THE SUNDAY O K EGO XI AX, POETL AND, JUIT 3, 1910. 12 HELP WAXTE D MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 N. 2d fit. OPEN SUNDAY. 8 A. M- TO 2 P. M. - FOR MILLS. FY ur carriage riders, $-.50 ana $2.75. Mill oiler. J'J.50. Lumber truck teamsters. $2.50. Five lumber graders, 92.50. $2.75 and $3. Vpriffht hlncle sawyer. Edgerman, small mill. $3.0O. Mill bands. $2.50 to $3.00. Yardmen, $2.25 to $2.75. Boys for box factory. $1.75. MISCELLANEOUS. Man tad wife, kitchen helper and camp waitress, $60. , Two shingle bolt cutters. $1.20 cord. Second cook, city, $."0 to $00. Kitchen helper, camp. $30. Rourrh carpenters, city, $3. GO. . Brick cleaners, city, $1 per M. Porter, city, $12 week. Elevator boy, city. $20 month. R and B. PPEEJ FARE: TO CALIFORNIA FREE FARE. For the McCloud River Lumber Co. LOGGERS AND TEAMSTERS We ship every day. Hundreds of new jobs every day. SPECIAL NOTICE. We guarantee to pay fare both ways If there is not work where we send ap plicants. Office open Sunday. 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY Main Office 12 N. 2d St. SPECIALTY salesman wanted; one who covers the entire State of Oregon and all the small inland towns to establish ex clusive mixing stations for a patented process that kills off the ground squirrels; indorsed by agricultural colleges and Gov ernment departments; many stations in op eration at present In, Oregon; absolutely no competition; a monopoly; would consider limited state rights or side line with strictly high-grade man; a future for you. F. A. Boldman, 803 North Franklin. Chl- cago. SALESMEN" of more than average ability to qualify for position worth $2500 to $4000 yearly, wantei by woll rated Chi cago house of reputa-tion; splendid future for wide-awake man who can sell exten sive and well known line of advertising specialities in surrounding territory. Ad vertising experience not essential. Sales Manager, Coast Dept.. 1419 Carroll ave., Chicago. , WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the age of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $60; additional com pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay an d allow an ces ; serv ice on board sh 1 p and a h hare in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden blrigr., 3d and Washington els., Portland, Or. WANTED Hustler to sell Shurewin Polish (sure to win) ; cleans gold and silver plated ware, German silver, brass, cop per, tin, steel or any material where a brilliant luster is required; good oppor tunity for hustler; sells for lO cents a packet; confidential terms to agents; would take a partner or sell recipe. Ap ply AM SS, Oregonian. . YOUNG man, 29 years of age, eight years' experience in general office work and as aalernnan. six years in wholesale lumber business as stenographer, bookkeeper and salesman, desires interview wiyj concern desiring the services of a competent and reliable man. Address F. H. Beach, 408 Park st. . W'B HAVE an iut-of-t he-ordinary proposition for competent men; want only high-class representative who will be satisfied with $5 to $7 a day; must be qualified to Inter view business people; exceptional opportunity for anyone who is willing to make a fine income legitimately. Call 10 t6 4, 418 Mohawk bldg. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman wanted ; no bonus required ; established office can use a few - good men on addi tion work. Need two good residence spe cialists; ready money for hustlers; in quiries waiting. Inquire mornings, 414 ; Lumber Exchange. . vE want three good salesmen, bright, ener getic, high grade, for a specialty of oierlt; to those who can meet business, and pro fessional men and furnish good references a permanent position is offered. Address X 1Q. Oregonian. GOVERNMENT positions, chances never better to secure one of tbourands of ap pointments to be made; full particulars to salaries, positions, dates of examina tions Portland; sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 161. National Cor. Insti tute. Washing ton. P. C. LIFE association to th right man; sales manship, experience, honesty and some cash required; manufacturers' agents al ready having office and working force pre ferred; absolute control no risk. Ches wick Sales Co., 120 Liberty St., New York. VAN'TED Hustler to sell popular-priced book $1.50; has 500 pages good reading and numerous half-toned photos, on "white slave traffic'; 60 per cent sure to buy; salary and commission to right par- ty. Apply AN ftO, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced salesman for city p ork. One of good address and pre vious successful record. Do not reply Unless qualified to produce results. Give reference and phone. Address K. 94, Ore gonlan. CALEMAN Experienced, any line, to sell general trade In Pacific Coast; unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new fea ture; commission with $35 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleve- land. O. HlTfTLERS everywhere, profits $5 to 25 dally; It's cash, all yours; cwn business yourself : work from your home; no capi tal required; no canvassing; a new thing. Particulars free. F. E. Abbott, desk AX, O ma ha. Neb. TOUNG man, living at home, to leam tea and coffee business; fine chance to advance; cne with experience in groceries preferred; salary $7 to start. Graid Union Tea Co., 448 Washington st. MAN Must be willing to learn, capable of acting as our representative; no canvass ing or soliciting; good income assured. Na tional Co-Operatlve Realty Co., 703 Mar- den bldg.. Washington, P. C. 6ALESMAX by largest European lace-em-broidery manufacturers; sell popular spe cialties from stock; samples 35 pounds; 10 per cent commission; weekly draw ings. Wilson, 401 Broadway, New York. CAPABLE saleman to cover Oregon with staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, M ic h. TRAVELING salesman, visiting retail trade, can secure profitable side line of dress goods, blankets, flannels, etc.; liberal com mission. Manufacturer, Box 414, Phila delphia. 15 A LESMEN wanted for manufacturers lace and embroidery line: must have trade among general store merchants; liberal proposition. Hudson River Lace Works, ,-.416 Broadway, New York. A FIRST-CLAPS opening for a good sales man accustomed to dealing with business men; satisfactory references required as to ability and habits. Address AD 107, Oregonian. WANTED Man to do manual labor; one with knowledge of Greek language will be given preference. Arvwer with references, phone number and address. X HJ9, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS salesman wanted to handle acreage close to Portland: best land In Washington County; tracts selling fast on easy terms. 4Q4 Couch bldg. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MARKER. AP PLY TROY LAUNDRY. A TORI A. OR. WANTED Bids for digging cesspool, 50 ft. Phone Dr. Darling. Tabor 170S. HELP WAXTE D MA L K OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife for small ranch near town. Man to look after place and woman to do housework. Permanent place for right parties. P. S. Wan, Al- bany, Or. EXPERT accountant wants set of small books to keep ; books opened, closed, er rors located. J 84. Or-jgor.lan. WANTED Lessons In bookkeeping even ings, competent teacher. AC 102. Ore- gonian. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. fcCMMER SCHOOL for English branches, shorthand and typewriting; day and eve ning classes; positions guaranteed. 6;i0 Worcester block. Enroll now. WANTED At once, experienced woman cook for boarding-house; good wages. 167 11th street. COLLECTOR for installment accounts; weekly salary ; good appearance; give telephone number. W H5. Oregonlnn. t WANTED Good girl for general housework, go to the beach; cood wages. 395 East 12th gt. N. i THOROI'GH course of millinery taught in 6 weeks; Summer rates. 701 Wash. st. Apt. No- 2. WANTED Waitress and chambermaid. The Norton. 12th and Morrison. WANTED Woman for general housework. A . Kearney at. rHAMBERMAIP wanted. 102 2d t. WANTED Waitress for dinners. 203 Stark st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOUNG LADY GRADUATES of high or grammar schools, 17 years of age and over will find a good opportunity to en ter a business career 'by applying at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING- WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; students paid 920 per month while learning; a thor ough training given each student before assignment to position; this is an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that qualify. Applv to school principal at our east office. East Ankeny and 6th sts.. be tween 8 A. M. and 5 P. M-, week-days. JThePaclflc Telephone & Telegraph Co. WANTED Experienced woman to take en tire charge of woman's garment depart ment and undermuslins in biggest depart ment store In Bakersfield, Cal. Salary commensurate with ability. Position will be open August 1. Address, with full let ter of experience and references, Hoch- helmer &. Co., Bakersfield, Cal. GOOD, competent girl for general housework to go to Gcarhart Beach for the Summer, private family. Apply forenoons, apart ment 21, Marlborough. 21st and Flanders, or call Home phone A I6.3, or apply at room 37, Steams bldg., 6th and Morrison. Home phone A 32R4 - - WANTED Girls to make shirts and over all?. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch. MAN AND wife, no children, who want Sum mer outing, taking care of camp grounds for private family of three; wife to do cooking, while family are at the camp about three days each week; wages smalL Address, giving reference, AN lol, Ore gonlan. WANTED Young woman capable of keep ing simple set of books and acting as sten ographer In law office. Addreas, stating previous experience and salary expected, P 104. Oregonian. " WANTED AT ONCK Several young women to learn" to weave plain flannels and b'snkets; wage guaranteed to start: steady employment. Apply at once, Superintend ent Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns, Or. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, Supt., room 37 Y. W. C. A. bldg., 7th and Taylor ats. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be experienced and a good cook; 3 in fam ilv. Apply today or Monday morning, or affter 5 P. M. Mrs. Nlcolai, 951 Melinda ave., head of Johnson st. WANTED Stenographer, with ability to keep small set of books; light work; pay $25 per month to start; good future. N 103, Oregonian. WE teach ladies millinery and dressmaking in a few weeks at The Boston School of Millinery and Dressmaking. 274 Williams ave. Phone East. 34o. ANYONE can make money writing pfiort stories; big pay ; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran- Cisco. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework ; must be good cook ; small family, good wages. Phones East 170V and C 147. WANTED Girl that has had experience as saleslady in department store to help in ladles tailoring store. None but experi enced; steady work. AC 01, Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, nurses for general hospital duty; $55 per month with boarU, room, laundry, uniform. Address Dr. W. T. Phy, Hot Lake Sanitarium. Hot Lake, Or. CAPABLE girl or woman for cooking and general housework; good wages; willing to go to Summer resort. 80S Lovejoy st. Main 2t29 and A 4940. m WANTED Reliable girl, general housework. Must be fond - of children, healthy and clean; Scandinavian preferred. Main '4412, A 4426. On Sunday call Tabor 1894. LARGE business .firm desires a woman not under 25, who is trustworthy and ener getlc; experience unnecessary. AD 95, Oregonian. WANTED Cashier; one who can run type writer preferred; references required. Ap ply R. Gevurtz & Son. bet. 8 and 10 Tues day morning, 1st and Yamhill. A GOOD girl wanted for general housework, very small family, and an exceptionally easy place with good wages. Apply 555 E a s tW as h 1 n gton st. EXPERIENCED alteration fitter to take charge of alteration room with from 25 to 40 girls. Also experienced second fitter. Address AM 43. Oregonian. TEN trustworthy ladles to travel for manu facturing company: salary $75 month, city 12.60 day. Room9, 2494 Holladay ave. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Rothchua bldg. ,4th and Wash 1 n gton. WANTED Young lady stenographer for general office work. Call 526 Vi Wash, st., between 10th and 17th. WANTED A girl over 16 to care for baby from 1 to 6 in afternoon. Apply Hotel Eaton. YOUNG girl about 15 to assist with house work and care for child. Call .913 E. Yamhill. LADY to go In with me and buy out a pay ing business; $125 each required. X 90, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady to make out bills and general office work; state salary expected. V M, Orcgonien. BY AN elderly couple, girl to asslPt with work; good home, small wages. 515 20th St., Port lan d Hei g h t s WANTED Girl to assist general house work one to go home nights, apply 486 E. 22d St., North. A GIRL or woman to do the cooking for small family going to the beach. 594 East Main. Call Monday forenoon. STENOGRAPHER, state experience and wages wanted. Answer in own hand writing. Y 100, Oregonian. WANTED Kitchen helper. Home Restaur ant, between 6th and 7th on East Morri son. LADY to leam beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 4O0 to 412 Dekum bldg. Make your gelf Independent. GIRL, general housework, Scandinavian pre ferred. 787 Madison.. Phone Marshall ltfOl, A 5728. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 326H Washington St., Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework, family of two, $20 a month. Phone A 5097. WANTED 2 lady skirt pressers, good wages. Broadway Dye Works, 353 Union ave. N. GOOD girl for general housework, small family. Phone Main 89SQ, or call 170 N. '2d st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 hi WashinKton St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. . Phone Main ?C3:. WANTED Woman to take care of old gen tleman ; no particular knowledge of nurs lng required. AH lot. Oregonian. BEACH waitress, cook and waitress. $45, $25. country; chambermaids. Homes' Ladles' Agency. R. 307. 326Wash. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, mid dle age. at once. Hotel Baker. 205 Fifth street. WANTED Experienced girl to work randy store. 440 Washington st. In WANTED Young girl to help In house work. Apply 50 N. 15th st. WANTED A good pastry baker; references. 442 E- Burnslnde st. WANTED Girl to wait on table. Rebe's, 404 Washington st. Apply WANTED Chambermaids, Grand Hotel ,387H E. Burnside. Union GIRL for general houwwork; good wages R f5th st. Phone Tabor 127. TWO dining-room girls; good wages; at Flton Court. 11th and Yamhill. WANTED Experienced girl for gen. house work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Experienced lady stenographer; references. Ml Swetland bldg. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert; $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Experienced cook for small fam 1Iy. 474 Market st.. comer 14th st. WANTED A waitress. Apply at once. Union Depot Restaurant. WEAVERS wanted at once. Apply Port land Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 04-S Lovejoy st. $$0 CAPABLE woman, general housework ; small family. 54 North 21st st. GIRL for general housework; 3 in family. 408 N. 3d st. Main 7859.' HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbia. GIRL to assist in care for child to go to the bea ch . 2-"3 4 Wawh . . room 5. WANTED Girls for nurses' training school. South Bend General Hospital. WANTED Girl or woman for light house . work. Inquire Tuesday 531 Marquam bldg. WANTED Bright,- energetic woman stenog tapher, ovr 25. W 100, Oregonian. GIRL wanted at the Portland Dairy Lunch 123 1st st. HUMMEL CORSET PARLORS. 141 11th St will be closed July 25 to Aug. 8th. WANTED Wail ressatS2 N. 6th st. COOK" for boarding-house. 248 N."l7U HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. TUESDAY. JULY 5TH, OFFICE CLOSED JULY 4TH. Cooks, $4u, $45 and $50. Waitresses, $30. $:5 and $40. Waitress at Boise, Idaho, $35; at Her miston. Or., $;;."; fare paid. Chambermaids. $20, $25 and $30. Kitchen helper. $25. Practical nurse, $lo week and board. Housekeeper, $20. Shooting gallery girl for the beach. Others too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladies' Dept., 2o5 & Morrison St. COOK and helper (brickyard), ?05. v, . 2. country hotels, $50. 2, boarding-houses, $40. Chambermaids. $35. $30 and $25. 4 waitresses (out of city). $25. 1 waitress Medford, $35, fare paid. 2 nurHesirls. $3 and $25. 2 second girls. $30. Girls for general housework at beach, $20 to $30. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 345 iA Wash. St.. room 7. WANTED Good reliable dressmaker to take charge, of dressmaking department: would consider partnership; not any capital re quired; must give security: this dress making is in connection with the best tailor shop in Portland. Dressmaking to be apart from tailoring; the best loca tion in town; would give reliable girl charge of it and interest in same. O IQtj. Oregonian. WANTED Thoroughly experienced toilet goods saleslady, good, permanent position to right party. Apply at once to Mr. Specht. care the Owl Drug Co. YOUNG girl with neat appearance wanted at a fruit stand. 33 X. 4th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. . Hook keepers aad Clerks. COUNTRY POSITION WANTED. Clerical man fully experienced in lum ber and genera.1 merchandise t u-siness de sires position as timekeeper and office man for lumber company or work in gen eral merchandise store; two years' exper ience in charge of twelve thousand dol lar stock of general merchandise and 5 years experience in lumber. Bet of. ref erenps. AD 104. Oretfoniarh WANTED Position bv competent railroad man as traffic manager and claim ad juster for manufacturing concern or mer cantile house; best of references. AK i M. Orogonian WANTING to locate in Northwest, do herewith offer my services as credit man, correspond ent or bookkeeper; 10 years with largo E-iFtern Jobbers. AL Vt, uregonian. I AM a young man with several years of good, practical commercial experience and would like to connect with .ome established real eiate business. AX 100, Oregonian. A YOUNG lady with some office experience. first-cJaps stenographer and typist; would like a steady position in office. AG Ore pro n is n. SALESMAN for general store conversant with all departments wants position out of town ; capable and industrious, well recommended. O 94. Oregon i a n COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man, 2", seeks opening; salary no object. W i9. Ore gonian. RELIABLE real estate nalesmim desires po sition as resident agent, city, country or beach property. Y Oreg onian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position at once ; first-class references. X. 102, Oregon ian. FIRST-CLASPS traveling salesman desires position; references. X loo. Oregonian. WANTED Position by regular pharmacist. In or out of zlty. V 0". Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as carpenter foreman or superintendent; have had S years' experi ence on large and heavy work, such as office and school buildings ; a good draughtsman and understands detail work and can build any kind of building from foundation to finish; will furnish best of reference. AG 03. Oregonian. WANTED Pojsition about Sept. 1 by man lO years' experience in wholesale and retail grocery and two years branch manager for packing-house; would like position in Port land or other good town in Oregon. AC 97, Oregon ian. MAN" AND WIFE want to manage email farm, salary reasonable, or shares; both raised on farm, understand care of stock and chickens; man all-around handy man. Phone C 21QT. 335 Monroe st. EASTERN man with 12 years' exferience as manager and buyer for general merchandise store wou Id like pos 1 1 Ion in some good Ore gon town about October first. Address AH 05, Oregonian. WANTED By an elderly man, a position as messenger, caretaker, porter or collec tor; strictly temperate; reliable, strong and active; security If desired; city refer ence. AN 1 o., Oregonian. CHAUFFJSl'R, careful, sober and reliable, wishes position with private family; can mane own repairs. Call Main 0910, or A 2."m'8. . THOROUGHLY experiencd clothing and gent's furnishing salesman wants posi tion: highest references furnished. H 78, Oregonian . COMPETENT railroad traffic man desires po sition with large wholesale or manufactur ing concern ; Investigation solicited. AH 10O, On gonian. ST KONG young man. 20. inexperienced, wishes to learn farming; Industrious, good "character, permanent; small wages. tS9 Oilman. Portland. Or. LOOK Mr. Automobile Owner, if you need a strictly reliable chauffeur and repairman during your outing and pleasure trips phone 13. 554. JAPANESE wants a situation in a whole sale house as a salesman, assistant ; over ?ear experh-ncc. AM 105. Oregonian. A YOUNG German. 0 years old, wants steady work of any kind: not afraid of hard work. A 06. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as head sawyer in band mill. N 91. Orego nlan. W A N T ED By young man . 2 or 3 hours' work, evening and Saturday; reference. AF 107. Oregonian. . YOUNG man with office experience wants position as assistant bookkeeper. J 102, Oregonian. BARKEEPER, German, wishes situation; 4 years in last place. San Francisco refer encea. B 95. Oregonian. MAN with good references wishes position, as porter or Janitor in office building or c lub. Q 93. Oregonian. BY laundryman, thorough, all branches, medium-sized town preferred; state wages. AX 98, Oregonian. "WATTTBI) Place for boy 12 years of age to work for board. Answer Charles Goff, Gen enU Delivery. Portland, Or. POSITION wanted by colored man. Janitor, porter or hou cleaning; good references. Phono Mfl-ln 440O. MOTION picture operator, thoroughly ex perienced, wants position. Address AF 90, Oregonian. WANTED Tiy man of experience, position as restaurant or hotel cook. L 101, Ore m gonian. MAN wishes position as janitor part of day or whole day, housework and lawn work. H 104,Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants job; can drive White steamer or any gas car and repair same when necessary. AF Xi. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by good young baker as second, or can handle small shop single ha nd e d. AG 1P4. Oregon I an. JAPANESE, experienced cook, laundry, waiter; housework by hour. Main 0301. F1R-ST-CLASS Japanese pastry situation. 121 Kth st. N. coo ft wants EXPERIPTXCDD Japanese janitor wishes steady position. 121 X. lSth at. YOUNG man' desires opportunity to learn chemistry or assaying. D I'm, Oregonian. BUTCHER, good all-around man. for coun try .FllJLOregonian. CHINESE wants situation for cooking or housework. Phon e A 44 1 1. STEADY young man of good habits wants work of any kind. A E 01. Oregonian. A YOUNO strong German man wishes work of any kind. AC 05. Oregon lan. MARRIED man wishes work, dairy ranch preferre d. OOP 11th st., Vancouve r , Was h . COLORED- man wishes position as janitor. 10tt North Sth. Main JAPANESE Employment Co. wlfl furnish all help. Main 4t'.'t9. A 4073. Everett. WINDOW cleaning, floors and rugs. Main t."T"S. evenings. Thomas Green. BOOKKEEPER wants sot of books to keep evenings. AC 100, Oregonian. FOR REXTP. Bookkeepers and Stenograph ers. STENOGRAPHER, young lady, six years' - experience, lumbering and commercial. AF 89, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like1 po sition ; would work for small salary. Phone SHI wood K'M. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER desires position, would substitute during July and August. T ,97, Ore gon i an. COM f'ETENT stenographer and bookkeeper desires position in or out of city. C lOli, Oregon ian. - STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, wishes position. C 101, Oregonian. - SITUATION WANTED FEMAXJB, Book keepers a nd Slenograpnerm. YOUNG lady desires office work where there Is a chance for advancement pre ferred. Four years' experience In book- keepir. g. Main 244 5. LADY stenographer desires position, legal pre ferred; references; $10 per week. Phone Sun day or Monday M. 361t or address AF lt'3, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER of four years' experience, accurate and reliable, desires position four hours daily; salary weekly. Phone B 04. COMPETENT cashier and bookkeeper wishes position. C 1 00. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED business woman desires a position of trust. AE IQf. Oregonian. Dressmakers. TWENTY years' experience, right from New York. Ladies' tailoring, fancy dresses, evening gowns a specialty; work from nothing but Paris models; are strangers In the city and must get established. We do nothing but hrst-class work. Every thing guaranteed. Look for our sign. New York Tailoring. 432 Montgomery st. Mount Tabor car. Phone A 73-".. DESIGNER from the East will make suits or dresses for special low prices to intro duce . work. The Westminster, cor. 6th and" Madison. Maln55S2. "WANTED to do janitor work mornings and evenings, clean porches or sprinkle lawns. G 04, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING by the day. Misw Chlsholm. Pnones Main and A 154U. Call evenings, 7 to 8. DRESSMAKER and tailoress will make en gagements by the day. C 2480. PLAIN or fancy sewing. 730 Wygant st. Phone C 27S0. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326H Wajh i ng to n st. , suite 216. Main 082, A 5381. STYLISH dresses, $ 5 up; waists, $1 up; fine work; references. 529 B. Mill st. East 52iWx DRESSMAKING and tailoring done at your home. References given. Main 8020. WORK by trained nurse (maternity a spe cialty). $15 per week if immediate. Phone A 3052. WANTED To care for child; good sub urbanhome. Arleta, Or.t box 422. GRADUATE) nurse wants work; references. AB 104, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, undertakes any case, ex cept ma tern 1 1 y . Phone Eas t 40 1 8. Housekeepers, WIDOW with two children would like posi tion in some good place, city or country; prefer some country place; have good ref erences and would accept moderate wages. Address W 92. Oregonian. YOUNG widow wishes position as house keeper in hotel; live years' experience; references and bond if necessary. D 103, Oregonian. A REFINED Eastern woman wants position as houfiekeeper in widower's home in coun try; good cook and butter maker and all nround housekeeper. V 101, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper for widower or elderlly couple by middle-aged woman; good cook, fine housekeeper, city or c ountry ; references. W 104. oregonian. xi v.n r. o I. , rename CJiSLcrn y , no lauiuy, age 50. wants situation as housekeeper; any locality. 847 Bag In aw St., Salem, Or. HOUSEKEEPER Situation wanted by wo man of refinement and education. O 104, Oregonian. BY A CULTURED Eastern woman, good cook, in home of widower or bachelor; references .glven and required. AJ 101, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper in an up-to-date apartment; references. AL 103. Ore gonian. . . GIRL. 17. wishes to assist with housework. AD 102, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. RESPECTABLE woman wishes position in home of two refined elderly people to as sist with housework and sewing; good home more essential than big wages. M jW, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes position in printing office; can do press work and typesetting; seme experience In Job work. Phone Main 8 0 2 8. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced cook, wants position in small restaurant, hotel or boarding-house, in or out of city. AG 103, Oregonian "WANTED at once, by mother and daugh ter, camp work or straight chamber work, or dish-washing. Call after noon, Olym pi a Hote 1. room 34. WOULDN'T you like to leave your child ren in the care of a refined, reliable girl when you go out of an evening? Phone A 404 rt. KBF1NED young lady desires position as children's nurse, family going to beach or country preferred. Phone Woodlawn 1577. - WOULD like to take care of a small child or an elderly lady; nice home, private. H 101,OregonIan. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 30 cents a pair and up; will call for and de llver them. X 9 Oregonian. AMERICAN woman wants to cook for small crew of men. heat, good cook. Mat tie Gowan, general delivery, Portland. COOKS housekeepers, chambermaidsTnurses, laundresses. St. Louis Agency. 303 V Wash ington st. Main a 030, A 4775. EXPERIENCED girl wants position in small family. General housework and plain cooking. T 101, Oregonian. LADY with little girl wishes position as housekeeper or cook in camp. Y 101, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady would like to go as companion to sea shore; salary no object. H 92, Ore gonian. PRIVATE family, would like general house work, cooking In small family, write 600 Washington st. I MAKE a specialty of laundering fine lace curtains; work done at home; best of ref erences Marshall 1051. SITUATION wanted, housework, in a small good family. Please call at the Benson Ho tel, 21M i Morrison st. WOMAN want." permanent position as nurse or housekeeper, care of invalid or children. AD 100, Oregonian. GERMAN woman wants work by the day. Mrw. Arkerman, Main 2704. A 7433. EXPERIENCED manicurist desires position In barber shop. AG 108, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored laundress, day work, 2."c hour and carfare. Phone A 2490. PRIVATE) lessons given in grammar, grade studies; special vacation rates. Main S183. LADY wi?hes day work; references. Phone Main 2780. COLORED woman wants work by the day. 10 B North Sth. Main A379. WANTED Fine Ironing by day. Phone Sell wood 1725; referncos. " W A NTED Day work by good woman. Phone Main 4304. GIRRI wants to do nous work at beach or coast, good cook. AE Oli, Oregonian. GOVERNESS Lady wants situation to teach English and piano. R uregonlan. WANTED Washing and Phone Main 6427, room B. ho use cleaning. REFINED lady would like position com panion and help to an elderly couple. AK 1Q4. Oregonian. . LADY would like position as cashier in. re spectahle business. A J 10O. Oregonian. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 centa a pair. B 2770, Sellwood 8191. WANTED AGENTS, MAN cleared $1182. lady $720 last 6 months selling Hulladay'5 marvel shoe polish self shining, waterproof. Why not you? Writ for - de monstrai ed sam pie s nd terms. Holla- day. 126 W, 31gt. New York. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregqn Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco, Or. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock is in demand: sales this season will be immense; a nattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free ; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.,Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted for cigar lighter for stores; new Invention, big profits; can be used anywhere. Drake Mfg. Co., 145 Reed st.. Milwaukee, Wis- . AGENTS Our Vegetable Soap m the fastest seller on earth; big money, permanent busi ness; exclusive territory, jampl free. Mor pan Supply Co.. St. Lours. Mo. EXCLUSIVE territory; Doran Self-Heating Iron: triumph of mechanical genius; monev-maker; labor and fuol saver Doran Sales Co.. 1274 Washington blvd . Chicago. GENERA L, special, by large, old-line health, accident company, new. liberal, easy sell ing policies; choice territory; big pay. Royal Casualty Co.. U. Louis. FREE SAMPLES Agents only, faucet strainer splaHh preventer; 2o ftamp (mailing cost); dally profit $5 upward. Let us prove it. Seed Filter Co., N. Y. IT COSTS you 3c. sells for 25c. For further particulars address N. M. Friedman & Co., Mfrs.. Box970, MartInsburs, Mo. AGENTS, street men. let us submit our prop osition: vou will never regret it; it a win ner. Rox S74. Los Angeles. Cal. BIG money for photo coupon agents: new fea ture; big mony for ruMlers, lady or gen tieman,, Call 719 Swetland bldg. WANTED AGENTS. RESIDENT agent wanted for Portland and surrounding territory to handle line of cot ton goods suitable for wholesale and retail dry goods trade, alo manufacturers; can be handled in connection with other lines; good opportunity for hustling salesman; refer ence required. XA, Oregonian. AGENTS wanted for the wonderful Spengler heat deflector; an attachment for gas. kero sene or gasoline stoves; saves Vx fuel bill ajid. cookt right; cheap and sells on sight. Franklin C. Smith Co., 300 Monadnock bldg.. Can Francisco. , AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers. Special starting offer. - exclusive territory. 475 to ?300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Mil- waukee. Wis. $27 FIRST day made by first agent for new furniture polish with spec'al polishing cloth. Advertising free. C. L. Polish Co., 63 N. 8th st,, Reading. Pa. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank. In Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COM PANT. 245 H Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 86. Booses. WANTED AN ATTRACTIVE. WELL-FURNISH ED HOUSE TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER: ONE WITH PLEASANT GROUNDS AND A GARAGE PRE FERRED. EDMUND TWOHY, PORTLAND HOTEL. COMPLETE furnished apartment or cottagn wanted by man and wife; 5 rooms and bath ; must be clean and first-class in every way; state price and full particulars. D 102. Oregonian. WANTED Nicely furnished house, 7 or 8 rooms, for Summer; clergyman and fam ily; adults only; West Side preferred. E 103, Oregonian. FURNISHED cottage three or four rooms, within 20 minutes' ride of Kenton. Must be reasonable, state price. Address A. H. - Pearson, Woodstock, Or. WANTED A five-room flat, will buy fur niture; west of fifth, south of Flanders, jorth of Harrison. R 0f Oregonian. WANTED For rent, email furnished house. West Side, best of care given; state rent. H 103, Oregonian. WANTED By young couple without chil dren, furnished cottage or apartments; references. w 309. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, small cottage, modern, with yard, furnished or unfurnished; state price and location. V 103. Oregonian. WANTED To rent nicely furnished house, five or six rooms, in Montavllla section, for about two months. Adults.X82.Qregon lan. A COUPLE want bungalow for Summer, completely furnished; references fur nished ; notover$30. R?4, Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM cottage, or bungalow, easy walking distance to Union Depot; reason able rent. Y UB, Oregonian. m WANTED Care furnished house for the Summer; best of references. S 96, Ore gonian. WANTED To re n t or leaee un furnished 12 to 2 O-room house. West Side preferred. V 92, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED By 2 youig men. a small fur nished apartment or 2 furnished rooms and bath, on West Side, AB 93, Ore- gonlan. WANTED Furnished bachelor apartment, suitable for one person. West Side. State terms. AB 92. Oregonian. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILKER BLDG.," 360 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. WANTED By an experienced nurse a few engagements, or would care for an invalid. Address IT 04. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. FA MILY of t hree adults) want room and board In attractive country home con venient to city, overlooking river or Port- land Heights preferred. X IPS, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes home board in re fined home; references. AM 106, Orego nian. A GENTLEMAN wants room and board In private family, located In A lb in a. Ad dress A 98, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by man and wife, in first-class private family. Phone A 74S5. YOUNG man desires room, with or without board, in private family; west of 20th st. AK 103. Oregonian. GOOD board lor man, wife and small boy, where there is ground for child to play. X9.7.Q re gonian. t FARM board for lady, quiet place, aeces- sible from Portland. AM 107,Oregonian. REFINED lady, employed, deaires room and board: dinner at noon. W 12, Oregonian. Buslneag Places. LOCATION WANTED. I want to rent a ground-floor space In a building in the retail district within 3d and Yamhill sts. and 7th and Oak sts., rear of building acceptable provided space and character of entrance is satis factory ; will require long-term lease; will want from 1500 to 1S00 square feet of space, width from 20 to HO .feet, length from 40 to 70 feet; business is of such a character as ro be a credit and asset to building. Address G 100. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL SAVON 129 Eleventh at. New modern brick, building. steam heated,' private baths, hot and cold wa ter In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Kates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade sollcltsd. " HOTEL ANSON I A. 124 14th, Cor. Washington St. Everything new; large, airy rooms, aln gle and with bath; telephone In every room, service free; rates by the day, week or month; also unfurnished room. MRS. JOSIE3 SMITH. Manager. THE) BARTON. 13th and Alder, Is bow un dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam e&tsd, electric-lighted rooms, all outaid. Hates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites wit ru&ftiar water month up. Phones a4 ha th free. HOTEL MAJESTIC, new, modern and ele gantly furnished rooms, single or en suite, with or withouth bath, $1 a day and up. Rates by week or month. 47 Alder st. bet. 11th and 12th. HOTEL BAKER, Fifth stv opp. City Hall. Phon Marshall 666 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold watsr in every room, publio and private batos; permanent, transient. HOTEL a ARGENT. Cor. Grand ave and Hawthorne Phone East 291. connecting every room, private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by week or month. American or European. Transients solicited. JULY 1 Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front apartment with all modern conveniences ; steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas range, refrigerator, gas, electric light, janitor service, etc. Phone A. 1133. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment ; cool and airy for Summer. 685 Lovejoy st. Take W car. ' i " HOTEL IRVINO. 812 Oak su, corner tiixth. Large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, elecLrio lights, running water; low rates. HOTEL BUSH MARK- " Washington aad 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or ea suite; all modern con veniences; 3 weekly up. A M. C047. THE MERCEDES Large pleasant rooms, all modern conveniences, suitable for two; also basement room, unfurnished. 200 Washing ton; THE NEW OSBORN HOTEL. AH outside rooms; hot and cold water, steam heated; (3 and up per week. Grand ave. and East Ash. THE) ASSEMBLY. Fine furnished rooms; running water, large yard; reasonable rent. 6th and Madi son sts. THE LANDORE 283 Tenth street, at Jefferson. Choice newly furnished rooms, within, walking distance of business cen ter. SUITE of two rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 people; all conveniences, close In, ulce y ar d ,v er yreaoon ab 1 e.20 17 th st- NICE front bay-window and other rooms. SI. 50 to 4 per week; free phone and bath. 2 North 14th st, THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 per week; electrio lights, hot baths free. ' THE GATG3A. " Grand ave. and JB5. btark. Modern. 2.50 up. .. A PLBASANT room for two gentlemen on first floor; hot and cold water; $3.25 each 165 10th st. The Colon iaU YOU WILL BE PLEASED. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST MODE RN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. APPLICATIONS received for rooms In build ing formerly occupied by Arlington Club Alder and W. Park. Address P. Q. Box 223. MODERN outside rooms, 2.60 to $3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 586 Washington' st. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place formerly Elton Court Aniex. 414 Yamhill aad 11th. IXR RENT. FUrnished Rooms. HOMELIKE HOMELIKE HOMELIKE NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. This poetry may be bad Not so this little ad. Which greets you in this paper, , So plain, plain, plain. This little ad's no shirk. For each one gets in its work. Just try us once and you're sure to come Atfain, 'gain, 'gain. . HOTEL MEDfORD. J BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building: fine large ground-floor office: hot and cold running water In all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished. Rates only 43 and up per week; 50c up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Filth and Glisan sts. COSY. COMFORTABLE ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-date residence hotel in the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent Is very moderate, rooms from $15 per month up. Why not get the best for your money ? Now open, rooms by the day, week or month. Phone Marshall 1950 HOTEL BRESLIN, S. W. cor. 11th and Washington sts. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold running water in rooms, well furnished and now under new management; excellent location, close to shopping and theater district; rates reasonable. Call and see what a comfort able house it is. Transients solicited. Bo t h p hones. DREXEL HOTEL. Third and Yamhill, only three blocks from Postoffice; electric elevator runs day and night; free use of phones and bath, hot and cold water In each room; new fire rroof building- 130 rooms; special low rates for the Summer; also have one or Jtwo unt'urnlahett rooms. 246 Yamhill st. Newly furnished rooms, clean and neat; very central, reasonable. 512fr Wash, cor. 10th. Furnished Rooms In Private Fsnnlly. LARGE finely furnished front rooms for gentlemen; choice location. Brass beds, hair mattress, birdseye maple furniture. New, modern home, walking; distance, few steps from East Morrison street carline. $10 and $15 month. 652 Belmont street, corner E. 18th. LARGE, well-furnished front room for two; bath and phone, in Christian Science fam ily ; also single room ; also want a lady with references to share large room with another lady, walking distance. 501 4th. Marshall 22.'t5. afternoon. LARGE combination sitting-room and bed room, suitable for two or three young men; other single room, all nicely fur nished; half block from Washington, walk ing distance; references. Phone Main 7713 - ONB medium and one large room ; can b used as suite; suitable for gentleman; well furnished, large closeta, modern conven jences; West Side. Phone Marshall 1S0B. A IRONT alcove room, with sleeping porch; also single room in modern fiat; 3 blocks on! Washington at. 528 Flanders st. Marshall l'J77. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with al cove. In private family, with gas, water, laundry privilege; lO minutes walk to post office. 347 College st. Phone Main 78.54. A NICELY furnished room on first floor, with free use of piano and telephone, and only 8 blocks from P. O-; $2 per week. 309 Market st. FOR RENT Furnished room in Irvington ; comfortably furnished. In private family; for a reiined gentleman; convenient to 2 canines. East 3458. NICELY furnished room for one or two gen tlemen, phone and bath. 388 Jefferson, b etween West Park an d10 1 h s t. A. PLEASANT room, all modern conven iences; hot water continually. Apartment 4, 584 Flanders. A 5U5. NICELY furnished front rooms; modern, con veniences; suitable for two; central! 213 13th at. NEWLY furnished rooms in steam-heated residence; with running hot and cold water. 504 Flanders st. FOR one or two young ladies, large front room, use piano, private family. 370 13th st.. West Side. GENTLEMAN may have a well-furnished room in private family at $10 per month. 345 11th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room, modern; references required. 834 Mill. Phone A 3135. $17 month, nicely furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2, walking distance, use of phone and bat h . 427 Harrison . SPLENDID room, balcony, suitable for two gertlemen; very best location. 302 Vi Park. . BEAUTIFUL front room, first floor $4.00 week ; smaller room $ 1. 75 sleeping porch $ 1. 50; Sh or tw al k. W2Ten t h . CLEAN, comfortable rooms; $10 and $12 month ; walking distance. 429 Market. A 4006. NICE comfortable room In quiet home, strictly modern; good neighborhood. 54W Johnson. BEAUTIFUL front room for 2 or 3 in new modern home; elegant location. Main 71)72. NEWLY furnished rooms in Christian home; free use of bath and parlor. Call 35 V E. Main. NEWLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen ; very close In. 214 13th St., ( nrner Salmon. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms; very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. NICELY furnlshesd rooms, en suite or sin gle, in modern flat; private family. 400 Pa rk st. ELEGANTLY furnished suite of rooms, suit able for two gentlemen. 141 11th St., corner Alder et. FURNISHED room for young man in private family; outside entrance; very central. 2ti5 11th st.,near Jefferson. ST EAM-H BATED furnished front room; priv ate family; board next door if desired. 507V6 Glisan st. FURNISHED room in a very desirable lo cation; board next door. 102 N. 22d, cor. Irving. 207 6TH, nice large furnished room for 2 or 4 gentlemen, near X'Ofitotnce. ONE nice furnished room, electric lights, bath, phone, reasonable. 547 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished sleeping porch, electric lights', bath, phone. 547 Yamhill st. NOB HILL Lovely front room, bath, nice yard, close in. 032 Flanders. NICELY furnished room for rent, $10 per month. 331 7th St. DOUBLE front room; new and clean. Two or more adults. A 7700. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; prl vate family, per month. 425 Taylor. FINE ROOMS, nicely furnished, central, rea ertn a h 1 e rates. 2U9 10th st . W 1 lso n la n . ATTRACTIVE room or suite, strictly pri vate family, no other roomers. Main iM02. NICEX.Y furnished room, modern, bath, walking distance. 414 Second Bt. 24S N. 20TH St. Furn (shed rooms in pri yaft family. Main 3040. FOR RENT Clean furnished room, private fnmlly. 157 North lQlh st. A FURNISHED front room, close In. 447 Main at. NICELY furnished room In private family; gentleman only. T'Ol Belmont, flunnysie'e VERY pleasant, light, airy room, for one or two gentlemen, reasonable. 305 12ih st. FURNISHED front rooms, single or en suite. 34a10th st.. nearWashlngton. FURNISHED rooms; free phone and bath; walking distance. 37 W. Park st. 2 LARGE. clean, . well-furnished Ringle rooms, front and back parlors. 203 10th st. FRONT rooms for one or two gentlemen, also small one and reasonable. 202 1 2th. BENT A nurse will share her apartment with a young lady. Main 77.VS. ONB furnished front room; bath and phone Marshall 1727. 3r2 4th st. 2 FRONT housekeeping rooms, gas and phone. 244RusseIl st. LA RG E. well-f urn ished room ; private, qu let ; gentlemen only 210 N.- CLEAN, well-furnished rooms; fine location. 2rt 14th South. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 20S Grant st. M. 5681. PLEASANT rooms, walking distance, $2 to $4 per week. 573 3d st. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, .walking distance. 209 14th St.. South. FURNISH ED rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 28 North16thst. 1 NEATLY furnished room In private family, reasonable. 415 Mill. Main 7331. NICE furnished room at 27t 16th. near Washington, reasonable walking distance. NEWLY f urn lab ed room, quiet, modern, phone and elertrlc lights. 301 10th st. VFRY pleasant rooms, every convenience, walking distance. Main 3312. 361 loth st. FOR KENT. . rurplnhed Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED front room. alcove, sleeping porch, modern flat; private l'amily; separate;; all conveniences; suitable for 2 or 3 ladies or gentlemen; walking dUtance. 61 E.45ixth st. N. t Unfurnished, Rooms. TWO furnished rooms, bath. gas. yard : front rooms, downstairs. 080 Williams ave. THREE rooms in flat; gas, water fur nished; $14. 400 Ross, corner Dixon; T blocks from Steel Bridge. THREE pleasant. convenient, unfurnished rooms, central, reasonable, adults. Inquire 233 Hal 1, af ternoons. ' JUST -V HAT YOU WANX "MILNER BLDG.," 35tVa MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. FOUR .very fine unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East t3Sl. THREE rooms for rent at 283 Larrabee, two blocks i'roni Steel Rridge. Koumw IVim BW. ROOMS'wlth board. $6 per week; home comforts; 4 minutes walk from Postoffice- phone and bath free; rooms without board. $2. and up. The Lindell, 207 Mar ket st. ROOM ANDBOARD for"ladies and gentlemen; nicely furnished rooms with running water, with or without board, at The Hazel. 3b6 3d st., corner Montgomery. PORTLAM? Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room, and library, , io Flanders L Miss Frances 4. Heath, supt- LA ROE room with alcove and board. A :!VJS 515 Morrison sr., corner 16th. BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first -class private boarding-hou,facing the park. 374 Park. THE CALVARD Choice accommodations. 452 Morr 1 son, cor. 13th; wa iklng dl s ta n c e . NICK front room suitable for two; home cook ing. 435 Yamhill et. m ROOMS with board, reasonable rates, Th . Waldorf, 147 13th St. Main 2118. Rooms "With Board In Private Kami It. FAMILY of 3 adults, with new house and furnishings; will rent 1 room to refined couple; walking distance, on East Side. Board optional. Kelerencei required. Phono B ROOM and board for two: large and plea-Bant room, with all modern conveniences; easy walking distance. 28 Kast 0th t. North, right near Burnside. Phone East Go l b. NICE room, with board, for 1 or 2, in mod ern private house; use of piano, etc. ; blocks from Motel Portland, on Park blocks. Main .4504. LARGE frant baywindow room, with alcove and sleeping porch; modern conveniences; steam heat; will serve breakfast and ev en injsjimnej':M NICELY furnished front room; running waLcr, beautiful grounds, ideal place for Bummer; exceptional board. 80 East fith m.. corner Washington. East 1300. FURNISHED room and board in private family; fine view; modern conveniences. Rowe City Park district. Ladies only. Roferencoa. Phono Tabor . a s A NT room adjoining bath; also smaller room; excellent board; Pva,f home; parlor; dose in; Qtmramo. w- Couch st.. cor15thst; NICELY furnished room, private family, suitable for two; 2 clothes closets; would serve breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner; fine c arse rv 1 c e. m Phone E a a it 2460. FRONT room, with first-class board, suit able for 2 young men; large, fine house and lawn; near Hill Hotel, corner J-d. J714 Davis. PLEASANT front room, and board If de sired, for two or three gentlemen. 14 Uwna d ale . between Morrison and Alder. FURNISHED room and board for 2 gentle men at $20 each; also single room. 54 Yamhlllst. , , NEATLY furnished rooms, excellent board, desirable location; reasonable. 20j 23d bU North. - . NICE front room, private family; cooking; Nob Hill; gentlemen preferred. S Lucretia st., near and Washington. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, one block from carline. Call S13 Marguerite ave., or phone B 2271. . . ONlfturnrBhed room, with or without board: lady preferred; -walking distance; all con ve n leuces. 31K 4th 8t. ROOM and board, aultable for two eentle men two blocks south of Morrison carline. 17SE-14th. at. - BOARD and room for three; Ph"f; home cooking; per week. 101 Uth, near Yamhill. NICELY furnished front rooms, suitable for VKentleinon. with or without board; from t.50up; 28jatlistreet. WANTED Keflned young lady roommate in lovely family, with board; reasonable. Kast Side, close In. Phono a LARGE front room, three windows, suitable 2. Rh 'Si.W tToonTTouitr Phon" B . KU'SLV lurnlshed lale front room; home cooking; reasonable rates. Phone Main 7016. . - TiOOMS and board; beautiful rooms; Ideal Rc?.m?ryhome: Mount Tabor Main 4412. A On Sunday call Tabor 1SP4. THREE youns men to room and b"f;rd '? private famfly; home comforts. CaU 901 Commercial st. . VERY "fine larBe furnished room, with or without hoard. East FURNISHED room and board. 355 11th st. Phne A 163- ,r a,. T . flat r, nice clean room, sult- able for two mechanics; home cooking. fxVEUY room, with board; home cooking; r asonable. 173 Ella st. NEWLY furnished ooms. with board. WS East Oak, coiner 15th. H oi DESIRABLE) rooms reasonable. 653 Waah- lngton st ROOM and board for 2. 25 each. Phone Main 648. . WELL-FURNISHED room. l liable for two; hreaktagt ana qinn. -.. FURNISHED rooms and board. Apply 884 Main St. Phone Main 44. . WOULD like one or two children to board; "n'onal'lc. ran M3 Rodney ave, ROOM with running water. 615 Morrison st . corner Hith. A S-X. ROOM and board for young women of good chamber; & -r week. 0 Grand ave. .V funicE corner rooms, select board, rea C"?nable.'61MarShult.t.A.4920, tv RENT Furnished rooms, with board If dc"rld.j"-u- jjj.l nth st. ROOM and hoard. r,5 Irving St. Apartments. mB dft Furnished 5-room apartment, piano, hot water, bath phone. ery reasonable, or will rent single rooms J6J 3d St.. apartment 1. Phone Main iTH viu'R-KOOM unfurnished apartment; Ire refrigerator, laundry tub gas and elec tric; good yard. 68 Lucretia. Place. Main r.o.5. . . TilW LA I" RETT E Apartments. 220 llth St. T 1 eleganUy furnished and 1 unfurnished S-room apartment; strictly modern; both phones. . FIVE-ROOM apartment for the Summer or 1W newly and well furnished, close in, West Side. Rent for san.o a. unfurnished. Phone East 1W4 aner i" . T11H best 3 and 4-room furnished and un furnished apartments in the city at 691 WashinKton st.; walking distance; every thing new and modern; all conveniences. THE WESTFAL. 410 Oth st. furnished and unfurnished apartments: private baths and phone; elevator and Janitor service; rem. reasonable. Phor.e A "" THE ALTAMONT. Modern brick. 3 and 4-roo;n apartments; telephone, -team heat etc $30 and ; 5th and Cqljese. Main WHO. flA RI , N D APARTMENTS, cor. Trinity and Washington sts.. 2-room furnished suite, first floor, all moiternconvenlenci, f U3month HLEONf B Apartments. 1S6 North 22d. between Johnson and Kearney. Just opened in 3-room suites, completely furnished. FURNISHED three-room apartments and single rooms. The Ellsworth, lua Loftns dale st. Main C474. IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill sts.. 4-room. unfurnished. $32 and $36; modern improvements. 'O $i:7 v TWO and 4 rooms, bath, fur nished "and partly furnished; choice lo rritton. E. W-i'.i. KLFX5ANTLY furnished 3-room flat to two adults on West Park St.; price 130. 3S4 College at. WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS" Rth and Midison; furnished and unfurnished for rent. KING HILL APARTMENTS, King and Wayne jts. Ap ply to Janitor. UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment: rent Sltt Inquire 2'2r. Msrket St. THE UHETOPA. 13th and Flanders, modern 4-room apartments. Apply to janitor. THE GAYOSA. Modernf urnibhod apartmonts. East 5405. MODERN 4-room basement apartment, heTTt hot water.etc.,S 2Umont!i. 0i8 Flanders! COMPLETELY furnished four-room apart ment; Summer or longer. Phone A 4535,