The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 19, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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IENTS, ell sizes, from $3.50 to $18; camp
novel ix to camp stools 3uc camp
chairs SOo to $1.35. cots $1.25 to $2.75.
$35 Niagara steel range with water coil.
Rood as new. $22.50: cookstoves $4 to $15.
kitchen treasures i2. four-burner KM
ranges $8.50 to $12, extension tables $4.50
to $20, solid oak sideboards $7.50 to $30,
buffets $10 to $30. dining chairs 7Rc to
$2.50. rocking chairs. 25c to $10. Morris
chairs (fine one). $7.50. library tables $3
to $10. center tables $1 to $8. sanitary
steel couch $4. wardrobe couch spring
edits $5. other couch X5.50 to $7.50. fold
ing beds $5 to $25, sewing machines $3
to $12. decorated dinner sets $4.75 to
$13.50. $50 polished oak rolltop desk, 54
Inches, $27.50. flat top desks $'J, revolving
office chair $4. rugs, carpets and linoleum
all sizes. Come In and look through our
five stores of all sorts of new and fine
second-hand furnishings: all kinds of ex
changing allowed. Va sell on the Install
ment plan. too. Western Salvage Co.. 627-
628-631-633 and 635 Washington, corner
of 20th. st Both phones. Main 1108, A
..o I
We sell to all:
Not In the trust.
Contracts taken.
Plumbers furnished.
Contracts taken for laying
in platted additions.
Certificate of Inspection furnished.
, 245-250 Front St.
A LOT of household goods; I want to sell
three Iron beds, springs, mattresses, dress
ers, extension table, chairs, glass-front cup-
ooara. rerngerator. sewing macmne. range,
sanitary couch, gaa range. 385 E. Alder at.
4-II. P. S-passenger fully equipped gasoline
launcn and Doatnouse for sale; $2d. u 72.
Oregon lan.
Highest price paid for men's east-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second-
band stcre. 200 First. Main 2030. Wa also
.. buy ladles' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; w also bay household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." tZ N. 3d st. Main S272.
WANTED A mother would like to have the
care of a child from one to four years of
age. to be a comoanion to one of the same
age; compensation no object. 867 Corbett
WANTED To rent for city use. double
drum 6i&x8 donkev engine. Address United
Engineering &. Construction Co.. Lewis
"WILL give child, aged bet. 5 and 12, moth
er's care for Summer; yard; no other chll-
qren. 164 Cherry st.
GOOD home for two little girls, age 5 and
7; state particulars and best price. O 73,
Oregon tan.
WANTED 20 to 100 acres land cleared;
party with donkey outfit preferred. Van-
duyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce.
6LL your second-hand furniture to tha
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leaa
. .Phones: A 2445; Main et51.
'WILL trade first-class talking machine for
good bicycle. Portland .Phonograph
Agency, aop Alder street.
WANTED Pair of gas or electric lamps.
Cj. j-s. Hyatt, ;o Aiqer.
SPOT eash paid for your furniture; prompt
, attention always given, ym-ne xsast 1007.
PHOTOGRAPH outfit to exchange for Edi-
son pnonograpn. T 57. oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand hoisting engine; state
price ana terms. A J 44. oregonlan.
WANTED To buy a 22-callber rifle. Ad-
dress x 55, Oregonlan.
WOULD like one or two children to board;
reasonable. Phone C. 2116.
"WANTED To buy cheap second-hand row-boat;
medium size. 145 2d. Main 3355.
WANTED A second-hand gasoline-heated
nana mangle. Aggress x. re;, oregonlan.
HIGHEST pries paid for second-hand shoes
ana ciotnes. f none Marshall xuxy.
WANTED Pianos in exchange
Beach lots. J 57. Oregonlan.
for Long
WILL pay cash for organ, good condition;
wwim pneo ana matte, x- QJ. oregonlan.
WILL exchange real estate for logging en-
gine. it oci. uregonian.
wa. i jdD Paying store, city or country.
uout iwu. p w, uregonian.
Wanted A man well acquainted In
Portland, none other need apply; one who
can nanaie a Dig proposition: the propo
sition is very profitable. Address D 68,
WANT Several good men to place lndus-
trial stock that will sell on Its merit; It
is selling fast: can make big money on
this. Interurban Investment Co., 203
nenry Plug. f
BOY or man who is at school or emoloved
.during day. to milk cow and djo other
chores night and morning for room and
board. Will pay wages for one day's work
.eacn weeK. an oi, uregonian.
Wanted Experienced farmer and wife
to work on small farm. 10 miles from
roruana. uood pay to right party. Ap-
"7 aiarsnau Bt. x-none Main S2H1.
LABORERS wanted at East Ankeny and
28th st. car barn to shovel dirt. 25c per
hour and free transportation. Apply at
carbarn. Monoay morning 7:30. w. H. Bor-
stow & co.
BOY or man attending school or employed
during the day, to do chores morning and
evening for room ar.d board; will pay
wagcB xor worn, one aay a weeK. AN 57,
uregonian. or pnone xapor 58.
to sell tropical Mexico land; grows
citrus fruits without Irrigation: low nrlce-.
easy terms; liberal commissions; free trip
to inspect iana on special tram July 20.
. at ft o. uregonian.
WANTED at once, young man to learn
washing and laundry business, one with
little experience preferred. Apply Lace
Mouse j-aunary, ao"j in. utn.
MANICURING apprentice; we teach the
latest Parisian method; earn from $25 to
sou per wee, wnen competent. J 55, Ore-
SALESMAN to buy working Interest
established business, paying good returns.
bmau capital requirea. 142 second.
noom - l.
TAILORS Now is your opportunity to learn
cutting for ladles' tallowing from ex
perienced teacher, satisfaction guaran-
ipeqj terms reaaonaoie. xx r lledner bldg.
WANTED A live man to sell the best ten
acre tracts on the market.: liberal com.
mission and traveling expenses to right
t'Tii L.v. r. yj. uox o-ti, r-ortianq.
YOUNG man 16 to 18 years old for office
work, good chance for advancement. Apply
in. m n nanuwnung. a ou, uregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced.
Appiy to aiar. st wuson Lumber Co.,
t.innion, ur.
WANTED A young man to deliver and helr.
In store at Concannon Grocery, 21st and
ort ft a ll Auto. vs norse-power; new
x-srownie car, at sacrifice; leaving city.
t iu. o.iu ai.
WANTED First-class drug clerk at Sea
side; $20 per week; give references when
writing. .Lewis ga co.. beasiqe, or.
WANTED Lady solicitor. Clean work. Good
position for right party. Call at 821 Henry
DlQg.. sia ana unit.
WANTED Experienced vestmaker and
pantsmaker. Call at S. Kir at a, 55 N. 4th
WANTED Middle-aged, single ladv as com
panion, to go to beach. Give address and
age to x-e3,uregonian-
LICENSED dentist: no others need antiiv
also one Ban Francisco office. California,
license. an APington mag., ivdu 3d St.
WANTED First-class merchant tailor sales-
man. steady work guaranteed.
Call at 01
6th st.
FIRST-CLASS barber, to go to Sunnyslde.
wash.; nrst-ciass wages. Apply at once.
LewiH-sienger jjaroors trupiny Co.
WANTED Any kind of work bv stroner.
temperate man, 30; porter, houseman ex-
perience; reierences. u p, uregonian.
WANTED First-class painter: stage work.
Apply Monday morning at 387 E. Burn-
siae St.. xiurKnsrt piag.
MEN to distribute advertising matter: steady
worn; state age, nox r ot. uregonian.
WANTED Laborers. 30c
12th and Irving sts.
per hour. East
GOOD helpers on pants and vests. Call 50
Nortn aa st.
manufacture. AD 64.
good invention to
PAPER-HANGING and painting In exchange
Tor nentmiry. union ueniiats.
BOY wanted to deliver after school hours. 615
Washington st
WANTED Boy to work
133t Grand ave.
in factory. Apply
PAPER-HANGING and painting In exchange
for dentistry. union ientists.
WANTED Youth. Nlcoll the tailor. 108 3d
PAPER-HANGING and painting In exchange
for dentistry. union uentists.
WANTED Janitor and all-around
man at Hotel Rainier. 128 N. 6th.
HANDY man around paint store.
day at 145 1st st.
Call Mon-
WANTED 10 good carpenters for Govern
ment work. Apply BIO customs bide.
have an exceptional opening ror tnree
high-class, neat-appearing salesmen to
represent the HE1XBACH IDEA A new
suit for every week. I dress MEN men
who are particular, men wno want m
appear on the streets and at business
always dressed RIGHT right In STYLE
and FIT; right In FABRIC and WORK-
MA?ibtir. x put tnem in pobmmiuu wt
2. 3 or 4 suits IMMEDIATELY or as re
quired. I keep their entire wardrobe al
ways thoroughly cleaned and neatly
pressed WITHOUT CHARGE. I provide
convenient down-town dressing-rooms
where gentlemen can change at leisure- I
have devised a scale of prices which di
vides the cost Into 1- payments conven
iently arranged from $8.75 to $13 monthly.
TATIVES. National Tailoring Co., 291
Stark Blret.
JT-ATE sales manager wanted, capable of
Handling salesman ror nign-ciasn suiumv-
bile accessory. ;icx to oou capital m
cover necessary stock. Larse Income as
win hour thirAuffh investlga.lon.
Simplicity Mfg. Co.. Columbia bldg., Cleve
land, onto.
A n old-esta.hlished manufacturing com
pany wants the services of a few nrai-
f ana anArlaltv Alesrmpn to put out
new advertising novelty, for which we are
creating a strong aemana. x-sanitera, mti-
.hant, Tnnniifactiin,ra in fact all firSt-
class houses are ready -buyers. Write us
for terms which win sureiy saixaxv. xixo..
class men.
SALESMAN as local manager to handle
Formacone Formaldehyde disintector, x-uy.-
000 In use. Also complete line formalde-
hvrle fum aatnra. disinfectants, noor oil.
sanitary sweeping compound. Insecticides
and sanitary supplies. Goods used by
United States Government. New York Cen
tral Ttflllrnnd and "Pen ns vl Vanla Railroad.
This territory open. The Formacone Co.. 50
Church street. New York.
I AM having made a donkey engine outfit
for clearing land near ortiana. x nv
already 40o acres contracted to clear at
a good figure. Would like an experienced
man or two to take an Interest in the
business. I do not need the capital as
mnph eta T Mf-l tVlM r,llltV Of SOme man tO
manage the crew and outfit. wau oo
Hamilton bldg.
SALESMAN of more than average ability
to qualify for position worth s-jijuu to
$4000 yearly by well-rated Chicago house
of reputation. Splendid future for wlde-
nwnua mnn wrin ran sell extensive aiiu
well-known line of advertising specialties
In surrounding territory. Advertising ex
perience not essential. Sales manager.
Coast Dept.. 1419 Carroll ave.. Chicago.
M. ( A The rrieui of the young man
and stranger. Hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours, without cost. Constant
call for men who can ao sometning weiu
Special Employment Membership assures
employment. After you have seen the
other fellow, as us before you Invest
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearbv railroads: ace 18 to 35: experience
unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ
ment: nremen iioo monthly. DraKemen io
promotion to engineers, conductors; 4XI men
sent In nnlltfoni mnnthlv: state acre: send
stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan.
NO EXPERIENCE required. Hundreds posi
tions now open paying from xioo to ;joo
monthly. Our free book. "A Knight of the
Grip" will show you how to get one. Write
lor it aoaay. Aoareas nearest uiiil-c,
tionai salesmen s t raining Association,
Dept. 715, New York, Chicago, Kansas
CUy,Minneapolis,sanFrancisco, Atlanta.
SHOW CARD writers make bir money; only
Held not overcrowded. we teach oy man
end guarantee success. Can be easily
learned during spare time. Books and out
fit free. Write for free booklet. Excelsior
Correspondence School, Ub6 Market Bt.,
San Francisco. Cal.
GOVERNMENT positions Chances never
better to secure one of thousands appoint
ments to be made; full particulars to sala
ries, positions, dates examinations Port
land, sample' questions, etc., sent free cir
cular 64. National Cor. institute, wasn-
Ington, P. C.
HUSTLERS everywhere. Profits 5 to $25
dallv. Cash and all yours. Own the busi
ness yourself. Work Irom your home. No
canltal reaulred. No canvassing. we
thing. Particulars free. F. E. Abbott,
Desk A4. Omaha. Neb.
MAN with two good teams that understands
plowing and cultivating appia orcnaroa;
take contract by the year; good place, good
future for the ngnt man.
Apply 401-8 Wella Fargo bldg.
WANTED Two reliable energetic specialty
men for exclusive aavertlsing plan to re
tailers. S45.0O cash on each order shipped.
Others making right now from $400 to
$700 monthly. References required, aioore.
box 16H. Chicago, in.
WANTED Two specialty salesmen accus
tomed to malting Dig money; travel ana
sell merchants; line well advertised and
good St. Louis firm; compensation will be
arrangea to tne satisiaction or. goou men;
permanent. AUi. uregonian.
ers1. Boston, have opened tneir northwestern
office at 231 Arcade Annex. Seattle, and
want arood salesmen who can call on select
class of people and solicit orders for their
popular pupilcationa.
EXPERIENCED promoter can easily make
a snug fortune Interesting capital in great-
-est monev-mokina invention of the age. If
you re a nustier ana Know now to nunuia
a arood thing, or have money to Invest
write quick. AN 59, Oregonlan.
NOTICE the Progress Magazine, Chicago,
will send anyone Interested free particu
lars of how to become a newsoaoer cor
respondent. Good income possible. Work
anywhere, all or part time, ask xor oooa.-
let 4.
WANTED A bright young man as local rep
resentative : position permanent and mgo-
class; good wages' to start, with steady ad
vance as you prove ability. A 47. Ore-
BECOME advertising expert. Accept free
trial of our Instruction without obligating
. vourself. Large salaries, we place gradu
ates, write tor iree duok xno. ny. a no
Progress Self-Help University, Chicago.
SALESMEN Brand new timely household
necessity. Rids store or house of tiles.
Wonderful money-maker: exclusive agen
cies granted. Metal specialties Mfg. Co.,
427 v. Ranaoipn, t-nicago.
SALESMEN, European manufacturers, sell
popular lace, embroidery specialties from
stock; samples 25 pounds; 10 per cent
commission; weekly drawings. Gromann,
491 Broadway. New York.
MAN Willing to learn and capable of act
ing as our representative; no canvassing
or soliciting: good income assured. Na
tional Co-Operative Realty Co., 7113 Marden
oldg.. wasnington. sj. c
PURE FOOD COMPANY. New Orleans. La..
wants energetic sales agent every large
city. Introduce, sell "Mother Gooee Egg
Nudles." Exclusive contract, large commis-
sions. Write immediately.
THOROUGHLY reliable married man to go
to Crook county to wotk on power plant
building on Deschutes River; house rent
free; long Job. N 45, oregonlan.
tunity for young man ox aDiuty; state
age. experience and salary. AE 44, Ore-
WANT to start you silvering mirrors, home.
spare time; anyone can easily maae $4
daily. Free booklet, sample. G. F. Red-
mond. 50 Walnwright blag.. Boston. Masa.
UNEXPERIENCED man. Steady home work
embossing postals, aio. r-,o scneme. No
canvassing. Stamp for samples. Commer-
clal Alt CO.. M xora.
I WANTED Experienced gardener and general
hnndv man to care for a country -nlace:
state wages and experience in application.
Clark w. Thompson, cascaae XvOcks, or.
SALESMAN to call on doctors. Established
trade. Clean, welr-pald work for hard
worker. Also one lor central uregon. p. o.
. Box 121. Philadelphia
YOUNG PEOPLE We can show you how to
make big money this bummer. Mission
Game Co.. Qulncy. Mich.
WANTED icxpeneaceu man to run -a.:-ui..
Royal invincible sanaer. cnenaus sir Door
1 BOOKKEEPER, 1 salesman, both lumber
experience: 3 bookkeepers and stenog-
rapnera. aid wasnington. room i 3.
TAILOR to work on alterations, steady po
sition, can at x-irownsviiie woollen Mills
store. 3rd and starlc.
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning:
situations guaranteed. -Watehmaklng-En-
gravtng scnooi. hoi ipj, .tsmanq, ur.
SOLICITORS for road work; easy proposi
tion; transportation and expenses ad-
vancea: can toaay. X27 nth st.
HIGH school boys, permanent positions with
good opportunities; office work. AG 49,
MEN of ideas with some Inventive ability.
Greely & Mclntyre, patent attorneys.
wasnington, u.
five-cent cigars.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new orrer. tjuioertn. stuaio xjelrum blag.
BARBER wanted at once. $18 per week.. D.
u. xayior. xnaepenqence. ur.
PATTERNMAKER wanted. Call 222 Conunar-
ciax viw mag,
A $20,000,000 CORPORATION, with splendid
money-making proposition from very start.
aDout to establish state ana iocai uuiuo
In avtrr wnitftrn nrxtte wants a state
manager each in California. Arizona. Ne
vada, Oklahoma. Texas, Colorado. Utah.
Wyoming. Montana, Idaho, Washington,
rsew Mexico and Oregon to estaDiisn wi
flees In all principal cities In these states.
men only or tne nignest eaecuuvc
energy and standing will be considered.
Nominal Investment to insure fullest per
sonal interest will be required. Address
Atwood Wllshlre. Secretary, care Hotel
Manx. San Francisco, with references.
SALESMEN wanted for hiarhest class acci
dent and health Insurance; old line com
pany; $1000 policy costs $2 per year: pay"
100 emergency benefit: accidents any and
an Kinas; sj weekly Denerit; na"u"10
black seal-grain pocket case free with
each policy: good salesmen making lip ti
$10(1 rer wir- writ for exclusive re
newal contract: liberal commissions
promptly forwarded. German Registry
Co.. 217 N. 7th St.. St. Louts, Mo.
WANTRn A hl rtnilimi T-w.n for the IT. S.
Marine Coma between tne ages OX 1 ana
85: must be native born or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $15 to XSU- Adaitionai
companBauon possible. rooa, cwuiiusi
mmrtar n ,4 I .... I ..naniA free.
After 80 years service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore in all parts of
the -world. Appiy at Breeden bldg.. Port-
lanq. ur.
10,000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year;
men ana women to learn Darner uaaa iu
8 weeka heln to nemr nromotion: arradu-
ates earn from 10 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mobler System of Coueges. oa
North.4th st. Portland. Or.
SALESMAN Experienced, any line, to sell
cennra rnnu ,n fai-inn raKt. inexcuncu
specialty proposition with BRAND NEW
FEATURE, commission with $35 weekly
xor expenses. Continental Jewelry to.,
Cleveland. Ohio.
International Correspondence School have
tne course you need: text-ooolLS iree: answer
ana arawicg paper.
oi jdarquam Diog.
308 Mckay bldg.
WANTED Business man to act as our ex
clusive selling agent in Portland and carry
small stoek of the most powerful medi
cinal water in the world. Write Witter
Medical Springs, 830 Market St., ban ,
r rancisco.
SALESMAN, high class, permanent posi
tion: no canltal necessarv: want S60 a
week man; expenses advanced; small bond
reaulred: no samples. Write promptly
giving reierences. international CO.. oo
WANTED Two first-class, high-grade wire
less stock salesmen; only those who can
deliver the goods need answer. A-1 con
tract tnat win net xooo per montn up
ward to producers. Call 70S Board of
Trade bldg.
WANTED Reliable man to check goods.
etc.; pay $2; week now. which can be in
creased with interested neip. bman in
vestment required. Particulars 248 "?a
.Stark street.
Machinists wanted.
Apply Superintendent.
Front and Hall Streets.
ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to
their Income, growing mushrooms in cel
lars, sheds, boxes, etc. Big market. Free
booklet. Hiram Barton. West 4ath it,
New York.
WANTED Good wide-awake solicitor to eell
teas, coffee, spices, baking powder, etc. :
good pay to right party; permanent; refer
ence. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Washlng-
ton st.
COMPETENT newspaper man, able to fur
nish copy for gooa country weeKiy; no
booze: permanent place for right party;
SIS a week; state experience. Advocate,
Chehalls, Wash.
WANTED For a valley town, an exper
ienced salesman to take charge and as
sist In buying for dry goods department;
state experience: reference, and salary
expected. Apply to AF 40, Oregonlan.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line: high commissions, witn sxuu
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. jess x. smitn co., jjetroit,
SALESMAN wanted for manufacturers' lace
and embroidery line: must have traae
among general store merchants; liberal
proposition. jtluaBon stiver xace w oma.
416 Broadway. New York.
ENERGETIC man to verify, deliver and
make collections on installment suDacrip
tion book accounts. Must have pleasing
personality and furnish surety bond. Ad
dress A. C Risdon. 210 Marquam bldg.
EXPERIENCED stenographers wanted to fill
vacancies In large corporation; state age, ex
perience and salary desired; give phone
number. G 62, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man as counter and wrap
per In flat-worlc department; permanent
position. American Laundry, 12th and
FOUR carpenters wanted, long job for good
men. w. i - Moulton, ine xsaites. ur.
Call Portland 28 13th st. Phone Main
WANTED D. E. bookkeeper, young man
for out-oz-town notei; notei experience
preferred. Apply Monrtay f. -M. Mr.
Adams, room 207 Lumbermens bldg.
WANTED Bookkeeper and cashier for
wholesale house; young man prererrea;
must be thoroughly experienced; none
other need apply. K 62, Oregonlan.
$25 WEEKLY and expenses to trustworthy
people. travel. aiBinnuie aamiiiea, uik
wholesale house. C. H. Emery, B 47, Chl-
1100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel, dis
tribute samples tor uig manuiauiuicr.
Steady work. 8. Shefter, treasurer, C 61,
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks. Tjostornce cleras. earners, eta
Write or call for Book 80. It's tree. Paelflo
States School, McKay Plug., foruana. ur
RAILWAY mall clerks, city camera, clerka.
Portland, examlaatioas announced July la.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
il 1 rJ. xocneater. j. x.
A WATCHMAKER and optician can secure a
good opening in a paying Jewelry business in
the country on terms to suit him by apply
ing to a tsz, uregonian.
WANTED Experienced Janitor, for new
apartment-house; gooa wages; none others
need apply. biiverneia s. etn ana Alorrl-
ejn sts.. afternoons.
SALESMEN of ability, sell greatest inven
tion zotn century; men wno can earn s?o
weekly and upward desired. 10 Cambridge
bldg.. ad ana Morrison.
WANTED Crew to cut cordwood; have
1500 cords; on so. rac. xty., 43 miles south
of Portland; give price. Address X 58,
WANTED First-class soda dispenser: must
be A-l man; reierences requirea. Adaress
Crescent v.anay jo., woz x'acmc ave.;, la-
coma. Wash.
ANYONE can make money writing short
stories; big pay; Sena ior iree booklet.
tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran-
WANTED First-class paper-hanging and
kalsomlng done in exenange ior modern
down-town apartments. r B4, uregonian.
nRiMATIfi actor for vaudeville sketch:
talented amateur consiaerea. v b. ure-
WANTED First-class meat cutter and helper
for sausage-room. Appiy .vonaay morning.
Jones Meat Market, lot 4tn St.
YOUNG MAN in grocery; must have some
experience and reference, call Sunday bet.
IP anq a. o-itf aiiwaaaia
SPECIALTY salesman, traveling and city.
to sell manufacturers, permanent -position.
Ensign Kenning Co.. cieveiana. u.
WANTED Shipping clerk, familiar with
electrical supplies anq tnis territory; give
reference. V no. uregonian.
WANTED First-class candy salesman for
Eastern Oregon territory. Apply, stating
experlence,to Joo,uregonian.
STENOGRAPHER or good typewriter, able
to loan employer $3O0, can have good posl-
tlon and security, m oa. uregonian.
SALESMEN for easy seller, side line large
commissions; pocitet samples. united
Chemical Co., Minneapolis Minn.
WANTED Salesman for retail lumber of
fice; state age. experience ana salary
wanted. K fi3. uregonian.
SALESMEN side line, or exclusive; adver
tising novelties; noerai commissions;
samples free. Andrew Paysen. Clinton. la.
SO MONTHLY and expenses to men, post
signs, aistriDUte sanities; wnuiwaie nouse;
steady work. H Monroe. R 67. c hlcago.
vnt:n men with teams . to haul brick.
Standara 5ricK or. xne uo. 4V Jkionawlc
WANTED Good, reliable, all-round reporter.
Apply Morning AStorian. Astoria, ur.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
215 Commercial bldg.
BOY wanted for office work and as messen-
ger. G 04, uregonian.
T W ' ) live aggressive salesmen can make
good, commercial pioca. ;
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. O 68,
WANTED A dentist aad barber. Phone B
DRUGGIST and a doctor, Al location; no op-
pos l uon. c o. ure gonian.
A PANT and vestmaker; prices good; steady
JOD. A. Ij. Anqrews. i.a uranoe. ur.
YOUNG man for Janitor and kitchen work.
554 Couch St.
I WANTED First-class saddle hands and
iiarness cutters, jonu ciotk eaaaiery co.
AT C K. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2D ST.,
pnone Main 1526, A xo.o.
Onen all day Sunday.
Leading office for railroad, hotel and res
taurant work.
Est. 1S7.
Offices at
Spokane .424 Front ave.
Sacramento 92 2d il
San Francisco 87-89 4th st.
Los Angeles 13S S. Los Angeles st.
Laborers, teamsters, rockxnen, tunnel
men, $2.50 up.
Free fare, no offlca fee to Klamath
We ship also to Eugene, Natron, Des
chutes and other points.
Good water, good wages, good board,
rood outfit and good job when you get
Taller, $2.70.
66 river drivers, $3.50 per day
Yardmen. $2.25. $2.50.
4 men on sorting table, $2.50.
Wood bucks. $2.50. ,
Woodcutters. $1.50 per cord.
2 sausagemakers, 30c per hour.
1 sausage cook, 30o per hour.
7 meatcutters, SOc per hour.
1 sausage stuffer. 30c per hour.
team hammerman. 63. free fare.
Farmhands. $20 to $40 per month and
found; men to clear land and cut wood;
good wages.
Dishwashers and kitchen work. $9 HP-
Jlan and wife, cook In city. $70.
Short order cook, city, $13.
FTy -cook, $75.
Young boy. help Janitor, $30 found.
Cook, hotel, $75. board and room.
Teamster, $2.50, sand wagon.
All kinds of laborers, $2.50, $2.73.
Teamsters and laborers, near city, rail
road work, no blankets needed, $2.50 up.
Yardmen In mills. $2.25 up.
Young man drive baker wagon. $10
week, board and room; new Jobs coming
In all the time. A job free to any able
Vmdled man who Is broke
Main Office. . 12 N. 2d SU
Edgerman, small mill, $3.
Two lumber graders, $3.
Three car tallymen. $2.75.
Marker oif sorting table, city. $3.25.
Gang trlramerman. city. $3.
Fireman's helper, planing mill. $75.
Pond man. $2.50.
Man and wife on dairy ranch. $65.
Man and wife on fruit ranch. $50.
Camp flunkeys, $35.
Xlfison tenders, ritv. $2.50 UD. 8 hours.
Twenty-five wood cutters, $1.25 to $1.50
Ten tlemakers, 15c per tie.
Farm hands, $30 to $40i
Teamsters and laborers, city. $2.50 up.
We guarantee to pay fare both ways If
tncra is not woric wnere we aena you.
Main Oflice. 12 N. 2d St.
8 BRIDGE carpenters, $3.50.
2 donkey firemen, $z.ov.
1 donkey engineer, $3.
2 rigging rustlers, $3.
2 rigging rustlers, $3.25.
1 bull cook, $40.
2 logging teamsters, $2.75.
6 right-of-way men, $3.
10 concrete laborers, $2.75.
R. R. work of all kinds.
North to Winston Bros.
South to TJ. C- Co.
East to Porter Bros, and Twohy Bros.
West to J. W. Sweeney Cons. Co.
All orders given prompt personal at
tention. HANLET & TR AVERS,
2SV N. Second.
Phones Main 727. A 22CT0. .
WE want first-class salesmen for this city
and road, capable of approaching business
and professional men on a proposition
having unusually strong and unique sell
ing features. Under our system of per
sonal training our men are making from
$W to $100 a week: permanent position to
right men; references required. For In
terview address A Pd. uregonian.
WANTED AT ONCE Experienced salesmen
for men's furnishing department; also
strons boy. over 16. as assistant janitor.
Roberts .biros., na ana. Axorrison.
GOOD opportunity for several first-class real
estate salesmen: unusually attractive proposi
tion; liberal commissions; if you are not a
hustler and willing to devote your entire
time to business, don't apply. See Mr. Mor
332 Chamber of Commerce.
YOUNG man with good education, who can
write Engusn, ana wno nas vine ac
quaintance In the city, to work on weekly
paper; good chance to learn the newspa
per business; address, with references,
., 829 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED A girl to do general housework:
D-room Dungaiuw, o - ...u.. ....
Phone C 129D.
GIRL for general housework; four in fam
ily; experience not necessary. 440 Hiasi
20th. near Tillamook.
MUST sell 6 lots; will pay $40 per lot to
anyone finding me a buyer xor tnem. . aj
57. Oregonlan.
CAMP, hotel, family cooka and other help.
$20 to $50. R. 307. 3iV4 vvasrx. Howes
Indies' Agency.
WANTED Intelligent, refined woman for
Invalids companion ana nouseaeeper. ak.
64. Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent stenographer. Call
417 Medical bldg., Dei ween ix ana X2
WANTED Bright girl for office assistant;
one with some knowieage or nooKKeep
Ing preferred. H 64. Oregonlan.
WANTED Room-mate by young lady; first-
class location; moaerate price, o, ure
gonian f
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good wages. Z10 ta. oatn st- x-none la-
bor 1627.
WANTED Lady collector, one acquainted
with city. call at xtoom ux Aomcniia
Bldg., after t o'clock Monday.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to care for
elderly woman. iaz r ern ave., near rat
ton Road, Portland Heights.
PARTNER wanted In a first-class horse
shoeing business; line location, gooa Dull
ness. H 68. Oregonlan.
WANTED Two experienced lady solicitors
on salary, new proposition, permanent, 10
cal and outside territory. J- 69. Oregonlan.
GIRL for housework, only three In family;
good home. Apply witn reierences. u t4.
SHIRTWAIST suits. princess. separate
prices; also pajamas for both sexes. Room
IB. i l2 waan. aim -u. m. nn uuv
WOMAN or girl for housework. East Side,
$15 per month; 5-room cottage, 8 In fam
lly. p 67, Oregonlan.
GIRLS wanted to work In paper box factory:
steady position. F. C. Stettler, corner 10th
and Gllsan.
WANTED Experienced head waitress at the
Hill. 23d and wash; reference required.
WET nurse. Inquire today. 43 Holgate st.
Mrs. Blakely.
WANTED Dining-room girl In a boarding
house. SK0GHnst1PhoneA 4402J
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 201 H Stark.
GIRL to assist in housework, small family.
s;2 Overton st
young girl for light housework.
405 Clay
GIRL wanted for fruit stand.
Sixth et.
153 North
GIRL wanted -for general housework; twe
In family. 660 Flanders st., flat 5.
GIRL for general housework. Phone Main
7H33 or A ietij
WANTED Competent second girl. Apply Mon
day. 787 Overton St. ; references required.
WANTED An experienced drygoods sales-
lady. Inquire at 285 1st St. ,
WANTED Girl for general housework In
small family. 6 Hoyt st.
WANTED Stenographer; small salary. Apply
room O.SU jiamiiton piok.
GERMAN or Scandinavian girl, 2 In family,
new bungalow; good home, phone E 6810.
FIRST-CLASS cook for small boardlng-
house at tne peacn. rnone xaat 54u.
GIRL WANTED for dental office, 10 A. M
Monday. 4Xj tvortn xnirq st.
GIRL to assist In housework and go to
beach. 06 unsan st.
K X V K R I K N'" n chambermaids at the Im-
perlal Hotel.
GIRL for general housework, pleasant home,
good wages, small family. Call A 7604.
YOUNG woman as working housekeeper, with
no encumbrances. 301 x Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Girls to do folding.
Hawk Printing Co.. 88H 3d st.
Alvln S.
LADY barber wanted. SOft 6th st. North.
WANTED Plain-seainatreea. 253 6th- at,-
EXPERIENCED shirt operators and girls to
learn shlrtmaklng. Good wages- negro.
tiers oald while learning. Neustadter Bros..
Standard Factory No. 2, Grand are. and
tL Taylor.
WANTED Several bright young women to
i'am telephone operating; stuaents paiix
$20 per month while learning; a thor
ough training given each student before
assignment to position; this is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Applv to school principal at our
east office. East Ankeny and th sts., be
tween 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.. week-days.
The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co.
GIRLS over IS years of age to work In mo-
iiair xactory; good pay wnne learning m
tip to $2 per day when expert.
- ellwood.
UATES. We have a number of positions w can
offer you. Old. Wortman & King.
CANVASSERS sell Flxe-Couleur; greatest
aiacovery of the age; positively sets color
In all wash fabrics; no fading, no streak
ing Jf set with this powder; guaranteed
by mfr. 10 Cambridge bldg.. $d and
Morrison. .
WANT good cook and girl for general
housework In family of six; spend about
8 weeks at beach; no washing: good
wages; permanent home for right party.
Call 655 East Alder st. Phone East 3149.
MARRIED lady without children can have
tnree lurnished housekeeping rooms lor
caring for small rooming-house; snap.
864 North. 26th; "W" car to 26th, block
MUNICIPAL Denannun: of Publlo Safetr
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
g:aaiy given to all young women, airs.
Lola a. Baldwin, Supt.. room 37 Y. W. C
A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor sts.
WOMAN to do general housework; must fur-
nisn reference ; a In family; UDerai wages;
no children. Apply 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.
cuiot ave.. Laad's Addition.
WANTED Girl for general housework: must
pe a gooa cook; good wages, modern nouae
etna lamlly ot three. fcOO Northrup sr
corner 2'4th.
WE teach ladles either millinery or dress-
maxing in a lew weeks at the Boston
Millinery and Dressmaking School. 274
Williams ave., Portland. Phone East 343.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; must be good cook; family of
s auuits; gooa wages. Apply any t lan
ders, forenoons.
EXPERIENCED demonstrator; one who can
get results and not afraid to work and
talk. 10 Cambridge bldg., 8d and Morri
son. GOOD, steady, middle-aged woman for gen
eral housework. In small country hotel;
wages $25 per month. Write to box 20,
Siletz, Or.
WANTED By couple employed, reliable wo
man to care for baby and light house
work: references required. S 60, Ore-
ANYONE can make money writing short
stories; big pay; send for free booklet,
tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran
cisco. SENSIBLE, quiet girl or woman, plain cook
ing, reasonable wages and trip to the moun
tains If able to make good bread. Phone
Tabor 5S8. .
WOMAN or girl to assist and care for In
valid gentleman, permanency, experience
unnecessary; moderate wages. 150 N. 22d
. street.
EXPERIENCED, alteration fitter to take
charge of alteration room with from 23
to 40 girls. Also experienced second flt-
tor. AddressAM43, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographers wanted to fill
vacancies In large corporation; state age,
experience and salary desired; give phone
number. G 63, Oregonlan.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale house; experience
unnecessary.- F 61, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED French laundry woman,
capable taking charge French laundry.
A 61. Oregonlan.
WANTED Strong girl or. woman to do
nouseworg. tnree in lamny. Arx oo, urego
MARKERS, assorters and press machine
girls wanted at the u. 6. Laundry Co.,
Grand ave. and East Yamhill st.
WANTED A girl to do housework at beaoh
cottage ror private iamny; gooa wages.
Apply 735 Irving st-. near 22d.
LADIES to learn. Sanitary Halrdresslng Col
lege. Make yourseir tnaepenaent. -tuu to 413
Dekum bldg. Best place In city.
WANTED A woman for housework and
cooking. Apply 874 East Pine st- Phone A
or Main man.
WANTED Competent girl for general
nouse work; gooa wages; willing to go to
the coast. Apply 770 Flanaers st.
A YOUNG girl to help with housework; two
in family; no experience necessary. p
64, Oregonlan.
WANTED Cook In private family: good
wages. pnone Monday to Main sszii. A
WANTED Girl, for general housework; out
of town; fare paid. Address Mrs. A. M.
Lara. Bend. Or.
Mitt wasnington St.. tor. iu. u
WANTED Girl for general housework; must
be good cook; good wages. Apply mornings.
oio aaimon st.
COMPETENT. experienced waitress and
chambermaid; family three adults; must
have references. 1S4 St. Claire, cor. Wayne.
WANTED Strong woman - for general
housework In the country, lamlly 3 adults.
Call 348 Mill St.
COMPETENT woman for cooking and
housework; no heavy work. 315 East iota
st. North, cor. Haisey lrvington car.
$20V Washington St.. Rooa uK
Main 836 or A $266.
WANTED Competent gl for general
housework. lamny or iwo, ugnt work.
p 1 e asan t nome. rnoae -aaa m u pop.
WANTED Competent girl for general
honseworK. famuy ox a. roruana Heights.
Phone Main via or a zas.
GIRL to assist with housework In small
family; good home to right girl. Call at
once. 1158 gj. xamniu. cor. tn.
WANTED Woman or girl to assist with
general housework. Apply 6U4 Patton
road or phone M. iy3x.
TWO body lroners and a collar arlrls wanted
at U. S. Laundry Co.. Grand av. and East
WANTED Lady stenographer and bookkeeper
good position for right party. X 65, Ore-
GIRLS to label coffee, extracts and spice.
Apply Dwlght Edwards Co.. corner Front
and coucn sts.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 600 B.oUf
thlld bldg.. 4th ana Washington.
WANTED Lady solicitor: clean work; good
position for right party. Call at 321
Henry bldg., 4th ana Oak.
YOUNG girl to assist In housework;
perltnce not xieceary.jt70 .
MAKERS and apprentices; also frame work
ers. Lowengart A Co.
1WO waitresses at Merchants Hotel. 3di and
Davis sts.
OPERATORS on custom pants;
work. 83 Fifth St.. room 503.
WANTED Lady piano player;
AudreSS V UP, mcaumau.
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert; 40 anioiiiu. jiam joaa.
EXPERIENCED cook for small country ho
tel. East 5647
WANTED Waitress. Council Crest Tavern.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for Jew
Airy store. 307 Washington st.
WANTED Finishers on custom pants; steady
work. gd otn a-.. om,.
GIRL for housework at University Park. BIT
vorcesterblock. or phone Woodlawn 2272.
GIRLS wanted. Willamette Tent & Awning
Co.. f ront anu puiliamc HW.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 692 Hancocit St.. xrvlngton.
HELP wanted.
Union Laundry Co 2d and
WANTED Cook; colored woman preferred.
Main ltwi.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Grand ave. N.. cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Experienced girl for general housa-
work. Apply room ui uregonian Diag.
GOOD competent girl for general house-
worK. rnone jqain ogao.
GIRL to assist with housework daily, sleep
home. 2l letn st. Douia.
WANTED A girl to assist In housework, tin-,
til August- x. 77M .worinrup sr, - -
COOK, resort, $50.
2 country notei cooks, $40.
Man and wife, cook and helper, boarding-house,
$70, city.
Family cook (Nampo). $40, fare paid.
2 waitresses (Medford), $35 and board;
fare paid.
2 chambermaids Cout of city. $25.
3 waitresses (out of city). $25.
Chambermaid, $11 week. city.
Restaurant work, $8 week; no Sunday
Girl for confectlonery( $30 and board.
Girl for general housework at The
Dalles. $30.
345 H Washington St., room 7.
Cooks. $40, $45 and $5.
Two hotel waitresses. $35.
Ten restaurant waitresses, $8 .to $10
Two cooks for delicatessen. $40 up.
Chambermaids, $20. $25 and $30.
Cook's helper, camp, $25.
Housekeepers, $20.
Girls for general housework, $20 to $45.
Ladles' Dept. 205 'jj Morrison St.
WANTED At once, experienced salesladies
for cloak and suit department. Roberts
Bros.. 3d and Morrison sta.
SOLICITOR, bright young lady of good ap
pearance to act as special representative.
Must be able to operate typewriter: short
hand not necessary. Salary and commis
sion. Exceptional opportunity for right
person. AD 63. Oregonlan.
WANTED One flrst-clas seamstress, lady
marker, good starcher, 12 girls to work in
mangle room from 6 P. M. until 12 mid
night; good wages. Call at Portland Laun-
dry.8th and Couch sts., Sunday and Monday.
WANTED Bright, tidy, -young lady , who Is
Interested In photography to learn the
business. call at The Cozy Studio. 248
Main st.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework In family of 2. man and wife;
salary $25 per mo. Address Combination
t)Qx 90. Dallas. Oregon.
LADIES Now is your opportunity to learn
cutting for ladies' tailoring from exper-
lenced teacher, satisfaction guaranteed;
terms reasonable. 211 FUedner bldg.
WANTED Girl to work In dental office; not
afraid of work, pleasing In manner, apt;
good wages to right person. Apply this aft
ernoon. 2 to 4 P. M.. 8)7 Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED cloak and suit salesladies at
Worrell Sample Cloak & Suit House, 409
Washington st. and 134 6th st., cor. Alder.
6 LADIES between 20 and 35 years for shoot
ing galleries; steady work, good wages. Ap-
tj,y vaaa uatnery.
EXPERIENCED saleslady for souvenir stand
at uuramer resort; A-I references required.
-- o-. vregonian.
WANTED A competent experienced sten
ographer; permanent position; give experl
enre and references. Y 60. Oregonlan.
WANTED A capable girl for general house
wum. Appiy at izx jonnson st; 10 to 13
.. Ol tO O ST. 31.
BIG MONEY for photo coupon agents: new
leature, Dig money for rustlers, lady or
Kciiueman. tau 7i swetlanq bldg.
GIRLS to label coffee, extracts and sninn-
Appiy jjwignt tawaraa Co., corner Front
-Ouun sts.
LADY attending business college can get room
poaro xor ugnt work morning and
evening. loo x-tanaers.
WANTED A Swiss man and wife who na
aerstanos stock and farm work to go on
a good stock farm. Apply C. Minslnger, 20S
ajoarq 01 XTaqe, city.
MAN and wife to take pharee of fur
nished apartment In exohange for board
for one man. Apartment No. 15, Rose
r-rienq, Ttn and Jefferson.
FAMILY wanted to move into boarding
house and board rafting crew; 6 miles
from Vancouver, on N. P. Ry. Call at
x me xtlver Boom Co.. Fellda. Wash.
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and
stenographer as substitute during July and
August; give experience and salary expected.
A 50. Oregonian.
JAPANESE man or woman for general
housework, 3 adults; good wages. 581
East Taylor st.
WANTED All kinds of good acts, singers
ana musicians, can Newmans vaudeville
'Circuit. 526 H Washington st.
WANTED-Agents, male and female; good
pay; easy proposition. 819 Board of Trade.
riSK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good
positions to A-l Instructors, en S wetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerka
AM competent In office work, have held po
sitions involving responsibility, confidence
and good Judgment; all my work has
shown best of results; never been dis
charged from any position; am honest,
sober and a stayer: good for every work
day in the year: best of references: I want
a place where I can show my worth under
any or all of the above lines, p 61. Ore
gonlan. MALE bookkeeper and stenographer, having
occupied positions of trust In financial
and other lines of business, is desirous of
, securing opening with a fair compensation
for good services and reliability; good
penman with first-class references. O 74.
BY thoroughly competent accountant and
credit man. with 10 years' experience In lum
ber, shingles, wholesale and manufacturing
business; best of references; will go out of
city. D 66. Oregonlan.
SALESMAN desires position in general store;
experienced in all branches; can take charge
or take part Interest; solicits correspond
ence with party desiring good man. O 40,
LAWYER Aged 28. desires position" with
title company or corporation where legal
-x training will bs appreciated. In Portland
In July. A. W. Hendrlckson. Jr- Osslning.
N. Y.
YOUNG married man wants position; seven
years experience in lumber business,
bookkeeping or general office work: can
give references and furnish bond. N 62,
WANTED By young married man, of good
moral habits, trustworthy position as col
lector. Well acquainted with city; good
reference. AN 40. Oregonlan.
REAL estate salesman and office manager
o fforce and character, convincing talker,
good closer; has confidence In Portland.
L 65, Oregonlan.
EXPERT accountant wants small sets
books to keep; books opened, closed, bal
anced; terms reasonable. AJ 48, Orego-
MAN, experienced law. adjustments. Insur
ance and abstract work, desires position;
salary secondary consideration. L 62, Ore
gonlan. BOOKKEEPER. T years' experience, quali
fied to fill first-class position; strictly
temperate, and steady. O 57. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
4 P. M. ; rates reasonable. V 61, Ore-
STENOGRAPHER Young man wants position.
witn opportunity to advance; salary no ob
- Jectr AL 68, Oregonlan.
WANTED By registered pharmacist, steady
position In or . out of city; best of ref
erences. Write AB $8. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE man with good commercial exec
utive ability, desires managerial or selling
poaition. A o. uregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, expert in all branches, has
a couple of hours to spare dally. M 55,
Oregonlan. -
POSITION as bookkeeper, typewriter or gen
eral office work by steady and reliable
man. K 51. Oregonlan.
CLERICAL position by young married man;
best of references; can leave town. R 56,
POSITION wanted by good baker, sober;
city or country. K 60. Oregonian.
COMPETENT and experienced stenographer
. desires position at once. H 5-S, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires place to work for
room and board before and after school.
Address H. D. B.. 14H 5th st.
TOUNG man. aged 20, wants a position to
work after school from 6 to 12 P. M. J 47,
- Oregonlan.
A JAPANESE wants position of any kind
work after 6 P. M. C 66. Oregonlan.
STAIRBUILDER and draughtsman, first
class. L. Petersen, 104 12th Bt.
PRINTER'S apprentice wants position. Phone
East 1915.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation at
housework. AG 31). Oregonlan
POSITION by licensed chauffeur;
of any kind" AK 45. Oregonlan.
WELL educated married man would like
harge of river landing, x oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants situation in pantry
of hotel or restaurant. AD 55. Oregonian.
I BUILD fireplaces that work. No. 1 refer
ences. East 3aU4. &
MAN and wife wish position on ranch; wife
good cook, x.. J. parol, z-tl 15th N.
ELDERLY German wants position as gard
ener and do chores. L 63. Oregonlan.
WINDOW and house cleaning, floors and
rugs. Main noi.i. evenings. Thomas Green
Tar A VT C " ir- 1 1 ra.a.
372 HasUvorna . ave.
WANTED Position as janitor by man wltri
experience, 37 years of age; can mane an
kinds of repairs necessary about a build
ing; honest, sober and will be found
faithful to his employer In all respects.
R 5 5 , Oregonian.
ELECTRICIAN, young married man. eipe
rlenced at dynamo tenaing. motor worn:
and wiring, desires position out of city.
Sober and relable. References. E 60, Ore-
gonlan. "
SITUATION wanted by cornet player Irt
some lively town, band or orchestra, witm
some light work on Bide; reliable and so
ber; married. T 53, Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR and repairer, strictly temper
ate, does not use tobacco; am not airaia
of work; prefer position with private fam
ily, but will accept any. R 62. Oregonian.
GOOD collector would like position with,
reliable nrm in city; salary or commission.
S 50, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife would like position as cools
In logging or mining camp. AL 4i, ore-
gonlan! -
JAPANESE boy wants any kind of worle
at morning ana evening or oniy atter
n oon. V 57. Oreg onlan. t m
WANTED By a middle-aged Scandinavian!
position as Janitor or window wasner; nave)
first-class references. R 5S, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese desires eituation as waiter
or any other help in evening. AC o-. ure- .
YOUNG man. married, of mechanical ability.
with responsible people. pnone at --pp
Ask for T. R. C.
COOK Experienced, desires position in ho
tel or boaroing-nouse: sooer aau reuauw
Phone M. 2200. Ask for T. R. C.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private)
family; can make repairs and wining ts
do chorea Frank Rohlng Main 5D99-
A YOUNG, strong, honest German man.
speaks English, wishes work of any tin,
in the city. G60, Oregonlan.
HOTEL MEN A-l hotel or restaurant manj
ager wants position; city or country. J
t,4. uregonian.
FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants employment
by dav contract, repairing or new building
264 Page st. C. Hansen. B 23"4.
YOUNG married man, 14 years' experience)
groceries and general mercnanaise, aania
good position. AG 5C, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. with eight years of business)
on Coast, desires position with responsi
ble firm. AN D5. Oregonlan.
Book keepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER would like position wit hi
some spare time and privilege of doina
public work; have typewriter. A 60, Ore-
gonian. or pnone tanor l-ta.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants substi
tute work. Phone M. 4757. P 60. Ore-1
STENOGRAPHER wants position; some ex
perience: accurate and faithful to duties
moderate salary. S 57, Oregonian.
WANTED A situation by stenorgapher,
with some experience; call Sellwood 10SU.
Miss Wilson.
BILL clerk wants position, four years' ex
perience; accurate In figures. L 00. Ore
gonlan. m
WANTED By middle-aged man. position
as day or night clerk In hotel, with plenty
of experience. J 65, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, with wide experience and
' college education. Stenographer, 323 E.
S5th st.
EXPERIENCED. competent stenographed,
desires permanant position: references;
will do ' supply work." j o. uregonian.
EXPERT lady stenographer desires posi
tlon , afternoons. R 61. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer; three years' ex
perlence; references. O 68. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position;, woulcl
substitute. Main 6S0. . -
AN experienced lady stenographer desires)
position. Phone Main 612L
YOUNG lady stenographer, with year's ex
perience, aeslres position. F 3.Oregonlar.
SITUATION wanted as assistant in doctor's
or dentist's office. AD 58. uregonian.
WANTED By young Eastern widow, un
incumbered position as traveling compan
ion: thoroughly understands remodeling
gowns and suits. D 05. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING at your home by the day.
Phone Tabor 1700. Mrs. imma eiewari,
861 East Taylor st.
Phones M. and C 1540.
2: evenings. 7 to S.
. Miss Chisholm.
Call Sunday 1 tl
STYLISH dresses. $5 up: waists. $1 up; fine
work; references. 52! E. Mill st. East 5250.
DRESSMAKING and sewing of all kinds
done at home. Phone A 1027.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking by the day.
Phone C 24SQ. Phone Monday.
DRESSMAKER wishes work by the day or
will sew at home. Phone Marshall 1505.
ANGKLatS Dressmak'.ng Parlors. 328 S Ws-.
lngton St.. suite 218. Main 892. A HtL
LADIES tailoring: alterations, coats rellnedV,
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia St. A 470$. .
CAPABLE German woman desires situa
tion, chllds" or children's nurse. St.
Louis Agency, 803 Wash. Main 2030,
A 4775. .
TEN years' experience with all kinds nurs
ing, maternity, elderly. Invalids, infants;
reference. Call Sunday or Monday. Mali
POSITION WANTED Trained . nurse f ront
the East would go out of town; moderate
salary. K 6tf. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED young woman would llkej
place as nursegirl; can give references!
would go out of city. AG 45, Oregonlan,
MIDDLE-AGED experienced practlcafn urse ;
doctors references. Main 01-37.
TRAINED nurse wants hospital position;
nlght duty preferred PhoneMaln6670.
PHONE Tabor 2230 for experienced nursej
doctors' reference. Terms reasonable.
NURSE wishes more engagements; extensive
experience; doctor's reference. A 29't.'.
HOUSEKEEPER, refined, middle-aged wo
man. In family of three adults. In goo,l
country home; must be good cook; per
mancnt place. AC 57. Oregonlan.
WIDOW" lady, thoroughly good housekeeper,
well educated, good musician, wishes posi
tion: give .particulars In. letter. F 65,
GERMAN lady wishes housework and caral
of children; city or country. Call 341
Couch at. ; .
EXPERT cutter, fitter and designer from ths
East wishes work In the home: work, guar
antocrt. Adrtre.ns AF 57. Oregonian.
WOMAN of refinement and education wants)
eituation as housekeeper. O 56, Ore-
gonian. ;
WANTED By married woman, position as!
hou!ekeeoer in hotel. Seaside or Portland i
first-class only. Phone Main 6604. Room 68.
RESPECTABLE lady would like position a
housekeeper. - L 68. Oregonian.
GOOD woman housokepor, widower. fau,
Louis Agency. 303 j Wash.. Main 20.10.
FIRST-CLASS cook and housekeeper wants)
a position with family of means; refer
ences. K 60. Oregonian.
COLORED woman wishes position as cook in
hoardlng-houso or delicatessen. Call Mala
MRR1ID woman, educated, refined, wlshe
care of children during Summer, or would
coach pupil.". AL 60. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants work washing or house
cleaning by the day. Call at 830 Taylor
st. .
STRONG capable woman wants work by
the day or half days. Tel. Woodlawn
LACE curtains washed and stretched 40o
a pair. Phone Sellwood. 1391. B 2770.
WANTED Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 4T.I4.
LADY wants position as working house-
kecper. no cooking. P 68. Oregonlan.
WORK by the day for Wednesday, Friday
and Saturday. Main 5500.
WOMAN wants day work washing and
1 ron 1 n g. Mai n 3200.
CITY primary teacher wishes governess posi
tlon for Summer. Phone Main 1)5:10.
LADY wishes day work; references. Main
. 27SO.
CURTAINS washed and rtretched.
pair. Phone Sellwood 801.
40o a
CLASSES now forming in oil and chin
painting: vacation rates. Main 81S3.
TEACHER would like position as governess
or companion in family. K 61. Oregonlan.
YOUNG LADY would like work in office;
not a stenographer. F 58. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position
perlenced teacher.
as governess by
B 56. Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady gives piano lessons, 50c per les
Bon. References given. Main 8183.
WANTED Washing and house cleaning.
Phone Main 6427. room B.
WOMAN wants day work ironing and clean-
Ing. Call Main 6427. room 7.
WOMAN wants sweeping, cleaning, etc: full
days only. Phone East 530. room 20.
GRADUATE gives two piano or mandolin
lessons for 75c. C 60. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants to work for room and
board, la small family., . Tel. lain 500.