The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 19, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 28

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For Sale Farms.
20 acres, all in a very high state of
cultivation and the very finest kind of
orchard and berry land. 8 acres now be
ing a tine bearing orchard, good modern,
seven-room house, barns, and other out
buildings, several chicken-houses and
chicken parks, windmill and water piped
to barn, well located on a hard-surfaced
wagon road and electric line, in the midst
tf at vArv fin a nAlirhhnrhnofl. surrounded
by beautiful homes and well kept and well
paying farm, close to Portland. i con
fidently assert that this is one of the
Ynnr rtnirn.hlA nine ps that -can be had.
regardless of price. For a short time this
can be had for $4500 as owner is going
away. See me for further particulars.
J. E. Smith, 313 Chamber of Commerci.
Portland, or.
TO ACRES, all the very best of soil, part
In miIi ra Hnn trner raal rtAnpp new bam. .
and other outbuildings, well stocked and
all necessary implements and tools, also
household furniture, on a fine county road
ana noi iar i rorn ronmiiu,
Call 613 Chamber of Commerce.
120 ACRES, rood huildinsrs. reod team and
wagon, nine head of cattle and other
tnolr 11 1 1 . nf nnl an A I m nlftmell tS.
set of blacksmith's tools and a great deal
of other personal property, frice ' uow-
Call 013 Chamber of Commerce.
13 u a rT?Ts ht anil In -the state, new
two-story residence, fine barn and other
outbuildings, nine head of very fine Jersey
cows, three fine horses, more than lOO
o.htolronn nw twn.ifnMd back, new Wag-
on, all farming tools and implements, fine
crop now growing, two good wells and
pump, running water. In ten minutes
walk of tatlon. rlsrht close to Portland.
This farm will make more than $100 per
month net In addition to a good living
for an average family. It Is a genuine
bargain. Only takes a few hours to look
It over. Call or write J. E. Smith, 513
Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or.
200 acres, all in cultivation, over to in
crop: gvod house and barn; on county
road: H4 milea to R. R. station, on t. tF.
Rent of -n? mile to eountv seat. Price.
$75 per acre, and can be handled for $4000
casn. lerms or Daiance .l ui.
Would consider part in good income prop
erty, well located.
200 acres 1H miles to Hillsboro, to mile
to R. R. station; 125 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture, with some timber; all well
fenced and cross fenced; orchard of to acre
In bearlnv. all kinds small fruits and ber-
Ttes, 5 acres beaverdam in high state of cul
tivation, balance all level Tualatin Valley !
land; good county road, with R- F. D. and
phone; fine 8-room house, large farm barn, ,
7x70; chicken-houses, blacksmith shop and
other outbuildings, all In fine shape; 4 good
horses, 10 milk cows, 3 heifers. 4 calve.
2 hogs, 5 shoats. 75 chickens, binder, mow
er, rake, drill, harrow, spring tooth harrow,
disc, potato planter and digger. 3 plows, 3
cultivators. 2 wagons, top buggy, clover
. tourcher, stump puller, garden tools, black
smith outfit, etc., all included for $135 per
acre, or $125 per acre for land and crops,
without stock or machinery. Crops are 3d
acres wheat, 16 acres vetch, 44 acres oats,
11 acres hay, 1 acre potatoes and good
garden. Terms can be had on this, and
you cannot equal it for location, soil and
all conditions.
25 acres, 6 miles from Oregon City, on
county road, 15 acre In cultivation, bal
ance mostly open pasture, through which
n ice creek flows ; 6- room house, painted
and In fine shape. Bam and other out
buildings; 2 horsesv 2 cows, chickens, wag
on, harness and farming implements in
cluded. Price. $3000. Good terms can be
had on this.
310 Oak St.
VALLEY Consisting of 17fl acres, of which
there are about lOO acres under cultivation,
t he balance is pas tu re ; has some timber ,
has a running stream; the land lies almost
level and the soil is excellent ; the im
provements on the place are as follows: 1
house of about 7 rooms, also 2 small houses,
1 large barn, tarxe enough for 60 head of
stock, and a large space for hay; has a
nice family orchard; personal property con
sists of 45 mJJk cows, all milking at ths
present time; 6 2-year-old heifers, 1 regis
tered Jersey male. 3 head of horses. 10
hogs. 2 dozen chickens, 1 steam boiler with
svpanator attachment; also household goods,
wagons, buggies, and all necessary Imple
ments in fact, everything to run a firat
clasa dairy; price, $14,000; $6000 cash, bal
ance in 8 years at 6 per cent Interest; or
would consider an exchange for some other
property to the value of $3000. $3000 in
cash and $8000 mortgage. This place is
situated 2 miles from a town in Marion
County, on the county road.
133 Vfr .First St.
20 ACRES, 3500.
On county road, near Woodburn and
between Hubbard and Broadacres; bar
gain; 18 acres in cultivation.
40 ACRES. $3750.
On county road between Donald and
Aurora; 22 acres In cultivation, running
water, house, barn, hophouse; snap, as
land next is selling at $20O an acre. May
consider trade.
205 ACRES, $20,000.
To wind up estate this fine ranch must
be sold: on county road near McM Innville :
about half in cultivation; over 3000 cords
wood, worth $2 on place or $3 at near
est town, miles distant; valuable small
duck lake on place; buildings old, but
there is value in the land, which Is all
good deep loam; new McMlnnville branch
of Salem line close by.
32-3 Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th.
1 60 acres. 13 miles n ort h w est fro m Port
land on fine macadamized road, best of
soil; 75 acres In high state of cultivation
and in crops, balance of land covered with
light growth of brush easily cleared ; good
wrgp Darn on rocK foundation. 12-room plas
tered house; county road divides- farm;
United Railway two miles north; two living
streams flow through farm, abundance of
fish, plenty of water for irrigation; 25 acres
rtcn bottom land suitable for onions and
garden: one-third of crop goes with farm.
This place will subdivide to good advantage
t and sell readily for $200 per acre. Price
of I arm i 15 per acre with good terms.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
125 ACRES. 4 miles In a straight line from
Oregon city ana 7 miles to Clackamas.
with a down water grade and macadam
ized road; about V line upland - and to
Tine oottom iana; ciear creek runs
through the place; 0 acres cleared and in
crop; two houses and a barn 60x90 feet;
844 prune trees, 22 head stock, 15 pigs, 3
horses and all crops and farming imple
ments goes with this.
This Is an Ideal farm for diversified
farming and its value cannot be duplicat
ed; only IS miles from Portland, with a I
stone roaa an tne way. Price $15,000.
easy terms.
625 Henry bldg., Portland, Or.
9 miles north of Eugene, one-half mile
from station. This farm is all in culti
vation in wheat, oats and hay; on good
county road ; land Is rich soil and level ;
price for a short time $60 per acre ; can
give gooa terms.
316 Board of Trade.
4 acres in -crop. lO acres in pasture.
2 acres timber : good house. barn, out
buildings; good well, some fruit: lto miles
from Salem Electric : on good county
roaa; price iovu; casn, Dai. mtg..
n years o per cent.
SNAP Price $8500; 82 acres, on terms; one
mile from Woodburn; to mile from Oregon
Electric; also near Southern Pacific: lust
. right for subdivision. Room 407 Rothchild
Diqg.Ti corner tn. ;
located, i.ast ana St.; 94000; will trade for
a good farm.
Fine 8-room house and lot 57x100;
beautiful home; $7500; $25o0 cash.
3 fine lots, well located ; improvements)
aii in; -st st. a snap, ioio each.
Fine 10-acre tract, near Section Line
road, 4 mile from cariine; good 4V room
ho u se ; 2 acre m cl eared ; good well; on 1 y 9
TOI.C9 irnn run inu , ,yont; ivnt casn.
Fine 6-acre tract, near Sycamore station;
m. cultivation; email nouse; 00 young
fruit trees, some berries and garden; aU
lor xisou; s-uu casn.
6 acres fine land at Eagle Creek, H mile
irom niaiiun ; i per acre; iw casta, bal
ance installments.
Charleston & Co.,411 Commercial Bldg.
Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small
well-Improved farm, at low price and on
tnost liberal terms, see roe-
I handle my
own properties.
520 Corbett Bids
816 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
WANTED One or two A-l real estate sales
men to nanaie gui-eage wood Kiver subdi
1 vision; liberal commission. . Address AD 61,
IESCHUTES VALLEY city property for
sale cheap, easy terms. Madras, Or., by
owner. Auura xiarry jey, uoaxnona yr,
FULL 60 acres right on the United Rail
ways and only miles back of ttuntng-
ton; only J 175 per acre. - You can make
a barrel of money by subdividing it. -.
F. Pfluger & Co., Room 5, Mulkey bldg.,
2d and Morrison streets.
REAL estate sold at owner's price only. List
your property, connaentiai transactions ai-
S.. W. Cor. 6th &WashlngtonSts.
Property In Rose City Park for sale, either
Improved or unimproved, it will pay you to
see us. , We can sell it if the price is
332 Chamber of Commerce. -
WE want for applicants residence property
on either side or tne river, ui juui
prices and terms must be reasonable, and
if so, we have purchasers for same; better
see us soon. ueo. curt is, oj.a touvu mug.,
4th St., near Washington.
WANTED - 6-room strictly modern home.
5 rooms and bath' first floor, not over lA
minutes from 3d and Morrison. Price not to
exceed $26fK, $600 cash; owners preierrea.
Ah. o, oregonian.
WE have a customer for neat cottage not ,
too far out in South Portland, wno win
pay say $50O cash and balance in monthly
payments. owners only aeait wuu.
429 Henry bldg.
WANTED "5 or. 10 acres on car linej within
in mi leu of Portland. Oregon Electric line
preferred. Give lull aiscnption in nr-
letter. Give terms. i. i'aps tteauiu
ran t, M orrison st.
WE HAVE Inquiries for desirable residences
in Hollaaay and irvingtcn . Aaaitiona. j.
you have houses for sale in these addi
tions, we can rind vou buyers. Mcuarwf.
Batea & Lively, 315 Falling Building. .
VB want small farms near O. W. P. line
and on the Clackamas; we can sell your
place if your price is right.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
WE have buyers for income or residence
property. West Side or East Bide. it wiu
pay -you to deal with us if you want re
sults. Walker A Reed. 8X3 Chamber of
Commerce. Phone Main 8535.
WANTED Unencumbered investment prop
erty worth about 7o00; wiu give equity
in high-class, close-in, Portland Heights
quarter block, 4oO0; balance cash. J -i.
Oregonian; '
WANTED 100x100 for warehouse. West
Side, with trackage. Owners or agents.
O 994, Oregonian.
Find your own huvers for income-bear
ing or increase property. Don't answer
unless you have bargain. W 3. Oregonian.
I WANT several thousand -stares of cheap
Oregon land: give me your price and lo
cation. 1 want a cash deal. P 65, Ore
AN extra large lot or 100x100. with fruit
trees and cottage; saw casn; can matte
good payments on balance. AK 60, Ore
gonian. -
WANTED A S to 10-acre tract with shade
trees and running water preferred, not far
irora cars.
F. FUCHS, 221 to Morrison St.
WANTED Five acres, near Portland; must
be a bargain ; either improved or unim
proved; owners only.. Write full par-
tlculars "mjid terms. N on, Ore gonisjn.
I HAVE srilt-edsre Hood River subdivision:
will give liberal proposition to A-l real :
estate firm to nanaie same. Address aj
62. Oregonian. -
CLIENT wants fl-room house in Albina, not
over $3000; J1OO0 cash and must be worth ,
the price. Owners answer. AH 57. Ore
SPOT cash ria id for lots convenient to Al-
oerta car une. uivo uumuu, ioi h-hu.
block numbers and price. AJ 4Qr Orego-
WANTED 100x100 in Irvington Park for
cash; also buyer for single lot; if you
want to sell call. Howard Land Co., 420
Swetland blag.
BUYER waitinar for site suitable for barn:
must nave quarter chock. . no war a laqq
Co. , 420 Swetland bid g. .
WANT to buy from owner, modern 7-room
house with 2 lots, on i!ast side, not too
far out; must be cneap. 6,ijregonian.
6-ROOM modern bungalow, about $2500 ;
$1000 cash ; close in. e.;b Lumoer ;x-
change bid g.
ONE or two blocks, suitable for warehouse.
Bhinninar facilities: must do nrst-ciass.
deal with owners only. J 66, Oregonian.
WANT to buy 2 or 8 adjoining lota on
East Bide, close in; must be cneap. au
t .44, Oregonian.
WE have buyers for properties that are bar
gains vacant preierrea. Howard Land
Co., 420 Swetland bldg.
WANT to purchase eight or nine-room house
between union ana wiuiams avenues, a
WORKING man wants about 10 acres, ac
cessible to city; state lowest price, easiest
terms, and give location, p: z, oregonian.
WILL you sell your lot at a fair price? If
so i can seu iu w. J. .Bauer, ow 5 oar a
of Trade.
WANTED 5 to 8-room house. $500 cash and
good payments. Aggress ea oregonian.
WANTED Snaps in any part of the city.
Phone Maranauow.
WANTED Small house. University Park, on
easy payments. AJ oo, oregonian.
About 3000 acres fine timber, cruising
60,000 per acre, yellow flr and Port Orford
cedar; $80 per acre.
125,O0O,iOO feet excellent yellow pine, well
located, $1.60 per M.
, 40,000,000 ft. yellow fir and Port Orford
ceaar, oo cents per m.
12.000.O00 yeilow flr. $8000.
Large and small tracts In desirable loca
621 Board of Trade bldg.
73 sections, 407ZO acres, timber on
Clearwater River, British Columbia, tribu
tary to Canadian Northern R. R. ; cruise
480.000,000 feet flr, spruce, cedar and
hemlock; the closest limner to the prai
ries; good mill site; price sio,ooo, on
. "7" Has tin gs st. , Vanco uver, B. C.
110 axTacre.
160 acres on Little -Sandy River, near
auto and Mount Hood ilectrlc roads:
some fine timber, cedar and second-
growth ; oest nsning ana bunting yet;
nail casn, oamnce easy.
711 Rothchild Blk.
16.000,000 ft. red fir ax a price that makes
a splendid investment; it is an exceptionally
good buy. C. J. MoCracken, 304 McKay
ONE section of yellow pine. 6,000,000, all
level, covered witn Duncn grass. 2 miles
from Deschutes River; 3000. Call Main
B314. iaa marquam mag.
SMALL tract of sugar and yellow pine for
sale cneap. on easy terms. AU 40. Ore-
TIMBER Yellow pine and yellow flr for
sale; a large tract. Address Ed Cole,
jo ring, kjl.
C J M'CRAC-KN. 104 McKay ndg.
320 ACRES, 2.600,000 feet of timber. 12
miles nortneast 01 ftoseourg, 97 per acre.
2 SO inn st. mam a.
WANTED Parties with portable mill to ont
tnree ana a nan munon xeei lumoer and
ia- A T-T ftl Arcpfi!! Ih n x
TIMBER CLAIM. 0,400,000 ft., on river-
near the bay. TinamooK co. price $38oO.
Address Ai 00. ureitnian.
WANTED A well-Improved farm, for cash.
witnin naiz mne 01 aieam or iroiiev roan!
40 acres or larger; give full details of
location, price, eic. j. jjavis, 203 to
ptanton St., rurumiu. . .
CONSTANT calls for good farms; list with
Hatch A Slocum. 402 commercial blk..
.2d and .Washington.
HAVE customer for a farm, under $SO00
withln 30 -miles of Portland; send descrip
tion. or, oregonian.
I WANT timber claims in all sections of the
Northwest; state size, amount of timber,
price and everything you know about it;
owners and agents answer. AM 66, Ore
TIMBER la-ds waated.
. Ot McKay bldg.
C J. MoCrackaa,
7-ROOM house. E. 19th. St., equity $2200;
also' 2 lots timnurst ror good acreage.
T la tnamper commerce.
TIMBERLAND to trade for 7 or 8-roojn house
in I'orii&ud. au ts, oregonjaLO, 1
200 acres, all in cultivation, for city In
come property.
-i.f acres, to cultivatea. ror city income.
280 acres. Linn Co.. take part in Port
land home.
280 acres, near San Diego, CaU, for Ore
gon or Washington.
170 aces. Linn Co., take part in Port
land income.
120 acres. Siskiyou Co.. cat., tor acreage
or income property.
360 acres. N. Dakota, for Wash, or
Oregon land.
Z houses and lots, Vancouver, ior sman
ranch or acreage.
T-room house, 2 iots.dt. scott, ior acre
age on electric
6-room house, full lo, Vernon, for close
in ranch.
8-room house for acreage.
5-room house, with 2 large lots, for
ranch us to $2500 value.
Furniture stock. Eastern Oregon, for
Valley or Coast lands.
Stock ereneral merchandise for cheap
lands west of Cascades.
Call at our office for exchanges of all
sizes and descriptions.
310 Oak St. ' v
I will sell or exchange my livery stable
at Toledo, Or., the county seat of Lincoln
Co., with 20 head of good driving and
draft horses, harness and saddles com
plete, 4 heavy wagons, 2 buckboards, 2
backs, 3 good buggies, cart, etc, mall and
stage rigs. $400 worth of feed in barn. I
have a, mail, stage and freight route, also
a good llverv and feed trade, stable 75x
75, with feed sheds attached; In fact, a
good, up-to-date barn; ground 75x150,
in center of town. on main street.
This barn Is doing a business of
$1000 per month. Price, $10,000; will take
V in good Portland oronerty. balance long
time; or I will sell business and out lit
and lease building to buyer. Anyone
wanting a good business please investi
gate this. Call or write
Toledo, Or.
$24.000 240-ACRE Alberta peach orchard in
lamous ist Texas xruit belt, z y mues
from Palestine, a town of 15,000 people;
healthy climate, good soli, 65 acres tim
ber pasture. 70 acres cotton, 8600 bearing
trees, producing easily 10,000 bushels aver
age season; good buildings, ordinary farm
land adjoining valued at SlOO per acre;
must sell; my price $100 per acre; clear
title; will trade for northern land or city
787 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
10 acres. 5 miles S. W. of town on the
main eountv road, uncleared, will trade
for Portland lots. - This is a snap at the
price olfered.
xt AND. ReJAD & J.,
316 Board of Trade.
80 acres, all in cultivation and situated
In the heart of the Willamette Valley, on
survey Oregon Electric Ry., Albany-Eu-
Kene division. .4 miles to main line - s. r.
R. R., on good county road; price only $50
per acre, or will take 10011-1910 automobile
In exchange; $500 cash; balance long time
O per cent.
1022 Board of Trade Bldg.
A fine1 farm of 151 acres; buildings cost
over $5000. All cleared but 20 acres, which
has 2500 cords of fine wood. An excellent
stock or dairy farm. Land not nearly so
well improved in same neighborhood is
selling for much more than is asked for
this place. See owner at 413 Abington
Diag., luoM aa st .
I WILL trade my 50-room apartment-
house for property worth $3000 and $500
cash $3500: chean rent, good location.
East Side. 4 years' lease; clears $20O per
month net: agents need not answer. X
63, Oregonian.
1 acre. In city limits, few blocks 5c fare,
all clear, plenty of berries and fruit trees:
4-room house, good chicken-house: no rock
or gravel; $1000 equity; will trade for
lots or smaii nouse ana lot in senwooa
2Q5Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder.
30 ACRES ieal soil, 1000 cords wood. 1 mile
imtea rcys., fine auto road; trade above
with some cash for building 4 houses.
254 acres, near Courney Sta.; take good
lot or house in city. -
New house. 8 rooms, piedmont, for 10
or acres around city.
- 414 Couch bldg.
10 acres, only 1 miles from a fine
town and mostly set to apples, some of
which are In bearing ; also some pasture
lano ; large strawoerries, set oetween
trees: also clover for pasturing; good
Darn ana rarm tools and line water right,
Will exchange -for Portland property.- J.
G. banders, 42 Lumbermens bldg.
Two acres mile from city limits of
Vancouver, wasn.. -mlle irom car. line
one good eight-room house, one four-room
cottage, good well and force pump; prioe
or win exenange ior .for ti an a or t.
ohns property. Address box 103, St.
jonni, or.
20' acres, five miles from Hood River
ana close to scnooi, store ana rail roaa
6 acres set to 3 and 4-year-old trees am
the balance slashed and easy clear! ns1,
An excellent piece of land. Will exchange
for Portland trooertv. J. G. Sanders. 427
umpermens Diag.
801 ACRES, in Gilliam County, all under
fence, lying right on John Day River,
fine grazing land. 2 miles from O. R. &
N. Railroad station; price $3000; will trade
zor gooa automobile or city lots, ask lor
ur. cats.
S. W. Corner 4th and Oak.
STOCK millinery, ladies' and children's fur-
nisninrs. nice, clean, up-to-date stock, doln
good business; located on East Side in stone
building; living-rooms in connection ; rent
$20; will consider house and lot value $1400,
baL cash stock will invoice $1700. Address
; owner, .806 Dawson st.. PortlandOr.
80 ACRES Base Line, 6 miles from M. V.
line, an in cultivation, big house, 2 barns
$28,000; will take modern brick apart
ment, central location, between $25,000
and $50, 0OO, and pay cash difference.
718 Chamber Commerce.
124 ACRES Aurora, house, 2 barns, 62 acres
cultivation, balance timber ani pasture.
Price $18,000; 'want good residence prop
erty up to $12,000. 718 Chamber of Com
merce. lOO, 320 OR 480 ACRES in Morrow County,
Oregon; wneat raise a on this land took
first prize at Lewis and Clark World's Fair;
will exchange for Portland or suburban
property. AL 42, Oregonian.
WILL trade for Portland property new 8-room
residence, 3 large lots, irult and berries,
located at Myrtle Point, Coos County, Or.;
will trade for Portland real estate. Phone
Tabor 1018.
FOR SALE or exchange for automobile or
real estate, two young 'race horses, trotter
and pacer, 0-year-old, can go better than
2:17 record; chance for some one to make
a stake Room 0u5, Commercial bldg.
$4004) WILL trade my equity of $3000 In
fine 6 to acres just outside city of New
berg, for unincumbered Portland property
or consider auto as part. What have you?
Lock box 111, Newberg, Or.
$2500 EQUITY in two lots on Portland
Heights as part payment on a x;sooo to
$5000 home, purse, 818 Chamber of Com.
roerce. Main 7309. .
GOOD lot, value $400; $175 paid on con
tract, Daiance payaote $iu montniy; win
sell this equity cheap or trade for launch,
piano or motorcycle. H 56, Oregonian.
$1100 CORNER, 100x100, $500 paid oh con
tract, balance payaDie i.- montniy; to
trade for furniture or launch or something
of equal value. H 55, Oregonian.
TACOMA property, 2 lots and 3-room house.
in good conaition, to traae ror fortiana
property. What have you to tradjpe. V
49. Oregonian.
240 ACRES Salem, 10-room house, 2 barns.
140 acres cultivation, large orchard. .Price
$25,000, for Portland income property.
7la tnamper or commerce.
EXCHANGE Tacoma residence, value
$3500, . for Portland property or improved
ranch In Oregon' or Washington. E 55,
Oregonian. "
20 OR 40 ACRES, White Salmon apple land;
win trade ror city real estate or auto. Call
Marshall 1218. J 49, Oregonian.
HAVE a fine home in Washington to trade
for Minnesota or Wisconsin house ur
business property. A K 49, Oregonian.
WILL sell SOfiTequity In 3 Laurelhurst lot
contracts rer soou, lr taken at once. 718
Chamber of Commerce.
$2500 EQUITY fn 7-room house on East Sal
mon tor exenange; could use stock gro
ceries. 428 Lumbermens bldg.
WILL exchange good Oregon property . for
property in New York state. Laidlaw, 605
Com m erclal bldg. .
WANTED To . exchange 15 acres uncleared
Hood River orchard land ror Portland prop-
erry. Nick. 181 E. Water St., Portland, Or.
FOUR lots in Seattle to trade for auto
mobile; price $1000. Call 420 Swetland
MINNEAPOLIS property to trade for Port-
land property. AU- ru, oregonian. -
EIGHT acres 2 yr. trees on Oregon Electric.
Want roruana residence. 1 tK Oregonian.
aoxviioxa ox
Fine 21-foot launch, 8 H. T., new Gray
motor and fully equipped; houseboat of 6
rooms, well furnished, large front porch.
Will take good lots or house and lot; pay
difference, if any. Take ths ' and get a
Summer's pleasure out of it as well as a
whole lot of comfort.
i 619 Board of Trade BlUg.,
84 Fourth St.
100 ACRES, all In a high state of cultiva
tion, with good buildings, -and located
on the Salem Electric line, also fine
county road on two sides; this is an ideal
piece of land to be platted into small
tracts, or for a fine farm; It is very cheap
at $150 per acre. I will sell It on terms
or will exchange it for good Portland prop
erty, or for a stock of goods of same
value. Call or write to J. E. Smith, 513
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
fSO ji nrf fln fruit lanrf in TTTW T?rw"3TTC
or business property to value of $17.ooO. .
buyer to afsume mortgage of $4Oi0; this is I
a first-class, tract and worthy of your in- (
veLi gaiiou. v in nun cuiiaiuer ixauuig ior
333 Chamber of Commerce.
OWNER wants residence In Portland; will
exchange 6.000,000 feet first-class yellow
flr timber, well located, all or part trade.
Price $6000.
419 HenrBld.
HAVE 46 acres, 25 in cultivation, best of
soil, fair building, IS miles from Port
land, good county road, R. F. X)., phone
and cream route. "Price $5000; will ex
change $1500 into automobile, house or
lot, $500 cash, balance 7 years at 6 per
cent. Address H 67, Oregonian.
TO TRADT OR SELL 7 to .acres 80 rods of
city limits ; bungalow, large prune dryer.
400 A-l prune trees; also 84 acres north
east of town, black loam soil. . Terms ;
no agents. Address "Owner," Box 412,
N e wburg, Or.
HAVE a few good money-making country
stores to exenange eitner ior stood rarm
or city property ; will stand your closest J
F. FUCHS. 221 to Morrison St.
TO exchange for close-in acreage, modern
-room house, 5ixioo lot, close to cariine,
within walking distance to busines center.
425 Worcester bldg. A 5438.
FOR SALE Or will trade for city property.
a quarter section of improved Washington
wheat land. Price $4(mh. See owner at
221 Lumbermens Bldg.
FIRST-CLASS 5-room bungalow on 41-st and
uast toaimon. will take city Jots or part
cash and small monthly payments. Price
$3100. See owner. T. W. Nordby, 223 Lum
ber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
I WILL exchange city property or farming
tanas ror iu.wo snares or superior aiming
& Milling stock; will pay part cash for
stock, if price is satisfactory. A. M., 201
Lumbermens bldg., Portland, Or.
60 ACRES near Pacific Junction. Iowa; 15
acres near Ashland, Neb.; lots Ashland;
sawmill near Portland, for Portland prop
erty or acreage. Swank, 600 Tillamook,
Portland, Or. C 1132.
ENGLISHMAN will give lessons in horseman
ship and use of two horses for Summer for
board and expenses. Stephenson's Riding
chool, . llth and Yakima ave., Tacoma,
Wa s h .
I OWN $750 equity in 5 acres near Mult
nomah station, balance payable monthly,
which I will trade for lot in city; land
level and cultivated. "AH 60. Oregonian.
TWO-STORY building and large lot on
good street in Independence to trade for
mortgage, contracts or Portland real
estate; cash value $1000. AG 63, Orego-
132-ROOM brick hotel, good location, well
furnished, doing big business, long lease ;
price $14,000; will exchange whole or one
half for good real estate. Aetna Realty &
Investment Co.. room 416 Rothchild bldg.
A BEAUTIFUL modern home in Los Angeles
for country or city property in or near Port
land Rvalue $.V0o; close in; fine car service.
Address AC 3, Oregonian. "
HOME in prettiest part of Irvington. value
$4000; six rooms and sleeping porch, in
exchange for Irvington lots. Address with
fullparticulars. AM48. Oregonian.
WILL trade my $380 equity in a fine east
block in close-in, restricted residence prop
erty for good automobile. AH 64, Ore
gonlan. 160 ACRES of land, near Summer Lake;
price $10 per acre; will take 2 to 5-pas-senger
automobile as part payment; state
make. F 66, Oregonian.
DANDY 5-room home. 25 minutes' ride
from P. O., to exchange for small valley
farm; worth about $1500. V 64, Ore-
gonian. -
OWNER wants to trade some choice subur
ban lots for a residence or farm land. Answer
full description and price. H 438, Ore-
I HAVE some choice lots to trade for a room-
ing-houae; give location and price; owners
oniy. ah ts. uregonia n
160 ACRES wheat farm. Eastern Oregon. What
nave you. uoidschmidt o Agency,. 253
v asnington. cor, ou.
HOUSE, 6 rooms, 2 porches (celled), fruit
trees and smai uruit, for Seattle property,
Q 71, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE Rose City Park lot, alt im
provements paid, $650, for Sellwood or Mt.
Scott lot. AD 62. Oregonian.
6IX Laurelhurst lots, will trade for any
thing of value; equity about $500. 403
tjoucn Diag.
AUTOMOBILE wanted as part payment on
new Mount Tabor home, 6 rooms, price
-auu. uwnef aaaresa aj do, uregonian.
$1700 EQ u IT 1 fi-room house, nearly new :
electric light, bath; 50x100, corner; will take
acreage or vacant lots; Hatfield, lti5, 4th st.
THREE timber relinquishments; one will cut
4.500,000, 30 per cent sugar pine. Valley
eaiiy uo., .orin o.n st.
65 ACRES, Twin Falls, with water right.
exchange for any old thing. Owner, 42S
Lumbermens bldg.
WILL trade my 8-room residence in Van
couver. Wash., for acreage or a. farm. A i
67. Oregonian. -
5-PASSSENGER car, for real estate. C. L.
Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermens bldg.
Main 2488. '
5 ACRES, Mt. Hood cariine, for house, or selL
on terms; u,p. Owner. 500 Maiden ave.,
WILL exchange best apple land in Hood
River for d-passenger auto. AB 61, Ore
gonlan. W1LLL trade by $380 equity in a fine east
front lot, balance $15 month, for good
diamonds. AH 62, Oregonian.
HAVE handsome mahogany piano, new,"
worth $350; will trade for diamonds. E
6l, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE 10 rooms, well furnished, for
lot or first payment on lot; price $350;
owners only. D 60, Oregonian.
$2000 EQUITY in $3600 new bungalow and
lot, 50x100, for vacant. E 68, Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH gallery for auto, real estate
or millinery business. V OQ.Jregonian.
YOU can trade vwy kind of property as
room 10ia Board of Trade.
EXCHANGES No matter what you have;
j call a n d see u a. 417 Board of Tr ade.
FINE diamonds for lots or acreage; give or
take difference. S 61, Oregonian.
REAL estate for farm implements and stock
O 64. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, machine shop. Phone
Sellwood 1482.
2200 acres. Umatilla County, with water
system now covering part; excellent for
fruits and alfalfa ; can be subdivided at
good profit; $&0 an acre, on terms.
Ch amber of Com me rce B 1 d g.x
8000 ACRES finest volcanic ash fruit land
on the Columbia River. Platting and pre
liminary work done, ditches in and irri
gation system practically complete. Rail
road and river transportation. Towns! te
on tract. In center, of best irrigated dis
trict in Northwest. Right parties can
get control of this at figure to net at
least 200 per cent. Unless you have
means or satisfactory connections don't
answer. Address or call 616 Electric
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
livery business, rigs, horses, harness, wag
rn&. for sale or rent. Main 22i'S.
MY .pretty phaeton and two-wheel, rubber
tire cart, both as good as new) will sell
the two for $100. Phone B 1265.
STUDEBAKER phaeton, good condition;
bargain. Smith. 105 Sherlock bldg.
SORREL mare cheap; sound, gentle -and
true, speedy and stylish. Particulars 305 3d.
FOR SALE Pony, 877 E. Hoyt st.
E.' 4038.
FOR SALE or trade, 4-cylindar Ford run
about in good shape. J 56. Oregonian.
FINE bay team, weight about 2700.
Stables. 12 Flanders.
A BAY mare, 1400 lbs., or trade for prop
erty. 144 E. 2d at. X,
Horsca Vehicles and Harness.
. 30 HO R S E S 30
, 30 MULES 30
Sixty head of work horses and mules to
be sold to the highest bidder.. Horses weigh
from 1200 to 14oO; mules irom !HH to lluO.
All good, young stuff. To bo sold at Hepp
ner. Or., Jutie( 24.
Why buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale bouse, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Bugy Co. fine vehicies. deliv
ery wagons, ton ' buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. it may save you monay.
K. M. WAJJiS & CO..
822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
Will sell to highest bidder for cash in
hand, June 21. lo A. M-, sharp, at 43 N.
2tith st., inside gate, one horse, weight
1H T0 lbs.; one brown mare, 12oo lbs.; one
horse. 1200 lbs.; one pair bay mares, 6
years old, weigh 2400 ; all good workers;
three set breeching harness with collars ;
one dozen leather nalters, one dozen horse
blankets, one English saddle and bridle;
can be seen Sunday, Monday, at 433 N.
2tith st. Don, Carlos Dog and Monkey
circus. ;
We are now located at the Portland
Union Stockyards.
We have on hand a good stock of mules
weighing from 1200 to 1400 lbs, that are
first-class in every particular; our prices
are in line with, the ties. Come and see
us and we will convinc.5 you.
SIS MERIDIAN, trotter, trial 2:15, coming
H years eld ; perfectly sound ; city broke ;
sired by Meridian .also full steter to Prelec
tion, 2:06, and was' sold for $10,000. Also
handsome brown pacing gelding, city broke
for lady; can step in 2:2o right now three
times. One racing bike, two sets harness,
boots, two suits clotihng, stop-watch, every -
mine complete. or . further information
call at bl4 Savier st. or phone Main1222.
26 NORTH 15TH, Portland Stable 2 teams.
ootn tt years old, weight 2400 and 2700 lbs.,
3 sets of single and one set double har
ness, 3 runabouts, 1 top buggy, 1 platform
wagon. 1 surrey, 1 stanhope, a military sad
dles, the above ivehicles and harnus are prac
tically new and priced for a quick ale;
positively the beat bargain ever offered in
!5 HEAD of young mares and geldings from
100O to 1600 lbs. Some choice heavy
teams, 2 mares with Percheron colts; two
S-y ear-old fillies; several nice teams of
lJOO lbs; - chunks. These horses will all
be sold as represented. Will be on sale
Wednesday, June 23, at 334 Front st.
Come and see this -stock and get our
OK ALE- Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If cot as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
4elivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Haw thorns-ava. Stables 420
Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Cheap, high-class driving team,
well mannered, well mated, good sized;
styusti; also studebaker carriage, new
silver-mounted double harness and well
matched carriage dogs; big bargain for
quick sale. 32 Lafayette bldg., Washlng
ton and tUh.
GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or
drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire
tiooerui -tiros., iiu ana Morrison.
$85 BUYS very stylish, rubber-tire, panel
seat runabout buKstv and harness (Stude
baker make) ; also handsome horse, weighs
a j&o ; price $i3o. can private residence.
ot-k fcavier st.
TO BE SOLD at sacrifice 10 head of all-
purpose horses, weighing from 1000 up
v also several good wagons and harness
5 head of light unbroken horses. 14
Union ave.
75 6-YEAR-OLD horse, weight about 0O0;
lovely driver ; not afraid of cars or autos.
Inquire 38S Glenn ave. Phone Tabor 388,
LEAVING city Monday, must sell my-saddle
pony, bridle and saddle today. Call 421
E. 46th; take Hawthorne ave. car to 46th,
go o mocks south.
BROWN MARE, 5N years old, weight 1150,
fine roadster, standard bred, not afraid
of anything. C. P. Harris, Meldrum; Ore
' gon City car.
FOR SALE Fine driving or riding mare.
rubber-tire buggy and harness, leaving
town ; a bargain for cash. $130. 361 East
40th st. Phone Tabor. 1746. O. Failing
THREE nice young horses, weigh about
1150 each, will sell one or all cheap. In
quire 72 N. 14th st., between 11 A. M. and
' 4 P. M.
A COMPLETE camping outfit, consisting of
i3UU-io. team, Harness ana top wagon; an
in good order. Jfrtce $iii for enure outfit.
Can be seen at 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash.
FOR SALE 4 'horses, harness, wagon. Call
Sunday or evenings after 7 o clock, Powel
Valley Road, between i6th and 77th St.
Price $i5Q for quick sale.
AT a bargain, team, 1250 each, harness and
farm wagon; black horse, 1250 to 1300
lbs., and big bay horse, 1500 lbs. 242
Grand avenue 6. :
FOR SALE Heavy double harness (com
plete), almost as good as new ; suitable
for express or farm wagon. Phone Main
A FINE saddle pony, cannot be beat for
the kids; will exchange for larger horse.
bOt .ast tn st. w. w . car to Glad
stone ave.
FOR SALE Cheap, farm team, bargain
Call today. 800 East 2Sth st. W. W. car
to Gladstone ave.
FOR SALE; A good sound young team, 1OS0.
each good traveler. y mile east lent
Schoolhoi e, Gilbert Road, big red bam.
WANTED Gentle riding pony for lady; must
he bargain; win nuy or rent. Aaares jc o.
GOOD eecond-hand busgy and harness for sale
cheap. Call 271 North Ibth st. Phone Main
FOR SALE Two delivery wagons. Apply
W. J. Crocker, 4 ;- union avenue. Mon
day. '
TELEPHONE Exchange 80 if you want to
buy a good, sound, young team, weight
3100 IDS.
THREE-TON camel-back wagon,
Plete. 7 4 7 Misslss 1 p pi. A 707.
GOOD farm or brood mare. 1200 lbs..
r Call cottage, 20th and Savier st
FOR SALE Nice gentle pony, cheap. Phone
red 24.:, uaK urove.
A GOOD delivery horse, 1100 lbs.,
Williams ave.
WILL exchange lots, in Cliffs, Wa
team. O 63, Oregonian.
at 963,
6-YEAR-OLD workteam for sale cheap. 422
Ross street. ,
Planon. Organs and Musical Instrument.
FOR SALE CHEAP Electric piano, plays ten
tunes, party leaving city; must be sold.
Come at once. 94 N. 6th st. Porter'a Freak
6 how.
klAHOGANY case, new, same grade selling
in Portland $350; need money, will sacri
fice for $200; Room 9 Buckingham Hotel,
330 Yamhill st.
BEAUTIFUL brand new Stratford mahog
any piano only -50- $15 down, $3.75
monthly. Call 35Q Alder.
VIOLINS, brass, reed and strinfc Instruments
repaired. Any piece made to order. H.
Godard. room 16. 1-T2 H 2d st.
PIANO, almost new. elegant condition, bar
gain: worth $450; sell for $150; need money.
J'J." 5th st.. near Ma 1 n .
$300 UPRIGHT piano, 3 yrs. old, for $100
cash. Phone Woodlawn 130S.
TWO good clarinets, A and Bb, with case,
$15. Phone East 4530.
FOR SALE Fine Kimball organ. $25. 1S5
N. 10th St.
.-PASSENGER car-- for real estate.- C- L.
Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermens bldg.
Main 24S8. ;
WANTED Electric runabout, cheap for
cash. ; must be in good condition. Ad
dres F, F.. Portland Hotel.
FOR SALE Cheap, brand new Uaynes
automobile at Hess fc O'Brien, East Union
ave. and Davis st.
4-CYlANDER Cadillac model G, in first
class condition; just overhauled and raint
ed; $90Q. Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder at.
$550 for a 28 h. p. Mitchell roadster; no
trades. C 2049 or A 5076. Corner Grand
ave. and Beach st.
GARAGE and repair shop for sale: splen-
did location and doing & fine business.
4Q3 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE Five-passenger Cadillac with top
and gas lamps; $350 cash, no trade. Wood
lawn 2593. "
MAXWELL, JR.. 1909 A snap for quick cash
buyer; all new tires. C 65. Oregonian.
FULLY equipped 5-passenger Cadillac for
sale. $400. Woodlawn 2593.
FI FTY horsepower 7-passenger car, $2250,
or will trade for lots. K 08, Oregonian
NEW "1910" Parry touring cor. Must be sold
at once. A bargairi. M aln 2583. A 4044.
A GARAGE for 1 automobile at 507 Davis at.
The following is a list of automobiles
which we have left of this season's stock.
Every car is of late 1909 models and
in excellent running condition. We bought
these cars from different dealers and pri
vate owners at spot cash opportunities.
We have gone over every car and can
recommend them as true bargains. If you
are thinking of buying it will pay you
to call and look them over:
"Speedwell" 60, fully equipped.
"Moon." 4-cy., 36-H. P., fully equipped.
"Studebaker," 7-pass., rent car, bargain
Buick model 10, with magneto.
Autocar runabout, in fine shape.
1910 Ford roadster, brand new, snap.
"Brush" runabout, new, bargain
"Overland" 30, 4 -pass.
Cadillac 30. good as new, snap.
Maxwell, Jr., fully equipped.
These cars range in -price from $400 to
$1500 and every one guaranteed as rep
2i6 llth St., Cor. Jefferson.
SEVERAL second-hand automobiles, in fine
condition, for sale cheap. Some or trapse
machines are almost new. Information
will be mailed to you if not convenient to
call. Special Inducements offered out-of-town
522 Alder St., Portland.
Phones Main 25S3; A 444.
FOR SALE At White garage, luxurious
Studebaker 7-passenger auto; careiuuy
used since December, IOOH ; cost $350O;
will take $2oO0 at once. L. H. Briggs. 4
Lumbermens bldg. " .
WANTED A 25 to 40-H. P. runabout or 4-
v passenger convertible; must be cheap lor
cash; give full particulars of engine and
equipment and how long In use. V 4j,
FOR sale or lease, fully equipped garage
in one of the largest cities in Oregon ;
room for 100 cars; new machinery, good
long lease to the right parties. Address
A E 40. Oreonlan.
FIVE-PASSENGER, 40-H. P. Oldsmobile for
sale; will guarantee this car in hrat-ciass
condition. If you want a good car, cheap,
rail mornings. 58 Hamilton bldg. or phone
C 1103.
FOR SALE 4-cy Under, 5-passenger, E M.
F. 30 auto, 1009 model, fully equippea; a-x
condition; $1100 on time, or $10o0 cash. A
bargain. AC 44, Oregonian.
1907, 5-PASSENGER, 20-H. P. Stevens-
Jjuryea automooiie, witn iuh equipment;
will trade for real estate. E atf, Orego
" nian. .
WANTED 25 or SO H. P. two or three-
nanRcncir car: -miutt tte reasonably new
and A-l condition; give make and full
particulars. Address N 5i. oregonian
FOR SALE 1 complete set of candy rac-
tory macninery. eiecinc power, e
furnaces; everything up-to-date. Apply W
.Jj Crocker, 45-47 Union ave. a
7-PASSENGER 00-H. P. Thomas Flyer; in
good condition; just tne car ior stage line
or livery; xioio casn or installments, west
' ern Auto Co., 531 Alder st.
xv a TRiiWhUA eras or Packard car. not
particular about mouei or ooay; cnaswo
end motor must be in good condition. P
GOOD 5-passenger automobile for $500; full
equipment, owner, xm ou, uregonian.
Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock.
T.TCTn xnnn eat ud vour nroflts; kill this pest
quTcTtry with Conkey's Lice Powder, for
body lice; Lice Liquid, for ridding the
poultry house of mites, and Head Lice
Ointment, tor little chicks. They are all
guaranteed. Routledge Seed & Floral Co,
io d st.
11 PEDIGREED English pit bull terrier pups
will be placed on exhibition and sale in the
Hotel Perkins pharmacy window -i-xt Wed
nesday and Thursday. Address i07 East
oOth st. ,
s a vp. thm - UrtiA rhtrks from indigestion.
Hiarrhopn etc. Conkev's Cholera Remedy
in the drinking water is guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Routledge Seed & Floral
Co.. lea i:d
ntt 4vn ritch rdllln hitch sabel and white,
a prize winner in recent -'how; cheap If
taken at once. Ralph E. Ladd, 180 Front
at., city.
FOR SALE Full-blood male collie. 2 years
old; a beauty, $15. C. . iams, eiaiura
Oregon City car.
FOR SALE) Fine pajr of mated German roller
canarie witn eggs. uan touay r eveu
T K- Vamhlll X 9fttt.
WANTED Male foxterrier puppy; thorough
bred, prize winning stocic oniy. w . xx.
Baldwin. 2S8 Washington st.
FOR SALE An imported Japanese spaniel.
Call w ooaiawn
SOME very fine Alresdale terrier puppies-
li. V. wooawara. rnona pen w uuu im
THOROUGHBRED collie pups for sale. Main
3094 .
ANGORA kittens, cheap; pedigreed stock.
7 North Parkst. Phone Main 00-.
FOX -TERRIER male pup for sale. 20 N. 0th
CANARIES for sale, E. 4038.
BARGAIN Second-hand tent, 14x16, fly 20x20,
rionr wrAtn xvlnHow. floorin. with It-
foot aides,' 1 cook stove, 1 table, 2 chairs
1 cupboa rd ; $25. Call Tuesday, 141 Idaho
gt-. Fulton.
BENDr OR., investors opportunity; buy
now; ground-floor prices; small money re
quired; $1000 takes corner, 3 large lots
$3 800 block. 16 lots; easy terms. Fits
gerald, 4 73 Colman bldg.,Seattle. Wasb.
iivR r rxt I'n-to-datH new houseboat
moored, at Oregon Yacht Club, 3 large
rooms, fullv furnished; Just the thing fo
the Summer. Apply to Mr. Murray, Oaks
car. , , ,
FOR SALE A snap; 50-ft. cruising or
pleasure launch. 25-h.-p.. 12 miles, finely
cnninn: 1 OoO : will demonstrate; will
invoioe S2500. Phone Sellwood 371. 905
East Caruthers. .
HAY fcr sale, 15 acres, standing red top
and timothy grass, no stumps or rougn
ground, near Lents. Inquire 31 E. 37th
FOR SALE Fine L. C. Smith hammerless,
ejector snotgun, nan oeeii utm vciy n
tie; list price $12u; will sell cheap. In
quire 442 Sherlock blag. :
FOR SALE 20-ft. A-h.-p. launch complete
with boathouse; price $200. K 03, Ore
t a a i - HTtanlels. thoroughbred. accll
mated, strong and healthy. 129 North 17th,
bet. Glisan ana Hoyi.
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up.
M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th st. Main ft52s.
frni n iT.n flhnwcAJA. wallcases. counters.
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East aSA.
vnTORPvn.E 2 i -horsepower, all O. Jv.
nan. for $70. Will demonstrate, X 59,
Oregonian. ;
e---i sat .v. or. RENT Loss in f and hoist
ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74
lt St. ttoin t"'"1-
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn balls, cones, peanuts, etc. 472 Wash
ington at.
FOR SALE A good drop-head Singer sew
ing macnine,
phone East
FINE nhonograph and cabinet, also , lot of
- i n-1-., -V' Oil
line recorua, -' -A w,
G-rwtrt. RANGE, heating stove, six dining
room chairs, kitchen cabinet and kitchn
table. 251 Clay st. ;
16 Gent's Yale bicycle, coaster, good con
' . VTtrh-ll luvonile. HO. 20O EMra
-r.rrrr llrv out of old bldgs.. cut
lengths to order. Phone M ars hall 1834.
CHILD'S Iron crib with mattress and
i . Air.H Thunnan.
ntwii lii jr -
FOR SALE Roll-top typewriter desk and
chair, $15. 238 VV orcester Diag.
231 Stark St. Main 14Q7.
vmRS and mortgages bought and sold. N
tlonal Credit Ass n, 601 Worcester bid g-
tOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you brlag this ad.
Rose City Printer-. 1U2 Sd, near Taylor.
HOUSEBOAT, nicely furnished, for sale
cheap. Inquire 21C Oregonian bldg.
SECOND-HAND doors for sale,
ney ave.
140 E. Rod-
FOR SALE Bootblack outfit, cheap,
quire 95 6th t.. cor. Stark.
DESK 50-lnch flat top typewriter desk, solid
oak. 4oZ .parname nu
SECOND-HAND pool tables for sale.
Grand ave.
26 HEAD of choice tested dairy cows for
sale. A. a. Emerson, Kldgeneid. w ash.
FIN E insulated cooler for sal cheap.
Friedman. 2i'5 lat.
Everett, cor 6 th
an d second-hand.
Also fixtures.
DRESS SUIT, worn only few times, will fit
young man weigning ijo ids, ts
DENSMORE typewriter; Al condition; $20.
Call ts W3.
CHEST of fine carpenter tools, very cheap
must nave money. yy eo, oregonian.
NO. 6 Remington typewriter, good as new,
at a big bargain. . q, Oregonian.
ONE new drophead Standard Rotary lew
lag machine, fM. 333 1st U
1 35-H. P. firebox boiler.
1 25-H. P. upright boiler.
1 40-H. P. boiler.
1 60- Hi P. boiler.
1 8-H. P. boiler.
1 SO-H. P. engine.
1 60-H. P. engine.
1 40-H. P. engine.
1 20-H. P. engine.
Lot 8. 12 16-inch relaying rails.
1 100-light dynamo.
1 power drill press.
1 200t)-gallon tank.
Lot sash and door machinery
Pulleys, Belting, Cable, Rope.
Pipes. Corrugated Iron. Rubber Roofing,
Pumps and Miscellaneous Machinery.
We guarantee all our machinery first
class and can positively save you money.
244-250 Front St.
FOR SALE We must dispose of our sec
ond-hand sewing machines, as tne space
they take up is more valuable to us than
the machines. Commencing Monday morn
ing we will sell these machines from $5
up, cash or time, until every one is sold.
Remember, we will not refuse any reason
able offer. Every machine guaranteed :
all high-grade makes, as Singers, New
Homes. Wheeler & Wilsons, Domestics and
Standards. Many drop heads in the lot.
Free lessons in Battenherg and embroidery
on the White Family Rotary every Thurs
day. All makes rented, exchanged and
H. D. Jones, Prop.,
420 Washington st.. cotv llth st.
2- IN. PIPE, 7e FOOT.
2H-IN. PIPE. 12c FOOT. "
3- IN. PIPE. 15o FOOT.
244-250 FRONT ST.
SEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot or fine secona-nana macmnes ox an
ladlrisr mnke- Ster. Wheeler & Wil
son. New Home. White, Domestic. House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 60 and rotary. Singer Sewinir
Machine Store. 9. S. S1gel. agent. 333
Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A 459.
J. SIMON ft- BRO..
244-200 FRONT ST.
WILL SELL 100O to 5000 shares Oregon-
Gold Hill Mining Company (Grey EaplPi
stock at a -bargain: this is a well-equippe
producing mine, crushing and milling ore
every day, and is Just entering dividend
paying period. T regret to sell, but need
t hf money. M S7. Oregonian.
BOAT Speed 18 miles, seats
month. With or without boathouse. best
bargain on river; cash or will trade for
Portland real estate or auto. AF 60. Ore-
244-250 FRONT ST.
How about your gasoline motor? Does It
run smoothly? If not, send 10c postage for
AH-page text book "Engine Troubles."
Rtppzo Carbureters. Newark. N. J.
launch, will seat 20 people, auto
matic 4-cycle gasoline engine, new; speed
8 to 10 miles; swell outfit at clopHng-out
prices. Relerson Machinery Co., 1S2 Morri
son st ., city.
TWO donkev engines, one 10x1 3. the other
OH-Cll. Willamette make, ready for log
ging, blocks complete: also ftooo feet fc-In
cable and 2.VW feet 1-in. cable. Can be
seen by calling at 62S Chamber of Com
J. SIMON - PRO., -
244-250 FRONT ST.
LAUNCH (Roamer), first-class condition.
sleeps' six; has galley, toilet and large
cabin: a safe, comfortable boat, 40x10;
has 10 horsepower heavy duty engine;
speed. 8 miles. N 50, Oregonian;
BUTCHER'S refrigerator ice or storage bo-c.
glass front; made of the best material; be-t
in city; will sell very cheap. E. E. Ru--sell.
Dresser's Market, 5th and Stark. Pri-
vate Exchange
ALLWIN folding goJ-art. all metal, nickel-
plated trimmings, complete with top; is m
first-claw condition; cwt $12.50; will sell
for Xrt.OO Phone B 1190.
FOR SALE Chaffdler & Price 23-inch hand
cutter. Chandler & Price 10x15 platen nrefs.
used 18 months; a bargain.
Allen Eaton,
tugene. or
6MITH-PREMIER typewriter and desk,
good as new ; $R0 cash ; also facsimile
typewriter duplicator, bargain. Room 3.
CV.-m m frrln.l Club bldg.
ROYAL ANNE cherries, 3 cents a pound, if
you gather them yourself. Lewelllng's. op
posite car Bhopst, Milwaukle. Take Oregon
City car.
NO. 32 Crescent handsaw, f h. p. motor.
Barnes turning lathe, pulleys, belts and
shafts; also desk, chairs, typewriter and
filing cabinets. Room 10. Washington bldg.
FAST motor boat. 40 ft. long; record 2rt mile.
hour; in first -clasw condition ; boathouse in
cluded; sacrifice sale; owner leaving Port-
. lan-d. Address O 61, Oregonian.
WILL sell my patents and stock, well-established
article, used by lumbermen, rail
roads, shipbuilders and contractors; real
estate part payment. N 61, Oregonian.
WILL exchange a fine diamond ring for
dorse, goon nuggy or names or any
kind. SO0 E- 28th st. W. W. car to Glad
stone ave.
ONE gasoline wood saw. complete. Phons
mast s a. j. aiurpny, -iti
Goldsmith st.
FOR SALE Automobile engine. BO-horse-
power. 4-cyllnder engine ; could be used
Jfor launch. Apply E S8.Oregonlan.
ONE hand block cement mixing machine;
does three men'g work. 404 Dekum ave..
POWERED houseboat, splendid condition;
cheapest and best means of spending the
Summer. K 50. Oregonian.
All sizes: low prices: easy terms.
FOR SALE $25 kitchen cabinet. In good
condition; will sell cheap. Phone Main
fi'.ms. .
VERY neat, almost new Inalid wheeling
buggy chair. $15. Phone Main 4025 or call
TS.'i Overton st..- mornings.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type
writer Co.. M. 8S70. 222 Abington bldg.
GRAPHOPHONE and 40 disc records la good
condition; also oak sideboard. D 64, Ore
gonlan. ,
FOR SALE Two fresh milking Guernsey
cows; 4 to 5 gals, milk a day. Lents, to mile
east from Lents Sehoolhouse on Gilbert Road.
FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline launch Lloyd.
Price $225. nearly new: bargain. Mason's
boathoufe. foot East Washington.
LAW BOOKS American and English Ency.
of Law. $100; Ency. of Pleading and Prae
tlce,$50.E 63. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Second-hand mountain transit in
fine condition. Leupold & Voelpel, mfr.,
S3 5th. .
FOR SALE A 800-h. p. engine and a SO- h. p.
boiler; first class and very cheap. J 59, Ore
gonian. 4
20-FT. launch. SH-h. p.. $125 cash: can ba
seen foot Stark st. today, between 3 and
4 P. M. Phone B. 4218. J
FURNITURE of 4-room flat for sale. Call 293
llth. Phone Main 5818.
FOR SALE Tuxedo coat: fine, new; 8&-lncli
bust; cheap. L 55. Oregonian.
GOOD gentle Holstein cow, giving 4 gal
lons milk daily. 6:0 E. 30th st. W. R. car.
FOR SALE Large refrigerator; good as new,
cheap. Phone A31Ki3.
BARGAIN Small stock new switches. Call
554 East Morrison.
Al UNDERWOOD typewriter. $35. Phone M.
S04 Monday, bet. 9 and 5.
WICKER GO-CART for sale cheap, good as
ne w. Tel. E. 1433, .
ORIENTAL cushions and curtains and cozy
corner seats. Main 256S.
ROWBOAT for sale.
East Side.
Inquire 361 Ross St.,
PICTURES. 100. "all sizes. 16-20 to 30x50.
half wholesale price. M 81. Oregonian.'
FOK SALE Fresh cow and calf. Call Box 119.
Barnes Road.
VIOLINS, banjoc isndollna. cultars at luut
regular prices. Uncls Myers. 71 flth. .
WANTED To exchange graphophons rec
ord s.CaCanJL0
PINE Wilton rug, birdseye dresser and chair,
reasonable. Roycrest. cor. 12th and Yamhill.
THREE hives bees,
494 Dekum ave.. Wood-
MOTORCYCLE. 3 H -horsepower: used only
short time. tlBO. Phone Tat.or ?.!).
PRACTICAL tiursn in all cases except ma.
ternity. Phone E. 401S.