THK SCXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 17, 1910. 9 REAL ESTATE. For Sale HOSa CITY PARK HOMES. All Hires, all prices. 5 rooms; fireplace, basement, $250. 5 rooms, fireplace, bungalow, $.VO0. 5 room, fireplace, bungalow. $32"0. 5 room, fireplace, bungalow", $3250. 5 room a, fireplace, furnace, $33'X. 6 rooms, fireplace, 3-story, 6-4X. 6 rooms, fireplace, bungalow, $.1500. 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace $400. 6 rooms, chalet, fireplace. ' $-K4X). All of these re well located, near to car line and can be bought on terms of from 100 down to $S00 down. Your rent money will pay for any of these homes before you know it. Come in and arrange for us to take you out in our automobile. t If none of the? interest you. we will build you a house on any lot you may choose on very easy terms. HARTMAX & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. ALL, the houses listed beiow can be bought on terms to suit and our agent will be at 85th and Clinton sts. alt day Sunday. House 6 rooms, bath: fine view; lot 168 feet deep; rmtch kitchen, etc.; $350. Bungalow 5 rooms, bath, reception hall, fine soil, lawn, etc; $30oo. Bungalow 6 rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen; modern in every detail; full lot; $2500. And about a doxen more from $3000 to $4O0O. Special 4 rooms, disappearing beds, bath and near carllne; full lot; $150 down, $15 month. $1100. If you want us to build for you. see our agent on the ground and select your lot. Take W-R car to 35th and Clinton sta. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. A 1650. Sellwood 768. A MOST artistic home. Holladay's Addition; has an unusually pretty living-room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, beamed cell ing and door to side veranda and pergola porch ; unusual style of architecture, has Fix rooms with space for two fine ones in sttic; fine neighborhood and two blocks from "I" or B" cars; more flow ers on this lot than any other one known to us; price $7000. See us for terms. OH APIS' & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. $10.000 Fine corner, nearly new 8-room, modern house. $8750 West Side, walking distance. 6 rooms, new house. $7000 Very nice, cheerful and roomy home. West Side. $6500 West Side 8-room modern house, stone foundation. Many homes all over city; for price and terms see ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. BAST MAPISON. A beautiful home, ground 100x100, house modern, 7 rooms, well arranged, 4 bed rooms, electric and gas, bath and toilet, ce ment basement, beautiful roses, plenty of fruit, 20 minutes walk to West Side. This is a bargain, terms. RAND, READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE) CITY. THERE ARB GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IK YOU OWN YOUR LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREEJ. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 809 HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDINO OF YOUR HOME. IF YOU OWN LOT, SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HO MBS. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTH WESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successors to Portland Realty & . -Conntruotlon Co.. 901-2-3 Lcwli Bldg. LIKE RENT Two modern dwellings, one 7 rooms and other 6 roomB. furnished com plete throughout; in attractive district of 2d Addition to Holladay Park: 10 per cent cash, balance 1 per cent monthly, 6 per cent interest ; these were built and f.irnlshed for homes and are attractive. Investigate if you are looking for a bar gain in a home. McCargar, Hates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. A 6-ROOM California bungalow on a corner lot 60x100. In Vernon; has solid paneled dining-room, built-in china closet, window seat, walls tinted, light fixtures in, white enameled Dutch kitchen; full basement sta tionary tub, large attic, all floored; 'large porch across front and side; large, com plete bathroom, fine lawn. For $340O, on terms. Take Alberta car to 9SO B. 20th -t. North.Owner,pboneWoodlawn 344. OWNER MUST HAVE CASH. Will sacrifice prettiest little 6-room bun galow, finished like, furniture, fine ex terior, double floors, big fireplace, swell fixtures, Dutch enameled kitchen, elabo rate bath, everything of the best work manship, A-l material; place easily worth $3700; will sell at 3500; close to carllne; 16 minutes' ride, Phone East or B 1SS4 for particulars. BUNGALOW At Archer station. 7 rooms, electric lights, hath and toilet, basement. This is a. snap $2000. part cash. RAND, HEAD & CO., S16 Board of Trade. 5-KOOM n-w house on carllne; $2500; good corner lot facing south and east, 60x100. and one street improved; house has good modern plumbing, full cement basement, electric lights, etc.; all O. K. ; this is the snup of the neighborhood, terms. The lot alone is worth $i0OO. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. NO MONEY DOWN. Fine new five-room and bath bungalow. Just completed, wired for electric light fine fireplace, full basement. 50x100 lot. fine neighborhood, few ateps from Clinton avenue car. about 15 minutes out : price 29o0; will sou to reliable party with steady position for $35 monthly, which amount w ill include Interest ; no down . payment. Room 009 Couch bldg. FINE HOME IN HOLLA DAY 7" rooms, new and modern, very attractive inside and out ; on Clackamas in one of tin est resi dence districts; cash price $32,50. If you are looking for a handsome home on the East Side at a bargain price. Investi gate this. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Palling bldg. ' I V O W N E R A good S-room house on full lot : 4 bedrooms, large closet off each bed room; bathroom, porcelain tathtub- dou ble parlors, dining-room, kitchen, pass pantry: also pantry off kitchen. Front and rear porch; cherry and apple trees. Price $5W, part cash. Audreys R 130. Oregonian. ACREAGE HOME. 1 acres, all kinds of irult, 6-room house and pantry and large verandas bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Tcrxus- LOUIS BRANDT. Oak Grove. OrehiT. City Line. FOR SALE A well arranged nnd comfort able home at 31at and Broadway, 8 rooms. Price 66500. but on very reason able terms; very little cash required. This house is, on hard surface street, has all conveniences, and in a splendid neighbor hood. B. M. Lombard, Madison Bldg., 3d and Madison. THIS IS A BARGAIN". ' Fine 2-story house. 7 larg rooms, with bath and toilet; lot flOxloO; nice lawn and fine g a ixl en. with straw berrr lea, curra n ts. alio plum, pear and two apple trees; bouse faces east, close to school and 150 feet from Alberta streetcar. Price $2S00. F W). Oregonian. M t'ST S E LL new house and 46xi00-ftTTo f E- 27th and Ellsworth. 1 block from W-R and W-W cars. 7 large rooms and sewing-room, bathroom. 2 toilets, gas and electric, fxili cement basement and fur nace, cement walks and streets all paid; a snap at $4000 ; part on mortgage. Seng stake & Lyman. io 5th st. A MODERN bungalow, "rooms, between Kil lingswonh and Alnsworth avenues, lust completed. Must bo sold this week at a large sacrifice. Come and make us an offer. G R A Y - C I X N I X G H A M - G R A Y. Electric Bldg. FINE suburban view "home lt acres 6 room house; hot water heat;' greenho'uss all kinds of fruit. Best bargain In citr' Might consider part exchange. Call at premise. 3 East 63d st. Morrison eu- u. it i.iT.e 1 a oor 0. 6-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVINGTON On F 12ih, near Thompson; two stories with full cement basement and modern throughout' price $Mhh, half cash. McCargar liain Lively. 31ft Falling bldg. ' ate New seven-room house; pleasant loca tion; owner leaving city; must sell; a bar sain. Call 1315 East Lincoln at. 4. 6 AND -room nouses, new and modern, close In. E. 2bi h and Gladstone sts $1700 up; your own terms. See me if vou want to suve rent. K, A. McGrath. 331 "Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. HOMES. 63000 6-room new and modern house, Hawthorne ave. district, on carllne, $700, balance like rent. 63350 6-room bungalow, new and mod ern. E. 4Sth St.. 2 blocks from Rose City Park carline; terms $10u0 cash. $5700 6-room modern Irvlngton home. hardwood floors, furnace; faces east; terms, $6500 6-room modern home in Holladay Park; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, completely and handsome ly furnished. $7500 S-room modern Willamette Heights home; splendid view, garage. 615,000 Large new home in the heart of Irvlngton, faces east. all street improvements in and paid; garage. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699; A 2653. RIVERDALE - HOME. One of the handsomest homes in the Riv erside district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a reception hall, a full-ler.gth living room with large fire place, bookcases and seat, casement and French windows, paneled- and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, each, in separate color scheme; weeping balcony, large bathroom, attic spaced for two rooms and hath; full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre In extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. For further particulars apply R, F. RYAN. 606 Chamber of Commerce. - A 1227. Main 1963. FOUR LOTS. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED. $25 PER MONTH. A substantial seven-room house with all conveniences, beautifully situated, six blocks from M-V carllne and within one block of the new Mount Hood road; this is the biggest buy on the East Side; owner is East and directs sale to first responsible party agreeing to pay $25 per month (no other first payment necessary), price $2100. A. N. SEARLE. Take M-V car. get off E. 76th st. (Office open Sundays.) LITTLE MONEY DOWN. A new, cozy little house, reaay to move Into; city water, nice lawn, lots of flowers, fine garden, berries, young fruit trees, fine corner lot 85x95 feet, chicken-house and run, near school, churches, stores and trol ley, 5-cent fare. 20 minutes ride; price only $1350 ; 6300 cash, balance $15 monthly, or will trade $300 equity for good horse and buggy; can be inspected today or Sun day; take Mt. Scott car to Archer Place, see J. C. Mitcheltree at station. FOR SALE. ROSE CITY PARK. A beautiful 5-room bungalow, hall 10x12, living-room 15x18, dining-room 15x18, two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, full basement, wash tuba, electric light and fixtures, lot 50x 10ft, east front, lawn, flowers, 6 cords wood, cement sidewalks and curb, street all grad ed and paid; half block from car. 49th st. south. No. 473. See owner at this number. BUNGALOW, WITH 2 LOTS. 5 rooms, with 125x100 ground; cove ceilings, finished floors, extra large closet with linen press, complete -plumbing with 2 sinks, cement basement and floor 30x50, furnace, shades and fixtures, elegant lawn, chicken-house, garden, fruit and roses. It's a snap at $35O0, as the ground is worth $2250; $1500 cash, balance to suit. B 1207 or Sellwood 1705. BUNGALOW. Rose City Park. 6 rooms, beamed celling In dining-room, oak polished floors, Dutch kitchen, modern in every way, part cash. RAND, READ & CO., 316 Board of Trade. FINE dwelling on Tillamook, near B. 23d; 0 large rooms, quarter block In fine lo cality in Irvlngton ; house three stories and modern throughout with very at tractive grounds surrounding; if you are looking for a fine, large home in an at tractive locality, see us about this prop erty. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. NORTH ALBINA HOME. Fine 6-room residence on 50x100 corner, 3 blocks south of Kllllngsworth ave.. 1 block from carline; all modern conveniences; nice neighborhood, lawn and roses. Price $4000, $1000 cash. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. BUNGALOW On 85th near Hawthorne. 6 rooms, cement basement, electric lfghts. Price $3350, terms. RAND, READ & CO., 316 Board of Trade. HANDSOME HOME IN ' IRVINGTON Quarter block in very attractive locality on Tillamook, near "East 19th; 25-foot park strip adjoining; 8-room house, hard wood finish throughout and modern in every respect ; price, $ 15,500. This Is a very handsome home and a bargain. Mc- . .Cargar. Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bldg. ALBINA HOME. Fine residence on Rodney ave. near Knott, strictly modem house of 6 rooms, with full cement basement, furnace and fireplace; a map at $4600 cash. Lot alone worth 3 3000; lot is 50x125 ft. Best of neighborhoods, con venient to three carllnes. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Modern 7 -room house, one block from Hawthorne ave., 6 blocks from school, large reception hall, kitchen with pantry, porcelain bath and washbowl, stationary tube In basement, cement floors in basement; gas, electricity, combination fixtures, corner lot 50x100. Inquire of owner, 321 E. 33d su Terms $33QQ. cash $1500. at 0 per cent. GLENN AVENUE. Near Kllllngsworth; east front; lot 50x 100; modern 8-room house, just built; wood lift, cement basement, bath, etc; price $3000, terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. IX IRVINGTON. DON'T FORGET. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. If I am not offering my charming new home, 506 East ISth st.. North, at a price way below value. Am leaving town. so be quick. MODE R X S-room house for sale by owner polished oak floors, fireplace, furnace ce ment basement, walks, paved streets" 100 feet best car service ; large porch, large paneled dining-room, large reception-room have to see to appreciate: the grand $000 house for $6500. 1168 Cleveland ave. A BARGAIN WORTH LOOKING AT. 7-room strictly modern house; furnace, fireplace; nice yard; everything in first class condition. Price will be raised this Fall ; now $3650; cash $1650. SS3 East Main, near 2Wth st. Sunnyside car. MODERN 6-room dwelling on ClarkamasC near E. 20th; lot 60x123; house new and very attractive ; a bargain at $4800 on easy terms. McCargar, Bates & Lively. Slo Failing bldg. A NICE. MODERN, up to date HOME In the vicinity of 24th and Marshall sts.; f rooms, exclusive of maid's room. Call at 722 Electric bldg. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, $1250 NEAT little house, on full-sized lot with nice shade trees, only a block from carline. at Mount Tabor; easy terms for Inspection, call on owner, 146 d at Phone Marshall 15S5, 6T450 9ROOM modern house. fUu lot, nice lawn, fruit, flowers; 3 blocks from car $1250; small house. 3 lots, 50xl3S each near car; these are exceptional bargains! Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, corner lot 50x loo, 1 block to Alberta car. cose to .school and churches. Terms. 1085 East 22d su North. WANTED Vme one to buy cheapest" home in Portland, five-room house. $475. Take Mt. Soott car to Flrland station, inquire of real estate man. ONLY $300 CASH New 6-room bungalow, all mivlern improvements, in Rae City Park; $2Sm. balance $25 a month. J. J. McCarthy, Abtngton bldg. 3 BUNGALOW BARGAINS. 5 rooms and modern in every respect if you see them on will be yours. aoa Couch Bldg. A 2S41. FINE 7-room house, modern in every way; close in: worth $5000; price $40u0. Owntr 630 Worcester block. K'R SALE In Irvlngton. new 7-rooru resi dence: completeMn every detail. For par ticulars, telephone C 23b4. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest room house in Irvlngton. 4SXJ East 20th st K. Call and see it. to FOR SALE 2 iwnses and 2 lots on East Sth; a bargain if taken soon. Inquire xss East frth st. ' 64200 7-ROOM house, well buiit. corner lot. 57x50. Address owner. P. Zigler. 177 Clint pns t. . n xE 7-room house, modern in every way, close in. Worth $5000, price $46u0. Owner, 63o Worcester Mock. GOOD 5-ROOM house, close In, near Broad way, chancs to secure good home cheap. Miller. 416 Chamber Commerce, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. VE HANDLE ONLY such property as we can re com m end . If yo u are looking for a home check up list below: $22f0 6-room house. 2 lot, fruit trees, berry brushes, 1 blocks to Mount Scott car. $2750 A new 5-room bungalow that is worth more money, perfectly modern. Rose City Park; can be had on very easy terms. $25002 five-room bungalows.' full base ment, fireplace, new. very easy terms. $3250 A beautiful 5-room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, cabinets, full basement, attic. See this one sure. $3250 Anderson bungalow, 5 rooms, full basement, fireplace, all those Utile conveniences; linoleum on kitchen and bath. A real bungalow. finished, hot-water heat. fireplace, ounet, DOOKcases, etc in is is wortn the money. $n5XM 7 rooms, a large, splendid home, im provements all Iii and paid, smalt garden, rose bushes, etc. This must be seen If you want a nice home near . Jefferson Hieh School. ' Our list includes other good bomes in the befit residence sections at prices and terms which will suit you. PORTLAND TRUST CO. i Third and Oak. FINE HOME IN HAWTHORNE. $400 down and $15 a month. A modern 5-room house, one of the finest in the Hawthorne district, close to a car line, for -52700. Better still, we can sell this fine home for $4uO cash and the balance at the rate of 615 a month. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 clothes closets. . an exceptionally large reception hall, poreeliin bath, washbowl, fine linen closet, living and dining room; rooms are freshly tinted, built-in window seats, hall seats and china closet, plate rail In dining room. Dutch kitchen, wood lift, porcelain sink with back. It has gas, electricity and ar tistic combination fixtures. Shades are up to all windows. There are fine large front and rear porches, cement basement, a very pretty fireplace in fact nothing Is mifising. On the east side of the street. House Just com pleted. Price $2700, $400 cash, $15 per month, RALPH AC K LEY, 6Q5 Corbett Bldg. NEW 7-ROOM RESIDENCE. HOLLADAY PARK. $5700. Beautiful home, just completed, located in best residence district, close to car; of double construction, with full cement base ment, livintg-room, large and light, with pressed brick fireplace: dining-room is pan eled, with buffet, kitchen and pantry are perfectly arranged ; four chambers on sec ond floor have large outside closets: bath room Is convenient and modern; furnace and window shades) included; interior fin ish stained selected flr and tinted walls. We have examined the property and pronounce it an excellent buy. For terms see Mr. Blomberg. THE SP ANTON CO.. 269 Oak St. Phones Main 2S2S, A 2828. EXCEPTIONAL HOME OFFERING. We will sell one of the finest East Side homes in Portland, with one, two, three or four lots, and will include furniture if desired, on VERY EASY TERMS; three bedrooms, two finished servants rooms in attic, large fireplace, massive beaced ee'I" ings in large living-room, reception hall. dining-room and den; everything of the highest class; large sleeping porches; screened back porch, lawn, fruit trees, rSea HARTMAN & TH6mPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 62850, CUT TO $2350. Just the nobby 5-room cottage you will be proud to entertain your friends In; plenty of room for three rooms, second .floor in addition; architecture, workmanship, ma terial and everything connected with this property is A No. 1 from A to z. Can give part terms. Remember It Is only 2 blocks to 2 car line., with hard-surface pavements; take your choice; "nuff sed." Come before too late. Phones Woodlawn 1561. C 245. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, N. E. Cor. 27th and Alberta. IRVINGTON. I must sell my new 7-room house, hunt a few months ago for a home and not by a contractor for sale. Everything mod ern, cement basement, furnace, large attic, sleeping-porch, large porches front and back; nice lawn, near 10th and Tilla mook sts. If you will answer this ad .1 will show you something fine and you will meet the owner direct. Address AH 138, Oregonlan. BIG, NEW, MODERN HOME CHEAP. West Side, on the side hill, near Portland Academy, -built substantially, grandest views from 3 large porches. This will soon be Portland's most exclusive part; big living room, 20x25. 5 bedrooms, hardwood floors. 2 closets, very modern: owner going to travel will not rent, but will sell to re sponsible party for $1000 down, liberal terms; will sell this 10 per cent cheaper than you can build. Call room 516. Abingtop bldg. ALBINA AVENUE. HOMB. Fine corner on carline on Alhma avenue; 5 nice rooms, modern and nicely finished; this is only four blocks of new high school and a fine location; lot alone is worth $2000; Investigate; price only 63000. good tenna S. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. RIVER RIVER RIVER. Do you want a home on the river? I have one acre, exactly 20 minutes out on the Oswego line, fronting right on the river, with new bungalow: all city conveniences, fine large porch, 4-foot fireplaces, etc.; dou ble construction; good homes mrrounding; fine beach; station at the grounds. This is the cheapest buy on the river. See it today. J. R, STIPE, 720Chamber Commerce. OWN-ER MUST SELX Prettiest little 5-room bungalow, owner nnable to occupy, finished like furniture, b'g fireplace, swell exterior, finest combina tion fixtures, enameled bath, toilet, finest Dutch kitchen, solid cement basement with laundry paneled dining-room, close in. 15 minutes' ride on be-st carline; south facing. Phone East or B 1814. for particulars. BUNGALOW. Near Waverlv Heights, 7 rooms,' high and slghtlv. Price $2700; will make terms. RAND, READ & CO., 316 Board of Trade. T-ROOM modern house In Piedmont, lot Bx loo. and near new Jefferson High School, at THB SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. Main 35. A 55 00- 2 LAURELHURST LOTS CHEAP. Am going East; will sacrifice two beau tiful lots in the prettiest part; will sell these two lots at $1200 each, easily worth $1750 had Intended building, but business demands my attention East at once. Address AM 138. Oregonlan. m HAWTHORNE AVE. Northwest corner of 32d street; 52 ft. frontage, with modern 6 roora house, is for sale; at the price .1 of for it there Is no better business or flat loec.tlon than here; I own this and for a quirk sale will sacrifice. .T R SATIRE. 720 Chamber Commerce. T-RO M bungalow in Irvlngton. modem In evefy way and exceedingly well built, hard-wo-cd floors and the best of fixtures; two blo.fka from carllne. cement walks and hard paved streets. Price $5500. terms. J. G. Sander. 427 Lumbermen's bldg. $3000 BUYS a lovely new 5-room bunga low, corner lot. 100x100; bath, furnace, electric light, full basement, shrubbery; near Alborta carllne. HfGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. INVESTMENT on the West Side; a 10-room double house In good district; always rented- lot fronts on two streets: a ood little West Sice investment for $3000. 1. cash. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. ELEGANT home, bungalow style, all mod ern. Including smoke ventilator in kitchen, upper chamber for billiard and library combined. A bargain. Built for owner; $41. "W. half cash. Phone mornlfags, C 2003. NEW 2-storv modem house. 14 th. near Harrison sts. Beautifully situated. $11. 5i. (Cigar factory.) 202 Washington st. TWO modern bungalows, just finished; easy terms. Phone Monday. Tabor 600 or come out to Stewart station. Mt. Scott Una Bennett C Wells. SNAP Strictly modern 7-room home, beau tiful grounds, lot 75x100. fine neighbor hood, close in. 832 E. Kelly, near 20th ; prlce ?34QO: terms. 6-ROOM house, electric lights, gas, base ment. 12 fine fruit trees: 2 blocks to Union ave.. $31 00. $1 500 cash, bal. $20 month. HI G LEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR SALE by owner. 8-room modern resi dence. East 12th st. North. $7000. Phone East S046. $2500 5-ROOM modern house, full lot. Skidmore st.. Central AIMna. 80O down, HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. FOR RENT $20, or sale $100 cash, $25 monthly; new 5-room bungalow. 51st. near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. tl.V0 CORNER. 4 -room house, Albina. on precott st.; on carline: part cash. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. HOUSES and lots. 41st and Holgate. W-W line. C. M. Robinson. Sellwood 134S. 11&4 Holgate st. $500 HANDLES Irvlngton and Ladd Addi tion and Rose City Park high-class homes. Reed & Lockhart. 617 Board of Trade. LOT 50x100, 2 -room house, $700. 1171 Glen ave,. near Kllllngsworth REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BUY BUNGALOW OF BUILDER. 62500 GETS YOU A DANDY. $300 DOWN, 15 PER MO. AND INT. You would never have been able to buy such a bungalow as we are going to tell you about for $250t if the man who owns it was not a fine carpenter and dd the work himself. 5 rooms of latest design, front porch, liv ing roam, dining room, built-in china closet, 2 bedrooms,, bathroom, all modern, kitchen with every convenience, latest designed pantry, full attic, back porch, full cement basement, two-part laundry trays, cement walk to front steps, cement walk around house, lot 45x100; 3 cherry trees. 1 early apple. 1 pear, all full-bearing; three short blocks to car, close in. ? "We have brand new HOUSES and BUN GALOWS In every section of the city Portland Heights, Willamette Heights, Irv lngton. Piedmont. Sunnyside. etc.. ranging in price from $2000 to $50,000. We have a nentf house on Portland Hts. for 613.500 that is an especially fine bargain. To use real estate slang it is truly & SNAP and truly modern. WTNN JOHNSON CO. Room 209 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder Phone Marshall 194S. . FREE. Three diamond rings valued up to $2V each will be given absolutely free to three purchasers of homes through me. Your home will not cost you any more, either. There are no long chances or any contest whatever connected with it. Am up one floor and saving $100 or more per month In rent and this is what I am giving my customers the advantage of. Rings are on display in windows of and guaranteed by A. & C. Feldenheimer, Jewelers. Have a large list of homes of all styles and prices and terms, many of them decided bargains. If you want a home, right now is the time to buy. Come in and talk it over. L. L. "WATTERS, 201 Lumbermens Bldg. $4500. One of the most attractive and best situated 6-room bungalows In the city; Wasco st.. near 27th; 6 rooms, with large attic, electric and gas fixtures, furnace, lot 50x100. small payment cash, balance monthly payments. $6000. 100x100 corner, on carllne. near Over look Addition, one 5-room cottage, one 7-room house, corner of lot vacant suit able for flats; present income $33 per month; part cash. W. H. PAYNE & CO. 851 Maryland Ave. Woodlawn 974. 303-304 Swetland Bldg. AN IRVINGTON HOME. 7 ROOMS. THOROUGHLY MODERN. The price is $4750 and by careful investi gation we find it $750 under the market; this should appeal to you if you are look ing for a home at a sacrifice price. SUBURBAN LAND CO. 510 Henry Bldg. Marshall 1889. A 7105 COME to the office Monday and let us show you this exceptional bargain in en elegant home that will suit the most fastidious taste; Is convenient to two carllnes; location best In this city; entirely modern through out ; has S rooms, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, toilet and bathroom- on second floor; costs you nothing to see It and It glees us pleasure to show It; lot 50x100; price $t50o. $2000 cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent. Call or phone. Mr. Easly or Bailey. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St. NEW SUBURBAN HOME. Only $2650;cement walks in, paid; H block to car; more conveniences than any other 5-room home in Portland; full basement, attic, electricity, fireplace, seats, flreless cooker; lot, with garden, 50x1 00 ; shade trees, rustic seat; nice district with building restrictions, good view, fresh air; terms to suit; spend Sunday afternoon there among the shade trees and view the many new bungalows we are now build ing. See owner on Belle Crest, 150 feet south from Rose City Park car at 655 E. 65th st. NEW 5-room bungalow In "Westmoreland ; large living and dining-room, beamed ceiling, built-in buffet and bookcases. 2 large bed rooms, fireplace, large closets, also window seats, large Dutch kitchen, cement floor in basement, stationary tubs, woodlift. electric fixtures, window shades, linoleum Included, lawn, cement walks; owner must sell; will make terms to suit. Take Sellwood car, get off at Bybee, walk 1 block east, 1 block south or call Sellwood 1049. 1440 E. 17th st S. WHY WORRY to build when you can buy a modern home in Irvlngton for $H500 cash, with everything finished, including roses, shrubbery and street paving; six-room house, with three bedrooms, large rooms, modern, with all conveniences, full cement basement, good furnace and fireplace ; clos- to Broad way car. Can be seen by application to owner. K 133. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM modern house. on Tillamook St., near 35th, a bargain at $4000. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245& JStark St. Main 35. A 3500. ' - BY owner, 100x100, 011 improved streets, two blocks from car line, fruit trees, ber ries, grapes and roses; six-room house, well located, across street from grocery and butcher shop: $3000, half cash, bal. on mortgage. Property is in St. Johns, owner's work Is permanent in Portland. Address P 138. Oregonlan, EQUITY of ?250O in a beautiful fl-room mod ern in every way, home near 22d and East Davis st. ; will exchange for unincumbered property or sell for $looo, balance monthly. The remainder, $2000, can stand as long as needed. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg. ARE you looking for a bargain ? Corner 77x100, new modern 1 6-room cottage, beautiful, sightly location nice lawn, fruit and flowers. It will pay you to investi gate this; $3000 Is the price. Call 410 Failing bldg. IRVINGTON HOME Strictly modern brand-new, 7 rooms and large sleeping porch; facing east on East 23d, near Thompson. 1 block from Broad way car. $8000. For terms, see Owner, 586 East Ankeny. Phone East 1038. NO. 170 EAST 38TH ST.- $750 DOWN. , $2750 2-story 6-room dwelling; gas and electric light. cement foundation, fine neighborhood and car service. FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial blk.. 2d and Wash, sts. BUY FROM OWNER. $2750 for a fine new 6-room house, with den; facing east on corner; 1 block from car; this is one of the finest for the money In the city; only $500 cash, bal. terms. 66 6th at. , SNAP Splendid 5-room bungalow, close in, strictly modern, fireplace, fine view, close to car ; $100 down, terms. AK 135, Ore gonlan. ' INVESTORS NOTICE" " $10O cash and $20 monthly buys new 6 room house; all conveniences; on East 24th st.; renting at $25 month. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg. DO you want a home near the Reed Insti tute at your own terms? I have 6-room, modern bungalow cottage; 100x100, choice, sightly ground. See attorney, 410 Failing bldg, , FOR SALE $2300 New 5-room bungalow, modern, lot . 50x100, close in on East Side. Termfi. RAND & BRANT. Room 423. Board of Trade. 121 H AIGHT AVE.- 7-room house, modern "in everv way; furnace, beautiful location. See owner. Phone C 1253 or Merchants Sav ings & Trust Company, S. W. cor. 6th and AVashington. SACRIFICE SALE. Must raise money; will sell my beautiful modern 9 -room Holladay home. $i:kr un dr value. Owner, AE 139. Oregonlan. A MODERN 5-room cottage, full lot. good lawn: cement steps and walk; hard surfaced streets, sewer and gas. See owner, 803 East Flanders. J6f0 CASH, nice home, 6 rooms. Sunnyside; bal. $2500 at easv monthly payments. . HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. SNAP. Best 6-room house in Portland, close In, modern, splendid view, $20oo cash, bal ance terms. AK 137. Oregonlan. SNAP. $3600 for a fine lot 7fixI00, with mod ern 7-room house; a genuine bargain. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. A SNAP New modern 10-room house, nicely located. RAND & BRANT. Room 423, Board of Trade. NEAR Piedmont car barns; 4-room modem cottage, $2o0 ; will take $100 down, 410 Failing bldg. SIX-ROOM house, modern, nearly new. near 24 th and Thurman. $4800; easy terms. H. Hatfield. 105 4th st. NEW 5-room cottage for sale and exchange with lots: long terms. 246 Page at- C Hansen. E 2304. " C-ROOM modern bungalow; must go to higher climate: $500 down, bal. like rent. R 137. Oregonlan. FOR sale 5-room house with lot 100x105 with 15-foot alley with family orchard small fruits nd roses. Phone Tabor yia. REAL ESTATE. BosIbwm Property. VACANT PROPERTY. 695,000 200x110. loth and Quimby and 16th sts. ; trackage; 110 feet on loth su $75tH louxloo, N. E. cor. Savier and 2Sth sis. 6t0V0 100x100, N. W. cor. Ealelgh and 20th sts. $3000 50x100, Raleigh, near 29th st. A beautiful v iew lot ; ail improvements in ; hard-surface pavements and parked streets. $o50 50x100. beautiful Wiberg Heights, on East 4Jth st. ; overlooks Laurelhurst and city; street improvements and cement sidewalks paid;-a fine snap; $1000 for ad joining lots. SHEFFIELD & RIEI.Y, 23 Russell bldg. Entrance 12 4th St. FOR BARGAINS SEE SMITH-PH ELAN LAND CO., Phone Main 1113, Superb apartment site at a right price; easy walking distance; lot 100x100. A dandy business for little money. See this for a bargain; a money getter. For a first-class apartment-house In the best location, cheap. 9 apts.. lot 50x100, paying better than 10 per cent. SMITH-PH ELAN LAND CO.. 613 Corbett Bldg. WELL. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? 2 elegantly furnished large apartment houses, adjoining one another: one janitor and one furnace for both. This is truly a snap and a big - money-maker; price $8500. H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO.. 610 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. $ $ $ $ $ In the business section: modern, well equipped hotel; 61 guest chambers, steady and good income producer; $8100; $5400 cash, balance with terms to suit- You will have to see this to appreciate It. H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO., . 610 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Riht in the heart of the city. 33 rooms with fine furniture; clears J10 per month; price $4500. with terms; figure it out. It pays 50 per cent on the investment. Applv to H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO., 610 Lumbermens Bldg.,5th and Stark. APARTMENT SITE. THIS IS A GENUINE SNAP. 50x1 OO, with 10-room house, close in, on West Side; will not last long at this price; $65O0; terms. Bowen. 425 Worces ter bldg. THIS is Just the place for you; 40 rooms, clears $2to per month, only $4OU0. half cash, balance to suit. This is as good a buy as you can find. H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO.. 610Lumbermens Bldg., Sth and Stark. $31,000 N. W. cor. 2 2d and Irving, 100x150; income $115 now, can be made to pay 15 per cent net on $65,000. SHEFFIELD & RTELY, 23 Russell bldg. Entrance 162 H 4th St.' "WAREHOUSE SITE. 100x200, on York street; trackage; price $25 OlHJ GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. BEST business corner or Alberta st., income 645 per month; double tracks being laid by door; $7000 casn. Addreas W 131, Ore gonian. STORE AND FLAT LOCATION. , 12th and Alberta sts. ; bargain. L. W. Matthewg. 722 Cham. Com. FOR apartment-houses. apartment-ho use cites and leases, see BAIRD & BROWN. 313 Henry Bldg. 85 ACRES, 43 acres young apple orchard, 32 acres miscellaneous crops and pasture. 10 acres timber; beautifully situated on county road, one mile east of Gaston and S. P. R. R. ; northwestern slope; 8-room house, bam, poultry houses, 2 wells, 2 springs, all in excellent condition; this is a fine country home and pays a good profit; price $15,000, one-half cash, balance terms to suit, tt per cent ; will take some city property in part payment. J. H. CUNNINGHAM, - 442 Sherlock Bldg. 2 ACRES, 10-CENT FARE. All fenced and in garden: close to new school at Wichita; very best of soil, ideal home site for party working in the city; $2000. 1 to 4 acres, close to station, 40c fare; $200 per acre. 10 acres fruit land, close to carline;' 40c fare; 1800. For complete description of farms and large and small acreage, see O. W. P. . Land Co. sign board, First and Aid er. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 40 acres, 14 miles from Portland, one mile from electric line and station, on fine road ; small house and barn, family orchard, 10 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared, south slope, soil especially adapted for fruit; NO WASTE LAND. Price $3600; terms $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. This property is one of the grandest view points in the West. NORTON & WALSH. 2S6V Washington St., rooms 402 and 403. CITY ACREAGE WITH BULL RUN WATER $1050 100x460 feet, graded street and water main in, is close to end of Rose City Park car; have three of these pieces adjoining, will sell one or all. This is a fine small platting proposition. Terms. See A. H. Hickman, with HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Room 14. Chamber o f Commerce Bldg. 15 ACRES. Six or seven in clover, balance timber, 1 4 miles from electric line; fine run ning water, stream runs through place; no waste land; best of soil; part time. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 Fourth St. . Board of Trade Bldg. CITY ACREAGE 433x120 FEET, or 17 lots platted into 17 lots ready to sell. This is a corner and both streets are graded; has Bull Run water now in. Come in and let me show you the plat; only 4 blocks to car. Price $25GQ; terms. See A. H, Hick man, with HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Room 14, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 1 to 10 acres H mlfe east of Oak Grove Station, on two im proved county roads: 5 acres cleared, 14 acres timber, balance light brush ; new fence, new barn, house; orchard, berries, abundance good water. R. J. Liddell, Mil waukie P. P., R. F. P. 1, box 102. ' 10 ACRES. mile from electric line, all -level; no waste, best of land, fine timber will more than pay for the clearing; terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., S4 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. RIVER FRONT. WEST SIDH. 120 feet. $2300. Rockspur station, is over 500 feet deep and has best view and trees on -the point; also little creek; must sell; am living right oeiiae tnis piece, jphks, owner. 2SO acres within 2Mt miles of town of 1200; R. R. runs through tract; well watered, sloping, ideal fruit and berry land; good shipping facilities; $20 per acre. 610 Swet land bldg. 7 ACRES, IO miles from Portland, within mile of the Electric Railway, in cultiva tion, best of soil, no rocks; stream through place ; $1700, easy terms. AC 141, Orego nlan. FIVE beautifur acres rich, black soil, grand view, no gravel ; only 30 blocks Mt. Scott car ; price 3oO per acre. HIGLEY &. BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $370 PER ACRE 10 acres on Section Lin road, 8 miles out; small house; 3 acres cicarea. xnts is a nice nome. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. ONE to three acres close in, fine soil, and well located at a bargain and at your own terms. You cannot beat this any where. Room 215 Henry bldg. 'A -ACRE tracts near 5c carline. easy month ly payments; $700; all in cultivation and level; city water. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR SALE 3 acres, 1 mile east of Sell wood on Johnson Creek at Kerrigan Sta tion : easy terms. John Anderson, Mil waukle. Or.. R. F. P. No. 2. A SPLENDID five-acre tract, lies fine, 3 acres n cultivation, just e miies rrom P. O. ; $25o an acre and easy terms. M. A, Good' n'iigh. 422 Abington bldg . A SPLENDID 5-acre tract, lies fine, 8 acres in cultivation; just 6 miles from the P. O.; $250 an acre and easy terms. M. A. Goodnough. 422 Abington bldg. 5 ACRES on Kelly ave.. close to Reed In stitute; ground high and sightly; $10,500; terms; this is an A-l buy. See attorney, 410 Falling bldg. 3 - ACRE tract 20 minutes car ride. West Side: lies fine: good soil, big value at $550: terms to suit you. M. K. Lee, 411 Cor- bett blcg. FOR SALE On Taylor's Ferry road, 10 acres very choice land ; splendid location; a bar gain. I must have cash. Address owner, S 137. Oregonian. 14 ACRES within city, 4 blocks from car line, with 6-room cottage, for $6000; on terms to suit; fruit of all kinds; will sell one acre.- Call 410 Failing bldg. 77 ACRES, raw land, on Columbia River and railway; south slope; deep soil; $20 aero: torms. a iah, uregonian. FOR SALE, If takn by August 1, $900 equity in ten acres cieareo. lano rour miles from New berg for 67O0. T 131, Oregonian. FIVE acres paralleling a streetcar line, close to Errol Heights property, where lots are geIllngfor $t''0. Owner. C 126. Oregonian. SALE OR TRADE. By owner, 160 acres perpetual water rights, $40 per acre. A 131, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 20-acre farm on Clackamas River, fruits. Ideal country place. X 138, Oregonlan. ELEVEN acreSs Improved, near Vancouver. Wash. Phones C 2239. Tabor 2046. See grocery. East 37th and Sandy road. 14 -0 A ORES logged -off level land . near Columbia River; bargain buy at good terms. Goldschmldt'a Agency, 253 Washington. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. GROVELAND ACRE?. In Groveland we are offering what we consider as the ideal tract for small acre age. Here are a few of its points of ad vnuge: Situated 19 miles by rail and 14 miles by road, from the center of Portland on the line of the United Railway, Grove land will have the vital question of trans portation settled at the outset ; near the station, for w will have a station on the tract; we have reserved a beautiful grove of big rir trees, which will be cleared of underbrush and made into a park for the benefit of the public. The land lies, on to county roads, and we have laid out several roads, so that every piece will be in di rect line to the station. Arrangements have been made for the establishment of a good srore, suited to the needs of the country. The tract is composed of over 600 acres of deep black soil, no waste land and no rocks, surveyed into pieces of any size, from lots to 10 acres, in cultivation, in timber, or with both, and at terras nd prices that are unusual. Several of the tracts are improved with 'new homes, ail ready for occupany. This proposition offers everything, soil, transportation, nearness to Portland, improvements, telephone and rural delivery service, and scenery that is un-surpaij-jd. We will be glad to -how you the property. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Co m me roe Mdg. TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE. 7t acres. 5 acres in bearing apple orch ard 6 yeans old of the best varieties of apples, some pears and other fruit; fine 7 room modern house and nice garden and chickens. 300 fet from station and 14 mile from -Portland. Price is $5000. but we want an offer. See photos In office. Several other small tracts In the Valley highly Improved at $15o to $200 per acre, easy terms. W. H. LANG CO.; 414 Abington bldg. 10 OR 20-ACRE SNAP. Section Line road, near Rockwood road. 4 miles from city limits; under cultiva tion, balance easy to clear; 2 acres in strawberries, small house, and land that will grow anything; will cut up nicely into one and two-acre tracts; one-third mile from electric car; price, $300 per acre; part cash; will sell 10 or 2-0 acres. GRISSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 20-ACRE TRACTS. Best fruit land $25 to $35 per acre, $25 per acre; $20 cash, balance $10 monthly. $35 per acre; $20 cash, balance 613-75 monthly. NO INTEREST NO TAXES. ACME REAL ESTATE & 1NV. CO., 830 Chamber of Commerce. FINE platting proposition of 20 acres near the Alberta carline; price Is right to treble your money when platted. -6 acies fine land with creek, 9 miles from Portland, V mile to San Rosa sta tion. Oregon Electric. Price $160 per acre; worth $250. GEO. A. RIGGS. 616 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. 40 ACRES $4000. Two miles Junction City on Willamette River; all good bottom land, 50O cords cot t on wo od w or t h $ 7 a cord on place . x T h I s Is a bargain for immediate sale. Adjoining land is $240 an acre. Half cash, bal. 6 per cent. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and 6th. THERE IS A REASON Why you can not be independent. 5 to 10 acres of our land will do it; $125 per acre, $20 cash and $2 per month; deep-shot loam, good water and fine climate; 20 miles from Portland, 2 milea from R. R, station and river, east on Base Line. . S. SYBELLDON & CO.. 53t X. 6th at. . m ACRES, cleared and under A-l cultiva tion, as good land as can be found any where; well adapted for fruit, chicken raLsing, dairy or platting into townsite; only 35 minutes out, on good carline end main county road ; good neighborhood ; only $200 per acre. Bagley .owner, 4uS Ger linger bld BY OWNER Six-acre suburban home at Jennings Lodge station, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river; fine orchard and berries, nice garacn, 7-room house, good barn and out buildings. Oregon City cars stop at Jen nings Lodge station. v Inquire at store for.C. P. Slocum. . NEVER OFFERED BEFORE. 50 acres fine level land near Sheridan; all timber railway asking for price of right of way. If not sold soon will be taken off market. Call for price, which will likely be advanced inside 10 days. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and6th. LAST opportunity to buy Primrose Acres; only 3 tracts of 2 acres each left; 10 per cent cash and 5 years to pay the bal ance; the lowest price at which any acre age near Portland can be obtained; $560 per acre ; 20 minutes from the heart of the city. See trustee, 410 Failing bldg. WHEAT LAND. Have several fine wheat ranches In Eastern Oregon to trade for Portland and Valley property. 308 Board of Trade, A 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACT If you want 10 acres of the finest land in Oregon, all cultivated, on county roao, orchard and bottom land, with running water, convenient to Portland, for only $150 per acre, good terms, call on owner, 6th st., bet. Oa kan d P ine. SO ACRES fine land adjoining Redmond, the proposed county seat of new county, and 1 terminus of Deschutes Road; will be second Yakima; fine platting proposition; you can double your money in short time. See or wi Ite Ellnger & Taliaferro. Redmond. Or. 21 ACRES, all level land and cleared; 6 miles from Courthouse, West Side; some -apples nnd plums;- house and outhouses; all fenced; near two carllnes. Only $400 per acre; worth $000. HIGLEY& BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. 20 ACRES, 250 apple, 900 prune. 50 pear cherry, quince etc ; trees loaded with fruit; new 7-room house, outbuildings; 2 miles from railway and Columbia River, 22 miles from Portland; $3500, h-s cash, ' bal. easy terms. AB, 144. Oregonlan. 58 1 ACRES choice, level, cleared land ; on Oregon Electric R. R. ; some nice timber and running water on tract; carline runs through place; $200 per acre ; $3000 will handle this, balance easy terms. Call 410 Falling bldg. FIVE and ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley, close to Portland ; fine, rich, deep .soil, all cleared and under cultiva tion for years; will sell on EASY MONTH LY PAYMENTS. Call 316 Abington bldg. S ACRES on Ocean Beach In Clatsop County, 1 mile south of Fort Stevens; price only $200 per acre, half cash ; land lies nice for platting. A. C. Burdick. 711 Chamber of Commerce. 2 r ACRES. 20 minutes on electric line; good neighborhood ; very easy terms; price lower than surrounding property. See Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce, Main 73U9. 12 Mi ACRES level ground, good carline ; 5 acres cleared, fruit and berries, 6-room house, barn and chicken-house ; $2000 ; don't miss this. Queen Investment Com pany, 410 Falling blag. ON E acre near M on ta v Ilia, 6c car care ; ad joining lots selling for $2tK. This is offered $-50 less than market; $120t; $lo0 cash, balance monthly. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311 312 Lewis bldg. " ' PLATTING PROPOSITION. ' 5 acres, close In, near Rose City Park car line; to close an estate; must be sold by August; $3Oo0 cash. Administratrix, R, F. D. No. 1, Box TO, Dayton, Or. A SAP. " 40 acres on electric road, 20 miles from Portland. $50 per acre. PENN INVEST. CO., 614 Buchanan Bldg. 5 ACRES, Mi -m ie from car, overlooking river, fruit trees, cabin and water; fine for chickens; terms, Ralph E. Ladd, 180 Front st.. city. Homesteads. WHY BE LANDLESS when there is good free Government land In Crook, the best county in Central Oregon, where railroads are building, cities' springing up and industrial enterprises being developed; do you want a home in this promising country? We can locate you on a homestead or a desert claim within 8 to 20 miles from Culver the junc tion city of the Deschutes Valley, where the Hill and Harriman railroads, which are pushing contraction through the state, form a Junction. FREE AUTO MORI LE transportation from Shaniko and return if you take a homestead and buy a Culver town kt. See us today at from 2 to 6 P. M. Partv leaves for Culver Monday. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO.. 301 -2 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Oregon, on Washington, near 5th St. Local offices at Culver, Or., and Lald- law, Or. HOMESTEADS Located Goldie, Chewau kan. Silver Lake, Christmas Lake. Harney and Catlow Valleys, Oregon; 1G0-320 or 4S0 acres Government land : I specialize . on Government land and will be in Port land soon; write today. Address AL 130. Oregonian. BEST homesteads and timber claims in Southern Oregon; just coming to the front; climate ideal ; opportunities great. par . ticulars S12 I St.. Grants P ass. Or. SQUATTER RIGHT. ' 1 claim containing 12.00O.O0O feet timber, mostly fir. in good timber belt. Phone Tabor 2220. IF you want good homestead, plenty water. fish, fruit land and dairy, near R. R-. coast, Inquire 90 5th St. CAN locate you on a good claim, not far from railroad, if taken at once. Phone Tabor 2220. TWO fine' homestead locations Just thrown on-n In FJa stem Oregon. Call me at East . 5553. Act quick. ILEAL ESTATE. Horn est etads. TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced, 6 wires, good buildings, p. O. and town 2 Vi miles, school is miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached. 21x 28. showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counues in different colors; drawn to March L 1910; latest map in U. S, ; price 2oc Nim rao A Runey, 313 Hamilton bldg. TIMBER relinquishment, Douglas County; cut ur million. 40 per cent .agar pine; $lm. VALLEY REALTY CO., 41 X N. 6th St. tor bale ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME) ON THE COLUMBIA. 80-acre fruit ranch and country home On-the-Co-lumbia, at Underwood. Wash., opposite Hood River; orriy 70 milea from Portland. This ranch is beautifully sit uated, overlooking the fa mous Hood River Valley, the Columbia River and the mountains, only 2 miies from Underwood and on a good road. There are S3 acres cleared. 2 acres in 4-year-old apple trees, 4 acres in 9 to 12-year old Baldwin apples, 4 acres in 7-year-old Spitzenberga and Newtowns. 8 acres in pears. 100 peach trees 5 to & years old. some prune trees and other fruits, and the balance of the cleared land in 1-year-old apple trees, and all in first class condition. There are 2 acres of pasture and the bal ance of the land is in flr and brush. There is a neat. attractive little cabin on the place, with bath and fireplace and plenty of water, there be ing several fine spring. It is well fenced, with new cedar posts, a good barn, chicken -coop, a variety of farm tools, and sev eral farm implements, such as plows, harrows, etc. There is also a good Studebaker road wagon, spray pump and truck, and in fact almost every thing one needs to go right to work and suffi cient fruit in bearing 10 insure on a good in come from the start. This place has been given the beet of care and every thing about It will b found In excellent condi tion. Ready to move right in. as w can give im mediate possession. PRICE 61 6.0O0 ONE THIRD CASH, and bal ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent- Now is the time to act, as this place is a bargain and will not last King at this price. Let us show it to you at our expense. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 302 Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG BEARING ORCHARD. 27t acres; 17 acres In apples. 2 acre in pears. S acres in walnuts, immense crop of loganberries and Lawton berries planted between walnut trees; trees are -4-year-old tops and have always had - very best of care and attention. This orchard has been pronounced by authorities from the State Agricultural College to be the "finest young cornmereial orchard In Oregon." Adjoins ciy limits of town of 1500, with good schools and churches. Price on this fine fruit tract is only $40 " per acre. For photographs and further information call on CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE and ten-acre tracts, all or partly in cultivation, some fine timber. 20 miles from Portland, M: mile from Rex station, 55 minutes' ride by Southern Pacific; tine view of Wlllamet te Valley, best of soil, right elevation for apples; $luo per acre and up; 10 per cent cash, $3 per acre per month; arrangements can be made to have these tracts planted to apples, with care until bearing. Investigate this if you are in the market for a nice tract of fruit land. See owner, Paul Reimers, 7 00 Corbett bldg. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 240 acres, loo acres in orchard, 80 acres bearing, fine crop, 50 acres ready to plant, balance easily cleared; own fine living stream ot water sufficient for irrigation and all other purposes; 5 horses and equipment for running the place; price with crop $75,000 with good terms; will take some Portland property in trade; Fruitgrowers Association there which means good prices; photos at office. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. FORCED TO SELL. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 15 ACRES, all planted to strictly com mercial orchard, being Yellow Newtowns and fcpitzenbergs from 1 to 5 years old; soil is very best and has perfect drainage; place has been developed along scientific lines and is one of the best in this famous little val ley ; only three mllee from town ; if you have $400 cash to Invest. It will pay you to see this, for the price is $20oo under the market for quick sale; might consider good Portland property in part payment. ,N - 133, Oregonlan. CLOSE-IN FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. 10, 20, 40 or 60 acres, 14 miles from Portland, on Southern Pacific Ry.. electric line and country road; Oregon's very best soil; very easy terms; $150 to $2u0 an acre. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 13 ACRES ON OREGON EL EC. 13 acres of fine fruit land near Tigard, on Orecon Electric ; will take good resi dence property in .Portland in exchange; 3 acres in bearing orchard, balance in wheat. CHAS. L. HUNTER, 223-225 Board of Trade. $25 AN ACRE. See here, 160 acres 3a miles from Bull Run P. O. on the new electric road, 10O acres of choice apple land, fine for dairy, has running water, house, barn, 8 acres cleared, near school. This is a snap worth your action. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchlld Bldg. FINE 10-acre fruit ranch near Summer re sort market; produced this year 600 crates strawberries and has besides -acre rasp berries, orchard producing 150 bushels ap ples and pears, garden, etc.; small frame house, large shake barn, well and springs, price 1250 cash. L. C. Smith, Newport. Or. ACRES of the finest fruit land in the Willamette Valley. Oregon, all cultivated and ready to plant; will sell in whole or in any size tracts a purchaser wants and on easy terms. For particulars call oa or write Alex Shives. 517 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Oregon. t HOOD RIVER. , I nave 17 acres of apple land. 3 milea from town, on main county road; 3 acres now under cultivation, baianoe slashed and burned; will sell at a bargain; $0ot cash will handle, or will take good Portland property. M 139,Oregonian. WE have some attractive bargains in fruit lands in the famous Mosier and East Hood River district, both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lanas it will pay you to see McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 FalUngbld(T. . HOOD RIVER SNAP. I have $1350 in 11-acre tracts, all fenced. 6 acres in trees, fine spring, best sojl, no rock; will sell for $750 cash; make price of land $2" per acre. Address Mrs. Ep ping. 'M5 6th st. FOR SALE Five-acre apple orchard, two years old. In Kittutus Valley. 3 miles from Ellensburg. Wash. ; will take part in land near Portland. F. A. Woods, Ellensburg. Wash. R. F. P. No. 2. IO-ACRB orchard tracts. unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make select ion ; round trip same day 310 Corbett bldg. FINE 10-acre orchard tract, planted to ap ples last Spring, being car.;d for on 4 year contract; will sell reasonable. Call 316 Abington bldg. 6-ACRES on the Willamette River 18 miles from Portland : finest soil In Oregon; noted for peaches; easy terms. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. 15 ACRES good grape or chicken ranch, handy to Portland; tine transportation facilities, both water and rail; big value, easy term M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.