cottage on Central
I. A. Peters and family have a cot
tage on Ocean avenue.
The new C. E. Smith cottage has
been rented by J. E. Ranssom, of Wal-
I la Walla.
I Mrs. Scon Swetland is established in
" Wlldwood cottage in Hermosa Park.
O. M. Scott has the Waltmere cot
tage for the season.
The Munger cottage In Hermosa
Park la the home of N. A. Walker this
W. E. Walther and family are in the
Parmore cottage.
Mrs. T. A. Downing and daughter,
Helen, from Kansas City, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Thompson.
Mason Roberts, of the University of
Washington, is surveying near Seaside
and is a regular week-end visitor at
Hotel Moore.
Merrlt O'CollIns arrived in Seaside
Saturday and went on to Elk Creek to
open a cottage for his wife and fam
ily, who are expected soon.
Donald Beck is the guest of the G.
B. Van Walters in the Van Walters'
- Miss Mabel Strahan Is visiting at the
Thomas Roberts cottage for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadsby are among
'the recent Seaside arrivals.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldsmith and
daughters, Moda and Desda. are in
their Seaside home, "Modesda," for the
Summer. "
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bray have re
cently returned to Portland after spend
ing two quiet weeks at their Summer
cottage, "Rosemarle."
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blazier and son,
, Owen, will occupy the "Rosemarle" cot
tage the rest of the Summer.
The George Peters arrived at Seaside
VJeorire C. Mason spent the week-end
at Seaside.
Miss Margaret Hume is expected at
Seaside soon to visit Misses Bess and
Lucile Parker at their cottage on the
Upper Necanicum.
Miss Margaret Du Bois arrived Sat
urday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Albright,
fer- I t
set " A
4 V ''!
at the "Brig-lit Bois" cottage In Mer
mosa Park.
Misa Hanltta Mayer is tlie puest of
Mrs. Levy at the Kamona cottape.
"Uneedarest." the attractive new
beach home of "Mr. J. C. Appell. is now
occupied, and Mrs. F. l. Peterson and
children are visiting the Appells.
Mrs. Alexander Kerr and Miss Jean
Kerr arrived Saturday to open their
cottage for the Summer.
Mrs. O. G. Oammans has visiting her
Miss Ruth Lee.
Miss Bess Parker and her father, C.
T. Parker, made a recent trip to 11
wacn to visit Mrs. Arthur lloncyman
at the "Honey Ranch. " They arc
now back at Seaside.
.ludpre Campbell and f;imiv are in
the Jettie cottage in Hermosa Park.
The Woods' cottage in the Grove is
the home of C M. Keep and family
tills season.
Mrs. A. L. Fulton and famtlv are
occupying their own cottage again this
After spending a few weeks in her
cottage.. "Tre Surprise." Mrs. J. C.
Jones has returned to Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. George Peters are
guests at the residence of George Cot
toner Mason.
Miss Gertrude Mackintosh of Seattle,
is visiting Mrs. Frank B. Riley. Mr.
Riley was a Sunday guest in Seaside.
Master Wallace McCamant and
Elizabeth Jones are visiting the chil
dren of Mrs. Fred Jacobs.
Mrs. James Honeyman. who is stay
ing at Gearhart, spent Friday in Sea
side. Seneca Smith was a recent guest of
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Riley.
The George H. Hill house on the I
Broad Walk is now the property of Dr.
Andrew C. Smith.
Samuel Herring spent the week-end
with his family at ISeach Croft.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McQuarrie'
are at Beach Croft for. 10 days.
Mrs. I. K. Levy entertained Lieuten
ant Budd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Icken
loub and Dorothy Ickenloub at dinner
Saturday evening.
Other guests at Beach Croft this
week were Mrs. Theodore Wygant and
daughter. Miss Lulu Wygant.
Mrs. A. S. Thompson and family have
opened their cottage in the Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. ' L. C. Hosf ord are at
the Colonial for a week.
W. R. Logus is visiting M. L. Coovert
at the Coovert cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deaton and
Mrs. Joseph Burgle will occupy the
Miller cottage this Summer.
Mrs. Gertrude Kolle, of. Janesville,
Wis., is at the Colonial. Mrs. Kolle
made this trip to get her first glimpse
of the ocean.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Dr.
and Mrs. Herbert Leiser will occupy
the Coovert cottage after August 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schofield have
opened their new home in Hermosa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvey have
opened the Harvey-Phillips cottage for
the Summer.
Chester Turley was a- week-end vis
itor with his family.
Harry Steele and Major Fred A. Goss
were others who spent the week-end
with their families at Seaside.
Miss Hazel Tlchner is the gmest of
her grandmother. Mrs. P. G. Baker, at
the Baker cottage. Mrs. W. M. Miller
and Miss June Sterling are with Miss
Misses Clarrissa and Clcile Wiley and
Joe Wiley are staying- at the Moore
this week.
Morey Dunne and James Alexander
are spending a few days with David M.
Mrs. F. B. Drinker has the Clark cot
tage this season.
Dr. Tom Rosa was a Sunday visitor
at Seaside and Gearhart.
William Mulrhead has the Sea Gull
cottage this Summer.
The Ocean View cottage Is now the
Summer home of Mrs. G. E. Johnson.
A. Welch is domiciled in the Necani
cum Nook" for the season.
M. A. Henderson and family are
among the recent cottagers at Seaside.
A. Brakel and family are in the
Greenfield Annex and Mrs. Brakel is
expected soon.
Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd and
son, Russell, are in their handsome
Hermosa Park cottage, "The Fold."
Miss Constance Woodward and Miss
Louisa and Mamie Bohoskey are visit
ing Miss Lucile Shepherd.
Miss Margaret Du Bois expects to
give a series of house parties.
Ben Holman was a week-end visitor
at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Wood spent Sat
urday and Sunday with the Timothy
George Mackenzie, Nelson Gammons
and Ronald Strong left Portland Mon
day morning and walked to Seaside, ar
riving Friday evening.
Mrs. Samuel L. Woodward and Miss
Judith M. Scott -spent the week end In
the H. W. Scott cottage on the bank
of the Necanicum River.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Long and family
are established in the cottage near the
Necanicum end of the board walk.
George Eastman spent the week end
at Seaside.
Mrs. E. J. Hadley and small son
Robert are visiting Mrs. L. A- Whittle
sey of "Pine Lodge." Dewey Carpenter,
Mrs. W. B. Knapp and Miss Edith
Daughtery are also guests of the Whlt
tleseys. The following Portlanders are on
this week's register at the Hotel
Moore: W. L. Bently, Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Thiehoff, Mrs. J. E. Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. George F. Cross. A. S. Ruff, E. L.
Rieter. Alice C. Andrews. Ben Holla
day, Jr..' Mrs. Ben Holladay, Mrs. George
H. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Tremblay. C. 11. Starr. L. R. Centro. Mr.
and Mrs. M. White. M. A. Laue. M. D.
Farmer, G. T. Robson. F. S. Elliot. W.
C. Cameron. W. E. Zimmerman, W.
Martin. O. Mikkelsen, R. J. A. O'Relly.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Palmer, B. B. Espy
and son, M. C. Banfield, C. A. Smith,
Miss Blanche Liston. J. P. Whltlock, G.
A. Sears, W. B. Mixter. Ada Rice. A.
Moosman. Miss Fidler, Judith M. Scott,
Mrs. S. L. Woodward, Catherine Cor
bett. Miss Cecile Wiley, Miss Clarissa
Wiley, Joseph E. Wiley, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Stanton, F. S. Cooley. Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Smith Dale M. Waper and
sister Margaret Waper, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace E. Thomas, Mrs. Joseph Harker
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. . W. Davidson,
B. H. Burnett. F. M. House, Miss L,
Locke, Stanley F. Bell, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Mason, H. S. Farrer. William J.
Grundig, Ad Auerbach F. R. xuber.
Miss Dorothy Huber, Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Cofoid, J. C. Adams, R. O. Ruton.
Nina A. Davis, Mrs. P. J. Cronin, A. M.
Cronin. F. K. Hollister, J. G. Reddick.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunckley, Mrs. B.
M. Lombard, M. R. Tipton, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burleigh,
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Callvert. F. L.
Stokes, G. M. Fife. R. L. Adams. A. B.
Jacoby. J. L. de Bovoise, S. D. Vincent,
D. C. Pelton. Others at the Moore are
Miss Alice Carey, Lopeer, Mich. H. M.
Jones, San Francisco: J. H. N. Low,
Pueblo, Colo.; Rev. G. EL de Bevoise.
Walpole, N. H.; Henry M. Browning,
N. Y.; from Astoria: Mrs. D. B. Allen,
C H. Collender, A. E. Bennett. E. P.
Wright. Mrs. . Wright, Sherman
Wright, George P. Wright; from Se
attle: J. N. Babson; from Oregon City:
J. W. Campbell; Mrs. C. H. Brlggs. St.
Helens; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Andrews,
Creston. Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Steel
hammer, Woodburn; Theodore Falls,
Boise; Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rothermel,
Medford; Mr. and Mrs. E E. Darling,
Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilson.
Sioux City; W. M. Fraine, Underwood,
Wash.; R. W. Tripp, Brownsville;. Ida
L. Johnson, Minneapolis; J. M. Jordan.
Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harris,
Vancouver, Wash.: Miss Florence Lis
ton, Salem; V. EC. Honeywell, Warren
ton; Arthur Sears, B. Goodall, Fort
Stevens: W. H. Booth. Ohio.
The Locksley Hall register contains
the following persons from Portland:
M. J. Purdy, Mrs. Jane Hamilton,
Laura M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Patterson, Mrs. John S. Morgan,
Mansfield Bancroft, Miss Mary Beam,
Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Dutro, Mrs. Green,
Miss Helen Green, John Green, Mary
Green J. A. Waddle E. W. Wright. K.
R- Wrright, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Griffin, Mr. and
Mrs. D. K. Cliff, Mrs. J. F. Mclndoe,
J.-F. Mclndoe, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Muir
hard, Master Erroll Muirhard. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Behrendsen, Nicholas F. Sar
gent, A. D. Williams. Miss Roberts, Miss
Whltton. Cachot Therkelsen, A. R. de
Burgh. L. de Burgh, Miss Judith M.
Scott, Amelia Ainsworth, W. A. Harris,
Jane Harris and maid, J. P. Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Barnes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Busch, W. Roberts, S. C
Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Soule,
E. L. Soule, Miss Anna Walin, Mrs. L.
W. Beaver. Miss Emma Bracher, Miss
Clara Bracher, T. Welgel, D. S. Rankin.
Miss Margaret Rankin, R. L. Rankin,
G. W. Bancroft. E. F. Slade, Boston:
Captain Ansley, London, England; L. P.
Jones, L. Roberts, J. O. Shinn. Mrs.
Shinn, Seattle: Rodney Glesy, Grand
Forks: P. J. Patterson. Myrol Patter
son. Spokane; Amity Andrew, J. W.
Jones, Owen Farrell. Tacoma; Mrs. J.
W. Chandler, Miss Meta Chandler, San
Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hahn.
The Dalles; Louis Howard. Mrs. J. C.
Howard. Bozeman. Mont.; L. H. Holger,
Pullman. Wash.; Charles W. Hoefer,
Kansas City; W. A. Harris. Vancouver,
.'paSMt vc."v -sin
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B. C; Almyra Esh.elman, Tom Eshel
man, Franklin, Pa.; Miss Ada Hall,
Star, Idaho; Miss Estelle E. Ryan.
Great Falls, Mont.; J. R. Raley and
family, Pendleton; J. D. Henderson, L.
L. Brannon, Chicago; G. H. Montgom
ery, Vancouver, B. C; O. P. Bishop,
Pendleton; C. P. Sladen, Oakland. Cal.;
Miss Alice E. Ratlgan, Detroit; B. A.
Mohoney, Calumet.
Colonial Hotel From Portland: E.
O. Blazier. Lloyd Dunsmoor, H. F.
Scott. Allen Bees"hy. William McCollIn;
Mrs. D. L. Webster, New York; Miss
Holuelund. Seattle: E. D. Mclntyre. Mrs.
John Greulick, Pendleton; Mrs. B.
Lehies, Mrs. J. W. Alstock, rancis Al
stock. William S. McColl, Joe Kelley,
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Morgan, Mr.
and Mrs. S. C Hosford. Miss Kolle. Mrs
H. J. Hefty, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker,
Vivian and Robert Russell. John Greu
lich, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Humphrys and son. R. O. Burgess TT
Peterson. A. J. Pearson, F. Scott.
Seaside House A. R. re Burgh. L. A.
Jones, Mrs. Joseph Harker -Smith. J B.
Bramer. Estelle M. Skiff, of Portland;
R. F. Hopkins, Seattle: Harry F. Rice.
Rainier; G. M. Cornett and family, Prine
ville; J. A. Stokely and' family, Kansas
City; Terry C. Miller, Marlon, O.; Ma
thilda Eckerlln, Salem; Regena West.
Salem; Birdie Gunderson. Mr. and Mrs.
C A. Burlingame, A. H. Sanborn, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Tallant. Mrs. B. Van
Dusen. Astoria; Nick Burelbach. Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Firgonla. J. A. Rice. Mrs. L.
R. Morcorn, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Olds,
S. R. Gunnon. Miss M. R. Hawkins. Port
land: John Newman, New York City.
McGuire Hotel C. L. Rogers and fam
ily. Miss L. P. Sheffield, Mrs. J. A. Shaw,
Frank Root. E. Bushong, Mrs. J. N. Fos
kett, S. Saito, K. Nesono, J. Kenison,
Archdeacon Chambers. P. VF. Molan, H.
D. Monteith, J. M. House, James 'Mc
Donald. L. G. Sicade. Harry Woods, O.
Erickson. I. W. McFarland, J. R. Hain
llne, J. A. Shields. Lamer T. Tuttle. J.
N. Hower, William Helgeson. H. Rei'fel,
Miss M. K. Breen, N. L. Melick. Blanche
Wolgamote, Grace Wolgamote. Mr. and
Mrs. James Morgan, Miss Nettie Fitx
gerald. Rev. H. H. Morden, S. C. English,
Harry Kinersly, James C. Cooper, of
Portland: F. E. Tanner, Mr. . and Mrs.
Alex Bremner. E. B. Stoner, R. Cash.
William Alhouse, B. D. Baker, J. C. Chir
ton, Astoria: E. H. Tennant, St. John:
John Johnson, La Center; E. Berthold,
Walla Walla: W. E. Warren. Elk Creek;
Victor J. Miller. Kalama; W. W. Gill
more. Vancouver, Wash-: Sol Shyman,
Seattle: E. M. Gary, Nehalem; Hazel
McGuire, Hammond, Or.
DrngrgiatB' Convention uC Shark's Visit
Keep Things Lively.
GEARHART. Or, July 23. (Special.)
The druggists' convention, held at
Gearhart last week, made quite a stir
in the quiet life of this seaside resort.
Nearly 200 representatives from all
4i f
points of the Northwest assembled at
ITnt.l naa.,.,. V... CAa TXTKan V.1v
"""" J "
at ' v -
Trthn0t 7 I" ? 'S'rt'" SilvertonVlI ShSrey. T.' Kennedy,
ness of the convention. th S'st . w Huddeston Woodtarn; Mr. and Mrs.
delegates idled by the sea. watching the ; chas N ciarkt Hood River. Mr. and
surf and enjoying the invigorating salt , V," "J ? H xWnsoo, Mr' nd Mrs.
Others played golf and tennis and
on Wednesday 75 of them went to Elk
Creek in vehicles and spent the day.
Besides the convention there have
est alive Onrexcit ng event wa T the
appearance of I large shaVk which
w6 horela feveraf sMnralso
came close enough In to be very easily
studied through field glasses. Alto
gether, Gearhart has been a rather
active place this week and as the wea
ther, has been a delight all who are now
at the beach are glad they came down
to escape the heat of the city.
Mrs. Allen Wells Smith and family
are now occupying a cottage at Gear
hart. The Y. . W. C A. cottage is In the
hands of Mrs!. Jl. Abbey this Summer
and promises to be a delightful place
for young- ladies to spend their vaca
tions. Walter F. Edwards waa one of the
recent Gearhart visitors.
Mrs. Austin Durrand, of Portland,
la a guest at the J. D. Durrand cottage.
W. J. Bailey spent the week-end with
his family at Gearhart.
Mrs. George B. Cellars is expecting a
visit from Mrs. William Lewis, of New
The "Krlmble" cottage is occupied
this year by the E. C Hurlows.
A. S. Whiting has opened his cottage
for the Summer.
Mrs. C. J. Reed and son, Harry, were
at the Hotel Gearhart this week.
Those registered at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea
are: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cor
bett. Miss Ella B. Camp. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Rees. Dr. and Mrs. A. Tilzer, Miss Mae
Comfort, Susan C Stott, E. P. Stott.
Charlotte Laldlow, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Martin. Miss Falling, Miss M. F. Fail
ing, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Miss M.
Hirsch. Sanford Hirsch. Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Robin,
George J. Hadder, Charles M. Brink,
R. E. Esson, J. D. Guiss, Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Matthieu.'B. F. Jones, wife and
children. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clarke,
C. O. Dicken, F. Byerly, Mr. and Mrs.
G. F. Osburn, R. M. Plummer, William
J. Staples. K. C. Golden. C C Shaw, S.
D. Vincent. W. H. Zeigler. H. W. Hol
den, W. Perth. W. Qleason. Mr. and
Mrs. C M. Yielding, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Watts, S. S. Marquis, Fred Misty, John
M. A. Law, Otto K. Law, M'ss Mary
Danneman, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allen,
Miss Elsie Johnson, Miss Genevieve
Jamison. Ira Allen, Mrs. W. C- Cable,
A. Roderick Grant. Mrs. M. A. Rawson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. A. Wallace, Mrs.
H. M. Adams, Dr. George W. Hill, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Thayer, W. F. Koehler
and son, R. H. Crozier, G. B. Buck. E.
Jacobaan, ii- A. Fiuik, G. Cejuti, A r -
mi-rzzr -"vr.j
ander Conte. J. II. Waddle, Miss Donna
Gulss, Sig Slchel, Mrs. M. J. Rocker
man, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hirsch, L. T.
Tuttle, P. E. Ahlord, Mrs. B. M. Lom
bard, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunckley,
George F. Heusner, Miss Helen Claw
son, Miss May Heusner, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Oberdorfer, Elsie Oberdorfer,
Doris Oberdorfer, Harold Oberdorfer,
John McCraken, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Nau, Frank Nau. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. N.
Sorensen. C. M. Keep, F. M. Criftin. W.
B. Mann. Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, Miss
Watt, Miss Leabo, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Rees, O. P. Conger, A. Bardy, Harriet
Alexander. L. C. Farmer. Henry Goode,
Mr- and Mrs. J. G- Howell, Mrs. Wil
liam Honeyman. Mildred Honeyman,
Mary Jeffrey, Mae Elsa Oppenheimer,
Mr- and Mrs. A. J. Lewthwaite. J. W.
Strer, W. L. Bentley, Owen Blazier. Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Reese, Miss Celia Friend
ly Mrs. T. Kaufman, Edna k man.
Mrs. Ben Holladay, Mrs. George H.
Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey,
F. M. Warren. Jr., Mrs. J. H. Languille.
S W. Rothchlld, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Taylor, Mrs. C J- Reed, Mrs. H. D.
Green. Henry G. Reed. Mr. and Mrs.
Chester V. Dolph, Miss Peyton, Mrs.
Neal E. P. Stott, Ben C Day, John
Latta, Mr. and Mrs. V. Vincent Jones,
Stanley C. E. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
C. Matson. R. L. Collis, George Mason,
Mrs. George T. Mason and son. Dr. and
Mrs. George Peters, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Grilley, Tom Dobson, Tom Ross, R. H.
Crozier. W. C. Wilkes, Mrs. T. W. Lon
don. Miss- Winifred London, Miss
Fulette London, J. B. Alexander, Miss
Lucille Dunne, Miss Marie Van Ness,
Miss Mathilda Eckerlln,. Miss Nean
West. William L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
David Fry, Claude P. Slade, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Huntley. William L. Miller,
Mrs. M. E Brewer. Miss Hughes, Master
Meyer Salem, Gustavo Kohlander. C. B.
Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Collender,
Mrs. B. L. Lendenberger, R. Pomeroy,
Charles Rogers, Ross A. Farr, S. S.
Little, F. P. Laurin, Mrs. John H. Smith,
Nellie Wilson, Gladys Graham, Hazel
Estes. Ruble Hammerstrom, Madge
Fulton, Mildred Smith. Lester McLeod,
Astoria; Alice Carey, Lapeer, Mich.; W.
H. Powers, Harlow Hewett, Hazel
Sovey, San Francisco: H. Allen Martin,
Dr. George N. Hill. Richard W. Pooley.
New York" City; Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Ballon, E. L. Main, T. J. Steinmeier,
Boise, Idaho; George A. Graves, Mrs.
T. B. Macomber, Mrs. C. O. Reilly, L.
Clarke, F. W. White, Chicago; Mrs.
W. E. Foster, Sacramento; Gayle Rob
erts, Palo Alto; Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Holman, Salt Lake City; G. W. Matjjew
son, Aberdeen, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Horton, Burns; Miss Grace Johnson,
! Vale; D.
i vi- TV n Woortworth. Albany: Miss Wollo. T. Inhn.
, ,' j j ' t,
i M. C. Williams. Independence: R. Niece,
i Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
I Everson, Baker City; Mr. and Mrs. J.
i Frances Roth, Gilbert McLaren. Mr.
Mrs. George A. Harding, Miss Mary
Danneman. Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs
! Grge Blakely, The palles; Mr. and
Mrs. F. H- Caldwell, Newberg; Joseph
Davis. Tygh Valley; W. W. Fuller,
Dallas; H. A. Hunter, Minneapolis.
In honor of her guests, Dorothy and
Margaret Duniway, Mrs. W. D. Fraley
gave a unique party in a tent among
the juniper trees at Gearhart Wednes
day. It was called an Indian pow
wow, and the 24 young folks present
crowded the tepee, which had been ar
ranged and decorated in true Indian
fashion, to its capacity. Decked in blan
kets and beads, and occasionally giv
ing what were supposed to be wild
war whoops, the boys and girls, under
the leadership of Chief Kinnikinic
(Lawrence Fraley), enjoyed themselves
to the utmost. Miss Gavin was award
ed first prize for the best costume.
Cottagers Have Exciting Time With
Fire in Driftwood.
NORTH BEACH, Wash., 'July 23 (Spe
cial.) With the Increasing heat of the
city, the added Interest taken in the sea
shore resorts is marked by the large
numbers which daily arrive to fill the
hotels and open the cottages. Along the
whole North Beach this is the case,
from the Willows to Ocean Park. There
was great excitement along the southern
end of the beach last week, caused by
bad fires' in the driftwood which rapidly
spread and threatened to destroy the en
tire "Willows." Special credit is due to
the Portland young men spending their
vacations in the neighborhood for the
heroic efforts they put forth to get the
fire under control. After a hard fight
'they succeeded in saving the cottages
near the burning driftwood, which for
a while were in much peril.
Bonfires, horse-back parties and tramps
to the "Head" and "Rocks" make up
the everyday life of the beach comers.
Unusually high tides and good bathing
have prevailed along the Washington
beach this week and many hurry down
to the water whenever the bathing gong
at Long Beach announces the correct
hour for a plung. The swimming tank at
Long Beach is again open. Altogether
North Beach is a charming place to seek
when the weather at home becomes too
Among the many who have arrived at
Umir cottages this week are the J. F.
j' -Tk ... 'vc ;
Shea si Mr. and Mrs. Irving' Steams ar -guests
of Mrs. Shea for two weeks.
L M. Stephens and family are estab- '
lished in their Seavlew home and expect
to remain Tor some time.
Henry Berger, Jr., spent Sunday with
his family at Seavlew.
James Sheeley and family are now com
fortably settled in their Summer home.
Mrs. E. L. Schwab and family have a
Seaview cottage for the season.
Miss Leila Mobery has been the guest
of Mrs. B. F. Greene for the past week.
Recent arrivals at the Willows are the
members of J. Linkloter's family who
have opened helr cottage for the sea
son. Mrs. H. W. Corbett arrived last Wed
nesday and Is now domiciled in her Sea
view csltage.
Mrs. T. B. Wilcox has returned to her
handsome home at the Willows.
-Misses Agnes and Kthel Mcintosh are
with their mother, Mrs. Robert Mcintosh,
at the Willows.
Captain Buchanan and family are in
their cottage at Seaview.
John B. Hibbard accompanied by his
-wife and children has reopened his Sum
mer cottage at Seaview. Mr. and Mrs.
Guy A. Hibbard and small son are visit
ing Mr. Hibbard.
Mrs. W. D. Allard, Mrs. David Camp
bell, H. J. Scheiner and Miss Edith Brown
are enjoying themselves in a cottage at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wasserman are
occupying their cottage at Seaview again
this season.
Mrs. Jack Wilson and two children are
the guests of the Nickums.
Miss Laconie Jamison, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. George E. Jamison.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Alsager and son,
Ingvahl. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
fcl. Christianson.
The young people of Seaview had a
large bontire last Saturday night. Nuts
and candy were the refreshments served.
Those present were: Helen Zldell. Rose
Schacht. Bertha Schacht, Miss Wanda
Levinson, Harold Levlnson, Madeline
Stone, Alfred Stone. W"illiam Taggart.
Max Smith, Jack O'Bryan, Ivaloo Shea,
William Thompson, Herbert Bach.
Mies Alma MoBrien, of Skagway, Alas
ka, is the guest of Miss Wanda Levinson
for the week.
Alfred Stone and Harold Levinson
will be hosts of a launching party to
Sand Island next Wednesday.
Charles von Rhein spent the week end
at the Hackney cottage.
Mrs. W. M. Plimpton spent a fe-w
days In Portland last week prior to her
husband's departure for Mexico.
Mrs. Horace Campbell and Dr. and
Mrs. Perkins arrived- at Seaview Thurs
day to open their cottage.
,A party of "resorters" who are
spending the season at Seavlew Jour
neyed to the "Head" last Tuesday. The
following- made up the party: Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Canfield. Mrs. A. Whiteman.
Misses Madge and Fern Nickum and
Lloyd Spooner.
Mrs. J. B. Wilson arrived at Seavlew
last Saturday night. She will visit her
mother, Mrs. Nickum. George Hansen
is also a guest at the Nickum cottage.
A. B. Ferrara and family are in a
cottage at Seaview.
C. L. Bobbins and family have re
cently opened a Seaview cottage.
A unique bonfire party was held at
midnight last Wednesday by the guests
at the Salt Air hotel to celebrate the
highest tide of the year. As the tide
went out the gathering broke up and a
search for crabs was Instigated, which
proved very successful.
Mrs. C. W. Baumbaugh and attract
ive young ' daughter, Mary Elizabeth,
are in a cottage at Beach Center.
The Misses Helen and Laura Lea are
guests of Mrs. Badmbaugh.
Mrs. George Kadderly and Mrs. Clif
ford Irwin are in the Kadderly cottage
for the Summer and take enthusiastc
interest in beach sports.
Lloyd Spooner has recently been the
guest of Charles F. Lording in the
Point Loma cottage at Beach Center.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McFarland are
domiciled in a cottage at Beach Center
for the season.
Mrs. F. Jones, of Spokane, has the
Edgewood cottage for this Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleckenstein and
family are in the Fleckenstein cottage
at Beach Center. Mrs. Adams and two
children are visiting the family for a
few weeks.
Mrs. Edward J. Burkhardt. accompa
nied by Miss Madeline Burkhardt and
Mrs. A. M. Fullam and Minnie Fullam,
are spending a few weeks at Beach
Mrs. J. B. Candlish and family are
occupying the Wheeler cottage at Lonr
Beach for the Summer. Mr. Candlish
spent Sunday with his family.
Mrs. George Knapman and daughter
Loretto, of Hamilton. Canada, are vis
iting at Ocean Wave cottage, Newton
station, Long Beach.
Mrs. Henry Hellendorn and small
daughters Florence and Lucile are in a
cottage at Long Beach.
Miss Mabel Hughes and her brother
Earl are spending their vacation at
North Beach this Summer.
Miss Jane Fisher and Miss Dorothy
Cadwell, of Portland, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Cadwell.
. Mrs. F. M. Pliter and family are oc
cupying their cottage at Long Beach.
Mrs. Laura T. Palmer is a guest of
Mrs. Pliter.
Miss Edna Boyle and Miss Peebles,
of Chicago, were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Cadwell.
George Lipchuk, of Spokane, was a
week-end visitor at Long Beach.
Mrs. J. Appel and daughters, Mary
and Edith, are summering at their
cottage, the "May Crest."
S. G. Lubiner is spending hi3 vaca
tion at Long Beach.
S. Mendelson was a week-end visitor
with his family at the seashore.
Mrs. Paul Reubens spent a few days
in Portland last week, but has re
turned to the beach.
Mrs. A. Fisher returned to the city
last Sunday, after spending two weeks
at Long Beach.
Sheriff Stevens, of Portland, spent
the week-end at Long' Beach, and
Councilman Ellis Is down for a week.
Ted Holden and Howard Charlton,
popular young Portland boys, are
batching In a cottage at Long Beach.
Last Wednesday afternoon they enter
tained a few friends with a water
melon party. Those present were Miss
Dorothy Newhall, Miss Helen Peters,
of The Dalles; Geraldine Ritson. of
Berkeley, Cal., and Miss Mildred Ful
ler. Mrs. A. Peters chaperoned the
Jolly crowd.
Janet Noble and Ruth Woolsey are
week-end guests of Miss Dorothy New
hall at the Breakers.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Wolfe were
guests of Mrs. Isom White last week.
Other visitors of Mrs. White are Dr.
James Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Rosenfeld and Miss Ruth Rosenfeld.
Miss Anne Ditchburn is expected
at the Breakers this week.
Miss Geraldine Ritson. of Berkeley,
CaL, is the guest of Miss Newhall this
Mr. and Mrs. F. Brady and daugh
ter. Miss Frances, are now in their
cottage at Tioga.
L L. White is the expected guest of
Mrs. Isom White.
Mrs. Isom White and Mrs. Linda
Frank will leave Tioga in a few days
to take a tour through Yellowstone
Mrs. Clarence Samuels and Mrs. Paul
Bates are spending- the season at the
Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Aylesworth, of
Seattle, are visiting Mrs. Aylesworth'a
aunt, Mrs. Pape, of Tioga.
At North Beach Inn, Newton Station,
are registered: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John C Conrad,