The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 03, 1910, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 58

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Aeronautics Now Especial Thought of Prominent Men, Whose Love for Something Novel and Exciting Leads
One American-Born Officer to Become British Subject Brewer Adolphus Busch Is Public-Spirited Citizen.
flEW YORK. July 1. (Special.)
l3 Count Jacques de Lesseps, who
recently won fame by flying: In
a. Blerlot monoplane across the Eng
illsh channel, arrived here recently on
'the Hamburg-American -liner Deutsch
'land. He Is to take part In the avia
tion weelc at Montreal under the au
spices of the Aeronautic Association
of Canada.. Accompanying the aviator
were his brother. Count Bertrand de
Lesseps. and his sister. Countess de la
Begattiere. The latter has never made
a. flight with her brother, -but said
that he had promised she should be the
first to accompany him when he ob-
ptains the two-seated Farman machine
which he has ordered. The Count will
have two machines to use. One ar-
rived here a few days ago and the
fother is on the way.
. Captain F. S. Cody, who is employed
y the British war department to
Iteach its young- officers aeronautics.
Jell from a height of 100 feet while
making- a flight at Aldershot and was
jjravely injured. His aeroplane was
caught in a gust of wind and, becom
ing unmanageable, plunged to the
Srround. Cody was pinned beneath the
.wreckage of his machine and rendered
Insensible. He is an American by
birth, but last Fall he took out natur
alization papers and became a British
Adolphus Busch is at the head of a
fclg brewery firm in St. Louis with a
reputation known to the entire world.
Mr. Busch is one of the wealthiest men
in the "West, and one of the most public-spirited.
He is liberal in his con
tributions to all public enterprises and
because of his liberality and his wealth
lie is known among his personal friends
tn St. Louis as "Prince Busch." Mr.
Busch has been in bad health for some
i years and has spent much of his time
jat his beautiful home In Los Angeles
and his castle on the Rhine.
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William H. Moody, Associate Justice
of the United States Supreme Court,
:lias signified a willingness to retire.
He fears the impairment of his health
.from rheumatism will become perma
nent and is influenced by a desire to
ee a full court consider the-many im
portant matters that will come up for
determination at the October term.
These Include the Standard Oil and to
bacco trust cases and the corporation
tax. Mr. Moody will be 57 years old on
S f - -
l , I: I
- 1 '
December 23. of this year. He has
served as Secretary of the Navy and as
Attorney-General of the United tSates.
He has been on the Supreme Court
bench since December 17, 1906.
Victor Murdock, of Kansas, is one of
the leading insurgent in the House
of Representatives. He was born in
Burlingame. Kan., on March 18, 1871.
He moved to the then frontier town of
Wichita early In 1872, and was educat
ed in the common schools and in Lewis
Academy, Wichita. He began the print
er's trade during vacations at the age
of 10 and became a newspaper reporter
at 15. He is now managing editor of the
Wichita Daily Eagle.
Louis Waller Is the most remarkable
matinee idol . in the theatrical world'.
His portrait sells in the London shops
much better than that of any woman
on the stage and his admirers have or
ganized a club in his honor. It is known
as the K.. O. W., its full title being
"The Keen on Waller Club." To be
"keen on" anything in English slang
is to admire it greatly. The- K. O. W.'s
buy seats together for all of the actor's
first performances and even make ex
cursions into the provinces to see him
act. Waller is now appearing in "The
Rivals." He has made arrangements to
come to America for there or four
months this Autumn.
Sermons on "How to Be Happy Though Married" Are Talk of Los Angeles-Don 0. McGarvin, Dead Politician,
Mourned as Man With All Characteristic American Traits.
LOS ANGELES, July 2. (Special.)
What Portland lost, Los Angeles
gained in the change of base
f operations of Rev.' J. .'Whitcomb
Brougher, and, as a churchman of an
other denomination said recently, "if
they can develop men like Brougher in
Portland, we want to go up there for
our candidates."
But It is hardly fair to speak of Dr.
Brougher and denomination in the same
sentence. Dr. Brougher is so much
bigger than any denomination, that he
Is part of the city. He has found a
niche in Los Angeles already and fills
It to a nicety, although the niche keeps
growing constantly. He has been
called upon to serve on various civic
boards, is a member and prominent
speaker at the City Club (an organiza
tion of business men), is called upon
for baccalaureate sermons at schools
and colleges in fact no movement that
embraces concentrated civio action is
complete without hira.
His church, the Auditorium, the largest
in the city, is packed morning and night
on Sunday, and a recent series on "How
to Be Happy Though Married" has
proved the most popular series ever de
livered In Los Angeles. Thls was a
Sunday night series and hundreds were
turned away each Sunday night because
there was absolutely no more room. In
the big auditorium. It isn't often these
days that any preachers' sermons are
talked .bout half an hour after they are
delivered, but Dr. Brougher'a have liter
ally been the "talk of the town." They
Jiave been discussed at clubs and in busi
ness houses, at dinners and in offices it
Is Indisputable that he has hit the peo
ple's heart in an unusual manner.
Don C. McGarvin died last week and his
death marked the end of an American.
He was all the term implies in an Ideal
ized sense. In a tribute to him it was
said: "He had every American charac
teristic. He looked American; he thought
as an American. He had the true Ameri
can's faculty of doing, intense, accurate,
tremendous work in an easy, careless
way. He had an American way of being
shrewd and keen without being sharp or
hard. He had the American's way of
meeting his most stunning successes and
his1 hardest bumps with, the same whim
sical, humorous philosophy. He could
have received the news that he had been
made a king or pauper ' without letting
his cigar go out. He was a good loser,
but he yas also what is much finer and
much rarer, a good winner, because a
generous, modest one. . This picture of
a true American type would have been
marred if McGarvin had not been a poli
tician. McGarvin played politics unsel
fishly. With him it was a kind of "ag
grandized sport."
Five years ago McGarvin was made
chairman of the Republican City Cen
tral Committee, a fierce, fighting Job. He
enjoyed every minute of it. His oppo
nents, whipped or victorious, always said
"Don wa square," he "said It to your
face." He was also a member of the
Republican State Central Committee
which managed the Gillett campaign.
McGarvin was stricken with scarlet
fever and died after two days' illness.
His-, wife arrived from San Francisco,
not knowing he was ill. She broke the
physicians' orders and comforted his last
hours. Three days later their little girl,
Marjorie. 10 months old, died of menin
gitis. The double bereavement was al
most more than Mrs. McGarvin could
stand, and she is prostrated.
Labor Situation Unchanged.
The union labor situation in Los An
geles has changed little. The strikers
are still striking and the factories.
fdundrles and breweries are still run
ning with full .capacity. But two or
three incidents have kept the people
of Los Angeles aware that a strike is
on. .The first was Judge Bordwell's
stanch support of open-shop prin
ciples in the Superior Court when he
granted injunctions against picketing.
Every . manufacturer whose employes
were troubled by the crowds of union
pickets about their places appealed for
an injunction and got it. The lan
guage of ' the court was so forceful
that a large number of the imported
union agents left the city for their
homes in the North and East. They
have already given up what was in
tended to be a National battle for union
labor in Los vngeles,. -
Another feature was the discovery
of a plan, outside of Los Angeles, but
affecting this city. as well as Portland
and every other city on the Coast. It
was hatched In San Francisco, the only
city on the Coast that is controlled
absolutely by union labor. Three years
ago the San Francisco employers, as
a result of one of their struggles
,against the union labor trust, made an
agreement with .their workmen by
which the hours were to be gradually
shortened to eight. The agreement
culminated June 1, of this year, when
the shops in that city started on an
eight-hour basis. But the agreement
also contained a provision Inserted by
the employers to the effect that a sim
ilar short day should be secured in
other Pacific Coast cities. This is one
reason for the strenuous efforts on the
part of San Francisco labor leaders to
unionize the foundries and machine
shops in Portland, Los Angeles, San
Diego and Seattle. The union leaders
admit that unless they succeed in
unionizing all the shops in the cities
named the San Francisco employers
will be entitled under the agreement
to lengthen the day on August 1. Busi
ness men who ' discovered the agree
ment succeeded in. getting a similar
admission from the 'San Francisco em
ployers. The publication of the facts
as here set forth made the business
men of Los Angeles pull up their belts
another hole and stick all the tighter
for the open-shop principles so dear
to the heart of this city's residents.
Physician Alleged Brutal.
Dr. J. L. Martin, of Fresno, whose
alleged brutal treatment of his wife
following her double attempt at sui
cide during her illness last month
aroused the indignation of the Valley
City, has been held for trial on a charge
of failing to provide proper medical at
tendance. There was hardly a dry eye
in the packed courtroom during the
telling of the story of the death of the
doctor's wife. For eight days, said her
sister and the nurse, Mrs. Martin had
suffered continual tortures, and at the
last could hardly breathe, yet her hus
band Insisted that she was getting well.
At the last the nurse Insisted that she
was dying and called Mrs. Martin's
sister from the adjoining room.
"Kiss me, Jack," pleaded the dying
wife. The physician said nothing.
"If 'you' will kiss her, doctor," said
the nurse, "it will make her last mo
ments easier." Still he said nothing, and
turned away.
Then the nurse held a glass of water
to the tortured woman's lips and at
the same time kissed her on the cheek
and forehead.
"Her eyes were already glazed," said
the nurse on the witness stand, "and
I thought that she might think that
it was her husband and not I who was
kissing her. And In a moment she was
The telling of this story created an
even more angry sentiment in the lit
tle city, and Dr. Martin's presence
for he was out on bail was not
wanted. He left town as quickly as
possible after the hearing.
News of another awful death on the
desert In San Bernardino County was re
ceived this week. The victim, was
Charles ' 9. Davidson, a prominent elec
trical engineer, a graduate of Berkeley,
and a young man with a host of friends
throughout the state. The tragedy oc
curred in Searles Lake, a large body of
mud in the vicinity of Death Valley.
Davidson and a party of friends from
Berkeley and San Francisco, young men
like himself, were in that section on
business, surveying some property. They
wanted to get to the other side of the
"lake," and Davidson and one other de
cided to cut straight across. The others
went around. The walking was very bad
and the heat was terrific.
"After having progressed some distance
the two men began to flounder. Every
step sent them into the mud to their
knees. Davidson was ahead. The strug
gle was too great and his heart stopped
under the strain. He toppled over in the
mud. His friend was alarmed and hast
ened as fast as he couTd through the mud
to his side. He found his comrade dead.
Then he tried to carry the body to the
shore of the "lake;" but the task wos
too great and he was forced to abandon
it. Making his way to shore he signalled
the rest of the party.
One of the men was sent to Barstow,
the nearest town on the desert, to notify
the authorities. The others spent two
whole days under the ravaging sun try
ing to get the body to the shore. At last
they succeeded and then word came from
Barstow that the Coroner could not hold
an inquest. With the return of- the mes
senger the party of young men decided
to bury their friend on the desert. It
was a mournful party of young men that
finally emerged from the desert. They
were all of them prostrated for a day in
Barstow, and when they left for their re
spective homes they swore . never to ven
ture on the desert again.
Outlaw Gang Broken Up.
With the capture 'of Gregorio Gusman
at Peralta this week, another step was
taken In the breaking up of the most
daring and most thoroughly organized
gang of smugglers of Chinese and opium
that ever infested the Pacific Coast.
Three months ago the gang conducted a
thriving business over the Mexican bor
der In the South and the Canadian bor
der in the Northwest. Through the
death and capture of a number of suc
cessive leaders Gusman had risen to
have 'charge of the southern branch of
the gang.
On April 20, Chinese Inspectors Conklln
and Chad-ney waylaid four Chinese and
their Mexican guide, Gregorio Esplnoza,
at EI Toro. In the darkness a running
battle between Elspinoza and Conklin
took 'place, and Esplnoza fell mortally
wounded. The gang of smugglers had
received Its first serious blow. Ten days
afterward Conklin and Chadney sprang
out upon another band, consisting of Jose
Garcia and Gregorio- Gusman. and a
string of contraband Chinese, near San
Onofore, a short distance south of the
Orange County line. Gusman and Chad
ney fought a duel with revolvers, at close
range, and although Chadney's face was
powder burned so close were the two men,
Gusman escaped in the darkness. Garcia
and the Chinese were caught and Garcia
is awaiting trial in jail.
Rosario Sainz, outlawed in Mexico and
three times a murderer . in California,
was the next to be taken. He was cap
tured at Ensenada, In Lower California,
and extradited to be tried for murder.
Thin left Gusman -In charge - of the
Southern branch of the gang. Learning
that he was at Anaheim. Leo Young
worth, United States Marshal for this dis
trict, notified Santa Ana. City Marshal
Edwards and Special Officer Cervantes,
of Anaheim. The three men, with dep
uties, closed in on Gusman in Santa Ana
Canyon and captured him before he could
fire a shot. The officers are certain now
that within a short time they will have
wiped out this gang. So near complete
is their work that several of the special
Federal sleuths have already gone North
to Join the officials there in wiping out
the Northern branch.
(Continued From Page 2.)
weeks, presenting the old and favorite
operas, even - then with disastrous box
office receipts. This was followed by
Ben Hendricks in "Ole Olson." On New
Year's eve and continuing throughout the
week Mazie , Trumbull presented "The
Irish Pawnbrokers." Miss Trumbull is
now the wife of Joseph Spears, a well
known New York manager. She is also
a sister of. Ollle Mack.
Vaudeville Venture Fails.
Following this the" Baker tackled' vau
deville, in the face of the fact that acts
were difficult to secure. However, some
very excellent performers, some from
Chicago, others from San Francisco, were
engaged. It was via this house that the
big cycling whirl act was first intro
duced to Portlanders, Mr. Baker having
secured the attraction from the Orpheum
circuit in San Francisco.
' While the managerement procured good
material, still the business of getting
them here was an expensive - and losing
one. Just when things looked darkest
to Mr. Baker, he heard that Ralph Stuart
and his company had stranded in Seattle.
The company was an excellent one and
had been giving high-class productions , in
the Sound country, but for some reason
had failed to make a financial success.
Mr. Baker at once wired for Mr. Stuart
and his company and signed an eight
week contract with them. In the com
pany, besides Mr. Stuart, who is now a
star of the first magnitude, were Frank
Sheridan, Lansing Rowan and Elizabeth
Stewart, all since become very well
known. Mr. Sheridan, who was with
the original "Paid In Full" company, is
one of the big actors on Broadway and
will star next year at the head of his
own company in "The Derelict." Also
with the company was Catherine Coun
ties, second woman, who , at a later sea
son became leading woman with the
Baker Company, and who, since leaving
New Method
Gas Ranges
Save one-fourth of your
gas bill. Prices from Jj16
up. Pay $1.00 a week.
$45 Turkish Rocker
Boston Leather
Coyering; Five
Styles; Special
No. 347 Genuine Bos
ton Leather Rockers at
the price of imitation.
The rocker rests upon
Jouble springs with a
mahogany finished
base. Spring seat and
spring back, covered
with best quality 'gen
uine leather; looks like
the cut; worth fully
$45, and so priced reg
ularly, now
2i- immmM
Gevurtz' Special New
Sewing Machines for
Pay $1.00 Cash
This is the now justly cel
ebrated "Gevurtz Spe
cial" Machine; a machine
with a local reputation
equal to the best, for the
money or cost in manuf ac
turing is put into the
works the part that does
the sewing. You get a machine equal in every respect
to a $65 and $75 sewing machine at a third of the cost.
Ask your neighbor how she likes the "Gevurtz"
thousands have been sold in Portland and in Oregon.
Splendid new models in oak,
early English, weathered, wax
or golden finish; art glasa
fronts, large bevel plate mir
rors; very artistic in design;
We have made them dOf flft
shaped like cut, onlyy5""w
Easy Terms of Payment
Weekly or Monthly.
All the Credit
You Want
Wearing Apparel for
both Men and Women. C5
Down, $5 Month.
Wonderful Desk Bargains
$10.00 DESKS
One hundred "Writing Desks,
exactly like cut on the right,
in solid quartered oak, birdseye
maple, genuine mahogany; the
oak is finished golden polish
finish, wax finish, fumed, early
English, and in fact in every
shade and style of oak finish.
A Desk that would be consid
ered cheap in any other store
at $10. But this is another of
those wonderful Gevurtz bar
gains we are con
tinually giving . .
14 t 1 V
Gbr Union Avenue
East Burnsidei
Portland, has appeared in several big
successes in the East. Last year Misa
Countiss- was with "The Watcher" and
she is now heading her own stock com
pany in Delaware, with her husband. K.
D. Price, to whom she was married a
few years ago.
"With the engagrement of the Ralph
Stuart Company the beginning of high
class stock . was assured for Portland.
The syndicate was fighting Mr. Baker
and he realized the futility of bucking
againet it, in an endeavor to secure good
road shows. The success of the first
venture caused the stock company idea
to take inception in the minds of the
men back of the show shop proposition.
That same Summer of 1902. the now fa
mous Baker Stock Company, was organ
ized and on August 31 it gave its first
performance, presenting "A Social High
wayman." The original company con
sisted of Catherine Countiss and- Charles
Wytigate in the leading roles, Elspeth
Graham McNeil and William Bernard in
the heavies, WTilliam H. Dills as come
dian, Mina Crollus Gleason, character
woman, Elsie Esmond ingenue; the other
members being Lillian Rhodts, Roy Ber
nard, Fred Mower, Robert Siddle, Robert
Morris and Howard Russell. . Of these
Mr. Morris was stage director. Within
a few weeks after the opening the late
William Gleason Joined the Baker com
pany. Of this list of players, Mina Gleason
is at present appearing successfully in
Oakland at Te Liberty Playhouse, in
stock productions. William Dills is
stage director of the present Baker.
Company and is an excellent actor, as
well as fisherman and writer, and will
be one of the old guard present at
the last obsequies of the building. Wil
liam Bernard is stage director for the
James Nell Stock Company in St. Paul,
and pretty Elsie Esmond is in Wilming
ton, Del.. In stock.
The Baker theater than ran stock
productions right along until the open
ing of the Columbia 1 neater, the pres
ent Portland Theater, in 1904. During
this interim the season of 1903 found
Edna Archer Crawford and George
Alison heading the company, followed
by Estha Lyon, who played a brief
Beason. In the Summer of 1904, Guy
Standing and Grace Reals were en
gaged for the leading roles. In their
company was Mary Boland, who has
since become a New York favorite,
and is considered one of the loveliest
women on the stage. Two seasons ago
she was John Drew's leading woman.
Also in this company was Dallas Tyler
and Scott Copper, the latter a char
acter man. With Miss Lyon's engage
ment Oza Waldrop made her first ap
pearance . in Portland, and became an
Instantaneous success. Last season she
appeared with Frank Sheridan In "Paid
in Full." Guy Standing, too, is a big
actor, who has appeared in support of
various stars, Including Mrs. Pat Camp
bell. Portlanders saw him two seasons
ago with' Theodore Roberts in "The
Right of Way."
Charles Mackey, too, was a member.
Later he married the daughter of Al
bert Ross, the novelist. Two years
later, after securing a divorce from
Charles, Mrs. Mackey became the wife
of Robert Edeson, the star, and visited
Portland with her husband last season,
when he produced a "A Man's a Man"
at the Bungalow.
For two short seasons in 1903-1904
the Neil-Morosco Company played at
the Baker playhouse, presenting
Charles Wyngate and iillian Kemble
as leading people during the first en
gagement, and Howard Gould and
Amelie Gardner in the following year.
Both of these last-named folk have
since . became well known, Amelie
Gardner starring last season in a
Metropolitan success. Other members
of the Neil-Morosco Companies in those
days were Thomas Oberle, now de
ceased, who was considered one of the
greatest heavy men. on the American
stage; Frank MacVicars, who was killed
in an accident several years ago; Phosa
MacAlister, a character woman, who
passed away in California only last
year; Harry Duffield and Harry Mes
layer, the latter of whom is at present
In Los Angeles, and starred three sea
sons ago in Ibsen's "Ghosts." After the
year of 1904 the Baker house presented
Melbourne McDowell and Charlotte
Dean in Sardou repertoire. Miss Dean
died the following year, and Mr. Mc
Dowell is now appearing in vaudeville
with his wife, Virginia Drew Trescott.
Then the Baker Stock Company moved
up to the Columbia ia 1904, where
Catharine Countiss and Edgar Baumo
played the leading roles, and pretty
little Louise Brandt was the Ingenue,
with a train of admirers as long as
the moral law.
The old Baker house was during this
time leased to Keating & Flood to be
used as a 10-cent vaudeville house.
This held forth with popularity during
the season of the Lewis and Clark Fair,
followed by a season of burlesque road
shows, when the Baker folk, in May,
1906, opened for a brief season with
Lillian Lawrence and John Sainpolis in
leading roles. In July this company
closed, opening again in September
with the same leads, playing the entire
season until June. Of this company
mention has already been made of
Miss Lawrence, John Sainpolis has since
appeared in New York productions and
was this past year with Mary Manner
ing. The next season, the Fall of 1907,
opened with Marion Barney and Austin
Webb as leading folk. In January both
these players left the company and
Blanche Stoddard was engaged for a
few weeks, until Izetta Jewel was
secured to fill out the season, with
George Allison as leading man. Miss
Barney has since then reduced her
avoirdupois, of which she had over
plenty, and is delighting audiences in
stock work in sleepy old Philadelphia.
Next season the Baker Company moved
up to the Bungalow Theater, with the
charming Miss Jewel as leading woman
and Sidney Ayers as leading man. Here
they remained for two seasons, the old
Baker in the meantime housing th
Klaw .& Erlanger dollar attractions;
the ones for which, it is rumored, John
Cort is to build a new theater here next
Then, on the eighth of last May, Mr.
Baker again opened his house with a
stock company, of whom Izetta Jewel
has been star and leading woman, and
Franklyn Underwood an excellent
leading man. With the closing of the
portals of this famous old playhouse
it is particularly fitting that Miss
Jewel, who has been its best-beloved
inmate, should be' the last to tread its
boards, and smile her radiant, cheery
good-bye, when the advertising curtain
goes down for the last time, tomorrow
night, on the stage of the famous old
Baker playhouse.