The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 10, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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: 6175 FEET HIGH
World's Record Smashed at
Atlantic City for $5000
Walter Brooking, Driving Wright
Biplane, Makes Hour's Flight
Over Ocean Beats Former
Mark by Close to 3000 Feet.
ATLANTIC CIT". July 9. Walter
Prookins, driving a Wright biplane,
reached an altitude estimated at 6000 feet
.over the ocean this evening and broke
the world's record for aeroplane altitude.
0 The exact official figures now being
worked out by engineer who took ob
servations for triangulation will be given
out later.
" The barograph, an altitude-recording
i .Instrument carried on the machine,
showed an altitude of 6100 feet. OfHcials,
using an altitude gauge on the ground,
-gave the height as 5680, and it is be
lieved that the final official figures will
show an altitude somewhere between the
By his feat today ' Brookins wins the
J5000 prize offered by the Atlantic City
Aero Club for breaking the world's
ecord. unless a higher altitude Is
.'reached here before the end of the pres
ent meet.
Brookins spent one hour, two minutes
and 35 15-100 seconds in the air, according
to official timing. About 57 minutes of
this time was made in a' circling ascent,
the rush of over a mile to the ground
jconsumlng less than seven minutes.
1 The former record was 4603 feet, made
by Brookins at Indianapolis, on June 17.
I'rench "Aviator Travels S.IO Miles
la 2 Minutes 56 Seconds.
BETHANY PLAIX3L Rheims, July 9.
Many records have been broken at the
aviation meeting here during the week,
but the most sensational flights have been
made by Leon Morane, the French avi
ator, who in a new 100 horsepower Blerlot
monoplane today covered five kilometers
(about 3:10 miles) in 2 minutes, 56 seconds,
and ten kilometers in 5 minutes and 47
seconds, and by M. La Bouchere, also a
Frenchman, who broke the world's record
for distance, flying 340 kilometers (211.14
miles) in a single flight In 4 hours, 31
tnlnutes and 46 seconds.
The most remarkable achievement of a
remarkable day was that of Morane, who
made his flight of more than a mile a
minute while three other machines were
In th i air. As compared with him, they
:-emed to be standing still.
LeBlanc will use the same type of aero
plane in the Gordon Bennett contest and
French experts consider that he has a
eplenxiid chance to capture the trophy, as
he speed developed by Morane today was
more than four minutes under the winning
time of Glenn. H. Curtiss for the same
distance last year.
Olieslagers reduced the 100-kilometer
record (62.27 miles) to one hour and eight
minutes. Aubrum, in a monoplane, with a
.single passenger, covered 135 kilometers
(83.9 miles) in 2:09:07. La Bouchere was
awarded a special prize of i 1000 for break
ing Olieslagers' record of 250 kilometers.
The constructor's prize for the greatest
total distance covered by three machines
of one design goes to the Antoinette
monoplane, which covered 2744 kilometers
(1706 miles).
Mamet established a world's record for
carrying two passengers. He flew for
' 62.75 kilometers (57.90 miles) at an altitude
of 60 meters (164 feet). Auburn made a
new distance record with a single passen
ger, of So kilometers (62.78 miles) in one
hour 27 minutes 33 seconds. Both used
Bleriot aeroplanes.
German ' Xavy Maneuvers to Be
Guided 'by Dirigible Craft.
BERLIN, July 9. The Admiralty
Board has arranged ror the vessels of
the fleet engaged in grand maneuvers
this year to be kept in constant com
munication with land by means of a
dirigible airship, fitted with wireless
telegraphy. This is the first time that
a dirigble has been used for this pur
pose. The new Gross airship, the largest
craft of the semi-rigged type yet con
structed, has been completed for the
army. The airship is 102 feet long and
43 feet in diameter.
Pfllsener Unhurt by Drop of 75
Feet Into River.
NEWBURYPORT, Mass., July 9.
Dropping 75 feet, A. L. Pfllsener, of
JHammondsport, N. Y., landed with his
Burgess biplane in the Plum Island
River today. He managed to disentagle
himself and get ashore not seriously
Judge W. R. King-, of Salem, is at
the Oregon.
C. Oonnell, of Carlton, Is staying
at the Lenox.
H. R. Dunlop, a merchant of Vale, is
at the Oregon.
A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, Is stay
ing at the Ramapo.
A. F. Davidson, of Spokane, is regis
tered at the Ramapo.
G. C. Cain, of The Dalles, is regis
tered at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parker, of Salt
Lake, are at the Lenox.
F. B. Shirley, a merchant of The
Dalles, is at the Perkins.
Frank Davenport, of Bull Run, Is
registered at the Perkins.
Millard Case, a mill man of, Kalama,
is staying at the Perkins.
G. W. Merwln, a merchant of Sheri
dan, is staying at the Cornelius.
Roy T. Bishop, of the Pendleton
Woolen Mills, is at the Imperial.
G. W. Jackson, a business man of
Junction City, is at the Cornelius.
Ferdinand Schohl, a tourist of Skass
burg. Germany, is at the Portland.
Kenneth Hall, recently graduated from
Yale, reached home yesterday, morning.
S. A. Kozer, of the office of Secretary
of State, of Salem, Is at the Imperial.
G. D. Rushmore, formerly of Port
land but now of Tacoma, is at the Per
kins. Mr. and Mrs. D. H.- Hubbard and
Mrs. M. H. Rust, of Boise, are at the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hall arrived
home from an 'Eastern trip yesterday
c rooming. .
2tUa Xfilmm AjhqI& aa& Alls
McCarthy spent Saturday at the beach,
guests at Hotel Moore.
Robert E. Farrell, department man
ager for Tull Gibbs, la listed as one
of the Portland arrivals in New York.
Thomas Tomlinson, connected -with
the United States Internal Revenue Ser
vice, of Galesberg, 1L, is at the Ramapo.
H. W. Hawley, who has charge of
construction of the Mt. Tabor reser
voir, has returned from San Francisco
and Is at the Oregon.
A. Christeson, vice-president of the
Wells-Fargo Express Company, and
Mrs. Christeson, of San Francisco, are
staying at the Portland.
George H. Swift, of Boston, and
George F. Swift, Jr., of Chicago, mem
bers of the Swift Packing Company,
and their wives, are at the Portland.
E. D. Ressler, of the Oregon State
Agricultural College at Corvallis, as as
sembly candidate for the nomination for
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, is at the Imperial.
Andrew Kennedy, formerly connected
with the United States Department of
the Interior, of Seattle, who now has a
ranch near White Salmon, is at the
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Slnnott leave
tomorrow for Montreal. Mr. Sinnott to
" v. T,
.if: .'ft-
x S 4k.
William Henry Carney.
William Henry Carney, Identi
fied with the business interests
of Portland for the past 20 years,
died at his home on Twentieth
street, between Overton and
Pettygrove streets, shortly after
midnight yesterday, at the age of
53 years.
Mr. Carney was a native of
New York, and, after coming to
Portland, engaged in the retail
trade. He was an active mem
ber of the Catholic Church, and
a member of the Catholic Order
of Foresters, as . well as the
Knights of Columbus. He Is sur
vived by his widow and eight
children, aa follows: George,
John, Henry, William, Ruth,
Marie, Dorothy and Mrs. J. P.
Faust. The funeral will be con
ducted Monday morning from the
Church of St. Patrick, Nineteenth
and Savier streets.
a delegate to the Knights of Columbus
convention, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Sinnott will make an extended tour of
the East.
G. F. Eilers returned this week
from a month's stay East, where he
was on a business trip in the interest
of Eilers' music house. Mr. Eilers
is manager of the talking machine
end of that business. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gurney and
children have returned from a six
months' trip abroad, during which -they
visited London, Paris, Genoa, Milan,
Naples, Rome, Florence, Venice, Ins
bruck, Munich, Oberammergau. Cologne
and Brussels. They returned on tho
Kroonland. sailing from Antwerp.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 9. (Special.)
Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel.
San Francisco, are as follows: Fred A.
Jacobs. H. G. Beckwlth, J. M. Stone,
Charles D. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Ewlng, T. E. Follett, Charles El Brand.
-CHICAGO. July 9. (Special.) Portland
people' registered at Chicago hotels today
are as follows:
Marcus A. Peel, R. . Miller, A. J.
Reschke, at the Congress.
A. B. Rembach, at the Great Northern.
R. E. Farrell, at the Grand Pacific.
H. S. Staver. Ralph Blaisdell, H. M.
Watkins, at the Lasalle.
(Continued From Drat Pare-)
Interest In the relation of the United
States with Nicaragua, which is at
present In a deplorable condition, and
the well being, which, as well as that
of other Republics of Central America,
the Government of the United States
and the government of Mexico did so
much to promote during the period of
the Washington convention.
"As your excellency will have sur
mised, the telegram which Dr. Madrlz
ordered sent to you, as well as tele
grams sent to a large number of other
governments in which the continuation
of the struggle In Nicaragua is at
tributed to the policy of the United
States, has evidently been transmitted
under erroneous information with re
spect to the actual facts and the prin
ciples of International law applicable
to the case.
"As to the statements made in the
information, I communicate the text of
the declaration which the Secretary of
State has ordered delivered to Mad
rlz, through the American Consul at
Managua, as well as to the Estrada
faction, through the Consul at Blue
lie Ids."
American Engineer Taken Into In
terior Exchange Refused.
BLUE FIELDS." Nic, July 9. William
Pittman, the American engineer who was
captured while with the Insurgent forces,
was sent today to the Interior under an
escort of soldiers of the Madris troops at
Blueflelds Bluff.
Recently, Estrada offered to exchange
Colonel Salamanca, who was taken pris
oner in the attack of Pearl Lagoon, for
Pittman, but this offer was refused by
General Rivas. Pittman's chances of get
ting out of the hands of Madriz now are
considered very slight. It is likely that
he will be taken to Managua.
Many Witnesses Subpenaed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 9. (Spe
cial.) More than 40 witnesses have been
subpenaed in the cases of the state
against H. D. Burrows, charged with as
sault with a deadly weapon, and the state
against A- A. Hoffman, who is alleged
to have shot James Toney at the depot
two months ago. The Jury session will
open July 11, and the Jurymen have been
Aud&e McMaster, w.iii sieelda.
I- ' A V ' 4
Conference on House of Lords
Expected Now to Reach
Settlement of Irish Question May
Be Attained, King Desiring to See
Imperial Parliament Relieved
of Local Affairs.
(Special cable to the Chicago Tribune, copy
right. 1910, by the Tribune Company.)
LONDON, July 9. The situation 1
greatly changed in the House of Com
mons and the whole political world.
John Redmond's success in getting the
ministers to have November sittings
and to postpone the final stages of the
budget until then has produced equal
delight and appeasement in the Liberal
and Irish circles.
The Liberals are pleased because the
postponement of the budget leaves the
fate of the government entirely in the
hands of the House of Commons and
thus prevents any chance of any such
compromise by the Liberal negotiators
as would imperil the Liberal principles.
Hence that dangerous spirit of mis
giving and revolt which threatened
open rupture between the ministry and
its supporters has been exercised and
the whole political temper again is
tranquil and even cheerful, so far as
the Liberal and Irish ranks are con
cerned. The Tories are equally pleased, their
opinion being that all this cessation
from the conflict helps them by sooth
ing the popular passion against the
House of Lords.
Conference. May Agree.
These facts account for the consider
able change during the week in the at
titude of all parties towards the con
ference. The pessimism which looked
for a-n early rupture or a final dis
agreement, owing to the gulf between
the two parties, has given place to a
spirit of optimism and the general im
pression that the .conference will
eventuate in an agreement between the
two parties. But, though this trans
formation of temper may mean some
thing, it cannot be taken too seriously.
Never has a political secret been better
kept than the proceedings of the con
ference. Even to their colleagues the
negotiators are dumb, Balfour's Illness
besides enticing a new element of un
certainty and delay.
Another sure sign of the times Is
the feeling among the more rational
Conservatives that the conference. If
it means a compromise on the constitu
tional question of the Lords' veto, also
means a compromise on the Irish ques
tion. Evidently everybody feels the
solution of the Irish, question cannot
be much longer delayed.
Irish Question to Be Settled.
This feeling is aided greatly by the
spectacle of the Irish party controlling
all English politics at this moment. It
was the Irish party which forced Pre
mier Asqulth and the Cabinet into the
announcement of the demand of guar
antees from the late King. It was the
Irish party that passed the budget and
forced it down the throats of the House
of Lords, and it was the Irish party
which forced the November sitting. The
Tories are thus driven to contemplate
the desirability of removal from the
Imperial Parliament of so disturbing an
element. -
Another factor Is the well-known
opinion of the present King that lo
cal questions should no longer occupy
so much of the time and attention of
the imperial Parliament and "that a
system of home rule all around should
leave the imperial Parliament to deal
solely with imperial affairs. Ulster
and the Orangemen are the only ob
stacles left to settlement between the
two parties on the home rule ques
tion. "No Popery" Is Issue.
In the meantime the uncertainty arid
surprises of British politics are re
vealed by the history of the accession
bill. It seemed impossible that any
person could object to the removal of
the words of the royal oath insulting
to millions of Catholic subjects, but
the "no popery" feeling was being
carefully machined by the ultra
Protestant associations. Walter Long,
formerly Chief Secretary for Ireland,
and most of the old-fashioned Tories
were not allowed to speak. Owing to
the support of the accession bill, the
parliamentary vacancy In Liverpool. Is
likely to lead to a fierce fight, where
the accession oath will rush to the
front as the main issue.
The ministry, after resolving to post
pone the bill until November, now has
resolved to bring It to a final de
cisipn before the present sittings. In
order to head off the "no popery"
Redmond Scores Again.
Redmond scored another big victory
this week. Lloyd George, though he
is hard pressed for money and though
he failed to get $4,000,000 from the
City of London at 3 per cent, has
agreed to lend another million to Ire
land for laborers' cottages at 2 per
cent. ''- This new victory has provoked
the Tory members of the rural con
stituencies in England to explain that
the Irish party is the most powerful
factor in getting anything done in the
present Parliament and they complain
that members could not get for the
agricultural laborers In England what
they had won for the agricultural la
borers in Ireland.
Mayor Rodgers, of Salem, Will Go to
Belgian Congress.
SALEM, Or., July 9. (Special.) Mayor
George F. Rodgers will leave Monday for
Belgium, where he will attend the meet
ing of the International Association of
Road Congresses as the only representa
tive from Oregon. He leaves New York
In the steamer Carmanla and will land at
The association meeting opens July 31
and will continue until August 3. During
his absence the Mayor will make a spe
cial study of road-making and municipal
conditions. It Is probable he will be one
of the most energetic and active delegates
at the convention, as he has made almost
a life study of good roads, has entered
actively into the work in Oregon and is
going for the express purpose of gaining
ideas which he hopes will result in much
good for Salem and the Willamette Val
ley upon his return. , .
The King of Belgium is president of the
roads association and Mayor Rodgers will
jta rnnwi, with, letters ta JUm, a.rHt tA msx.
eral of the European monarchs. asking
that the courtesy of various Continental
realms be extended him to afford him the
best opportunity possible to study road
making conditions and the government of
European cities.
J. J. Kirby, Who Scared Brewster
Valley, Found Insane.
ROSEBURG, Or., July 9. (Special.)
J. J. Kirby, the demented Individual
who recently terrorized the residents of
the Brewster Valley districts, and was
later captured by Walter Laird and
brought to this city, was committed to
the Insane Asylum late today by
County Judge Wonacott, and Acting
County Physician Vincil.
When Kirby first arrived here under
guard the physicians entertained some
hopes for his recovery, but this idea
vanished yesterday when he became
violent. He continues to entertain the
delusion that his life Is being sought
by a pursuing mob and emphatically
refuses to accept medical assistance.
River ltizens Aroused by
Rise In Rates.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. July 9 (Special.)
A mass meeting of telephone patrons
which was held last evening in the
Commercial Club rooms to protest
against the raise In rates put into ef
fect July 1, was largely attended.
Among those at the meeting were
Come and look at our
poods. See their worth,
and the prices at which
we have' marked them.
You will agree with us
that this is a '
We are making room for
additional exclusive lines -in
connection, with our
cloak and suit depart
ment. We are closing out
our present stock of
Only a short time left to
dispose of our stock, for
we must turn the store
over to carpenters for' al
terations and changes.
415 Washington, Cor. Ilth
to take advantage of our
It would be well to come in early in
the week
Assortments are still good but will
hardly iast longer than this week
Charles and Everett Hall, who own the
controlling Interest In the telephone
company and manage it. The gather
ing was a joint affair held Under the
auspices of the Hood River Merchants'
Association, and the granges of the val
ley, who were represented by commit
tees. J. H. Hardinger, representing the
Stock Taking and Cleaning
Closing Out of Odd lines, Cleaning Up of Summer Goods, so as to HaYe Clear Sailing for Our Inventory
Unprecedented Bargains in New, Stylish Dependable
Exceptional Bargains in
S5c VALUE 19c Women's fine Venetian 1Q
Lisle Gloves, actual 35c value, pair ........ A C
$1.00 VALUE 25c 'Women's 16-button-length pure
Silk Gloves, black only; sizes 5, 6 andOC
6V2 5 actual $1.00 value, pair SiJC
45c VALUE 27c Women's Kayser make Chamoi
sette, Chamois, white and gray; actual 45c 0"7
value, pair
75c VALUE 39c Women's finest Milanese Lisle
Gloves; look like suede on the hand; all col- OQ
ors; actual 75o value, pair OIC
$1.25 VALUE 49c Women's 16-but. length ACkg
finest Milanese Lisle Gloves, $1.25 value, pr. "'C
Kayser 's patent tip guaranteed Silk Gloves, Cri-,
black, white and forty shades, pair iJvJG
$1.10 VALUE 79c Women's English cape
and genuine wash chamois, $1.10 value, pair 7C
$1.35 VALUE 98c Women's fine overseam Kid
Gloves, black and all colors; actual $1.35 QQ
value, pair OC
$1.75 VALUE $1.45 Wome 's finest pique and
overseam Kid Gloves, Lennon's J -J C
"Strand" and Marquise, worth $1.75 P10
Exceptional Rarasol Bargains
$2.75 value parasols ...1.45
$3.50 value parasols S1.95
$4.50 value parasols .".$2.39
$5.00 Tokio parasols $2.79
$6.00 Pongee lined parasols . .'..$3.39
$7.50 Bird handle silk parasols $3.95
Children's, parasols 15, 23, 39j, 48.
Worth double.
$4.00 UMBRELLAS $2.65 Women's 26-inch pure
thread silk colored umbrellas. Navy, CO CtZL
green, brown, red. Actual $400 value. P00
. ft
advocates of a mutual company, was al
so at the meeting.
Protests were made against the raise
in rates and there were also many
complaints against the telephone serv
ice. The proposal to organize a mutual
company received considerable encour
agement and the meeting resulted in
Women's Gloves
Exceptional Hosiery Bargains
"20c VALUES 11c Children's Lisle Hose and "I "I
Socks, white and tan, actual 20c value X A C
25c VALUE 11c Women's white Lace nose, 1 1
actual 2oo value A AC
40c VALUE 23c Women's "Clover" Silk Lisle
Hose, light weight, yet very strong; double 00
garter top; black and all colors; 40c value C
75c VALUE 33 l-3c Women's fine Lisle Hosiery
in great variety of colors and styles. Fine silk
lisle, gauze lisle, lace hose, embroidered hose, etc.
Black, tan aad all new colors. ' Values 901-
to 75c. Sale price 00iC
to give satisiaction. Black and lorty colors
$1.50 value. Sale
the appointment of a committee to con
fer with the present company looking
to a reconsideration of the raise and
better service, and also to investigate
the plan to organize a mutual company.
Asparamia has been cultivated for more
than 3OO0 years from wild varletle found
In Natal. Siberia and Persia.
Up Sale
$1.50 VALUES 98c Women's "Onyx" pure thread
silk hose, double soles. A silk stocking guaranteed
price, per pair
$1.75 VALUES $1.19 Women's "Onyx" pure
thread silk hose, with lisle garter tops and lisle
soles, also all silk tops. Black and all t - 1 Q
colors. $1.75 value. Sale price per pair P A A 1
$2.00 VALUES $1.45. Women's "Onyx" and
"McCallum" pure silk thread hose. Wide
double garter tops, lisle soles. Black t" AtZ
and all colors. $2.00 values. Sale price, PAxO
quarters. The kind that will not run or !1 t("
rip. Black and all colors. Sale price, tpAJvl
Kayser 's famous " Wonderfoot" guar- tO ff
anteed silk stocking. Come in black only P"""
"Everwear" Hose
We are Portland agents for these famous hose.
Six pairs guaranteed six months. Men's, 6 pair
$1.50. Women's and Children's, 6 pair $2.00