The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 26, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 25

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For Sale
A few bargains; 6 acres, all
bottom land; win raise onions;
five minutes' walk station; tea
miles out; all under cultivation;
pries 2450.
49 acres at Damascus, 12
acres cleared, balance fine tim
ber, the wood will pay for the
clearing; only one-half mile
from stores, Postofflce; is ex
cellent fruit land; macadamized
automobile road entire distance
frm city by this Fall; can be
bought cheap and on terms: 14
.miles out.
5 acres, . -mile from 3-cent
rare, has house. barn, nine
chlcicea-bouses; lies level; terms.
acres In the city. all
planted to fruit, lies rolling, 2
blocks from car, will double in
value In short time; $1000 will
handle, long time on balance.
80 acres, right at station on
electric line, all planted to ap
ples, Spitzenberg. Yellow New
towns and Baldwins, 3 years
old; lies nearly level, has small
house and barn, good well, on
county road; Base Line 10 miles
out from center of city; terms,
one-third cash, balance time.
40 acres. White Salmon apple
land, 10 miles from White Sal
mon, Wash.; excellent apple,
land. There Is 1,000.000 feet
of saw timber on this land;
lies nearly level; 2400, halt
14 acres at Jfewberg on Ore
gon Electric, 9 miles from city:
Improved, only five minutes'
walk from station; will subdi
vide if purchaser does not care
to take all.
Board of Trade Bldg.,
84 4th St.
80 acres of deep loam soil, all level: 40
acres In high state of cultivation ; good
family orchard; 12 acres of first-class
beaverdam, partly in onions, all fenced
and cross-fenced; 2 boxhouses. one 0
rooms, one 4 rooms; large barn; water
piped to house and barn from good spring;
all outbuildings; 8 head fullblood Jersey
cows; one fullblood Jersey bull off Ladd
farm; 5 good horses, worth $850; 2 wa-
?ons. 1 double harness; wood cutting out
It; plows, harrow, several stands of bees,
cream separator, household furniture. This
place is 22 miles from Portland, 2 miles
from Wllsonvllle, 1H miles from station
on Salem electric, right on the Willam
ette River, with water In front 00 feet
deep; boat landing on place; lies on main
county road, closo to good school, churches
and town, in fine country. Price 9000;
(4500 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent.
This place is an absolute sacrifice. Every
thing goes at the price. (B)
Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sta.
Main 6084, A 3327.
All In cultivation, good black loam soil,
4-room hcusti, barn and chicken-house.
4 acres of potatoes, 2 acres of oats, 2
acres of clover and 2 acres of orchard,
composed of 50 apple trees. 12 years old,
25 cherry trees, a few prunes and pears,
all kinds of berries and garden; also team
of horses and wagon worth $500; running
water and well on place. 8 miles from
Courthouse, one mile from electric sta. ;
land adjoining sells from $400 to SHOO per
acre. If sold at once ,3800; $2000 cash,
baL 0 oer cent. This place never on mar
ket before.
Henry bldg., S. W. cor. 4th and Oak Sta.
Main 6084. A 3327.
lTCNTS 10-acre tract near Woodstock: a beau
tiful tract for platting in lots, and near
Reed Institute. Only $2M0 per acre; a
- Fine 11-acre tract near- Laurelhurst
Park: su real snap. Investigate.
Fine 4-acre tract on carline, near sta
tion, all In cultivation. $300 per acre; a
snpp. --
Fine 10-acre tract, well located and all
In cultivation, near carline. $275 per acre.
Will trade for city property, or $260 cash,
balance instalments.
2 acres all In cultivation, good 6-room
house, barn, orchard and chicken-houso.
Will trade for suburban property. $2250.
411 Commercial bldg.
66 ACRES. $5200.
66 acres of fine deep soil, 85 acres in
high state of cultivation, 1 acre of full
bearing orchard, place all fenced and
cross-fenced with good fence; lies right
on the river; 6-room house, barn f)x60,
and all outbuildings. This place is 25
miles from Portland In Clackamas Coun
ty, on main county road, 2 miles from sta
tion, on R. F. H. and telephone. Price
$5200; $1800 cash, balance long time.
Henry bldg.. S. W. cor. 4th and Oak Sts.
Main 6084, A 3327.
IF you are really looking for a good farm
buy. It will pay you to look into this.
25 acres at Mauer. Washington; 15 acres
cleared. 300 fruit trees loaded with fruit,
house and barn, good well, right near
store, P. O. and church: on main road;
rich, black loam; no stone or gravel; 2
miles to rail, steam or electric Only
(2750, $1750 cash: you can look this paper
through and not tind another like this.
215 Henry Bldg.
Investigate for yourself. 'On best elec
tric carline running into Portland. You
will buy thl It you see it and have the
money. Owner K 81. Oregonlan.
Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small.
well-Improved farm, at low pries and on
most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my
own properties,
B20 Cor be it Bldg.
BEST location for apartment-house on East
- Side; will trade: small Improved farm,
good soil; convenient to railroad; terms,
will trade. 283 Worcester bldg. A. 1215.
Woodlawn, $6000; small cash payment. This
Is a, bargain. Call 410 Falling bldg.
About-3000 acres One timber, cruising 60,-
000 per acre, yellow fir and Port Orford
cedar: $80 oer acre.
125.000.000 feet excellent yellow -pine, well
located, $1.50 per M.
40,000.000 ft. yellow fir and Port Orford
cedar, 65 cents per M.
100,000,000 yellow pine and fir, $1.35 per
12.000.000 yellow nr. $8000.
Large and small tracta in desirable loca
621 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Sawmill proposition; must be
good location, on R. it., and price reason
able. Owners only call or write 808 Board
of Trade.
8.0O0.000 feet green fir near North Bank
Ry. and Columbia River, 75c per m ;
give phone or business address. II 84,
1400 ACRES logged-off land near Columbia,
all level and good soli; great bargain.
2.'.3'4 Washington St., cor. Third
800 ACRES timber, on the Nehalem. Tilla
mook Co.; can be had cheap of owner If
taken now; no agent, only principals need
apply. AJ3 Pa. uregoniaii.
M'OHM-KEN. 10 McKst Jt'.Ax
1.400.000 FEET timber on river. 60 cents.
LanB county. aa, urcgunmn.
TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish'
menu. 219 Worcester I ldg.
give full particulars, location, amount of
timcer ana price, ownen oniy. a eo, ure-
rnRnwoOD stunmage. 500 to 1000 cords"
cheap for cash: close to electric line or
railroad. aj e. uregonian.
TIMBER lecds wanted.
&04 McKay bldg.
C. J. McCracken.
WANTED TO RENT acres or more with
68 acres, 40 has been plowed, enough
wood on place to more than pay for all;
4 miles from good town and R. R. ; level,
good rich soil, no rock; $1700; trade for
house up to or near $1200, balance cash.
This place is worth $50 per acre,
Close in on Saiem Electric, $1500; will
trade for home In Portland up to $2300,
and pay cash difference.
Set out hls year; party will cultivate
for live years; one mile to town and R. R.
Close to Portland, $3200. Trade for house
In city. This will make you rich In 10
74 acres in cultivation, new 7-room
house, barn, outbuildings, orchard, gar
den, all planted; horse, cow, 2 wagons, 1
buggy, harness, all farm tools; 2 miles to
streetcar; $32oo, $500 mortgage, runs two
years; will take lots to value of $1200,
balance cash. Cars will soon run past
this place.
Room 225 Flledner Bldg. Marshall 1645.
WO ACRES, wlthfn 30 miles of Portland in
Washington County ; farm well Improved
and soil of the beat; price, $10.0oo: will
accept Portland property up to $5000;
some cash, balance tt per cent.
40 acres in Washington County; 12 un
der cultivation; house and barn; price,
$:,KX; will take Portland property up to
283 acres'? S5 In high state of cultiva
tion. In Washington County; good 8-room
house and outbuildings; $85 per acre; will
take Portland property up to $IWU; $6000
cash, balance to suit
We have .several other farms for ex
change, gee us for particulars.
.S25 Lumber Exchange.
1193 ACRES.
t I have a fine mock and wheat ranch near
Morrow, which I wish to exchange; 350
acres In wheat, 550 acres tillable, balance
fine grazing land; plenty of running water,
two seta buildings; price $J0.00o; will take
half in trade, either farm or city property.
W"hat have you? Plenty of time -on balance.
3i)8 Board of Trade.
' acre farm near Forest .Grove, in the gar
den spot of the Tualatin Valley; now In
crop; buildings bran new; three big barns;
will subdivide to suit; Portland reaity
taken in exchange if desired. Write or call
on Fidelity Trust Co., 901 Board of Trade
FOR sale or exchange, beautiful 6-room
house, full cement basement, furnace, on
fine quarter block, 2 blocks from car;
price $5500; will trade to the amount of
one-half for acreage or city lots; photo In
418 Rothchild bldg.
8BH us about that 1040 acres at 920 per
acre in the Goodnoe Hills we have to trade;
will take timber land, city property or
Valley land; Goodnoe Hill land Joining our
land selling for $100 to $250 per acre in
6 and 10-acre tracts. Moore Investment Co.,
304-305 Henry bldg.
BALE) OR EXCHANGE 8 lots In nearby
railroad town, near depot; will exchange
for good city lot, equity In house and lot
or mortgage. What have you? Call Sun
day or .Monday. 190 Knott St., city, or
address H. P. at above.
HAVE 100-acre farm, close- to Woodburn,
all in cultivation; will take as part pay
ment an automobile, prefer a "Packard"
or a "Pierce Arrow;" $1000 cash, balance
easy terms; price less than any farm sold
inthe neighborhood. Y l,Oregonian. t
We have some very desirable, modern
homes In the city to trade for farms, val
ues from (2500 to $4500. Send us full
421 Mohawk Bui 1 d ing.
FORTY-ACRE FARMS Near good town, In
Clark County; improved or unimproved;
values $100 to $3o0u; exchange for Port
land homes or take auto, launch or va
cant lots to half the value, balance long
time. Owner. 517 Worcester .bldg. m
WE HAVE several Eastern Oregon -wheat
ranches, ranging from 2O0 to 6500 acres
each, to exchange in whole or In part for
Portland property or good agricultural
land in Western Oregon. J. W. Cochran A
Co., Condon, or.
SPLENDID corner lot, 100x100, graded sts..
Bull Run water; value $1100, $500 paid on
contract, balance payable $15 monthly;
will sell equity cheap lor cash or trade
tor piano, launch or cheap automobile.
C 80, Oregonlan.
$140 EQUITY in 10 acres, all in cultivation
and close to Portland. Only five minutes'
walk from station; will exchange for
house and lot or lots. J.. Q. Sanders, 427
Lumbermen s bldg.
606 2-3 ACRES finest kind of Valley land
over 400 aores cleared; price T; per acre;
to exchange for Middle West farm lands.
1022 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange Terms. 7-room, 2-
story house, close to car and school;
around G6xl09, set to assorted fruit trees.
currants, raspberries, etc. AD 76, Ore
gonlan. ;
WILL take city or country property, Ira
proved or unimproved, in exchange for
manufacturing property. w vt, ore
gonlan. HAVE a few good money-making country
stores either for sale or exchange for good
city property or farms.
F. FL'CHS, 221 Morrison St.
DtVINGTON 6-room residence, my equity
$4000, to exchange for unincumbered city
lots, acreage or farm property. East
4073, or AK 83, Oregonlan.
IF YOU want a nice and very cheap but
a good home, line lot, plenty of rruit,
good house, 5 blocks from Hawthorne car.
on E. 30th st. glSOO. AG 71, Oregonlan.
FIVE-ROOM bungalow in Rose City Park
close to canine and store; modern ; will
exchange, for acreage. J. Q. Sanders, 427
Lumbermena bldg.
200 ACRES, Salem, 50 acres cultivation
house, tarn, ij neaa cattle, lO hogs, 25
goats, all Implements; equity $30oo for
house or lota. 718 Chamber of Commerce
THREE 6-room houses, all rented and pay
ing scooa revenue, ana i lot. Jones more,
total for farm or good acreage. Owner,
7 1 a tnam oer oi uomm e re e .
80 ACRES near Aurora, 35 acres in cultiva
tion ; good buildings ; $2500 in city prop
erty, balance terms. 718 Chamber of
tor jf oriiu.uu pi upcrtj' or imjjruvea rancn
in Oregon or Washington. L 71. Ore-
FOR SALE or exchange, a homestead 20
miles from Roseburg. near R. R. ; frame
house; stock and furniture with place. H
7a, oregonian.
WILL exchange my 160 acres of orchard
land in the Rogue .Kiver valley for Port
land property- B. F- Benson, 508 Board
of Traae mag.
EXCHANGE for hardware stock Chicken and
fruit ranch, joins county seat of Lincoln
County; owner only. B. a. Kingsiey, Toledo,
18 ACRES at Oswego, nearly all in 5-year-old
cherries, for home close In; preter
100x100 ground; $7200. 718 Chamber of
5-ROOM house, close In. cash value S20UO:
will exchange $550 equity for anything ot
value. Phone ftiam 2Uia.
CORNER lot at Warrenton, value $500.
exchange for diamond or horse and buggy.
FOR acreage or city property in Oregon, c
nice cottage in Santa Clara Valley, Cali
fornia. L 76. Oregonlan.
CORNER lot In oity, value $1000. to exchange
tor equity in cottage, ax. Aoington- oiug.
LOTS fn growing Eastern Oregon town to
exchange lor acreage or c:ty property.
Penn Invest. Co.. 614 Buchanan bldg.
llu.OOO EQUITY in &eattie Income Dropertv
for farm or- stock of merchandise; income
montn. k uregonian.
2-ACRE tract, 7 miles from city, on Ore
gon City line; $-000, for house or lots.
'wner. Tl Chamber of Commerce.
TELESCOPE. 5 feet long, with 4-lnch lens
and tripod complete, for Portland prop-
WILL exchange good Oregon property for
property In New York btaie. Laid law, 605
t; o m me r c i awiiug.
FOR SALE or trade. 20 acres fine fruit
land; $2000. Call at 423 Lumbermens
160-ACRE wheat ranch. Eastern Oregon,
for-real estate, merchandise, business, etc,
v-! w asnington St., corner Third.
10 ACRES, Hood River Valley, fronting on
mwr, iu,c, wuai HU.VB gOl 7
D 80, Qregonian.
TWO Laurelhurst lots to trade for diamnnH
small auto or cheap lot, or anything of
IMPROVED lots and house in Portland for
i.oa Angeies property or value of $4000 to
TWO lots, 3 blocks south of Country Club
. eviihiiTiA fiir mi T fl nr a f r a tr a rn annB
Phone Marshall 2131. '
BEAUTIFUL residence in Irvington for
cash, and balance Washington County
NICE suburban lots, exchange for equity in
moaern nuuee ana iui near car, x 77,
YOU can trade any kind of property
room mm 'Hoard of Trad-e.
800 ACRES, good soil. 40 miles Portland
Sell cheap or exchange. C 82. Oregonlan.
CHOICE Mississippi land to trade for flrst-
cla.P3 automobile. AD Qregonian.
WHAT have you for a lot In Lake view.
1 or, r. fill Bucnanaa oiag. Mala si98t
7 miles from R- R. and town of 1500
people, 1300 acres tillable, balance good
grazing land, large outside range, plenty
of water, 80 acres irrigated, 700 acres in
wheat, 600 acres Summer-fallowed, good
7-room house, big barn and a lot of out
buildings, good water system, gasoline
engine pumps water all over the place,
good famllv orchard. Price, including all
crops $22.50 per acre. Will take about
$15,000 worth of Portland property or
acreage for first payment.
$20,000 worth of income-bearing city
property to trade for store ; income $200
per month', our equity in this property is
A section of wheat land In Eastern Ore
gon to trade for city property or small
farm, over 500 acres in crop, 2 miles from
R. R. station, plenty of water, all fenced
but no buildings, about lo acres of good
bottom land; price $16 per acre.
' 804 Henry Bldg.
This is located closo to Portland, on very
finest road, close to electrio line; all in cul
tivation; good 2-story residence, outbuild
ings, chlcken-houeea and parks, etc., sur
rounded by fine bomes and paying ranches;
ft Is an Ideal country home and a money
maker; very finest of orchard and berry
land and a fine bearing orchard of more
than 8 acres now, with a good crop; this is
a snap at $6000; no debt against it; will
exchange for good Portland property or fine
residence in good location, or will take
property for part and time on balance. See
J. El Smith. 513 Chamber Commerce, Port
land, Oregon.
located rlgh t c lose to Portland on flno
road; good new six-room 'residence, hard
plastered, good outbuildings, good team, two
good cows, good vehicles, took and imple
ments. In fiact everything ready to move
right onto; price $6500, no incumbrance;
this belongs to two old people who are will
ing to exchange it for good Portland resi
dence with one or more full lots- uq to
$4o00 or $5oOO value and .give plenty of
time on the balance. Call on J. E. Smith,
513 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or.
10 ACRES, 9 miles from Courthouse, to ex
change for runabout or 'house ana lot;
price $1200.
40 acres, 85 miles from Portland; S or
JO acres clear, balance piling timber, for
city property; $3000.
6-room modern house and lot. price
$3100, for Washington County farm, near
HHlsboro preferred.
27Q1, Washington st., room 1 . -
in this Just completed 5-roomed (can
make 8) house; complete bath, cement
basement, large rooms, paneled walls,
plate rail, etc. ; model kitchen, with cao
inet cupboards, sink, wood lifts, electrw
lights; high -and sightly, in nice neigh
borhood, close to car; lot 50x100, $250O.
Will take lots up to $1000, $500 cash, ba
ance 3 years. Owner, AH 86. Oregonlan
2 ACRES, near Courtney Station and
some gooa city lots to traae lor a gooa
house up to $3000.
160 acres good land, no mortgage, also
40 acres near Portland, trade all for
apartment-house or any good olty or
Valley property.
22 acres finest garden land near city
for home up to $7500.
CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg.
S-room modern house, on Monroe st.,
block from other line; price $4 TOO.
107 acres, 25 acres cleared, house, barn,
crop, etc., on electric line and miles
from Portland; price $180 per acres; about
oash. - "
270 ht Washington st., room 1.
WHERE can you find 20OO acres of land.
under good irrigation canal, less tnan one
snlle to large R. R. town; water rightJi all
paid; altitude 300 feet, for less than $100
per acre; I have lt located in Oregon.
Owner will consider' exchange for city
property, in part, and perhaps all- L. K.
,Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland.
A fine new 8x10 camera, carrying case,
double plate holders, will trade for good
30-30 rifle or tent and fishing equipments,
or anything of good value; what have
you 7 I have no use for camera. E. H.
Writrht. 1611 East D st- Vancouver. Wash.
WILL trade the following real estate: 5. 10
and 20-acre tracts, lots at iJanoon, .oos
Bav. Tillamook Beach. Ocean view, dins,
Wash., ab Gladstone station; trade for
raw land, timber or outeride property, hotels
or business or stocK in aajoimng uregoa
towns. Courtoia, 216 Lewis bld-g.
on the Condon branch of the O. R. & N.,
only 6 miles from Rock Creek and 4 mile
from the John Day River; will trade for a
home In Portland or gooa lots. jjavia
Lewis, room 2 Lumbermen's bldg., 6th and
71 acres right near Oregon City; $50 an
aero that $600 and your second-hand au
tomobile -will handle: land In fine and I
defy you to show me anything sjiyhere
touching thia offer. Y 81, Oregonlan.
THE FACTORY'S LOSS will be your gain,
Received 4 hiKh-grade pianos In a real
estate deal, worth $450 apiece, which I
can sell to you for $200 Call at 225
5th street and bring your own . expert;
let his judgment be your guide.
T TVTT.T. talrn hmiBA nnrt . In in Pnrtlonil
valued at $4000 or $5000, as part payment
on my lOG-aere farm, all in cultivation, on
the Salem Electric line: Just the thinr to
cut up in email tracts. Address 36, care
commercial ciuo, city.
FINE Hood River acreage, cleared, ex
change Portland lots.
, Equity cottage Mount Scott line, or
qlose-ln acreage, suitable chicken rancn
Choice lots near Reed Institute. What
have you? C. ' 17o 21st st.
20-ACRB farm, all improved, at Tlgardville
1 mile from Salem Electric or Southern
Pacific R, R. ; will sell $400 per acre or
trade for income city property. Donald
Macleod, 81 Electric bldg.
on the East Side, near the new high school
on corner lot; will exchange for close-in
acreage or vacant lots. David Lewis, room
2, Lumbermens oiag., ttn ana starK.
I HAVE 5 acres, brand new 6-room plastered
house, free of encumbrance; fruit, berries,
all cultivated ; near Portland; will trade
for house and lot in Portland. O 85.. Ore
i ponlan. i
PROPERTY 14 acres, with new 8-room
bungalow, in Coqullle, Oregon. Call or
write R. R. Pownder, 670 Belmont St.,
Portland. ; i
3 LOTS and 6-room house, cor. Virginia st.
and Triors Ferry road. 1637 Terrace road.
For sale or exchange, together or separate.
Mr. Ertz.
8.16 a., 5 cultivated, 200 2-yr. trees. 35
min. out on the Oregon Electrio. Want
Portland residence. N 8i2, Oregonlan.
WANTED to trade, timber or fruit lands
located witIig 15 miles of White Salmon
for Portland residence property. K. S.
Oregon fan.
80S ACRES walnut land, 7H miles from
Sheridan; county road; running water;
house, barn; phone, R. F. D. 32.5Q aore.
O w n er. Tabor 2213.
EXCHANGES We have city property, farms,
timber land, rooming-houses, vacant lots,
all kinds of stocks to trade' for anything of
.value. 417 Board of Trade.
TIMBER claim, a manufacturing business,
house and lot, to exchange, one for the
other. Boggess. room S, 221 Morrison.
CHOICE view lota overlooking the river and
mountains, between two carlines; will trade
for farm or auto. X 87. Oregonlan. ,
WILL exchange good timber claim, will
cruise .5,000,000 feet, for good automobile.
Phone East 5102.
MODERN 6-room bungalow in Seattle to trade
for Portland lots or acreage. Address W.
H. Morgan, 103 East 54th st.. Seattle. Waah.
Rooming-house for income property,
farm or acreage. Phone Marshall 1645.
EXCHANGE $250O equity in two corner
lots East , 23d street for modern cottage
or gooa location. j ou, -uregonian.
WILL exchange shares in a high-grade com
pany for a 6-passenger automobile. Call
Sell wood 1376. AM 75. Qregonian.
NEW Estey player piano to trade even or
small difference on real estate. What
have you to offer? K 87, Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class paper-hanger and
kalsoming done in exchange for modern
downtown apartments. T C4. Qregonian.
14 LOTS in Newport to trade for city lot
or small house; price $1200. 420 Swet
land Jaldg;
SMALL house, 50x100 lot. Alberta district.
JH30; will trade for rooming-house. O
P6. Oregonlan. ;
PENDLETON residence property for farm or
Portland property. What have you to offer?
mm M 82, Oregonian.
TIMBER LAND to give as first payment
on a 7-room hous and lot in good locality.
D 82, Oregonlan.
FINE diamonds for acreage or lots; only
fair deal wanted. 500 Henry bldg.
WILL trade "improved California farm for
Portland property. B 8Q, Qregonian.
40 ACRES In Columbia County to exchange
for automobile. 411 Corbett bldg.
HAVE $800 as payment on improved 10 to
15-acre farm close to electric carline.
What have you? Give full particulars, N
77. Oregonlan.
WANTED 40 acres, good farm land; must
be reasonable. Give full particulars. AM
77. Qregonian. I
CONSTANT calls for good farms. Hatch -A.
Slocuxn, 403 Commercial block. -
I HAVE customei for modern S-room resi
dence In good neighborhood. West Side,
Couch, King or Goldsmith, Additions;
rooms of fair elze, with room for billiard
table; price $l.oOO; $15,uoO. Can pay
$6000 cash. Donald Macleod, 516 Electrio
bldg. -
WILL buy for spot cash, dwelling-house,
suitably located, for $2000 to $4hh: don't
bother me unless- you are willing to
make liberal sacrifice. Call or address
507 McKay bldg. Phone Main 4710.
WE have inquiries for desirable residences
in 'Holladay and Irvihgton Additions. If
you " have nouses for sale in these addi
tions, we can find you buyers. McCargar,
Bates & Lively, 315 Failing Piag.
OW N ERS We have bu y ers for vaca n t lots,
houses and lots on easy terms; 3 buyers "for
farms, 4o to 160 acres. If yours is for
sale and the price is right we can sell it
quick. 417 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Good 7-room house, corner-lot,
walking distance. Grand ave. and East
Morrison st. ; not over $6000; will pay cash.
The Hart Land Co.. 146 2d st.
WANTED Small house or cottage, west of
H. 2th st., between Oak and O. R. &
N. track; must be a bargain; no agents.
T 74, Oregonlan. i
WILL pay cash for contracts In Laurel
hurst; don't bother me .unless you are
willing to sacrifice. Call or address 507
McKay bldg. Main 4710.
WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow in-good
district, about $2500 or $;;O00; can pay
$2-50 down, balance monthly. AL 361,
On West Side, from owner only; must
be good proposition and desirable loca
tion. 718 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To buy an acre tract with some
improvements on Oregon City line or Ore
gon Electric; give full particulars, terms,
etc L 82, Qregonian:
FORTY acres, adapted for fruit or vegetables,
near railway, between here and Kelso,
.Wash. Write particulars. T 84, Qregonian.
TIMBER or homestead relinquishment
wanted for cash; must be cheap., AF 88,
WANT to buy lot close to Rose City Park
carline, cheap for cash. AG 700, Orego
rian. EQUITY in good lot for high-grade 4
cycle runabout, fully equipped; first-class
condition. L Sit Qregonian.
I WILL pay cash Immediately for lot in
Irvington; must be snap. 420 Swetlapd
ZMt ACRES in cultivation, 20 minutes out, 10
per cent cash, balance monthly. Purse,
81 8 Chamber of Commerce.
LOT and house; must be cheap, email payment
down, small monthly payment. B 75, Ore
gocian. -
OWNERS What have you to offer In down
town property? Purse, 818 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 7309.
WANT lot from owner; must be reasonable.
Call 3te$ Board of Trade. m
A 6 OR 7-room house at about $2500; must
be easy terms. Phone Main 2U13.
WANTED Apartment-house or site to
build; must be right. H 75, Qregonian.
LOT in good residence district. Give terms
and description. AE 78, Oregonian.
BUILDER will buy vacant lots if priced
right. N 83. Qregonian. ;
WANTED 2 or 3 lots, between Alberts and
Kllllngsworth ave. phone C 1678.
WANT to purchase 8 or 10-room house with
in 3 blocks of "U" car. A 1215.
Going to California? Looking for irri
gated lands? If so, stop at Willows. Glenn
County, on the main line of the Southern
Pacific Railroad, . where the representatives
of the Sacramento Valley Irrigation Com
pany will afford you every opportunity to
see the greatest irrigation project in Amer
ica. You will see the first awakening of
the GR EAT VA LLE Y. Many millions of
dollars of increased values will be made
there within & few years. Will you share
them ?
This project is financed by J. S. and W.
S. Kuhn, Incorporated, bankers of Pitts
burg, Pa., who so successfully developed
JECT in Southern Idaho, comprising in all
300,000 acres.
The same opportunities for money-making
that vere given in Idaho will be seized by
many in the Sacramento Valley Project, t
Price of land $125 per acre with water
Very easy terms. Cash payment of only
$15 per acre, other payments extending over
10 years.
- For literature and full information ad
Department "A.
Willows, California.
Other offices Pittsburg,-Pa. ; Chicago, 111.;
San Francisco, and Los Angeles, California.
We sell Improved Irrigated land in the
"garden spot' of 'Central Oregon in tracts
of 10 to 640 acres at from $30 to 975 per
acre. This land is suitable for clover,
alfalfa and all kinds of diversified farm
ing. L. W. Hill says it will become one
of the best apple countries in the North
west. Many new orchards will be put out
within the next year. Free transporta
tion when you purchase from us. We sell
automobile tickets to all parts of Central
301-802 Buchanan Bldg.,
- On Washington, near 5th St.
Portland, Oregon.
Local off t c e, Laid law, Oregon.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
SPAN of gray mares. 7-8 years, weight 2300;
good to work; $200 one cheap team with
harness and wagon; one good driving horse.
Call Peterson's Stable. 2t Grand av. South.
FOR SALE 4 horses, harness, wagon. Call
evenings, after 7 6'clock, or Sunday. Price
sov casn; a Dargain. Lowell valley
road, bet. 76th and 77th st.
2600-LB TEAM, 3 wagon, good heavy
harness, cheap for cash; will take good
cow or ariving norse in exenange. S3
East SOth st. "W-W" car.
$45 TAKES 1100-lb. mare if sold today. 809
East 28th st. Woodstock oar to Glad
stone ave.
A SWELL little saddle pony cheap, or will
exchange for larger horse. 809 East 28th
st.; wooQBtocK car to oiaqstone ave.
A FIRST-CLASS family mare cheap or will
exenange ior norse. au n,ast ztftn at.;
Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
livery business, rigs, nurses, namess. wag'
onst for sale or rent. Main 2208.
THIS is a bargain 6 ponies 4-5 years, will
trade for good ariving norse, or sen cneap.
Mr. Fox. 14 Union av.
FOR SALE Span of S-year-old ponies, drive
double or single, inquire vv. u. uomra,
Gilbert s Crossing
PAIR of horses, 7 and 8. sound and true :
weight 2700; for pulling you can't beat
mem ; ojo. -it ru. puin at. yori.a.
WANTED Gentle, sound work horse. 1300
lbs. or more, from owner; state price and
age. V 72, oregonian.
PANEL too delivery- wasron. band made.
painted red, second hand. Price $40l Call at
j ne isoppy atapiep. iou j lanaera si.
CORNER LOT 60x100. house partly built,
will take in trade trood team and harness:
easy terms. 1105 East Shermanst.
HAL B-, 2-year-uld futurity colt, wel! broke,
for sale cheap. Inquire 18U4& Morrison St.,
after Sunday. .
ONE team, mare and horse, aged 6. weight
2WS5; one mare, aged 7, weight 1300. loll
Union ave.. North.
WHAT have you to trade for a Studebaker
phaeton In good condition. .? AC 84, Ore
gonlan. 1
FOR SALE One team young well-matched
horses, weighing 2so0; one 5-year-old de
livery mare, weighing 1200. 220 Russell St.
ONE heavy goose-neck furniture wagon, nean
ly new. A-l condition. Phene East 4k4.
FOR SALE One or two big teams. Van Horn
Transfer Co.
GOOD, sound delivery horse. Pacific Stable,
206 Salmon st.
LARGE pony, or small horse, for girl of 1JS.
,! FJlectrlc bldg.
FOR SALE Three fine fresh cows, 684 Har-
old st. Soil wood car.
TEAMS, harness, 2 wagons.
Shaver st. . .
cheap. 425
DRIVING horse and buggy for sale, pioneer
Paint Co.. 135 First Bt.
STALLS for rent. Inquire at Herrlck's
Grocery. B65 Jefferson st.
BARGAIN 3200-lb. team just off the log
glng camp. 242 Grand ave. South.
FOR SALE Good, strong, true team, cheap.
Inquire 35 E. 53d St., N.
DOULE light harness, first-class condition;
also buggy pole. 212 Alisky bldg.
FOR SALE 50 ponies, at Fulton stables.
TakaFultoncar.2dave. i
FOR SALE-s-1 span young horses, weight
about 3100 lbs. phone Exchange 80.
FOR SALE One buggy horse. Inquire 601
Johnson st.
FOR SALE 2 delivery wagons. W. J. Crocker,
SOUi and Bast Morrison. .
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an oia-establlshed
wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
outside1 the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy.. It, may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
322" Hawthorne ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
We are now located at ths Portland
Union Stockyards.
We have on hand a good stock of males
weighing from 1200 to 1400 lbs, that are
first-class In every particular; our prices
are in line with the tijs. Come and sea
us and we will convince you.
Woodlawn 2400.
TEAM, weight close to 2800 lbs., sound and
fat , good workers ; also bay? 1 juo 1 ds. ,
years old; mare suitable for delivery, ex
press or farm work; one three-spring ex
pT&aa truck, with top, two sets heavy breech
ing harness taken on a debt, useless ;to
owner; your price Is mine. Call, make of
fer. 433 N. 20th st.. through gate to left.
ONE chested gelding, 7 years old, 1
Studebaker buggy, on single harness, all
in Tine condition, the property of. Mr.
Geo. Flechle. Inquire or Kramer's sta
bles, 15th and Alder sts. This first-class
outfit must be sold on account of owner
leaving town.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not a3 represented they can be
returned. We also have on hstnd several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-ave Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE; Shetland pony, basket cart, har
ness, saddle and bridle; splendid outfit for
boy "or girl; drives and riues; large enough
to be appreciated toy the child as he grows
up. The best boy's outfit in the North
west ; price reasonable. Donald McMaster,
Vancouver, Wash.
GENTLES horso that a woman can ride or
drive; also buggy and harness. Xnquira
Roberta Bros., 3d and Morrison.
I HAVE a matched team of pacers; can
' step a mile better than 2:25 to the pole;
gentle and kind; also fine double harness
and Bailey buggy. Will sell or exchange
for city property. Owner, P. O. box 2032,
Station A. city.
100 head, 1200 to 1500 lbs., suitable for
railroad, logging and farm work. Mules
at Freedman Bros.' barn,, corner 13th and
Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wlgffin-
ton. imperial riotei.
FOR SALE Stanfdard-bred pacing mare;
weight 1050 lbs., color brown. 7 years old:
safe for lady to drive; this is a beautiful
animal; nice rubber-tired runabout and
harness. Phone Tabor 23B4. 534 E. 5tfth st
e n d of Hawtho me ava. car.
Merrill's two-minute, half-mile track
ready for training; .stalls, barns and houses
built to order; new railroad coming to our
gate. See Merrill Twelve-Mile House, or
office 334 Oak.
CARLOAD valley horses and mares just arrived;-
some well-matched teams and sin
gle ponies and saddlers; weight 1050 to
1600 lbs.; all well broke 'and sound. 294
Mares weight 24u0 lbs., are true pullers,
single or double, harness is heavy breeching,
with collars. Call at my private residence,
874 Savier st.
COMBINATION PONY Fine saddler, snow
white, 850 lbs., for sale or trade; also
fine driving mare, standard bred, safe fbr
lady to drive; both bargains. Merrill, long
distance, Twelve-Mile, or office 334 Oak
Pianos, Qrgans and Musical- Instruments,
PARTY leaving town has left on sale with
us a magnificent $750 player piano, cir
cumstances necessitating sacrifice of this
for $308, which will include 41 rolls of
choice music. Call at Ellers Musio House
tomorrow sure. This will last only a few
hours. 353 Washington st.
I have four high-grade N. Y. new
pianos; traded real estate for them; same
piano selling 111 Portland for $450; my
price $200. Call 225 Gth st.
Party desiring to buy new piano can
learn something of value by calling. Phone
East or B 1804. -
UPRIGHT piano in good condition for
amount loaned and interest. U. S. Real
Estate & Bkga, Co., room S12 Hamilton
CHECK on Hovendan-Soule Piano Co. for
$125 to sell reasonable. Phones A 5144,
Main 5180.
VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments
repaired. Any piece made to order. H.
Goda rd. room 16. 142 2d st.
NEW 83-note player piano, $1000 instru
ment; will exchange. What have you? C
84, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE One hundred and twenty-flve-dollar
check to apply on purchase of piano.
Address 821 Rodney ave.
FINE Lyon & Healy organ; full set of stops;
only $35, $4 down and $2.50 monthly. 350
FOR SALE Large sixe upright Checkering
piano; fine condition; $275 cash. Address
AK Sg, Oregonlan.
PIANO, Brewster make, new, never un-
packed for $275. K 78, Oreg on Ian.
$125 PIANO check on Hovenden-Soule Piano
Co. for $40. H.'A. Sturgeon, Arleta. Or.
CHECKS for $125 on local piano house for
sale ; make an offer. Phone Sell wood 520.
A NEW $400 Wellington piano for sale
cheapfor cash. Phone Tabor 1365.
A BEAUTIFUL solid rosewood square piano,
will sell cheap. A 7QS0.
STRICTLY A-l mahogany Willard piano,
$185. $15 down. $3.75 monthly.- 350 Alder.
95000 AUTO. $2500 cash? or will take de
sirable real estate. S 84, Oregonlan.
, Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock.
FOR SALE Cheap, pointers, setters, cocker
spaniels, setter pups, Airedale pup, good
bear dogs; a pedigree with each dog. Lei
trim Kennels, 45th and Division sts. Win
ners of 45 cups and 150 ribbons at the
Soring dog shows. Chas. R. Campion, Ta
bor 125.
BOSTON bull, six months; he is a dandy;
his name Is Dandy; can catch a rubber
ball and do great stunts; he Is a family
pet, but we aro compelled to sell him; $15.
Call ur owner. Sellwood 116. t
FOR SALE 60 thoroughbred chickens fl to
10 weeks old. Rhode Island Reds, White
Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons. Phone' tie 11-
, wood m1625.
THOROUGHBRED black and tan Scotch
collie puppies; imported stock. Inquire 71
Maxwell ave.. Mount Scott car, Stewarts
PEDIGREED black Persian kittens; also blue
- eyed white from prixo winning stock. Mrs.
Patoh, ,302 24th ave., Seattle. Wash.
COCKER Spaniel puppies. Back Victor
strain. Phone Woodlawn 1097- Address
791 Kerby st.
AT half- price, a barred Rock male bird, 14
months old. Parker strain. 124 2d ave.,
Lents. Or.
A RUSSIAN war dog, a great watcher and
fighter, weighs 85 lbs. Call Monday on
Main st.r between 3d and 4th.
THRE very fine Airedale terrier puppies. L.
V. Woodward, Sellwood 1015.
THOROUGH BRED .cocker spaniel pups, ohsap.
52Mt sNorth 15th St.
FOR SALE I sable and white Scotch collie.
23 East 8th. Phone East 3T07.
1910 PULLMAN, used 2 months, better than
new. Owner leaving city, will sacrifice
for cash. Phone Main 3746. Call lbS
C h apman stv ;
4-CYLINDER, 5-passenger Studebaker E. M.
F- SO auto. 10O9 model, fully equipped and
extras; Al - condition; price, $1050; no
trades. ,A1 TO. Oregonlan.
Will sell my 5-pass. automobile for only
$150. Main 53S1, room 417, 326ft Wash.
street. m '
1910 CADILLAC 30, deml-tonneau, used only
4 months, in perfect condition, $450 less
than cost; a snap. Come early or you will
niisa it. Western Au to Co.. 53 1 Alder st.
A FIRST-CLASS runabout, almost new, for
sale cheap at Van Matso-Landy Aut Co.,
5Q3 Alder st. ; -
4-CYLINDER Cadillac model Q, In first
class condition; just overhauled and paint
ed: SOoO Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder st.
ESTABLISHED automobile business for sale
or will sell half interest to right party.
. AB 77. Oregonian.
TWO seven-passenger Thomas flyers, in
. first-class shape; a bargain; must sell. 329
Everett st.
FOR SALE My 4-cyllnder roadster, A-l
condition ; good car for salesman; glass
front and top- Apply 594 Wash, st. -
machine, for sale or trade. Merrill, long
distance. Twelve-Mile, or office 334 Oak.
WILL exchange lot, free and clear, restrict
ed district, for runabout In good condition;
value $SX. W 68, Oregonlan.
FOR SALS A $125 piano check for $20 on
Hovenden-Soule Co. B S8, Oregonlan.
NEW walnut case piano, worth $375; need
money. $145 cash. Q 87. Oregonian.
BARGAIN in brand new Haynea automobile
at Heasoblme, East Union ave. and Davis;
We have a number of cars, both touring
and runabouts, to offer at genuine bar
gains for the quick cash buyer. Every one
of our cars have been thoroughly gone over
and we can recommend them in excellent
running order.
It is simply a matter which is up to you
whether you care to save from 3 to 1-3
the original cost of a new car and get one
which is practically as good ' and in many
cases better as our cars have been tried
and proven. We are legitimate and respon
sible dealers and represent the car just
as it Is.
If you are thinking of buying & car, call
and Investigate our stock. We have only
a few to choose from, but they are good.
The following Is what we have left and
they range in price from $400 upward:
1910 "Hudson 20, fully equipped, cheap.
1910 "Ford" roadster, fully equipped.
1909 "Maxwell Jr.," fully equipped;' a
1 09 Bu ick, ' model 1 0 ; bargain.
1909 touring car, 5-passenger, good as
new; this car is a high-class one end a
"Thomas' 60-h. p. 7-passenger for rent.
"Studebaker" 7-paesenger; also & fine
rent car.
"Autocar" runabout; & snap.
1910 "Cadillac 3i." fully equipped and
extra equipment; this is a rare bargain for
someone; don't hesitate.
1909 "Cadillac 30" in excellent condi
tion. If you are considering buying a machine,
call and look over these cars. Every one is
a bargain and fully guaranteed as repre
266 11th s t. , cor. Jefferson.
Then look this list over carefully.
1909 Oldsmobile touring car, fully
equipped, good condition, read y to run
end give good service, only $1600.
1909 Chalmers-Detroit 40 roadster, has
only been run 3600 miles; the paint on
this car is hardly scratched and ail me
chanical parts are practically good as new;
it- goes for $1600.
Brand new Babcock electric Victoria,
never been run a mile; all complete; $1450.
1909 Cadillac touring car, newly painted
and In the pink of condition; dirt cheap
at $1250.
These low prices are made to move the
cars .quickly ; we need and must have the
room thev occupy.
7th and Couch Sts,
Studebaker, 5-passenger, fully equipped,
Overland. 4-seated. 30-H. P., $1100.
Olds runabout, in good condition, 1225.
GEO. R. FLORA, 470 E. Burnside St.
WANT 1910 or 1909 automobile; must be
good car, not over $2500; have 2.5OO.0O0
feet fir on 80 acres of land, four miles
from railroad town. Southern Oregon;
timber alone worth $2500; will trade same
for auto. Room .609 Couch bldg.
7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In
good condition; just the car for stage line
or livery; $1500 cash or installments. West
ern Auto Co.. 531 Alder st.
5-PASSENGER Oldsmobile 40, good as new,
will guarantee this car. If you are looking
for a good car cheap, try this one. C F.
Fisher, 528 Hamilton bldg.
CANARIES Fine pair mated German Rollers.
1137 E. Yamhill. Phone B 2959.
ROLL-TOP desk 48 inches, solid oak, $22.50;
flat-top desk, $7; office tables, $3.50 to
$10; revolving office chairs. $3.50 to $6.50;
armchairs, $1.50 to $5; straight chairs, 65a
10 .00 ; arop-neaa sewing macnine. io;
other sewing machines, $5; refrigerators,
$7.50 to $12.50; kitchen treasures, $2; gas
ranges. $7.5o to $25; steel ranges. $18 to
$40; extension tables, $4.50 to $20; solid
oak sideboards, $7.50 to $30; buffets, $10
to $30; china closets, $12 to $20; full-size
dressers, $8 00 to $25; chiffoniers, $6.50 to
MS; xoiaing peas, to i; laaiesr aesKS,
$5 to $12.50; tenta, all eizes $3.50 to $18;
campers' outfits at reasonable prices; car
pets,' rugs, linoleum, matting, crockery.
cooking utensils, hardware.' We carry a
complete line of both new and fine second-
Jiana nousenom gooa a ana we maice uu
kinds of exchanges: we sell on the install
ment plan, too. Get our terms and prices
first. Western Salvage Co., 627, 62, 631,
633, 635 Washington, corner of 20th st. Both
nhones. Main lluS. A 3T3.
FOR SALE 1 oak sideboard, 1 leather couch,
1 birdseye maple dresser, 1 desk, 1 chif
fonier, 2 good oil paintings, 1 oak center-
table. 23 East bth. Phone East 3707.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn balls, canes, pennants, etc 472 Wash-
. jngton st.
All sizes ; low prices; easy terms.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type-
writer Co., M. 8870. 222 Ablngton bldg.
(50. Ask for catalog. Re bull t $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co., 90 6th st. Mala 6521..
FOR SALE OR RENT Neat 2-roora house
beat; large, at Yacht club. Inquire 521
Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE CHEAP Fine portable folding
organ; also small baby upright piano.
5 2 6 h Washington. Phone Main S45S.
DESK, typewriter, chairs and filing cabi
nets; all for $50. Room 10, Washington
bldg. 1
FOR SALE, 100 shares of capital stock of
the H. O. Peck Automobile Company. AN
77, Oreg onian.
FOR SALE Chatham vacuum house cleaner
with electric motor; guaranteed; $50. In
quire cor. Union ave. and East Yamhill.
MUST SELL; going East; will sacrifice
complete new furniture 5 rooms. Phone
A 4 743. Monday only.
WANT to let contract to clear 20 to 100 acres
land. Donkey outfit preferred. Vanduyn A
Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Set 1907 Portland block books;
am going out of business. AL 79, Ore-
,gonlan. i w
FOR SALE 500 shares of stock In a corpor
ation now doing a good business in city.
Snap for right party. AL 78. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE City map; up-to-date. AM 83,
THIS year's canoe with equipment cheap.
1. Phone Tabor 1728. Sellwood 935.
ANGORA kittens, pedigreed; will exchange
for chickens. Phone Main 6754.
VERY cheap, handsome gocart; Monday
afternoon. Princess Hotel. m
FOR SALE A 30-H. P. boiler, nrst-clasa
and very cheap. AF 82, Oregonlan.
YALE bicycle, new tires, coaster brake;
bargain; boy's wheel; $9. 29Q 1st st.
CHILD'S Iron bed, with mattress, and sani
tary couch. 629 East Sherman. N
FOR SALE Edison moving picture machine.
Schilling. 7122d st. E. -
FOR SAL13 A large fireproof safe, cheap.
267 Flanders.
FOR fcALE) 4 counter showcases, 101 H North
3rd st.
EXTRA good family cow, Holsteln, giving 4
gallons milk. Q.hi East 39th.
MOTOR CYCLE, 3H H. P.. all O. K-. $50
below value, leaving city. Tabor 529.
BICYCLE. Crescent, for sale cheap. 33ii
GOOD short inside blocks for $2.00 per load.
Be quick. Phone Main I66O, A 5448.
NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na
tionajedltsj.01worcesr bld
NEW home-made sheets 60 cents each. Phone
Main 52Q2 or 50O Third st.
tWl' BUblNBSS CARD $1 if you bring thU a4.
Rose City Printer-. 1934 d. near Taylor.
A 1125 PIANO certificate for sale to high-
est bidder. L 78. Oregonlan.
TWO vaudeville sketches cheap; also stage
dancingtaught. X 62, Oregonian.
FURNITURE, solid black walnut set and
odd pieces for sale; bargains. 201 16th st.
FIN El Insulated cooler tor sale caa.
Friedman. 2V 5 1st. : ; t
4x5 PREMO, $6 outfit, good condition. Less
than half price, AF 70, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Fullblooded Jersey cow. $45,
1420 Delaware ave
SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 414
Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures.
VIOLINS, ban Joe. mandolins, guitars at bait
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6ch - su
RELIABLE gas range for sale cheap. Phone
r 20s 6. ;
$125 CHECK on Hovenden-Soule Piano Co.,
15. AE 86, Oregonlan.
BARGAIN Courtois elide trombone, practl
cally new. Phone Main 2038.
4 -KARAT white diamond, cheap. L 88,
JEWELRY ' STORE, good location, about
ysoo invoice casn. l , uregonian.
14-FOOT Clinker rowboat, first-class. 1617
Jord an st city.
20-FOOT, 5-h.-p. launch complete with boat
house; price $200. J 87, Oregonlan.
FAMILY launch; must sell today. East 6009.
The Cleaver A Havelock store fixtures,
wall cases, shelving, show cases, stove,
electric fixtures, 2 sewing machines. Ap
ply to R. E. Worrel, 409 Washington iu,
before Thursday.
FOR SALE We have a few slightly us4
White rotary sewing machines, which we
are going to sell at one-half price (terms
or cash), this week only; also many high
grade second-hand machines from $3 up,
many dropheads In the lot and evqry one
guaranteed. See us before you buy and.
save money. Free lessons In Battenbers;
and embroidery every Thursday on the
White Tamily rotary. All makes rented,
exchanged and repaired. White Sewing
Machine Store, H. D. Jones, proprietor,
420 Washington st., cor. 11th.
SEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading makes. Singer, Wheeler & Wil
son, New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 66 and ro tar y. Sing er 6 e win s
Machine Store, 9. S. Slgel. agent. 33d
Morrison at. Phone Main 2183. A 4599.
FOR SALE Trays, carriages, graders and
other fixtures of a 10-ton prune drier, -a
great bargain; quick sale desirable; build
ing being dismantled. Call or write to
the Mosler Fruit Growers Association
Mosier, Or.
HOGS Younu thoroughbreds. 50 averaging1
150 lbs. each. Increasing pound per day ;
will sell one or all of them on their feet.
Merrill, long-distance Twelvs-Mile, or of -
flee 334 Oak.
TWO dressers, one bed, two gas stoves and
heaters, center table, combination book
case and writing desk, picture frames, fire
place set complete, 50 feet hose, lawn
mower, etc. 567 Belmont st.
How about your gasoline motor? Does it
run smoothly? If not. send 10c postage for
66-page text book "Engine Touble,
Breeze Carbureters, Newark. X. J.
FAST motor boat, 40 feet long, record 26
miles hour; in first-class condition; boat
house Included; sacrifice sale; owner leav
lng Portland. P 81. Oregonian.
LARGE photographer's camera with two fine
lenses, carriage, scenery and everything
complete; cost about $200; will take $4o.
Call 350 Alder st. Main 6896.
WILD blackberries and huckleberries celan,
and fresh from the mountains, delivered.
75 cents per gallon. R. Breyer, 539 Van
couver ave. Phone East 6329.
FOR SALE Cleaning work, clearing $200)
per month; bargain if sold immediately.
Owner leaving city. Call at 4S6& Wash
Ington st.
LAUNCH Roamer, 40x10. In first-class con
dition; sleeps 6; toilet, galley and fine
tender on davits; speed 8 miles. Dr. Free-
berger, 20 ft Swetland bldg.
80 HEAD of certified dairy cattle and re
tail route; write or call J. D. Pearson, R.
F. D. 2. Box 124. A good chance to buy
. a money-maker.
FOR SALE Chandler A Price 23-inch band
cutter. Chandler A Price 10x16 platen pressw
used 18 months; a bargain. Alien Eaton.
Eugene, Or
FOR SALE H and printing press, 5x8. full
set of type, all in No. 1 condition; $25; or
will trade for good camera or other offers.
H. C. Glascock, box 714. Medford, Or.
Clean and fresh from the woods; delivered
at $1 par gallon; send postal. J. B.
Black, Boring, Or., R. S, box 79.
5 H. P. electric motor, shaft, belting, pul
leys, lathe, bandsaw and circle saws;
taken on mortgage. Room. 10, Washlng-
ton bldg.
AIRSHIP FOR SALE One Curtiss type bi
plane, guaranteed to fly, a bargain if
taken at once. AF 86. Oregonlan.
"THOR" motorcycle. "1910," rode 420 miles;
will trade for lot or sell reasonable. W. J.
Huff, city, general delivery.
FOR SAL53 Showcase, wallcasee, couaters.
chea-p. No. 222 Grand ave. Phoos East
FOR SALE Diver's pump, complete sub
marine diving outfit. S. W. Bailey, 38T
East Washington.
TWO houseboats and launch for sale, reas
onable. Inquire of "Ben," across from
the Oaks. ,
FOR SALE Credit check for $125 on pur
chase price of new piano. Address 428
Oregon st.
22-FOOT launch. $250. everything complete
- in first-class condition. J. A. Kelly,
.Woodlawn 13S8. .
FINE large OFFICE SAFE, size 17x29x43
inside. FOR SALE CHEAP. Call 316 Ab
ington bldg.
NEW houseboat, cheap, furnished. Care F.
Smith, care Prael Hegel & Co., 13th and
WILL sell a $125 piano check on Hovenden
Soule Co., very cheap. Address 761 Grand
ave. North. -
STRICTLY first-class guaranteed .Smith-Premier
No. 2 typewriter, $35; $3 down and $3
monthly. Call 35Q Alder st.
FOR SALE Registered Jersey cow, fresh,
$80; good heifer calf, $7.50. A. .Pletzold,
70S E. 13th.
NEW 18-foot launch hull cheap. Inquire Ore
gon Launch Club,- east end Madison-st.
22-FOOT launch In fine order, complete
equipment and canvas house, $250. W 75,
FIVE head of young fresh cows from 1 30
to $35 each; 1H miles east of Mllwaukie
, on county road. Meyer's place.
30-30 REMINGTON auto.-loadlng rifle In A-l
condition for sale at a bargain. AE 87,
FOR SALE Credit check $125 in buying a
new piano for $50. Address Mr. Aug. La
mote. 4oH Second st., Portland, Or.
REFINED, educated young woman, keeping
house for aged father in country short dis
tance from Portland, wishes to board and
care for 2 children ; city references. Ad
drss P. O. Box 709, Portland.
I wilt pay cash for good chickens of
good breed. If you want to sell, out your
chicken business, let me hear from you.
V SI, Oregonlan.
Highest price paid for men's cast-oft
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand stcre. 290 First. Main 208a We also
bnv ladles' clothing.
WANTS D M an' s cast-oS eiothlns; es
hoes; we also buy household t qrnishlnssi
bis best prices paid. Call at ths "sals
Deal.' 62, N. 3d it Main 9273
WANTED Teams and team outfits for new
R. R. work by the day or contract. Call
or address Hanley A T ravers, 28)4. N. 2d,
Main 727.' A 2200.
WANTED Good, gentle horse, well broke ;
must be cheap, and weigh about 1200 or
1300. Charleson & Co., 411 Commercial
bldg., 2d and Washington.
WANTED To buy or rent half or three
fourths yard orange peel bucket. Inter
national Contract Co., E. 12th and Irving
sts. Phone East 745-
WANTED SHx teams to haul sand and grovel.
Phone East 4526 or 492 Mississippi ave. M
E. Orrell.
FIR, oak and ash cord wood shipped now ot
later, buy In small or large quantities. Ed
lefsen Fuel Co., inc. ;
SAFE WANTED I have good typewriter,
roll top desk, chairs, etc, to trade for safe,
517 Worcester bldg.
fcLL your second-nana furniture to ths.
Ford Auction Co. or you'll set le
phones: A 2445; Main BOOl.
WANTED For adoption," pretty girl, 2 or 1
years old, American parents; good home. V
74, Oregonlan,
WANTED 2 or 4-H. P. second-hand sta
tionery gasoline engine In good working
order, cor. East Yamhill and Union ave.
PA PER HANGING and Interior decorating bi
expert; moderate prices. Post card. T. Cor
by. Sherman House, 123 12th m.
TO adopt baby 3 or $ year.
t., Sellwood.
721 Nehalem
WANTED Two pair second-hand velour pon.
tierea, also table cover. C 75, Oregonlan.
5x7 CAMERA, prefer Premo or Century,
Give make, price. AF 78, Oregonian.
WANTED at once. LADY'S ticket to Chi-
cago. Address AF 76, Oregonian.
POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
sttentlon always given. Pht-ns East 10CT.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes
and Hnthpi Prions Marshall 1929.
I WANT a cheap surveyor's or contractor
level, Address 507 Alberta st.
WANTED- Moving picture machine, films,
etc. AM 73. Oregonian. -
WANTED Map of Multnomah County,
Where can I find one? AM 80. Oregonlan
WANTED Set second-hand block books;
will pay cash. AM 81, Oregonlan.
BUMMER -home in country for children, con
ducted by elderly lady. Main 1463.
WANTED Second-hand bicycle; conditio 11 no
object. L. B-i 1074 Belmont at,' - - -.