CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 18 VOL. XXIX. ' PORTLAND, OREGOX. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1910. ' N NO. 26 Suggestions from Our Art Needlework Sect'n For the idle hour at the sea shore or mountain side. Dainty bits of needlework, consisting of jabots, corset covers, chemise, drawers, gowns, belts, tea aprons, towels, lingerie waists, center , pieces, pillow tops, table run '. ners, dresser scarfs and numer ous other useful articles. D. M. C. and Royal Society cottons. Imported fiber silks and , Hemingway's celebrated embroidery silks.) FREE INSTRUCTIONS in art embroidery, Irish lace and Hardanger embroidery. Persian Silks First display of Fall styles. By express we received the first shipment of new Persian silks for Fall in strikingly beautiful designs. Every indi cation points towards Persians as the leading fashion novelty for the Autumn season. You can form some idea of their beauty by seeing these advanced styles at our silk de partment. For hats and waists. Prices at $1.25 and $1.35 a yard. Silk Gloves 67c Now that the warm weath er has come to stay there is a big demand for silk gloves worn with light Sum mer frocks. " We have them in black, white, tan, brown, and gray in full '16 -button length. Regular $1. 00 value. Latest Fiction "Simon the Jester" by W. J. Locke. Price $1. 18. "The Gold Trail," by Harold Bindloss, price $1.30 net. "The Silent Call," by author of the "Squaw Man," $1.18 net. "The Pursuit," by Frank Savile, $1.18 net. "A Life for a Life," by Robert Herrick, $1.18 net. Motor Veils at 98c Persian Neckwear Here is the best value in automobile veils that we have seen this year. Made of good quality soft finished chiffon in a large assortment of colors in light blue, pink, gray, champagne, rose, rai sin, green, tan, navy and brown. These veils are a yard wide and one and three fourth yards long, with hem stitched edge. . Maggioni Kid Gloves IB Maggioni Kid Gloves Our store has 4 been showing for the past six weeks the only assortment of new Fall Per sian neckwear in Portland. Indeed our shoppers have failed to find any in any other store worth mentioning. Our neckwear department, under the charge of an alert and resourceful buyer, is dis playing new neckwear far in advance of other stores. Displays of Persian neck wear at our neckwear depart ment, - center aisle. Picnic Things The time is here again when one's thoughts turn to the woods. Picnic parties are again in evidence. Every boat, every trolley and every railroad takes thousands upon thousands every -Sunday to the pic turesque camping places around Portland. We can help you with the little necessary articles that go to make your outing pleasant. Paper napkins and plates, drinking cups, Thermos bottles, picnic baskets, par a f fine paper and a hundred and one other useful artic. es. All 'at very inexpensive prices. What This Big Sale of Summer Wash Suits Means to You Bathing Suits In Immense Variety With the opening of the new Gearhart Hotel and the Breakers Hotel the Summer season at the sea shore is open. It is no longer the old . beach that you used to know where people wore their old est clothes and any old gar ment was good enough. With these new modern hotels with their broad ver andas and beautiful walks, society will predominate, and where society goes good dressing is in evidence. This year we are showing a great assortment of ladies' bathing suits at S5.00 to S18.50. Of course we have an im mense assortment of pretty new model bathing suits tastefully trimmed, at S2.00, $2.50, S3.00 and $3.50. : Naturally you will find bathing caps, shoes and handkerchiefs in abundance. CI ean-Up of Wash Goods SUN RISE POPLINETTE. Comes in plain grounds, also self stripes. Over thirty different shades of the fast colored suiting and is an exact counterpart of a branded and much advertised cloth which is retailed at 30c a yard. Price 12. 25c IMPORTED CARRUX DIMITY. A beautiful Summer dress, fabric which comes in white and tinted jgrounds with self checks and plaids, over which are printed neat floral designs in beautiful combinations. Special 16. 50c ALL LINEN SUITINGS, in diagonal weave. So constructed that it will not nuss like the ordinary linen fabrics. Blues, tans, grays, navy, pink and lavender. Spe cial at 39. Summer Lingerie Special $1 .29 Extra quality fine white cambric skirts with deep ruffle, trimmed with embroidery and tuckings. Also an under dust ruffle. Regular $1.75 value. ecia 1 39, Special 89c Fine nainsook gowns in circular neck, slipover styles. Trimmed in dainty lace, in sertion and beading, with ribbon. Regular $1.25. Ladies' cambric corset covers made in the circular neck style with trimmings of lace edging, embroidery insertion, beading and ribbon. Regular price 50c. Special 98c Gowns of cood aualitv nainsook in high or low neck or slipover styles. Short or long sleeves. Trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbon. Regular $1.50 values. WE ARE GIVING THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN MILLINERY IN MIDSUMMER STYLES EVER KNOWN TO THE WOMEN OF PORTLAND. Soiled, passe or trashy millinery is high at any price. In this clean up sale of ours, while the prices seem unbe lievably cheap, we wish to impress indelible upon your mind that the shapes selling at 49c are brand new up-to-date midsummer styles that sold as high as $1.95. . That the Trimmed Hats at 95c are bright stylish, well made and tastefully trimmed and sold regularly up to $5. That the Hats at $5.00 are the choice of our entire stock without reserve. Unchanged, untouched since the day they left the work room. Just at This Time of Year When You Don't Expect It We're ready to sell you new Summer wash suits at END OF AUGUST PRICES. This sale is important for two reasons: FIRST :- While the prices are VERY SMALL we sell you these suits with the Lip man, Wolfe & Co. guarantee of quality. SECOND: These suits, although VERY CHEAP in price are WELL MADE, perfectly CUT and FINISHED, and are in every way FIRST-CLASS. The styles follow the most approved and accepted fashions for Summer. We are just now having the first touch of Summer weather. This fortunate sale is therefore of DEEPEST SIGNIFICANCE to the shrewd shopper. " These suits fit in nicely for Summer wear at the seaside, the mountains or for traveling. , Don't fail to take advantage of this sale. Special $3.95 Tailored suits of fine quality Union Cloth in 34 inch length coat, made semi-fitting, single breasted, has notched mannish collar and revers. The collar and cuffs are inlaid with contrasting color and edged with three rows of braid. Has a good style plaited skirt. This stunning suit comes in white, Copen hagen, tan or rose. - s '- ' Special $4.60 Excellent tailor-made suits of fine union cloth, in blue, green, lavender and pink. The jacket is made 36 inches long, semi-fitting style and fastens with three pearl buttons, and made single-breasted. The collar, pockets and cuffs are trimmed with a different color than the. suit. The skirt is made in 17 gores and plaited. Special $5.35 Special $6.50 An exceptionally attractive model designed of French finished Union Lin on in tan, nat ural, blue, reseda, rose or lavender. The jackets are cut in the latest single breasted and semi-fitting style. The collars and cuffs are adorned with contrasting colors. A very attractive plaited skirt. Tailormade suits of fine quality union- cloth, in assorted colors. This plain tailored suit is cut in the most up-to-date style and trimmed around the collar and cuffs with Swiss silk embroidery, the skirt being cut in the newest gored and plaited style. Special $7.95 IMPORTED REP TAILORED SUITS, which has a 36-inch length, semi-fitting jacket, with a deep roll shawl collar and two pockets, one on each side. The collar and cuffs are inlaid with dainty colored embroidery. Well fitting plaited skirt. A FREE MANICURE With Every 25c Purchase of Eclipse Manicure Articles 75c Standard Linoleum 49c ; 500 yards of fine stand ard printed linoleum in light or dark grounds. An immense assortment of patterns to select from. H : WlbllM $7.50 Lace Curtains $3.95 Pair In this lot of bobbinet lace curtains are 500 pairs of this season's newest and best patterns in white, cream and Arabian colors. In Cluny, Irish point, Battenberg, Marie Antoinette and . novelty effects. Values to $7.50 pair. $6.50 Automobile Robes $4.95 Many handsome traveling shawls and automobile robes, in beautiful Scotch plaid patterns, full weight and size. Very special for Monday, $4.95. J $4.00 Hammocks $3.15 Very fine hammocks in handsome Oriental patterns. Come com plete with upholstered pillow, deep valance and concealed spreader. $6.00 Hammocks $4.95 Hammocks of superior quality and finish in most attractive pat terns. These hammocks are made of extra quality yarn in a close canvas weave. Complete with valance, upholstered pillow and spreader with nickel trimmings. 18c Box New Ruchings for 10c Very fine and dainty Neck Ruchings, in all the new color ings for Summer. A most ex cellent cord ruching which comes in a -box of six neck lengths. You will find this most convenient for traveling, as it can be changed readily. Only 10c a box. 35c Embroidery Patterns, Yard 17c Good quality Swiss embroid ery, in dainty patterns or scroll work, floral and eyelet designs. From 5, to 18 inches in width In a large assortment of corset cover patterns, skirtings, edges, bands and insertions. $3.50 Embroidery 5-8 Yard 69c Beautiful waist frontings of embroidery, in floral designs, Grecian border patterns, filet effects, and burnt-out lace pat terns in four rows of embroid ery on dainty cloth and Swiss, cambric and nainsook. Enough for a waist length of 5-8 yard, for only 69c. Reg. $3.50 yard. Men's Bathing Suits, New Models Here is where you'll find the best values in the City. Nobby fine fitting suits thai show their class. ONE-PIECE BATHING SUITS for men and boys. In navy blue, with white trimmings. 75 and SI. OO each. MEN'S ONE-PIECE BATHING SUITS in navy, blue and black. Price Sl.OO. EXTRA GOOD QUALITY BATH ING SUITS in black, with white trim mings, and black with red trimmings, at S1.50. WOOL BATHING SUITS in black, with both white and red trimmings. Spe cial S2.50. SILVER GRAY ALL-WOOL BATHING SUITS, trimmed with red or black. Also cardinal with black bor der. A very good quality at S3.50. Parasols for Seashore, Hotel an d P romena de Anticipating a large demand this season we bought heavier than for merly. ( The backward weather for the last month forces us to re lease all our profits and accept a loss. We do this cheerfully. It's a poor merchant that be grudges his customers a bargain. These Parasols at $2.50 are certainly the greatest bargains ever known in Port land. Every parasol in this sale sold up to last Sat urday at $5. 00, $6. 00, $7.00, to$7.50 each. We offer you the lot at one price $2.50. Ladies' Leather Shopping Bags Special at $2.75 Stunning new black Seal Shopping bags for ladies, with a 12-inch frame. Double or single strap handles and leather lined. With very fine leather mountings and gilt or gun-metal clasps. Special at $1.23 A very special assortment of shop ping bags, with single or double strap leather handles. Silk lined, mountings of leather or metals. $ 6 Long Coat Sweaters $3.95 The remarkable response to our first an nouncement of this sale on Saturday proves conclusively that long sweaters will be used as they are in the East. It is the one indis pensable article for coast or mountain use. These sweaters are made single breasted, "V" neck in a plain weave closely woven. They come in white, car dinal and gray. Two large side pockets, buttoned with large pearl buttons. The regular price of these sweaters is $6.00.