The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 29, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Portland Plan Held Up as One
That Should Be Followed
in Washington.
Queen City Will Send 100 Curs to
Portland to Participate In Car
nival Funeral Grafts Startle
Queen City of Sound.
SEATTLE, May . 2S. (Special.)
Portland's campaign of publicity has
served to touch Seattle on a tender
spot. Testimony to that effect has been
?iven by N. II. Sibley, secretary of the
Seattle Commercial Club, who is try
ing to launch the Northwest Develop
ment League to be composed of 112
, commercial organizations of the state,
each of which is expected to make a
monthly contribution.
Secretary Sibley has been to Olympla
to Interest Governor M. E. Hay in his
plans. As ammunition he carries with
him a page from an Eastern newspaper
carrying an advertisement signed by
the Portland Commercial Club, and
containing this legend in display type:
"Wall street has decreed through Its
transportation and financial kings that
Portland Is to be the big city of the
Pacific Coast, and is pouring its mil
lions into Oregon for development."
With this page for inspiration. Secre
tary Sibley says:
The State of Washington the lant to gt
into line with modern publicity methods. We
Have got to quit hollering our heads off out
tiere where it doesn't do any good, organize
on a large ecale and do our advertising back
TCast where are the people we want to In
fluence. Our plan include three sources of support
for the Northwest Development League. We
must get the clubs of the state together for
the monthly contribution; then, as the re
sults obtained by the clubs of Oregon point
to the need of Government help, in Wash
ington we ought to be able to utilize the
suite appropriation for advertising purposes,
which averages $1XM a county; and linally
I have assurances that the Great Northern and
Milwaukee will double any sum we may raise
from other sources.
To keep our lead we must do as well for
Washington and Alaska as is being done for
Oregon and California. Our clubs must get
together and we must begin spending money
and lots of It where the returns will ba
biggest and quickest.
Autos Will Enter Parade.
Seattle autolsts have completed the
arrangements for the invasion of Port
land during the Rose Carnival. Present
indications are that approximately 100
cars will make the trip. The party will
require two days for the trip, and will
spend the night on the road at Cen
tralla. On Wednesday, June 8, the
Seattle club will enter the big parade,
and expects to make a showing entirely
creditable. As bearing on the plan of
numerous Seattle people to go by motor
car to Portland. M. C. Dickinson, the
Portland man who has Just acquired an
interest in the Seattle hotel, has offered I
the following suggestions, which, if
followed, will make the trip easy and
From Tacoma, by way of Roy, to Tenino;
from Tenino to Chehalls, by the only road
open; from Chehalls to Toledo there is a lot
of corduroy that isn't fair at all, and It pays
to go at all times under Blow bell. When leav
ing Toledo for Castle Rock go four miles
down the river and ferry and don't try any
thing else. Crocs the river again at Castle
Rock, one mile south, on ferry. The road to
Kelso is good, and at Kelso there is a good
bridge crossing, which should be taken en
route to Kalama. From Kalama take the road
for Woodland, but cross Lewis River on the
forry two miles before reaching Woodland. At
that ferry landing steer clear of what appears
lo be a patch of pretty grass, for It covens
a bog that has mired down several cars dur
ing the last month, and Is still In bad shape.
From Woodland take the valley road to Van
couver, following the telegraph poles.
The roads from Seattle to Portland
are described as generally good, ex
cept one stretch at Carroll's Point, be
tween Kalama and Kelso, where there
Is a hill of slippery rock so steep that
Mr. Dickinson was compelled to back
up in order to keep his gasoline tank
At the weekly meeting of the Rotary
Club, E. R. Butterworth. J. F. Thorne
and C. M. Cockert were appointed a
committee to arrange for the trip of
the Seattle and Tacoma club members
to fhe Rose Carnival and the initial
banquet ofthe Portland Rotary Club.
About forty members will go from
Tax Board Probes Graft.
Seattle has been startled by investi- !
gations begun by State Tax Commis
sioner J. E. Frost into methods where
by estates of laboring men and others
supposedly without relatives and friends
have been looted by unscrupulous phy
sicians, undertakers and administrat
ors. The tlrst case brought to light
was that of John P. Oleson, who died
at the Pacific Hospital in Seattle, June
14. 190!). leaving property valued at
$3300. Oleson was a laborer and friend
less. Ho was ill two weeks. When
the administrator's accounts came be
fore Superior Court Commissioner Rob
ert H. Lindsay there were disclosed the
following charges: Doctor's bill, $900;
undertaker's charges, $950; carriages,
IS in number at $6 each, $90; flowers,
$50. Judge Lindsay cut the doctor's bill
to $300, and the undertaker's to $368.
Another case is that of a stranger
who left $1900. It was found that the
cost of burial, doctor's fees and admin
istrator's expenses equaled the value of
the estate, until a clerical error dis
closed a balance of $70, whereupon
a week later an additional report con
tained the item "Care of grave, $70,"
thereby wiping out the estate.
Still another case of an unknown
man shows the following: For casket,
$275; flowers, $50; brans band, $50; all
which, together with the cost of admin
istration, exactly balanced the estate.
Reputable undertakers declare they
will call a meeting and denounce the
ghoulish practices that have scandal
ized the community.
While PlagTie Combatted.
Through the King County Anti-Tuberculosis
League, Seattle has declared
uncompromising war on the great
white plague. The president of the
league is H. C. Henry, a wealthy rail
road contractor, who recently lost a son
from consumption; and he has not only
given $50,000 toward the cause, but has
undertaken the active management of
the campaign. Next week the league
will open its white plague exhibit at
the Mammoth Rink, and Is ass i red of
a large attendance. It figured on se
curing 25,000 recruits through the
meeting, but from present indications
the number will be increased to 50,000.
Newspapers., business establishments,
printing ofilces, theaters and picture
shows are advertising the exhibit as
nothing was ever advertised before in
this city; and the musicians' union has
voted unanimously to contribute the
best band that can be assembled in
Seattle. At the nrst evening's session
the principal speaker wl'l be ex
Mayor John M. Linck of Tacoma, pres
ident ol the- Pierce County Antl-Tuber-
ruIosiB league. Rev. W. A. Moore of
T.coma will speak on the final evening
or "Kally Night" of the exhibit, Satur
day, June 4.
Alaska Glaciers to Be Studied.
Local scientists are interested in the
announcement that the National Geo
graphic Society has appropriated $5000
and is fitting- out an expedition to study
glaciers in Southeastern Alaska. The
party, which will sail early in June,
will be headed by Professor Lawrence
Martin, of the University of Wisconsin,
and will continue work begun a year
ago by Tarr and Martin. The party
will spend four months in field work
among the glaciers, where most ex
traordinary advances of ice tongues are
in progress. The National Geographic
Magazine says that the present time is
one of unusual opportunity for study
of glaciers, inasmuch as scientists
might have to wait for decades or cen
turies for a repetition of the ice-flood
advances now In progress. In recent
years science has revolutionized the
theory of glacial advance. The new
theory explains the oscillations of
Alaskan glaciers, not by climatic fluc
tuations, but by avalanching during
violent earthquakes. The advance of at
least eight glaciers in Yakutat Bay,
including particularly the great Males
pina glacier, 300 square miles of which
crevassed in less than 10 months, as
well as the Hidden glacier, which ad
vanced two miles, and many others, la
thus understood.
Under plans now making, the sev
enth saengerfest of the North Pacific
Saengerbund, to be held in August,
v, " " ' "
4 t.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 28. (Special.) Probably the first 'lake steamer which has a capacity of
300 passengers-and a large freight tonnage ever hauled on a train in the Northwest Just as it was taken
from active service in the water, is the Klamath, which is shown In the accompanying picture, when in
transit from Lake Ewauna to the Upper Klamath Lake, a distance of two miles. .
The Klamath was taken from Lake Ewauna and loaded on two flat cars. It was transported to the
spur track at Terminal City, where it is being painted and overhauled. It was launched yesterday In the
upper lake and will undergo further repairs.
This steamer is to have a dining-room and a new boiler, and when thoroughly overhauled will be used
in the Crater Lake tourist traffic
1911, will be the most elaborate ever
conducted by that organization. Of
ficers have been elected as follows:
President of the festival, Jacob Schafer,
editor of the Daily Washington- Staats
Zeitung; honorary president, Samuel
Hill; vice-presidents, Albert M. Birkel,
Louis Hemrlch; secretary, Leopold
Hirschberg; financial secretary, David
Ztmmerle; treasurer, Henry Heckman;
finance committee, A. Lufsky, G. Mai
wald and W. Kuhn; literary, L. Hirsch
berg, Jacob Schaefer, M. Lucke, A.
Loewe and Dr. Bernard Hahn; decora
tions, W. Fuchs, A. M. Birkel. J. Bux
baum, Fred Strum, George Gumpel and
Karl Neusz; press, L. Hirschberg, . Ja
cob Schaefer, M. Lucke, A. Schroeder
and M. Ball; propaganda, August Mehl
horn, Sr., Ernest Carstens, Oscar Berg
ner, H. Thiele. Fred Gasch, William
Bloch and H. H. Kulies; music, A. Luf
sky, Max Muller, Karl Neusz,. G. Mai
wald and George Michel.
runaway chauffeur is held
ox robbery charge.
Man Who Allayed Suspicion by Tak
ing Young Woman for Drive
Is Later Caught.
ALBANY, Or., May 28. (Special.)
Harry Laxnow, the chauffeur who in
duced a Lebanon young woman to act
unwittingly as a "blind" for- him while
he made his escape after an alleged
robbery, was lodged In the' county jail
here today to await the next session
of the State Circuit Court. He was
bound ovec- for the grand Jury under
$500 bonds by Justice of the Peace J.
M. Burtenshaw, at Lebanon, yesterday
afternoon on a charge of larceny from
a dwelling.
Laxnow's arrest was due to an acci
dental recognition after he had made
a successful, though unique, escape, and
the case altogether is full of unusual
Laxnow was working as a chauffeur
for Dr. J. C. Booth, at Lebanon, and
one afternoon invited a young woman
to drive to Albany with him. Suppos
ing they were going on a pleasure
drive, she accepted, but when they
reached this city Laxnow asked his
.companion to hold the horses while he
went into a store. After she had been
alone in the buggy almost an bdur she
discovered that Laxnow had walked
straight through the store and disap
peared through a rear door.
In the meantime it has been discov
ered that a gold watch had been taken
from the Booth residence in Lebanon,
but by taking the young lady with him
on an apparent pleasure trip, Laxnow
had diverted suspicion from himself un
til he was out of the county, and he
was not suspected of the crime until
the young lady returned the team to
the livery barn in Lebanon, where Lax
now had secured it, and reported her
companion's mysterious disappearance.
Nothing was heard of Laxnow after
his escape until a, few days ago, when
R. E. Wills happened to see him on
the street in Roseburg. Wills had been
living at Lebanon and was acquainted
with the chauffeur, and, knowing he
was wanted there, caused his arrest
When arrested, Laxnow gave his name
as Edward Shultz.
Marshal Frank Richards, of Lebanon,
went to Roseburg for the prisoner, and
he was examined before Justice Burten
shaw yesterday afternoon.
Prairie' City Bunk Authorized.
ington, May 28. The First National
Bank of Prairie City, Or., has been au
thorized to begin business with. $25,000 cap
ital. Frederick W. Pecst is president.
Rice R. McHaley. Mice-president, and
Donald Ross, c -st
Sale of Milk for Butter and
Cheese and Condensing
Brings $385,000 Yearly.
All Plants Make Improvements in
Expectation of Larger Business,
for Vast Quantity of Land Is
Available for Dairying.
MARSHFIELD. Or., May S. (Spe
cial.) Coos County ranchers increase
, ii
- Ml
urn. innmrimullttfftirii.y risSW3f
their Income $385,000 annually by the sale
of milk which is manufactured into but
ter, cheese and condensed milk. At least
that is the sum which was received by
the ranchers last year for milk thus dis
posed of and for butter which was made
on the dairy farm, exclusive of the sale
i of milk in the cities. This season prom-
ises to be so much better that it will be
the banner year in the dairy business of
the county. All the -creameries and
cheese factories are starting with big
runs, several new establishments are in
the field and nearly all the plants have
made Improvements to increase capacity.
There was manufactured in the county
last year 405 tons of butter, 856 tons of
cheese and 100 carloads of condensed
milk, which makes no small factor in the
financial interests of the locality. Five
creameries were operating in the county
last year. Coos River Creamery and the
Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Company
are at Marshfield, the ,0. K. Creamery is
at Coquille, the Norway Creamery is on
the Coquille River and another is at Ban
don. The Norway Creamery led in pro
duction, as the repbrts are now given,
with over 100 tons of butter.
Five Creameries Operate.
These five creameries made a total of
375 tons of butter, which brought into
the county about $233,000, of which $202,-'
000 was paid to the ranchers for the milk,
the difference representing the cost of j
production at the creameries. Dairy
ranchers In those parts of the county not
convenient to creameries made their own
butter. The product of the dairy farms
amounted to 30 tons. This did not bring
the high price of the creamery butter,
but represented an additional $15,000.
bringing the total production to 405 tons
and the total amount received by the
ranchers for milk made into butter to
Five cheese factories operated last sea
son. According to the reports made by
each the Coos River Creamery led with
252,500 pounds. The Harris Cheese Fac
tory was operated at Sumner, the Sun
rise and Sugar Loaf at Myrtle Point and
the Arago factory on the Coquille River.
The total cheese production of the five
factories was 356 tons, which sold for
over $110,000, and of which sum the
ranchers got about $93,000.
There is but one condensed milk fac
tory in the county, the one at North
Bend. The 100 carloads of canned milk
brought in the neighborhood of $86,000,
of which $75,000 went to the ranchers.
The total of $385,000 made by Coos
County ranchers for their milk will, it is
estimated, be greatly increased this year,
and may come to the $500,000 mark.
Million-Dollar Years Expected.
Those who are in the business say it
will be only a few years before the dairy
products will pay the ranchers of this
county annually $1,000,000. With the In
crease in dairy farms will come an in
crease in the manufacturing plants. Up
to this time ranchers have paid but lit
tle attention to anything but the rich
bottom lands. There is still, however, a
vast amount of hill land which is fine
pasture for dairy herds.
The introduction of better stock has
been moro marked during the past two
years and the dairymen throughout the
county, both in the .Coos Bay region and
the Coquille Valley district, have intro
duced more scientific methods in produc
ing their milk.
Several changes in the creameries were
made at the beginning of this season.
Captain W. C. Harris, of Sumner, has
sold his cheese factory and has installed
on his dairy farm a modern milky-bottling
plant to supply the city trade. It
is one of the most complete establish
ments in this part of the state for hand
ling milk in a sanitary manner.
Creameries Are Expanding.
The San Francisco firm owning the
Bandon creamery has purchased the
Lakeside creamery, at Ten-Mile Lakes,
and has refitted the place to handle milk
from the ranchers in that locality. The
Norway and the O. K. creameries have
both made improvements to add to their
efficiency. The Coos Bay Ice & Cold
Storage Company plant was burned re
cently, but the butter-making machinery
was saved and the building is being rap
idly reconstructed.
The butter turned out in Coos County
has commanded the best of prices in
Portland and San Francisco for it is of
a quality unexcelled. The average price
throughout the year was about 32 cents
a pound and the average paid for butter
fat to the farmers is about 33 cents a
pound. Because of green grass all the
year and the richness of the pasture,
which necessitates feeding for only a
short time in the year, the milk is pro
duced in Coos County probably for less
than In almost any other locality. While
the finer dairy farms are held at high
prices, there are still cheaper lands which
are available and an effort will be made
to Induce more dairymen to locate in the
His Business to Get Ready for War,
'Says This One.
(To the Editor.) It has been sug
gested that in conection' with the ap
propriation of a fund ($26,000) for
marking the Oregon trail, some "orna
mental citizens" be engaged in the task.
Does the author of this proposal con
sider it expedient to invite the attack
of the foreign powers by such indls-
i t
creet laxity? A wise man once said, "In
time of peace, prepare for war." Plato,
the immortal philosopher, even in that
early day went so far as to specialize
every vocation (which 'includes the
military), and to train the youth from
a very early age along the lines of his
especial adaptability. Perhaps the au
thor of the above-mentioned proposal
would convert the Regular Army into
state militias and volunteer bodies. It
would be superfluous to enumerate the
liabilities ensuing from such an action.
I am painfully aware of the prejudice
maintained against the uniform here
abouts, and never think of it but that
the lines of Kipling recur to mind
(they are relative to the British
troops). A few of them I here quote,
It's Tommy this an' Tommy that an' Tommy
'ow's your soul.
But it's thin red line of heroes when the drum
begins to roll.
It'a Tommy tills and Tommy that an' chuck
'im out, the brute,
But it's Savior of his country when the gun
begins to shoot.
It's Tommy this an' Tommy that an' anything
you please.
But Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool, you bet
that Tommy sees.
Better it were that one who regrets
this "unfortunate peace," bemoan the
conditions that create armies than con
demn and ostracise the men who fill
their ranks. JOSIAH F. BAILEY,
Private, Co. H., First Infantry.
Body of Delmond Cliitwood Found
on Lincoln County Cow Trail.
YAQUINA, Or., May 28. (Special.)
Harold Chitwood, 12-year-old son of
Delmond J. Chitwood, of Chitwood. Or.,
was found dead on a co trail, where
he shot himself accidentally with a 22
callber rifle while looking for the cows
Friday evening.
The body was found by the boy's
father. .
Chenalis Hopeful of Pennant.
OHBHALIS, Wash., May 28. (Special.)
Although the 1910 baseball season is
young, the Chehalls ball team has made
a good start and demonstrated its abil
ity to win in the pinches on different oc
casions by hard hitting and good heady
work. The fans are more enthusiastc
than ever before over the National game,
which is attested by increased gate re
ceipts and more big noise than formerly.
When the season closes it is expected
that the locals will be at or very near
the head of the list. The boys are out
to win the pennant and they propose to
do so if possible. ,
Choi talis to Get More Paving.
CHEHALIS, '. Wash., May 28. (Special.)
The Chehalis Council has passed a reso
lution for the pavement of Pacific ave
nue, from Park to Main streets. The es
timated cost of the improvement is
$21,000. State street, from Folsom to West,
and West, from State to Market, are also
to be paved. The new streets which the
Council has indicated its intention to
pave, added to paving already lined up.
will make the 1910 work on the streets
here aggregate fully $150,000. Hard-surface
pavement will be used.
Mrs. Phipps' Father Dies.
BELLINGHAM, Wash., May 28. Clar
ence H. Chandler, 64 years old and a
wealthy resident of this place, died of
apoplexy here Thursday. He was the fa
ther of Mrs. Genevieve Philips, who
figured in a sensational incident in Den
ver last Fall, when a woman attempted
to destroy her and her child with dyna
mite if she did not give her $10,000.
This Is to certify that Hall's Texas
Wonder of St, Louis, Mo., cured me of a
severe kidney, bladder and rheumatic
trouble three years ago, and I can fully
recommend it. R. D. Teter, R. 4, Box 51,
Salem, Oregon. 60 days' treatment $1
by mail
M (I '
Where the Better Dressers
Buy Their Clothes
Is the shop where you will buy
yours as soon as you learn how
superior their style and tailoring
are. Chesterfield Clothes for
men for every occasion are the
finest made. Priced $20 to $50
Ladies' Fine Tailored Suits,
Goats and Dresses, Lingerie
and Tailored Waists
The finest exclusive shop on this
Organization's Aim to Better
Fruitgrowing Conditions.
Speaker Declares Less Than One
Per Cent of County's Possibilities
Are Utilized Under Present
System ot Selling: Fruits.
ROSEBURG, Or., May 28. (Special.)
In an effort to uphold the price of
Umpqua Valley fruits and protect
against inferior production, about 50
of Douglas County's prominent fruit
growers organized an association' here
todav to be known as the Umpqua Val
ley Horticultural Society & Fruit As
sociation. Officers were elected as fol
lows: W. .J. Harris, president; Dr.
George Bradburn, vice-president, and
H. M. Haskell, secretary and treasurer.
Commissioner Carson, of Grants Pass,
explained the formation of the Rogue
River Association and briefly referred
to some of the benefits derived there
from. He called attention to the fact that
the fruitgrowers in Drruglas County
are behind those of Hood River and
Rogue River solely through lack of
organization and co-operative effort. Mr.
Carson said he made this statement
through personal knowledge gained by
years of practical work In this sec
tion. The speaker also informed the
fruitgrowers that they were at pres
ent producing less than one per cent of
the possibilities of Douglas County,
considering that the soil and climate
are exceptionally well adapted to the
growing of fine fruits. He further
said that failures in fruit crops in the
East this, year would prove a boon to
the fruit sections of the West, and that
all available fruits will be sold at a
high price without difficulty.
Concurrent with the formation of the
organization the question of establish
ing a cannery in Douglas County was
considered and Indications are that im
mediate action will be taken. Here
tofore thousands of dollars' worth of
fruit has gone to waste, solely through
the Inability of the producers to care
for the overripe product. With a can
nery in operation It Is felt this money
will be saved and go Into the channels
of general exchange in Dougles County.
Oregon Seniors Organize Order of
Skull and Chain.
Or., May 28. (Special.) Announce
ment has been made of the organiza
tion of the Skull and Chain Society, an
honor society for the senior men of the
university. The organization is com
posed of five prominent seniors, whose
intention it is to make it a permanent
honor society such as those which ex
ist In other colleges.
The society is modeled in part after
the Skull and Key and the Wolf's Hood
societies of Yale, and the Ftr Tree of
the University of Washington. Mem
bership In any one year is limited to
15. Prominence in student body ac-
tivities is the principal requirement.
The membership is as follows: Wil
liam Kiltz, Glen Brledwell. Dean Good
man, Ormond Rankin, Ralph Dodson,
Dudley Clarke, Oliver Huston, Harper
Ja.mison and William Cape.
Attoney George, of Tacoma, Accused
of Forgery In Klickitat.
TACOMA, May SS. Attorney Charles
E. George, publisher of the Lawyer and
Banker, was arrested today on a charge
of forging a check for $200, on a war
rant sworn out by the prosecuting at
torney of Klickitat county.
George is In custody awaiting the ar
rival of officers. George says that Mrs.
Austrian-George, one of his former
wives, is responsible for his arrest. He
says she is angry because of a Port
land attorney's action in dismissing
her alimony suit against George.
Mayor Saves $18,000 a Year in Ses
sion of 1 5 Minutes.
TACOMA. May 28. Mayor Fawcett
today, at the session of the city com
mission, in 15 minutes made cuts in
the salaries proposed by the other com
missioners for subordinates that in a
year would amount to $18,000. The
proposed salaries for 75 city employes,
including heads of departments and
clerks, were cut. The other commis
sioners made little protest, though any
three acting together could override
the Mayor's wishes.
Schoolboys llecome Burglars.
HOQUIAM. Wash., May 28. On ac
count of numerous thefts from resi
dents on the East Side recently, close
watch has been kept on suspects, w: i
the result that a number of the pupils
in the Washington school, ranging in
age from 9 to 13 years, have been .' .en
titled by teachers as the culprits. The
boys broko,into a store at Electric Park
three times, .helping themselves to can-
dy, and also stole and drank 17 bottles
of beer, taken from a private residence.
Debris Cases Set for Trial.
MOSCOW. Idaho, May 28. (Special.)
The cases of Elmer Doty and many oth
ers against the Bunker Hill & Sullivan
and other mines known as the debris
cases from the Coeur d'Alenes, has been
set In the Federal Court for August 1.
It may require two months to try them.
It is alleged that mining debris damages
farms from the mining towns to Lake
Coeur d'Alene. -
lloseburg Gets Indian Agency.
ROSEBURG. Or.. May 28. (Special.)
Horace G. Wilson, for more than
i m
273-275 MORRISON
eight years agent for the Klamath In
dian Reservation, now in charge of all
the Indian agencies in Oregon, arrived
here today preparatory to opening of
fices in thi3 city. With the location
of the Indian Reservation headquar
ters, Roseburg now has six branch
Government offices.
Fracture Causes Insanity.
ASTORIA, Or.. May 28. Special.)
A fisherman named Severen Johnson, a
native of Norway, was adjudged insane
by the lunacy board this morning and
committed to the State Insane Asylum.
The cause is a fracture of the skull,
received many years ago. He is tin
niarried and 54 years old.
See the specials of Rose City Park
advertised on New Today paarp.
The modern Trust Com
pany is to the financial
world as the Department
Store is to the commercial.
It is a growth of our com
plex organization.
Through its service you
can have cared for any
business having to do with
your real or personal
property, the present or
future disposition of your
estate, either under speci
fic trust or by will, all of
which service is at the
minimum of cost and with
absolute safety.
Acceptable business will
be received from any sec
tion of the Northwest.
Correspondence so 1 i c
Sixth and Washington