THE SUNDAY ORiGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 12, 1910. 11 FOR SALE. Horses Vehicle and Harncw. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. And you will have to hurry if you waiit to secure one. Ford. 60 day old, fully equipped: 1009 Cadillac, 5 - passe n per. gopd am new. 10i9 Overland. Tourabout. 4-passnger, 1000. Autocar runabout, fine condition, $40O. 190& Bulck, model 10, lull equipped, S750. 1909 Maxwell Jr., pood a new. $."50. 5-passenger 33-H. P. touring car; a real bargain for a good Al machine. See this car. 1008 Studebaker, 7-paasenger, a fine car lor rent or stage use. Biueh runabout, new, at a bargain. 1 Every one of the ahovp cars is in first- I class mechanical condition and ready for demonstration. Call and look them over. PACIFIC -AUTO CO.. 266 11TH ST., COR. JEFFERSON, PORTLAND. ( Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can Bflt a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost 7 We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building;, and can make the price. Ex clusive agent for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagoni, top buggies, runabout and farm wagon. Be sure and see us before jrou buy. It may save you monay. R. M. WADE k CO.. 822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 24. TWO 6-year-old registered trotting mares. Reeve and Sheldalle, registered in the American Trotting Reg.; Reeve is No. 76.f01 and Sheldafle 77,002. Both mares have fine fast colts. One is a Dia-Wood colt, natural pacer with a chance for the world's record. The other is a Nocturno. Will sell the 4 head for $L100, or will trade for an auto eV lots or acreage up to that value. H. GRAHAM. Box 88. Roseburg. Or. liUBBKR-TIR&D runabout and custom-made rubber-trimmed harness, nearly new, price $!0.- Three spring, high-feat express trucks, with top-piece, $115. Breaking cart and names, price $45. Set light pule harness, cost $125, sell for Lady's paddle and bridle, $15. 2 iozti horse blankets and about 25 leather halters, nearly new. Above are useless to ownor. Come and make offer. Call residence, 874 Savier st. W. or 10th t. car. $18 NEW single harness... ...$1S.60 $8 new double driving harness. . . . . . 23.50 $40 new team earnest 81.50 $45 new team tamers 85. CO New, guaranteed, well-known buggies Ua leather trimmings, tin leather quarter tops, for $58.60. Big tale and small profits. The econd largest sUek of vehicle and wagou In the city to select from. C. L. KOSS & CO., $20-328 EAST MORRISON STREET. MULE S M CLE S M UL.ES i We are now located at the Portland Union Stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mule weighing from 12M0 to 1400 lbs, that are first-class In every particular; our prices are In line with the times. Come and see us and we will convince you. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULB CO., Woodlawn 2400. ?OR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If cot as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthome-ave. Stables, 420 . Hawthorne ave. GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire Roberts Bros., ad and Morrison. GOOSENECK truck, 3 Vi ton capacity; beam truck, 6 ton capacity ; one dump wagon, also 7 smaller wagons. We are forced to move and will soil all of the above rea sonable. Columbia Carriage & Wagon Works. 330 Water si. Main 2802. S2)0-POUNI team off the logging camp, harness and wagon : black horse, 1 oo pounds; one team. 2500 pounds, harness and farm wagon ; one team. 240O pounds, with, harness. Will sell separate. All good . workers. 242 S. Grand ave. 23Hf-LB. team. 6 and 7 years old, gentle to work single or double. This team Is In nrst-clas condition and will be eold sub ject to inspection. Call for Strong's team at 14 Union ave. TEAM, mare and gelding. weight 2510; sound and true, and new breeching har ness complete, $275; two ponies, gentle; also one gentleman's driving horse; city broke. 201 Montgomery. A NEW 5-room cottage, modern, with large attic, space for 2 more rooms; lot 33x100; $200O; $1000 cash, balance terms. Uy owner, 53 Borthwlck st., Albina. THREE bead of piveinent-sore horses to be sold cheap for cash ; all good to work any where and no reasonable offer refused. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. 1RIVING horse and buggy for sale. Pioneer Paint Co.. 135 1st st. Automobiles. i-'OR SALK .-cylinder Stevens-Duryea limo- ousine; must nave an cash; practically new; has been driven lew than 50u milea; an elegant-appearing, stylish machine; cost $3SOO; can be had for one-half this amount in uusn il uihen oerore u eanesaay; everything Room 305 Mulkey bldg. VE have for sale several second-hand cars of different makes on which we will quote very low prices for quick sales. We need the room they occupy for new cars. Covey Motor Car Co. 7-PASSENciER 40 H. P. automobile to ex change for acreage or lots. MULTNOMAH INVESTMENT & REALTY COMPANY, Board of Trade b 1 d g. FOR SALE One 5-passenger Cadillac, with top and equipments. $400; one 3-pas, senger Ford, with top and equipments. wo. ak. oj, uregonian, or Woodlawn 2593. HIGH-GRADE 4-cy Under runabout fully equipped, first-claae condition. $7oO. Will trade for good lot. Ti 4-t. Oregonian. lioi MAXWELL JR.. good as new In every respect; all new tires; top; speedometer and fully equipped. A bargain at $550. W 52, Oregonian. 7 -PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer. In good condition: just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash; no trades nor terms. H 075. Oregon lan. A SNAP. Chalmer-Tetroit pony tonneau. 1910 model, as good as new. fully equipped; will . e 1 1 at a b a rgaln. N3 6. Ore go n i a n . 2 HAVE 10.000 shares In an etsatlished au tomobil company; will sell all or part at parL tl each. A E 0i4. Oreg on lan. IF YOIT want a llrst-class. liilO, five pas senger touring car. at the right price. , anwerMtlils ad. at once. H 40. Oregonian. -CYLINDER Cadillac model G, in first class condition; Just overhauled and paint ed; I0OO. Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. FOR SALE Five-passenger Cadillac In good condition, $650. Phone Tabor 484. WHJj trade $300 We t Side view lot for a utomoblle. D 35, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE runabout for sale or trade. Oregon Plating Works, ltth and Alder. AUTO PIANO nearly new with music. CHeap for cash. Phone A 26.10. FOR SALE Piano, cost $350; cash. J 36. Qregoni a n . will take $175 FOR SALE An auto, in perfect condition, cheap. i Call 401 Buchanan bldg. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. 11 AN OS at private sale; a snap; new In struments, singing tone, perfect scale, at manufacturers cost for few days onlv. Room 7 Buckingham Hotel. 330 Yamhill. VIOLINS. braj3. reed and string instruments repaired. Any piece made to order. H. Oodard, room 16. 142 1 2d st. THREE good violins for sale, two very old. cneap. ivti r-ast ii'in st.. .N . tsTRICTLY A-1 mahogany piano, $1S5; $15 down. $3.75 monthly. Call 350 Alder. $350 UPRIGHT Kingsbury piano, $135 cash. 446 Third. Mam 3T."3. A 1725. KN ABE piano for rent. Terms reasonable. . Phone Main M31 after 0 I. M. Birds, !ogg an J Pet Stock . LICE soon eat up your profits; kill this pest quickly with I'onkey's Lice Powder, for body lice ; Lice, Liquid, for rid. ling the poultry house of mite, and Head Lice Ointment, for liitlo chicks. They are all guaranteed. Routledga Seed & Floral Co , lrt-.t 2d st. . SAVE the little chicks from Indigestion, diarrhoea, etc. Conkey's Cholera Remedy In the drinking water ia guaranteed to give satisfaction. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. lC'.'-d st. v SACRIFICE sale English bulldogs, puppies, b,rood bitches and best stud dog in North west. Address Secretary' Portland Kennel i iiu', pnone 11 ENGLISH ull terrier - pedigreed pups for sale, 6 weeks old. beautifully marked. gilt edged. Phone East 1660. IHOHOl'GHBKED collie pupa for sale. Main 3o:ts. SOME very fine Airesdale terrier puppies. . L. V. Woodward, phone Sell wood l015- FRENCH poadle pups for sale, reasonable, &US 13th st. Mam 3624 FOR SALE.' Automobile. TWO 6-year-old registered trotting mares. Reeve and SheidaGe, registered in the A merican Trotting Keg. ; Reeve Is No. 76.:il and Sheidafle 77.ou2. Both marts have fine fast colts; one Is a Dia-W ood colt, natural pacer with a chance for the world's record; the other is a Nocturno. Wrill sell the 4 head for $HO. or will trade for an auto or lots or acreage up to that value. H. GRAHAM, ' Box S. Roseburg. Or. 4-C YLINDER Buick model 10. in perfect con dition. j--t painted; wi!l make price for ah buyer. M 38. Gregorian. Iftoft CADILLAC touring car. newly painted and in excellent condition throughout. Looks good and is good. Covey Motor Car Co. i Mlc e 1 lanro u. c TENTS and campers' outfits complete at way-down prices. $60 Quick Meal male able steel range with water coil, $30; No. 7 Bridge- .Beach cook stove. $0; four burner Reliable gas ranges. $7.50 to $12; extension tables, $ 1; dining chairs. 75c to $3; solid oak sideboard. $7.3; buffets. $Ki; full size dressers. $6.50 to $25; sew ing machines, $5 to $10; folding beds, $0 to $25; refrigerator, large size, $; sanitary couch. $; wardrobe couch. $5; upholstered couches. $!.50 to $7.50; rock ing chairs. $1.25 to $10; center tables, $1 to $8; ingrain rugs. Ox 1 2. $5.50: Brussels rugs. 9x12. $12.50; carpets, matting, lino leum, all sizes. 54-lnch sanitary rolltop desk, good as new. $27. uO; revolving chair. $4; office tables, $2.50 to $7.50. We carry a complete line of all kinds of house.hold furnishings, bot h new and fine second hand goods, and we can furnish your house, office or camp in first-class shape, and we can sell on the Installment plan, too. Get our terms and prices. It will pay you. Western Salvage Company, 627. 62!t. 631. 6:13, 635 Washington at. Both Ihonos. Main HQS. A 3793. FOR SALE Sewing machines. We are over stocked with second-hand sewing machines and must dispose -of them at once, so will put on sale this week over l'O machines from $3 up, time or cash. All high-grade and many of them drop-heads. lOvery ma chine ha all the attachments and is guar anteed. If you need a sewing machine, call and see us this week. The White Fam ily Rot ary u wo machines in one, lock stitch and chain stitch) sold on easy pay ments. All makes rented, sold, exchange 4 and repaired. White Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones, prop., 420 Washington, corner lit h . SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all , leading n;ake. Slr.R-r. Wheeler & Wil son. New Home, White, Domestic, House hold and others, .to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store, 9. S. Sigel. agent. 335 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183, A 4599. SECOND-HAND counter, coffee-mill, coun ter scales, platform scales, showcases, tea and coffee bins, small safe, rolltop desk, shelving; prices cheap; can be seen at 406 Washington" st. - ' - AUTOMOBILES. How about your gasoline .motor? Does It run smoothjy? If not, send 10c postage for . 50-page text . book "Engine Troubles." i:rfeze Carbureters. Newark, N. J. 50-FOOT gasoline launch. 50-H. P. engine, complete equipment for passenger and freight, all new, built last year. Cost $50uu, price $iT00. Write William Allen, Slt Elec I rl Cbl dg. DESKS Flat-top. roller-top and stand desks, with- chairs, for sale at a great saerlilce. owing to complete change of of fice furniture. Lang 6c Co., 1st and An- keny. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machmas; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M 870. 222 Ablngtoa bide- i . CAM P outfit, new Studebaker wagon; .pair brown mares and first-class breeching harness; bargain; $235. Stable 5th .and Montgomery. ' IN V A LIDS reclining wheel chair, rubber tires, ball bearing, with self-propelling at tachment. A. H. Thomas, 3023 Grand ave. N. A SNAP. Fine large, office safe for sale VERY CHEAP; almost new. Call 316 Abington blag. 25-FOOT semi-speed boat and house; 33 H. P. Erd motor; soe;d 15 tuples; brand new. Inquire Ray's Gas Engine Hospital, foot of Ellsworth. SelJwood 1622. HENS with chickens, 4 barred Plymouth Rocks. 2 black Minorcas. laying hens. Plymouth Rock roo3ters. 569 Patton road, Marshall 14JS. PAVEMENT blocks, two-foot square,, good for sidewalks around house; cheap. In quire 3313 North loth st., or phone Main 7 n o. GRAND Concert guitar, $8.50 (cost $27); fine camp stove, $ 1.73 (cost $4.50) ; sweU toned mandolin, J4.30 (cost 313-50). Even ings. Phone A 1M5. 325 12th st. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. " Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. Both phones. FOR SALR 1 wall case, 4 show cases, 3 counters, 1 lot of shelving. 101 Vi North 3d st. ; WANTED By Thursday. .100 good dairy cows by Markel-Bruce Co., Portland Union Stockyards. STUART range, good as new, used but 10 months, with water coils, cheap. 1113 East AUier. Thone 2S70. FOR SALE Launch, either engine or hull separate ; a bargain. A. Kane, 486 Lor Ing st., Albina. FOR SALE Gasoline launches, passenger and towboats. Phone 57L jleasure. Sell wood LAUNCH and boathouse, bargain. Owner must sell. Can be seen Suuday morning at cast end Steel bridge, BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $40 $50. Ask for catalog. Reouilts $15 up. N. M.Hayter Co..05th st. Main o62a. - FOR SALE About 40 tons of hay, near Portland Heights. Apply to Joseph M. Healv, 26 Board of Trade bldg. $150 TAKES a tine diamond ring; will take horse or buggy in exchange. 8ul Eart 28th st. Woodcock car to Oladrffne ave. FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases. counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Pbone Baat FOR SALE 8000 2-1-hand brick in North Portland at a bargain. Inquire 24 Hamilton blog. Main 15.T2. FOR SALE 500-horse power automatic Rus sell engine, practically new. Call Phone Main uU'J. FOR SALE One Barnes machinist's lathe, small size; cheap. Apply Oregon Dental Supply Co.. 816 Dekum bldg. " FOR SALE Stereopticon- machine, 150 slides, two carriers; cheap. 2'hone Sell- wood 4S. BILLIARD table, 4xS, inlaid wood, new, monarch cushions, ivory balls, lino con- ditlon. cheap. laJ" 2522. FOR SALE Launch business. 3 launches, dock, scows, repair shop, tools, etc.. $1250. A ddresa V. O. Box 250. New p ort. Or. THREE fresh family cows, rich and good milkers, $40 each. 1000 E. 10th st. corner Tenino, Sell wood. PLANTS Tomatoes, celery, pepper and aeter ' plants for sale in quantities; will deliver within TEN MILES. Phone Tabor 8. FOR SALE Large, choice, currants, freshly picked as ordered. Ph" n e Se 1 1 woo J l y5. ONE good steam wood saw for sale cheap. Call 313 Water St. A GOOD upright piano, cost $40o, will take $llo or trade on a lot. 3us Ma rket st. SECOND-HAND desk and office furniture for a 1 c . r a r p ain. 32Q Lumber Exchange. FO It SALE 1 Remington typewriter, 1 check protector. 101 N. 3d st. FOR SAbE 1 larpe safe.. 1 National cash i-e e i. ur. Q1 Va North :;d st. NOTES and mortgages bought and ,old. Na- tlonal Credit Ass'n. C01 Worcester bldg. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rr.oe City Printer. 1126 3d. near Taylor. FOR SALE Motorcycle In good condition. Inquire M'9 Raleigh st. luLlNS. banjoc. mandolin, guitars at hail t eg ular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6ih BABY carriage, second-hand English peram- t u 1 a t o r ,ver y ch e a p. Call A 7 1 o . NEW 14-ft. clinker row boat, a dandy. Address 1617 Jordan St.. city. " "TYPEWRITER BARGAINS, 231 Stark St. Main 1407. FINE launch for sa le, $ 1 30. Phon Main 1j4. Ask for Walter Flnke. FINE Insulated cooler lor al cheap. jual Friedman. 2i5 1st. SHOWCASES, new' and second-band. Ill F-t-j-r"- rr- fl: h Also tixturea. FOR SALE Complete dining outfit. G 30, Oreguiian. . FIRST-CLASS Underwood typewriter, $33. Phone Main C405, between 8 and 3, FOR SALE $300 houwboat for $175 if taken today ; part cah. rhne A 21 7Q. THREE 30-foot boxball alleys, cheap, r Ad dress De T. Gerdes. Houlton. Or. CHILD'S folding-bed ; -la '.y's princess dres's, pize 4, r.ew. Phone Mam 1. SNAP Family launch. Call today. East GOOD bicycle, coaster, good tires, bell, etc., $12. 350 Alder st. PRACTICALLY new high-speed H -horse-power AC motor,$17. 350 Alder St. NEW $350 gasoline woods w for $225 ; a sacrifice. 271 Halsey st. East 11SI. ONE Jewel gas range. 69 fewU st. FOR SALE. t Miscellaneous. HAVING Just bought all the machinery from large sash and door factory and saw mill, we have for sale: On 72x18 boiler. i 150-horse power e"hsine. 80-horsepower engine. 6x24 Fay planer, 2 sets head blocks, log haul and turner, carriages, set works, pul leys, belting, mortises, rip saw and other miscellaneous machinery that we will dis pose of at -extraordinary low prices, J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-250 FRONT STREET. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shces. The Glob Second hand stcre. 2A0 First. Main 20SO. W ais3 buy ladies' clothing. WANTED for cash, perfect blue-white dia mond, about 1 or 1 carat; state price, weight and where may be seen. Address AN ,4. Oregonian. WANTED iMen'i cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Main 9272. WANTED Second-hand gasoline engine, not more -than 3 horsepower, one fitted for pumping preferred; must be In good order and cheap; state price. E 51. uregonian. CELL your second-hand furniture to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leas. . Phones: A -2445: Main Sa51. WANT small logging proposition close to Columbia River and pav stumpage as tim ber is cut. K 3S. Oregonian. CAN use 50 t& 100 shares German-American Coffee stock at $11 per share. 11 53, Ore gor.lan. WANTED A small hotife In the vicinity of SunnyMde to move house away; state price. AM 32 Oregonian. - YOUNG r"lady will give excellent care to gooa-graue piano for few months or year; will pay small rent. Phone Main 4S10. 6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt Boention always given. Phi ne East 10o7. WANTED, two or three months. 2400-lb. team f-T farm work. Phone C 15M. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes ana ciotnes. Phone Marshall 1920. WANTED Second-hand furniture from prl 'atq party. Main 44tl0. WANTED 2 or 3 setting young chickens without the hens; just hatched. C 1891. HELP WANTED MALE. GOVERNMENT positions. chances never better secure one of thousands appoint ments to be made; full particulars to sal aries, positions, dates examinations Port land, sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 101, National Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C. HUSTLERS everywhere; profits $ to $23 daily. It's cash and all yours. Own busi ness yourself. Work from home. No cap ital required. No canvassing. A new thing. Particulars free. F. E. Abbott, Desk AX, Omaha. Neb. GOOD men. sell new washer; wonder; all " metal, last always, dos work 1-4 time other machines; no rubhing. no crank, no weary grinding, just steams out dirt; price $6.50; new selling method. 10 Cam b ridge, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Young man of ability to act as salesman and learn real estate business; position permanent: chance for advance ment; no money required; experience not necessary. Call Monday afternoon. 404 Couch bldg. - WANT to start you silvering mirrors at home in spare time; anyone can easily make $4 daily. Free booklet and sample. G. F. Redmond, 56 Wainwright bldg., Uos ton Mass. WANTED Young man to assist buyer in wholesale store and tinware house; state age and experience If any In own hand writing; good chance to work up. C 43, Oregonian. GOOD men Wash, and Oregon sell best gas iron ever on market; new model, cheapest, simplest, prettiest and cost less to run any other ; Bee demonstration, 10 Cambridge bldg., 3d and Mo rrison. WANTED At once, a sash and door ma chine man for stock work; none but first class men need apply. Write, giving age, experience, wages expected, to North Bend ' Manufacturing Co.. North Bend. Or. WANTED A man who thoroughly under stands the mercantile business, with some idea of advertising. Apply to Elliott Bros.. 414 Marquam bldg. ; WAX'fiED Strong boy 16 or 17 years old to care for a small team and do ll&ht work on a fruit ranch during July and August. Address P. O. box 4S0, city. WEEKLY, expenses to trustworthy neo pie to travel, distribute 'samples for big wholesale house. C H. Emery, B 46. Chicago. MACHINISTS Floor and machine men wanted; steady work. ' UNITED METAL TRADES ASSN., 222 Commercial Club Bldg. , EXPERIENCED in machinery; one familiar with castings; a mechanical scnooi grad uate preferred. Address AN 51, Ore gonian . TYPEWRITER, biting clerk and office as sistant ; state age. experience and salary expected; permanent answer in hand writlng. Address AN 52. Oregonian. WANTED Platen and cylinder pressman; $13; steady job. Wire or phone Rawlings. Albany. Or. ( MAN willing to go to M osier for a month or six weeks to do country carpenter work. Ed Howe. Portland Hotel. ; ( BOOKKEEPER and credit man; wholesale house; opportunity: state age, experience and references. A J 01. Oregonian. WANTED Steady man. able to check goods, etc pay $23 week; small investment re puired. particulars 248 Stark st. WANTED Men to make $500 a month get ting members. Order of Owls, 13S No. Main St., South Benu. Ind. ; WANTED Boy. drive grocery wagon; some ' experience necessary. Corner Hassalo st. and Grand ave. EXPERIENCED, reliable man to sell stock "for "high-class commercial Industry ; good commission. AE 54, Oregonian. WANTED Man presser on ladies' Jackets; must be thoroughly experienced. East Portland Dye Works. 143 Grand ave. MEN of Ideas with some inventive ability. Greely & Mclntyre, patent attorneys, Washington. D. C. STENOGRAPHER or good typewriter, able to loan employer $300. can have good posi tion and security. W 51. Oregonian. WANTED Y'oung man to assist in office work; must write a good hand and come well recommended. AH 3S, Oregonian. STRONG boy wanted to work on small farm near city; low wages. F. Dayton, 194 1st street. SOLICITOR for adjustment company ; none hut" A-1 men needed. AC 55 , Orego n 1 a n. WANTED Experienced solicitor. Italian Am e r 1 c an Bank. 102 2d st. WANTED Frame-makers. Mills, Unh and Vaughn. Oregon Planing WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK. BOND five-cent cigarg. WANTED Bright young boy to act as mail bov. Aop'.y room 623 E'cctrlc bldg. WANTED A doctor to assist in a doctor's office. C 35. Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutberth. studio Dekum bldg. WNTED Light harness makers and saddle hnnds. A. A. Kraft Co.. Spokane. Wash. Moving-picture operators earn $23 weekly; easy work; lessons reasonable. 520 Vfr Washington. WANTED Baker. experienced helper on . -kes. Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett. WANTED Young man stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping. 11 Lewis bldg. WANTED Markers and distributors. Star Laundry C o.. t nion ave. ana cast Ankeny. HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman want so. J. 1 5 commercial mug. WANTED Delivery boys. Apply Bushong & Co.. i'l Park st. BOY wanted. Portland Linotyping Co.. 64 t;t: Union block. 227 Stark st. YOt'NG man. with some experience in paint inc. To College. 2 to 4 P. M. DISHWASHER for boarding-house, 733 Hoyt st. WANTED Al saddle maker anda harness maker. 1 lenry L. K tick, T h eD a 1 1 e s , Or. MEATCARVER wanted, public market. 1st and W ashington. Call Monday. Friedman. JAPANESE boy for porter work. Nau's Pharmacy. Portland Hotel. STRONG boy wanted. California Bakery, Grand ave. and East Ash. MEN for factory near Portland ; married WANTED Two boys In factory. Carmen aifg. C o.. ith and t pshur. BOY wlh wheel wanted. Skidmore Drug Co.. 151 3d at- BOY with wheel. 131 10th st. HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 12 North 2d St. Open Sunday. 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. FOR THE MILLS. Planer man; $3.5. Three planer feeders; $2.50. $2.75 and $3. Three lumber grader. $2.50, 82-75 and Gang trimmermen; $3 up. Three carriage riders; $2.50 and $2.75 Gang edgermen. small mill; $3. Lain mill man; $3. Ten mill hands; $2.75 to $3. -Yardmen at the coast; $2,50. Ten boys for box factory work; $1.75 and $2. MISCELLANEOUS. Four rouRh carpenters; $3.50; 8 hours. Mill carpenter: J 3.50. Carpenter, building sheds; $3.50. Four carpenters helpers; $2-73. Teamsters, city and country. $2.50 up. Man and wife, cook and helper, country hotel: 7o up. Teamster to haul wood; $35 month and board. Crosscut saw tiler: $S0 month. Signal boys for log camp; $2.23. Conks. waiters, dishwashers, porters, flunkeys, etc.; good wages. 25 loggers; $2.75 to $5. Ten farm hands; $30, $35 and $40. SPECIAL. For the McCloud River Lumber Co., MeCloud. California. Saw filers, fallers, bnckers, rigging sling ers. log loaders, swampers, teamsters. For wages and full particulars call at Office. FREE FARE. FREE FARE. Hundreds of Other Jobs. SPECIAL NOTICE. We give a written guarantee to pay far both ways if there is not work when wo send applicants. Office open Sunday. S A. M. to 2 P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 12 North 2d St. SALESMEN Experienced selling jewelry. premium gooos, toilet assortments, ad vertising or staple goods, for strictly new proposition on long-time plan. Best proposition offered live men in over ten years; staple goods used by every man, woman, child; established. well-rated wholesaler. No other wholesale house of fering this line on terms we offer; big winner for live man; good for $500 to $1)MK a month commission; liberal ex pense advance: exclusive territory; state references, experience fully. Address S. Redfield. 12 Franklin St.. Chicaga. WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between tne ages of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay $15 to $6. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg., Port- land. Or. $3300 TO $10,000 yearly aslly made In real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mail, ap point you special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for 62-page book free; it will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co., Dept. 127. Chicago. SALESMAN as local manager to handle f ormacone, the formaldehyde dislnfector; lou.000 in use; also complete line formal dehyde fumlgators, disinfectants, floor oil, sanitary sweeping compound, insec ticides and sanitary supplies; goods used by United States Government, N. Y. Cen tral R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. This territory open. The Formacone Co., 50 . Church st.. New York, SALESMEN, do you sell this trade? Live stock remedies, stock food, incubator mfgrs., seed houses, farmer's supplies, etc. ? We have an excellent aide line On which you ran make urnori mnni v. Send in your name and address today for very special proposition, stating what you me now seumg ana territory covered; everything confidential. Write today. H. B. Re ynolds. Mfg. Co.. Frederlcktown, O. IF YOU are person we want as district manager, end us 10 cents right now for mailing outfit of our latest book. "Roose velt in Africa" and show us what you can qo witn it; ?'J5 weekly, expenses eas ny earnea; experience unnecessary; pre miums ana creait given; investigate us; we are one of largest, most reliable nub- Jishing houses In world. M A. Donohue v co.. inicago. WANTED 10 young men to advertise the HEIMBACH IDEA. I want men iwho are employed and who want to appear on the streets always dressed in a brand new suit of clothes, perfect in fit, style and work manship. I will arrange a basis that will dress you for one year and you can pay for the clot has by telling your friends about us after hours. NATIONAL TAI- LURING CO.. 201 Stark st. 1000 MEN to know that 1 sell men's suits at leas than wholesale price. How do I do it? j. ouy manuiacturera samples ana cancella tion orders and sell them in an office build ing; rent 1-8 leas than a ground-floor store sell $35 to $40 nulls. $18.75; $18 to $22.50 suits, u'.id. ivnew to ample suit anop, room 315 Oregonian bldg. Jlmmle Dunn, Y. M. C. A. The iriend of the young man and stranger. Hearty welcome and good counsel are yours, without cost. Constant call for men who can do something well. Special Employment Membership assure employment. After you have seen the other fellow, see us before you Invest money. SALESMAN of good appearance wanted; one who is capable of meeting the best people; if you are energetic, reliable, con scientious and will appreciate an oppor tunity which offers attractive Induce ment, write for interview. AH 35, Ore gonlan. 20.000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in H weeks, helu to secure promotion: aradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert Instructors : tool free : write for cata logue. Mohler System of College. Hi jsortn tn mf rortiana. ur. AGENTS wanted to sell lot in our new ad dition to bpokane; inside the 4-mlle circle: prices $10u to $250 per lot; terms $1 cash, $1 per week; no in teres:, no taxea; good com mission to live agecut. SPARKS BROTHERS, 14 Bernard St. Spokane, Wash. A CAPABLE salesman wanted for a thor oughly advertised and established special ty ; salary $HK and commissions; com missions last year $4000; must be able to snow aouity ana have $ouu to invest. AN j -ti , oregonian. SALESMAN calling on retailers to sell flan nels, blankets, comforts, etc. direct from lactory ; attractive side line; liberal com mission. South Philadelphia Woolen Co., box 1341, Philadelphia. WANTED An experienced man to lay out sash, doors and interior finish and look af ter the machining of the same; & permanent position to a man of ability and hustle. AD oj, uregonian. SALESMEN making small towns can earn nice income monthly carrying our pocket siae line; write lor oraer dook today. um ueniury jatg. -o., ldus wens st. Chicago. CARE OK HORSES -A thoroughly experienced. competent and reliable man; a good steady place to the right party. Apply at once to stables, Jat tn iortn. SALESMEN by largest European lace-em broidery manufacturers; sell popular spe cialties from stock: camples 35 oounds 10 per cent commission; weekly drawings. wuson, 4l fctroaaway, acw iorK. WANTED Y'oung, honest man, who knows something about cake-baking and who is wlllinir to learn the art of French pastry Call Sunday noon, 13 H N. 13th. L. Dupont. WANTED Married German gardener, fa. miliar with farm work, to work on farm 10 miles from Portland: wife must know cooking. Phone Main b2hi. WANTED Stenographer, capable also of keeping books. for out-of-town position. Keterencee required. Apply A. M. Mon- nay, 5Q3 commercial diock. WANTED Sawmill hand, carriage-rider, off- bearers, cuton", lumber-pliers ; good wages; good board. Call touay. net. 10 and 12 A. M.. 403 Lumoermana Qiug. WANTED Five experienced salesmen to ell the best fruit and ornamental stock on the Coast. Cash advanced weekly. Outfit free- Call Monday, lov -a st. WANTED Experienced lumber grader for Siwmill, planing mill work. Apply to planer foreman stanoara box ac i,umoer cx., iaat Water and rasi. rine. SALESMAN for commercial photographer; no coupon proposition; stiiary ana commission Al refert-r.cea requireci. n. cu. uregonian. WANTED Machinists for out-of-town work. Only first-class men considered. Referen ce?. IX 3 commercial diock. w TP,n Foundry men for out-of-town u-nrk Only first-class men considered. References. .V3 Commercial diock. WANTED An ali-around country printer. stiAdy situation lor ngni man; state wage. Adaress aian. jayrtie creea. or. YOUNG men to pack boxes and be generally useful on packing floor. Apply North- western Macaroni r actory. ma in. oth at. DO von want to may In Portland? S2SOO cash Investment and services will pay you $1500 yeany. Aaarega v oj. uregonian. WANTED A colored boy. 16-18, living with parents?, to act as messenger and porter. Apply Jaanaay, d Jimieny EE LP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN. ATTENTION! You want to make more money? You wish to be a success? Then stop wasting your capital your time in an "order taker's" job. What you nted Is less "wishbone" and more "backbone" and a real salesman's OPPORTUNITY. Now. we will furnish the OPPORTUNI TY and the money if you will contribute the "backbone" and the "shoe leather." Call upon Mr. S. E. Webb. Manager. BOND DEPARTMENT The Jacobs-Stein Company. 140 oth u. Portland. AMBITIOUS, energetic salesman, having ms own ornce ana experience as saies or ganizer, to establish our branch for sale of New York City profit sharing 5 per cent realty bonds, guaranteeing half profit sharing. We are advertising widely In magazines and can refer many inquiries for Portland and vicinity. Write for lib eral commission proposition, stating ex perience, references and present occupa tion. Mutual Profit Realty Co.. 1326 Broad way. New York. WANTED A MAN OF ABILITY TO ACT A3 SALESMAN AND LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. SPLENDID OPPOR TUNITY; POSITION PERMANENT AND HIGHLY' REMUNERATIVE; NO MONEY REQUIRED. CALL BETWEEN 0 AND 10 A. M. INQUIRB FOR MR. HICKEY. SPANTON COMPANY. 209 OAK ST, LEWIS BLDG. I NEED a few bright young men everywhere wno would like to oecotne traveling sales men and who want to earn all expenses while learning; a chance for practical a well, as theoretical training. The demand for bur graduates Increases every day. If you have any dealre to be a salesman don't fall to get my terms. Call on or address Mr. Ruffh. fi21 Couch t. ' WANTED Salesmen to represent -. old es- tacmsnea wholesale house. One for city, Portland. One for city. Seattle. One for country. Must have experience and be able to give surety bond; grocery salesmen pre ferred. M 50, Oregonian. MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age IS to 3o; experience unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ ment; firemen $100 monthly, brakemeh $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 40 men sent to positions monthly; state age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. WANTED Salesman. immediately; high- class successful business man to nil posi tion of traveling salesman; this is a splendid opportunity for an ambitious man to secure a permanent position with relia ble St. Louis concern, paying $3300 year and expenses. A G 15, Oregonian. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY, publish ers. Boston, have opened their .Nortnwestem office at 231 Arcade Annex, Seattle, and want good salesmen who can call on select class of people and solicit orders for their popular publications. ' WANTED 2 experienced stork, salesmen for hlgh-grnde financial proposition; live wires who can deliver the. goods can se cure contract to earn $5O0 per month and upward. Call 706-8 Board of TrUde bldg., between 12 and 2. WANTED Some good, live men with email capital to invest in our Arrow Lake orch ards; fine paying investment and work guar anteed. Write today for full particular. Ar row Lake Orchards, Ltd., Dept. 17. Box 679. Lethbrldge, Alberta. AN EXCELLENT proposition for a few good mechanics with famines; steady work, union wages; must invest $3oO or $440, money re , turned after six months if dejired; don't answer unless you mean business. E 42, Oregonian. CAPABLE man to represent thoroughly ad vertised, high-grade line or gas water heating appliances. Territory; Oregon and Washington cities. Address with refer ences and particulars of previous employ- inent. H 34. Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for energetic. bright and capable young men to learn the piano business; good wages to start; must have best of references. See Mr. Hale at Eilers Music House before 10 A. M. THE Meier & Frank stores require several competent lloormen, also salesmen for the linens and domestics, and 25 bright boys, 16 years of age or over, to learn the busi ness. Apply to employment bureau, 8 to 10 A. M SALESMAN Experienced any line to sell general trade in Pacific Coast; unexcelled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE ; commission with $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., t 'leveiana. on 10. SALESMEN, specialty, dry goods, furnish ing ; men covering specific territory sin gle states preierreai, i yz per cent com mission: state present accounts. Duke Macmahon Handkerchief Company, 371 broaflway, New York. ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to their income growing- mushrooms in eel lars. sheds, boxes, etc. Big market. Free booklet. Hiram Barton. West 4Sth St., New York. CA PA BLFJ salesman to cover Oregon with staple ilne. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. MAN Must be willing to learn; capable of acting as our representative; no canvass ing, soliciting; good Income assured. Na tion Co-operation Realty Co., 702 Marden bldg., Washington, p. C- WANTED Man to take charge of boys in an Institution; must understand gardening . and care of stock and be competent to teach boys that work; steady position for right man. A J 34. Oregonian. CAN get positions in railroad offices for three young men over 18. should have a knowledge of telegraphy or be willing to take a few months preparation. Fees rea sonable. Telegraph School, 200 3d Bt. BECOME advertising expert; accept free trial of our instruction without obligating yourself; large salaries paid ; we place graduates. Write for free book No. 110. Progress Self-Help University, Chicago. WANTED A first-class meat cutter; must be a No. 1 man. steady, sober, honest; give your age and say where you have been employed. G 38. Oregonian. SALESMAN wanted to sell treasury stock in well-established manufacturing con cern ; good commission to first-class man. F 50. Oregonian. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mall clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, eta Write or call for Book 80, It's free. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. Portland. Or BRIGHT young man, 10 or 17, to work in lumber company's office; good chance for advancement. Answer in own handwrit Ing. H 30. Oregonian. PRIVATE resident has money to loan on jewelry, diamonds and other collateral ecurity, on short time; strictly conflden . tial. Phone C2403. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. Ger man, English, Catholic periodicals. Bene dictine Press. 306 Goodnough bldg. Good . earn $25-50 weekly. STRANGER, attention! Fine opening, ex perience unnecessary; small capital re Quired. Call. 10 to 12, 326 & Washington st.. room 417. ' $80 MONTHLY, expenses to men to post signs, distribute samples for wholesale house; steady work. H. Monroe, prasi jd e n t,-R. 60. Chicago. $100 MONTHLY, expenses to travel, distrib ute 'samples for big manufacturer; steady work. B. Sheffer. Treasurer, O 00, Chl cago. RAILWAY mail clerks, city carriers, clerks, Portland, examinations announced July 15. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 271 P. Rochester. N. Y UPHOLSTERER and mattress makers, steady work, good wages. Call or write Albany Furniture Hospital, 227-233 West 2d et., Al- bany. or. WANTED A man experienced in soliciting, collection business; state experience and references; salary and commission. A J 31, Oregonian. ' WANTED Second gardener, unmarried, for gentleman's country place; must be able K to milk; good wages and board. A K 30, WANTED First-class telegraph operators; good opportunities for advancement; men with electrical knowledge preferred. AK 33. Oregonian. WANTED Dependable drug clerk for East ern Oregon; live town; must be a hustler and help some with soda trade. Address E 3 8. Ore g on Jan. ANYONE csn make money writing short Stories; big pay; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. WANTED First-clajss blacksmith to do gen eral blaeksmithing; good wages for right man. Apply W. P- Scrivner, Heppner. Or. WANTED Physician, travel in Oregon, good appearance, 4i or over. J. B. Nelson, City, General Delivery. 10O PAIRS of sample pants. $2.25 to $2.50 a pair; $3.50 to $4 values. Knew Sample Suit Snop. 315. Oregonian bldg. DENTIST, registered, wanted at once; must be good all-around operator; permanent position. L 54, Oregonian. $18 TO $33 week, few month only learning; situations guaranteed. Watthmaklng-a graving School. Box 182. Ashland. Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Schools. Call or write for circular. 308 McKay bldg.. or 207 Marquam bldg. WANTED 2 brick wheelers, short distance; contract work; 35c per M. Standard Brick & Tile Co. . 408 Moh awk bldg. . BOY'S to work in factory. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED Young man to work la Turkish baths. O 38, Oregonian.' 1IF.LP WANTED MALE. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2S North 2d St. Phone Main 1526. A 1526. Open All Day Sunday. Offices at San Francisco 87 4th St. Spokane 424 Front ave. Portland ; North 2d St.- Loa Angeles 136 South Los Angeles St. Headquarters for railroad work. W want 500- rockmen. tunnelmen. teamMers, laborers.' etc, for Klamath Falls, Eugene, Natron. Celilo, Deschutes, Lebanon and other point. The fare is FREE. Good wages. For Celllo Laborers, $2. SO up. Klamath Falls 2 blacksmiths. $90. All kinds of laborers, etc., $3 up. For Eugene, Natron U. C. Co.) Wheelwright. $75, $S5. Laborers, teamsters, rockmen. $-.25 up. Hay den Bros., Lebanon Laborers, teamsters. Wheeler-holders. $2.50 up. 2 camp flunkies. Twohy Bros., Deschutes Car repairer. $2. 75. - Dinkey brakeman, $2.50. Near Portland 10 tunnelmen, $3. M ucke rs, $ J. 75. WOODS AND MILLS. Yardmen. $2.25, $2.50. Wagon tallyman. S2.50. . 4 river-drivers. $4.25. x Section foreman, $2.73. Ratchet-setter. $3. SKILLED AND MECHANICAL. Bricksetter. $4. Bridge carpenters, 40c per hour. Rough carpenters, $3. Baker, $3.50. FARMS AND COUNTRY. 2 farmhands. 135. 10 laborers. 30c per hour. Man and wife, $3.75. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Camp cook, $fiO. Night cook. $0. Dishwashers, $9. $10. Short order cook, city, $1S weefc Waiter. $10, $12. Headquarters for cooks, waiters and dishwashers. CITY. 2 assistant firemen, $45, found. - Laborers, 30c hour. Teamster, sand wagon, $2.o0. Deckhands. 35. $40. 10 boys In factory. New Jobs coming In all the time. Open all day Sunday HANLEY & TRAVERS, LABOR AGENTS, 28 4 North Second St.. 30 Carpenters (concrete forms), $4. 2 blacksmiths, $3.50. 1 cook, $70. 2 rigging rustlers. $3 25. 1 donkey engineer, $2.75 to $3. 1 0 wood splitt ers. Wc cord. 10 right of way men. $2.75. 10 mill and yard- men. All kinds of railroad laborers. Teamsters, drillers, etc East on Oregon Trunk, for Porter Bros. East, on O. R. & N., for Twohy Bros. West on O- R. N N, for J. W. Sweeney. North, on N. P.. for Winston Bros. South, on S. P.. for U. C. "o. 1 All orders given prompt attention. Hav lr connections In Spokane and Seattle enables us to give you best possible service. Phones, Main 727; A 2200. ADVERTISING MAN. Wanted A man with a good education who has completed a course in some good advertising school (I. C. S. preferred), and understands It thoroughly; man of sound executive ability and teaching qualities, 30 to 35 years of age; must not drink, and be steady, with $2500 cash to invest If proposition should meet with your ap proval; if you have the above require ments It might be of Interest to you to answer this; best of references will be required. Address X 53, Oregonian. BOYS -16 years of age and over, to work in bag factory. Apply at once. AMES HAR- R1S NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sts. TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVES hus tlersi, at once. Southern and Western States handle our splendid line tailored-to-order men's suits and garments. Lib eral contract complete, high-grade, sample-case outfit supplied ; clothing knowl edge not necessary, but state business ex perience and references. Address Leon- , ard 1 ailoring Co., Market & Madison, O. Chicago. SALESMAN of more than average ability to qualify for position worth $2500 to $400O yearly wanted by well-rated. Chicago house of reputation. Splendid future for wide awake man who can sell extensive and well-known line of advertising specialties In surrounding territory. Advertising ex perience not essential. Sales manager. Coast Dept.. 1419 Carroll ave., Chicago. WANTED Young man to make out shipping papers In large electric house ; must be good penman; salary $43. A H 52, Orego nian. $ GENTLEMEN bass singers, over 25 years of age; no drinking men need apply. For Information, call on Miss Allen, nurse, room ILL 11 A. M., St. Vincents Hospital. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVERTISEMENT solicitor offered part time representation of weekly financial and banking journal ; one able to act as correspondent preferred; may have other Journals to represent If desired; good In come assured to the rtfeht man; state ref erences and fullest particulars. Address Manager. Western Fnance, Central bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED A good light machinist and brass finisher for switches and special electrical work; good lively, all-around man, for open shop in Seattle. Address, stating if union or nonunion. L Moore, box K. 40, Ore gonian. WANTED A live young man to sell, real es tate in towns in Oregon and w ashington salary and commission. Apply room 304 Lewis bldg. SINGLE man for lumber office in country, to act a3 timekeeper and assistant in office and store. Call Monday, 8:30 to 10:30, 40 Swetland bldg. -STENOGRAPH E RS should take the E. B. U road to good positions; always sure. 630 Worcester Piock, o aa. BRIDGE carpenters, 40c per hour; 20 la borers, sue per nour. .bast 12th and Irving. - ' BOY wanted, with wheel, to work after school. Apply Bannon & Co., 3S8-300 East JV1 QJTIBOn St. WANTED All-round machinist, with some knowledge of automobile work. The Dalles Iron Works. The Dalles. Or. TWENTY carpenters for month; wages 86 per day. Apply, 6 to 8 evenings, 214 Henry bid g. WANTED Young man for work In bottilng room of family liquor store; experienced. man preierrea. orunn jfc jo.. 1st ana Aider. A FIRST-CLASS operator on custom pants, also girl to help on vests. Room 5u2, 83 Fifth - st. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill. MAN tc take care of lawn 2, hours each day. Inquire l:HV7 East 17th st. S. BOYS wanted, $1.50 to $2 per day. 26414 Taylor st. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter wanted. Bay City Market. NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted.- Stela's Res- taurant. 122 14th st . GIRL for housework at University Park. 51 T Worcester block, or phone Woodlawn 2272. EXPERIENCED saleswoman In gloves. Per manent position. Apply Lipman. Wolfe & Co. EXPERIENCED saleswoman In hair goods. Apply Lipman, Wolfe & Co. YOUNG girl for assisting housework. North 2 2d st. 144 REFINED woman for genera housework. small family, good wages. 607 Broadway. LADY singer and player wants position in moving picture show. AX 3tf, Oregonian. GIRL for tee cream and confectionery.. Ap . ply 14th and Marshall st. PRIVATE lessons given in shorthand, type writing. 30 4 12th st. Main 6890. YOUNG lady to work, m exchange for les sons In shorthand. AD 52, Oregonian. COOK for small country hotel. Phone East 5047. ; . WANTED Experienced help in the alter ation room. 165 1st st. WANTED Two girls to sew mattress ticks! Carmen Mfg. Co.. 18th and Upshur. GIRL or woman for 'light housework. 330 Jnnknon st. LADY to look after child and house; wages $2Q month. Apply f91 First st. WANTED Waitresses. 372 Hawthorn ave. HFl P WANTED FEMAIR. W ANTED Several bright yonng women to it.1"3 telephone operating; students paid. v.per montl while leamir., ; a thor ough training given each stuuent before assignment to position; this is an excep tional opportunity for such applicant that qualify Aprdv to school principal at our eas. office. East Ankeny and fith sts.. be tween R A. m. and & P. M-. week-day. -Tne Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. E7i-!LRITCET "nlrt ortoT and girls to learn shirtmaVlnr. Good wage. Blo ner paid while learning. Neustadter Bro. fctanaard Factory feo. 2. Grand ave, and E Taylor. THE Meier Frank stores reoulre addi tional salespeople for house furnishings, Jewelry, drug, stationery, gloves, ribbons, rosiery, knit und rwear. pictures, white goods, notions, veilings, etc A!so 23 girls, lb years of age or over, to learn the busi ness. Apply to employment bureau, 6th - nooraRn?: . COMPANION with qualities of capable gov erness, of fair education and tact, to have general cars of elderly ladv: some knowl edge of piano desirable; nurse's training unnecessary; steady employment In pri vate family; in replying state experience and salary expected. AL 55. Oregonian. WANTED Women and girl; make shirt and overalls. Mt. Hood Factorv. 2:3 Couch. Inexperienced, girls paid while learning. MUNICIPAL Department or public Safetv for Young Women. Advice or assist ne g.adly given .to all young women. Mr. Lola G. Baldwin, supt.. room 37 Y. W. C A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor st. $2..0 PER DAY" pala to lady in each tow to distribute free circulars and take or ders for concentrated flavoring in tubes; permanent position. J. s. Ziegler Co.. Ch ica go. COOK WANTED Young woman preferred. In family of 2; no children : also keep a second girl; must he thoroughly competent and have references: good wages. Tele rhone before 1:30. Home phone A CAPABLB girl ur woman wanted for general housework ; mutt be good cook ; $35 with washing. $30 without; bed linen sent out. r-none .Main ot71 or call Flanders'. STENOGRAPHER Young lady with some experience; must ne neat writer; monerat wages to start. Call Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 103 2d st GOOD, steady, middle-aged woman for gen eral nouseworK. in small country, hotel ; wages $25 per month. Write to box 20. Siletz. Or. WANTED At once, lady bookkeeper with at least .-t years experience; must be capa ble and reliable; mention salary expected. O 34. Oregonian. GIRLS to lay macaroni on trays: also pack- r; worn ngnt ana ciean; steaoy employ ment; good pay. Ap;ilv Northwestern Macaroni Factory. 109 N. 6th st. ANYONE ran make money writing short stories; big pay ; send for free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco, RELIABLE woman to miperlntend finishing , worn, in new team laundry at tena. or. References required. Address W 35. Ore- gonlan. WE teach ladles either mlliinerv or dress making in a few weeks at the Boston Millinery and Dressmaking School. 274 . Will lams ave.. Portland. Phone 'East "45. LADIES to learn. Sanitary Hairdressing Col lege. Make yourself independent. 400 to 412 Dokum Mdg. Best place In city. WANTKD German or Scandinavia girl. 2 In family, new . bungalow, good home. Phone East 5810. WOMEN and girls wanted to work In fruit cannery. Apply East Sth and Division sts. Holmes Canning Co. WANTED Cook; some housework required; Scandinavian preferred. 787 Madison st. Phones Marshall 1601; Home 5728. WANTED Two good agents, high-class propo sition . commissioon guaranteed salarv. Ap Ply after 1 P. M. Monday. 011 Lewis bide Y'OUNG lady to work in photo studio; $3 per week to begin with; references. S 36, Ore gonlan. SALESLADY for commercial photographer: no 'coupon proposition ; salary and commission; Al referenci-s required. S 35. Oregonian. GIRL wanted for general housework, family of 2. Applv I041 Union ave. North. Phone Woodlawn 1840. WANTED Salesladies' in our hosiery, un derwear and corset department. Apply at ' Sil verf I elds. 4 th and Morrison sts. WANTED Girl for general . housework, cooking, family of 3- Apply 568 Chap mnn st.. Portland Heights.. J IMMEDIATELY" A self-reliant woman of good address, one who has had experience In teaching preferred. C 3S. Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl, housework for man and wife; business people, no luncheon. Call at office. fio5 Swetland bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S4$tt Washington St.. Cor 7th. Upstair. Phone Main 2 602. VRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. S26H Washington St.. Room $07. Main 8836 nr A 8266. WANTED Girls for marking and sorting, hand ironing and machine operators, Yale Laundry. 2 last luth and Morrison. WANTED Good cook to go to Hood River Monday morning. Apply immediately, 752 p landers st. tiood wagfj. GOOD girl for light housekeeping ; days -only; one who lives at home or can room out. Call 590 E. Alder st. . WANTED Competent girl to go to . coast; small family adults. Apply room 610 Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. THREE women to travel with show; ex perience unnecessary; good salary. AK . 38. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; out of town: fare paid. Address Mrs. A. M. Lara. Ben d , Or. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Phone Marshall 19:15. . WOMAN or girl to assist and care for In valid gentleman, light work; permanency. moderate wages. 150 N 22d st. WANTED Girl for housework. 392 San Rafael st. NURSE Practical nurse for out-of-town hospl tal. Call Sunday 3 1N. 1 6 th at. A GIRL to work in delicatessen ; steady employment. 1S3 Third. WANTED General housework girl; no wash- ing. small family. Call 103 N. 22d st. GIRLS wanted. American Laundry, 12th and Flanders. i A NICE young girl for the ice cream stand at 269 Everett st.. bet. 3d and 4th. WANTED Experienced girl. Royal Bakery Lunch Room, Vancouver. Wash. Phone 352. EXPERIENCED restaurant cook. S86 Mor rlson st. i EXPERIENCED second cook for boerding house; also pantry girl. 735 Hoyt St. GIRL wanted to do general housework. 828 .TohnFon Main 3541. . - WANTED Bindery girls. McKibben & Kun- dret. BOVa 1st st. WANTED An experienced waitress. Apply Alexandra Court; $25. room and boa rd. j GIRL to make buttonholes. 213 Washlng- ton st. f . . WANTED Help for small boardings-house. Phone Marshall 125S. - WANTED Markers and distributors; also a mangier. Independent Laundry Co. STRONG girl for general housework. 17$ 14th st. GIRL or woman to help In a small boarding house at 224 Arthur st. : niRL to assist with housework; small fam i -,y 733 e. Couch. Phone E 4Q10. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework, to go to coast: wages $40. 770 Flanders. WANTED Cook and second girl in family of three. 202 King st. WANTED Experienced glri for general houa- w o r k Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg. HELP "wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and ColumfcA- WANTED-woman tor genera, housework. Apply. 829 Kearney st. GIRL for general housework; three adults. 801 Hancock st. phone Home C 1018. FINE position for good plain cook. Call lm- medtately, 374 Pa rk. GOOD cook. Great Northern Hotel, 510 21st gt.. N. S. car north. Main 7658. GIRL or woman for general housework. Apply before noon. 291 Eleventh st. COMPETENT girl for dining-room work. 654 Couch st. GIRL for cooking and general housework. Main 4152. LADY who understands home baking. Phone Main 339C, ; . WANTED Chambermaid. ave. Hawthorn GIRL for cigar, fruits and Ice cream coun- ter. 3 N. 4th St. . . WANTED Girl for general housework. 260 G ran d ave. N.. c or n erM u 1 1 nomah. GIRL for general housework, also chamber maid. At 209 10th st.. near Taylor. A PPR ENTICES, and frame makers. Lowengart & Co. Apply COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework. 3tt5 Clifton st.. corner 10th. GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup at. JU 1