8 THE SUNDAY OBEGpyiAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 12, 1910. SLOGAN OF MS' IS TO BE FLAUNTED Resolutions Call on Prohibi tionists to Write It on Hotel Registers. STATE TICKET IS NAMED Convention Makes Platform Con demning Grills and "High Toned" Saloons Bank Guar anty Flank Not Indorsed. NOMINEES FOR STATE OFFICES. For Governor A. E. Eaton. Union County. For Secretary of State X. A. Davis, of Umatilla County. For Stato Treasurer Leslie Butler, of Hood River County. For State Printer William Rlckson. Multnomah County. For Superintendent of Public In struction. R. R. Steele. Multnomah County. For Judge of the Supreme Court C. J. Bright, of Wasco County. For Congressman. Finat District W. P. Elmore. For Congressman. Second District George B. Pratt. For Joint Representative. Multno mah and Clackamas counties A. W. Bankhausen. Prohibitionists of Oregon yesterday concluded a two days' session at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium with the nomi nation of a state ticket. Not having polled 25 per cent of the votes cast for Congressmen at the last election, the Prohibitionists are not bound by all of the terms of the primary law of Oregon, and it is probable that the Secretary of State will certify their nominations on the official ballot for the Fall election without other formal ity. But the Prohibition state com mittee will take no chances In the year 1910, when the leaders predict such a sweeping wave of sentiment for state-wide prohibition, and have de cided to get out a nominating peti tion In addition. The nominations were greeted with the wildest enthusiasm, especially the name of the standard-bearer at the head of the fight, A. E. Eaton. Mr. Eaton is an influential citizen of East ern Oregon, described as a Daniel Web ster on the stump, and having acquired merit by presenting Willamette Uni versity with a $50,000 building. N. A. Davis, of Umatilla, and Leslie Butler, of Hood River, are bankers. The campaign will be In charge of a state central committee, of which J. P. Newell was elected chairman. W. E. Critchlow, secretary, and B. Lee Paget, treasurer. The state central committee la not confined to counties, but is made up of party members In various towns of the state. Leslie Butler, of Hood River, pre sided over the convention and V . E. 'Critchlow was the secretary" Hotel Gage Taken Up. The only fight on the floor of the convention was over the report of the committee on resolutions and platform, as prepared by I. H. Amos, C. J. Bright and W. P. Elmore. The platform was Intended to carry the fight directly Into the camp of the Greater Oregon Home Rule Association, under which the hotelmen of the state are gathering to give battle to the dry advocates. The resolution characterizes hotel grills and the "glided, high-toned saloons" as more dangerous than the dives. An effort was made to eliminate or tone down the language, as being more proper for the stump, but an impas sioned speech from W. P. omore, can didate for Congress, carried the report through aa written. "I be.ieve in say ing Just what we mean in this cam paign," said Mr. Elmore, and he seemed to have struck the popular chord. A resolution was immediately adopted pledging all Prohibitionists to sign "Oregon Dry in 1910" on every hotel "register where they are quartered until after the coming election. "The Prohibitionists recognize the hotelmen's organization as the strong est opposition we have to overcome," aid I. H. Amos, "and we had just as well let them know how many of their patrons are fighting. It may cause some of them to weaken." After a lengthy discussion the bank ers succeeded in eliminating an in dorsement of the Oklahoma bank guar antee idea. B. Lee Paget lea the oppo sition to that feature of the platform of the National party. The platform Is as follows: Rational Platform Indorsed. We, the Prohibition party of Oregon, in convention assembled, this 11th day of June, 1910, do most earnestly com mend to the voters of the state the declaration of principles of the Prohi bition party of the United States, as sembled in convention at Columbus, Ohio, July 1, 1908. as an eminently wise and comprehensive statement of the reforms for which our party from the beginning has steadfastly con tended. We greatly rejoice at the mighty progress which these reforms are steadily making and we look for ward to a day not far distant. When, by amendment of our National Constitution, and the election of the party in sympathy therewith, the bev erage liquor traffic shall forever cease from our land; When the revenue now wrung from the liquor traffic at such frightful cost shall give place to revenue arising from equitable graduated income and inheritance taxes; When child labor shall cease in mines, workshops and factories; When the laws governing marriage and divorce shall be alike In all states; When suffrage shall be based on in telliKence and not on sex; When the Government, with1 a firm hand, shall regulate all corporations doing an Interstate commerce business; When, through the creation of a permanent commission, the tariff shall cease to be a scourge in the hands of pampered and protected interests; When arbitrary decisions of the postal and other departments shall be subject to court review; When United States Senators shall be eleced by direct vote of the people; When the mineral and forest re sources of the country shall no longer be exploited in the tnterest of plunder ing corporations: When the money of the people shall he expended on the Improvement of riiKnwuvM aim waterwavs instead or being worse than wasted on equip- f mania wnn which to mnK0 war upon other Nations equipments that perish almost with the building; When we shall have stricr enforce ment of all laws instead of official tolerance amounting practically to li cense. l.aiv Enforcement Pledjred. In the contest before us for state wide prohibition we pledge our most earnest efforts for the success of the prohibitory Constitutional amendment and the law for enforcement thereof, and that these new enactments, when hay shall become the law of the state. may not be brought Into disrepute by lax enforcement, we hold It to be our duty to nominate for every office with in the gift of the people, candidates who, if elected, can be depended upon for strict law enforcement. Con scientious and consistent action on the part of those who cast their ballots for state-wide prohibition, which we have a right to aak and expect, will unquestionably place in. power the Pro hibition party which In itself will sound the death-knell of the liquor traffic of the state, whether state wide prohibition carries or not. We note with no little interest the unwonted activity of the various liquor dealers- organizations in a movement for betterment of saloons. With this movement we perhaps might sympa thize, did we not know that the better the saloon the greater its possibilities for Injury. It is not in the low dive that the young manhood and young womanhood of our country strikes the toboggan slide for degradation and death. It is in the hotel grill and the gilded high-toned saloon that the downward course is begun. The low dive is simply the landing place on the way to the morgue and the drunkard's grave. Places Not Contested. Following the adoption of the plat form a nominating committee consist ing of E. T. Johnson, B. Lee Paget, Uriah Lehman. Dr. J. E. Hall. L. F. Lozier nnH T T . , -- - - i man irpuriCU the names of the candidates, selected for places on the ticket, all of them be ing nominated by acclamation. The following-named delegates were in attendance: Multnomah County L. B. Blackman, I. M. Gingrich. J. A. Goode, A. W. Fank hauser. E. G. Eaton. R. W. Overlin. John A.. Fay. Oscar Alderton. R. M. Jones, C. H. Gossett, Asa C. Burdick W. H. Fellow. Rev. L. A. Wells, G. Gunner, G. E. Pinsmyer, W. E. Carrington. J. H. Robb, G. A. Sternberg, F. G. Schultz, I. H. Amos, J. P. Newell T. S. Mc Danlel. G. W. Jones, J. J. Handsaker, J. E. Hall. J. A. Harrison. E. T. Johnson. J. F. Dotson. E. C. Snow. B. Wolverton, F. L. Possom. E. L. Laue, A. H. Nichols, E. P. Northrup, F. w. Miller. S. H. Porter. H. A. Deck. J. F. Hanson. J. W. Lehman. L. F. Smith; Polk Count-. Clias. C. Lewis; Linn County. T. C Hackelman. W. P. Elmore; Jackson County, L. F. Lozier; Clackamas County, Grant Sloop. B. Lee Paget; Yamhill County. Adam Buehler; Hood River County, Leslie Butler; Washing ton County. J. w. Ellridge, H. N. Pen field; Wasco County, C. J. Bright, C. M. Joles. W. A. Davis, R. H. Chaffe; Marion pounty. Grant Kellogg. A. J. Cook: Sherman County. H. B. Shute. BOTH SIDES ARE FIRM NEITHER DRAYMEN NOR TEAM STERS WILL YIELD. Strike That Has Lasted II Days Seems as Far From Settle ment as Ever. The Teamsters' Union has been on strike 11 days and the situation is practically unchanged. No negotiations looking to a. settlement are pending, and each aide is holding aloof from the other. The Draymen's Association makes the positive assertion that it will not grant the demands of the union, and the union Is Just as positive in its stand that no union teamsters will go to work until all demands are granted. No compromise offers have been made and the opposing forces are as far apart as when the . strike was declared. June 1. The union says it has 300 teamsters on strike and the majority of these are on picket duty.- As fast-as the Dray. men's Association placed non-union men in charge of its teams the union pickets persuaded them to quit. No perceptible progress has been made by either side, but in the meantime con struction of several large buildings has been retarded for the lack of steel. In some Instances the Draymen's Asso ciation has been unable to make de liveries and In others contractors have refused to accept deliveries made by non-union men for fear of Involving the building trades union in the fight. The headquarters of the Teamsters Union was thrown Into a furore of ex citement yesterday afternoon when several merchants called up and asked If the strike had been declared off. The merchants reported that they had re ceived word from the Draymen's Asso ciation that the teamsters would all report for duty Monday morning as in dividuals and under the open-shop pol icy. The union immediately sent out emissaries to deny the report. The an nouncement from union headquarters was also made that no settlement had been effected and that the union team sters would not report for work Monday except on the terms demanded. LOST MAN FINDS HIMSELF Wanderer Doesn't Know How He Drifted From Michigan to Cuba. fN5W YORK. June 10. After days of wandering with knowledge of his own Identity lost to him. at the end of which time his normal mentality returned in a strage land, Walter J. Fisher, a mer chant of Pontlae. , Mich., got back to this country on the Ward liner Sara toga, which arrived at this port. Fisher disappeared from his home on the night of April 17. For nine days thereafter he wandered, eating, sleep ing and traveling, his movements ap parently governed by a second self. He came to himself at noon of April 26, when he awoke from sleep beside a stream in Cuba, 40 miles west from Havana. He had no recollection of -what had taken place since he had left his home. When he tried to talk with men who gathered about him, some of them were negroes, and found that they spoke a strange tongue and could not under stand him, he believed he was the vic tim of a hallucination. But when the word "Cuba" was re peated often it dawned upon him that he was on that island. He realized he must have traveled to New York or Florida and taken passage for Cuba, but how he did not know. After eating fruif and bread, for he was revenously hungry. Fisher set out penniless for Havana. There he told his strange story to Consul-General Rodgers. who cabled Fisher's brother in Pontiac Money was sent to the Consul, who booked passage for the man who had lost himself. Fisher seems normal in mind arvi is gaining flesh. He believes he must have undergone a long fast. GIRL FORGES TO BUY TOYS Lass of 1 3 Kills Ont Cheek and In vests in Playthings. BOSTON. . Mas s.. June 10. Catherine Concannon. a 13-year-old Dorchester girl, not yet through the grammar school. Is the youngest person ever ar raigned for forgery in this state. With no help whatever from anyone, she filled out and cashed a check for $40.98. most of which auch she spent for toys In various Boston stores. Her room atx home looked like a miniature toy shop when the police went there to make an Investigation. Dolls, doll houses and doll carriages were scattered about on the floor, while play-things of every description were found lying on the chairs and tables ana tucked away In the closets. CAMBRIDGE STUDENTS MAKE MERRY AT COLONEL ROOSEVELT'S EXPENSE Mirth of Undergraduates Detracts From. Solemnity of Ce remony, Coaf errjng Degree on ex-President, and at Its Close "Teddy" Bear Is Dangled Before Him From Gallery. CAMBRIDGE. May 26. (Special.) Theodore Roosevelt told the under graduates of Cambridge University today that no ex-President of the United States had ever had a better time than he. He certainly had a good time among the - undergraduates and the dons of Cambridge. And he has been having a delightful time personally during most of his stay in England. That it has not been a good time officially was due to the unhappy conditions which have sobered all England and made the thoughts of the whole world turn to the English people In sym pathy. Such distinction as was possible un der the conditions has been conferred on him. After King Edward's funeral he was received by Queen Alexandra at .Buckingham Palace, and in a long conversation she thanked him for the sympathy of the American people. He has dined with some of the most fa mous of the big game hunters and lit erary men in London. He has been received .by King George and Queen Marj-NHe has been made an honorary member of the Royal Society of Arts. And today he received from the Uni versity of Cambridge an honorary de-, gree. and from the undergraduate's of the university unmistakable evidences of appreciation and regard. If any thing interferes with the "perfectly corking" time which Mr. Roosevelt us ually has under such conditions. It was the cold which still clings to him. Mr. Roosevelt arrived at the little Cambridge station on one of the reg ular trains. He was accompanied hj Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. Longworth. Kermit and Ethel Roosevelt have gone to Scotland sightseeing. Mr. Roosevelt was met at the station by Canon Ma son, the vice-chancellor of the univer sity, and his wife. Canon Mason wore cap and gown, w.hile Mr. Roosevelt was dressed in the conventioual frock coat and silk hat. The meeting was quite informal and there was only a small crowd at the station to cheer him. He was taken directly to Canon Mason's home 'in Pembroke College and took luncheon there. The first duty- he performed after luncheon was to go to Emanuel College, of which John Harvard had been a student. He did this in honor of his own alma mater, which Harvard founded. Then he was taken to the Senate Hall, on King's Parade, to re ceive his degree. The Senate Hall is not large and there had been a great demand for tickets to witness the ceremony. Those who could not obtain tickets gathered on the street In front of the hall and a squad of policemen very politely kept order. The crowd was as dignified as one would expect in a university town. The crowd stood In the street. The sidewalk was kept quite clear. Meantime, picturesquely gowned un dergraduates and dons entered the hall some in crimson gowns, some in gowns of black silk often very much frayed: some in gowns trimmed with what looked like white catfur. The undergraduates in their mortar-boards and scant little gowns of rusty black, had been admitted early to the gal leries. Just before 3 o'clock a squad of po lice marched through the Btreet clear ing the way. Behind came two beadles, bearing aloft silver sticks. Behind them came Theodore Roosevelt in cap and crimson gown, escorted by Canon Mason. It was not a very impressive spectacle, because Mr. Roosevelt and his host were chatting away as cheer fully and Informally as though they had been going to a garden party. As to the ceremony of investiture, it lost something of solemity through the irreverance of the undergraduates.. When Mr. Roosevelt had been escorted through the Senate House, he was seated facing the platform, and Im mediately after he had been greeted by Dr. Sandys, the public orator of the university. Dr. Jackson, the senior POPE'S GUARD TO STRIKE MERRY DEL VAL'S ACTION MAY CAUSE DISRUPTION. Papal Soldiers Forward Round Robin to Pius X Trouble Arises Over Count's Suspension. MILAN, June 11. (Special.) The Pope's noble guard threaten a general strike as & sequel to the high-handed action of the Cardinal Secretary of State In suspending from office one of their number. Count Saleml. because of having assisted at the celebration of the birthday of the City of Rome MEDFORD'S CRACK BASEBALL t 2 The Players ( From Lett to RlskO Ares Top Row Ant ell. If.; Blacklaeton, rf.J HIM, e.l Beebe, c.i Conii Hall Manager! Strain, 2b.; Coleman, p. Lower Row Henselman, Sb.t Burgess, p.; M'llklnson, lb.i Miles, as.; Isaacs, cf.; Music, o. MEDFORD, Or.. June 11. (Special.) Manager Court Hall's crack baseball team, representing Hertford In the Kogue River Valley League, lias won 11 straight, games since the season opened. The Med,ford crowd com prises some of the best baseball talent in the state, and Manager Hall has enjoyed considerable success with his club. The Rogue River Valley Leagne comprises the towns of Medford, Ashland. Orants Pass and Central Point, and the first-named club has started out to mak a runaway race for the pennant. . Jr is I vy - MM? 'v:-" J tA v"; J :( J ; ) r, j I . . 1 fp L4 M proctor, began the ceremony with prayer. But the recital of the formal service demanded that at intervals he should raise his cap and make obeis ance. He did this mechanically, swiftly but each obeisance was greeted by the undergraduates with half-suppressed mirth and applause. Theae un dergraduates completely filled the two long sides of the gallery and hung over its railing. At the ends were seated guests many of them ladies who seemed to find as much entertainment in the undergraduates' larks as In the ceremony on the floor below. When grace had been said. Dr. Sandys read an address in Latin, rehearsing- the deeds of Mr. Roosevelt during his period as President, his hunt in Africa and even his tour of Europe with appreciative demonstrations by the undergraduates. Mr. Roosevelt stood while the degree was being con ferred and then took a seat on the plat form while degrees were conferred on others. There were cries of "speech" from the galleries as the cermony was concluded, but Mr. Roosevelt did not respond. , The "teddy bear" took a lively part in the day's proceedings. The under graduates chose It as their medium for having a little fun with tfle university's guest. At Emanuel College, It con fronted Mr. Roosevelt with paw out stretched, as he passed through the quadrangle. At the Senate House, It dropped from the gallery as he was leaving the building and dangled for a moment before his face. Then, con trolled by a string in the hands of the irrepressible undergraduates, it began at the capitol in the presence of King Victor Emmanuel. Cardinal Merry del Val, who Is par ticularly bitter against the reigning King of Italy, branded his Majesty in a memorable official document of pro test, which he issued from the Vati can, as a "usurper" of the Pope's civil principality. Count Saleml sought an Interview with the Papal Secretary in order to explain his. acceptance of the municipal Invitation, but as Cardinal Merry del Val refused to see him. Prince Rospigiosi. commander-in-chief of the noble guard, recognizing that a gross injustice had been done, applied personally for an audience with the Spanish Cardinal, who bluntly declined to receive him also. Hence the ferment among the 126 Papal soldiers, who have forwarded a round robin to Pope Pius X. Count Saleml recently married the Baroness Gertrude, daughter of Baron Frederich von Hugel. the well known modernist TEAM LEADS ROGUE RIVER RECORD. to bob up and down and smite the bald heads of the serious dons. This, by the way, was a very mild hazing for Mr. Roosevelt. But for the universal mourning which has affected all col lege arrangements, Mr. Roosevelt would have had a much livelier time. From the Senate House, Mr. Roose velt was escorted by Canon Mason to the beautiful old church of King's Col lege, and to the other colleges, arriving a little after 4 o'clock at Trinity, where he was the guest of the master. Dr. Butler. His reception there was the occasion for a bit of archaic ceremonial of a most picturesque character. Trin ity is the one college at Cambridge which belongs to the Crown. If the King should visit Cambridge, Dr. But ler would be turned out of the Master's House or would become the King's guest there; for the Master's House at Trinity is really the King's house. In the same way, the Master's House could be claimed by the presiding Judge at Cambridge as the King's representa tive. When the Judge called to meet Mr. Roosevelt, therefore, he was pre ceded by two heralds in light blue and gold, who stationed themselves in a corner of the quadrangle. The judge entered, not by the southern gateway which is never opened except for roy alty, but by the picturesque old thir teenth century gateway at the East. Preceded by two beadles with staffs, announced by the trumpets of the her alds, he marched across the quadrangle and was met half way by the master, who welcomed him to the King's House. Their conversation, however, was not ceremonial. It was a very common place greeting followed by: "Is Mr. Roosevelt here?" Among the comments of those who attended the master's tea, I heard: "His teeth are certainly conspicuous." But this was not made within hearing of Mr. Rosevelt, who Is, I believe, a little sensitive on that point. From Trinity, Mr. Roosevelt went to Union, where he drank tea with the boys and told them what a good time he was having. Incidentally, he de livered the little sermon without which a Roosevelt speech would be incomplete. scholar, who resides in Kensington, England. POLICE DOG GRABS DUO Paris Burglars Worry When Held Up" Till Inspector Arrives. PARIS. June XL (Special.) Two bur glars, who entered a house in Cours la Heine during the tenant's absence, were "held up' by Kitty, & police dog. till they were arrested. The dog: saw them peering1 out of the half-opened window and detained them till the arrival of a police Inspector, who arrested them. The relative Import prices of Cuban and Turkish finer tobacco vary considerably from year to year. Thus in 1903 and 1904 Turk ish was 12.5 per cent higher, but in the next four years Cuban was Involved at a rate 50 per cent higher than. Turkish. LEAGUE WITH UNDEFEATED PARKS GET LITTLE Crater Lake Among Those on Which Congress Economizes. $3000 PROVIDED IN BILL Representative Hawley Takes Occa sion to Advertise Reserve, Against That Time When Legislative r Body Is More Liberal. . OKEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, June 9. Until the sate of the Federal Treasury Is such that rigid economy is no longer an absolute- ne cessity, there Is little prospect that liberal appropriations can be secured for the improvement of the National parks of the West. This session, while every effort is be ing made to economize, the parks are being slighted, and only enough money is being allowed, as a rule, to maintain and patrol parks already created. The Crater Lake Park, along with others. Is being slighted, for the sundry civil bill carries ,only $3000, where $25,000 could readily be expended In the next year to good advantage. While the sundry civil bill was be fore the House. Representative Haw ley made a brief appeal for an increase of this appropriation, but none was granted. Mr. Hawley. nevertheless, im proved his opportunity to advertise the Crater Lake Park, and to place on rec ord data that will be available when ever Congress is In a more liberal mood. More Money Xeeded. In the course of his appeal for an Increased appropriation, he said: "This appropriation ought to be ma terially increased. For many years numbers of people have visited this place which sublimely discloses the craftsmanship of the Creator, and in recent years many have camped for a time within lta confines. While some of the places of interest have been made accessible, a great many are ap proachable only with great difficulty. Crater Lake is a large body of water situated within the crater of an ex tinct volcano, and with the surrounding country is a scene of great magnifi cence and beauty. "If It were located in the Alps of Switzerland, instead of the Alps of Ore gon, it would have a world-wide and an Immortal fame. The lake and moun tain scenery with which It is associated attract a constantly Increasing number of visitors, and there is a steadily growing demand that the means of ac cess be made to correspond to the needs of travel. The present small annual appropriation provides for Utile mote than the cost of superintendence and protection. "Recently the Southern Pacific Railroad has constructed a line from Weed to Klamath Falls, and Is extending this northward into what is understood to be the main line of its road from San Fran cisco to Portland. This line will run close to the park. There is active con struction of additional railroad facilities in that portion of the state. This and the fact that the Legislature recently ap propriated a large sum for the construc tion of roads to the park is indicative of the Interest in the. place and empha sizes the necessity Mr the construction of an adequate system of roads and trails and of safe brieves. For these purposes an additional appropriation will be asked of this Congress. Park National Reserve. "The park is a National reserve. For a long period of years prior to the estab lishment of the reserve a road was main tained across it. This road is a natural highway and outlet for Central Oregon, and was maintained by those using it prior to the establishment of the reserve Since the Government has reserved a large body of land on which was located a considerable length of this ancient thoroughfare. It should provide for ade- quate and safe means of travel over It as well as maintain within the park roads and trails to the wonders of na ture found within its confines; and espe cially is this the manifest duty of the Government, since by its inclusion in a reserve private, county or state enter prise is prevented from making the de sired and necessary improvements. "The Department of the Interior has recognized the necessity for extensive improvements and has made recommend ations therefor. In 1910 and for several years prior to that date the estimates for- appropriations were considerably larger than the amounts appropriated. The Government has assumed control, and It very properly realizes that it should do what It has excluded other enterprises from doing." In concluding his remarks. Mr. Haw ley painted a beautiful word picture of the scenic charms of this wild spot in Southern Oregon.. He said: Charms Are Told. '.The Present Mount Mazama. in which Crater Lake is situated, is the truncated cone of a great mountain probaby formerly 17.000 feet in height, borne cataclysm of nature wrecked the splendid mountain, destroying 10.000 feet of its elevation, and leaving a ruined cone, hollowed down to a depth varying to 4000 feet. But nature heals, the scars made by her untamed agen cies, and aa you stand on the rim of the crater, looking outward, the moun tain Itself and Its vassal mountains are clad in royal robes of giant evergreens and looking inward, 2000 feet below you Ilea a lake of tranquil blue water varying to 2000 feet in depth.-six miles long, and five miles wide." Within this lake there is a cinder cone more than 800 feet high, whose extinct crfter i" 500 feet in diameter and 100 feet in depth. The waters of thrs lake are so clear and quiet that they perfectly re flect the marching of the stars, and from the rocky walls of the crater the stains and coloring of time. But the tongue cannot describe nor the ear un derstand the wonder; the eye and imag ination are alone able to do It justice Many other objects of nature's handiwork ere to be seen. Not the least of which are the forest. The groves were doubt less God's first temples, but thev are more than temples. The trees are "mate rial evidence of the providence of God who has taken substance from the sun' shine, the air. and the soil and made them Into living storehouses of material for the need, the comfort, and the delight of men. -The great interest in this splendid scenery Is shown by the fact that the legislative assembly of the State of Ore gon at its last session appropriated J100.000 for the construction of roads to the park. And although the Supreme Court of the state found the act unconstitutional, yet the fact that such an act was passed in dicates the general desire of -the people that this land of nature's marvelous work should be readily accessible. I under stand that private enterprise will under take the building of roads to the park, with probably some municipal assistance, and it now remains for the National Gov ernment to do what it has assnmedthe responsibility of doing by Including these lands in a reserve; that is. to construct good and sufficient roads, trails, and bridges within this National park. TIPPLERS' CHILDREN "0. K." English Students FU to Find That They Are Born Defective. LONDON. June 11. (Special.) The Times. In an article on the "Children of the Alcoholic." says that a report on this subject prepared by Miss Ethel Elderton. a research scholar, with the assistance of Professor Karl Pearson, and the conclusions which it formulates are likely to excite something like con sternation among a large number of temperance advocates, it feas for many years been one of the recognized cus toms of teetotalers to declare that pa rental alcoholism is eminently injur ious to offspring: and. although physi ologists have long been doubtful of the power of an extraneous agency to modify the germ plasm in the manner asserted, there can be no doubt that a belief to this effect has sunk deeply into the public mind, and would hardly be questioned upon a platform. Whatever elsu was believed or dis believed about the effect of "drink." few would be bold enough to deny that the children of drunkards are ilkely, on the whole, to be "degenerates" or the Inheritors of physical and intel . lectual defects calculated to interfere with their eventual usefulness as adult I members of the community. J It is highly interesting to find that the detailed examinations conducted by Mis Bldertop afford no support to the I doctrine that the children of alcoholic parents enter upon life under any ln I herent disadvantages: and that in the cusv 1 1 1 mure luun ouuu cnnuren exam ined in Edinburgh and in Manchester, among whom, according to the tables appended to the report, nearly one half were the offspring of a drunken parent or parents, those in whom this condition was fulfilled were not in any way inferior to the children of tee totalers or, of the sober. On the grave question whether the children of alcoholics may Inherit a tendency to become alcoholics them selves when adult age is reached, the report sets forth no conclusion, but It has not been omitted from consideration and evidence bearing upon it is in course of being collected. Miss Klder ton and Professor Pearson were hardly prepared for the conclusions at which they have been compelled to arrive; and they rather emphasize their posi tion in this respect by calling atten tion to the general unwillingness of social reformers to ascertain facts be fore they express opinions. BAN PUT ON "PEEKABOOS" Radcliffo College Girls Deny Frills and Open-Work Apparel. BOSTON. June 10. There will be no frills, no laces, no ruffles and no fancy dress for Radcliffe seniors at com mencement this year. So says the class committee. Above all, there will be no peek-a-boo waists or openwork stockings. Here are the rules: 1. Long-sleeved white shirtwaists (as plain as possible;. 2 Linen collar (plain or embroid ered. 3. Ties will be provided. 4. Plain white skirt preferably linen must be fairly heavy and not ruffled. There should be neither em Droidery nor a row of buttons on the front of the skirt. 6. Skirts three inches from the ground. 6. Gown two inches above the skirt. 7. Black hatpins. Absolutely no jewelry. No bows on the hair. Please be careful of the hang of the skirt and gown. 8. Black shoes and stockings. Ox ford ties and plain black stockings. (The feet must look dainty and trim.) 9. No fancy combs and barrettes. The rules bear the signature of Mar garet Glovor, the chief marshal of the class, and they are posted in conspicu ous places, so that there shall be no plea of ignorance. DUTY PAID ON WILD MEN? Startling Query Is Put Up to Ap praiser Wanamaker. NEW YORK. June 10. George W. Wan amaker. Appraiser of the Port, was busy with some merchants and importers in hia office recently when the telephone rang, end those in the office heard this one-sided conversation carrired on by the Appraiser: "Wild men of Boreno? What what's that?" There was a sputter on the wire, while the Appraiser removed his ear and then listened again. "You want to know what the duty is on personal effects from Borneo? Never saw anybody have any from there ' leastwise not much." The man on the other end of the wire tried again and explained something, and Wanamaker answered: "Oh. yes. How big is the village? Twenty, and SO tons of bamboo? Oh, I see. for their houses. Well, about 35 per cent duty. See J. C. Hathorn." The Ap praiser then explained that he had been talking with the manager of an out-of-town amusement resort about the im portation of wild men for show pur poses. TEETH REGULATE HEALTH Dental Nerve May Cause Blindness or Deafness, Says Lecturer. NEW YORK. Juno 10. At the Dental Hygiene Conference and Exhibt in the Metropolitan Building, Dr. Thaddeus P. Hyatt, of Brooklyn, gave a lecture on the Ills that beset a man with poor teeth. "In no art or science," said Dr. Hyatt, "has such progress been made as in the art and science of dentistry In the past 25 years. The most important dis covery was made only recently. It Is that the health of the entire body de pends on healthy . teeth and healthy surrounding tissue. It has been dis covered that the dental end of a nerve ran manifest itself in the eye, caus ing temporary blindness; that it can manifest Itself In the ear, causing tem porary deafness, and it can manifest Itself in the muscles, causing temporary paralysis and insanity." $1 WEEKLY MUST BE PAID Paterson Man Ordered by Conrt to Settle Debt Thus. NEW YORK. June 10. Charles D. Martin, of No. 309 Hamilton avenue. Paterson. N. J., when brought before Circuit Judge Blac-k for contempt of court in failing to liquidate an in debtedness of 601, was ordered to pay tl a week until the obligation is cleared. Expert accountants roughly estimate it will take Martin at least 25 years to pay the debt and Interest. He is now 40 years of age, and will be 6-5, the average life, when he will receive his receipt "paid in full." Martin informed the Court that he rec-eivod J12 a week income from his business, and of this amount must pay J3 a week alimony to his wf