1 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLl!fDt JULY 10, 1910. 0 REAL ESTATE. LOOK THIS UP. IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE. This la not a houe and lot. but a beau tiful home, locate at 128 East 47th t., 7 rooms, all modern. 1 blocks from the car line on the 8unnyeide car; there are IS full-bearing fruit trees of all kind, lot 50x18". with lots of garden and a tine lawn in front. This is one of our beat buys. Call us up Monday and let us tell u a bout it. Price $ 33o0, terma. 'C" CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 C h am ber of Com merce. A BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. With all mcdern conveniences, Dutch windows fine electrio light fixtures, full ce ment basement, corner lot lOoxloo. near Reed Institute, a beautiful borne and price only $:0OO; on very eay terms. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. RIVERDALE HOME. On of the handsomest homes In the Riverside district; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled ana beamed dining-room with artistic bunei. Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sepa rate color scheme; sleeping balcony; large batbroorn; attic spaced for two rooms ana bath; full cement basement; extra large furnace; private water system uncer heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre in extent and commanding a weeping view of the city, river and moun talna. For further particulars apply t R. F. BRYAN. 05 Chamber of Commerce- r . A 1227; Main lut3. 6-ROOM HOUSE I.V BEAUTIFUL WOOUTOCK. CORNER LOT, 100x100. HOUSE COST ME $3500. Am leaving town and must sell and will .therefore accept any reasonable offer. Cash or terms Phone Sell wood 1402 or address X Crick, care Studebaker Brou., chapman and Alder sts. GOING TO BUY A HOME? Now liBten. I have two, must eell- One Is extra karge 5-room modern house, and V acre, fine condition, worth $jouO; good fur niture, worth $500. You take it all tor $-700, $1250 cash, or you can have house with out the furniture. Also have neat 4-room cottage and acre, $1100, $0io caah, balance $lo per month. 1 go East September 1 fr one year, wut sell one. Take your choice. Take ML. Scott car to Stewart's station. Ask for 47 Maxwell ave., or phone Tabor lu40. - $600 CASH. BALANCE EASY. New 6-room modern house, close in, near 4 carlines; lleht fixtures in, tinted, shades, cement sidewalk and basement, good neighborhood, wood hoi3t, paneled dining-room, clothes chute, lawn eoxOo lot ; next to Ift-ft. alley and the price, $3750, is too low, but the owner must sell for business reasons, quick. Call 210 Failing street, near Haight. Take U car. Phone C 1444. KENMLWOHTH DIBTKICT. 0-roora house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very eary terms; 4 blocks from car; fine cement basement, Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing; and hot-water boiler; street im proved; small amount down and balance like rent. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO. ft02-nfi3 Lewis Bid sc. DO YOU WANT A HOME. Private builder wilt build to suit pur chaser, cash or monthly installments. If you have an equity in a desirable building lot will accept same an first payment. Ws have three fine bungalows located near Killings worth and Union aves. will accept desirable building lotu as first payments. PHOXH WOO DL AWN HOMK NO MONEY DOWN". We will sell a fine, new, all modern five room bungalow, on full lot, about 12 minutes- out on W. K. car to a reliable party with steady position who can pay $32 per month, no money down; an eawy way for right party to buy his own home out of . rent money. See o wner, 6u9 Couch bldg. $1000 UNDER VALUE. Modern 7-room house. '1 blocks from carllne ; fine suburban district; four large lots facing two streets; the house is double "construction throughout and fin ished in best possible manner; an ideal home for one who wants large grounds and a quiet neighborhood. American Trust Co.. 200 Chamber of Commerce. COUNCIL CREST HOME." 6 -room modern house, furnace, large fireplace, unobstructed view of Mount Hood and Tualatin alley; lot 60x90, near carllne; price for immediate sale, $3fc00; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. ON" EASY TERMS Two modern dwellings, one 7 rooms and other 6 rooms', furnished complete throughout; in attractive district of 2d addition to Holladay Park; 10 per cent cash, balance 1 per cent monthly, inter est 6 per cent. It will pay you to Investi gate tnls if you are looking for a home. 'McCargar. Bates & Lively. :U5 Failing bldg. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Fine 2-story house, 7 large rooms, with bath and toilet; lot 50x100; nice lawn and fine garden, with strawberries, currants, also plum, pear and two apple trees; house taces east, close to school, and 150 feet from Aberta streetcar. price $2800. F 98. Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, modern, 0-room house, on East 3Sd st. ; full cement basement and floor, Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet, walls tinted, floors polished, fixtures and shades Jn. Address 344 E. 33d st. Phone B 2013. MODERN 6-room house, cement basement, fine plumbing fixtures, piped for steam heat, - acre land, good barn, chicken house, can be cut into lots with nice profit; bought dry goods store, need money; terms on part; $5.00; two blocks beyond end Rose City Park carllne. W. B. Eddy. Oregon City. " TABOR HEIGHTS. ' 8-room modern house on E. Taylor St., near West ave., paved street, lot 85x135 feet, nice yard and big vegetable garden; price 14000; attractive terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-2 13 Com mere i al Cl ub B Id g. HOME AND LOTS OF FRUIT. Fine 7-room house and large lot In Sun ny side. 1 block from car, for ale cheap; lots of fruit, half cash will handle It. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO 3o2-3o3 Lewis Blcig. FINE suburban view home. 114 acres; 8 room house; hot water heat;' green ho' u.e; all kinds of f 1 ult. Best bargain in city! Might consider part exchange. Call at premise?. 36 East God st. Morrison st -Mt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor 8. 315 HOME. 5-room house, lot 75x110. on Oregon City carllne; price $1800; payment $13 eacn mor ih; nothing down. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 36feWihingtoQat.,room 510. A NICE HOME. ' Corner lot A0xU?0, good -room house, mod ern, can be had on term?, one block from car; $200. terms. Rand, Reed & Co.. 10 Board of Trade. tt-KOOM dwelling on East 12th near Thomp. svn. in Irvington, houne two stories with full cement basement, and modern throughout fine lawn and iee bushes. Price $5.fi; hilf cash. McCargat, Bates & Lively, 315 'Fail- ing bldg. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE Nearly 5 full lots, with Jo feet track age on the O. R. & N.. with 5-room cot tage, only S30oo. It Is worth twice that. DUBOIS & r'ROCK ETT. Washington bldg.. Room ;(. EAST 20TH STREET. Modern 7-room house, beautiful lawn everything In fine shape; $.Vhu. term. RAND. READ & CO., 310 Board of Tjade. FINE new 5-room house and lot. 100x100, nice garden and flowers, 4 minutes to Reed Institute; leaving city; must sell at once; price $2300; terms. 720 Insley ave. ; take Sellwood car. LOO K! " " 55x100. two houses, corner of East Sth and Pine; owner .will be on the ground 2 to 4 Saturday and Sunday; price $S00u. terms. F 110. Oregonian. $2650 5-ROOM bungalow practically" new -lot 50x100. close to car; range, heater! dining table and linoleum go with the place; $12o0 .cash. Phone Main 2275 4'1 Hamiltonbldg. ' A BARGAIN, must have money; a modern nine-room home in Hawthorne Park with g58yithout 'urnlture; garage. Phone East A SN A X For sale, 7-room, modern house o . Tolman ave, Westmoreland. Call at 60 Tnlman ave.: terms. GOO BUILD Just the kind of home you like I make building loans on terms that "-Mi suit you. A. c. Furlong, contractor. 233 11th at. Main 3526. , ' 0 l-ROOM bungalow 12 I bungalow 12 minutes from business -. on Hawthorne line. 300 down, fa" 1; price $27;0; no commission paid Is price. AM 110. Oregonian. center, month on this price. a.m. 110. Oregonian. $10 A MONTH pays for a neat, cosy home on a 50x100 lot in Gregory Heights. Call at end of Rose City Park carllne. Gregory In vestment Co. 6NAP 3 full lots. 5-room house, fruit, shed trees, fine garden, etc., on East Gllsan; $2300 only, part cash. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg., room 3. REAL ESTATE. For Sale HOME DO TOU WANT A HOME? in one of the best restricted residence districts in the city. MUST SELL AT ONCK. THEREFORE, WILL MAKE THE EASIEST OF TERMS. SIX-HOuM. modern house, with re ception hall. pantry, large bath and toilet, extra large closets in each bed room, large linen closet in hallway, large front porch, storm porch In back with full cement basement under entire house wood lift and all other modern conven iences. LOT 100x100. with 25 assorted bearing fruit trees. 3 rows of black, logan and raspberries. 3 0o feet long; also goose berries, currants, grapes, etc; a good gar den of beans, onions, lettuce radishes, tomatoes and an abundance of fruit, all kinds of flowers in front yard. There is a living on this place and an ideal home. . Reason for selling, have to move on my fruit farm at once. Price only $50o0, on the easiest of terms. This is from owner and I will not pay any commission to any one for selling. CALL FOR MR. ELLIOTT. 414 MAR- Qt'AM BLIKr. HOMES Fine corner, lovely 8-room house, walk ing distance. 100x100. Il-room fine home, on promi nent avenue. 00x1 00, 0 rooms very fine home. West Side. 00x100, small house. West Side; a bar gain. ttOxlOO, Council Crest, beautiful modern home. looxioo, nice new home. 9 rooms. Houses everywhere, at all prices; good terms. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bl d g. $230 DOWN. A modern, brand new, 5-room bungalow, streets graded, cement walks, sewer. Bull Run water, gas. electricity, large veranda, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full rasement and attic; 2frfe blocks from carline and one block from a good busi ness center; price $2030, $250 cash, balance easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 6084; A 3327. FOR SALE. Suitable for a doctor or business man, the most beautiful suburban modern resi dence in Oregon, on car line with fine trout stream through place; 9-room, up-to-date house, best of furniture, new, large barn and other outhouses; plenty of fruit trees; 30 minutes by car; 20 minutes auto, best road in state. Phone and electricity. $1.500; $4000 below value; terms. Reason for selling, sickness. P 11S. OREGONIAN. ROSPMERB BUNGALOW, 93000; $350 CASH. You won't find a better bargain in this district if you see every house. It must be sold. We mean to sell this and you will agree when you see it that it Is worth $3.".O0 or more. NORTHWESTERN" COXST. CO., 902 Lewis Bldg. Phones A71H3, Marshall 646. IRVINGTON. $4700. Swell 7-room bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace, cement basement, woodlift, fine fixtures, Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings, paneled walls, nice lawn. Come in and let us show you this; $4700; terms. 308 Board of Trade. BUILDERS' REALTY COMPANY. House Where you want them Builds When you want them, To "suit you, On installments. To rent. One new 4 -room house, $1000; terms. Let us locate you. BUILDERS' REALTY COMPANY. 810 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. NEW IRVINGTON HOMH. Beautifully located on wide bltulithic St., surrounded by new handsome homes, near Irvington car: Just completed, contains 8 large rooms, sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, built-in bookcases and buffet, hard wood floors, perfect arrangements, beau tiful finishing, shades and illumination fix tures. Offered by owner leaving the city, $7250. AB 116. Oregon lan. FOR SALE By owner. Just completed six-room bungalow, full cement basement, corner lot, east front, latest improved toilet and bath fixtures; Dutch kitchen, beam celling, plate glass windows. Is a beauti ful home-; between two best car-lines in city. Must be sold this week. Cash or terms. East 34 and Main st. Owner at house. ELEGANT NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, strictly modern, best material, fine location, fin ished In fine shape ; fine lot with cement walks, alley, rose, apple, plum and cherry trees. Price $2500, little cash; will take good lot toward it. CONANT REALTY COMPANY, Room 5, 250 Vz Alder. TWO-story square 6-room modern house. Fine lot. Imp. street; near Union ave. $2t00. half cash. y - room modern house. Walnut Park dis trict ; imp. street ; full lot ; bargain at $4000. . HOMES EEKERS LAND CO., 132 X. 6th St. IRVINGTON HOME. Owner is leaving the city and must sell this week, beautiful 7-room, new. mod ern Irvington home. $500 less than any thing in the district. Good terms. In quire. 619 Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th street. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A beautiful lot and nice 8-room house, 2 fireplaces, polished floors, fine lawn, ex cellent view that cannot be shut off; price $8000. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg;. IRVINGTON. A CHANCE TO MAKE EASY MONEY. Well-built modern home, seven large rooms, a beautiful corner 50x100, conven ient to two carlines. Call 506 East 18th, N'.. and be convinced. 6-ROOM bungalow, new, modern, corner lot. Will sell at cost this week. $2650; terms; or will build a house to suit on tine lot, big trees, $50 0 down, $20 month. See owner, Hans Therkelsen, corner 26th and Francis. MUST SELC Close-in home, near the corner of East 7th and Everett sts.; good 7-room house; very cheap at J4000 ; terms. GUDDARD & WIEDKICK, 243 Stark St. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2500 TERMS. 8-room bungalow, bath, toilet, cement basement, electric fixtures, high-class ma terial and workmanship. 308 Board of Trade. 7-ROOM P. ARTISTIC MT. TABOR HOME with all modern conveniences Including stable, and over two lots; grounds and street Improved. Price $5000; can make good terms. Owner, 24 East 63d st- Phone Tabor 286. $2050 A STRICTLY MODERN bungalow at 344 Greenwood avenue; $500 caah will handle. This is a bargain and will rent welL GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 722 Electric Bldg. DON'T WASTE TIME. Tell me just what you want In a home, location, style, etc I'll get you what you want at the price you wish to pa v. L. Walters, 201 Lumbermen's Bldg. PIEDMONT SNAP. $3000 TERMS, tt-room bungalow, hardwood floors, lawn, rores. fruit trees; modern through out IRVINGTON. $500 down. $25 per month, will build von a fine home on one of my beautiful Irvington lots. See me before you buy. McKenzie. fill) Board of Trade. $2"iO0 Modern 5-room bungalow 50x100 lot. IW7 Mississippi ave.; 20 minutes' ride on lower Albina car. Must be taken at once at this price; terms. Call mornings. K. H. Lonsdale. SACRIFICE SALE to raise funds; seven room residence, two lots, chicken house, fruit and shade trees ; one block Sunny side carline. Only $3000; one-third cash. Ensy payments. Owner. O 116. Oregonian. $52 3 FURNISHED READY FOR HOUSE KEEPING Neat, well built 2-room house; unfinished Inside, large lot $100 cash. Fred W. German. Main or A 2776. FINE 4-ROOM HOUSE and 50x100 lot. full basement; $800;. $500 cash; any terms on balance. Take Fulton car to Nebraska, walk 2 blocks west. Mrs. R. Kelly. NEW, modern, artistic. 7-room house, close in; East Side, exclusive district, two car lines. Will bear closest investigation. Owner. AE 117. Oregonian. IRVINGTON Selling for cost; elegant home on corner: beautiful Interior finish. Will matte kudu ma. f-'. vrcgonian. FOR SALE or trade for Portland lot in Moore's University Park Seattle. Address 83S Halsy st. property; Addition, LEAVING city, will sell my 7-room house in Sunnvside at sacrifice. Owner 247 6th street. Phone Main 7491, A 4492. $8000 THREE modern cottages, close In Income grto month 4S7 East Couch. $10O CASH; $25 monthly, beautiful bungalow $2700. 51st, near Hawthorne, Dr. Darling. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honsee. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME i Below are a few in the U 1st we have that are in splendid residence sections; $2750 5 rooms, bungalow style, full base ment, block to car, all modern, new ; easy terms. $28 0O 5 rooms, fireplace, built-in cup boards, buffet, book cases, etc ; $300 cash. $3250 ANDERSON BUNGALOW 1 block to car: fireplace, shades, linoleum on bath and kitchen floors; all ready to move into. $3250 5-room bungalow, very desirable lo cation In Rose City Park; fireplace, furnace, shades, hardwood' noon; see this one. $3750 2 Anderson bungalows that must be seen to be appreciated ; none Just like these; easy terms. $4000 6 rooms, full cement basement, fireplace, hot water beat, perfectly modern: never been occupied and is worth the money. INVESTIGATE these. We have others. too. Have a look and we can arrange terms to suit- PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sta. BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON HOME. Located on one of the finest streets in Irvinton, street paved, cement walks, sewer, water, elec tricity, gas, large living and dining-room and reception hall. All hardwood floors; fine fireplace, built-in buffet, pass pantry, large kitchen, 3 large bedrooms with ex tra large clothes closets with win dow in e&ch. Fine sleeping porch. This is a beautiful borne, within the reach of all, $5750. $2650 cash, balance to assume mortgage. Ask for Mr. Guthrie, COLUMBIA TRUST COv 64 4th. Board of Trade. $2000. $2000. $2000. SUNNTSIDE! SUNN Y SIDE ! SUNNTSIDE! 6UNNYSIDE! SUNN Y SIDE ! .SUNNYSIDE! SUNN YSIDE ! SUNNYSIDE! SUNN Y SIDE! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! FIRST-CLASS 5-ROOM HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS 5-ROOM HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS 5-ROOM HOUSE. ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM CARS. ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM CARS. ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM CARS. Lot worth $1250 House worth 1500 Total $2750 SACRIFICED FOR $2000. J. O. ROUNTREE.' REAL ESTATE. 88 Third St., Up Stalra. NEW 6-ROOM HOME IN WESTMORELAND. Large reception-hall, large liv ing and dining-room, white enam eled Dutoh kitchen, 3 bedrooms, white enameled bathroom, cement walks in front and around house, stationary wash tubs In basement, lot 50x100. Good car service. A bargain ; must be sold. $3300, easy terms, $300 oash, "balance monthly. Ask; lor Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th, Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL COBBLE-9TONT3 BUNGALOW. 6 rooms on ma in floor, 2 bed rooms,, large storeroom and sleep ing porch upstairs. This was built for & home and is a beauty. It is located in Wiberg Heights, near carllne. Can be had on best of terms. Call for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th, Board of Trade. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into an income? If you own lot suitable for flat or store let us finance It for you. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., 802-3 Lewis Bldg. $3800 FINE little home on E. 81st and TERMS Gllsan; cement basement. fur nace, good plumbing, large at tic, corner lot 50x100 with room for another house to be built; $540 cash and monthly pay ments will take this; it's a bar gain. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sts. THIS IS A SNAP. But come and look anyway. $500. 6-room bungalow cottage. East 48th st., between Tillamook and Hancock; 6-room bungalow cottage, paneled dining-room, wood cor nice, all walls are tinted; wood work is finished in enamel and stain. For appoint ment or information phone Owner. Tabor B48. B 2ft71. LOVELY NEW HOME. Pretty 5-room bungalow on corner lot. three blocks fnom car, panel dining-room tiled walls and enameled woodwork In bathroom and kitchen. If you want & nice home see this. ONLY $3000; $500 cash, bal. easy terms. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 3 2 Lafayette bldg., Wrashln g to n and 6t h: ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. $5000 8-room bungalow, strictly modern and up-to-date, B. 40th, near Hancock. $1500 7-room bungaldw, a beauty. If you want a fine home with an excellent view, see this one. Terms. C.B. L UCAS .5 1 1 Corbett Bid g. KNOTT STREET. 100 feet from Union ave., lot 50x125, with small house renting for $10 per month? sewer and -water connections to front and rear of lot; fine apartment site; price is $3000. with terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Corner 50x100, handsome 8-room house nearly new. built for home, .up-to-date; sleeping porch ; surrounded by fine homes; walking distance; east facing; price $16, 000; good terms. - ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. 6- room modern home, completely and handsomely furnished; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; built one year ago. Price $6750; terms. $3000 cash. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club B 1 d g. SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER. ' 707 E. 10th st., near Rhone, new, 6 rooms, cement basement, fine condition, grand view. 1 block to Sell wood car. Six 103, lawn, garden, chicken park; am forced to sell. See it and make offer on your own terms. Owner. Main 8064. A MODERN HOME. 7- room. strictly first-class, with roses and beautiful lawn ; East 17th st., close in; price $1)600. with terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 24$ Stark St. $3750 On East Stark street, near Laurel hurst, opposite new City Park; large 6 room cottage, new and well-built; a fine little home and a good Investment. At H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. EAST SALMON. A splendid 10-room home in this nice dis trict for $4500, terms. RAND, READ A CO.. 816 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON. Lot 100x100, fine 10-room house, fine rosea and shrubs, all improvements In, terms. RAND, READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. CHOICE RESIDENCE. On 85th st.. East Side, well built, 6-room bungalow, near car: terms. RAND, READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. $3000 BUYS a lovely new 5-room bunga low, corner lot 100x100; bath, furnace, electric light, full basement, shrubbery; near Alberta carline. HIGLSY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. SNAP IN A HOME. $$600 for a fine lot 76xl., witn mod ern 7-room house worth $4500; be quick If you want it. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. ONE acre, all in cultivation, 7 miles out on Oregon City line, high and sightly, no buildings. I want a home about $1500. Owner 718 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house, electric lights, gas. base ment, 12 fine fruit trees; 2 blocks to Union ave.. $3100; $1500- cash., bal. $20 month. IT I G LEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST- HOUSE and 4 lots for sale cheap, on 84 West Alberta. For particulars inquire of Owner, 985 Albina ave., corner B lan den a L car. " $600 CASH, nice home. 6 rooms, Sunnyside; bal. $2500 at ea-y monthly payments. HTOLET & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $2500 5-ROOM modern house. full lot, Skldmore st.. Central Albina. $800 down. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $1500 CORNER. 4-room house. Albina, on Prescott St.; on carllne; part cash. HIGLEY A BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, NEW HOUSES. NEW BUNGALOWS. We have brand new houses and bunga lows In every section of the city, port land Heights, Willamette Heights. Irv ington, Piedmont. Sunnyside, etc.; for ex ample, in bungalows we can sell you for $12800. only $300 down and $15 per month and interest, an elegant 5 -room bungalow, with latest design of fireplace, beamed ceilings in living-room, full paneled dining-room, with plate rail, Dutch kitchen, bathroom, with all conveniences, bedroom on each side, each connected with bath, cement basement, laundry trays, cement walks to street, cement sidewalk paid, macadamized street paid, sewer tax of $30 paid, f u 11 floored attic, corner lot, etc ; what more can you askf We have cheaper bungalows and higher prices, and new houses. Just finished, ranging in price from $3100 to $20,000. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 209 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1048. PALATIAL HOME. From any part of the city turn your eyes to the high ridge north of IRVING TON and you can see one of Portland's very finest homes. This home is situated on a beautiful rounding corner of ap proximately 150 FOOT FRONTAGE with an absolutely UNOBSTRUCTABLE VIEW, which cannot be excelled in the city. Is 100 feet from the ALAMEDA BOULE VARD and 200 FEET from the BROAD WAY CARLINE. The ground plan of the house is 51x34 with a 10-foot porch be yond ; contains 11 ROOMS, besides two bathrooms, halls, etc. Rooms all hand decorated; EVERY MODERN IMPROVE MENT. If interested In a fine home you should see this without delay. PRICE LOW; TERMS EASY. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St. $1500 5-ROOM cottage and two lots, fruit, berries, roses. 2 blocks car. $2100 A dandy new plastered 5-room bungalow, cement basement, electricity, porcelain bath, patent toilet, lavatory, fireplace and two lots, 2H blocks Mount Scott car. $2150 5-room modern house, electrio lights. 2 full lots, all fenced and improved, flowers, fruit. 5 mln. walk to school, 2 blocks car; $350 cash. $325 A fine corner lot, 1 block south Woodstock ave. ; $4 down, balance $5 a month. $1000 84 acres, all under cultivation, 4 blocks Salem Electric car; $300 cash. OTTERBROOK REALTY CO., 416 Chamber of Commerce. - A SELECT, well-arranged and appointed home ; this home, location, car service, price and terms will appeal to any one that Is really In the market for a home; modern in all respects, has 8 rooms, four bedrooms on second floor and sleeping; porch, in best residence district of the city; all Improvements; price $6500. $2000 rash, balance 4 years at 6 per fcent; lot 50x100; come and let us show you. Mr. Guthrie or Bailey. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., - Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $300 CASH REQUIRED. A new, cosy little house, ready to move into, fine corner, 85x95 feet, city water, nice lawn, lots of flowers, berries, fine garden,, chicken-house and run. near school, churches, stores and trolley. 5 cent fare, 20 minutes' ride ; price only $1350; terms, $300 cash, balance $15 monthly. If you are looking for a cosy little home you cannot beat this for the money Take Mt. Scott car to Archer Place, see J. C. Mltcheltree at station. OWNER WANTS CASH. Just completed and unable to live in. will sell at sacrifice the prettiest and ewellest little 5-rocm bungalow, close to 15 minutes ride carline; finUh IIk furni ture; big fireplace, swell fixtures, finest bath and toilet. Dutch enameled kitchen, .double floors, oatiered and lined; solid ce ment basement, laundry. phone East or B 1894 for particulars. ONLY $700 CASH. Newi 5-room, modern house, with fire place, paneled dining-room, linen closet, full basement, modern throughout, all large rooms; lot 40x100 feet with nice lawn: one block from carline; this is a bargain at $2700, $700 cash, balance $20 per month. NORTON A WALSH 2864 WTashlngton. Rooms 402-403. RIVER. RIVER. RIVER. Do you want a home on the river? I have one acre on the Oswego line, 20 min. out, fronting right on the river, with a fine new bungalow, all city conveniences, large fireplace, broad porch, station right at the grounds; good, car service; u you will buy this week I will save you some money. ' J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. WEST SIDE HOUSE. ' Let us show you one of the best-built, best-planned, most artistically finished 6 room bungalows to be found; it is new, built by owner for his home and leaving city la cause of sale; one block from car and the price only covers cost, on very easy terms. NORTON A WALSH, 286T4 Washington St.. Rooms 402-403. OWNER WANTS CASH. Just completed and unable to live In ; will sell at sacrifice the prettiest and swellest little 5-room bungalow, close to 15 minutes' ride carline; finish like furni ture, -big fireplace, swell fixtures, finest bath and toilet, Dutch enameled kitchen, double floors, papered and lined; solid cement basement, laundry. Phone East or B 1894 for particulars. CLOSE IN. Best buy on the Eas tSlde, one grand house on it; room for finest apartments, adjoining quarter blocks cannot be bought for less than $20,000. This 14 with fine home; only $14,000; this is a snap for the Investment buyer. HEILMAN A LATHROP, 516 Abington bldg. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner; new 9-room house; fire places, hot water heat, hardwood floors, up to date in every particular; unequaled per manent view of city and mountains; walk ing distance; $12,500; easy terms. V lJiO, Oregonien. TO GO FARMING, will sell city home ctMap and gl ve 5-passenger automobile free ; 6 cozy rooms, bathroom, bath, sink, hot and cold water, 2 choice lota 100x100. bearing fruit trees, berries, garden, lawn, block of streetcar, not far out. To quick buyer, $2050, $1650 down; big discount for all cash or without auto. Portland Homes Co., 204 . Morrison st. HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME. $500. 6 rooms, sewing-room, closet in each room, full basement, set tubs, wood lift and furnace; lot 70x100, east front; price $3350. $500 cash, balance $20 month. Deshon A Hawk. 407 Lumbermens bldg , comer Sth and Stark st. Main 2Q1S. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. 50x100. 6th and Broadway; rental $77 per month: consists of a store and two residences. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry" Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 6084; A 3327. SPLENDID BARGAIN Good 6-room, mod ern, convenient house; pantry, '2 porches, 8 closets, good basement; lot 43x137. set to trees, fruit, roses, garden. Inquire of owner, 1143 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2277, : ONLY $750 DOWN. Nearly new 6-room modern house, 170 Bast 88th st.. 100 feet from Belmont ; price $2750; good terms. FRED C. KING, K06 Commercial big.,' 2d and Wash. Sts. BROADWAY ST. $4000 An 8-room house, modern and in good condition; furniture consisting of a good piano, chairs, rugs, etc. ; $250O cash; lot 40x60, Wheeler st., between Broadway and Cherry. $3000 7-room modern house, near Haw thorne ave. ; $6O0 cash, balance on easy terms; owner needs the money and is mak ing a bedrock price. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor- bett bldg. Business Property. $350 GIVES possession of nice snug beach Summer resort hotel; fully furnished, equipped and running. Will lease or sell at bedrock figures If taken at once. See Oregonian editorial July 2; railroad survey between Sileta Bay and Yaquina Bay, with comments thereon, and get busy before the raise. Particulars or Interview letter first. Capt. Wakefield. care Drexel Hotel. 2d and Yamhill, city. BUSINESS BLOCK You can own a corner lot in close in business district, now paying 8 net, for $3000. Better than any mortgage, because you get the rent monthly in ad vance. Rents .will Increase anually and values rapidly advancing. An exceptionally safe investment for man or woman. If in terested, see us. Portland Homes Co., 204 . , Morrison st. APARTMENT-HOUSE sites, north of south. inside lots or corners. If you are look - Ing for this class 'of property, see us. BAIRD A BROWN. 313 Henry Bldg. FOR apartment-houses, apartment-house sites and leases, see B AIRD A BROWN, 313 Henry Bldg. BY OWNER, best comer business block in vi cinity; income from rents $960 per year. Price $8500. AN 110. Oregonian. 50x100 LOT , with building; rented for $50 month; long lease; $6000; no agents. AJ 1 24, Oregonian. APARTMENT SITE, 100x100, corner, qLose in, East Side,, $12,500; terms. 829 C o C REAL ESTATE. Business Property. 13TH AND EVERETT. 100x100, choice wholesale property, close to Washington st. This is the best avail able wholesale property on the market.. If Interested don't fail to look this up. -Call 410 Failing bldg. Acreage. BEAUTIFUL HOME MUST BE SOLD. 30 acres of the very best of loam soil, only 3 miles from the ferry landing out of Vancouver, 20 acres under fine state of cultivation; the balance very easy to clear., A new 8-room bungalow not quite fin ished. A new barn all finished, and a dandy. The house and barn have cost over $3300. and a very small amount will finish same complete. The land lies on a gentle slope from Vancouver Lake to the natural grade on which the house stands and commands the most beautiful view of the surrounding country that could be pictured by the most skeptical artiBt. You can look down upon the grand old Co lumbia River only a short distance away;, on to the longest bridge in the world ; see Portland in all its glory with the naked eye and incidentally the beautiful . most beautiful City of Vancouver, Wash ington. U. S. A. For either an investment or a home this cannot be duplicated on the Pacific Coast in price or location, and all we ask of anyone is to let us show it to you and you will be easily convinced that what we "say Is absolutely so. In order that this place may be sold In the next lo days the owner has con sented to a reduction of $1000 from the price heretofore asked. The price now asked is $9500; $6000 cash down, bal. 6 per cent. Call or phone to STEWARD A THOMPSON, Lobby Hotel St. 'Elmo. Vancouver, Wash. ' Phone Main 933. GARDEN LAND. One mile from the electric station, on a good road, with telephone and rural delivery already established, with soil that is deep and black, without an inert of waste and without a rock, wo offer for your consideration either five or ten acres, all under cultivation." This is In a sec tion that is noted for its wealth as a farming community, and is ideal for fruit or garden produce, with Portland but 14 miles distant. Here you have every thing, soil, market and transportation. Price $250 per acre, on easy terms and with good discount for cash. CHAPIN A HERLOW, B 332 Chamber of Commerce. m ACREAGE FOR SMALL INVESTORS. Tracts from 5 to 10O acres or more, with in few blocks of graded school, post office, general stores and depot, main line of S. P., close to Portland, in cul tivation or part timber, as you wish; with in sight of two other towns, with banks, hotels, etc.; $10O to $150 per acre, terma This land will double in value in leas than two years and has possibility of a greater increase. E. EX. Fulton, Journal composing room. 40 ACRES, all In high state of cultivation, 6 miles from 2d and Washington streets, on the Sandy road; good house and barn; it is now used for truck gardening for which puipese it is ideally located; have been offered $100 per month rent; this is an absolute bargain at $400 per acre; will consider partial trade, but must have some cash. DABNEY A DABNEY, 412 Commercial Blk., Second and Washington. A GOOD LIVING from the start! What do you th Ink of th is ? Quarter section land in "Estacada Fruit Belt." On river and county road close to railroad, school, stores and town. 4-room house. Plenty water. Family orchard, 5 years old. 10 acres In cultivation ; 18 acres slashed; balance timber. Price $2000, cash, balance easy terms. Call Monday or later. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 525-527 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 2248 Phones A 1274 30 ACRES, CLOSE IN. Positively the best buy In suburban acre age on the market. All cleared and in culti vation. No gravel. Ideal fruit land. Close to car. 35 minutes to West Side. Price only $450 per acre, terms. Will divide to suit purchaser. Call and see photo. This land easily worth $ti00 per acre. FRICK-DODDS COMPANY, 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak sts. HERE IS A SNAP 280 acres in Coos county; excellent fruit and farm land, five miles from town and railroad ; easily cleared. One and one-quarter million tim ber. Small orchard, good county roid. Only $12.50 per acre. H 115. Oregonian. 20 A ORES S40 PER ACRE. $1 per acre down, balance easy monthly payments; choice fruit land: mile from railway station; 30 miles from f'oruana. ACME REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., 830 Chamber Commerce. 7 ACRES with a 5-room house and barn, 1 acre in potatoes, 4 acre strawberries, all f iced, on a good county road, 14 miles from 1 rtland, 1 mile from Oregon Electric, $140O, with terms. Valley Realty Co., 41 N. 0th ACREAGE FOR SALE. 8 miles from Portland, on Oregon Elec tric. 1, 2, 3-acre tracts. Call early; Just a few left. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth Street. C8H ACRES choice, level cleared land; run ning water, on Oregon Electric R. R-, be tween Portland and Hillsboro; $200 per acre; carline runs through the place; $30v0 will handle this. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Fall ing bl.lg. SO ACRES fine land adjoining Redmond, tho proposed county seat of new county, and terminus of Deschutes Road: will be second Yakima; fine platting proposition; you can double your money in short time. See or . wtite Eiinger fc Taliaferro, ttenmnna. ur. LESS than $5 per acre, SOc down, 11 sections A-l farm lands in body close to Fort George and Grand Trunk Pacific R. R. Am over loaded. If interested, address room 511, Oregon H o tel . FOR SALE, by'owner, 10 acres, sound, rich, black soil, all perfectly level; all cleared and In high state of cultivation, near car line and in good access to market. Will sell cheap and long time. W 11U, Oregon ian. A SNAP for $800; 5 acres. 22 miles from Portland, on a county road, 40 rods from station on electric railway. For particu lars inquire 186 Clackamas St., or phone - C 1572 MEXICAN agricultural lands in healthy dis trict, crops and fruit all year, small and large acreage tracts. Easy payments. For further information. Address AN 124, Oregonian. SMALL tracts, unimproved, good soil, no rock, living water, near railroad station; 35 minutes out. Very cheap, easy terms. Investigate before buying elsewhere. Palm er. 507 Couch Bldg.. 10'J 4th street. T ACRES; deep rich soil, no -nocks, in culti vation; close to county road and but half mile from electric railway, ten miles from Portland; $1700; easy terms. AE 123, Oregonian. 5 ACRE? on Kelly ave.. cloe to Reed In stitute; ground high and sightly; $10,5i.0, terms; this is an A-l buy. See attorney, 410 Falling bldg. FIVE beautiful acres rich, black soil, grand view, no gravel; only 10 blocks Mt. Scott car; price $600 per acre. HTOLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 10-ACRE TRACTS Irrigated land. $400; $10 down, $10 a month, no Interest, no taxes. AH 10S, Oregonian. 1 ACRES with modern 6-room cottage, in Voodlawn, for $6X-0, on terms to suit; will sell one acre for $2500; fruit of all kinds. Call 410 Failing bldg. $375 PER ACRE 10 acres on Section Line Road, 8 miles out;- small house; 3 acres cleared. This Is a nice home. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 2y ACRES, Just out of the city limits and close to electric line, good neighbors; $200 cash and $30 per month. Purse, 818 Chamber of .Commerce. Main 7300. 60 ACRES. Just outside city limits, near Linn ton road and 5c fare; this will sub divide at big profit; only $700 per acre. THOS. M'CUSKER. 329 Lumbermens Bid g. ELECTRIC car passes this acreage: 1 mile river; 1 mile steam line; 5 acres for $!00. $100 cash, $15 monthly. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg FIVE acres near Oregon Electric carllnb. IVz miles of Courthouse, all cleared, level, $250 cash, balance monthly payments. Sm i t h-Wagoner Co.. 3 11-3 12 Lewis b ldg. . 6-ACRE farm on the Willamette can be had for a very small sum on easy terms. Fine bottom land for cherries, berries, etc. M. E. - Lee. 411 Corbett bid g. 1200 ACRES fine stump land near Columbia; land level, first-class soil ; a bargain buy. Goldachmidt's Agency. 253 Vt Washington, room 5. i FOR choice lots in Laurelhurst. phone, write or call at the office. Marshall 1858 or A 5345. H. H. Urdahl, 503 Lumber- mensbldg. 5 ACRES, close to Oregon City carline. 6- room house, $zdo, icmt casn. liowen, 425 5500 Ten acres, level, elegant soli, 2 acres cleared, near electric and railway. Terms. 22j Failing bldg. , 3 ACRES beautiful corner, joining Milwaukie; set to walnuts; no buildings; trms. A 111, Oregonian. ONE acre in the city. $1700 cash; worth $aO0O. Who gets this? AF 117. Oregon lan. WANTED A buyer for a large tract of land in Willamette Valley, suitable for a colony or fruit. X 110. Oregonian. DO YOU want property at Garden Home ? If so buy direct from owner, 414 Jeffer son st. WELL, if you want that acre all in fruit at Mt. Tabor for $3200. you better see the owneratonceat S053dst. FIVE-EIGHTHS of an acre at Mt7 Tabor, all in fruit; a good Investment for $1200. Call 305 3d U REAL ESTATE. A crease. SMALL FARM. Only 14 miles from Portland on a fine county road, half-mile from electric rail way station, with schools and churches within short distance, R. F. D. and phone line by the place, we offer 4 Vs acres at J 2 25 per acre. This is in trie richest farming district of Oregon, fine blade soil .without a rock or an inch of waste land; 1 acres In cultivation and the bal ance easily cleared. This place can be bought on easy terms and will give a liberal discount for cash. Call for par ticulars. CHAPIN & HERLOW, B 332 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES, 17 miles east of Multnomah County Courthouse. $125 per acre; has beautiful view of Sandy River and moun tains ; no rock or gravel ; near school, churches and store, and on fine road, four miles east of Gresham and Troutdaie, near line of Mt. Hood Railway; nicely wooded, contains timber enough to clear the land; in the richest portion of Oregon;' ideal for small farms or Summer homes; adjoin ing lands improved, $250 4)1 er aore and up; will sell all or divide; some one can dou ble his money. Call or address M. W. . Hunt, owner, 707 Belmont St.. Portland. TEN ACRES. We offer for sale ten acres of land, every inch in cultivation, without a rock or a bit of waste land, one mile from elec tric railway station, with a new house that has never been occupied. 6 rooms, pantry and bathroom, downstairs, plas tered., upstairs can be made into 2 rooms. Woodshed and outhouses, bricked well; telephone and R. F. D. in neighborhood, which Is a well settled, prosperous farm ing community only 14 miles from Port land. Price $400) on easy terms; discount for cash. CHAPIN A HERLOW. B 832 Chamber of Commerce. " NEAR TIGARD STATION. 7 acres, near Tigard Station, 6 acres In cultivation, acre of timber for fuel, a good spring on place which will carry 2-Inch pipe of water to any part of place, land is a gentle slope ; 2 4 acres of oats, seeded to clover, 1' acres of early spuds. 2V4 acres of late spuds, small house and shed and henhouse and 1500 feet of chick en wire fence. For prk'e and terms, ap ply at COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 14 ACRE.S In Multnomah County, close to 5-cent carline ; on Foster road and adja cent to Johnson ' Creek;. $450 an acre for all or any part. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list.' HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 10 OR 20-ACRE SNAP. Section Line road, near Rockwood road. 4 miles from city limits; H under cultiva tion, balance easy to clear; 2 acres in strawberries, small house, and land that will grow anything; will cut up nicely Into one and two-acre tracts; one-third mile from electric car; price $300 per Acre, part cash ; will sell 10 or 2o acres. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Bard of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. IN order to make a quick sale of the 5 and 10-acre tracts of cleared land ad joining the new townsite of "SIFT0N," 11 miles from Portland, in the heart of. the fruit center of Clark County, we will give, absolutely free, to each purchaser of a tract, a full-size lot In the townsite; cars leave 2d and Stark sts. every 40 min utes, connecting with the electric cars at Vancouver, direct to the property ; $250 an acre. Murphy A Caswell, 230 Stark at. 10 ACRES Only fifteen minutes waik COUNCIL from Heights carline, fronts CREST on county road and is partly covered with trees; gentle southern slope; a real bar gain at $550 per acre. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark Ets. 1 Va ACRES 4 blocks from Courtney Sta., high state cultivation, some fruit; a snap at $130'J; $600 ca&h. 5 acres, near same station, partly river view, $4000; $1000 cash. CLOD5-J5LTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. rUHBAX HOME SPECIALISTS. 2, ACRES. Aad 4-room plastered bouse, on Foster Road eat Lents Junction. Price $1500, $5o0 casu. Thij is cheap. BRUBUvER & BENEDICT, 502 McKay bldg. 3d and Stark. Phone Main 540 PIERCE ARROW. Beven-passenxer car. fully equipped; car has been thoroughly overhauled, new tires, and is in first class condition ; will make terms; might take some real estate. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 410 Abington Bldg. 5 ACRES On O. R. A N. Ry.. near Barr road, also near right of way of Mount Hood Elec tric; fine soil, only $600 per acre; good terms. , RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND COMPANY, 418 Board of Trade Bldg. $500 PER ACRE, part cash; 15 acres all in highest state of cultivation, no gravel or rocks; r.n the Powell Valley Road, near Gates Crossing; land across tho street is selling for $0o0 per acre. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. TWO lots in Bay Ocean Park for sale cheap. Ten acres growing walnuts for sale cheap. MORGAN A ROBB. 612 Commercial Block. 21 ACRES, all level land and cleared; 6 miles from Courthouse, West fame; some apples and plums; house and out houses ; all fenced; near two carlines. Only $400 per acre; worth $tio0. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. WILL sell my equity in 2 acres on new United car line at bargain, if taken at once. Phone Marshall lti2, or call today apartment 103, Dammeier Hail, 414 11th street. ACREAGE SNAP. 7 acres close to r.ew Mt. Hood R. R., 4 miles to city limits, good soil, no gravel, only $300 per acre. Vanduyn & Walton, 515' Chamber of Commerce. 5 acres on OCEAN BEACH In Clatsop Coun tv. 1 mile south of Fort ritevenw; prire only $200 per acre, half cash; land lie nice for platting. A. O iiuraicK, n unamuer ot Commerce. 12 , ACRES on good carftne, with 6-room house, barn and chicken-houses; 5 fibres cleared, some fruit, growing garden; $2m.o; don't miss this. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Failing 20 ACRES CHOICE FRUIT LAND. $40 per acre : small payment c.ih. bal ance terms to suit; plenty of water. -no rock or gravel; some timber. See owner, Y 124, Oregonian. ACREAGE. 76 acres on carline close to city, par tially improved, running water, to ex change for city property. Vanduyn A Wal Ji2H' 515 Chamber of Commerce. 25 ACRES, all cleared, fruit land, 1 miles from R. R. station ; good spring on place, at only $00 per acre. HYLAND. JONES A CO.. ' 409 Gfrtlnger Bldg. ABOUT lh. acres, nearly all in cultivation, 7 miles out on Oregon City : high and f ino . view. I want a house not too far from car? not over. $1800. Owner, 718 Cham- ber of Commerce. TWO acres on county road, adjoining Go ing Street Addition, only $32oo; lots across street selling at $600 and up; If you are looking for a bargain, sec this. J. J. McCarthy. Abington bldg. . . RIVER FRONT ACREAGE. West Side, new house, modern plumb ing fireplace, beamed ceilings, electric lights, suburban service right by property. Owner, 718 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL acre, 300 yards south Myrtle Park, on Mt. Scott carllne: all in garden and berries. Sacrifice for cash. Call on or address Mrs. Alice Burleigh, Arleta, Oregon. WILL take city property as part payment on a splendid 100-acre Improved farm all In cultivation. n Salem Eleclric fine. Se F. J. Catterlin A Co., Room 2, Lumber men's Bldg. : Homeatetads, FOR SALE Homesteader's rights to timber claim.' 160 acres with six million feet of timber first growth timber fir rest cedar. Fine climate, good running water; Vi mile from railroad said river, shingle mill and logging camp near for employ ment; good hunting and fishing, eight other homesteaders in colony, five Eastern people. Address Sll Y. M. C. A., Portland HOMESTEADS IN OREGON. We have two relinquishments for home stead filings in the farming district of Oregon good lands and plenty of water, short distance from town and railway. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Room 517-518. Oregonian Bldg. CIRCUMSTANCES cause me to relinquish my homestead; 160 acres In Hood River Valley ; fine soil and timber, good cabin, springs, wagon road, and only 1 14 miles from ratlroad; $750, guaranteed filing. Ad dress box 32. Dee. Orn S.0O0.O00 RELINQUISHMENT, SO mile's from Portland, on railroad; good agricul tural land; $600. 2,500,000, 1V miles from town, $350, if taken quick. 733 Marquam bldg. Main 8314. BEST homesteads and timber claims in southern Oregon. Sure you've heard of Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. Ad dress 312 'I street. Gran is Pass. Oregon. WB have 4 good homesteads, 2 timber and 2 agricultural. HYLAND. JONES A CO., 1 40& Gerlinger Bldg. HOMESTEAD, nearly level land, on stao road, cabin and well, eaeily cleared. AB 111, Orc ganian. GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS. Free information. Hatch, 402 Commer cial blocH' REAL ESTATE. Home t e tad. TWO relinquishments, joining, all fenced i wires, good buildings, P. O. and- town 2 miles, school 1 V miles, on county road, stock, crops and household goods. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government laud open to home stead in each county ; map atLached. -lx 28. showing new R. R. and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors ; drawn to March 1. 1910; latest map in U. S. ; price 25c Nim- mo & Rune y, 313 Ha milton bldg. HOMESTEADS AND DHSEKT CLAIMS. WANTED Single ladies to take home steads and either married or single ladies) to take desert land in the Deschutes Val ley or Central Oregon. Have party of ladies leaving Tutsdav'. The trip from, Shaniko to Laidlaw will be made by auto mobile. If you want a good claim, this is your opportunity. "ali Monday. Dps chutes Valley Land" & Investment Co.. oOl :t2 Buchanan bldg.. on Wash., near .th st. 320-ACRE homestead relinquishment, flna house, barn, 6 horses. Implements. 30 acres, hay crop, household goods and other im provements; fine land and water; 13 miles from prospective railroad and present mail route; $3u0u or $2.VH cash, balance clear city lot; no agents need answer; ill-health. T 121. Oregonian. For Sale -Fruit I.nnd. ESTACADA FRUIT LAND. If you have never seen this beautiful section it will pay you to look it up at once. You will find here all the necessary requirements for an ideal fruit district, 0 and also the advantages of a well-settled, communits, with splendid transportation facilities, and a thoroughly organized fruit growers union of competent business men. We have some splendid bargains in this vicinity, where land Is advancing rapidly In. value. If you are looking for a coun try home or an investment, now Is the time to investigate. We have a variety of 10 and 20-acre tracts, partly cleared and set to trees, on good roads, and in a settled community, and not over 4 mlies from Estacada, Prices from $75 o $00 per acre, on easy terms. 40 acres, 15 under cultivation. 4 acres in 2 -year-old trees, balance of land In fir timber and brush, running water, 4-room. house, on main road and only 3 miles from Estacada. Price only $5200; half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 40 acres, all cleared and under cultiva tion, with the exception of a few trees and stumps, good 5-room house and barn, 2 acres In family orchard and small fruits. 2 wells, telephone, R. F. D., good roads, close to school and store, beautiful view of mountains, fine neighborhood and only 34 miles from Estacada. Price $6000; half cash, balance 5 years at 7 per cent. 80 acres, all under cultivation, family orchard, running water, fine new 8-room house and good barn, all fenced, no waste land, good soil for fruit, 1 acre of tim ber for fuel lnc hided in price ; on rock road, close to store, school and church, beautiful view, splendid neighborhood, tel ephone. R. F. D., and only 3 Ms miles from town, fair team and farm wagon. Price $12,800; -$5000 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. Thin is a snap and one of the best-located ranches in the district, and the price quoted is for a short time only. This Is only a few of many good propo- , sitioiiS, which we have in this district.' It will pay you to see us before you de cide to purchase elsewhere. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 322 Chamber of Commerce. M. FINEST ORCHARD tracts, partly planted to selected fruit trees, on carline. near Sa lem. Or. For a SHORT TIME offer at $130 PER ACRE. This Is about half price. You can save money buying. One-fourth cash, balance easy payments. BEST FRUIT LAND on the market, most all In cultivation. We guarantee satisfaction In every way. Property lies Just right, on gently sloping foothills; old bearing orchard adjoining, which will be fhowa, APPLES. PEARS, CHERRIES. PEACH ES. WALNUTS, GRAPES and BERRIES of all kinds. Don't overelook this, but see us at office, a 10 Corbett bldg., Port land. Or. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 240 acres, loo acres best varieties in orchard, so acres bearing (fine crop. T0 acres ready to plant, balance easily cleared, fine stream of water that as sures plenty of water for in-1 gat ion (an important conslderat Ion in all fruit dis tricts and all other purposes ; soil deep and rich, above the frost belt; location the best, good Improvements, will give good terms; will take part Portland prop erty in trade; photos at office. This is a rare bargain-, will be sold with or with out the crop; for terms, price call at office. ZIMMERMAN, 021 Board of Trade Bldg. ANY OF THESE GOOD FOR FRUIT. 1 AO acres. 3 miles Dallas. 30 in culti vation, pasture. 45 timber, new 6-room house, barn, family orchard: $33 per acre; $1000 cash ; house cost $loo0. 45 acres, y level. 8 In cultivation, good house, barn. etc.; good soil. bal ance seeded to grass, 3 miles to Airlie, $1750; cash. 10 ACRES WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT Cleared, in grain, spring, school, store, boatlandlng, 1 Mj miles electric road, $1850; $850 cash, balance $100 per year 6 per cent. T. A. RIGGS REALTY COMPANY, Room 225 Fliedner Bldg. Marshall 1345. A POSITIVE B A K O A I N. 10 acres only 10 miles from Portland, on Salem Electric, all In cultivation and well improved with 8-room house, barn and numerous outbuildings, good orchard in hearing, plenty of small fruit, 12 full bearing English walnut trees, fine land with absolutely no waste, nice, sightly place; price $5500; $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. NORTON A WALSH. ?sV Washington St., Rooms 402-4O3. SACRIFICE OFFER. 160 acres, 6 miles from Mosier, on splen did county road; 40 acres in standard ap ple orchard; one year old; about 40 acres ready for Fall planting, balance easv cleared ; only small per cent waste ; a great platting proposition; price $75 per acre, $7o0o cash, or will take $4500 in Portland property and $3000 cash; tood terms on balance. 11. F. BOTHFUR. 415 Henry Bldg. L N 4 Q CA L L E D OPPORTUNITY. 10 acres, all in commercial ;rchftrd. 2 years old; trees in perfect condition; nt R. R. station, near school and church; grand scenery. For quirk sale, $53O0; ONLY $loOO CASH. Balance 6 years, 6 per cent. This is a BARGAIN as an investment a well as for a home. Must sell at once. AH ll'l. oregonian. 52U-ACRE BARGAIN. 100 acres bearing rruit, 2o0 acres fruit land, 2 JO acres farm and pasture, house, barns, 00 head cattle, 8 work horses, har ness, wagons, plows, mowers, rakes, har rows, a supply of emaller farm tools; all this for $:-t0,O00. part cash, balance terms; A bargain. Penn Investment Co., 014 Buchanan bldg. Phone Marshall 210. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER HOME, 14 AC RES 3 acres in full-bearing commer cial orchard; balance younger trees; 3 acres strawberries; new 5-room bungalow, with spring water piped into it; magnifi cent view; near store and school. Bitr in come this year. Owner about to retire. $5000 cash; easy terms. AH 117, Ore gonian. WILL sell W0 acres of best fruit lasd in Western Oregon. mrveyed, plotted and ready for market; partly under cultivation; 1 mile from S. P- Railroad and good town. 200 can be made on this investment if taken at once. PHONE MARSHALL 1625, Sit Electric Building. 80 ACRES, all in cultivation; good orchard and berry land; within city limits of Rid dle. Or., in famous L'mpqua Valley and on the S. P. railroad; fine platting prop osition; city water; $17. per acre on very easy terms; will sell part or all. Clarence K. Vest. Riddle. Or. 20-acre tract apple land, near White Salm on. Wash. ; 5 acres in commercial ap pls. 1 to 3 years old; red shot soil; hoxise, tarn, stream and well, on main road, near church and school ; price $3000. J. B- Clark. White Salmon, Wash. MOSIER FRUIT LAND. 40 acres good fruit land, part cleared, 3 miles1 fpm Mosier. on main road to Trie Dalles; $3"0tt; would take 3-paswenger auto in part payment. Owner, F. A. Markiey, Reed vl He. Or. WE have some attractive bargains in fruit lands in the famous Mosier and East Hood River district, both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lanes It will pay you to pee McCargar, Bales & Liveiy, 315 Falling bids. 600 ACRES of the finest fruit land In Ore gon, all ready to plant; will sell in whole or any number of acres a purchaser wants, and on easy terms. For particulars call or write Alex Shives. 517 Hoard of Trade, Portland. Or. INVESTMENT COLONIZATION Rogue River Valley. Oregon, Peardale tract, 175 acres best pear land in the world. $0.00o. half cash; pears or profit, home and income for 25 families, money-maker. Full p a r t i c ulars. H H. B asler. Gr ants p a ss. Or. 10-ACRE orchard tracts-, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; besn soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms) ; arrange with us to go and make selection; round jtrip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. FOR choice lots in LaurelhursL phone, write or call at the office. Marshall IS.". or A H. H. Urdahl, SfjJ Lumber mns bldg. 5-ACREt farm on the Willamette, can be had iur a very sma;i sum on easy terms. Fine 1 bottom land for cherries, berrUe, etc. M K ,Lee,4 11 Corbett Jbldg. FRUIT LAND FRUIT LAND. 20 acres, near Corvallis; will take $500. 406 the Dekum. J.